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2021-12-23 b

A paragraph that puts to shame the January 6 Select Committee of the House of Representatives

Lt. General Michael Flynn has filed a complaint against Speaker Pelosi and her Select Committee along the lines of the complaint already filed by former White House counsel Mark Meadows, but with an important difference. 

Like the Meadows complaint, Gen. Flynn points out that the committee was not organized in accordance with the provision of the authorizing resolution, H.Res. 503.  Where the resolution called for thirteen members, the Pelosi panel has only nine members.  Where the resolution called for five members of the minority appointed in consultation with the minority leader, the committee has two members of the minority, selected by the speaker without consultation with the minority leader.  The authorizing resolution called for a ranking member; the committee has no ranking member.  And as the Meadows complaint alleges, the Flynn complaint alleges that the subpoenas issued by the committee serve no valid legislative purpose.

In pertinent part, the Flynn complaint, as does the Meadows complaint, calls on the court — in this case, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Ft. Myers Division — to declare unenforceable the subpoena issued by the Select Committee on Lt. General Flynn.

There is, however, a marked difference in paragraph 3 of the Flynn complaint, compared with the opening paragraphs in the Meadows complaint, and I believe that the words in this paragraph demand the immediate attention of the United States Congress, the media, and, of course, the readers of American Thinker, for this paragraph makes clear that all those who incessantly apply the terms "false" and "baseless" to expressions of concern about the conduct of the 2020 presidential election are traducing the very concept of free speech and expression in America and would impose the notion of unfreedom upon a people who view liberty as a God-given right.

Here is the important, indeed crucial to freedom's cause, reminder in the Flynn complaint, how far astray Speaker Pelosi and her very Select Committee would take us from the moorings of our Constitution:

At the times relevant herein, General Flynn was and is a private citizen. Like many Americans in late 2020, and to this day, General Flynn has sincerely held concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election. It is now a crime to hold such beliefs, regardless of whether they are correct or mistaken, to discuss them with others, to associate with those who share the same belief, or to ask the government to address such political concerns. Indeed, it is our fundamental Constitutional right to speak about and associate around political issues that concern us, and to petition our government about this grievances. See U.S. Const. Amend. I.

By implication, paragraph 3 of the complaint brought by Lt. General Flynn against Speaker Pelosi and her cohort is tantamount to a call on a free people to rise up; to declare that the Pelosi panel is an affront to the Constitution and the American spirit of liberty; and to demand an end, forthwith, to the politically obscene conduct of this committee of the House of Representatives, a committee that offends the Constitution and is an insult to the men who drafted our organic document of government. (read more)


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- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

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- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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