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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2021- 2021-03-31 c FOR WE WERE ONCE IN BONDAGE TO DETESTABLES WHO CALLED US DEPLORABLES Byrne: America Will Know The
Truth Within Two Months…It’s Possible Trump Could Be
Back In Office
CDMedia spoke with former Overstock.com CEO, and all-around election-fraud fighter, Patrick Byrne last night and he revealed some shocking news. Byrne has been leading a cyber investigative team, along with other well-known patriots, to combat the coup that was perpetrated on America during last year’s general election, where the illegitimate Biden administration was installed in The White House. Byrne revealed that within a few weeks, two months at the outset, America, and the world for that matter, will know the truth of what happened during the massive election fraud on Nov 3rd, 2020. “We have irrefutable proof. It is shocking what happened, and who was involved. The information will all come out, over the next few weeks. “No one will be able to say this is not true.” When asked if the comments by Mike Lindell were valid, that President Trump will be back in office by August, Byrne said, “Well, that’s Lindell being Lindell. However, this information is so earth-shattering, that yes, it is possible Trump could be back in The White House by the Fall. “We will reveal the truth. The remedy is up to the American people.” (read more) 2021-03-31 b FOR WE WERE ONCE IN BONDAGE TO JEWISH & GENTILE OLIGARCHS American Exodus
Don’t wait for the oligarchy to let you in. Just walk away. When Machiavelli wrote, “in order to know Moses’ virtue it was necessary that the people of Israel be slaves in Egypt …,” he was pointing to the truth that knowing what one is up against is a powerful incentive for dealing with it intelligently. Genesis tells us that only in Moses’ time did the Egyptians make clear how harsh was the alternative to the Exodus by deciding to kill their longtime slaves’ baby boys. Today, the oligarchy that controls American society’s commanding heights leaves those who are neither its members nor its clients little choice but to marshal their forces for their own exodus. The federal government, the governments of states and localities run by the Democratic Party, along with the major corporations, the educational establishment, and the news media set strict but movable boundaries about what they may or may not say—on pain of being cast out, isolated from society’s mainstream. Using an ever-shifting variety of urgent excuses, which range from the coronavirus, to the threat of domestic terrorism, to catastrophic climate change, to the evils of racism, they issue edicts that they enforce through anti-democratic means—from social pressure and threats, to corporate censorship of digital platforms, to bureaucratic fiat. Nobody voted for this. What forces can and can’t this oligarchy bring to bear? We have a hint from Time magazine’s Feb. 4, 2021, valedictory of “a vast, cross-partisan campaign” by leaders of business, labor, and the media, in cooperation with the Democratic Party, that “got states to change voting systems and laws” for the 2020 presidential election in contravention of black-letter constitutional law. Rulings by judges in Michigan and Virginia that changes to those states’ absentee ballot laws were blatantly illegal matters not one whit. Why not? Because the coalition of masters controls the levers of the state and the press. As Time reveals, they “helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.” Because these elites realized that “engaging with toxic content only made it worse,” they decided on “removing content or accounts that spread disinformation and by more aggressively policing it in the first place.” Instead of answering facts and arguments with which they disagreed, they would ignore their substance and smear whoever voiced them. The boldness and novelty of these as well as of unmentioned tactics delivered the desired electoral result, and power heretofore unimaginable: Americans in 2021 are being fired or “canceled” from society for whatever anyone connected with the oligarchy finds objectionable—even for asking for evidence of the oligarchy’s assertions. Yet Time tells us that because the process of defeating Donald Trump’s voters angered them further, these oligarchs worry that they gained only “a respite.” Hence the united oligarchy must seek, as The New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie put it, permanent “national political dominance.” Though that dominance seems at hand, the general population’s compliance with it is not. That is because isolating and alienating anybody, let alone half the country, is the proverbial two-edged sword. Anytime you isolate and alienate someone else, you do the same to yourself. The boundaries that the oligarchs have drawn, are drawing, separate them from the American people’s vast majority, whose consciousness of powerlessness and defenselessness clarifies their choice between utter subjection and doing whatever it might take to exit a system that no longer seems to allow for the prospect of republican self-government. Composing the differences between traditional America and our new woke oligarchy is impossible because their conflict is asymmetric. The American Revolution, the Constitution, and two centuries of custom endow traditionally minded Americans, conservatives and others, with the preference and habit of living as they please and letting others do the same. They understand concepts like virtue, righteousness, and leadership in terms of the duty to live exemplary lives themselves, not to force others to do so. The enlightened oligarchy and its elite servant classes follow Woodrow Wilson’s progressive dogma: “If you will think about what you ought to do for other people, your character will take care of itself.” By this century’s second decade, the oligarchs who occupy the commanding heights of American life had ceased trying to persuade. Self-government has declined as corporations have wielded public powers with private discretion. America’s ruling class—bipartisan, public and private—grew to disdain the rest of America’s religiosity, patriotism, and tastes. But until our own time, most Americans either had not noticed their loss of status as citizens or assumed that they could vote to regain it. But the rulers inspired no confidence and ruled by pulling rank. In 2014, Pat Caddell’s study of public opinion, which he titled “We Need Smith,” found that: Eighty-six
percent of all voters believe political leaders
are more interested in protecting their power than
in doing what’s right for the American people.
Eighty-three percent believe the country is run by
an alliance of incumbent politicians, media
pundits, lobbyists, and other interests for their
own gain. Further, 79% believe that powerful
interests from Wall Street banks to corporations,
unions, and PACs use campaign and lobbying money
to rig the system to serve themselves and that
they loot the national treasury at the expense of
every American. … Ninety-two percent say we must
recruit and support for public office more
ordinary citizens and fewer professional
politicians. Not surprising when you consider that
81% believe both political parties do what’s in it
for them rather than fix our nation’s problems.
Such figures bespeak
neither conservatism nor liberalism, but widespread alienation and disdain among
people who understand themselves to be subjects of a
selfish power to which they have no personal
connection and that exists beyond their collective
control. Hence, in the runup to the 2016
election, the bipartisan ruling class entirely lost
control of right-leaning voters and failed to hold on
to nearly half of left-leaning ones. Opposed by both
parties’ hierarchies, Donald Trump won the presidency
more as a social rebel than as any kind of
recognizable economic or political conservative, by
appealing to people whose personal style and opinions
on any number of subjects deviated from what was being
presented as “mainstream”—including any number of
people who had previously voted for Barack Obama and
for Bernie Sanders.Trump won in 2016 as the candidate who would lead the country class out of the clutches of the ruling class—as a caricature of Caddell’s Mr. Smith. The ruling class—Wall Street, K Street, Washington grifters, the educational establishment, the media, and the corporations—saw the alienation that Trump embodied as the mortal threat that it is to their own power and positions. Unable and unwilling to change their way of governing, or the system of heavily bureaucratized crony capitalism from which they so massively benefit, these people resolved to secure the votes of Blacks, Hispanics, women, and the young by encouraging them to make war on whites, men, and conservatives. “Hate thy neighbor and stick with us!” was their program. Hence the four-year campaign leading up to the 2020 election was all about hating Trump and beating down his voters on the basis of race, sex, the Russians—anything to divert from what the rampant oligarchy was doing to the rest of the country. Hate-as-identity [along with industrial-scale vote fraud] was key to the ruling class’s victory in the 2020 election. For the elites, indulging sentiments of moral superiority, promoting hate, and rubbing “deplorable” faces in the dirt is a means to secure and mobilize supporters, which itself is incidental to securing the material benefits of power. For those who deliver the votes, indulging hate is affirmation of identity. Ruling people by insulting and harming them is problematic, and not reversible. The use that the oligarchy made of the COVID epidemic added to insult and injury, as well as to its power, in a manner previously unimaginable. Boldly dismissing without argument the fact that viral infections cannot be stopped from running their course once they have taken root in a population, they asserted that acquiescing to indefinite cessation of social and economic activities they deemed to be nonessential would stop the disease’s progression. The ensuing lockdowns, mask mandates, and other measures made life for most Americans worse in every way. But these strictures also crippled the sectors of American society independent of and resistant to the oligarchy—religious institutions and small businesses. They isolated people and limited what they could hear from and say to each other, leaving them prey to one-way propaganda narratives backed by nightly threats of mob violence. Correctly, however, the American oligarchy, which resides these days in the Democratic Party, feared that the weaponized, mutually validating narratives with which it had bombarded the population could not guarantee that the American people would vote differently in 2020 than they did in 2016, widespread public dislike for Donald Trump notwithstanding. Not a few suspected that the COVID heavy-handedness had increased resentment among people who had learned to be suspicious of pollsters, reporters, and opinion-samplers. Ordinary credulity was never enough for swallowing the narrative that universal vote by mail, coupled with drop boxes for ballots and ballot harvesting by self-proclaimed civic groups, plus the reduction or elimination of verification of signatures, would do anything other than transfer electoral power from those who cast votes to those who count them—that is, to the oligarchy and its party. Even so, the ruling class’s victory depended on tens of thousands of votes out of 156 million, in some of the most corrupt counties in the land. In Pennsylvania, the vast majority of all mailed ballots were for Biden. The oligarchy sealed the victory as brazenly as they gained it: by meeting demands for transparency with ad hominem accusations backed by threats of social ostracism and enforced by control, which itself was attained in part by issuing naked threats backed by legislative and bureaucratic power—all over partisan, monopoly digital platforms which eventually participated in censorship. The oligarchy’s power over American institutions public and private, however, does not change the fact that it rests on near universal voluntary compliance. The irrevocable alienation of and from at least half of Americans has canceled much of the oligarchs’ moral legitimacy and left them obliged to rule by further alienating and punishing—to rule a house that they divided against itself. Hence, the unprecedented power it gathered will prove less significant than the manner in which it did the gathering. In the first few months of 2021, it is clear that widespread compliance with institutions and leading personages on which the American system of government has long rested is no longer possible. The oligarchy exercises all earthly powers. Its theophobia dismisses heaven’s. It substitutes “narratives” for truth. Because its members internalized the assumption that reason is simply what Hobbes called a scout for the passions, what Marx said is superstructural to material reality, and what the woke call “logism,” it has placed itself beyond the reach of argument. It can neither admit those it deems deplorable to real citizenship— never mind to society’s commanding heights—nor can it set bounds to the next round of exactions and humiliations that, having ditched persuasion, it must visit upon them. The deplorables plainly stand no chance of dismantling the new American system. Corporate executives, not legislatures, governors, or presidents are the ones who decide what happens to the trillions of dollars created jointly by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. They are the ones who regulate speech and attitudes, who for the most part decide who rises and who does not. And they are the part of the oligarchy most insulated from republican institutions. New laws may be most useful for reviving old ones, such as the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act. But the problem lies in a century’s accretion of administrative arrangements, court rulings, and above all, of self-serving practices. Nor would it be possible for these elected officials to restore the republic that was founded in 1776-79, even if an economic recession or act of Providence were to deliver solid electoral victories in the Senate, House, and presidency to a party of the country class (were one to come into being). That is because the republic’s substance withered over a century, and its husk collapsed over the past five years. In our time, millions of people have grown up or been educated no longer to want or be able to live as citizens of what had been the American republic. Partisans in mind, heart, and habit, their support of the oligarchy’s partisan rule has left the United States with two peoples of opposing character, aspirations, and tastes within its national borders. The government bureaucracies are led by persons selected and habituated against the deplorables. The same can be said of the educational establishment and corporate boardrooms. What sort of dictatorial power would it take to purge them? Were the deplorables to struggle for the partisan power to oppress the others, they would guarantee dysfunction at best, war at worst. That is why it makes most sense for them to assert their own freedom. Some sort of mostly peaceful exodus is within our powers to achieve. A very bad imitation of Mr. Smith was able to convince 75 million to rise against dangers that were still largely theoretical in 2016. Better imitators can lead many more to act against present ones, and to live within institutions of their own making. We can withdraw our compliance, go our own way, and build anew. Separation from our oligarchy requires stripping it of its claims of legitimacy. Their means of control—from making and breaking careers to control of institutional machinery—are daunting. Individuals may be penalized easily. But every bit of this power vanishes in the face of mass resistance. The oligarchy is frightened of this, with good reason. Nor can they stop an exodus by using force, sensing that they might well lose the ensuing civil war. In the American republic, legitimate political power flowed from the voters through their elected representatives. The oligarchy’s claim to rule by superior knowledge and morality dissolves the public’s moral obligation to obey. The oligarchy, illegitimate in republican terms, now rules through threats and fear. But for the solvent consequences of illegitimacy to follow, the falsehood of claims to superior knowledge and morality must be asserted and explained, at the same time as acts of collective disobedience physically defy fear. Our American exodus won’t be led by a Moses. The Republican Party, with the exception of a few national-level personages, may be as useless as ever. But politics is a collective activity, and the lack of top-down leadership notwithstanding, our exodus is already in progress, thanks to Americans’ legal structures and traditions of state and local autonomy, as well as our Tocquevillian taste for organizing ourselves into ad hoc groups for the common benefit. Already in the winter of 2021, 33 states, pressed by their voters, are introducing bills to prevent the kind of executive and judicial manipulation of election procedures that occurred in 2020. Ordinary citizens who are oppressed by COVID-inspired overregulation have also organized themselves to take advantage of the fact that safety in numbers is the first rule of civil disobedience. Thus, hundreds of California restaurateurs jointly defied the governor’s order to keep them closed, and sued him. Joint action is also the key to transforming what the authorities want to treat as disciplinary or criminal matters into political ones. Important as spontaneity is, the substantive and exemplary importance of what elected governors and legislatures can do is even greater. Because Govs. DeSantis of Florida, Noem of South Dakota, Kemp of Georgia, Abbott of Texas (to a lesser extent), and others defied the directives first of the Trump, then of the Biden administration regarding COVID restrictions, their states compiled an incontrovertible record that proves how intellectually wrong, substantively disastrous, and politically malevolent those directives were and are. This is a touchstone for impeaching the oligarchy’s legitimacy on other matters as well, and proof—if any further be needed—that for good and ill in the 21st century, the 50 states need not fear to do pretty much as they please. Nullification has been a fact of U.S public life since Colorado and California rewrote drug laws. There is no reason why it should or can stop there. It is no less necessary for Americans to subtract themselves from big companies that exercise public powers with private discretion. Stricter application of antitrust laws and ones upholding privacy can help. So can organized boycotts. Sometimes, action does not have to be organized at all. When the Gillette company aired an ad on toxic masculinity, nobody had to tell millions of its customers to shave with other razors. Record low numbers of Americans are tuning in to the Oscars, the Grammys, and other national awards shows, in part because they are sick of being fed an endless diet of contemptuous political rants by self-described “activists” in place of entertainment. They naturally go elsewhere to be entertained. The exodus requires more, very much including leadership at the national level. Likely, as the national elections of 2022 and 2024 approach, competition for votes will produce persons who answer the call of constituents to affirm their values and defend their ways. The next generation of House and Senate candidates already bears little resemblance to former ones. Around them a coherent movement may well coalesce to end oligopoly in the media, to free Americans from the reign of political correctness, to reaffirm ordinary citizens’ interest in equality under law and in the primacy of nature over politics, to cancel the partisanship of U.S. government agencies—especially law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and the military—and to return American schools to the work of educating our children. Because contending notions of legitimacy are at stake, actions undertaken to such ends must be accompanied, at local and national levels, by relentless explanation about facts, truth and lies, right and wrong. Once a majority of Americans understand that Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, the Times, and Gannett are partisan instruments—that they use lies, censorship, and insults to subjugate us to a form of oligarchical totalitarianism—a substantial portion of their customers will begin to patronize alternatives, and their power over information will cease. That is because their power depends on the public accepting the pretense of objectivity and neutrality that these platforms still see fit on occasion to wear after sucking the life out of 20th-century American media. Stripping them of this borrowed pretense, and highlighting their overtly manipulative partisanship, must be every action’s proximate objective. Unleashing the tort bar against the media giants while stoking the public’s anger may well do to them what it did to the tobacco industry, to the manufacturers of asbestos, and to the Boy Scouts of America. The states of Florida and Texas are in the process of trying to make the social media giants criminally liable for censoring citizens on their platforms, and civilly liable to individuals who may feel that they have been wronged by acts of censorship or slander. Other states are sure to follow. No doubt the tech cartel will appeal state-level judgments to the federal courts, citing the Communications Decency Act, Section 230. But its language, as Philip Hamburger has shown, by no means self-evidently exempts these companies from liability for censorship or for harm. Surely, proceedings about the giants’ withholding, falsifying, and censoring information would disenchant millions of people who had become their customers in search of a neutral means of communication, and lead them to patronize alternatives actually committed to that goal. What to do about the media’s banning or restricting the circulation of ideas with which it disagrees, including the distribution of books and movies, is a major issue of national politics. Without shame, medically unqualified “fact checkers” censor the writings of physicians on medical matters, while defining their own beliefs about gender and race as “science.” Letting such pretenses stand also ratifies the negation of the First Amendment. Overcoming them requires ending the exercise of what amount to governmental powers, indeed of police powers, by nongovernmental persons and entities. Not so long ago, government power was the only threat to the First Amendment. But oligarchy’s essence is precisely the blurring and blending of public and private power in a partisan manner. Hence, media malpractice must be dealt with as part of a bigger political problem, namely expanding the Bill of Rights’ coverage to ostensibly private entities. What is to be done about private companies that subject employees to training aimed at convincing them that there is something wrong with being white—or at least pretending to convince them? Or that they must abide by the oligarchy’s preferences? To be sure, state governments may outlaw such training within their borders, as part of their general police power. But big employers may object to such laws as contrary to their own freedom of speech, while asserting that the employees’ attendance at those sessions is voluntary. Even if courts back them up, governors and mayors don’t have to listen and can impose their penalties. Public figures, or brave employees, can organize many if not most employees to stay away and to explain just how wrong it is to racially stereotype. Management can’t fire them all. Yet republican self-government can return to at least some Americans only if and when a bloc of major states puts itself in the position of dictating what will and will not happen within their borders. It’s not as if we, the Smiths, were not warned. As our collective republican grandfather, President Dwight Eisenhower, was leaving office, he told us that “a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity,” that “domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is … gravely to be regarded,” and that “public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” The outsize power of the military-industrial complex he knew too well was but one of the consequences of our abandoning due caution about those who rule by virtue of their qualifications. Ike would not have been surprised at the attempted dictatorship of self-interested pseudo experts. Leave aside that pretenses of expertise prove hollow as often as not. Even if those who pretend to rule on behalf of “science” had earned their status by examinations as rigorous and competitive as those of France’s Third Republic bureaucrats, their expertise would not negate the inalienable interest that the rest of us have in living our lives as we see fit—in our own freedom, pursuing our own interests, according to our own lights. “Who the hell do they think they are?” is the core of every Smithian complaint, and republican government’s bedrock argument. Not all of Americans share it. Some really believe that controlling the Earth’s climate, and facilitating every manner of sexual gratification while exacting racial vengeance, must trump the freedoms of whomever objects. For them, rule by groups, each upholding its ideological and material stake and bargaining behind closed doors—that is, oligarchy—is fine. But the Smiths notice that the schools are teaching their children less than they had been taught. They have been mortgaging the house to pay for college. Their children’s student loans mortgage their future. But the colleges have produced mostly worthless degrees while credentialing a generation of oligarchs who pretend to control other people’s lives. Remedying this is high on the Smiths’ to-do list, and more within their power than most other things. Around the country, Americans are fleeing public K-12 schools as fast as they can. This exodus accelerated during the COVID affair as parents observed online the poor quality if not outright dysfunctionality of much that the schools teach. The teachers’ unions stimulated it by showing their priority for their material and ideological interests. Only because most Smiths don’t have the resources for private education or for home schooling is that exodus not accelerating faster. The Smiths are increasingly open to tying school financing to school choice. Securing for parents a voucher in the amount that their public school spends per pupil, cashable at any school or applicable to the expenses of home schooling, would open a spigot at the bottom of the K-12 industry’s barrel. Merely campaigning to do it would unseat countless oligarchic officials. Though school choice is irrelevant to quality in principle, it frees each set of Smiths to rise or fall to the educational level they choose for their children. Let parents who care about intensively educating their children in science and math or the Greek and Roman classics or the Hebrew Bible to reap the consequences, good and bad, of their own choices. Let parents who want to teach their children that there are an infinite number of genders or that skin color is the all-powerful determining force in their lives or that biology is a human invention bear similar responsibility, without imposing their own beliefs on others. The issue of quality and the question of what education means in today’s America lead us back to considering the role that reputation for expertise plays in the struggle between republic and oligarchy. We emphasize “reputation” because, as those now in charge of our institutions have rested their authority on “expertise,” they have also downgraded or eliminated objective standards about what that is. The oligarchy similarly perverts “merit,” having declared competitive exams to be out of fashion; in fact, Stanford Law School now decrees “meritocratic” grading policies to be forms of “state-sponsored racial segregation.” Until recently, graduation from highly selective colleges seemed to certify their graduates as better for having been admitted, and doubly so for having learned more than students at lesser schools. But for a generation, the Ivy League, Stanford, and others have made a point of admitting many students with lower scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test rather than students with higher ones. In general, and with the exception of physics, chemistry, and pure math, the more highly rated the college, the less work it expects from its students. And since learning is inherently proportionate to studying, graduates of these academic peaks often know less than kids out of Podunk State. Yet they give their students something of supposedly greater practical value than knowledge: prestige, pretentiousness, and access to enviable careers. Which leads one to ask why the nation’s most powerful consulting groups, private equity firms, and big banks hire Ivy League types and pay them so much. They are not necessarily all that bright or knowledgeable. Why then are they so valuable? Not because of what they know, but who they are: junior members of the oligarchy, identically chosen, trained, and confirmed to defend its interests, to communicate its priorities, and preserve its hierarchy. How come the public-private oligarchy was able to use the COVID challenge to crush independent business, thus transferring massive wealth to itself? Because its various parts are staffed by interconnected people who, whatever their differences, instinctively trump the Smiths’ priorities with those of their own class. Of all the oligarchy’s parts, the educational establishment’s power most depends on prestige. But under the academic regalia, it has no more clothes than the proverbial emperor. The humble Smiths can cut the problem off at the roots simply by ceasing to credit the sources of prestige. The moment that the Smiths cease to think of Harvard and Stanford products as “smart,” and instead think “pretentious,” they deprive the oligarchy of much of its legitimacy. The moment that they realize that most colleges sell expensive four-year vacations from responsibility, they can stop supporting them, and ask instead where and at what price they may best obtain the combination of knowledge and credentials they seek. The Smiths can also urge those choices on whomever they elect at all levels of government. The oligarchy’s cancellation of most ordinary people out of its desired America leaves the latter with the choice between helotry and exodus. But since submission to inconstant, inept masters is impossible, common sense suggests counter-canceling: limiting involvement with the oligarchy to minimizing its interference on individuals who don’t share its aims and preferences. The oligarchy’s cancellation of ordinary working people—of those who actively participate in forms of organized religion, and are otherwise attached to the common norms and values that prevailed in America and shaped the civilization in and by which most of us live—signals an alienation deeper than that between citizens of different but friendly nations. Asking how this cultural chasm has come to be detracts from the hard task of understanding its depth and making the best of it. Like married couples who have lost or given up what had united them, trying to work through irreconcilable differences only drives Americans’ domestic quarrels toward more violence. That is why going one’s own way, while paying no more attention to the woke than is absolutely necessary, should be the agenda of the country party, which in this case includes all of those who still feel an attachment to the ideals of republican citizenship that we once shared in common as Americans. (read more) 2021-03-31 a FOR WE WERE ONCE IN BONDAGE Mah
nishtanah ha-lailah hazzeh mikol halaylot?
Why (is this night) different (from all other nights)? 2021-03-30 e BLACKS BEHAVING BADLY III ("Heels Up" Harris is a psychopath.) [Illegitimate VP] Kamala
Harris Musters Fake Accent, Laughs Hysterically When
Discussing Struggling Parents Who Aren’t Able to
Send Their Kids to School (VIDEO)
Kamala Harris laughed hysterically when discussing struggling parents who aren’t able to send their kids to school. Harris delivered remarks at the West Haven Child Development Center in West Haven, Connecticut this weekend. Kamala Harris mustered a fake accent and cackled as she spoke about parents who struggled to educate their own children due to school closures thanks to Democrat policies and toxic teachers unions. What is wrong with this woman? (read more) 2021-03-30 d BLACKS BEHAVING BADLY II (Obama the ventriloquist and his dummy, Sleepy Joe.) Maria Bartiromo: “I Know
Biden’s on the Phone All the Time with Obama and I’m
Hearing He’s Running Things from Behind the Scenes”
... During the conversation Bartiromo mentioned something she’s heard from her sources, “I know Biden’s on the phone all the time with Obama and I’m hearing he’s running things from behind the scenes.” Of course, this is what we all suspected. Joe Biden is no condition to order his own meal let alone run the United States. (read more) 2021-03-30 c BLACKS BEHAVING BADLY I (George Floyd killed George Floyd.) Chauvin Defense Team: George
Floyd Concealed Meth and Fentanyl Pills from
Officers in His Mouth
Partially dissolved pills were found in the back of the police car In his opening statement, Derek Chauvin’s defense attorney revealed that George Floyd concealed pills containing meth and fentanyl from officers in his mouth. Eric Nelson, the lead defense attorney for Officer Derek Chauvin, who stand accused of murder after George Floyd died during his custody at the end of May last year, made his opening statements in Chauvin’s trial on Monday morning. Floyd, who was 47 when he died [in a hospital], purchased cigarettes at a local corner shop with a counterfeit $20 bill, with the police called on him as a result. The manager of the store allegedly asked him to either exchange the fake bill for a real one or return the cigarettes, but Floyd refused, according to Nelson’s statement. Before the police arrived, Floyd spent between 20 and 30 minutes in a Mercedes Benz car with his friends. “While they were in the car, Mr Floyd consumed what were thought to be two percocet pills,” Nelson said in his statement, revealing that his friends will later testify that “Mr Floyd fell asleep in the car, and that they couldn’t wake him up.” When confronted by police, “Mr Floyd put drugs in his mouth in an effort to conceal them,” Nelson said, adding that later surveillance videos from across the street show that there is evidence of “further concealment of controlled substances.” However, while Floyd’s friends believed the pills to be percocet, after search warrants were executed on the Mercedes Benz on May 27th and December 9th last year, “BCA agents located various pieces of evidence during this search, including two pills… that were revealed to be a mixture of methamphetamine and fentanyl,” Nelson noted. The pills with this concoction of meth and fentanyl that Floyd likely consumed is known as a “speed-ball” – a mixture of an opiate and a stimulant. Partially dissolved pills found in the search of police squad car 320 where Floyd was held were also found to be consistent with the pills found in the Mercedes Benz, according to Nelson, containing both meth and fentanyl. Analysts further discovered that DNA and saliva matching Floyd’s were found in the pills. Nelson further noted that despite Floyd being seen to have consumed these pills by his friends, and that a later autopsy report showed both meth and fentanyl in his system, Floyd told both Officer King and Officer Lane that he was “on nothing” when confronted about his current state of intoxication. (read more) 2021-03-30 b NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ACQUITTAL OF COLORED PERPETRATORS Virginia Beach NAACP Accuses
Cops of Racism After Officer Kills Armed Mass
Shooting Suspect
A black man suspected of a committing a mass shooting brandished his gun at an officer before he was shot. Now, the NAACP says the cop is racist. The Virginia Beach NAACP is accusing the city’s police department of racism and demanding to be given full investigative and subpoena power over cops after a black suspected mass shooter was shot and killed by an officer while brandishing a weapon along the city’s Oceanfront days ago. The incident was part of a larger series of [black on black] shootings along the Oceanfront that left 2 dead and at least 8 wounded. According to the findings of a police investigation, one of the dead, 25-year-old Donovan W. Lynch, was shot by police after brandishing a weapon at officers responding to the violent scene along the Oceanfront. Police say Lynch was suspected of committing a mass shooting. While VBPD officers are equipped with body cameras, the officer had reportedly neglected to turn his on at the time of the shooting, something many police say is not uncommon in such a rapidly unfolding and dangerous situation, as officers are preoccupied with both personal and public safety. Lynch was the cousin of Pharrell Williams, the musician and Democrat activist who has championed a number of Governor Ralph Northam’s left-wing initiatives in recent years. Also dead at the scene was 29-year-old “Bad Girls Club” star Deshayla Harris, an innocent bystander struck down by one of the shooters. In a statement released after the shootings, the Virginia Beach NAACP made no mention of the arrests of 3 suspects in the shootings, all of whom are black, instead opting to accuse police, who they say “shot down” one of the city’s black residents, of racism. The statement also calls for the establishment of a civilian review board with investigative and subpoena power over the police department. ”The Virginia Beach Branch NAACP is distressed regarding the recent shootings,” the statement reads. “We are not surprised of the revelation that the body camera of the officer involved in the death of Mr. Lynch was not activated.” The group went on to accuse the officer who shot Lynch of engaging in a potential coverup, saying that because “Lynch is not here to tell his side…the officer involved has no reason to be forthcoming about any facts that places him in an adverse light.” In calling for the establishment of a civilian review board with investigative and subpoena power over the police, the Virginia Beach NAACP say they are also seeking the implementation of a use of force continuum, the ability to review the personnel records of officers, and an additional statewide review board “for officers who use deadly force-tied to officer recertification credentials.” ”We will not stand by silently while an African American citizen has been shot down in this ‘Resort City,’” the statement says in closing. (read more) 2021-03-30 a “If you want peace, you
won’t get it with violence.”
- John Lennon 2021-03-29 g BLACKS BEHAVING BADLY I Far-Left DC Mayor Muriel
Bowser Blames Victim of Carjacking and Brutal Murder
by Teenage Girls
Far-left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser shamed the Uber Eats driver who was murdered by two teenage girls for not taking the proper precautions to ‘prevent auto theft.’ Two young teenage girls were charged with felony murder after killing a man in DC in broad daylight during an armed carjacking. Instead of fleeing the scene after the car crashed and rolled on its side, one of the girls began looking for her cellphone that was in the vehicle — while walking nonchalantly past their victim’s body. The girls, both black, are only 13 and 15 years old. Their Pakistani victim, Mohammad Anwar, 66, of Springfield, Virginia, was driving for Uber Eats when the girls attempted to steal his car and tased him. A man was murdered in cold blood and instead of denouncing the horrific crime, Mayor Bowser shamed the victim. This [black] woman is diabolical and should resign in disgrace. “Auto theft is a crime of opportunity. Follow these steps to reduce the risk of your vehicle becoming a target,” Bowser said Sunday morning. Auto
theft is a crime of opportunity. Follow these
steps to reduce the risk of your vehicle becoming
a target.
Remember the motto, #ProtectYourAuto. pic.twitter.com/7u1iFvked9 — Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) March 28, 2021 [Apparently, the Negress has deleted the
People were outraged by Bowser’s victim blaming. (read more) 2021-03-29 f JUST MOVE ALONG. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. II STUDY: Chemical That Causes
Penises To Shrink Found In Face Masks
Phthalates have been linked to genital shrinkage, decreased fertility rates, and less masculine behavior in young boys Dr. Shanna Swan, a professor of Environmental Medicine & Public Health at Mount Sinai Health System, has warned in a new book that phthalates, a chemical commonly used in the manufacturing of plastics, can shrink penises and decrease male fertility. A study listed in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which operates under the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, found that the microplastics used in the manufacturing of Covid face masks contain a number of toxic chemicals, including the penis-shrinking phthalates. PHTHALATES LINKED TO PENILE SHRINKAGE Dr. Swans’s book, Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race, warns that humanity is facing an “existential crisis” in fertility rates as a direct result of the chemical phthalates, and most men may be infertile by 2045. As Sky News reported, Dr. Swan found that “male human babies who had been exposed to the phthalates in the womb had a shorter anogenital distance – something that correlated with penile volume.” Dr. Swan’s research also discovered that rats exposed to phthalates were born with shrunken genitals. Other sources have also documented the link between phthalates and decreased male fertility. WebMD reported in 2009 on a study by Swan that found young boys whose mothers were exposed to high levels of phthalates were more likely to exhibit non-masculine behavior and less likely to “play with trucks and other male-typical toys or to play fight.” A doctor who reviewed Swan’s study for WebMD found “exposure to the chemicals can cause a wide range of male reproductive harm, including undescended testicles, birth defects of the genitals, and infertility later in life.” Even the CDC, which claims the effects of phthalates on human health are “unknown,” admits “Some types of phthalates have affected the reproductive system of laboratory animals.” PHTHALATES IN FACE MASKS AND PPE A 2020 study by chemical environmental engineering researcher Tadele Assefa Aragaw titled “Surgical face masks as a potential source for microplastic pollution in the COVID-19 scenario” lists several of the harmful side effects of Covid mask pollution in great detail. The study is listed in the PubMed.gov archive, which is managed by the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) National Center for Biotechnology Information. The NLM is an institute within the National Institutes of Health. Microplastics contained within face masks are noted within the report to have an “enormous effect on the aquatic biota, and the entire environment,” as well as being a source of “chronic health problems to humans.” Perhaps most damning, the study goes on to note that microplastics “contain toxic chemicals as an additive like phthalate, organotin, nonylphenol, polybrominated biphenyl ether, and triclosan.” “Those toxic chemicals can be released during the degradation processes (either chemically or biologically) of plastic polymers in the open environment,” the report notes. The link between phthalates’ effect on male fertility and its potential existence within face masks has not been clearly explained by U.S. health officials or members of the pro-mask Biden administration. As National File reported earlier this week, Covid face mask pollution has already taken a staggering toll on the environment, with an estimated 1.56 billion masks – “amounting to between 4,680 and 6,240 metric tonnes of plastic pollution” according to ecological experts – entering the world’s oceans in 2020. (read more) 2021-03-29 e JUST MOVE ALONG. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. I Who's Miseducating America's
Elites?: 7 of 8 Ivy League Presidents Are Jewish
As American academia finishes transitioning into an even more intellectually repressive nightmare, talented professors are quitting and the value of a college education has plummeted. Ivy League schools naturally set the tempo for less prestigious colleges. Gender ideology and critical race theory begins to metastasize once the factories churning out tomorrow's elites institutionally embrace such rubbish. The broader social ramifications of corrupting higher learning means future FBI agents, law partners, bankers, politicians and media makers learn to hate and discriminate against white people in their professional lives. Bari Weiss, who quit the New York Times because it wasn't Jewish enough, released an article earlier in the month that has enjoyed heavy circulation. The piece, titled "The Miseducation of America's Elites," details the anti-white racial abuse wealthy parents subject their children to at exclusive private schools in an ends-justify-the-means attempt to get them into Harvard and Yale. When the choice is the dignity of their children versus promises of money, power and prestige, the bourgeoisie opts for the latter. But Weiss, who is promoted as a warrior against the Woke, spends a lot of time describing the trappings of the problem without giving satisfying answers as to its origins and standard bearers. Institutional ideologies are not viruses that emerge from nature. They are ideas, created and imposed by men, who have agendas and motives. We know, thanks to Weiss, what America's rich are willing to do to reach the carrot, but whose wielding the stick? Cursory research done by National Justice finds a crisis of [tribal] nepotism at our Ivy League schools. Seven out of eight presidents of these universities are Jewish, despite being a miniscule 2% of the national population. They are as follows, Yale -- Peter Salovey University of Pennsylvania -- Amy Gutmann Harvard -- Lawrence Bacow Columbia -- Lee C. Bollinger Cornell -- Martha E. Pollack Princeton -- Christopher Eisgruber Brown University -- Christina Paxson Even Dartmouth's Philip J. Hanlon, who does not appear to be a Jew, was inaugurated as president by an invocation led by the school's Hillel Rabbi. No other religious figures participated in the event. The concentration of Jews as gatekeepers means that Jewish values and prejudices end up trickling down into every facet of our lives. At Harvard, Lawrence Bacow (among others) has led an expensive legal war to resist the Trump administration's demand that it stop racially discriminating against white and Asian students. Bacow, who in 2018 became the second Jew named Lawrence to lead Harvard in recent years, claims that racially excluding qualified white students is important for fostering a diverse learning environment. The quotas don't seem to impact his own group. 53% of Harvard's Grad students are Jewish. Peter Salovey of Yale has joined the fray and turned what was one of the best research universities on the planet into a hyper politicized anti-white base of society-wrecking conspiracies. In an announcement last October, Salovey announced that he would put his school's limitless resources and influence behind things like "The Center For Law and Racial Justice," which trains students to use the law as an instrument to oppress white people, and a "new program to encourage diversity in Yale's senior leadership" that apparently excludes the prospect of him resigning and giving his position to a non-white. At Columbia, Lee Bollinger proclaimed the riots over the summer a "new Civil Rights movement" and announced radical reforms to curriculum and campus life intended to increase pressure on non-Jewish white students. Bollinger has also vowed to decrease and weaken the presence of campus police, even though students attending his university are regularly assaulted, robbed and even murdered by blacks that live in surrounding areas. All the other presidents have overseen similar changes, revealing the lack of diversity not only of race, but also of thought and educational philosophy in institutes of higher learning. While some will try to argue that Jews control the Ivy Leagues because of merit, as if merit is even part of our national vocabulary anymore, the actual selection process for presidents is decided by a board of trustees. Trustees are often inactive people who donate a lot of money to influence the schools or have high-level political connections. These trustees are disproportionately Jewish. Discounting ethnocentrism and shared ethnic interests as playing a role in their decisions when a clear pattern is present would be irrational and unscientific. Conservatives will often excuse the behavior of these administrators by claiming they are "cowards" being "bullied" by leftist student groups, but this is not true. In response to a referendum where 69% of students voted to stop Brown from funding the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, the Jew Christina Paxson wrote an indignant refusal letter, asserting that "Brown's endowment is not a political instrument!" While all of these schools fought tooth and nail to fight the government's lawsuit to prevent race discrimination against white students, none of the schools have challenged Trump's executive order essentially outlawing criticism of Israel on campus. The order is unconstitutional and students have complained that it silences Palestinian advocates, but administrators appear to agree with Trump on this issue. If America's power dispensaries are so concerned with diversity and racism, perhaps they should select somebody who isn't Jewish to lead their operations for a change. The problem isn't radical students or liberal self-hatred. The rot corroding our institutions of higher learning, like many other failing American institutions, is Jewish racial dominance. (read more) 2021-03-29 d BLACK AND WHITE III (Token Negro Secretary of Defense apparently doesn't like white, Christian social conservatives.) Leaked Document Shows Who The
Pentagon Wants To Purge From Military
The Department of Defense is embarking on one of the widest internal purges in US history. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has made "combating extremism" in the armed forces his number one priority, but Austin and his supporters in the intelligence community have been vague about what exactly they mean. A Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) document leaked to Politico titled "Extremism and Insider Threat in the DoD" finally answers the question. According to DARPA, patriots, white advocates, Christians, and "anti-feminists" all qualify as extremists subject to punishment and expulsion. Anarchists, environmentalists, animal welfare activists -- but not [Only] Black Lives Matter -- are also on the list. The guidelines describe patriot "domestic extremists" as holding an ideology that states "the US government has become corrupt, has overstepped its constitutional boundaries or is no longer capable of protecting the people against foreign threats." Oathkeepers, Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois are put in this category. DARPA's "racial and ethnic supremacy" section only includes symbols belonging to white groups, many of them no longer operation, such as Identity Evropa or the Aryan Nations. Most puzzling and overreaching is the inclusion of Christians who oppose abortion, gay marriage or transgenderism. Almost half of all US military recruits are from the South, where there are many Christians with socially conservative beliefs. Almost amusing is the "anti-feminist" designation, which describes involuntary celibates ("incels") as a national security threat. The fixation on incels is not based on any legitimate data or intelligence assessment. It is included thanks to lobbying from the Anti-Defamation League, which reveals a lack of seriousness at the Pentagon. It's safe to say that under these rules, the majority of Americans -- and thus servicemen -- are domestic extremists. How it is possible to boot every soldier who doesn't approve of transgenderism or has posted Pepe the Frog on his social media without basically destroying the military has not been specified by Austin or the Pentagon, but he apparently is deferring to unit commanders to enforce the new rules however they see fit. Many conservatives are complaining about the military becoming "woke," but this is just a symptom of a broader problem: every institution in American life has become woke. Because the US armed forces are utilized by the Zionist lobby to protect Israel in the narrow sense and the Jewish liberal order in the broader sense, the military has for years been allowed to engage in "problematic" practices -- such as placing enlistees based on the results of their IQ tests -- that would lead to Civil Rights lawsuits in other areas of American life. Now it appears that the Pentagon, forced to pull back from foreign military adventures in Asia and Africa, is transforming the military into a weapon to conscript for their culture war against the American people. (read more) 2021-03-29 c BLACK AND WHITE II (Race to the bottom - or - we don't believe in race, per se, but race matters.) Embracing Genetic Diversity to
Improve Black Health
As researchers whose work is largely focused on genetics and who self-identify as Black men, arguably one of the most disadvantaged groups in the United States, we have had similar formative experiences during our training and careers. We have all dealt with aggressions and microaggressions, isolation, imposter syndrome, the Pygmalion effect or stereotype threat, gaslighting, and a lack of mentorship, especially Black mentorship. We have made our way in a field that has an alarming dearth of leaders and research participants of African descent — a common story among Black professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Despite these similarities, the five of us are also a diverse group, with representation from academia and industry and from career stages ranging from doctoral student to tenured full professor. We work in different subspecialties within genetics: pharmacogenomics, statistical genetics, genetic epidemiology, and population genetics. Some of us are clinicians (pharmacists and physicians), and the academics among us have appointments in different schools (pharmacy, medicine, and public health) within our respective universities. We are also diverse in terms of our Black identities; we self-identify as first-generation Nigerian American (Yoruba ethnicity), first-generation American of Tanzanian descent (Pare and Nyamwezi ethnicities), Zambian (Ngoni ethnicity), African American, and Tobagonian (West Indian). But our personal experiences as Black male geneticists in science and society have given us a certain perspective on genetics, race, ancestry, and health disparities affecting the Black community. Genetic Diversity as a Component of Race The genetics of racial classifications has been discussed for centuries, with general positions falling into two broad categories: either the use of race in clinical practice and biomedical research has substantial benefits or race has no biologic basis and thus no place in medicine. This long-standing debate has involved epidemiologists, geneticists, clinicians, and social scientists. The debate has recently resurfaced (in the evaluation of race’s use in clinical algorithms and the implementation of antiracism curricula), largely in response to two key events that have brought increased attention to health disparities negatively affecting Black communities. The first is the Covid-19 pandemic, in which higher Covid-19 mortality has been observed among Black Americans than among White Americans, with evidence suggesting that racial differences in [Vitamin D blood concentrations and] rates of coexisting conditions at least partially account for these disparities. The second is the [fentanyl overdose] death of George Floyd, which has sparked global protests against anti-Black racism. It has been demonstrated8 and more recently confirmed that a small but appreciable proportion of the genetic differences between any two people (about 15%) reflect divergence between, rather than diversity within, groups defined according to continent of ancestral origin. There is a remarkably strong correlation between a person’s continent of ancestral origin and self-identified race. Thus, we believe that race has both a genetic and a social component. … African Genetic Diversity and Scientific Discovery African populations have the greatest genetic diversity, the largest number of population-specific alleles, the smallest linkage disequilibrium blocks, the lowest proportion of recent deleterious variants, the most extensive population structure, and the deepest historical lineage, — all findings consistent with the “Out of Africa” theory that anatomically modern humans originated in Africa and a small proportion of them left the continent 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Most of these genetic-diversity patterns are the result of genetic drift (random shifts in allele frequencies over generations), which had a strong effect in reducing genetic diversity in the smaller bottleneck population leaving Africa. Another source is natural selection from adaptation to ancient environmental pressures that were different for non-African populations than for their African ancestors. These findings have implications for studies linking genetic variation to disease susceptibility and response to pharmacologic agents. First, genetic studies of African populations are crucial to fully understanding modern human evolution and its effect on human disease. Second, these findings imply that results from genetic studies in non-African populations, including their clinical relevance, may not be generalizable to African populations. Third, they imply that there are many genetic variants yet to be discovered that probably play a role in medically important phenotypes of African populations. As further support for this point, authors of a recent study that detected the largest number of loss-of-function variants to date noted that we remain far from identifying all possible loss-of-function variants, in part as a consequence of the low proportion of African participants in their study (6%). Fourth, these findings imply that the results from genetic studies in one subpopulation within Africa may not apply to another. Samples collected from African populations must be broad and extensive to capture the full genetic diversity available. Despite the scientific rationale for inclusion of African populations, most genetic studies have had no or few participants with African ancestry. In 2009, it was reported that only 4% of the study participants in genome wide association studies were persons of non-European ancestry.In 2016, a repeat analysis showed that the proportion had increased to 19%,15 but the increase largely reflected inclusion of Asian participants — only 3% of participants had African ancestry. Greater inclusion in genetic studies of participants of African ancestry could greatly advance scientific discovery. Large-scale efforts toward this goal have recently been initiated, but we have a long way to go before we can realize genetic studies’ full potential. Genetic Diversity and Health Disparities Genetic differences between populations defined by ancestry may contribute to clinically significant health disparities. For example, the Clarification of Oral Anticoagulation through Genetics (COAG) trial showed a disparity in outcomes of pharmacogenomic-guided warfarin dosing between populations of European and African ancestry. Warfarin is indicated for preventing thrombosis, and the anticoagulant response to it is determined by both genetic and nongenetic factors. In COAG, incorporation of genetic factors into an algorithm intended to improve warfarin dosing led to worse anticoagulation control in the subgroup of participants of African descent than did use of an algorithm encompassing only nongenetic factors. Potential contributors to this disparity include the pharmacogenomic algorithm’s exclusion of African-specific variants affecting warfarin dosing requirements and its inclusion of genetic factors whose estimated effect sizes were based on populations of predominantly European descent (despite evidence suggesting that effect sizes differ between populations of different ancestries). Indeed, the algorithm used in COAG was known to be almost twice as accurate in predicting warfarin doses in European-ancestry populations as in African-ancestry populations. These data indicate that race-specific algorithms would provide more accurate warfarin-dosing prediction than a one-size-fits-all approach. But the full range of genetic factors affecting warfarin-dosing requirements in persons of African ancestry is unknown. Further studies in large populations of African descent are necessary to help address this racial disparity. Outside genetics, we have seen the positive effects of considering race in clinical research and practice. We have seen how interventions at Black-owned barbershops have improved hypertension outcomes for Black men. We have seen how skin-of-color clinics provide greater satisfaction for Black dermatology patients. We know that ignoring race in clinically based algorithms for estimated glomerular filtration rate could lead to inaccurate predictions of kidney function in Black patients, resulting in potential overtreatment (e.g., dialysis in patients with adequate kidney function) and inappropriate dosing for drugs that are eliminated renally. And we know that the combination of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate, a therapeutic regimen repeatedly shown to be more effective for heart failure outcomes in Black patients than White patients, would never have been approved or incorporated into clinical guidelines if Black participants had not been included in clinical trials and results had not been stratified by race. Thanks to the consideration of race in that instance, we now have one more therapeutic option (lifesaving, evidence-based, and cost-efficient, since both therapies are generic) for heart failure, a disease that disproportionately affects Black people but for which Black participants are rarely included in clinical trials. Conclusions Ultimately, considering these and numerous other examples, we understand that genetic differences exist between people belonging to different socially constructed racial categories. We embrace this diversity and acknowledge its clinically meaningful implications. These differences can allow researchers to make important advances in health and science, and this recognition is what compels us to do the work we do. We do not believe that ignoring race will reduce health disparities; such an approach is a form of naive “color blindness” that is more likely to perpetuate and potentially exacerbate disparities. Although ignoring race could improve equality (by leading to identical medical treatment for everyone), we believe that equity [Why not equality?] is necessary to address disparities. We urge our colleagues in medicine and science to refrain from haphazardly removing race from clinical algorithms and treatment guidelines in response to recent initiatives attempting to combat anti-Black racism. The ultimate goal, we believe, would be to replace race with genetic ancestry in an evidence-based manner. But we have not yet reached a point where genetic-ancestry data are readily available in routine care or where clinicians know what to do with these data. Until we do, ignoring race and thereby reverting to the United States’ outdated system of health care, in which clinical research findings are generated in populations of European descent and extrapolated to the treatment of non-European populations, is neither equitable nor safe for those other populations. To reach a stage where genetic ancestry can replace race, we need more research in underrepresented populations. We envision a future with more racial diversity among participants in clinical trials and population genetics studies. Since the dearth of racial diversity in the scientific community has helped to fuel distrust in clinical trials on the part of minority patients, we also envision a future with greater diversity among biomedical researchers and health care professionals. How we train our students will dictate the diversity of the next generation of genetic scientists and clinicians. Instilling a fundamental understanding of genetics early in training is a first step toward attracting talented people to the field, and indeed students in the health professions have themselves advocated for being taught genetics. Recently, professional and graduate schools around the country have begun to incorporate [Marxist and highly divisive] antiracism training into their curricula. These initiatives may well reduce implicit bias in the classroom and at patients’ bedside, yet some of the materials used in these curricula promote ideologies that downplay the medical achievements of genetic studies. Such a slant could dissuade Black students from choosing genetic research as a career path. We believe that social scientists and geneticists should work together to design curricula that are antiracist but not antigenetics. Genetics research, if done responsibly, is antiracist. As Covid-19 continues to ravage the world, we now have a better understanding of the clinical factors that predict poor outcomes in infected persons. Yet some apparently high-risk patients have favorable outcomes after infection, while some low-risk patients have more severe illness. This observation suggests that the severity of disease may have a partially genetic basis. Genome wide association studies have uncovered and validated genetic determinants of high Covid-19 severity; these studies, however, did not include African populations. Ongoing efforts are global but include a low proportion of African participants, and these few participants do not adequately reflect the genetic diversity of Africa. Unsurprisingly, the identified loci are rare in the genomes of African people. Interestingly, although African countries are considered to have generally poor health care infrastructure relative to higher-income countries, Africa has seen remarkably low mortality from Covid-19. This difference is probably attributable to multiple factors, many of which may carry lessons for higher-resourced countries. Furthermore, given the aforementioned theory that African genomes have had more time to be influenced by natural selection and environmental exposures (most notably to previous pandemics), a great deal about the genetic basis of differential Covid-19 severity can probably be elucidated by studying populations of African ancestry. We are grateful that the discussion about race and genetic ancestry in medicine has been reinvigorated, because we recognize its importance in stimulating change and progress. We encourage further dialogue and collaborative research among geneticists, clinicians, social scientists, patients, and other stakeholders with the goal of combating health disparities. (read more) 2021-03-29 b BLACK AND WHITE I (What about the equal protection clause?) Oakland launches guaranteed
pay plan for low-income people
The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it. The program is the latest experiment with a “guaranteed income,” an idea that giving poor people a set amount of money each month helps ease the stresses of poverty that often lead to poor health while hindering their ability to find full-time work. The idea isn’t new, but it’s having a revival across the U.S. after some mayors launched small, temporary programs across the country in a coordinated campaign to convince Congress to adopt a national guaranteed income program. … The Oakland Resilient Families program has so far raised $6.75 million from private donors including Blue Meridian Partners, a national philanthropy group. To be eligible, people must have at least one child under 18 and income at or below 50% of the area median income — about $59,000 per year for a family of three. … Oakland’s project is significant because it is one of the largest efforts in the U.S. so far, targeting up to 600 families. And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities. The reason: White households in Oakland on average make about three times as much annually than black households, according to the Oakland Equity Index. It’s also a nod to the legacy of the Black Panther Party, the political movement that was founded in Oakland in the 1960s. “Guaranteed income has been a goal of the Black Panther platform since its founding,” said Jesús Gerena, CEO of Family Independence Initiative, which is partnering with the program in Oakland. “Direct investment in the community in response to systemic injustices isn’t new.” (read more) 2021-03-29 a "In a revolution there
is is no space for sarcasm. The only humor that
appeals to revolutionaries involves humiliating
their enemies. And for non-believers, the Woke are
beyond ridicule. Nothing you can imagine is more
ridiculous than the Woke themselves. "
- Jack D. 2021-03-28 e TOO BAD THIS PAKISTANI WASN'T ARMED TO DEFEND HIMSELF II Black Girl Magic: Two Teen
Girls Smash Carjacking's Glass Ceiling by Murdering
a Driver
It’s time to trash the trope that adolescent girls can’t compete in the big leagues of carjacking mayhem. Just one year ago, carjacking seemed like Nineties nostalgia, but a combination of society telling everybody to wear face masks and the Racial Reckoning has brought carjacking back with a bang. And these Washington DC 13 and 15 year olds show gender is no barrier to carjack carnage. Seriously, while I feel really bad for the elderly Pakistani gentleman who immigrated here in 2014 at around age 59 and gets a really bad job and then is murdered during the Racial Reckoning by teenyboppers … but why do we let unskilled 59-year-olds immigrate anyway? How much are they going to pay in taxes before going on Medicare (assuming they don’t go on Medicaid immediately). Has anybody done a cost-benefit analysis of this? (read more) Reader Comment: There is another story here. I believe the
Pakistani immigrant was 66 years old. What sane society allows impoverished
old men to immigrate when the only job they can
hold is doing deliveries for Uber eats? He doesn’t make enough to
be able to afford private health insurance even if he
wasn’t 66 years old. Was he on Medicare? If so why? Importing geriatric immigrants to
provide drivers for Uber only works if the true
cost of hiring them is shifted from Uber to the
Reader Comment: Broad
Someone filming you Most races would cut their losses and call off the carjacking, realizing the potential costs outweigh the benefits. But black people always seem to come to a different conclusion. The math in their heads works different 2 + 2 = 5 https://t.co/GOhThyKEgN — YungSpengler (@YungSpengler) March 27, 2021 Reader Comment: Only a few thousand more
incidents like this, and we might go back to
punishment for breaking the law while black.
See also: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/washington-dc-uber-eats-driver-killed-2-girls-charged 2021-03-28 d TOO BAD THIS PAKISTANI WASN'T ARMED TO DEFEND HIMSELF I 2 [black, teenage] girls
charged with fatal carjacking in DC
Two [black] teenagers have been charged with murder after a Virginia man police say they were carjacking died in a car crash Tuesday afternoon in D.C. Mohammed Anwar, 66, of Springfield, Virginia, died in the crash on N Street in Southeast D.C., just north of Nationals Park. The police said in their report that the crash happened when he was shocked by a stun gun by two teenagers who were in the process of carjacking him about a block away on Van Street at about 4:30 p.m. A 13-year-old [black] girl from Southeast D.C. and a 15-year-old [black] girl from Fort Washington, Maryland, have been arrested and charged with felony murder and armed carjacking. “We are devastated by this tragic news and our hearts go out to Mohammad’s family during this difficult time,” an Uber spokesperson said. “We’re grateful the suspects have been arrested and thank the Metropolitan Police Department for their diligence with this investigation.” A fundraiser has been set up to help Anwar’s family. (read more) 2021-03-28 c SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED ![]() 2021-03-28 b AN ANTIDOTE TO TYRANNY United States Bill of Rights:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” At the time of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, “well-regulated” meant, kept in good order; well-trained and equipped. THERE WERE NO REGULATIONS, RESTRICTIONS OR LIMITATIONS ON GUNS IN THE EARLY YEARS OF THE REPUBLIC. Leftists and tyrants continue to propose illegitimate restrictions. The latest is the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R.127) introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. Patriots should consider re-naming her, Sheila "Jackass" Lee. Representative "Jackass" Lee (D-TX), introduced this garbage bill to "provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.” Her tyrannical bill is named after a Pakistani Muslim exchange student who was shot dead in a Santa Fe, Texas, high school in 2018.. 2021-03-28 a SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS The Essential Rules Of Tyranny
Rule #1: Keep Them Afraid Rule #2: Keep Them Isolated Rule #3: Keep Them Desperate Rule #4: Send Out The Jackboots Rule #5: Blame Everything On The Truth Seekers Rule #6: Encourage Citizen Spies Rule #7: Make Them Accept The Unacceptable (read more) 2021-03-27 e DID THEY SHOUT, "ALLAHU SNACK-BAR?" Mozambique: 180 workers
trapped in a hotel during [Islamist] rebel attack |
More than 180 people, including expatriates, were trapped in hotels in the north of Mozambique, A town that has been attacked by armed groups for three days. According to trapped workers, troops were trying to safely airlift workers from the town of Parma near the billion-dollar gas site on the Ahungi Peninsula in Cabo-delgado on Friday. Jihad militants launched an attack on a coastal town Wednesday afternoon, fleeing horrified inhabitants to the surrounding forests, forcing LNG workers to seek refugees at the Amarula Hotel. The government of the country said soldiers launched an attack to repel radical [Islamist] fighters from the town, which is the hub of a huge gas project. “Almost the entire town has been destroyed. Many have died,” he said. A worker at the LNG site spoke on the phone after being rescued by Ahungi on Friday night. He did not reveal details of the casualties or their nationality. “When the locals fled to the bushes, LNG company workers, including foreigners, evacuated to Hotel Amarula, waiting for them to be rescued,” he asked not to be named. I did. Another worker at a company subcontracted by Energy Company Total said the helicopter flew over the hotel on Friday in an attempt to find a “corridor to rescue about 180 people trapped in the hotel.” .. “But until dawn, many stayed on the premises while the militants were trying to move towards the hotel,” he said. In an unidentified short video clip shared on social media, an unidentified man filmed a hotel lobby and several people paraded around the patio. With a chopper buzzing in the background, he described Parma’s situation as “serious.” “I don’t know if we’ll be rescued,” he said, adding that the hotel was short of food but still had water left. Radicals belonging to Islamic [State]. The group raided villages and towns throughout the state, leaving nearly 700,000 people displaced. According to Armed Conflict Location and Event Data, a US-based data collection agency, violence killed at least 2,600 people, half of whom were civilians. (read more) 2021-03-27 d SHE DID NOT HEAR, "ALLAHU SNACK-BAR" USA Today ‘race and inclusion’
editor fired for controversial tweet about Boulder
A “race and inclusion” editor at USA Today complained on Friday that she was fired after mistakenly tweeting that the Boulder supermarket shooter was another “angry white man” — but she’s blaming the resulting “alt-right” outrage, not just herself. “It’s always an angry white man. always,” ex-editor Hemal Jhaveri had said Monday in her offending tweet — which she admitted in a Medium post on Friday had been “careless.” “Extremely tired of people’s lives depending on whether a white man with an AR-15 is having a good day or not,” said the tweet, which noted that just days earlier a white gunman had shot up three Atlanta area massage parlors. The tweet turned out to be inaccurate — police soon identified the Boulder suspect as Syria-born Colorado resident Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa — and Jhaveri soon apologized and deleted her tweet. But not before the tweet sparked an online onslaught of accusations that she was a race and inclusion editor who is actually a “racist” hater of white men. “It was a dashed off over-generalization, tweeted after pictures of the shooter being taken into custody surfaced online,” Jhavari said in Medium of the tweet. “It was a careless error of judgement,” she added, “sent at a heated time, that doesn’t represent my commitment to racial equality. I regret sending it.” But the cat was out of the bag. Or as Jhaveri put it in Medium, she had invoked “the ire and anger of alt-right Twitter.” “There was social media outrage, threats and harassment towards me,” Jhaveri complained. Jhaveri was fired from her position of “Sports Media Group Race and Inclusion Editor;” she also edited the subsection “For The Win.” “This is not about bias,” she claimed on Medium, “or keeping personal opinions off of Twitter. It’s about challenging whiteness and being punished for it.” Of USA Today, she said, “Sending one wrong tweet that ended up in the hands of Sean Hannity on Fox News though, was enough for this publication to turn tail.” She ended the piece, “Like many places, USA TODAY values “equality and inclusion,” but only as long as it knows its rightful place, which is subservient to white authority. (read more) 2021-03-27 c DID HE SHOUT, "ALLAHU SNACK-BAR?" Accused Boulder gunman Ahmad
Al Aliwi Alissa was ‘laughing’ during massacre:
The accused gunman in Monday’s mass shooting in Boulder was “laughing” as he murdered 10 people and terrorized shoppers inside a King Soopers grocery store, police and a witness said. “We could hear a man chuckling,” shopper Angelina Romero-Chavez recalled hearing as she hid from the gunman while shots rang out around her. “Gunshots were close. We believe it was him chuckling,” the 23-year-old told the Denver Post. Police also radioed: “This guy is laughing at us,” according to records reviewed by the Denver Post. The disturbing detail was revealed Saturday, five days after police say Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa carried out the massacre using an AR-556 [handgun] — and a day after officials said they have not determined a motive for the killings. Romero-Chavez survived the shooting by barricading herself, along with her boyfriend Amos Plentywolf, a worker and another couple inside of a storage closet, where they blocked the door with boxes and supplies. (read more) 2021-03-27 b REALITY OF SENILITY New photos show cheat sheets
used by [senile] Biden during his first press
![]() New photos reveal several cheat sheets used by President Biden during his Thursday press conference — including one with the headshots and names of reporters he planned to call on. The president also used notes to assist with facts about US infrastructure, a policy area Biden is focusing on during his first months in the White House. “The United States now ranks 13th globally in infrastructure quality — down from 5th place in 2002,” read one bullet point. But despite having the answers in front of him, Biden still slipped up, saying America ranked 85th in the world in infrastructure, before correcting himself. The press pool at Thursday’s briefing, the first one held by Biden since taking office 65 days ago, was limited to 25 reporters. Biden only took questions from a list of journalists whose names and outlets he read from a cue card. A photo of the card shows circled numbers around select reporters. In the early stages of the 62-minute presser, in which Biden fielded 10 questions, the president appeared to repeatedly lose his train of thought, forgetting questions and asking reporters if they wanted him to give detailed answers. Many of his responses were aided by notes he kept inside a three-ring binder. (read more) 2021-03-27 a “Reality is that which, when
you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”
- Philip K. Dick 2021-03-26 e MIGRANT ANGEL OF DEATH MADE HER DO IT Girl, 13, is arrested for
stealing mother’s SUV and mowing down and killing
two homeless men in California
d•The February 12 incident began when the girl was pulled over in the white Ford Explorer for a potential traffic violation •When a cop approached, she hit the accelerator and tried to escape, only to lose control of the car and plow into a planter, where two men were asleep •The two victims were Mateo Salvador, 33, and Sofio Sotelo Torres, 51 •The unidentified minor was booked into juvenile hall on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter, evading police and felony hit-and-run A 13-year-old girl has been arrested for allegedly stealing her mother's SUV and mowing down and killing two homeless men in arrested in Escondido, California after cops tried to pull her over. The girl was arrested Thursday but the incident took place in San Diego County's North County region late on the night of February 12, when a white Ford Explorer was pulled over for a potential traffic violation around 11.20pm near the intersection of Mission Ave. and Gamble St. When the officer approached the car, however, the girl behind the wheel, who had her friend in the passenger seat, slammed on the accelerator in an attempt to evade the cop. When she tried to make a left turn two blocks later during her escape, she lost control and jumped the curb, hitting a planter in front of the San Diego Gas & Electric transfer facility. The two victims, Mateo Salvador, 33, and Sofio Sotelo Torres, 51, were sleeping next to a wall that was behind the planter. One died at the scene of the crash, while another died at the hospital, according to the Los Angeles Times. Sotelo Torres, known as 'El Gallo,' once owned a tree trimming business, but was forced to close it. His wife and son eventually moved to Texas, while Sotelo Torres stayed behind. The Mexican consulate is working to return his remains to Mexico. He was 'a happy person; he was filled with joy,' said Ricardo Aguilar, a family member of Sotelo Torres, according to NBC San Diego. The 13-year-old suspect attempted to flee the scene of the crash on foot, but was quickly captured. After the crash, both girls were released to their families, pending the results of the investigation. 'Since the tragic event took place, traffic investigators have been working diligently to locate and process evidence, finalize statements from involved parties and witnesses, and attempt to re-create the circumstances surrounding the crash,' said a statement from the Escondido Police Department following the arrest. 'During this time, our investigators have been in communication with the Juvenile Branch of the San Diego County District Attorney’s office on the filing of all possible charges. 'Investigators prepared an affidavit for an arrest warrant for the 13-year-old driver and the warrant was issued by the court.' The girl, who was booked into juvenile hall, has not been identified by police because she is a minor. The girl is from Vista, California, which is about 13 miles northwest of Escondido. She took her mother's car without her knowledge for the deadly joyride. She was booked on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter, evading police and felony hit-and-run. Her passenger is not facing any charges at this time and was not mentioned in the police department's statement. (read more) THE BILL GATES DEMON MAKES THEM DO IT Rutgers becomes first
university to mandate ONLY vaccinated students will
be allowed back this fall - just two months after
the New Jersey school said the [experimental]
COVID-19 [gene therapy] shot wouldn't be a
•The mandate applies to all three of the school's New Jersey campus locations •Students will be able to apply for an exception on religious or medical grounds •Those who are exclusively taking online or off-campus classes are excluded •Rutgers is believed to be the first university in the U.S. to mandate the vaccine Rutgers University announced on Thursday that all students returning to campus in the Fall 2021 will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The mandate applies to all three of the school's campus locations: New Brunswick, Newark, and Camden. The university is believed to be the first in the United States to mandate the vaccine for students. The announcement came from the school president's office as the school aims for a 'full return to our pre-pandemic normal as a vibrant institution.' The university pointed towards guidance from the CDC in their decision, as well as Joe Biden's hope that everyone will be eligible for the vaccine as soon as May. While students will be required to be vaccinated for the Fall 2021 semester, faculty and staff are being urged 'get immunized against COVID-19 at the earliest opportunity.' Rutgers cites the benefits of their requirement, including more face-to-face courses, more events and activities available on campus, better dining options, and more collaboration. The university will also begin to vaccinate people at campus after receiving approval to do so, but they have no vaccine supply yet. Students will be required to have proof of their vaccine, even 17-year-olds only currently eligible for the Pfizer vaccine. Students will be able to ask for an exemption from getting the [non-]vaccine, based on either medical or religious grounds. Those who are exclusively taking online or off-campus classes will not be required to get the vaccine. (read more) 2021-03-26 c THE TERMAGANT MAKES THEM DO IT What Trump Derangement
Syndrome Has Wrought
At less than 100 days in, Trump-haters have imposed growing disasters on the country. Trump-hating voters cared about one thing and it wasn’t the success of Operation Warp Speed, a strong economy, or peace in the Mideast. Bad Orange Man must go, the country, our kids’ and grandkids’ futures be damned. And we reap what we sow. The [illegitimate] 46th President of the United States Joseph Robinette Biden began by signing an unprecedented number of executive orders designed to bypass the legislative process (including job killers and open borders). He signed the hyper-partisan “Covid relief package” proving that he has no interest in unifying the country. He actually boxed out Republican voices in the negotiation process resulting in a true moderate, Susan Collins, wondering why Biden “would want to alienate” Republicans willing to work with him. In between we’ve barely seen the president while he hides behind Harris and "Dr." Jill. Trump-haters ignored Biden’s senility and Harris’s record as the most progressive member of the Senate (who was so disliked by Democrat voters that she didn’t even make it to the Iowa caucuses). Now we learn the White House has directed agencies to refer to the “Biden-Harris administration” in official documents. Harris has been making calls to world leaders on behalf of the administration and participating in all meetings. The stage is being set for Biden to predictably step down and rest (the White House called a lid on Biden’s day at 1:13pm on Monday). Under the auspices of never letting a crisis go to waste, the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion dollar “Covid” boondoggle (on top of the $4 trillion previously thrown at the pandemic) benefits special-interest groups, applies just 9% of the funds towards fighting Covid, puts the country further in debt, funds teachers’ unions that still refuse to get back to work, and wastes vast sums that will have to be paid back through massive tax-hikes on constituents Biden promised would never see tax hikes (reminiscent of Obama’s infamous lie that if you liked your doctor and health insurance, you could keep them). If the Biden administration truly cared about getting people back to work, the last thing it would have done was shut down the Keystone Pipeline, with John Kerry condescendingly telling the 10,000 workers who lost their jobs that they could produce solar panels (that are actually mostly produced in China), attempt to force a $15 minimum wage on the entire country, and kill the welfare-to-work requirement passed under Clinton, a genuine moderate president. And the Democrats’ spending spree has just begun. Next up is a massive $3 trillion infrastructure bill intended to reduce carbon emissions and narrow “economic inequality” (notwithstanding that the Trump economy drove minority unemployment to its lowest and minority wages to their highest). The [Khmer Vert] Green New Deal is estimated to cost between $50-90 trillion. Biden has stated his support of studying slavery reparations that would cost $1.4 trillion reiterating he’s committed to addressing “systemic racism that persists today” -- one of the biggest lies the left perpetuates in order to maintain power and bleed the last drop of capital from “the wealthy.” Democrats are also beginning hearings on 18 bills that will eventually lead to single-payer healthcare. Democrats must know that taxing the “rich” will never produce enough money to pay for their progressive plans; they’ll do so anyway. They realize corporations will move offshore while the wealthy find tax havens, unemployment will rise, and welfare dependency will grow. That’s the plan – use Covid, TDS, race-baiting, cancel culture, and global warming as smokescreens for grabbing power. Ironically, the one place at which the Democrats refuse to see a crisis is our Southern border. It’s not even caravan season and yet migrants share that they’re flocking in precisely because Biden told them to come. Liberal Chuck Todd is questioning whether Biden has put a gag order on media reporting from the border, while Democrats perpetuate the myth that the reversal of Trump’s effective policies was humane. And as they spend $86 million on hotel rooms to house illegals, Democrats see future voters and couldn’t care a less about the terrorists, drug runners, cartel members, gang bangers, human traffickers, and convicted sexual predators infiltrating our country, nor that open borders and free stuff for all are unsustainable. The filibuster is, unsurprisingly, facing cancellation (supported by Biden) and while McConnell has warned that would lead to a “scorched-Earth Senate,” Democrats only see power. DC statehood is now being debated, but the scariest bill in the works is HR-1, Democrats’ “voting rights” bill that would nationalize elections while institutionalizing fraud. HR-1 is arguably the most dangerous piece of legislation proposed in Congress in our lifetimes, overriding state laws intended to protect election integrity. Yet Democrats are using their favorite term – systemic racism – as a justification to ram it through. After Democrats nationalize voter fraud, they’ll likely turn to education. Blue states are imposing on students ethnic studies and critical race theory curricula that teach that white people, the Founders, police officers, and anyone who doesn’t agree with them are racists. One of Biden’s first EOs dissolved Trump’s 1776 Commission, established to promote patriotism and counter the anti-American 1619 Project that teaches that America is “irredeemably and systemically racist.” Toddlers are being taught social justice aimed at “dismant[ling] bias for kids as young as two.” Biden’s executive order on transgenders in sports was a power-grab that harms female athletes at the expense of 0.4% of the country’s population that identifies as transgender. Couple that with the [evil] Equality Act that passed the House with only three Republican votes and say goodbye to women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, and safety and privacy more generally. In addition to racism, Democrats are obsessed with climate change and want to destroy our nation’s energy independence by outlawing gasoline-powered vehicles, fracking, and nuclear energy. Energy prices would skyrocket while inefficient alternative sources would result in power outages becoming common place as we’ve seen in California and Texas. Those who don’t abide would be cancelled as “climate deniers.” Speaking of cancel culture, the silencing of Trump and conservatives by social media authoritarians is cheered on by Democrats. Aunt Jemima, Pepe LePew, Mr. Potato Head, Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss, and American history have all been on the chopping block. Statues representing our astonishing history are torn down and schools with names like Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson are renamed. Careers are being destroyed and free speech is under attack as liberals run roughshod over ideas they don’t like. On foreign policy, Biden has an even more Iran-friendly government than did Obama. While he reunited the Obama pro-Iran team consisting of Blinken, Sullivan, Rice, Power, Kerry, Sherman, and Malley, he’s added many Israel-haters also enamored of the Mullahs who seek Death to Israel and America. ... So here we are. Unity? Moderation? Not in a [corrupt] Biden-Harris administration that brags about passing the most “progressive bill in American history.” Not in an administration driven by reversing Trump policy no matter how successful while driven by divisiveness, lies, ideology, and power. But Trump’s gone so we have that going for us. Sadly, the 74 million American voters who didn’t cast ballots for these awful people and policies will pay the price for the vapidity of Americans filled with enough hate and ignorance to elect this garbage. (read more) 2021-03-26 b ALLAH MAKES THEM DO IT Muslim Soldiers Executing
Their Christian Comrades
Muslim soldiers are killing their Christian comrades in arms — apparently because the latter, as "infidels," are already the enemy. Most recently, in Nigeria, a Muslim colonel stole weapons from an armory and then blamed the twelve soldiers on duty for the theft. Six of those twelve soldiers — all Christians — were then executed. According to a lawyer acquainted with the case: The
[Nigerian] government of today detests
Christianity[.] ... This administration is running
on ethnic agenda against the Igbo [Christian]
population[.] ... This has never been a practice
in the Army. Things got changed the moment this
present administration [of Muhammadu
Buhari] came to power. Things are happening
before that didn't happen. It's not only about
these six soldiers[.] ... Even in the security
forces, Christians are being targeted.
The Feb. 4 report elaborates: Many
Nigerians now believe the Army fights for Islam,
not Nigeria[.] ... In the country's predominately
Christian south, people call it 'Boko Haram's
Army.' Muslims hold all the most important
leadership positions. The Army's lack of action to
protect Christians comes directly from its leaders
in government[.] ... When troops go into areas
controlled by radical Islamists to defend Nigerian
Christians, the government orders them to retreat.
Then, Islamist rebels shoot them in the back.
The phenomenon of Muslim military men murdering their Christian counterparts — and getting away with it — is hardly limited to Nigeria. In 2018, for instance, Matthew Samir Habib, a 22-year-old Christian in Egypt's military was killed simply for being Christian. He was the latest of about ten Christian soldiers in Egypt to be killed in separate incidents over the years by Muslim soldiers on account of their faith. In virtually all of these cases, a similar pattern follows: despite all the evidence otherwise (such as physical bruises all over the bodies of the slain), military officials insist that — due to some sudden and inexplicable bout of depression — all these Christians supposedly committed "suicide." Meanwhile the dead Christian soldiers' families and those closest to them insist their slain sons and brothers were happy and healthy, that they were observant Christians, and that there was evidence that they were being persecuted by their Muslim "brothers-in-arms" for their evident Christianity. For example, in the aforementioned case of Matthew Habib, the murdered Christian was shot twice — and still authorities maintain it was suicide. (Click here for several more examples of military authorities offering bizarre reasons for the deaths, all rejected by the victims' Christian families.) Why these Christians are being killed is not difficult to comprehend. For many Muslims in Egypt, Nigeria, and elsewhere, war is synonymous with jihad — and it doesn't do much for morale to have lowly infidels, who are themselves the prime targets of jihad, fighting alongside the practitioners of jihad. These modern-day killings shed further light on a more theoretical — or rather theological — point. One of the staples of the Islamic whitewashing industry is the claim that jizya — the extortion money subjugated Jews and Christians were and are required to pay (Koran 9:29) — actually "entitled them to Muslim protection from outside aggression and exempted them from military service," to quote Georgetown University's John Esposito. By this widely held logic, Muslim invaders did not demand that the conquered non-Muslim populations ransom their lives with money — as virtually all Muslim jurists and historians explain it — but rather were kind enough to offer their infidel subjects "protection" and exemption from military service for a small fee. However, and as the modern-day killings of Christian soldiers makes clear, Christians and Jews were "exempt" from military service not because they paid jizya tribute, but because, as conquered infidels, they themselves were the enemy and had to remain separate and subjugated — as Christian minorities in Muslim nations tend to till this day. (As one example, requests to open or renovate churches are always met with mass violence and upheavals, often enabled if not instigated by local Muslim authorities: as infidels, Christians are not allowed to build or renovate temples of worship that openly challenge the teachings of Muhammad.) Apologists like Esposito twist the facts around in another important way: while payment of jizya did indeed purchase "protection" (of a sort) for the conquered infidels, that protection was not against an outside hostile force, but against inside hostile forces — that is, Muslims themselves: sharia manuals make clear that failure to pay jizya made the lives of dhimmis forfeit. Finally, and as if all the above was not enough, that the Koran itself requires conquered non-Muslims "to give the jizya willingly while they are humbled" (9:29) — or else — puts to rest any claim that payment of jizya was a mere business transaction justifying exemption from military but rather a ritual show of Islamic dominance over infidel subjects. (read more) 2021-03-26 a “There are two ways to be
fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other
is to refuse to believe what is true.”
- Søren Kierkegaard 2021-03-25 g LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT VII (back to 1901) 🇺🇸 —
WATCH: [illegitimate] President Biden at his first
Press Conference, says
that he came to the US Senate “120 years ago” when answering a question about ending the filibuster. pic.twitter.com/HPY0e0oL1q — Belaaz (@TheBelaaz) March 25, 2021 2021-03-25 f LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT VI (back to 1911) THIS DAY IN HISTORY - March
25, 1911
Triangle Shirtwaist fire kills 146 in New York City In one of the darkest moments of America’s industrial history, the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New York City burns down, killing 146 workers, on March 25, 1911. The tragedy led to the development of a series of laws and regulations that better protected the safety of factory workers. The Triangle factory, owned by Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, was located in the top three floors of the 10-story Asch Building in downtown Manhattan. It was a sweatshop in every sense of the word: a cramped space lined with work stations and packed with poor immigrant workers, mostly teenaged women who did not speak English. At the time of the fire, there were four elevators with access to the factory floors, but only one was fully operational and it could hold only 12 people at a time. There were two stairways down to the street, but one was locked from the outside to prevent theft by the workers and the other opened inward only. The fire escape, as all would come to see, was shoddily constructed, and could not support the weight of more than a few women at a time. Blanck and Harris already had a suspicious history of factory fires. The Triangle factory was twice scorched in 1902, while their Diamond Waist Company factory burned twice, in 1907 and in 1910. It seems that Blanck and Harris deliberately torched their workplaces before business hours in order to collect on the large fire-insurance policies they purchased, a not uncommon practice in the early 20th century. While this was not the cause of the 1911 fire, it contributed to the tragedy, as Blanck and Harris refused to install sprinkler systems and take other safety measures in case they needed to burn down their shops again. Added to this delinquency were Blanck and Harris’ notorious anti-worker policies. Their employees were paid a mere $15 a week, despite working 12 hours a day, every day. When the International Ladies Garment Workers Union led a strike in 1909 demanding higher pay and shorter and more predictable hours, Blanck and Harris’ company was one of the few manufacturers who resisted, hiring police as thugs to imprison the striking women, and paying off politicians to look the other way. On March 25, a Saturday afternoon, there were 600 workers at the factory when a fire broke out in a rag bin on the eighth floor. The manager turned the fire hose on it, but the hose was rotted and its valve was rusted shut. Panic ensued as the workers fled to every exit. The elevator broke down after only four trips, and women began jumping down the shaft to their deaths. Those who fled down the wrong set of stairs were trapped inside and burned alive. Other women trapped on the eighth floor began jumping out the windows, which created a problem for the firefighters whose hoses were crushed by falling bodies. Also, the firefighters’ ladders stretched only as high as the seventh floor, and their safety nets were not strong enough to catch the women, who were jumping three at a time. Blanck and Harris were on the building’s top floor with some workers when the fire broke out. They were able to escape by climbing onto the roof and hopping to an adjoining building. The fire was out within half an hour, but not before over 140 died. The workers’ union organized a march on April 5 to protest the conditions that led to the fire; it was attended by 80,000 people. Though Blanck and Harris were put on trial for manslaughter, they managed to get off scot-free. Still, the massacre for which they were responsible did finally compel the city to enact reform. In addition to the Sullivan-Hoey Fire Prevention Law passed that October, the New York Democratic set took up the cause of the worker and became known as a reform party. (read more) 2021-03-25 e LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT V (back to first mention of a 'New World Order' by Poppy Bush) You Will Own Nothing =
QUESTION: ... In the phrase “you will own nothing” , whether the term “You” is applicable to normal working/middle class people as I am one of them. If yes ,how much and will it be applicable to personal real estate as well? ANSWER: There is scarcely a government or major entity that is not aware of Socrates. While over the years I have been called in to advise around the world in times of crisis, this time is different. They know that Socrates is forecasting that their grand ideas of creating a new world order that they think they can create and direct from the United Nations will fail. For that reason, they try to discourage any media coverage of a computer that is the very Fourth Industrial Revolution they claim they want to accelerate, but they don’t like ours because it says they will fail. Their vision is to take the property of the average person, end government borrowing, destroy any business dependent upon fossil fuels, and “build back better” all green while reducing population. The lockdowns are being used to destroy most businesses that require fossil fuels. They cannot come out and say that, and they know there will be collateral damage. They do not care about that because the ends justify the means. The businesses that survive they assume will be those allowing people to work remotely ending commuting and they certainly want to end people traveling for vacations. It is now a £5,000 fine if you leave Britain on a vacation. If you lie about where you have been, it’s 10-years in prison. All of this for a virus that is no more lethal than the flu? These are the ideas of [Marxist] academics with no sense of humanity or even how the economy functions. They reject Adam Smith’s invisible hand because they want to create their own visionary world. This is no different than what was attempted by Karl Marx. They are running out of time. They realize they are on a short leash. The resistance is building and the political crossroads is coming rapidly — 2022. I cannot believe there is not a revolution in Britain by now. Other world leaders in history who have been such tyrants as Boris Johnson have been assassinated, overthrown, and often their heads paraded around on a stick celebrating the evil one is dead. Are the British simply sheep? London was always my favorite city. I cannot imagine living in Britain today. The most dangerous place will be Europe, for Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum has total control of Europe. All the world leaders there ask him how high to jump and even what to say. They are using the excuse that there are not enough vaccines available so the lockdowns must continue. They need to thoroughly destroy as much of the European economy as possible in hopes that they can use this as a model for the rest of the world. This idea that you will own nothing will lead to revolution. It is such a drastic alteration of everything we have had for thousands of years that it is just absurd to think that they can train humans simply to bark, sit, and roll over. (read more) 2021-03-25 d LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT IV (back to stolen presidential election) Sidney Powell – Her Side
As I stated, Sidney Powell’s legal argument was simply that there was no harm even if she had just made up the story, which she states she did not. CNN misrepresented what her brief states: “Powell,
who repeatedly pressed unfounded claims of voter
fraud on the airwaves and in court, now says that
“reasonable” people would not accept her
statements as “fact” because the legal process
hadn’t yet played out. It was a stunning admission
from a woman who served for a time as one of
Trump’s top legal lieutenants.”
CNBC also engaged in Fake News saying “‘no reasonable person’ believes election claims were ‘statements of fact’ when the brief is quoting the legal standard [id / p. 27]. The leftist press is cherry-picking words and trying to say that Powell has admitted her statements were false. Nowhere in the brief does she admit such a fact. I have gotten a copy of her reply brief (read here: Powell Reply Brief) and I must say, Fake News is twisting the story again. The pertinent section reads: “All the
allegedly defamatory statements attributed to
Defendants were made as part of the normal process of litigating
issues of momentous significance and immense
public interest,”
Most of the brief
deals with the fact that they deliberately filed in
Washington assuming that is a Democrat-controlled
court so they are seeking political favoritism. Sidney
Powell really had no connection to Washington and
claiming she represented Flynn in DC has nothing to do
with this case. It should be dismissed or sent to
Texas where she is a resident but neither Dominion nor
Powell are in DC. That is very strange, to begin with.Reasonable people understand that the “language of the political arena, like the language used in labor disputes … is often vituperative, abusive and inexact.” Watts v. United States, 394 U.S. 705, 708 (1969). It is likewise a “well recognized principle that political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole.” Planned Parenthood of Columbia/Willamette, Inc. v. Am. Coal. of Life Activists, 244 F.3d 1007, 1009 (9th Cir. 2001). Given the highly charged and political context of the statements, it is clear that Powell was describing the facts on which she based the lawsuits she filed in support of President Trump. Indeed, Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as “wild accusations” and “outlandish claims.” Id. at ¶¶ 2, 60, 97, 111. They are repeatedly labelled “inherently improbable” and even “impossible.” Id. at ¶¶ 110, 111, 114, 116 and 185. Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendants’ position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process. Furthermore, Sidney Powell disclosed the facts upon which her conclusions were based. “[W]hen a defendant provides the facts underlying the challenged statements, it is ‘clear that the challenged statements represent his own interpretation of those facts,’ which ‘leav[es] the reader free to draw his own conclusions.’” Bauman, 377 F. Supp. 3d at 11 at n. 7 (citations omitted). The documents supporting the various lawsuits were made available to the public on the DTR website, as the Complaint makes clear. See, e.g., Compl. at ¶¶ 6, 77, 82, 85, 87, 89. Similarly, all the documents related to the election lawsuits filed were publicly available through the websites of the various courts.12 Likewise, on December 23, 2020, the Complaint alleges, Powell published a 270- page document to the Zenger News website. She added a link to the Zenger website on her own website with the caption, “READ IT: SIDNEY POWELL BINDER OF ELECTION FRAUD EVIDENCE.” Id. at ¶ 149. The claim that “no reasonable person would have believed” which some media claims to have quoted, simply does not exist in her reply brief. They are quoting cases that people normally assume political speech “is often vituperative, abusive and inexact.” As I said, I understand her legal argument, but she should have known that arguing EVEN IF the statements were wrong, is still political speech, and protected by the First Amendment was not the best argument. As I have also said, the only way to prove allegations of fraud against Dominion will require access to the program code. That cannot be determined from the results. I still believe that the fraud was with the mail-in ballots. It may have existed in the machine counts, but that could only be established by accessing the programs. If I were her, I would go after all the program source code, the names of every programmer who EVER worked on the project. Dominion must have been out of their mind to file such a lawsuit. (read more) 2021-03-25 c LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT III (back to January, 2921) Prosecutors Now Backing Away
from Statements and Charges Against January 6th
Interesting that Reuters would outline the walk-backs. Even more interesting that the details of the walk-backs seem to prove the DOJ never actually intended to win any of these cases, but rather wanted to advance a political narrative about extremists through their earlier statements. The approach of building a political narrative through false accusations and over-charging in the DOJ is the essence of Lawfare. The government has endless taxpayer resources to fuel their political weaponization of the judiciary. The process of the charges then becomes the punishment by design. The targets are drained financially, sometimes physically detained under false pretense, and then the DOJ walks backwards when the judges finally ask for proof. The process is the punishment for political affiliation. The DOJ is fully weaponized. The majority of Americans can clearly see this taking place. WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Prosecutors made some serious claims after the deadly U.S. Capitol attack, saying they had evidence rioters planned to kill elected officials, suggesting a Virginia man at the building received directives to gas lawmakers, and accusing another suspect of directing mayhem on Jan. 6 with encrypted messages. But the Justice Department has since acknowledged in court hearings that some of its evidence concerning the riot – carried out by a mob of supporters of former President Donald Trump to try to overturn his election loss – is less damning than it initially indicated. […] On Jan. 19, prosecutors said they believed Thomas Caldwell, a retired U.S. Navy officer from Virginia, had a “leadership role” within the Oath Keepers. The FBI, in a criminal complaint, described Facebook messages Caldwell allegedly sent and received “while at the Capitol,” including one urging him to turn on the gas and tear up the floorboards. “‘All members are in the tunnels under capital seal them in. Turn on gas,’” it read. A prosecutor in Florida read those words aloud in February in a bid to convince a judge to detain two of Caldwell’s co-defendants. Prosecutors now acknowledge that Caldwell was not even a dues-paying member of the Oath Keepers and that they lack evidence he ever entered the Capitol. There also are questions about the Facebook messages. Caldwell’s lawyer said in a March 10 court filing those messages were sent by two men who were more than 60 miles (100 km) away at the time and had no connection to the Oath Keepers. The comments were apparently satirical, albeit “tasteless,” his lawyer said, and Caldwell never responded to them. (read more) 2021-03-25 b LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT II (back to May, 2020) [George] Floyd on Drugs
Resisting Arrest Before Death
Months after the death of serial felon drug addict George Floyd during an encounter with Minneapolis law enforcement, the officers’ body camera footage has finally been released to the public. The Daily Mail has obtained the video that was suspiciously hidden from the public while attitudes were being formed about the highly polarizing incident. Contrary to the media spin, the footage shows Floyd to be belligerent, high on drugs, and resisting arrest shortly before he died. Throughout the entire encounter, Floyd was incoherent and seemingly unable to comply with simple requests from the officers. Floyd complained incessantly about not being able to breathe, even before he was placed on the ground, which was done per his request. “Stand up. Stop falling down,” Officer Kueng said. “Stay on your feet and face the car door.” “Please man. Don’t leave me by myself man, please. I’m just claustrophobic,” Floyd said. “Well you’re still going in the car,” Officer Lane said. After resisting for minutes and refusing to be placed in the cop car, Floyd was put on the ground. It took several officers to restrain the belligerent and drug-addled suspect, who continued complaining the entire time. “I’m through,” Floyd said while he was on the ground. “I’m claustrophobic. My stomach hurts. My neck hurts. Everything hurts. I need some water or something, please.” The officers called for EMTs to arrive before Floyd died of a heart attack [30 minutes after reaching the hospital], according to the county medical examiner. He has since been canonized by [leftist/progressive/woke] society as a martyr for the collective sins of racist white people. (read more) 2021-03-25 a LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT I "In terms of households
and businesses, households entered the crisis in
very good shape by historical standards. Leverage in
the household sector had been just kind of gradually
moving down and down and down since the financial
crisis. Now, there was some negative effects on
that. People lost their jobs and that sort of thing.
But they’ve also gotten a lot of support now. So,
the damage hasn’t been as bad as we thought.
Businesses, by the same token, had a high debt load
coming in. Many saw their revenues decline. But
they’ve done so much financing, and there’s a lot of
cash on their balance sheet. So, nothing in those
two sectors really jumps out as really troubling."
- FOMC Chair Jerome Powell, delusional and mendacious mouthpiece of the financial élite 2021-03-24 k BLACK AND WHITE XI Bucks Co. [White] Woman Dies
in Miami Hotel Room After Being Drugged, Raped [by
Two Black Men], Police Say
Christine Englehardt of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, died Thursday morning after being found at the Albion Hotel on Miami Beach during spring break, police said A woman who police say died after being drugged and raped in a Miami Beach hotel room was visiting Florida from the Philadelphia suburbs. Two North Carolina [black] men face charges in the case. Christine Englehardt of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, died Thursday morning after being found at the Albion Hotel on Miami Beach, police in Florida said. She was 24 years old. Her father told NBC Miami that Englehardt traveled to South Florida from her Richboro home. Elizabeth Khamermesh remembered her high school friend Englehardt as a bright person with dreams. "It is just very sad to see someone die so young, she didn't deserve it, it was horrible," Khamermesh Two North Carolina [black] men are accused of drugging and raping the Pennsylvania woman. Evoire Collier, 21, and Dorian Taylor, 24, also stand accused of stealing Englehardt's credit cards and cash and using them during their trip to South Beach. According to police records, surveillance footage showed the two men entering the hotel lobby with Englehardt, at about 1 a.m. on Thursday, March 18, then exiting the hotel without Englehardt about 30 minutes later. Both men matched the description given to police and were stopped and detained by detectives Sunday. One of the Miami Beach detectives on the case testified at a bond hearing Monday and said that based on the surveillance footage, Englehardt was staggering and appeared to be in no condition to give any kind of consent prior to entering the hotel. He added that one of the defendants actually helped hold her up as they went up to her hotel room. Investigators are trying to determine whether the victim's death resulted from a "green pill" the men supplied, but the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner’s Office said Monday it is conducting further tests, and no cause of death has been determined pending a toxicology report. Collier and Taylor are facing charges of burglary with battery, petty theft, sexual battery and credit card fraud. If the drug they are alleged to have given to Englehardt is proven to have played a role in her death, they could also be facing a manslaughter or murder charge. Detectives said that one of the defendants admitted to having sex with Englehardt. Both Collier and Taylor have been appointed public defenders for the time being. During the bond hearing, Collier's sister pleaded with the judge saying he has never been in trouble before. "I’m severely bewildered by these charges and accusations against him, but I can attest for his character and I can attest for responsibility of him standing trial for whatever charges," his sister said. "If you please let my brother come home and let our family handle the situation appropriately we will do whatever is necessary that Miami-Dade County asks of us." [I suggest they start by castrating him with a kitchen knife.] (read more) 2021-03-24 j BLACK AND WHITE X Diversity, Inclusion, and
Equity [D.I.E.] Means the United States of America
Army Will Never Win a War Again...
The United States of America will never win a war again. [Army aggressively working to eliminate extremism, says chief diversity officer, Army.Mil., March 12, 2021]: WASHINGTON
— As the Army continues efforts to improve
diversity within its ranks, it is also reinforcing
policies to eradicate extremist behaviors and
The battle against extremism is different from other challenges the Army encounters, said Col. Timothy Holman, the Army’s chief [token Negro] diversity officer. [Black] Extremism can tear apart cohesive teams. For the colonel, the fight against extremism is one he personally encountered. His aim is clear: do what he can to help open a path for future Army leaders and make the force as diverse as the nation it defends. “My hope is to ensure better representation of our country among the senior ranks,” he said. As a child in Mississippi during the early 1960s, Holman, an African-American, witnessed the tail-end of an era plagued by racially-motivated murders based on skin color. People such as Emmett Till in 1955; Medgar Evers in 1963; Vernon Dahmer in 1966; and others whose names history may never know, were all killed in areas near Holman’s hometown. “Growing up in a little bitty segregated Mississippi town, it was not uncommon for people to call you derogatory terms, and nothing would happen [to them],” he said. “It was a place where people said, ‘hey, you can’t come to this side of town after dark because of the color of your skin.’” Clear-cut rules The Army’s policy bans all personnel from participating in extremist organizations and activities, Holman said. Organizations and activities in which personnel are prohibited from participating include those that advocate, among other things: racial intolerance or discrimination; use of force to deprive individuals of their constitutional rights; and advocating or teaching the overthrow of the U.S. government. Prohibited actions in support of extremist organizations or activities include, but are not limited to, participating in a public demonstration or rally; attending a meeting or activity with knowledge that it involves an extremist cause; fundraising; and recruiting, training, or organizing members of extremist organizations. In other words, extremism in any form has no place in the military, the colonel said. Ideally, extremism would not exist anywhere, but Holman is very familiar with extremism after growing up in rural Mississippi during the civil rights movement. For two decades, he endured unmistakable racism. He feared things others may take for granted, like walking through certain areas after certain hours. Steps in the right direction As part of the Project Inclusion initiative, Army leaders initiated a listening tour, titled “Your Voice Matters,” which aims to cultivate a culture built on trust, Holman said. During the listening tour, Army leaders take note of the concerns pertaining to “racism, equity, inclusion, extremism, quality of life, whatever Soldiers have on their minds,” Holman said. Project Inclusion, which began during the summer, is an effort to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion across the force while building cohesive teams. “This holistic effort will listen to Soldiers and Army civilians, and identify any practices that inadvertently discriminate,” he said. Extremism has frequently been a topic of discussion during the “Your Voice Matters” listening sessions, which are sometimes held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. It is a topic from which the diversity chief does not shy away. “We have to [address] these issues, move toward diversity, and understand how people who might join the Army with extremist views are redirected,” he said. “It’s in line with what Army Chief of Staff Gen. James C. McConville said, ‘people first.’” Modernization is critical; however, the Army’s people will operate the equipment and make it work, Holman said. If the psychological safety of a fighting force prevents it from being its best, then the mission will fail. “When the chief of staff touts ‘people first,’ that is reflected in eradication of any extremism within the ranks,” he said. “Extremism will only limit or prohibit building the cohesive teams the Army needs. If that’s the case, it doesn’t matter how good your equipment is, if the soul of the force isn’t operating at an optimal level.” The Army has as a chief diversity officer? Our nation has no chance in a 21st century war, when diversity is our most important goal to aspire to achieve, when such an achievement is a complete repudiation of the concept of nation and unity. (read more) 2021-03-24 i BLACK AND WHITE IX It's Not Whites Spreading
COVID in Miami: Black Spring Breakers Defy Curfew in
Miami Beach, Black Leaders Bemoan Authorities
Denying Total African Autonomy Against Spreading
As the civilization white people created on the North American continent breaks down to the African Mean, somehow white people will be continuously blamed for all transpiring as authorities try and maintain the standards long governing the civilization whites maintained…[Black leaders react to South Beach spring break curfew, crackdown: ‘unnecessary force’, Miami Herald, March 21, 2021]: After
weeks of uninhibited
partying on South Beach by spring breakers,
police turned away throngs of people — many of
them Black — from world-famous Ocean Drive
with a
SWAT truck, pepper balls and sound cannons.
The tactics were intended to enforce an 8 p.m. curfew announced only hours earlier on Saturday to rid the city of what police and politicians have described as unruly and sometimes violent late-night crowds. And the tactics appeared to have the desired effect: By mid-evening, police tweeted out a picture of the empty intersection at Ocean Drive and Eighth Street. But the use of force to clear out people of color from South Beach alarmed some Black leaders. And if Miami Beach has openly recoiled at the behavior of at-times chaotic crowds filling the city’s entertainment district every weekend, some in South Florida are having a similar reaction to the way the city and its police have handled the presence of thousands of people of color. “I was very disappointed,” Stephen Hunter Johnson, chairman of Miami-Dade’s Black Affairs Advisory Committee, said Sunday morning. “I think when they’re young Black people [on South Beach], the response is, ‘Oh my God, we have to do something.’” Videos on social media showed Miami Beach police arriving on Ocean Drive Saturday evening to find a massive crowd still on the street after the curfew kicked in. Videos also showed officers turning on their sirens and, at one point, firing pepper balls into a crowd, sending people scrambling. At a special meeting on Sunday, Miami Beach city commissioners extended the Thursday through Sunday curfew and causeway closures through April 12. Glendon Hall, the chairman of Miami Beach’s newly formed Black Affairs Advisory Committee, said he was on Ocean Drive at the time helping “goodwill ambassadors” guide the crowd off the street, but did not see what led police to use pepper balls. The ambassadors are city employees who hand out masks and help tourists. Before the dispersal, he said, the crowd was peaceful. Then a Coral Gables SWAT truck drove nearby, and tensions rose. The pepper-ball shots set off panic, and the crowd rushed down the street. Hall took cover behind a tree. “The truck showed up and nobody knew why the truck was there,” he said. “When we tried to calm things down, that hyped things up.” Somehow, black people violating all rules and regulations in South Beach is the fault of white people and just another exaggeration of the awesome power and force of white privilege..(read more) 2021-03-24 h BLACK AND WHITE VIII 53-Year-Old White Male Dies
After Being Set on Fire by Two Black Teens (Ages 16
and 14)
His Name is Steven Amenhauser. He was a white male, 53-years-old. He was set on fire by two black teens (ages 16 and 14) – who doused Steven in a flammable liquid – and murdered in this “brutal and vicious crime.” [‘I didn’t do it!’ 16-year-old yells at his murder arraignment in death of man set on fire, WHEC.com, March 17, 2021]: Two teenagers charged
with murder in the death of a man set on fire
pleaded not guilty in a virtual court arraignment
The same two teenagers were arrested together by Gates Police two months ago for being in a stolen car. Gates Police charged one teen’s father and the other teen’s mother. The Gates chief says the charge was for not supervising their children and not knowing where they were. But six weeks after those tickets were written, Rochester Police say the same two teenagers lit a man on fire and he died three days later. The teenagers, 16-year-old Jayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr., are in the Children’s Detention Center on no bail. The prosecutor called this a “brutal and vicious crime.” The victim is Steven Amenhauser, a man who grew up in Texas. Police say he lived alone in a Lyell Avenue apartment after his long-time girlfriend died in October. Monroe County Legislator Vince Felder told News10NBC the county will pay for Amenhauser’s funeral. Felder sponsored a bill to raise the amount of money the county can spend on an indigent funeral from $1,250 to $2,000. The bill passed unanimously at the county legislature meeting on March 9. Capt. Frank Umbrino, RPD Major Crimes: “Unfortunately there was no family in his life at the time of his death. So the reason I’m telling you a little bit about him is because there is nobody else to speak for him.” Umbrino described Amenhausser as “vulnerable” and in “declining health.” Police say Amenhauser died three days after Perry and Riley doused him with a flammable liquid and set him on fire. In a virtual court hearing Wednesday, Perry yelled out “I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it. I told them!” Jessica Naclerio, the attorney for Riley, told Family Court Judge Stacey Romeo that Riley “helped to stop the fire.” And the good folks at Outkick.com document why this isn’t an International story. [Media Ignores Two Black Teens Setting Mentally-Ill White Man on Fire, Killing Him, Outkick.com, March 17, 2021]: A disturbing story
emerged over the weekend. Two teens in Rochester,
New York set a 53-year-old mentally-ill man on
fire, ultimately killing him. Interestingly,
unlike many past stories written in The New York
Times and USA Today , the races of the
involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021,
that’s rare. It turns out, the two teens are black
and the now-deceased mentally-ill man was white.
I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally-ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism. Riots would break out, social media would go to war, buildings would burn, and talking points would appear around the clock. Rochester journalist and radio host Bob Lonsberry reports that the two teens instructed the victim to tell authorities they were “white” as they burned him alive. The Daily Wire confirmed Lonsberry’s report. The demand to lie about the teens’ skin color delivers a strong hint that the assault and murder was possibly racially-motivated. While the order does not definitively prove racism, it’s more evidence toward the label than most incidents the national media has called undoubtedly horrible acts of racism. Columnist Amanda Prestigiacomo says, “News reports of the incidents concerning Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner and George Floyd, for example, were not shown to be connected to race, other than the media’s injection of the issue into the tragic incidents.” The police have yet to announce a motive, but do say the teens had no prior connection with the man. And the details are horrific. The teens, ages 14 and 16, snuck into the man’s home on Friday, sprayed him with an ignitable fluid, and set him on fire until 70% of his body was covered in second and third-degree burns. The victim died four days later in a burn trauma unit. The teens have been charged with only first-degree assault. A white person hurting a black person is not, on its face, racist, yet we are always told it is. A black person hurting a white person is not, on its face, racist either, but these instances are ignored. In this case where race is a possible motive for the killing based on two reports, the mainstream press refuses to mention race and therefore refuses to consider it. ... Were America REALLY a “white supremacist” country, where white privilege was found around every corner and under every rock (permeating the air we breath), with systemic racism, structural inequality and implicit bias guiding our every decision, the name Steven Amenhauser would be on every tongue, spoken solemnly by every child. Not George Floyd. RIP Steven. (read more) 2021-03-24 g BLACK AND WHITE VII "Revolution by Day, Devolution
by Night": Violence, Shootings, Murder, Mayhem Mark
Life in the George Floyd Square (Autonomous Zone) in
So what’s life like near George Floyd Square in Minneapolis, underneath the monument to [Only] Black Lives Matter (a raised Black Power fist)? Warning: stereotype confirmation incoming. [Near George Floyd Square: Revolution by day, devolution by night: The neighbors surrounding the site of George Floyd’s death in south Minneapolis are asking for prayers, and help., Star-Tribune, March 15, 2021]: Since the
death of George Floyd, the sound of gunfire has
become common in the area surrounding 38th Street
and Chicago Avenue, or George Floyd Square. Above,
the raised fist memorial can be seen in the
square, which is blocked to traffic.
As neighbors of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue, also known as George Floyd Square or the autonomous zone, we are witnessing a revolution by day and a devolution by night. Prayer gatherings canceled. Rallies canceled. Visitors arriving with flowers in hand, only to retreat to their cars when greeted by the sound of gunshots. Neighbors ducking for cover behind our houses, children in tow. The spiritual health of our community, the feeling of being connected to something larger than ourselves, is collapsing. Here’s an account of some of the events of the past 10 days, on one block adjacent to George Floyd Square, where police are met by hostile groups when responding to our repeated 911 calls: March 6, 5:45 p.m.: A 30-year-old volunteer is killed in the zone by gunshot. People in the zone are seen picking up shell casings and throwing them into city garbage, loading the gunshot victim into a car to drive him to hospital. 8:20 p.m.: Neighbors call 911 again as multiple shots ring out. Children listen. March 7: Six garages along our alley are hit by gunfire, one with its owner inside. A car crashes through a fence into a family’s backyard. An 18-month-old had been playing by the fence minutes earlier. 5 p.m.: Thirty shots hit cars and the windows and siding of at least one house, narrowly missing residents watching TV. Parents and children out biking and walking on a sunny day duck behind houses, children watch bullets kicking up dust in the street. A zone leader visits a bullet-riddled house to comfort the family while others from the zone are observed picking up shell casings behind her. March 8, 2:30 p.m.: Multiple shots fired, a man is photographed perched atop Cup Foods with an assault rifle on a tripod. Children cry. Zone medics are offered to visit neighbors and provide mental health support to those being traumatized. 9:50 p.m.: Thirty shots ring out. A person complains to a neighbor that the neighbor has parked too close to the person’s car. A zone occupant, with no connection to the other parties, fires multiple shots into the neighbor’s car and house. The neighbor, a military veteran, is in the driver’s seat and recognizes an assault rifle with a 30-round clip. The shooter walks back into the zone. Four police squads caravan through and meet the neighbor nearby. 10:16 p.m.: A second 911 call provides a description of the shooter, who remains in the area appearing to wait for some target. Police have just received a call about a teen and adult shot two miles away. Resources exhausted, the police do not respond to our call. The shooter in the zone walks away. 10:45 p.m.: Third 911 call of the night. As some neighbors are picking up shell casings, people near the fist statue in the zone repeatedly yell, “Get the f out of here.” Then a gun is fired from near the fist statue. Four men come out of the zone to tell the neighbors they “weren’t shooting at you.” The neighbors ask if they are “zone security” and are told no — but one man reports he has his gun. Neighbors ask how to protect themselves and are told the best thing to do is fill the street corners with garbage containers to block off our streets. March 12, 5 p.m.: A neighbor trying to access home is met in the alley by three young teen girls leaving the zone, pushing a car with no license plate. They say they ran out of gas. They are asked who the driver is — no answer. They are asked whose car it is — no answer. They are asked where they are trying to go and they point to a home. A woman comes out of the home and tells them they can’t park there. They walk away, abandoning the car. While a neighbor is reporting the abandoned car, she observes a group of well-dressed people being followed by reporters. The neighbor walks into the zone to find attorney Benjamin Crump and the family of George Floyd with Minneapolis City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins. They are greeting businesses owned by people of color who are being impacted by the loss of business in the zone. They inform the group that they are giving $500,000 to the business owners. Two more vehicles with no plates or temporary stickers pass by driving inside the zone. 9:15 p.m.: Thirty shots from inside the zone. One police squad car arrives. 10:20 p.m.: Shooting suspects from another part of the city drive at high speed down our street with multiple squad cars chasing them, along with a helicopter. Fleeing vehicle blows through stop signs and lights. They eventually enter the zone and surrender as a group of zone occupants emerge and shout at the police and each other. Children are told to go back to sleep. All of this in honor of a dude who died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. A fitting denouement for the American Experiment in ignoring race and crime. (read more) 2021-03-24 f BLACK AND WHITE VI When The Narrative Replaces
The News
... But what about hate crimes specifically? In general, the group disproportionately most likely to commit hate crimes in the US are African-Americans. At 13 percent of the population, African Americans commit 23.9 percent of hate crimes. But hate specifically against Asian-Americans in the era of Trump and Covid? Solid numbers are not yet available for 2020, which is the year that matters here. There’s data, from 1994 to 2014, that finds little racial skew among those committing anti-Asian hate crimes. Hostility comes from every other community pretty equally. The best data I’ve found for 2020, the salient period for this discussion, are provisional data on complaints and arrests for hate crimes against Asians in New York City, one of two cities which seem to have been most affected. They record 20 such arrests in 2020. Of those 20 offenders, 11 were African-American, two Black-Hispanic, two white, and five white Hispanics. Of the black offenders, a majority were women. The bulk happened last March, and they petered out soon after. If you drill down on some recent incidents in the news in California, and get past the media gloss to the actual mugshots, you also find as many black as white offenders. This doesn’t prove much either, of course. Anti-Asian bias, like all biases, can infect anyone of any race, and the sample size is small and in one place. But it sure complicates the “white supremacy” case that the mainstream media simply assert as fact. And, given the headlines, the other thing missing is a little perspective. Here’s a word cloud of the victims of hate crimes in NYC in 2020. You can see that anti-Asian hate crimes are dwarfed by those against Jews, and many other minorities. And when you hear about a 150 percent rise in one year, it’s worth noting that this means a total of 122 such incidents in a country of 330 million, of which 19 million are Asian. Even if we bring this number up to more than 3,000 incidents from unreported and far less grave cases, including “shunning”, it’s small in an aggregate sense. A 50 percent increase in San Francisco from 2019 - 2020, for example, means the number of actual crimes went from 6 to 9. Is it worse than ever? No. 2020 saw 122 such hate incidents. In 1996, the number was 350. Many incidents go unreported, of course, and hideous comments, slurs and abuse don’t count as hate “crimes” as such. I’m not discounting the emotional scars of the kind of harassment this report cites. I’m sure they’ve increased. They’re awful. Despicable. Disgusting. But the theory behind hate crimes law is that these crimes matter more because they terrify so many beyond the actual victim. And so it seems to me that the media’s primary role in cases like these is providing some data and perspective on what’s actually happening, to allay irrational fear. Instead they contribute to the distortion by breathlessly hyping one incident without a single provable link to any go this — and scare the bejeezus out of people unnecessarily. The media is supposed to subject easy, convenient rush-to-judgment narratives to ruthless empirical testing. Now, for purely ideological reasons, they are rushing to promote ready-made narratives, which actually point away from the empirical facts. To run sixteen separate pieces on anti-Asian white supremacist misogynist hate based on one possibly completely unrelated incident is not journalism. It’s fanning irrational fear in the cause of ideological indoctrination. And it appears to be where all elite media is headed. (read more) 2021-03-24 e BLACK AND WHITE V Georgetown Law professor
resigns over 'insensitive [yet truthful] remarks'
about Black students
David Batson’s resignation came after a video showing him and another faculty member discuss the performance of [unqualified] Black students went viral. The other professor seen in the video was fired. A second Georgetown University Law Center professor is leaving the school after a video of him and another faculty member discussing the performance of Black students in their class went viral. David Batson, an adjunct professor, submitted his letter of resignation to law school Dean William Treanor on Friday, a day after he was placed on administrative leave Thursday [for telling the truth]. Batson's resignation came after Georgetown Law professor Sandra Sellers, the other faculty member seen in the video, was fired Thursday. "I am deeply saddened by the disturbing situation caused by the recorded Zoom conversation between Ms. Sellers and myself in which insensitive remarks were made regarding the performance of Black students at the Georgetown University Law Center," Batson said in his letter. "The sentiments and opinions expressed during the conversation are not mine, and do not characterize my experience with Georgetown students," he wrote. In one clip of the video posted on Twitter, Sellers can be heard saying, “I hate to say this. I end up having this angst every semester that a lot of my lower ones are Blacks, happens almost every semester." Batson did not disagree or interject in the video. Batson, in a second clip shared on Twitter, appeared to question his own unconscious bias. The former professor appeared to address this instance in his resignation letter. "When suddenly and unexpectedly faced with such remarks, it is challenging to know how to appropriately respond," he wrote. "In the moment, my heartfelt response was to point the discussion toward what I believe is our personal responsibility—to be aware of and respond to potential unconscious bias in all our undertakings. "I understand, however, that I missed the chance to respond in a more direct manner to address the inappropriate content of those remarks," Batson said. "For this I sincerely apologize." The original conversation between Sellers and Batson was filmed and posted to the online database Panopto, where students can access recordings. The video is no longer available on the platform. In a memo Thursday, Treanor said, "I informed Professor Sellers that I was terminating her relationship with Georgetown Law effective immediately." Sellers provided NBC News with a copy of what she called her resignation letter, in which she apologized for the comments and said she was committed to better understanding issues of racism. "I would never do anything to intentionally hurt my students or Georgetown Law and wish I could take back my words," she said in the letter. The university's [Marxist] Office of Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action is looking into the incident. The status of that investigation was unclear Saturday. Maxine Walters, a third-year law student and president of the Georgetown University Law Center Black Law Student Association said that in the last year, the group has sent three letters to the university about racist incidents and suggesting racial sensitivity courses or trainings for students and professors. “I believe that the only thing that's different here is that the professors were recorded,” Walters said, adding “this is definitely happening behind closed doors at our law school and other law schools.” Treanor said in Thursday's memo that he will soon announce changes intended to address these issues, and that he will hold a listening session for Georgetown Law students to voice their concerns. (read more) See also: Those Georgetown Law School Lynchings—Ruling Class Revolt Against Reality Going Off the Chart 2021-03-24 d BLACK AND WHITE IV Georgetown University fires
professor for violating a taboo on discussing Black
academic performance [of unqualified
affirmative-action students]
A conversation on the academic performance of Black law students between two faculty members teaching at Georgetown following a Zoom session was recorded and posted online without their knowledge. As a result, one of them has been fired and tearfully apologized, while the other one is "on leave until the investigation by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action is complete" for failing to react in outrage over what the dean of the law school termed "reprehensible statements concerning the evaluation of Black students." Both professors are adjunct faculty, meaning they are professionals brought in teach students with their real world experience, and they have no tenure protections. Here is the 43 seconds of video that engendered the indignation: .@GeorgetownLaw
negotiations Professors Sandra Sellers and David
being openly racist on a recorded Zoom call. Beyond unacceptable. pic.twitter.com/q5MoWjBok8 — Hassan Ahmad (@hahmad1996) March 10, 2021 The UK Daily Mail's description and transcription: 'They
were a bit jumbled. It's like let me reason
through that, what you just said,' Sellers said of
a student's performance, who the Black Law
Students Asssociation [sic] claims is the only
black person in the class.
'You know what? I hate to say this, I end up having this angst every semester, that a lot of my lower ones are blacks,' the adjunct professor of mediation and negotiation continued. 'It happens almost every semester, and it's like, oh, come on. You know, we get some really good ones but there also usually some of them that are just plain at the bottom,' Sellers concludes. Batson, also a mediation law expert, does not initially respond but simply looks down and nods in the short 43-second clip, which was allegedly leaked to social media by a student. He subsequently returns to discussing the student in question, stating, 'what drives [him] crazy is...the concept of how that plays out in whether that is [his] own perceptions playing in here with certain people' or '[his] own unconscious biases playing out in the scheme of things'. While the syntax is fractured and almost incoherent in places, both professors seem distressed, not exultant, over the grading results, and they even question whether unconscious biases are at work. But that is not how the Black Law Student Association sees it: The Black
Law Student Association had been among the groups
calling for Sellers' resignation and an apology
from Batson.
The group issued a statement on Wednesday in which they claimed that the recorded conversation is proof of Sellers' bias in her grading of black students. 'These racist statements reveal not only Sellers' beliefs about black students in her classes, but also how her racist thoughts have translated to racist actions. Professor Sellers' bias has impacted the grades of black students in her classes historically, in her own words,' the statement said. Here is [a ritualistic denunciation] statement from the dean of the law school, William Treanor, after he updated it: To the
Georgetown Law Community,
As I wrote to you last night, I am appalled that two members of our faculty engaged in a conversation that included reprehensible statements concerning the evaluation of Black students. I have further reviewed the incident and have now spoken to Professor Sellers and Professor Batson, giving each the opportunity to provide any additional context. I informed Professor Sellers that I was terminating her relationship with Georgetown Law effective immediately. During our conversation, she told me that she had intended to resign. As a result of my decision, Professor Sellers is no longer affiliated with Georgetown Law. Professor Batson has been placed on administrative leave pending the investigation by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action, the results of which will inform our next steps. Until the completion of the investigation, Professor Batson will have no further involvement with the course in which the incident arose. We are taking significant steps to ensure that all students in this class are fairly graded without the input of Professor Sellers or Professor Batson. This is by no means the end of our work to address the many structural issues of racism reflected in this painful incident, including explicit and implicit bias, bystander responsibility, and the need for more comprehensive anti-bias training. This is a matter of great concern to me. I will be writing to you soon with a range of actions and changes that we will implement to address these issues. I will also send information about a listening session for the Georgetown Law student community that we plan to hold tomorrow. Sincerely, Bill Treanor As Paul Mirengoff noted, Dean Traynor does not say Professor Sellers is incorrect on the facts. So, apparently, it is "reprehensible" to truthfully discuss the academic performance of Black students...at least in the tone of voice the recording reveals. That is the definition of a taboo. One aggravating feature of the problem is affirmative action, which admits Blacks and Hispanics to highly competitive schools with lower grades and test scores than Whites and Asians who gain entry. Hans Bader reflects on this, adding a personal note: Black
students get lower
grades at selective colleges because
they are admitted with lower
grades and test scores than their non-black
classmates, due to racial preferences in
admissions at schools like
Recipients of non-racial preferences in admissions also get lower grades at the schools that admit them. I received lower-than-average grades as a student at Harvard Law School. Why? I was admitted with lower-than average credentials than most of my classmates (because I pledged to go into public-interest law afterwards). So I was less prepared than most of my classmates and occasionally had to struggle to keep up with my classmates. This did not mean I flunked out of school: I later passed the bar exam and played a key role in litigating three Supreme Court cases dealing with federalism and the constitutional separation of powers, one of which is discussed in the Washington Times. This affirmative action consequence has been labeled as "mismatch," meaning that the purported beneficiaries are placed in schools where their chances of success are lower than those of the other groups admitted without preferences. This results in lower grading performance and lower graduation rates, because they start from behind. If the policy were designed to frustrate and anger Blacks, it could not be better constructed. The outrage of the Black Law Student Association may be misplaced. There is systemic racism at work, but it is the affirmative action programs that drive it, by putting Blacks in situations where they have fewer chances to succeed. Paul Mirengoff comments on what may lie ahead: Georgetown's
diversity crew is going to investigate.
Investigate what, though?
"equity" (meaning equal results, regardless of
achievement) replaces "equality" (meaning equal
opportunity for achievement), we are in store for an
even more insidious situation, one that justifiably
angers and frustrates Blacks even more. If it
becomes the rule that grading for Blacks is guided
by quotas, not by academic achievement, people will
inevitably assume that Blacks who achieve
professional status based on academic achievement
got their credentials as a result of quotas, not
merit. Who will want to be operated upon by a
Black surgeon, or fly on an airplane with a Black
pilot, if it becomes an open policy that standards
are lower for Blacks? In other words,
prejudices against Blacks would be inflamed, and
self-preservation would fuel the racism that tars
all Blacks with brush of presumed underachievement.It could investigate the comparative performance of Black and White students at the law school to see whether Sellers' angst is based on facts or prejudice. However, I doubt the law school wants to go there. Instead, Georgetown apparently will investigate whether Black students in Sellers' class are graded fairly. It's not clear how investigators will make this assessment, unless "fairly" means simply that Blacks fare as well as Whites in terms of grades. The law school may want to go there. Quota grading might be its next frontier in the war on standards. In the name of "equity," of course. This is a blind alley leading to a trap of racial conflict at the end. Honesty is necessary before problems can really be solved. (read more) 2021-03-24 c BLACK AND WHITE III The Contribution of Cognitive
and Non-cognitive Skills to Inter-generational
Social Mobility
Abstract We investigated intergenerational educational and occupational mobility in a sample of 2,594 adult offspring and 2,530 of their parents. Participants completed assessments of general cognitive ability and five noncognitive factors related to social achievement; 88% were also genotyped, allowing computation of educational-attainment polygenic scores. Most offspring were socially mobile. Offspring who scored at least 1 standard deviation higher than their parents on both cognitive and noncognitive measures rarely moved down and frequently moved up. Polygenic scores were also associated with social mobility. Inheritance of a favorable subset of parent alleles was associated with moving up, and inheritance of an unfavorable subset was associated with moving down. Parents’ education did not moderate the association of offspring’s skill with mobility, suggesting that low-skilled offspring from advantaged homes were not protected from downward mobility. These data suggest that cognitive and noncognitive skills as well as genetic factors contribute to the reordering of social standing that takes place across generations. (read more) See also: How economic inequality shapes mobility expectations and behaviour in disadvantaged youth See also: Income inequality, equality of opportunity, and intergenerational mobility See also: Educational mobility in the United States since the 1930s. In Duncan, G. J., Murnane, R. J. (Eds.), Whither opportunity?: Rising inequality, schools, and children’s life chances (pp. 165–185). New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation See also: Why people prefer unequal societies 2021-03-24 b BLACK AND WHITE II Two [Black] St. Louis officers
charged with sexual assault, a third [black officer]
with witness tampering
Two St. Louis police officers were charged Wednesday with the sexual assault of four women, including claims of drugging at least one woman’s drink. Officer Lafeal Lawshea, 38, is accused in charges of raping two women in 2009 and then sexually assaulting a civilian police department employee in 2019. He is also accused of contacting one of the victims after an investigation began to tell her the allegation was false. He faces two counts of forcible rape along with counts of forcible sodomy, sexual misconduct and tampering with a victim. Officer Torey Phelps, 38, also was charged Wednesday with one count of forcible rape and is accused of intercourse with an incapacitated woman in 2010 at a home where Lawshea was also present. Circuit Court Judge Michael Colona denied bond to both Phelps and Lawshea on Wednesday. A third officer, Sgt. Jatonya Clayborn-Muldrow, was charged Tuesday with tampering with a witness in the case. Charging documents claim she attempted to dissuade one woman from reporting a sexual assault by Lawshea and then inquired into who was leading the internal affairs investigation. Clayborn-Muldrow’s attorney Peter Bruntrager argues, however, that the tampering charge is political retaliation from St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner’s office because his client led an investigation into misconduct by the prosecutor and her team last year. A spokesperson for Gardner’s office said Wednesday that the office could not comment on a pending criminal case. (read more) See also: St. Louis officer facing rape charges held without bail; another officer given $10,000 cash bail 2021-03-24 a BLACK AND WHITE I “I am not nor ever have
been in favor of bringing about in any way the
social and political equality of the white and black
races. I am not nor ever have been in favor of
making voters or jurors of negroes, nor qualifying
them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white
people; and I will say in addition to this that
there is a physical difference between the white and
black races which I believe will for ever forbid the
two races living together on terms of social and
political equality.”
- Abraham Lincoln (Collected Works, vol. III, pp. 145-146), from a debate with Stephen A. Douglas in 1858 ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2021 ARCHIVE
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