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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2021- 2021-01-24 h RACE HUSTLES MATTER ![]() The illegitimate Biden regime has restored the obscenely lucrative federal gravy train for race hustlers. The myths of "systemic racism" and "white supremacy" do not explain black underachievement or their disproportionate criminality. Fatherlessness and impulsivity account for most of it. End social pathologies to improve black lives. 2021-01-24 g POLITICAL CRIMES MATTER III (caught on tape) For Years Democrats and the
Far Left Media Called for Violence and Murder of
Donald Trump — They Need to Shut Up Already About
Violent Trump Supporters
For YEARS Democrats and far left thought leaders called for violence and murder against President Trump, his family, and his supporters. They weren’t shy about it. And their supporters loved and cheered the calls to violence. Since protesters stormed the US Capitol on January 6th the mainstream fake news media continues to report on the incident as a “terrorist attack” and “insurrection” acting as if this horrible event was the worst act of violence in Washington DC history. Democrats forget that they were cheering violence against President Trump and his supporters for 4 straight years. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a video collection of prominent leftists and Democrats calling for violence these past four years. This is quite a collection. Remember this the next time Pelosi or CNN start to lecture. They are
all on record in their own words promoting and
approving violence
against President Trump and his supporters. We will never forget. Have they condemned any of it? Nope. Have they called in the NG for riots ongoing even now in Portland and Seattle? Nope. pic.twitter.com/4nzPDbcCig — Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) January 24, 2021 2021-01-24 f POLITICAL CRIMES MATTER II “When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect.” Pushback, Resistance, Dissent,
and Conflict: Will you Participate or Hide?
“Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.” ~ “The Soul of Man Under Socialism”. Essay by Oscar Wilde, 1891. Time has passed, and the takeover of this country by the ruling ‘elite’ and their pawns in government has nearly been completed. The final stages of the building of a totalitarian state, and a “Global Reset” of humanity, are now fully underway. The left/right and the Democrat/Republican nonsense is not the solution to anything, and in fact, those adhering to one party or the other and taking sides are the real problem. Both are far mistaken, and have been used and co-opted to divide and fight against each other. Since no political solution concerning freedom is possible, the correct posture should be to abandon the political system entirely, and begin a consistent and sustained revolt against all government. Anything shy of this approach will fail. In other words, mass disobedience is mandatory if relief from this horrendous tyranny is sought. Americans would do well to understand the power they posses as individual citizens working together to cause a defection from this state apparatus. In Italy currently, 50,000 restaurants have opened in complete defiance to state orders. The numbers are too large for the pathetic governing system there to defend against, and so this civil disobedience is bringing freedom back to the citizenry. This is exactly what is necessary, and it could happen here on a much larger scale if only people act in concert with each other instead of remaining divided. This does not require all to be together in protest; it only requires many to participate from afar. It does not have to be a formal operation, but can be constructed by mass communication means. It is happening in Italy, Poland, Mexico, and other parts of Europe, so why can’t Americans do this here as well? As with any act of rebellion, there can be risks, and in fact, there will be risks and there may even be conflict. But the more that participate in disobedience, the less likely that the state and its enforcers will have any ability to quell the legitimate dissent of the people. Italy is now showing that to the world, and their resolve should be something that is contagious, instead of ignored due to the sicknesses called indifference and fear. Restaurants should all open nationwide regardless of any “mandates,” but every other business group should do the same, whether bars, hair salons, gyms, and all other groups of businesses as well. If that happened, all businesses would have the ability to open simply because of the mass resistance present. One of the most major obstacles standing in the way of regaining freedom is division amongst the people, and those that use blame as their justification to do nothing. The left blames the right, and the right blames the left, and both are correct. Party loyal citizens are a huge problem, because there is no less evil in either, and both parties are nothing less than corrupt and despicable. Americans continue to wallow in their own incompetence and cowardice, refusing to stand up against tyranny because no one else is doing so. This is so pathetic, and that inadequate and gutless excuse is unconscionable and sickening. It seems that across this entire country, each and every argument concerning non-compliance is based on the notion that someone else has to go first. This is childish, and always ends the same way, in that none do anything of value, and absolutely nothing is accomplished. This is the mindset of collectivism, and collectivism is the scourge of mankind, and leads only to voluntary slavery. We are very close to a situation where no viable remedy will be available because it will have become too late to act. If that point is reached, defeatism will have won the day, and the people will have lost not only their liberty, but their lives as well. It is very difficult to fathom how over 300 million people have not been able to understand the dire situation we are in today in this country. It seems impossible that the risks we face are still unknown to the herd. How can that be? Most of this population have been quarantined, isolated, ordered to distance and wear deadly masks; have closed their businesses, lost their jobs, become impoverished, watched family members die alone at the hands of the state, watched low-life criminal rioters destroy their cities, and assault their families, friends, and neighbors, all while the government they allow to rule did nothing to stop this madness. Now, many more draconian mandates are being devised, and executive orders are coming in record numbers. Next, there is a high risk that what is falsely being called a vaccine, may be mandated as well, and this concoction is so deadly, and gene altering as to be able to install a foreign operating system inside the minds and bodies of any that allow this heinous injection. While the people of this country fight among themselves, while they remain obedient and silent in the face of tyranny, while blame and judgment are the driving forces for their non-action, and while working together to fight this totalitarian governing system is shunned in favor of hate, those now ruling over them will continue to destroy the very fabric of American life that once seemed so precious to so many. All that oppose this new order, and the government that has been put into place to advance the agendas of this coming fascist and communistic technocracy, should expect mass democide to occur if the people never stand against it. The first to be targeted will be any that do not accept the state narrative as presented by the political class and the mainstream media, refuse all orders to mask, test, or get injected, and that speak out against the political criminals in Washington D.C. and beyond. Without mass resistance, expect poverty, sickness, economic destruction, quarantine, isolation, travel bans at every level, constant surveillance, tracking, immunity passports, medical martial law, murder of citizens, police brutality without conscience, and perpetual threats and tyranny. It is all up to the people to decide what happens. With mass resistance, we can expect to change this course we are on, but each must oppose the state as an individual, without waiting for someone else to go first or to do it for you. Tyranny results when people turn over their power to others, but freedom can only exist if it is defended. It is time to fight back! “When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect.” Thomas Paine (read more) 2021-01-24 e POLITICAL CRIMES MATTER I An Open Letter to Every Damned
On the Election, Selective Lockdowns, Corruption, all of it! Politicians, why the hell do we need you? You have done nothing for the people of this country. Nothing! Your job is to protect the God-given rights of American citizens. You work for the people and you have forgotten your place! Night after night, year after year, we go to work, pay our taxes, and bite our tongues. We watch you on the evening news pontificate about this issue or that scandal, yet you do nothing. We’re sick of it! We’re told not to be violent, and we’re not. We’re told to fight the right way in the courts and at the voting booth, and we do. We’re told to be patient, and we are. And what has it gotten us? Nothing. Not a damned thing. Our patience has run out! We watched as Hillary Clinton broke every law in the book by lying to the FBI about her using a personal server to conduct government business with classified information, and then deleting over 33,000 emails once she was caught. It was proven that she broke multiple laws, regardless of intent. In fact, the laws she broke specifically said that intent was not needed for the law to be broken. And what did you do? Nothing. Who was punished? Who went to jail? Who was held accountable? Hillary Clinton? James Comey? John Brennan? Please. And what about the IRS targeting Tea Party groups? After the IRS was caught intentionally harassing these groups, they finally admitted that they were breaking the law. Who was sent to jail? Who was fired? Lois Lerner? James Clapper? Obama? Again, no one. And how about members of Congress? Apparently, it’s just fine for them to outright lie and spend millions of our dollars and three years of our time investigating a phony Russia scandal launched by Hillary Clinton’s Steele dossier. This resulted in more of our hard-earned money being wasted with the impeachment proceedings of President Trump. Was anyone even scolded for lying? For wasting our money? Did you even notice that Joe and Hunter Biden were peddling Joe’s influence to the highest Chinese bidder when he was Vice President? Imagine, the former Vice President of the United States was altering American foreign policy based on how it financially benefit him and his family. Where’s the outrage? Why is no one in jail or hanging from a yardarm? Your silence is your approval. Now we have Big Tech censoring us…censoring the very President of the United States! Because of you, our voices are now censored in the public square, violating our first amendment right to free speech. Where are you? You are not protecting our rights! For working only a few months out of each year and making top dollar, you appear to help no one but yourselves. Are the Big Tech deals too good to pass up? Do values and the Constitution mean nothing to you? Why did you even run for office in the first place? And the 2020 Presidential election. It’s obvious to everyone that the Democrats cheated by having Democrat votes magically appear in the middle of the night – all in key swing states, mind you. And we know you’re going to do nothing, again. We’ve seen the fraud and the cheating. We know the logistics. We’ve done our jobs by voting and paying attention. How about you do your jobs and start arresting people? Why is Joe Biden the President and not in jail for corruption? Why are his cronies allowed to flout our election laws? For years, the American people have slaved away and tolerated you as a necessary evil. You are not necessary anymore. You have not protected anything for the American citizen! We have watched as our elected officials enter Congress as ordinary folks and leave as multi-millionaires. We have watched as education became a joke of wholly un-mathematical math, gold stars for all, and self-loathing anti-Americanism. We watched as you took a broken healthcare insurance system and made it infinitely worse by adding more government to the problem rather than removing it altogether to let a truly free market help us. We have watched as people who hate us call for our destruction while they openly steal the 2020 election and then tell us that it’s all honest and fair. We have watched as governors and mayors transformed themselves into tyrants by completely ignoring our constitution, usurping power, and creating laws out of thin air, all in the name of, “public safety.” You force small businesses to close, but let the big donors and their businesses remain open during a pandemic, because ... science. You tell us to remain locked in our homes while you dine at the finest restaurants, ignoring the very rules you created for the peasants. You have said women are free to dismember and kill babies in their wombs because, “My body, my choice,” but God help any woman if her face is not covered with a useless paper mask or if she refuses a rushed vaccine. And God forbid we dare to use science to declare that there are only two genders as proven by biology. (But a disease with a 99.97% survival rate is a deadly pandemic worth murdering an economy over. Because ... science.) Because of you, half of what the American family earns is stolen by the government each year. What’s left doesn’t go far, just enough to cover the basics. You do nothing when anarchists loot businesses and set cities ablaze all in the name of, “social justice,” whatever that is. You stay silent when anarchists call for the de-funding of police. You allow illegal aliens to enter our country and steal our jobs, and then allow them to use our system for “free” services at our expense. You stay silent when uneducated liberals destroy statues we paid for that encourage us to confront our history so that we may learn from it. You say nothing when racist politicians demand that people who never owned slaves pay reparations to people that never were slaves. You do nothing when our speech is silenced, our gun rights are infringed, and our private property stolen through Civil Asset Forfeiture laws. You have the unmitigated gall to propose we get $600 of our own money for being locked in our homes and unable to work for nearly a year (per your directives) while sending billions of our dollars overseas for programs like, “Pakistani Gender Equality.” You refuse to pass a budget and instead kick that can down a continuing resolution road that never ends. You outsource the writing of our laws to some three-letter agency that is unaccountable to the American people, and then you have the nerve to not even read them, but yet vote for them. We’ve been told that we have privilege, and that we have inherent bias because of our skin color. We’ve been called Racists, Deplorables, Irredeemables, Xenophobes, Morons, and Chumps. You are the ones who divide people into races, classes, and 64 genders, not us. You say nothing when the media and politicians insist we, “stormed the Capitol” during the “Capitol Riots,” failing to notice that we had the presence of mind to stay within the designated velvet ropes while ignoring the opportunity to vandalize the statues in Statuary Hall, unlike your bought-and-paid-for “peaceful protesters” of 2020. All we Nobody Americans ever wanted was to be heard, have a little patch of land to raise a family, a job to pay the bills, an equal application of the law, and at least some illusion of freedom. Even that was too much. Instead, you blame President Trump for your failures. The New Normal for Conservatives We are done with politicians! For years we paid our taxes, voted for you, and prayed some crumbs would fall near us so we could retain the slightest bit of dignity. No more. We don’t need you and we will not suffer you any longer, regardless of your politics, promises, or party. By your inaction, you have told the American people: People can cheat and commit crimes and not get punished; You can go through the motions of voting, but we pick who we want through our actions or lack thereof; Only the rich and elite get privilege, the working man is just a sucker and a pawn for us to play with and not to be cared about. ... Why should we do anything for the government ever again? Because it’s our, “civic duty”? Bullshit! As politicians representing us, your civic duty is to protect the rights of the American citizen, arrest corrupt politicians, ensure our elections are fair and honest, apply the law equally, and help make the lives of the American citizen better. Have you done that, even once? I cannot tell you the number of regulations you politicians allowed to be created or the taxes you imposed just to allow the average man to open a simple business, or to allow us to own a gun, or to allow us to do anything. You do not allow us to do anything! These are our God-given rights and we are free men! Free men do not need your permission to do anything! This is the very definition of, “freedom.” Even the simplest of businesses is a nightmare to get off the ground because of all the fees, licenses, taxes, and restrictions – all created by worthless politicians. Congress, governors, mayors…you would all be more useful if you picked up stray dogs or hung drywall. By not doing your jobs correctly, corrupt politicians are emboldened and become permanent leeches. Without long prison sentences for you scoundrels, the corruption will never end. Without fair elections, our country is lost. Thanks for nothing to every single one of you who would rather line your pockets and make deals rather than cling to true American values. Don’t ask me to pledge to the flag, salute the troops (of which I was one), or shoot fireworks on the 4th of July. It’s a sick, twisted, heartbreaking joke, this bloated, unrecognizable corpse of a republic that once was ours. Our founders would be aghast. Americans can run their own lives and businesses just fine without a useless government. Our consent has ended. ... Unlike you, we’re Americans that pray to God and thank Him for what we have. We've got this. You can all go to hell and get what you deserve! – The Lawful and Legal Citizens of these United Divided States of America. (read more) 2021-01-24 d BLACK CRIMES MATTER Blacks Committed 73% of Mass
Shootings In 2020. Many Cases Remain Unsolved. Where
Is the FBI?
As the media, FBI and Anti-Defamation League declare “white supremacy” and “domestic terrorism” the gravest threats to public safety in America, neither played any role in the outbreak of violence in 2020 — one of the deadliest years in American history. Disingenuous political actors often point to the Charleston Church Shooting in 2015, the Tree of Life Synagogue incident of 2018, or the El Paso Wal Mart killings in 2019 to demonstrate the proclivity of white men to engage in indiscriminate killings. The latest figures on the approximately 603 mass shootings last year paint a radically different picture. According to demographic data compiled by researchers at Mass-Shootings.info, black men committed 73% of mass shootings in 2020, in contrast whites were only 13% of known culprits. Mass Shootings Go Unpunished What is more galling is that while the revanchist FBI has been utilizing high tech resources to track down every protester who may have entered the Capitol, the perpetrators of some of the deadliest and most brutal mass shootings of 2020 remain at large. For example, in June, police in Alabama investigated a house fire and found that it was set to cover up the executions of seven people, including a 17-year-old girl. The FBI violent crimes unit is aiding in the investigation, but there are no suspects. Last September, seven people at a marijuana farm were shot and killed in Riverside, California. The police and the FBI have no arrests or suspects. In August, three men opened fire on a crowd of women and children having a block party the middle of Washington DC. 21 people were injured in the attack, with one dying and another hospitalized in critical condition. The gunmen are still at large and the DC police do not have any suspects or leads. There are countless unsolved mass shooting cases like the aforementioned. America is the only first world nation where people can open fire on random people in a major city’s crowded street and never get caught. As for individual shootings, the numbers in 2020 are equally stark. 70% of shootings in New York City last year remain unsolved. Murder clearance rates have plummeted across major urban areas in the country even as homicides have skyrocketed. The FBI’s Prioritizes Punishing Dissent Over Murder The murder rate in 2020 jumped an average of 37% in 57 cities at the closing of last year, yet the FBI’s announced priorities for 2021 do not reflect the gravity of this national emergency. According to the Bureau’s budget request for the new year, which is available on the Department of Justice’s website, they will be receiving close to $4 billion for their “counter-terrorism” operations, while their criminal division will be getting $3.4 billion. A 2013 examination of the FBI’s corrupt “counter-terrorism” strategy found that only 1% of the people they entrap and arrest have any connection to actual terrorists. With the FBI’s new emphasis on right-wing white men, the number is likely much lower. Usually the criminal element introduced into religious or political communities engaging in First Amendment protected activity are inserted by the FBI itself. The FBI’s revival as an instrument for suppressing views critical of the government is not lost on its agents. In 2018, the FBI Agents Union put out a statement demanding Congress pass a new “domestic terrorism law,” as many of their political targets are not committing any actionable criminal offenses. Senator Dick Durbin and some Republicans are working on granting them their wish by re-submitting a “domestic terrorism” bill that would allow them to utilize already freely abused Patriot Act powers on law-abiding US citizens. The outcome is as predicted. America is now a crime-ridden and corrupt third world country that suddenly becomes techno-dystopian when a citizen dares to question the increasingly absurd whims of the status quo. (read more) 2021-01-24 c SELECTIVE ENDORSEMENT OF PROTESTS (but NOT in MY House Chamber) The
whole point of protesting is to make ppl
Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows. To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) December 2, 2020 2021-01-24 b ENEMIES OF FREE SPEECH America Has Become an Armed
and Angry Camp
by Louis Farrakhan In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. In America, according to the Constitution, we have the right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. I’m grateful to God to live in a country that made that type of provision in the basic legal document that is the foundation of the politics and governance of this society. Why did the founding fathers say “freedom of speech” was necessary? When you have government that tells lies to the people and manipulates fear in the people to accomplish agendas that are not necessarily in the best interest of the people, “freedom of speech” will allow one to speak truth to power to save the citizens from the deceptive practice of wicked government. As a Black man, and a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, there is so much in America that is not only against the Black and the Brown and the people of color, but there’s so much in America that is adverse to what is in the best interest of the American people. Once we are saddled with fear over consequences of speaking “the truth,” then “the lie” can continue to be told, and the lie can continue to deceive the many. (read more) 2021-01-24 a ENEMIES OF THE RULE OF LAW “Liberal” and “moderate” Democrats, never-Trump Republicans,“The Squad, ” the “Deep State” — the nation’s whole jumble of psychopathic and otherwise-psychically-ill “Elite,” “woke,” anti-“White”/anti-male/anti-meritocracy/sexually-deviant members — all share one mantra : Trump and populism are evil, inimical to “Democracy” and the “culture,” “morality,” and “public interests” of the U.S. Populism must be extinguished." Senate Threatens to Usurp
Presidency, Constitution, and Will of the People
... We have a federal Constitution. Every federal legislator and judge promises, by oath, not to act contrary to that Constitution. Every federal judge must promise this: “I…solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me…under the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Every federal legislator must promise this: “I…solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.” ... Democrats, Never-Trump Republicans — Congress-Members, many federal judges, Trump-administration-members — and too many lunatic pundits, “journalists,” and common folk have been hell-bent toward (a) destroying Trump and any populist ideas associated with him and (b) instituting a regime of anti-utilitarian lunacy in which freaks are normal and psychopathic greed is the moral code. That bent is anathema to the federal Constitution’s Preamble. In the election-fraud-denial aspect of the Trump impeachment, that bent is anathema also to several of the federal Constitution’s provisions that are fundamental to realization of the purpose abstracted in the Constitution’s Preamble. Where that bent manifests in Congress-Members and federal Judges, it reflects a flagrant dishonor of magnitude rarely witnessed in the history of nations. It is criminal disloyalty. It is criminally conspiratorial because increasingly it occurs with impunity. The truly grave matter is not the Senate’s treatment of Trump — whether particularly the Senate tries Trump and holds Trump guilty. Such result would be unfair to Trump — bar, illegally and unjustly, his holding any “Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States,” defame him unjustly and horrendously, harm him economically for wrong cause, and not-unlikely endanger him otherwise. Accordingly, the pro-impeachment Senators would deserve severest rebuke. The core and overarching matter the government’s and the political parties’ quasi-seditious/quasi-treasonous trashing of our Constitution — “quasi-seditious/quasi-treasonous,” because not involving or suggesting use of force or involving or aiding an “enemy” of the U.S. [Compare 18 U.S. Code §§ 2381- 2386 & U.S. Constitution Article III § 3 clause 1].[3] That is why I write this article. That is why I shall show the dishonor — and illegality — of the House’s delivering articles of impeachment to the Senate and the Senate’s trying Trump after Trump’s term has ended and he has left Office. And that is why I shall show that if federal judges refuse to declare such Congressional action unconstitutional, those federal judges will have violated the Constitution and their oaths and committed impeachable offenses." I. Senate “precedent” cannot govern whether the Senate can try Trump after his term has ended and he has left Office Some “scholars” argue that the Senate may adjudge the second Trump impeachment after Trump is not in Office (after his Presidency term has ended and he has vacated Office). The arguments cite “precedents,” which I discuss below. But precedent-reliance is error. The Senate is not a common law court. The Senate cannot rely on or be bound by the Senate’s previous impeachment-trial judgments, as if those decisions were judicial “precedent.” In impeachment trials, the Senate’s jurisdiction depends directly and solely on these Article I § 3 provisions: The Senate shall have
the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting
for that purpose, they shall be on oath or
affirmation. When the President of the United States
is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no
person shall be convicted without the concurrence of
two thirds of the members present. [Article I § 3
clause 6]
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States. [Article I § 3 clause 7] In the Article I § 3 clause 7 phrase “removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office…,” the conjunction is not “or,” but “and.” Hence, if the Senate adjudges an impeached Officer guilty of the charge presented by articles of impeachment, the Senate may remove the Officer from Office AND disqualify him from holding and enjoying “any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.” The Senate cannot disqualify the impeached Officer from holding and enjoying “any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States” unless the Senate removes him from Office. Therefore, the case must be one in which the impeached official can be removed from office. And such case does not obtain where the Officer does not hold, or remain in, Office. Were the critical conjunction “or,” not “and,” the Senate could choose either (a) to remove an impeached Officer from Office or (b) to disqualify him from holding and enjoying “any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States” [or both (a) and (b), if the impeached Officer remained in Office when the Senate tried him]. Hence, if the critical conjunction were “or,” even if an impeached Officer were not in Office, the Senate could disqualify him from holding and enjoying “any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.” But the critical Article I § 3 clause 7 conjunction is not “or.” It is “and.” Yet, suppose, in impeachment trials, the Senate were like a common law court — bound by, or entitled to rely on, Senate impeachment trial “precedent.” Still, never has the Senate held that the Senate can try an impeached Officer who is not in Office at the time of trial. II. No Congressional “precedent” could establish that the Senate can try Trump after his term has ended and he has left Office; but, rather, prior cases indicate the contrary The first federal impeachment case was the 1798 impeachment of U.S. Senator William Blount. The Senate had expelled Blount for “high misdemeanor.” Blount was ordered to appear before a Senate select committee. He refused. A Senate impeachment trial began without him. The trial never reached the merits. The Senate dismissed the impeachment because the Senate lacked jurisdiction since Blount was not in Office at the time the impeachment articles reached the Senate for trial: Blount had been expelled from the Senate. Some “scholars” cite the 1827 case of Vice President John C. Calhoun. Calhoun’s enemies were rumoring that Calhoun engaged in financial misconduct when, earlier, he was Secretary of War. Though Calhoun had left the Office of Secretary of War and had become Vice President, Calhoun begged the House to impeach him concerning whether he abused his Office when he was Secretary of War. Calhoun wanted a forum and process in which he could refute the rumors. The House investigated Calhoun and cleared him. But he was not impeached. Hence, the Calhoun case does not support the argument that the Senate can try an Officer after he has left Office. Some “scholars” cite also the 1846 case of Daniel Webster. Webster was President Tyler’s Secretary of State. Three years after he left the post (and four years before he returned to it), Webster was accused of using federal funds improperly while he was Secretary of State (under Tyler). Some House members thought impeachment would be proper means of testing the accusations. During House’s debates of Webster’s case, John Quincy Adams asserted that the House could impeach a person after he left Office. Adams’s assertion is oft-cited as “proof “ of the truth of its content. But impeachment did not occur. Hence the case, and Adams’s assertion, prove naught but the fact that some House members thought impeachment was possible though Webster had left Office. Some “scholars” cite also the 1870 case of Benjamin Franklin Whittemore and John Deweese. The House censured Whittemore and Deweese for selling commissions to the Naval Academy while Whittemore and Deweese were House-Members — despite Whittemore and Deweese were no longer Members of the House. The House debated whether the House could impeach Whittemore and Deweese. But impeachment did not issue — partly because one House-Member thought that the Blount case [see above] had established that Congress-Members could not be impeached.[4] Some “scholars” cite the 1873 case of Judge Mark Delahay. House-Members alleged that Delahay’s personal habits rendered him unfit for judicial office: he was intoxicated both on the bench and off. Delahay resigned before the House could draft accusation-specific, formal articles of impeachment and deliver them to the Senate for trial. So, Delahay was neither formally impeached nor submitted to Senate trial. Hence, the case cannot be precedent. In the 1876 case of Secretary of War William Belknap, the House impeached Belknap after he had resigned his Office. The Senate’s minority insisted the Senate lacked jurisdiction because Belknap had resigned his Office. For that reason the minority voted to acquit. Belknap was acquitted. Though the Senate’s simple majority argued that the Senate had jurisdiction and pressed the case to judgment, that argument is not precedent. The argument was not upheld by two-thirds vote. Belknap was acquitted. And Belknap’s Office had not ended (albeit Belknap had left Office). Belknap had resigned, and, therefore, could have continued holding Office. A more interesting case is the 1912 impeachment of Judge Robert Archbald. At the time of his impeachment and Senate trial, Archbald was an Article III judge of the U.S. Commerce Court, an Article III court.[3] But of the twelve articles of impeachment, six articles addressed alleged misconduct committed while Archbald was a judge of a U.S. District Court, another Article III court. Still, the Archbald case is not precedent for the proposition that the Senate can try an Officer’s impeachment after the Officer has left office. Six impeachment charges related to alleged misconduct Archbald committed while holding the Office of a U.S. Commerce Court judge. While Archbald was still a Commerce Court judge, Archbald was convicted of two of those six charges. Archbald was acquitted from all six impeachment charges that related to his conduct occurring while he was a District Court judge. Archbald had been elevated from a U.S. District Court judgeship to another federal “Article III” judgeship, a Commerce Court judgeship, when, and from which, the Senate removed him. Archbald’s two federal judgeships can be treated as one “office” — for impeachment and Senate trial purposes — for several reasons: •(a) Often U.S. District
Court judges sit in U.S. Circuit Court three-judge
panels in federal appellate cases.
•(b) Commerce Court judges were reassigned to another appellate court when their term on the Commerce Court expired. Even while they served on the Commerce Court, Commerce Court judges served also as at-large appellate judges whom the U.S. Supreme Court’s Chief Justice could assign to any federal appellate court. Commerce Court judges heard claims arising from orders of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Commerce Court judges rendered judicial review of such orders. So, effectively, Commerce Court judges acted as hybrid trial-court/appellate-court judges. [The Commerce Court was abolished one year after Archbald was removed from that court. In 1982, the “Federal Circuit” Court of Appeals was given jurisdiction like, but broader than, that had by the Commerce Court.] A federal District Court judge, federal Court of Appeals judge, or any other federal “Article III judge” holds office for life, unless impeached and removed for bad “behaviour.” [Compare endnote 5 (infra) & U.S. Constitution Article III § 1 sentence 2 (quoted infra) & U.S. Constitution Article II § 4 (quoted supra)]. So, even after elevated from his District Court judgeship, Archbald continued to hold the same Office — the Office of an Article III judge. An Article III judge is an Article III judge — not only a judge of a specific Article III federal court. So, Archbald had not left office — U.S. Constitution Article III judicial office — when, and from which, the Senate removed him, even if (as was not true) the Senate had removed him partly because of misconduct he committed while a U.S. District Court judge. One may question whether federal Article III judges’ so-called “impeachments” rest solely, or even partly, on the power the Constitution’s Article II § 4 assigns to the House. U.S. Constitution Article III § 1 sentence 2 provides: “The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished….” [See also endnote 5 (infra).] Since the Article III judge-removal standard is breach of good behavior, federal judge impeachment/removal seems a process somewhat, or materially, distinct from the process of impeaching and removing other “civil Officers” — for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” [U.S. Constitution Article II § 4]. Hence, for reason of such distinction, the Archbald case may be specially not precedent for impeachments and Senate trials of Presidents, Vice Presidents, and other non-judicial civil Officers. The ultimate conclusion must be that, ‘”as a matter of law,” the Senate cannot try an impeachment of a President, Vice President, or other federal civil Officer (except, perhaps, an Article III judge) whose Office’s term has ended and who has thus left Office. The Senate will violate the Constitution and act unlawfully unless the Senate refuses to try Trump and dismisses the articles of impeachment for lack of Senate jurisdiction — because Trumps term has expired and he has vacated Office. III. The federal Constitution empowers a federal court to declare unconstitutional the Senate’s trying an ex-President after his term has ended and he has vacated Office; and such declaration would not usurp a power of Congress or trespass upon Congressional authority Suppose, despite Trump’s Office has ended and Trump has vacated the Office of the Presidency, the Senate tries Trump and disqualifies him from holding and enjoying “any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.” Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), established that the federal judiciary possesses the sole power to determine conclusively what the law is — what is the law of the land, including the “law” of the federal Constitution:. “It is emphatically the duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is.” [Idem at p.4.] Respecting whether the House can impeach an ex-President and the Senate try him after his Office has ended and he has vacated it, the threshold, jurisdictional matter is purely one of constitutional law — purely the meanings of certain terms of the federal Constitution. Hence, a federal court would not usurp Congress’s power or invade the province of the Congress if the court issued a declaratory judgement determining that matter in Trump’s case. Cf. Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 (1969) (in which I wrote part of the winning brief). In the Powell case, Petitioner Adam Clayton Powell had been duly elected to the House of Representatives, 90th Congress. He was denied his seat by House Resolution No. 278. The Resolution was premised on charges that Powell had misappropriated public funds and abused the process of the New York courts. Petitioner Powell (and certain voters) brought federal District Court suit for injunctive, mandatory, and declaratory relief. Respondents were certain named House members and the Speaker, Clerk, Sergeant at Arms, and Doorkeeper of the House. The suit’s core and fundamental allegation was that the Resolution violated U.S. Constitution Article I § 2 clauses 1 & 2. U.S. Constitution Article I § 2 clause 1 provides (in apparently mandatory terms) that House members be elected by the people of each State. Article I § 2 clause 2 sets the qualifications of House-membership — age, citizenship, and residence — all satisfied by Powell. Powell claimed that those Article I § 2 qualification-requirements were exclusive, that the House Clerk threatened (unlawfully) to refuse to perform the service to which Powell was entitled as a duly elected Congressman, that the Sergeant at Arms refused (unlawfully) to pay Powell’s salary, and that the Doorkeeper threatened (unlawfully) to deny Powell admission to the House chamber. The Supreme Court held, inter alia, thus: Although the Speech and Debate Clause (Article I, Section 6, clause 1) bars judicial action against respondent Congress-Members for statements (including votes) rendered in Congressional proceedings, that clause does not bar action against Congressional employees charged with unconstitutional activity — despite the employees act pursuant to express orders of the House (or Senate) — and it does not preclude judicial review of the constitutionality of the underlying legislative decision. [395 U.S. at 501-506.] Federal courts have subject matter jurisdiction over the petitioners’ action. [395 U.S. at 512-516.] The case is one “arising under” the Constitution per Article III, since petitioners’ claims will be sustained if a federal court gives the pertinent Constitution provisions one construction and will be defeated if it gives those provisions another construction. [395 U.S. at 513-514.] The litigation was justiciable also because •(a) the claim presented
and the relief sought can be judicially resolved.
[395 U.S. at 516-518.]
•(b) if petitioners are correct, the House had a duty to seat Powell once it determined that he met the standing qualifications set forth in the Constitution. [395 U.S. at 517.] •(c) The relief sought is susceptible of judicial resolution, since, notwithstanding the appropriateness of a coercive remedy against House personnel (an issue the Court did not decide), declaratory relief is independently available. [395 U.S. at 517-518.] In judging the qualifications of its members under Article I § 5, Congress is limited to the standing qualifications expressly prescribed by the Constitution. [395 U.S. at 550.] Just so, the case did not involve a “political question” [395 U.S. at 518-549.][6] — because •(a) The House’s
Member-qualification-judging power suffers a
“textually demonstrable” limitation of judging only
qualifications set forth expressly in Article I §§ 2
& 5;[7]
hence, the House has no power to exclude a Member-elect who meets the Constitution’s membership requirements. [395 U.S. at 518-548.] •(b) The case does not present a political question “in the sense urged by respondents” — that the case’s consideration would entail a “potentially embarrassing confrontation between coordinate branches” of Government — since “on occasion” our system of government requires federal courts to interpret the Constitution differently from how other branches interpret it. [395 U.S. at 548-549.] If Trump — or, e.g., a Senator — sought declaratory judgment of whether the Senate lacks power of trying Trump now, after his Office ended and he vacated it, the law and jurisdictional facts would be near-perfectly analogous to those of Powell v. McCormack. In the Trump impeachment trial case, the legal matter favors Trump more than did the legal matters in Powell v. McCormack (supra). In the Trump impeachment trial case the matter is the proper construction of U.S. Constitution Article I § 3 clause 7 (quoted supra). A declaratory judgment would not attack the Senate or a Senator — or even a House-Member who prosecutes the impeachment. Rather, a declaratory judgment would determine only whether Article I § 3 clause 7 empowers the Senate to try and impose an Article I § 3 clause 7 penalty on Trump despite his Office has ended and he has vacated it. The case would not present a “political question.” The case would “arise under” the Constitution per Article III, since petitioners’ claims will be sustained if a federal court gives Article I § 3 clause 7 one construction but defeated if it gives that provision another construction. Per a “textually demonstrable” limitation of the Senate’s power of punishing an impeached President, the Court could decide “as a [pure] matter of law” whether the Senate has jurisdiction to try impeachment of an ex-President after his Office has ended and he has vacated it. The case would not be merely “an occasion” where “our system of government requires a federal court to interpret the Constitution differently from how other branches interpret it.” It would epitomize necessity of the federal judiciary’s acting to protect our government’s constitutional organization from one government-branch’s becoming dictatorial — usurping the Presidency, the Will of the People, and the government-organization and political prescriptions of the Constitution. Nor would the case involve a federal court’s entering a “potentially embarrassing confrontation” of the Senate. If the Senate were embarrassed, the Senate would have embarrassed itself by pursuing a grave-effect-threatening, flagrantly unconstitutional defamatory and otherwise grievously harmful punishment of a duly elected President — especially since the Senate would do so for corrupt and nation-destructive, wickedly-pernicious political motive. The petition could name as respondent(s) the Senate Clerk, the Senate Secretary, or both; and the petition could plead that neither Clerk nor Secretary can call roll to determine presence of Trump trial quorum because the Senate lacks jurisdiction to commence the trial.[8] The court would not judge or even consider or quote a single word of any Senate debate or of any Senator, or even of a House-member who prosecutes the impeachment. If the petitioner were a Senator, the core question would be whether, constitutionally, the petitioning Senator, or any Senator, can vote to try an ex-President after his Office has ended and he has vacated it. And the matter would be only — purely — the meaning of Article I § 3 clause 7 : precisely what power that provision grants Senators, or the Senate, and what limit(s) that power suffers. Surely, a Trump-supporting Senator, like Senator Josh Hawley, will “suggest the absence of a quorum.” The declaratory judgment petition can be filed, electronically, an instant after such Senator states such quorum-absence suggestion. That Senator may even be named a petitioner. The petition could request a temporary restraining order issued to the Senate Clerk or Secretary or both — an order restraining the Clerk or Secretary from calling roll. Or the petition could seek solely a declaratory judgment respecting the pertinent limit(s) of the Senate’s Article I § 3 clause 7 power. If the Clerk or Secretary calls roll and trial begins, the court could determine whether the Senate lacks jurisdiction to proceed with the trial. If the court declares that the Senate lacks jurisdiction, the court would issue declaratory judgment that holds so. The court could not stop the proceeding. No U.S. Marshall could enter the Senate to force the Senate to halt trial. But Trump would have a judgment that would invalidate a Senate determination that he (Trump) cannot “hold and enjoy any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States” [per U.S. Constitution Article I § 3 clause 7]. And such judicial judgment ought (a) militate against any court’s adjudging Trump guilty of sedition or inciting a riot when he gave his 6 January 2021 speech and (b) enable Trump to run again for political office.[9] And it would encourage a true, courageous, electable populist to run for the Presidency. And it would accord the “lower” classes — the “common folk” — some rational hope. I expect, however, that no federal court will permit even preliminary consideration of a petition seeking declaration that the Senate lacks jurisdiction to try Trump’s impeachment. Corruptly, they will insist, contrary to law, that such petition puts a political question or is barred by the separation of powers doctrine or that the petitioner lacks standing for lacking “legally protected interest” or…….[10] With the federal judiciary’s corrupt or cowardly treatment of legitimate election-result challenges, the federal judiciary has shown it has abnegated its constitutional duty and will incline to commit impeachable offenses to avoid resisting the Elites’ and the Deep State’s subjugation of the People. The Supreme Court has shown that five or more pseudo-aristocrat judges (two Democrats, three or more Republicans) align with the Elites and the Deep State. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is correct. The People are suffering a revolution wrought by the “Establishment” (of the Elites and the Deep State). (read more) 2021-01-23 b ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE "It is unclear if ICE is currently carrying out the mass release of all 14,195 detainees in its custody, 71.45 percent of whom are convicted criminals or have pending criminal charges. " ICE Agents Ordered to Free All
Illegal Aliens in Custody: ‘Release Them All’
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, tasked with enforcing federal immigration law, are being instructed to free all detainees in their custody, as President Joe Biden’s administration halts deportations. An internal January 21 ICE memo, independently reviewed by Breitbart News and first reported by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, orders agents to “stop all removals,” including land and air deportations. In addition, the memo tells agents that “all cases” of detainees in ICE custody are now to be considered “no significant likelihood of removal in foreseeable future” — suggesting all detainees will need to be released. “Release them all, immediately,” the ICE official wrote to staff in the memo. Typically, if detainees do not have sponsors in the United States, agents can hold an individual in their custody. The memo, though, states that is no longer the case and that even detainees without sponsors must be released. It is unclear if ICE is currently carrying out the mass release of all 14,195 detainees in its custody, 71.45 percent of whom are convicted criminals or have pending criminal charges. These detainees are currently held in approximately 138 facilities across the United States. ICE has halted all deportations, regardless of the criminal convictions of an illegal alien, as a result of Biden’s executive order stopping removals for at least 100 days. The initiative is a long-term goal of the open borders lobby, which has sought a permanent end to deportations. (read more) Read Also: Texas Attorney General Ken
Paxton Sues Biden for ‘Unlawful’ Halt to
On Friday, Paxton filed a complaint and motion for a temporary restraining order in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas in a request that immediately ends Biden’s halt on deportations. Paxton, in a statement, said Biden’s order “violates the U.S. Constitution, federal immigration and administrative law, and a contractual agreement” between Texas and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). “In one of its first of dozens of steps that harm Texas and the nation as a whole, the Biden administration directed DHS to violate federal immigration law and breach an agreement to consult and cooperate with Texas on that law,” Paxton wrote: Our state
defends the largest section of the southern border
in the nation. Failure to properly enforce the law
will directly and immediately endanger our
citizens and law enforcement personnel.
DHS itself has previously acknowledged that such a freeze on deportations will cause concrete injuries to Texas. I am confident that these unlawful and perilous actions cannot stand. The rule of law and security of our citizens must prevail. Biden additionally signed executive orders to loosen interior immigration enforcement, end border wall construction, eliminate the anti-fraud “Remain in Mexico” policy, and reinstate immigration from nations considered exporters of terrorism. (read more) 2921-01-23 a ENEMIES? We divide ourselves by clan and tribe, bound
by blood or ideology, and are further aggregated into
nations. National unity, however, is imposed by
others, usually long dead. Nations remain bound by old
compacts that devolved into dead letters yet are still
displayed as symbols of unity.
National unity is a chimera subject to centrifugal as well as centripetal forces. It is an artifice; at times convenient; at times confining. Our consent must be earned constantly. Our consent cannot for long be demanded or forced. Duress is not durable; it is unstable and explosive. Tyranny is not a good long-term strategy. Terror breeds terrorists. Subjugation and humiliation breed resentment. Injustice demands justice. Actions lead to reactions. History provides many examples, but its lessons do not edify because they are unknown or ignored. We repeat old mistakes. The adept keep score. The inept settle scores. We are kept in turmoil by unseen hands. We play our futile parts as though our lives depended on that farce. That is the tragedy. Why do we fight among ourselves, ignoring our actual enemies? Is the roil and tumult essential? How many see themselves as halfhearted gladiators always at other's throats, or espousing beliefs with all the sincerity of a high school debater, or, virtue-signaling just to fit in? Right or Left. Red or Blue. Conservative or Liberal. Militant or Pacifist. Believer or Infidel. What do those labels really mean? Essentially they are meaningless. They are the simplistic nomenclature of a taxonomy imposed by others. That nomenclature is not fixed. Once, I would have been called a classical liberal. Now, I am a conservative who values liberty as the highest good. Your neighbor is seldom your enemy. His political leanings do not negate his skills or the kindness in his heart. His humanity is equal to yours. When I see Leftists berate Rightists, the acrimonious scene is identical to how lower class Muslims berate Westerners. Both exhibit the same hauteur, the stance on moral high ground, the same invective, and the same murderous thoughts and actions. I would laugh if I were heartless, but those scenes sadden me. I know who are the real enemies of humanity, of peace, and of prosperity. They are your enemies as well. Stop fighting each other. 2021-01-22 g BIDEN REGIME EMERGED FROM A SICK STATE Delaware is ground zero for
World War Trans
If these numbers are accurate, Delaware is first in the nation with 10,213 trannies per 100,000. Not surprisingly, 2.77% of adults in the District of Columbia claim to be trans. Check out these statistics before you pick up "girls" at a bar. 2021-01-22 f BIDEN REGIME IS ILLEGITIMATE III "Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats." + "All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history." Now We’ve Got Them Right Where
We Want Them
Like many Americans, I’ve been in a funk since last November. Now it’s time to shake it off and re-engage. George Washington presided over a series of lost battles and tactical retreats during the American revolution. But each battle (regardless of outcome) weakened the enemy, and led to eventual freedom from monarchical rule. The ruling class has taken an election, but they’ve substantially weakened their position in doing so. It’s time to take stock of our relative positions and move on. So, what is the left’s position now? They lost seats in Congress. Even more significant, they lost power in state governments. These are the same state bodies that are going to reapportion congressional districts this year. They’ve exposed their true nature to all Americans. Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats. It is not an attractive look. They’ve also exposed all of their covert operators. The media, tech oligarchs, and faceless bureaucrats have taken sides -- and now we know it. Much of their power came from secrecy, which they no longer have. All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history. We’re not at the dawn of the left’s ascendancy. They have peaked. They’re spent. I’m sure they’re not done fighting, but their strategic position is not something to envy. It’s doubtful they can retain power. However, what conservatives have is quite formidable. We have over 75 million followers. That number is our floor, not our ceiling. Our ranks are growing every day. The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow. Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists. They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.” They were right, and it applies here too. Republicans control a majority of state governments now. Republicans control 32 upper chambers (versus 18 for Democrats) and 30 lower chambers (versus 19 for Democrats and one TBD in Alaska). Republicans are in the driver’s seat for reapportionment. They’ve been on the receiving end of gerrymandering for a long time. Now it’s their turn. In addition, state and local governments stand as a bulwark against tyranny. My home of Star, Idaho recently declared itself a 2nd amendment sanctuary, as many other communities across the country have. Sheriffs are beginning to step forward and assert that they will not enforce unconstitutional laws. Our state and local governments have the ability to push back, and many are beginning to do so. Finally, and most importantly, we have the truth on our side. We know the election was compromised. We know the left is trying to impose socialism on us. We know socialism never works. We know we are not a racist country and we can no longer be subdued with name calling. Many on our side are arguing that the left institutionalized election fraud and we’ll never be able to win an election again. That is simply not true. Elections are controlled by the states, and Republicans control the majority of states. Out of 50 states, the vote was compromised in perhaps six of them. Fraud was only able to tip the election because it was close. As Hugh Hewitt used to say on his radio show, “If the election isn’t not close, they can’t steal it.” Some argue that now that the Democrats have all of the levers of power, they’ll use the military to subdue us. I’m sure a few Democrats have given that some thought and realized the notion is nonsense. Putting aside the optics of another Kent State massacre, it simply wouldn’t work. Soldiers are not robots. They are us. Some would follow their orders, but many would not. So no, military suppression of the citizenry is not an option. The use of the military for propaganda purposes is an option. The left will try to use it to intimidate us, but it’s all a bluff. The Democrats moved five divisions of soldiers into Washington D.C. for the inauguration. Let me ask this -- does putting on a Kim Jong-un style coronation telegraph confidence or fear? The fact is, our ruling class knows that they’ve overplayed their hand, and they are terrified. But beyond a bluff, they’ve got nothing else. If they want to retain power, they have to do it through politics. Here’s what they have to work with. They have a propaganda ministry that sacrificed the last shred of credibility they had in the last election. The legacy media approval rating is bouncing around somewhere between that of Congress and used-car salesmen. They have big-tech oligarchs that went out on a limb and then sawed it off. Google, Facebook, and Twitter are now facing legal challenges from state and foreign governments (bet they didn’t see that coming). They’ve got educational institutions which have been politically indoctrinating our children for generations. But COVID-19 lockdowns and remote learning exposed many parents to the reality of what’s been going on in classrooms. It was both eye opening and disturbing. The Democrats have a tenuous grip on political power, and are likely to lose it in the mid-term election. Finally, the left has only minority support from the citizenry. All we need to do, is keep up the pressure. We need to vote nationally and work locally. Speak over the propaganda by talking to friends and neighbors. Take over school boards. Deprogram our children by talking to them. Engage in local politics. Elect local officials based on a constitutional litmus test. As General George (Washington or Patton -- take your pick) would say, “Okay boys. We’ve got’em outnumbered, exposed, and scared -- Engage!” (read more) 2021-01-22 e BIDEN REGIME IS ILLEGITIMATE II Barbed Wire And Witch Hunt:
Globalist Joe Took Power In United States
... Biden’s election and inauguration appears to be a gift that keeps on giving, and it is still in its infancy. One should remember that nothing speaks of confidence in legitimate election results quite like the presence of the National Guard in such extreme numbers, a barbed wire fence around the Capitol building, the complete shut down of the country’s capital, and the blocking [of] all negative or simply differing opinions on social media. The future is now. (read more) 2021-01-22 d BIDEN REGIME IS ILLEGITIMATE I "Do nothing to cooperate and concede no ground. There should be no plan for “bipartisanship” or for reaching out." The Mock Inauguration
Conservatives should treat the Biden-Harris Administration exactly the way the Democrats treated Trump’s presidency, by totally dissociating themselves from any of its actions. The conservative Catholic columnist John Zmirak ends his inauguration day column for The Stream with this expression of profound disgust: “So by all
means enjoy the mock-inauguration of a corrupt,
senile hack as the fruit of ballot-box stuffing and
fake COVID panic. But remember that now we all live
in a tinpot Bananas
Republic. And a disciplined, fanatically
nationalist, resurgent Red
China is smiling. The virus it shipped
worldwide succeeded beyond its leaders’ wildest
I quote Zmirak’s peroration because of the openness of his loathing for the administration that began its reign on Wednesday. Pat Buchanan, Roger Simon, Newt Gingrich, Roger Kimball, and Michael Walsh have all recently produced informative and eloquent columns underscoring the lies, deceit, and intimidation that they associate with the woke Left. These columnists have also documented the extent of leftist control and underlined the need to resist their odious domination. The conservative movement has reacted to this political and existential crisis in one of two ways: either by turning viciously on the outgoing president to accommodate hoped-for talking partners on the Left, or by sounding the call for resistance, which seems the admirable position of this website. Morally and emotionally I’m a résistant, but I think the Right must face certain problems in working out how best to resist the cultural Marxist power grab. What we are observing is not a recent development but part of a revolutionary process that began decades ago. The Left moves incrementally, while the Right usually reacts to the most recent crisis. The Left also puts itself in a position to determine the meaning of emotive terms like “equality” and “fairness.” Leftist activists took over mass education and the culture industry without breaking a sweat. Our side allowed this power grab to go mostly unnoticed, except for a few discordant voices who failed to prevail. In the battle for political and cultural control, the other side planned well, while ours, with isolated exceptions, was conflict-averse or easily distracted, until it was too late. Another (more controversial) argument I would make is that the conservatives who oppose the victory of the radicals have been in denial about the other side’s long road to victory. Typically, the Right focuses on the present moment, which they view separately in isolation from what went on before. But first- and second-wave feminism preceded and prepared the ground for third-wave feminism, which the conservative establishment is now decrying. Most of the leaders of the civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s who are still around can be found in the left-wing of the Democratic Party. It is foolish and dishonest to pretend that there is no connection between the politics of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the present leftist views of James Clyburn and (until his recent death) John Lewis. These figures cooperated as members of the same movement, and most of the radicals of the 1970s, however just their cause may have been, went on from earlier to more advanced stages of an incremental revolution. Out of these efforts came a vast government bureaucracy to ferret out and punish “discrimination,” as the victims included under that term continue to expand. But equally relevant a similar process of radicalization has unfolded in Canada, Germany, England, France, Sweden, and Spain, even without the stimulus or example of the American Civil Rights Movement. In other parts of the West, anticolonialism and sometimes bizarre reactions to the Holocaust have fueled their own versions of cultural radicalism and accelerated a war against Judeo-Christian, bourgeois moral standards. Needless to say, the Left is always in a position to impose its revisionist history in view of its commanding position in both the media and educational institutions. In brief, we are dealing with a Left that has taken decades to emerge and seize the power it now possesses. If Pat Buchanan is correct when he says, “the Left has it all,” that grim success did not happen overnight. Revolutions are not single events but processes, and the Left has been moving for decades in the direction of its present ideological hegemony. Although there are lots of properly indignant Americans on our side, we should not exaggerate the value of our hand. The best course for us to pursue given our relative weakness would be to try to isolate our opposition. Do nothing to cooperate and concede no ground. There should be no plan for “bipartisanship” or for reaching out. I can’t see the benefit of either, and as I watched Matt Continetti, Geraldo Rivera, and then Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) going after Trump for “inciting a riot” during his last weeks in office, I was struck by the futility of this groveling to the Left. Conservatives in Congress should treat the Biden-Harris Administration exactly the way the Democrats treated Trump’s presidency, by totally dissociating themselves from any of its actions. This resistance could have started (and for many did) by ignoring the “mock inauguration” that John Zmirak so pungently described. And, oh yes, avoid the word “president” in designating the implausible new occupant of the White House. (read more) Reader Comment: "Not my President. I will treat him as the Democrats treated President Trump. Persecution anyone for our faux president and his cronies? Turn about is fair play." 2021-01-22 c BIDEN REGIME IS A TOOL OF THE OLIGARCHY Clarity in Trump’s Wake
The United States of America is now a classic oligarchy. The clarity that it has brought to our situation by recognizing this fact is its only virtue. "Either the Constitution
matters and must be followed . . .
or it is simply a piece of parchment on display at the National Archives." — Texas v. Pennsylvania et
Texas v. Pennsylvania et al. did not deny setting rules for the 2020 election contrary to the Constitution. On December 10, 2020, the Supreme Court discounted that. By refusing to interfere as America’s ruling oligarchy serves itself, the court archived what remained of the American republic’s system of equal justice. That much is clear. In 2021, the laws, customs, and habits of the heart that had defined the American republic since the 18th century are things of the past. Americans’ movements and interactions are under strictures for which no one ever voted. Government disarticulated society by penalizing ordinary social intercourse and precluding the rise of spontaneous opinion therefrom. Together with corporate America, it smothers minds through the mass and social media with relentless, pervasive, identical, and ever-evolving directives. In that way, these oligarchs have proclaimed themselves the arbiters of truth, entitled and obliged to censor whoever disagrees with them as systemically racist, adepts of conspiracy theories. 2021-01-22 b BIDEN REGIME IS VINDICTIVE BUT ULTIMATELY IMPOTENT "And here is the key factor to keep in mind: there is nothing, absolutely nothing, the Biden/Harris Admin can do to change these trends. It is simply too late and when the initiation of the internal collapse of the USA, these trends will only accelerate." Zone B exists, thus there is
hope, I promise you!
Dear friends, Today it appears that the triumph of our adversaries is total. I want to post this column saying that I don’t believe for one second that this is true. All I want to do today is explain why. Thus, just to make clear to those alternatively gifted, this is not a comprehensive analysis and I will be leaving many things out. So, here we go: First, notice how totally paranoid our adversaries are! Depending on how you count and whom you ask, they had 25k to 65k folks in arms “defending” them. Of course, the primary goal of this nonsense is to make it appear as if there was a terrible domestic terrorist force out there, ready to take over DC and open Gulags for minorities. This, in turn, will make it easier to sell a massive crackdown on civil liberties under the guise of “protecting” the (supposed but, in reality, already defunct) “democracy”. But the fact that they had to engage into a witch hunt even to carefully vet every national guardsman (and probably even more people) shows that they are truly afraid. I think that they are wrong, there is no credible domestic terrorist threat in the USA, other than the government itself, of course. But what matters here is not what I think, but what they think, and they seem to have developed a serious case of paranoia. Second, while I don’t believe in the existence of US domestic terrorists, I do believe that millions of US citizens are convinced that the vote was stolen. These people are understandably disgusted and angry. Many might be desperate or even despondent. Let’s call them the “deplorables” and consider it a badge of honor. Well, these deporables won’t take DC by force, but they will never trust a Dem or GOP politician again, and neither will they ever trust the corporate media. One of the blessings in disguise of this stolen election is that the GOP and Fox News have shown their true faces, and their faces are evil, stupid and ugly. 4 years ago millions of US citizens did not so much vote for Trump as much as they voted against Hillary whom they (correctly) saw as a symbol and metaphor for the entire “deep state”, or “swamp” or “ZOG” or whatever other expression you prefer. These deplorables first trusted Obama (“change we can believe in”) and, later, Trump (MAGA). Now they know that both sides are equally evil and false. In the past, both factions of the Big Money Party had safety valves (Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, etc.). I think that now the two parties are literally standing naked and boy is that an ugly sight! Third, and this point I primarily address to my readers in the USA and that will force me to make a sidebar primarily directed at them: [Sidebar: the planet can be divided into 2 rough parts: ZONE A full controlled by the AngloZionist Empire and, ZONE B, which includes everybody else. The vast majority of US Americans are only really aware of Zone A. Why? For the following reasons: •Most US Americans have
never traveled outside Zone A.
•Those US Americans who have traveled outside Zone A typically did so without speaking the local language, thus cutting themselves off the locals and the local media. •Most US Americans get their news from US-based outlets, often combined with a few from elsewhere in the Anglosphere (UK, AUS). •US media outlets lie even more about what happens in Zone B than they lie about Zone A. •US schools have pretty much stopped teaching history, and when they do, it is all propaganda about the “city on the hill” and all the rest of the imperialist claptrap about how exceptional the US is. As a result, when most US Americans are exposed to factoids about Zone B they are not equipped to understand their meaning or importance. •Most US Americans simply assume that people in Zone B are very similar to those in Zone A. Most US Americans also assume that most governments in Zone B are even more evil than Uncle Shmuel. •Most US Americans also believe in what I call the “immigration fallacy”: the belief that people come to the USA from all over the planet because they prefer the USA to their home country and people. Anybody living in the USA and speaking Spanish knows that totally false this belief is, of course. But few non-Hispanic US Americans ever speak in Spanish to the Hispanics in the USA (FYI – I do). Anglos generally seem to have a hard time with languages… •Sadly, most US Americans are not educated by their parents, their religious leaders, their communities, or their schools. Most US Americans get most of their education from watching TV. Since all the US TV channels offer almost the exact same mix of vulgar entertainment, propaganda and commercials, this “education” resulted in a huge amount of massively dysfunctional families and communities. This addiction to a flickering screen (be it the Idiot Tube or You Tube – same difference) gives them a very short attention span and a limited ability to process large amounts of written information, which is what is needed to be able to analyze a situation] As a direct consequence of these factors, most US Americans live in a “mental space” where Zone B simply does not exist, and when it is mentioned, it is invariable in the “same old clichés” mode. Finally, considering all of the above, it is truly a miracle that the deplorables completely ignored a massive brainwashing campaign (waaaay worse than anything the Commies or the Nazis ever came up with!) against “Trump the New Hitler” and still voted for him twice, both in 2016 and 2020! It really goes to show that most US Americans quietly but passionately hate the regime in DC and that they use every opportunity they get to at least to try to change their country and their lives by means of voting. Makes you wonder what these “disobedient” deplorables will do the next time around now that voting became clearly a waste of time, don’t it?] Now here is the good news: Zone B does exist! In fact, it is huge, rich, truly diverse and it has long figured out that both the AngloZionist Empire and even the USA as we knew them have basically died, all that’s left from it is some residual momentum and many bad habits by ignorant, arrogant and delusional US politicians. Why is that so important? Because if we allow the Great Satan (actually a very good and exact expression, I think that it fits the new regime perfectly, I will use it more often) to convince us that reality is all contained in Zone A, we could really fall into despair. Yeah, the USA is screwed, and so is all of the EU. As for US colonies like AUS or NZ, not only are they screwed (say by siding with the USA against a much, MUCH more powerful China), they also seem to have a morbid desire to outstupid even the USA in terms of crazy laws and insane ideological positions (say on COVID, for example). But all this in ONLY true inside Zone A. Very few people in Zone B still believe that the USA matters a great deal. Most of them already know otherwise, even if this is never reported by Zone A media. There is even more good news: neither the (rump) AngloZionist Empire nor the (rump) USA represent any credible threat to most countries in Zone B. Oh sure, US politicians can call Russia a “gas station masquerading as a country” or a “regional power”, the truth is that the united West has completely failed to break, or even meaningfully hurt Russia, despite 46 sanction packages (that’s just by Trump, not counting the “change we can believe in” crook). Heck, even COVID only marginally hurt Russia (which, unlike the flag-waving pseudo-patriotic crap spewed by western politicians took COVID seriously, very seriously in fact, as early as March and prepared the country for no less than two major outbreaks, both which happened, and both which Russia successfully dealt with; this is why the EU is now in full COVID-hysteria mode, while Russia does not bother to impose any lockdowns at all!). Now let’s place two US propaganda items side by side and take a look, ok? 1.The USA has the most
powerful economy on the planet.
2.Russia is the #1 adversary of the USA (at least according to the Dems, the GOP places China as #1 and Russia only as #2) Do you see the problem? If the USA is so powerful, how is it that it failed to crush Russia? What about Iran? Or, in extremis, Venezuela? Yet, even the the last case, the “best” this supposed World Hegemon did was send a few clueless ex-special ops to get caught and give case of hysterical laughter to the entire Latin American continent! And these folks want to take on China or Russia?! Puhleeze! ... Why does all that matter so much? Because the Dems are clearly up to no good. Next, not only will we see a wave of repression against free speech internally, but the Dems are already making noises about, you guessed it, China and Russia (again!) and, when that inevitably yield exactly zero results, they will turn to “hate on” Iran and Venezuela again. But even these comparatively weaker countries are now very much capable of making Uncle Shmuel pay an immense price in blood and hell to pay in terms of political blowback on too many fronts to count. ... And here is the key factor to keep in mind: there is nothing, absolutely nothing, the Biden/Harris Admin can do to change these trends. It is simply too late and when the initiation of the internal collapse of the USA, these trends will only accelerate. ===>In other words, there is
Yes, the bad guys did win, but only over Trump and his clueless pseudo-allies (did they betray him faster than he betrayed them, or was it the other way around?), but they only won one a battle against the deplorables and they have won exactly nothing against Zone B. The Dems are now busy with vengeance in all its forms. They also relish in humiliating Trump and those who dared to support him. This is the political equivalent of torturing people in basements, not winning glorious battles. But they don’t realize that, they are too vain, too ideologically hateful, and too cowardly to understand that. Still, brainwashing, like torture (including mental torture!), is real. In this case, this is a battle for the minds of the deplorables who now have to be beaten down into a catatonic state of total submission and compliance. The Dems are using lies, their favorite weapon, but their assault is real, nonetheless. And this is the battle which we, those who opposed imperialism, have to fight – the battle for the minds of the people in Zone A: we need to show them that the pseudo-reality of Zone A has no real existence outside the Idiot Box and the vapid rhetoric of US decision makers. We have to mentally prepare for a sharp increase in the amount and scope of the lies the US propaganda machine will be telling us (if you thought the last 4 years were bad, prepare for much, much worse; good example here). And, of course, expect LOTS of false flags, especially to demonstrate the reality of the alleged danger coming from the “domestic terrorists”. That will all go down against a background of a full-spectrum attack on free speech, dissent and any form of actual (as opposed to pretend) thought, really. The irony is, of course, that the coming witch hunt (it will be way worse than Salem or McCarthy) will be waged in the name of diversity and ostensibly against “hate”. In reality, of course, what the regime wants is to crush real diversity because the leaders of the US Nomenklatura absolutely hate everything besides their sorry selves. Like all ideologues, what these folks want is 1) total power and 2) total uniformity. All those rejecting these modern dogmas will be branded as criminals, terrorists, heretics, racist and, of course, Russian and Chinese agents. And that is why this regime will also fail. Conclusion: diversity WILL win. The REAL diversity, of course! We cannot predict what will happen next, there are simply too many variables to do that. But what we can do is predict with a great degree of confidence that the new regime in power in DC will do no better than all the other regimes which came to power by means of color revolutions in the past couple of decades. There is no hope left for the Empire, as for the USA, there will be plenty of hope left for them, but only after a long and painful process of collapse and rebirth (both of which are inevitable by now). The truth is that US is not that unique as empires go, sorry, it is just your typical arrogant and narcissistic empire which will collapse just as all the other arrogant and narcissistic empires in history have collapsed, mostly under their own obscene weight. (read more) 2021-01-22 a BIDEN REGIME KILLS THOUSANDS OF JOBS Keystone XL Decision Will
Raise Energy Costs for American Families
The United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) issued the following statement today following the news that the Biden-Harris Administration plans to rescind the permit and effectively end construction on the Keystone XL pipeline: “In revoking this permit, the Biden Administration has chosen to listen to the voices of fringe activists instead of union members and the American consumer on Day 1. Let me be very clear: When built with union labor by the men and women of the United Association, pipelines like Keystone XL remain the safest and most efficient modes of energy transportation in the world. Sadly, the Biden Administration has now put thousands of union workers out of work. For the average American family, it means energy costs will go up and communities will no longer see the local investments that come with pipeline construction,” said Mark McManus, General President of the United Association. “New advancements in technology mean that these pipelines are a low-carbon method of energy transportation and a critical part of delivering affordable energy while achieving our shared climate goals. Keystone XL would not only be constructed entirely by union labor, but it would be the first pipeline fully powered by renewable energy.” “For eight years the Obama Administration delayed and blocked a decision on Keystone XL. Then the flawed process and mismanagement of the Trump Administration led to further delays and inaction over the last four years. Now, this planned decision by the Biden Administration makes it the third White House to fail the working families of the United Association and all Americans who rely on affordable and reliable energy to power their daily lives. Decisions on energy and infrastructure, especially when jobs are at stake, can only be made when the voice of the workers is in the room. We will keep fighting for Keystone XL and any infrastructure project that creates good jobs for the Brothers and Sisters of the United Association, and to make sure our members have a seat at the table. (read more) Editor's Note: Oil from the Alberta Tar Sands will continue to be extracted and shipped to the U.S. by rail. The Biden regime's Keystone XL pipeline decision will not stop the flow of oil by rail. Warren Buffett's railroads will benefit from Biden's folly. Everyone else will lose. 2021-01-21 j NOT MY PRESIDENT II I
just filed Articles of Impeachment on
President @JoeBiden.
pic.twitter.com/mcwEEkKiHL — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) January 21, 2021 * My
statement on introducing Articles of
Impeachment against President
@JoeBiden: pic.twitter.com/1mq7QRBbTX — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) January 21, 2021 2021-01-21 i NOT MY PRESIDENT I Biden
Decorates Oval Office with Tributes to Leader
of Violent Anti-Immigrant Nativist Militia and
to the Redliner-In-Chief
... Biden puts up a bust of an anti-immigration campaigner, who led a march at the border to shut it down to keep out Mexicans, and who organized a militia to beat up undocumented workers: César Chávez. Chávez's extensive anti-immigrant actions (Mexicans were imported as scabs to break his United Farm Workers strikes, so he put his brother in charge of the UFW goon squad that beat up immigrants) have been memoryholed, partly because he wasn’t white and therefore must be Good and partly because nobody really cares about Latinos so nobody except ancient fogeys like Joe can remember Chávez. But everybody still remembers FDR: for redlining, for interning the Japanese, for not stopping the Holocaust, etc. For the other stuff that Biden remembers FDR for, not so much. (read more) Editor's Note: César Chávez’s United Farm Worker goons used chains and barbed wire to beat illegal aliens crossing into California. 2021-01-21 h NOT MY FLYOVER COUNTRY Many
people think rural America is overwhelmingly
white, straight + conservative.
In reality, it's actually fairly diverse. Just ask the transgender alpaca ranchers behind Tenacious Unicorn Ranch. “We belong here. Queers are reclaiming country spaces. https://t.co/u4vnK3r6D1 pic.twitter.com/s4DcZzDZag — National Farmers Union (@NFUDC) January 15, 2021 2021-01-21 g VACCINE NEWS II "Moreover, 69 patients became infected with the novel coronavirus despite already having been administered both shots of the vaccine, the ministry said." Thousands
of Israelis test POSITIVE for Covid-19 despite
receiving Pfizer/BioNTech jab
More than 12,400 people in Israel have tested positive for coronavirus after being vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, including 69 who had received their second dose, the country's Health Ministry said. Some 189,000 people were tested for Covid-19 after being vaccinated, with 6.6 percent getting a positive result, according to ministry data reported by Israeli outlets. The majority were apparently infected shortly after receiving the first jab of the two-part vaccine – a period when the inoculation isn't expected to have kicked in yet. However, 1,410 people tested positive two weeks after their first injection, by which time partial immunity should have already taken effect. Moreover, 69 patients became infected with the novel coronavirus despite already having been administered both shots of the vaccine, the ministry said. Israel began administering the second doses almost two weeks ago, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being the first to complete the course. Pfizer has said that a spike in immunity occurs between Day 15 and Day 21 after the first jab, when the effectiveness of its vaccine increases from 52 to 89 percent. According to earlier trials, the protection offered by the vaccine reaches the 95 percent level a week after the second dose is administered, the pharma giant said. When it comes to vaccines, the results of clinical trials may differ from how the immunization performs in the field, where it's administered to a much greater number of people. On Tuesday, Israel's coronavirus tsar, Nachman Ash, reportedly complained to Israeli ministers about the insufficient protection provided by the first shot of the American vaccine. It turned out to be "less effective than we had thought" and "lower than Pfizer presented," Ash said, as cited by Army Radio. (read more) See also: Curious cases of spontaneous Bell's Palsy? 2021-01-21 f VACCINE NEWS I I wrote
of two medical acquaintances who could not come out
to play on a Saturday morning due to severe adverse
reactions to the experimental corona cold virus
We received a text today from another physician acquaintance. He too has had a severe reaction. He knew about the first two (Pfizer vaccine victims), but told us he was getting the Moderna jab, saying, "this one is safe." Apparently not. It will be so hard not to tell him, "I told you so." One of those having an adverse reaction 12 days ago is a trauma surgeon. She could not work that Saturday night. How many did not receive exemplary care on that weekend night because she was out of commission? 2021-01-21 e WRIT OF QUO WARRANTO II THE MAGA COUNTERPUNCH IS QUO
Election Fraud
[UPDATE 1.21.21 9:57 AM: I’m preparing a throughly researched follow up entitled, “John Eastman Was Right; Pence Was Wrong; State Legislatures Have Standing For Quo Warranto Challenge Of Biden’s Election.“] See my previous reports for case law and analysis of the federal quo warranto statute. The bottom line is that SCOTUS has held that an election of any United States official can be challenged based on fraud or error by a writ of quo warranto. And the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that the proper venue to challenge the election of a sitting President is the D.C. District Court. We have a statute. We have a venue. Bring the receipts, President Trump. If you don’t bring the receipts by quo warranto, then you will have quit. It’s all in or all out. There’s no other options left. This must be done. You have to give the proper law in the proper venue a chance. If you quit now, it will be broadcast as an admission that there was no fraud, error, or lawlessness by election officials. As soon as Biden is sworn in, you can file the complaint. The gaslighting of America will only end by counter-punching with a verified complaint showing all of the evidence. Then comes a jury trial. Furthermore, because of the widespread persecution of politicians who supported an investigation of the election, such as Georgia State Senators Brandon Beach and Burt Jones, alternative standing as interested persons under the quo warranto statute has been created for them to bring quo warranto actions too. Beach and Jones were both stripped of their committee chairs. Therefore, they now have standing to petition the D.C. District Court to try the case before a jury, because that is the only way they can now prove their innocence and justification. Simply put, the anti-MAGA conspirators have overplayed their hand in persecuting stop the steal politicians and patriotic citizens. In doing so, they caused very real injuries that need adjudication. These parties now have an interest in quo warranto which is unique and particular to them as opposed to the general public at large. Such particular injuries create unique standing. Nobody right now is talking about quo warranto other than at this blog. That will change soon. We are a nation of laws. And we have an established means of testing elections. Those means, laws, cases, etc. have existed from the very start of our nation. Challenging elections for fraud or error is nothing new or shocking in American Jurisprudence. So why the hysteria now? Because they know we have the receipts. And they know quo warranto is the legal procedure designed by Congress to bring them. Congress enacted the quo warranto statute. It’s their baby. There are literally hundreds of quo warranto cases on election fraud or error, if not thousands, in our national history. In a recent New York case, a quo warranto action was deemed proper to challenge an election when the voting machine jammed causing just 37 votes to be questioned. Compare that to Coffee County in Georgia, where the local officials refused to verify the Presidential election this year because they could not get a voting machine to give consistent results. No fraud was even suggested in the New York case, and you don’t even need to prove fraud when simple error can be shown. And there were other voting machine discrepancies in other counties as well. Add to all of this the missing postal service truck filled with ballots; the poll watcher complaints; the election statutes that were violated; late ballots counted for weeks after the election in violation of federal statute 3 U.S.C. § 1. There exists a plethora of election irregularities far beyond the amount of evidence needed to survive a motion for summary judgment. The Wisconsin Supreme Court actually gave Trump a huge win when it held that election officials provided an illegal definition of indefinitely confined status which resulted in approximately 200,000 illegal votes being cast where the margin of victory was only 20,000 votes. That alone is sufficient to challenge the results in Wisconsin. The Pennsylvania Legislature asked Mike Pence – on January 5th – for an extension to possibly decertify their electors after they discovered 202,377 more votes may have been counted than were actually cast. Election officials in Pennsylvania certified the results without accounting for the discrepancy. This particular issue alone is enough for Sean Parnell to bring a quo warranto regarding his lead vanishing in the middle of the night. None of these issues were debunked. They were denied. There’s a difference. And in our system of law, when sworn affidavits are brought, the plaintiff gets their day in court where a jury decides whether allegations have been debunked. Issues of triable fact have been raised by witnesses who have subjected themselves to perjury. They deserve their day in court too. Let the jury decide. That’s how we do it in the USA. Put Congress at the top of the conspiracy theory pyramid for enacting a federal statute to challenge the validity of federal elections. Under their quo warranto statute anyone who ran for federal office that has the receipts must now bring them to the D.C. District Court where a jury trial on the merits awaits. In the weeks ahead, I will be publishing more research on strategies and analysis for those who either had an election stolen from them, or who have been persecuted for trying to stop the steal. All of the cases brought before the election were not quo warranto actions, and therefore such cases faced difficult procedural hurdles. All were also somewhat premature in that quo warranto actions may be instituted only after the contested office is taken over. I can assure you that Biden and Pelosi and the whole anti-MAGA universe is focused on misdirecting your attention from quo warranto. So far they have done a good job of manipulating attention spans. We need to steer the ship back on course. Defending their bogus attacks is the wrong tactic. The COUNTERPUNCH is quo warranto. We will see you in court. What you are witnessing now in D.C. is an attempt to criminalize use of the law, research, investigations and discussion. War has been declared on the MAGA movement. Our weapon is the law. Don’t give up on it yet. It may still save us. Stay tuned here for all things quo warranto. I’m planning a podcast to animate this issue. (read more) Related Articles: 9th
Circuit: Quo Warranto In DC District Court Is Proper
Action For Trump To Contest Biden's Election Based
On Fraud
QUO WARRANTO: The Two Words Biden & Pelosi Fear Most IT'S TIME FOR A WRIT QUO WARRANTO, PRESIDENT TRUMP. 2021-01-21 d WRIT OF QUO WARRANTO I Writ of quo warranto:
How the election can be corrected AFTER inauguration
It’s Inauguration Day, which means unless a miracle drops on us immediately, Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States. Once he’s inaugurated, it’s essentially over for any hopes that President Trump can continue into a second term, right? Hold your horses. There’s another avenue to expose voter fraud that only became available AFTER Biden’s inauguration. This play is called a writ of quo warranto. Before I talk about that, let’s make something perfectly clear. For the past several weeks I’ve talked about the “MOAB”—the Mother Of All Bombshells—as being the way for a miracle to manifest and finally force mainstream media, Big Tech, Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and the judiciary to pay full attention to the voter fraud that stole the election on behalf of Joe Biden. In retrospect, I was too limiting in how I described God’s sovereignty. If He wills that President Trump is to win, who am I to declare how I believe it will come about? A writ of quo warranto isn’t necessarily a MOAB because it doesn’t require a new piece of bombshell evidence. It takes the accumulated bombshells, affidavits, videos, and other pieces of evidence and consolidates them into one legal case. There are a few things that make this play completely different from what Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and others have attempted through our corrupt judiciary. With a writ of quo warranto, the clock starts AFTER inauguration because it challenges a sitting government official’s authority to be in office based on actions, such as voter fraud, that aided in that situation. Leo Donofrio, who I admittedly know very little about, has been talking about this maneuver for a month. On his site, he has been calling on President Trump and his team to prepare to file this writ. He has also laid out the groundwork on which they can challenge the election and “show the receipts,” as he declared on his latest post: THE MAGA COUNTERPUNCH IS QUO WARRANTO IN DC DISTRICT COURT: Show The Receipts Of Election Fraud See my
previous reports for case law and analysis of the
federal quo warranto statute. The bottom line is
that SCOTUS has held that an election of any
United States official can be challenged based on
fraud or error by a writ of quo warranto. And the
9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that
the proper venue to challenge the election of a
sitting President is the D.C. District Court. We
have a statute. We have a venue. Bring the
receipts, President Trump.
If you don’t bring the receipts by quo warranto, then you will have quit. It’s all in or all out. There’s no other options left. This must be done. You have to give the proper law in the proper venue a chance. If you quit now, it will be broadcast as an admission that there was no fraud, error, or lawlessness by election officials. As soon as Biden is sworn in, you can file the complaint. The gaslighting of America will only end by counter-punching with a verified complaint showing all of the evidence. Then comes a jury trial. Furthermore, because of the widespread persecution of politicians who supported an investigation of the election, such as Georgia State Senators Brandon Beach and Burt Jones, alternative standing as interested persons under the quo warranto statute has been created for them to bring quo warranto actions too. Beach and Jones were both stripped of their committee chairs. Therefore, they now have standing to petition the D.C. District Court to try the case before a jury, because that is the only way they can now prove their innocence and justification. Simply put, the anti-MAGA conspirators have overplayed their hand in persecuting stop the steal politicians and patriotic citizens. In doing so, they caused very real injuries that need adjudication. These parties now have an interest in quo warranto which is unique and particular to them as opposed to the general public at large. Such particular injuries create unique standing. Nobody right now is talking about quo warranto other than at this blog. That will change soon. We are a nation of laws. And we have an established means of testing elections. Those means, laws, cases, etc. have existed from the very start of our nation. On the latest episode of NOQ Report, I broke down my takeaways from Donofrio’s assertions, explored what this could mean if it’s initiated by President Trump or others, and engaged in speculation of how this could all be the proper play we’ve been seeking all along. We’ve watched in utter frustration as mainstream media ignored evidence of voter fraud while Big Tech suppressed it. We’ve seen the expected attacks from Democrats and the semi-shocking betrayals from the Republican Establishment. Over the last few weeks, I’ve held back on talking about the majority of theories, strategies, and observations that have come my way. It’s not because I ignored them, but most simply didn’t pass the “smell test” of credibility and likelihood. What Donofrio is proposing does pass this smell test. That’s not to say I consider it likely, and I hate to be perceived as a peddler of false hope, but the potential here is actually higher than any of the lawsuits I discussed prior. Those seemed doomed to fail. A writ of quo warranto is as close to ironclad as we’ve seen presented. It’s conspicuous that practically nobody has talked about this play. A writ of quo warranto appears to have all of the legs necessary for President Trump and his supporters to be vindicated. Will his team act on this? Are they quietly acting on it already? (read more) 2021-01-21 c A REAL PLAN, FIRST WE BOYCOTT CHINA (It has been alleged that China bought Dominion Voting Systems last October.) "The most effective undetectable act of defiance is to not buy Chinese goods. With that alone we can collapse the Chinese Economy." WE WILL NOT LET AMERICA FALL.
Guys, are you feeling hopeless? Are we feeling like we have lost the battle of our lifetime? That now we will be a slave to China and the Cabal? That the greatest nation on earth had fallen, without even a fight. Don’t be. We don’t have to lose unless we accept this. We don’t have to believe the narrative they are trying to force upon us, we don’t have to accept the censorship and their brainwashing of our children. We don’t have to accept this powerlessness. Why? Because it’s simply not true. The truth is we are the majority. Trump has at least 80 million real votes and Biden has at most 40 mil real votes. That's an America that's made up of 2/3 patriots. Imagine the economic destruction we can do to China. Americans are the kingmakers of economic growth for other countries. We are the customers and we make the final buying decision. They fear us. They fear what we can do together. Look at the January 6 pictures. Are you telling me they could have overpowered this 1.5 million strong crowd had they chosen to be disobedient? They can’t. Our strength is in numbers. We are the true majority. WE HOLD THE ULTIMATE POWER IF WE CHOSE TO UNITE AND ACT. And we don’t need to shed blood to break them. How? Let’s stop playing inside their game and accepting their rules. For too long we have been too nice. It is what’s gotten us to here. Now, we must organize together to make our strength known. The Cabal and the Chinese Communists are in it together. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made a deal with the Cabal during Bush,Sr/Clinton era for the West to use the Chinese people for cheap labor so they could both be enriched. At first, the Cabal used the then poor Chinese peasants to make money from what was essentially slave labor. However they didn't expect the CCP to come back to bite them. The Cabal created an economic and military beast in the CCP and now they can't actually control them. The CCP probably has hacked all their assets and gotten a lot of dirt on the Cabal. They now cannot stand against the CCP, even if they wished to. Now too rich to be put down and with too many weapons and a large army, the CCP is the main driver within the Cabal facilitating their takeover. Here is how we can take them down together. We MUST attack the source of their power: MONEY. 1. STOP buying CHINESE products or only buy second-hand ones. China’s power lies in their ability to the be manufacturer of the world. That is the foundation of their economy, without exports their economy will collapse Their products are cheap in price because the true cost is the loss of our freedom and liberty. We MUST refuse to line their pockets further, refuse to give them the money that they will use to turn their guns on us. Obviously, it is impossible to avoid all Chinese made goods, but if we cannot avoid that, we must only second-hand products. The Chinese make money only from new products. That’s why all your electronics fail within a few years. It’s designed to be that way to keep their economy running. We need to spread this movement. One person wouldn’t make a dent, but if 2/3 of America refuse to buy Chinese goods over a span of a few months, then they are done for. We will collapse their economy. Remember, we are the actual majority. The Americans have the biggest buying power around the world. We are the kingmakers of economic growth. To learn just how weak the Chinese economy is and how unstable they are – read here: [https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/11S0SQfM8L/lets-take-down-china-and-this-co/] 2. Awaken the rest of the sleeping patriots. We must win the battle of ideas. Right now, they are brainwashing our youth and our population constantly through the media. We must put a stop to this. We need to collect the truth into accessible websites and information bases that can be used to spread to the normies. Spam this truth everywhere in online messages or YouTube comments. Make them question small things first, then hand them facts that will make them question other beliefs, then hand them some more believable facts. Do it gently but systematically. For the normal sane people, this works. It’s how I ended up here and how most of the Walk Away people converted So, what if they control the media and the internet? We can also do it the old fashioned way. Dinner table talk, talking in bars, talking in our neighborhoods. Talk to people one person at a time, in person or via the phone. Do it by sending your neighbors pamphlet everywhere direct them to alternative sources of information. CONSTANTLY. EVERY WHERE. This is what has launched revolutions in the past. This is what they fear most. The spread of ideas. This is why they are trying to silence us. We cannot win by being on a website alone, we are already converted. We win by talking and discussing ideas out loud. WE must convert the normies. We don’t need to turn people into Trump supporters, we must simply show everyone the SWAMP and MSM, the corruptions and the cruelty of the CCP – broadcast out loud to our communities. Our goal is to make more of us and stop the brainwashing. We don’t need people to become Republicans, we need them to become patriots who will fight for freedom and liberty. Because now they see that it's not about Trump, it is about their loss of rights and their loss of liberty. WE NEED TO MAKE IT PERSONAL FOR THEM. 3. Educate ourselves and spread our knowledge We need to educate ourselves more and spread our knowledge. Their power comes from them keeping us in the dark through lack of knowledge and lack of understanding of the system. They are turning our young people into slaves via student debt and brainwashing. They are printing out money and devaluing the blood, sweat and tears we put into working and earning every cent. They are getting away with this because no one has taught us how this system works and how our money works. They deliberately withheld teaching us critical thinking skills in school, so they can keep us meek and weak making it easier for them to be our masters. We must show everyone that we are currently in a system they created, where they are the owners and we are the slaves. It is not enough for us to be outraged because not everyone is aware. They got this power because they kept us in the dark. We never learn money management, interest rates, how compounding works. We never had full understanding of what funds wall streets and fiat currency. Not all of us knew how the Federal Reserve is just printing out money with no actual tangible value and we are staring at massive inflation in the future. All our hard work will be devalued and worthless thanks to the decision of a few corrupted officials. Why is this important? Because the source of their control is money. WE need to figure out how to take that away from them. The first step is understanding the system they created for us to live enslaved within and spread that knowledge. 4. Utilize the God-given Skills of Our Patriots At least 80 million people voted for Trump, surely there’s people here who can help us come up with smart plans and create alternative goods and services to the current offer. We need to band together and think of how to provide good and services. We need to use the smartest among us to come up with sound plans and actions we can undertake. We are smart hardworking individuals, with each having a unique talent. We must use our skills and our knowledge to protect our country. Think about what you have to offer the country or other patriots and band together to act on it. We need to organise, to utilise the intelligence of the smartest among us, to use each of our special gifts and skill to push our movement forward. A few thousand of them banded together and destroyed the integrity of our election and our voice. What do you think a few million patriots banding together to use each of their unique skills to contribute will do? WE can offer our own goods. WE can create our own education system. WE can create our own internet service. WE can stop the brainwashing of our youth. WE DO NOT HAVE TO FALL UNDER THEIR RULE. It will only happen if we accept it. Our forefathers build America into the richest country in the world through sheer determination. We must honor them through our actions. ... We are the grassroots movement and together we are stronger than them. America was build from the grassroots. Trump was simply chosen to lead our movement, he was not the end all and be all of us. He has worked hard enough but he is still just one person. Let’s stop depending on hope and actually take up the mantle. He did it for us. Everyone of us must do it for him and the future of our children. We will not become the first American generation to be born free and die a slave. It will not happen on our our watch. It is now or never. Spread these ideas and let’s take down the Chinese economy and Cabal’s system. They cannot get us all if we take down the source of their power: MONEY AND THEIR SYSTEM. We can deal with the corrupt politician after, once we have destroyed their masters. Without their backers, they are nothing. We must refuse to play inside their oppressive system. We must use our collective intelligence and our collective will to break out of the slavery system they have imposed on us. Patriots, lets unite and think of plans and what we can do to subvert their entire system. What system we can create and what we can do to take their power away from them? They can govern only with the consent of the masses. And we do not consent to their stealing our duly-elected president. We stand up now and today. We either stand up now or we will never have this opportunity again once they finish silencing us and hunting us down. We don't all have to take extreme action. But we must take some action. The most effective act of defiance is not to buy Chinese goods. With that alone we can collapse the Chinese economy and the globalist cabal. (read more) 2021-01-21 b THE COVID-CON II (post-inaugural announcement) Current, Deadly U.S.
Coronavirus Surge Has Peaked, Researchers Say
The devastating fall and winter wave of coronavirus infections that is causing so much misery across the U.S. appears to have finally peaked, according to several researchers who are closely tracking the virus. While another surge remains possible, especially with new, more infectious variants on the horizon, the number of new daily infections in the current wave appears to have hit a high in the past week or two and has been steadily declining in most states since, the researchers say. "Yes, we have peaked in terms of cases," says Ali Mokdad, who has been tracking the pandemic at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. "We are coming down, slowly. This is very good news — very good news." And while hospitals in some places are still being overwhelmed, the overall number of hospitalized patients also appears to have reached a peak and begun to decline slightly. It's down from a peak of over 132,000 patients on Jan. 6 to 122,700 as of Wednesday. Declines in daily deaths could soon follow, experts say. "Based on current trends, the worst appears to be over," says Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "We are headed to a better place." (read more) 2021-01-21 a THE COVID-CON I (post-inaugural announcement) literally
one hour after Biden takes the oath, the WHO
admits that PCR testing
at high amplification rates alters the predictive value of the tests and results in a huge number of false positives pic.twitter.com/iDtXmappRw — Andy Swan (@AndySwan) January 20, 2021 ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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