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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2021- 2021-06-19 f THE REVULSION OF MULTICULTURALISM Blacks, Jews and You
[...] In multicultural America, there is one race that has a unique historical grievance against it, and this race is also at the very bottom of society, a situation that promises to be permanent, so black rage will only increase, with plenty of abetting from black apologists. If blacks can be admitted to universities over better students, given contracts over better firms, hired over more qualified candidates and be harder to fire because of a possible discrimination lawsuit, then aren’t they privileged instead of oppressed? Thanks to state-sponsored racism, even a just-arrived Nigerian millionaire, say, can snap up a set-aside minority contract over an Irish whose family has endured poverty in America for centuries. This preferential, deferential or condescending treatment is necessary, many will argue, because blacks were held down for so long, but affirmative action taints all black achievements and causes much resentment among those who are bypassed to make room for less competent blacks. Shut up already, they were slaves! There is another race with a claimed historical grievance, but in this instance, it’s against all of Christendom, for Christians looked the other way, assisted or directly murdered six million Jews, it has been drilled into each Western head. Holding key posts in American banking, judiciary, media, entertainment and government, Jews have lots of leverage, it’s safe to say, so in still white-majority America, “white” has become a dirty word that connotes genocide, pillage, oppression and undeserved privilege. Since no population would demonize itself so liberally, it’s clear whites themselves don’t control their media and academy. The media aren’t just a brainwashing tool to control your intellectual, psychological, social and political life, but a blackmailing threat dangling over each politician and potential dissident. With media, you can cow even the most powerful. Moreover, the constant whitewashing of the worst black behavior usefully divides America and outrages the majority into supporting the militarization of the police, which is already being deployed to browbeat all Americans. Quite openly, the police state burnishes its weapons. To cripple resistance, minds must be corrupted and characters weakened, so it’s no surprise to see American music becoming progressively more degenerate and/or violent, with black hip hop leading the decay. Much of this has been accomplished under the stewardship of Jewish impresarios such as Lyor Cohen, Todd Moscowitz, Jimmy Iovine, Doug Morris, Lucian Grainge and Leonard Blavatnik, etc. Jewish Jerry Heller managed NWA, or Niggaz Wit Attitudes, who rapped, “I’m sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime / But I’m a smoke ’em now and not next time / Smoke any motherfucker that sweats me / Or any asshole, that threatens me / I’m a sniper with a hell of a scope / Takin’ out a cop or two, they can’t cope with me.” For a change, you can enjoy Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, another Heller baby, “Jump up on the Bones dick and ride / Pass the pussy on the left hand side / Bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone / Bone, bone, bone, bone, bone.” Very few, though, dare to even whisper about Jewish power. E.A. Ross wrote in 1911, “In his defense of Flaccus, a Roman governor who had ‘squeezed’ his Jewish subjects, Cicero lowers his voice when he comes to speak of the Jews, for, as he explains to the judges, there are persons who might excite against him this numerous, clannish and powerful element. With much greater reason might an American lower his voice today in discussing two million Hebrew immigrants united by a strong race consciousness and already ably represented at every level of wealth, power, and influence in the United States.” Then too, Jews fought hard for open borders, “The systematic campaign in newspapers and magazines to break down all arguments for restriction and to calm nativist fears is waged by and for one race. Hebrew money is behind the National Liberal Immigration League and its numerous publications […] In order to admit their brethren from the Pale the brightest of the Semites are keeping our doors open to the dullest of the Aryans!” As we can now see in the US and Europe, Jews will advocate for open borders even when none of their kind is lined up outside, for to dilute each society but their own is an aim in itself. (read more) 2021-06-19 e THE RELIGIOUS ROOTS OF MULTICULTURALISM White Genocide by Design: The
Role of the Mass Media in the Destruction of the
European People
cannot be commanded, but it can be promoted.
Depriving Whites of the possibility to be among
themselves in terms of residence, study, work and
recreation is one thing. Suggesting miscegenation in
films, TV series and commercials is another thing.
There is nowadays hardly any form of media that is
not full of this race mixing propaganda, mostly in
subliminal form, and it is the Jews who control the
— Franklin Ryckaert
LD: This meticulously researched article by Franklin Ryckaert, illustrated by a revealing 50-minute video at the end, presents the following thesis: it was soon after the Holocaust, perceived by Jews collectively as the single greatest tragedy in their long history, that a decision was taken for the “Final Solution” of the European problem: namely, the systematic elimination of the Jews’ perceived relentless oppressors. Who were these relentless oppressors? They were of course the Jews’ European antagonists, the people who had expelled them from their White homelands over a hundred times in past centuries, subjecting them to constant pogroms and persecutions over the years. In a cataclysmic climax of anti-Semitic violence, one of these European nations had finally destroyed six million of them during the second half of World War Two. At any rate, so runs the widely accepted mainstream narrative. How were the Jews to go about rectifying the wrongs of history, or to put it another way, how were they to get even? Answer: through “soft genocide”, a slow and subtle non-violent way of getting rid of their enemies, who, it was thought, would be too stupid to notice their own demise. Or better still, too impotent to do anything about it. This soft genocide basically consists in breeding the White race out of existence by promoting multiculturalism and mass immigration from the Third World into our White homelands. Inevitably, over the course of time, this would lead to the mongrelization of Whites through interbreeding with the darker races of Africa, Asia and the Islamic people of the Middle East. An added bonus would be a marked decline in the general IQ of the neo-European mongrel race, a race of dark-skinned Untermenschen such as cheerfully envisaged by the founder of the pan-European Union, Count Coudenhove-Kalergi: Der
Mensch der fernen Zukunft wird Mischling sein. Die
heutigen Rassen und Kasten werden der zunehmen-den
Überwindung von Raum, Zeit und Vorurteil zum Opfer
fallen. Die eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse,
äußerlich der altägyptischen ähnlich, wird die
Vielfalt der Völker durch eine Vielfalt der
Persönlichkeiten ersetzen.
To prepare the world
for this “huge
transformation“, meaning White genocide
euphemistically presented as “multiculturalism”, it
was first necessary for international Jewry, with
their vast financial resources, to gain almost
complete control over the mass media. Few will now
doubt that the Jews have already achieved this, given
that they admit it themselves, especially in the
case of Hollywood.The man of the far future will be mixed race. Today’s races and castes will fall victim to the increasing overcoming of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid future race, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. As a consequence of Jewish media control, we are now subjected to constant streams of anti-White propaganda, both overt and subliminal, designed to make Whites feel bad about themselves as well non-Whites to regard Whites with increasing contempt and hostility. Whites are not only made to feel guilty about the Holocaust and the crimes of colonialism but to regard themselves as an essentially flawed race, as morally repugnant and fit only for history’s garbage dump — in short, as white trash. The soft genocide of Whites is now being carried out before our very eyes, on a daily basis, as the hordes of the Third World keep pouring into our White homelands in a never-ending tide. Our end days are fast approaching, unless we can act quickly to turn the tide back and regain our lost lands. [LD] ![]() WHITE GENOCIDE BY DESIGN: THE ROLE OF THE MASS MEDIA IN THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EUROPEAN PEOPLE [...] But how could a small ethnic group of only 15 million people like the Jews exterminate ONE BILLION people of European descent spread out all over the world ? The Jews came to the conclusion that it would be possible to neutralize Europeans racially, not by physically exterminating them, but by causing them to mix with other races, thus losing their racial characteristics for good. Mulattoes, Mestizos and Eurasians are no more Europeans, and the Jews believe such people can be more easily manipulated by them than full-blood Europeans. Thus after the second World War the Jews concocted a plan to create conditions that would lead on a mass scale to miscegenation and the interbreeding of Europeans with other races. The effective means of achieving this would be through non-white immigration into white countries. This is a “soft” genocide, “soft” because no killing or violence is involved. —
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So the Jews decided to commit a “soft” genocide on Europeans. There are 4 things necessary to make such an endeavor a success : (1) lowering the white birthrate; (2) opening all white countries to mass non-white immigration; (3) neutralizing the opposition; (4) promoting miscegenation. Lowering the white birth rate At present the birthrate of Europeans is 1.6 children per woman. That is below the 2,1 necessary for replacement. This cannot be blamed on the Jews, but is a correlate of economical development. Developed East Asian countries have a similar low birthrate. There are however a number of activities that tend to lower the birthrate even further. Jews are prominent in all these activities, which are: the promotion of transgenderism, homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity, birth control, abortion and feminism. Feminism is the greatest additional contributor to the low birthrate of Europeans and Jews are disproportionally dominant in this movement. (see List of Jewish feminists) Opening all white countries to mass non-white immigration European countries were never meant to be immigration countries, and the traditional immigration countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina also, until recently accepted only European immigrants. That has changed dramatically since the mid 1960s and many white countries receive now more non-white than white immigrants. They are expected to become majority non-white within a few decades. The name “Muhammad” is now the most popular name for newly born boys in many big cities of Western Europe. It can be demonstrated that in all cases Jewish lobbying was behind this change in immigration policies. (See extensive endnote, with numerous links, on Jewish influence in shaping immigration policy in the US, Canada, Australia, Britain, Sweden and Ireland). The recent “refugee” crisis, as is becoming increasingly clear to many who were unaware of this fact before, is also of Jewish making. The destruction of Libya and the attempt to destroy Syria happened all according to the Oded Yinon Plan, an Israeli plan to weaken all Muslim countries from Morocco to Pakistan, in order to facilitate Israel’s regional hegemony. All those “Syrian refugees” (80% of whom are neither Syrian nor refugees), are directed – not to the rich Arabian Gulf states, let alone to Israel – but to Europe and other white countries. Jewish organizations, the ubiquitous George Soros, and even an Israeli “humanitarian” organization called IsraAid are heavily involved. Neutralizing the opposition Since the Jewish plan to flood all white countries with non-white immigrants has been such a smashing success, the Jews and their lackeys need to prevent the indigenous Whites from resisting their acute demographic dispossession and they resort to various means to neutralize the opposition. Following are the means they use : (1) argumentation, (2) prohibition, (3) discrimination, (4) denigration, (5) racial disnormativation. (1) Argumentation: Arguments in favor of mass non-white immigration are of economical, cultural and moral kinds. Immigration from the Third World is allegedly necessary for work the indigenous workers refuse to do, for the payment of pensions, for care of the elderly or for filling the gaps of a growing economy. These arguments are all bogus. Any society develops an economy commensurate with its own size, therefore it can by definition supply a workforce sufficient for its needs. Third World immigration, it is alleged, would also be culturally enriching. In reality the bulk of immigrants have low education, are hostile to their new country and concentrate in ghettos without integrating. Accepting refugees from the Third World would be a “moral obligation” even though such refugees could be temporally housed in camps within their own region and repatriated after the crisis is over. If “positive” arguments fail, then objectors to immigration always can be accused of “racism”, as if not every ethnic group has legitimate ethnic rights, among which is the right to remain the majority in its own territory. The accusation of “racism” is the strongest weapon in this battle. (2) Prohibition: Criticism of the presence or (mis)behavior of immigrants is severely punished by Orwellian “Human Rights Commissions”, “Racial Equality Commissions”, “Anti-Discrimination Commissions” etc. that only exist to nip in the bud any resistance to the agenda of race replacement. In Sweden even criticism of the government’s immigration policy is now punishable. (3) Discrimination: Immigrants and minorities are favoured over Whites when it comes to housing and jobs. They get benefits Whites don’t get (because they are already “privileged”). Since the money for these benefits must come from somewhere Whites are more taxed than non-Whites, making the formation of a family more difficult for them, while non-Whites can afford bigger families. Thus Whites have to toil for their bare existence and in the process work for their own dispossession. (4) Denigration: To demoralize the indigenous population, its history is denied, its heroes denigrated and its culture declared as without value. National symbols such as flags are forbidden because they would be “offensive” to immigrants. Christian symbols are not allowed because they would be “offensive” to Muslims. (5) Racial disnormativation: You will not find the word “disnormativation” in a dictionary, because I have myself invented it. I use this term in combination with the adjective “racial” to denote the policy of replacing persons who are “normative” for a people of a certain race with people of a different race, thus causing a sense of alienation. In white countries persons who are normative, such as anchormen on TV, misses in beauty contests etc., are replaced by people of color, by preference Blacks. The selection of Barak Obama as president of the US was in effect such an act of racial disnormativation, orchestrated by Jews of course. Racial disnormativation has also penetrated the world of films, TV series and commercials. One would get the impression that at least half of the population consists of Blacks, judging from their absurd overrepresentation in the media. This is done on purpose to demoralize the white population in order to make them accept their dispossession. Promoting miscegenation Miscegenation cannot be commanded, but it can be promoted. Depriving Whites of the possibility to be among themselves in terms of residence, study, work and recreation is one thing. Suggesting miscegenation in films, TV series and commercials is another thing. There is nowadays hardly any form of media that is not full of this race mixing propaganda, mostly in subliminal form, and it is the Jews who control the media. [...] —
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ENDNOTE on Jewish influence in shaping immigration policy# For the US, see : Kevin MacDonald : Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965 : A Historical Review. # For Canada, see : YouTube : The Jewish Lobby in Canada : Immigration, Communism & Civil Rights Movement. # For Australia, see : The Occidental Observer, Brenton Sanderson : The War on White Australia : a Case Study in the Culture of Critique. (Parts 1-5). # For the UK, see : [1] The Occidental Observer, July 12, 2015, Andrew Joyce, The SS Empire Windrush : The Jewish Origins of Muliticultural Britain, and [2] : A conclusive report on the undeniable & self-evident Jewish promotion of malicious genocidal anti-European mass-immigration policies through governmental level lobbying. englishnews.org/. # For Sweden, see : Kevin MacDonald, The Occidental Observer, January 14, 2013, The Jewish Origins of Multicultural Sweden. # For Ireland, see : The Occidental Observer, March 2, 2013, Camillus, The Misplaced Minister : Ireland and Israel’s Alan Shatter. For an absolutely saddening impression of modern “diverse” Dublin, see YouTube : Dublin Diversity (DIEversity). (read more)2021-06-19 d THE RELIGION OF TRANSGENDERISM III When the State Comes for Your
Social workers, youth shelters, and the threat to parents’ rights Ahmed is a Pakistani immigrant, a faithful Muslim, and until recently, a financial consultant to Seattle’s high-tech sector. But when he reached me by phone in October 2020, he was just one more frightened father. Days earlier, he and his wife had checked their 16-year-old son into Seattle Children’s Hospital for credible threats of suicide. Now, Ahmed was worried that the white coats who had gently admitted his son to their care would refuse to return him. “They sent an email to us, you know, ‘you should take your ‘daughter’ to the gender clinic,’” he told me. At first, Ahmed (I have changed names in this essay to protect the identities of minor children) assumed there had been a mistake. He had dropped off a son, Syed, to the hospital, in a terrible state of distress. Now, the email he received from the mental health experts used a new name for that son and claimed he was Ahmed’s daughter. “They were trying to create a customer for their gender clinic . . . and they seemed to absolutely want to push us in that direction,” he said when I spoke to him again this May, recalling the horror of last October. “We had calls with counselors and therapists in the establishment, telling us how important it is for him to change his gender, because that’s the only way he’s going to be better out of this suicidal depressive state.” Syed had been a “straight-A student” and—according to his parents and the family’s therapist—quite brilliant. He is also on the autism spectrum, a young man who neglects to make eye contact and must be given rules for how long to shake hands, shower, or brush his teeth. High school was a slog for him, as it often is for kids on the spectrum who find that the social demands of adolescence have risen beyond their capacity to meet them. “He tried to ask a few girls out. It didn’t work out and he got frustrated and angry, and that kind of thing. And so, those girl-boy things get kind of tough for autistic kids, those developmental issues. And that’s where puberty can be very, very hard with the hormones rushing and all this stuff.” When lockdowns hit, the boy who was already struggling socially and befuddled by questions neurotypical teens take for granted (How do I show a girl I like her? How do I make the other kids include me?) began to spend all day and night on the Internet. “He’s an autistic kid, and so he kind of lost track of time. And he was staying up a lot. So he was staying up, just being on the Internet, Twitter, Tumblr, whatever. . . . And he was in his room, just, you know, sleeping one or two hours a day. And that can really be devastating. He was very confused. He was seeing things, visual hallucinations. And we didn’t know why.” It is not definitively known why many neurodiverse adolescents identify as transgender, but more than one scientist has pointed out the high rates of coincidence. As several autism experts have explained to me, those on the spectrum tend to fixate, and when a contagious idea is introduced to them—such as the notion that they might be a “girl in a boy’s body”—they are particularly susceptible to it. As child psychiatrist and expert in gender dysphoria Susan Bradley said to me: “The messages these kids pick up [from trans influencers] when they’re online is, ‘We’re the only people who understand you. Your people, your parents, don’t really understand you.’ And it may be the first time in their lives that anybody has said to them, ‘We understand you. We know you. You’re okay. You’re just like us.’ And it’s powerful.” I asked Bradley if introducing gender ideology to kids who tend to fixate is like introducing cocaine to those susceptible to addiction. She agreed: “It has the same power to assuage all the alienation and grief and distress that these kids have been struggling with.” Because of a Covid-19 policy, Ahmed could not stay at the hospital with his son back in October. Syed, in a sleep-deprived and confused state, furious at the parents who had admitted him, and in consultation with hospital staff and a social worker, decided that his problem was gender. The age at which minors in the State of Washington can receive mental health and gender-affirming care without parental permission is 13. In other words, the emails Ahmed received from the hospital were effectively a courtesy; the hospital did not require Ahmed’s permission to begin his son on a path to medical transition. But unlike some other parents I would later speak with, Ahmed’s cool head prevailed. Believing he might be walking into a trap, Ahmed reached out to both a lawyer and a psychiatrist friend he trusted. The psychiatrist gave him advice that he believes saved his son, saying, in Ahmed’s words: “You have to be very, very careful, because if you come across as just even a little bit anti-trans or anything, they’re going to call the Child Protective Services on you and take custody of your kid.” The lawyer told Ahmed the same: “What you want to do is agree with them and take your kid home. When the gender counselors advise you to ‘affirm,’ go along with it. Just say ‘Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, let’s take him home, and we’ll go to the gender clinic.’” Ahmed assured Seattle Children’s Hospital that he would take his son to a gender clinic and commence his son’s transition. Instead, he collected his son, quit his job, and moved his family of four out of Washington. Was Ahmed’s reaction extreme? When I first heard it, back in October 2020, I wondered whether he hadn’t overreacted. But as a growing number of parents began contacting me with similar stories, and I delved into the state laws of Washington, Oregon, and California, I came to a different conclusion. Taken individually, no single law in any state completely strips parents’ rights over the care and mental health treatment of their troubled minor teens. But pieced together, laws in California, Oregon, and Washington place troubled minor teens as young as 13 in the driver’s seat when it comes to their own mental health care—including “gender affirming” care—and renders parents powerless to stop them. Here, for instance, are the powers granted to a 13-year-old child by the state of Washington. Minors age 13 and up are entitled to admit themselves for inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment without parental consent. Health insurers are forbidden from disclosing to the insured parents’ sensitive medical information of minor children—such as that regarding “gender dysphoria [and] gender affirming care.” Minors aged 13 to 18 can withhold mental health records from parents for “sensitive” conditions, which include both “gender dysphoria” and “gender-affirming care.” Insurers in Washington must cover a wide array of “gender-affirming treatments” from tracheal shaves to double mastectomies. Put these together, and a seventh grader could be entitled to embark on “gender affirming care”—which may include anything from a provider using the child’s name and pronouns to the kid preparing to receive a course of hormones—without her parents’ permission, against her parents’ wishes, covered by her parents’ insurance, and with the parents kept in the dark by insurance companies and medical providers. Lest you wonder whether there is some madcap elixir polluting the groundwater of Washington State alone, in 2015, Oregon passed a law permitting minors 15 and older to obtain puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries at taxpayers’ expense—all without parental consent. In 2018, California passed a similar bill for all children in foster care, age 12 and up. The California state senate is now considering an amendment to the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act that would bar health insurers from disclosing medical information to parents about their dependents, on pain of criminal liability. One Washington mother I spoke with, Nicole, has a 16-year-old daughter who struggled with an eating disorder and other mental health problems after being molested by a peer in elementary school. Just before her 13th birthday, the daughter decided she was transgender. “She hated her body, that was truly a real thing,” Nicole told me. “So we wanted to find her help.” But Nicole wasn’t convinced that her daughter had gender dysphoria, since she’d never before shown any signs of discomfort with her biological sex. “She had already been through a whole counseling program with the eating disorder and none of this came up.” Over the next few years, Nicole’s daughter’s mental health worsened, and she began self-harming. After her daughter attempted suicide in 2019, Nicole took her to the emergency room at Highline Hospital (now St. Anne Hospital) in Burien, Washington. Nicole explained to the social worker at the hospital that, though the daughter was insisting her problem was gender, she’d been beset by a variety of mental health struggles for many years. Nicole said that she and her husband were not convinced by the gender dysphoria self-diagnosis and did not “affirm” their daughter’s trans identity. “The social worker was very nice to us,” Nicole told me. “She didn’t show any indication that she was not believing what we were saying or anything like that.” But a nurse attending Nicole’s daughter who had been through the same thing with his own daughter took pity on Nicole and her husband. When the social worker left the room, Nicole says, he warned them that she was on the way to “emancipate” their child. Washington law does not allow a minor to petition for emancipation until age 16. But according to several parents I spoke with, under the guise of “advising transgender youth of their rights,” social workers will sometimes sprinkle that tidbit onto a 14-year-old, so she knows liberation is only two years away. Nicole and her husband didn’t wait. They immediately took her home. That was probably a good thing. Her daughter had full rights to go to a shelter where, had she elected to, she could be “affirmed” and started on a path toward medical transition. And, as it turns out, once a troubled teen over the age of 13 elects to stay in a shelter in Washington, it can be fiendishly difficult to extract them. Instead, more than a year later, Nicole reports that her daughter is much better, as is their relationship. The daughter has dropped the idea that she is transgender and is tapering off of anti-depressants. Julie’s troubled 14-year-old daughter never identified as transgender. But Julie’s account of her tussle with Washington social workers and youth shelters—the details of which are corroborated by two different police reports—sheds critical light on the state’s approach to at-risk teens aged 13 and up. Julie specifically asked to go on the record about her experience—that’s how angry she is about what happened to her. I’ve masked her last name only to protect her minor daughter, Kayla. Kayla had long suffered severe mood swings, anxiety, and depression, stemming from childhood trauma at the hands of a father who sexually abused her. Though a no-contact court order has kept Julie’s ex-husband away from his daughter for several years, the girl’s depression began spiking in recent months, and she developed worrying signs of mental instability; according to Julie, Kayla’s current therapist has described these symptoms as “textbook borderline personality disorder.” On March 17, 2021, Julie dropped her daughter off at church youth group. At around 8 PM, Julie received a call from the pastor that Kayla had threatened to kill herself by overdosing on pills. Kayla didn’t actually have any pills on her, according to the police report filed that day, but she had announced her intention to procure some. When Julie headed to the church, her daughter ran away. The pastor drove Kayla straight to the emergency room at Seattle Children’s Hospital, where she was admitted. Because of the pandemic, Julie was not allowed into the hospital room with Kayla, but at some point during her daughter’s stay, Julie believes a social worker at the hospital suggested to Kayla that if she didn’t want to go home, she had the right to stay at a youth shelter. After a night in the hospital, Kayla called her pastor and asked to be driven to the YouthCare Hope Center, a shelter for the protection of kids, ages 12 to 17, experiencing homelessness, abuse, or extreme family conflict. When the hospital called Julie to tell her that Kayla was asking to stay at a homeless shelter, Julie was horrified. “I said, ‘Well, that’s, that’s absurd. She has a home, she has a family who loves her. Clearly, you’re not sending CPS—we’ve done nothing wrong. She doesn’t need to go to shelter.’ And the [hospital staff member] said, ‘Well, she’s 14, so she gets to make that choice for herself.’” The staff member was right that Kayla had a right to check herself in for inpatient treatment (though the worker was wrong that this particular YouthCare center qualified). Once Kayla got there, extracting her proved a nightmare. Unless Kayla voluntarily exited the shelter, Julie could neither see her daughter nor take her home. And it is very clear that Julie’s daughter did not want to return home to mom. Among their several mother–daughter disagreements, Kayla was furious with her mother for the rules Julie had established for Internet use. There were boys with whom Kayla conducted online relationships, which Julie worried about; Julie feared that some of these friendships were with adult men posing online as teens. She had attempted to cut off Kayla’s ability to communicate with them. According to Seattle police officer Nathan Bauer’s report, shelter social worker Micaela Leavell was aware that Julie did not want her daughter at the facility. But Leavell told the officer that she “felt it was better” if the girl remained at the shelter because the daughter “feels ‘unsafe’ at her mother’s house.” Officer Bauer noted that Leavell “could not elaborate on any specific concerns” that the girl mentioned other than she “stated she would harm herself if she were returned.” If Julie’s daughter had concrete reasons for “feeling unsafe” in her mother’s home, she seems never to have provided them to any of the bevy of mental health care or social workers who attended her. Several times a day, for the next few days, Julie called the YouthCare shelter to speak with her daughter. Each time, she was told that her daughter did not want to speak with her. At this point, Julie operated under a cloud of belief that the social workers at the shelter had her daughter’s best interest at heart. But Julie retained her daughter’s cell phone. She saw the messages coming in and out, apparently sent by her daughter from a computer at the shelter. And she saw that her daughter had sent the following message to a youth pastor: “Hey! I’m pretty sure I found a lawyer that will help me to stay in the [shelter] program since my social worker/case manager highly suggested that I find one as soon as possible cause he is worried that my mom will try to pull me out.” Julie realized her daughter seemed to be working toward legal emancipation, with the help of a lawyer arranged by the shelter. Julie later learned that the shelter had found her daughter an attorney and was working to try and file a Child in Need of Services petition. This would have made the shelter Kayla’s legal guardian, for all practical purposes. Indeed, several parents of trans-identified teens told me that the social workers who had attended to their daughters during a mental health crisis or suicide attempt had begun coaching their daughters on “emancipation,” under the guise of “advising them of their rights.” Many of the social workers encouraged the idea in psychologically vulnerable teens—who likely welcomed the suggestion—that their parents’ rules, decisions, and objections to the teens’ behavior constituted “abuse,” the parents said. Officer Bauer’s report, regarding the case of Julie and her daughter Kayla, tends to corroborate this. Kayla’s case manager, Oscar, volunteered to the police that YouthCare staff “provides the children with information on resources and courses of action, like emancipation, when asked by clients.” (I emailed Oscar to find out how much “asking” a teen needs to do before a social worker suggests emancipation, but I never received a response.) The published Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Families guidance informs children’s administration staff that they are not permitted to disclose a child’s LGBTQ+ identities to the parents; instructs them to use forms that “clearly distinguish the legal name and gender from chosen name and gender,” presumably to prevent accidental slip-ups on the secret understanding they’ve established with a child to her parents; and requires them to refer a child or youth who wants to participate to “LGBTQ+ related services,” including “behavioral health and medical providers that affirm their identity.” Lest you think that “affirming” by a medical provider merely entails use of name and pronouns, the guidance defines “Gender Affirming” as “medical procedures that changes [sic] a person’s body to conform to their gender identity.” In the end, it would take a team of eight officers to remove Julie’s daughter forcibly from the shelter. By that time, Julie already had a plan for Kayla’s treatment—in Arizona, where Kayla now resides in an inpatient treatment center for suicidality and depression. But the first order of business was to extract her daughter from Washington. If you’re familiar with the traditional model of youth shelters, you might assume that they are filled with kids whose parents either didn’t want them or subjected them to abuse. But as the definition of “abuse” has expanded to mean everything from physically harming a child to not “affirming” a child’s newly proclaimed gender identity, youth shelters seem to have ballooned to house even children from stable, loving families who desperately want their children back. In 2012, agencies responding to a Williams Institute at UCLA Law survey reported that about 40 percent of the homeless young people they served identified as LGBTQ. From this bare statistic, many infer that LGBTQ teens are being frequently kicked out of their homes by bigoted parents. Far from it. I asked Alexa Goodenow, an outreach worker at the SafePlace for Youth crisis hotline, which connects at-risk youth with a network of Seattle shelters, what challenges LGBTQ+ youth face that lead them to a shelter. “I would say one of the most common things that we see is just that cultural disconnect between them and their support system,” she said. “So, hypothetically speaking, maybe a young person who’s now identifying as non-binary or coming out as maybe gay or lesbian and bisexual and maybe families aren’t supportive of that. So we do see a lot of that because in the Seattle area, we get a lot of melting pot of backgrounds. So maybe the young person’s views don’t quite align with their at-home support.” Being a teenager is no picnic. But removing minor children from their parents’ home didn’t used to be a matter of a parent–child “cultural disconnect”—or the young person’s views not “quite align[ing] with their at-home support.” The point was to provide sanctuary for children who would otherwise suffer physical harm or psychological torment. Today, a teenager can declare an LGBTQ identity that is unsupported in her home and claim that this lack of support puts her mental health at risk. “For our young people experiencing homelessness, over 90 percent of them cite family conflict as a cause of homelessness,” said Suzanne Sullivan, Chief Advancement Officer at YouthCare, who confirmed for me that almost 30 percent of the young people at her shelter identify as LGBTQ+. “We see a lot of young people who have different sexual identities or gender identities that are not supported at home. At YouthCare, we believe that every young person deserves to live their life to the fullest and that includes gender and sexual identity. We are affirming at all of our locations and we don’t feel that it’s acceptable not to be,” she said. YouthCare houses adolescents and young adults ages 12 to 24. For child services in states that regard “gender affirming care” as the only humane way to treat a troubled teen who’s suddenly decided she’s transgender, the power the state grants them to undermine and even remove parents who object to these treatments is alarming. I asked Sullivan if the teens who come to YouthCare are being abused at home. “There are a lot of individual young people, so each story is unique and each story is different. And there are all different forms of mistreatment and neglect and abandonment. In some cases, kids are kicked out. In some cases, they leave.” In a state that grants minors aged 13 and up control over their mental health treatment—in a society that increasingly defines “abuse” as any of a variety of limits a parent might place on the gender or sexual exploration of a minor—it is easy enough for a troubled teen to decide that parents are “bad for my mental health.” A credible threat of suicide seems sufficient to earn a child an indefinite right to stay in a youth shelter, where she can hang out with other teens and free herself from meaningful supervision. (I spoke with one parent outside of Washington whose troubled 15-year-old was able to smoke marijuana and develop an alcohol problem at a youth shelter, according to a psychiatric evaluation I reviewed. In Julie’s case, she told me that, while Kayla was at the YouthCare shelter, she was often able to skip Zoom school.) After Sullivan refused to answer more questions over the phone, I emailed her for comment on the claim by parents that “once their teens choose to stay at one of the shelters, if they are over 13, they are hard to extract.” Sullivan—who many times during our call invited me to email her with questions—wrote back to say that she had no comment. It isn’t hard to see why a rebellious teen struggling with mental health problems might not want to return home from a youth shelter, even to a loving family. Take Lambert House, a “safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth ages 11-22,” according to its website. Activities include “Minecraft,” “Poetry Slam / Art Share,” “Saturday Night Lambert Live!” and “Boys Who Like Boys Group.” That might seem like a fun set of social activities for college students. It’s a little more troubling to consider that, based on a perusal of the activities calendar, many of the events seem to facilitate socializing between 22-year-olds and adolescents as young as 11. I called Lambert House several times for clarification, but never received a call back. I did, however, speak with Vernadette Broyles, president and founder of Child and Parental Rights Campaign. A Harvard-educated lawyer, Broyles represents parents in child custody, child protective services, and school cases. I asked Broyles point-blank: Was she seeing the same the pattern I had noticed—namely, loving parents bringing a suicidal, trans-identified teen to the E.R., which ensnares her in a child services network that will not relinquish her? “Yes, that is one of the patterns,” she said. “We’re seeing national patterns. . . . One is the very deliberate and systemic erosion of parental rights.” Broyles believes that this erosion leaves girls, especially, “disproportionately vulnerable.” According to the parents I’ve talked with, it’s hard to argue with that. One mother I spoke with had had Child Protective Services called on her by her own therapist, after she had explained in therapy why she had chosen not to “affirm” her young trans-identified teen daughter. In that instance, the mom said, the social worker accepted the mother’s explanation that this did not constitute abuse. She counts herself lucky. What advice does Broyles give parents if Child Protective Services shows up at their door? “Without a warrant or court order, you do not talk to them. You do not let your child talk to them. You should absolutely not let them interview your child with or without you. You don’t let them into your home, you don’t let them into your car. You don’t let them into your hospital room if you’re there in the hospital, you don’t let them into the room with you if you’re in a doctor’s office. You don’t let them in without a warrant or a court order, regardless of what they say. Because once they’re in they will take whatever you say or your child says and potentially use it against you. And then the next thing you know, there’s a possibility that they go to a court, to a judge, ex parte, and get a court order to remove your child. That’s distinctly possible.” Following up on Ahmed’s family, I spoke with Syed’s therapist, an autism expert, to find out how he has been doing since moving with his parents and sister out of Washington. She confirmed what Syed’s father told me: Syed is no longer suicidal, nor does he believe he is transgender. As a 17-year-old autistic boy, he shows startlingly advanced intellectual development and in social realms, can seem quite childish: He’s doing advanced work in philosophy, she tells me—and also remains fascinated by his sister’s My Little Ponies. That’s more than okay with his mom and dad. (read more) 2021-06-19 c THE RELIGION OF TRANSGENDERISM II Tranny Janissaries and the
Blood Tax
If you’re educated in the West, it’s drilled into you by the time you’re in high school that totalitarian regimes always end up ‘coming for your children’. One need only to recall a very ill and physically weak Adolf Hitler inspecting the child soldiers making a last stand for the Third Reich. Or we can remember the story of Pavlik Morozov, the Stalinist-era teen who denounced his father and reported him to the NKVD for criticizing the regime. The lesson that we were taught was that these totalitarians purposely weakened the bond between parents and child so as to neuter the family as a rival centre of loyalty. The state had to be the only organization that could command one’s devotion. We scoffed at the notion that it could happen here. But it is happening here. The overwhelming triumph of LGBTism is the triumph of the individual over the family, and the triumph of the state over it as well. By turning children against their parents through toxic ideologies, the state creates willing Janissaries, fanatical in their determination that its family that is wrong. Abigail Shirer has written an incredible piece on what happens when the state apparatus comes for your children in the name of transgenderism. My contention is that the ability of the state to wrest away children as young as 13 from their families without the permission of the family is simply a 21st century version of the Devshirme (Blood-Tax), the Ottoman practice of kidnapping Christian boys, circumcizing them, converting them to Islam, and training them to become Janissaries for the Sultan. Ahmed is
a Pakistani immigrant, a faithful Muslim, and
until recently, a financial consultant to
Seattle’s high-tech sector. But when he reached me
by phone in October 2020, he was just one more
frightened father. Days earlier, he and his wife had checked
their 16-year-old son into Seattle Children’s
Hospital for credible threats of suicide. Now,
Ahmed was worried that the white coats who had
gently admitted his son to their care would
refuse to return him.
“They sent an email to us, you know, ‘you should take your ‘daughter’ to the gender clinic,’” he told me. At first, Ahmed (I have changed names in this essay to protect the identities of minor children) assumed there had been a mistake. He had dropped off a son, Syed, to the hospital, in a terrible state of distress. Now, the email he received from the mental health experts used a new name for that son and claimed he was Ahmed’s daughter. “They were trying to create a customer for their gender clinic . . . and they seemed to absolutely want to push us in that direction,” he said when I spoke to him again this May, recalling the horror of last October. “We had calls with counselors and therapists in the establishment, telling us how important it is for him to change his gender, because that’s the only way he’s going to be better out of this suicidal depressive state.” It’s important for professional anti-racists to find racism, lest they lose their jobs. British Feminists have been informing me how the UK organization Stonewall, which had its roots in advocacy for gays and lesbians, had to switch to promoting transgenderism because they advocated themselves out of work with the string of political victories that they achieved. Gender Reassignment is a growth industry. It requires new patients just like the Sacklers required pill-poppers that they mocked as “Pillbillies”. The bait: As child
psychiatrist and expert in gender dysphoria Susan
Bradley said to me: “The messages these kids pick
up [from trans influencers] when they’re online
is, ‘We’re the
only people who understand you. Your people,
your parents, don’t really understand you.’ And
it may be the first time in their lives that
anybody has said to them, ‘We understand you. We
know you. You’re okay. You’re just like us.’ And
it’s powerful.”
I asked Bradley if introducing gender ideology to kids who tend to fixate is like introducing cocaine to those susceptible to addiction. She agreed: “It has the same power to assuage all the alienation and grief and distress that these kids have been struggling with.” The Blood-Tax for those as young as 13: The age at which
minors in the State of Washington can receive
mental health and gender-affirming care without
parental permission is 13. In other
words, the emails Ahmed received from the hospital
were effectively a courtesy; the hospital did not
require Ahmed’s permission to begin his son on a
path to medical transition.
But unlike some other parents I would later speak with, Ahmed’s cool head prevailed. Believing he might be walking into a trap, Ahmed reached out to both a lawyer and a psychiatrist friend he trusted. The psychiatrist gave him advice that he believes saved his son, saying, in Ahmed’s words: “You have to be very, very careful, because if you come across as just even a little bit anti-trans or anything, they’re going to call the Child Protective Services on you and take custody of your kid.” The lawyer told Ahmed the same: “What you want to do is agree with them and take your kid home. When the gender counselors advise you to ‘affirm,’ go along with it. Just say ‘Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, let’s take him home, and we’ll go to the gender clinic.’” Ahmed assured Seattle Children’s Hospital that he would take his son to a gender clinic and commence his son’s transition. Instead, he collected his son, quit his job, and moved his family of four out of Washington. This is a very long investigative piece and well worth your time reading in full here. (read more) 2021-06-19 b THE RELIGION OF TRANSGENDERISM I "Anxiety, depression, and [Borderline Personality Disorder] were ubiquitous. Often, the employee said, they had visible “self-harm scars” and even “fresh self-harm marks.” But, she said, the medical professionals were never supposed to address those marks. “We just move on exactly the issue at hand”—that is, affirming the adolescents’ self-diagnosed dysphoria and proceeding to a course of treatment." Inside Planned Parenthood's
Gender Factory
An Ex-Reproductive Health Assistant Speaks Out A month ago, I was sent a Tweetstorm written by a woman who had worked as a “reproductive health assistant” at Planned Parenthood for about 18 months prior to March 2020. If you assumed that the employee had abortion on her mind, then your knowledge of Planned Parenthood is outdated. Planned Parenthood is now one of the largest providers in the United States of cross-sex hormones like testosterone to females seeking medical gender transition. The employee’s responsibilities included screening patients, taking down their lists of medications and medical histories before the nurse arrived to treat. (Later, I was able to interview her and verify her employment from an old paystub.) The employee insisted (both on Twitter and during our interview) that she was reluctant to say anything critical of Planned Parenthood because she believes in its core mission. “[T]hey still provide vital services for women,” she wrote on Twitter, and anti-abortion activists “will jump at any opportunity to smear them.” But she went on to write: “Having said that, their recent roles in trans activism are abhorrent, and they’re digging their own grave.” The Planned Parenthood clinic where she worked was located in a small town of roughly 30,000. Abortions were the clinic’s “bread and butter,” something this employee fully supports. But, she noted, “trans identifying kids are cash cows, and they are kept on the hook for the foreseeable future in terms of follow-up appointments, bloodwork, meetings, etc., whereas abortions are (hopefully) a one-and-done situation.” How significant is this revenue stream? I’ve never been able to obtain numbers on that, though the Planned Parenthood website for Central and Western New York states that: “Nationally, Planned Parenthood is the second largest provider of Gender Affirming Hormone Care.” It seems reasonable to conclude that hormone treatments—pricey as they are—now contribute materially to Planned Parenthood’s bottom line. According to the employee, based on her recollection, 1-2 new biologically female teen patients seeking testosterone would arrive per day. A few reasonable assumptions and some arithmetic reveal that a shocking percentage of the town’s teen girls came through the clinic over just a few years. There were no doctors at the clinic where she worked. Nurse practitioners were the professionals with the highest medical training, she said. The clinic employed a gender counselor who had “no actual professional credentials or formal training other than being MtF” (that is, a male-to-female transgender person). Adolescents would come and speak to this gender counselor and Planned Parenthood would then forward the counselor’s “notes to an actual licensed mental health professional somewhere off-site, and rubber stamp approve the patients to begin their transition. This is basically how they circumvented the requirement to speak to an actual counselor,” according to the employee’s Twitter post. Whether patients received specific treatments—a course of testosterone, say—was decided by the “clinic manager,” with “no prior medical experience” whose prior job was “managing a Wendy’s,” the employee wrote. Each day, new teen girls would present at the clinic (sometimes with mom). They often arrived in groups of girlfriends, all claiming childhood histories of gender dysphoria and asking to be put on testosterone. Did she believe their testimonies? “I think they were telling what they perceived to be their authentic history to them at the time. Like, I was a 13 year old girl, you know. Everything is very dire, everything needs to be remedied immediately,” she said. In any case, the script Planned Parenthood instructed her to read from didn’t grant much room for evaluation of patient histories. “The questions that we asked were like, very closed ended…It would be, ‘you know, at what age did this start’? Boom that is it. ‘What kinds of dysphoria do you feel’? Boom that's it, you know? ‘What do you want out of your transition’? ‘Do you want top surgery?’ ‘Do you want bottom surgery’?” In taking their histories, the employee did discover that these girls seemed to be suffering from a great deal of emotional pain. “A lot of them have serious emotional issues, a lot of them had a history of abuse and baggage.” Anxiety, depression, and [Borderline Personality Disorder] were ubiquitous. Often, the employee said, they had visible “self-harm scars” and even “fresh self-harm marks.” But, she said, the medical professionals were never supposed to address those marks. “We just move on exactly the issue at hand”—that is, affirming the adolescents’ self-diagnosed dysphoria and proceeding to a course of treatment. This treatment—testosterone—carries serious risks for adolescent girls, particularly at the doses at which it is administered, ten to forty times what their bodies would normally handle. Risks include deepened voice, enlarged clitoris, increase in red blood cell count and greater risk of heart attack, infertility, vaginal and uterine atrophy, endometrial cancer—as well as all the unknown risks the come with any major and novel intervention. She would present the girls with pages that listed a series of medical risks and obtain signatures indicating their “informed consent.” Did any of the girls ever seem troubled by these risks? “I can say anecdotally that I never saw anybody read it,” she said. Most interesting to me was the fact that, according to the employee, the girls would often arrive to the clinic with a group of friends. (For what other medical treatments do girls arrive with peer group in tow?) It smacked more of the gleeful trips teen girls once took to the mall for ear piercings than the sober medical treatment of a genuine mental health disorder. What was the mood in the waiting room among these friends? “Super cheerful, giggly. It’s a fun thing,” she said, a touch of cynicism whetting her tone. I asked her if she and the other nurses and reproductive health assistants didn’t think there was something suspicious about girls’ showing up in groups of friends for treatment—whether it didn’t cross the employees’ minds that peer influence might be at play. “It's kind of one of those things where you just roll your eyes.” She told me. “The extent of our intervention” was to grant “their requests to start the hormone therapy.” Did she ever feel like she was participating in something wrong, I wondered. These were, by her own estimation, a notably vulnerable group of girls: they were on all kinds of medications for anxiety and depression and even anti-psychotics like Abilify and Clozaril. “I’ll tell you, I struggled with the morality and reconciling of our actions in giving these kids testosterone and estrogen and stuff. I struggled with that more than I did being in operating room for like a 20 week abortion. It’s a lot to see these kids, like, interpret their feelings in such a way that they end up being confused about their gender,” she said. Did she or other staff members voice their misgivings about whether they were giving these girls the best treatment? “Yeah. Every day,” she said, before adding: “I mean, it would be one of those things that would be a conversation among professionals. You know, we’re nodding our heads, we’re doing this thing. And then we clock out at the end of the day because we cannot bring it up in discussion with management or the clinic directors or anything because they have these directives from administrators upstate.” As far as she knew, did any of the girls asking to start a course of testosterone ever get turned down? Perhaps some were sent for psychiatric evaluation before proceeding with testosterone treatment? “None of the girls,” she said. “One of the boys who did confess that he smoked so much weed that he was doubling up on his estrogen… We did end up ceasing his therapy until he saw—I think it was like a substance abuse counselor or something like that. But other than that, we never turned away anybody.” According to the Planned Parenthood employee’s testimony, in affirmative care clinics like this one, for teens seeking fast medical transition—the medicine cabinet is fully stocked, the customer is always right, and the light is always green. (read more) 2021-06-19 a “Religion is the sigh of
the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless
world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is
the opium of the people.”
— Karl Heinrich Marx 2021-06-18 c QUEER TURN REPULSES VIEWERS Ratings plunge dramatically as
kids' TV network goes gay
Airing videos championing 'trans,' 'queer,' and 'pansexual' inclusion Some of America's children's TV networks have gone "gay" and are losing their audience, notes the Daily Wire's Megan Basham. "Since July of 2017, Nickelodeon's viewership has dropped from 1.3 million average viewers per week to a June of 2021 average of only 372,000," she wrote. "In only four years, Nickelodeon has dropped more than two thirds of its audience. That is catastrophically bad for the cable channel, but with cable on the way out, maybe it's not so bad? The catch here is that it is, in fact, that bad and perhaps worse, simply because Nickelodeon seems to be the primary driving force behind new subscribers to Paramount+." She explained that Nickelodeon's "hard push to promote the LGBTQ agenda to children is having a negative impact on the network's ratings." "In the last two weeks, both Nickelodeon and its preschool-targeted network, Nick Jr., have released videos championing 'trans,' 'queer,' and 'pansexual' inclusion. One video that sparked mass outrage depicted a cartoon version of drag queen Nina West singing about various LGBTQIA groups '[loving] each other so proudly' on 'Blues Clues and You,' a show for two- to five-year olds. That same video showed a female-to-male transgender beaver who appeared to have post-operative surgical scars on its chest," she wrote. Further, Nickelodeon posted a video this month featuring West, and it has been overtly celebrating "Pride" events. The network "implied" in 2020 that its most popular character, SpongeBob SquarePants, is gay. An entertainment site, Pirates and Princesses, reported Nickelodeon YouTube videos were "downvoted to such a degree that they've now hidden the ratio." But Basham noted that so far, the negative reaction from consumers "doesn’t seem to be deterring the network." Are major networks intentionally trying to warp the minds of American children? "In response to West posting a video of the Pride song, Nickelodeon’s official account tweeted, 'It gets better every time we watch it,' alongside happy face and heart emojis." (read more) Re-posted with colorful commentary at: Kids’ Networks’ Viewership Drops as They Go Full Anal 2021-06-18 b SCRAPING THE BOTTOM OF THE RECRUITING BARREL 2021-06-18 a Editor's Note: Épater le bourgeois, shock
the middle class, is alleged to be the primary
motivation of the Left's homophilia, pedophilia,
transphilia and championing of all manner of
perversions and transgressions.
I believe their embrace of the unnatural and indecent is not merely to shock middle class sensibilities, but to destroy society, beginning with the destruction of the family. That is why they rail against patriarchy, biologically based genders and gender roles, and all else that is good and decent. Their evil mantra endlessly repeated from multiple mainstream minarets (the media, the elites, the Hollywood degenerates) is, "There is no god but the State, and the Progressives are his Prophets." Their project failed before it began. It failed because most humans know right from wrong. Most of us can distinguish the beautiful from the ugly; the true from the untrue; and the normal from the abnormal. Though their project was stillborn, they are still creating a bloody mess with much confusion, human carnage and chaos. Despite all the noise they make, the LGBT lobby is minuscule. The media exaggerate. At least 98% of adults are heterosexual. Heterosexuality is normal. It is the natural state of affairs. Real gender dysphoria (the kind apparent in very young children) is very rare. The social contagion of teen girls claiming to be boys (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria) and teen or adult males aroused by wearing women's clothing (a fetish called autogynephilia) are not real gender dysphoria. The "trans" craze popularizing and seeking to normalize Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria and autogynephilia is funded by a few wealthy individuals. The "philanthropists of perversion" include Jon Stryker (Arcus Foundation), the Pritzker family (Hyatt hotels), Peter Buffett (son of Warren Buffett) (NoVo Foundation}, and George Soros (Open Society Foundations). Without their billions, transgenderism would not exist as a movement. These flags were not modified to outrage. They were modified to state truths. ![]() * ![]() 2021-06-17 g THE ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF BIDEN:
"I'll take your questions and as usual, folks, they
gave me a list of the — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 16, 2021 *DOJ
Talking Points
Trump abused power/ Trump DOJ out of control. Now we have to clean it up. Blah, blah, blah. Joe Biden needs a flash card to remind him that he thinks everything is Trump’s fault. How pathetic. pic.twitter.com/5SRHUDf7z5 — Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 15, 2021 * Biden
brought his flashcards into his meeting with Putin.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 16, 2021 *President
Biden just confused President Trump with Vladimir
Putin after — House Republicans (@HouseGOP) June 16, 2021 *Pres.
Biden had a heated exchange with CNN reporter
Kaitlan Collins over — NowThis (@nowthisnews) June 17, 2021 *Biden
tells reporters after they push him for details on
negotiations with Putin: — CBS News (@CBSNews) June 16, 2021 *In the last week: Biden
shows up 3 hours late to a news event and answers
5 questions from Putin
sits down for a 90-minute NBC News interview where
he is grilled and he — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 16, 2021 *JUST IN:
President Biden arrives at Joint Base Andrew after
his summit with After
about 3 hours together, they showed how
differently they interpreted the goal — Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) June 17, 2021 *2021-06-17 f FEDERAL BUREAU OF INSTIGATION National security apparatus in
total panic over election audit results, rising
backlash against tyranny and corruption
The national security “deep state” is in an outright panic right now, desperately hoping to criminalize political opponents of the Biden regime before the results of the Arizona / Maricopa County ballot audit are revealed. The hand counting portion of the audit is now complete, and final results are expected in as little as ten days (around June 26th). Corrupt national security operators know that once the audit results are made public, America will see that around 200,000 ballots are either fraudulent or missing, and Arizona will move to decertify its electoral college votes, thrusting the entire Biden “victory” into question. With audit efforts spreading to other states, it won’t be long before enough states decertify the electoral votes to push Biden below the electoral victory threshold of 270, effectively nullifying the Biden “presidency.” In order to stop that from happening, it appears the corrupt DOJ and FBI are plotting the largest false flag event in American history as a way to terrorize the nation into obedience while distracting from election audit results. In the same way that the Jan. 6th capitol siege — which was clearly run by the FBI — instantly shut down all talk of US Senators even considering alternate electoral college votes submitted by many red states, the deep state knows that rolling out a massive false flag attack as the Arizona election results are released will drastically shift the narrative and focus the American people on media-induced hatred aimed at conservatives and gun owners. This is why we expect to see the deep state attempt to pull off a large-scale mass shooting or bombing event of some kind, either in June or July, followed by media hysteria and a demand for nationwide gun confiscation and national security investigations into Trump supporters. In order for the Marxists to hold power, they must create a new crisis and use it to strip away any remaining constitutional protections from the American people. They’ve already destroyed free speech and free elections; now they must destroy the freedom to bear arms and the freedom to express dissent via the First Amendment. As Darren Beattie of Revolver.news now asks, “Does the national security apparatus do anything but conspire against the American people?” (read more) 2021-06-17 e OBAMACARE NON-DECISION Gowned Clowns Disappoint
“We do not reach these
questions of the act’s validity, however, for Texas
and the other plaintiffs in this suit lack the
standing necessary to raise them,”
So brayed Breyer in 7-2 majority opinion that Texas, et al. lacked standing to challenge the unaffordable sickness care act. 2021-06-17 d SELLING SEXY LINGERIE WITH UGLY LESBIAN, OBESE AND CROSS DRESSING MODELS GO WOKE = GO BROKE
Victoria’s Secret is
getting rid of its Angels and wings. The company
has hired
new representatives — including soccer star Megan Rapinoe and actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas — as it tries to conduct one of the most extreme brand turnarounds in recent memory. https://t.co/tdP4s3cCNM — The New York Times (@nytimes) June 16, 2021 See also: https://pagesix.com/2021/06/16/megan-rapinoe-and-priyanka-chopra-join-victorias-secret-rebrand/ 2021-06-17 c DETERRING RESTLESS NATIVES FROM MESOAMERICA Texas Says It Can Enforce
Immigration Restrictions. Texas Is Right
Texas governor Greg Abbott yesterday announced that the State will build its own border wall and will jail anyone "who enters our state illegally and is found trespassing, engaged in vandalism, criminal mischief, or smuggling," Moreover, Abbott announced plans to pursue an interstate compact with Arizona for purposes of border control. This new move is just the latest in an ongoing contest over whether state governments have any authority over border control and control over the flow of migrants. In recent decades, state governments have made some attempts to assert more control over how tax money is spent on immigrants. For example, 1994’s Proposition 187 in California was designed to restrict state spending on foreign nationals (i.e., "illegal immigrants"). The measure was approved by the voters but struck down by federal courts, who claimed the federal government has a monopoly on immigration enforcement. In 2010, Senate Bill 1070, the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act" made further attempts to empower state officials to restrict immigration. The federal government has generally fought hard against attempts by state government agents and officials to enforce immigration restrictions. Indeed, Democrats and Republicans, social democrats and conservatives, can be found insisting that immigration is solely a matter for the federal government—for different reasons. Not surprisingly, in response to the Texas announcement, the New York Times opines: "It is unclear if the state has the authority to build a wall in an attempt to deter immigrants." Yet, however one may feel about immigrants, both historical experience and an honest reading of article I of the US Constitution makes it clear that the federal government is not, in fact, empowered to enforce immigration. Moreover, American policymakers at both the state and federal levels generally agreed on this during most of the nineteenth century. It was only in the 1870s that federal officials began to claim authority to enforce immigration, and it was only in the 1880s that this became a common practice. As I noted in a 2018 article, US states facing large migrant inflows had put into place a variety of state-based policies beginning as early as the 1830s. In his study on state-level immigration laws, Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of American Immigration Policy, Hidetaka Hirota focuses especially on state laws in Massachusetts and New York, where the matter of expelling and limiting new migrants was a matter of perennial concern: To reduce
Irish pauperism, New York and Massachusetts built
upon colonial poor laws for regulating the local
movement of the poor to check the landing into the
state of destitute foreigners. In Massachusetts,
an exceptionally strong anti-Catholic and
anti-Irish tradition inspired the state
legislature to go beyond merely setting entry
regulations or excluding the unacceptable. Rather,
Massachusetts developed laws for deporting foreign
paupers already resident in the state back to
Ireland or to Britain, Canada, or other American
states. Between the 1830s and the early 1880s, at
least 50,000 persons were removed from
Massachusetts under this policy.
The federal courts also sided with the notion of state control during this period. Early legal cases illustrated a reluctance on the part of the courts to assert federal control of migrants. In New York v. Miln (1837) for example, the Supreme Court took up the matter of whether a state could require a docking ship to "to provide a list of passengers and to post security against the passengers from becoming public charges." The strategy of bonding was often used, in which ship owners were forced to post a bond under which the state could be compensated in case the new migrants arriving in said ship turned out to be criminals or paupers dependent on the state. The court sided with the state, concluding the state was entitled "to provide precautionary measures against the moral pestilence of paupers, vagabonds, and possible convicts, as it is to guard against the physical pestilence, which may arise from unsound and infectious articles imported." However, regulation of immigrants was acceptable to the court so long as the regulation was "not a regulation of commerce, but of police." That is, the court ruled to overturn the state's ability to impose what were essentially taxes on shipping, while concluding that the state and local governments nevertheless retained to right to regulate the immigrants themselves. Moreover, in the "Passenger Cases" of 1849, a fractious court again declined to limit state police powers in regulating immigrants. The majority "consensus" which consisted of several different concurring opinions, struck down state efforts to collect taxes and fees designed to fund state efforts at monitoring and controlling migrants. These taxes were ruled to be against the federal powers of regulating maritime law and international shipping. The court failed to establish overall federal supremacy on the matter of immigration, however, and Justice Levi Woodbury emphasized the point in his dissenting opinion: [I]t is for the State
where the power resides to decide on what is
sufficient cause for it, whether municipal or
economical, sickness or crime; as, for example,
danger of pauperism, danger to health, danger to
morals, danger to property, danger to public
principles by revolutions and change of
government, or danger to religion.
Similarly, according
to Neuman, Justice "Peter Daniel invoked at length the
Jeffersonian polemics against the Alien Act of 1798 to
demonstrate that power over the entry of aliens was
vested exclusively in the states."1Meanwhile, Congress largely ignored the immigration issue beyond regulating naturalization, as mandated in the Constitution. The 1911 report from Congress's Dillingham Commission on immigration recounts that legislation addressing immigration during the mid-nineteenth century was minimalist, to say the least. The commission notes that most agitation for new immigration legislation stemmed from the Native American Party, also known as the "Know-Nothings." These efforts failed due to a lack of interest by federal lawmakers in regulating immigration, and also due to doubts about whether or not such efforts were even constitutional. Meanwhile, the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued a report on congressional concerns about European nations dumping undesirables in the United States. But the committee "seemed to doubt the power of Congress to regulate the matter, so almost all their recommendations were to the States." Of course, in the area of immigration, as in so many other areas, the federal government began to displace and shunt aside the state governments as the nineteenth century came to a close. By the 1930s, it was clear that the federal government had every intention of asserting full control over the administration of immigration control. This occurred in spite of the fact that immigration control is not among the enumerated powers and is thus a matter reserved to the states, as made clear in the Tenth Amendment. Nonetheless, when it is politically convenient, conservatives often wrongly insist that "naturalization" means the same thing as "immigration"—although it means no such thing. The social democrats, on the other hand, assert federal control over immigration whenever a Democrat is in office or whenever it looks like the federal courts will rule favorably toward higher levels of immigration. Most nineteenth-century Americans would have agreed that Texas is on sound footing in claiming it is well within its rights to enforce its own immigration policies. Whether or not federal judges care about this is another matter. (read more) 2021-06-17 b RESTLESS NATIVE IN DEEPEST, DARKEST OHIO Woman captured on video
attacking McDonald’s employees in Ohio (explicit
Brian Allen’s instincts kicked in when he saw a woman getting upset over slushie flavors Brian Allen’s run to get breakfast on Monday morning turned into something he never imagined. He was inside the McDonald’s at 418 W. Main Street in Ravenna, Ohio and noticed a woman upset over her order. “I heard her ask for a slushie with all three flavors mixed into one,” Allen said. “Whereupon the manager informed her that they could not do that, and she became increasingly irritated and combative and decided that she would go behind the counter and fix her own drink.” Allen said there was an exchange of words and he started recording on his cellphone. **WARNING: The video contains explicit language** Craziness is out in full force, just
saw this at Ravenna McDonald’s
Posted by Brian Allen on Monday, June 14, 2021 “I was concerned that she may start hurting somebody. So, I started recording in case law enforcement needed the tape for any kind of evidence of the assault,” he said. Video shows the woman behind the counter, screaming and attacking two employees. At one point the woman punches one of the workers and snatches her face mask off. The woman later goes to the beverage machine in the restaurant’s dining room and fills a cup with ice. She goes back behind the counter and throws the cup of ice at one of the workers and begins attacking her. The worker takes the woman to the ground and continuously punches her. Police later arrived and arrested the woman. The suspect has been identified as Cherysse Helena Cleveland. She was charged with two counts of misdemeanor assault in Portage County. Cleveland was in court on Tuesday to face a judge and pleaded not guilty. Bond was set at $1,000. Allen said the McDonald’s employees had incredible restraint. “If I was in their shoes, I wouldn’t have been able to show the restraint they did. You can see from the video that several times, not just once, she physically assaults and or pushes them. And they don’t do anything except for to try to protect themselves. And you can clearly hear the one employee trying to protect her boss as well. I think they both did outstanding jobs,” Allen said. “I don’t see anybody having to take abuse like that. I think the lesson is just to treat people the way that we want to be treated, and I don’t see that a lot in the world anymore.” The judge ordered Cleveland not to return to the McDonalds’s location and to not have any contact with the alleged victims. Cleveland’s next court date is pending. Tuesday, the McDonald’s lobby was closed to customers. (read more) See also: Woman charged in Ravenna McDonald’s attack previously served time for assaulting her grandmother [...] Court records show she was charged with
felonious assault, kidnapping and disrupting public
service in 2014.
A criminal complaint states, in August of 2014, Cleveland caused “serious physical harm to Rebecca F. Biggers by throwing her to the ground and repeatedly hitting her with her hands and fists.” The complaint also states, “victim was lying on ground after the initial attack, the defendant grabbed a glass lamp, stood over victim, and threw the lamp onto her body.” During the case, Cleveland wrote the judge letters asking for leniency. A portion of one of Cleveland’s letter said, “I am not an evil or bad person. I had some very difficult things going on in my life… I did not mean to assault my grandmother. In my mind at the time I thought I was fighting the devil. Probation from you is the request. I would like to get back out into the community and help in every way possible”. 2021-06-17 a “Nobody has the right to
not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any
declaration I have ever read.”
— Salman Rushdie 2021-06-16 i THE COMING BLOCKBUSTER ATTRACTION (Not recommended for liberal, progressive or woke audiences.) ![]() 2021-06-16 h CAUTION: REGIME CHANGE AHEAD The Three-Way Squeeze
Here is why the “Joe Biden” regime only has a few months to live: it is caught in a squeeze between some of the greatest lies in world history, and they’re all unraveling now. Anyway, “Joe Biden” is not really functioning as president of the US; he’s just the doddering, photo-op front-man for a kind of politburo centered around Barack Obama, and that group lives in terror of being found-out, which it will be, despite its capture of the traditional news and social media. Big Lie No. 1 is actually a whole bundle of lies surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. The chief national health official, Dr. Anthony Fauci (a.k.a. “The Science”) can’t get his story straight about whether or not he funneled US taxpayer money to a lab associated with China’s People’s Liberation Army, to engineer a virus that was turned loose on the rest of the world. An email train of evidence shows that he did. That was bad enough. Then Dr. Fauci (and most of the nation’s medical bureaucracy) worked hard to suppress cheap and effective treatments that defeated the virus and cured patients if used in the early stages of infection, namely, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, and Fluoxetine. (Fluoxetine, or Prozac, used “off-label,” modulates brain inflammation.) The suppression actively continues to this day. Dr. Fauci & Company promoted the use of a PCR viral testing system run at excessive cycle thresholds that flooded the medical system with false positive tests. The test’s inventor, (Nobel Prize winner) the late Dr. Kerry Mullis said the test was never meant to be used as a diagnostic tool. [...] Big Lie No. 2 is that “Joe Biden” won the Nov 3, 2020 presidential election. That colossal scam, which the Democratic party advertised well in advance, and accomplished via blatant mail-in ballot fraud and computer voting machine tweaking, was never properly adjudicated — despite media claims that court cases were dismissed on the basis of evidence, which was not so. The Arizona vote audit underway is the first of probably many efforts among the so-called swing states to interrogate that operation. The “Joe Biden” government tried and failed to shut down the AZ audit early in the game. Then, late last Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland upped the ante, saying that he was about to send a gang of federal attorneys down AZ-way to scotch the darn thing. Recall that, constitutionally, elections are conducted entirely under the prerogatives of each state, not the national government. The AZ audit was ordered by the Arizona State Senate. State Senator (and former fighter pilot) Wendy Rogers, replied to AG Garland, “You will not touch Arizona ballots or machines unless you want to spend time in an Arizona prison. Maybe you should focus on stopping terrorism.” The next move is Mr. Garland’s. Will he send in federal marshals to seize the ballots and Dominion machines? Or will “Joe Biden” tell AZ Governor Doug Doucy to sic the national guard on his own state senate? If you want to start a real civil war, that would be a good way to kick it off. [...] The third “Big Lie” is that the US economy is “recovering” from the [planned] Covid-19 disruptions. The US economy has been a Potemkin village since 2008, held together with the baling wire and duct tape of Federal Reserve money games and, more so lately, US government fiscal recklessness — i.e., spending vast amounts of borrowed money on direct payments to broke citizens, broke businesses, and, apparently an equal number of outright crooks who just gamed the various bailout categories. For now, many places are supposedly caught up in the exuberant reopening of daily life activities: restaurants, travel-and-leisure businesses, big league sports. Sounds good, maybe, but the frothy feeling is belied by the still-boarded-up shopfronts and the expanding homeless campgrounds of the big cities and by the noises made by big corporations laying off thousands of employees. One narrative says that many service jobs go begging because too many people still receive government handouts that add up to more than such jobs pay. And some businesses, such as restaurants, say they are offering much higher wages than they used to in a desperate effort to keep operating. (read more) 2021-06-16 g THE ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF Does biden really have
cheat cards for the Putin meeting!? 😂😂
pic.twitter.com/D0m9Pzi3hv — Kyle (@N8ivePatriot1) June 16, 2021 * Biden Brought
Flashcards To His Meeting With Putin–Twitter Mocks
Embarrassing Nightmare” pic.twitter.com/1WkH8LqCmC — Laura #Covfefe ☘ 👠 (@mwenger1993) June 16, 2021 * Biden just yelled at CNN’s @kaitlancollins: “What the hell— what do
you do all day?… If you don’t understand that, — Benny (@bennyjohnson)
June 16, 2021 * You never ask a
positive question,” Biden gripes to press corps on
tarmac in Geneva pic.twitter.com/r71T7LrjVA — Jennifer Jacobs
(@JenniferJJacobs) June 16, 2021 CNN’s Jeff Zeleny: We
haven’t seen Joe Biden answer questions “without his
aides 😂😂😂😂pic.twitter.com/GIWnl2YCWy — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) June 16, 2021 *Biden says
he gave Putin a list of 16 areas of critical
infrastructure that He says they agreed to have
experts in their countries “work on specific — CBS News (@CBSNews) June 16, 2021 2021-06-16 f ARIZONA AUDIT - https://azaudit.org/ Audit Update: Hand
count of ballots was completed yesterday with the
of Braille ballots. The paper examination phase continues and we are examining over 100k ballots per day! — Maricopa Arizona Audit (@ArizonaAudit) June 16, 2021 2021-06-16 e RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN TEXAS I just
signed a law that prohibits any government agency
or public official from
issuing an order that closes places of worship. The First Amendment right to freedom of religion shall never be infringed. — Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 15, 2021 2021-06-16 d CLARIFICATION OF DIRECTIVE FROM STASI HQ, NORMANENSTRASSE Department of [In]Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW They’re not even
hiding the fact that they want us to turn on our
own loved ones.
The Era of the American Stasi is upon us. https://t.co/SZoMADZbLw — Tommy Victory (@DrThomasVictor1) June 16, 2021 * A reminder that a
“radicalized” person is just anyone that didn’t
vote for “Biden”
or support BLM. If that describes your brother or parents, TURN THEN INTO THE FEDS, says the Biden Regime. https://t.co/X9g4jHqH2f — Jon Miller (@MillerStream) June 15, 2021 * And here come the
thought police. Fantastic when it’s POTUS leading
the charge.
ASS. Team Biden Asks Americans to Report Radicalized Friends and Family https://t.co/zDcYBiIFE5 — Chris Yarbrough (@BornTexan72) June 15, 2021 2021-06-16 c THE FEDS DO NOT YET REALIZE THEY HAVE LOST CONTROL II AG Merrick Garland Announces
DAG Lisa Monaco Will Lead DOJ Effort to Frame
Political Opposition as Domestic Terrorists, Equates
January 6th DC Protest to 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing
The coordination of narrative engineering across all agencies of the U.S. government is quite remarkable. Yesterday Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that Deputy AG Lisa Monaco ([corrupt] Obama crew) will lead a “whole of government” effort to label any political opposition to the Biden regime as “domestic terrorists”. To facilitate that objective, Garland announced that DAG Monaco is reconstituting “the domestic terrorism executive committee“, an investigative agency process used in the aftermath of the [fed-sponsored, inside job] Oklahoma bombing in 1995. Additionally, Garland is noting the January 6th Capitol Hill protest was the current equivalent of the 1995 [demolition] bombing [from within the Murrah building] that killed 168 people and injured 680. The Domestic Terrorism committee, led by Monaco, will focus their efforts at ensuring the center of U.S. government is never again put at risk. You only need to watch the first 4 minutes of the video below to see the framework of the narrative being deployed. Garland’s statements align with Nancy Pelosi’s legislative demand to weaponize a January 6th Commission for the same political intents and purposes. [White House Announcement Here] As announced the [illegitimate] Biden administration will use the opportunity of the protest against the 2020 election outcome to set into place various multi-agency monitoring systems to “identify threats”, “monitor behaviors” and “conduct surveillance” on all Americans, in effort to identify the “domestic extremists”. This, they hope, will help eliminate any political push-back in the upcoming 2022 mid-term election. The purpose of this announcement should be crystal clear to everyone. We discussed and outlined the background previously. {Go Deep 1} and {Go Deep Two} In the background of these maneuvers Big Tech and Corporate Media have been instructed to push the “domestic extremist” narrative; and any truth-tellers are considered subversive, i.e. against the interests of the U.S. government. The January 6th DC protest is being used as evidence for that narrative. Deplatforming, censorship and ultimately control of voices who would warn of the larger issues continues daily. Let me be very clear… stop and hear the drums… Something is about to happen. Approximately 100 million American voters are considered dissidents now. (read more) 2021-06-16 b THE FEDS DO NOT YET REALIZE THEY HAVE LOST CONTROL I Attorney General Merrick
Garland Pre-Positioning Assets Against Looming
Election Audit Results and Voter Data Forensics
The next war will not come from foreign soil, it is about to happen based on a great awakening in the heavily corrupt and manipulated voting system in the United States. The battle is about to happen right here on our soil. BIG PICTURE – United States Attorney General Merrick Garland is pre-positioning assets from the DOJ and FBI [LINK]. Simultaneous to this, the U.S. military leadership is purging patriots and putting all service members under surveillance [LINK]. These two factual events are directly related. In the background of these maneuvers Big Tech and Corporate Media have been instructed to push the “domestic extremist” narrative; and any truth-tellers are considered subversive and against the interests of the U.S. government. The January 6th DC protest is being used as evidence for that narrative. Deplatforming, censorship and ultimately control of voices who would warn of the larger issues continues daily. Let me be very clear… stop and hear the drums… Something is about to happen. POINT ONE – Even before the November 2020 election there were groups of patriots who knew mail-in ballots were a tool toward an objective, the 2020 Presidential election. Anyone with a lick of common sense, and the vast majority of readers right here on this website, knew that deployment of mail-in ballots was going to be the largest unknown variable in the 2020 election. The DC-based apparatus was all-in. This was the big one. POINT TWO – There is data, massive publicly available geolocation data, available for purchase. As you know data is the currency of the Deep State (U.S. Intel Community); however, insofar as the intel community uses federal authority to control data (at taxpayer expense), there is also a massive amount of data in the hands of private groups and individuals that can be legally purchased. As a consumer you know your cell phone data is used by private industry commercially to sell you stuff and provide services. That is one type of data that is available for commercial purchase. The feds have access to that type of data at their fingertips, and indeed they use it often illegally to circumvent fourth amendment protections. But that type of data is also available for purchase; the issue is the cost. Big Data requires a lot of money to purchase and then even more money to create the technological systems to use the data effectively. ♦ Put the two points above together and citizen led patriot groups have purchased big data to analyze the 2020 election. These projects, and there are several, have been ongoing for quite a while. As you know from our own crowdsourcing research in the past, you can easily tear apart large stories by focusing on the granular evidence that is available in the public sphere. The results of that crowdsourcing research is incredibly accurate because it is not based on supposition, it is based on empirical data points. Photographs, maps, camera shots, CCTV images, spatial and time patterns, geolocation, flight patterns, airline tracking and even star patterns at night have been used by hobbyist puzzle-solvers and citizen researchers to crowdsource information of interest. CTH has taken apart several falsely framed investigative narratives (Trayvon, Mike Brown, Freddie Gray, RNC roadmap etc) with focused crowdsourcing research. Heck, even 4Chan folks were having fun finding Shia LaBeouf’s “he will not divide us’ flag despite him hiding it in the middle of nowhere. The major point is with the internet at our fingers, and enough data available for review, just about anything can be deeply researched and then subject matter experts can guide the analysis and result…. With stunning accuracy. Bear with me…. You have likely seen the same type of crowsourcing research being taken with the 2020 election data. The same type of statistical and analytical methodology on voting patterns at a macro and micro level. Additionally, some groups, some very smart groups that have been in the business of voter integrity for a long time, have also been reviewing massive data purchased in the wake of the 2020 election. I have recently been made aware that federal law enforcement agencies have been informed about some of the results from geo-location of cell phone data surrounding “drop boxes” used to collect voter ballots. Essentially a mapping of specific cell phones which identifies their group association and outlines their activity in multiple states. The data is the data and cannot be refuted. Soon these types of very specific data-maps will be cross referenced in key precincts and added to any resulting audit outcomes. The cell phone travel of these organized groups creates a map of their activity. Keep in mind many of ballot collection sites have CCTV systems; some CCTV operations were actually mandated by legislation that authorized the collection drop-off locations. It is not coincidental that public records requests for those CCTV recordings are being met with hostile denials and efforts to stall production. The bottom line is this…. AG Merrick Garland knows a powder keg is very likely to explode as soon as the majority of American people discover just how manipulated the election of 2020 was. His announcement to double the staff of the DOJ Civil Rights Division voter unit is not to protect election integrity, but rather to position his resources for a war against a looming storm of election review outcomes…. and the White House is so far exposed, they are positioning to use the military to protect their position. The deep and irrefutable research has been taking place, mostly very quietly, in the background. I would expect the government response to this will be a combination of the DOJ/FBI “domestic extremist” narratives, combined with racism accusations and claims of election disinformation. (read more) 2021-06-16 a “Extremism in the
defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the
pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
— Barry Goldwater 2021-06-15 h HOW THE WEST WAS LOST An Explanation of Tactics to
Fundamentally Transform America
In 1984, former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to the West in the 1970s, alerted Americans to the methods the Soviet secret service was using to subvert our political system. The aim of the agency, he said, was gradual "ideological subversion" or "psychological warfare." Using ample video footage of the late Bezmenov, Brainwashed America — the latest documentary from filmmaker, radio host, and author Brannon Howse — exposes how dangerously far this process of undermining American culture has advanced. Howse's conclusions are based on thirty years of study of the history, utilization, and advancement of brainwashing in America. He defines brainwashing as "a method that manipulates and modifies a person's emotions, attitudes, and beliefs" and indoctrination as a subtle, pedagogic process "to induce someone to give up basic political, social, and religious beliefs and attitudes, and to accept contrasting regimented ideas." In the mid-1980s, the former spy had delineated the phases of the Soviet operation in America: demoralization, destabilization, chaos, and normalization (when communism takes hold). This came to be called Bezmenov's "Soviet subversion model." As early as 1984, he had claimed that the process of demoralization — turning youths against traditional American values — was complete and that destabilization was well underway to subvert the economy, foreign relations, and defense. He had warned that Americans may believe it's peacetime, but they are really "in a state of undeclared war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system." Howse's documentary contemporizes Bezmenov's warning. It sets out the twelve-step process of brainwashing aimed at effecting a Marxist revolution in America and illustrates it using events from the corona [cold] virus pandemic. The twelve steps are: 1) removing principled leadership; 2) encouraging the questioning of values, convictions, and the American worldview; 3) presenting a revisionist history that portrays the free market system as oppressive; 4) propagating moral relativity to cloud the distinction between right and wrong; 5) extolling consensus and collectivism while declaring individualism dangerous; 6) focusing on emotions over facts, reason, and context; 7) fostering anxiety, confusion, social turbulence; 8) concealing the ultimate agenda; 9) using trusted individuals and institutions to enhance credibility; 10) using informants to zero in on those who don't comply; 11) rewarding compliance and punishing dissent; and 12) winning public trust by manufacturing chaos to lay the groundwork for a benevolent-seeming rescue. With the advent of the Chinese-origin corona [cold] virus, many of those steps were played out as if from a manual — all in the name of "flattening the curve" and ensuring that hospitals are not "overwhelmed." First, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic. In the U.S., leadership for managing the situation was delegated to the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — essentially to scientists and doctors who followed "the science." Then the virus was used as a means of political, economic, and social control to transform the American way of life. Such was the fear and anxiety the virus generated that citizens gave up their freedom and willingly obeyed mandates that would have been unthinkable the year before. With fake news, constantly changing "science," and fictitious numbers, Americans were manipulated into closing businesses, giving up travel and socializing, and accepting restrictions on marriages and funerals. They even surrendered their right to congregational worship under the threat of fines and arrests. Ironically, [Only] Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa protesters were allowed to march for "social justice" without social distancing and without the de rigueur masks. Rioting, arson, the looting of businesses, and assaults on civilians and police — ostensibly to protest "police brutality" — were allowed. The mainstream media described them as "mostly peaceful" while condemning conservative political rallies as "irresponsible, dangerous, selfish and a threat to public health and safety." Those who attended anti-lockdown demonstrations were deemed terrorists, but those who took part in radical-left riots were said to be fighting "fascism." To illustrate the incongruity between radical activities that were celebrated and those that were verboten for the general population, Howse includes a wry comment from Laura Ingraham of Fox News: "Going to a restaurant is prohibited but ransacking a restaurant is permissible. Going to church is forbidden but burning down a church is fine." Howse elaborates on the abounding hypocrisy. Small businesses and churches — the quintessence of ordinary American life — were closed on orders of tyrannical politicians and self-declared medical and scientific experts, while multi-national corporations, abortion clinics, liquor stores, marijuana dispensaries, and casinos were free to operate. Prison doors were thrown open. It doesn't take exceptional perspicacity to recognize some of the steps identified by Howse being put into effect. Leaders and the media promoted a sense of uncertainty by peddling contradictory information, leaving people unsure of whom and what to believe. Nonsensical, inconsistent orders were issued. The chaos led to a surrendering of values. It engendered fear, anxiety, a herd mentality, and an inability to think and reason clearly. The imposition of masks, distancing rules, temperature checks, restrictions on entry to supermarkets, and so on imposed a regimentation of the kind used at China's infamous "re-education" centers. Some politicians, including New York mayor Bill de Blasio, announced that snitches would be rewarded and thanked people for turning in fellow citizens who did not comply with the arbitrary rules. Dissenters were ostracized and labeled selfish, narcissistic, fascist, racist, white supremacist, and mentally ill. Through these means, Americans were made to accept a more controlled existence and give up some of their privacy and sovereignty. The process continues even as the pandemic fades away. Howse's film also presents an enlightening scenario that seems to presage the pandemic. It's from the chapter titled "Lock Step" in a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. As part of regular scenario-building exercises, experts at the Rockefeller think-tank imagined a pandemic set in 2012, in which a virus kills 8 million people in seven months. The storyline runs remarkably close to events of the corona [cold] virus pandemic — the crippling of international economies; tourism and supply chains; and, worst of all, a willingness on part of people to accept curtailment of the liberties they enjoy for the promise of returning economies to normal. Concluding this illuminating documentary, Howse laments the success of this brainwashing operation, carried out during more than a year of the pandemic by globalists and cultural Marxists — also referred to as the "Deep State." He shines a light on the gravely distressing reality of Americans who now reject their history, heritage, heroes, and patriotism as a result of an operation engineered to advance revolution. He also identifies the insidious infiltration of American institutions and power centers, the propaganda disguised as entertainment or education, the maligning of dissenters with 'woke' rhetoric, and "cancel culture." The operation is the scourge of our time, designed to hide the truth, discredit history, protect the enemies of America, and conceal their globalist agenda. America is now at a point where its free-market system, constitutional republic, Judeo-Christian values, and national sovereignty are seriously threatened. The techniques of disinformation, brainwashing, and indoctrination, contrived to make citizens willingly submit to authoritarian control, are the precursors to the collapse of America from within. Brainwashed America does an excellent job of elucidating how this is happening, and warns patriotic Americans to wake up to combat this insidious assault. Will we succumb to the reality described by Bezmenov — a change in perception so extensive that Americans will give up the foundational ideas of their country? Or will we red-flag the communist-authoritarian onslaught and work to renew respect for American history, freedom, and limited government, as Howse proposes? Being born free is a privilege our forefathers fought for and won. Now, more than ever, it must become our eternal battle to remain free. (read more) 2021-06-15 g AN IGNORANT AND SUPERSTITIOUS PEOPLE There is no bottom to the
ignorance of supposedly educated Americans
A basic premise of the American system, going all the way back to the Founding Fathers, was an educated population. People weren't expected to be scholars. However, the Founders required a literate and moral population to make their great government experiment work. And that is what they got: most Americans were literate before [compulsory] public schooling. Colonial Americans could also read at a very sophisticated level. The colonists would not have known what to make of the abysmally educated people a scary, funny video shows. The unthinking American assumption is that, thanks to universally available public education, every American has at least a minimal fund of knowledge about the world and how it works. However, as Jay Leno used to show with his man (and woman) on the street interviews, and as the video below shows, many members of the American public know very little: watch video Perhaps it's unfair to say they know very little. While our schools churn out young people who cannot read, write, or reason, they are extremely well versed in pop culture (they know the lyrics to Megan Thee Stallion songs), and the most recent generations of school graduates will bore you to tears talking about gender, racism, class victimization, America's wrongdoing over the centuries, etc. In other words, the focus of American education has changed a great deal. It's no longer about reading, writing, math, patriotism, and liberty. Now it's about race, oppression, gender fluidity, anti-Americanism, and fealty to a trustworthy Big Government with Democrats and progressives in charge. Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris's remarkably empty heads seem perfectly representative of the new American model. When I'm depressed, I wake up thinking that, by taking over American education, the left has won a Civil War that conservatives didn't even know they were fighting. However, when I think about the more than 75 million people who voted for Donald Trump, I have hope. Think about that: despite the failures and indoctrination of the American education system, more than 75 million people still knew enough to vote for freedom. (read more) 2021-06-15 f PUT IT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE American Marxists, Take Your
Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and
Shove It
Over the past fifty years, the Marxist-inspired American Left has been hellbent on trying to convince the citizenry that the United States is and always has been a malevolent nation due to “systemic racism” and “white privilege.” According to their agitprop, the European branch of the Caucasian race (or more contemptuously, “Whites”) has, since the dawn of recorded history, been the principal promoters and beneficiaries of slavery and repression throughout the world. Those members of this villainous race who settled in this country over the past 400 years are responsible for imposing never-ending racism and inequity on the American continent. Therefore, the current white population must openly confess their collective guilt and seek forgiveness. Additionally, and in light of this demonic legacy, every American of any race should be mortified to be a citizen of such vile irredeemable country and its historic roots in Judeo-Christian dogma. Not coincidentally, this same American Left, or as Mark Levin more accurately labels them, American Marxists, have declared that there is a path toward national redemption and a mechanism to forever erase the stain of “white privilege” and “systemic racism.” It is for the American Marxists (almost entirely populated by members of the white race) to assume the reins of power in perpetuity and transform the nation into a one-party secular socialist paradise. Their permanent ascendancy to the top of the governing pyramid would be the only means for those members of the White race that are not part of the enlightened and ruling left to be granted absolution. The American Marxists are apparently confident that a majority of Americans of the White race and European heritage are easily gulled, susceptible to guilt and shame and are willing to stand aside as the nation is transformed. Well, I am a member of the Caucasian race and of European heritage, I am a naturalized citizen of the United States, and I am a Christian. I am extraordinarily proud of being all the above. Further, even if I knew who my ancestors were, I do not have a scintilla of guilt nor do I care about what they may or may not have done over the centuries. Nor am I about to roll over and allow the wannabe autocrats and their dimwitted acolytes in the American Marxist movement to use fictitious “systemic racism” and “white privilege” as vehicles to transform the nation. In reality, there is but one race as all mankind is physically the same and subject to the same attributes and frailties. But, as human beings have an inveterate need to classify themselves, the general consensus is that, based on physical characteristics such as bone structure, skin color, etc., there are four racial subsets of the human race. Throughout countless millennia, and not surprisingly as mankind easily falls prey to the base aspect of its nature, all four races have enslaved, violently subjugated, and exploited others in and outside their racial group. In fact, it is estimated that virtually everyone of European descent has an ancestor that was captured or sold as a slave. The same holds true for essentially everyone within all the various races. Sadly, slavery still exists to this day in multiple countries in Africa as well as in India, China, and Pakistan among other Asian countries and across the entirety of the Middle East. It is estimated that throughout the world today there are over 40 million human beings in slavery. None of these countries or regions are populated or controlled by the “evil” White race. Further, by 1863, all nations inhabited or governed by the ancestors of the current members of the white race had abolished slavery in perpetuity and turned their attention to guaranteeing the rights of former slaves. It is the only race, on a collective basis, to ever do so. And it is also the race that is at the forefront of movements to end modern slavery. So, American Marxists, take your attempt to foment collective white guilt for the past and your vapid accusation of inborn White supremacy and shove it. The assertion made by these same American Marxists that the United States is the embodiment of evil because of ever-present “systemic racism” is defeated by the mere fact that they have had to resort to this specious and feeble argument in their bid to achieve their goals. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the left has been unable to make any serious inroads into transforming the United States into a one-party “socialist paradise” by using the standard class warfare tactic that succeeded in many other nations. That tactic worked in those nations because there was an element of truth in the underlying allegations of rampant inequality due to rigid class structures and monolithic governments. That tactic did not work in America because this is the first nation in annals of mankind to eliminate rigid class structure, recognize the rights of the individual, dramatically disburse governmental power, and champion capitalism. Further, it is also the first nation to create a written permanent Constitution with provisions to correct societal inequalities, which were used for women’s suffrage in 1920 and the elimination of the last vestiges of institutional racism in the 1960s. It is the only nation in history that was willing to suffer the overwhelming death and destruction of a civil war to permanently end slavery. And it is the only country in the annals of mankind created as a multi-ethnic nation. Thus, the only tactic the American Marxist have is to falsely cast the nation as irredeemably racist and to focus on the past through their distorted lens of the present. This is not a racist nation and despite their never-ending drumbeat and being able to convert some credulous citizens, a majority of Americans know that. In 2008, 77% of Americans (60% of Blacks) thought race relations were good in their individual communities. So, American Marxists: take your attempt to cast this as a racist nation and your attempt to convince the citizenry they should be mortified to be citizens of the United States and shove it. Christianity, with its roots in Judaism and its philosophical underpinning in the Ten Commandments, has been the primary driver of what is often referred to as Western Civilization. The civilization that ended slavery, initiated and promoted universal human rights, originated women’s equality, created parliamentary democracy, and recognized that as certain rights came from God and not man, they cannot be abrogated. Thus, Christianity and Judaism are anathema to the Marxists. Throughout the world, they have vilified and often tortured and imprisoned their practitioners. For many decades, the American Marxists have sought to eliminate Christianity and Judaism from the public square by focusing on the human failings and foibles of individual practitioners and clergy while promoting agnosticism, atheism, and anti-Semitism. And more recently, by attempting to change the laws and customs that protect freedom of religion. But 400 years of tradition cannot be easily erased and, thus, America has been and will always be a religious nation. Every American should be proud of being a member of whatever race or ethnic group they may belong to, of being a citizen of a nation that is the shining city on the hill and of the Judeo-Christian roots in the founding of the United States and tell the American Marxists to take their vile attempts at manipulating the citizenry in order to transform America and shove it. (read more) 2021-06-15 e THE ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF 👇👇👇The President of
the United States (who got 81 million votes FYI)
https://t.co/0iugkPGQhJ — David Brody (@DBrodyReports) June 15, 2021 * This guy is meeting
Vladimir Putin, a former KGB intelligence officer,
We’re better off sending in Corn Pop. pic.twitter.com/oUyH0tqvcK — Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 15, 2021 * I’m always ready,”
Pres. Biden says after being asked if he is
ready for his meeting
tomorrow with Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin. https://t.co/YSEIpLplrY pic.twitter.com/bdK1kROjGM — ABC News (@ABC) June 15, 2021 2021-06-15 d INFILTRATING AND FRAMING, IT'S THE AMERICAN WAY Unindicted Co-Conspirators in
1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal
Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event quite like what Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked of Christopher Wray. The Democrat from Minnesota asked the Trump-appointed FBI Director: Did the federal government infiltrate any of the so-called “militia” organizations claimed to be responsible for planning and executing the Capitol Siege? The full segment is available on YouTube. Christopher Wray is able to uncomfortably weasel his way out of answering the question directly, partially because Klobuchar does him the courtesy of not asking him the question directly. Klobuchar instead asks the FBI director if he wishes he had infiltrated the militia organizations allegedly involved in 1/6 — assuming from the outset that there was in fact no infiltration, thereby providing the FBI director an easy way to avoid addressing the question one way or another. Revolver News is willing to address the matter directly in the following three questions:
If the narrative about 1/6 does not conform to the questions above, the American people will never learn the most important truth about what 1/6 is, and what kind of country they’re really living in. If it turns out the federal government did in fact have undercover agents or confidential informants embedded within the so-called militia groups indicted for conspiring to obstruct the Senate certification on 1/6, the implications would be nothing short of seismic. Especially if such agents or informants enjoyed extremely senior-level positions within such groups. One of the key consensus points among the FBI-DOJ and the regime media is the idea that, while 1/6 is primarily the fault of Trump-supporting QAnon-infused “domestic terrorists,” it is secondarily the fault of so-called “intelligence failures.” Klobuchar’s own question at the March 2, 2021 FBI hearing (above) reinforces this “intelligence failure” narrative, but she is not alone. A five-month “bipartisan” Senate investigation recently arrived at the very same “intelligence failure” narrative to explain the breach of the Capitol and associated events on 1/6: A
bipartisan Senate investigation of the deadly Jan.
6 insurrection found security and intelligence
failures at every level of government that led to
the breach of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob as
lawmakers in a joint session were certifying the
2020 election.
The 95-page report, a product of a roughly five-month, joint probe by the Senate Homeland Security and Rules Committees, found significant breakdowns ranging “from federal intelligence agencies failing to warn of a potential for violence to a lack of planning and preparation by (U.S. Capitol Police) and law enforcement leadership.” There was no overall operational or staffing plan for that fateful day, a total failure of leadership, according to the committees. [ABC News] If it turns out that the federal government (FBI, Army Counterintelligence, or a similar agency) had undercover agents or confidential informants embedded in any of the groups involved in 1/6, the “federal intelligence agencies failing to warn of a potential for violence” looks less like an innocent mistake and more like something sinister. Indeed, if the federal government knew of a potential for violence in or around the Capitol on 1/6 and failed to call for heightened security, the agencies responsible may in fact be legally liable for the damages incurred during that day. It is unsettling to entertain the possibility that the federal government knew of a potential for violence on 1/6 and did nothing to stop it. It presents the question: why would agencies, or certain elements within, sit back and let something like this happen on purpose? A still more disturbing possibility arises from a careful study of the unindicted co-conspirators listed throughout the various charging documents of individuals facing the most serious charges related to 1/6. We at Revolver News have noticed a pattern from our now months-long investigation into 1/6 — and in particular from our meticulous study of the charging documents related to those indicted. In many cases the unindicted co-conspirators appear to be much more aggressive and egregious participants in the very so-called “conspiracy” serving as the basis for charging those indicted. The question immediately arises as to why this is the case, and forces us to consider whether certain individuals are being protected from indictment because they were involved in 1/6 as undercover operatives or confidential informants for a federal agency. Here it is useful to draw a distinction between two discrete categories of participants in the so-called Capitol Siege. The first category is the group of mostly harmless tourists who walked through already opened doors and already-removed barricades, and at most were guilty of minor trespassing charges and light property offenses. The second group consists of those who were violent with police officers, broke down barricades, smashed windows, belonged to a “militia” group engaged in military-style planning prior to the event, discussed transporting heavy weaponry, and so forth. Up until now, the overwhelming (perhaps exclusive) share of counter-establishment reporting on 1/6 has focused on absolving the first group. And this is a valuable thing. The notion that these harmless “MAGA moms” wandering around the Capitol were domestic terrorists engaged in an insurrection is absurd. That many of these people are being held in prison, without bail, under harsh conditions, amounts to an unacceptable and outrageous abuse of basic human rights. However, the possibility that the federal government had undercover operatives or informants involved in the events of 1/6, from its planning to its execution, compels us to turn our attention to the second category of participants. We are especially interested in the unindicted co-conspirators who belonged to any of the big three “militia groups” — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters. Indeed, it is these militia groups whose behavior, statements and planning leading up to and during 1/6 most closely align with the “violent insurrectionist” caricature we hear about in the media, and which the government claims to be going after in its aggressive prosecutions. If it turns out that an extraordinary percentage of the members of these groups involved in planning and executing the Capitol Siege were federal informants or undercover operatives, the implications would be nothing short of staggering. This would be far worse than the already bad situation of the government knowing about the possibility of violence and doing nothing. Instead, this would imply that elements of the federal government were active instigators in the most egregious and spectacular aspects of 1/6, amounting to a monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protestors at the Capitol — and in a much larger sense used to frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists. This is what’s at stake in getting to the bottom of 1/6. And so we proceed, unafraid, to investigate the question on which everything else pertaining to 1/6 hinges — did the government have informants or undercover agents in any or all of the “big three” militia groups leading up to or on 1/6? How many of the key unindicted co-conspirators in DOJ prosecutions are unindicted because they are undercover operatives or confidential informants? In short, what did the federal government know in advance about 1/6, when did they know it — and how far did any undercover operations go? (read more) 2021-06-15 c JUST LIKE IN CHARLOTTE - THE RIGHT WAS FRAMED BY THE LEFT ANTIFA
broke into the Capitol on Jan 6, MAGA was framed …
Change my mind
pic.twitter.com/BEDckHLjp4 — 🍁🇨🇦CanAditude🇨🇦🍁 (@CanAditude) June 9, 2021 2021-06-15 b PERSON OF COLOR DISCOUNT AT WALGREEN'S (California doesn't prosecute shoplifting if under $950.) This just happened at
the @Walgreens
on Gough & Fell Streets in San Francisco.
#NoConsequences @chesaboudin pic.twitter.com/uSbnTQQk4J — Lyanne Melendez (@LyanneMelendez) June 14, 2021 2021-06-15 a “Hey, hey, ho, ho,
Western Civ has got to go.”
— Jesse Jackson 2021-06-14 i SHE WAS GIVING A QUEER RANT BY MISTAKE (Amanda Parker is gone from Pershing Middle School.). I have just
confirmed this morning with school officials
that the Unicorn Cupcake
bully teacher, Amanda Parker, “will no longer be returning” to the Springfield Public Schools. https://t.co/P4CloLtu0H — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) June 14, 2021 2021-06-14 h THE ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF The leader of the free
world’s brain just completely broke when he
was asked if Putin is a “killer” pic.twitter.com/q1pEK4nMFp — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) June 14, 2021 * Asked if
Vladimir Putin is a “killer,” Joe Biden weirdly
laughs and says
“I don’t think it matters a whole lot” pic.twitter.com/1RBRiizKUf — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 14, 2021 2021-06-14 g SPIKED II (Are the "vaccines" a one-way ticket to the embalmer's table?) Corporate Recruiter Warns:
Energy Companies [Anticipate Having] To Replace
Vaccinated Employees Within 3 Years
A recruiter for oil and gas corporations recently gave an ominous warning on Tik Tok, claiming that these big companies are mysteriously preparing to replace their vaccinated employees within three years. Carol Bird, a recruiter for RigBoyz Employment Network, explained that nearly half of these major companies’ workforce will soon be replaced with fresh workers within a few years due to the fact that they’ve been vaccinated. “The reason that this is important is because of what I am seeing as an executive in this industry happening right now as a result of the COVID vaccines. And it’s something called succession planning,” Bird explained. “Basically what it is, is companies need to plan for what’s going to happen as their staff move on; rather, they move up the line, they retire, so on and so forth. And succession planning is something that I help companies with professionally by offering them recruitment services.” Bird then described how higher-ups in these companies are categorizing their vaccinated employees as soon-to-be-replaced. “Well what’s really interesting, what’s happening right now – and it’s actually mortifying, not just interesting – is that executives are having their HR staff and their managers, superintendents, foreman, so on, go through and look at the staff that have received the vaccines.” “And they’re planning to have to replace them all within the next 3 years. What does that say to you?” she asked. Bird then claimed that these directives are causing a big stir within her industry because of the implications related to these vaccinated people. “This is something that’s got some of these guys literally in tears as they’re going through the company and literally checking off all of these individuals that have taken the vaccine knowing that most likely in the next three years they’re going to have to replace that person,” Bird said. “And this is a really big thing in the industry that I’m in, and a lot of talk going around this at the moment.” This comes amid the emergence of several studies finding coronavirus spike proteins “manufactured” within the cells by the mRNA vaccine trigger severe side effects like myocarditis and blood clots. (read more) 2021-06-14 f SPIKED I First Autopsy of COVID
Vaccinated Patient Found Spike Proteins In Every
Organ of Body
The first-ever postmortem study of a patient vaccinated against COVID-19 has revealed that viral RNA was found in every organ of the patient’s body, meaning that the vaccine is either ineffective or the coronavirus actually spreads faster in vaccinated individuals [or the mRNA gene therapy jabs are turning human cells into spike protein factories]. The scientific report out of Germany published by the International Journal of Infectious Diseases in June examined the autopsy of an 86-year-old man who had received a single dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine but died 4 weeks later after [allegedly] becoming infected with the virus by a nearby patient at a hospital. (read more) 2021-06-14 e VLAD SAYS, NYET (The recent cyber attacks on Colonial Pipeline and JBS were Great Reset plays. The anti-meat, anti-petroleum gang answers to Klaus Schwab,Bill Gates, et al.) . . #UPDATE President Vladimir
Putin dismissed as "farcical" accusations that 2021-06-14 d JUST SAY NO TO 3rd WORLD IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS (THEY WILL
Costly Immigration
Many Western countries began immigration policies without feeling any need to monitor the long-term results. Indeed, many considered that immigration was an expedient response to labour shortages, and that the labourers, such as Turkish guest-workers in Germany, would probably eventually want to return home with their earnings at retirement. The United Kingdom seems to have begun its largest and most transformative policy in a typical fit of absent-mindedness. Workers were needed by London Underground, and that influx from the Caribbean began a de facto immigration policy, to which permissive legislation was added later, giving rights to all Commonwealth countries. In some sense it seemed a temporary expedient, and nothing more. Travel was by steamer, things happened slowly, and immigration proceeded steadily. Western governments have rarely carried out large scale and detailed analyses of the benefits and costs of immigration with country-of-origin comparisons. Even now, it is hard to obtain good quality data on immigrants from different countries. For some host countries, even carrying out such analyses was deemed unseemly: immigration was seen as a fundamentally good policy, which should not be questioned. France was an example of a country which deliberately did not study such matters, because every citizen was a citizen, and comparisons are odious in the eyes of the Republic. As a result, French citizens are free to imagine the worst. However, there are many general studies of immigrants’ contributions to the labour force, usually concluding that young immigrants are net contributors. Only studies which do the accounts over the entire lifetime (i.e. from the moment of birth or immigration to the moment of death or repatriation) give a full picture, in that young people become old, and require more services later in life. Many studies are often restricted to those coming specifically to work in the host country, and don’t include students and asylum seekers. [...] In contrast to these generally positive claims, albeit they admit some shortcomings, it is a welcome surprise to find that researchers in one country have been able to gather extensive official data from Statistics Netherlands which allows costs and benefits to be studied carefully in the long term, with results tabulated according to reasons for immigration, and by country of origin. [...] “The Borderless Welfare State” Jan van de Beek, Hans Roodenburg, Joop Hartog and Gerrit Kreffer, 2021, Amsterdam School of Economics. http://www.demo-demo.nl/files/Grenzeloze_Verzorgingsstaat.pdf (English abstract begins on page 19) The authors stick closely to the economics of immigration, and report their findings in financial terms, without going into any deeper causes. [...] The net
costs of immigration to the government are
considerable, and projections show they will
consume a steadily increasing portion of the
annual government budget. These costs are mainly
due to redistribution through the welfare state.
Continuation of the current level of immigration
and current arrangements of the welfare state
increases pressure on public finances. Downsizing
the welfare state and/or curtailment of
immigration will then be inevitable.
more)Immigration does not appear to be a solution to the ageing population either. In essence, ageing is mainly dejuvenation due to a low fertility rate. The only structural solution for that is an increase in the average number of children per woman in the Netherlands to approximately 2.1. [] As this report demonstrates, educational attainment of the first generation, and school success of children of the first and second generation are quintessential for positive outcomes. [] A more structural approach is to monitor the costs of current immigration flows and to keep an account of the outstanding claims that immigrants have on the treasury. This brings us to the value of periodic surveys of net contributions. The Dutch government has not published data on net contributions to public finances of migrants since 2003. We can only guess the reasons for this. Hopefully, this research will make it clear that this information is necessary for the foundation of policies and insight into future government spending. [] Immigrants that make on average a significantly negative contribution to Dutch public finances are mainly those who exercise the right to asylum, especially if they come from Africa and the Middle East. The latest UN population forecast shows that the total population in these areas will increase from 1.6 billion to 4.7 billion by the end of this century. It is not implausible that the migration potential will at least keep pace. Migration pressure, in particular on the welfare states in North-Western Europe, will therefore increase to an unprecedented degree. This raises the question of whether maintaining the open-ended arrangement enshrined in the existing legal framework is a realistic option under these circumstances. 2021-06-14 c THE FLOYD FOLLIES Evidence Mounts — Chauvin Did
Not Murder Floyd
In his motion for a new trial, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, through his attorney Eric Nelson, made an obvious point. Quoting case law, Nelson reminded the court of “the prosecutor’s inherently unique role in the criminal justice system, which mandates that the prosecutor not act as a zealous advocate for criminal punishment, but as the representative of the people in an effort to seek justice.” Had the State prosecutors set out to honor this mandate and seek justice, they would not have presented the medical evidence they did. In fact, they would not have charged Derek Chauvin with second-degree murder or charged his colleagues as accomplices.
If justice were the goal, prosecutors would have taken two critical steps to assure that the medical testimony supported the charge of murder. The first was to run a controlled experiment to see if Chauvin’s actions could possibly have resulted in the death of George Floyd. The second was to make the court and the defense aware of the potential compromise of its star medical witness, Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker. Dr. John Dunn did run such an experiment, and he made a video of the same. Dr. Dunn comes well credentialed. He is a former member and chair of the medico-legal committee for the American College of Emergency Physicians, board certified in legal medicine, and co-author with a pathologist of a chapter on forensics for a text published by the American College of Legal Medicine. He has followed the case from the beginning, studied the videos, and reviewed Floyd’s autopsy report. Not content to speculate, Dr. Dunn enlisted the help of two men to determine whether or not the prone restraint used by Chauvin on Floyd could have asphyxiated and killed him. He recruited a 230-pound man to play the role of Floyd and a 170-pound man to play Chauvin’s role. At the time of the incident, Floyd weighed 223 pounds, and Chauvin, with his gear, weighed about 170. The Chauvin proxy applied the handcuffs and placed the “suspect” in the prone restraint position. For a 10-minute period, he put his left knee on the man’s neck and shoulder, matching the pressure Chauvin put on Floyd. Throughout the experiment, Dunn used a pulse oximeter to monitor the oxygen level and pulse of the man being held in this prone restraint. As Dunn attests and the video shows, “The results were that there was no impact on the oxygen level or the pulse of the restrained man for the full 10 minutes, and no ill effects at the time or two days later when he was interviewed.” Arguably, Dunn’s experiment has more evidentiary value than any contrary proof offered by the State. Dunn believes that Floyd died from cardiac arrhythmia — a lethal heart rhythm. He observes that Floyd was suffering from severe cardiac disease aggravated by the drugs in his system including methamphetamine and fentanyl. “Exertion and excitement from intoxication and the arrest situation along with the amphetamine stimulant drug effects increase the arrhythmia risk,” says Dunn. As the State’s charging documents make clear, even the officers on the scene were aware that Floyd may have been suffering from the severe effects of intoxicants. While restraining Floyd, rookie officer Thomas Lane said to Chauvin, “I am worried about excited delirium or whatever.” Chauvin responded, “That’s why we have him on his stomach.” Chauvin was acting in the interest of Floyd’s safety in his positioning, not acting to kill him. A week or so before Floyd’s death, I saw a Kansas City police officer use the same technique on a prone female suspect for at least 10 minutes. My thought on seeing this: ‘Thank God, she’s white.” Not wanting to make the officer nervous — the woman was large and violent — I chose not to shoot video. In retrospect I wish I had. The technique does not look good, but the officer in question was able to restrain the woman until backup arrived with no apparent ill effect to her or to him. Prosecutors knew they had a problem. To make the murder charge stick in the Chauvin case, they had to secure an “asphyxia” diagnosis from a physician. Neither Dr. Baker nor another forensic pathologist who reviewed the case for prosecutors supported that diagnosis. So prosecutors doctor-shopped until the congenial Dr. Martin Tobin, a pulmonologist, essentially recruited himself to the case. With no relevant experience in death investigation, Dr. Tobin charmed the jury and the New York Times into believing that Floyd’s drug use and heart problems had nothing to do with his death. Key to Dr. Tobin’s testimony was his contention that Floyd’s hypopharynx was cut off by neck pressure. Under oath, Dr. Tobin testified to the existence of research that supports his contention implicating a closed-off hypopharynx in asphyxia deaths. But, tellingly, prosecutors failed to present any such research in support of Tobin’s claim. Tobin’s testimony would not have sufficed without at least some support from Dr. Baker. In Chauvin’s request for a new trial, his attorney cited “evidence that, under pressure from prosecutors, Dr. Baker altered his findings and conclusions regarding the death of George Floyd.” This is not an idle accusation. In the way of background, Baker prepared the autopsy on May 26, 2020, the day after Floyd died. He met with prosecutors that same day. On May 29, in a criminal complaint charging Chauvin with manslaughter and third-degree murder, the State attested as follows (emphasis added):
In an amended complaint on June 3, the State upped the charge against Chauvin to “Second Degree Murder — Unintentional — While Committing a Felony.” The complaint noted the results of the toxicology test, namely “the presence of fentanyl and evidence of recent methamphetamine use.” Now, however, Baker supplied the State with one new detail that would prove to be essential for conviction: “The ME listed the cause of death as “[c]ardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression” (italics added). Baker first announced the “neck compression” detail in a June 1 press release. In a May 17 article in The American Spectator, George Parry details the nature of the pressure brought to bear on Baker. The conduit for that pressure was Dr. Roger Mitchell, a former Washington, D.C., medical examiner and deputy mayor of Washington. Parry’s source was a motion for sanctions against the prosecution filed by attorneys representing Chauvin’s partner and alleged accomplice, Tou Thao. Although some questioned Parry’s (and my own) reliance on the Thao motion, three days after Parry’s article the State confirmed that Thao’s attorneys were over the target. Admitted the State in its response to Thao’s motion, “At some point before Dr. Baker issued his findings and autopsy report on June 1, 2020, Dr. Roger Mitchell, who was acquainted with Dr. Baker professionally as a colleague and fellow forensic pathologist, reached out to Dr. Baker, and they discussed this case” (italics added). Prosecutors go on to say they learned of Mitchell’s conversations with Baker during a routine meeting to discuss the medical aspects of the case on November 5, 2020. “Ultimately,” they report, “the State opted not to utilize Dr. Mitchell as a testifying expert witness.” They should never have even considered him. On July 2, 2020, Mitchell had given an interview to the Guardian, in which he said, “From what the world has seen, we know that George Floyd’s intoxication, or George Floyd’s heart condition, played absolutely no part in his death.” “From what the world has seen?” In that one statement, Mitchell summarized the effect a misleading video snippet was having on the State’s case. The mob was now dictating Minnesota justice. The increasingly radicalized Mitchell was speaking out wherever he could find a microphone. His diagnosis of society’s ills was as skewed as his diagnosis of Floyd’s. Mitchell said on a podcast around the same time as his meeting with the prosecutors, “my people are starving. My people are hungry. My people have foots on their necks…. White supremacy has placed itself at the center disenfranchisement of black and brown people in this country.” Five prosecutors and a paralegal sat in on the November 2020 meeting with Mitchell. If anyone recorded the conversation, no one provided the defense with the audio. The four defendants — Chauvin, Lane, Thao, and Alexander Keung — have had to rely on the State’s own account of that meeting. Prosecutors surely presented Mitchell’s story in its best possible light, but even that light is troubling. The accusations against Mitchell in Thao’s motion came from the meeting summary prepared by the State and shared with the defense in a belated document dump. The summary was sufficiently well buried that defense attorney Eric Nelson was unaware of the Mitchell meeting at the time of the trial. Thao’s motion quotes from the prosecutors’ notes taken at the November 5 meeting with Mitchell. Here are some of the highlights:
George Parry covered this
well, but in brief, Baker told Mitchell neck
compression played no role in Floyd’s death, and
Mitchell threatened to write a disparaging op-ed
about Baker in the Washington Post unless he said it
did. Thao’s attorneys knew what they were saying
when they demanded “sanctions for prosecutorial
misconduct stemming from witness coercion.” As Thao’s motion noted, Mitchell was not at all coy about his second cited attempt at coercion, namely his efforts to destroy the career of Dr. David Fowler, the one medical witness to testify in Chauvin’s defense. But that is a story for another day. The story for today is Chauvin’s sentencing in two weeks and his request for a new trial. Time after time, prosecutors have failed to honor their “inherently unique role.” On the medical front alone, they either ignored the evidence that cast Chauvin’s guilt into doubt or buried it. If their goal truly is “to seek justice,” they should at the very least run an experiment comparable to the one performed by Dr. Dunn to put their theory of the case to the test. Even police officers deserve due process, not just the semblance of it. (read more) 2021-06-14 b "INSURRECTION" BY INVITATION Senator Ron Johnson’s Staff is
Looking thru 14,000 Hours of Jan 6th Video Footage –
38% of 800 Protesters Were Waved in West Terrace
Door by Capitol Police (VIDEO)
Senator Ron Johnson: We counted up to 309 individuals entering that door. Five police officers met them. There was no violence that we could tell. That is how about 38% of the 800 people entered the Capitol. On Thursday Ron Johnson sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on the ongoing investigation of the hundreds of Americans rounded up by the FBI and DOJ. (read more) 2021-06-14 a HAPPY FLAG DAY DECISIONS ... DECISIONS ... DECISIONS ... Which flag do we display? ![]() * ![]() * ![]() * ![]() * 2021-06-13 k YO' MAMMA After meeting with
Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle, Pres. Biden
told reporters
that the queen reminded him of his mother — “in terms of the look of her and just the generosity” — and that he invited her to the White House. https://t.co/8AdQViDiGE pic.twitter.com/HjFsJsm8XZ — ABC News (@ABC) June 13, 2021 * “I don’t think she’d
be insulted,” Biden tells us of Queen Elizabeth.
“She reminded me of my mother” pic.twitter.com/WLCBNKjrTx — Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) June 13, 2021 2021-06-13 j THE ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF WATCH: Biden thinks
Syria is Libya. (Made mistake multiple times in G7
speech) pic.twitter.com/BSn1XKNs18
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) June 13, 2021 * Boris Johnson insists
to Joe Biden that he already introduced the
president of
South Africa to a G7 meeting. Read the latest from the G7 here: https://t.co/LLt2KjJhOE pic.twitter.com/mjwKvbvDo6 — Sky News (@SkyNews) June 13, 2021 * BIDEN: “I’m gonna get
in trouble with my staff.”
pic.twitter.com/r2o9fN6tEE — Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 13, 2021 * Wearing aviators to
meet the queen pic.twitter.com/H9AxtRLABN
— AntifaBook.com (@JackPosobiec) June 13, 2021 2021-06-13 i IRATE CITIZEN TO CDC + FDA YOU STUPID, STUPID
This was so predictable. pic.twitter.com/oHKFgR9vF4 — Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) June 10, 2021 * Congrats you fuckwits
you are about to destroy confidence in ALL
and ALL public health measures for a generation. — Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) June 10, 2021 2021-06-13 h MASCULINE VS. FEMININE The world we live in today is
designed to make the world safe for cultural
liberals and feminists. Resting comfortably upon
their government sinecures and the flattery of their
media courtiers, these people lash out with fury
against anyone objecting to the wonderful world they
have built. But theirs is not the only way to live.
The feminist way replaces the organic safety net of family and neighbors with rational, bureaucratic institutions that deliver social services to the needy, but without spirit and without heart. In particular the social services most important to women are sterilized into rigid bureaucracy: schools, health care, and relief of the poor. The bureaucratic model is a male-oriented and goal-oriented culture. It is the structure of the army and of one-size-fits-all that orders everyone to serve a single goal from the top. It is hardly adapted to the community of women. Women’s culture relates less to fixed goals and more to the detection and satisfaction of particular needs in the welfare of families, the care of children, and the relief of the poor. — Christopher Chantrill * In Honor: A History
James Bowman says that for men honor is courage; for
women honor is chastity, or as I would say, being a
Good Little Girl.
A century ago, sociologist Georg Simmel said that women would adapt the public square to suit “a more feminine sensibility.” If you want to understand wokism, and its talismans of “microaggressions” and “safetyism,” you can start with the feminizing of the public square. A business start-up is like a male hunting band. It is all courage and risk-taking and the knowledge that it will probably all fail. An established institution is like the neighborhood community of women, where everyone has to get along, and being a Good Little Girl is where it’s at. “What Do You Care What Other People Think,” wrote Richard Feynman. You think he got to develop quantum electrodynamics by being a Good Little Boy? — Christopher Chantrill * I think the feminization
of the public square has happened and lies at the
root of the woke revolution. This revolution mostly
happened because men have not found a way to push
back against women without being canceled.
Now the feminization of the public square could of course be positive overall. However, I think that the masculine style works better in the public space because stoicism, fewer emotions, lower level of neuroticism, and competition tend to foster effective collaboration even if the individual goals differ significantly. The feminine style works better in the private space where goals of the group are more cohesive. For example, the use of empathy (an emotional spotlight that tends to obscure more than it highlights in the public space) in favor of compassion (a rational approach to help others but can be cold in the private space). — pkriens 2021-06-13 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII The fact that the DOJ
is threatening to investigate the audit but not
the reason
for the audit tells you all you need to know, folks — George Papadopoulos @GeorgePapa19 June 11, 2021 2021-06-13 f THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI If attacks on Anthony
Fauci are attacks on Science then attacks on R
Kelly are
attacks on Music!!! Because Science!!! — Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr June 11, 2021 2021-06-13 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V The Biden
Administration has a real problem: nobody hires
100 lawyers to hide an election victory.
Nobody has the DOJ interfere in a state ordered audit because they won fair and square. — Emerald Robinson @EmeraldRobinson June 12, 2021 2021-06-13 d THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IV Critical Race Theory
is a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
— Dr. Willie J. Montague @RepMontague June 11, 2021 2021-06-13 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III After midnight but
before the inexplicable counting stoppages..
Trump led in PA by 682,000 votes (15.2%) Trump led in GA by 311,000 votes (7.5%) Trump led in MI by 307,000 votes (9.6%) Trump led in WI by 128,000 votes (4.9%) Trump led in NC by 77,000 votes (1.4%) Enter govmedia. 2021-06-13 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II 2021-06-13 a THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I The goal
is not to trigger liberals.
The goal is to save America. For some reason, that just so happens to trigger liberals. — Lauren Boebert @laurenboebert June 12, 2021 ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2021 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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