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2021-09-04 d
Unworthy of the
Our leaders are like
spoiled rich kids, breaking soldiers—their
toys—with impunity.
In the past week, I’ve
learned that our soldiers were put in harm’s way by
a group of politicians, generals, and bureaucrats
whose quality as leaders and human beings it is
difficult to understate. They are so fantastically
corrupt that they spent two decades funneling
trillions of dollars in aid they knew wasn’t
helping to a puppet government which had its
greatest achievements in the areas of fraud, child
rape, and heroin production. They are so
pants-shittingly incompetent that somehow it didn’t
occur to any of them that it might be a bad idea to
have the Americans with guns leave before the
Americans without guns. And they are so unashamedly
self-serving that none of them will
face any consequences for any of it.
“Human beings,”
Kurt Vonnegut wrote in the 2005 essay
collection that turned out to be his last book, “are
chimpanzees who get crazy drunk on power. By saying
that our leaders are power-drunk chimpanzees, am I in danger of wrecking the morale of
our soldiers fighting and dying in the Middle
East? Their morale, like so many bodies, is
already shot to pieces. They are being treated, as
I never was, like toys a rich kid got for
was right. Our so-called leadership are spoiled
rich children. And one of the toys they broke was
my friend and neighbor Andy.
Staff Sergeant
Andrew McCaffrey was a hero. In 2003, he lost his
right arm below the elbow to a hand grenade. He
could have returned home and collected benefits for
the rest of his life. Instead, Andy trained himself to
shoot left-handed and became the first soldier in
U.S. Army history to return to combat
duty after losing a limb. He served three more tours
in Afghanistan. It was an act of courage, sacrifice,
and dedication of which the politicians who sent him
to war and the generals who commanded him were
The same grenade
blast that took his arm also inflicted a traumatic
brain injury that affected his personality over
time. After returning stateside, Andy became
increasingly violent and erratic, culminating in a
court martial and his eventual retirement from the
Army. He found community among other veterans, but during the Covid
lockdown turned increasingly to alcohol to
self-medicate. In the early hours of August 19,
2020, he took his own life in his Arlington,
Virginia apartment, not 50 yards from where I slept.
My wife and I first
became aware of Andy as “the guy who says ‘f—’ a
lot.” We’d hear him out in the courtyard yelling “F—
this” and “F— that,” to anyone or no one, in a Don
Corleone rasp. Understandably, we avoided him for
several months. But when I found myself unemployed
and quarantined, I decided that if I was going to
make it through this pandemic with my sanity intact,
I’d need to meet my neighbors. To that end, I bought
some lumber and constructed a bench for the
courtyard, hoping that it would foster a sense of
community. I also constructed the bench in the courtyard, since
there wasn’t much room for woodworking in my
one-bedroom apartment.
Andy saw me sawing
and drilling and asked what I was up to. I, more
than a little intimidated, told him. His face lit
up. He told me he knew just the thing and dashed off
to the dumpster. With the help of his wife Karen (on
whom he doted), Andy dragged a block of wood so
heavy that the trash collectors refused to haul it
away over to my bench. I dutifully sanded and
painted it, and it became a footrest, a table, a
Over the next
several months, it served all those functions. A
group of around 10 neighbors, all of us working
remotely or not at all, began congregating several
nights a week beneath the warm Virginia starlight
and the red brick buildings that surrounded our
courtyard on three sides. We drank, talked, smoked
cigarettes, listened to music, let the dogs
frolic—we got each other through.
On such nights,
Andy would contribute some excellent anecdotes, many
of them about barfights. He got in so many barfights
that he’d developed a gentlemen’s agreement with the
Arlington cops: He would go quietly as long as
they’d promise not to handcuff him. Apparently the
two parties had reached this agreement only after
Andy had demonstrated several times that he could
instantly escape from handcuffs by simply removing
his prosthetic arm. When his favorite bar finally
banned him, he unleashed a stream of invective
against its absentee Canadian owner that rose to the
level of poetry: “That maple syrup drinkin’
motherf—er! He doesn’t understand the situation on
the ground!”
He also added to
the courtyard décor. His contributions—solar powered
string lights, lawn flamingos, and an absurd number
of bird feeders—were of questionable taste, but
everybody was just a little too scared of him to say
anything about it. They’re all still there.
Sometimes he would
talk about the war. He frequently boasted about his
“million-dollar education” as a special forces
soldier. I never got a comprehensive explanation of
what he did in Afghanistan, but the impression I
formed was of a stone-cold operator wearing a
T-shirt, ballcap, and desert camo pants; sporting a
non-regulation beard; and popping in and out of the
base as it suited him. He regaled us with tales of
intrigue, how he’d play informants off against one
another until he had some Taliban big fish dead to
rights. Then and only then would he hand his intel
off to some colonel who would order a raid and claim
all the credit. He took pride in his work and in
being, as one FDNY firefighter told him, the
“instrument of vengeance” for 9/11.
The vengeance was
what mattered to Andy. He thought the
nation-building side of it was bunk. He told me once
that he thought the War in Afghanistan would never
be won and that American troops would never leave. I
guess he was half right.
As the summer wore
on, Andy’s despair displaced his pride more and
more. He fell and cracked a rib and began mixing his
prescription painkillers with whiskey. We all
worried about him. One night, he seemed ready to
open up, and we thought it might do him some good.
We spoke kindly to him, asked occasional questions,
and urged him to take better care of himself. I
remember two snippets of conversation:
First, I asked him how he felt about everything
he’d done in Afghanistan. “I loved it,” he said.
“And I hate that I loved it.” He didn’t just
sacrifice his arm and his mental stability to the
idiots who couldn’t build a functioning army with
20 years and $80 billion, who thought it
would be a good idea to hand biometric data on
Afghan translators over to the Taliban. He gave them
his innocence, his sense of right and wrong, and of
his own place on that continuum. Of that sacrifice,
they were also unworthy.
I asked him if he regretted ever having gone to
war and whether, knowing the toll it had taken, he
would do it again. He thought for a moment: “I
don’t know. I really don’t know.” Of course he was
ambivalent. His sense of self was bound up
inextricably with being a soldier. The Army had
given him a skillset, a community, a purpose, an
entire identity. He couldn’t simply wish all that
away. What would be left? He was what they made him.
They made him what he was. But unlike God, who so
loved his broken creatures that he died for them, the politicians and generals who formed
Andy from the clay had no problem breaking him,
tossing him aside, and making a mockery of the
cause for which he fought.
Andy stood up to go
inside but couldn’t keep his balance. I caught him
before he fell, draped his arm over my shoulder, and
led him toward his building. Thankfully, he lived on
the first floor. My shoulders strained under his
near-dead weight, my heart under his pain. Later, I tried to
imagine what such despair must feel like,
and the best image I could come up with was
sliding down into a pit. The incline is steep, and
the soil is loose. You fall faster and faster,
grasping at roots that protrude from the pit’s
walls. One root is your wife and another is your
friends and another is a movie you still haven’t
seen and another is your pride and another is God,
but none of them hold, and finally you run out of
roots. And you stop grasping. And you just fall.
We reached his
door, and he told me he could make it to bed just
fine. Not knowing what else to do, I made the sign
of the cross over his chest and said, “Bless you,
“Thank you,” he
said. “I’m not very religious, but thanks. Bless you
too.” Then he went inside. As far as I know, mine
were the last words anyone ever spoke to him. One of Andy’s
friends, who has lost other comrades the same way,
told me he thinks those words saved Andy’s soul. I
hope so. I’m more worried for the
souls of those who drove him to it—unrepentant
reprobates whose negligence and dishonesty spat in
the face of Andy’s sacrifice, botching the war,
bungling the withdrawal, and then patting
themselves on the back for doing it.
The sacrifices Andy
made—physical, mental, and spiritual—are
incalculable, but they are sacrifices countless
soldiers have made before him. It is upsetting to
view the consequences of such sacrifices up close
(though perhaps anyone who supports sending troops
into harm’s way should be forced to), but even
having done so, I still cannot deny they are
sometimes necessary. If that is the case, however,
then the people who make those
sacrifices have a right to expect a baseline level
of care and competence from the people demanding
week, I watched [illegitimate] President Biden
insist that he made no mistakes and gaslight anyone who suggests
otherwise. I also watched him compare—with a
straight face—the bloated, brain dead
politico-military establishment that produced this
debacle to the voice of God. When Isaiah
responded “Here I am, send me,” he knew God might be
sending him to his death (as indeed he was), but
Isaiah could also trust that his agenda was
something more than improvised political
Perhaps most
depressingly, we all watched soldiers on transport
planes being sent back to Afghanistan to guard
Hamid Karzai International Airport (the name of
which represents just one more of the fruits of
failure handed out to all the major players in this
tragicomedy). And all because our president didn’t
realize that if you’re being eaten by a tiger and have managed to pry
its jaws open, you should probably pull your head
out before your hands.
would agree to suffer for such a stupid, craven,
inept excuse for an empire? How can we expect
thousands of Andys to sacrifice what’s best in
them to what’s worst in our society?
We can’t. “People,” one Afghanistan vet wrote, “can no longer bring
themselves to love and serve a country that has
dispensed with the pretense of loving and serving
them.” Unfortunately, no civilization can long
endure without people willing to make such
sacrifices. If we want to keep ours, we must
strive to be worthy of those men and women and
demand that our leaders do the same. (read
Texas and the Cracked Idols
[of Child Sacrifice]
The slaves of Moloch,
Mammon, and Baal still walk among us, offering up
their bloody [human] sacrifices.
as I looked on social media, those places of inner
darkness, there was much weeping and gnashing of
teeth, and I rejoiced and I asked, where are your
gods now?
As Texas’s heartbeat abortion law went into effect
this week, the servants of Moloch
furiously raged. Women and their male
“allies” (not men, exactly—many acolytes in the
mystery religions of the ancient world prostrated
themselves) wailed their tired lamentations, about
sharia law, about Christian fascism, about the
self-hatred that must drive other women to defend
the unborn. Some 60
million human babies have been offered up
since Roe confirmed our Punic piety in
1973, [consumed] through the [holocaust] of
syringe and scissors [and curettes] and forceps. One would think that was enough to slake
any amount of blood thirst, but the Lone Star
State’s effective ban of [human] sacrifices after
the sixth week of pregnancy elicited the fury and
despair of the passionate religious
beholding an obscenity.
It was,
for abortion activists, a violation of the
sacred, a defilement of their high places and
casting down of altars. By now you know
the thrust of the Texas law, but let me summarize
it once again. It bans abortions after the point
that an ultrasound can detect the unborn baby’s
heartbeat, which can come as early as six weeks
into a pregnancy, rather than tying protection to
some sort of definition of “viability” for the
infant. “Our creator endowed us
with the right to life and yet millions of
children lose their right to life every year
because of abortion,” Governor
Greg Abbott said as he signed the bill
this past Wednesday.
it is unfair to associate America’s cult of
“reproductive rights” with a minor deity of
Canaan when an older, greater god would do.
Mammon rules the land, and it is in his service
that women so eagerly unsex themselves, and turn
the safety of the womb into a grave. A
woman must, so the argument goes, be able to
choose whether her child will live or die because
there should be no difference between a man’s and
a woman’s experience or opportunities in the
market. If he will, by nature, not be burdened
with a pregnancy nor by the most intimate nurture
of a newborn life, then she must, by law and
technology, be made able to slough off the
necessities of biology, the better for both to
give themselves to economic production, living
sacrifices to Mammon.
From the perspective of
the whole war against abortion in America, the
victory in this Texas battle is primarily
significant for the introduction of an
innovative tactic, a tactic essentially
having to do with law but misperceived as being of
a piece with Mammon—the liberal sees his gods
everywhere. The legislation permits private
parties to file civil lawsuits against people who
either intend to or do perform or aid an abortion
after a heartbeat has been detected, and success
in court entitles the plaintiff to at least
$10,000 in damages. While Mammon’s servants
typically sue the enforcing government officials
before restrictions on abortions go into effect,
tying the initiatives up in interminable and
punishingly expensive legal battles, those
officials are not the enforcing parties here, and
so a court cannot enjoin their enforcement of the
America is a litigious
country and Americans are a litigious people. The
potential for damages per abortion successfully
challenged in suit is not so much a bounty as it
is the recovery of expenses for something no
civilization can survive without: the enforcement
of law. One might suggest that such dollar amounts
ought to go to expecting mothers, to support them
in caring for their children, to which I and Texas
say: Yes, of course, we can do both. Undiscussed in the controversy around
the heartbeat bill has been the Texas
legislature’s commitment of $100
million to the state’s “Alternatives
to Abortion” program, which
includes everything from counseling and
employment training to carseats and housing
support. Initiatives such as this one
will be just as vital to winning the long war as
each legislative and judicial victory.
It was
the private civil lawsuit enforcement tactic
that let the law go into effect without
interference from the liberal holy of holies,
the U.S. Supreme Court. And it is that inaction
that makes the faction for “choice” feel
betrayed, shocked that their temple, which has
given them miracles like same-sex marriage,
would fail now to defend this bloody sacrament.
The faithful who burned candles to Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, who kept vigil, who protest at the
appointed times, and march in the bacchanals
during the sacred month—they must now come to
grips with the possibility that there really is a
time for every purpose under the heaven: a time to
plant, and a time to pluck up that which is
planted; a time to win 5 to 4, and a time to lose
5 to 4.
All this reminds me of
another Canaanite fertility god, Baal, whom the
Lord put to shame by the prophet Elijah on Mount
Carmel. Elijah challenged those who ate at
Jezebel’s table (I wonder if Jezebel has a nice expense
account), the prophets of Baal and Asherah, to
call on their god for divine fire, that the
sacrificial bull might be consumed.
So they took the bull
which was given them, and they prepared it, and
called on the name of Baal from morning even
till noon, saying, “O Baal, hear us!” But there
was no voice; no one answered. Then they leaped
about the altar which they had made. And so it
was, at noon, that Elijah mocked them and said,
“Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is
meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a
journey, or perhaps he is sleeping and must be
But there was no voice;
no one answered, no one paid attention. And before
that silence the hysteria of abortion’s advocates
has mounted to fresh heights. No,
the Supreme Court has not overturned Roe by declining to act
in this case. It has only decided there is no
one to enjoin from allowing the law to go into
But, praise the Lord,
His truth is marching on, and there will be more
heartbeat bills and Roe will be overturned and, eventually, the
slaughter of 60 million will be ended. And so, to
those who seethe, again I ask, where are your gods
now? (read
(What did you
expect? Mohammad
himself married
a 6-year-old
girl and waited
until she was
to consummate
the marriage
when he was 53
years old.).
Afghan evacuation raises
concerns about child trafficking
officials are looking into reports that in the frantic
evacuation of desperate Afghans from Kabul, older men
were admitted together with young girls they claimed
as “brides” or otherwise sexually abused.
officials at intake centers in the United Arab
Emirates and in Wisconsin have identified numerous
incidents in which Afghan girls have been presented
to authorities as the “wives” of much older men.
While child marriage is not uncommon in Afghanistan,
the U.S. has strict policies against human trafficking
that include prosecutions for offenders and sanctions
for countries that don’t crack down on it.
One internal document
seen by The Associated Press says the
State Department has sought “urgent guidance” from
other agencies after purported child brides were
brought to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Another
document, described to the AP by officials familiar
with it, says Afghan girls at a
transit site in Abu Dhabi have alleged they have
been raped by older men they were forced to marry in
order to escape Afghanistan.
The State Department
had no immediate comment on the documents or the
veracity of the details in them. Officials say that
they take all such allegations seriously but that many
of them are anecdotal and difficult to prove,
particularly amid the crush of Afghan evacuees at
multiple locations in the Middle East, Europe and the
United States.
An Aug. 27 situation
report sent to all U.S. embassies and consulates
abroad as well as military command centers in Florida
points to potential issues involving
young girls and older men, some of whom claim to
have more than one wife at Fort McCoy, a
sprawling 60,000-acre (243-square-kilometer) Army base
in Wisconsin. Relevant portions of the document,
titled “Afghanistan Task Force SitRep No. 63,” were
obtained by the AP.
staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor
females who presented as ‘married’ to adult Afghan
men, as well as polygamous families,” the document
says. “Department of State has requested urgent
There was no immediate
indication from the military or from the departments
of homeland security and health and human services,
which run the facility, that such guidance had been
At the same time, U.S. officials in the United Arab Emirates
have expressed similar concerns, sending a
diplomatic cable to Washington warning that some
young Afghan girls had been forced into marriages in
order to escape Afghanistan after the Taliban
familiar with the cable say it describes allegations
by several girls at the Humanitarian City in Abu
Dhabi that they had been sexually assaulted by their
“husbands” and seeks guidance on how to
handle such cases. The officials spoke on condition of
anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss
internal communications. (read
See also:
(Yet another reason to oppose uncontrolled immigration
from the Third World: THEY ARE A FINANCIAL BURDEN and
will hasten the financial collapse of the welfare
Households 32.2%
Households Headed by
All Immigrants 49.1%
Households Headed by
All Immigrants in the U.S. for Less Than 10 Years
Households Headed by
All Immigrants in the U.S. for More Than 10 Years
Households 54.6%
Households Headed by
Non-Citizen in U.S. for Less Than 10 Years 40.3%
Households Headed by
Non-Citizen in U.S. for More Than 10 Years 61.7%
Citizen-Headed Households 45.2%
Welfare Use for Immigrants and
Native-Born Households

Analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies of the
latest data (2018) from the Census Bureau's Survey of
Income and Program Participation (SIPP) shows that
welfare use by households headed by immigrants remains
high relative to the native-born. The desire to reduce
welfare among future immigrants was the primary
justification for “public charge” rules issued by the
Trump administration that have now been abandoned by
the Biden administration. Immigrant advocacy groups
were right that many immigrants make heavy use of the
welfare system, and the proposed rules might have
impacted the ability of some prospective immigrants to
receive green cards. The latest SIPP data from 2018
shows immigrant households continue to use welfare at
higher rates than native households, though use rates
for both groups were lower in 2018 than when we last
looked at the data using the 2014
data. In this blog, we use the term “immigrant”
to mean the “foreign-born”, which includes all those
currently in the country who were not U.S. citizens at
- In 2018, 49
percent of households headed by all immigrants —
naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal
immigrants — used at least one major welfare
program, compared to 32 percent of households
headed by the native-born.
- Among households
headed by non-citizens, 55 percent used at least
one welfare program. Non-citizens in the SIPP
include those in the country legally (e.g. green
card holders) and those in the country illegally.
- Welfare use
dropped somewhat to 45 percent for all immigrant
households and to 51 percent for non-citizen
households if cash payments from the Earned Income
Tax Credit (EITC) are not counted as welfare. This
compares to 28 percent for native households
excluding the EITC. EITC recipients pay no federal
income tax and, like other welfare, it is a
means-tested, anti-poverty program, but unlike
other programs one has to work to receive it.
- Compared to
native households, immigrant-headed households had
especially high use of Medicaid (33 percent vs. 20
percent for natives) and food programs (31 percent
vs. 19 percent for natives).
- At 39 percent,
non-citizen households’ receipt of both Medicaid
and food programs was even higher than for all
immigrants and much higher than for the
- Including the
EITC, 25 percent of all immigrant-headed
households and 27 percent of non-citizen-headed
households received cash welfare, compared to 18
percent of native households. If the EITC is not
included, then cash receipt by all immigrant and
non-citizen households was only slightly higher
than that of the native-born.
- Welfare use is
high for both newly arrived immigrants and
long-time U.S. residents. Of households headed by
an immigrant who had lived in the United States
for 10 years or less, 44 percent used at least one
program. Of those in the country more than 10
years, 50 percent accessed one or more programs.
- Among households
headed by a non-citizen who had lived in the
United States for 10 years or less, 40 percent
used at least one major program and for those in
the country more than 10 years it was 62 percent.
- While most new
legal immigrants (green card holders) are barred
from most welfare programs, as are illegal
immigrants and temporary visitors, these
restrictions have only a modest impact on
immigrant household use rates primarily because
non-citizens (including illegal immigrants) can
receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born
children who are awarded U.S. citizenship and full
welfare eligibility at birth.
- Other factors
that tend to lessen the effectiveness of
restrictions on immigrant welfare use include: 1)
the bar does not apply to all programs, nor does
it always apply to non-citizen children; 2) most
legal immigrants have been in the country long
enough to qualify for most programs; 3)
naturalized citizens have the same welfare
eligibility as the native-born; and 4) some states
provide welfare to otherwise ineligible immigrants
on their own.
- Trying to bar
immigrants once they are in the country from
accessing welfare is unlikely to be effective. If
we wish to avoid high use of welfare by future
immigrants, then moving away from the current
family-based system to one that selects immigrants
who are less likely to use such programs would be
more effective. For example, welfare use by
immigrants varies significantly by educational attainment, so placing more
emphasis on education and skills as selection
criteria for prospective immigrants would almost
certainly reduce future immigrant welfare use.
- As we made clear
in our prior analyses (here and here), most households
(immigrant- or native-headed) accessing the
welfare system have at least one worker present.
But, often because of their lower levels of
education, immigrants tend to earn lower wages,
making a large share eligible to receive
means-tested programs.
See also:
[...] All
that is history. No more moving with caution. See
Biden’s record-setting Executive Orders. They are as
radical and Marxist as anything ever seen in
America’s history. Obama is running the show. He is
back to finish the job he started in 2008. Here in
Part II, I will explain the actual plan. I learned
it at Columbia University from 1979 to 1983. I was
Obama’s college classmate at the Ivy League college
where Marxism and the destruction of America was
taught in every classroom. The plan was called
Cloward-Piven, named after a husband-wife team of
Columbia professors.
Cloward and Piven
created the perfect Marxist plan: get every American
possible on welfare and other government handout
programs, in order to overwhelm the system, bring
the national debt to levels never imagined, bankrupt
America, and bring business owners to their knees
when the economy collapses. Then you’ve got a
socialist country. I recognize exactly what’s
happening today in America with Biden as PINO
(president in name only). Obama is running the show
and he’s using a modified version of the Cloward and
Piven plan from our Columbia days.
Democrats (aka
socialists and Marxists) tried to get everyone on
welfare for the past 38 years since Obama and I
graduated Columbia. They came close, but they never
could never quite overwhelm and collapse the system.
The success of capitalism, Reagan and Trump got in
the way.
But now Obama has the
modified the plan. He is going to use the next four
years to open the borders and MAFA (Make America
Foreign Again). This is a modified version of
Cloward-Piven. If you can’t get every American on
welfare, then change the composition of America. (source)
We reported in 2021-08-29
long-delayed. Sirhan Sirhan will be released.
Robert F. Kennedy was
fatally shot from behind. Sirhan, the patsy, was in
front, firing wildly.
Look up the story of
Nina Rhodes-Hughes, eyewitness to the assassination.
Count the number of
gunshots in the assassination tape recording made by Montreal Gazette
reporter Stanislaw Pruszynski. Sirhan's gun held just
8 bullets.
Robert F. Kennedy,
Jr. accused Thane Eugene Cesar of murdering his
father, claiming Cesar fatally shot him from behind.
The LAPD unit that
"investigated" the assassination was run by CIA
and LA DA knew two hours after the fatal shooting of
Robert Kennedy that he was shot by a second gunman
and they had conclusive evidence that Sirhan Bishara
Sirhan could not and did not do it. The official
record shows that [the prosecution at Sirhan’s
trial] never had one witness – and had no physical
nor ballistic evidence – to prove Sirhan shot Robert
Kennedy. Evidence locked up for 20 years shows that
the LAPD destroyed physical evidence and hid
ballistic evidence exonerating Sirhan, and covered
up conclusive evidence that a second gunman fatally
wounded Robert Kennedy.
— Paul Schrade
Recent expose provides much more
New Evidence
Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as
Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent
RFK From Ever Reaching White House
even after over 50 years, high government
officials like [illegitimate] Vice President
Kamala Harris are still trying to cover up the
truth about his murder.
parole commissioners recommended on August
27th that Sirhan Sirhan should be freed after
spending more than 50 years in prison for
assassinating Robert Kennedy. Strong evidence
suggests that Sirhan was not the real killer
and would be exonerated in any new and
objective trial. This article is another in
CAM’s series on political assassinations.—Editors]
On June 5, 1968, a few minutes after midnight,
Robert Kennedy was shot and killed at the
Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles while walking
through a narrow serving area called “the
pantry.” Kennedy had just won the California
primary and was on his way to a room where print
media reporters were waiting to hear him speak.
In early March, Lyndon B. Johnson had thrown
open the race by announcing that he would not
seek re-election because of the failure of his
Vietnam policy. Kennedy emerged as a leading
contender by energizing the youth wing of the
party with his calls for sweeping social change.
Kennedy was in many ways a strange liberal icon
because he grew up idolizing Herbert Hoover, was
closest in his family to his father, Joseph, the
millionaire business tycoon, began his career
supporting Joseph McCarthy’s anti-communist
witch-hunt, called for victory against communism
in Vietnam in the early 1960s, and oversaw a
terrorist campaign designed to overthrow the
Cuban government.
Nevertheless, by the latter part of the 1960s,
Kennedy had evolved into a crusader for the poor
and dove on Vietnam who was trying to ride the
wave of the protest movement into the White
Biographers Lester and Irene David wrote that
Bobby was the Kennedy who “felt deepest, cared
the most, and fought the hardest for
humanity—crying out against America’s
involvement in the Vietnam War, championing the
causes of blacks, Hispanics, and
Mexican-Americans, and crusading against the
suffering of children, the elderly and anyone
else hurt or bypassed by social and economic
After Kennedy’s death, the Democratic Party
became a shadow of its former self, with six of
the next nine presidents being Republicans. The
Party in this period abandoned its core
base—union laborers, minorities, and blue-collar
workers—and started catering to Wall Street.[
Version of Assassination
According to the official version, Kennedy was
shot and killed by a lone gunman, Sirhan Sirhan,
a 24-year-old Palestinian-born Jordanian citizen
who was allegedly aghast by Kennedy’s recent
decision to send 50 jet bombers to Israel to do
harm to the Palestinians.
According to his mother, Sirhan had been
traumatized as a child by the violence of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His family home in
East Jerusalem was destroyed by an Israeli
bombing raid and he had witnessed the death of
his older brother, who was killed by a Jordanian
military vehicle that was swerving to escape
Israeli gunfire.[
Professional football player Roosevelt
Grier and
1960 Olympic gold medalist Rafer
Johnson were
among several men who subdued and disarmed Sirhan
after a struggle.
Subsequently, he
was arrested and convicted of the murder.
The prosecution
during his trial—led by World War II hero Lynn
“Buck” Compton who was subsequently appointed by
Governor Ronald Reagan as Justice of the California
Court of Appeals—showed that Sirhan
was seen at the Ambassador Hotel on June 3, two
nights before the attack, to learn the building’s
layout, and that he visited a gun range on June 4.
Alvin Clark,
Sirhan’s garbage collector, testified that Sirhan
had told him a month before the attack of his
intention to shoot Kennedy—a fact seemingly
confirmed by diaries that Sirhan kept which showed
Sirhan initially
confessed to the killing but later claimed to have
no memory of it. After the events transpired, he had
calm, but not “in complete control of his mind.”
Sirhan’s death
sentence was commuted to a life prison sentence and
he was denied parole fifteen times, though recommended
for release on August 27, 2021 after over fifty years
behind bars.
RFK Jr. Believes
Sirhan Is Innocent
In a 2018 interview
with The
Washington Post, Robert
F. Kennedy, Jr., said that he
traveled to meet with Sirhan at the Richard J.
Donovan Correctional facility in San Diego
County, and, after a relatively lengthy
conversation, believed that Sirhan did not kill
his father and that a second gunman was
Kennedy Jr.’s view
is shared
by his sister, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the
former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland,
and by Paul Schrade, regional director of the
United Auto Workers (UAW) and one of Bobby’s
closest advisers, who was shot the night that he
was killed.
In 2016, Schrade
testified in support of Sirhan’s parole, stating
his belief that a second shooter killed Kennedy
and that Sirhan was intended to be a distraction
from the real gunman by an unknown conspiracy.
Kennedy Jr. has
pointed out that Sirhan’s appointed lawyer at
his original trial, Grant Cooper, was Johnny
Rosselli’s personal lawyer. “Roselli,”
he said, “was the mobster who ran the
assassination program for the CIA against
Castro. Cooper pressured Sirhan to plead
guilty so that there was no trial.”
Kennedy believes the real assassin was Thane
Eugene Cesar, an employee of Lockheed’s Burbank
facility—which manufactured the CIA produced U-2 spy
plane—and previously Hughes Aircraft who was
moonlighting as a security guard for Ace Security
After the shooting,
Kennedy Sr. was photographed with Cesar’s clip-on
tie next to him, which he had apparently yanked off.
Cesar had told
police that he had a hold of Bobby’s right arm when
Sirhan began firing at him, and then pulled his gun
and grabbed the Senator and fell backwards. Later,
however, Cesar changed his story and said that he
was shoved by an unknown individual after Sirhan
opened fire and drew his gun only after he scrambled
to his feet.
In one interview
Cesar said he did not see Kennedy get shot and in
another—given right after the shooting when doctors
had not yet examined Kennedy or issued any
statements—stated that he saw Kennedy get shot four
times, in the head, chest and shoulder.
Cesar considered
the Kennedys “the biggest bunch of crooks that ever
walked the earth” and worked for the presidential
campaign of Alabama’s segregationist Governor,
George C. Wallace.
Before the killing,
he had been seen in Las Vegas in the company of a
Florida hit man. The man who saw him said Cesar was
“owned by Howard Hughes” and was “as tough as they
Hughes was the
owner of a major aerospace company and “godfather of
Las Vegas” with deep connections to the Republican
Party and CIA.
Jim Yoder, who
bought the alleged assassination weapons from Cesar
after Kennedy’s death, claimed that Cesar worked in
off-limits areas at Lockheed, to which only special
personnel had access. These areas were under the
control of the CIA.
RFK Jr. believes
that Cesar was the one that shot his father in the
back of the head after hiding in the pantry and
waiting for his appearance in the pantry or,
alternatively, that he held his father and shot him
three times under the arm, while another assassin—a
man dressed in a busboy outfit, fired the two shots
to Kennedy’s head that killed him—with a gun that
was disguised or small enough to remain hidden.
Planning at one
point to visit Cesar in the Philippines until he
demanded a payment of $25,000, RFK Jr. stated: “With
77 people in the pantry, every eyewitness said
Sirhan was always in front of my father at a 3-6
feet distance. Sirhan fired two shots toward my
father before he was tackled. From under the dog
pile, Sirhan emptied his 8-chamber revolver firing 6
more shots in the opposite direction 5 of them
striking bystanders and one going wild.”
“Cesar was a bigot
who hated the Kennedys for their advocacy of Civil
Rights for blacks. By his own account, Cesar was
directly behind my dad holding his right elbow with
his own gun drawn when my dad fell backwards on top
of him. Cesar repeatedly changed his story about
exactly when he drew his weapon.”
“According to the
Coroner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi, all 4 shots that struck
my father were ‘contact’ shots fired from behind my
dad with the barrel touching or nearly touching his
body. As my dad fell, he reached back and tore off
Cesar’s clip on tie.”
“Cesar sold his .22
to a co-worker [Yoder] weeks after the
assassination, warning him that it had been used in
a crime. Cesar lied to police claiming that he’d
disposed of the gun months before the
Kennedy Jr.
concluded, “Police have never seriously investigated
Cesar’s role in my father’s killing,” adding that
the LAPD unit which investigated his dad’s
assassination was “run by active CIA operatives” who
“destroyed thousands of pieces of evidence.”
A Lie Too Big to Fail
The case
against Sirhan being the lone gunman can be summarized
in six key points:
1. More
Bullets Were Fired Than Were in Sirhan’s Gun
Sirhan’s gun had
eight bullets in it. According
to officials, three of Sirhan’s bullets hit
Kennedy (a fourth went through his coat), and five
bullets struck the other victims.
But one bullet was
also lost in the ceiling space. And
crime scene photos show investigators pointing to
bullet holes circled in doorframes and a ceiling
Investigators found
twelve points of entry in the six victims, with
three bullet holes photographed in the ceiling. LAPD criminalist
DeWayne Wolfer said “it’s unbelievable how many
holes there are in the kitchen ceiling.”
An audio tape made
by Polish journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski recorded
thirteen shots. Analysis of the tape found that it
showed the gunshots to be coming from two separate
Kennedy’s Killer Shot Him from the Back, Not the
County Coroner Thomas Noguchi’s report—which
mysteriously went missing from the LAPD’s final
report—found that Kennedy had been hit by three
bullets from the rear, including one in his head
behind his right ear. This conclusion rules out
Sirhan who was identified by all witnesses as
having shot at Kennedy from the front.
Kennedy’s Killer Shot Him from Close Range—Sirhan
Was Too Far Away
Noguchi, Wolfer and
Pasadena criminalist William Harper, drawing on
forensic and eyewitness evidence, all concluded that
the shots which killed Kennedy came from close
range—a point of near direct contact. Sirhan never got
anywhere near that close—he was at least three feet
4. Two
Guns and Two Shooters
Sirhan’s gun was never
matched to the bullets that killed Kennedy. William Harper, who
survived an assassination attempt on the eve of his
scheduled testimony before a grand jury
investigating the handling of firearms evidence,
concluded that two .22 caliber guns were involved in
the assassination.
Evan Freed, a
photographer who was standing near Kennedy when the
shooting started, said that another man besides
Sirhan—who looked like Sirhan but was wearing darker
clothing—fired the first shot at Kennedy and that a
man made a failed attempt to grab him afterwards and
he ran out of the pantry
Other witnesses
confirm the same story, observing a man with a gun
under a newspaper and a woman with a polka-dotted
dress running out of the room.
Donald Schulman, a
runner for Los Angeles TV station KNXT, reported on
the air minutes after Kennedy’s assassination that,
after Sirhan fired his gun, a security
guard—referring to Cesar—fired back and struck
Kennedy three times.
Schulman also
stated that he spotted two revolvers other than
Sirhan’s and that both had been fired—an observation
confirmed by testimony and statements introduced at
an official hearing in Los Angeles Superior Court.
5. Karl
One of the most
important witnesses was, Karl Uecker, a maitre d’ at
the Ambassador Hotel, who was the first one to grab
Sirhan during the shooting in an attempt to subdue
him. He told filmmaker Ted Charach that Sirhan could
not have been the killer. He stated:
“Sirhan at no time
was firing from behind Senator Robert Kennedy. No!
No! Not an inch from Kennedy’s head—I don’t believe
that it was Sirhan’s gun firing back from an upward
direction. I think I would have seen it. I was the
closest one. In order for Sirhan to get that close
to Senator Kennedy from behind he would have had to
pass me and didn’t pass me at that point. I had him
very tight, pushed against the steam table while
Senator Kennedy staggered back and Mr. Schrade
dropped to the floor first. So this does not fit
with what Mr. Fitts [prosecuting attorney later
promoted by Governor Reagan to California’s Superior
Court] told the jury.”
Uecker also said
that he saw a guard—Thane Cesar—who brandished a gun
which was odd. He testified that he had grabbed
Sirhan after the second shot, not the fourth
shot—which would further prove the existence of a
second shooter because Kennedy was shot three times
under the arm and twice in the head, and seven
bullets were recovered from six victims.
Investigator Lisa
Pease wrote that, “if Uecker had grabbed Sirhan
after the second shot, then someone else had to have
shot Kennedy at least twice, as Kennedy had provably
been shot four times from near-contact range.”
6. Kennedy
Was Killed from an Elevated Position
Not only was
Kennedy shot from the back, but witnesses saw
someone shooting at him from an elevated position
twelve to sixteen inches above Kennedy’s head, with
knee or body on a steam table.
This could not have
been Sirhan who was identified by four credible
witnesses, including Uecker, as shooting at Kennedy
from the floor on a slightly upward trajectory,
which made sense since Sirhan was four inches
shorter than Kennedy.
Uecker specified
further that he pushed Sirhan up on a table after he
grabbed him in a headlock; he was not on a table
Richard Lubic, a
31-year-old television producer and campaign aide,
heard a voice—“Kennedy you son of a bitch”—and then
heard two shots from what sounded like a starter
pistol at a track meet.
The shots came from
a man who had his knee on a small table or air
conditioning vent and lifted himself up on his knee
to obtain elevation while shooting. He had bare arms
when firing; Sirhan was wearing long sleeves. (read
much more and review references)
Biden / Mexico Dumping Thousands Of Fake
Refugees In Remote Guatemalan Jungle
Thousands of fake refugees are being flow from Texas
to southern Mexico and deported to Guatemala via a
remote border crossing into the Guatemalan Jungle.
Mexico is obviously doing this to ensure that they
do not come back into Mexico and try to head north
again to the land of El Dorado (a.k.a. U.S.A.).
It seems doubtful that
Biden and Mayorkas have had a sincere change of
heart. I think they must be doing this because
it’s creating political problems for them that may
very well cause them to lose Congress next year.
These sudden expulsions
may be related to a recent court order requiring
Biden to re-start the Remain In Mexico Program,
reported last month by the Gateway Pundit.
See also: Biden Starts Returning Some Fake
Refugees To Central America
Biden has
started flying some mass asylum fraudsters to
Southern Mexico, where they can cross over to their
Central American Homelands. These are people, who do
not fit the exceptions Biden has made to Title 42,
the Public Health Law, and who have been crossing
the border repeatedly. Title 42 does not allow those
into the country, who may be bringing disease. Biden
made some exceptions via executive orders for minors
and pregnant women.
See video on Bitchute:
Returning Some Fake Refugees To Central America
See also: EXCLUSIVE U.S. starts flying migrant
families into Mexico far from border
2021-09-04 f
We reported in 2021-08-25
The CDC Screwed Up
In their latest Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report, at the bottom of
the table on page 3, they tell the world one way
they cheat.
They inform us they
define "unvaccinated" as being less than 14 days
after receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series
or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if there is
no vaccination registry data. Is that how you define
Blood clots or heart
inflammation caused by the spike protein mRNA shots
often kill within a few days after getting a dose of
the gene therapy mislabeled as a vaccine.
Thus, their reported
spike in "unvaccinated" hospitalizations and deaths
could be entirely within the recently "vaccinated"
Because the mainstream
media selectively follow the CDC "science," I am
sure they employ the identical definition.
Yesterday, Dr. Simone Gold
corroborated our assertion:
The CDC is
now listing vaccinated COVID-19 deaths as
UNvaccinated deaths
if they die within 14 days of the vaccine.
Wow. pic.twitter.com/paxPfDp9lo
— Dr. Simone Gold
(@drsimonegold) September 2, 2021
Delta variant deception (here
and here)
and heightened WuFlu fear-mongering had their desired
(See more accurate
unemployment data here.)
Jobs Report
Huge Miss
There will
be lots of excuse-making about the BLS jobs report
coming in significantly below consensus (whisper
numbers were higher).
There are 10,000,000 job
openings. Delta played a role but there are much
deeper issues= workers’ strike. https://t.co/HCfz1cdJmR
— Charles V Payne
(@cvpayne) September 3, 2021
Report Disaster
Details are
even more disappointing.
unemployment rate surged to 8.8% from 8.2%. This
would be top story/take if Trump were in office but
won’t be mentioned anywhere today (Powell will take
0 Leisure
— Charles V Payne
(@cvpayne) September 3, 2021
We reported two
days ago, from a large Texas study:
This large
study reveals there have been more than twice
the reported "cases" meaning that the mortality rate
worse than real flu. The Feds have some serious
‘splainin’ to do.
Now, the CDC admits the same nationally:
CDC admits
twice as many people had covid as previously
thought. Which means death rates are half.
It also means covid is less
lethal which means the category of death with covid
becomes even dumber.
Which means deaths are far
Also where did the flu go? pic.twitter.com/o0CCfT3gBE
— Jack Murphy 🇺🇸 ⚔️
(@jackmurphylive) September 3, 2021
The Left’s Hysteria About Kids
And COVID Is Much Worse Than [the Government PsyOp
Called] QAnon
While the left loves to
play up QAnon, they pshaw away the fact that
Democrats' entire rationale for ruling right now is
a set of far more destructive conspiracy theories.
to keep kids locked into masks and out of normal
life is a mass hysteria based on conspiracy theories
far worse than [the government PsyOp called] QAnon.
It has no basis in science, data, or reality. It is
entirely a psychotic power play that sane people
must refuse to allow to control our lives, because
it’s hurting kids and destroying
our nation’s future.
It’s now more than a year after the world learned that
COVID thankfully poses
lower risks to children than does the annual flu. In 2020, according to the Centers
for Disease Control, “fewer
kids died of COVID-19 than of heart disease,
‘malignant neoplasms,’ suicide, and homicide — not to
mention birth defects, which killed hundreds of times
never shut children off in pods, muffled their
faces and those of everyone they see, limited them
to small groups, or stuffed them into substandard
virtual “learning” for the flu, suicide, or heart
disease, because that would be
ridiculous. It would hold their futures hostage to fear porn. Yet doing
exactly that is still what top U.S. “experts” and
politicians demand.
Food and Drug Administrator Dr. Scott Gottlieb,
for example, went on TV this past weekend to
insanely recommend masking children and injecting
them with experimental COVID treatments even
though the flu poses a higher risk to them and flu
shots have never been a requirement for attending
Gottlieb “said the
‘two best things’ schools can do to curb the spread
is testing twice a week and keeping students in
‘geographic pods’ and “social pods” so they do not
‘intermingle with the entire student body,’ but
instead stick with the people in their classrooms,”
the Hill summarized of Gottlieb’s
appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “… He also
touted the importance of wearing masks and getting
eligible children vaccinated.”
Quite plainly, just about everything
he said contradicts
the evidence
available for more than a year about
children’s risks from COVID. Perhaps Gottlieb is
auditioning for a Biden administration post, because
his advice matches that administration’s also
anti-science demands of schools.
Children are almost
never endangered from COVID-19 nor do they
spread it, and masks have
not been proven to
provide any protective effect in schools. Even leftist outlets like New York Magazine
and The New
York Times are admitting this now,
while the Biden administration and
other Democrats such as Gov. Gavin Newsom continue
to falsify scientific discoveries.
hybrid models, classroom barriers, HEPA
filters, and, most notably, requiring student
masking were each found to not have a
statistically significant benefit. In
other words, these measures could not be said to be
effective,” New
York Magazine reported last week of findings
from a large-scale CDC study. It continued:
In the realm of
science and public-health policy outside the
U.S., the implications of these particular
findings are not exactly controversial. Many of
America’s peer nations around the world —
including the U.K., Ireland, all of Scandinavia, France, the
Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy — have
exempted kids, with varying age cutoffs, from
wearing masks in classrooms. Conspicuously,
there’s no evidence of more outbreaks in schools
in those countries relative to schools in the
U.S., where the solid majority of kids wore
masks for an entire academic year and will
continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
These countries, along with the World Health
Organization, whose child-masking guidance
differs substantially from the CDC’s
recommendations, have explicitly recognized that
the decision to mask students carries with it
potential academic and social harms for children
and may lack a clear benefit.
studies indicate masking
children is counterproductive based on their
near-zero transmission and fatality rates versus
the social and developmental harms of covering
everyone’s faces indefinitely. Meanwhile, European countries have had
kids back in school for the entire previous school
year, and are jettisoning masks and quarantines —
because that’s what real-world data supports.
The same people insisting, against
the evidence, that children need to be masked and
kept in “pods” are the same ones telling you to
inject them with experimental treatments against a
disease they are at low risk from and for which
natural immunity is clearly a much
more effective
protection. Mmhmm, sure, buddy. I’m
definitely going to take “guidance” about what to
put into my children’s bodies from the CNN
equivalent of a horn-wearing shaman.
“Guidance” is not
even close to the extent of their dangerous lunacy,
either. Our Orwellian national
security agencies have also declared that
disagreeing with the Biden administration’s
lunatic COVID demands is evidence that one is a
“domestic terrorist.” It sounds like
another conspiracy theory, but it’s a fact.
It’s hard to know whether to laugh
or to hide. It would be easier to do the former if
we weren’t living inside an apparently inescapable
and amped-up 2020s version of the Salem witch
trials. Unlike then, these conspiracy
theorists control world governments, mass media,
schools, community organizations, and millions of
people’s jobs. They control trillions of dollars and
the world’s most costly — if not its most effective
— national security state.
also refuse to accept any limits on their power, such as the Austin, Texas schools
demanding families continue living under their
COVID hysteria in blatant
defiance of the
elected governor and state Supreme Court —
defiance that governor and Supreme Court would
never display if the tables were turned. While
the left loves to play up the [government PsyOp
called] QAnon conspiracy theory because it overlaps
with some Donald Trump supporters, they pshaw away
the fact that Democrats’ entire
rationale for ruling right now is a set of
conspiracy theories they’ve trained half the
nation to venerate like demonic idols.
This is why BlueAnon makes QAnon look like a
joke [that it is]. It’s one thing
to be deluded. It’s another thing for delusions to
run your entire society. (read
Dr. Scott Atlas: Science
Killed Itself Over COVID-19
'Science is not supposed
to be about intimidating, or abusing, or censoring
data ... There is never supposed to be 'an accepted
view' of science.'
Since the start of the
COVID-19 [fake] pandemic, the American people have
been told to “follow the science.” Yet for a year and
a half, they’ve heard contradicting messages from
self-appointed prophets of “the science” like Dr.
Anthony Fauci and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
learned that politicians who claimed their decisions
were science-driven often ignored scientific
findings that didn’t fit certain political
narratives. We discovered that scientists are
fallible human beings, and some would let personal
interests and political views cloud their judgment.
Is science itself one
of the victims of the COVID-19 [fake] pandemic? I
asked Dr. Scott Atlas at the 13th annual Freedom
Conference hosted by the Steamboat Institute, a
Colorado-based nonprofit organization. Formerly a
professor and chief of neuroradiology at Stanford
University Medical Center, Atlas is
now a senior fellow in health policy at the
Hoover Institution.
Atlas has been under constant attacks
by the left and the corporate media since he served
as a special adviser to former President Trump
and a member of the White House coronavirus task force
from August to November 2020. The New
York Times and the Washington
Post ran hit pieces on Atlas, questioning his
qualifications despite his distinguished career and
YouTube also removed a 50-minute video of
Atlas’s interview with the Hoover Institute. Twitter
his tweet that questioned the effectiveness of
‘Science’ Destroyed Its Own Credibility
has refused to be silenced. He has a lot to
say about how the scientific field and Americans’
trust in it have been tremendously harmed during the
COVID-19 pandemic. “Science has
been not just a victim,” he told me, “but actively
participated in the self-destruction of its
To prove his point,
Atlas referred to the now infamous letter
published in Lancet, which denounced the lab-leak theory
as a “conspiracy” that created “fear, rumors, and
prejudice.” Facebook “fact-checkers” used the letter to censor
discussion of the lab-leak theory for more than a
then surfaced in The
Daily Mail
that Peter Daszak, president of Eco Health
Alliance, orchestrated a group of scientists to
write the letter without disclosing the EHA’s
close financial ties to the Wuhan Institute of
Virology (WIV). Now many scientists accept that the WIV lab-leak
theory is just as probable as the natural origin
also faulted leading scientific publications such
as Nature
and Lancet
for playing “important roles in enabling,
encouraging, and enforcing the false narrative.”
In June, journalist Ian Birrell cited one source who
estimated the publisher of Nature had sponsorship agreements
worth millions of dollars from Chinese institutions.
is not supposed to be about intimidating,
countering interpretation of data, or abusing, or
censoring data,” Atlas said. “Science is not
supposed to have a view. Science is only about
data and the scientific process. There is never
supposed to be ‘an accepted view’ of science.”
Stop Censoring the
Scientific Process [to Promote the Fake Pandemic]
and pundits also lost people’s trust by advocating
regulations that were not based in fact. “The phrase ‘follow the science’
should never be uttered again by people who do
not know actual data. They must stop,” Atlas
said. “They have no credibility
whatsoever when they get up and say, ‘follow the
science.’ It’s clear many of them don’t know the
science, don’t understand the science, and they
are not using the science to make the
How can science and
scientists recover from this trust deficit? “It
depends on only one thing — the visibility of the
scientific process, which by definition is about the
visibility of the data,” Atlas said. “There should be no censorship of views
and interpretation of different data. Do not
intimidate or issue harsh condemnations of people
just because you disagree with them. Let the truth
prevail by the data.”
has received hundreds of emails from other
scientists who have encouraged him to remain
outspoken while afraid to speak up themselves.
“The saving of science really
depend[s] on scientists to come forward and to be
unafraid to say that the objectivity of science
and [the] scientific process itself has been
contaminated and impeded,” he continued.
“When more scientists come forward, there hopefully
will be a reversal of that [trust deficit]. There is no such thing as science
without the evidence being visible and debates
being current. Science doesn’t exist in any other
can we do a better job of fighting back the next
time our ruling class tries to send us into crisis
mode? We have to recognize what the data
revealed about this current [fake] pandemic, Atlas
said, citing several recent studies (including one by Eran Bendavid and
other scientists of Stanford University) showing
that lockdowns didn’t work to keep
COVID-19 from spreading while imposing their own
severe additional costs.
Never Let
[Totalitarian] Lockdowns Destroy Lives Again
destroyed people, Atlas
said, by “shutting down medical care, stopping
people from seeking emergency medical care,
increasing drug abuse, increasing death by
suicide, more psychological damage, particularly
among the younger generation. Hundreds and
thousands of child abuse cases went unreported.
Teenagers’ self-harm cases have tripled.”
also noted the increase of other deaths like
tuberculosis, caused by the world’s focus on
COVID-19. The World Health Organization warned in 2020 of up to an
additional 400,000 deaths from tuberculosis
because of the diversion of resources to COVID-19.
“Mortality data showing that anywhere from a third
or half of the deaths during the [fake] pandemic
were not due to COVID-19,” Atlas said. “They were
extra deaths due to the lockdowns.”
Besides causing
health issues, the lockdowns have
enormous economic costs,
especially for poor people and developing
countries. The Bangladesh economy’s
shutdown during the pandemic, Atlas noted, was forecast to wipe out about $3
billion and close to 900,000 jobs off the nation’s
economy with a devastating effect on the nation’s
can never use the lockdown strategy again,” Atlas
emphasized. Instead, we should offer targeted
protections for high-risk people but no lockdowns
of low-risk people. Other scientists, such
as the authors of The Great Barrington Declaration,
have advocated for the same approach.
Atlas offers
additional advice on how to prepare for the next
pandemic based on lessons learned from COVID-19 in
his upcoming new book, “A
Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White
House to Stop COVID from Destroying America,” which is available for
preorder now.
Ultimately, Atlas
said, the most important lesson to learn from the
COVID-19 [fake] pandemic is that individuals must
take responsibility for their own health-related
decisions. We should never
surrender our autonomy and capability to assess
our risk tolerance to bureaucrats or the so-called
expert class. (read
A Look At Scientific Evidence
Suggesting Face Masks Damage Your Health
Scientists have found
significant impaired thinking or concentration after
only 100 minutes of mask use, correlating
significantly with reduced blood oxygen levels in
the test subjects.
As [totalitarian] mask
mandates and habits return across the United States, clear and convincing scientific data from
before and after 2020 suggest masking has negative
health consequences that outweighs its utility.
Earlier this year, a group of German
doctors and biomedical scientists looked at the
available data on the negative health effects of
face masks, published both before and during the
COVID-19 outbreak, as catalogued in the U.S. federal
government’s biomedical database, PubMed. They found significant evidence of
“relevant, undesired medical, organ and organ
system-related phenomena accompanied by wearing
masks,” with “clear, scientifically recorded adverse
effects for the mask wearer.”
I Can’t Breathe
the airways with masks makes breathing harder, due to the air resistance they generate and the
moisture they
collect inside. According to one 2020 study: “Ventilation,
cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and comfort are
reduced by surgical masks and highly impaired by
FFP2/N95 face masks in healthy individuals.”
Masks also create “dead
air between the mask surface and
the face, which remains trapped at the end of
every breath out, and gets rebreathed right back in.
Dead-space air is stale, potentially
containing 20
times the CO2 concentration of
normal room air, along with hundreds of other
substances excreted by the human body through the
lungs, including toxins.
Mixed with those
are traces of the chemicals, such as formaldehyde, used to make or
preserve the masks. Plastic microfibers slough off the fabric,
have recently been found lodged in the sinuses of
patients diagnosed with irritant rhinitis, and may
make it all the way into the lungs.
of the increased resistance to breathing and
trapped dead-space air, masks make it harder for
the lungs to remove CO2 from the blood, and to
supply the blood with oxygen. Multiple
experimental studies with N95, surgical, and other masks, some published
in prestigious journals like Nature, provide evidence that
common kinds of face masks can result in statistically higher blood CO2 levels or lower blood oxygen levels in healthy
individuals, or both.
body reacts to this imbalance by increasing its
resting pulse and breathing rates,
which can be dangerous to those in poor health.
Data reviewed by Taiwanese
scientists show the “elderly or
patients with reduced cardiopulmonary function have
a higher risk of developing a severe respiratory
failure while wearing a mask.”
Slowing Thinking
and Concentration
Now, healthy adults
are able to safely raise their pulse and
breathing for short periods to levels much higher
than the increases seen with masks. Indeed,
temporary pulse, breathing, and blood CO2 increases
are healthy and beneficial effects of physical
argument that masks are therefore safe for healthy
adults, however, ignores health problems
associated with long-term, chronic mask use. According
to data reviewed by the German
scientists, “[e]ven slightly but persistently
increased heart
rates encourage oxidative stress” and
“slightly increased breathing rates over long
periods,” the German scientists note, may cause “high
blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction and damage to
blood vessels supplying the brain.” Over
extended periods of time, “small increases in carbon
dioxide in the inhaled air” have been linked with asthma, high blood
pressure, and neurological problems.
harmful effects of mask wearing show up much
quicker. In 2020, Chinese scientists
reported experimental results with human test
subjects using multiple common mask types, including
surgical masks and N95s. They found
significant impaired thinking or
concentration after only 100 minutes of mask use,
correlating significantly with reduced blood
oxygen levels in the test subjects.
A 2020 article in
the Journal of
Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology reported that 24
percent of 343 surveyed medical staff, who wore a
mix of surgical and N95 masks while working their
shifts, began to experience impaired cognition
from one to four hours after starting their
shifts. Readers of all professions who have
been forced to mask up at work during the [fake]
pandemic might sympathize with the article’s
conclusion: “Wearing masks for a
prolonged amount of time causes a host of
physiologic and psychologic burdens and can
decrease work efficiency.”
A Whole-Body
Stress Response
addition to impaired thinking and performance, increased blood CO2
levels can also cause psychotropic effects. High
levels of CO2 poison mammals. The brain
stem reacts to increased CO2 in
the blood by letting the body know that it needs
fresh air, activating a whole-body stress
Indeed, mindfulness
practices often help lower stress and anxiety
through the use of deeper breathing techniques,
which slow breathing rates and help lower blood CO2
levels. On the other extreme, psychiatrists use CO2
inhalation to clinically trigger panic attacks in
consenting patients when testing for certain
psychiatric disorders. Torture squads take advantage
of the same CO2-triggered panic effect during
governments, employers, and schools have the legal
authority to subject Americans to the same
stressor at work in waterboarding? Mask mandates are making an especially
strong comeback in the nation’s primary and
secondary schools. What are the long term effects
of masking on the bodies and brains of children, which are
particularly oxygen-hungry as they grow and learn?
Yearning to
Breathe Free
This article does
not contain legal advice. For that, readers are
encouraged to hire their own lawyers or contact this
one privately. At the same time, it
is a matter of fact that [totalitarian] mask
mandates rely on the threat of government force
to, quite literally, limit the public’s freedom to
breathe. In principle, as the sine
qua non of all aerobic life, respiration is the fundamental freedom.
Various fundamental constitutional rights may
therefore be implicated in mandatory masking.
The fundamental
right to bodily integrity in Anglo-Saxon law
predates the Constitution, and has long been applied
as protection from medical quackery. According to
the Supreme Court, the doctrine of
informed consent to medical treatment is based on the idea that
“[e]very human being of adult years and sound mind
has a right to determine what shall be done with his
own body,” including the right “to refuse
doctrine of informed consent is “firmly entrenched
in American tort law,” on both federal and
state levels. In Massachusetts, where this author
practices law, doctors owe
patients a legal duty to disclose any “significant
medical information” that would be “material to an
intelligent decision by the patient” whether the
patient should agree to any “diagnostic, therapeutic
or invasive procedures, medical interventions or
treatments.” Doctors are required to know and
disclose any relevant medical information that would
be known to any other “average qualified physician”
in their field of practice.
Violations of
Informed Consent
Food and Drug Administration defines and regulates face
masks as medical devices when used for protection
against COVID-19. A year and a half into the
[fake] pandemic, significant medical information
that face masks may pose serious health and safety
risks is now available.
Certainly, medical
information promoting the safety and utility of
wearing face masks is also available (mostly limited
to studies on wear times of an hour or less), but doctors
must provide patients with all significant medical
information. Instead, information about the negative
health effects of face masking is mostly limited to
medical literature. The public remains uninformed,
its consent overruled by [totalitarian] mandates.
the known health risks of masking, the courts
should apply the doctrine of informed consent to
mask mandate challenges. Other ways to
fight against masking in court, like product
liability lawsuits against mask manufacturers,
should also be considered by enterprising
libertarian lawyers. May a thousand
class actions bloom, and may we all get the right
to breathe free. (read
The world will soon be divided
between the DAMAGED vaccinated and the undamaged,
“super powered” unvaccinated who will inherit the
Vaccine pushers are
trying to divide the world into vaxxed vs. unvaxxed by
denying unvaccinated people access to society (via
vaccine passports). But they’re in for a shock… and a
twist. The real division that will
unfold is between the damaged vaccinated people vs.
the undamaged unvaccinated people.
Damaged vaccinated people will:
- Suffer
cognitive damage that unfolds a lot like
accelerating mental retardation.
- Suffer
cardiovascular damage that prevents them from
carrying out normal, mundane tasks like carrying
a bag of groceries up a flight of stairs.
- Suffer
infertility and reproductive damage that makes
them unable to reproduce.
- Suffer
autoimmune damage that leads to extreme risks of
ADE and hyperinflammation upon exposure to
future circulating pathogens.
people, on the other hand, will appear to possess
“super powers” in their abilities to think and
function in a normal, healthy way. While the
vaccinated half of society will be mentally and
physically disabled, unvaccinated people
will maintain their full faculties and their
ability to have children and participate in
The vaccinated
think they got passports to freedom, but they really
bought tickets to Hell
real irony in all this is how vaccinated people
think they are being granted access to the world
via vaccine passports, but they will mostly spend
the rest of their existence in hospitals, couches,
beds or coffins because their bodies and brains
will not function the way they used to. By
taking vaccines, many of these people who imagine
they are superior to others will
actually end up:
- Unable
to achieve successful pregnancy or carry a child
full term.
- Unable
to participate in outdoor activities requiring
any real level of exertion.
- Unable
to work jobs other than menial labor, due to
loss of cognitive function.
- Unable
to meaningfully socialize with family and
friends due to losses in cognition and
short-term memory.
good news is that I believe people who turn to
nutrition can overcome a lot of the spike protein
damage from early vaccines, but they must stop
poisoning themselves with booster shots, or
nothing can save them.)
essence, those who take spike protein injections
in their quest for a vaccine passport are actually
signing up for a lifetime of
vaccine suffering. They will be
prisoners in their own bodies for as long as they
live, which may not be much longer if they
continue to take spike protein “booster shots.”
very booster shots, of course, are far easier to
promote to people who have already been
cognitively damaged by the first two shots,
suffering from impaired reasoning and emotional
instability. We are now
witnessing this in vaccinated people as they scream and
condemn others in wild-eyed rants that you can find
on TikTok and YouTube.
Witness some of the
insanity for yourself:
If you want to have
“super powers” compared to the damaged, disabled
vaccinated masses, just invoke natural
immunity and beat covid with your God-given immune
system. Before long, you will be among those of us
who inherit the Earth as the vax-damaged recede into
their homes, hospitals and coffins, all victims of
the suicidal delusion that imagines spike protein
bioweapons will somehow protect you from a pandemic. (read
(from a more neutral observer)
Supreme Court Refuses To Halt
Texas Fetal Heartbeat Law On Procedural Grounds
“it is unclear whether
the named defendants in this lawsuit can or will
seek to enforce the Texas law against the applicants
in a manner that might permit our intervention”
The Supreme Court just
issued one of the biggest non-abortion
abortion rulings in memory. It was a
non-abortion ruling because by 5-4, with Roberts
voting with the liberal block, the court found the
case not ripe for judicial intervention. But it’s related to abortion, so according to
the left, it’s the end of the world, and we’re
already in that movie with the women in red robes
and head coverings.
the law is not a ban on abortion, contrary to the
common terminology applied to it. The law
authorizes private rights of action by citizens
against abortion providers who perform abortions after
a heartbeat is detected or without trying to detect a
heartbeat. This threat of private
lawsuit reportedly has caused abortion providers to
stop rendering services. Structuring
the law this way apparently was a deliberate attempt
to avoid federal judicial scrutiny.
And that’s the
judicial rub. The government is not enforcing the law,
private citizens are. But none of
those private citizens have yet filed a suit under
the law, so there’s nothing for SCOTUS to decide
yet. The Court left open that there might be
other procedural ways to judicially challenge the law,
and made clear it was not ruling on
the merits.
Here’s the majority
opinion (emphasis added):
The application
for injunctive relief or, in the alternative, to
vacate stays of the district court proceedings
presented to JUSTICE ALITO and by him referred to
the Court is denied. To prevail in an application
for a stay or an injunction, an applicant must
carry the burden of making a “strong showing” that
it is “likely to succeed on the merits,” that it
will be “irreparably injured absent a stay,” that
the balance of the equities favors it, and that a
stay is consistent with the public interest. Nken v. Holder,
556 U. S. 418, 434 (2009); Roman Catholic
Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, 141 S. Ct.
63, 66 (2020) (citing Winter v. Natural Resources Defense
Council, Inc., 555 U. S. 7, 20 (2008)). The applicants
now before us have raised serious questions
regarding the constitutionality of the Texas law
at issue. But their application also presents
complex and novel antecedent procedural
questions on which they have not carried their
burden. For example, federal courts enjoy the
power to enjoin individuals tasked with enforcing
laws, not the laws themselves. California v. Texas,
593 U. S. ___, ___ (2021) (slip op., at 8). And it is unclear
whether the named defendants in this lawsuit can
or will seek to enforce the Texas law against
the applicants in a manner that might permit our
intervention. Clapper v. Amnesty
Int’l USA, 568 U. S. 398, 409 (2013)
(“threatened injury must be certainly impending”
(citation omitted)). The State has represented
that neither it nor its executive employees
possess the authority to enforce the Texas law
either directly or indirectly. Nor is it clear
whether, under existing precedent, this Court can
issue an injunction against state judges asked to
decide a lawsuit under Texas’s law. See Ex parte Young,
209 U. S. 123, 163 (1908). Finally, the sole
private-citizen respondent before us has filed an
affidavit stating that he has no present intention
to enforce the law. In light of such issues, we
cannot say the applicants have met their burden to
prevail in an injunction or stay application. In
reaching this conclusion, we stress that we do not
purport to resolve definitively any jurisdictional
or substantive claim in the applicants’ lawsuit.
In particular, this order is not based on any
conclusion about the constitutionality of
Texas’s law, and in no way limits other
procedurally proper challenges to the Texas law,
including in Texas state courts.
By mentioning
challenges in Texas state courts, SCOTUS invites
such lawsuits. Reportedly a Travis
County, Texas, judge already stayed the
law, but I’m not sure what the implications of
that are and if SCOTUS was aware of it, one would
think it would have been mentioned. That
would have been an easy way to dispose of the case.
Roberts, joined by
Breyer and Kagan, dissented, arguing the case was
important enough at least to issue a stay until it
could be fully argued and heard:
The statutory
scheme before the Court is not only unusual, but
unprecedented. The legislature has imposed a prohibition on
abortions after roughly six weeks, and then essentially delegated
enforcement of that prohibition to the populace at large. The
desired consequence appears to be to insulate the State
from responsibility for implementing and enforcing the
regulatory regime. The State defendants
argue that they cannot be restrained from
enforcing their rules because they do not enforce
them in the first place. I would grant preliminary
relief to preserve the status quo ante—before the
law went into
effect—so that the courts may consider whether a
state can
avoid responsibility for its laws in such a
manner. Defendants argue that existing doctrines
preclude judicial intervention, and they may be
correct. See California
v. Texas, 593 U.
S. ___, ___ (2021) (slip op., at 8). But the
con-sequences of approving the state action, both
in this particular case and as a model for action
in other areas, counsel at least preliminary
judicial consideration before the program devised
by the State takes effect.
Breyer, joined by
Sotomayor and Kagan, argued in dissent that the
procedural posture was irrelevant:
I recognize that
Texas’s law delegates the State’s power to prevent
abortions not to one person (such as a district
attorney) or to a few persons (such as a group of
government officials or private citizens) but to
any person. But I do not see why that fact should
make a critical legal difference. That delegation
still threatens to invade a constitutional right,
and the coming into effect of that delegation
still threatens imminent harm.
joined by Breyer and Kagan, wrote one of her
signature fiery and quotable dissents:
The Court’s order
is stunning. Presented with an application to
enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law
engineered to prohibit women from exercising their
constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny,
a majority of Justices have opted to bury their
heads in the sand. Last night, the Court silently
acquiesced in a State’s enactment of a law that
flouts nearly 50 years of federal precedents.
Today, the Court belatedly explains that it
declined to grant relief because of procedural
complexities of the State’s own invention. Ante, at 1. Because the Court’s failure to act
rewards tactics designed to avoid judicial
review and inflicts significant harm on the
applicants and on women seeking abortions in
Texas, I dissent.
more litigation. Probably today in the state and
lower courts. I would not be shocked if the
case came back to SCOTUS in a different procedural
posture and the court issued a stay at that time. (read
Supreme Court leaves Texas
abortion ban [law] in place
Nearly 24 hours after
a Texas law that bans nearly all abortions in the
state went into effect, the Supreme Court on Wednesday
confirmed what it had previously only implied through
its failure to act the night before: The court rejected
a request to block enforcement of the law, which
abortion providers say will bar at least 85% of
abortions in the state and will likely cause many
clinics to close, while a challenge to its
constitutionality is litigated in the lower courts. The vote was 5-4, with Chief Justice John
Roberts joining the court’s three liberal justices –
Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan – in
The case, Whole Woman’s Health
v. Jackson, had come to the court on an
emergency basis on Monday, with a group of abortion
providers asking the justices to intervene. It was the first major test on abortion
rights for the Roberts court since the death of
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September 2020, and
Ginsburg’s replacement by the conservative Justice
Amy Coney Barrett was likely decisive in the
The court’s inaction
on Tuesday night that allowed the Texas law to go into
effect and its brief order on Wednesday night denying
any relief to the abortion providers unquestionably
represented a victory for abortion foes, but the five-justice majority emphasized (and
Roberts in his dissent reiterated) that the court
was not endorsing the constitutionality of the law.
The ruling also revealed a court that is deeply
divided, not only on the merits of the case but also
on the procedures that the court uses to resolve these
kinds of emergency appeals.
The law, known as S.B. 8,
is one of several so-called “heartbeat bills” that
Republican legislatures have enacted around the
country as part of an effort to overturn Roe v. Wade
and Planned Parenthood v.
Casey, in which the Supreme Court held
that the Constitution protects the right to have an
abortion before a fetus can survive outside the womb.
That benchmark, known as viability, occurs around 24
weeks of pregnancy, but S.B. 8 prohibits abortions
after about six weeks of pregnancy – a time measured
from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual
period and before many [women] realize that they are
pregnant. To make it harder to
challenge the law in court, particularly before it
went into effect, the Texas law does not rely on
government officials to enforce the ban. Instead, it
deputizes private individuals to bring lawsuits
against anyone who either providers or “aids or
abets” an abortion, and it establishes an award of
$10,000 for a successful lawsuit.
abortion providers went to federal court in July,
seeking to block it before its Sept. 1 effective
date. They argued (among other things) that
the law violates their patients’ constitutional right
to end a pregnancy before viability. When the district
court denied the defendants’ motion to dismiss the
case on Aug. 25, things moved quickly. The defendants
went to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit,
which granted their request to put the remaining
district-court proceedings, including an Aug. 30
hearing on the abortion providers’ request for a
preliminary injunction, on hold. The court of appeals
also denied the abortion providers’ request to
fast-track the defendants’ appeal, prompting the
providers to seek
emergency relief in the Supreme Court on Monday
In a one-paragraph,
unsigned order issued just before midnight on
Wednesday, the court acknowledged that the providers
had “raised serious questions regarding the
constitutionality of the Texas law.” But that was
not enough to stop the law from going into effect,
the court explained, because of the way the law
operates. Specifically, the court observed,
it wasn’t clear whether the state officials – a judge
and court clerk – and the anti-abortion activist whom
the abortion providers had named as defendants “can or
will seek to enforce the Texas law” against the
providers in a way that would allow the court to get
involved in the dispute at this stage.
In his dissent,
which was joined by Breyer and Kagan, Roberts
described the Texas scheme as “unprecedented.” By deputizing private citizens to enforce
the law, Roberts stressed, the law “insulate[s] the
State from responsibility.” He wrote that because of
the novelty and significance of the question, he
would stop the law from going into effect to
preserve the status quo and allow courts to consider
“whether a state can avoid responsibility for its
laws in such a manner.”
wrote his own dissent, which was joined by Kagan
and Sotomayor, in which he acknowledged the procedural
challenges posed by the Texas law but expressed
skepticism as to “why that fact should make a critical
legal difference” when “the invasion of a
constitutional right” is at issue.
joined by Breyer and Kagan, described the court’s
order as “stunning.” “Presented with an
application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional
law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their
constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny,”
she wrote, “a majority of the Justices have opted to
bury their heads in the sand.”
Both Breyer and
Sotomayor also noted that, within the first day that
the Texas law was in effect, clinics in the state
began turning away most or all abortion patients.
dissent, joined by Breyer and Sotomayor, focused
largely on the process by which the court reached its
ruling on Wednesday night. She complained that,
“[w]ithout full briefing or argument, and after less
than 72 hours’ thought, this Court greenlights the
operation of Texas’s patently unconstitutional law
banning most abortions.” The result,
she concluded, “is emblematic of too much of this
Court’s shadow-docket decisionmaking — which every
day becomes more unreasoned, inconsistent, and
impossible to defend.”
Texas case will now return to the lower courts,
where litigation will continue. Meanwhile,
the justices have already agreed to weigh in on a
challenge to the constitutionality of a Mississippi
law that would ban most abortions after the 15th week
of pregnancy; they are likely to hear oral argument in
that case in December, with a decision to follow
sometime next year. In that case, Mississippi and its
supporters have urged the court to formally overturn Roe and Casey. (read
(illegitimate Biden regime wants to
accelerate Great Replacement
Biden’s New Plan to Destroy
American Sovereignty Using Fake Refugees
Just when it seems
things are getting better, Biden and open-borders
radical, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, are now plotting to
encourage a new and even much larger surge at the
border that would be a giant, diabolical step towards
totally disenfranchising current American citizens via
a wave of fake refugees, that is mostly economic
refugees. A great majority of them are people, who
would not qualify for asylum under the current asylum
process, but who would say and do anything to gain
access to the U.S. They will even greatly endanger
their own children in the process or indenture
themselves to a cartel to pay the high cost of
smuggling them from their homeland across the border.
He has proposed to
bypass Congress and change regulations so that those
coming across the border illegally, would be granted
asylum not by a court, as now is the process, but by
bureaucrats, many of whom will be sympathetic to the
radical cause of open borders. This regulation will be
challenged in the courts, but everyone should
be aware this is what they are doing. It is a gun held
to the head of American sovereignty and we just do not
know, yet, whether it will go off.
I first read about
this on Discover
the Networks, which referenced a Breitbart article.
Breitbart talks about the asylum fraudsters coming for
your jobs, but in the long run the purpose of bringing
them here is to destroy the sovereignty of the U.S.
and disenfranchise the American people, that is,
achieve Obama’s utopian, progressive “transformation”
of America into just another international community
in the global village that has no independent
sovereign rights.
It seemed incredible
to me, but I found this very recent DHS post date
August 22, 2021, which confirms the articles, albeit
in sanitized bureaucratic language to somewhat
camouflage the actual intent of the rules change.
This regulatory change
would allow bureaucrats to grant asylum as soon as the
illegal crosser has passed a low-bar “credible fear”
interview. The credible fear interview is just a first
attempt to determine whether the person has a real
fear of persecution, due to immutable characteristics
that he/she may have. It is based largely on the
“honor system” and for that reason is an invitation
for those, who want to manipulate the system, to lie.
People can be trained to say the right things to pass
the interview.
It would be the old
catch-and-release process on steroids. By the old
procedure, they would be released with a court date,
which most would skip or lose their case, thereby
living illegally in the U.S. and getting an automatic
deportation order. With the new system, they would be
released with asylum granted already by a bureaucrat
(not a judge) and permission to live in the U.S.
legally for the indefinite future with no pending
court case.
The credible-fear
interviewer is required, by law, to make an attempt to
verify the claims, but if they cannot be verified, the
statements must be accepted as “true” and the claimant
will be welcomed to indefinite legal residency in the
U.S. to await the next mass asylum. If it takes a few
years until their children become old enough to vote
for progressive “transformation”, that is not a
problem. It is a long-term plan. It has been in the
works for decades already. (read
See also: How
Obama/Biden DHS Aids & Abets Child Trafficking
By Cartels – Federal Court Opinion
Exclusive: In secret texts,
U.S. military officials lamented leaving Americans
behind in Kabul
"We are f*cking
abandoning American citizens," Army colonel wrote in
a frantic series of texts that detail how a group of
Americans were rejected at airport as rescue flight
President Biden
declared to a puzzled country on Tuesday that the U.S.
evacuation from Afghanistan was an "extraordinary
success," while his Pentagon portrayed a prosaic,
workaday process to repatriate Americans still
stranded in the war-torn country.
text messages between U.S. military commanders and
private citizens mounting last-minute rescues tell a
far different story, one in which pleading American
citizens were frantically left behind at the Kabul
airport gate this past weekend to face an uncertain
fate under Taliban rule while U.S. officials sought
to spread the blame between high-ranking generals
and the State Department
are f*cking abandoning American citizens," an Army
colonel assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division wrote
Sunday in frustration in a series of encrypted
messages that detailed the failed effort to
extricate a group of American citizens, hours before
the last U.S. soldiers departed Afghanistan.
text messages and emails were provided to Just the News
by Michael Yon, a former Special Forces soldier and
war correspondent who was among the private citizens
working with private networks and the military to
rescue stranded Americans.
told Just the
News that a group of Americans were
abandoned at the Kabul airport, pleading for help as
military officials told them they were finished with
had them out there waving their passport screaming,
'I'm American,'" Yon said Tuesday while
appearing on the John
Solomon Reports podcast.
heart-wrenching scenes unfolded this weekend as the
U.S. military prepared to exit the capital city on
Monday, leaving both the airport and most of the
country under Taliban control.
were turned away from the gate by our own Army,"
Yon said.
After the episode
ended and the Americans scattered to safehouses to
avoid being captured, Yon wrote a stinging email to an
Army major whose team had tried to coordinate the
rescue before abandoning it.
guys left American citizens at the gate of the Kabul
airport," Yon wrote Tuesday to the commander. "Three
empty jets paid for by volunteers were waiting for
them. You and I talked on the phone. I told you
where they were. Gave you their passport images. And
my email and phone number. And you left them
added: "Great job saving yourselves. Probably get a
lot of medals."
account, backed by three dozen text and email
exchanges with frontline Army officials in
Afghanistan, stands in sharp contrast to the claims
of the Biden White House that U.S. citizens would
not be left behind in Taliban-controlled
think it's irresponsible to say Americans are
stranded," White House press secretary Jen Psaki
said in an Aug. 23 press briefing. "They are not. We
are committed to bringing Americans who want to come
home, home." President Joe Biden earlier this
month underscored that position, saying that the
United States would evacuate every American who wanted
to leave the country.
With the American
military no longer in Kabul, the
Pentagon's chief spokesman, John Kirby, acknowledged
Tuesday that Americans in fact were left behind. He
described a calm, diplomatic scenario for bringing
those people home.
“Right now I think the
tools we have available to us and that we're going to
use as a U.S. government is going to be more in the
diplomatic, economic lanes, and we don't really see a
military role right now," Kirby told MSNBC when asked
if the U.S. military would rescue the stranded
officials declined to immediately comment on the
text messages Yon provided.
But Kirby on Tuesday
couched the repatriation efforts as similar to how the
U.S. would help, for example, a citizen who
inadvertently crossed the wrong border.
"It's not completely
unlike the way we do it elsewhere around the world,"
Kirby said. "We have Americans that get stranded in
countries all the time, and we do everything we can to
try to facilitate safe passage."
Sen. Ron Johnson
(R-Wisc.) the top Republican on the Senate permanent
subcommittee on investigations, first raised concerns
in a letter Monday to the Pentagon that Americans had
been knowingly and willingly abandoned. Reached late
Tuesday, Johnson told Just the News the text messages
confirmed his worst fears and raised questions about
whether the Biden administration has been misleading
the public.
not sure what planet President Biden and members of
his administration are on, but here on planet Earth,
his withdrawal from Afghanistan is an abysmal
failure," the senator said. "What
we've been hearing from people working the
evacuation is completely different from the
administration's rosy spin.
texts confirm my worst suspicions and should serve
as further justification to dramatically increase
the vetting process before granting refugees legal
status and rights."
Those involved in the
rescue efforts described a volatile, frightening
effort to get Americans into the airport and aboard
"I personally know and
was involved in an operation two nights ago," Yon told
Just the News.
In that mission, Yon and a tight cadre tried to
shepherd four American citizens — a woman and three
children — onto an evacuation flight. First, the group
had to get past Taliban checkpoints and through the
gate to the airport.
"We had Taliban take
them to the south gate," Yon said. "That's how they
got through the checkpoint."
at the gate, the family stood waving passports,
screaming that they are Americans. But, Yon said,
American forces would not come out to get them.
There commenced a
series of messages and phone calls from the helper
group trying to reach someone who would open the gate
for the family.
The helpers made
contact with an Army colonel who had knowledge of the
evacuation process. In a text exchange viewed by Just
the News, the colonel messaged Yon and others that
people were being turned away from the airport.
Using short hand for
American citizens, Yon wrote: "Any AMCITS?"
"Yes. All of them,"
the colonel responded. In a follow on text, he wrote:
"Yes, we are f*cking abandoning American citizens."
While the helper group
worked frantically to get the Americans through the
gate, members texted one another to say they had seen
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on CNN saying
that neither he nor U.S. Central Command chief Gen.
Kenneth McKenzie were told that Americans were
"Hey did they end up
just taking off?" one correspondent texted the helper
group. "Because the National Security Advisor just
told Tapper that neither he nor McKenzie had heard
anything about Americans being left at the gates."
The correspondent
noted that the private group heard differently from a
lieutenant colonel (O-5): "Given we had comms with an
O-5 on the ground, that means CENTCOM C3 is s--t, or
someone is lying."
Text messages viewed
by Just the News
showed the helper group describing their efforts — and
One man wrote how he
spoke to the American mother, and sent photos of her
family's passports to Americans inside the airport.
Americans recognize it's her and agree but I've been
told General Milley won't let them in," the
man texted.
The helper group
strategized on whether they should send money, how
much, and to whom. Ultimately, the family did not get
into the airport.
"We get them to the
gate, and the U.S. Army completely fails this saying,
'Oh, we can't do it, because the Department of the
State tells us we can't do it," Yon told Just the News.
Others have reported
similar situations at the airport.
"I have messages from
Americans outside Kabul [airport]'s gates who are now
stranded in Afghanistan," Rep.
Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) tweeted on Tuesday. "It's reprehensible that Pres. Biden's
left behind Americans along with Afghans who fought
along side us, but has no problem leaving our
Southern Border wide open to anyone who wants to
Waltz, a combat
veteran and a former Green Beret who served in
Afghanistan, has noted that private citizens have
rallied to save people the Biden Administration left
Democrats have offered
similar concerns about the Biden administration's
efforts, including Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, a former
Navy captain and NASA astronaut.
any American citizen behind is unacceptable, and I
will keep pushing this administration to do
everything in its power to get our people out,"
he declared Tuesday.
The private citizens
have met with successes and lost opportunities — such
as the effort to rescue the American mother and her
young children.
"The Taliban would
have let them in," Yon said. But no one on the
Americans side opened the gate.
"This is the kind of
insanity that we're down to," he said. (read
If Austin
thinks what just happened in Afghanistan was
“heroic” and “historic” then he is truly sick.
That was an absolute
disaster that should never have happened how it did!
You can’t rewrite
history by simply lying!
— Lauren Boebert
(@laurenboebert) September 1, 2021
See also:
Retired Generals And
Admirals Send Out Blistering Letter Calling For
Biden’s DoD Officials To Step Down
Flag Officers 4
America, a group of retired generals and admirals,
wrote an open letter calling for Joe Biden’s
Department of Defense officials to step down after the
result of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.
The letter
brings up the body count left behind by the Biden
team, including the 13 service members who died
retired Flag Officers signing this letter are
calling for the resignation and retirement of the
Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) based on
negligence in performing their duties primarily
involving events surrounding the disastrous
withdrawal from Afghanistan. The hasty retreat has
left initial estimates at ~15,000 Americans
stranded in dangerous areas controlled by a brutal
enemy along with ~25,000 Afghan citizens who
supported American forces.”
Part of the letter
points out the aspects of the failed withdrawal that
most Americans are angry with, including leaving
behind a huge depository of taxpayer-funded weapons.
consequences of this disaster are enormous and
will reverberate for decades beginning with the
safety of Americans and Afghans who are unable to
move safely to evacuation points; therefore, being
de facto hostages of the Taliban at this time. The
death and torture of Afghans have already begun
and will result in a human tragedy of major
proportions. The loss of billions of dollars in
advanced military equipment and supplies falling
into the hands of our enemies is catastrophic. The
damage to the reputation of the United States is
indescribable. We are now seen and will be seen
for many years, as an unreliable partner in any
multinational agreement or operation. Trust in the
United States is irreparably damaged.”
The letter concludes
with a warning about American enemies who might take
advantage of this moment, including China and Russia.
The letter also criticizes using training hours to
teach “wokeness” to new recruits.
now our adversaries are emboldened to move against
America due to the weakness displayed in
Afghanistan. China benefits the most followed by
Russia, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and others.
Terrorists around the world are emboldened and
able to pass freely into our country through our
open border with Mexico.”
In addition to
military matters, Flag Officers 4 America, also raises
the alarm on border security on
their website.
It states, “Open
borders jeopardize national security by increasing
human trafficking, drug cartels, terrorist entry,
health/CV19 dangers, and humanitarian crises. Illegals
are flooding our Country bringing high economic costs,
crime, lowering wages, and illegal voting in some
states. We must re-establish border controls and
continue building the wall while supporting our
dedicated border control personnel. Sovereign nations
must have controlled borders.” (read
See also: Group of 87 retired generals call on
Austin and Milley to resign following botched Afghan
To Those Who Served In Or Have
Been Impacted By The War In Afghanistan,
You Are Not Alone
This is a really hard
time for many who are inextricably connected to
America's longest war, but you don't have to face it
on your own.
These past few weeks
have not been easy to witness in regards to the events
in Afghanistan. As images and video of the Taliban sweeping
back into power and the chaos at
Hamid Karzai Internation Airport flooded the news, many
began wondering what was the point of nearly 20 years
of war and thousands
of U.S. and allied troops killed.
Before I became
social media director here at The War Zone, I, like many of you,
served. I deployed to southern Helmand Province,
Afghanistan, in 2011 as a Marine and have been
asking myself why did we expend so much blood and
treasure for this result and if my time and energy
spent there was all just a waste. It is impossible
to reconcile all of those lives lost and all those
broken minds and bodies while watching the very
people who killed and maimed us come back into power
so easily.
Many people are
hurting from these events, and no one group has a
monopoly on this pain. Active duty, reserves,
veterans, contractors, families or friends, an
entire community around this war is feeling the
effects of the last several weeks, months, and
years. But we do not need to “suffer in silence” and
we do not need to carry this pain alone.
Comparisons to the
fall of Saigon in 1975 are easy to make with the
countless similarities. One aspect of the fall of
Afghanistan and the fall of Saigon that could not be
more different is the social environment and the
mental health resources we have access to today. We
learned our lesson in how we treat the men and women
we ask so much of, and though we still have a ways
to go, we are leaps and bounds ahead of where we
were in 1975.
We want to share
with you all some of those mental health resources
in the hopes they can help in some way.
Maybe the best
resource is one that is completely free—each other.
Whether it is here in the comments section, or out
in the offline world, reach out to your friends and
family and check in on them. Connecting with an old
friend is incredibly powerful for both parties
Make that call or
send that text, you could save a life.
We understand that
there are many more resources than those we are
about to share, but these are what we are familiar
with, please share any more you have in the comments
Department of Veterans Affairs
The VA is a great
place to start for mental
health resources and support for both
veterans their families.
The Veterans
Crisis Line allows veterans, their families, and their
friends to call, chat online, or text. You can call
them at 1-800-273-8255 (this is also the National
Suicide Prevention Lifeline) and press 1, text at
838255, or chat online here. These services are
confidential, run 24 hours a day, and the VA does
perform follow-ups for those who connect via the
crisis line. If you or someone you know is in
crisis, this is a good place to start.
The War
Vet Call Center is another confidential
call center that runs 24/7 but is geared toward
combat veterans and their families. They can be
reached at 1-877-WAR-VETS (1-877-927-8387).
Women Veterans Call Center, as you have guessed,
caters to female veterans and the unique challenges
they face as well as their families, friends, and
caregivers. Call 1-855-VA-Women (1-855-829-6636)
from 8 a.m.-10 p.m. ET Monday through Friday and 8
a.m.-6:30 p.m Saturday. You can also chat
with them during those same hours.
Warriors is a program through the Defense Centers of
Excellence for Psychological Health And Traumatic
Brain Injury, or DCOE for short. They provide
information and resources about psychological
health, Posttraumatic Stress, and traumatic brain
injury. Call them at 1-866-966-1020 24/7 or chat
As we mentioned
above, veteran caregivers are impacted by all of
this as well, and the VA provides support for those
individuals as well. Caregiver
Support can be reached at 1-855-260-3274 from 8
a.m.-8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. You can also
find a local Caregiver Support Coordinator here.
If you are
active-duty or have been out for less than a year,
you can use Military
OneSource for support and resources in just about
everything that comes with active-duty life. They
also have mental health resources that you can
access outside of the traditional military
healthcare networks.
support is available 24/7, by phone, or via a live
chat function. Call them at 800-342-9647 or start a
chat with them here.
In addition to
that, Military OneSource provides confidential specialty
consultations in a variety of areas, including mental
health. Call the same number above to get that
These are some of
the government-funded resources we all have
available to us. There are some great groups and
charities that also work in this space.
Headstrong is a veteran-founded
organization that connects military members,
veterans, and their family members with confidential
treatment at a network of providers at no expense to
the individual regardless of when they served. To
get started, click here.
offers a variety of services including a virtual
program, a wellness
program, access to Crossfit,
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Judo, and retreats and other
programs with partner organizations such as Warfighter
Mission 22 also has
for families like their Mission
Troopers Equine Program that is geared toward
the children of veterans.
Give An Hour is an organization that
provides free mental health services to individuals
through a network of professionals who donate their
time. They have a network geared toward veterans
in particular as well.
These are just a
handful of organizations and resources that work to
tirelessly support veterans and their loved ones. We
encourage you to access them if there is any need at
all, you deserve it and so do the ones you love.
Above all else,
remember you are not alone. Not in the feelings you
may be having towards this situation and not in the
fight to get through this troubling time. (read
According to the
Associated Press:
service members killed in Afghanistan through April:
U.S. contractors:
Afghan national
military and police: 66,000.
Other allied service
members, including from other NATO member states:
Afghan civilians:
Taliban and other
opposition fighters: 51,191.
Aid workers: 444.
Journalists: 72.
(We covered this Delta
Deception 5 August 2021 in, How [Can
They Claim] the Delta Variant
Spreading If There is No Direct Delta
Variant Test? 2021-08-05
d. The Delta Deception bears
another look.)
PCR Tests Can’t Identify Delta Variant; It’s All Fiction
This is not a joke;
it’s real
Oooo. The Delta
Variant. It’s everywhere.
Watch out. It’s under
your rug. It’s in the clothes closet. It’s on your
And it’s The
Unvaccinated who are spreading it. Those devils.
We, who are pure, must be protected from the
unvaxxed Unclean.
Fauci, god of soccer
moms, rises every morning saying DELTA, goes on
television saying DELTA, and goes to sleep praying
Read this from the Texas
Department of State Health Services FAQ:
“How can I tell if I have the Delta variant? Do
labs report that to the state? That information
may not be readily available. The
[PCR] viral tests that are used to determine if
a person has COVID-19 are not designed to tell
you what variant is causing the infection.
Detecting the Delta variant, or other variants,
requires a special type of testing called
genomic sequencing. Due to the volume of
COVID-19 cases, sequencing is not performed on
all viral samples. However, because the
Delta variant now accounts for the majority of
COVID-19 cases in the United States, there is a
strong likelihood that a positive test result
indicates infection with the Delta variant.”
I can
assure you, the number of patients whose samples
are genetically sequenced is tiny,
contrasted against the number whose samples are
simply run through the standard PCR.
there is no way to know that the Delta variant
now accounts for the majority of COVID cases in
the US. And using the
standard PCR, there is no way to know ANY
specific patient has the Delta. It’s all fiction.
We have this from the
Lung Association: “Regular COVID-19 tests do
not detect which variant is involved in a
patient’s case—that information does not change
the approach to care or therapy. The
variant identification requires genomic
sequencing, a process separate from regular
virus tests and one that not all labs are able
to do or do not do on a routine basis for
patient care but are done more for public health
Let me break down how
this game works. To be
excessively generous, let’s say that 3 out of
every 1000 positive PCR tests in America are
sent to high-level labs, where genetic
sequencing is done.
A certain percentage
of THOSE sequencing tests come up positive for the
Delta Variant. Based on these results, MODELS are constructed.
we’re REALLY into fake science. The models estimate
what percentage of ALL positive PCR tests are
really positive for Delta.
I’m sorry to break
this newsflash, but modelers are
notorious charlatans. Their dense
calculations are as far from science as a Model-T
Ford is from a spaceship.
But based on models,
public health agencies—who desperately needed a
new con, because COVID case numbers were
declining—blasted through their media assets the
But it
gets even worse. Why? Because
you can bet the farm that the current model
pushing the omnipresence of the Delta Variant
was never challenged. It was never handed to
several groups of independent scientists who
went over it with a fine-toothed comb. That’s called verification. That’s
called the Scientific Method. You may have heard
of it.
most notorious modeler in the world, Neil
Ferguson, of the London Imperial College,
bankrolled by Bill Gates, made a
prediction early in 2020: by that summer, there
would 500,000 COVID deaths in the UK, and 2
million in the US.
It was this absurd
prediction, swallowed whole by Boris Johnson,
and swallowed whole by Donald Trump, on the
urging of Tony Fauci, that led to the original
mass lockdowns in US and the UK. And then other
nations followed suit.
As my long-time
readers know, all this is just the tip of a very
large iceberg. For the past year, I’ve been
proving the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist, the tests and case numbers are
meaningless, and the highly destructive vaccine
is unnecessary.
But I make frequent
forays into the fantasy world of official science,
to illustrate that, even within that lunatic
bubble, internal contradictions and outright lies
abound. (read
of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies and Demographic Data
for Texas
The Texas
Coronavirus Antibody REsponse Survey (Texas
CARES) measures the percentage of
participants who have antibodies to SARS-CoV-2
virus in their blood (this measurement is called
“seroprevalence”). All Texans 5-80 years of age
can participate in the survey. Participants
complete an informed consent, fill out a
questionnaire, and then receive a blood draw at 3
time points (each 3 months apart) to determine if
they have SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The data on this
page presents these results in real time (Note:
updated weekly). For permission to use this data
and analysis, please contact
TexasCares@uth.tmc.edu. [Editor's Note:
Of course we failed to ask for permission. The
gatekeepers at "TexasCares" can look up what
"fair use" means.]
[Editor's Note: This
study reveals there have been more than
twice the reported "cases" meaning that the
mortality rate is LESS THAN HALF OF WHAT IS
REPORTED. WuFlu is no worse than real flu. The
Feds have some serious ‘splainin’ to do.]
(Today in Texas, birthing persons are suddenly
unable to have an inconvenient fetus killed. LEFT
GOES BERSERK. Small victory for federalism?)
Texas Heartbeat Law
Goes Into Effect, Banning Most Abortions Since
SCOTUS Hasn’t Acted Yet
The pro-abortion
people have lost their minds because God forbid
Texas is trying to stop infanticide.
The Texas
heartbeat law went into effect on
Wednesday, September 1, at midnight.
The law
places the most restrictions on abortion
since the Supreme Court legalized abortion
[nationwide] in 1973.
The pro-abortion people wanted
SCOTUS to step in because the law could
stop 85% of the abortions in the state.
Many clinics will have to close.
SCOTUS received the challenge to the bill on
Monday, which “centered on the preliminary
question of what rules should apply in Texas
while abortion providers continue to
challenge the ban in lower courts.”
not answered.
The Law
legislation states basic biology: “pregnancy
begins with fertilization” and “occurs when
the woman is carrying the developing human
offspring.” The authors said pregnancy is
also determined by the date of a female’s
last period.
Also from
the bill:
legislature finds, according to
contemporary medical research, that:
(1) fetal heartbeat has become a key
medical predictor that an unborn child
will reach live birth;
(2) cardiac activity begins at a
biologically identifiable moment in time,
normally when the fetal heart is formed in
the gestational sac;
gestational sac is the “structure
compromising the extraembryonic membranes
that envelop the unborn child and that is
typically visible by ultrasound after the
fourth week of pregnancy.” It is not the
The law
forbids a physician from knowingly
performing or inducing “an abortion on a
pregnant woman.”
physician can perform or induce an abortion
if “the physician has determined, in
accordance with this section, whether the
woman’s unborn child has a detectable fetal
So the
abortion can only happen in a medical
emergency. Rape and incest do not count. The
person who impregnated the woman “through
rape or incest could not sue.”
The Texas
Heartbeat Act allows private citizens to
“bring a civil action against any person
performs or induces an abortion in
violation of this chapter;
(2) knowingly engages in conduct that aids
or abets the performance or inducement of
an abortion, including paying for or
reimbursing the costs of an abortion
through insurance or otherwise, if the
abortion is performed or induced in
violation of this chapter, regardless of
whether the person knew or should have
known that the abortion would be performed
or induced in violation of this chapter.
The person
cannot “have a connection to an abortion
provider or a person seeking an abortion.”
People Losing Their Minds
Those who
approve of infanticide are going nuts on
social media. The hyperbole is off the wall.
People who supposedly “believe the science”
about everything ignore basic biology.
[Editor's Note:
Molly Jong-Fast is the daughter of Erica
Mann Jong, author of, Fear of Flying.]
It is now
after midnight central time and there has been no
ruling from the Supreme Court on the Texas law that
bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. That
means the law has officially taken effect. An
emergency request to block the law remains pending
— SCOTUSblog
(@SCOTUSblog) September 1, 2021
The Supreme Court has not responded to our emergency
request to block Texas’ radical new 6-week abortion
ban, SB8. The law now takes effect.
Access to almost all
abortion has just been cut off for millions of
people. The impact will be immediate and
— ACLU (@ACLU) September 1, 2021
Biden on
Texas abortion ban: “This extreme Texas law
blatantly violates the constitutional right
established under Roe v. Wade and upheld as
precedent for nearly half a century.” pic.twitter.com/uaNhKHmZap
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) September 1, 2021
Extremely proud of @GovAbbott and the great people of
Texas for fighting to protect our most vulnerable –
children – and mothers from the predatory abortion
— Lila Rose
(@LilaGraceRose) September 1, 2021
If your stomach can take it, see
(Who could have foreseen that bankers and
financiers, along with administrators and
professionals, would flee from a Stone Age
theocracy? Anyone with an IQ higher than room
temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.)
Taliban wrestle with
Afghan economy in chaos, humanitarian crisis
- Prices soar,
currency plunges, shops close
- Taliban struggle
to keep banks, services, medical care
- Crowds line up
outside Kabul banks for scarce cash
- Thousands flee
to border crossings with Pakistan, Iran
Sept 1 (Reuters) -
Afghanistan's new Taliban rulers
struggled to keep the country functioning on
Wednesday after the final withdrawal of
U.S. forces, with foreign donors alarmed about an
impending humanitarian
Two weeks since the
sweep into Kabul brought a chaotic
end to 20 years of warfare, the Islamist
militants have yet to name a new government or
reveal how they intend to rule.
In an administrative
vacuum, prices have soared and
crowds have gathered at banks to withdraw cash.
Heavily armed fighters
have imposed control on the capital, but Taliban officials were grappling with
keeping hospitals and government machinery
running following the end of a huge
airlift of foreigners and Afghans who had helped
Western forces.
The new,
Taliban-appointed central bank head has sought
to reassure banks the group wants a
fully functioning financial system, but has so
far given little detail on how it will supply
funds for it, bankers familiar with the matter
Qatar's Al Jazeera
television reported that Qatari
technical experts had arrived at the Taliban's
request to discuss resuming operations at Kabul
airport, currently inoperable.
The foreign minister
of neighbouring Pakistan, which has close ties to
the Taliban, said he expected Afghanistan to have
a new "consensus government" within days.
In Washington, where
the end of America's longest war has sparked the biggest
crisis of President Joe Biden's administration, Undersecretary of
State Victoria Nuland said the United States is
looking at all possible
options and routes to continue to help
Americans and legal permanent residents leave
Washington would keep
having conversations with the Taliban that serve
U.S. interests, she told reporters, adding the
United States would look at how it could give aid
to Afghanistan without benefiting any government
that it forms.
People fearful of
life under Taliban rule rushed to the borders.
Panjshir province, members of local militias and
remnants of former military units were still
holding out under the leadership of Ahmad
Massoud. Senior Taliban leader Amir Khan
Motaqi called on them to put down weapons and
"The Islamic Emirate
of Afghanistan is home for all Afghans," he said
in a speech.
Taliban have declared an amnesty for all Afghans
who worked with foreign forces during the war
that started when they were ousted from power in
2001 over their refusal to hand over al Qaeda
leader Osama bin Laden after the [false flag]
Sept. 11 attacks.
leaders have called on Afghans to return home
and help rebuild. They
have promised to protect
human rights in an effort to
present a more moderate face than their first
government, which enforced a strict version of
sharia law, including banning women from education
and employment.
their more immediate concern is staving off
economic collapse. Afghanistan
desperately needs money, and the Taliban
are unlikely to get swift access to the roughly $10
billion in assets mostly held abroad by
the Afghan central bank.
The Taliban have
ordered banks to reopen, but strict weekly
limits on withdrawals have been imposed.
The acting central
bank governor, Haji Mohammad Idris, met members of
the Afghanistan Banks Association and other
financiers this week, said two bankers who
attended the meeting. The
militant group was working to find solutions for
liquidity and rising inflation, they
quoted Idris as saying.
"They were very
charming and asked banks what their concerns
were," said one of the bankers who requested
Long lines have
formed at banks, the currency is sinking,
inflation is rising and many offices and shops
remain shut.
"Everything is
expensive now, prices are going up every day,"
said Kabul resident Zelgai.
the capital, humanitarian organizations have
warned of impending catastrophe as severe
drought has hit farmers and forced thousands of
rural poor to seek shelter in the cities.
But foreign donors are unsure about whom to speak
Taliban officials have
said the problems will ease once a new government
is in place, and have urged other countries to
maintain economic relations.
outside Afghanistan said it would be difficult
to get the financial system running again
without the bank specialists who joined the
exodus. "I don't know
how they will manage it because all the
technical staff, including senior management,
has left the country," one banker said.
The European Union will need to
engage with the Talibanbut will not rush into
formally recognising them as the new rulers of
Afghanistan, a senior EU official said. (read
Biden Told Afghan President Ghani to ‘Project a
Different Picture’ of the ‘Spiraling Situation’
“I need not tell you
the perception around the world and in parts of
Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not
going well in terms of the fight against the
Taliban. And there is a need, whether it is true
or not, there is a need to project a different
Do you guys remember the left
exploding over former President Donald Trump
supposedly threatening
to withhold aid from Ukraine if the
government did not investigate then-candidate Joe
Biden’s son Hunter?
I wonder if they will
say anything about a phone call between
now-President Joe Biden and then-Afghan President
Ashraf Ghani.
received the transcript and audio of a 14-minute
phone call between Ghani and Biden on July 23.
Biden spent most of the time concentrating on “perception” of Afghanistan:
In much of the
call, Biden focused on what he called the Afghan
government’s “perception” problem. “I need not
tell you the perception around the world and in
parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things
are not going well in terms of the fight against
the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need,
whether it is true or not, there is a need to
project a different picture.”
Biden told Ghani
that if Afghanistan’s prominent political figures
were to give a press conference together, backing
a new military strategy, “that will change
perception, and that will change an awful lot I
The American
leader’s words indicated he didn’t anticipate the
massive insurrection and collapse to come 23 days
later. “We are going to continue to fight hard,
diplomatically, politically, economically, to make
sure your government not only survives, but is
sustained and grows,” said Biden.
even if it is not an accurate picture, Ghani
needed to project it. Um, okay.
Biden also promised Ghani aid if he “could
publicly project he had a plan to control the
spiraling situation in Afghanistan”:
“We will continue to
provide close air support, if we know what the
plan is,” Biden said. Days before the call, the
U.S. carried out air strikes to support Afghan
security forces, a move the Taliban said was in
violation of the Doha peace agreement.
The U.S. president
also advised Ghani to get buy-in from powerful
Afghans for a military strategy going forward,
and then to put a “warrior” in charge of the
effort, a reference to Defense Minister General
Bismillah Khan Mohammadi.
that “spiraling
situation,” Biden told Ghani he had “the best
military.” He reminded Ghani he had “300,000
well-armed forces versus 70-80,000 and they’re
clearly capable of fighting well.”
Ghani told Biden they “need to move with
speed.” He appeared somewhat more realistic than
Biden when it came to the Taliban:
Ghani told Biden he
believed there could be peace if he could
“rebalance the military solution.” But he added,
“We need to move with speed.”
“We are facing a
full-scale invasion, composed of Taliban, full
Pakistani planning and logistical support, and
at least 10-15,000 international terrorists,
predominantly Pakistanis thrown into this,”
Ghani said. Afghan government officials, and
U.S. experts, have consistently pointed to
Pakistani support for the Taliban as key to the
group’s resurgence.
Then Ghani promised
Biden the Afghani military would focus on major
cities in Afghanistan. Biden approved, even though
he admitted he is “not a military
Afghanistan was
promising a shift in its military strategy, to
start focusing on protecting “population
centers” – major cities – rather than fighting
to protect rural territories. Biden referred
approvingly of that strategy. He said that doing
so would help not just on the ground but in the
“perception” internationally that was required
to shore up world support for the Afghan
“I’m not a military
guy, so I’m not telling you what a plan should
precisely look like, you’re going to get not
only more help, but you’re going to get a
perception that is going to change …,” Biden
Ghani, for his part,
assured Biden that “your assurance of support
goes a very long way to enable us, to really
mobilize us in earnest.”
The Taliban started
taking over cities two weeks after the
phone call. The terrorist group took over Kabul
in one weekend.
Ghani fled
Afghanistan on August 15. (read
After more
Psaki word salad, @JacquiHeinrich returned to the
Biden/Ghani call: “Was the President in any way
pushing a false narrative in that call with the
Afghan president?
Psaki: “It’s pretty
clear…I’m not going to go into details of a private
conversation.” (4/4) pic.twitter.com/Y6YM6LvHVY
— Curtis Houck
(@CurtisHouck) September 1, 2021
supporters held a mock funeral with coffins covered
in US, UK, French, and NATO flags as troops left the
country in Afghanistan’s Khost pic.twitter.com/63mLJ5O1Rh
— TRT World (@trtworld)
September 1, 2021
.@DeptofDefense has ordered ALL
military working dogs to be left behind in #Afghanistan. They also said any
Americans left there are free to leave whenever they
want. WTFO?!?!@SecBlinken, @AmbRice46, @JoeBiden & all the top
generals should be arrested now! This is not
— Jonathan T Gilliam
(@JGilliam_SEAL) August 30, 2021
Our efforts of rescuing has expanded to 46 military
working & now we are coordinating with our
contacts & flights to get the dogs and rescue
people out of Kabul on same plane.
Thank you
for all your help! This is a mess! #Afghanistan https://t.co/3vaYMaMAyd pic.twitter.com/OAtPXANxb6
— Veteran Sheepdogs of
America (@VetSheepdogsUS) August 29, 2021
#CharlotteMaxwellJones and her service animals
were LEFT in #Kabul. The SERVICE dogs were
released on the tarmac. They were at the airport for
SIX DAYS beforehand! There was room on those planes.
I’m ashamed of you @POTUS @VP @SecDef #OperationHercules #NoAmerican https://t.co/4jqYyBQvpS
— Whitley Purnell
(@PurnellWhitley) August 30, 2021
Not a
great day for America’s service dogs that are still
in the airport pic.twitter.com/atVle05Y2F
— Gabrielle Gallardo
(GG) (@ryfxyz123) August 30, 2021
(Please remind me. Is it called the
Pentagon or the Pentagram?)
journalist Ali Latifi @alibomaye tells me he went to the
house where 10 family members including 6 children
were killed by a US drone strike and that,
tragically, they had been issued with special visas
and were about to leave the country #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/WF2SDRLyAZ
— Yalda Hakim
(@BBCYaldaHakim) August 30, 2021
prayers of 10 #Afghan civilians killed
yesterday in #US drone strike in #Kabul. The missile targeted a
car full of civilians near #KabulAiport. The youngest victim
was a 2-year-old child. 💔
This is America’s #WarOnTerror!#Afganistan #USA #Kabul_Airport #Taliban #Hrw pic.twitter.com/r4Cge6AX87
— Atik Liman
(@atikul_liman) August 30, 2021
(Please remind me. Is it called the Pentagon or
the Pentagram?)
👀 Kirby
says it’s okay that we left U.S. military assets and
weapons behind for the Taliban because they don’t
“pose a threat to the United States or pose a threat
to neighboring nations.” #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/O9fnaQTnSd
— John Cooper
(@thejcoop) August 31, 2021
prevaricating Pentagon spokesman:
they don’t “pose a threat to the United States
or pose a threat to neighboring nations”
Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP’s
-75,989 Total Vehicles:
FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans,
Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc
-45 UH-60 Blachhawk
-50 MD530G Scout
Attack Choppers
-ScanEagle Military
-30 Military Version
-4 C-130’s
-29 Brazilian made
A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
208+ Aircraft Total
-At least 600,000+
Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50
Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini
Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
-61,000 M203 Rounds
-20,040 Grenades
-Mortars +1,000’s of
-162,000 pieces of
Encrypted Military Comunications Gear
-16,000+ Night Vision
-Newest Technology
Night Vision Scopes
-Thermal Scopes and
Thermal Mono Googles
-10,000 2.75 inch Air
to Ground Rockets
Equipment (ISR)
-Laser Aiming Units
-Explosives Ordnance
C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite,
Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
-2,520 Bombs
Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
-Pallets with Millions
of Dollars in US Currency
-Millions of Rounds of
Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600
rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of .50 caliber
-Large Stockpile of
Plate Carriers and Body Armor
-US Military HIIDE, for
Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment
(Please remind me. Is it called the Pentagon or the
Per former Deputy Assistant SecDef Roger
Pardo-Maurer, the DoD had foreknowledge of the Kabul
bomber AND denied permission to fire to the Predator
drone that had a lock on the bomber. pic.twitter.com/ZDh27drdwu
— Jorge Bonilla
(@BonillaJL) August 31, 2021
Stone Age Taliban
Apparently Execute War Criminal
Fundamentalists Discourage Afghan Women From
Becoming Pilots
Whichever headline you selected, this was still a
barbaric act by insecure and ignorant men.
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News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are
not in Langley, Virginia.
- You won't catch
us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.
- Close the windows so you don't hear the
mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell
is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of
our society.
- The truth
usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no
heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison,
and incessantly.
- The loudest
partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media
exaggerate their size and influence.