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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2021- 2021-01-13 h QUOTED PELOSI ON THE HOUSE FLOOR Louie
Gohmert just flipped the script read Nancy
Pelosi’s own
words calling for an uprising over the summer. The best part? Democrats are already taking it out of context not realizing they’re dunking on Pelosi. https://t.co/uMxWOWQhTa — Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) January 13, 2021 2021-01-13 g SHE WORE A "CENSORED" MASK One minute floor speech by
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) during Pelosi's
Kangaroo Court:
“Thank you. Madam Speaker I am against the impeachment effort by the Democrats. President Trump has held over six hundred rallies in the last four years. None of them included assaulting police, destroying businesses or burning down cities. Democrats have spent all this time endorsing and enabling violent riots that left billions in property damage and forty-seven dead across the United States. Democrats are on record supporting violence when it serves their cause–in their own words, on social media, on interviews and on fundraising platform ActBlue. Democrats support defunding the police when it’s someone else’s city, someone else’s home and someone else’s business. Democrats will take away everyone’s guns just as long as they have guards with guns. Democrats’ impeachment of President Trump today has now set the standard that they should be removed for their support of violence against the American people. I yield back. Thank you.” 2021-01-13 f HE'S BACK - TRUMP TWEETS RESTORED ON GAB Gab CEO Pulls Off The Impossible For Trump… INCREDIBLE! “Gab CEO completely backed up Pres. Trump’s Twitter account before it was deleted & recreated him on Gab! What’s even more impressive is he did this while traffic was up 700% & under attack..https://t.co/F3olVzPpYy — Liberty Times & Politics #FreeSpeech (@dmills3710) January 13, 2021 2021-01-13 e HEADS I WIN - TAILS YOU LOSE I "Whatever really happened on 1/6 in the militarized Valhalla of a superpower that spent untold trillions of dollars on security since the start of the millennium, the elaborate psy op/photo-op circus – complete with a strategically photogenic MAGA Viking actor – could never had happened if it was not allowed to happen." 9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is
the Holy Grail
Whether civil war is coming will depend on the degree of stoicism prevalent among the Deplorable multitudes. ... 9/11 opened the gates to the Global War on Terror (GWOT), later softened by Team Obama to the status of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) even as it was suavely expanded to the bombing, overt or covert, of seven nations. 9/11 opened the gates to the Patriot Act, whose core had already been written way back in 1994 by one Joe Biden. 1/6 opens the gate to the War on Domestic Terror and the Patriot Act from Hell, 2.0, on steroids (here is the 2019 draft ), the full 20,000 pages casually springing up from the sea like Venus, the day after, immediately ready to roll. And as the inevitable companion to Patriot Act 2.0, there will be war overseas, with the return in full force, unencumbered, of what former CIA analyst Ray McGovern memorably christened the MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank) complex. And when MICIMATT starts the next war, every single protest will be branded as domestic terrorism. The faux coup
Whatever really happened on 1/6 in the militarized Valhalla of a superpower that spent untold trillions of dollars on security since the start of the millennium, the elaborate psy op/photo-op circus – complete with a strategically photogenic MAGA Viking actor – could never had happened if it was not allowed to happen. Debate will rage till Kingdom Come on whether the break in was organic – an initiative by a few hundred among at least 10,000 peaceful protestors surrounding the Capitol – or rather a playbook color revolution false flag instigated by an infiltrated, professional Fifth Column of agent provocateurs. What matters is the end result: the manufactured product – “Trump insurrection” – for all practical purposes buried the presentation, already in progress, of evidence of electoral fraud to the Capitol, and reduced the massive preceding rally of half a million people to “domestic terrorism”. That was certainly not a “coup”. Top military strategist Edward Luttwak, now advising the Pentagon on cyber-war, tweeted, “nobody pulls a coup during the day”. That was just “a show, people expressing emotions”, an actually faux coup that did not involve arson or widespread looting, and relatively little violence (compare it to Maidan 2014): talk about “insurrectionists” walking inside the Capitol respecting the velvet ropes. A week before 1/6, a dissident but still very connected Deep State intel op offered this cold, dispassionate view of the Big Picture: “Tel Aviv betrayed
Trump with a new deal with Biden and so they
threw him to the dogs. Sheldon Adelson and the
Mafia have no trouble switching sides for the
winner by hook or crook. Pence and McConnell
also betrayed Trump. It was as though Trump
walked as Julius Caesar into the Roman Senate to
be stabbed to death. Any deal Trump makes with
the system or Deep State will not be kept and
they are secretly talking about ending him
forever. Trump has the trump card. Martial law.
Military tribunals. The Insurrection Act. The
question is whether he will play it. Civil war
is coming irrespective of what happens to him,
sooner or later.”
Whether civil war is coming will depend on the degree of stoicism prevalent among the Deplorable multitudes. Alastair Crooke has brilliantly outlined the Top Three main issues that shape Red America’s “Epiphany”: stolen elections; lockdown as a premeditated strategy for the destruction of small and mid-size businesses; and the dire prospect of ‘cancellation’ by an incoming woke ‘soft totalitarianism’ orchestrated by Big Tech. Cue to a Corpse Reading a Teleprompter, also known as The President-Elect, and his own ominous words after 1/6: “Don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists.” Some things never change. George W. Bush, immediately after 9/11: “Either you’re with us, or with the terrorists”. That’s the hegemonic, set in stone, narrative now being implemented with an iron fist by Big Tech. First they come for POTUS. Then they come for you. Anyone, anywhere, not following Big Tech’s Techno-Feudalist diktat WILL be cancelled. Bye bye Miss American
And that’s why the drama is way, way, bigger than a mere discombobulated POTUS. Every single institution controlled by the ruling class – from schools to mass media to the way workplaces are regulated – will go after the Deplorables with no mercy. Professional CIA killer and liar John Breenan, key conceptualizer of totally debunked Russiagate, tweeted about the necessity of, in practice, setting up re-education camps. Media honchos called for “cleansing the movement”. Politically, the Deplorables only have Trumpism. And that’s why Trumpism, with a possible avenue to become an established third party, must be smashed. As much as the 0.0001% is more terrified by the possibility of secession or armed revolt, they need urgent pre-emptive action against what is, for now, a nationalist mass movement, however inchoate its political proposals. The “unknown unknown”, to evoke notorious neo-con Donald Rumsfeld, is whether the exasperated plebs will eventually reach for the pitchforks – and make the 0.0001% feudal hacienda ungovernable. And then there’s a literally smokin’ element – those half a billion guns out there. The 0.0001% knows for sure that Trump, after all, was never a radical revolutionary change agent. Inchoately, he channeled Red America’s hopes and fears. But instead of the promised glitzy palace adorned with gold, what he delivered was a shack in the desert. Meanwhile, Red America, intuitively, understood that Trump at least was a useful conduit. He lay bare how the corrupt swamp actually moves. How these “institutions” are mere corporate puppets – and completely ignore the common man. How the Judiciary is utterly corrupt – when even POTUS cannot get a hearing. How Pharma and Tech actually expanded the MICIMATT (MICIMAPTT?) And most of all, how the two party paradigm is a monstrous lie. So where will 75 million disenfranchised voters – or 88 million Twitter followers – go? As it stands, we’re deep into Hardcore Class War. The Top of the Scam Gang are in full control. The remains of “Democracy” have gelled into Mediacracy. Ahead, there’s nothing but ruthless purge, protracted crackdown, censorship, blanket surveillance, smashing of civil liberties, a single narrative, overarching cancel (in)culture. It gets worse: next week, this paranoid apparatus merges with the awesome machinery of the United States Government (USG). So welcome to Full Spectrum Domestic Dominance. Germany 1933 on steroids. 1984 redux: no wonder the hashtag #1984 was banned by Twitter. Meanwhile, Red America, intuitively, understood that Trump at least was a useful conduit. He lay bare how the corrupt swamp actually moves. How these “institutions” are mere corporate puppets – and completely ignore the common man. How the Judiciary is utterly corrupt – when even POTUS cannot get a hearing. How Pharma and Tech actually expanded the MICIMATT (MICIMAPTT?) And most of all, how the two party paradigm is a monstrous lie. So where will 75 million disenfranchised voters – or 88 million Twitter followers – go? As it stands, we’re deep into Hardcore Class War. The Top of the Scam Gang are in full control. The remains of “Democracy” have gelled into Media-cracy. Ahead, there’s nothing but ruthless purge, protracted crackdown, censorship, blanket surveillance, smashing of civil liberties, a single narrative, overarching cancel (in)culture. It gets worse: next week, this paranoid apparatus merges with the awesome machinery of the United States Government (USG). So welcome to Full Spectrum Domestic Dominance. Germany 1933 on steroids. 1984 redux: no wonder the hashtag #1984 was banned by Twitter. (read more) 2021-01-13 d THE TRUTH MIGHT SET US FREE III "Without confidence in the process, votes mean nothing. Stealing votes saps the nation’s mooring lines and the government becomes adrift without purpose other than that of the ones capturing power from us." Here’s what really happened
before the incursion into the Capitol
[Editor’s note: This may be the longest piece ever published at American Thinker in over a decade. We’re publishing it because it is the most detailed eyewitness report we’ve received primarily about the peaceful part of the rally, including the walk to the Capitol. The media has almost aggressively ignored these facts. Also, the level of detail matters because multiple people are trying to piece together events to determine how the entirety of January 6 played out. Stick with it. It’s fascinating and important.] The Save America Rally, sponsored by Women For America First, was a totally separate happening from what took place inside the Capitol building. We’re still waiting for the media to figure that out. Yawn. Even so, they’re too biased to be honest and truthful enough to report the distinction so others around the world can know the difference, too. Trump was right when he exclaimed in his rally address that the biggest enemy of the country is the media. Our so-called “eyes” and “ears” are neither. My brother and I arrived in D.C. at 8:30 a.m. and parked a few blocks north of the Capitol in a garage by the Hyatt Hotel. We walked toward the end of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Capitol came into view through the trees to our left. As we started walking down Pennsylvania Avenue, we looked back at the Capitol a few times. I’d never seen it and was impressed by its size and dominance in the landscape. The air was mostly quiet except for the people talking along the way. There were some people standing around the park just west of the building. Mostly everyone in our view up the Mall was going in our direction to the rally. My brother asked, “Do you want to go see the Capitol?” I responded, “Not yet. We’ll have time later on. We should just head for the rally.” When we reached 4th Street, we turned left to walk along the edge of the Mall onto Madison Drive. We again looked back toward the Capitol and then, through the bare trees, ahead to the Washington Monument. By then, the number of people walking with us to the rally started to increase quite a bit. Over to the south side of the Mall, so many people were carrying banners and Flags, they looked like a parade by themselves! We didn’t bring any flags or signs. We had our dark winter coats, dark hats, and dark gloves. We joked that people might think we’re Antifa! Soon after, two women did assume we looked like Antifa infiltrators at the rally. Halfway down the Mall, a sound that seemed from far away made us stop to listen more closely. To me, it sounded like thousands of voices yelling all at once almost as if it were a stadium crowd shouting at a cheerleader’s directions. My brother said it sounded like a jet engine off in the distance, but it wasn’t a continuous sound that a jet would produce. We heard it again. “That could be the crowd up at the rally!” we exclaimed. Then, we could hear a voice between the crowd’s shouts. Must have been someone speaking at the rally and the sound was making its way to the Mall. We were still more than a half-mile from the rally! Our level of anticipation increased a lot at that point. Then and there, we believed we were going to see and be part of something that was much bigger than we could have imagined. We paused across from the Smithsonian American History Museum to take pictures. The Washington Monument was in clearer view above the trees and it looked like a good background for pictures. Gauging the mood of the people walking with and further away from us, it seemed we all shared the same feeling: This is going to be big and we’re heading to an event together to show our support for a review of the election. That’s all the people want – a review to either prove or disprove the claims that voter fraud skewed the results. Aren’t we in charge? Don’t we have the right to expect that all votes for any candidate are legal and are counted? We were at the end of the Mall where no more trees blocked the view of the Washington Monument. Thousands and thousands of people were crossing the roads and coming from the other side of the Mall. The flags circling the Monument were waving straight out. The hillside facing the Ellipse was totally covered with people. We were maybe 1,500 to 1,800 feet from where the stage was set up and, looking north, toward the Ellipse and White House, there was no lawn to see; it was just a sea of people. That’s where we were headed. ... We kept moving west along the edge of the park toward the bigger crowds down by the Ellipse. There was a large monitor near the base of the slope at Constitution Avenue. Trees and people blocked our view of the White House. We noticed that there were massive numbers of people further away to the left of the stage. Although we thought we’d have a chance to get over to that area, we were wrong. The mass of people just stopped, and it looked futile to try to get any closer for a clearer look to the stage. Still, we were near a big screen that people up on the Monument hill could see. ... At that moment, we still had no way to comprehend how large the crowd size was. It wasn’t until two days later that I looked at the map and learned we were standing at the eastern edge of the German American Friendship Garden on the south edge of Constitution Avenue We couldn’t see any street or sidewalk pavement. It was almost too difficult to look down at our own feet! If we could, we wouldn’t have been able to see them anyway! ... “Let’s head for the higher ground,” my brother suggested. ... We stopped along the edge of one of the walks encircling the Monument. Here, people had a little more room, and the view was perfect. Although we could no longer see the White House and could barely see the stage through the trees lining Constitution Avenue. But the monitor and speakers set up in the German American Garden provided all we needed. The tremendous crowds, the views, and the setting of the park elevated our feelings above and beyond. “We’re looking at America,” my bother said. “We sure are. What time is it?” “10:35.” “Trump is supposed to speak at 11:00.” In fact, he started around 11:40. Kimberly Guilfoyle was on stage. Rudy followed, and then Eric Trump. Then a long pause in the addresses until Trump took the stage. ... When the caravan of black vehicles and flashing lights was seen far off in front of us, people began to clap and cheer. Flagstaffs that had not been held vertical rose up straight and were kept high. In a moment, it seemed that all the flags in the crowd went up another foot or more as the people realized President Trump was soon to appear. ... People were still pouring in from Pennsylvania Avenue. The masses had gone as far as they could on Constitution Avenue. Who knows how far down Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues the people gathered? To our west, our east, and behind us to the south, the horizon was all people and flags -- maybe thousands of flags, and tens and tens of thousands of Americans. Congress should have been there to see it. If they had been, I’m sure their accusatory rhetoric once they reconvened following the rioter’s break-in would have been much different. Instead of ranting about how evil the protesters were, and how evil it was for Trump to get everyone riled up to storm the Capitol, they could have checked their hate speech toward us Americans. They could have seen that the rally was docile except for the cheering, clapping, and flag-waving. But no, they weren’t there. They only repeated what CNN and the rest of the biased media told them. Damn patriotic Americans! Who do they think they are, protesting peacefully and not smashing car windows, burning businesses, and throwing Molotov cocktails at the Police? We’ll show them! We’ll lie about them and get Congress so fired up that anyone who was planning to vote to review the election results will say, Hell with that – I’m changing my vote! It worked. The media has done it again, and again, and again. . . . And the weak-kneed politicians do it again and again and again. Parades of people carrying their signs and flags made their way through the crowds up near the Monument. A group identifying themselves as Vietnamese were shouting, “No Socialism in America!” They know. They know what it’s like to live under socialistic/communistic government regimes. Those regimes don’t let people’s votes count either! I’m paraphrasing Trump here, but this is roughly what he said to the gathered people: My advisors told me that if I could get 3 million more votes than in 2016, I’d be unbeatable. I had 63 million votes in 2016. If I could get 66 million, I’d win. I got 75 million votes! ... About 50 yards to our right front waved a rainbow flag with a sign saying, “LGBTQ for Trump!” Someone held a big sign painted into the Iranian flag. Printed across it was “Iranians for Trump.” They know what’s going on in America. They want to save America, too. We noticed state flags of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Alaska in the crowds. Some staffs had the American Flag upside down to signal that the country was in distress. It is, and it will be for a long time to come as long as any American believes enough votes were stolen to make it appear that Joe Biden actually won. The guy that campaigned from his basement and supposedly had 14 million more votes than Barrack Obama got! The guy whose vote count reportedly increased instantly by 12,000 votes in Georgia, and at the same time, Trump’s vote count decreased by 12,000 in Georgia! Gee, how’d that happen, Congress? Trump said in his address that all he wants is for Congress to allow the several states asking for the chance to recertify their electoral votes to recertify their votes. These are states with Republican legislatures. Given the chance by Congress, they would likely have changed their electoral votes to support Trump. If that happened, Trump would remain President. But the quislings in the Republican Party would have none of that on Wednesday. “I hope Mike Pence comes through,” Trump said. Whether the Vice President could do what Trump was advised he can do is another thing. Congress could have made it happen though. I believe if the media had insisted that the small cohort of idiot rioters as had been ginned up by the rally and Trump, a few more Republicans might have voted to allow those several states to recertify their electoral votes. Everyone at the rally -- including President Trump – knew, though, that the odds were not in our favor. Too many congressional Republicans are afraid. They want to be liked by the media, but no matter how hard they try to be liked by the media, the media still bashes them repeatedly. There must be some kind of phobia to explain their timidity. Thank God these people weren’t there in America’s first Congress! On Wednesday, the people stood together, and will no doubt remain standing together long after everyone is home and back to their daily lives. After standing for several hours, our legs were locking up. We needed to move. “Let’s go,” said my brother. “Ok, let’s go,” I replied. It looked as if many others had the same idea and we started to meander toward the Mall with them. Trump was still talking but it sounded like his address would be coming to a close soon. By the way, we both remarked that the only police we had seen up to that point of the rally were the police directing traffic. There were people up on top of some of the buildings who we figured were the police, but we saw zero uniformed police near the Monument, in the crowds, or anywhere along our walk down the Mall to the Capitol. There didn’t need to be any police. The people at the rally and on the Mall and streets were respectful and kind to one another. Nobody was swearing, throwing objects, harassing others, or burning the American Flag. The only garbage we saw on the ground – anywhere -- was at the overflowing trash containers close to the sidewalks on 14th Street. What a beautiful view down the Mall to the Capitol! As soon as the Capitol came into view, we could tell there were people gathered up close to the building. “Dan,” I said. “Look at the Capitol. Do you see the people there already?” Since we left before Trump finished, we were among some of the first rally attendees to head to the Capitol. There was no “march” on the Capitol. Nobody we heard or talked with all day called for a march on the Capitol. The rally people just started making their way to the Capitol. If we were organized, maybe there would have been a “march.” But we were all just there to help as participants – not to “march” on the Capitol. The Mall is about a mile long. The space is enormous. “The size of this park and buildings makes you feel the importance of it all,” my brother said, with “it” meaning America. A man with a microphone and speakers was set up on 14th street. He was declaring that the Supreme Court is no different than the crooked politicians. “Amy Coney Barret is the same as Schumer”, he was calling out. “It makes no difference who Trump appointed,” he said. He’s right. Only Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito seem to have held the opinion that the evidence presented to the Supreme Court was enough to allow a review of the vote. Maybe after the pressures of deadlines, when perspectives clear up and enough time has passed, will more people realize that something terribly wrong took place on and soon after November 3 and that a mistake so monumental will mark our time in history with an asterisk. In real-time, maybe some people could not believe that something so big happened. Something happened. ... We turned around to look back to the Washington Monument. Unbelievable sight. Washington Monument in one direction, Capitol in the other. America. Thousands walking down the slope from the Washington Monument and along the wide paths and lawn of the Mall toward us. “Danny, I’ll bet the police up on the Capitol never expected this many people. I hope those people up there turn around to see everyone headed their way.” We’d never seen or felt anything like it. As I write this two days later, I’m wondering, if there hadn’t been so many patriotic-feeling Americans at the rally and walking to the Capitol, would the idiots still have stormed the building? Did they mistake the number of people on the Mall and gathered around the park for a free pass to storm the building? We’ll not know unless someone says so. Even so, the only ones guilty of causing trouble were the ones who stormed the Capitol – not us, not the hundreds of thousands at the rally, not Rudy, Kimberly, Eric, or the President. Get it, media people? We arrived at the pool between the General Grant statue and the Mall. There, people were sitting on the low walls surrounding the pool. Most were standing in the plaza. The crowd at the Capitol didn’t attract any attention except that they were up closer than we were. We made our way around to the left of the pool near where Constitution Ave and Pennsylvania Avenue meet at the Freedom Statue. We were about 100 feet behind the statue next to the pool. People had climbed up onto it to see above the people, or to be seen themselves. ... The people around us were so interesting and the scene was so great that we stayed put. Plus, we had a straight path toward the parking garage by the Hyatt. I recall looking all around the pool at the people, at the General Grant statue, back toward the Mall. Again, we didn’t see any gallows and noose. We deduced that the crowd way upfront at the Capitol was in place long before we arrived at the place we stopped. The people up in the Capitol crowd couldn’t have also been at the Save America rally. Maybe a small number were, but there’s no way the rally could have inspired anyone with half a mind to think about battling the police to get into the Capitol. We didn’t think it was at all possible for them to have heard any of the speakers at the rally -- Trump included -- unless the rally had been broadcast through their phones. We didn’t see anyone listening to their phones all day. The phone reception was sparse at best. There was scaffolding set up on either side of the balcony of the Capitol. Seating for inauguration day, we assumed. We saw what looked like a few police up on the balcony and down lower in front by the edge of the crowd, but we couldn’t see the front edge of the crowd that ended up fighting with the police. Then, it looked like a smoke canister flew up and spiraled through the air into the crowd to the right of the scaffolding. Then it flew back toward the Capitol. There didn’t appear to be any commotion in that part of the crowd. The people around us didn’t say they saw people fighting or anything. The smell of the smoke reached our area. It wasn’t tear gas. The crowd around us didn’t seem to be alarmed one bit. The praying continued and the horn still sounded out. More and more people were coming from the rally. By this time, the crowd was large enough to discourage the people near us from thinking about trying to move up closer to the Capitol. After being scrunched over at the Ellipse, we stayed where we were. Pop! “What was that?” “Sounded like a gunshot.” Pop! They sounded like they came from the left end of the Capitol. Still, we didn’t see any police running or crowd movement to indicate there was trouble up there. Then there were several deep percussion sounds like a distant and muffled bass instrument. ... Again, we and the rest of those around us didn’t seem to see anything unusual except for the residue of the smoke canister. Then we saw a few people had climbed up onto the scaffolding that was supporting the inauguration seats. Idiots. But still, we didn’t detect anything but the stupid ones climbing the scaffolding. It was about 1:30. “What do you think, should we start to head out?” Dan asked. “Not yet, in a few. It’s nice to take in the scene.” Around 1:40 we started walking toward the Hyatt just north of the Capitol. I only got a few hours of sleep the night before where we stayed just north of Washington. We had a long drive ahead and we had to make the call to leave so we could have some daylight on the way back to Massachusetts. The last picture I took was from the park area next to Pennsylvania Ave looking at the Capitol. It was 1:42. We saw nothing going on. People were walking about. The police by the crosswalk were standing calmly and not showing any sign that trouble was brewing anywhere. .. There was no window-smashing, turning cars over, burning them, and burning people’s businesses at the rally or by the rally attendees. Nope, any window-smashing and looting were done by kids on bikes. That’s what the news reported. The people there to protest to Save America didn’t riot and get into the Capitol. That crowd was stationed at the Capitol before the rally even started. The police shot a war veteran in the neck and killed her. A news report showed security forces rushing out of the Capitol. They opened the doors to pepper spray rioters who were stupid, but they weren’t in the building. Why on Earth would security forces even think of opening those doors? Keep the damn doors closed and locked! Rioters outside the doors can be dealt with by police who are already outside the doors! Your job is to make sure the doors stay closed! If the rioters break the glass, and the doors stayed locked, the rioters would have to crawl through a glass shard opening. Clock them on the head one by one as they try. Pepper spray them one by one as they show their faces. Don’t open the doors -- ever. One report said the veteran soldier was shot in the chest as she tried to climb in through a door’s broken window. Shot. After 9/11, one may think that a different type of glass would have replaced the glass that was smashed on Wednesday. She shouldn’t have tried to get in. Nobody should have tried. She’s dead and her family has been decimated forever. We don’t have any more details to share. I’m glad we left before the worst of it. I wouldn’t want my memory to retain sights and sounds caused by terrible decisions. The rally put on by Women For America First was a huge success. Others have used the media to unfairly stain it. (read more) - BOLD TYPE mine - 2021-01-13 c FEDERAL BUREAU OF INSTIGATION ? Do not fall for a plot to
entrap Second Amendment–supporters
A flyer has been circulating on the internet urging people to attend an "armed march on Capitol Hill and all state capitols [sic]" on January 17. It's framed in terms of standing up for liberty. DO NOT ATTEND. There is a 99.99999% certainty that this is a trap intended to give Democrats an excuse to destroy the Second Amendment and, quite possibly, to cordon off from society all Republicans and conservatives. Here's the flyer, which we reproduce so that you'll recognize it should you see it. As you look at it, realize that you are the mouse, and this flyer is the cheese. There is no difference between the flyer and the cheese or peanut butter that a homeowner puts in a mousetrap intended to behead the little creature: ... For the time being, until the new lay of the land is clear, the best advice is to leave state capitals alone, and especially Washington, D.C. Indeed, when it comes to the inauguration in Washington, D.C., Roger L. Simon has a great idea, which is to boycott it into oblivion: (read more) 2021-01-13 b THE TRUTH MIGHT SET US FREE II FAKE NEWS: Reports of “Armed
Protests” At All 50 State Capitols Are Unsourced,
MSM Hysteria
This isn’t actually happening. Mainstream media figures have claimed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning of imminent “armed protests” at every state capitol in the country on January 20th, the day on which Joe Biden is slated to be inaugurated as President. One gun control activist immediately utilized the reports to demand gun confiscation. ... CNN hack Wolf Blitzer repeated the dramatic, and almost unbelievable claim, going so far as to directly quote the claims of imminent armed protests. In a development seeming to contradict with claims of imminent armed marches on state capitols, the special agent in charge of the FBI Boston office revealed that the agency had no reason to believe a threat of criminal activity was at hand in the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. “We are currently not in receipt of any credible information regarding violent activity in or around the capitol buildings, or anywhere else for that matter, connected to the events of Jan. 6 or the upcoming inauguration,” said Special Agent in Charge Joseph R. Bonavolonta. Armed protests occasionally happen- almost always peacefully- in states with pro-Second Amendment gun laws. But it’s all but impossible to imagine states such as New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York legally allowing armed protests, with open carry being all but outright illegal. Some protests supposedly planned at state capitols are being organized by individuals affiliated with “Boogaloo” subculture, a juvenile anarchist movement that largely opposes President Trump, let alone supports election protests. Thin sourcing for the legitimacy of these events seems to rely on little more than amateuristic online fliers, as opposed to real organization and permit processing usually required for protest events at sensitive areas such as state capitols. Somebody’s pretty much lying, whether it’s corporate journos trying to incite an American Reichstag Fire event or FBI personnel making fantastical predictions. (read more) 2021-01-13 a THE TRUTH MIGHT SET US FREE I Judicial Watch: Declassify,
Distribute, and Let the People Decide
Democrats clamoring for Donald Trump’s immediate removal from office may be afraid of what documents he might declassify in his final week. I say, what is taking him so long? I have written on the topic of declassifying and releasing full, unredacted government documents related to Trump-era controversies many times. The point is the same in every instance: the deep state can never be trusted to engage in meaningful oversight over its corrupt and potentially illegal actions. And because self-policing is unlikely, if not impossible, it is up to the American people to decide. But the public cannot judge the case lacking full information, so President Trump must supply the full, unadulterated record as evidence. This is becoming more critical as days pass and the Trump presidency runs out. It’s now or never. Those about to take total control of the government move to censor, de-platform and otherwise gag conservative voices, and would certainly have no problem destroying documents that conflict with their preferred narrative. The inconvenient truths preserved in the documentary record would simply be put down the Orwellian memory hole, shredded in the basement on January 21. People in the president’s retinue are aware of the issue. On November 8 Donald Trump Jr. tweeted “DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING!!! We can’t let the bad actors get away with it.” Rudy Giuliani has said the same thing for months, and most recently commented that Trump “owes it to the American people to put it out.” What is “it”? Everything connected to the scandals of the last five years. All the documents related to the fraudulent Russian collusion investigation and the “insurance policy” seeking to destroy the Trump presidency. All of the FISA-gate documents, full and unredacted. Everything connected to the sweetheart investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal home-brew email server, not to mention the extant files from that server and from the Anthony Weiner laptops. Release the records from the Awan brothers in the Congressional IT scandal. Release the Seth Rich files that the government at first denied existed, then suddenly began discovering. Expose hidden documents related to the Benghazi attack and coverup scandal. Tell us more about Chinese and Iranian attempts to influence the 2020 election. How about also exposing everything the government has on Hunter Biden’s lucrative influence-peddling travels abroad while his father was vice president? The media already took steps to censor that information from getting out – but failed. Is there any more on “the big guy” and contacts he or members of his family had with China or other countries during the Trump years? Democrats might cry foul over hobbling Biden this way in the first days of his presidency, but unlike the Russian collusion hoax, the China connection is a fact. President Trump had delegated the authority to declassify information, but that did not produce solid results. The deep state was too ingrained for most government officials to do the right thing and actually release the information, with some notable exceptions. Now it is too late even for the president to give the task to a trusted team of professionals, because frankly he can’t know who to trust. No, this document dump must come directly from the president’s desk to the American people. Once the information is made public President Trump could also seek the appointment of independent counsels to investigate these and other matters of public interest. Again, Democrats would cry foul, but they do that no matter what Trump does. Such investigations are long overdue. The American people have a right to know how foreign entities were involved in actions seeking to sway (or rig) the 2020 election, and China’s efforts to allegedly pay off a political family seeking to ascend to the White House. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called President Trump “unhinged, unstable and deranged,” but Democratic attempts to pursue a hurry-up impeachment would be far more injurious to our Republic than a bunch of MAGA-rowdies spontaneously milling about the Capitol. It would be impossible to have any semblance of due process impeaching in the few remaining days of the Trump presidency, and kicking Trump while he is down would hardly promote the peace and unity that President-elect Biden says he wants. Yet Democrats are determined to move ahead. So, at this point, President Trump has one move left on the political chessboard, and he might as well take it. Declassify, distribute, and let the people decide. (read more) 2021-01-12 e HEADS HAVE BEGUN TO ROLL (Michael Beller has resigned) NEW YORK
(AP) — A lawyer for PBS resigned Tuesday after
being caught describing President Donald Trump as “close to Hitler” in a right-wing sting operation. https://t.co/8oCiPedKWb — James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 12, 2021 2021-01-12 d DEMISE OF AN ELDER OF ZION Casino mogul and political
donor Sheldon Adelson dead at 87
Billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, whose gambling and hotel businesses turned him into a major political power broker in the US and Israel, has died. He was 87. The founder of the Las Vegas Sands casino company, Mr Adelson was known for his support of conservative causes and Israel. He was a significant backer of US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His death was caused by complications related to his treatment for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the Las Vegas Sands company said in a statement. In a statement, former US president George W Bush said he mourned the passing of a "friend". "He was an American patriot, a generous benefactor of charitable causes, and a strong supporter of Israel," Mr Bush said. "He will be missed by many - none more than his beloved family." (read more) 2021-01-12 c DETAILS OF THE FOUR YEAR COUP "The seeds of this scheme were planted several months prior to the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton authorized a smear campaign against Trump alleging that he's secretly a “Russian agent”. It was hoped that this would discredit the race's frontrunner and thus result in handing her the presidency that November." The Anti-Trump Regime Change
Sequence Is Worthwhile Studying
worthwhile studying the sequence of regime change
events leading to the recent overt attempt to
anti-democratically topple the incumbent President
of the United States through superficially
“democratic” means since obtaining a better
understanding of how this plot played out can help
in preemptively identifying and subsequently
thwarting similar such attempts elsewhere in the
world before they reach that stage.
Does Anyone Even Fully Understand What's Happening? I wrote on Wednesday that “Every Democrat Is A Wannabe Dictator”, but many of these potential tyrants don't even fully understand the dynamics of the regime change process that they're supporting. Nor, for that matter, do many of those who patriots and principled observers abroad who oppose it understand it all that much either. They just hold their respective positions because it's either in their political interests to do so like the supporters do, or it's against their own and/or conflicts with their principles. In any case, it's worthwhile enlightening everyone by sharing a simplified sequence of events explaining how this unprecedented regime change process unfolded over the past four years. The resultant insight will hopefully enable others to preemptively identify similar regime change schemes when they're only in their incipient phases, thus allowing the responsible authorities to potentially take action to thwart them before they reach their final stage. The Seeds Of The Scheme The seeds of this scheme were planted several months prior to the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton authorized a smear campaign against Trump alleging that he's secretly a “Russian agent”. It was hoped that this would discredit the race's frontrunner and thus result in handing her the presidency that November. This eventually morph into the discredited “Steele dossier” and the subsequent Russiagate conspiracy theory. The purpose of these information warfare provocations was to delegitimize Trump's election, insincerely present the Democrats as the guardians of America's electoral integrity, and therefore powerfully shape public perceptions ahead of the 2020 election. During the interim, a related narrative was weaponized claiming that Trump is a corrupt lawbreaker and wannabe dictator who'll cling to power at all costs. The Democrats' Preemptive Deflection Of Suspicion The intention behind that claim was to precondition the public into expecting that Trump would resort to an illegal power grab if he lost the election fair and square, the latter scenario of which people were made to believe since the Democrats spent four years insincerely portraying themselves as the guardians of America's electoral integrity via their now-debunked Russiagate and Ukrainegate crusades. All of this was meant to preemptively deflect any suspicions that they were preparing to carry out what's arguably the largest electoral fraud in American history, though the means through which they planned to do so unexpectedly changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic which presented an entirely new opportunity for them. That was the prospect of a massive influx of mail-in ballots into an electoral system that obviously wasn't prepared for it. The Political Exploitation Of The COVID-19 Pandemic Like I wrote in my recent analysis about how “The Connection Between World War C & Psychological Processes Is Seriously Concerning”, COVID-19 is indeed real and definitely dangerous for at-risk members of the population, but it's also been unquestionably exploited for political ends as evidenced by the double standards that Democrat governors applied towards the lockdown. If they really thought that COVID-19 was as deadly for the vast majority of the population as some experts have said that it is, then they wouldn't have risked the massive culling of their electorate by encouraging them to wantonly burn, loot, riot, and even murder in rare instances all across their states' major cities under the banner of Antifa and “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). This kinetic phase of the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America was meant to intimidate average Americans. “Red Wave” vs. “Blue Wave” Just as importantly, however, their selective enforcement of draconian lockdown decrees against people of a different political persuasion (i.e. Trump supporters) was an ill-convincing effort to keep up the charade that mail-in voting was necessary in order to “save lives from COVID”. Few truly believe that this is the case since the Democrats' visible double standards prove that the pandemic has been completely politicized for the purpose of justifying a massive influx of mail-in ballots into an electoral system totally unprepared to handle it. This set the stage for the Democrats to craftily predict over the summer that the winner might not be known on election day and to disregard any initial signs of a “red wave” pointing to Trump's re-election since people were misled to believe that a “blue wave” will inevitably follow to crush it. Connecting The Dots This was extremely sneaky from the perception management perspective because it preemptively served to cover their tracks among average voters who might otherwise immediately suspect fraud in that scenario. Coupled with the prior narrative that Trump is a corrupt lawbreaker and wannabe dictator who'll cling to power at all costs, the impression was shaped in many minds that any condemnation of this course of events by Trump would supposedly be indicative of him -- not the Democrats -- endeavoring to commit fraud. Had it not been for COVID-19 and the Democrats' subsequent politicization thereof for the purpose of justifying ~100 million mail-in ballots, then their preplanned effort to defraud the vote might not have been as successful or convincing. Even so, their visible double standards in response to the lockdown made many people question their motives. Big Tech Censorship So many are suspicious of what happened, in fact, that the Democrats' Big Tech allies went on a censorship spree the day after the election to block accounts and pages that encouraged concerned Americans to peacefully express their first amendment right to the freedom of assembly by staging law-abiding rallies in Trump's support. As a case in point, OneWorld was deplatformed within hours of me sharing my article about how “It's Time To Employ 'Democratic Security' Strategies To #StopTheSteal” for suggesting exactly that, which speaks to the powerful role that social media companies played in the lead-up to and subsequent aftermath of the election. Not only did they suppress practically all reporting of the Hunter Biden corruption scandal (which also seems to implicate Joe Biden), but they're now actively suppressing Americans' freedom of assembly. ... Everything Went According To Plan On election night, everything went off without a hitch from their perspective. Trump's “red wave” crashed into most battleground states but was then pushed back by the “blue wave” supposedly resulting from the millions of mail-in ballots that the mainstream media wants everyone to believe were almost entirely for Biden. Not only is so statistically unlikely as to practically be impossible, but it also followed a suspicious suspension of the ballot count for at least several hours in the election-deciding states that had yet to declare a winner. As expected, Trump condemned this blatant fraud, thus conforming to the role of a corrupt lawbreaker and wannabe dictator who will stop at nothing to cling to power like many were preconditioned to wrongly believe. Even if Trump somehow pulls off a legal victory and ends up winning the race, his legitimacy is now in dispute. The Democrats' “Worst-Case” Scenario In the Democrats' “worst-case” scenario, they'd simply intensify their now-kinetic Hybrid War of Terror on America by encouraging their de-facto street militias of Antifa and BLM to wage a more sophisticated campaign of urban terrorism on the pretext of it supposedly being “legitimate antifascist resistance to a racist dictator who illegally stole the election”. It shouldn't be forgotten that similar terrorist campaigns were launched against Syrian President Assad and former Libyan leader Gaddafi under almost identical “pro-democracy” pretexts, which testifies to the fact that what's already happening in America nowadays as well as what's poised to follow in the Democrats' “worst-case” scenario of having their voter fraud attempt overturned (perhaps at the Supreme Court level) has the “deep state's” fingerprints all over it. Concluding Thoughts The sequence of events which culminated in the ongoing superficially “democratic” coup attempt is very complex and also involves much more than what was simplified in this analysis, though the present piece highlights the most important trends that everyone should pay attention to. The outcome of this unprecedented struggle for leadership of the fading unipolar superpower is still uncertain since this is completely uncharted territory for the country. Nevertheless, understanding how everything got to this point might help others identify similar patterns ahead of time so that they can be snuffed out in their infancy before maturing into the anti-democratic disaster that's facing America today. Seeing as how the US is the global trendsetter, it can thus be expected that this regime change method might eventually be employed elsewhere across the world with time. (read more) 2021-01-12 b DERANGED TO PLEASE "No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy! " Are You Ready for Total
(Ideological) War?
So, welcome to 2021! If last week was any indication, it is going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores “normality” throughout the world. …or at least attempts to restore “normality,” or the “New Normality,” or the “Great Normal Reset,” or “The New Normal War on Domestic Terror” … or whatever they eventually decide to call it. In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass. They have had it with all this “populism” malarkey that has been going on for the last four years. Yes, that’s right, the party is over, you Russian-backed white supremacist terrorists! You Trump-loving, anti-mask grandmother killers! You anti-vax, election-fraud-conspiracy theorists! You deviants who refuse to follow orders, wear your damn masks, vote for who they tell you, and believe whatever completely nonsensical official propaganda they pour into your heads! Oh, yes, you really did it this time! You stormed the goddamned US Capitol. You and your racist, Russia-backed army of bison-hat wearing half-naked actors have meddled with the primal forces of GloboCap, and now, by God, you will atone! No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy! You walked around in there waving silly flags! You went into the Chamber, into people’s offices! One of you actually put his filthy populist feet up on Pelosi’s desk … ON HER DESK! This aggression will not stand! OK, before I go any further with this essay, I need to explain to my regular readers (in case it wasn’t already clear) that I’ve decided to forswear every word I’ve ever written, and all my principles, and my common sense, and join the remainder of my old leftist and liberal friends in the orgy of online hate and outrage they are currently mindlessly indulging in. Yes, I realize this comes as a shock, but I have seen the GloboCap writing on the wall, and I don’t want to … you know, get ideologically “cleansed,” or charged with “extremism,” or “insurrectionism,” or “domestic terrorism,” or “populism,” or whatever. I’m already in enough trouble as it is for not playing ball with their “apocalyptic plague,” and whatever else I am, I am certainly no martyr, and I have a career in the arts to consider, so I have decided to listen to my inner coward and join the goose-stepping global-capitalist mob, which is why this column sounds slightly out of character. See, back in the old days, before my conversion, I would have made fun of my liberal friends for calling this “storming” of the Capitol a “coup,” or an “insurrection,” and for demanding that the protesters be prosecuted as “domestic terrorists.” I probably would have scolded them a bit for taking to the Internet and spewing their hatred at the unarmed woman shot dead by the police like a pack of soulless, totalitarian jackals. I might have even made a reference to that infamous scene in Schindler’s List where the crowd of “normal” German citizens all laugh and jeer as the Jews are marched away to the ghetto by the Nazi goons. But, now that I have seen the light, I see how bad and wrong that would have been. Clearly, trespassing in the US Capitol is a crime that should be punishable by death. And comparing contemporary American liberals to the “good Germans” during the Nazi era is so outrageous that … well, it should probably be censored. So, good thing I decided not to do that! (read more) 2021-01-12 a DEFUND PBS & THE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING PBS Principal Counsel Lays Out
Violent Radical Agenda; Says Americans Are ‘F*cking
Dumb’ … ‘Go to White House & Throw Molotovs’ …
‘Put [Children] into Re-Education Camps…Watch PBS
All Day’ … ‘COVID Spiking in Red States…[Red State
Voters] Are Sick & Dying’
In a conversation with a Veritas journalist, Beller explained his violent intentions: Michael Beller: “In these times, which are unique -- I mean Trump -- Trump is close to Hitler.” Journalist: “What are you going to do if we [Democrats] don’t win?” Beller: “Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails.” Beller said that the children of Trump supporters were being raised to be horrible people, and that a solution would be sending those children to re-education camps. “They’ll [Trump supporters] be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids,” Beller said. “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps,” he said. “Enlightenment camps. They’re nice, they have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms, and they watch PBS all day,” he said. Beller told the Veritas journalist that he was happy to live in Washington D.C. instead of a small town in the United States. He said that people in those towns are not intelligent. “Americans are so f*cking dumb. You know, most people are dumb. It’s good to live in a place where people are educated and know stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody's just stupid?” Beller said it was a good thing that COVID-19 expanded in states where Republican candidates often win elections. He said it would help his political objectives if voters in those states did not show up to vote given that they would likely be sick or dying: Beller: “What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great.” Journalist: “Why do you think so?” Beller: “Because either those people won’t come out to vote for Trump -- you know the red states -- or a lot of them are sick and dying.” Project Veritas is seeking insiders within PBS to further expose the radical ideas being fomented in the organization. Contact VeritasTips@protonmail.com with information. (read more) 2021-01-11 h THE PLOT THICKENS WARNING: DO NOT ATTEND Armed
Protests at State Capitols Before Inauguration! –
WARNING! There are several armed protests at state capitols across the country before inaugural ceremonies next week. WE ARE URGING YOU NOT TO ATTEND! WE BELIEVE THIS IS LIKELY A SINISTER ATTEMPT TO TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS! Think about this– Last week the demonic left used the assault on the US Capitol to take away your First Amendment right of Free Speech. Tens of thousands of Americans were removed from social media along with the US President. The far left tech giants took away President Trump’s ability to communicate freely to the American public. The next planned operation is to take your guns. WE ARE VERY CONCERNED THE RADICAL LEFT IS USING THIS TO START A FIREFIGHT AND TAKE AWAY YOUR GUN RIGHTS! The left is unafraid. The Democrats just STOLE a massive landslide election from President Trump. They removed your right to freely communicate online last weekend. NOW THEY ARE GOING FOR YOUR GUNS. ... For the record, these “armed protests” in the coming days ARE NOT sanctioned by the Trump Campaign. We are looking more into who is behind this movement. (read more) 2021-01-11 g JANUARY 6th PERFORMANCE OF THE DEEP STATE PLAYERS V January 6, 2020, a Day that
Will Live in Political Infamy
I attended the “Million MAGA March” on January 6, along with the Mainstreet Patriots chapter of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I did so not because I believed the Republicans in the Senate or Vice-President Mike Pence would do the right thing -- I knew they would not -- but because it marked th beginning of Middle America’s determination to take back the country. What form that determination will take is up to the wannabe autocrats in the Ruling Class and in particular its Democrat party subsidiary. I did not go to the Ellipse at the White House to watch President Trump’s speech but opted to remain in the vicinity of the Capitol and watched his speech on a widescreen monitor set up at the Russell Senate Office Building. After the speech ended, I and Mainstreet Patriot member Mike Goldberg walked less than a block to Capitol Hill to join the ever-growing crowd at the West Front of the Capitol. As we were able to position ourselves within 75 yards of the entrance, we noticed that among a large cadre of what appeared to be young Trump supporters there were many frankly stereotypical Antifa-looking militants waving Trump flags on the steps attempting to get to the doors as the useless barriers of portable and plastic fencing had been easily breached. These militants were at the entrance area before Trump’s speech at the Ellipse (two miles away) was finished. The speech could not have incited the subsequent mayhem. It was obvious to me that the Capitol Hill and Metro police were deliberately ill-prepared for a crowd of any size, much less the hundreds of thousands that ultimately arrived. Further, the police presence was miniscule and their only attempt at crowd control were a few random canisters of tear gas. As the crowd at the steps grew, we saw the few police in attendance step aside and essentially allow the mob to flow into the Capitol. And thus, the Ruling Class and its media arm had the story for the day and the validation of their programmed mindset of stereotypically portraying the rally attendees as violent deplorables and President Trump as the execrable instigator. Other than at the immediate Capitol building, among a small handful of what I am convinced were overwhelmingly anti-Trump demonstrators, there were no incidents. Among the overall police presence none were required to disperse or control perhaps 500,000+ attendees. Having attended numerous rallies since the late 1960s, this was the largest and most peaceful I have witnessed. Many police officers we talked to said the same. What I did witness was the confluence of the inhabitants of Middle America of all races and creeds, there to not only express their exasperation with the fraudulent election, but to tell the denizens of the Ruling Class that they are no longer the meek, easily manipulated occupants of flyover country. They are committed to taking back the country from those determined to eviscerate the Constitution for their own megalomaniacal gains. I met people who had traveled from as far away as Hawaii, California, Oregon, Texas, and Alaska. When I asked why, when travel has been made so difficult with the Chinese Virus restrictions, they to a person said: “We had to come and make a statement.” Further, the general sentiments were that if we cannot have honest and fair elections then we do not have a country anymore. Thus, we can no longer be passive -- we have to get out and march, demonstrate, force the states to change election laws, and throw out the politicians that have betrayed their oath and those that elected them. This march was also an opportunity to express an unalloyed appreciation of President Trump as being the only major political figure since Ronald Reagan to genuinely and unselfishly love America and all of its citizens and for his never-ending battle with the Ruling Class despite the personally destructive and often unfair tactics arrayed against him. Those who are mired in the self-serving and narcissistic swamp of Washington, D.C., or the egomaniacal cesspool of Silicon Valley, or the ostentatious affectations of Hollywood, or the uliginous halls of Wall Street, will never understand the genuine affection that Middle America has for Donald J. Trump. Much of this affection, frankly, has been precipitated by their loathing for the current American Ruling Class. I abhor trafficking in conspiracy theories and have avoided doing so over my entire adult life. Nonetheless, I cannot help but entertain a growing suspicion in the back of my mind, after having witnessed firsthand the events of January 6 and the near complete lack of police presence at the Capitol, and knowing what Antifa has done in other pro-Trump rallies that the powers-to-be at a minimum hoped that what happened would happen. So deep is the loathing for President Trump and his supporters by the Ruling Class that I cannot rule out this possibility. (read more) 2021-01-11 f JANUARY 6th PERFORMANCE OF THE DEEP STATE PLAYERS IV "Based on what I saw and read, I have no doubt that dozens and possibly even hundreds of Antifa and/or other provocateurs had infiltrated the rally in order to carry out violent acts and suck impressionable Trump supporters into their antics. " Worrisome Signs the Capitol
Breach was Planned to Discredit Trump Supporters: An
Eyewitness Account
It may be weeks before we fully understand the fallout from the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol building. The prevailing consensus from conservative talk radio hosts and editors is that this event provided ammunition to Trump’s enemies and gave squishy Republicans an excuse to abandon their objections to the certification of Biden’s electors. They may be true, but based on what I saw experienced first-hand, I am conflicted on what to say about those who entered the building. According to the website “wildprotest.com,” the original plan was to gather at the White House Ellipse from 9am to 12pm, then gather at the North lawn of the Capitol building at 1 pm. As you may well know, not only did it not happen this way, but the aforementioned website went blank. Did they take it down to make it harder for Trump supporters to show that storming the building was never part of the initial plan? My group boarded a D.C. Metro train at 10:30am. Upon arrival to the next station, I saw three young white men board the train with dark clothes and skeleton face masks. My immediate concern was that these were Antifa thugs who would give us trouble as soon as they saw us get off the train with our signs. As I watched them from the corner of my eye, I noticed that one of them wore a cape with the American Revolution snake “Join or die.” Were these Trump supporters? Something did not seem quite right. As the train approached our destination, other rally participants started to fill our coach and we arrived at the Ellipse with no incident. The participants at the Ellipse were for the most part in good spirits and remarkably friendly, just as they had been in other “Stop the steal” rallies I attended in D.C. on November 14 and December 12. Most attendees were white, and though most non-whites were Asian, two of the people who complimented me on my poster were African Americans. The main difference that struck me as unusual during this rally (apart from the three young men who boarded the train) was the frequent smell of marijuana. We were present during much of the President’s speech, but since we could not hear it clearly, we walked to the National Mall in search of a bathroom. We found a public restroom on the mall with two lines of over 50 people. We then proceeded to walk down the Mall towards the Capitol building in search of porta-potties and found one with a line of about 20-30 people. Our wait was only 20 minutes, but it was overflowing, and I felt very bad for the women in our group. During the previous rally there had been many portable toilets on the Mall. This lack of facilities was anticipated because we were advised in one list serve to wear diapers. I had the impression the D.C. mayor wanted to make it less comfortable for us. As we resumed walking towards the Capitol building, we got caught up in the march. As we approached the building, I saw no evidence of people moving to the North lawn as previously planned. I also noticed that the people first arriving at the building were on average much younger than the group I had left at the Ellipse. To my great surprise, young people started to climb the stairs of the Capitol stairs and the inauguration bleachers flanking each side of the stairs. Since I was far behind the crowd, it was not clear to me whether or not they had pushed through police barricades in order to get there, but as I neared the building, I saw what appeared to be metal barricades that had been pushed aside as we neared the building. When we arrived at the Capitol steps, we saw a young man with a bullhorn on top of the highest scaffolding urging participants to move forward. Soon we heard what sounded like ceremonial cannon fire and saw smoke and I smelled tear gas. I was not aware that anyone had entered the building until someone with an iPhone told me gleefully that Congress had evacuated the chambers and that the vote was delayed. I was shocked, and wondered if she had a point in celebrating what happened. Up to that moment, I had not witnessed any of the violence involved in pushing through the barricades or entering the building. The only destruction of property I witnessed first-hand was the alleged Antifa infiltrator breaking a window, only to be forcibly pulled away by Trump supporters. Suddenly the three young men I saw earlier on the train with scary masks in front (but pro-America symbols on their backs) made sense to me, as did widespread smell of marijuana. (read more) 2021-01-11 e JANUARY 6th PERFORMANCE OF THE DEEP STATE PLAYERS III "I guess, no one would want an Antifa, Harvard-educated political science major to get hurt when they did what they always do: break the window of the store for the ignorant pawns to loot." The Capitol: So Much
Suspicious Evidence
It's our own fault. We allowed Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to control the narrative while Google controlled the answers to any questions. They now believe they can define what happened on January 6, 2021 with impunity and we will accept their lies as truth. We the people, however, are all too aware of what they are trying to accomplish, having been witness to the Hunter Biden story dissolving into the ether from inaccessibility and the silencing of any dissent as they stole a presidency. For the entire year, the left has tried to provoke the right into violence. On Wednesday, they got what they wished for. Or conversely, they infiltrated a peaceful demonstration with Antifa and carried out a successful false flag operation. They Tell Us This was all Trump's fault. We know this because for the past four years, we have been told everything is Trump's fault. And I would wager, they will tell us for the next four years, everything is Trump's fault. As a matter of fact, when someone writes the acknowledged history of the United States of America's Second Civil War, it will be Trump's fault as well. Funny Thing Having watched some part of almost all the Trump rallies and having never seen anyone wearing helmets, backpacks, headscarves, or any degree of blackout with a tool dangling from their belts, it was surprising to see so many of the so-called rioters so clad at this "rebellion." In the now-famous picture of seven guys scaling the wall to the Capitol Building, one can see people already at the precipice. Those are the ones who walked up the stairs (just outside the frame) when the entirely inadequate security melted away. Wow, it is almost as if it is a staged photo reminiscent of the dozen versions of the Russians raising the flag over the Reichstag in 1945 or Pelosi's garage. Me? I would have taken the stairs, but then I would not have been wearing a headscarf and a backpack with a tool dangling from my belt as three of the four nearest the top were begging for the director to yell, "Cut!" Why wasn't there adequate security, and why weren't those who were present armed? ... One can be forgiven for thinking security was purposely left deficient and unarmed to provoke what might happen should a sampling of Antifa intermixed within the mostly peaceful crowd be successful at impelling the desired riot. False flag? Hitler put less effort into setting up Poland with Operation Himmler at the inception of WWII, the "big one" (as Archie Bunker used to say). No security and no weapons — what a surprise. It's almost as if they wanted this. Yet they still managed to kill a woman by shooting through a door. Deadly force is allowed only when you fear for your life or the lives of others. From multiple videos, one can see that what Ashli Babbitt was doing had not yet met that threshold. But then again, as a Trump-supporter, she was not a member of a protected class, so her death, while meaningless, was warranted. You see, when you are meaningless, either you do as you are told or you deserve to die. I also noticed how polite most of the people were who did get into the building, staying within the velvet ropes, looking at the majestic statues that line the marbled hallways of state. They were in such awe that, unlike a gender studies major in a mask from this summer's riots, they elected not to overturn a single statue in the building they invaded with such respect — the ruthless bastards. I also liked the video that starts with a standing-still security guy pointing at a bunch of people in an elevator directly opposite a set of marble stairs (action!). He then turns and jogs up the stairs. At the top, he turns to his left to go up another flight of stairs but pauses first, as if waiting for the crowd to catch up with him. With each flight, he repeats the same actions, turning, and waiting. It's like a bad Oliver Stone movie. Wait...what? At least his movies were entertaining — perhaps something from Michael Moore? Or do they think we are so stupid that they need not even cut the video for continuity? This Is What They Wanted Even had this been conservative middle-aged white men letting loose the dogs of war and crying "havoc," who cares? What did they think was going to happen when they created one crisis after another to deprive a successful president not only of his presidency, but also of his re-election, as they not only laughed at the stupid deplorables clinging to their guns and religion, but also deprived them of their livelihoods and loved ones? (read more) 2021-01-11 d JANUARY 6th PERFORMANCE OF THE DEEP STATE PLAYERS II "There was no revolution. There was a call by the people for election integrity." There Was No Revolution
There was no revolution. There was no pro-Trump coup attempt. Everyone knows it. A couple of crackpots who pranked at the Capitol are now being called a “revolution.” As if that crazy, painted-face shaman with the buffalo-horn hat was leading -- what are they calling it? Ah yes, an insurrection. There was a call by millions of Americans for election integrity. It was met with “shoot to kill” behavior and then a great purge. It wasn’t a revolution; it was more like an ambush. No one is asking who gave the shoot-to-kill order or who gave the order to invite protesters into the Capitol building. We do know that the January 6, 2021 Capitol protesters were invited in. See the video here. And here. What we do know is that there were scores of Trump rallies attended by hundreds of thousands of people, with not one incident. What we do know is our people are peaceful, respectful and law-abiding. What we do know is we are a subclass -- “Untouchables” -- who have been brutally punished at every turn, most especially this past year, by Democrat despots. We do know is that we witnessed months of “insurrection” -- burning cities, government buildings, streets, and even sometimes homes, and were told it was peaceful and necessary. That was insurrection. We watched Democrats take over the Hart Senate Building and State Capitol buildings and were told it was beautiful. On September 24, 2018, during the Kavanaugh hearings, NARAL tweeted: RIGHT NOW: Large crowd
of activists & allies in black are occupying
the Hart Senate building to make sure our
lawmakers know we will NOT be silenced. We need
our senators to step up to the plate -- Brett
Kavanaugh’s nomination must be withdrawn. #StopKavanaugh
And according to political consultant Mike Yoder, “In 1983, Susan Rosenberg planted a bomb outside the US Senate chamber to assassinate Republican senators. House Judiciary Committee Chairman @RepJerryNadler got Pres. Clinton to pardon Susan Rosenberg. She’s now a board member of Black Lives Matter Network, Inc.” We do know that all talk of the greatest election theft in history has utterly and absolutely ceased. ... The Democrat totalitarians mean to impose one-party rule. They are criminalizing political dissent as “domestic terrorism” and mean to criminalize it in ways one can only imagine (leaf through non-PC history books). The biggest conservative voices have been exterminated on Twitter. President Trump, his son, General Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, and a great many others have been banned from Twitter. Rush Limbaugh deleted his account in disgust. Hundreds of thousands of followers are being shaved from conservative accounts. Facebook is threatening to shut down my pages. Even Senator Josh Hawley was cancelled. Oblivious to the irony, Simon and Schuster killed the Missouri Republican’s upcoming book, The Tyranny of Big Tech. I chose to leave Twitter. (read more) 2021-01-11 c JANUARY 6th PERFORMANCE OF THE DEEP STATE PLAYERS I "January 6th’s events are being seized on as a game-changer, leading to calls to invoke the 25th Amendment; calls to impeach and remove President Trump; and efforts to discredit Trump, his supporters, and conservatism. It has distracted attention from issues around the legitimacy of voting procedures in several key states and guaranteed the Electoral College vote just before 4 A.M. that ratified Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s inauguration as president and vice president." The Truth About January
6---and Where We Should Go From Here
According to a left-wing propaganda narrative that you can read in the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and similar outlets, the violence in Congress that occurred in the afternoon of January 6 was the culmination of a long series of outrages by President Donald Trump. When he lost the November election to Joe Biden, he could not accept his loss. He kept making baseless claims that he had won the election and accused Biden supporters of using fake ballots and rigged voting machines to inflate the totals for Biden. He kept filing lawsuits to get parts of the verdict overturned, but the courts rejected all his claims. He thought he still had a chance on January 6, when the electoral votes are counted in Congress. He wanted Vice President Mike Pence to violate the Constitution. Although Pence has the purely ceremonial role of presiding over the joint session, he wanted Pence to toss out slates of electors who opposed him, or at least send them back to the states for re-certification. Pence refused to violate the Constitution. When Trump found out about it, he was so angry that he incited part of a rally supporting him to storm Congress and shut down the session. Because of him, several people were killed. He is a sore loser who should be removed from office immediately and sent to prison for sedition as well. Every word of this narrative is false. Let’s take one item out of chronological order, because it has gotten so much attention. It’s alleged that Trump became enraged at Pence because Pence wouldn’t violate the Constitution. In fact, there is a good case that what Trump was asking Pence to do was perfectly legitimate. As John Yoo and Robert Delahunty pointed out in an article in the American Mind last October 19, We suggest that the Vice
President’s role is not the merely ministerial one
of opening the ballots and then handing them over
(to whom?) to be counted. Though the 12th Amendment
describes the counting in the passive voice, the
language seems to envisage a single, continuous
process in which the Vice President both opens and
counts the votes.
If that
reading is correct, then the Electoral Count Act
is unconstitutional. Congress cannot use legislation
to dictate how any individual branch of government is
to perform its unique duties: Congress could not
prescribe how future Senates should conduct an
impeachment trial, for example. Similarly, we think
the better reading is that Vice President Pence would
decide between competing slates of electors chosen by
state legislators and governors, or decide whether to
count votes that remain in litigation.The check on error or fraud in the count is that the Vice President’s activities are to be done publicly, “in the presence” of Congress. And if “counting” the electors’ votes is the Vice President’s responsibility, then the inextricably intertwined responsibility for judging the validity of those votes must also be his. Yoo is a controversial person, but there’s no doubt he is a constitutional law scholar in good standing. Well, you might say, what right did Trump have to blow up on Pence just because Pence disagreed with his understanding of the Constitution? The answer to that is simple. Pence had assured Trump that he accepted his claim that there were irregularities in the voting. He said at a rally in Georgia on January 4, just two days before the count, that the case for widespread election fraud would be made to the American people when Congress meets this week to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Trump. “We’ve all got our doubts about the last election. I share the concerns of millions of Americans about voting irregularities,” Pence said at an indoor congregation at Rock Springs Church in Milner, Ga., in support of Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in runoff elections there. Pence, who by law will be tasked with declaring a winner of the Electoral College vote, seemed to leave open the possibility that Trump could still remain in power for a second term. “Come this Wednesday,” he said, referring to the impending certification of election results, “we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the evidence.” The election was in fact stolen from him. It’s easy to hack voting machines, such as those made by Dominion, to change vote totals. When I say this, I’m not relying on a source the Left will dismiss as fantasies from conspiracy-theory nuts. According to a story published by NBC News last year, It was an assurance designed to bolster public confidence in the way America votes: Voting machines “are not connected to the internet.” Then Acting Undersecretary for Cybersecurity and Communications at the Department of Homeland Security Jeanette Manfra said those words in 2017, testifying before Congress while she was responsible for the security of the nation’s voting system. So many government officials like Manfra have said the same thing over the last few years that it is commonly accepted as gospel by most Americans. Behind it is the notion that if voting systems are not online, hackers will have a harder time compromising them. But that is an overstatement, according to a team of 10 independent cybersecurity experts who specialize in voting systems and elections. While the voting machines themselves are not designed to be online, the larger voting systems in many states end up there, putting the voting process at risk. That team of election security experts say[s] that last summer, they discovered some systems are, in fact, online. “We found over 35 [voting systems] had been left online and we’re still continuing to find more,” Kevin Skoglund, a senior technical advisor at the election security advocacy group National Election Defense Coalition, told NBC News. “We kept hearing from election officials that voting machines were never on the internet,” he said. “And we knew that wasn’t true. And so we set out to try and find the voting machines to see if we could find them on the internet, and especially the back-end systems that voting machines in the precinct were connecting to to report their results.” … ... Applying the classic legal question ‘cui bono?’ (‘who benefits?’), it is clear that Democrats, anti-Trump establishment Republicans, the leftist media, and TDS-sufferers all are victorious. Disturbing video available (for now) on Twitter shows Capitol Police allowing demonstrators to enter the Capitol grounds. . . Elsewhere at the Capitol, the police sent out to hold a perimeter were unable to hold off mobs. Why was the United States Capitol left so vulnerable? After the demonstrators were led in, a policeman killed a young woman at point-blank range. The police and Secret Service ended the session of Congress, not the peaceful demonstrators. To give themselves cover, they imported a few Antifa agitators. Why did they do this? I suggest they did this for a reason, which will become clear if we ask, What was going on just before the demonstration? The members of Congress were about to hear a debate on the objections raised against the votes in the swing states. The American people would have been able to hear the evidence for themselves. This had to be stopped. By stopping the session for about six hours, the debate was shifted to the very late evening hours of January 6 and early morning hours of January 7, when very few people were watching. Besides, all the attention was now on the protest rather than the fraudulent voting. What can be done now? (read more) 2021-01-11 b JANUARY 6th
A False Flag Farce in Several Unnatural Acts Designed to: Demonize and Discredit Trump and His Supporters plus Prevent Republican Lawmakers from Disclosing Irrefutable Evidence of Electoral Fraud Allegedly Produced by: Janus 'Two-Faced' Pelosi Allegedly Starring: Anarchists for Hire & The Cause Célèbre Cast BLOCKING THE UNDEMOCRATIC DEMOCRATS JUST IN:
House adjourns moments after gaveling into a pro
session, after Republicans blocked an effort by Democrats to get unanimous consent to force Vice Pres. Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. https://t.co/FLZUgPSgAr pic.twitter.com/RxtLuMBE9D — ABC News (@ABC) January 11, 2021 2021-01-10 e SHOWING SILICON VALLEY THE MIDDLE FINGER "Gab is the market leader when it comes to defending free speech against Silicon Valley tyranny online.” Free Speech Platform Gab
Reports 753 Percent Increase in Traffic in 24 Hours
Social media platform Gab reported on Saturday a huge increase in traffic as users migrate from Twitter amid widespread bans. “Our traffic is up 753% in the past 24 hours. Tens of millions of visits,” Gab said in a social media statement, responding to a user who said he wasn’t able to make an account. “Please be patient, we aren’t going anywhere. Spinning up 10 new servers tonight. This takes time,” Gab added. The company also reported over 500,000 new users on Saturday. Twitter on Friday permanently banned President Donald Trump and a slew of other users, including attorney Sidney Powell and former national security adviser Michael Flynn. That triggered an exodus to alternative sites such as Gab and Parler. ... In a new statement on Saturday, Torba said: “If your business is built on the backs of Silicon Valley tyrants (Apple, Google, et al) they can and will attempt to destroy you if and when you become a threat to their interests. They did this to Gab. Then Fortnite. Now Parler.” “Terrible content of all kinds is available on Twitter and Facebook. Everyone on the planet knows this fact. Yet both companies are on both App Stores. Apple banning Parler is not the neutral implementation of some objective standard, but rather a cynical, politically motivated gesture and evidence of Silicon Valley elites’ disdain for ordinary Americans. The solution, as always, is not government. It is to build your own. People mock this meme, but Gab lives it. While others whine, we build,” he added. Apple and Google didn’t respond to requests for comment. Google said in a statement when it banned Gab that “social networking apps need to demonstrate a sufficient level of moderation, including for content that encourages violence and advocates hate against groups of people,” to remain on its online store. Apple initially said the ban was because Gab didn’t automatically censor pornographic content but after Gab made changes on that matter, the company said it would uphold the ban because Gab “includes content that could be considered defamatory or mean-spirited.” (read more) 2021-01-10 d IMPEACH NASTY PELOSI INSTEAD II Opinion: There Is No
Constitutional Ground for Impeachment of President
Any effort to impeach President Donald Trump for comments made to Washington demonstrators would be flatly unconstitutional. The Constitution permits impeachment and removal of the president for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” There’s no reasonable claim that Trump’s speech, which largely focused on disputed, but credible, claims of election irregularities, was treasonous or involved a bribe. And in the absence of proof of deliberate incitement to riot, it wasn’t a “high Crime.” So, as in the former Trump impeachment, the only potential basis for removal from office would be commission of a “high … Misdemeanor.” (We know from founding-era evidence that in the Constitution, the adjective “high” modifies “Misdemeanor” as well as “Crime.”) The previous impeachment proceedings were marked by a debate over the meaning of the phrase “high misdemeanor.” Each of the four academic experts who testified at the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee offered their own definitions. The prosecutors and the president’s defense team offered their definitions, too. This disagreement reflected an academic dispute that had been going on for many years. Based on incomplete surveys of the founding-era record and on British impeachment trials, researchers had reached very different conclusions about the meaning of “high misdemeanor.” Unfortunately, however, almost no researcher (including me) had thought to examine the sources that might define the phrase authoritatively. Those sources were 18th-century English and American law books. The Constitution is first and foremost a legal document—the “supreme Law of the Land.” Most of its framers were lawyers, as were most of those who explained it to the general public. Moreover, at the time, the American general public was unusually knowledgeable about law. Thus, if the phrase “high misdemeanors” had a clear legal meaning and no other clear meaning, then we would expect the legal meaning to control. In this respect, the phrase “high misdemeanors” would be like other recognized legal terms in the Constitution: “Habeas Corpus,” “Equity,” “bail,” “Privileges and Immunities,” and so forth. The Trump impeachment proceedings inspired me to undertake a comprehensive survey of founding-era legal sources to see if “high misdemeanors” had a defined legal meaning. If it did, that would resolve the long-standing debate. In constitutional research, the sources frequently don’t yield overwhelming, one-sided evidence for an indisputable result. But it happened here. I was very surprised by this outcome, which contradicted what I had written previously. Nevertheless, I quickly admitted my mistake and duly published (pdf) the new findings. It turns out that “high misdemeanor” was, in fact, a precisely defined legal term: It meant “serious crimes not meriting the death penalty.” Here’s the background: In 18th-century England
and America, the legal word “misdemeanor”
technically included all crimes of any level of
gravity. The most serious misdemeanors were
denominated felonies (or high crimes). Felonies
traditionally were punishable by death. The most
serious felony was treason, and a person convicted
of treason usually suffered a particularly horrible
death: a man was drawn and quartered; a woman was
drawn and burned.
Lesser felonies—at common law there were nine of them—traditionally were punished by hanging. Examples are murder, rape, burglary, and robbery. (Happily, I can report that by the time of the founding, first offenders often received more lenient sentences.) Serious offenses other than treason and felony were punished by prison time and by heavy fines rather than by death. These offenses included, among others, bribery, attempted murder, assisting a duel, certain kinds of blackmail, and so forth. Offenses in this category were called great misdemeanors, great misprisions, or high misdemeanors. Lesser offenses were simply called “misdemeanors.” This criminal-law usage arose in England, but it was followed in America as well. For example, in my research, I uncovered several congressional statutes passed in the 1790s that designated serious crimes as “high misdemeanors” and imposed penalties accordingly. As in England, Congress labeled lesser crimes merely as “misdemeanors.” So a “high misdemeanor” was a serious crime not meriting the death penalty. The icing on the cake from this conclusion was that it resolved some other questions that had puzzled scholars as well. And it explained the structure of the Constitution’s Impeachment Clause: the words “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” provide one example of a high crime (treason), one example of a high misdemeanor (bribery), and include generic clauses covering other crimes in the same two categories. Observe what is excluded from the grounds for impeachment. Congress may not impeach and remove for a minor crime. Nor may it do so because an officer is reckless, negligent, or has obnoxious political opinions. The constitutional penalty for those breaches is, for lesser officers, removal by the president and, for the president and vice-president, reelection defeat. It’s significant that in the two years since these findings were published, no scholar has even attempted to rebut them. Nor can they be convincingly rebutted, given the volume and consistency of the evidence. While debate over the meaning of the term continued, the House of Representatives could reasonably assume that noncriminal behavior could constitute a “high misdemeanor.” But that’s no longer true. Now we can say unequivocally that whatever you may think of the president’s speech, it’s not a basis for impeachment. (read more) 2021-01-10 c IMPEACH NASTY PELOSI INSTEAD I Quick New Impeachment Would
Damage the Constitution
Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley said that the swift impeachment of President Donald Trump over his speech to protesters—some of whom later entered the U.S. Capitol building in the midst of chaos—would be unwise and damage precedent. “With seeking his removal for incitement, Democrats would gut not only the impeachment standard but also free speech, all in a mad rush to remove Trump just days before his term ends,” Turley, who himself was an impeachment inquiry witness months ago, wrote on The Hill. Before the Capitol incident, Trump delivered a speech to his supporters alleging election fraud and noted the irregularities during the Nov. 3 contest. Trump said the protest during the Jan. 6 Joint Session of Congress shows “the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.” And he added to the crowd, “Let us walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.” The president did not tell the protesters to breach the Capitol or commit acts of violence, later condemning them. At one point, Trump told his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices be heard.” Turley said that he opposed Trump’s electoral vote challenge and said some of his remarks were “reckless and wrong” on Jan. 6. “This address does not meet the definition for incitement under the criminal code. It would be viewed as protected speech by the Supreme Court,” Turley wrote in the opinion article. “When I testified in the impeachment hearings of Trump and Bill Clinton, I noted that an article of impeachment does not have to be based on any clear crime but that Congress has looked to the criminal code to weigh impeachment offenses,” he said. “For this controversy now, any such comparison would dispel claims of criminal incitement. Despite broad and justified condemnation of his words, Trump never actually called for violence or riots. But he urged his supporters to march on the Capitol to raise their opposition to the certification of electoral votes and to back the recent challenges made by a few members of Congress.” The law professor further argued that, similar to many violent protests over the past several years, “criminal conduct was carried out by a smaller group of instigators” and that “Capitol Police knew of the march but declined an offer from the National Guard since they did not view violence as likely.” Going further, Turley said that with the impeachment push, House Democrats are moving to set a “more extreme” precedent. “Under their theory, any president could be removed for rhetoric that is seen to have the ‘natural tendency’ to encourage others to act in a riotous fashion. Even a call for supporters to protest peacefully could not be a defense,” he said. “Such a standard would allow for a type of vicarious impeachment that attributes conduct of third parties to any president for the purposes of removal.” (read more) 2021-01-10 b TERRIFIED OF THE TRUTH II The Swamp Is Scared of the
Next 12 Days
I swear. The entire Washington establishment is poised. They are recoiling in fear. They are cowering in fear in the corners. They are scared to death of Donald Trump. They are scared to death of you. You have been defeated. You have been vanquished. Donald Trump has been vanquished. But he hasn’t left. He hasn’t left town. He hasn’t apologized. He hasn’t said he won’t do it again, whatever it is, and they’re gonna be like this — do you understand? — for the next 12 days. In case you missed it, Nancy Pelosi, according to top-of-the-hour propaganda on the radio from an EIB affiliate… Well, I’m assuming it’s radio. Yeah, ’cause our listeners would be listening to the EIB Network radio facilitate and local news or national news network. Pelosi has called the military and put ’em on standby in case Trump launches the nuke codes. Who are we gonna nuke? The little pot-bellied dictator, Kim Jong-un? What are they terrified of? They’re terrified that Trump is gonna unleash classified documents. You know, he’s got a bevy of ’em, folks. He’s got classified documents about the hoax, the four-year coup. The four-year coup, the four-year effort to get the election results of 2016 overturned. There are all kinds of people who broke the law, all kinds of people who are quaking in their boots. They’re worried silly that Trump is gonna unleash some of these classified documents. Do you know what else they’re worried about? Do you know what else they’re scared of? They are scared to death — they are terrified — that Trump is gonna pardon people who are dangerous to the establishment. Call it the swamp if you want. Because let me tell you, nothing’s changed. The people in the Washington establishment, why did they want to stop Trump in the first place? Because they didn’t want what they have been up to (which is no good) for years to ever come out. They didn’t want Trump to discover it and release it. They remain petrified for the next 12 days that Trump is going to release — somehow, some way — what he knows about these people. In other words, they’re worried to death that he’s got a card or two to play here yet, including the pardon power. They’ve got a lot of stuff to keep covered up. I don’t know if Trump’s gonna write a book. (read more) 2021-01-10 a TERRIFIED OF THE TRUTH I Bit by bit, leak by leak, the
people are realizing Washington is a cesspool. It's
the District of Corruption. It's the District of
That district is infested with moral eunuchs whose depravities and perversions, caught on tape, trap them for life. They are owned. Their owners possess all the levers of power and all the powerful, but they do not possess the people. That terrifies them. They censor and crush and blackmail and bully, but their numbers are insignificant compared with the numbers of people who produce and create and keep the economy creaking along. They are the productive class. The parasitic class in Washington loathes them but needs their allegiance and services and products. Once the parasitic class loses the consent of the governed, the productive class, the parasites will be left holding an empty bag, and the plunder train will reach the end of the line. We, the people, will rebuild after the Gulfstreams, Bombardiers, Lears and Warren Buffett's Netjets have screamed skyward with the terrified parasites aboard. I suggest we first attempt a new government modeled on The Articles of Confederation. The Constitution, the product of a coup in Philadelphia, was flawed from the beginning. Lysander Spooner saw its many flaws and told us early on. Almost no one listened to him. He was right. 2021-01-09 d FEDERAL BUREAU OF INTIMIDATION AND EVIDENCE TAMPERING FBI
Claims Jurisdiction and Yesterday Took Control of
Shredded Ballots Being Analyzed in Georgia – Sends
Them Back to Shredder
The FBI in Georgia stopped the forensic analysis of shredded ballots, took the ballots away from the forensic team and brought them back to the shredder. The Deep State is stealing evidence in Georgia related to the 2020 Election. Patrick Byrne tweeted moments ago: Update on Georgia
ballots: DHS had been trying to move forward
this week. Two days ago FBI jumped in claiming
jurisdiction. Yesterday 3 PM FBI took control of
shredding truck and materials, directed they be
returned to shredding operation and the
shredding job completed.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 9, 2021 The FBI demanded that they had jurisdiction of the review of ballots in Georgia. Then yesterday the FBI took control of the shredding truck and materials and demanded the shredding operation be completed. (read more) 2021-01-09 c THE DEEP STATE'S BITCH "He will be remembered among the most flaming of traitors of his age." Sen. Lindsey Graham is Working
with Democrats to Prosecute ‘Thousands’ of Trump
Supporters for ‘Sedition’
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is working with Democrats to make examples of President Trump supporters who participated in the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on Wednesday. Graham wants to punish these Trump supporters with the harshest of charges, even possibly “sedition,” for interrupting his work day for a few hours. “I am calling for a joint task force to be assembled and spend all the time and money necessary to identify every person who breached the security of the Capitol, who occupied the Chambers, who invaded offices, and destroyed property,” Graham said during a press conference. “There is a ton of video evidence out there. I was interviewed this morning by two FBI agents. They came to my house wanting to know if I had any surveillance camera outside my house. I did not, but I am encouraged they’re on the case,” he added. Graham wants the FBI to use social media as an Orwellian dragnet to charge thousands of patriotic Trump supporters who exercised their 1st Amendment rights at or near the Capitol. “In the social media world that exists today, it won’t be that hard to find thousands of people who took the law in their own hands. The people sitting in the chairs need to be sitting in the jail cell. The people who attacked the Capitol police need to be charged with attacking a police officer,” he said. “Sedition may be a charge for some of these people,” Graham added, making it clear that he will gleefully work with the Biden administration to do everything in his power to make sure as many Trump supporters are jailed as possible. (read more) 2021-01-09 b THE MALEVOLENCE OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA & THE URGENCY TO IMPEACH TRUMP AGAIN "As I have noted multiple times over the last three weeks, the final recourse for the Trump campaign if the electoral votes are all counted for Biden is through the Supreme Court, possibly in conjunction with state legislatures if enough move to decertify their electors. Even after today’s vote count, the Supreme Court still has the power to act before Inauguration Day on January 20th. If necessary, they can even move to delay the 20th Amendment mandate and push Inauguration Day back until a decision can be reached on election-related lawsuits. This is why it’s so important for this information to get out to the masses even if many, perhaps most Trump supporters are losing hope. "The foundation of the subversion campaign against President Trump can be traced back to the final days of President Obama’s administration. That campaign is still in progress. Can it be exposed in time?" Barack Obama was behind
funding of subversion campaign, coup against
President Trump: Report
There are several bombshells in the press release and recording we received yesterday, but arguably the biggest of them all is that President Obama may have orchestrated the resistance against President Trump from its beginning until now. A press release. An accompanying article from Italy. An interview of the head of a government accountability non-profit. All three of these things combined to form a narrative that could have come from the latest best-selling political thriller. But this is real life, and if the evidence proves this out to be credible, then the attempted theft of the 2020 election is even bigger than most realize. According to Maria Strollo Zack, founder of government accountability non-profit Nations In Action, it was then-President Barack Obama in the waning days of his administration who set the ball—and the funding—in motion to execute a subversion campaign against the Trump administration. He is allegedly also involved in the funding and coordination of actions reportedly taken by leaders in the Italian government and defense contractor Leonardo SpA to execute a stolen election for former-Vice President Joe Biden. According to a Twitter thread by election-fraud data cataloguer Kanekoa: NEW: US election data
was forwarded from Frankfurt, Germany to Rome,
Italy where the man pictured below partnered with
members of MI6, the CIA, & the Italian
defense-contractor, Leonardo, led the operation
& built the algorithms that were used to
manipulate US election data.🔻 pic.twitter.com/m4GtoONps6
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 2, 2021 2/ Leonardo is an
Italian multinational company specializing in
aerospace, defense, security, and the eighth
largest defense contractor in the world with €13.8
billion in revenue in 2019. The Italian government
holds 30.2% of the company's shares & is its
largest shareholder.
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 2, 2021 8/ William J. Lynn III
is the CEO of Leonardo DRS, a U.S. subsidiary of
Leonardo with approximately $2 billion in revenue.
He previously served under the Obama/Biden
administration as Deputy Secretary of Defense
& led the Department's efforts in cyber
security & space strategy.🔻 pic.twitter.com/FVpVa3mlOM
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 2, 2021 10/ These are photos
at Rome's International Airport of the two alleged
individuals involved in building the algorithms
for the data manipulation of the 2020 US election.
They were being surveilled by members of Italian
intelligence after suspiciously entering into the
country. pic.twitter.com/DASal1aKbM
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 2, 2021 12/ AUDIO: The theft
of the election was orchestrated by Stephan
Serafini, a 20-year foreign service officer.
Stephan coordinated with General Claudio Graziano,
a board member of Leonardo. Italian intelligence
provided us with documents, calls, & photos of
CIA agents involved. pic.twitter.com/r0n23FTjQV
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 6, 2021 14/ On Christmas Eve,
we met with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago and
informed him that he is getting the affidavits of
the people involved. We need the grassroot army
like never before because the people who thought
they stole the election have lost & they don't
know it yet.🔻 pic.twitter.com/M65KNHfeG6
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 6, 2021 As Zack detailed during her interview, President Obama took 14 pallets of cash that were supposed to be part of the infamous Iran payoff and divided the money up between various accounts. Totaling over $400 million, this was the cash that was allegedly used to unravel his successor’s administration and eventually to facilitate various aspects of the election fraud that plagued the 2020 election. Zack also noted that the tracks to follow the money are known and that part of the transit to Iran included a stop in Italy before being transferred to Iran through the UAE. ... Information regarding the “Italian angle” has been trickling out for over a week. Former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne Tweeted out a video as well as an article detailing a plot that both seem to be corroborated by the information provided by Zack. Brad Johnson: Rome,
Satellites, Servers: an Update https://t.co/0qCjlneHWX
via @YouTube
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 1, 2021 THIS STORY IS
WELCOME. Italygate: is the Italian government
directly involved in the US election fraud against
Trump? – La cruna dell'ago https://t.co/nGwNEVofXu
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 30, 2020 Byrne has been at the forefront of election fraud investigations from the private sector, including a recent bombshell that a Chinese packing slip was found with shredded ballots from Atlanta. He has met with the President and the President’s senior staff on the matter and continues to yield more information daily. Below is a recording of a recent interview with Zach in which she details just about everything her team has discovered over the last seven weeks. She has spoken to the President and is working to reengage with him, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, lead attorney Rudy Giuliani, and others who can help put the evidence in the right hands. NOQ Report has reported on this heavily once we learned of it as we know mainstream media and Big tech will continue to suppress it. (read more) 2021-01-09 a VACCINE NEWS I Two medical acquaintances
could not come out to play this Saturday morning.
They were laid low by adverse reactions to the
experimental corona cold virus vaccine.
I often wonder about physicians, if they are not too intelligent for their own good. They are much too over-specialized to see the big picture. Their faith in modern medicine is as debilitating as their faith in government and a sickness-care industry they themselves acknowledge (in private) is irredeemably corrupt and circling the drain. At least a few of them are stashing cash and valuables offshore. They will do well. Those adverse reactions will turn out to be beneficial after all. Now, at least two dozen others will not take the jab. They too will do well 2021-01-08 f ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES - STOLEN ELECTIONS HAVE CRIPPLING CONSEQUENCES "You're in for an awfully interesting next four years of the coming Fraudulency." They Think It's Over
"Everything's on the table" cuts both ways, youngsters. The Demo-communists have now brazenly stolen two elections, the presidency, the Senate, and the entire republic, and they think there's no penalty for that. They keep thinking that the courts they have on speed dial will always be the only ones in session. Government, at every level, has been lawfully petitioned for a redress of grievances, and the response from each one has been unswervingly the same: "Go f*ck
yourselves, peasants."
Fair enough, public disservants, and flaming assholes. We tried it your way. Now we know who the assholes are, and it's about time for a high colonic. The antics of our would-be overlords have now identified exactly where to insert the enema hose, and boy, howdy, this one's coming straight outta the hot tap, at scalding temperature. You're all going to find out just how ungovernable an army of Deplorables is, when they revoke consent to be governed by such lawless bastards as what is about to be inflicted upon the entire body politic. Everything is in bounds now. EVERYTHING. You. Your family. Your home. Your entire life. Everything you count on. Every miracle of modern life you take for granted. All. Of. It. Sweet Baby Jesus, jackholes, Shia La Bonehead tried to play hide and seek with a gorram flag, with the entire planet to hide it in, and weaponized autists played Capture the Flag crossed with Whack-A-Mole, and crushed him so hard he finally cried and quit the game. In mere days. And you think we're afraid of you?!?!? Pffft. You're going to be the first through seventeenth courses, with your own asses on the platter, until we decide it's time for dessert. Two weeks. Or, maybe not. Maybe the hunting license has already been issued. It's hard to say. Spoiler Alert: Unlike the cinematic Warriors, you won't be making it home. But we're going to to be the Riffs of your nightmares. Because the whole country is our turf. Can you dig it? Clue in, here. You're not dealing with your short-bus mental retards. You're dealing with the entire Basket Of Deplorables. The people who work for a living, rather than vote for one. Scientists, engineers, medical professionals, welders, electricians, mechanics, and a thousand other occupations that make daily life in the modern world possible. Or,...not. People who know what piece takes forever to get, costs the most, cripples the Machine with one laser-focused blow. And not to put too fine a point on it, the people from flyover country who always fight the wars that you and your cronies start, for your own benefit. The guys (and women, let's remember) who've served one/two/eight/eleventy tours in every Shitholia and Trashcanistan we've been to as a nation since Kennedy's assassination. Even the ones you don't know about, or would rather forget. But they know about them, and haven't forgotten any of it. They're the ones who can undermine, overthrow, and subvert a country a hundred different ways, and kill you forty-two ways, including with their brains. You're in for an awfully interesting next four years of the coming Fraudulency. You really have no idea. But don't take my word for it. Listen to someone who knows whereof he speaks. "A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they shall not be found." - Psalms 37:10 NIV Pearls before swine, but you deserved fair notice to be properly served. (read more) 2021-01-08 e EXPECT MUCH MORE OF THIS II No Wonder They’re FREAKED! New Video and
Photos Show Half a Million at “Stop the Steal”
Rally and Then TENS OF THOUSANDS of Patriots
Surrounding US Capitol
On Wednesday at least half a million patriots attended the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington DC. Hundreds of thousands of Americans took the day off work and gathered in Washington DC in an attempt to stop lawmakers from certifying a fraudulent election. Their hopes were dashed when Mike Pence refused to challenge the results and send them back to the states to investigate. The highlight of the event was President Donald Trump’s speech to a sea of Trump supporters. There were people back as far as you could see! (read more) 2021-01-08 d EXPECT MUCH MORE OF THIS I “You Traitor! Piece of Sh*t!” –
Traitor Lindsey Graham at DC Airport (VIDEO)
An angry mob of Trump supporters confronted Senator Lindsey Graham at the airport in Washington DC on Friday. Lindsey is notorious for promising to hold deep state officials accountable and then doing nothing! And Graham flipped on his friend President Trump as soon as Democrats stole enough votes for Joe Biden. Trump supporters mobbed Lindsey at the airport today screaming, “You traitor!… Honor our vote!… You son of a bitch!” (read more) 2021-01-08 c WHEN TYRANNY BACKFIRES Violence in the Capitol, Dangers in the
From the Cold War to the War on Terror: the harms from authoritarian "solutions" are often greater than the threats they are ostensibly designed to combat. ... It is stunning to watch now as every War on Terror rhetorical tactic to justify civil liberties erosions is now being invoked in the name of combating Trumpism, including the aggressive exploitation of the emotions triggered by yesterday’s events at the Capitol to accelerate their implementation and demonize dissent over the quickly formed consensus. The same framework used to assault civil liberties in the name of foreign terrorism is now being seamlessly applied — often by those who spent the last two decades objecting to it — to the threat posed by “domestic white supremacist terrorists,” the term preferred by liberal elites, especially after yesterday, for Trump supporters generally. In so many ways, yesterday was the liberals’ 9/11, as even the most sensible commentators among them are resorting to the most unhinged rhetoric available. Within hours of the Capitol being cleared, we heard truly radical proposals from numerous members of Congress. Senators and House members who objected to Electoral College certification, or questioned its legitimacy, should be formally accused of sedition and expelled from the House if not prosecuted, argued Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), with other House members expressing support. Even those unarmed protesters who peacefully entered the Capitol should, many argued, be hunted by the FBI as domestic terrorists. Calls proliferated for the banning of the social media accounts of instigators and protest participants. Journalists and politicians cheered the decision by Facebook and Twitter to temporarily bar the President from using their service, and then cheered again when Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Tuesday that the ban on Trump extended through Biden’s inauguration. Some journalists, such as CNN’s Oliver Darcy, complained that Facebook had not gone far enough, that more mass censorship was needed of right-wing voices. The once-radical 2006 Gingrich argument — that some opinions are too dangerous to allow to be expressed because they are pro-terrorist and insurrectionary — is now thriving, close to a consensus. These calls for censorship, online and official, are grounded in the long-discredited, oft-rejected and dangerous view that a person should be held legally accountable not only for their own illegal actions but also for the consequences of their protected speech: meaning the actions others take when they hear inflammatory rhetoric. That was the distorted mentality used by the State of Mississippi in the 1970s to try to hold NAACP leaders liable for the violent acts of their followers against boycott violators after hearing rousing pro-boycott speeches from NAACP leaders, only for the Supreme Court in 1982 to unanimously reject such efforts on the ground that "while the State legitimately may impose damages for the consequences of violent conduct, it may not award compensation for the consequences of nonviolent, protected activity," adding that even "advocacy of the use of force or violence does not remove speech from the protection of the first amendment." The complete reversal in mentality from just a few months ago is dizzying. Those who spent the summer demanding the police be defunded are furious that the police response at the Capitol was insufficiently robust, violent and aggressive. Those who urged the abolition of prisons are demanding Trump supporters be imprisoned for years. Those who, under the banner of “anti-fascism,” demanded the firing of a top New York Times editor for publishing an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) advocating the deployment of the U.S. military to quell riots — a view deemed not just wrong but unspeakable in decent society — are today furious that the National Guard was not deployed at the Capitol to quash pro-Trump supporters. Antifa advocates are working to expose the names of Capitol protesters to empower the FBI to arrest them on terrorism charges. And while Rep. Cori Bush’s proposal to unseat members of Congress for their subversive views went mega-viral, many forget that in 1966, the Georgia State Legislature refused to seat Julian Bond after he refused to repudiate his anti-war work with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, then considered a domestic terrorist group. Those who argued in the summer that property damage is meaningless or even noble are treating smashed windows and looted podiums at the Capitol as treason, as a coup. One need not dismiss the lamentable actions of yesterday to simultaneously reject efforts to apply terms that are plainly inapplicable: attempted coup, insurrection, sedition. There was zero chance that the few hundred people who breached the Capitol could overthrow the U.S. Government — the most powerful, armed and militarized entity in the world — nor did they try. Perhaps many view it as more upsetting to see august members of Congress hiding in fear of a riot than to watch ordinary small-business owners weep as their multi-generational store burns to the ground. Undoubtedly, national reporters who spend much time in the Capitol and who have long-time friendships with Senators and House members are more horrified, far more so, by violent gangs in the Capitol rotunda than on the streets of Portland or Kenosha. But that does not mean that rational restraint is unnecessary when searching for sober language to accurately describe these events. There is a huge difference between, on the one hand, thousands of people shooting their way into the Capitol after a long-planned, coordinated plot with the goal of seizing permanent power, and, on the other, an impulsive and grievance-driven crowd more or less waltzing into the Capitol as the result of strength in numbers and then leaving a few hours later. That the only person shot was a protester killed by an armed agent of the state by itself makes clear how irresponsible these terms are. There are more adjectives besides “fascist treason” and “harmless protest,” enormous space between those two poles. One need not be forced to choose between the two. It has long been clear that, in the post-Trump era, media outlets looking to keep viewers hooked, and government officials looking to increase their power, will do everything possible to center and inflate the threat posed by right-wing factions. I’ve said this more times than I can count over the last year at least. Like all inflated threats, this one has a kernel of truth. As is true of every faction, there are right-wing activists filled with rage and who are willing to do violence. Some of them are dangerous (just as some Muslims in the post-9/11 era, and some Antifa nihilists, were and are genuinely violent and dangerous). But as was true of the Cold War and the War on Terror and so many other crisis-spurred reactions, the other side of the ledger — the draconian state powers clearly being planned and urged and prepared in the name of stopping them — carries its own extremely formidable dangers. Refusing to consider those dangers for fear of standing accused of downplaying the threat is the most common tactic authoritarian advocates of state power use. Less than twenty-four hours after the Capitol breach, one sees this tactic being wielded with great flamboyance and potency, and it is sure to continue long after January 20. (read more) 2021-01-08 b A DISHONORABLE WOMAN Trump
is deadly to our democracy and our people. He
needs to go now.
— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) January 7, 2021 2021-01-08 a AN HONORABLE MAN To all
of those who have asked, I will not be going to
the Inauguration on January 20th.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021 2021-01-07 i THE ENABLING OF DECEPTION Questions About The Chaos
At The Capitol That Desperately Need To Be
Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester? Footage clearly shows that police freely allowed protesters to come through the barricades outside the Capitol “Viking” who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing the same outfit FINALLY SOMEONE WITH A SPINE! President of Chicago Police Union Defends Capitol Protesters: ‘There Was No Arson… Looting…’ What’s Going On Here? Another Video Surfaces of Capitol Police Leading Protesters in Washington Into the Capitol VIDEO: Capitol Police Removed Barriers and Allowed Protesters to Walk Right Into the Capitol Indie Journalist Tayler Hansen Describes Antifa Activists He Encountered at US Capitol Not Making Headlines – Trump Supporters Pulled Violent Protesters Away from the Capitol Building When They Started Damaging It – Who Were These People? XRVision Denies Washington Times Report that XRVision Identified Antifa in the Capitol CONFIRMED: Activist Interviewed by CNN Who Stormed Capitol Building Is Radical Leftist from Utah Who Threatened on Video to “Rip Trump from White House” EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Reveals Some Individuals in the Capital Today Weren’t Trump Supporters Day One Of The Battle For The United States ... This
writer, given all that has occurred over the past
year, cannot believe that this was anything other
than a setup to destroy and discredit the Trump
movement. It fits with the information and
psychological warfare operations which have been
conducted against Donald Trump and the American
people since Trump declared his candidacy.
Yes, it is true that the attempt to deny the fraud
which happened before everyone’s eyes by the entire
national establishment is the equivalent of demanding
that everyone accept the idea that snow is black and
simply move on. It is like a declaration from some
overlord that it is okay to piss in your face and call
it rain. This has caused overwhelming anger and
frustration as people fear the loss of the Republic.
We have heard this anger and frustration from our
supporters but they are not violent. They are ready to
fight peacefully, with their lives, for this Republic.
We firmly believe that any honest investigation of
today’s incident, will demonstrate that those who
engaged in the violence are provocateurs functioning
under the thumb, wittingly or not, of the intelligence
agencies. We are beginning that investigation now.
2021-01-07 h THE ENABLING OF SERFDOM "It’s willful blindness to the corruption because the weakhearts don’t want to admit there is corruption because that would then require them to act. It’s easier to live on scraps." Welcome to a Wilderness of
Well, this is going to be cheery. Have you noticed that everything is a lie and a scam? Everything. See, the problem starts when our elite realized that it could break the norms and betray the principles that we all thought we were all abiding by without accountability, at least for a little while. The Establishment realized that it can simply not enforce the norms, and then there will be a lag time while the normals continue on as if the norms were still in effect. It’s inertia – this is why you get these sad sack RINOs lecturing us on how we’re subverting the institutions when what we are really doing is pointing out that the institutions have subverted themselves. It’s willful blindness to the corruption because the weakhearts don’t want to admit there is corruption because that would then require them to act. It’s easier to live on scraps. As you read this, I expect that we will be hearing how the GOP blew Georgia. Either we lost Tuesday night – no delay in calling it for the commies! – or we’ll enter the endless recounts leading up to the inevitable Dem victory. I hope I’m wrong, but I doubt it. If I am, feel free to mock me for my lack of faith in the system. But then, sometimes you draw a five when you have 16 in blackjack. You just don’t bet on that happening. I guess this is all necessary. The structures and institutions of American society have all been in place with little real change for nearing a century. Nothing lasts forever though, particularly when they are run by grifty idiots. The disruption caused by the tech revolution has helped speed up inevitable processes of change – you know, the creative destruction we hear about in unwoke economics courses. The institutions we relied on – our churches, the NFL, the political parties – are now focused entirely upon preventing that inevitable change. The lackluster losers who inherited their sinecures in these institutions (not literally but by being adopted into the establishment by going to the right schools) want to maintain a status quo that is great for them and poison for the rest of us. Joe Biden* is the quintessential example of this, a failed retread with zero accomplishments promising business as usual with a veneer of wokeness slathered on top of it all. He wants to hold on to his ruins. He’ll entrench his corporate masters and do everything he can to stifle the potential for reform and dissent. Remember when dissent was patriotic? Now, the media’s whole job is to angrily reaffirm the divine right of our garbage elite to rule us. ... It never occurred to me until recently that maybe a lot of people don’t like freedom. Maybe they are happy enough with Netflix, Trader Joe’s chardonnay, and serfdom. I told you this was going to be cheery. (read more) 2021-01-07 g THE ENABLING OF REDRESS "Gohmert is talking candidly about what occurs when a system breaks down and refuses to investigate gargantuan systemic fraud." CIVIL WAR? Louie Gohmert
Believes Violence is Inevitable if Congress Allows
Vote Steal to Play Out
Gohmert is not mincing words. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) recently stated that he believes violence will become inevitable if Congress refuses to use their authority to overturn the election steal. Gohmert appeared on Newsmax TV to discuss the possibilities of what might happen if Congress permits the globalist coup against the Bill of Rights and Constitution to be completed with the coronation of “president-elect” Joe Biden as the 46th commander-in-chief. The congressman did not mince words. ... The fake news media incorrectly reported that Gohmert was calling for violence with his words. Gohmert made it clear in a statement that he has “long advocated for following the teaching and example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of peaceful protest.” ... This grizzly election battle has shown that the swamp runs deeper than most could have ever conceived. However, Gohmert has proven himself as one of the few authentic patriots in Congress standing for the Republic when it needs it the most. (read more) 2021-01-07 f THE ENABLING OF INVESTIGATIONS “The fraud was so massive and so blatant, despite what the mainstream media said, that we need to get this information out to the public,” declared Caron. “That’s why more and more people from the intelligence community and law enforcement are coming out, which is unheard of.” Over 400 Former Intelligence
Officers are Forming a Network to Investigate
Election Fraud
Will More Elites Step Up to Expose Voter Fraud? Election irregularities have motivated over 400 people from the intelligence community, judiciary, law enforcement, and military to form a loose network to look into potential acts of voter fraud committed in the 2020 election. Robert Caron, is one of the main organizers of this network. He previously worked at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Special Situation Group. The latter is a task force President George H.W. Bush established that covers strategic planning, technologies, and foreign and domestic investigations. Caron was in contact with The Epoch Times and told the outlet that he joined this network in 2014. This was a time when many individuals in the intelligence community were witnessing an uptick in sketchy activity. A large number of intelligence officers were keeping information away from their superiors, while their leaders were preventing information from going public. Caron observed that in 2014 Lt. General Michael Flynn criticized Barack Obama for“not acting properly on intelligence” when he was president. Obama would later fire Flynn that year over management issues. In early August of 2014, Flynn was forced to resign as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Following President Donald Trump’s pardon of Flynn in December, Flynn claimed during an interview with The New York Post that he was framed in the Russia-collusion investigation due to Obama’s fear that Flynn would expose some of his administration’s dirty laundry. “President Obama was not acting properly on intelligence that he received concerning Benghazi,” Caron stated, alluding to an attack of U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, where four Americans were killed. He claims that this incident motivated a good portion of the intelligence community to organize and join this network to expose administrative corruption. Following reports of irregularities surfacing in the 2020 election, the investigation network began to grow substantially. Caron claims that the network is made up of former intelligence officers from agencies such as the CIA, FBI, DIA, and the National Security Agency (NSA), just to name a few. ... One thing is clear though, the nationalist movement will need defectors from the ruling class and similar groups to step up and expose the D.C. regime’s corruption. Pressure from the inside still has a major role to play in this fight. (read more) 2021-01-07 e THE ENABLING OF FRAUD "There must be rules in any process, and the rules written to ensure election security were illegally changed or ignored to expressly allow fraud, which the Democrat election workers, activists, and elected officials fully exploited to steal the election for Biden." What Can Be Done in This Age
of Election Fraud? Whom Can We Count On?
... The Democrats perpetrated the illegalities. They were the local overseers and enablers of the conduct. They were the guardians who kept Republican poll workers from being observers. They were the party filing the lawsuits to change the election rules. Yet their public statements relate Joe Biden's clear victory with over 80 million votes — how many were actually votes for Trump but changed to Biden? how many were completely fabricated? there's little doubt that Biden didn't get 80 million votes — and the embarrassment of Donald Trump's refusal to accept his loss, and the damage he is doing to democracy by making so many unfounded allegations. The arrogance of it all should offend every patriotic and honest American. Neither Biden nor any of his handlers is attempting to add transparency, to prove there was no fraud, to provide alternative explanations, or to shore up legitimacy for the incoming administration. They don't care what Americans think, and they blatantly, openly, and proudly flaunt their "victory" and ignore the evidence. The Democrat party has completely eviscerated, in one election cycle, every political tradition and constitutional norm, not to mention the Constitution itself and countless state laws. And Democrats offer no apologies for the damage they have done. They continue to blame the Trump administration for what they themselves have done, and are doing, as well as revisiting the disproven Mueller probe and impeachment debacle, all while paving new depths, uncharted ever in human history, of criminal election fraud. What the answers appear to be to my questions above: nothing and nobody. Think about who has stolen our government. These are the same people, many in the exact same person, who helped weaponize our intelligence apparatus against an incoming, then a sitting president. FISA abuses, framing General Flynn, spygate, FBI agent texts, Steele dossier, many more...I know, old business, but the players are still in the game, and rather than lose a turn, as would have been fitting, they get to play again. They sabotaged Trump's transition, then they sabotaged his entire presidency, and then they stole his re-election. Anywhere else in the world, that would be called a successful coup. They cannot be trusted, they cannot be taken at their word, and they cannot be permitted to destroy the America that Trump made great again. (read more) 2021-01-07 d THE ENABLING OF A COUP "And still no courtroom in the country has permitted any election dispute to be heard on the merits (despite the media narrative claiming otherwise)." In DC, Oligarchy Beats
Democracy Every Time
A much higher share of the American public believes that the U.S. government is lying about its knowledge of UFOs than telling the truth about the 2020 presidential election. How's that for credibility? The Big Government–Big Tech–Big Media machine that is invested in removing Donald Trump from office is so confident in its position that it keeps shouting, "There's nothing to see here," and every day, there's more and more to see. Data scientists with weighty reputations allege that over forty thousand votes for Trump were likely deleted or switched to Biden in Georgia, and they allege that over four hundred thousand votes were removed from Trump in Pennsylvania in addition to the commonwealth's inexplicable reporting of two hundred thousand more ballots cast than people who voted. In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court has ruled that two hundred thousand votes were likely illegal but insists that none be purged until each ballot is individually investigated — a remedy that makes it easy to cast a fraudulent vote but quite difficult for Wisconsin to remove it. These are just a few of the latest examples of 2020's election catastrophe. The number of fraudulent votes in play here is huge. A political class that devotes itself to the religion of science should be overwhelmed by the mathematical evidence for fraud in the 2020 election. Yet it turns out that even science can be discarded when it proves that Donald Trump won re-election. Americans are supposed to pretend none of this is real, forget everything they've seen, and accept a Biden presidency as legitimate. Meanwhile, former secretaries of defense have begun threatening Trump administration officials for contesting election fraud. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have eagerly joined Democrats to condemn Republican lawmakers for having the temerity to acknowledge increasingly clear proof of widespread vote manipulation in battleground states. And still no courtroom in the country has permitted any election dispute to be heard on the merits (despite the media narrative claiming otherwise). If truth were on the side of the government cabal "installing" Biden in the White House, wouldn't the installers welcome debate over the election irregularities for the whole country to see? Wouldn't rigorous examination of data anomalies dispel doubts about 2020? Why must the same people who insist that Biden won also work so hard to conceal the evidence that he did not? And if sunlight is still the best disinfectant for corruption, then why are judges, governors, and former defense secretaries all demanding darkness? Romney, Ryan, and other pro-Biden Republicans are so upset that anybody would dare challenge suspicious election results that they've deemed legislative debate "dangerous for democracy." If by "democracy" they mean "rule by the people," then it is quite peculiar that we must silence the objections of a hundred million or more American citizens in order to preserve the people's power. If half the country believes that the 2020 election was filled with so many voting irregularities and so much provable ballot fraud that nothing about it should stand, does respect for democracy demand that millions of Americans keep their mouths shut? Silencing the American public in order to preserve democracy sounds a lot like amputating a man's head so that his body stays healthy. Can it really be true that democracy requires elected representatives to ignore the voices of their constituents and to cease representing them? If so, defending democracy sure is a tricky business! Likewise, where were all these former secretaries of defense who now insist that fighting election fraud is a threat to democracy when our country was under attack from within these last four years? They never sounded worried for democracy when it was established that the Intelligence Community and FBI leadership spied on Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. They never expressed a belief that democracy was at risk when the former director of the CIA lied to the world for years about a Russia collusion hoax and accused President Trump of being a compromised asset of a foreign enemy. The FBI, the CIA, and politically biased special prosecutors nearly took down a sitting president, and the illustrious defenders of democracy said nary a word. To this day, those same paragons of virtue see nothing strange about Joe Biden using his office to collect checks from China and Ukraine, when a less esteemed onlooker might say Biden's family is severely compromised by foreign powers. Is democracy threatened if the future president is paid directly by communist China? Apparently not. (read more) 2021-01-07 c THE ENABLING OF DESTRUCTION "If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Waving Goodbye to the America
We All Knew and Loved
My generation believed in the United States. We believed in its respect for the individual, in its Constitution, in its status as the only benign superpower in history. In other words, we believed in American exceptionalism. "Traditional American values are worthy of a passionate defense," said author and TV commentator Monica Crowley. Referring to these values as "the American project," Charles Murray, author of Coming Apart, defined it as the continuing effort "to demonstrate that human beings can be left free as individuals and families to live their lives as they see fit, coming together voluntarily to solve their joint problems." If you boil it down, what makes our society unique in world history is the respect accorded the rights of the individual citizen. The Constitution was written as a restraint on the power of the government to interfere in our lives. All that seems to be changing. As we move into 2021, to borrow from Shakespeare, something is rotten. It is difficult to pinpoint the origin or the exact nature of America's disintegration. It developed a head of steam when a man who hates this country, Barack Obama, was elected president. For eight years, we watched his concentrated assault on our values. Obama and his fellow Democrats have introduced some new concepts into our vernacular: democratic socialism, identity politics, social justice, diversity, inclusion, political correctness, Critical Race Theory, cancel culture. They were intended for the express purpose of destroying everything that is laudable about America. If you wanted to destroy the USA, how would you do it? ... There is no doubt that our government does not run the way it was intended. Congress seems incapable of doing the country's business. What has it accomplished in the last four years aside from the ridiculous impeachment of the president and sending our tax money to countries that call us names? Using the coronavirus as an excuse, government is trying to insinuate itself into every facet of our lives. As we allow the government to tell us when we can leave our homes, when we can go to work, and under what circumstances we can run our businesses, we relinquish more and more of our independence. The worst shortcoming of our government is its failure to maintain election integrity. According to the US News & World Report, U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." The source is a 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University. This revelation should make all Americans clamor for improvement. The 2020 presidential election has brought us even lower on the ladder. We have more than a thousand sworn affidavits attesting to massive voter fraud: suspension of signature verification, violation of state election rules, non-verification of mail-in ballots, backdating of ballots, double-voting, dead people voting, hiding ballots under the table, refusal to allow poll-watching, and vote-switching by machine systems. "People are going on the record under oath and risking being canceled, doxed, and even accosted, to tell what they have seen about this election process," said Rep. Michael Cloud. "The apparent lack of action from the Justice Department regarding a number of anomalies, statistical improbabilities, and sworn accusations of fraud is troubling." It may be troubling, but it is consistent with partisan activities of the DOJ, the FBI, and the IRS. FBI Director James Comey's refusal to indict Hillary Clinton, Obama's weaponization of the IRS against conservative groups, and inaction from the Durham investigation have destroyed the public's confidence in our justice system. In spite of the media's efforts to hide the truth, the public knows what is going on. Actor James Woods tweeted, "70,000,000 Americans are outraged about this befouled election." "We don't accept this fraudulent result." Whenever the president tries to expose the fraud, the media poison the airwaves with the same mendacious phrase: "Trump's baseless allegations." It makes my skin crawl every time I see this lie repeated by CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. The media are no longer free to express conservative viewpoints and have abdicated their role as the republic's watchdog. (read more) 2021-01-07 b THE ENABLING ATTITUDE "Our media, our educational system, and our corporations (filled with people pumped out by our education system) hate America and Americans. We’re marinated in that hatred. We’ve been primed for decades. " Dennis Prager’s profound and
disturbing meditation about “good Germans”
Sometimes, someone writes an article that is more than just an article. It is an urgent warning bell telling us something very profound about ourselves and the path that we’re on. Dennis Prager’s most recent article sees him come to terms with the fact that even Americans can become the functional equivalent of “good Germans;” that is, we are on the verge of becoming the type of people who, while not actively complicit in evil, just go along with it. Many years ago, when Obama was consolidating his changes in America, an Irish friend of mine told me that it was inconceivable to him that Americans would give up their liberty. He felt that liberty was in Americans’ DNA and that nothing would cause them to abandon that core principle. My friend never imagined the Wuhan virus, an infectious disease with a 99% survival rate for people under 70. In a matter of months, in most American states, millions of Americans meekly abandoned liberty. They allowed themselves to be imprisoned in their own homes, they gave up their businesses, they stopped educating their children, and they treated religious worship as something akin to a satanic death ritual. Our politicians – not our legislatures – but just our politicians issued arguably unconstitutional edicts, our police enforced them, and we backed down. We also allowed all the Karens in the world – the officious, hectoring strangers -- to cow us into abandoning our liberties. We whisper about them, but we let them have their way. Now, there’s a vaccination in play and we listen meekly as Herr Doktor Fauci keeps ruminating about making these vaccinations – the long-term effects of which are a mystery – mandatory for work or travel. In New York, the legislature is seriously contemplating a law that would empower it to imprison anyone with a communicable disease that the state, in its unquestioned wisdom, doesn’t want to have around. If you’re accused, even your right to a lawyer is constrained by the state. Don’t think New York state won’t use that power for it has done so before. When Mary Mallon, an asymptomatic and unquestionably dangerous typhoid carrier, refused to starve to death rather than work as a cook, New York City didn’t give her a stipend to keep her off the street. Instead, it “quarantined” her, keeping her a prisoner until the day she died. It’s in this environment that Dennis Prager has written “I Now Better Understand the ‘Good German.’” The “Good German” is not the fanatic Nazi or the anti-Semite happy to see the Nazis appear. The good German is the person who simply acquiesced to the Nazis’ ever-increasing cruelty and madness. (Remember that Hitler never won more than 38% of the popular vote. He consolidated power because good Germans, afraid of his violence and not wanting to make waves, and perhaps in agreement with his saner political goals, acquiesced.) (read more) 2021-01-07 a ENABLING ACCESS, SETTING A TRAP Footage Reveals Capitol Police
Removing Barriers Outside of Congress, Enabling
Protestors to Flow Through
Why did this happen? Observers of the chaotic scene at the US Capitol on Wednesday are asking questions about law enforcement management of the protest, after video emerged revealing that police had moved at least one fence barrier containing the protestors Reports had suggested that the chaotic and unruly scene at the Capitol occurred as a result of severe under-manning, with an insufficient force of Capitol Police present at the scene to effectively and peacefully manage the massive crowd of more than a thousand Stop the Steal protestors. A contingent of the protestors present flowed into the Capitol building itself, some breaking doors and forcing their way inside. Proceedings to certify the pending slates of the electoral college were disrupted by the intrusion, with Senator and Members of Congress being evacuated. It’s unclear if the barriers that were moved by police cordoned off a restricted area of the Capitol grounds themselves, which was intended to be inaccessible to protestors. One woman was later shot and killed by a member of the Capitol Police after entering the building, raising even more serious questions about the handling of the event and the entrance of protestors in the Capitol. (read more and watch video) ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2021 - January 1 - 6 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 28 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 21 - 27 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 17 - 20 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 13 - 16 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 8 - 12 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 1 - 7 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 22 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 16 - 21 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 9 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 1 - 8 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 24 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 16 - 23 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - September 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - September 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - August 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - August 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - July 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - JULY 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - JUNE 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - JUNE 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MAY 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - MAY 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - APRIL 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - APRIL 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MARCH ARCHIVE 2020 - FEBRUARY ARCHIVE 2020 - JANUARY ARCHIVE |
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