![]() |
![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2020- 2020-04-15 f Viral News - "WHO cares more about maintaining delusions and cover-ups" Trump to Halt
US Funding for WHO, Following a Precedent Set
by President Carter
2020-04-15 e Viral News - Herd Immunity Likely Developing Despite Government Over-Reaction California has 10 times more
coronavirus cases than reported -
dand HALF of all New Yorkers are infected, pair of scientists claim Viral News - coronavirus closures were a mistake Israeli Professor Shows Virus
Follows Fixed Pattern
2020-04-15 c Viral News - Hypoxia, not Pneumonia Whistleblower: COVID-19
Patients Need
Oxygen Therapy Not Ventilator
2020-04-15 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Bill Gates has a big problem
with Trump’s ‘dangerous’ decision to defund the
World Eugenics Organization, known widely as, WHO.
2020-04-15 a An Astute Observation From A German Dictator “Terrorism is the best political weapon, for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.” Adolph Hitler 2020-04-14 g Viral News - Rebuilding After the Contrived Corona-Crisis Because the US is essentially being turned into a Third World nation by the past and present actions of central bankers, this speech by José López Portillo on how to escape the bankster's debt traps is as applicable now as it was in 1982. 2020-04-14 f Viral News - Insane Harvard Leftist Wants to Destroy Global Economy and Starve Billions Coronavirus distancing may
need to continue until 2022, say experts
eViral News - While You Were Being Distracted by Main Stream Media Mind Games: Ukraine’s DNC Hackers Out of
the Closet - Assange exonerated - Crowdstrike liable
2020-04-14 d Viral News - While You Were Being Distracted by Main Stream Media Mind Games: Syrian Army Pounding
ISIS Cells In Homs Desert
2020-04-14 c Viral News - Oh, Canada Coronavirus: Police
to verify Canadians complying with quarantine
order, RCMP says
2020-04-14 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Subcomandante Fauci says
he used poor choice of words when describing Trump
synthetic coronavirus efforts
2020-04-14 a Oink, Oink “Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.” Joseph Goebbels 2020-04-13 h Viral News - When Mortgages Are Harder to Obtain, Home Prices Fall Going to be Tougher for
Lots of People to Even Get a Mortgage. Expensive
Housing Markets Most Affected
2020-04-13 g Viral News - Subcomandante Fauci Has Changed His Tune Video: Fauci
said on February 29 that going to malls, movie
theaters, gyms was OK
2020-04-13 f Viral News - It was the best of times. It was the worst of times to sign a 13.5 year lease. Beacon scores the last
Midtown deal before the lockdown
2020-04-13 e Viral News - Helpful Democrats, NOT Tyrannical Michigan
Governess Gretchen Whitmer Prohibits
Grocery Stores From Selling Vegetable Seeds
dViral News - Treatment of Infectious Diseases With Massive Doses of VIitamin C I want to emphasize first that the main reason
that massive doses of vitamin C work against
infectious diseases has little to do with the vitamin
C functions as ordinarily understood.
2020-04-13 cViral News - David Stockman Runs the Numbers To wit, what’s needed is isolation and protection of the elderly and already medically afflicted populations and an opening of the spigot for any an all therapeutics and palliatives which could mitigate the illnesses and minimize deaths among those who contract the virus (whether the FDA approves or not), not a freezing of commerce, economic activity and social life among the overwhelming bulk of the population which would otherwise weather this new form of winter flu and develop herd immunity. 2020-04-13 b The Easter Bunny left us many droppings this day after Easter. We had three excellent candidates for our “truth squad” rewrite. So, we cast our “banned in Las Vegas” weighted pair of dice to select the winner. ______________________ not selected: : Subcomandante Fauci (the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Angel of Economic Death) says parts of U.S. economy could gradually start re-opening as early as May America should be ready for 18 months of shutdowns in ‘long, hard road’ ahead, warns the Fed’s Neel Kashkari, head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Mogadishu on the Mississippi ______________________ This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Fed’s Delusional Clarida
says there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the
economy that our Magic Money Mammary can’t whitewash
2020-04-13 a Viral News - How to Tell an Official Lie, Also Called a "Noble Lie" Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually, they will believe it.” Joseph Goebbels 2020-04-12 Easter Sunday in the land of the fragile and home of the afraid. So, America, how is it going while you remain under house arrest this Easter Sunday? Do you still believe the infantile fable that the military is protecting your freedoms? What freedoms, Citizen? I guess you are exercising your freedom from religion and your freedom not to assemble peacefully. 2020-04-11 e Viral News - Meanwhile, in Chicago, young black males continue to kill other blacks. Chicago's violence
by young black males persists amid lockdown
2020-04-11 d Viral News - Something Is Rocking in the State of Denmark Denmark
to re-open schools next week, as European
nations 'walk the tightrope' of easing coronavirus
cViral News - A Saga of Sanity - Iceland Building Herd Immunity Iceland finds that half
its citizens with coronavirus have shown no
2020-04-11 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Opinion: Another victim
of COVID-19: The Social Security Ponzi Scheme
2020-04-11 a Gen. James Mattis gives advice in case a "Mad Max" scenario unfolds: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” 2020-04-10 f Viral News - All Play and No Work Spreads COVID-19 Far Away One pattern we are seeing across the globe is
that wherever
there was singing and dancing, the virus spread more
rapidly,” said Prof Hendrik Streeck, a
virologist at the University of Bonn whose team of
researchers has spent the last week carrying out the
first “Covid-19 case cluster study” in Heinsberg.
2020-04-10 e Viral News - From A to Zn This is amazing. I am hearing from all over the US that zinc supplements and Vitamin C are sold out. 2020-04-10 d Viral News - ¡Viva la Revolución! They’re gonna keep
screwing with people until they’ve had enough and
the people are gonna revolt!
— Mike WuFlu over the cuckoo’s nest (@mudflap54) April 10, 2020 2020-04-10 c Viral News - Perverse Incentives It is so true that government encourages what it subsidizes, and discourages what it taxes. 2020-04-10 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Fed should pay every American
more, let hedge funds and billionaires ‘get wiped
out,’ says socialist Social Capital CEO
2020-04-10 a Isolation as Transformation – The Making of a New-Born Ghost “The remoteness, the sense of being at once shut in and shut out from the world, from life itself, was an uncanny and spectral thing. A new-born ghost wandering in ghostly spaces as yet unknown, might have felt it.” Penned by Frances Hodgson Burnett in 1915. She also wrote: Little Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden. 2020-04-09 f Viral News - Your Government at Work: Example # 5,678,910 Obsolete 1950s
computer code is causing unemployment chaos amid
huge lines: Appeal for retired programmers who know
obscure COBOL language to fix outdated computer
system in states across US
2020-04-09 e Viral News - Bill Gates: Vaccinator to the World While he wants to vaccinate every human being, he DID NOT follow CDC vaccination guidelines for his own children. - 2020-04-09 d Viral News - Mathematical Model Mania 2020-04-09 c Viral News - Subcomandante Fauci Repeats the Bill Gates Vaccine Mantra "When we get back to normal, we will go back
to the point where we can function as a society.
2020-04-09 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Delusional Jay Powell expects
‘robust’ recovery once synthetic coronavirus is
under control as defined by the Bill Gates-Big
Pharma-Vaccinate Everyone cabal
2020-04-09 a Words to Live By Martin Luther King Jr. (speech delivered 5 December 1955): “Democracy transformed from thin paper to thick action is the greatest form of government on earth.” 2020-04-08 g Viral News - The Constitution Might Yet Be Resurrected on Easter Sunday A ‘Liberty’ Rebellion in
Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders
2020-04-08 f Viral News - The Wages of Sin = Wealth PEPE ESCOBAR: Who
Profits from the Pandemic?
2020-04-08 e Viral News - Sly With Statistics Birx says government is
all deaths of patients with coronavirus as
'COVID-19' deaths, regardless of cause
2020-04-08 d Viral News - PCR Test Flaws Corona: creating the
illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic
Nailed them, with their own words. 2020-04-08 c Viral News - Thanks to a correspondent from the hills east of Berkeley, California for sharing this video link. Perspectives on the
Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2
2020-04-08 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Investor who made a
killing during the financial crisis says the U.S.
needs end the shutdown immediately
2020-04-08 a The socialist perspective at the heart of the governmental response to COVID-19: “We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” Adolf Hitler, leader of National Socialist German Workers Party, in a 1927 speech. 2020-04-07 e Viral News - Michael Novogratz Squawks About "global, money-printing orgy." Money is
growing on trees right now. I learned when I was a
little kid that money really doesn’t grow on trees. Viral News - Property Crime Pandemic Burglaries, Thefts Up
More Than 75% In Major Cities Amid Coronavirus
2020-04-07 c Virtue-Signaling at College in the Time of Corona 2020-04-07 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Opinion: Congress should
send everyone a $1,200 check every month
2020-04-07 a Viral News - The wisdom of George Carlin: I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero. 2020-04-06 e Viral News - Kissinger, the éminence grise of the Globalists, is apparently still alive. The Coronavirus Pandemic
Forever Alter the World Order
2020-04-06 d Viral News - No Friend of Bill 2020-04-06 c Viral News - from an original partner in the Blackstone Group So, yes, some politically incorrect pundit is
likely to note that there are now:
2020-04-06 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” St. Louis Fed’s Obergruppenführer
Bullard pitches universal daily COVID-19 testing
to help restore economy’s health
2020-04-06 a Viral News - More from Mr. Bill 2020-04-05 c Viral News - We Don't Need No Stinkin' Tests The official CDC manual on how to exaggerate COVID-19 fatalities. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/vsrg/vsrg03-508.pdf 2020-04-05 b Viral News - Swinging Gates Bill Gates claims credit for preventing Robert
Kennedy Jr's vaccine commission
from moving forward.@realDonaldTrump I want to see Gates tried for Crimes Against Humanity. https://t.co/EzqrHmNSSt — Amazing Polly (@99freemind) 2020-04-05 a Viral News - Who Made Him King? What if we let a high functioning "Asparagus" Syndrome person decide public policy? Imagine further that such a person, while running a major corporation, would sit with his feet on a chair, legs bent, knees near his nose, enter his shell, and just ignore someone telling him something he didn't want to hear. 2020-04-04 e America, Meet Your New Owner 2020-04-04 d Viral News - Prophet Ensures 2017 Prophesy Occurs? Fauci: ‘No
doubt’ Trump will face
surprise infectious
disease outbreak
January 11, 2017 2020-04-04 c Viral News - Brazil and Sweden Still Open for Business EXCLUSIVE: Data
Shows US Efforts to
Combat China Coronavirus
the US Economy --
But Brazil and Sweden
Have Similar Fatality
Numbers With Open
2020-04-04 b A reader - If you are not concerned about the novel coronavirus, what concerns you? My answer - 1. Because of the recent volcanic eruptions, our growing seasons will be shortened over the next couple of years. There will be more late frosts in spring and earlier frosts in fall. Last year planting was delayed or never occurred throughout the corn and soybean belt of the US. 2. This economic downturn was inevitable. The synthetic coronavirus is being blamed so we don't go after the banksters with pitchforks and torches. Central bank central planners are the true culprits. 3. Employers that survive this grotesque over-reaction to COVID-19 are learning how to do business with fewer workers. At least one-tenth, to one-seventh of all jobs will disappear permanently. 4. Because the economy was already on the brink, and a downturn was long overdue, and central bankers papered over the disaster of 2008 to 2009, I am anticipating and have prepared for a lengthy economic depression. 5. Those living at the margins, whether Third World peasants, slum dwellers, or inner city minorities, are going to revolt and violent repression by those who safeguard the security of governments will make things exponentially worse. These poor people earn their keep in the informal (off the books) economy with side hustles or outright criminal enterprises. The corona-caper is hitting them hard. Expect fireworks when the dispossessed fight for their very survival. 6. And, from 2020-03-31 c: Personal Irresponsibility, Rampant Depravity, Insolent Ignorance, Social Fragmentation, Delayed Adulthood, Pharmaceutical Escapism, Chronic Depression, Sexual Ambiguity, Failed Families, Feral Fatherless Children, Disposable Senior Citizens, A Permanent War of All Against All Others, A Denial of the Sacred, A Democratization and Cheapening of Art, A Meaningless Existence, and A Defacement & Denial of Beauty. 2020-04-04 a The wisdom of Benjamin Franklin: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 2020-04-03 d (update - re-written in response to reader comment) Viral News - If geeks ruled a world with no civil liberties: Steps to consider in case of a genuine pandemic with at least ten times the fatalities of seasonal influenza: 2020-04-03 c Viral News - Midas has left the building. 2020-04-03 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Subcomandante
Fauci urges nationwide
stay-at-home order: ‘I
don’t understand why
that’s not happening’
2020-04-03 a The wisdom of H. L. Mencken: “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” 2020-04-02 e A Dearth of Perspective An article this
morning claims NYC is
facing a catastrophe
because they have had
450 Coronavirus deaths
since January &
someone is dying every
17 minutes.
So you know—regularly, NYC has 419 deaths every single day & loses a person every 9 minutes. Just for perspective. — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) March 28, 2020 2020-04-02 d Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The new-wave pop
singer Cristina
has reportedly died
at age 61 after being
diagnosed with
2020-04-02 c Viral News - Corona Cats 2020-04-02 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Brace for
the ‘deepest recession
on record,’ say BofA
realists, as Ministry
of Truth jobless
claims surge to 6.6
2020-04-02 a Noam's Nouns - propaganda, democracy, bludgeon, state "Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state." Noam Chomsky 2020-04-01 c Vile Schmuck of the Month We have belatedly received anecdotal information that Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci was favored by 98.6% of the judges who select the Vile Schmuck of the Month. 2020-04-01 b There will be no "truth squad" rewrite in observance of April Fool's Day. 2020-04-01 a As we obsess about COVID-19 casualties, here is a meditation honoring the annual worldwide victims of common influenza: up to 1 billion infected, 3 to 5 million severe cases, and 300,000 to 500,000 deaths. Meditation XVII, For Whom the Bell Tolls, by John Donne No man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thine own Or of thine friend’s were. Each man’s death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2020 - APRIL 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MARCH ARCHIVE 2020 - FEBRUARY ARCHIVE 2020 - JANUARY ARCHIVE |
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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