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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2021- COMING VERY SOON:
A POLITICAL PARODY, NOT PLAGIARISM, OF THE "I HAVE A DREAM" SPEECH - the Left will call it blasphemy - 2021-01-20 e POLITICAL PORTENTS II America,
a Country of Victorious Socialism
The revolution I’ve been warning about for the last ten years has happened. It is not a bloody uprising typically associated with a revolution but rather a peaceful evolution over a prolonged period of time that culminated in the socialists’ takeover. There should be no illusion; the Marxists are taking power in America seriously and for a long time. Indeed, communist leaders from Lenin to Brezhnev are sardonically grinning from hell and watching in disbelief as what was impossible for the Soviet Union to accomplish with all its military might and nuclear arsenal is being accomplished by the American people themselves through a dubious electoral process. Just to be clear, it is not Orwell’s 1984, it is the Soviet Union of 1937 returned from the hereafter with a human face. There will be no Gulags; millions of people will not be executed. The dissidents will be dealt with “humanely.” They will be purged from the universities, media, government jobs, and major corporations. The Bolsheviks’ motto, “who does not work does not eat,” will be replaced with a new one – “who does not obey does not eat." Dissent will be suppressed by a brute force of government agencies, including the power of the DOJ to bring frivolous lawsuits and bankrupt its victims and destroy their families. The ubiquitous sentinel of American democracy infamous for its colossal failures, the FBI, will regularly discover plots against the government, find caches of weapons and fabricate preposterous accusations against political opponents. As a deterrent, they will be given harsh sentences. The administration will harness every incident to seize greater control over the nation. The people and businesses are beginning to fear the all-powerful government that is perfectly willing to deploy a full arsenal of state weaponry, such as DOJ, FBI, IRS, EPA, DOE and its powerful FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), DHS (Department of Homeland Security), DOL (Department of Labor), and other assets we may not know about. The corporations got the massage, ending contributions to the Republican Party. Marxist doctrine states that in order to control people, the government has to instill fear and hope. The FBI will be the fear and the press, subservient to the government, would offer hope by reporting ideologically nuanced interpretation of events. The process has already begun, the censorship is firmly in place, and will continue at a rapid pace. Websites like this will be shut down. Anyone who hoped that CNN would “keep them honest” must be greatly disappointed. The mainstream media, whose opposition to the Republicans and capitalism is a permanent part of the current political landscape, take pride in unmercifully vilifying anyone who genuinely dissented from the socialists’ views and policies. No lie is too big to tell, no premise too outrageous to promote. Duplicity permits itself no boundaries. Ironically, liberals who for two centuries have fought for the freedom of speech, do not condemn censorship; they enthusiastically support it. In the words of Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin, “We asked for
freedom of the press, thought, and civil
liberties in the past because we were in the
opposition and needed these liberties to
conquer. Now that we have conquered, there
is no longer any need for such civil
Any notion that the Republicans in this environment may reverse the process by winning the mid-term elections in 2022 is pure fantasy. Unfreedom of the press, suffrage to foreigners, vote harvesting, and mail-in ballots are just a few known elements of the Democrats’ system for organizing elections. In the next four years, most of the Republican officials running for reelection, governors, senators, state representatives, etc. will be wiped out at the polls and replaced by the Democrats. The Bolsheviks’ aphorism: “We can only have two parties: one in power, the other in prison” will be replaced with “one in power, the other a permanent second-tier loser” assigned to maintain an image of the two-party system. Neither education nor life experience has prepared Americans for grasping the epochal shift that took place this November. It is not surprising. From ancient times, the most tragic events of history have been triggered by people who, despite the obvious, failed to forecast the future. Events of the utmost significance, even utterly obvious, are often ignored because they conflict with the prevailing wisdom and the preconception that we are not stupid, it cannot happen to us, to our people, to our country. But people in countries that had firsthand experience with Salvador Allende in Chile, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Fidel Castro in Cuba, and communist regimes in the Soviet Union and China, had no trouble deciphering the genuine meaning of the events. The most popular joke in Moscow nowadays is “democratic elections are elections in which the vote count continues until the Democrats win.” Heartbreakingly, Americans have watered down their genes and were not able to “keep it,” in Franklin’s famous phrase. American idealism is now bankrupt and in decline. The foundation of our democracy is crumbling, and our institutions and guiding principles are falling apart. Our Republic as conceived by the Founding Fathers is now a “phantasm.” A blanket of tyranny and fanaticism is covering America. (read more) 2021-01-20 d POLITICAL PORTENTS I Storming
Into America 3.0
I thought America 2.0- the authoritarian mess which evolved out of the 9/11 false flag- was bad. It made those of us old enough to have lived most of our lives in America 1.0 long for the days of a better looking, more competent corruption. 2020, with a deadly virus that had the beneficial effects of eliminating both the threat of terrorism and the common flu, and an unconstitutional lockdown accompanying it, was only the beginning. 2021 is off to a roaring start. First, a laughably fraudulent election in Georgia, which gave the Senate to the Democrats, and featured overt evidence like the Republican Perdue losing 30,000 votes live on air. And now, the January 6 incident at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., which featured a terrifying unarmed mob of White riff-raff, “storming” the representative body their taxes pay for, while politely keeping between the purple ropes, taking lots of selfies, and to untrained eyes appearing to be a pretty innocuous bunch. Well, except for that dangerous fellow who dared to prop up his working class boots on Lady Nancy Pelosi’s desk. If you believe the mainstream media, there were only 45,000 people protesting the election results on January 6. If you believe the people there, and the photo evidence, there were at least hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million. Regardless of how many there were, they came there, from all across the country, because Donald Trump and his inner circle, intimated that something “big” was going to happen. The QAnon mindset was strong here; perhaps many in attendance thought they’d witness live perp walks of the Deep State criminals they’d been told repeatedly would be arrested and convicted by a military tribunal. Instead, Trump issued a predictable pep talk, the kind he’s perfected at countless rallies. I don’t believe he should be held accountable for “inciting” people to do the wrong thing, but he did declare that he was going to be marching with them. Not sure how that would have worked, but instead he fled back to the White House. At the first inkling of criticism, Trump threw his supporters under the bus, and called their actions “heinous.” Then he told them to “go home in peace.” I thought of all the Catholic masses that end with almost those exact words. In effect, Trump was issuing a closing statement, on the MAGA movement he started and consistently disappointed. In the wake of the event, every media outlet and politician in both parties condemned what they invariably called a “storming” of the Capitol, and referred to the protesters as “traitors,” “terrorists,” and the like. On social media, I raised comparisons like the six block takeover last summer of Seattle, by a self-proclaimed group of insurgents, and the 1967 entrance into the Sacramento state Capitol building by an openly armed group of Black Panthers, who were not punished at all. Sadly, many good people instinctively declared there was “no comparison.” I can’t illustrate the division that exists, and the problems we face, any clearer than that. The “Woke” Left sees everything now through their own emotional bias. The two party system was very, very bad. But we are now living under imminent One Party rule. And it’s a party that is far too similar to Big Brother’s in Orwell’s 1984. Frightening prospects exist for the common American under “Woke” party leadership. Reparations? Perhaps a ban or at least an abridgment of the First Amendment? South African-style Truth and Reconciliation committees? Open and strictly enforced quotas in all walks of life? Banning of the words “man” and “woman?” A constitutional amendment to enshrine all 57 genders as ironclad law? One thing you won’t see under “Woke” rule is an audit of the Federal Reserve and reform of our counterfeit fractional banking system. Or a new JFK assassination or 9/11 investigation. Or a decades overdue upgrade of our Third World infrastructure. Or an abolition of private prisons. Or a change in our misguided, Israeli-driven foreign policy. Or a demand that the intelligence agencies make their budgets public. Or spending cuts for the military industrial complex. Or demands to bring any of the troops home. And most obviously, not even a tepid debt jubilee for all those devastated by the senseless economic lockdown. Donald Trump’s legacy will ultimately be that he forever destroyed any chances of a real Third Party ever arising in this country. There will never be another populist using his revolutionary rhetoric again. Instead, his cartoon personality assures that the disastrous two party duopoly is now set in stone. Except it’s even worse than that, since the Stupid Party has ceded all power to the Evil Party, we will be completely under the rule of “Woke” tyrants, but for token clowns like Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Nikki Haley. The Stupid Party is dead, long live the Stupid Party! Trump will not run in 2024. He many not legally be able to, because Lady Pelosi and company want to either invoke the 25th amendment, or ram through a warp speed impeachment, ironically mimicking Trump’s unwise push for a potentially deadly dose of something his loyal base strongly opposes. Trump has now been apparently banned for life from Twitter, at the initial behest of former First Lady Michelle Obama, who has an all too bright political future in our “Woke” Orwellian world. For someone who communicated exclusively through Twitter, this is a bitter pill for Trump to swallow. One pictures him tapping aimlessly away on his keyboard, while shoving down Big Macs and Diet Cokes. Our only chance is that the AOC-types, the “Squad,” wind up embroiled in ugly disagreements with the old “Woke” guard like Pelosi, Schumer, and pseudo-President Biden. Maybe they can distract each other enough to prevent the worst measures from being implemented. Gridlock has always been our best friend on Capitol Hill. The odds of any of these glorified welfare recipients ever doing something good is so remote that their inactivity is the best we can hope for. Our new leaders may be diverse in appearance, but they certainly aren’t diverse in perspective. They will all support war, engage in corruption, and follow orders. ... I could not be more demoralized or disillusioned. Trump’s four years were almost entirely bereft of the “winning” he promised. “Trust the plan” seems like the most bitter joke imaginable now. The only arrests were of Trump’s associates, who were prosecuted by his Justice Department. The same Justice Department that declined to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Or look at Hunter Biden’s laptop. Or investigate vote fraud. Trump was the commander-in-chief for four years. He could have brought all the troops home, as he often threatened to do. He could have closed the border, as he often threatened to do. He could have written those Executive Orders he promised, to ban DACA, ban birth-right citizenship, close sanctuary cities, and end the foreign VISA worker programs. Instead, while he undeniably was preoccupied with fending off attacks for his entire time in office, including a laughably partisan impeachment effort, he spent most of his time in office tweeting. And engaging in childish food fights with state-controlled journalists and clueless celebrities. The level of discourse is now less civil than it has ever been. Trump’s rhetoric alone, however, puts him apart from all presidents since JFK. The things he alluded to, or casually mentioned, were outside the pale. No respectable politician would ever touch them. It was Trump’s rhetoric at his wildly enthusiastic rallies, and his attacks on the establishment via Twitter, that caused that establishment to hate him like no other public figure in our history. Trump Derangement Syndrome is far more real than any Soviet-style invented mental illness. So many of my former friends, good people all, have fallen victim to it. They hate him irrationally, and they will not listen to reason on the subject. ... Beyond Trump, the Stupid Party has no one else. Trump was only elected because he never really was a Republican. Stupid Party favorites like Nikki Haley and Paul Ryan are literally empty suits, standing for nothing except war and lowered corporate taxes. They would be lucky to win 20 percent of the vote in a presidential election. Because Trump didn’t deport the millions of illegals in this country, and Biden is about to grant them all amnesty, the voting demographic will shift into impossible territory for the Republicans. Trump will be the last Republican president. ... We haven’t been a free country for a long time. But we weren’t this bad. And we’re going to get a lot worse. We all saw what happened when a president spouting populist rhetoric, with millions of followers, attempted to expose electoral fraud, for which massive evidence exists. However, those videotapes, and over a thousand sworn affidavits amount to “no evidence!” according to every disciple of the “Woke” party. The mere mention of vote fraud gets you kicked off Twitter and You Tube, and brings the “Fact Checkers” out on Facebook. We’re like a collective battered wife, hoping that our abusive spouse will give us a smile and bind the wounds he caused. Stockholm Syndrome is too mild a word to describe American malaise. (read more) 2021-01-20 c POLITICAL POSTMORTEM Why Doesn’t the Republican
Establishment Understand the Meaning of Betrayal?
The nice thing about a crisis–you quickly learn who are your enemies and who are your trusted friends. The theft of the 2020 Presidential Election by the Democrats, Big Tech and foreign governments (with China playing a leading role) is a dark cloud with a silver lining. We now know that you cannot and should not trust the Republican Party. Period. The failure to challenge the election fraud starts, I am sad to say, with Donald Trump. He failed to do what needed to be done to put up a fight. The day after the steal he should have convened a crisis management teams and set up a 24/7 operation. He did not do that. He should have put together a legal team that should have coordinated the collection and presentation of evidence. He did not do that. Instead, there were at least four separate legal efforts (Team Rudy, Team Sidney, Team Phil Klein and Team Lin Wood) working essentially in isolation without a coordinated plan of attack. There should have been one 800 number for whistleblowers and witnesses to call. There was not. The most glaring omission was the lack of a daily war room brief on the evidence. The President should have been out front every day presenting the evidence and demanding an investigation. He was strangely silent for great periods of time. He ceded the counter propaganda war to his enemies and they beat him bloody. Let me be clear about my feelings for President Trump. Despite massive disorganization and terrible personnel decisions, he is a man who told the truth, kept most of his promises and genuinely worked for the welfare of the American people rather than scheming to figure out how to enhance his own wealth. History will record President Trump as one of the most consequential, decent Presidents in American history. He did not start new wars, he brought old wars and lingering conflicts to an end and he improved the economic standing of most Americans. But he failed on two key points in the aftermath of the election fraud. First, he failed to keep his promise to release the classified information that would prove beyond any doubt the role that the CIA, the FBI and the Brits (not to mention the Democrats) in trying to sabotage his Presidency and conduct a silent coup. Second, he failed to force the hand of Republican leaders in the immediate aftermath of the election to stand up and speak out in his defense. You can count on two hands the number of members of the House and the Senate who demanded answers on the fraud. Here again, deafening silence for many days while the Dems and their media allies hammered away with the fiction that this was a clean election free of foreign interference. Which brings me to Benedict Arnold. We now can speak with certainty about the perfidy of Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton. Only 12 Republican Senators had the stones to step up and challenge the false numbers from the Electoral College. We at least know that Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz know the meaning of being true to their oaths. I will not forget. Like the Elephant, which stands as the ostensible symbol of the Republican Party, I have a long memory. The Republican Party should drop the Elephant and replace it with a RHINO, but drop the “H”. The bulk of the Republican establishment are not conservatives and they are not patriots. They are crass opportunists keen only on feathering their own nests and shying away from taking a principled stand. Forget about writing to your Senator or Representative. Most of that is a waste of time. The only thing that can make a difference with these cats is to hit them in the pocketbook. If you are a registered Republican, then you should de-register immediately. Unsubscribe from every solicitation you get to contribute money to the Republicans and the so-called conservative groups that beg for your dollars promising to fight. The fact is the Republicans raised a shit-load of money this last go round and for what purpose? Did they hire poll watchers and have lawyers on the hook to immediately challenge nefarious activity? Not really. It was a weak effort. Did they proactively anticipate countering the corrupt manipulations in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix or Detroit? No. If you are going to give any money to anyone demand to know how they intend to use it. I was taken in by the desperate calls for help from Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. I stupidly believed they were in danger of being swamped and kicked in some bucks to help beat back the Blue Wave. Boy, did they fool me. Both won going away and now sight on some fat retirement accounts they can take with them when they finally decide to pull their snouts from the feeding trough that is the pig sty we know as Washington, DC. The last straw was today. Mitch McConnell, a craven, corrupt snake, falsely accused President Trump of inciting a riot. Trump did no such thing but leave to a dishonest cretin like McConnell to engage is such villainous slander. I don’t know if Trump will forgive him, but I don’t I will remember. The plan now, on the part of the Swamp, is to declare every Trump supporter a terrorist and an insurrectionist. But we did not tear down statues of American heroes. Antifa and BLM did that. We did not attack the police and call for them to be defunded or fried like bacon. Antifa and BLM did that. We did not burn and loot the business centers of dozens of America’s major cities. Antifa and BLM did that. And what have Republican leaders done? They condemn you, anyone who dares to continue to express support for Donald Trump, as a domestic terrorist. And when there was ample cause to call out the real terrorists–Antifa and BLM–many of the Republican leaders cowered and kept silent. At least now we know. There are still a few brave Republican souls–Hawley, Cruz, Gaetz, Jordan, Paul, to name a few–but they are being attacked viciously for the audacity of standing up and fighting for the Constitution. We need to stand with them. We can start by using the Democrat mantra employed against Donald Trump–Joe Biden is not my President. And we can make sure they understand that, when it comes to Trump’s supporters, the Republican Party is not my Party. (read more) 2021-01-20 b POLITICAL BLACKMAIL Tucker
Carlson: Mitch
McConnell of Kentucky, the leader of Republicans in
the Senate, has sent word over [to] the White House – If
you pardon Julian Assange we are much more likely to
convict you in an impeachment trial. Well, is
it legal to hold that over a president’s head?
We’re not lawyers, we don’t know. It’s
certainly wrong. But more than that, it tells
you everything about their priorities. (read
In other news, last night the White House released a list of pardons and commutations. 2021-01-20 a AS DARKNESS DESCENDS Today, an illegitimate
President will take the oath of office in
Washington. Chief Justice John Roberts will again
preside over an illegitimate inauguration. Roberts
knew 12 years ago that Barack Obama was not
qualified to be President. Don't believe me? Watch a
video of that swearing in ceremony. Notice how
Roberts stumbles and stutters as his conscience
almost prevails.
Joe Biden is nominally a Roman Catholic. The first Roman Catholic President, John Kennedy, also benefited from electoral fraud, primarily in Chicago, Illinois. The electoral fraud in 2020 was pervasive, though concentrated in swing states and was several orders of magnitude greater. Contrary to the mainstream media's protestations, there is evidence - mountains of evidence. More will continue to trickle out. More and more people will see it. More Americans will doubt Biden's legitimacy. Currently, at least 75% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen from Donald Trump. This crisis of legitimacy will not go away. In fact, it will grow. Not only will irrefutable evidence of electoral fraud continue to be exposed by alternative media and through word-of-mouth, but the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop will continue to seep out. Remember, there are many copies of the laptop's hard drive in private hands. Hunter Biden is a disgusting, depraved, drug addict whose corrupt dealings in China and the Ukraine have been documented by multiple sources. The Chinese have sex tapes featuring Hunter Biden. Many have now seen them. More will see them. Even with his diminished mental capacity, Joe Biden must know he becomes expendable to his masters after the inauguration. His globalist and Deep State owners will use the 25th Amendment or a messier alternative to remove him from office. What nightmares disturb his fitful sleep? We know he broods about his death. He told us just two days ago, in his farewell to Delaware. Does he also brood about the impending financial calamity or the race war his policies will incite? We shall continue our work, seeking the truth within this maze of lies. We shall continue to criticize the pandemic of lies surrounding the synthetic corona cold virus. We shall continue to criticize the economy-killing planned over-reaction to that virus that has yet to be properly isolated. You and I know there was no insurrection at the Capitol on the 6th of January. The real insurrection is more than four years old. It was executed by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the FBI, the CIA and other unsavory characters. We shall write about them as well. 2021-01-19 i FASCISM IN AMERICA "The basic concept of fascism is that everyone marches in the same direction, everyone thinks the same way, and everyone says the same things, all in the name of safety and productivity." Don’t Worry, It’s Just
Corporate Fascism
Censorship is censorship, whether committed by the state or anyone else. For over a decade now, the left in the United States has been cultivating a pernicious lie. They claim that censorship exists only if it is done by the government. Through a facile reading of the First Amendment, they have concluded that schools, corporations, publishers, theaters, and cable providers are not engaged in censorship if they ban certain speech, they are merely private entities making choices. It’s a lie. Censorship can be committed by any institution, even by individuals if they have enough power. Today the greatest threat to American freedom comes not from the government but from corporate actors who seek to control the actions and beliefs of American citizens by withholding goods and services from those with whom they disagree. And the left, which once abhorred certain views but would fight for your right to express them, now just abhors them and you can go to hell. It is not hyperbolic to call this phenomenon the greatest threat to American liberty in a generation. Say the wrong thing, and the private owners of our public squares online will ban you. Join the wrong club, and our hotels and airlines will deny you service. Express the wrong politics, and those in power will ban your news outlet. This is not a slippery slope; all of these things have already happened. American liberty is at the bottom of the slope. In fact, it has crashed into the ski lodge and broken its legs. ... While it is not the only one, there is no better example of corporate fascism than Big Tech. When Amazon flexed its muscle to destroy the social media platform Parler, it sent a clear message that everyone had better get on board with groupthink. Together with Alphabet, Apple, and Twitter, Jeff Bezos’s illiberal monster company controls our society’s discourse in ways that no entities in history ever have, and the results are alarming. This is not the first time America has faced powerful corporations that seek to block and destroy competition. We have busted trusts before but never quite like this. Neither the railroad barons nor Ma Bell had dark, dystopian visions for our future in which we sit alone at home staring at screens while machines bring us sustenance. Does that sound familiar? At the end of the day, Americans are either a free people or they aren’t. It doesn’t matter if we are silenced by our government or by the billionaires who give us our tinker toys. Being silenced is being silenced. ... Be curious. Read something offensive today. Look at some degenerate art. Do not go gently into the darkness of corporate fascism. Be free. (read more) 2021-01-19 h WHEN WILL THESE BE MADE PUBLIC? Trump declassifies binder of
Russia investigation documents on eve of Biden
President Trump ordered the declassification of Justice Department documents related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into allegations of Trump-Russia collusion as one of his final acts in office. The White House issued a memo Tuesday night, on the eve of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, in which Trump said the Justice Department provided the White House with a “binder of materials” tied to the Trump-Russia investigation on Dec. 30. The memo said, “Portions of the documents in the binder have remained classified and have not been released to the Congress or the public. Trump “requested the documents so that a declassification review could be performed and so I could determine to what extent materials in the binder should be released in unclassified form," the memo added. The president “determined that the materials in that binder should be declassified to the maximum extent possible," the memo said. But, as part of the “iterative process of the declassification review," the FBI said on Sunday that the bureau had a “continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder” and “on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure," according to the memo. Trump said he would “accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI.” “I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder,” Trump said in the memo, addressed to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, and acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. “This is my final determination under the declassification review and I have directed the Attorney General to implement the redactions proposed in the FBI's Jan. 17 submission and return to the White House an appropriately redacted copy.” The documents were not immediately made public. The White House directed the Washington Examiner to the FBI, which declined to comment. The Justice Department did not immediately respond. The disclosure is the latest salvo in the controversy that engulfed the first half of Trump's presidency. The "witch hunt," as Trump calls it, began with the FBI opening up an investigation into his campaign's ties to Russia in the summer of 2016. That inquiry, code-named Crossfire Hurricane, was wrapped into Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation, which began after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. After two years of investigating, Mueller's team released a report in an April 2019 that said investigators “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign" but "did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” Trump previously called for all of the Russia investigation documents to be made public. "I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!" Trump tweeted in October, adding that “all Russia Hoax Scandal information was Declassified by me long ago.” But following a federal court order, Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, told a judge that month that the president’s tweets were not declassification orders. Trump said Tuesday that his declassification “does not extend to materials that must be protected from disclosure pursuant to orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court" and that the acting attorney general “has conducted an appropriate review to ensure that materials provided in the binder may be disclosed by the White House in accordance with applicable law.” Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a report in December 2019 that said the FBI inquiry was properly predicated but nevertheless criticized the Justice Department and FBI for 17 “significant errors and omissions” related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against former Trump campaign associate Carter Page and for the bureau's reliance on British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s discredited and Democratic-funded dossier. Declassified footnotes from Horowitz’s report indicate that the bureau became aware that Steele’s dossier may have been compromised by Russian disinformation, and FBI interviews show Steele’s primary subsource undercut the credibility of the dossier. Horowitz said that Steele’s main source “contradicted the allegations of a ‘well-developed conspiracy’ in” Steele’s dossier. U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was elevated to special counsel in the fall, is investigating the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation. He and now-former Attorney General William Barr released statements saying they disagreed with the Justice Department inspector general's determination that the opening of the Trump-Russia investigation was justified. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith admitted to Durham this summer that he falsified a document during the bureau’s efforts to renew its FISA authority to wiretap Page, editing a CIA email in 2017 to state that Page was “not a source." Ratcliffe declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan in October showing he briefed then-President Barack Obama in 2016 on an unverified Russian intelligence report claiming former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton planned in July 2016 on tying then-candidate Trump to Russia’s hack of the Democratic National Committee to distract from her improper use of a private email server. He also declassified a September 2016 CIA counterintelligence referral on the allegations to Comey and fired FBI special agent Peter Strzok. That move was met with a backlash from Democrats and some national security veterans, with Brennan saying that "his selective declassification of information ... is designed to advance the political interests of Donald Trump." At the time, Ratcliffe released a statement saying that "this is not Russian disinformation." Ratcliffe said in October that his office had provided almost 1,000 pages of materials to the Justice Department in response to Durham’s document requests. The January 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian meddling from the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI concluded with "high confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin “ordered an influence campaign in 2016” and that Russia worked to “undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate former Secretary of State Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency” and “developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.” Adm. Mike Rogers of the NSA diverged from Brennan and Comey on one key aspect, expressing only “moderate confidence” rather than "high confidence" that Putin “aspired to help” Trump’s election chances by “discrediting” Clinton. The Senate Intelligence Committee released a bipartisan report in April defending the 2017 assessment, saying it “presents a coherent and well-constructed intelligence basis.” But a report from the Republicans leading the House Intelligence Committee in 2018 concluded that "judgments on Putin's strategic intentions did not ... employ proper analytic tradecraft." Ratcliffe sent the intelligence community’s watchdog an investigative referral related to that House GOP report in the fall. (read more) 2021-01-19 g STOLEN ELECTION II John Brennan Protégé Gina
Haspel Resigns as CIA Director After Covering up
Chinese Interference in 2020 Election
Deep State hack Gina Haspel resigned from her post as CIA Director on Tuesday. “It has
been the greatest honor of my life to lead this
remarkable organization,” Haspel said in a
statement. “I depart deeply proud of the work we
have done together – the triumphs we have
achieved, the threats we have overcome, and the
investments we have made for the future.”
... Recall, Gina Haspel personally blocked the declassification of the Spygate documents. “According to his handwritten notes, former CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal and claiming interference by Russian security services.” Ratcliffe previously said. This is why Gina Haspel, who was hand-picked by John Brennan to run the CIA’s operations in London during the 2016 election — Christopher Steele’s hub, is blocking the release of more documents. Federalist co-founder Sean Davis said that getting these documents declassified was difficult and Gina Haspel was personally blocking other damning Russiagate records. “I’m told that it is Gina Haspel personally who is blocking continued declassification of these documents that will show the American people the truth of what actually happened,” Davis said. “Many of the people blocking these documents are likely implicated by them. You have these career bureaucrats whose careers may be destroyed by the facts within them,” Sean Davis told Tucker Carlson in October. Ratcliffe also sent a letter to Congress over the weekend revealing “CIA management covered up Chinese interference in the 2020 election.” (read more) 2021-01-19 f STOLEN ELECTION I Mike Lindell Responds To
Threatening Letter from Dominion Lawyer: “I want
Dominion to put up their lawsuit because we have
100% evidence that China and other countries used
their machines to steal the election”
Dominion Voting Systems threatened My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell with a letter dated December 23, 2020, from defamation lawyers. In the letter, Dominion lawyer Thomas A. Clare called Lindell’s attacks on the voting company used in all six contested states “implausible,” adding they have “no basis in reality.” Mike Lindell is not the only person who received a threatening letter from Dominion—at least one GOP poll challenger in Michigan (who never even mentioned Dominion in her affidavit) received a threatening letter from Dominion. Mike Lindell, a devout Christian, is not worried about a letter from Dominion lawyers threatening defamation. Like President Trump, Lindell is a fighter and is vowing to fight back, telling Axios that he’s looking forward to Dominion’s lawsuit. “I want Dominion to put up their lawsuit because we have 100% evidence that China and other countries used their machines to steal the election.” Mike Lindell spoke with RSB Network today, where he demanded that he has “100% evidence that China and other countries” took our whole election, adding, “I’ve seen it, I have access to it.” Lindell explains that every person in America needs to see the evidence he has, regardless of party. “This wasn’t just one country,” Lindell explained. (read more) 2021-01-19 e SPOOKS COOKED THE BOOKS "Let me make this very simple–the CIA cooked the books because they did not want to produce the evidence that proved what the President has been saying since the election was true. This is not a mistake. This is treason of the highest order." + "The IC Analytic Ombudsman makes it very clear that intelligence was hidden from the President and the Congress. We have been told a massive lie about a clean election. It was not. It was dirty as hell." Larry Johnson: The CIA Has
Become the KGB
My title may appear to be over the top, but hear me out. There was a time when the CIA, despite deep flaws and sloppy tradecraft, could be counted on to tell the President, regardless of political party, the truth. No longer. It is corrupt to the very top and now should be viewed as an enemy of the Republic. The latest revelations from the Intelligence Community’s Analytic Ombudsman described in a memo from DNI John Ratcliffe is beyond shocking. Rather than tell the truth about Chinese interference in the 2020 Presidential election, the CIA opted to quash intelligence that would have proven Donald Trump’s claim that the Chinese not only interfered in the 2020 election, but played a hand in throwing the election to Joe Biden. Here are the salient points of the DNI’s memo: The IC’s Analytic Ombudsman issued a
report . . . that includes concerning revelations
about the politicization of China election
influence reporting and of undue pressure being
brought to bear on analysts who offered an
alternative view based on the intelligence. .
. .
Standard B requires the IC to maintain
“independence of political considerations.” This
is particularly important during times when the
country is, as the Ombudsman wrote, “in a hyper
partisan state.” However, the Ombudsman found
“China analysts were hesitant to assess Chinese actions as undue influence or interference. These analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tend to disagree with the administration’s policies, saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence used to support those policies. This behavior would constitute a violation of Analytic Standard B: Independence of Political Considerations (IRTPA Section 1019).”. . . . “There were strong efforts to suppress analysis of alternatives (AOA) in the August [National intelligence Council Assessment on foreign election influence], and associated IC products, which is a violation ofTradecraft Standard 4 and IRTPA Section 1017. National Intelligence Council (NIC) officials reported that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials rejected NIC coordination comments and tried to downplay alternative analyses in their own production during the drafting of the NICA.” . . . . Additionally, the Ombudsman found that CIA Management took actions “pressuring [analysts] to withdraw their support” from the alternative viewpoint on China “in an attempt to suppress it. This was seen by National Intelligence Officers (NIO) as politicization,” “There were strong efforts to suppress analysis of alternatives (AOA) in the August [National intelligence Council Assessment on foreign election influence], and associated IC products, which is a violation ofTradecraft Standard 4 and IRTPA Section 1017. National Intelligence Council (NIC) officials reported that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials rejected NIC coordination comments and tried to downplay alternative analyses in their own production during the drafting of the NICA.” ... This is not the first time that the CIA has produced politicized intelligence or has refused to produce contrary intelligence. But is it the first time that the CIA has taken a blatantly partisan stance against an American President and sided with a foreign enemy. The CIA has cooked the books before. One of its most damaging acts of intelligence sabotage in the past was manufacturing the Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction fraud that was used by then President Bush to launch an unnecessary and unjustified war in Iraq in 2003. But back then there were a few senior officers who continued to conduct themselves with professionalism and exposed the lies of Curveball, which was a major foundation of the mendacious assessment that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I was an analyst at the CIA and saw first hand how politics brought pressure to bear on analysts to slant analysis. In my case, it was the war in Central America. I was the Honduran analyst from September 1986 to September 1989. I wrote frequently for the Presidential Daily Brief (aka PDB), producing on average three briefs a week for the President (Reagan and Bush). [Note, most analysts were lucky if they wrote one PDB every two weeks.] Before starting my work I had the honor of being trained as a new analyst by the legendary George Allen. George Allen, not the football coach, was a 30 year veteran of US military intelligence and the CIA. He authored the book, None So Blind: A Personal Account of the Intelligence Failure in Vietnam. Book From his vantage point as a chief official with the CIA and army intelligence, Mr. Allen reveals specifically how American leaders, unwilling to face up to bad news from intelligence sources, largely excluded intelligence from important policy deliberations until it was too late. . . . One message shines through his recounting of more than three decades of American policy-making in Vietnam, what Allen calls the “unwillingness of U.S. officials to confront reality in Vietnam.” Allen names the names of those officials. They included the three top Army generals sent to South Vietnam in the 1950s and early 1960s (Joseph “Lightning Joe” Collins, Samuel T. “Hanging Sam” Williams and Paul Harkins); the ambassador to South Vietnam in 1964-1965, Maxwell Taylor; and Johnson administration heavies Walt Rostow, McGeorge and William Bundy and Robert S. McNamara. ... I spoke with a retired CIA colleague last night who was heartbroken and sick over this latest revelation. Until yesterday he still harbored the hope that there were still some good apples in CIA leadership who would put politics aside and serve the interests of the Republic regardless of their partisan leanings. He told me, “our old outfit is rotten to the core.” The CIA is now transformed into the KGB of the bad old days in the sense that it is filled with political hacks eager to serve one particular party without regard for the welfare of the nation. The KGB told their Soviet masters what they wanted to hear. You did not advance in that intelligence service unless you played along. Speaking truth to power was not a virtue in the KGB. It is in that sense that the CIA has become the very thing it was created to fight. This is a watershed in the history of America and marks a point that will make it very difficult for us to survive. Instead of providing the best analysis free of politics, the stench of the political corruption that covers Washington has now fully embraced the CIA. (read more) 2021-01-19 d LYNCHING LIBERTY II "But we are witnessing myriad ways in which the illiberal liberals can try to informally cancel the First Amendment in practice – whether by banning Trump and many others from social-media platforms, or by imposing restrictive speech codes across American college campuses." Now they want to cancel the
First Amendment
The claim that President Trump is guilty of ‘incitement to violence’ is a threat to free speech for all. President Donald Trump has never been a friend or fan of the precious First Amendment to the American Constitution, which protects freedom of speech. But the First Amendment does not care; it still protects the right of President Trump to express his opinions, just like everybody else. This is what makes the attempts to ‘cancel’ Trump in Congress and across social media, for allegedly inciting the violence at the Capitol, so dangerous. Because those who want to silence and eject an elected president for saying the ‘wrong’ things are really trying to rewrite the meaning of the First Amendment, which would lead to restrictions on free speech for all. It is not a question of supporting outgoing President Trump’s attempts to cling to office or endorsing anything he has said. This is about something much more important than the Donald. It is about upholding the fundamental freedom of all Americans, from the president and politicians to any fool or fanatic, to express what they think is the truth. Adopted in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment to the American Constitution remains the global gold standard on free-speech legislation. It states clearly and concisely that ‘Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press’. One of the few exceptions recognised by the US Supreme Court is that there is no ‘right’ to use speech to incite violence or lawless action. This exception has now been seized on by Trump’s opponents in their attempts to justify cancelling the president. In banning him from their platforms, both Twitter and Facebook cited Trump’s alleged incitement of the Capitol rioters. Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg declared that they could not tolerate Trump’s ‘use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government’. Other Trump-haters inside and outside Congress have focused on the president’s speech to a large crowd of supporters in Washington, shortly before the violence at the Capitol. Celebrity scientist Professor Steven Pinker tweeted that, although he is personally a ‘strong free speech guy’, the tech giants’ ‘deplatforming of Trump seems justified’: ‘Even First Amendment jurisprud[ence] (lenient standard) exempts inciting imminent lawless action.’ Thus has Trump been speedily tried and convicted of incitement in the mainstream and social media, with the enthusiastic support of many liberals. This development is a real danger to freedom of speech. Because make no mistake: if President Trump can be effectively convicted of incitement and silenced for what he said last week, so could anybody forcefully expressing an opinion which others find offensive. The incitement exemption to the First Amendment is actually framed in very narrow terms. It states that speakers are protected, unless their words are intended towards ‘inciting or producing imminent lawless action’ and also ‘likely to produce such action’. In order to fall foul of the First Amendment, then, the incitement to lawless action must be deliberate and the threat of violence both real and imminent. This rule dates from the famous 1969 Supreme Court case of Brandenburg v Ohio, when the court overturned the conviction of a Ku Klux Klan leader who had denounced black people and Jews at a rally. To many, upholding the right of the KKK to spout racist bile may not seem like a big victory for freedom today. But in drawing a firm line between hateful words and violent deeds, and affirming that the expression of views others find repugnant is not in itself a crime, it laid a firmer foundation for free speech in America as an indivisible and universal right. What did Trump say last week that crossed that firm line and constituted an indictable incitement to violence? Nothing that I have seen or heard. Instead, the moves to cancel the president constitute an attempt to widen the definition of incitement and neuter the First Amendment in a way that should alarm any ‘strong free speech guy’ anywhere on the political spectrum. Twitter announced it was banning Trump because his tweets ran the ‘risk’ of ‘inciting violence’. Yet as Brendan O’Neill pointed out on spiked, the two tweets it cited did nothing of the sort. In one, the outgoing president praised his supporters as ‘great American patriots’ who would have a ‘GIANT VOICE’ in America’s future. In the other, Trump tweeted that he would not be attending the inauguration of incoming president Joe Biden. These tweets might qualify as typical Trump-style invitations to either cheer or ridicule him, depending on your point of view. But how could a declaration that Trump intends to stay home on inauguration day amount to incitement to violence? ... Indeed. Imagine the possible consequences of making it a punishable offence for anybody in politics to call on supporters to ‘fight’ for their cause or to ‘show strength’ in standing up to their opponents. It would be the end of democratic political debate as we know it. The attempt to broaden the definition of ‘incitement’ casts a long shadow over the future of free speech. It could provide a licence to outlaw any opinion which is unacceptable to the liberal establishment. We should always remember that the verb ‘to incite’ can mean simply to urge somebody towards your desired goal. In that sense, as a famous US Supreme Court judge once put it, ‘Every idea is an incitement’. And ideas should never be criminalised or cancelled. (read more) 2021-01-19 c LYNCHING LIBERTY I "This matters because freedom of speech matters." + "There is a culture of vengeance too, glimpsed in the woke elites’ drawing up of blacklists of Trump employees and their desire to brand any agitating Trump supporter as a ‘domestic terrorist’." The impeachment of freedom of
If Trump is found guilty, it will have terrible consequences for liberty of thought and speech. Donald Trump has once again made history in a way he would rather not have. He has become the first president in the history of the American republic to be impeached twice. The House of Representatives has voted to impeach him for ‘incitement of insurrection’. He will now be put on trial by the Senate. If he is found guilty – not impossible, given how many Republican representatives and senators have been making pro-impeachment noises – he will be turfed out of office at the very end of his presidency and barred from ever standing for political office again. Who could be against this? Trump, as most of the media, the social-media oligarchies and politicians of all persuasions have been insisting incessantly since the breaching of the Capitol last week, is the new Hitler. The Capitol riot was the Reichstag Fire / the Beer Hall Putsch / Kristallnacht 2.0 – pick your favourite Holocaust metaphor – and Trump is responsible for it. The protesters were insurrectionists – worse, they were terrorists – and Trump was the spiritual and operational instigator of their terrorism. That’s the narrative we have been suffocated with for a week now. The Capitol breach was the 9/11 of our times, serious journalists madly claim, and Trump was its Osama bin Laden. People have actually said this. In such a moment of hysteria – and we really have reached hysteria now – it can be difficult to call for calm and reflection. But that is what we must do before things go too far. The truth is that this impeachment of Trump is deeply problematic. It is an indictment not just of a president who has done many gravely questionable things in recent weeks, but also of freedom of speech; of the right of everyone – whether president or plebeian – to express him or herself plainly and passionately. Trump is essentially on trial for making heated political comments, for pushing an ideological line – that the 2020 election was ‘fraudulent’ – that many people find offensive. If he is found guilty, he will be found guilty of expressing himself in a way that the political elite considers problematic. Everyone needs to stop, breathe, and consider the impact this would have on the already frail culture of freedom. ... Because here’s the thing: there is no proof that Trump incited violence. There is no proof that he plotted or instigated an insurrection. In the speeches and comments that have been quoted in the court of the liberal media – which has already found him guilty of being a 21st-century Nazi – Trump pushes his nonsense about the election being stolen, using political phraseology like ‘fight back’ and ‘be strong’, and expresses support for marching to the Capitol. He did not call for a riot; he did not call for anyone to enter the Capitol Building; he did not say anything about insurrection. As Alan Dershowitz has said, all of Trump’s comments fall under the protections of the First Amendment. It was legitimate political speech – whether you liked it or loathed it – not a cry for the use of imminent violence. This matters because freedom of speech matters. Nobody has a right to incite violence; even the wonderfully liberal First Amendment, as made clear by numerous Supreme Court decisions, does not protect words that openly call for imminent violent behaviour. But everyone must have the right to argue their political case as colourfully and furiously as they like, and to call for protests and resistance. This is the stuff of politics. It always has been. If Trump is found guilty of incitement for speaking in relatively normal political language – even if he did so on a theme, election theft, that most people consider barmy – then the broader culture of speech will suffer. And if he is found guilty on the basis of how other people chose to interpret his words, then a core principle of freedom of speech – the right of politicians, artists and activists to express themselves without having to account for the behaviour of their viewers or listeners – could be lost, or at least denigrated. ‘Incitement of insurrection.’ These words have meaning. They exaggerate what occurred at the Capitol – it was an opportunistic if repugnant criminal incursion, not a planned coup – and they depict rowdy political speech of the kind that Trump delivered in recent days as inevitably provoking violent behaviour. It is this that mustn’t stand. The liberty and lifeblood of politics are at risk if we criminalise more and more forms of political speech. There is hysteria in the air. You can see it in the overblown talk of coups and fascism and ‘the new 9/11’. There is a culture of vengeance too, glimpsed in the woke elites’ drawing up of blacklists of Trump employees and their desire to brand any agitating Trump supporter as a ‘domestic terrorist’. When hysteria descends, stupid things are done. This impeachment is one of those things. (read more) 2021-01-19 b THE COVID-CON II Lockdown was never the only
A strategy of protecting the vulnerable could have saved lives without devastating the whole of society. The most blindingly obvious observation anyone could make while living under Britain’s third lockdown, after nine months of restrictions, is that we have clearly failed to suppress the coronavirus. It seems that practically the whole world west of Asia and Australasia has fared pretty poorly in these efforts. The extraordinary sacrifices to health, wealth and education made in the name of fighting Covid have not paid off. Many of the countries which have endured the worst death tolls have also enacted some of the longest and most severe lockdowns. The lockdown sceptics who have spent the past year warning of the dangers of this strategy have been maligned and smeared as ‘Covid deniers’ or are accused of wanting to ‘let the virus rip’. But we at spiked do not oppose action to mitigate the virus; we simply question the authoritarian form that action always seems to take. In a more rational era, particularly in the supposedly liberal West, you might have expected our representatives to strain every sinew to avoid putting an entire population of healthy people under house arrest. But in a climate of hysteria, the wide-ranging discussion we needed never took place. The only permitted questions were whether we should have locked down earlier, harder and for longer. And the only alternatives to lockdown which caught the government’s attention were local lockdowns (remember Tier 4?) and the eye-wateringly expensive shambles that is Test and Trace. So with that in mind, these are some things we could have tried – because there must always be an alternative to top-down coercion. Properly protect care homes In Britain, more than 20,000 Covid deaths between March and June took place in care homes. The peak in deaths in care homes actually came after the peak in hospitals, suggesting that the virus continued to spread around care homes even as the rest of society was locked indoors. Politicians and the media didn’t say much about the care-homes carnage until mid-May, some seven weeks into the first lockdown. Even from the earliest, patchy data from China, it was clear that the elderly were most at risk from Covid. In fact, the elderly are more than a thousand times at risk than the young. SAGE’s modellers were aware of this. But they assumed that care homes were shielded because, as Dr Ian Hall admitted to the BBC, ‘we never checked’. In April, instead of protecting care homes, government guidance advised patients to be discharged from hospitals into care homes. A negative Covid test was not necessary, even if a patient had previously tested positive. Instead of being shielded, care homes were thrown to the wolves to free up capacity in hospitals to ‘protect the NHS’. Last week, the Department of Health, once again, issued guidance that elderly patients who have been in isolation in hospitals after a positive test should be discharged into care homes. ... Fever hospitals Although the data are incomplete, it is clear that a substantial number of Covid infections are acquired in hospitals, a problem that cannot be addressed by a general lockdown. In May, the NHS estimated that 10 to 20 per cent of its Covid patients were infected as inpatients. Between 1 August and 26 November, 16 per cent of infections were hospital-acquired. In some hospital trusts, hospital-acquired infections can represent a third of all Covid cases. Of course, those who are already in hospital are also more likely to be ill and at risk, too. What’s more, the implementation of infection controls, including spacing beds further apart from each other, means that the NHS has actually reduced its capacity at a time when it is facing the unique pressure of a once-in-a-quarter-century pandemic. This winter, there are 7,000 fewer beds to work with than last winter. One way we could have both increased capacity and reduced hospital-acquired infections would be to have re-established fever hospitals, as outlined by Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. These hospitals were common a century ago though as many infectious diseases have now been vanquished by modern medicine, the hospitals had largely become redundant. But even in their heyday, many fever hospitals remained closed most of the time and were only reopened in the event of serious outbreaks. The Nightingale hospitals might have been good candidates for this (though we would need a lot more of them). Instead of using them only when existing hospitals started to fill up, they should have been admitting patients as soon as possible, keeping them away from non-Covid patients. Proper case isolation For the first time in history, we have quarantined the healthy. But what about those who actually get ill with Covid or who test positive? A very high proportion are failing to self-isolate in line with the rules. Often these are just minor breaches. But these are people we know have the virus and are therefore those most likely to spread it. Recently, the government has cut the mandatory isolation time from 14 to 10 days and has made some financial support available to increase compliance. But far more needs to be done. There needs to be decent sick pay to make isolation affordable. But we also need to make it easier to take care of other needs like shopping and childcare. Many in the West have marvelled at China’s response to the Covid outbreak. The idea of a city-wide, state-wide or nationwide lockdown had never been tried until January 2020. This aspect of the experiment in Wuhan was quickly adopted as the primary tool used by governments across the world to contain the virus. What is often overlooked is China’s extraordinary efforts in case isolation. The reproduction of the virus stayed constant for a week after Wuhan’s lockdown was introduced. But it plunged dramatically when the authorities began to isolate positive cases in central quarantine facilities. Tens of thousands of people were housed temporarily in hotels and student accommodation as well as newly kitted-out sports halls and exhibition centres. In the West, we could do this on a purely voluntary basis. For many people, if they have their needs taken care of, it will make isolation easier than it currently is. ... Make shielding livable Whenever anyone demands additional protection for the vulnerable, the predictable response is that you cannot just lock up old or disabled people indefinitely. (The same people, of course, argue that it’s fine to lock up the whole population, which also includes old and disabled people.) The people who need to be shielded from Covid cannot just be forgotten. Their safety and well being should be the focus of any strategy. Between August and the third lockdown the advice to vulnerable people was that they should carry on working, despite the risks. A member of the public raised this with the prime minister on the day the Tier 4 lockdown was announced, and all the PM could do was mumble that ‘people should take all the steps to protect themselves’. Not good enough. Shielding should, of course, be voluntary. But we should be doing everything we can to make it livable. Those who would normally have to travel to work should be at home on full pay. Groceries and meals could be delivered for free. For those living in multi-generational households, which makes shielding near impossible with people coming in and out, we could offer rooms in five-star hotels. Shielders will, of course, want to leave the house and they must have every right to do so. We could make that as safe as possible by forcing supermarkets to set aside certain hours for vulnerable shoppers. And we should provide for free and unlimited journeys in Covid-secure taxis. Some of these ideas were tried in the German town of Tübingen, which before the m//ost recent national lockdown had, despite much looser rules than in other parts of Germany, managed to protect the vulnerable very effectively. Just 10 per cent of those infected in Tübingen during Germany’s much deadlier second wave were over 65, compared with 23 per cent nationwide. The cost of such policies are also negligible compared with the lost output and rescue packages needed to sustain long-term business closures. ... More alarmingly, there are still calls from fanatical voices demanding a continuation of lockdown even when the most clinically vulnerable have been vaccinated, by which point the death rate will have collapsed. There is also a very real danger that lockdown will be deployed as the tool for dealing with the next pandemic, or even other threats such as climate change. What is perhaps most tragic about lockdown is that it has demobilised society by shutting everyone indoors, when we should have mobilised the country to the task of protecting the vulnerable. (read more) 2021-01-19 a THE COVID-CON I Delingpole: Italian
Restaurants Open in Mass Protest at Lockdown Rules
Thousands of restaurants have opened in Italy in defiance of the country’s strict Chinese coronavirus lockdown regulations. The mass civil disobedience campaign — launched under the hashtag #IoApro (#IOpen) — has seen as many as 50,000 restaurants opening despite evening curfew restrictions. ... Italy is not the only country where resistance to the lockdown is growing. There is a similar campaign in Poland under the hashtag #otwieraMY: ... Among the Polish businesses planning to open in defiance of the country’s strict lockdown are those in the ski resorts of the Tatra mountains. “We will end this madness… which wants to destroy Poland and Polishness, destroy the middle class, small and medium-sized enterprises and kill several hundred people a day,” said Sebastian Pitoń, the ad hoc leader of the Górlaskie Veto — Highlanders’ Veto — movement, which claims to represent around 200 businesses. “I hope our action… will make all of central Europe get off this crazy train which is heading for destruction,” Pitoń said, addressing journalists while wearing the traditional dress of Poland’s southern highlanders. (read more) 2021-01-18 g GUESS WHO WROTE THIS: You may be
38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some
great opportunity stands before you and calls you to
stand up for some great principle, some great issue,
some great cause.
And you refuse to do it because you are afraid…You refuse to do it because you want to live longer… You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand. Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit. 2021-01-18 f REP. STEVE COHEN (D-Tenn.) DOESN'T TRUST OUR TROOPS .@RepCohen
on his concerns w/ the National Guard securing
the Inauguration: “The [National] Guard is 90 some-odd percent male; and only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden … there are probably not more than 25% of the people there protecting us that voted for Biden” pic.twitter.com/ofQfLuCw8I — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 18, 2021 2021-01-18 e NEW YORK DEMOCRAT CALLS FOR BORDERING FENCE My new
bill aims to revive the Capitol Gateway Plan, a
previously rejected
plan to encircle the Capitol grounds w/ a secure barricade. Security at the Capitol has been an afterthought & we need enhanced protection to keep members, staff, & visitors safe. https://t.co/OjuD7M3plF — Rep. Ritchie Torres (@RepRitchie) January 14, 2021 2021-01-18 d VACCINE NEWS II California halts injections of
Moderna Covid vaccine batch due to
‘higher-than-usual number of adverse events’
California health officials are asking vaccine providers to stop administering a batch of Moderna’s Covid-19 jab, after an unusually high number of adverse reactions were linked to the drug. Doses from Moderna Lot 041L20A are suspected of causing a “higher-than-usual number of adverse events” and should be shelved until a proper investigation can be conducted, the California Department of Public Health said on Sunday. State epidemiologist Dr. Erica S. Pan said in a statement that “fewer than 10 individuals” suffered “a possible severe allergic reaction” and required medical attention over the past 24 hours after being injected with the specific batch of vaccine. All of the incidents appear to have occurred at a single community clinic that was administering the lot. The site reportedly closed for several hours after the string of adverse reactions occurred, before switching to a different batch of the drug. ... “Out of an extreme abundance of caution and also recognizing the extremely limited supply of vaccine, we are recommending that providers use other available vaccine inventory,” the health official said. More than 330,000 doses from the same Moderna vaccine batch have been distributed to 287 providers across the state, but this is the first time that health authorities have received reports detailing adverse reactions associated with the lot, according to Pan. While acknowledging that “less data exists on adverse reactions related to the Moderna vaccine,” the state epidemiologist said that it’s rare for vaccines to trigger serious side effects. Moderna, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are reviewing the batch and all relevant medical data. The Covid-19 jab has been linked to other cases of serious medical emergencies. In December, a physician in Boston said he suffered one of the worst allergic reactions he’s ever experienced after receiving Moderna’s vaccine, describing the episode as potentially life-threatening. Similar cases linked to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine have been referred to the CDC and FDA for review. (read more) 2021-01-18 c VACCINE NEWS I After deaths in Norway, China has banned
Pfizer and BioNTec vaccine.
Nach Todesfällen in Norwegen:
China fordert Streichung des Impfstoffs von Pfizer
und BioNTec
China fordert, dass der Corona-Impfstoff von BioNTec/Pfizer weltweit gestrichen wird. Zuvor waren 23 Personen in Norwegen nach einer Impfung mit dem Impfstoff verstorben. Peking meint, dass dies an dem Impfstoff liegen würde. Doch hinter Chinas Warnung könnte auch das Ziel stecken, westliche Impfstoffe schlecht zu reden, um im Rahmen eines „Impfstoff-Kriegs“ seinen eigenen Impfstoff zu verkaufen. (read more) 2021-01-18 b NOT MY PRESIDENT II "The Democrats and tech giants insist you are no longer allowed to discuss the fraud in the 2020 election." The Five Most Obvious Acts of
Fraud in the 2020 Election that You Are No Longer
Allowed to Discuss
For months now, since Election night on November 3rd, The Gateway Pundit has been exposing the massive and unprecedented fraud in the 2020 presidential election. The days when Democrats find 500 ballots in a trunk of a car are over. Today their election fraud includes likely every segment of the election process from illegal voters to fraudulent counting. Since the US Capitol rioting on January 6th the Democrat-Media Complex, including the tech giants, will no longer allow ANY discussion on fraud in the 2020 election. Democrats and RINO Republicans like Lindsey Graham are determined to shut this discussion down. This is a lie. They are trying to control what you can say, read or see. In response to this media gaslighting today we are releasing our list of the Five Most Significant Acts of Fraud in the 2020 election. FIVE MOST SIGNIFICANT ACTS OF FRAUD IN THE 2020 ELECTION: 1.) The Georgia Late Night Hidden Suitcase Heist: in late December President Trump tweeted out an OANN report on a Gateway Pundit investigation of the Atlanta suitcase voter fraud scandal... 2.) The Drop and Roll — Shutting down five states and then dumping hundreds of thousands of late-night votes for Joe Biden Five swing states all shut down their counting on election night at the same time. This was likely a coordinated event. Then each state saw a mysterious and impossible spike of Joe Biden ballots in the middle of the night. We first discovered this pattern in Pennsylvania. Then we saw this same pattern in at least four other states... 3.) Blocking GOP Poll Watchers in the counting rooms in swing states Committed far-left Democrats blocked and harassed GOP election observers in several swing states. We have video of this. The media defended this. In Pennsylvania the Democrats blocked GOP observers from the counting room until they were able to manufacture nearly a million votes for Joe Biden. In Detroit Michigan the leftists taped cardboard over the windows so observers could not see into the room at all. 4.) Votes deleted or switched from President Trump to Joe Biden: A few days after the election we began to identify system ‘glitches’ that were reported across the country where votes were switched in all cases from President Trump to Joe Biden. These switches were in the thousands. We then reported on an analysis where the data from the election was reviewed and millions of votes for President Trump were eliminated or switched to Joe Biden. 5.) USPS postal service drivers speak out after they were told to transfer up to 288,000 completed ballots across state lines after the election. Election fraud whistleblowers came forward in late November, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state lines on October 21. The information was made public at a press conference by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization. Attorney Phil Kline said, “130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election were shipped from Bethpage, NY, to Lancaster, PA, where those ballots and the trailer in which they were shipped disappeared.” Truck driver Jesse Morgan was present at the press conference and spoke for 9 minutes about his unbelievable ordeal. Morgan was tasked with delivering completed ballots to Pennsylvania from New York state. ... These are just five of the most blatant acts of fraud in the 2020 election. This does not include the massive mail-in absentee ballot fraud or the vote counting machines which allow for election fraud. (read more) 2021-01-18 a NOT MY PRESIDENT I PRESS RELEASE
January 18th, 2021 media@thekingofnews.com EXCLUSIVE – Film Crew Releases Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots Rumble video:
YouTube video: youtube.com/watch?v=Ocb-S26BdRA Chicago, Illinois – Documentary film crew releases dramatic, never before seen footage of the 2017 Inauguration riots. The footage was gathered as part of an ongoing documentary about the fight for dominance playing out between establishment and independent news organizations. The shocking footage exposes a coordinated attack on the 2017 inauguration of President Donald Trump. Highlights include anarchists preparing for violent clashes with police (10:22), violent attacks on attendees (2:08), destruction of property (9:50), and the physical premeditated blockades that succeed in preventing voters from attending the Presidential Inauguration (3:29). Additional highlights include interviews with blockade organizers Code Pink and Disrupt J20, whose stated goal was to “shut this inauguration down.” Code Pink organizer Tighe Barry is asked, “Are you guys going to cause some mayhem?” His response is an emphatic “Yes sir!” (3:56) He adds, “We blocked this street because we feel like we have the right to tell them not to come into our city.” (4:27) J20 organizer is quoted saying, “These people should be referred to as neo-nazis, as fascist, as the legitimate scum they are, so they can be wiped from this country!” (1:48) Black Trump supporters are seen being called “Uncle Toms!” while also having their Trump hats snatched off their heads. (10:51) Producers of the documentary explained their decision to release this footage now, “It was never our intent to release any footage while we’re still in production. We have held this dramatic content for 4 years in anticipation of its final release in the completed film, however, recent events have convinced us of the imperative to release this excerpt now.” (read more and watch video) 2021-01-17 f THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH II The Totalitarian Left Moves to
Silence All Dissent
In an article that was picked up by the Mercury News, Ethan Baron of the Bay Area News Group wrote Tuesday that “A week after false claims of a stolen U.S. presidential election drove a deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Twitter is allowing a far-right supporter of President Donald Trump to claim the election was stolen.” Baron’s intention was clear: he wants Twitter to ban me, as it banned Trump, for telling truths they want buried. His article shows how monstrous and totalitarian the left really is: leftists think they can publicly call for the censuring and banning of someone whose views they hate, and just like that, you disappear. The left and its propaganda arm, the establishment media, are now working hard to make it illegal, and get you banned from social media, to state the obvious fact that the election was stolen. The Democrats are seeking to criminalize and penalize anyone who says the election was stolen. Their “insurrection” hoax, and impeachment of the president without due process or giving him the chance to defend himself, is designed to shut down any and all talk of their infamous election fraud. This is not the behavior of people who know they won fair and square and are watching their opponents have a tantrum about it. This is the action of the guilty. That said, the election was stolen. The mountains of evidence of election fraud were never examined in any court, and then we were told that there was no evidence at all, or if there was any, it had already been dismissed in court challenges. The court cases were all dismissed on technicalities and procedural issues, not because there was no evidence of voter fraud. That evidence has still not been examined. But it is a hallmark of the rapidly advancing totalitarianism of our age that thumbsuckers like Ethan Baron think they can kill you with righteous indignation. He wrote: “Anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller, in a tweet Monday about banks freezing political donations after a pro-Trump mob stormed the seat of the U.S. government, said the banks’ decision was, ‘Further proof the election was stolen.’” I am not “anti-Muslim” any more than foes of the Nazis were “anti-German,” but that’s another story. Baron offered no counterargument to my contention about the banks. He just presented it as if it were self-evidently false and egregious. Baron knew, of course, that he didn’t have to show that what I said was inaccurate. All he had to do was point out that I had deviated from the leftist line, and the jackbooted neo-fascists who run Twitter and the other social media platforms would spring into action. It was reminiscent of the media outrage that was directed at me in May 2015, when I hosted the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas that was the site of the first ISIS attack on American soil. I was raked over the coals not just on CNN, but also on Fox, which hadn’t yet switched sides then, and by conservative spokesmen who should have known better. I was defending the freedom of speech against violent intimidation. We never saw the hate and attacks that were directed at me in the wake of that event in Garland directed at the Fort Hood jihadi, the Times Square jihad bomber, the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony jihad bomber, the Boston Marathon jihad bombers, the New York subway jihad bomber, or any other jihadis. We have never seen the media hatred and anything like the attacks that were directed at me directed towards the jihadists who beheaded journalist after journalist (their own!), or towards those who beheaded hundreds of Christians, executed them because they were non-Muslims, or towards the perpetrators of the ongoing genocide of non-Muslims and secular Muslims in Muslim countries. If we had a responsible media, they would stand for the freedom of speech as we did in Garland. If we had a responsible media, it would be applauding the fact that some people are still standing up and telling the truth about the election despite the immense pressure from powerful forces to stop doing so. How do these people not understand this most basic, elemental concept of freedom? I didn’t start this war for the freedom of speech, but I won’t lie down and submit, either. Twitter and the rest may heed Baron and ban me. But even then, this isn’t over. What remains to be seen is whether the free world will finally wake up and stand for the freedom of speech, or instead kowtow to this evil and continue to denounce me and others like me. What’s really frightening and astonishing about this assault on our freedom of speech is the number of people cheering on the silencing of dissent from the establishment line. I never expected that from my fellow Americans. But if the darkness of totalitarianism does come to the United States, it will be thanks to them and to the likes of Ethan Baron. (read more) 2021-01-17 e THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH I Our Mounting Orwellian
So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election. It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company." If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian. Their words and meaning have parted company entirely. As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics. When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking. The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives. One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become "unhinged," but that would let them off the hook. It would suggest that they don't quite realize what they are doing. But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation. They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again. The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation's nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability. None of these charges has anything to do with the truth. Those most responsible for the Capitol disturbance were those who rigged the presidential election, and certainly these individuals and those who coordinated their efforts or knew in advance or concealed information afterward should be punished. One might say those who committed acts of violence on the Hill should be punished to the same extent that Antifa and BLM rioters were punished last summer. But the charges against President Trump are Orwellian in that they invert the truth. The president argued, as he had every right to do, that the election was rigged, and he urged peaceful protest to defend our republic. Even the president's calming words on the afternoon of the Capitol break-in have been met with Orwellian reaction. When President Trump said, "Go home. Go in peace," the media charged him with inciting further violence because he expressed his "love" for his supporters. That expression of love did more than anything to get them to go home. In a further Orwellian twist, Biden and his cronies appear to have adopted many of President Trump's ideas for running the country, but they can't admit where those ideas came from. Biden's not entirely sure we can afford to forgive all student debt, and he now believes that the existing border policies are necessary for the time being. Gov. Cuomo now says we must "open things up," just as President Trump and many conservative governors said we should. But he can't admit that the idea came from conservatives — it's his idea. None of these ideas was right when Trump was president — they're right only after Biden takes office. The media will go along with this lie, in typical Orwellian fashion. The most important line in Orwell's famous essay is this: "In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible." The progressive inversion of the truth is just that: an attempt to defend the indefensible. If progressives were honest and straightforward, they would be forced to state that they are radical environmentalists and socialists who want government to control the economy and equalize wages; who want socialized medicine for all; who think religious expression should be outlawed; who believe in a universal guaranteed income; who want to outlaw the use of fossil fuels; who want to expand affirmative action putting blacks and Hispanics farther ahead of whites; who believe that any reference to biological sex should be outlawed; who believe that America should be not a global superpower, but merely one nation among others; who believe that abortion at any stage is a universal right; who believe that American aid should go to the Palestinians and not to Israel; and so on. President Trump clearly stated his own beliefs on a thousand occasions — President Biden should do so as well, but he won't. He uses the Orwellian tactic of disguising his beliefs in gibberish, and this is not because he's going daft, as he well may be. He'll speak of "expanding Obamacare" rather than socialized medicine. He'll talk of "defense partnerships" rather than abandoning control of our military. And on the environment, it's not even possible to tell what he wants, but he wants $400 billion to do it. Once again, "the defence of the indefensible." The coordinated effort to impeach and convict the president is nothing less than a propaganda campaign, and the associated suppression of free speech on social media and elsewhere is the beginning of a dangerous national decline. It's not possible to say where it will end, but we must be entirely clear about what is happening. A progressive government will attempt to further limit free speech, assembly, religious expression, gun rights, access to employment, and other basic liberties. Progressives have already threatened conservatives with prosecution and imprisonment for the "crime" of denying anthropogenic global warming and for questioning the result of the 2020 election. What's next? The persecution of every American conservative in the same way that Gen. Flynn was persecuted? It's a fine line between federal prison here in America and Dachau in Germany, and one can transform into the other in a matter of weeks. It did so in Germany in 1933, just five weeks after Hitler became chancellor. Don't think it can't happen here. It begins with "the defence of the indefensible" — and that is already well underway. (read more) 2021-01-17 d PARLER REVIVED Parler’s Website Back Online
With a Message From Its CEO
Parler’s website suddenly appeared online on Jan. 17 with a message from its CEO, John Matze, who said, “Hello world, is this thing on?” The message suggests Parler was able to find another hosting service, coming about a week after Amazon Web Services booted the social media website from its services, taking the site down. It came as Parler—billed as a “free speech” platform—was seeing an unprecedented surge in users as prominent conservatives, among others, were being banned from Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms. Matze also issued a temporary status update. “Now seems like the right time to remind you all—both lovers and haters—why we started this platform,” Matze wrote. “We believe privacy is paramount and free speech essential, especially on social media. Our aim has always been to provide a nonpartisan public square where individuals can enjoy and exercise their rights to both. We will resolve any challenge before us and plan to welcome all of you back soon. We will not let civil discourse perish!” Amazon Web Services’ rationale behind jettisoning Parler was due to a lack of moderation, and came in the backdrop of the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots. Parler, in a court filing, citing text messages between Matze and an Amazon representative, claimed Amazon was primarily concerned with whether President Donald Trump would migrate to Parler after his Twitter account was banned last week. The same filing asserted that Amazon didn’t appear to care much about alleged violent threats that were made by Parler users. (read more) 2021-01-17 c SHE MEANS BUSINESS Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
(R) from Georgia gives a bureaucrat a piece of her
Morons like you are responsible for losing GA’s 2 Republican Senate seats. You ran a Nov 3rd election that was stolen bc you idiots at the SoS [Secretary of State] mailed out millions of absentee ballots to anyone and everyone while GA was an open state. Then you counted ballots on Dominion voting machines (paid for by GA taxpayers) that can be hacked bc they are hooked up to the internet. You ran an election like a third world country causing President Trump to lose GA, Senator Perdue to go into a run off, and Dr. Rich McCormick to lose in the 7th. Then you repeated the exact same dumb ass moves for the senate run offs on Jan 5th. In spite of Republican voters ALL over Georgia screaming their heads off to FIX IT! The people rallied, called, emailed, went to the Governor’s mansion, the Capitol, Georgia Secretary of State’s offices all begging, demanding, pleading for Georgia state leaders to stop the mass mail-in ballots, do a forensic audit of the machines, and STOP THE STEAL! You arrogant jerks IGNORED THEM ALL even though it’s the Georgia taxpayers that PAY FOR EVERYTHING! [Oh] it was YOU ALL who refused to listen to Georgia voters/taxpayers, didn’t change a damn thing to GA’s easily stolen elections, and then handed off our 2 Republican senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to the slaughter. You all did NOTHING to restore voter confidence for Georgia Republican voters after Nov 3rd going into Jan 5th senate runoffs, and then you have the audacity to blame me when the most conservative voters in the state flip you all the bird and tragically stay home? For your information Gabriel I’m not the one GA voters/taxpayers are blaming for handing over the President’s race AND our Senate seats to the Democrats on a silver platter. The cold hard truth – It was all of you who arrogantly sat on your ass, refusing to listen to the people who pay for everything, and changed nothing to these scam elections that turned Georgia’s 2 RED Senate seats blue. No matter how many of you RINO’s and political hacks cry to the pundits blowing your bullshit into the wind. When hundreds of people are signing affidavits at risk of perjuring themselves in a court of law with a penalty of going to jail, all to report election fraud, Georgia state leaders should have listened. These people had everything to lose if they were found to be lying while you all risk nothing and ignored their pleas while you blowhards collect a taxpayer funded paycheck. So little Gabriel, you can tweet all the stupid lies you want, but mark my words, Republican voters in Georgia know exactly who they are blaming. It’s not Trump. And it ain’t me. — Marjorie Taylor
Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) January
17, 2021
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) January 17, 2021 — Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) January 17, 2021 Predictably, Twitter has "temporarily"
suspended Rep. Greene.
2021-01-17 b THE QUICKIE IMPEACHMENT House Committed Six Violations
of the Constitution During Impeachment: Alan
Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that the house violated six independent points of the Constitution when impeaching President Donald Trump. In an interview with Newsmax, Dershowitz said: “They violated the free speech provision. They violated the impeachment criteria. They violated the bill of attainder. They violated due process, on and on and on.” “How can you impeach a president for a speech that is constitutionally protected?” he said. The law expert said that Congress is not above the law, but that ironically, they have protection from culpability for what they do on the Senate floor. “But the only sanction is to vote them out of office and to bring them to trial in the court of public opinion,” Dershowitz told host Carl Higbie. “Senators and congressmen are immune from lawsuits for what they do or say on the floor of the Senate, so there can’t be any personal lawsuits.” “The Constitution is very clear, the purpose of impeachment is removal,” he said. “The Senate cannot try an ordinary citizen.” On a single article of impeachment, the House voted 232–197 to impeach President Trump, on Wednesday for “incitement of insurrection.” Democrats and 10 Republicans contended Trump incited the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol. Trump is the third president to be impeached and the first to be impeached twice. No president has ever been impeached and convicted and no president has ever been placed on trial after leaving office. A single 7-hour impeachment hearing session constituted the fastest impeachment in U.S. history. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi appointed Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), who recently came to the spotlight for his alleged intimate relationship with a purported Chinese spy, as impeachment manager. Some legal experts argue holding an impeachment trial after Trump leaves office violates the Constitution. “Once Trump’s term ends on Jan. 20, Congress loses its constitutional authority to continue impeachment proceedings against him—even if the House has already approved articles of impeachment,” J. Michael Luttig, a retired federal judge, wrote in an op-ed. (read more) EDITOR'S NOTE: Sure, Nancy Pelosi is an unhinged virago who hates Trump with all her Botoxed being. But, she is not stupid. She orchestrated this "quickie" impeachment suspecting President Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act and serve a second term. Mitch McConnell (the Eric Swalwell of the Senate) fears the same outcome. Will the Senate still convict if Mike Flynn is the Vice President during Trump's second term? Most of you will stay tuned with bated breath. A few of you already know. 2021-01-17 a ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT (when the élite lose control) He sat up and noticed
the death of screens. They died not all at once, the
screens, but in droves, like creatures of the warmed
oceans, like those hundreds of manatees washing ashore
that same day in Boca Grande who, just weeks before,
Journeyman had found uncompelling, and deleted from
his feed. He'd unfollowed the manatees. No hard
Television died first. Television contracted a hemorrhagic ailment, Ebola or some other flesh-melting thing. The channels bled, signals fused, across time as well as virtual space, a live Rod Serling Playhouse 90 broadcast from 1956 sputtering into last agonized life and expiring in the middle of episodes of season two of Big Little Lies. The Vietnam War came back, and Family Ties too. Until these boiled and melted along with the rest. The Gmail, the texts and swipes and FaceTimes, the tweets and likes, these suffered colony collapse disorder. Each messenger could no longer chart its route to the hive, or returned only to languish in the hive, there to lose interest in its labors, whether worker or drone. All at once, the email quit producing honey. So many other ecologies depended on the pollinations, the goings-between of the now-fatigued drones and workers. Without them, nothing worked. Air-conditioning units stalled, planes fell from the sky. Thew honey of emails and texts had been the glue holding the worls together, it appeared. Now the smart devices all evidenced wasting disease. They had to be put out to a level pasture to let them graze out the last part of their lives. There they crumpled to their knees, starved, incapable of grazing. People kept on swiping at the phones and mashing at the keyboards. Some tried giving the voice-activated devices mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Some proposed fixes or work-arounds. Those more mystically minded placed phone or remotes beneath their pillows at night or built shrines in which to to surround their devices with crystals, hoping to spark them from their silence. from: Jonathan Lethem, The Arrest,
2020, first edition, pp. 14 - 15
2021-01-16 e VACCINE NEWS 55 Americans Have Died
Following COVID Vaccination, Norway Deaths Rise To
Amid increasing calls for suspension of the use of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies such as Pfizer, especially among elderly people, the situation in Norway has escalated significantly as the Scandi nation has now registered a total of 29 deaths among people over the age of 75 who’ve had their first COVID-19 vaccination shot. As Bloomberg reports, this adds six to the number of known fatalities in Norway, and also lowers the age group thought to be affected from 80. Until
Friday, Pfizer/BioNTech was the only vaccine
available in Norway, and “all deaths are thus
linked to this vaccine,” the Norwegian Medicines
Agency said in a written response to Bloomberg on
“There are 13 deaths that have been assessed, and we are aware of another 16 deaths that are currently being assessed,” the agency said. All the reported deaths related to “elderly people with serious basic disorders,” it said. “Most people have experienced the expected side effects of the vaccine, such as nausea and vomiting, fever, local reactions at the injection site, and worsening of their underlying condition.” Norway’s experience has prompted the country to suggest that Covid-19 vaccines may be too risky for the very old and terminally ill... the exact group that 'the science' shows are actually at risk from this virus. Pfizer and BioNTech are working with the Norwegian regulator to investigate the deaths in Norway, Pfizer said in an e-mailed statement. The agency found that “the number of incidents so far is not alarming, and in line with expectations,” Pfizer said. However, it's not just Norway as The Epoch Times' Zachary Stieber reports that fifty-five people in the United States have died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports submitted to a federal system. Deaths have occurred among people receiving both the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, according to the reports. ... In addition to the deaths, people have reported 96 life-threatening events following COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as 24 permanent disabilities, 225 hospitalizations, and 1,388 emergency room visits. It's not just the old and frail, in Israel, which proudly lays claim to the greatest vaccination effort in the world (largest percentage of the population inoculated), As RT reports, at least 13 Israelis have experienced facial paralysis after being administered the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, a month after the US Food and Drug Administration reported similar issues but said they weren’t linked to the jab. Israeli outlet Ynet reported, citing the Health Ministry, that officials believe the number of such cases could be higher. ... Finally, as we noted yesterday following the news of rising post-vaccination deaths in Noway, health experts from Wuhan, China, called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies such as Pfizer, especially among elderly people. China's Global Times reports Chinese experts said the death incident should be assessed cautiously to understand whether the death was caused by vaccines or other preexisting conditions of these individuals. (read more) 2021-01-16 d BEWARE THE FORCES OF EVIL Oathkeepers Issue Warning to
American Patriots: “Beware of False Flags and Traps
that are Now Being Set”
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. The Oath Keepers motto is “not on our watch!” Because of their love for country and the US Constitution they are mercilessly attacked by the American left. The Southern Poverty Law Center claims they are racist which should come as no surprise. Any group that supports our nation’s foundation is an enemy to the radical left. In December Oathkeepers released a letter calling on President Trump to use the Insurrection Act to “Stop the Steal” and defeat the coup. On Friday the Oathkeepers published a new letter urging members to beware of false flags and traps. As always, Oath Keepers
stands in defense of the Constitution against all
enemies, foreign and domestic. What is now being
installed is not a constitutional government. It’s
an illegitimate regime that has unjustly taken power
through massive vote fraud, to install a ChiCom
puppet who will do the bidding of a mortal enemy of
this nation, as well as the bidding of international
elites who are in allegiance and alliance with the
CCP as they pursue a common goal of destroying our
Republic and enslaving the American people.
Executive Summary: President Trump still can and should use the Insurrection Act, but it’s unlikely. Regardless, patriots should: 1.Prepare for a comms
down/blackout environment. Obtain CB and HAM
radios, fuel, food, etc
2.Muster NOW in their county seat. Meet face to face and sort out grid down comms and who will be “Home Guard” and part of a “Family Safe” program to stay back and protect families, while also determining who can project out to protect and assist others. Do it now before comms go down. 3.Muster ASAP at state level, but NOT at state Capitol. The newly formed county units must Muster in a friendly “red” county to establish comms and leadership connections for future. Establish protocols in case of lights out/comms down. 4.Beware of false flags and traps that are now being set. Be careful who you listen to and what events you attend. Expect attempts to lure you onto enemy controlled ground where they have time to set up false flags. 5.Prepare to walk the same path as the Founding Fathers of condemnation of an illegitimate regime, nullification/mass non-compliance, defiance, mutual defense, and resistance. See Part II for more. FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP: President Trump,
though you have waited far too long, it’s still
not too late to act decisively as
Commander-in-Chief. Honor your
oath. Have courage. Do what we
recommended you do (use the Insurrection Act and
conduct a mass data declassification and public
data dump to expose the compromised/corrupt
traitors, and bring them to justice)
The media lies. All the time. They lied about the Obama economy- they tried to make us believe the worst economy since the Great Depression was a great economy. Then they lied about the soaring Trump economy. They tried to make us believe the best economy in 50 years, maybe the best economy ever for middle class Americans, was a bad economy. They lied about the BLM riots. For months we saw radical communists, Marxists and violent thugs riot, loot, burn, mug and murder, while attacking police officers with bricks, pipes and Molotov cocktails. They burned entire downtown business districts to the ground- like Minneapolis and Kenosha, Wisconsin. They burned police stations to the ground. They took over cities- like Portland and Seattle. They destroyed famous shopping districts – like Fifth Ave in NY and the Magnificent Mile in Chicago. They killed over 30 people. They caused over $2 billion in damage. Yet liberal politicians and liberal media ignored it all; or made believe it never happened; or made believe it was “peaceful,” or encouraged it, or supported it. In many cases, they did all of the above. Yet none of these liberal frauds encouraging or condoning violence was ever banned, censored, vilified, or impeached. Heck, we rewarded Kamala Harris, who encouraged and celebrated BLM violence, with the Vice Presidency of the United States. Then came the Washington DC unrest involving President Trump’s crowd. The liberal media blew that up out of proportion into “the darkest day in American history.” Even though it was a small case of unrest compared to “the BLM summer of hate, rioting and murder.” Even though it may have involved Antifa as the instigators. Even though Capitol police were captured on camera letting protestors into the building. Even though it involved a few hundred people out of a crowd of a million or more. Even though no one burned down or looted the Capitol. The media made believe it was Pearl Harbor. Here’s the thing. Trump has had hundreds of rallies for six years now. Millions have attended. Maybe 20 million plus. And there’s never been 1 act of violence, 1 window broken, 1 property ever damaged, 1 person ever shot, 1 police officer ever attacked. Yet after one incident in DC, the first time violence has ever broken out at a Trump, or conservative, or Tea Party event, it’s used as a trigger to ban and censor all mention of a stolen election; ban, censor and impeach President Trump; ban and censor all conservatives; and label all 74 million Trump voters as “domestic terrorists.” There’s the scam. Cover-up hundreds of violent Antifa and BLM incidents. And blow up out of proportion the only incident of violence EVER at one conservative event, involving 170 people who made a bad decision in the heat of the moment, out of 74 million Trump voters. That’s assuming it wasn’t Antifa causing the small amount of violence. The key to this ban/censor/destroy/impeach witch hunt was to use RINO, Trump-hating, Republican leaders in DC as “the cover” to convince the world that even the GOP has abandoned and turned against Trump. But it didn’t work. Because those famous DC GOP leaders don’t represent the people. They don’t represent 74 million Trump voters. They only represent the dirty, corrupt DC Swamp. The results are in. The support for President Trump is so overwhelming, even liberal media and pollsters can’t hide the truth. Trump-hating pollster Frank Luntz had to admit 91% of Trump voters would vote for him again. 78% of Trump voters believe the election was rigged and stolen. Liberal pollster Axios-Ipsos shows that 62% of Republicans support Trump’s belief the election was stolen, while 69% don’t blame Trump for the Capitol violence last week. But a much higher 91% of Trump voters support Trump’s belief that the election was stolen. 96% believe Trump makes the GOP a stronger party. 92% want Trump to run again in 2024. And guess who loses badly in the Trump-McConnell battle? 63% of Republicans approve of the behavior of Trump versus Mitch McConnell. Trump’s “America First” agenda is also still popular. 87% of Republicans and 63% of swing voters want companies to hire Americans before foreigners. Democrats and the media keep trying to bury Trump and demoralize his supporters. I have to admit- their plan was pretty remarkable this time. Their propaganda was intense. They came close. But in the end, they failed again. Because they underestimated the hatred of 74 million Trump voters for DC politicians- even Republican ones. We don’t trust them, we don’t like them, we don’t care what they say. The more they hate Trump, the more we like him. 2021-01-16 b A GRIEVANCE THAT CANNOT BE IGNORED "Underneath the noticeable actions though, lies a far deeper and prolonged manipulation of the system. A violation of the fundamental principle that keeps our nation free and prosperous." Why the Right will Neither
Forgive nor Forget
Traditionally, when one’s candidate loses the election for the presidency of the United States, feelings of anger and depression arise. It is in our nature to root for our team, our player and our candidate. It is quite natural to feel a sense of impending doom and uncertainty after a loss. After all, conservative voters generally vote based on which candidate they believe will support and implement policies that align with the Constitution, morals, and conservative values. Liberals on the other hand tend to select and vote for candidates based on emotionally driven needs and wants that are subject to change and often lead to disastrous policies with horrendous unintended consequences. This has been established in many studies. So why then would it be different this time? After all, we would expect Trump voters to lick their wounds, suck it up, roll up their sleeves, and return to work in a patriotic fashion as conservatives always do. In order to answer that question, we must first answer another question: Why did so many thousands of individuals choose to take time off from work, spend considerable resources, and inconvenience themselves in order to visit the nation’s capital Jan. 6 for what is usually an unremarkable process of certifying electoral votes? First, we must understand that conservative voters have endured not just the last four years of insults, berating, and unreasonable and childlike behavior out of the Democrat-led House and the Democrat senators as well as many Republicans that failed to support and often worked against President Trump. They suffered eight years of flagrant trampling of the Constitution, irresponsible and reckless leftist policies and regulations, scandals and abuse, insults and divisiveness from the Obama administration and liberals in the legacy media and social media. The 2016 election, while a victory for conservatives, was an expression of our frustration and anger at Democrats and liberals, many of whom labeled us as racists, bigots, xenophobes, and greedy capitalist pigs rather than debate policies with us in a civilized manner. The Democrats committed numerous actions during their campaign that led even the most skeptical voter to conclude that Democrats had engaged in less than ethical behavior to win an election, from the meeting on the tarmac to the Democratic National Committee supplying the debate questions to Hillary, the abundance of undocumented [illegal] aliens suspected of voting to the polling numbers being pushed by the media that were grossly incorrect. All these contributed to a base level of distrust from conservatives. Underneath the noticeable actions though, lies a far deeper and prolonged manipulation of the system. A violation of the fundamental principle that keeps our nation free and prosperous. It is the belief and faith in our vote being counted that keeps us a democratic republic that has been under siege by Democrats for years. Laws have been changed to allow widespread unchecked voting requiring little or no signature verification. Language has been changed in regulations, sometimes a word or two at a time. Voter registration rolls have never been purged, allowing untold numbers of ballots to be sent out. Year after year, progressive Democrat activists have brought suit after suit to the courts presided over by partisan activist judges that allowed a swarm of election policies to be implemented. These actions created and fostered a modern version of ballot-box stuffing on an industrial scale. Throughout President Trump’s tenure, the Democrats have attempted to remove him from office no matter what the cost might be. Their irrational hatred for Trump and the voters that chose him has been the constant drone of the left. A symphony that has blared its ugly discordant notes of venom at us constantly. We have watched the left attempt to remove him through the Russia hoax, through a variety of baseless charges and lies cast through big tech and the media. We have seen them attempt to remove President Trump through impeachment, even though it's expressly prohibited from being used a political tool. Even now Nancy Pelosi is attempting to impeach yet again. While it's largely symbolic of the left’s irrational hatred and utter contempt for Trump and his voters, it also serves to further the belief that the left fears exposure by Trump as a parting shot on the way out of office. While Trump will be leaving the Oval Office in a peaceful transfer of power, the voters are left with more questions than answers. There is a loss of faith in the election process by an unprecedented 80% of Trump voters. Many studies show that even up to 30% of Democrat voters acknowledge that the election was fraudulent. With so many Republicans believing that the election was fraudulent and the process corrupted, their anger is directed toward the party that orchestrated the fraud. That anger is not simply the usual anger at seeing their candidate lose. The system has been corrupted and invalidated. The Democrat Party logically has no interest whatsoever in repairing the election process to ensure free and fair elections. They had no interest in putting any questions to rest about the validity of the process before the election. The anger and frustration that the Republican base is feeling right now has been years in the making by the Democrats' ongoing manipulation of voting laws and regulations culminating in the highly suspect 2020 election. In order to resolve the divide between conservatives and liberals that is metastasizing and threatening to overwhelm this great nation, meaningful election law reform must happen immediately. We must have a conversation on free and fair elections. (read more) 2021-01-16 a EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS ARTICLE "is there sufficient courage among the American people to demand the truth?" Why Sidney Powell gets the
Galileo treatment
Observers of human history might have to go back all the way to Galileo to find a ruling class as determined to cancel someone as much as today’s is to cancel Sidney Powell in response to her single-minded devotion to bringing the truth of the full scale of the 2020 election fraud to light. Galileo broke the news/discovery that the earth wasn’t the center of the universe, and in fact revolved around the sun, and that just didn’t comport with what the ruling class, including church authorities, were prepared or willing to accept. Galileo rocked their world -- probably deeply threatening their hold of authority over the masses if they were exposed as so fundamentally wrong -- so their solution wasn’t to deal with the truth but to put Galileo under house arrest and demand that he renounce his discovery. The American ruling class of 2020 is bizarrely opposed to allocating any oxygen to what Sidney Powell has discovered and is alleging about Dominion Voting Systems (and others), about vote-shifting algorithms and partial decimal vote counts, and about vote manipulation showing up throughout the country. Even Rudy Giuliani, the President’s attorney, and Mark Meadows, the President’s Chief of Staff, seem hellbent on publicly keeping their distance from Powell -- and on keeping President Trump from getting too close to or aligned with Powell. Other elements of the ruling class -- such as SCOTUS and much of the rest of the federal judiciary -- won’t even look at the evidence Powell has assembled. They just ‘don’t want to go there’, and so they make up legal excuses -- e.g., lack of standing -- and wave off the substance of the allegations. What gives? Why are they behaving this way? Common sense says election integrity is fundamental to the survival of democracy in any form, so if there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, why wouldn’t serious adults want to turn over every rock to determine the truth? If the ruling class is so eager to pronounce Sidney Powell a lunatic fringe conspiracy theorist, why wouldn’t they want the Dominion voting machines fully audited so they can prove once and for all that Powell is crazy and deserves to be mocked and ignored? Many people in the Dallas, Texas area have been struggling with these ‘what gives?’ questions since at least 2018, when the mid-term election results had an immediate smell of having been rigged. Yet Texas law enforcement authorities -- by reputation so pro-law and order -- refused to investigate. There seem to be three possible explanations for the behavior of the ruling class, and none of them are good. The first and probably worst is that many on both sides of the political aisle may be in on the fraud. Rigged elections are an equal opportunity enticement to many if not most politicians. There would be no desire on the part of anyone in on the fix to encourage any investigation that might ruin the fix for everyone. Aligned with this explanation is the internet speculation about the remarkable election wins of RINOs and quasi-Never-Trumpers Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins (and even of moderate, no charisma John Cornyn, whose vote total implausibly exceeded Trump’s in Texas). All won big despite enormous opposition campaign spending and beat expectations and polls by a sizable margin -- in the same election President Trump supposedly lost to a senile old man who couldn’t draw 200 people to any campaign event (and still can’t draw flies to his speeches from the “office of the President-elect”). These Senate results may not scream fraud to the same degree the Trump/Biden result does, but they have an odor about them. Yet they reconcile pretty quickly -- though to be clear, still hypothetically -- if in exchange for unified post-election effort to dismiss the seriousness of election fraud and help usher Trump out of the White House, they were promised re-election, and with margins that might scare off for at least one election cycle the most credible future challengers. (Outraged by the hypothetical? Then let’s audit the machines and put hypotheticals to rest.) The second explanation for the ‘what gives?’ is fear and intimidation. Election fraud on a national scale in the United States of America is the ultimate high stakes global power play. As is repeatedly noted at the Conservative Treehouse, ‘there are trillions at stake’. The players are beyond nasty; nothing is out of bounds for the sake of acquiring or holding on to global power. In this scenario, all it would take is a few threatening calls at the right time to a weak officeholder or judge (or their family members) -- and the quick result will be votes or rulings that there shall be no audits of voting machines, or simply dismissals of lawsuits on procedural grounds that permit the evidence to be ignored. The third explanation is a variant of Galileo’s experience: the conclusion that follows from the evidence Sidney Powell has put together is so devastating to Americans’ view of how their country is supposed to be governed that it simply can’t be given voice or visibility. The truth would shock Americans into a complete loss of faith and trust in their government. The truth would so rock our world -- that we’re all being lied to and manipulated so constantly and in so many ways -- that we’ll cease to function in any manner resembling law and order. Under such circumstances, the ruling class would have determined that Americans ‘can’t handle the truth’…so they can’t be allowed to know the truth. It’s easy to see how this explanation can hold together, even in the face of overwhelming circumstantial evidence of election fraud: ‘experts’ just raise the evidentiary bar of ‘proof’ so high that it can never be met -- i.e., unless Sidney Powell can produce Dominion/Smartmatic source code written not in programming code but in bold-font, all-caps English that says “FLIP VOTES FROM TRUMP TO BIDEN HERE”, then the same experts can solemnly announce that the circumstantial evidence is just not enough proof to justify remedial action. The American people already know what happened in the 2020 election, because they watched Trump haters in action over the last 4+ years. They saw the Russia collusion hoax; they saw the sham impeachment; and they increasingly see pandemic protocols utterly untethered to science but transparently connected to straitjacketing the American people with a globalist Great Reset imposed by an unelected ruling elite, with the same pattern of lies and liars that brought about the hoax and the impeachment. A stolen election in 2020 therefore isn’t a shocking aberration; it’s an obvious continuation, a culmination of the ruling class determination to get rid of an outsider who threatened to ‘reset’ America back to its original design -- a nation governed not by a hierarchy of ruling elites, but by ‘we the people’. _________________ All three explanations for ignoring or dismissing the evidence of election fraud are plausible, and they are not mutually exclusive. And they all point to the over-arching challenge of these times: is there sufficient courage among the American people to demand the truth? Sidney Powell has the requisite courage. The coming days, weeks, months (years?) will answer whether enough other Americans of this era are up to the challenge. If there are, we believe they can force their government to live by the truth. As President Trump might say, “We’ll see what happens”.(source) 2021-01-15 d INCONVENIENT TRUTH "More and more, it looks as though Trump was framed. This, in addition to transcripts not bearing out the claims that Trump called for an attack on the Capitol, as well as the inconvenient timeline — the FBI put out warnings of plans for disturbances days earlier, and the attack on the Capitol began before President Trump finished speaking and probably uttered the words the Democrats literally impeached him on. " Rush to judgment on Trump?
Multiple leftists arrested for Capitol riot
When the Capitol riots happened on Jan. 6, the blame of President Trump was all over. Supposedly, he was the instigator. Supposedly, he'd egged the rioters on. The tape of his urging his supporters to stay strong and fight was Exhibit A in the press, and with no skepticism whatsoever, House speaker Nancy Pelosi declared Trump guilty and rushed a crazily hasty second impeachment just days before Trump's exit. She declared that it was all about holding Trump "accountable," and she added that her explicit aim at the uselessly late date was to prevent him from ever running from public office again. Never mind what the voters might want. In more ways than one, in Pelosi's addled mind, their votes don't count. The press also rushed to judgment — even the Wall Street Journal's editorial writers, claiming that Trump's political capital and credibility was now gone and he'd never run for president again. But as news of the arrests comes out, showing who these branded Trump so-called supporters are, the conventional argument is starting to splinter apart. The arrests made in the riots case are starting to show the kind of people who like to riot, which is to say extreme leftists. ... Even the press is starting to notice that the pieces aren't fitting together. Rather than a picture of all wicked and crazed Trump-supporters, charging the Capitol, leftist news outfit Bloomberg reported that its survey of various parties involved, including those who died or were arrested, didn't paint the desired picture. Conclusion? Many of those shown in news footage had no party affiliation and voted sporadically, if at all. Bloomberg's survey of the players showed that only the people who died of medical emergencies seemed to be fully normal Republican voters — the rest didn't vote at all, voted sporadically, voted Libertarian, independent, or Democrat, and in general were fringe players. Bloomberg, missing that obvious conclusion, seemed to consider these mostly arrested characters "Trump's people" and Trump's "base," in a bid to still pin the riots on Trump. But how anyone who votes Democrat or doesn't vote at all could be a part of Trump's rise and the huge crowds he draws was never actually explained. Trump-supporters...vote for Trump. This isn't rocket science. More and more, it looks as though Trump was framed. This, in addition to transcripts not bearing out the claims that Trump called for an attack on the Capitol, as well as the inconvenient timeline — the FBI put out warnings of plans for disturbances days earlier, and the attack on the Capitol began before President Trump finished speaking and probably uttered the words the Democrats literally impeached him on. It was a rush to judgment, a failure to look at facts. It happened in the aftermath of the event, and it turns out that Trump had little or nothing to do with it. Even House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy blamed Trump for the riots. But he, too, disgracefully rushed to judgment, so we await his apology, please. The rush to judgment, incidentally, didn't affect just President Trump, who got a second impeachment from it. There were many rushes to judgment in this leftist hysteria. Here's a blameless man named David Quintavalle, a retired Chicago firefighter, who was falsely accused of being the person who hurled the fire extinguisher that killed police officer Brian Sicknick, who, by the way, really was a Trump-supporter. ... The facts will continue to roll out, and the picture that emerges will likely start to show that these rioters were hardly "Trump's people" as a rule, or people who were egged on by Trump. They were, in general, leftists, political fringers, and people who like to go to riots. There remains to be news of whether and how this fiasco was plotted out but expect news of that to roll out. That leaves Congress and all the jerks who voted for impeachment of President Trump looking like boobs and losers. They've hitched their star to this leftist impeachment obsession, and now have seen it falling flat. Now they are about to sully and overshadow Joe Biden's first days in office with increasingly discredited charges against President Trump, and rest assured: the voters will notice just how bad it is. This rush to judgment will trash their own legacies for history. (read more) 2021-01-15 c THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH I "It’s all been clearly coordinated. The Deep State and big business and the media working together. Police are instructed to create unrest on Capitol Hill, allow “rioters” into the building. The media report it as an “attempted coup”, while the social networks remove all of Trump’s denunciations so he can be blamed for “inciting violence”. They created the lie. They spread the lie. They silenced anyone who would gainsay the lie." Trump’s been deleted from
internet, and any one of us could be next
We’ve been shown the wall at the back of the teatre, and we’re being encouraged to cheer because the first person to run into it was Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been deleted from the internet. He hasn’t been put behind a warning or had his followers reduced, or been forced to switch platforms. He’s gone. Snapchat. Twitter. Facebook. YouTube. Google. Amazon. Instagram. Shopify. Twitch. Tiktok. Gone. And he’s the President of the United States. If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone. Indeed, that’s the message being sent. It’s an intimidation move, designed to frighten people into policing themselves. ... But unfortunately, many more are still lost in what they falsely believe to be the heady scent of victory. They’ll realise their mistake eventually, but it may be too late for us all by then. It didn’t even stop at Trump, either. Tens of thousands of other people were banned in the following days. For years the refrain from people defending censorship on social media – ironically, people who would usually identify as “socialists” – has been that private companies have the right to police their platforms as they see fit, and if you don’t like it you can switch to another social network. …but now those other social networks are being shut down too. It started with Gab a few years ago, but the recent assault on Parler was even stronger. Gab survived, Parler has not. The tech giants got together and stamped the life out of a smaller competitor. (Pretty sure antitrust laws are there to prevent exactly that scenario, but nevermind.) The whole week since the “Capitol Hill Riot” has been one long display of dominance. A peacock fanning its tail or a silverback banging on tree trunks. They are telling us who’s in charge, but some people are refusing to listen. A common meme doing the rounds among “liberal” voices – who are these days well-schooled in missing the point – goes something like this: “If he’s too dangerous to have a twitter account, why does he have the nuclear codes?” But, of course, the real question is – if they don’t even let him have a Twitter account, do you honestly think they let him anywhere near the nuclear codes? Do you really think he has, or had, any power at all? Do think Joe Biden does? Do you think the same architecture that just publically castrated the “most powerful man on Earth” and the “leader of the free world” will suddenly start doing what it’s told when a “progressive” voice is in charge? If they don’t bow to the will of the people now, why should they ever? They won’t. They never have. We’ve been told, in very clear terms, who has the power. And it is certainly not us, nor is it our elected representatives. In fact, it’s not anyone with either democratic mandate or legal accountability, but rather a series of nameless executives, faceless bureaucrats and a succession of tech-billionaires forming a new breed of royalty. Deleting Donald Trump wasn’t just “panic response” to the “violence” on Capitol Hill, and it wasn’t a punishment for the man himself – It was a calculated display of honesty. A declaration of intent. A notification of the limitations we’re all going to face as the increasingly dystopian new normal shapes a different kind of society. It’s all been clearly coordinated. The Deep State and big business and the media working together. ... Frank Zappa famously said: “The
illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s
profitable to continue the illusion. At the point
where the illusion becomes too expensive to
maintain, they will just take down the scenery,
they will pull back the curtains, they will move
the tables and chairs out of the way and you will
see the brick wall at the back of the theater."
Well, we’ve been shown the wall, and we’re being encouraged to cheer because the first person to run into it was Donald Trump. Rather predictably, millions have fallen for it. (read more) 2021-01-15 b IS THAT SO? A new
virus is being reported by researchers in several
Sequencing is underway for “Severe Authoritarian Response Syndrome” or SARS-AuV-1. Similar to earlier mind viruses , SARS-AuV-1 infects brain cells and makes copies which are dispersed through verbal contact — Bruce Berry 😊 (@FarminChimp) January 13, 2021 2021-01-15 a MADE IN CHINA? US report into Covid origins
expected to say Chinese army grew 'dangerous
coronaviruses' in Wuhan
Donald Trump may release classified intelligence in salvo against Beijing as one of his final acts as president British diplomats are bracing for the United States to make grave allegations against China, linked to "dangerous" coronavirus research in Wuhan. Donald Trump is thought to be intent on firing a final salvo against Beijing over the Covid crisis in one of his last acts before he departs the Oval Office next week. UK sources believe Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, could make a public intervention as soon as Wednesday involving the declassification of American intelligence on the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The US may allege that the People's Liberation Army was running research projects that involved "cultivating dangerous coronaviruses" in a series of animal species at the laboratory, a UK source told The Telegraph. Such claims would prompt a raft of further questions about why the Chinese military would be involved in this kind of project, including any links to the development of potential bioweapons. Washington is expected to stop short of alleging that Covid-19 first originated from the biological laboratory, however. Speculation that an announcement could be imminent was fuelled by a statement from Robert O'Brien, Mr Trump's national security adviser, on Monday. "The world cannot continue to pay heavy prices for its naivety and complicity in Beijing's irresponsible and harmful practices, whether it is ending the rule of law in Hong Kong or not cooperating with health officials on the pandemic," he said. "The United States is examining further options to respond." The Sun quoted a diplomatic source saying: "The US have stopped short of this so far – but anything could happen in the coming days, and the origin of the virus is top of their list." ... The Wuhan Institute of Virology is a government research facility under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which itself is under the purview of China’s cabinet, the State Council. Scientific research in China is often linked to the military, which operates its own set of internal institutions that conduct some of the country's most advanced work. ... The foreign ministry in Beijing has continually denied any link between research conducted at the lab, including coronaviruses, and the Covid-19 outbreak. "The fact is as plain as day that there is no evidence supporting the claim that the novel coronavirus came from a lab," a spokesman said in August. Last week, Beijing reiterated its stance. "Chinese media have published a series of reality checks on Covid-19, debunking the false allegations with solid figures and facts," a spokesman said. (read more) 2021-01-14 g THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH "These policies are born of a paternalistic distrust of ordinary people, who are deemed to be incapable of discriminating between lies and truth for themselves, and apparently need companies and governments to protect them from exposure to misinformation." A lockdown of the mind
Big Tech wants us to outsource all our thinking to the authorities. When the pandemic hit, as many of us were frantically searching empty supermarket shelves for the last remaining cans of beans, it finally dawned on us that our globalised dependency on international supply chains had left us vulnerable. As lockdowns forced us online, technology was praised as the source of our resilience. While our bodies were in lockdown, at least our minds could remain free. But the events of the past week should provide us with a similar wake-up call to our dangerous dependency on a few gargantuan, unaccountable companies which have assumed control our intellectual supply chains. After the events on Capitol Hill, Twitter permanently suspended the account of the president of the United States. Donald Trump was also booted off all other major social-media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. ‘If you can silence a king’, tweeted one of Twitter’s investors, ‘you are the king’. Many try to argue that the tech firms are private companies, and the state has no right to prevent them from discriminating on ideological grounds. It’s a free market – users can always turn to an alternative provider. This might be true if the Big Tech firms weren’t already so powerful that they can simply cut off competitors who refuse to comply with their censorious demands. But Parler – an alternative to Twitter – has now been removed from the Google Play Store so that it could no longer be accessed by Android users. Apple followed suit and threatened to do the same unless Parler met its terms for moderating and removing ‘objectionable content’. Parler’s website has now been taken down completely as Amazon refuses to host it. ... These policies are born of a paternalistic distrust of ordinary people, who are deemed to be incapable of discriminating between lies and truth for themselves, and apparently need companies and governments to protect them from exposure to misinformation. But far from making us more resilient to bad ideas, censorship actually diminishes our capacity to discern the truth. ‘It forgets’, Tylecote writes, ‘what inoculation is: an element of exposure to the infectious agent. So what people are proposing is not mental inoculation, but mental quarantine.’ Given the obvious fact that misinformation does exist online, it may seem necessary to lean on some authority to distinguish fact from falsity. But giving these authorities the final word leaves us vulnerable in the most fundamental sense. In his 1945 essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell commented on the increasingly degraded state of our use of English. Describing a ‘tired hack’, who would be at home in any Covid press conference, he observed that the ‘appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself’. The consequences of ‘gumming together long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else’, Orwell argued, created a reduced state of consciousness that was ‘favourable to political conformity’. Words like democracy, freedom and justice are ‘often used in a consciously dishonest way’, as we have seen with those celebrating Big Tech silencing an elected US president in the name of defending democracy or protecting liberty. (read more) 2021-01-14 f IT'S ABOUT TIME BREAKING: President Trump
Declassifies Russia Collusion Documents — Coming as
Soon as Friday
On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit got word that President Trump was going to declassify all of the Russian hoax investigation documents. We reported previously that Deep State operatives, including people inside the White House and ostensibly on “his” side, were urging the president to keep the information from the public. In fact, President Trump promised several times that he would release everything on the Russian hoax before he left office. On Thursday night Lou Dobbs reported that President Trump ordered the release of the Obamagate intelligence documents. Lou Dobbs: President Trump is
declassifying top-secret documents all related to
Obamagate. That is the coordinated and years-long
spying against a presidential candidate and
ultimately the President of the United States and
his administration, that of Donald J. Trump.
The documents will reportedly show the involvement in the United States and overseas to set up Donald Trump in the Russia lie. The Trump administration must now make sure these documents are released to the public. (read more) 2021-01-14 e ANARCHIST ARRESTED BREAKING: FBI
Arrests Antifa Leader John Sullivan in Utah
After Storming US Capitol
Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan is in custody after being arrested in Utah on Thursday. As reported previously Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol last week. (read more) 2021-01-14 d BLACK LIES MATTER CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa
Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump
Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building
During Riots
Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property. Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington. “It’s just recording, solely, and not being active in it,” he told Fox News last week. Yet, in footage streamed to followers on Discord, Sullivan, who uses the Discord name “Jayden X”, can be heard inciting violence from inside the U.S. Capitol and boasting about breaking a window. “If we don’t get in, we’re going to burn this shit down,” he gloats. “Let’s go! This shit’s ours. F*ck yeah. I can’t believe this is reality. We accomplished this shit. We did this shit together.” “I didn’t know I hit [the window] that hard. No one got that on camera,” he continues. “F*ck the blue! F*ck the blue!” This footage comes from a source who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons. Moments after Sullivan captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!” You were right! We did it,” she boasts. “Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much,” Sullivan replies. “Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?” While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a ‘big camera’ at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives. “It’s all fake,” he explains. “I learned that shit already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today. I was wearing a Trump hat at the last Trump rally, at that Trump rally during the daytime because I was like, ‘nah, that shit ain’t happening, bro.” “Oh yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time,” he continues. “‘Yeah I’m just a journalist. I am just recording. I’ve got my camera on my shoulder.’ Literally, I have my big ass camera on my shoulder right here.” Sullivan’s Insurgence USA, which describes itself as “the revolution,” hosted a “Kick These Fascists out of DC” protest on Jan. 6, around the same time a pro-Trump rally was slated near the National Mall. The mainstream media refuses to report this fact. The FBI continues to ignore this fact, too. (read more) 2021-01-14 c PELOSI'S POSSE PERPETRATED PANDEMONIUM I Saw Provocateurs At The
Capitol Riot On Jan. 6
Editor's Note: The presence of outside
agitators at the Capitol was spotted and reported
quite early. On mid afternoon January 6th (2021-01-06
f) I wrote: "There were
more than 500,000 peaceful demonstrators in
Washington today. Only a few dozen individuals (agents provocateurs
?) created the destruction and mayhem. The
mainstream narrative will claim otherwise." My first
blog entry the following day (2021-01-07
TRAP." The disturbance was planned and funded
by persons in high positions. They have had much
practice. Their previous exercises have been called:
Color Revolutions. Their sinister aim was to defame
and blame President Trump and his supporters, falsely
calling them insurrectionists. Those who planned and
funded the assault on the Capitol will be exposed by
those who know them well.The deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress. A small number of cadre appeared to use the cover of a huge rally to stage its attack. Before it began, I saw from my vantage point on the West Front of the Capitol what appeared to be four separate cells or units: 1.Plainclothes militants.
Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA
gear at a front police line at the base of the
temporary presidential inaugural platform;
2.Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving; 3.Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and 4.Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches. All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor. However, they did not all appear at the same time. Not until the very end did it appear there was a prearranged plan to storm the Capitol building, and to manipulate the unsuspecting crowd as cover and as a follow-on force. Eyewitness Account, with No Outside Details This article is a first-person, eyewitness account drafted the night of Jan. 6 and morning of Jan. 7, so it is not affected by other news coverage or information. The only research aids used in this article were photos and videos that I took from my phone. I have witnessed and participated in scores of protests since the 1970s when as a high school student I was trained by professional agitators from California. Apart from my professional background and experience, nothing in this article is derived from any third-party information or analysis. In editing this for publication, I fought the temptation to add new information that I had subsequently learned from my own or from other people’s accounts. Other reports will vary and may contain contradicting information, and will contain far more facts than appear here. Many well-known actions and developments reported in the news do not appear here, as this is purely what I saw and understood between about 11:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Jan. 6. Anti-riot Police Prepared Early, But Presence Was Light Originally I had planned not to attend any of the several pro-Trump events scheduled for that day. At the last minute, a companion and I decided to see what we could see. Late that morning, at about 11:30, I walked from near Union Station to the Senate side of Capitol Hill on 2nd and D Streets NW and noticed a small number of Capitol Police dressed in full riot gear, with shin guards and shoulder guards. One carried a black baton with side handle. “That’s old school,” I called to the officer, giving him a thumbs-up. The police appeared to be readying to board a van or bus, although the Capitol was only 2-1/2 blocks away. I crossed behind the Russell Senate Office Building to Constitution Avenue near the Capitol, past some out-of-towners who pointed at the Capitol and asked if it was the White House, then walked for about 25 minutes up Pennsylvania Avenue toward an empty Freedom Park. A rally had just taken place there and moved to the Ellipse, the large lawn between the White House and Constitution Avenue NW. President Trump was speaking to a huge crowd at the Ellipse, although the Freedom Park rally had broken up to assemble at the Capitol before we arrived. For such a massive event, police presence was light. District of Columbia police and a small group of DC National Guard had a relaxed demeanor, keeping a professional distance from marchers and other pedestrians, as they usually do. A few police and National Guard gathered around a mobile device to listen to the president make what sounded like rousing comments. Crowd Energized and Festive, Not Angry or Incited A while later we saw from a block away that marchers had begun down Constitution Avenue from the Ellipse to Capitol Hill, mostly along Constitution Avenue. We passed down 13th Street to join them. Although the march was in protest of fraud in the 2020 election and people were recounting the president’s energizing speech, the mood of the crowd was positive and festive. Strangers stopped to talk to one another along the way, resisting but ultimately giving in to offers from street vendors hawking Trump and MAGA memorabilia, or to taking pictures of Washington landmarks. ... Of the thousands of people I passed or who passed me along Constitution Avenue, some were indignant and contemptuous of Congress, but not one appeared angry or incited to riot. Many of the marchers were families with small children; many were elderly, overweight, or just plain tired or frail—traits not typically attributed to the riot-prone. Some said they were police officers from around the country. Many wore pro-police shirts or carried pro-police “Back the Blue” flags. Diverse Cross-Section of America Among the hundreds and hundreds of flags—perhaps thousands—displayed over the next few hours, I saw only two Confederate battle flags and one white supremacist sign, the latter of which some suspected aloud was a leftist plant. The two flags and one sign, I thought, would feature prominently in news reports to present a false image of the crowd. A large group of African-American men sported shirts that said “Blacks for Trump.” Figuring that journalists would emphasize the solitary racist sign and Confederate flags, deliberately ignoring the rest, I took note of the fact that many demonstrators were black, Asian, and Latino, with a strong presence of Vietnamese- and Chinese-Americans. Respect for the City and Streets The DC government had placed only one portable toilet along the 16-block Constitution Avenue route, and five more near the intersection with Pennsylvania Avenue near the Canadian Embassy. The federal government opened the Ronald Reagan Building so people could use the bathrooms. The city had provided few trash bins. (DC usually provides a large number of toilets and trash receptacles along march routes.) Yet remarkably little litter could be seen in the streets. People crushed their plastic water bottles and food wrappers and stuffed them in their pockets, and a few marchers picked up the occasional trash along the route. Observations about the toilets and trash are noteworthy because, in my experience with and among large protest crowds in Washington, the large leftist crowds tend to be angry and leave trash in the streets and urine in the shrubs. None of that anger showed in the Jan. 6 crowd along Constitution Avenue. The Exceptions: Organized Cadre Although the crowd represented a broad cross-section of Americans, mostly working-class by their appearance and manner of speech, some people stood out. A very few didn’t share the jovial, friendly, earnest demeanor of the great majority. Some obviously didn’t fit in. Among them were younger twentysomethings wearing new Trump or MAGA hats, often with the visor in the back, showing no enthusiasm and either looking at the ground, glowering, or holding out their phones with outstretched arms to make videos of as many faces as possible in the crowd. Some appeared awkward, the way someone’s body language inadvertently shows the world that he feel like he doesn’t fit in. A few seemed to be nursing a deep, churning rage. They generally covered their faces with cloth masks, as opposed to the pro-Trump people, few of whom wore masks at all. They walked, often hands in pockets, in clusters of perhaps four to six with at least one of them frequently looking behind. These outliers group looked like trouble. I presumed these fake Trump protesters were Antifa or something similar. However, that entire afternoon I saw none of them act aggressively or cause any problems. At least, not from my vantage point. A second outlier group also stood out. While many marchers wore military camouflage shirts, jackets, or pants of various patterns and states of wear and in all shapes and sizes, here and there one would see people of a different type: Wiry young men in good physical condition dressed neatly in what looked like newer camouflage uniforms with black gear, subdued patches including Punisher skulls, and helmets. They showed tidiness and discipline. They strode instead of walked, moving at a more rapid pace than most of the people, sometimes breaking into a short jog, and generally keeping to the left side of Constitution Avenue in pairs of two or small groups of three. Unlike others in old military clothes who tended to be affable and talkative, these sullen men seemed not to speak to anyone at all. As we would see, they were the disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. ... Provocateurs to Turn Unsuspecting Marchers Into an Invading Mob Then, a loud, bellowing shout from behind: “Forward! Do not retreat! Forward!” Retreat? Nobody was retreating. They were trying to escape the tear gas. But the man kept yelling not to “retreat,” as if this were a military operation. In a powerful voice, he exhorted the crowd to remain on the plaza and not to disperse on the lawn or depart down the steps to the footpath. Thousands more people continued pouring in from Constitution Avenue. Then two other men, standing across from one another on the high granite curbs on either side of the footpath, bellowed variations of “Forward! Don’t you dare retreat!” Some made direct eye contact at people and pointed directly at them, as if trying to psyche them into submitting. Still more tear gas, this time with green or yellow smoke. I was concerned that my companion, who was recovering from a previously injured foot, might get knocked down if people started to stampede for air. Once someone falls down in a panicked crowd, there’s a dangerous risk of getting trampled to death. I opened the way for others to exit, with other marchers lending a hand. But most of the people stood where they were as more marchers flowed up Capitol Hill. A third man standing on a chair, also shouting “Forward,” reached down to grab me by the shoulder and barked, “Don’t retreat! Get back up there!” It wasn’t an expression of enthusiasm or solidarity; it sounded like a military order. And it wasn’t from a wild kid; this guy was probably in his 50s. He looked furious with me. What did he care what I did? What difference would the departure of ten or even a hundred of us make, with so many more surging in. The furious man crouched down and yelled in my face: “We’re going into the Capitol!” I ignored him, broke away, and worked my way down the steps. “What a stupid idiot,” I thought. “You can’t just walk into the Capitol anymore. Especially not today.” Bystanders helped my companion and me mount the high stone curb to the grass, where we chatted with new people we met and wondered what was happening up front. What the barking men were doing didn’t hit me until later, when we found out about the attack: They appeared to be part of an organized cell of agents-provocateurs to corral people as an unwitting follow-on force behind the plainclothes militants tussling with police—but who, we would later learn, were actually breaking into the Capitol beneath the Great Rotunda to storm Congress. It was just before 3 o’clock. These apparent agents-provocateurs placed hundreds of unsuspecting supporters of the president in physical danger. They attempted to block exits for people seeking to escape tear gas. They endangered vulnerable people, including children, the frail, and the elderly. They funneled and pushed hundreds if not thousands of innocent people into a crush toward the Capitol. They did so with the goal of forcing those people into a confrontation with federal police defending Congress. Surreal Pandemonium Nobody seemed aware that the Capitol was physically under attack. The tear gas caused pandemonium. But there was still no stampede, and people helped create or widen paths to allow others to leave the area. Some, seeing frail or elderly people who had a hard time standing, broke into a pallet of black folding chairs for the inauguration and distributed them. But the mood had gone from patriotic—although contemptuous of Congress—to furious. Rumors spread. “They say they’re going into the Congress,” someone said. “Good,” someone else said, perhaps more as an exclamation of anger at being teargassed than anything else. “That’s stupid. Cops will never let ‘em in,” said others, or in words to that effect. Some blamed House Speaker Pelosi for ordering the police to gas her political opponents, then wondered aloud whether she really could do that. Somebody was able to get phone reception to ask if anybody knew what was happening, but couldn’t hear because of the crowd. Texting and social media posting was almost nonexistent because of overloaded towers. Having spent decades around the Capitol since my days as a junior Senate and House staffer, and loving the building and its history as one of our greatest national treasures, I was confident that the Capitol would remain safe. But the lack of perimeter police presence, and the confused actions of those firing tear gas, flash grenades, and pepper balls from the presidential swearing-in platform had me thinking that something was wrong at the command level. What if someone did break into the Capitol? Not possible. From out there on the lawn, a breakdown in police command and control was unthinkable.By now, where we were on the Senate lawn, the mood was more like an outdoor rock concert gone out of control. Someone with a master key took control of a green cherry-picker, raising two people on the crane, who took pictures and waved. Others kept people back to prevent injuries. Conscientious people looked out for the unaware or foolish. Several young people scaled the basement wall of the Senate to join people who had taken the steps to the top. For the first time we saw a group of journalists with their cameras, computers, and transmitting gear. A few Capitol Police milled around, some winded as if they had seen action. Uniformed, Disciplined Cadre Assembles for Attack Then, from the north, a column of uniformed, agile younger men walked briskly, single-file, toward the inaugural stand. They came within two feet of me. Their camouflage uniforms were clean, neat, and with a pattern I couldn’t identify. Some had helmets and GoPro cameras. Some uniforms bore subdued insignia, including the Punisher skull. These were the disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. I had seen them in groups of two or three among the marchers on Connecticut Avenue from the Ellipse. Now there were a good three dozen of them, moving in a single, snakelike formation. They were organized. They were disciplined. They were prepared. “We’re taking the Capitol!” the first or second announced. “You’re gonna get arrested,” someone called out. “They can arrest some of us, but not all of us,” another member of the uniformed contingent shouted to no one in particular. A few curious younger people left their friends to follow them as the group disappeared under the scaffolding beneath the Rotunda entrance. Some in the crowd expressed frustrated hope the uniformed men could teach Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a lesson, but nobody seemed to believe that they would actually do it. I tried to text a friend to report what was happening. The jammed cell phone system made it impossible. (read much more) 2021-01-14 b SECOND AMENDMENT II Gun-toting Lauren Boebert
leads charge against Capitol metal detectors as
others blast ‘Pelosi’s ‘communist America’
The House sergeant-at-arms office issued a statement on Tuesday saying everyone going into the chamber must be screened for prohibited items, including firearms. However, Representative Boebert, of Colorado, has since publicly slammed the screening demand, dubbing it as a "political stunt" from Pelosi. Boebert has talked openly about carrying her firearm around town and onto the Capitol grounds. "I am legally permitted to carry my firearm in Washington, DC, and within the Capitol complex," she tweeted last night. "Metal detectors outside of the House would not have stopped the violence we saw last week — it’s just another political stunt by Speaker Pelosi." Earlier this month, Boebert wrote a letter to the House urging them to let a 1967 rule allowing lawmakers to carry firearms in the Capitol stand. The representative appeared to be victorious, as Pelosi issued new rules for the House which did not mention doing away with allowing lawmakers to carry weapons in the Capitol. (read more) 2021-01-14 a SECOND AMENDMENT I PASTOR TELLS CONGREGANTS 'TO
The pastor of a church allegedly urged his congregants to keep their weapons loaded ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration. Brandon Burden, lead pastor at KingdomLife Church in Frisco, Texas, said in his sermon that worshippers should prepare for an emergency by keeping their weapons loaded and stocking up on food, Dallas News reports. He said: "We are locked and loaded at the Burden house." His message came along with prayers for President Donald Trump and a mention of an executive order from God. He said “prophetic voices” told him Trump will remain president and it’s up to Christians to execute that order, according to reports. (read more) ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2021 - January 7 - 13 ARCHIVE 2021 - January 1 - 6 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 28 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 21 - 27 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 17 - 20 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 13 - 16 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 8 - 12 ARCHIVE 2020 - December 1 - 7 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 22 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 16 - 21 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 9 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - November 1 - 8 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 24 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 16 - 23 ARCHIVE 2020 - October 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - September 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - September 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - August 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - August 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - July 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - JULY 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - JUNE 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - JUNE 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MAY 16 - 31 ARCHIVE 2020 - MAY 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - APRIL 16 - 30 ARCHIVE 2020 - APRIL 1 - 15 ARCHIVE 2020 - MARCH ARCHIVE 2020 - FEBRUARY ARCHIVE 2020 - JANUARY ARCHIVE |
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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