![]() |
![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2020- 2020-05-15 f Viral News - Tyranny in Michigan Judge won't order Owosso
barber to close shop yet, but he faces 2
misdemeanors after reopening during shutdown
2020-05-15 e Solar News - AOC, Al Gore, and Greta Thunberg Are Lying Global Cooling!! Low Solar
Activity To Cause Temperatures To Plummet, Say
2020-05-15 d Surveillance News - The Federal Bureau of Instigation Understanding The Mueller Lies
About Michael Flynn
2020-05-15 c Surveillance News - Obama, A Name That Will Live In Infamy Welcome to #Obamagate,
2020-05-15 b Surveillance News - the DOJ, which includes the FBI, had an “institutional lack of candor,” wrote Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Why is Obama Panicking Now? –
The Importance of Understanding Political
Surveillance In The Era of President Obama…
2020-05-15 a "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Winston Churchill 2020-05-14 e Viral News - Georgia "Jogger" Was Known to Law Enforcement From 10 February 2015: A Glynn County man has been indicted for
allegedly bringing a handgun to Brunswick High
School’s campus in December 2013 during a basketball
game between the school’s crosstown rival, Glynn
2020-05-14 d Viral News - Unconstitutional Executive Order Struck Down Wisconsin supreme court
strikes down governor's stay-at-home order
2020-05-14 c Viral News - Black Restaurant Critic Wanted By Police; COVID-19 Status Unknown Cops: Georgia woman
threw bottle of urine, feces
through Taco Bell drive-thru
2020-05-14 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Virtue-signaling Microsoft,
Visa and others once worth combined $11.5 trillion
want Congress to include climate hoax spending in
synthetic COVID-19 over-reaction kill-the-recovery
2020-05-14 a “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson 2020-05-13 d Viral News - Did we base one of the biggest peacetime policy decisions on crude mathematical guesswork? Is the chilling truth
that the decision to impose lockdown was based on crude
mathematical guesswork?
cViral News - Making the Masses Dumber Cuomo Announces Partnership
with Bill Gates to “Revolutionize” NY Schools in
Wake of Coronavirus
2020-05-13 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Dow stumbles 200 points as
Fed’s Powell says scope of synthetic coronavirus
contrived crisis ‘without modern precedent because
we needed a major event to blame for the crash our
policies made inevitable’
2020-05-13 a “I am convinced that those societies (as the
Indians) which live without government enjoy in their
general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness
than those who live under the European governments.
Among the former, public opinion is in the place of
law and community moral restrains act as powerfully as
laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, European
governments, under pretense of governing they have
divided their nations into two classes, wolves &
sheep. I do not exaggerate. This is a true picture of
Europe. If once our people become inattentive to the
public affairs, you, Carrington, and I, and Congress,
and judges, and governors shall all become wolves. It
seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of
individual exceptions; experience declares that man is
an animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply
no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to
the general prey of the rich on the poor.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, 16 January 1787 2020-05-12 c Viral News - A Real Hero Seattle Cop Prepares To Be
Fired After Refusing To Remove Viral Video Reminding
Officers Not To Obey 'Tyrannical Orders'
2020-05-12 b Viral News - Fauci Wants Americans to Starve 'You're Not The End All': Rand
Paul Slams Fauci In Heated Exchange Over Lockdowns
2020-05-12 a Viral News - Someone else did a "truth squad" re-write" for today! Tyranny is Real – Pennsylvania
Democrat Governor Threatens To Destroy any Business
That Does Not Comply With His Unilateral Dictates …
2020-05-11 c Just as the secular world has its apologists for governmental tyranny exploiting the pretext of an over-hyped virus fatal to the frail elderly and melanin minorities, no worse than a bad flu to some, but leaving most healthy people asymptomatic, the church world, especially the politicized and modernized feel-good version known as American Evangelicals, also has its apostles of submission who speak with the same dulcet tones the serpent used to deceive Havah (Eve) in the Garden. If you are unfamiliar, Romans 13 was Adolph Hitler's favorite Bible verse. It is a part of a lengthy letter to the believers in Rome written by Paul (Shaul) a tent-maker who was well-versed in the Torah. Paul wrote his letter in Greek, stating, “Let every soul be subject to the superior powers.” unambiguously referring to our God-given conscience. The apologists for government, beginning with Jerome's Vulgate, have mistranslated the "superior powers" located in our mind as, "governing authorities" or "magistrates." Those translators disregard the many examples in the Bible of believers disobeying rulers and correctly following their conscience. As mistranslated by American Evangelicals, Romans 13 is claimed to demand obedience and submission to government authority. I've often wondered how American Evangelicals would respond to a despot. Now I know. They are following the advice of Clayton Williams, an oil man who wanted to be governor of Texas. During the gubernatorial campaign, Williams' worst case of foot-in-mouth-disease occurred when he told women being raped to just lie back and enjoy it. That my friends, is what the supine (or are they prone?) Evangelical Pastors, Preachers, and Elders of America are doing during the corona-hoax.
Are you lost? 2020-05-11 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” George Soros: ‘I do not think
anybody knows how this semblance of capitalism will
evolve’ amid the synthetic coronavirus pandemic of
2020-05-11 a “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.” Richard Feynman 2020-05-10 c Viral News - I consider The New York Times as the most damaging source of news in this country Philosopher-Theologian John
Cobb: Our
Institutions Have Failed Us
2020-05-10 b Viral News - It is now obvious that Bill and Melinda Gates have gone too far. They and their collaborators and their media enablers will be vilified universally as more details emerge. This video by Gerd Miethe calls for the ouster of Angela Merkel because of her ties to Bill Gates and his agenda..... 2020-05-10 a Viral News - Fauci, "a thin-skinned, physically ultra-diminutive man with a legendary Napoleonic attitude " Fauci:
The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi
Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome Epidemic
2020-05-09 c Viral News - Sexual transmission Coronavirus could be sexually
transmitted by recovering patients, new research
2020-05-09 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” New study finds the obvious:
vitamin D deficiency may impact synthetic
coronavirus mortality rates
2020-05-09 a I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.” Richard Feynman 2020-05-08 f Viral News - Everyone Sees a Painted Mouse Painting the mice: research
2020-05-08 e Viral News - Programmer who worked at Google as a senior software engineer working on Maps, Gmail and account security Smells a Rat. Code Review of Ferguson’s
Epidemic Modeling Program
2020-05-08 d Viral News - Programmer Smells a Rat I have Reviewed Ferguson’s
Code – It’s a Joke
2020-05-08 c Viral News - Musk Smells a Rat Professor Neil Ferguson, a key
architect behind the U.K.’s coronavirus response,
resigned on Tuesday after admitting to an “error of
judgment” by allowing his married lover to visit his
home despite the country’s strict lockdown rules,
according to The Telegraph.
2020-05-08 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Melinda
Gates grades
the Trump
response — and
it’s a pretty
low score
2020-05-08 a “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.” Winston S. Churchill 2020-05-07 b Viral News - In the beginning … This tyranny with a medical pretext has many parents and its gestation began in the U.S. during the time of Bush the Lesser. Though the “Anthrax Scare” had been an inside job, the younger Bush feared (after Cheney and Rumsfeld no doubt whispered into his ear) that “furriners” and “terrists” could infect the homeland when they weren’t lugging suitcases with “nukular” devices or wearing explosive sneakers or under shorts. Un-elected and unaccountable bureaucrats began to study the “threat” and thus developed the architecture of our enslavement and impoverishment. Some expressed minor reservations about the legality of their plans, yet were undeterred, They also developed the Orwellian vocabulary the talking heads of the mainstream media repeat at all hours to terrify those with weak minds and no critical thinking skills. Below please find a chronological reading list. Some entries do feature excerpts. ______________________ 2020-05-07 a "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Thomas Jefferson 2020-05-06 e Viral News - Is this the "new normal" Bill Gates, Neil Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, et al. have planned for us? "Biblical" Wave Of
Bankruptcies Is About To Flood The US
2020-05-06 d Viral News - Judge Eric V. Moyé of 14th Civil District Court in Dallas County, Texas will not be re-elected Thousands Donate To GoFundMe
For Jailed Salon Owner Who Stood Up To Judge In
Viral Video
2020-05-06 c Viral News - it is called tyranny Police Are Complicit In
Politicians' Disregard For The Rule Of Law
2020-05-06 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Trump says reopening may
result in more deaths, but ‘we can’t sit in the
house for the next three years’
2020-05-06 a “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” William Shakespeare, As You Like It 2020-05-05 g Viral News - This Is Only A Test - A False-Positive Test Tanzania’s President Tests
Pawpaw Fruit For COVID-19 & It Tested Positive:
“Something Is Happening”
2020-05-05 f Viral News - Neil Ferguson, whose faulty models of coronavirus impact and mortality provoked the American and European lockdowns and their economic devastation, admits, "I accept I made an error of judgment and took the wrong course of action." However, this "error of judgment," involved conjugal visits from his girlfriend, not his repeatedly incorrect models that have destroyed lives and livelihoods. UK coronavirus adviser Neil
Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules
2020-05-05 e Viral News - Ramonyea Travon Bishop Apparently Doesn't Like Mask Orders Three Black Residents of Flint,
Mich. charged in killing of
Family Dollar security guard over mask policy
2020-05-05 d Viral News - Herd Mentality, As Created by the Corona-Crowd Virus of Mass
2020-05-05 c Viral News - Sars-CoV-2, Sars-CoV-1, vaccines contaminated with gammaretrovirus, XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus), Vero-E6 monkey kidney cell line, and the disease called COVID-19. An interview With Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. 2020-05-05 b Viral News - Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin D Studies Vitamin D and the immune system 2020-05-05 a Viral News - Neil Ferguson's models and theories are consistently falsifiable Is Imperial College
Still Open for Business?
2020-05-04 d Viral News - the free exercise of religion in Maine Maine Pastor To Defy
Executive Orders and Bring Maine Governor to Federal
2020-05-04 c Viral News - the free exercise of religion in Virginia DOJ Signs Onto Virginia
Church’s Lawsuit Against Northam After Jail, Fine
2020-05-04 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” ‘We do not know exactly what
happens when you illegally shut down a substantial
portion of your society’ Buffett says
2020-05-04 a “His face was the true index of his mind.” Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) 2020-05-03 a Viral News - Vaccine Chronicles Did a Military Experimental
Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as
“Spanish Flu”?
The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? 2020-05-02 d Viral News - Of course it was created in a lab! Nobel Prize-Winning
Scientist Who Discovered HIV Says Coronavirus Was
Created in Laboratory
In a highly significant development, Professor Luc Montagnier, the French scientist who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), has added his voice to those who believe the new coronavirus was created in a laboratory. 2020-05-02 c Viral News - Bill Gates Funds Neil Ferguson's MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis The Dubious COVID Models, The
Tests and Now the Consequences
2020-05-02 b This story from MarketWatch has been re-written by our “truth squad.” Warren Buffett’s favorite
stock-market indicator ‘scares the bejeezus’ out of
this investor
2020-05-02 a “Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain.” George Orwell, 1984 2020-05-01 c Viral News - The Plan The Farce and Diabolical
Agenda of A “Universal Lockdown”
2020-05-01 b Vile Schmuck of the Month By a unanimous vote, our judges have declared Prof. Neil Ferguson (email him) to be the Vile Schmuck of the Month for April. This pompous and tumescent member of the Imperial College faculty, and advisor to globalists and potentates, has been awarded the imaginary jar of pickled pigs' penises. 2020-05-01 a “Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies.” Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2020 - APRIL 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - APRIL 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MARCH ARCHIVE 2020 - FEBRUARY ARCHIVE 2020 - JANUARY ARCHIVE |
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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