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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) 2021- 2021-10-13 h DO NOT BE SILENT Will Vaccine-Linked
Deaths Rise Sharply This Winter?
______________________[...] Question– So the vaccines are driving the variants? Answer– Yes. Question– So soon we will see the emergence of a vaccine-resistant variant? Answer– Yes, we will. Question– But don’t the vaccine manufacturers know this? Answer– You mean, “don’t they understand the basic relationship between viral infection and vaccines”? Yes, they do. Question– Then why are they doing it? Answer— Great question, but the answer requires a lot of research and a fair-amount of guesswork. All I’ll say, is that the authors of this mass vaccination campaign are intentionally driving us towards an even bigger crisis. Question– Okay, so what are we going to do when we come across a vaccine-resistant variant? Answer– I can’t answer that, but –judging from past experience– another experimental injection will be developed that the public will be forced to take. Question– But what about safety? Can we be sure that these new hybrid concoctions are safe? Answer– Safety has never been a top priority, nor has immunity. The goal was never “herd immunity” but “herd vaccination”. One of the most influential spokesmen for the current campaign summed it up quite clearly when he said: “We must vaccinate all seven billion people” on earth. Public health authorities have never veered from that original objective. Question– But if the goal is to vaccinate everyone on earth, then the vaccines must be safe, right? Answer– No, in fact, the vaccines pose a serious threat to one’s health and life. They’re dangerous. Question– Are you sure you’re not exaggerating, after all, nearly 2 billion people have been inoculated already and only a small percentage of them have gotten either seriously sick or died? Perhaps, you are overstating the danger? Answer– The vaccines are an attack on the body’s critical infrastructure, the vascular system, and particularly the thin tapestry of cells that line the walls of the blood vessels. The vaccines trigger bleeding, blood clots and autoimmune disease. In my opinion, they are a fairly straightforward way to inflict severe damage on the essential systems and organs that one needs to survive. That is why Dr Vladimir Zelenko refers to them as “poison-death shots”, which seems to be an accurate assessment. You are, however, correct in saying that “only a small percentage of the people get seriously sick or die” immediately after the injection. But that’s only because the vaccine functions more like a timebomb than a poison. But the impact is likely to be just as devastating in the long-run. Take a look at this excerpt from a paper by the Doctors for Covid Ethics: :
Repeat: a “catastrophic microvascular injury syndrome mediated by activation of complement.” Question– What does that mean in plain English? Answer– It means that the vaccine creates a situation where your body viciously attacks your own circulatory system generating blood clots and leaky blood vessels. Do you think you can live with a damaged vascular system? Do you think you will enjoy a long and happy life with an immune system that is programed to attack and kill healthy cells that now produce the pathogenic “spike protein”? If so, then for how long; how long do you think you can survive that type of internal warfare? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? Question– Your analysis sounds very conspiratorial. If the vaccines do what you say they do, then the people that are pushing this (mass vaccination) campaign must know it, right? They must have some basic grasp of the dangers these injections pose. Answer– Of course, they do. How could they not know? Do you think that the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet would arbitrarily shut down the global economy, lock everyone in their homes, suppress life-saving medications and censor anyone who challenged the official narrative if they didn’t know exactly what the vaccine could be expected to do? They know. They’re not just “rolling the dice”. They have a plan and they are implementing that plan. That much is clear. As for the “conspiracy” claim, the facts speak for themselves. Were there numerous drills and tabletop exercises conducted over the last decade that included the main Intel agencies, big pharma, activist elites, the DOD, the media and the WHO? Yes, there were. And did these drills basically project the same outcomes and scenarios that we see today, particularly the bypassing of representative governments, the enhanced powers of conflicted politicians, the enforcement of vaccine mandates, and the imposition of an unprecedented pandemic strategy that was strikingly similar in every country where it was imposed? Yes, again. And are the unvaccinated already being threatened with reprisals if they resist inoculation? Are governments already moving ahead with vaccine passports, digital currency, social credit systems, detention centers and intensified surveillance? Yes, they are. Does any of this seem random to you or does it hew closer to the actual definition of “conspiracy” which is: “an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons”? The fact that the media ridicules “conspiracy theorists”, does not change the fact that conspiracies do, in fact, take place. The last two years only helps to underscore that fact. Virtually nothing has been left to chance. Our future and the future of humanity are being steered by powerful forces we still have not even successfully identified. It’s creepy. (See: RFK jr. on Event 201) And here’s something else to mull-over since we’re on the topic of “conspiracies”. I think it’s highly-likely that the vaccine was developed well before the outbreak of the virus. Question– Why would that matter? Answer– It actually matters quite a bit, because it helps to illustrate that the “solution” preceded the problem, the “chicken before the egg.” In other words, US bioweapons research was likely aimed at creating a substance that would steadily undermine (and eventually kill) untold numbers of people that would have to be eliminated in order to reduce carbon emissions, ease the depletion of scarce resources and reverse the destruction of the natural environment. Do you think the Pentagon and the CIA have contingency programs like that? Do you think globalist elites might support a policy like that? Indeed,
they would, and they would brazenly implement it
in the name of “saving humanity” or some other
such nonsense. Keep in mind, global population
at the turn of the century (1900) was a
minuscule 1.6 billion. As of 2021, the number
has ballooned to 7.9 billion. And, according to
projections by the United Nations, that figure
will grow to roughly 11 billion by 2100. Do you think global elites are going to sit on their hands and do nothing while the “perceived” dangers of dwindling fossil fuels and climbing temperatures continue to grow? Do you think that, perhaps, that –after years of impassioned appeals to “do something about the climate”– consensus was finally reached in 2019 paving the way for an aggressive “population management” scheme? Of course, these are “civilized” men who would never resort to anything as vulgar as gas chambers or firing squads. Oh, no; they would seek a surreptitious method to thin the herd without the herd ever really knowing what was going on. They would need a remedy that would help them achieve their objective while invoking plausible deniability at the same time. (Enter: Fauci and the secretive bioweapons programs.) And if the truth were ever to come to light, then they would persuade the public that they were only acting in the best interests of humanity by trying to prevent the inexorable rush towards a catastrophic climate crisis. Sound familiar? It should. Whether the world is warming or not is debatable, but what’s not debatable is how seamlessly the climate furor fits with the globalists’ authoritarian political agenda. There’s nothing coincidental about it. In any event, the Gain-of-Function shenanigans in Wuhan probably were just the finishing touches on a plan that had been done-and-dusted years earlier in think tanks and globalist confabs where the rich and powerful gather to decide how best to shape the world to meet their own narrow specifications. My guess, is that the spike protein delivery system (aka–The Covid-19 vaccine) had been created years earlier and merely required a green light to be released on the world. Question– We seem to have gotten off track again. Can we get back to the boosters for a minute? You say there were no additional clinical trials. Does that mean the boosters were not formally approved by the FDA? Answer– They were not formally approved by the FDA. They were waved through under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) the same as the vaccines. But that does not mean that the risks are the same. They’re not. The boosters are significantly more dangerous than the vaccines as this clip from the Doctors for Covid Ethics points out:
What part of the above quote makes it sound like the boosters are good for your overall health and well-being? None of it, right? And just as we saw a sharp uptick in cases, hospitalizations and deaths after the launching of mass vaccination campaigns around the world, we’re now seeing that same phenom unfolding in Israel with the boosters. (Check out this amazing 2 minute video by statistician Joel Smalley on Deaths following vaccination) And, remember, neither the boosters nor the vaccines stay in the muscle in the arm (Deltoid) like the drug companies said they would. They enter the bloodstream about 30 minutes after injection and spread across the body via the circulatory system. But because the vaccine is a blueprint to make spike protein and not the protein itself; it is able to evade the immune system and penetrate cells before it is detected. This is what makes the injected spike protein more dangerous than the spike in Covid-19. The virus must enter through the nose or throat before it incubates and enters the vascular system, but the vaccine spike finds a more direct route by way of injection. Here’s Dr Byram Bridle again:
Since Bridle made these claims on a radio talk-show, he has been savagely harassed, ridiculed and banned from the University where he was employed. Still, he has not retracted a word from his statement despite the heavy costs to himself and his reputation. The mistake Bridle made was thinking that his research would be applauded by his colleagues and peers. He naively thought the proponents of mass vaccination would recognize their mistake and make an effort to correct it. He never imagined that the vaccine was designed to function just as it does, penetrating host cells and manufacturing a cytotoxic pathogen that elicits a strong self-on-self immune response leading to the further decimation of the vascular system. The treatment of Bridle speaks volumes about the people that are managing the pandemic, the extent of their power, and their thoroughly malign objectives. (Please, watch this video by Dr.Nathan Thompson: “My jaw dropped when I tested someone´s immune system after the 2nd jab” who shows how vaccination can lead to autoimmunity and “breakthrough infections”) Question– I think we’ve gotten off-track again. You’ve talked a lot about the spike protein and its effect on the blood vessels, but much of this sounds theoretical. Do you have any hard evidence that the vaccines are causing serious tissue damage? Answer– Yes. Two German pathology professors, Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang, have provided the results of autopsies they performed on ten people who died after being injected with the Covid-19 vaccine. Here’s a short excerpt from an article on what they found:
Okay, let’s review. What did the doctors find? 1– They found in large percentage of the autopsies “the connection between death and vaccination (was) very probable.” 2–They found that “that lymphocytic myocarditis, (was) the most common diagnosis.” (Lymphocytic myocarditis is a rare condition in which heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) is caused by accumulation of white blood cells (lymphocytes). Symptoms may include chest pain, heart palpitations, fatigue, and shortness of breath (dyspnea) especially upon exertion or lying flat. In other words, the spike protein vaccine results in both serious inflammation and immuno-suppression at the same time. It’s the double-whammy.) 3– They found evidence of a “lymphocyte riot”, potentially in all tissues and organs. Lymphocytes were found in a wide variety of tissues such as the liver, kidneys, spleen up to the uterus and tumors, which massively attacked the tissue there.” (Note– Lymphocytes are white blood cells in the immune system that swing into action to fight invaders or pathogen-infected cells. A “lymphocyte riot” suggests the immune system has gone crazy trying to counter the effects of billions of spike proteins located in cells in the bloodstream. As the lymphocytes are depleted, the body grows more susceptible to other infections which may explain why a large number of people are now contracting respiratory viruses in late summer.) 4– They found that there are multiple serous health risks linked to the Covid-19 vaccine. The autopsies provide solid evidence that the vaccines do, in fact, create significant tissue damage. Final Question– How do you see this playing out? Answer– I would expect to see signs of distress as early as this winter-spring, although the data will be compiled under the “all-cause mortality” heading rather than Covid-19 deaths. We should also see a sharp uptick in cardiac arrests, myocarditis and strokes which should break dramatically from their 5-year trend-line. As the vaccine causes a generalized deterioration in overall health, the indications of harm should be noticeable in any number of ailments from neuro degenerative diseases to Bell’s Palsy. This is not a prediction as much as it is an acknowledgment of what we’re already seeing. Check out this recent tweet from UK diagnostic pathologist Dr Claire Craig and you’ll see what I mean:
Why is this happening? Why the sudden uptick in heart attacks, heart disease, vascular disease and strokes? What did we do differently in 2021 than we did in the years before? We vaccinated the bulk of the population, that’s what we did differently. And now we’re going to see what effect that has on the many vaccine-linked ailments like cardiac arrest, Myocarditis, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, acute kidney injury, liver injury, Bell’s Palsy, Transverse myelitis, Anaphylaxis, Multisystem inflammatory syndrome, spontaneous abortion, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. All of these show up in the “Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System” (VAERS), just as they are likely to show up in future hospitalizations. So, it’s going to take some pretty aggressive sleight-of-hand by the government to fudge the data or sweep the matter under the rug. And how will this deluge of unexpected illness impact the public health system which could be stretched to the breaking point. Can a disaster be avoided? Check out this excerpt from a recent article at the UK Telegraph:
Naturally, the media is going to blame
the surge in illness on the pandemic or “delayed
treatments”, but people can draw their own
conclusions. What the Telegraph
refers to as a “non-Covid” emergency is just as
likely to be vaccine-linked injury as not. The
point I’m making is simple: Blood
clots, bleeding and autoimmunity are not
trivial matters; they’re an indication that
the body’s vital infrastructure has been
compromised and, perhaps, severely damaged.
This is going to manifest itself in all-cause
mortality and broader public health data.
A sizable portion of these
maladies will be directly connected to the
injection of a potentially-lethal pathogen into
the bloodstream of millions of people who were deliberately misled about the
safety of the product. Now
we’re going to see the early results of that
experiment. God help us. (read
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