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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) 2021- 2021-06-06 b ONLY FEELINGS I Act; Therefore I Am. Dear Trans Kids:
Stop Feeling and Start Thinking
A few weeks ago, a teacher at my kid’s school shared a bit of wisdom that has rocked my world. She taught the kids that there are four mental stages; feeling, thinking, planning, and doing. People can only be in one stage at a time, and people get frustrated when others are in different stages than they are. If you’ve ever had to bite your tongue while you listened to someone vent, you know this is true. If you’ve ever been married, you know this is true. If you’ve ever parented, you know this is true. Recently, I joined the twitter world to exchange ideas (that’s the “thinking” stage, there) about the concept of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) and the impact of this on teen boys. While many people have shared insights and resources, I’ve observed a typical accusation that certain trans-identified people toss out: “You are saying we don’t exist!” At first, this struck me as a bewildering non-sequitur. Are they really saying because I have different ideas about transgender theories or gender identity, that I must think their bodies aren’t present in the world? How would I explain that their typed grievances are popping up on my screen? Must I subscribe to a complex superstition of phantoms in the machine? Debating the points of trans identity in fact implies the opposite: I don’t spend time arguing about the Loch Ness Monster or fairies or unicorns, because they do not exist. On second thought, I utilized the old psychology switcheroo to better understand this: projection. This makes sense. These twitter people are actually questioning and barking about their own existence. Somewhere along the line they got stuck. They are frozen in the “feeling” stage, and are under the impression that feelings = existence. And deep inside, despite their passionate feelings, they realize that an existence centered on feelings isn’t very satisfying. They worry that they don’t exist. As babies, our first mental flickers are indeed feelings. Instinct and our reptilian brain process hunger, cold, discomfort, warmth, rough, cozy, full, poopy. Miraculously, within a few weeks, we begin to think: that face brings comfort. That food tastes good. Soon after, we get to planning: I want that Cheerio on the tray. Then action: I’m going to grab it and put it in my mouth. Of course, as we all know, mastering this feeling, thinking, planning, acting process can be pretty complex. Impulsively, we leap before we look. We sink into the sandpits of depression. We fill our lives with meaningless activities without stopping to smell the roses. Getting everything right all the time is hard. This is human nature. And within our lifetimes, we see a broader pattern of this story. Childhood is for mastering feelings. High school and college are for mastering thinking. In our twenties we learn to plan and act. Later in life, we circle around to better know ourselves; our feelings and our thoughts. To wisely evaluate the effectiveness of our planning and actions. To confirm our plans and actions align with our values (aka “thoughts”). But development on both the individual level and the societal scale requires moving up this ladder from feelings to action. We do not beat the Nazis, cure polio, or reform the justice system by looking at our navels and wallowing. Feeling is just the first step. We think, plan, act. That’s progress. This is what our parents, grandparents, and teachers have been telling us for years. Get off the couch. Get a degree. Grow that garden, write that book. Yes- your feelings show you are alive. Congrats – you exist just like everyone else. But your thoughtful, considered actions prove you are living. Your obituary will list the things you have done, the relationships you have built, not the emotions you have felt. To these trans twitter activists, I urge you to pull yourselves out of your sinkhole of emotions. You are more than your feelings, truly. Your dramatic displays of outrage may temporarily satisfy a primal itch, but true self-knowledge and self-actualization comes with some effort and work. It’s got nothing to do with your gender- believe me. Do not circle in that flotsam. No “gender feeling” will ever bring you meaning or true fulfillment. The only way forward is through your brain — not your sexual organs. You got your “dysphoria.” Fine – that’s a feeling. Now start thinking: why would I suddenly feeling like I dislike my body? Is there something actually physically wrong with it? Is there something appealing about the stereotypes associated with the other sex? Is there some trauma I’ve experienced or observed associated with my sex? Would external changes truly affect my internal feelings? Am I actually trying to avoid sexuality? Or growing up in general? It’s about your brain and your hands. Get out there and get to work. You’ll feel better, I promise, and you’ll stop wondering if you exist. (read more) Reader Comments: Jorg Shmorg Take
away the internet/social media and there would
be no more trans. Kids and teens are
LEARNING this invented condition online.
Transgender is coming from outside themselves and
not from within. Child and teen
Transgender is a cult invented via the internet.
“Wrong body” is not humanly innate; it is
politically imposed . Teenage mental
illness and other conditions like autism, etc. are
being hijacked (transjacked) for political
purposes. How can any sane
“loving” parent allow this to happen to their
child? Cut the internet for your kid.
Refuse social media for yourself. Return
together to the non-virtual world and re-learn
common sense, accept the pain of reality,
and embrace the human truth of authenticity
through struggle and sorrow.
Jorgensen Shmorgensen Having fought, lost
and then ran screaming from the Trans Wars as a
gay man who publicly opposed the Trans Queer Hall
Putsch of Gay in the 1990s to early 2000s, I can state from “lived experience”
that this entire klusterfuck of krazy is a
massive psy ops. Trans Inc. has nothing to do
with bodies or sex organs or anything human. It
is a political weapon manufactured to assault
people’s reality with deliberate forced
acknowledgement of a known absurd unreality.
Orwell’s 2 plus 2 equals 5. A Mao/Lenin tactic
right out of the social control playbook and one
of the most successful in the history of
As others have written here on this topic, bad (indeed criminal) parenting is the catalytic converter at the local micro level of actual trans children “cases”. Munchausen by Proxy Rage/Look At Me-ism has replaced New Age Woo-Woo “I have pretend morals” as the hip new way for super square nobodies trapped in meaningless fetid lives to audition for Oprah specials as this week’s mouseburger- psycho-soccer mom nobodies who trans-form themselves into deranged freak show performers via their children a la Whatever Happened to Baby Jane so these soul-barren women can play-act being alive. My favourite trans insanity story from the UK was the following. A woman (with requisite nerdy nebbishchannezzer ninny-pusswuss husbandette cringing in the background) was the mother of a male baby that (she claimed) did not speak one word (or sound) until it was 18 months old when it looked into its mother’s eyes and declared in perfect English: “Me Girl. Me Girl.” The mother claimed that her son, now daughter (saughter?) could not speak for a year and a half because the infant had been silenced by society’s (“white right wing”) gender fascist tyranny. The child was immediately rushed by its sociopathic stage mother to the Trans Inc. lupron cancer drug puberty blocker genital amputation fast track machine as Mommy Dearest snatched the P T Barnum Freak Crown as the queered toast of talk shows and chat lines for months and months of Proxy celebutante self-importance. Trans is a manufactured lie. ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, ______________________ |
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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