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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2020- 2020-11-08 e STOLEN ELECTION Trump Campaign to Challenge
Mail-In Ballots Counted in Absence of GOP Observers
in Battleground States
President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign will launch a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to challenge the mail-in ballots that have been counted without Republican poll watchers onsite. Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney announced Saturday the lawsuit during a press conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with several Republican poll watchers who were prevented from entering the poll sites or the rights of poll-watching were blocked. A federal lawsuit will be filed on Monday in Pennsylvania and more expected in other states. “We’re going to file a federal lawsuit that will cover here [Philadelphia] and Pittsburgh, and we will have as many witnesses as the court needs. Right now, it could be as many as 90 witnesses,” Giuliani said. Several witnesses joined Giuliani during the press conference, all are local Philadelphia residents. Lisette Tarragano, one of the witnesses, said she was never allowed to enter the polling site along with other five to six Republican poll watchers. “I was never brought in. Actually, I never got past the first identification stage, they kept saying that mine as well as five or six other Republicans, their names hadn’t been entered into the system,” she said. Two other poll watchers, Darrell Brooks and Matt Silver said they were kept 15 to 20 feet away from the ballots. Silver also alleged that some unusual ballot boxes were witnessed inside the polling site. “There seem to be at least certain boxes seem to be in the same unusual pen, and seem to have very similar handwriting. Some boxes were normal, some boxes were like that,” he said. (read more) 2020-11-08 d "Just move along, there’s nothing to see here." The Kafka Election: Finding a
Way Out of the Maze
The 2020 election is a nightmare from which I — along with millions of others — am trying to awake. Like many dark dreams, it is uncertain exactly what is happening. Phantasmic ballots come and go. Seemingly insurmountable Republican victories disappear into the mouth of a vote-munching machine and come out the other side as excremental — oops, I mean incremental — Democratic leads just beyond the reach of a recount. And as in any nightmare worth its salt, just when you think it’s about to end, a new trap door opens and you fall into yet one more level of confusion and chaos in a maze with no exit in sight. But this is America. It’s not supposed to be a Kafka novel. So how did we get to a place where, days after the election was held, despite many proclamations by news organizations to the contrary, we still don’t know who won, we don’t know who voted, and we don’t know for sure whether the rules were followed in either voting or counting? Various irregularities have been reported in five big cities, all in strategic states, and particularly in Detroit, Mich.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Atlanta, Ga.; Milwaukee, Wis.; and Las Vegas, Nev. The allegations range from mysterious ballot drops that seem to show tens of thousands of votes for Joe Biden and zero votes for President Trump, inexplicable record turnouts in late-counting counties (all Democrat-dominated) that far surpass turnouts in counties in other states where the votes were counted on a timely basis; and of course the illegal banning of election observers in those very counties where the most outrageous anomalies are reported. Democrats tell us that there is nothing to see here, and the compliant media dutifully moves along, unwilling to investigate on its own or even express any concern about potential wrongdoing. ... But let’s think about it. Despite the total lack of curiosity exhibited by the mainstream media, there are many questions about both the casting and counting of votes in multiple states, and it all starts with the amorphous monster Trump has warned us about for months — mail-in balloting. Sadly, there is no way to verify the results of the election as accurate because no matter how many times you recount the votes, you will not be able to ascertain which ones are legal and which are illegal. When you vote in person, you first make an active choice to vote, confirm your identity as a registered voter to a poll worker, then mark your ballot privately but in the presence of other people, and finally hand it off to a poll worker who scans it directly into a vote-counting machine while you watch. In other words, you establish your legal right to vote and have a secure chain of custody of your ballot until it is scanned, which you yourself participate in. None of those steps is present in mail balloting. You are a passive recipient of a ballot, your identity is assumed rather than confirmed, you may be marking your ballot under pressure of either family members or strangers, and you send the ballot to an anonymous election worker through any number of insecure methods of transmission. You have no assurance that your vote has been counted, and what’s worse, you may not even be a participant in your own vote being cast in your name. The most important thing to remember about mail ballots is that once they are separated from their secrecy envelope, they are completely unidentifiable. They may have come from legal voters, or they may not have. They may have come in the mail, or they may have come in the soda delivery truck. They may have come one at a time, or they may have come 100,000 at a time. (read more) What's
the point of voting or even democracy at all if a
dozen angry black election officials in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta can decide the entire thing? — Roosh (@rooshv) November 6, 2020 Civil War It is Then
It is one thing to know your opponents have no soul. It is quite another to watch in real time their depravity play out with gleeful disdain. Anyone saying that what is happening right now in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan etc. is not a conscious effort to rig an election is either a victim of propaganda or being willfully obtuse. Because they told us this is what would happen. Through the Transition Integrity Project and bread crumbs left throughout the campaign, we knew it would come to this. For weeks I’ve been saying I hope Trump’s performance is strong enough and his coattails long enough to preclude the Democrats and The Davos Crowd from trying to pull off the theft of the election. That they would see the magnitude of the problem in front of them and be stopped short by little things like math. And then realize that even if they did try and cheat it would be so transparent that nothing good for them would be gained by it. But they didn’t listen. Trump almost pulled it off. His numbers across the board were excellent, stunning even given everything that’s happened. He may yet pull this out and I support any and all efforts to do so, but it is looking quite grim today. The potential is there for the Republicans to pick up as many as twelve seats in the House while holding the Senate if not picking up a seat, depending on how the courts rule on the already well-documented fraud. Coattails that long are prima facie evidence that what’s happening with the presidential election is fraud. I won’t go into the list of red flags here, others have done a far better job (and are, frankly, more entertaining), but they are big enough and red enough to get even the laziest, porn-besotted bull in the world angry. And that’s what should be scaring the crap out of everyone on ‘the Left’ today. Because as we heard yesterday, with coattails that long and the amount of obscene behavior on display, the remaining members of the Democratic caucus in the House are scared… and not just for their political lives. ... At around 2am Tuesday evening I realized that they were actually going to do this and I texted a friend the next morning. His response? “Civil war it is then.” There can be no other response to this from men and women of character. Exhaust every legal means possible, certainly, but remember that the courts are as corrupt as the county governments. Fear of reprisal makes men weak. The one thing Trump said in his post-election remarks that rang so true and with me and should ring true with every libertarian-leaning person (left or right) alive, that the process itself is corrupting. It corrupts everything it touches. ... We still have our guns, FYI. And this is why Trump isn’t going anywhere. The Deplorables now have to become The Ungovernables. No more negotiations, discussions, turning the other cheek, etc. Ungovernable. (read more) 2020-11-08 b Joe Biden bragged that he had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The People Who Count the Votes
Decide Everything
During the campaign, Joe Biden bragged that he had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Perhaps he wasn’t exaggerating. I thought of taking my text today from the Gospel of Mark, 6:38-42. It is one telling of the miracle of the loaves and the fishes. Jesus finds himself in the desert attended by some 5,000 followers. They need to eat, but there are only five loaves of bread and two fish. Nevertheless, Jesus bids everyone sit down “in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.” “And when
he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes,
he looked up to heaven,
and blessed, and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. And they did all eat, and were filled. Just a day or two back that seemed like a good analogy for what just happened with the ballots in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina. Donald Trump was racing ahead just about everywhere. Midnight came, the polls turned into pumpkins, and lo! the miracle! Ballots by the thousands and tens of thousands suddenly appeared. And guess what? They all had Joe Biden’s name on them. According to the World’s Greatest Psephologist Nate Silver™, a tranche of 23,377 ballots suddenly appeared in Pennsylvania in the wee hours. All of them were for Joe Biden. All of them. What are the odds of that? Well, miracles will happen. A lot of that sort of miracle happened in this election season. The Gospel of Mark notes that, after the 5,000 dined, 12 baskets full of bread and fish fragments were collected. It is not said whether they began to stink after a few days. But there is no doubt that the fish story of Joe Biden’s miraculous ballots stinks to high heaven. I know that pointing that out is a free ticket to the gallery of conspiracy theorists. Back in October 2016, Barack Obama upbraided Donald Trump for suggesting that the election might be rigged. Impossible, said Obama. “There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they are so decentralized. There is no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances that that could happen this time.” Of course, that was before the 2016 election, which everyone knew Hillary Clinton would win. So Obama went on to say that, should Donald Trump win, “it would be my expectation of Hillary Clinton to offer a gracious concession speech and pledge to work with him in order to ensure that the American people benefit from an effective government.” What a card! Anyway, after the election, it was a different story—or at least a different reality. Forget about gracious concessions and working together for the common good. Now it was a full-court press to delegitimize the Trump Administration. It was the framing of General Mike Flynn, the Russian collusion delusion, the Mueller witch hunt, impeachment follies, and more. Before the election, Obama said, “we recognize that there is something more important than any individual campaign, and that is making sure the integrity and trust in our institutions sustains itself.” Afterward . . . well, we all know what happened afterward. A Crisis of Legitimacy
How are you feeling about the “integrity and trust in our institutions” now, in particular, the integrity of our elections? I feel pretty badly about it. ... I suspect that this election was illegitimate, that it was rigged. Indeed, I suspect that it is a good illustration of the useful rule of thumb that things are always worse than you think. On Thursday, I wrote a column explaining why I thought Joe Biden didn’t bother to campaign, not really. I said that it was because he knew that the fix was in, that he had it in the bag. I mentioned the collusion of the pollsters on the run-up to the election, the media, and various bureaucratic operatives who fabricated ballots. I still think all that helps explain the sudden appearance of surprise ballots for Biden. Perhaps it also explains the computer “glitch” in the software used to tabulate votes in a county in Michigan that sent “at least 6,000 Republican votes to Democratic candidates.” At least. And have you noticed how all such “glitches” operate in one direction only: to benefit Democrats? Hammering the Vote
But I didn’t know the half of it. It was not until yesterday that I was introduced to the data manipulation tools The Hammer and Scorecard. I suspect you’ll be hearing a lot about both of them in the coming days—assuming of course that Google, Twitter, and other such media outlets allow you to hear about them. “The Hammer” is “a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on activities on protected networks (like voting machines) without detection.” It was originally developed after 9/11 to monitor international threats and to spy on potentially hostile actors abroad. “Scorecard” is “a vote-manipulation application that changes votes during transfer.” According to the Wentworth Report, it is “the
least detectable form of election manipulation
because it works during data transfer between
stations and data storage hubs. Unless both sides are looking for irregularities, it’s impossible to catch. If nefarious forces had people on one side or the other (or both) during data transfer, it cannot be exposed.” I understand that this sounds like a plot gimmick from a spy thriller. But when a witness as credible as Sidney Powell claims that up to 3 percent of the pre-election vote may have been altered by these tools, I think it is worth investigating. McInerney explains further the origins and deployment of the software here, at the American Report, and here with Steve Bannon. The bottom line was adumbrated on November 2, on the website NOQ. “The deep state has a plan in place to steal this election by altering votes in key swing states. And if Trump challenges the fraud, he will be condemned for ‘refusing to accept the outcome’ of the rigged election. This is the narrative trap that has been set by the treasonous mainstream media.” Tinfoil wingnut conspiracy theory? Maybe. That’s the trouble. We may never really know. Two parting thoughts to ponder. During the campaign, Joe Biden bragged that he had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Perhaps he wasn’t exaggerating. Finally, although apocryphal, this observation, widely attributed to Joseph Stalin, gets to the nub of our current travails. “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” It is worth bearing that in mind. (read more) 2020-11-08 a 2020-11-07 h BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - VIII The Philadelphia Story
Philly's long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016 Pennsylvania House Speaker seeks 'full audit' of election returns before certification Pennsylvania orders counties to separate provisional ballots from count while court makes a decision [UPDATED] Military Ballots Found in the Trash in Pennsylvania—Most Were Trump Votes 2020-11-07 g BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - VII Trump Heads Out to Golf as
Biden’s Hopes to Become President Fade Despite His
Amazing Charisma
...President Trump is assured of a victory when all of the real ballots are counted. Democrats made four major mistakes this year. 1.) They gave their criminal plot away when they acted so nonchalant about their senile candidate who could not fill a parking lot for a rally. 2.) They underestimated President Trump’s massive appeal and did not steal enough votes in their original plan. 3.) They overcompensated with obvious ballot dumps of hundreds of thousands of votes only for Joe Biden. 4.) Now they expect Americans to just take it and shut up about it. (read more) 2020-11-07 f BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - VI Additional Benford Analysis of
Chicago and Pittsburg, Like Milwaukee, Show Likely
Voter Fraud Benefiting Biden
Biden’s Vote Tallies apparently Violate Benford’s Law, everyone else follow across the country, except for Biden in key races. This is a test for catching election fraud, used by the State Department and forensic accountants. https://t.co/XbZtRQyxZu https://t.co/crK9HChfnW pic.twitter.com/mHNjStrB2Q — Elefant Respecter (@DatElefan) November 6, 2020 (read more about Chicago and Pittsburgh anomalies) 2020-11-07 e BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - V Audit Statistical Technique
Known as ‘Benford Analysis’ Points to Milwaukee
Precincts as Central Point to Uncover Fraud
By using the audit statistical technique known as ‘Benford Analysis’ the precincts in Milwaukee are where the focus of any fraud audit in Wisconsin should take place. In Wisconsin on the night of the election, President Trump was winning early into the morning. However, when Americans woke up on Wednesday Joe Biden had somehow taken the lead in Wisconsin after a vote dump of 100,000 votes appeared overnight. Everyone in the US knew Wisconsin had been stolen and the votes for Biden all appeared at once in the middle of the night: The concerns with the unreasonable increase in ballots in Wisconsin led one expert to share with us his analysis on Wisconsin voter data as it currently stands. Our expert who remains anonymous shared with us his analysis using the audit statistical technique known as Benford Analysis. This technique identifies outliers in data sets. (read more) 2020-11-07 d BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - IV First-Hand Account Of Election
Fraud In Detroit: ‘They Did Not Want Us To See What
Was Happening’
Election workers overseeing the counting of absentee ballots in Detroit are kicking out GOP observers, processing invalid ballots, and breaking the law. Earlier this week, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson denounced the lawsuit filed by President Trump’s campaign as “frivolous,” designed to spread “misinformation” and “sow seeds of doubt among our voters about the integrity of our elections process.” The lawsuit alleges that Republican election observers, known as “poll challengers,” had been denied access to counting stations to observe the opening of absentee ballots, as required under state law. Benson denied the allegation. Poll workers, she said, had been “following every rule meticulously” as they counted the vote “transparently with people from both sides of the aisle—both looking on.” But that’s not what one Republican observer says she saw at the Detroit convention center on Wednesday, where she volunteered to be an official GOP poll challenger. Instead, she saw—and experienced—exactly what the Trump campaign says has been happening in Michigan and elsewhere: GOP observers are being kept away from counting tables, expelled, harassed, and prevented from doing the job of ensuring ballots are counted fairly. (read more) 2020-11-07 c BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - III In 30 states, a computer
system known to be defective is tallying votes
When Kyle Becker heard about the “glitchy” computer program in Antrim County, Michigan, the one that tried to give 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, he starting doing research into the system. He ended up finding an amazing amount of highly disturbing information. The Dominion system has been known for some time to be defective, yet 28 states use it. This post is a compilation of Becker’s information, both in his own tweets and in one other person’s tweet, about what’s going on with that system: MASSIVE. "Ballots
were counted for Democrats that were meant for
Republicans... tabulating software 'glitched'... We have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software." MI GOP Chair reveals corrupt software flipped thousands of votes from Trump to Biden. Watch! pic.twitter.com/ORXa77vkHU https://t.co/ORXa77vkHU — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 6, 2020 This next tweet is censored because, even though Becker states only facts, Twitter wants you to know the facts don’t matter. Be sure to click through to read his tweet. Twitter is evil, but it effectively owns the public square: The election software
system in Michigan that switched 6,000
votes from Trump to Biden is called "Dominion." It is used in 30 states including: ☑️Nevada ☑️Arizona ☑️Minnesota ☑️Michigan ☑️Wisconsin ☑️Georgia ☑️Pennsylvania Every single major swing state. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. pic.twitter.com/R6s2RnVmEF https://t.co/R6s2RnVmEF — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020 ***** Just pause for a
moment and consider that a widespread
election software system that was used in virtually every swing state in the 2020 election is called "Dominion." "DOMINION." If that doesn't send *chills* up your spine, nothing will. pic.twitter.com/oFmJTr9zMo https://t.co/oFmJTr9zMo — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020 ...What I find most disturbing is the impunity with which Democrats are gaming the system. They’re not even trying to cover their tracks. They are 100% certain that there will be no consequences for their actions. They know that the media, which should be a watchdog on behalf of American citizens, is actually an arm of the Democrat party that will do everything necessary to cover for Democrat election crimes. (read more) 2020-11-07 b BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - II Supreme Court Orders
Pennsylvania to Separate Late-Arriving Ballots
Justice Samuel Alito orders that 'all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately' U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito late Friday ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day. Alito granted a request by the state’s Republican Party to separate mail-in ballots received between 8 p.m. on Nov. 3 and 5 p.m. on Nov. 6 from those that arrived by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3, in accordance with state guidance. He ordered (pdf) that those segregated ballots must be kept “in a secure, safe, and sealed container separate from other voted ballots.” The justice, however, did not order the counties to stop counting but instead ordered that “all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.” Alito also directed any responses to the application by 2 p.m. on Nov. 7. (read more) 2020-11-07 a BANANA REPUBLIC ELECTION - I "Both scenarios should qualify as predictive programming – with the Deep State preparing the general public, in advance, for exactly how things will play out." Banana Follies: the mother of
all color revolutions
In this gaming exercise the incumbent president, Buffoon, was painted red; the challenger, Corpse, blue A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color revolution concept. Not all the information disclosed here about the gaming of Blue has been declassified. That may well elicit a harsh response from the Deep State, even as a similar scenario was gamed by an outfit called Transition Integrity Project. Both scenarios should qualify as predictive programming – with the Deep State preparing the general public, in advance, for exactly how things will play out. The standard color revolution playbook rules usually start in the capital city of nation-state X, during an election cycle, with freedom fighting “rebels” enjoying full national and international media support. Blue concerns a presidential election in the Hegemon. In the gaming exercise, the incumbent president, codenamed Buffoon, was painted Red. The challenger, codenamed Corpse, was painted Blue. Blue – the exercise – went up a notch because, compared to its predecessors, the starting point was not a mere insurgency, but a pandemic. Not any pandemic, but a really serious, bad to the bone global pandemic with an explosive infection fatality rate of less than 1%. By a fortunate coincidence, the lethal pandemic allowed Blue operators to promote mail-in ballots as the safest, socially distant voting procedure. That connected with a rash of polls predicting an all but inevitable Blue win in the election – even a Blue Wave. ... The premise is simple: take down the economy and deflate a sitting president whose stated mission is to drive a booming economy. In tandem, convince public opinion that actually getting to the polls is a health hazard. The Blue production committee takes no chances, publicly announcing they would contest any result that contradicts the prepackaged outcome: Blue’s final victory in a quirky, anachronistic, anti-direct democracy body called the “electoral college”. If Red somehow wins, Blue would wait until every vote is counted and duly litigated to every jurisdiction level. Relying on massive media support and social media marketing propelled to saturation levels, Blue proclaims that “under no scenario” Red would be allowed to declare victory. ... Election Day comes. Vote counting is running smoothly – mail-in count, election day count, up to the minute tallies – but mostly favoring Red, especially in three states always essential for capturing the presidency. Red is also leading in what is characterized as “swing states”. But then, just as a TV network prematurely calls a supposedly assured Red state for Blue, all vote counting stops before midnight in major urban areas in key swing states under Blue governors, with Red in the lead. Blue operators stop counting to check whether their scenario towards a Blue victory can roll out without bringing in mail-in ballots. Their preferred mechanism is to manufacture the “will of the people” by keeping up an illusion of fairness. Yet they can always rely, as Plan B, on urban mail-in ballots on tap, hot and cold, until Blue squeaks by in two particularly key swing states that Red had bagged in a previous election. That’s what happens. Starting at 2 am, and later into the night, enter a batch of “magic” votes in these two key states. The sudden, vertical upward “adjustment” includes the case of a batch of 130k+ pro-Blue votes cast in a county alongside not a single pro-Red vote – a statistical miracle of Holy Ghost proportions. Stuffing the ballot box is a typical scam applied in Banana Republic declinations of color revolution. Blue operators use the tried and tested method applied to the gold futures market, when a sudden drop of naked shorts drives down gold price, thus protecting the US dollar. Blue operators bet the compliant mainstream media/Big Tech alliance will not question that, well, out of the blue, the vote would swing towards Blue in a 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 margin. ... The day after Election Day there are vague explanations that one of the possible vote-dumps was just a “clerical error”, while in another disputed state there is no justification for accepting ballots with no postmark. Blue operators relax because the mainstream media/Big Tech alliance squashes each and every complaint as “conspiracy theories”. ... The two presidential candidates do not exactly help their own cases. Codename Corpse, in a Freudian slip, had revealed his party had set up the most extensive and “diverse” fraud scheme ever. Not only Corpse is about to be investigated for a shady computer-related scheme. He is a stage 2 dementia patient with a rapidly unraveling profile – kept barely functional by drugs, which can’t prevent his mind slowly shutting down. Codename Buffoon, true to his instincts, goes pre-emptive, declaring the whole election a fraud but without offering a smoking gun. He is duly debunked by the mainstream media/Big Tech alliance for spreading “false claims”. All this is happening as a wily, old, bitter operator not only had declared that the only admissible scenario was a Blue victory; she had already positioned herself for a top security job. Blue also games that Red would immediately embark on a single-minded path ahead: regiment an army of lawyers demanding access to every registration roll to scrub, review and verify each and every mail-in ballot, a process of de facto forensic analysis. Yet Blue cannot foresee how many fake ballots will be unveiled during recounts. As Corpse is set to declare victory, Buffoon eyes the long game, set to take the whole thing all the way to the Supreme Court. The Red machine had already gamed it – as it was fully aware of how operation Blue would be played. The Red counter-revolution does carry the potential of strategically checkmating Blue. It is a three-pronged attack – with Red using the Judiciary Committee, the Senate and the Attorney General, all under the authority of codename Buffoon until Inauguration Day. The end game after a vicious legal battle is to overthrow Blue. Red’s top operators have the option of setting up a Senate commission, or a Special Counsel, at the request of the Judiciary Committee, to be appointed by the Department of Justice to investigate Corpse. In the meantime, two electoral college votes, one-month apart, are required to certify the presidential winner. These votes will happen in the middle of one and perhaps two investigations focused on Corpse. Any state represented at the electoral college may object to approve an investigated Corpse; in this case it’s illegal for that state to allow its electors to certify the state’s presidential results. Corpse may even be impeached by his own party, under the 25th Amendment, due to his irreversible mental decline. The resulting chaos would have to be resolved by the Red-leaning Supreme Court. Not exactly the outcome favored by Blue. ... The heart of the matter is that this think tank gaming transcends both Red and Blue. It’s all about the Deep State’s end game. (read more) 2020-11-06 j STOLEN ELECTION - X Software ‘Glitch’ In Michigan
Erroneously Gave 1000s Of Votes To Biden; Up To 47
Counties Compromised
Really makes one think… Software used to tabulate votes cast in 47 Michigan counties erroneously gave 6,000 votes to Joe Biden in Anterim County, according to state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox. “In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity,” she said, adding “Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.” Of note, Trump won Antrim County in 2016 with 62% of the vote vs. 33% for Hillary Clinton. (read more) 2020-11-06 i STOLEN ELECTION - IX PA USPS Official Willing to
Testify Under Oath Over Ballot Backdating
“We will be releasing his interview imminently.” Update: Project Veritas has released the interview teased by James O’Keefe this afternoon: BREAKING: Pennsylvania
@USPS Whistleblower
Richard Hopkins Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigators Have Spoken With Him About Postmaster Rob Weisenbach's Order To Backdate Ballots To November 3rd, 2020 #ExposeUSPS pic.twitter.com/wdO8vUx2Vj — James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 6, 2020 A Pennsylvania United States Postal Service worker says they are willing to testify under oath over an apparent ballot backdating scheme that has played out at the public mail service, reports Jame’s O’Keefe of Project Veritas. “One of the USPS officials in Pennsylvania has just agreed to go on the record and is willing to testify under oath to the backdating of ballots,” O’Keefe announced Friday afternoon. “We will be releasing his interview imminently.” ... His tweet comes just minutes after Project Veritas released a second video of a USPS employee coming forwards to detail how a directive from positions high within the post office ordered late ballots to be picked up and separated. The mail worker that anonymously spoke with O’Keefe suspects that the late ballots were collected and separated in order for them to be backdated to November 3, making them legally cast votes. In Pennsylvania, mail-in and absentee ballots were required to be in the elections office by 8:00 p.m. on November 3 for them to be counted in the official vote. (read more) 2020-11-06 h STOLEN ELECTION - VIII two tweets When America sees
everything we are uncovering they will be
and even the media won’t be able to pretend voter fraud isn’t real. Ending this crap once and for all will be fundamental to preserving our republic and faith in democracy. — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 6, 2020 A hypothetical
question for all the Democrat trolls following my
What if DHS anticipated DNC counting fraud. What if they “tagged” each legitimate ballot. What would happen if DHS does an audit of all counted ballots and find ballots without the tag – what happens then? — Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) November 6, 2020 2020-11-06 g STOLEN ELECTION - VII ‘American Hustle’: Party
Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia
Elections Work
Judges who obtained their positions by fraud, according to an indictment, have denied the Trump campaign's ballot-watchers access, providing crucial unsupervised time to Democrat vote counters. Most Americans might not know the name Ozzie Myers, although a part of his tale was told in the hit 2013 movie “American Hustle” about the FBI sting that sent four congressmen to prison in the 1970s. If you’re from Philadelphia, though, you know his name, and knew it well before 2013. He’s important to the country now because he’s currently under indictment for bribing a state elections judge to stuff ballots for Democratic candidates. Among the candidates he was paid to get elected are three as-yet-unnamed judges sitting on the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court. That’s where President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has to go when local election officials refuse to let campaign monitors oversee ballot integrity, as has been the case these past few days throughout Pennsylvania. In addition, Trump’s U.S. attorney, William McSwain, has hinted that in addition to the three unidentified judges, those Democrats tainted by election-fixing go all the way from local officials to the U.S. Congress. Why should anyone care about that court? Because it’s playing a major role in the presidential election. (read more) 2020-11-06 f STOLEN ELECTION - VI Biden’s Performance In
Milwaukee County Raises Questions About Wisconsin
Unofficial tallies show Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading in Wisconsin by razor-thin margins, four years after president Trump won the state by less than a percentage point. On election night, Wisconsin was too close to call, but President Trump was ahead by comfortable margins, defying the predictions of corporate media pollsters who prepared America for a Biden blowout in the Badger State. Pollsters’ predictions ranged from 17 to five-point margins for Joe Biden. By early Wednesday morning, Biden had been pushed over the edge by a “ballot dump” of mail-in votes. While some have alleged that this ballot dump points to fraud, even Republican Party officials say they were prepared for 160,000 mail-in votes to be counted after the polls closed. Others have called into question disparities in Wisconsin’s high voter turnout when compared to other election cycles. This too can be explained by same-day voter registration in an election that saw record turnout nationwide. However, voter anomalies in Milwaukee County, the largest county in the state, do raise some questions. ... What makes Biden’s vote increase over Obama’s in Milwaukee County even more suspicious is that because of Biden’s decision to rarely leave his basement for fear of COVID-19, the Biden campaign had no ground game in Wisconsin and other key battleground states. No door-knocking, no volunteer phone-banking, virtually no activity at his anemic campaign offices. Biden staffers were running an almost exclusively digital campaign, sometimes based out of other states. (read more) 2020-11-06 e STOLEN ELECTION - V If Mitch McConnell Believes He
Will Remain Senate Majority Leader, He is Sadly
The Republican establishment is sitting back, resting on their laurels. They are entirely convinced that Joe Biden will be the next president and they will control the Senate. These Republican quislings are sadly mistaken. If Republicans don’t act now to make the case before the American people and the Federal court system that the election has been improperly stolen, the Democrats will easily steal three more Senate seats. First, they will find the ballots necessary to defeat Thom Tillis in North Carolina. Then, they will move to steal two more Senate seats in the upcoming Georgia runoffs using the same method they used to push Joe Biden into the lead in the corrupt Democrat counties in Atlanta and the surrounding suburbs. How will they do this? It’s quite simple. They will manufacture hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots in Fulton County ahead of time. Then, they will wait until all other counties report so they can calculate how many votes they will need to win. After sending home poll watchers and Republican lawyers, they will find the magic number of ballots needed to unseat Senator Perdue and Senator Loeffler in Georgia. (read more) 2020-11-06 d STOLEN ELECTION - IV GOP Analyst Raises $170K To
Purchase Data, Conduct Deep Dive On Voter Fraud
GOP political analyst and former Trump Data Chief Matt Braynard believes he can detect voter fraud by comparing absentee ballots and early voters to the Social Security Death Index and the National Change of Address Database. Braynard - former analyst for pollster Frank Luntz - is the president of Braynard Group, which provides services for voter targeting, polling and fundraising. In order to accomplish this, Braynard will need up to $100,000 to purchase databases from data vendors. In a Thursday Twitter thread, he outlined his plan to audit the election in key states and launched a GoFundMe page which is currently under review ("Getting nuked still a possibility," he says). After $100K was quickly raised, however, Braynard bumped the goal to to $250,000, with which he will establish "call centers that will run down any and all inactive/less active or moved voters who were marked as casting ballots," adding "We'll then get any who said they didn't cast a ballot to sign an affidavits, and it all goes to law enforcement and the media." Unfortunately, GoFundMe is currently holding the money hostage. (read more) 2020-11-06 c STOLEN ELECTION - III "The more chaotic the system, the more chances for fraud. So when you come across a system that is extra chaotic on purpose, that tells you that the people running it want it that way for a reason." the 2020 election: f-ckery is
I am more offended by how ham fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of Joe Biden being president. I think Joe Biden is a corrupt idiot, however, I think America would survive him like we’ve survived previous idiot administrations. However, what is potentially fatal for America is half the populace believing that their elections are hopelessly rigged and they’re eternally fucked. And now, however this shakes out in court, that’s exactly what half the country is going to think. People are pissed off, and rightfully so. Before I became a novelist I was an accountant. In auditing you look for red flags. That’s weird bits in the data that suggest something shifty is going on. You flag those weird things so you can delve into them further. One flag doesn’t necessarily mean there’s fraud. Weird things happen. A few flags mean stupidity or dishonesty. But a giant pile of red flags means that there’s bad shit going on and people should be in jail. Except for in politics, where apparently all you have to do to dismiss a bunch of red flag is be a democrat and mumble something about “fascist voter suppression” then you can do all sorts of blatant crime and get off. I’ve been trying to keep up with the firehose of information about what’s going on during this clusterfuck of an election. Last night I was on Facebook talking about the crazy high, 3rd world dictatorship level voter turnout levels in the deep blue areas of these swing states was very suspicious. Somebody gas lighted me about how “I’d have to do better than that”, so this was my quick reply, listing off the questionable bullshit I could think of off the top of my head: The massive turn out alone is a red flag.
But as for doing better… The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag. The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag. The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag. The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag. Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag. The poll observers being removed. Red flag. The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag. The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed) The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag. The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag. USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag. The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes, red flag. Any of those things would be enough to trigger an audit in the normal world. This many flags and I’d be giggling in anticipation of catching some thieves. And it isn’t that I have to do better. I’m just an gen pop observer who happens to be a retired auditor with a finely tuned bullshit detector. This is going to the courts. ## So now I want to delve into some of these some more. The problem is that there’s a ton of info swirling around, some good, some crap. It doesn’t help that reporters are usually dishonest or not very bright and absolute trash at presenting data. Part of our problem is Big Tech is actively stomping on stories that make their guy look bad. (while compiling these I discovered that several of the links I’d looked at yesterday had been vanished by Facebook or Twitter) ... And the flags just keep coming in. This is going to be way worse than Florida in 2000. What happens now? Beats me. It goes to court, and then the real question becomes how much spine the republicans have to actually fight. In previous years I’d assume they’d be a bunch of spineless chickenshits and wimp out like usual, but I’m not so sure this time. I don’t know if or how any of these will pan out, and without access to the real data, all I can do is guess. I can say without hesitation though, that f-ckery is afoot, and if an actual real investigation happens they’ll be able to prove it. Only this is politics, so who knows. The only thing I do know for certain is that this election is so fucked up it is just going to make America’s two halves hate each other even more. (read more) 2020-11-06 b STOLEN ELECTION - II 2020-11-06 a STOLEN ELECTION - I This Is Not New Don’t Forget LBJ’s Election
The mainstream pro-Biden media is poking fun at Donald Trump’s suggestion that there could be fraud involved in the post-election receipt of mail-in ballots. Apparently they’re not familiar with the election-theft case of Lyndon Johnson, who would go on to become president of the United States. The entire matter is detailed in Robert Caro’s second book in his biographical series on Johnson. The book is entitled Means of Ascent. Johnson election theft took place in 1948, when he was running for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate against Texas Governor Coke Stevenson, one of the most admired and respected governors in the history of the state. In the primary election, Stevenson led Johnson by 70,000 votes, but because he didn’t have a majority of the votes, he was forced into a run-off. The run-off was held on a Saturday. On the Sunday morning after the run-off, Stevenson was leading by 854 votes. ... So, Lyndon Johnson stole the election and ended up going to Washington as Texas’ U.S. Senator. Ironically, if Stevenson had become the state’s senator instead, Johnson would never have been selected to be John Kennedy’s vice-presidential running mate and, consequently, would never have been president. No wonder Donald Trump is worried about those Democrats! For that matter, those Democrats should be just as worried about those Republicans! (read more) 2020-11-05 l A TAINTED ELECTION - XII President Trump speaks
Thursday evening.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKPRG6PlPaw Trump's remarks start at 21:00. 2020-11-05 k A TAINTED ELECTION - XI Why Does Biden Have So Many
More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?
In most elections, the majority of votes are cast "down the ticket" - meaning, a voter supports both party's presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, "overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate." Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party's Senate candidates are relatively close. Twitter user "US Rebel" (@USRebellion1776), however, found that the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state's Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer. (graphics) In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093. In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator. (chart) Yet, in two non-swing states, there was "no massive flood of mysterious empty Biden votes," leading US Rebel to suggest "It's fraud." (read more) 2020-11-05 j A TAINTED ELECTION - X Polling Isn’t The Problem,
Intentionally False Media Polls Are The Problem
The media once again failed in their election coverage by intentionally amplifying corrupt polls and preconceived narratives, while ignoring the few pollsters who did accurately predict the electorate’s support for President Donald Trump, noted Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway on Wednesday. “These polls were off by such a great amount, but not all polls. There were a few pollsters who actually got things right, which shows that it was possible to look at this race accurately,” Hemingway said on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” Wednesday night. “But the media narrative — that this was an impossible win for Donald Trump, that the Senate was going to the Democrats, that Democrats would gain more seats in the House — every single part of that was wrong, and demonstrably wrong.” (read more) 2020-11-05 i A TAINTED ELECTION - IX Yes, Democrats Are Trying To
Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And
In the three Midwest battleground states, vote counting irregularities persist in an election that will be decided on razor-thin margins. As of this writing, it appears that Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are trying to steal the election. As reporters and commentators went to bed early Tuesday morning, all three states were too close to call, but President Trump led former Vice President Joe Biden by comfortable margins—far beyond what had been predicted in the polls. None of the networks called these states because enough mail-in ballots remained uncounted that it could swing either way, but Trump’s position looked good. Then, something strange happened in the dead of the night. In both Michigan and Wisconsin, vote dumps early Wednesday morning showed 100 percent of the votes going for Biden and zero percent—that’s zero, so not even one vote—for Trump. In Michigan, Biden somehow got 138,339 votes and Trump got none, zero, in an overnight vote-dump. When my Federalist colleague Sean Davis noted this, Twitter was quick to censor his tweet, even though all he had done was compare two sets of vote totals on the New York Times website. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed—although on Wednesday it appeared that anyone who noted the Biden vote dump in Michigan was getting censored by Twitter. (read more) 2020-11-05 h A TAINTED ELECTION - VIII We’re Supposed To Believe The
GOP Had A Great Election Night Except For President?
It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump. Since Joe Biden was picked to be the Democratic Party’s presidential puppet, we have been told he would win the presidency by a blowout. Political media has been speculating eagerly about another “blue wave” that would wash over the nation in line with their preposterous polls showing Biden winning by as much as 17 or even more points. Two weeks before the election, the “nonpartisan” Cook’s Political Report predicted an expanded Democrat majority in the House, a “net gain of five to ten seats to a gain of between five and 15 seats.” On election day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrat campaign chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos predicted Democrats “would not only defend gains made in 2018 but flip districts thought to be in safe Republican territory.” Last week, Democrats told the Washington Post, which described the party as “awash in cash,” they expected to flip as many as 15 House seats on Biden’s presumed presidential coattails. That didn’t happen at all. In fact, the opposite did. Now as localities run by Democrats “count” votes under suspicious circumstances, we are supposed to believe that voters selected coattails detached from a coat? Republicans have flipped seven U.S. House races so far and Democrats flipped two, according to RealClearPolitics. That narrows Democrats’ hold on the House from 232 to 227, nine more than the majority, even if no more are flipped. Republicans could even ultimately flip 15, as many as Democrats had hoped to. Republicans had twice as many Senate seats to defend this election than Democrats did, and they currently appear to retain their Senate majority. So far, Democrats have flipped one seat. Far poorer-funded Republicans retained seats Democrats literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars to flip, such as Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. ... Then look at some odd differences between this amazing night for Republicans in downballot races and the incongruent results for Trump in just a few key states — key states that happen to be the ones everyone knew would be crucial to Trump’s path to victory, and all of which began to have “voting irregularities” and pauses in vote counting as Trump appeared to command the lead while closing in on final vote totals. ... It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump. Trump has solidified his support among Republican voters and enjoys a massive approval rating from them he didn’t have in 2016, and expanded his coalition to more working-class and minority voters this year. This is not a blue wave year. This is a year that the blue wave of 2018 appears to be receding. Yet we are supposed to believe the same media-Democrat complex that fed us wildly erroneous polls all year, and runs false information operations on us about coronavirus, the Russia hoax, and everything else they can use to steal power, that this blue wave’s evaporation did not at all affect the top of the ticket? (read more) 2020-11-05 g A TAINTED ELECTION - VII Every mail-in-ballot
needs to be audited in MI, WI, & PA. It’s that
If the Democrats are being honest and legitimate, they will not fight this audit at all. The statistical impossibility of 100% of 140k overnight ballots going to Joe Biden has made this necessary. t.co/7H5dBwzJ6C — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) November 4, 2020 2020-11-05 f A TAINTED ELECTION - VI Despite ‘racist’ charges,
Trump did better with minorities than any GOP
candidate in 60 years
For four years now, Democrats and their media allies have tarred President Trump as a reprehensible white supremacist leading a dying party. The Trumpian, populist GOP, they claimed, was doomed to become a regional rump party, whose electoral prospects were tied to a shrinking share of bitter, downscale whites. That narrative was always bunk. It finally died, once and for all, on Tuesday evening. Team Trump and Republicans nationwide made unprecedented inroads with black and Hispanic voters. Nationally, preliminary numbers indicated that 26 percent of Trump’s voting share came from nonwhite voters — the highest percentage for a GOP presidential candidate since 1960. (read more) 2020-11-05 e A TAINTED ELECTION - V Democrats frustrated, GOP
jubilant in Senate fight
Senate Democrats are feeling frustrated and disappointed as their effort to retake the majority appears to have fallen short once again. The likelihood of being relegated to the minority for the next couple years hit home Wednesday when Democratic challenger Sara Gideon conceded to Sen. Susan Collins (R) in the blue state of Maine. While it now appears Democratic nominee Joe Biden will probably eke out a victory in the presidential race, Democrats were hoping for a bigger night — especially after failing to flip the Senate in 2016 and 2018. John Hickenlooper, the former governor of Colorado and the only Democratic challenger to officially knock off a Senate Republican incumbent on Tuesday, said, “I was hoping that we would sweep to victory with a number of Senate wins.” “We’re still cautiously optimistic, but it’s not the level of excitement I was hoping to wake up to,” he said. Other Democratic strategists and aides expressed their dismay. (read more) 2020-11-05 d A TAINTED ELECTION - IV GOP observers granted court
order to watch vote counting in battleground
An appellate court on Thursday granted Republican observers the right to enter the Philadelphia building where poll workers were counting ballots and observe the process. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said the new court order insured immediate access for GOP observers in the Pennsylvania race where Democrat Joe Biden was eating steadily into Trump’s tenuous lead for the state’s crucial 20 electoral votes. “We plan on entering that building right now and legally observing,” said Bondi, a member of the Trump campaign. “If there is one illegal vote cast, it takes away from the great men and women of Pennsylvania who came out and issued a legal vote.” The president’s lead in the pivotal Keystone State, once at 675,000, had dwindled to roughly 135,000 as the remaining ballots are counted. A Biden triumph would give the Democrat enough electoral votes to declare victory. A court order in Allegheny County, Pa., will stop officials there from counting 29,000 of the 35,000 outstanding ballots until Friday, likely extending the contentious fight in the state. Trump senior adviser Corey Lewandowski suggested something crooked was going on as he joined Bondi and the GOP observers outside the Philadelphia building. “Democracy dies in darkness,” Lewandowski said. “This is the opportunity to shed light on what’s going on in this building. It’s time to go in and put some light on what’s happening.” (read more) 2020-11-05 c A TAINTED ELECTION - III President Trump is simply
suing to stop the counting of bogus votes
As the American public waits, confused and annoyed that there is no presidential winner, Democrats insist that we should just be patient. That the turmoil is normal. It’s a bald-faced lie. The post-election limbo is a deliberate creation of the Democratic Party. In the months leading up to the election, the Democratic National Committee and allied groups blanketed swing states with armies of lawyers filing suits to challenge voter-ID laws, signature-verification laws and, more than anything else, deadlines for mail-in ballots — as if elections should no longer have deadlines but instead be staged as a rolling, never-ending process. The Biden-Trump contest was held under a set of rules foisted on an unknowing public and likely to tilt the election. The pretext for all these changes was the pandemic. But the fact is, this nation has elected presidents in a timely way during world wars, polio epidemics and many other emergencies without doing away with Election Day finality. (read more) 2020-11-05 b A TAINTED ELECTION - II Biden may steal an election
for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it
Let’s be real. Goliath was never going to let David breeze through the rematch. The provinces, for whom President Trump is an instrument, not an end in himself, were never going to have an easy time winning the 2020 election against the amassed might of the Democratic Party, the “Fake News” media and allied pollsters, Big Tech, woke billionaires and the celebrity class, who united to stamp out the barbarian orange emperor. The “chumps” and “ugly folk,” as Joe Biden calls them, came out in their glorious millions from the American heartland on Election Day and now we will see if people power prevails, if the nationalist populist movement enabled by Donald Trump, but not defined by him, lives to fight another day against the corrupt globalists represented by the sad husk of Biden. It boils down to Trump’s belief that the Democrats perpetrated widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and elsewhere to steal the election. While even those in his own party are urging him to lose gracefully, the president has every right to ensure electoral laws are enforced to prevent fraud. In fact, he owes it to the 68 million deplorables who voted for him. To that end, Trump has turned to an old ally, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to lead a heroic legal challenge. In a press conference in Philadelphia Wednesday, Giuliani laid out one clear anomaly in which, contrary to Pennsylvania law, Republican election observers were denied the right to oversee the counting of 120,000 ballots by being forced to stand 20 to 30 feet away from where they were being counted. “They were never able to see the ballot itself, never able to see if it was properly postmarked, properly addressed, properly signed on the outside . . . this went on for 20 hours. While all of you thought there was some kind of legitimate count going on here in Philadelphia, it was totally illegitimate.” ... But even if Trump does lose, it may be a blessing in disguise for Republicans. The result has crushed Democratic expectations of a clean sweep. It wasn’t a landslide win against an unpopular president, as we had been told so confidently for months. If Biden wins, it will be by the narrowest margin. And all the hundreds of millions spent on retaking the Senate came to nothing, with the Republicans looking to hold onto their lead. The top targets, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, survived easily. The fatal miscalculations of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in cynically refusing to negotiate on the latest stimulus bill have cost the Democrats dearly in the House, where they have gone backward by at least six seats. They did not manage to get rid of a single Republican. So much for the blue wave. The failure means that in 2022, the House is more likely to revert to Republican control, setting up a lame-duck presidency. (read more) 2020-11-05 a A TAINTED ELECTION - I A Warning Sign for Democrats
What the heck just happened? It’s been a crazy election, and ballots are still being counted, but we can get a few ideas from the exit polls. The poll numbers that have been posted so far—which include people who voted by mail or voted early in person, as well as those who cast ballots on Election Day—are preliminary: They’ll be revised as we learn more about which kinds of voters turned out. (Groups with higher turnout get their responses weighted more heavily.) Also, as in 2016, there will be subsequent, more rigorous assessments of who voted and why. But the initial exit poll data are the best available measure, for now, of what voters were thinking. Here’s what they suggest. First, this electorate seems to have been more conservative than the 2016 electorate. In the 2016 exit polls, conservatives outnumbered liberals by 9 percentage points. In the initial 2020 numbers, the margin is 13 points. (To get an apples-to-apples comparison, I’m citing the original 2016 numbers, not the later Pew study of 2016 voters.) Despite this, Joe Biden held his own by connecting with people in the middle. Hillary Clinton lost independents by 4 percentage points; Biden won them by 14 points. He also got 64 percent of moderates, up from Clinton’s 52 percent. Biden won 8 percent of people who said they had voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Trump, in this election, won only 4 percent of those who said they had voted for Clinton. That gap may decide the eventual outcome. In some ways, the 2020 electorate was evenly divided. Half the exit poll respondents called the economy excellent or good; half called it poor or not good. Half said “U.S. efforts to contain the pandemic” were going very or somewhat badly; 48 percent said these efforts were going very or somewhat well. Trump’s job approval was negative, but only by 4 points. The strongest sign of anti-incumbent sentiment was the 57 percent of voters who said they were dissatisfied or angry (as opposed to satisfied or enthusiastic) with “the way the federal government is working.” ... These numbers will change somewhat as votes are tallied and the composition of the electorate is reassessed. But the patterns so far suggest several lessons. One, Democrats are having trouble attracting self-identified Christians. Two, they can’t count on the votes of people of color, just because the Republican candidate is overtly racist. Three, they need better turnout on the left. And four, they need to consolidate a majority of independent voters. If they don’t fix these problems, they could be looking at difficult maps for a long time to come. (read more) 2020-11-05 2020-11-04 i DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - VIII Trump Is Poised To Win The
Election. Now He Has To Stop The Steal.
In a triumphant late night address to the nation, the President decisively declared that “Frankly, we did win this election.” Against overwhelming odds, President Trump is on the brink of securing a second four year term. The margins in the decisive states are clear. As of early Wednesday morning, the president was up 300,000 votes in Michigan. He was up 110,000 in Wisconsin. He was up a staggering 700,000 in Pennsylvania. He holds clear leads in Georgia and North Carolina. Despite a relentless defamation campaign by the press, censorship by big tech, riots by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the silent majority of Americans turned out to support their president. Only one thing remains to be done: To stop the left from executing its color revolution and stealing the election in the days to come. The mess in Pennsylvania shows how this revolution will unfold. The president’s lead there is a staggering 14 percentage points. From the early hours of Tuesday night it was clear the President was dramatically overperforming his polls in the Keystone State, and as votes poured in his lead only grew and grew. But Democrats control Philadelphia and the state government, and they had a plan. Early Tuesday night, they stopped updating vote totals in Philadelphia and announced that they would only resume updates on Wednesday, with counting perhaps taking until Friday. This is a farce. It does not take four days to count ballots anywhere; it doesn’t even take more than one night. Philadelphia and every other Democratic city could absolutely could have counted every vote in its possession on Tuesday night. The only reason to delay the tally is to muddle the waters and provide Democrats with the necessary time to “find” the votes they need to win. ... The same stunt is happening around the country, in the deep blue cities of America’s swing states. Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, all of them have slow-rolled or outright ceased counting votes, for no reason except to drag out the process and create the friction needed to add questionable votes. This isn’t complicated. It’s an effort to snatch an election they know they are on the brink of losing. But when observers called out the shady behavior right in front of their eyes, Big Tech swooped in to suppress the narrative: ... It’s no mystery what is happening here. Remarkably, most Republicans in the past would go along with it. Fortunately, Americans have a fighter as their president. In his speech early Wednesday morning, President called out the left’s color revolution for what it is: An unprecedented effort to drag out the election and change its outcome. ... Cable news, the press, the colleges, big tech, the bureaucracy, the intelligence agencies: All of them spent four years trying to bring down the Trump presidency. The days to come are the climax of that effort. The color revolution is underway. But President Trump is standing firm against it. Prepare for battle. (read more) 2020-11-04 h DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - VII BREAKING: Trump Campaign Files
Suit in Michigan After Massive Dump of Ballots For
Biden Suddenly Appear Overnight
The Trump campaign on Wednesday announced it filed suit in Michigan after a massive dump of ballots for Joe Biden appeared overnight. “As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be. President Trump’s campaign has not been provided with meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan law,” Trump’s camp said in a statement. “We have filed suit today in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted. We also demand to review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access.” Last night Michigan halted counting ballots after Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden early on. Suddenly 200,000 ballots for Biden appeared in a midnight ballot dump. (read more) 2020-11-04 g DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - VI Voter Fraud in Michigan –
Massive Dump of Over 200,000 Ballots for Biden All
the Sudden Appear Overnight …Update: Officials Call
It a “Typo”
We saw this in Wisconsin, too. Last night President Trump was leading significantly in several swing states including Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. President Trump had a sizable lead in Wisconsin and Michigan but this morning Sleepy Joe somehow took the lead. Overnight Wisconsin had a huge dump of votes all for Biden, notice the blue line below: (read more) 2020-11-04 f DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - V Save our Democracy!
Trump presumably will fight it in court. But I think he should take a page from his own playbook and hold rallies the contested spots over the next couple of days. I have said all along that I thought President Trump would win reelection. The question was whether he would win by a big enough margin to insulate himself from the machinations of fraud, on the one hand, and litigation, on the other. I believe that Donald Trump did win the election last night. By my count he had chalked up well over the requisite 270 electoral votes necessary to win reelection. That was a little past midnight. I repaired to the arms of Morpheus confident that November 4 would ratify what was essentially a fait d’accompli on the evening of November 3. No such luck. No sooner had my head hit the pillow than the Democrats in the urban centers of states where Trump was leading—in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee—stopped counting the votes. Why would they do this? Because they wanted to stanch the flow of votes going to Trump and buy themselves time to determine how many votes they would need to win. Finding the votes later on is never a problem. That’s what we pay corrupt party apparatchiks to do. It seemed novel in 1960 when Richard Daley went to Cook Country to secure the election for JFK. When I went to bed last night, President Trump was comfortably ahead in Wisconsin. Close your eyes: poof: 100,000 ballots suddenly appear in Wisconsin with Joe Biden’s name on them. Stand by for similar feats of magic. Although common, this outrageous practice is a direct assault on our democracy. Trump presumably will fight it in court. But I think he should take a page from his own playbook and hold rallies in those and maybe other hot spots (Phoenix comes to mind) over the next couple of days. Bring the fight to the people and, just as important, bring the people to the fight. The Democrats are not sitting idly by, they are busy “harvesting” votes. Donald Trump needs to mobilize the public with a series of high-profile “Save Our Democracy” rallies. (read more) 2020-11-04 e DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - IV Twitter Is Censoring Sean
Davis For Quoting PA’s Supreme Court Decision
Allowing Post-Election Ballots
Big Tech is at it again, this time with Twitter censoring The Federalist’s co-founder Sean Davis. His offense? Accurately summarizing an official Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision. “Pennsylvania’s top court said that all ballots received after election day — even those without a postmark — must be assumed to have been cast by election day,” Davis said, quote-tweeting National Review Senior Writer David Harsanyi, who noted, “PA is allowing post-election day ballots. It’s a fact.” Twitter flagged Davis’s tweet because according to the Big Tech overlords, “Some or all of the content shared in this tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.” ... Nothing about Davis’s tweet, however, is “disputed.” It’s taken straight from a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling regarding ballot-counting. According to a footnote in the Supreme Court decision, the Pennsylvania secretary of state recommended that the court “order that ballots mailed by voters by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day be counted if they are otherwise valid and received by the county boards of election by November 6, 2020. Ballots received within this period that lack a postmark or other proof of mailing, or for which the postmark or other proof of mailing is illegible, should enjoy a presumption that they were mailed by Election Day” (emphasis mine). (read more) 2020-11-04 d DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - III TENS OF THOUSANDS OF BALLOTS
Dropped Off in USPS Boxes at Detroit Absentee Ballot
Processing Center at 3:30 AM After Election
This is wild. One day after the election, the results are still pending and will likely depend on the rust belt. President Donald Trump holds a strong lead in the state of Michigan, but the city of Detroit and their mail-in and absentee ballots have yet to be officially tallied. In news that will likely cast further doubt on the election results, tens of thousands of absentee ballots arrived in large U.S. Postal Service boxes at the TCF Center in Detroit, Mich. on Wednesday morning at 3:30 am. The TCF Center, formerly Cobo Hall, is where the absentee ballots are counted for Wayne County, which is the home of Detroit. Former Michigan state senator Patrick Colbeck wrote that the total number of ballots dumped on the counting board totaled 38,000: xxx Before the ballots showed up mysteriously at 3:30 am, no ballots had arrived at the TCF Center for over six hours, and many poll workers in the facility sat around with no work to do while getting paid hundreds of dollars by the state of Michigan. According to Michigan election law, all of these mail-in and absentee ballots had to be submitted before 8pm on Tuesday night in order to be lawfully accepted and counted for the election. This means the city of Detroit potentially sat on these ballots for hours. The white van that arrived had the name of Detroit city clerk Janice Winfrey emblazoned upon it as well as a logo and a phone number. (read more) 2020-11-04 c DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - II ‘You don’t want’ the vote to
be decided in Pennsylvania, ‘it’s an absolute mess’
Sky News host Paul Murray says we learnt today the polls were clearly wrong, Trump held most “Obama” counties, he increased his minority votes, Biden increased with older voters, and lastly, we don’t want the election to be decided in Pennsylvania. “The most important thing, even though Donald Trump is leading and leading quite handsomely in the state of Pennsylvania, we don’t want this to go to Pennsylvania. I say that whether you want Trump to win, or you want Biden to win,” he said. “Because Pennsylvania has showed today there is some murky stuff going on. Some murky stuff that is not being hidden. “As hardcore partisan team red as Donald Trump is, there are hardcore team blue who are willing to play every card they possibly can in Pennsylvania. “Of all of the vote that is outstanding currently in Pennsylvania, an awful lot of it, more than in any other part of the state, has to go Biden’s way to flip the state.” (read more) 2020-11-04 b DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION - I Trump: 'Surprise Ballot Dumps'
Behind Lead Changes; Arizona 'Sharpie' Malarkey
Comes Into Focus
Update 1207ET: In subsequent tweets, President Trump wrote "They are finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!," adding "They are working hard to make up 500,000 vote advantage in Pennsylvania disappear — ASAP. Likewise, Michigan and others!" ... Meanwhile in Arizona, poll workers reportedly passed out sharpie pens to in-person voters, whose ballots were subsequently invalidated. ... President Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday claiming that 'surprise ballot dumps' are to blame for his lead 'magically disappearing' overnight. ... "Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled," wrote Trump, adding: "Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted." ... Trump's comments come after several key states mysteriously stopped counting ballots on election night for the first time in perhaps ever, after which large batches of votes - seemingly all, or mostly all for Biden - tipped the race towards the former Vice President in Michigan and Wisconsin. ... Money manager Edward Dowd suggests it's 'mathematically impossible' for the nearly all of the overnight votes in Wisconsin to have been for Biden. (read more) 2020-11-04 a REALITY CHECK - Unless you feed at the public trough, your future DOES NOT depend on election results. Live by these principles. Principles, by Ray Dalio
1. Don’t confuse what you wish were true with what is really true. 2. Don’t worry about looking good — worry instead about achieving your goals. 3. Don’t overweight first-order consequences relative to second- and third-order ones. 4. Don’t let pain stand in the way of progress. 5. Don’t blame bad outcomes on anyone but yourself. (read more) 2020-11-03 g THE SUPERSTITIONS OF LEFTISTS - VI A Grim—and Ignored—Body Count
The problem in the American inner city is not racism but drive-by shootings of blacks by other blacks. The latest anti-cop riots to convulse an American city hit Philadelphia last week, part of a stream of such violence since the early summer. This bout of looting and assault broke out after the fatal police shooting of Walter Wallace, Jr., on October 26. The shooting of the 27-year-old Wallace appears justified, if tragic. Wallace had been threatening his mother with a knife, resulting in two previous 911 calls that day. When the police arrived, he ignored repeated requests to drop the knife as he approached the officers. The officers had not been equipped with Tasers; in that situation, they had no other option, as Wallace’s father himself has acknowledged, than to use their guns. (In March, Wallace stabbed the mother of his children and threatened to “shoot you and that house up.” His record included 18 previous arrests for robbery, assaults on cops, aggravated assault, terroristic threats, and domestic abuse.) On Tuesday, former vice president Joe Biden tweeted his sympathy “for all those suffering the emotional weight of learning about another Black life in America lost. Walter’s life mattered.” To be sure—but Biden is referring here exclusively to the loss of black life at the hands of the police, which he, the rest of the Democratic Party, and the mainstream media have portrayed as a national epidemic, growing out of the country’s systemic racism. In fact, fatal police shootings constitute a smaller fraction of black homicide deaths than they do white and Hispanic homicide deaths. Three percent of black homicide victims are killed by a cop, compared with 10 percent of white and Hispanic homicide victims killed by a cop. Police departments should work incessantly to minimize the number of times officers feel compelled to use deadly force, but police shootings are not the main problem afflicting urban black communities; criminal violence is. Wallace’s life mattered, yes—but so did the lives of the dozens of black children killed in drive-by shootings since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May 2020. The Democratic and media establishments have been virtually silent about those shootings, even amid their skyrocketing numbers. ... The problem in the American inner city is not white supremacy but the failure to socialize young males—a problem that is a direct result of family breakdown. As businesses and apartment buildings in the nation’s big cities board themselves up in anticipation of post-election rioting, many Americans may decide that if being “racist” in the eyes of the media, academics, and other elites means worrying about their community being looted or their children being shot, they will simply have to endure that slander. (read more) 2020-11-03 f THE SUPERSTITIONS OF LEFTISTS - V The Limits of Rhetoric
Noble-sounding words won’t improve failing cities, especially for minority residents. Deep-blue cities and states are eager to declare their social-justice credentials. New York mayor Bill de Blasio has set up a commission designed to uproot the city’s “institutional” racism, while California governor Gavin Newsom brags that his state is “the envy of the world” and will not abandon its poor. “Unlike the Washington plutocracy,” he proclaims, “California isn’t satisfied serving a powerful few on one side of the velvet rope. The California Dream is for all.” Yet California, though well known for its wealth, also has the nation’s highest poverty rate, adjusted for housing cost. If rhetoric were magic, metropolitan areas like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago would be ideal places for aspirational minority residents. But according to statistics compiled by demographer Wendell Cox in a newly released report, these cities are far worse for nonwhites in terms of income, housing affordability, and education. New York and California also exhibit some of the highest levels of inequality in the United States, with poor outcomes for blacks and Hispanics, who, population-growth patterns suggest, are increasingly moving away from deep-blue metros to less stridently progressive ones. The current focus on “systemic racism”—often devolving into symbolic actions like mandatory minority representation on corporate boards, hiring quotas, and an educational focus on racial redress and resentment—is not likely to improve conditions for most minorities. “If a man doesn’t have a job or an income, he has neither life nor liberty nor the possibility for the pursuit of happiness,” Martin Luther King said. “He merely exists.” That remains true. Our lodestar should be upward mobility: improving how well people live, across the board. When it comes to that criterion, blue states and cities are falling short. (read more) 2020-11-03 e THE SUPERSTITIONS OF LEFTISTS - IV The “Transition from Oil” and
Other Fairy Tales
Politicians promising a painless switch to renewables are deluding themselves—or more likely you. In the last presidential debate, Joe Biden made waves by suggesting that he would “transition” away from oil as a major American energy source. The comment was especially controversial given the importance of the issue to voters in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, who have traditionally been suspicious, to say the least, of such proposals. But the issue matters well beyond the Keystone State. Indeed, of all the issues that Americans vote on today, energy policy ranks among the most important. Americans generally don’t give much thought to energy policy, except when they stop at the local gas station for a fill-up. But if state and federal leaders who want to ban fracking and “transition” away from oil prevail, that complacency will change quickly. You may not think about energy policy, but it thinks about you. Energy is the foundation of society. Everything—food, clothing, shelter, your iPhone, you name it—requires energy to produce. When it costs more to supply that energy, the cost of everything else increases. The OPEC oil embargoes in the 1970s, for example, ushered in an era of double-digit inflation. Some environmentalists like the idea of high-cost energy. They view humans as a plague on the planet and want us to minimize our environmental footprint by living like ascetics. ... Politicians and policymakers cannot overturn the laws of physics. But green energy advocates want you to believe that we can painlessly abandon fossil fuels in favor of wind and solar power. Don’t believe the hype. Sure, those positioned to capitalize from subsidized green energy will benefit. But for the rest of us, it will mean higher prices for everything, a hamstrung economy, and more poverty. (read more) 2020-11-03 d THE SUPERSTITIONS OF LEFTISTS - III Forty-One Percent.
Forty-one percent. I’ve been covering American politics for a long time and I can’t remember a number that so dramatically altered the political community’s perception of a presidential campaign as that number did, last night, at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The source of the number was The Iowa Poll, which has been the gold standard for statewide polling in the United States for decades. The number itself was the percentage of likely voters in Iowa supporting Joe Biden’s candidacy for president. President Trump’s number was 48%, which put him ahead in the “horse race” by 7 percentage points. There was nothing really remarkable about that, in context. Mr. Trump won the state in 2016 by (roughly) nine percentage points. What was remarkable was Biden’s 41%. What made it doubly disconcerting was the way The Des Moines Register (accurately) described the poll results: “Republican President Donald Trump has taken over the lead in Iowa as Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden has faded…” Faded! Could there be a more terrible word in the last week of a presidential campaign? Off the record, Democratic elected officials and campaign operatives and financial backers have been saying throughout the campaign that their biggest fear regarding the eventual outcome was Biden himself. They saw him as an especially weak candidate and worried that he wasn’t “a closer;” even if he was ahead going into the last week, victory could slip from his grasp. (read more) 2020-11-03 c THE SUPERSTITIONS OF LEFTISTS - II The fatherhood factor
The worst systemic injustice in America is one the left ignores As a doctor, Theodore Dalrymple worked for 15 years among the poor in a hospital and prison in a major city. Writing about the experience, Dalrymple noted the routine violence in the lives of his patients, “the fluidity of relations between the sexes,” and “the devastating effect of prevalent criminality” in the community. Fatherlessness among children born in the urban hospital was almost universal, and in most homes any adult male was “generally a bird of passage” instead of a long-term resident. The people had a poor work ethic and a sense of entitlement to welfare. They also shared a belief that the consequences of their destructive choices were someone else’s fault. Dalrymple argues these traits contribute to “the worldview that makes the underclass.” The underclass Dalrymple describes may sound familiar to American ears—but Dalrymple is English, the hospital and prison in which he worked were in Birmingham, England, and the underclass he served was almost entirely white. That’s important, because Americans tend to think of the poverty and the social pathologies of urban areas in terms of race. But the reality of a white underclass in England—with behavior mirroring that of the black underclass in America—suggests that something other than race or racism is the problem. (read more) 2020-11-03 b THE SUPERSTITIONS OF LEFTISTS - I The Democrats’ Grand Delusion
Joe Biden is wrong as usual. Democrats do not choose truth over lies or fact over fiction. They fool only themselves. he Steele dossier, an infamous series of memos that alleged Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with the Russians to rig the 2016 election, is the single most influential piece of fabricated political propaganda in American history. The document is so bad that even the author has attempted to distance himself from its shoddy contents; Christopher Steele, despite being portrayed by the news media as a reliable former British spy, was in fact an untrustworthy partisan operative paid by the Democrats to concoct bogus claims against Donald Trump. Nothing in the Steele dossier—from outlandish stories about peeing Muscovite prostitutes to secret trips to Prague—is true. Further, numerous investigations have concluded that no, the Trump campaign was not in cahoots with the Kremlin to defeat Hillary Clinton. As it turns out, Steele, not Donald Trump nor anyone in his orbit, was the guy tied to Vladimir Putin’s pals. But none of these facts stops the overwhelming majority of Democrats from believing the exact opposite. According to an April 2020 poll, 77 percent of Democrats still think the dossier is legitimate and not mere campaign opposition research, which it was. By extension, Democrats still believe that Team Trump worked with the Kremlin to help elect the president of the United States in 2016. Keep in mind, the survey was taken one year after Robert Mueller issued his final report and testified to Congress that his two-year, multimillion-dollar probe into Trump-Russia collusion came up empty. Think about that for a moment. Three out of four Democrats believe a purely fictional document, one that most of them probably haven’t ever bothered to read on their own, simply because it said bad things about Donald Trump. It’s akin to believing in the Tooth Fairy. Yet in the face of irrefutable evidence, most Democrats refuse to concede they were wrong, that they were duped and fooled, that they were intentionally misled by MSNBC and the Washington Post. How can this be? After all, we deplorables are admonished, the Democratic Party is populated by all the smart people, the overly-educated, the “experts,” our Betters With Letters. Democrats are the party of science! As Joe Biden mindlessly regurgitates on the campaign trail, Democrats believe in “truth over lies, science over fiction.” What a total joke. (read more) 2020-11-03 a PLANNED CHAOS - I All that plywood tells you the
real post-election fear is pro-Biden rioting
There is one clear leading indicator pointing to Donald Trump still having a chance to win the election — stores around America are fortifying themselves in anticipation of election-related violence. Businesses in cities like New York City, Washington, DC, Los Angeles and Chicago are boarding up as if a Category 5 hurricane is bearing down. Everyone tends to be coy about the reason why. The cops in Beverly Hills worry about “protest activity.” Tiffany refers to “potential election-related activity.” Saks Fifth Avenue says it’s taking precautions “in the event of civil unrest due to the current election.” This is all very diplomatic, but there’s no doubt about what has American business on edge, and it isn’t the possibility that the local women’s Republican club is going to take to the streets if Joe Biden wins in a landslide. No, the risk is that left-wing rioters are going, as is their wont, to rampage through America’s cities if Donald Trump wins a second term. There are certainly malefactors on the right, who should be called out and shunned, and it’s disgraceful that Trump has spent so much time preparing the ground to argue that he’s been cheated if he loses. Yet the left has the numbers, the proven penchant for violence (up to $2 billion of property damage this year so far) and the intellectual enablers to put parts of America on crisis footing in anticipation of its possible shock and upset after Nov. 3. (read more) 2020-11-02 g PLANNED CHAOS - II "Non-Scalable" Fence Built
Around White House, 250 Soldiers On Standby To
Handle Election Night Chaos
President Trump is bracing for a surge of post-election day unrest in the US by building a "non-scalable" barrier surrounding the White House complex, according to CNN. “The White House on lockdown: A federal law enforcement source tells NBC that beginning tomorrow, crews will build a ‘non-scalable’ fence to secure the WH complex, Ellipse and Lafayette Square,” said NBC White House correspondent Geoff Bennett. ... The network reported that the temporary fence surrounding the White House would be similar to the barrier erected to create a perimeter surrounding the White House, similar to the barrier erected in the aftermath. The fence was erected today around the Ellipse and Lafayette Square on 15th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. A study released in mid-October has warned that five states, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Oregon, are at risk. In addition to the fence, 250 national guardsmen will be on standby to assist local police. The White House isn't alone: Businesses from Midtown Manhattan to Portland are boarding up their shops for fear of another wave of unrest. (read more) (see related story) 2020-11-02 f PLANNED CHAOS - I How Government and Media Are
Prepping America for a Failed 2020 Election
Russia, China and Iran are already being blamed for using tech to undermine the 2020 election. Yet, the very technologies they are allegedly using were created by a web of companies with deep ties to Israeli intelligence. As World War II drew to a close in Europe, British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote that “neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” Though numerous examples in the post-World War II era have proven Russell’s point, perhaps one of the best examples was the U.S. public’s willingness to swallow lie after lie about Saddam Hussein’s Iraq due to the climate of fear that followed the September 11 attacks. Those lies, propagated by dubious intelligence, government officials and a compliant media, resulted in catastrophes – large and small, both abroad and at home. Today, an analogous narrative is being crafted by many of the same players – both in media and government – yet it has avoided scrutiny, even from independent media. Over the past several months and with a renewed zeal in just the last few weeks, anonymous intelligence officials, dubious “experts” and establishment media outlets have crafted a narrative about the coming “chaos” of the 2020 election, months before it takes place. Per that narrative, certain state actors will use specific technologies to target the “American mind” in order to undermine the coming presidential election. The narrative holds that those efforts will be so successful that the U.S. will never recover as a democracy. Though these anonymous government sources and their stenographers have already named the countries who will be responsible and the technologies they will use, they also admit that no evidence yet exists to back up these claims, meaning they are — at best — pure speculation. ... The clear overlap between Cybereason’s simulation and the intelligence-driven media narrative is clear cause for concern, especially considering that the technologies that they highlight as ultimately upending the election are dominated by the very same intelligence agencies simulating and crafting that narrative. The keyword that has been used to describe the end result of both Cybereason’s simulation and the prevailing media narrative regarding the 2020 election is “chaos,” chaos so imminent, widespread and unruly that it will shake American democracy to its core. What has been left unsaid, however, is that a government’s solution to “chaos” is always the imposition of “order.” This means that — whatever “chaos” ultimately ensues prior to or on election day — will result in a government response that will do much more to crush freedom and undermine democracy than any act of foreign meddling has, be it real or imagined. (read more) 2020-11-02 e "Against all that money and clout, the counterrevolutionary Trump had only one asset, the proverbial people. He had solely the under-polled and the written-off. They came out to his rallies in the tens of thousands, deluded the pollsters, and told the media less than nothing, but voted and will vote in waves to save America from what it was becoming." Donald Trump,
Against all the money and clout of America’s revolutionary forces, the counterrevolutionary Trump had only one asset, the proverbial people. Until Donald Trump’s arrival, the globalist revolution was almost solidified and institutionalized—with the United States increasingly its greatest and most “woke” advocate. We know its bipartisan establishment contours. China would inherit the world in 20 or 30 years. The self-appointed task of American elites—many of whom had already been enriched and compromised by Chinese partners and joint ventures—was to facilitate this all-in-the-family transition in the manner of the imperial British hand-off of hegemony to the United States in the late 1940s. Our best and brightest like the Biden family, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg would enlighten us about the “real” China, so we yokels would not fall into Neanderthal bitterness as they managed our foreordained decline. We would usher China into “the world community”—grimacing at, but overlooking the destruction it wrought on the global commercial order and the American interior. We would politely forget about Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, and the Uyghurs. Hollywood would nod as it put out more lucrative comic-book and cartoonish films for the Chinese markets, albeit with mandated lighter-skinned actors. The NBA would nod twice and trash a democratic United States, while praising genocidal China—becoming richer and more esteemed abroad to make up for becoming boring and poorer at home. The universities would nod three times, and see a crime not in Chinese espionage and security breaches, but in the reporting of them as crimes. So our revolutionary role would be to play stuffy and snooty Athenian philosophers to the new muscular Roman legions of China. Given our elites’ superior morality, genius, and sense of self, we would gently chide and cajole our Chinese masters into becoming enlightened world overseers and democrats—all the easier, the richer and more affluent Chinese became. For now, Trump has stopped that revolution. (read more) 2020-11-02 d ONE REASON WHY THE POLLS ARE WRONG Yes, there is a hidden Trump
BUTLER, Pennsylvania — A man who came to President Trump's giant rally at a local airport Saturday night said he knew someone who planned to vote for Trump but felt too intimidated to say so publicly. I asked who it was. It was his mother, he answered, but she would kill him if she found out that he told anyone. "There are a lot of people who are too afraid to put up a sign [for Trump]," he said, explaining that his neighborhood, more than an hour away, was mixed between Trump and Biden voters, and black and white voters. During the protests that followed the death of George Floyd, he said, "I pulled the Trump magnet off my Jeep. Everybody took their signs down. People don't want to be a target." At some pro-Trump events around Pennsylvania in the last week — the president's event, a big road rally that stretched over three states, a small event for Trump volunteers and activists featuring Ivanka Trump, and in other conversations — a large number of people who openly support Trump said they knew someone personally who would vote for the president but would not publicly acknowledge doing so. They pointed to the most difficult question of the campaign — how to measure the true number of people who will vote for the president? The phenomenon of so-called shy Trump voters is without any doubt real, but how big is it? At the Trump events, it's big, if mostly unspoken. At the Butler rally, Kori, from Freeport, said her sister and her father did not vote for Trump in 2016 but plan to vote for him this time. Dana, from Lower Burrell, said she knew people involved in the oil and gas industry who did not vote at all in 2016 but who plan to vote for Trump now. "Biden will shut us all down," she said. "We'll be out of work." Van, from Canonsburg, was one of them. Also in the oil and gas business, he said he did not vote for 25 years. Now, after a few years of oil and gas prosperity, he said he will definitely vote for the president. At the Ivanka Trump event — held in the middle of rolling farmland on a chilly afternoon — Barb, from Baden, Pennsylvania, said that back in 2016, "I didn't even know my neighbors were Trump supporters until election night." Shannon, who identified herself only as a Pennsylvania voter, said, "You don't tell everyone you know that you support Trump. Seventy-five percent of the people I work with are against Trump. And it's worse now [than in 2016]. A lot of people are afraid to speak up." Added Laura, of Daisytown, "There are people who are fearful of losing their jobs if they support Trump." At the road rally, nearly everyone said they knew someone who is too fearful, or intimidated, or just too private, to say they will vote for Trump. "I know people in their 50s who haven't voted in their entire lives, and they're going to vote for Trump," said Patrick, from Beaver County. Bradley, from Monroeville, said he not only knew such people, but he was close to them. "I've got family who have never voted," he said. Sam DeMarco is chairman of the Republican Committee of Allegheny County and also an elected Allegheny County councilman at large. Allegheny County, which includes Democratic Pittsburgh, went for Hillary Clinton with 56.5% of the vote in 2016 to Trump's 40%. In an interview Sunday, DeMarco said shy Trump voters "most definitely exist" in his county. Some are in the upper-middle class suburbs where Trump supporters just don't want to deal with the social aspects of neighbors asking, "How can you vote for this guy?" But others are in traditional Democratic strongholds. "I'm an elected official," DeMarco said. "I have had at least a dozen Democratic elected officials tell me that they are voting for Trump. They say they don't like where their party has gone, so far to the left, but as Democratic elected officials they can't come out and say it." (read more) 2020-11-02 c SELF-HATING JEWS THE JEWISH VOTE: POLITICAL
Throughout my decades long career as a radio talk host, I have repeatedly been asked by callers why the Jewish vote supports Democrats in elections. There has never been a satisfactory answer to this question. I remember hosting a program with the highest ratings in the New York market (Filled in for Bob Grant) and spent 4 hours asking the Jewish listeners to justify their support for Hillary Clinton for the Senate from New York. In 4 hours of taking calls on the subject, only one Jewish caller tried to justify the Jewish vote for Hillary. His response was frankly feeble. Of course, Hillary won and received overwhelming support from the New York Jewish community at the polls. It was ironic that none could explain why in cogent terms. As much as the political landscape has changed since then, one constant remains. The Jewish community continues to vote for Democrats. Some polls say 75% of the Jewish community will vote in this election for Joe Biden. Yet, Donald Trump has been the most pro-Jewish President since the State of Israel was created. This dichotomy clearly demonstrates that the Jewish community does not vote on logic and the issues, but on emotional instinct that does not permit them to vote for Republicans. Ironically, they supported Barack Obama overwhelmingly twice, even though he clearly demonstrated animus toward Israel and its Prime Minister. Talk about self-flagellation, the American Jewish electorate wins that contest with ease. (read more) 2020-11-02 b Rebellion and Riots Planned - Sunrise Exposed II EXPOSE Sunrise
Leaked Zoom Calls Reveals Anarchists Nationwide Plans to Disrupt US Election and Takeover Federal Buildings We are going to be in a crisis, but we want it to be one that we are creating. – Lisa Fithian, Trainer WASHINGTON, DC, November 1 –Dozens of leaked internal documents and Zoom call video footage were made public today describing plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize Tuesday’s US election outcome, including plans to “shut down the White House.” The documents and footage can be viewed at a new website http://www.sunriseexposed.com/ or https://www.exposesunrise.com/ and will be regularly updated with additional content during the next 48 hours. All content has been handed over to law enforcement. The information was leaked by a disaffected insider of the “Sunrise Movement,” part of a loose but extremely coordinated network of liberal activists mobilizing around the country in an effort to ferment chaos in the wake of a potential Trump victory or a contested election. The videos and documents discuss a well-coordinated plan to shut down federal buildings (including the White House), public transportation portals, and disrupt Congress when it returns post-election. Sunrise is an umbrella movement comprised of 400 “hubs” and hundreds of affinity groups including 350.0rg and Extinction Rebellion. The Shut Down DC Zoom video can be found here. (read more) 2020-11-02 a Rebellion and Riots Planned - Sunrise Exposed I Sunrise Exposed
For the next 48 hours we will be releasing new leaks on this site. This website houses leaked internal documents, images, videos, and internal communications from The Sunrise Movement and other radical left affinity groups. (read more) 2020-11-01 b A LENGTHY AND EXCELLENT ANALYSIS (minimal editing and grammatical corrections performed, BOLD TYPE mine) The Mandate of Heaven’s One True Anointed One In many ways this year’s election is the much awaited bigger budget sequel to the 2016 election. Although the budget is bigger, the plot is crazier and the blueprint that made the last election so historical is somehow being recreated and even as an incumbent Trump is cast once again as the underdog, something is a bit looser and less crisp then the original. During the last election Matthew Yglesias claimed a Trump victory would lead to roving mobs of trump supporters beating up Jews at random, a major celebrity said Donald Trump winning was like a second 9/11 and got a lot of retweets saying so on twitter. I took a bet with someone very intelligent and reasonable that Donald Trump would not nuke anyone, start a random war, cause international crisis, or crash the economy in his first year or anything of such magnitude. This was a normal thing people claimed Trump would do if he won, in fact many people were certain of it and this was central to their argument for who to vote for in 2016. People seemed very sure Donald Trump would be the worst president in American history and were equally sure there was no way he could win. The last four years have been an exercise in playing out saving face for these total mistakes. Nothing will be able to match the fever dream manic break the shock of the last election was, I remember calling my father late in the night as the results were finally announced since he was away out of town on a fishing trip, we laughed hysterically for eight or ten minutes straight. For some time after all but a small sliver of people felt conceptually shattered, everyone was searching for takes, books and talking points about what the heck happened and what do they not understand about their own country and what even is Donald Trump. Unfortunately, having watched this effort unfold I have not come away impressed. As the bigger budget yet lacking some of the magic of the original sequel this election seems to be about either laying incorrect premises to rest more definitively both by repetition and conceptually controlling for claims made, or proving the Trumpist chink in armor as a weird mistake that can be explained away while the people who used to control the Republican party can claw control back and claim Trumpism refuted. I will explain here in total what I think has and is unfolding, and why the often repeated arguments for why Trump is the worse candidate are totally wrong. What happened, and what is the deal with Donald Trump: Although he is an outsider he has had a lot of experience specifically with presidential campaigns. As far as the recent past goes, none of these policies are so out of the ordinary. Obama ran on renegotiating NAFTA and claimed he felt resentful when immigrants did not know how to speak English, paying lip service to the things Trump ran on was pretty normal in our political culture. What is funny about how Trump has been transgressive in his political platform is that as the WWE candidate he is not shocking in how he is fake, but in how he takes what other candidates fake and used it for real. Donald Trump saw the shape the republican party was in, and assumed with a back of the napkin platform he could run for real. The specifics of why he decided to run for real matter less for this, there is the obvious angle of revenge on Obama for his comedian written white house correspondence dinner roast of Trump, but what people don’t remember is Obama waited to announce Osama Bin Laden was killed until Trump's celebrity apprentice finale which was very big that year, and basically interrupted the program and ruined the live airing with his announcement. It was that moment I knew Trump would not forget this and why I assumed he was running for real come 2015. Adding to this there was a specific personal gripe with Jeb Bush as well and Trump probably had an even bigger vendetta against him than Obama. His convictions on trade and immigration seem genuine, and I’m sure they all added together to his decision to run. His political background and motivations out of the way, what you need to understand about Trump is he has spent his whole life engaging with the press. He has been a self-styled political commentator almost his whole adult life, the host of Firing Line claimed he was by far the best guest he could have on because he always was up on all the latest newspaper stories was very concerned with helping the program and put on a good show while still having opinions that were just provocative enough and helped keep the hour running along. He seemed to be capable of doing this off the cuff at random and this is compared to politicians and people who write books. You can go back to clips of him when he was young and see how he well he did this. Although his enemies would have you believe he is nothing but a Fox News watching random old man, if anything any shakiness is the result of having been so media saturated for so long in his old age he has come back around to not thinking it matters to keep up with as well and not seeming to be bothered by not doing so. He is confident in the fundamentals so much he feels he can afford to be uninformed on the margins. The mechanism leading to this is surely aging, but after a full long life of the playing the media game he feels he doesn’t even really need to do his homework at all. The game being played when it comes to the president is a small cabal of media creatures both report on the president and in the case of a Democrat president run his administration. This small group of people all know each other, hang out with each other, and marry each other. You have seen plenty of these types on twitter, they take themselves very seriously and Watergate is their foundational mythos. You should see the things they say and talk even when defending Gawker for breaking the law. There continues to be a Watergate shaped hole in their heart, and although the adversarial format is only activated when the president is Republican even a Democrat white house feels they are constantly under siege. Even though there has probably never been a president more beloved by the press then Obama, his white house made every decision paranoid of their possible negative reaction. ... The game a president has to play with the press is the press is the prosecution and the president is the defense. If you are a democrat the prosecution is only pretend and the judge is on your side, if you are a republican you will go to jail for two years on a technicality and every charge that can be dropped on you will be dropped on you. Racist? Murderer? Hitler? Sure, why not, lets see what sticks! And you better have hired an ace team of lawyers! Both sides have their own think tanks and legitimacy laundering NGOs and one side cites from their side and the other says that’s actually wrong our sides is correct. You submit yourself to the nerd trivia game and any misstep will get blown up every single day. Twitter is a website where mad libs prompt journalists into why the latest thing x republican did is actually bad. We recently got a historic middle east peace deal and what did journalists on twitter do? “Here is my on the spot reason for why this historic middle east peace deal is actually bad.“ The game, as Donald Trump would put it, and he more then anyone would know, is RIGGED. Donald Trump represents himself in court, and does no preparation or homework at all. The thing is the court does not decide who is president, elections do, the court is a complete fabrication. Trump sometimes doesn’t even remember what his side is supposed to claim or think, he doesn’t list statistics or studies so much as hearsay and I heard from a guy guide him. According to the press “people tell me” is not admissible in court. The prosecution however has a strange quirk, they hold that the press, and people who believe the press, win via emotional arousal. And their job is to convince themselves to be as emotionally aroused as possible to maximize effectiveness. This is the whole point of this fake prosecution, but the trouble is they do not know the difference between what is real and what is most effective and the most extreme thing they can accuse the defendant of. Normally so much the better, but when someone represents himself in court but also is strangely good at doing so, suddenly the attitude of throwing whatever they can manage to stick changes character. Suddenly the prosecution really can convince themselves the defendant is a super-duper-mega Hitler who takes orders directly from Putin, when he shows up to court he does it all wrong and the charges stick! .. The thing that changed is that court was in session. And when someone is in contempt of court and you were already throwing the book at him, you start adding crazy charges. Every step of the way Trump refused to bend, he never apologized, he didn’t like having to denounce every random guy, and he didn’t like wavering from the fact was his policy would be saying nice things about world leaders and being willing to talk with them. He hardly was willing to even modulate or give exceptions or half measures or budge any amount whatsoever. Worst of all, he made the press into one of the main players and enemies in the election. If the press really were the sacred truth tellers they style themselves as, you would think they would pay it no mind and continue to plug along doing their sacred job. They would never ever bend the rules and fudge the books and go tit for tat with someone they claim is beneath them would they? Donald Trump broke norms by representing himself in court and refusing to play the game. The press responded by accusing him of taking orders from Putin and making people think he would nuke random people so they could win an election, all for the sake of norms of course. The crux of it is the press felt personally insulted and are more venal and drama-obsessed than the WWE president, because Trump represents himself in court and because they thought he had no chance at winning they felt safe going harder then they had ever gone before. None of it would matter because he would lose and they could move on. Case closed. Unfortunately for them, Donald Trump comfortably won, and they have been stuck in place. Cults that don’t get judgment day as predicted usually respond by believing in their cult even harder. ... Now we are here in 2020, and for the 2020 election the heavens parted and we have been granted a perfect natural experiment. Many of the complaints people claimed were the main reasons we needed to get rid of Trump for are now perfectly selected for. Would you still vote for Trump even if your main complaints are no longer addressed? Donald Trump is supposed to be too old and demented, made too many flubs that made him unfit by temperament, and was corrupt and sleazy. Of all the democrats they chose to run they picked someone older, more demented, more flub prone and yes, more corrupt, too. This I think is when the claim people should want things to return to normal runs cold. It is now no longer that Trump makes more flubs and this causes the negative press reaction which they are tired of, it is that the press is perfectly capable of being charitable to flubs and it was never about the misspeaking in the first place. The invisible poltergeist that breaks dishes and moves chairs that was once confusing our beleaguered so called centrist has now been covered in flour and can no longer go ignored. The Trump campaign has finally released its October surprise which includes troves of newsworthy information and salacious pictures. Twitter has blocked the New York Post’s account over it and attempted to suppress linking the story, even going so far as to censor the Trump Campaign and press secretary. Every day, the press works hard to argue why we shouldn’t be talking about the biggest story of the month and why it isn’t actually newsworthy. Hunter Biden is on tape talking about how his business partner, in his own words, was the spymaster of China and the press doesn’t talk about it. After three years of daily hysteria over Russia, you would think that if Don Jr was on tape talking about how his business partner was the head of the FSB people wouldn’t log on to twitter to argue well that’s just Trump’s son, that has nothing to do with Trump we shouldn’t talk about this. People would be acting like we were under foreign occupation there would be a special counsel and the press would be talking about it non stop. If you have the magic D next to your name, suddenly no one wants to talk about it. We are to believe that Joe Biden’s brother made billions off of China and his son was making millions as being no big deal while the press talks about Donald Trump’s company opening a Chinese bank account to attempt to explore making buildings in China. Donald Trump opening a bank account then closing it is corruption but Biden family members making billions has nothing to do with Joe, I suppose Joe Biden’s brother is just a better business man then Donald Trump is. That’s why he was able to make money in China, which is not corrupt even though it was while Joe Biden was vice president, and why Donald Trump not being able to make billions is proof that he is even though it was when he wasn’t president. If only Donald Trump had gotten advice from the Bidens, he could have both learned to make more money and be less corrupt! This is the “normal” people support if they decide to support Biden. They don’t want to deal with the stories making them feel bad about who their president is detailing his previous Chinese bank account, they would prefer everyone was repressed from sharing a story where the president is making money with the spymaster of China, on a website that cooperates with Chinese censors. They don’t want a president who is accused of authoritarianism so instead they want to put people in charge who would stamp out people sharing proof they profit off of one of the biggest dictatorships on the planet. They don’t want endless bullshit investigations they have to hear about, they want legitimate investigations avoided or squashed. They don’t want to have to pay attention to the news, they want to go back to normal when real news was buried and socially repressed. They don’t want a gross tea party mystery cult complaining about pedophiles in a way they don’t like, they want to go back to when an actual pedophile cabal ruled over them and repressed anyone from discussing it socially (as Clinton ran only four years ago). Normal is Bill Clinton engaging in rampant corruption in Russia, normal is McCain claiming to be a Russia hawk while his most important staffers and advisors accepted money from Russia to give off Montenegro to Russian oligarchs. Normal is Biden getting a wire transfer from the ex-mayor of Moscow via his son to possibly let Crimea slide for cash. They don’t want a marginally better presidency that the press claims is the worst of all time, they want rampant corruption and awful decisions that the press covers up for and lies to you about. The question is how do you like your lies, do you want your lies to be that your president is getting campaign advice from Putin somehow so you feel bad and demoralized into compliance, or do you want lies about white helmets as moderate rebels and good wars while our air force covers for villages being wiped out? Do you want the press to lie to you and tell you it's worse then it is, or to repress while it insists the mediocre and pathetic people in charge are doing a good job? The most damning supposed proof Trump is and would be worse is his handling of corona. People claim because of a private interview he covered up how bad it was, should have acted sooner, and pretended there was no problem and never did anything. But a few days after that interview Donald Trump gave a speech saying the same exact thing he said privately in that interview and for most of this pandemic he is mostly just repeating what the supposed gold standard expert Dr. Fauci told him. Donald Trump could have been quicker but he did a travel ban when no one thought he should, earlier then others would have. He did a lockdown more extreme then anything this country has ever done. Brix said back in March that if we did everything perfectly, according to Fauci’s model, we would have 200 thousand deaths. As it stands now we are now 27 thousand deaths over “near perfect”. All we have as a point of comparison is what Democrats were saying during the crucial month, and what they now say with the benefit of hindsight. During the crucial month they didn’t really seem to know what concrete policy to ask for and every day on tv said Trump should show more leadership, like Andrew Cuomo. Donald Trump who was acting in such a way that resulted in 27k more deaths then “near perfect” should have acted more like the person behind one of the worst corona responses on the planet. When the chips were down, democrats and the media could not tell the difference between near “near perfect” and the worst corona handling on the planet because they can’t tell the difference between competency and how you talk on tv. With the benefit of seven months’ worth of hindsight and being a backseat driver you would think democrats would now be able to point to what date they would do what policy, instead on the debate stage they claimed they would have had no lockdown and no deaths and have no idea what they would have done differently besides listen to the experts responsible for our awful corona response. If a Democrat was president we would have never gotten the FDA to loosen its restrictions keeping the country from being able to test for corona, we would have done no travel bans, we would have listened to the WHO for longer and we might have locked down even slower, and we would have trusted our experts even though they had a total failure of leadership that is not unique to Trump. Under a democrat president we may very well have had a corona death rate much bigger then we do now, but things would have been more normal, so the news would have told you they did a good job and you wouldn’t have to feel bad about it. And at the end of the day it is definitely true of foreign policy and there is no reason for it to be untrue otherwise. A return to normal means a higher body count, but the press telling you everything is going just fine and a good job is being done. Abnormal is Florida and Georgia having lower deaths than most EU countries, normal is Andrew Cuomo doing a victory lap and getting a book deal to brag about his corona response even though it was one of the worst on the planet. A vote for Joe Biden says I can't tell what’s good or bad, what’s better or worse, I just want everyone to shut up so I don’t have to be bothered by not knowing. A vote for Joe Biden says I cant tell the difference between TV and reality, so I would rather things be good on TV even if it means people die in a country I don’t know about. A vote for Joe Biden says the people responsible for making me feel things are worse then they have ever been should be appeased, and anytime they make the country feel this way it means they should be given what they want and nothing is worse than if they don’t get their way. A vote for Joe Biden means the people who resort to emotionally abusive behavior to get their way win, and the people who cause a fuss or make a stink lose. A vote for Joe Biden means corruption won’t be something discussed or examined critically but will be a punchline and object of mockery if brought up. There is a difference between who the press decides to tell you is fine and competent and actual real outcomes that happen in the real world. Even in a time of crisis the press cannot tell the difference between what is unreal and what is reality. It not only causes them to be less effective in elections it leads the white house into being an over glorified pr firm with a bunch of lawyers attached. Boring school principals giving speeches no one watches and playing pretend dress up for an entirely contrived ceremonial function does not matter, the west wing civic religion that a small cabal of people engage in is not worth ruining the country or the planet. People who claim to be pro democracy argue the fact more people have tuned in to the presidency then ever before is proof of something nefarious, I would flip that on its head, and claim the people who used to be in charge have produced a political class that are fanatics to a civic religion so revolting that the entire country has tuned out. In the sixties, people paid attention to national and local politics and were engaged citizens, by the time we have gotten here no one was tuned in or paying attention to anything at all. A democracy can not function while its citizens have lost the will to politically live. The American people can not live on Vox explainers trying to write up how a legislative monstrosity like Obamacare is genius and why you should be excited just like they are. The American people cannot live on Ben Shapiro doing youtube videos arguing with random college students. The changes people notice under Trump are not proof of our system dying, it's proof we were already on heaven’s doorstep and got a gasping chance at living another day. People feel like they are being strangled bit by bit and are not getting a reprieve. The big problems facing our time will not be solved by a small group of people obsessed with west wing Confucionism proposing boondogles and wonk nonsense that does nothing substantive or helps anyone at all. The democrat party is quite frankly a dead end, on a course towards a socialist death spiral and energy austerity. Without Trump, the republican party is nothing but three guys and an excel spreadsheet proposing tax cuts that aren't even that good and being annoyed at even being elected or having power. If Donald Trump wins, the brand pivot of a Republican party that takes action is preserved, and the country lives to fight another day. Nothing is certain, and things will not automatically work out but if one half of our political culture gets wiped out as zombie reaganites cannibalize the party so they can reign in electoral hell nothing good will come of it. Donald Trump is a chance to live to fight another day. You might not like having to tune in, but Donald Trump is advancing the plot. Although the people who lost the last election play acted at learning tough lessons there remains unfinished business. There are premises that need to be laid to rest once and for all. Donald Trump did not win because of evil racism authoritarian Putin brain waves encouraging the American people to be bad. He won because he picked popular policies and was better at politics then they were. Donald Trump won because picking popular policies and being good at politics is more important then being good at talking from a teleprompter. The most important lesson that needs to be learned is when it comes to the media, perception and onslaught appeasing the propagandists doesn’t matter. Spending most of your energy and resources on appearing up to snuff to the press is actively a bad thing, and the more all politicians can feel they should think for themselves the better off our country will be. The lesson that needs to be learned is you don’t win by sucking up to journalists. That Donald Trump isn’t a racist authoritarian Putinist, and that Donald Trump is a good politician and better then any of the other candidates around. The country has a choice next week, to disprove the snot nosed know-it-alls who ruined the country and aren't even good at what they do, once and for all. A specter haunts our country and the endless propaganda being pumped into people’s minds is poisoning America and the American people. You do not solve this by giving them everything they want. You solve this by living to fight them another day. You solve this by viewing the challenge ahead of you and choosing “yes, and”. Through dirty tricks and insider machinations the press’ favorite to win the presidency, Kamala Harris, is being foisted on us even after failing more spectacularly in her primary then almost any other candidate. She’s a teetering lightweight the American people soundly rejected. A vote for Joe Biden isn’t a vote to calm things down and soothe the country. It's a vote to install someone who is a bloodthirsty partisan for the worst people who caused all this. Kamala Harris wasn’t picked to appease you, Kamala Harris was picked to appease them. They would love Kamala Harris. Would you? They claim to be running an existential election. Did they pick someone who would make you more likely to vote for them, or did they just pick the person they wanted anyway? They think they are slick operators who need to do nothing but the most extreme version of all the things they themselves like. They not only think the media game and propaganda are important. They think it's all you need. In this election, we have a chance to prove them all wrong. A vote for Donald Trump says the dumb media appeasement theatrics are not only not the main thing, they also aren’t even at all necessary. Let the glorified self=important gossip columnist publish their trash. Politics shouldn't be run by cowering worms. It should be run by men. I hope in this election the American people don' choose to appease, to cower, to worry and despair, to act out of just wanting to give up and end it all even if it's with the people who got us into this mess and refuse to learn any lessons. I hope the American people choose to smile, to laugh, and to continue to win another day. Big challenges are ahead for our country, and big challenges won't be met by clinging to dead ends or a stagnant elite. Big challenges will be met by big players ready to play the big game. We are on the eve of a historic election, and I hope we can lay to rest what lingering dead ends remain, once and for all. (read more) 2020-11-01 a Boris Johnson is doing to the UK what Joe Biden would do to the US (in the unlikely event he is elected). Peter Hitchens supposes this is a REIGN OF ERROR. He is wrong. The Reign of Terror in the UK is not a mistake. Those who own and control Boris Johnson, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), and Matt Hancock, know exactly what they are doing. (BOLD TYPE mine) PETER HITCHENS: The dictators
have taken over - and we didn't even notice
There was once a famous Chinese executioner so skilful with his razor-edged sword that crowds would pay to watch him behead criminals. One day he came to a small provincial town where the authorities had given him a large fee to do away with a notorious killer. He entered the arena and made several elegant and delicate passes with his weapon. The condemned man sat gloomily before him, looking unimpressed with all this fuss. ‘Just get on with it!’ he growled. The executioner bowed politely, smiled and said softly: ‘Kindly nod, please.’ The murderer did so and his head, already parted from his body by a stroke of incredible swiftness, tumbled from his shoulders. I think we in this country are like that condemned man. A terrible thing has been done to us but we have not yet realised it. It may even be that the British Revolution, a horror that this country has repeatedly escaped by good sense and natural conservatism, has actually taken place. In a lecture of astonishing power and force last week, the former Supreme Court judge, Lord Sumption, revealed in sad detail what has happened to our country in the name of Covid. I have placed a copy of it and a recording on the Peter Hitchens blog and I strongly advise you to read and watch it. It says that Parliament has been elbowed aside by Ministers who rule by decree. Now, Jonathan Sumption is not just a brilliant lawyer. He is also a distinguished historian. Last year he gave the BBC’s Reith Lectures, and they were the best for many years. If he has any politics I have no idea what they are, but he uses language with immense care. If he says this ‘has been the most significant interference with personal freedom in the history of our country. We have never sought to do such a thing before, even in wartime and even when faced with health crises far more serious than this one’, then you may be sure that this is so. When he says ‘Ministers are accountable to no one, except once in five years at General Elections’, you may be sure that this is true. This a complete breach with centuries of law and tradition, and who can say where it might end? When he points out that laws, backed by tyrannical, ruinous fines, are now made at televised press conferences and enforced by bluff by police forces operating far beyond their authority, then it is happening. He accuses the Government of showing ‘a cavalier disregard for the limits of their legal powers’. This, he says, is how freedom dies. And behind it lies an astonishing, previously unnoticed seizure of economic power, which has made the entire Covid panic possible. By long tradition, Parliament has had ultimate control over the Government’s purse strings. It must permit major spending specifically. Without this power it is just a mascot or a toy. That power has been abolished. Back in March, unnoticed by almost everyone, Parliament vastly increased the Government’s freedom to spend what it liked. The old limit, for emergency spending, was increased from a mere £11billion to almost £270billion a year. I cannot say where or how this will end. It is my own growing belief that Johnson and Hancock do not understand what they are doing. Their decision to strangle our struggling economy once again in an alarmist shutdown is one of panic piled on panic and is visibly destroying the NHS they claim to be saving, as well as laying waste to those jobs and businesses they have not yet ruined or obliterated. I see them as two schoolboys on the footplate of an old-fashioned steam locomotive, clattering into deepening twilight, too scared to call for help, too vain to admit their error. They started it moving by accident, foolishly pulling and pushing at levers whose functions they did not know. Now they cannot find the brakes. The safety valves are blocked. The whistle screams, the pace gathers. Alas, the rest of us are trapped in the lurching, bucketing train behind them, unable to reach or influence them, let alone stop them. A needless stampede towards the abyss The oddest thing about the Panicdemic is that nobody would know it existed if the Government and its mouthpiece the BBC did not constantly seek to terrify us into a state of servile fear. It does not help that they all presume the truth of the unproven belief that shutdowns control the disease. In many years, comparable numbers of people die from respiratory ailments. Quite normally, 1,600 people die every day for all kinds of reasons, though it has become almost sacrilegious to say so. Most of them do not die from Covid. Many die from other diseases whose treatment has been halted or reduced by the Panicdemic. All such deaths are rightly mourned by the bereaved. Except that, thanks to the Panicdemic, they cannot hold proper funerals. How long will it be before the realisation sinks in that we have been stampeded, quite needlessly, into poverty and darkness? (read more) ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2020 - October 24 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 16 - 23 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - September 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - September 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - August 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - August 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - July 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - JULY 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - JUNE 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - JUNE 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MAY 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - MAY 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - APRIL 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - APRIL 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MARCH ARCHIVE 2020 - FEBRUARY ARCHIVE 2020 - JANUARY ARCHIVE |
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