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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2021- 2021-09-09 f DOOM VI (The Ice Age Cometh) The Arctic Ocean gained a record amount of sea ice during the first week of September. Most years the Arctic loses ice, but this year ice extent has increased almost 200,000 km. sq. This will not be reported by @CNN @BBCNews or the @nytimes https://t.co/jxEZ5RU80N pic.twitter.com/sAW9BwmvUF — Tony Heller (@Tony__Heller) September 8, 2021 *Arctic sea ice melt this summer was the lowest in fifteen years and Antarctic sea ice extent is well above average. Yet the fraudsters at @NASA and @NOAA continue to claim this summer was the hottest on record.https://t.co/6jQ1RUlQBN pic.twitter.com/md6QPBo23l — Tony Heller (@Tony__Heller) September 8, 2021 *Arctic sea ice extent is the highest in nine years and has increased more than 30% since last year. This will not be reported by @CNN @BBCNews or the @nytimes https://t.co/6jQ1RUlQBN pic.twitter.com/Mu3OZsmslD — Tony Heller (@Tony__Heller) September 8, 2021 *This summer was one of the least hot
on record in the US, yet @NOAA
— Tony Heller (@Tony__Heller) September 9, 2021 2021-09-09 e DOOM V (New World Order of Totalitarianism) ‘New World Order’ Trends
On Twitter After Australian COVID Czar Describes
Contract Tracing ‘In The New World Order’
The push towards global government is not sitting well with Twitter users. After the Australian COVID Czar Dr. Kerry Chant answered a journalist’s question about whether contact-tracing would be put back in place once the country reopens, Chant responded with “We will be looking at what contract-tracing looks like in the New World Order – yes it will be pubs and clubs, and other things, if we have a positive case there [but] our response may be different if we know people are fully vaccinated.” The response has resulted in the trending of the term “New World Order” on Twitter. [...] While the term is currently trending on Twitter, users are not taking Chant’s words lightly. However, Twitter included a note under the trend that states “unfounded claims about the ‘New World Order’ conspiracy theory are shared after an Australian government official used the expression during a press conference on Thursday.” Nothing says "the new
world order is a conspiracy theory" quite like the
world's most powerful corporation's burying search
results for the "new world order" speech beneath a
disclaimer saying there's no such thing as a "new
world order." pic.twitter.com/lyP7X8xyqU
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) September 9, 2021 (read more)* From the Book New World Order by Ralph
Epperson, written in 1989
Very interesting — Sarah Dahlgren (@SarahDahlgren3) September 7, 2021 2021-09-09 d DOOM IV (Centers for Disinformation and Confusion (CDC) changes definition of "vaccine.") CDC Quietly Changes Definition
Of ‘Vaccine’ As COVID-19 Continues To Infect
Vaccinated People
The Center for Disease Control has a new definition of "vaccine" on their website as COVID-19 continues to infect the vaccinated. The CDC recently changed the definition of “vaccine” on their website amid a growing outbreak of “breakthrough” coronavirus infections among vaccinated people; infections that have prompted many businesses and governmental bodies to reinstitute mask mandates, social distancing, and other COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. On August 26, 2021, the definition of “vaccine” on the CDC website was “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” The definition of “vaccination” at that time was “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” As of yesterday, the new definition of “vaccine” on the CDC website is “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” The definition of “vaccination” describes “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.” (read more) 2021-09-09 c DOOM III (The Alzheimer in Chief has lost legitimacy. I expect the Deep State to lash out with a false flag attack to distract from the Arizona forensic audit results to be released. They know we know but they will do it anyway. They need "White Supremacist" and "MAGA" scapegoats. It will backfire on them.) At the end of the day, you can only prop up a fraud so much. Joe Biden has been propped up by the Fake News, Big Tech, and Fake suppression polls, but you can’t fool the American people! And we all know he didn’t get 81 million votes! pic.twitter.com/4zKlinIGNg — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) September 8, 2021 *HUGE findings out of
Arizona today! Grassroots canvass identifies
299,493 lost, ghost, and inaccurate votes --
Major Fraud! 34.23% of people canvassed said
they voted despite Maricopa County saying they
didn't "Where did these votes go?"
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) September 8, 2021 "We got 'em by surprise in
2016, and they said, 'We're never going to let
that happen again,' and they cheated. "And
let's see whether or not they do get away,
because I don't think they will get away with
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) September 7, 2021 President Trump hints at
justice for the 2020 election: "I don't think
they will get away with it"
— RSBN (@RSBNetwork) September 7, 2021 🚨 NEW NATIONAL TREND 🚨 This weekend tens of thousands of people chanted “FU*K JOE BIDEN” at dozens of events across the country. Joe Biden has become synonymous with “The Establishment” that destroys all joy in life. It is punk rock to fight against Joe. This is a good trend pic.twitter.com/nQneU5KDpZ — Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 7, 2021 *‘There’s no good news’:
Biden’s rough summer puts Dems on high alert
politi.co/3nabjI3 via @politico
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 8, 2021 NEW: When
Biden gives public remarks, some White House
staffers will either mute him or turn off his
remarks. — Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) September 7, 2021 * Biden Builds Taliban Back
Better: US Equipment Fuels Resurgent Islamists
breitbart.com/politics/2021/ via @BreitbartNews
— Kristina Wong (@kristina_wong) September 8, 2021 2021-09-09 b DOOM II (Arizona Canvassing Results Released - Democrats and their accomplices are doomed.) WE MUST AUDIT AND CANVASS EVERYWHERE. This fraud has been going on a lot longer than 2020. — Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021 *I am calling it. Between the preliminary audit results and the private canvass, I call on Arizona to decertify the election of 2020 and recall the electors. There is already enough evidence to show clear and convincing fraud. We have a duty to act. — Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021 *Not only do we need a forensic audit of every county in Arizona, we need an official canvass of the election and of the voter rolls in every county in Arizona. If the DOJ wants to obstruct, they can pound sand. — Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021 *Ghost votes, fantom votes 96,00+ from "mail-in" votes extrapolated from Maricopa #'s. 1 Voter reports got a mail-in ballot every elec since '12. Ballots returned but counted? How did that get into the system? Data shows while she kept the ballot, it was counted. Where is DOJ? — Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021 *YOU WERE RIGHT! @RudyGiuliani @JennaEllisEsq So glad we gave you the chance to reveal the corruption on Nov 30, '20 in PHX. We must send a signal to the People of Arizona that we have the courage to decertify an election that is rife with fraud and reclaim the 2020 Electors. — Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021 *We need FORENSIC AUDITS, CANVASSES, ARRESTS, and LEGISLATION. Gotta have all four to preserve our elections or we don't have a country. — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *Steve Bannon is right – they are so petrified of a canvass. There MUST be a canvass. — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *I want forensic audits because the
people in power don't want them. I want
canvassing because the people in power don't
want them.
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 1) Votes Lost of Stolen – not recorded at county level – 173,104 – suggests a large swap-out, discarding, or over-scrutinization of votes, perhaps why it took 10 days to finalize election in Arizona? Similar findings from Matt Braynard's studies in AZ. (2/5) — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *2) Ghost (Phantom) votes -
non-existent voters with votes recorded - 96,389
- 1 out of 20 interviewed identified at least
one phantom voter registered to their address.
3) Voting method does not match official record
- Est. 30,000 (3/5)
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 Examples: 4) Liz proposes legislative action 5) 173,104 voted but not record + 96,389 ghost + 30,000 method (4/5) — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *299,493 IMPACTED VOTES = 1/7th of the 2.089mm total, and this is the low-end estimate. CONCLUSION: ELECTION IN MARICOPA MUST BE DECERTIFIED (5/5) — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *Do we need any more evidence to finally recall the electors and decertify the election? Preliminary audit results & a private canvass. More evidence is coming but I already have seen enough. History will judge us well when we finally get 2020 right. #Decertify — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *The DOJ doesn’t want a canvass because it proves the fraud decisively. — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *"Several hundred thousand votes in Arizona that don't really belong" – @SKeshel — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 *Patriots can do their own canvasses now. #CanvassAll50States — Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021 2021-09-09 a DOOM I (Prophetic words from a CIA asset.) "I tell you, freedom and
human rights in America are doomed. The U.S.
government will lead the American people in — and
the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a
choking life."
— Osama bin Laden, October 2001 2021-09-08 a Rosh Hashanah ![]() On Rosh Hashanah
it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed.
How many will pass and how many will be created? Who will live and who will die? teshuvah ... tefillah ... tzedakah repentance ... prayer ... righteous acts 2021-09-07 f 9/11 = Israel + CIA + US Military Clueless Super-Pilot
*Jetliner Aerobatics by Flight School Dropout Who Never Flew a Jet None of the hijackers were good pilots. None had ever flown jets, let alone large commercial jetliners. Hani Hanjour, the person accused of flying Flight 77 into the Pentagon, was failing his courses at the Arizona flight school. According to an employee, "He didn't care about the fact that he couldn't get through the course." Rick Garza, a flight instructor at Sorbi's Flying Club, had this to say about the two alleged hijackers originally thought to have piloted Flight 77, Khalid al-Mihdar and Nawaq al-Hamzi: "It was like Dumb and Dumber, I mean, they were clueless. It was clear they were never going to make it as pilots." In the second week of August 2001, Hanjour had attempted to rent a small plane from an airport in Bowie, MD. Flight instructors Sheri Baxter and Ben Conner declined his request, after taking Hanjour on three test runs, noting he had trouble controlling and landing the Cessna 172. Though Hanjour had attended a flight school in Scottsdale, AZ, for four months in 1996 and 1997, he never completed the coursework for a single-engine aircraft license. It is doubtful that
the best trained fighter pilots could have executed
the maneuver that supposedly crashed a 757 into the
Pentagon.It required making a
tight 320-degree turn while descending seven
thousand feet, then leveling out so as to fly low
enough over the highway just west of the Pentagon
to knock down lamp posts. After crossing the
highway the pilot had to take the plane to within
inches of the ground so as to crash into the
Pentagon at the first-floor level and at such a
shallow angle that [the Navy cruise missile]
engine penetrated three rings of the building,
while managing to avoid touching the lawn. And he
had to do all of this while flying over 400 mph. Quite a feat for a
flight school flunky who had never sat in the
cockpit of a jet! (read
more) The impact hole in the
outer ring of the Pentagon (alleged from American
Airlines flight 77) was about 16-18 feet wide.
eIf anyone can explain how two 12,000 lb jet engines, 45 feet apart on either side of the jet, can squeeze into an 18 foot hole without leaving a mark on the wall on either side of the hole, I ‘d love to hear it. ![]() Pentagon. 11
September 2001
Do you see passenger airplane debris? Where are the wing parts and jet engines? I see a discrete, missile-sized hole behind the car. But what do I know? 9/11 = Israel + CIA + US Military 9/11 Was an Israeli
dHow America was neoconned into World War IV Technical impossibilitiesThanks to courageous investigators, many anomalies in the official explanation of the events of 9/11 were posted on the Internet in the following months, providing evidence that this was a false flag operation, and that Osama bin Laden was innocent, as he repeatedly declared in the Afghan and Pakistani press and on Al Jazeera.[1] Philippe Broussard, “En dépit des déclarations américaines, les indices menant à Ben Laden restent minces,” Le Monde, September 25, 2001. The proofs of this appalling fraud have been accumulating ever since, and are now accessible to anyone willing to spend a few hours of research on the Web. (Although, while preparing this article, I noticed that Google is now making access to that research more difficult than it was five years ago, artificially prioritizing anti-conspiracy sites.) For example, members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have demonstrated that it was impossible for plane crashes and jet fuel fires to trigger the collapse of the Twin Towers. Even Donald Trump understood this. In fact, speaking of “collapse” is perhaps misleading: the towers literally exploded, pulverizing concrete and projecting pieces of steel beams weighing several hundred tons hundreds of meters laterally at high speeds. The pyroclastic dust that immediately flooded through the streets, not unlike the dust from a volcano, indicates a high temperature mixture of hot gasses and relatively dense solid particles, an impossible phenomenon in a simple collapse. It is also impossible that WTC7, another skyscraper (47 stories), which had not been hit by a plane, collapsed into its own footprint at near free-fall speed, unless by “controlled demolition.” Testimonies of firefighters recorded shortly after the events describe sequences of explosions just before the “collapse”, well below the plane impact. The presence of molten metal in the wreckage up to three weeks after the attack is inexplicable except by the presence of incompletely burned explosives. Firefighter Philip Ruvolo testified before Étienne Sauret’s camera for his film Collateral Damages (2011): “You’d get down below and you’d see molten steel—molten steel running down the channelways, like you were in a foundry—like lava.” Aviation professionals have also reported impossibilities in the behavior of the planes. The charted speeds of the two aircraft hitting the Twin Towers, 443 mph and 542 mph, exclude these aircraft being Boeing 767s, because these speeds are virtually impossible near ground level. In the unlikely event such speeds could be attained without the aircraft falling apart, flying them accurately into the towers was mission impossible, especially by the amateur pilots blamed for the hijacking. Hosni Mubarak, a former pilot, said he could never do it. (He is not the only head of state to have voiced his doubts: Chavez and Ahmadinejad are among them.) Recall that neither of the black boxes of the jetliners was ever found, an incomprehensible situation. And of course, there are the obvious anomalies of Shanksville and Pentagon crash sites: no plane or credible plane debris can be seen on any of the numerous photos easily available. Inside Job or Mossad Job?Among the growing number of Americans who disbelieve the official version of the 9/11 attacks, two basic theories are in competition: I called them “inside job” and “Mossad job”. The first one is the dominant thesis within the so-called 9/11 Truth movement, and blames the American government, or a faction within the American Deep State. The second one claims that the masterminds were members of a powerful Israeli network deeply infiltrated in all spheres of power within the US, including media, government, military and secret services. This “Mossad job” thesis has been gaining ground since Alan Sabrosky, a professor at the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Military Academy, published in July 2012 an article entitled “Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake”, where he voiced his conviction that September 11th was “a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation.” We can notice from the outset that incriminating Israelis or Arabs are both “outside job” theories (in fact, they are mirror images of each other, which is understandable in light of what Gilad Atzmon explains about Jewish “projected guilt”).[2]Gilad Atzmon, Being in Time: a Post-Political Manifesto, Interlink Publishing, 2017 , p. 142. Before even looking at the evidence, “outside job” sounds more credible that “inside job”. There is something monstrous in the idea that a government can deceive and terrorize its own citizens by killing thousands of them, just for starting a series of wars that are not even in the nation’s interest. By comparison, a foreign power attacking the U.S. under the false flag of a third power almost seems like fair play. Indeed suspicion of Israel’s role should be natural to anyone aware of the reputation of the Mossad as: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act,” in the words of a report of the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies quoted by the Washington Times, September 10th, 2001 — the day before the attacks. This is an important point, because it raises the question of how and why the 9/11 Truth movement has been led to endorse massively the outrageous “inside job” thesis without even considering the more likely thesis of an attack by a foreign power acting under an Islamic false flag—and what foreign power but Israel would do that? Of
course, the two dissenting theses do not
necessarily exclude each other; at least, no one
incriminating Israel denies that corrupted
elements from the American administration or deep
state were involved. The “passionate
attachment” between Israel and the U.S. has
been going on for decades, and 9/11 is one of its
monstruous offspring. I can think of no better symbol of that reality than the marriage of Ted and Barbara Olson. Ted Oslon, after having defended Bush in the disputed 2000 election, had been rewarded with the post of Solicitor General (he also defended Dick Cheney when he refused to submit to Congress Enron-related documents). Barbara was a famous CNN reporter, but before that, she was born Barbara Kay Bracher of Jewish parents, educated at Yeshiva University School of Law, and hired by the legal firm WilmerHale, of which Jamie Gorelick, a future member of the 9/11 Commission, was also a member, and whose clients include powerful Israeli firms like Amdocs, a digital communication company charged with spying for Israel in the United States. On September 11, 2001, Barbara Olson alledgedly was on flight AA77, from which she made two telephone calls to her husband. Her calls were reported on CNN in the afternoon, and contributed to crystallize some details of the official story, such as the “box cutters” used as only weapons by the hijackers. Repeatedly invited on television shows after 9/11, Ted Olson frequently contradicted himself when questioned about the calls from his wife. In a 2006 report, the FBI identified only one call from Barbara Olson, and it was an unconnected call lasting 0 seconds. Like all other reported phone calls from desperate passengers (including the famous “Hi, Mom. This is Mark Bingham”), Barbara’s call was simply impossible, because the technology required to make high-altitude phone calls was not developed until 2004.[3]David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Contradictions, Arris Books, 2008, pp. 170-182; Webster Griffin Tarpley, 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA, Progressive Press, 2008, pp. 321-324. 9/11 was made possible by an alliance between secret worshippers of Israel and corrupted American elements. The question is: who, of the two, were the masterminds of this incredibly daring and complex operation, and for what “higher purpose”? Another question is: why do those who keep repeating as a mantra “9/11 was an inside job” ignore totally the compelling evidence pointing to Israel? In other words, to what extent do they constitute a “controlled opposition” intended to cover up for Israel? Asking this type of question does not mean suspecting anyone who defends an erroneous or incomplete theory of being a hypocrite. Most people defending one theory or the other do so sincerely, based on the information to which they have access. I have myself been a believer in the official theory for 7 years, and in the “inside job” theory for 2 years, before progressively moving on to the present argument from 2010. On the other hand, we can assume that those who lead the public into error on a long term are not just mistaken but lying. In any case, it is legitimate to investigate the background of opinion makers, and when they are caught lying or distorting the truth, we can speculate on their motivation. I will come back to this issue at the end of the article. The dancing IsraelisResearchers who believe Israel orchestrated 9/11 cite the behavior of a group of individuals who have come to be known as the “dancing Israelis” since their arrest, though their aim was to pass as “dancing Arabs.” Dressed in ostensibly “Middle Eastern” attire, they were seen by various witnesses standing on the roof of a van parked in Jersey City, cheering and taking photos of each other with the WTC in the background, at the very moment the first plane hit the North Tower. The suspects then moved their van to another parking spot in Jersey City, where other witnesses saw them deliver the same ostentatious celebrations. One anonymous call to the police in Jersey City, reported the same day by NBC News, mentioned “a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there. They look like Palestinians and going around a building. […] I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniforms. […] He’s dressed like an Arab.” The police soon issued the following BOLO alert (be-on-the-look-out) for a “Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with ‘Urban Moving Systems’ sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion.” By
chance, the van was intercepted around 4 pm, with
five young men inside: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg,
Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner, and Omer Marmari.
Before any question was asked, the driver, Sivan
Kurzberg, burst out: “We are Israelis. We are not
your problem. Your problems are our problems. The
Palestinians are your problem”.The Kurzberg
brothers were formally identified as Mossad
agents. All five officially worked for a moving
company (a classic cover for espionage) named
Urban Moving Systems, whose owner, Dominik Otto
Suter, fled the country for Tel Aviv on September
14.[4]Christopher Bollyn, Solving
9-11: The Deception That Changed the World,
C. Bollyn, 2012, pp. 278–280. This event was first reported the day after the attacks by journalist Paulo Lima in the New Jersey newspaper The Bergen Record, based on “sources close to the investigation” who were convinced of the suspects’ foreknowledge of the morning’s attacks: “It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park”.The 579-page FBI report on the investigation that followed (partially declassified in 2005) reveals several important facts. First, once developed, the photos taken by the suspects while watching the North Tower on fire confirm their attitudes of celebration: “They smiled, they hugged each other and they appeared to ‘high five’ one another”. To explain their contentment, the suspects said they were simply happy that, thanks to these terrorist attacks, “the United States will take steps to stop terrorism in the world”. Yet at this point, before the second tower was hit, most Americans believed the crash was an accident. The five Israelis were found connected to another company called Classic International Movers, which employed five other Israelis arrested for their contacts with the nineteen presumed suicide hijackers. In addition, one of the five suspects had called “an individual in South America with authentic ties to Islamic militants in the middle east”. Finally, the FBI report states that the “The vehicle was also searched by a trained bomb-sniffing dog which yielded a positive result for the presence of explosive traces”. After
all this incriminating evidence comes the most
puzzling passage of the report: its conclusion
that “the FBI no longer has any investigative
interests in the detainees and they should proceed
with the appropriate immigration proceedings”. In
fact, a letter addressed to the U.S. Immigration
and Naturalization Service, dated September 25,
2001, proves that, less than two weeks after the
events, the FBI federal headquarter had already
decided to close the investigation, asking that
“The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
should proceed with the appropriate immigration
proceedings”. The five “dancing Israelis”, also
known as “the high fivers”, were detained
71 days in a Brooklyn prison, where they first
refused, then failed, lie detector tests. Finally,
they were quietly returned to Israel under the
minimal charge of “visa violation.” Three of them
were then invited on an Israeli TV talk show in
November 2001, where one of them ingenuously
declared: “Our
purpose was simply to document the event." (read more) 9/11 = Israel + CIA + US Military American Pravda: 9/11
Conspiracy Theories
c[...] Moreover, around that same time I’d stumbled across an astonishing detail of the 9/11 attacks that demonstrated the remarkable depths of my own ignorance. In a Counterpunch article, I’d discovered that immediately following the attacks, the supposed terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden had publicly denied any involvement, even declaring that no good Muslim would have committed such deeds. Once I checked around a little and fully confirmed that fact, I was flabbergasted. 9/11 was not only the most successful terrorist attack in the history of the world, but may have been greater in its physical magnitude than all past terrorist operations combined. The entire purpose of terrorism is to allow a small organization to show the world that it can inflict serious losses upon a powerful state, and I had never previously heard of any terrorist leader denying his role in a successful operation, let alone the greatest in history. Something seemed extremely wrong in the media-generated narrative that I had previously accepted. I began to wonder if I had been as deluded as the tens of millions of Americans in 2003 and 2004 who naively believed that Saddam had been the mastermind behind the September 11th attacks. We live in a world of illusions generated by our media, and I suddenly felt that I had noticed a tear in the paper-mache mountains displayed in the background of a Hollywood sound-stage. If Osama was probably not the author of 9/11, what other huge falsehoods had I blindly accepted? A
couple of years later, I came across a very
interesting column by Eric Margolis, a prominent
Canadian foreign policy journalist purged from the
broadcast media for his strong opposition to the
Iraq War. He had long published a weekly column in
the Toronto Sun and when that tenure
ended, he used his closing appearance to run a
double-length piece expressing his
very strong doubts about the official 9/11 story,
even noting that the former director of Pakistani
Intelligence insisted that Israel had been behind
the attacks. In addition, an old friend of mine with strong connections to elite French circles at some point shared what he regarded as an amusing anecdote. He mentioned that at a private dinner party in Paris attended by influential political and media figures, France’s former Defense Minister had told the other disbelieving guests that the Pentagon had been struck by a missile rather than a civilian jetliner. My friend explained that the minister in question was widely regarded as extremely intelligent and level-headed, thereby proving that even the most highly reputable individuals might sometimes believe in utterly crazy things. But I interpreted those same facts very differently. France probably possessed one of the four or five best intelligence services in the world, and surely a French Defense Minister would be privy to better information about true events than a typical media pundit. In fact, one of the earliest books sharply questioning the official 9/11 narrative was 9/11: The Big Lie by French journalist Thierry Meyssan, which appeared in 2002. This book had similarly argued that the Pentagon had been struck by a missile, perhaps suggesting that it may have been partly influenced by leaks coming from French Intelligence. I later shared that account of the French minister’s private opinions with a very well-connected American individual situated in our elite Establishment with whom I’d become a little friendly. His reaction made it clear that he held the same highly unorthodox views about the 9/11 attacks, although he had never publicly voiced them lest he risk losing his elite Establishment membership card. I eventually discovered that in 2003 former German Cabinet Minister Andreas von Bülow had published a best-selling book strongly suggesting that the CIA rather than Bin Laden was behind the attacks, while in 2007 former Italian President Francesco Cossiga had similarly argued that the CIA and the Israeli Mossad had been responsible, claiming that fact was well known among Western intelligence agencies. Over
the years, all these discordant claims had
gradually raised my suspicions about the official
9/11 story to rather strong levels, but it was
only very recently that I finally found the time
to begin to seriously investigate the subject and
read eight or ten of the main 9/11 Truther books,
mostly those by Prof. David Ray Griffin, the
widely acknowledged leader in that field. And his
books, together with the writings of his numerous
colleagues and allies, revealed all sorts of very
telling details, most of which had previously been
unknown to me. I was also greatly impressed by the
sheer number of seemingly reputable individuals of
no apparent ideological bent who had become
adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement over the
years. I
naturally attempted to locate contrary books
supporting the official 9/11 story, but the only
one widely discussed was a rather short volume
published by Popular Mechanics magazine,
whose lead researcher turned out to be the cousin
of Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff. None
of the writers appeared to have any serious
academic credentials, and they seemed to generally
ignore or deflect some of the strongest pieces of
evidence provided by the numerous scholars and
experts involved in the 9/11 Truth movement. So I
hardly found their rebuttal persuasive, and I
half-wondered whether Homeland Security had
quietly arranged the publication, which might help
explain the extremely odd nepotistic coincidence.
Popular magazines simply do not carry the
scientific weight of research professors at major
universities. Perhaps the holes in the official
9/11 narrative were so numerous and large that no
serious scholar could be enlisted to defend it. When utterly astonishing claims of an extremely controversial nature are made over a period of many years by numerous seemingly reputable academics and other experts, and they are entirely ignored or suppressed but never effectively rebutted, reasonable conclusions seem to point in an obvious direction. Based on my very recent readings in this topic, the total number of huge flaws in the official 9/11 story has now grown extremely long, probably numbering in the many dozens. Most of these individual items seem reasonably likely and if we decide that even just two or three of them are correct, we must totally reject the official narrative that so many of us have believed for so long. The numerous Griffin books, beginning with his important 2004 volume The New Pearl Harbor, provide a very helpful evolving compendium of these. Although they all contain a great deal of overlap I might emphasize Debunking 9/11 Debunking, a 2007 reply to the Popular Mechanics volume, and the 2008 book The New Pearl Harbor Revisited as among the more important ones. In addition, he co-edited an important 2007 collection of essays with scholar Peter Dale Scott entitled 9/11 and American Empire. For those too cheap or impatient to click a button and order something from Amazon, I’m pleased to provide three of the shorter Griffin books in HTML form:
Now I am merely just an amateur in the complex intelligence craft of extracting nuggets of truth from a mountain of manufactured falsehood. Although the arguments of the 9/11 Truth Movement seemed quite persuasive to me, I would obviously have felt much more comfortable if they were seconded by an experienced professional, such as a top CIA analyst. A few years ago, I was shocked to discover that was indeed the case. William Christison had spent 29 years at the CIA, rising to become one of its senior figures as Director of its Office of Regional and Political Analysis, with 200 research analysts serving under him. In August 2006, he published a remarkable 2,700 word article explaining why he no longer believed the official 9/11 story and felt sure that the 9/11 Commission Report constituted a cover-up, with the truth being quite different. The following year, he provided a forceful endorsement to one of Griffin’s books, writing that “[There’s] a strong body of evidence showing the official U.S. Government story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monstrous series of lies.” And Christison’s extreme 9/11 skepticism was seconded by that of many other highly-regarded former US intelligence professionals. We might expect that if a former CIA intelligence officer of Christison’s rank were to denounce the official 9/11 report as a fraud and a cover-up, such a story would constitute front-page news. But it was never reported anywhere in our mainstream media, and I only stumbled upon it a decade later. Even our supposed “alternative” media outlets were nearly as silent. Throughout the 2000s, Christison and his wife Kathleen, also a former CIA analyst, had been regular contributors to Counterpunch, publishing many dozens of articles there and certainly being its most highly-credentialed writers on intelligence and national security matters. But editor Alexander Cockburn refused to publish any of their 9/11 skepticism, so it never came to my attention at the time. Indeed, when I mentioned Christison’s views to current Counterpunch editor Jeffrey St. Clair a couple of years ago, he was stunned to discover that the friend he had regarded so very highly had actually become a “9/11 Truther.” When media organs serve as ideological gatekeepers, a condition of widespread ignorance becomes unavoidable. For
those so interested, Christison’s 2006 article
mentioned the strong evidence he found in a
C-Span broadcast of a two-hour panel discussion
on the September 11th terrorist attacks, and
he especially cited the documentary Loose
Change as an excellent summary of many of
the flaws in the official 9/11 case. The full
“Final Cut” version of that film is conveniently
available on YouTube: (video) With so many gaping holes in the
official story of the events of seventeen years
ago, each of us is free to choose to focus on
those we personally consider most persuasive, and
I have several of my own. Danish Chemistry
professor Niels Harrit was one of the scientists
who analyzed the debris of the destroyed buildings
and detected the residual presence of
nano-thermite, a military-grade explosive
compound, and I found him quite credible during his
hour-long interview on Red Ice Radio.
The notion that an undamaged hijacker passport was
found on an NYC street after the massive, fiery
destruction of the skyscrapers is totally absurd,
as was the claim that the top hijacker
conveniently lost his luggage at one of the
airports and it was found to contain a large mass
of incriminating information. The testimonies of
the dozens of firefighters who heard
explosions just before the collapse of the
buildings seems totally inexplicable under the
official account. The sudden total collapse of
Building Seven, never hit by any jetliners is also
extremely implausible. Let us now suppose that the overwhelming weight of evidence is correct, and concur with high-ranking former CIA intelligence analysts, distinguished academics, and experienced professionals that the 9/11 attacks were not what they appeared to be. We recognize the extreme implausibility that three huge skyscrapers in New York City suddenly collapsed at free-fall velocity into their own footprints after just two of them were hit by airplanes, and also that a large civilian jetliner probably did not strike the Pentagon leaving behind absolutely no wreckage and only a small hole. What actually did happen, and more importantly, who was responsible? The first question is obviously impossible to answer without an honest and thorough official investigation of the evidence. Until that occurs, we should not be surprised that numerous, somewhat conflicting hypotheses have been advanced and debated within the confines of the 9/11 Truth community. But the second question is probably the more important and relevant one, and I think it has always represented a source of extreme vulnerability to 9/11 Truthers. The most typical approach, as generally followed in the numerous Griffin books, is to avoid the issue entirely and focus solely on the gaping flaws in the official narrative. This is a perfectly acceptable position but leaves all sorts of serious doubts. What organized group would have been sufficiently powerful and daring to carry off an attack of such vast scale against the central heart of the world’s sole superpower? And how were they possibly able to orchestrate such a massively effective media and political cover-up, even enlisting the participation of the U.S. government itself? The much smaller fraction of 9/11 Truthers who choose to address this “whodunit” question seem to be overwhelmingly concentrated among rank-and-file grassroots activists rather than the prestigious experts, and they usually answer “inside job!” Their widespread belief seems to be that the top political leadership of the Bush Administration, probably including Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, had organized the terrorist attacks, either with or without the knowledge of their ignorant nominal superior, President George W. Bush. The suggested motives included justifying military attacks against various countries, supporting the financial interests of the powerful oil industry and military-industrial complex, and enabling the destruction of traditional American civil liberties. Since the vast majority of politically-active Truthers seem to come from the far left of the ideological spectrum, they regard these notions as logical and almost self-evident. Although
not explicitly endorsing those Truther
conspiracies, filmmaker Michael Moore’s leftist
box office hit Fahrenheit 9/11 seemed to
raise such similar suspicions. His small budget
documentary earned an astonishing \$220 million by
suggesting that the very close business ties
between the Bush family, Cheney, the oil
companies, and the Saudis were responsible for the
Iraq War aftermath of the terrorist attacks, as
well as the domestic crackdown on civil liberties,
which was part-and-parcel of the right-wing
Republican agenda. Unfortunately,
this apparently plausible picture seems to have
almost no basis in reality. During the drive to
the Iraq War, I read Times articles
interviewing numerous top oil men in Texas who
expressed total puzzlement at why America was
planning to attack Saddam, saying that they could
only assume that President Bush knew something
that they themselves did not. Saudi Arabian
leaders were adamantly opposed to an American
attack on Iraq, and made every effort to prevent
it. Prior to his joining the Bush Administration,
Cheney had served as CEO of Halliburton, an oil
services giant, and his firm had heavily lobbied
for the lifting of U.S. economic sanctions against
Iraq. Prof. James Petras, a scholar of strong
Marxist leanings, published an excellent 2008 book
entitled Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline
of US Power in which he conclusively
demonstrated that Zionist interests rather than
those of the oil industry had dominated the Bush
Administration in the wake of the 9/11 attacks,
and promoted the Iraq War. As for the Michael Moore film, I remember at the time sharing a laugh with a (Jewish) friend of mine, both of us finding it ridiculous that a government so overwhelmingly permeated by fanatically pro-Israel Neocons was portrayed as being in thrall to the Saudis. Not only did the plotline of Moore’s film demonstrate the fearsome power of Jewish Hollywood, but its huge success suggested that most of the American public had apparently never heard of the Neocons. Bush critics properly ridiculed the president for his tongue-tied statement that the 9/11 terrorists had attacked America “for its freedoms” and Truthers have reasonably branded as implausible the claims that the massive attacks were organized by a cave-dwelling Islamic preacher. But the suggestion that that they were led and organized by the top figures of the Bush Administration seems even more preposterous. Cheney and Rumsfeld had both spent decades as stalwarts of the moderate pro-business wing of the Republican Party, each serving in top government positions and also as CEOs of major corporations. The notion that they capped their careers by joining a new Republican administration in early 2001 and almost immediately set about organizing a gigantic false-flag terrorist attack upon the proudest towers of our largest city together with our own national military headquarters, intending to kill many thousands of Americans in the process, is too ridiculous to even be part of a leftist political satire. Let’s step back a bit. In the entire history of the world, I can think of no documented case in which the top political leadership of a country has launched a major false-flag attack upon its own centers of power and finance and tried to kill large numbers of its own people. The America of 2001 was a peaceful and prosperous country run by relatively bland political leaders focused upon the traditional Republican goals of enacting tax-cuts for the rich and reducing environmental regulations. Too many Truther activists have apparently drawn their understanding of the world from the caricatures of leftist comic-books in which corporate Republicans are all diabolical Dr. Evils, seeking to kill Americans out of sheer malevolence, and Alexander Cockburn was absolutely correct to ridicule them at least on that particular score. Consider also the simple practicalities of the situation. The gigantic nature of the 9/11 attacks as postulated by the Truth movement would have clearly required enormous planning and probably involved the work of many dozens or even hundreds of skilled agents. Ordering CIA operatives or special military units to organize secret attacks against civilian targets in Venezuela or Yemen is one thing, but directing them to mount attacks against the Pentagon and the heart of New York City would be fraught with stupendous risk. Bush had lost the popular vote in November 2000 and had only reached the White House because of a few dangling chads in Florida and the controversial decision of a deeply divided Supreme Court. As a consequence, most of the American media regarded his new administration with enormous hostility. If the first act of such a newly-sworn presidential team had been ordering the CIA or the military to prepare attacks against New York City and the Pentagon, surely those orders would have been regarded as issued by a group of lunatics, and immediately leaked to the hostile national press. The whole scenario of top American leaders being the masterminds behind 9/11 is beyond ridiculous, and those 9/11 Truthers who make or imply such claims—doing so without a single shred of solid evidence—have unfortunately played a major role in discrediting their entire movement. In fact, the common meaning of the “inside job” scenario is so patently absurd and self-defeating that one might even suspect that the claim was encouraged by those seeking to discredit the entire 9/11 Truth movement as a consequence. The focus on Cheney and Rumsfeld seems particularly ill-directed. Although I’ve never met nor had any dealings with either of those individuals, I was quite actively involved in DC politics during the 1990s, and can say with some assurance that prior to 9/11, neither of them were regarded as Neocons. Instead, they were the archetypical examples of moderate business-type mainstream Republicans, stretching all the way back to their years at the top of the Ford Administration during the mid-1970s. Skeptics of this claim may note that they signed the 1997 declaration issued by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a leading Neocon foreign policy manifesto organized by Bill Kristol, but I would regard that as something of a red herring. In DC circles, individuals are always recruiting their friends to sign various declarations, which may or may not be indicative of anything, and I remember Kristol trying to get me to sign the PNAC statement as well. Since my private views on that issue were absolutely 100% contrary to the Neocon position, which I regarded as foreign policy lunacy, I deflected his request and very politely turned him down. But I was quite friendly with him at the time, so if I had been someone without strong opinions in that area, I probably would have agreed. This raises a larger point. By 2000, the Neocons had gained almost total control of all the major conservative/Republican media outlets and the foreign policy wings of nearly all the similarly aligned thinktanks in DC, successfully purging most of their traditional opponents. So although Cheney and Rumsfeld were not themselves Neocons, they were swimming in a Neocon sea, with a very large fraction of all the information they received coming from such sources and with their top aides such as “Scooter” Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith being Neocons. Rumsfeld was already somewhat elderly while Cheney had suffered several heart-attacks starting at age 37, so under those circumstances it may have been relatively easy for them to be shifted toward certain policy positions. Indeed, the entire demonization of Cheney and Rumsfeld in anti-Iraq War circles has seemed somewhat suspicious to me. I always wondered whether the heavily Jewish liberal media had focused its wrath upon those two individuals in order to deflect culpability from the Jewish Neocons who were the obvious originators of that disastrous policy; and the same may be true of the 9/11 Truthers, who probably feared accusations of anti-Semitism. Regarding that former issue, a prominent Israeli columnist was characteristically blunt on the matter in 2003, strongly suggesting that 25 Neocon intellectuals, nearly all of them Jewish, were primarily responsible for the war. Under normal circumstances, the president himself would have surely been portrayed as the evil mastermind behind the 9/11 plot, but “W” was too widely known for his ignorance for such accusations to be credible. It does seem entirely plausible
that Cheney, Rumsfeld, and other top Bush leaders
may have been manipulated into taking certain
actions that inadvertently fostered the 9/11 plot,
while a few lower-level Bush appointees might have
been more directly involved, perhaps even as
outright conspirators. But I do not think this is
the usual meaning of the “inside job” accusation.
So where do we now stand? It seems very likely that the 9/11 attacks were the work of an organization far more powerful and professionally-skilled than a rag-tag band of nineteen random Arabs armed with box-cutters, but also that the attacks were very unlikely to have been the work of the American government itself. So who actually attacked our country on that fateful day seventeen years ago, killing thousands of our fellow citizens? Effective intelligence operations are concealed in a hall of mirrors, often extremely difficult for outsiders to penetrate, and false-flag terrorist attacks certainly fall into this category. But if we apply a different metaphor, the complexities of such events may be seen as a Gordian Knot, almost impossible to disentangle, but vulnerable to the sword-stroke of asking the simple question “Who benefited?” America and most of the world certainly did not, and the disastrous legacies of that fateful day have transformed our own society and wrecked many other countries. The endless American wars soon unleashed have already cost us many trillions of dollars and set our nation on the road to bankruptcy while killing or displacing many millions of innocent Middle Easterners. Most recently, that resulting flood of desperate refugees has begun engulfing Europe, and the peace and prosperity of that ancient continent is now under severe threat. Our traditional civil liberties and constitutional protections have been drastically eroded, with our society having taken long steps toward becoming an outright police state. American citizens now passively accept unimaginable infringements on their personal freedoms, all originally begun under the guise of preventing terrorism. I find it difficult to think of any country in the world that clearly gained as a result of the 9/11 attacks and America’s military reaction, with one single, solitary exception. During 2000 and most of 2001, America was a peaceful prosperous country, but a certain small Middle Eastern nation had found itself in an increasingly desperate situation. Israel then seemed to be fighting for its life against the massive waves of domestic terrorism that constituted the Second Palestinian Intifada. Ariel Sharon was widely believed to have deliberately provoked that uprising in September 2000 by marching to the Temple Mount backed by a thousand armed police, and the resulting violence and polarization of Israeli society had successfully installed him as Prime Minister in early 2001. But once in office, his brutal measures failed to end the wave of continuing attacks, which increasingly took the form of suicide-bombings against civilian targets. Many believed that the violence might soon trigger a huge outflow of Israeli citizens, perhaps producing a death-spiral for the Jewish state. Iraq, Iran, Libya, and other major Muslim powers were supporting the Palestinians with money, rhetoric, and sometimes weaponry, and Israeli society seemed close to crumbling. I remember hearing from some of my DC friends that numerous Israeli policy experts were suddenly seeking berths at Neocon thinktanks so that they could relocate to America. Sharon was a notoriously bloody and reckless leader, with a long history of undertaking strategic gambles of astonishing boldness, sometimes betting everything on a single roll of the dice. He had spent decades seeking the Prime Ministership, but having finally obtained it, he now had his back to the wall, with no obvious source of rescue in sight. The 9/11 attacks changed everything. Suddenly the world’s sole superpower was fully mobilized against Arab and Muslim terrorist movements, especially those connected with the Middle East. Sharon’s close Neocon political allies in America used the unexpected crisis as an opportunity to seize control of America’s foreign policy and national security apparatus, with an NSA staffer later reporting that Israeli generals freely roamed the halls of the Pentagon without any security controls. Meanwhile, the excuse of preventing domestic terrorism was used to implement newly centralized American police controls that were soon employed to harass or even shut down various anti-Zionist political organizations. One of the Israeli Mossad agents arrested by the police in New York City as he and his fellows were celebrating the 9/11 attacks and producing a souvenir film of the burning World Trade Center towers told the officers that “We are Israelis…Your problems are our problems.” And so they immediately became. General Wesley Clark reported
that soon after the 9/11 attacks he was informed
that a secret military plan had somehow come into
being under which America
would attack and destroy seven major Muslim
countries over the next few years, including
Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Libya, which coincidentally
were all of Israel’s strongest regional
adversaries and the leading supporters of the
Palestinians. As America began to expend enormous
oceans of blood and treasure attacking all of
Israel’s enemies after 9/11, Israel itself no
longer needed to do so. Partly as a consequence,
almost no other nation in the world has so
enormously improved its strategic and economic
situation during the last seventeen years, even
while a large fraction of the American population
has become completely impoverished during that
same period and our national debt has grown to
insurmountable levels. A parasite can often grow
fat even as its host suffers and declines.
I have emphasized that for many years after the 9/11 attacks I paid little attention to the details and had only the vaguest notion that there even existed an organized 9/11 Truth movement. But if someone had ever convinced me that the terrorist attacks had been false-flag operations and someone other than Osama had been responsible, my immediate guess would have been Israel and its Mossad. Certainly no other nation in the world can remotely match Israel’s track-record of remarkably bold high-level assassinations and false-flag attacks, terrorist and otherwise, against other countries, even including America and its military. Furthermore, the enormous dominance of Jewish and pro-Israel elements in the American establishment media and increasingly that of many other major countries in the West has long ensured that even when the solid evidence of such attacks was discovered, very few ordinary Americans would ever hear those facts. The pattern of behavior is really quite remarkable. Even prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, the various Zionist factions assassinated Lord Moyne, the British Minister for the Middle East, and Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN Peace Negotiator, and made unsuccessful attempts to kill President Harry S. Truman and British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, while even discussing the possible assassination of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. There seems considerable evidence that the Israeli Mossad subsequently played a central role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy because of the enormous pressure he was applying to persuade Israel to abandon its nuclear weapons development. Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky warned the American government that Israel was planning to assassinate President George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s due to the bitter conflict over financial aid, and apparently those warnings were taken seriously. As recently as 2012, the editor of the largest Jewish newspaper in Atlanta publicly called for the assassination of President Barack Obama over his policy differences with Israel. The record of military and terrorist attacks is even more striking. One of history’s largest terrorist attacks prior to 9/11 was the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist militants dressed as Arabs, which killed 91 people and largely destroyed the structure. In the famous Lavon Affair of 1954, Israeli agents launched a wave of terrorist attacks against Western targets in Egypt, intending to have those blamed on anti-Western Arab groups. There are strong claims that in 1950 Israeli Mossad agents began a series of false-flag terrorist bombings against Jewish targets in Baghdad, successfully using those violent methods to help persuade Iraq’s thousand-year-old Jewish community to emigrate to the Jewish state. In 1967, Israel launched a deliberate air and sea attack against the U.S.S. Liberty, intending to leave no survivors, killing or wounding over 200 American servicemen before word of the attack reached our Sixth Fleet and the Israelis withdrew. The enormous extent of pro-Israel
influence in world political and media circles
meant that none of these brutal attacks ever drew
serious retaliation, and in nearly all cases, they
were quickly thrown down the memory hole, so that
today probably no more than one in a hundred
Americans is even aware of them. Furthermore, most
of these incidents came to light due to chance
circumstances, so we may easily suspect that many
other attacks of a similar nature have never
become part of the historical record. Once we accept that the 9/11 attacks were probably a false-flag operation, a central clue to the likely perpetrators has been their extraordinary success in ensuring that such a wealth of enormously suspicious evidence has been totally ignored by virtually the entire American media, whether liberal or conservative, left-wing or right-wing. The only other such extreme cases that come to my mind almost invariably involve either Jewish issues or Israel. For example, virtually no Americans are today aware of the close Nazi-Zionist economic partnership of the 1930s that played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel. Similarly, although our Western media has enshrined it as one of the central events of the twentieth century, there seems a good likelihood that the Jewish Holocaust of the Second World War is either substantially or almost entirely fraudulent. Even highly successful false-flag terrorist operations will tend to leave behind a certain number of individual clues, and possessing the media power to cause that evidence to vanish from perceived reality is an extremely important tool for such operations. In the particular case at hand, the considerable number of zealously pro-Israel Neocons situated just beneath the public surface of the Bush Administration in 2001 could have greatly facilitated both the successful organization of the attacks and their effective cover-up and concealment, with Libby, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Richard Perle being merely the most obvious names. Whether such individuals were knowing conspirators or merely had personal ties allowing them to be exploited in furthering the plot is entirely unclear. Most of this information must surely have long been apparent to knowledgeable observers, and I strongly suspect that many individuals who had paid much greater attention than myself to the details of the 9/11 attacks may have quickly formed a tentative conclusion along these same times. But for obvious social and political reasons, there is a great reluctance to publicly point the finger of blame towards Israel on a matter of such enormous magnitude. Hence, except for a few fringe activists here and there, such dark suspicions remained private. Meanwhile, the leaders of the
9/11 Truth movement probably feared they would be
destroyed by media accusations of deranged
anti-Semitism if they had ever expressed even a
hint of such ideas. This political strategy may
have been necessary, but by failing to name any
plausible culprit, they created a vacuum that was
soon filled by “useful idiots” who shouted “inside
job!” while pointing an accusing finger toward
Cheney and Rumfeld, and thereby did so much to
discredit the entire 9/11 Truth movement. This unfortunate conspiracy of silence finally ended in 2009 when Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the US Army War College, stepped forward and publicly declared that the Israeli Mossad had very likely been responsible for the 9/11 attacks, writing a series of columns on the subject, and eventually presenting his views in a number of media interviews, along with additional analyses. Obviously, such explosive charges never reached the pages of my morning Times, but they did receive considerable if transitory coverage in portions of the alternative media, and I remember seeing the links very prominently featured at Antiwar.com and widely discussed elsewhere. I had never previously heard of Sabrosky, so I consulted my archiving system and immediately discovered that he had a perfectly respectable record of publication on military affairs in mainstream foreign policy periodicals and had also held a series of academic appointments at prestigious institutions. Reading one or two of his articles on 9/11, I felt he made a rather persuasive case for Mossad involvement, with some of his information already known to me but much of it not. Since I was very busy with my software work and had never spent any time investigating 9/11 or reading any of the books on the topic, my belief in his claims back then was obviously quite tentative. But now that I have finally looked into the topic in much greater detail and done a great deal of reading, I think it seems quite likely that his 2009 analysis was entirely correct. I
would particularly recommend his long 2011
interview on Iranian Press TV, which I first
watched just a couple of days ago. He came across
as highly credible and forthright in his claims: (video) He
also provided a pugnacious conclusion in a
much longer 2010 radio interview: (video) Sabrosky focused much of his
attention upon a particular segment of a Dutch
documentary film on the 9/11 attacks produced
several years earlier. In that fascinating
interview, a professional demolition expert
named Danny Jowenko who was largely ignorant of
the 9/11 attacks immediately identified the
filmed collapse of WTC Building 7 as a
controlled-demolition, and the remarkable clip
was broadcast worldwide on Press TV
and widely discussed across the Internet. (video) And by a very strange coincidence, just three days after Jowenko’s broadcast video interview had received such heavy attention, he had the misfortune to die in a frontal collision with a tree in Holland. I’d suspect that the community of professional demolition experts is a small one, and Jowenko’s surviving industry colleagues may have quickly concluded that serious misfortune might visit those who rendered controversial expert opinions on the collapse of the three World Trade Center towers. Meanwhile, the ADL soon mounted a huge and largely successful effort to have Press TV banned in the West for promoting “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories,” even persuading YouTube to entirely eliminate the huge video archive of those past shows, notably including Sabrosky’s long interview. Most recently, Sabrosky provided an hour-long presentation at this June’s Deep Truth video panel conference, during which he expressed considerable pessimism about America’s political predicament, and suggested that the Zionist control over our politics and media had grown even stronger over the last decade. His discussion was soon rebroadcast by Guns & Butter, a prominent progressive radio program, which as a consequence was soon purged from its home station after seventeen years of great national popularity and strong listener support. The
late Alan
Hart, a very distinguished British broadcast
journalist and foreign correspondent, also broke
his silence in 2010 and similarly pointed to
the Israelis as the likely culprits behind the
9/11 attacks. Those interested may wish to listen
to his extended
interview. Journalist
Christopher Bollyn was one of the first writers to
explore the possible Israeli links to the 9/11
attacks, and the details contained in his long
series of newspaper articles are often quoted by
other researchers. In 2012, he gathered together
this material and published it in the form of a
book entitled Solving 9-11, thereby
making his information on the possible role of the
Israeli Mossad available to a much wider audience,
with a version being
available online. Unfortunately his printed
volume severely suffers from the typical lack of
resources available to the writers on the
political fringe, with poor organization and
frequent repetition of the same points due to its
origins in a set of individual articles, and this
may diminish its credibility among some readers.
So those who purchase it should be forewarned
about these serious stylistic weaknesses. Probably a much better compendium
of the very extensive evidence pointing to the
Israeli hand behind the 9/11 attacks has been more
recently provided by French writer Laurent
Guyénot, both in his 2017 book JFK-9/11: 50
Years of the Deep State and also his 8,500
word article “9/11 was an
Israeli Job”, published concurrently with
this one and providing a far greater wealth of
detail than is contained here. While I would not
necessarily endorse all of his claims and
arguments, his overall analysis seems fully
consistent with my own. These
writers have provided a great deal of material in
support of the Israeli Mossad Hypothesis, but I
would focus attention on just one important point.
We would normally expect that terrorist attacks
resulting in the complete destruction of three
gigantic office buildings in New York City and an
aerial assault on the Pentagon would be an
operation of enormous size and scale, involving
very considerable organizational infrastructure
and manpower. In the aftermath of the attacks, the
US government undertook great efforts to locate
and arrest the surviving Islamic conspirators, but
scarcely managed to find a single one. Apparently,
they had all died in the attacks themselves or
otherwise simply vanished into thin air. But
without making much effort at all, the American
government did quickly round up and arrest some
200 Israeli Mossad agents, many of whom had
been based in exactly the same geographical
locations as the purported 19 Arab hijackers.
Furthermore, NYC
police arrested some of these agents while they
were publicly celebrating the 9/11 attacks,
and others were caught driving vans in the New
York area containing explosives or their residual
traces. Most of these Mossad agents refused to
answer any questions, and many of those who did
failed polygraph tests, but under massive
political pressure all were eventually released
and deported back to Israel. A couple of years
ago, much of this information was very effectively
presented in a short video available on YouTube. (video) There is another fascinating tidbit that I have very rarely seen mentioned. Just a month after the 9/11 attacks, two Israelis were caught sneaking weapons and explosives into the Mexican Parliament building, a story that naturally produced several banner-headlines in leading Mexican newspapers at the time but which was greeted by total silence in the American media. Eventually, under massive political pressure, all charges were dropped and the Israeli agents were deported back home. This remarkable incident was only reported on a small Hispanic-activist website, and discussed in a few other places. Some years ago I easily found the scanned front pages of the Mexican newspapers reporting those dramatic events on the Internet, but I can no longer easily locate them. The details are obviously somewhat fragmentary and possibly garbled, but certainly quite intriguing. One might speculate that if
supposed Islamic terrorists had followed up their
9/11 attacks by also destroying the Mexican
parliament building a month later, Latin American
support for America’s military invasions in the
Middle East would have been greatly magnified.
Furthermore, any scenes of such massive
destruction in the Mexican capital by Arab
terrorists would surely have been broadcast
non-stop on Univision, America’s
dominant Spanish-language network, fully
solidifying Hispanic support for President Bush’s
military endeavors. Although
my growing suspicions about the 9/11 attacks
stretch back a decade or more, my serious
investigation of the topic is quite recent, so I
am certainly a newcomer to the field. But
sometimes an outsider can notice things that may
escape the attention of those who have spent so
many years deeply immersed in a given topic. From my perspective, a huge fraction of the 9/11 Truth community spends far too much of its time absorbed in the particular details of the attacks, debating the precise method by which the World Trade Center towers in New York were brought down or what actually struck the Pentagon. But these sorts of issues seem of little ultimate significance. I would argue that the only important aspect of such technical issues is whether the overall evidence is sufficiently strong to establish the falsehood of the official 9/11 narrative and also demonstrate that the attacks must have been the work of a highly sophisticated organization with access to advanced military technology rather than a rag-tag band of 19 Arabs armed with box-cutters. Beyond that, none of those details matter. In that regard, I believe that the volume of factual material collected by determined researchers over the last seventeen years has easily met that requirement, perhaps even ten or twenty times over. For example, even agreeing upon a single particular item such as the clear presence of nano-thermite, a military-grade explosive compound, would immediately satisfy those two criteria. So I see little point in endless debates over whether nano-thermite was used, or nano-thermite plus something else, or just something else entirely. And such complex technical debates may serve to obscure the larger picture, while confusing and intimidating any casually-interested onlookers, thereby being quite counter-productive to the overall goals of the 9/11 Truth movement. Once we have concluded that the culprits were part of a highly-sophisticated organization, we can then focus on the Who and the Why, which surely would be of greater importance than the particular details of the How. Yet currently all the endless debate over the How tends to crowd out the Who and the Why, and I wonder whether this unfortunate situation might even be intentional. Perhaps one reason is that once sincere 9/11 Truthers do focus on those more important questions, the vast weight of the evidence clearly points in a single direction, implicating Israel and its Mossad intelligence service, with the case being overwhelmingly strong in motive, means, and opportunity. And leveling accusations of blame at Israel and its domestic collaborators for the greatest attack ever launched against America on our own soil entails enormous social and political risks. But such difficulties must be weighed against the reality of three thousand American civilian lives and the subsequent seventeen years of our multi-trillion-dollar wars, which have produced tens of thousands of dead or wounded American servicemen and the death or displacement of many millions of innocent Middle Easterners. The
members of the 9/11 Truth movement must therefore
ask themselves whether or not “Truth” is indeed
the central goal of their efforts. (read
more) 9/11 = Israel + CIA + US Military MORE 9/11 LINKS
See also: Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001 See also: https://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7 See also: https://www.septemberclues.info/ See also: 9/11 Attacks: Criminal Foreknowledge and Insider Trading lead directly to the CIA’s Highest Ranks See also: Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth See also: Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake See also: Israel’s Role In 9/11 See also: The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks See also: What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? See also: Seeking 9/11 Truth After Twenty Years 2021-09-07 b 9/11 = Israel + CIA + US Military "Real estate developer Donald Trump is the only person to question, on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, the Bush Administration’s version of the Twin Towers collapse. Keeping a cool head, he says that according to his engineers (who built the World Trade Center), airliners cannot have caused this destruction." 2001 : The Moult of the
American Empire
2021-09-07 aWe begin the publication of the last part of Thierry Meyssan’s book, “Before Our Very Eyes”. He rereads the history of the American Empire. In this episode he comes back to the attacks of September 11 as the seizure of Power by the direct descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers against the descendants of the authors of the Bill of Rights. [...] The « Wolfowitz Doctrine » was supposed to prevent a new Cold War and guarantee the United States its place as the « world policeman ». President Bush Sr. massively demobilised his armies, because they were no longer to be anything more than a police force. And yet what we saw
was the opposite of that – first of all with the
four wars mentioned above, as well as the war
against Syria, then the war in Ukraine against
Russia. To be implemented, the Wolfowitz Doctrine thus required not only financial and human means, but also a powerful a powerful hegemonic will. A group of political and military officials hoped to find their man by promoting the candidacy of the son of George Bush Sr. - George Bush Jr. This group asked the Kagan family to create a lobbying group within the American Enterprise Institute - the Project for a New American Century. They were obliged to falsify the Presidential election in Florida - with the help of Governor Jeb Bush, Jr.’s brother – in order to allow W to clamber into the White House. But well before that, the group was actively militant for the preparation of new wars of invasion, particularly in Iraq. But the new President was not particularly obedient, which forced his supporters to organise a shock for public opinion, which they compared to a « New Pearl Harbor », on September 11, 2001. The crash of September 11Everyone thinks that they know about 9/11, and can quote from memory about the planes that hit the Twin Towers and the destruction of part of the Pentagon. But behind these events and their interpretation by the Bush administration, something quite different happened. When two planes smashed into the World Trade Center, when the offices of the Vice-President were devastated by flames, and explosions were heard in the Pentagon, the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Richard Clarke, launched the procedure for « Continuity of Government » (CoG) [3]. Developed during the Cold War, in case of a nuclear confrontation and the decapitation of the centres of Executive and Legislative Power, this procedure was devised to save the country by handing over all responsibility to a provisional authority which had been secretly designated beforehand. But on that day,
none of the elected leaders died. Nevertheless, by 10
a.m., George W. Bush was no longer President of the
United States of America. The Executive Power was
transferred from the White House in Washington to
site « R », the Raven Rock Mountain bunker [4]. Units of the army and
the Secret Services circulated in the capital, to
collect and « protect » the members of Congress and
their teams. Almost all of them were taken, « for
their safety », to another mega-bunker close to the
capital, the Greenbrier Hotel Complex. The alternative government, whose composition had not changed for at least nine years, included – as if by a miraculous coincidence – several personalities who had been in politics for a long time, including Vice-President Dick Cheney, Secretary for Defense Donald Rumsfeld and ex-Director of the CIA, James Woolsey. During the afternoon, Israëli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon interfered in the crisis and addressed the citizens of the United States, while no-one knew anything about the implementation of the Continuity of Government plan, and there was no news of George W. Bush. He declared the solidarity of his people, who had also been long a victim of terrorism. He spoke as if he was convinced that the attacks were over, but without indicating his sources, and as if he represented the American state. Finally, at the end of the afternoon, the provisional government handed back executive power to President Bush, who made a televised speech, and the Congressional representatives were freed. These are proven facts, and not the outlandish tales that the Bush administration concocted, with kamikaze warriors hatching a plot in an Afghani cave to destroy the greatest military power in the world. In a book published thirty years earlier, destined to become the Republicans’ bedside book during the electoral campaign of 2000, Coup d’état - A Practical Handbook, historian Edward Luttwak explained that a coup d’état is all the more effective when no-one realizes that it has happened, and therefore do not oppose it [5] . He should also have added that in order for the legal government to obey the conspirators, it is necessary not only to maintain the illusion that the same team is in « Power », but for the conspirators to be part of it. The decisions imposed by the provisional government on September 11 were approved by President Bush during the days that followed. Concerning the interior, the Bill of Rights - the first ten amendments of the Constitution - was suspended by the USA Patriot Act for all affairs of terrorism. Concerning exterior affairs, régime changes and wars were planned, both to hinder the development of China and to destroy all the state structures of the Greater Middle East. President Bush held the Islamists responsible for the attacks of 9/11, and declared the « War on Terrorism » - an expression which sounds macho enough, but is nonetheless nonsensical. Indeed, terrorism is not a world power, but a method of action. Within a few years, the terrorism that Washington claimed to be fighting had increased 20-fold throughout the world. George W. Bush qualified this new conflict as an « Endless War ». Four days later,
President Bush presided an implausible meeting at
Camp David, during which the principle was adopted
for a long series of wars aimed at destroying all
the as yet uncontrolled states in the « Greater
Middle East », as well as a plan for political
assassinations throughout the world. This project
was named by the Director of the CIA, George Tenet -
he called it the « Worldwide Attack Matrix ». This
meeting was first mentioned by the Washington Post [6], then denied by the
ex-Supreme Commander of NATO, General Wesley Clark.
By « Matrix », it is important to understand that
this was only the initial phase of a much more
far-reaching strategy Who governs the United States?In order to understand the institutional crisis which was brewing, we have to take a step back. The founding myth of the United States claims that a few Puritans, convinced of the impossibility of reforming the British Church and monarchy, decided to build a « New Jerusalem » in the Americas. In 1620, they sailed to the New World on board the Mayflower, where they gave thanks to God for having allowed them to cross the Red Sea (in fact, the Atlantic Ocean) and to escape the dictatorship of Pharaoh (the King of England). This is the origin of the feast of Thanksgiving. The Puritans claimed to obey God by respecting both the teaching of Christ and the Jewish Law. They did not venerate the Gospels in particular, but the whole of the Bible. For them, the Old Testament was as important as the New. They practised an austere form of morality – they were persuaded that they had been chosen by God, and thus blessed by Him by means of their wealth. Consequently, they considered that no man can improve himself, whatever he does, and that Money is a gift reserved by God for His faithful. This ideology has many consequences. For example, their refusal to organise a form of national solidarity (Social Security), replacing it with individual charity. Or again, in penal matters, by the belief that some people are born criminals, which led the Manhattan Institute to promote, laws which in many states punished repeat offenders with very heavy prison terms, even for minor infractions, like not having paid for a subway ticket. Even though the national myth has by now mostly buried the fanaticism of the « Pilgrim Fathers », the truth remains that they set up a sectarian community, established corporal punishment, and obliged their women to wear veils. In fact, there are clearly many similarities between their way of life and that of contemporary Islamists. The War of
Independence unfolded at a time when the populations
of the colonies had been profoundly modified. They
no longer came exclusively from the British Isles,
but now included Europeans from all over. The
patriots who fought the King of England hoped to
become masters of their own destiny, and create
institutions which were both Republican and
Democratic. It was for them that Thomas Jefferson
wrote the Declaration
of Independence in 1776, inspired by
the Lumières movement in general and the philosopher
John Locke in particular. However, after victory was
won, it was a very different source which inspired
the Constitution. This was founded on
the Mayflower
Compact, that is to say the Puritan ideology, and
the wish to create institutions comparable to those
of Great Britain, but without the element of
hereditary nobility. This is why, rejecting popular
sovereignty, it instituted the sovereignty of the
governors of federal states. As such a system is
absolutely unacceptable, it was immediately «
balanced » by 10 constitutional amendments which
form the Bill
of Rights. The final text therefore reserves
political responsibility for the elites of the
federal states and gives citizens the right to
defend themselves in court against the « Reason of State ». By suspending the Bill
of Rights in all affairs which may be
connected to terrorism, the USA Patriot Act
has dragged the Constitution two centuries
in reverse. By depriving citizens of their legal
rights, it has once again destabilized institutions.
It has submitted Power to Puritan ideology and
guaranteed only the rights of the elites of federal
states. The coup d’état of September 11 split these elites into two groups, depending on whether they supported it or pretended to ignore it. The few personalities opposed to it, like Senator Paul Wellstone, have been physically eliminated. A few citizens chose to speak out nonetheless, notably two real estate billionaires. Thus, on the evening of September 11, Donald Trump contested what was becoming the official version on Channel 9 in New York. After having reminded his listeners that the engineers who built the Twin Towers had since joined his company, he considered it impossible that the collapse of such massive towers was due to the impact of planes (and fires) alone. He concluded that there had to be other factors involved which were as yet unknown. Another entrepreneur, Jimmy Walter, spent his fortune buying pages of publicity in the newspapers and distributing DVD’s to analyze the true causes of these destructions. Over the next
fifteen years, these two groups – the conspirators
and the passive accomplices - although they were
pursuing the same objective of interior and exterior
domination – were to confront one another regularly,
until both were apparently overthrown by a popular
movement led by Donald Trump. (read
more) 9/11 = Israel + CIA + US Military Everything Points to Thierry
Meyssan Being Right About 9/11
By challenging the official version of the 9/11 attacks, Thierry Meyssan opened a worldwide debate. But the essence of his book on the subject was a political science study predicting the evolution of the United States after these crimes. The problem is not how the attacks were committed, but why the US reacted that day by violating its own Constitution, why it implemented in the following days very deep reforms of its institutions that changed its nature. Thierry Meyssan had predicted the transformation of the American Empire that we are seeing with the planning of the fall of Kabul. Everything he predicted has been co Who governs the United States?In order to understand the institutional crisis which was brewing, we have to take a step back. The founding myth of the United States claims that a few Puritans, convinced of the impossibility of reforming the British Church and monarchy, decided to build a « New Jerusalem » in the Americas. In 1620, they sailed to the New World on board the Mayflower, where they gave thanks to God for having allowed them to cross the Red Sea (in fact, the Atlantic Ocean) and to escape the dictatorship of Pharaoh (the King of England). This is the origin of the feast of Thanksgiving. The Puritans claimed to obey God by respecting both the teaching of Christ and the Jewish Law. They did not venerate the Gospels in particular, but the whole of the Bible. For them, the Old Testament was as important as the New. They practised an austere form of morality – they were persuaded that they had been chosen by God, and thus blessed by Him by means of their wealth. Consequently, they considered that no man can improve himself, whatever he does, and that Money is a gift reserved by God for His faithful. This ideology has many consequences. For example, their refusal to organise a form of national solidarity (Social Security), replacing it with individual charity. Or again, in penal matters, by the belief that some people are born criminals, which led the Manhattan Institute to promote, laws which in many states punished repeat offenders with very heavy prison terms, even for minor infractions, like not having paid for a subway ticket. Even though the national myth has by now mostly buried the fanaticism of the « Pilgrim Fathers », the truth remains that they set up a sectarian community, established corporal punishment, and obliged their women to wear veils. In fact, there are clearly many similarities between their way of life and that of contemporary Islamists. The War of
Independence unfolded at a time when the populations
of the colonies had been profoundly modified. They
no longer came exclusively from the British Isles,
but now included Europeans from all over. The
patriots who fought the King of England hoped to
become masters of their own destiny, and create
institutions which were both Republican and
Democratic. It was for them that Thomas Jefferson
wrote the Declaration
of Independence in 1776, inspired by
the Lumières movement in general and the philosopher
John Locke in particular. However, after victory was
won, it was a very different source which inspired
the Constitution. This was founded on
the Mayflower
Compact, that is to say the Puritan ideology, and
the wish to create institutions comparable to those
of Great Britain, but without the element of
hereditary nobility. This is why, rejecting popular
sovereignty, it instituted the sovereignty of the
governors of federal states. As such a system is
absolutely unacceptable, it was immediately «
balanced » by 10 constitutional amendments which
form the Bill
of Rights. The final text therefore reserves
political responsibility for the elites of the
federal states and gives citizens the right to
defend themselves in court against the « Reason of State ». By suspending the Bill of Rights in all affairs which
may be connected to terrorism, the USA Patriot Act has dragged the Constitution two centuries in
reverse. By depriving citizens of their legal
rights, it has once again destabilized institutions.
It has submitted Power to Puritan ideology and
guaranteed only the rights of the elites of federal
states. The coup d’état of September 11 split these elites into two groups, depending on whether they supported it or pretended to ignore it. The few personalities opposed to it, like Senator Paul Wellstone, have been physically eliminated. A few citizens chose to speak out nonetheless, notably two real estate billionaires. Thus, on the evening of September 11, Donald Trump contested what was becoming the official version on Channel 9 in New York. After having reminded his listeners that the engineers who built the Twin Towers had since joined his company, he considered it impossible that the collapse of such massive towers was due to the impact of planes (and fires) alone. He concluded that there had to be other factors involved which were as yet unknown. Another entrepreneur, Jimmy Walter, spent his fortune buying pages of publicity in the newspapers and distributing DVD’s to analyze the true causes of these destructions. Over the next fifteen years, these two groups – the conspirators and the passive accomplices - although they were pursuing the same objective of interior and exterior domination – were to confront one another regularly, until both were apparently overthrown by a popular movement led by Donald Trump. nfirmed over the last twenty years.At the end of 2001, I published a series of articles on the attacks of September 11, 2001, followed by a book in March 2002 [1]. The book was translated into 18 languages and opened a worldwide debate questioning the veracity of the official US narrative. However, the international press refused to discuss my arguments and launched a campaign accusing me of “amateurism” [2], “conspiracy theory” [3], and “denial” [4]. Above all, the US authorities and their supporters reduced my work to the first few pages of my book: the challenge to the official version of the attacks. But it is a work of political science aimed at denouncing what these false-flag attacks would make possible: the surveillance of Western populations and the endless war in the wider Middle East. In this article, I will therefore review what has been learned about these attacks over the past 20 years, but more importantly, I will check whether my predictions from 2002 were correct or not. THE BLACK HOLE OF 9/11 If we are asked what happened on 9/11, we will all visualise the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. We have forgotten many other things, such as the insider trading in the shares of the affected airlines, the fire in the Old Eisenhower Building, or the collapse of a third tower in the World Trade Center. What is most astonishing is that almost no one remembers that at 10am, Richard Clarke triggered the ’Continuity of Government Plan’ [5]. At that very moment, President Bush and Congress were suspended from office and placed under military protection. President Bush was taken to an air base in Nebraska where the CEOs of the upper floors of the Twin Towers had been since the previous evening [6]; and Congress to the Greenbrier megabunker. Power fell into the hands of the “Continuity Government”. It was in the Raven Rock Mountain megabunker (’Site R’) [7]. Power was not returned to the civilians until the end of the day. Who exactly were the members of this ’Continuity Government’ and what did they do during the time they were in power? We still don’t know. The members of Congress who asked the question were not allowed to hold a session of their assembly on the subject. Please understand that until we have clarification, the 9/11 controversy will continue. The procedure implemented on September 11 was designed by President Eisenhower at a time when nuclear war was feared. If he, the Speakers and a majority of Congress were killed, there would be no constitutional powers. The military would logically have to assume the continuity of government. But this was obviously not the case on that day. Not one elected official was dead. The transfer of power was therefore unconstitutional. It was strictly speaking a coup d’état. THE ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11 In my book and afterwards, I hypothesised about what really happened on that day. But this is irrelevant to my point. The people who perpetrated this crime wanted to create a shock comparable to Pearl Harbor, as the members of the Project for a New American Century wrote earlier, so that they could change the way the United States lives and functions. So they told us a tall tale that we swallowed without flinching. But : • To this day, there is no evidence of the 19 designated hijackers on board the hijacked planes. They were not on the lists of passengers on board the planes released by the airlines on the same day. The videos of the hijackers at the airport were not taken in New York, but at other airports where they were transiting. • To date, there is no evidence that the 35 telephone communications between passengers on the hijacked flights and the ground existed [8]. This applies both to the conversation attributed to the brave passenger who allegedly attacked the hijackers on UA 93, and to the conversation testified to by US Solicitor General Theodore Olson with his wife on AA 77. In contrast, at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui (accused of being the 20th hijacker who would not have boarded the plane), the FBI testified that none of the planes had phones in the armrests, that passengers should have used mobile phones, that cell phones at the time could not work at altitudes above 5,000 feet, and that the records provided by the phone companies did not show any of the communications mentioned – including that of Attorney General Olson. • To date, there is no physical explanation for the collapse of three of the World Trade Center towers onto their own footprints (i.e. vertically). The Twin Towers were hit by two planes, but were not shaken. However, their fuel would have run down the vertical beams and melted them. A third tower was destabilised by the fall of the first two to its side. It too would have collapsed, not laterally, but vertically. It should be noted that no explanation was given for the lateral explosions heard by the firemen and widely filmed, nor for the vertical beams that were severed and not melted; two pieces of evidence attesting not to an accidental but to a controlled demolition. It should also be noted that no collapse of skyscrapers has ever been observed, either before or after 9/11, following a large-scale fire… and that no one has learned the lessons of this attack and therefore changed the way such buildings are constructed to prevent such a catastrophe. Finally, the photographs taken by firefighters of “pools” of molten steel and those taken by FEMA (the disaster management agency) of the melting rocks in which the foundations were built are inexplicable according to the official version. • To date, there is no evidence that an airliner hit the Pentagon. Already the next day, the fire brigade had given a press conference at the Pentagon during which they had attested that they had not found anything suggestive of a plane. The authorities, who had issued a vengeful statement against my book, announced that they had collected many parts of the plane and reconstructed it in a hangar. Then they stopped communicating on this subject. Moreover, the families of the passengers of the plane in question, after having been scandalised by my words, changed their minds when they were given back funeral urns, claiming to have identified the bodies of their relatives thanks to their fingerprints (which would have been totally destroyed during fires at those temperatures). Some refused to sign the confidentiality agreement offered to them in exchange for large compensation payments. WIDESPREAD SURVEILLANCE OF WESTERN POPULATIONS In the days following the attacks, the Bush Administration had Congress vote on an anti-terrorist code, known as the USA Patriot Act. This is a very large piece of legislation that had been drafted over the previous two years by the Federalist Society (of which Solicitor General Theodor Olson and Attorney General John Ashcroft were members). It suspends the Bill of Rights in cases of terrorism. At the time of the formation of the United States, there were two opposing groups. The first, around Alexander Hamilton, drafted the Constitution to set up a system comparable to the British monarchy, but with governors instead of nobles. The second, around Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, only accepted the Constitution after it had been amended to prevent the use of Reason of State. These 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. Their suspension challenges the balance on which the United States was founded. It gives power to the first group, the descendants of the ’Pilgrim Fathers’, the Puritans exiled from England. President Bush is a direct descendant of one of the 41 signatories of the “Mayfower Pact” (1620). In order to implement the USA Patriot Act, a new department was created, the Homeland Security Department, which brings together various existing agencies. It has a political police force capable of spying on any citizen. According to the Washington Post, which revealed this in 2011, it has hired 835,000 civil servants, 112,000 of whom are secretly employed [9], making the United States the most Orwellian country on the planet. The way this department works was revealed in 2013 by Edward Snowden. Snowden not only provided information about the NSA’s foreign eavesdropping system, but also about domestic mass surveillance in the US. He now lives as a political refugee in Russia. This system, although less documented, is gradually spreading to all Western states, through the ’Five Eyes’ [10] and Nato. THE “ENDLESS WAR”: FROM 9/11 TO THE FALL OF KABUL A month and a half after the attacks, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld created the Office of Force Transformation, which he entrusted to Admiral Arthur Cebrowski. The idea was to change the very function of the Armed Forces. The Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine [11] is a reform as important as the creation of the Pentagon after the 1929 crisis. This time, it is about adapting to financial capitalism. From now on, the United States will no longer try to win wars, but on the contrary to make them last as long as possible; this is what President Bush’s expression “endless war” means. Their aim will be to destroy local state structures so that natural wealth can be exploited without having to endure political control; as Colonel Ralph Peters summed it up: “Stability is America’s enemy” [12]. This is exactly what has just happened in Afghanistan. The war started there just after 9/11. It was only supposed to last a few weeks, but it never stopped. The Taliban victory that we have just witnessed was organised by the United States itself in order to make the conflict last even longer. That is why President Biden has just said that the US did not go into Afghanistan to build a state, as it did in Germany and Japan after the Second World War. Joe Biden had, during his meeting in Geneva with Vladimir Putin, rejected the endless war. However, he has just relaunched it, aligning himself with the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine like Barack Obama. None of the conflicts that began after 9/11 have ended. On the contrary, instability has taken hold in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. One can of course call these conflicts “civil wars” and accuse their leaders of being “dictators”, or explain nothing at all, but the fact remains that they were stable before Western intervention and that Gaddafi’s Libya and Aoun’s Lebanon were US allies when their misfortunes began. Vice President Cheney had set up a secret group in the White House to design the development of the National Energy Policy. He was convinced that oil would run out in the medium term. This is why the United States destroyed states in order to be able to exploit their oil in the long term, but not now. Moreover, the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine states that one should not fight globalised powers such as Russia and China. On the contrary, they should be given access to the natural resources they have conquered, but they should be forced to pay royalties to the US in order to exploit them. By publishing a number of internal US military reports, Julian Assange has not revealed any sensitive information. But all these documents show that the Pentagon has never been interested in winning the post-9/11 wars. Assange was persecuted to the point of insanity. To wage these wars, the Pentagon secretly created clandestine Special Forces: 60,000 soldiers without uniforms [13]. They are capable of assassinating anyone in any country without leaving any trace. Bob Woodward revealed the “Global Attack Matrix” operation, decided three days after the attacks [14]. Wayne Madsen published the names of the first victims in Papua, Nigeria, Indonesia and Lebanon [15]. CONCLUSION All my predictions have been verified over the last 20 years. Unfortunately, few people have seen how the world has changed. Most refuse to make the connection between the revelations of one side and those of the other and to see the responsibility of the Western democracies for the crimes committed in the wider Middle East. The problem remains the same: we cannot admit that the criminal is close to us. [1] L’Effroyable imposture, Thierry Meyssan, Carnot (2002). Second edition, revised and corrected L’Effroyable imposture suivie du Pentagate prefaced by General Leonid Ivashov (who was acting chief of the general staff of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001), Demi-Lune, 2006. English Version : The Big Lie. Version en español : La Gran Impostura. [2] According to my detractors, I had not been at the scene, as a ” true journalist ” would have had to. But the United States had banned access to the three “crime scenes” for reasons of ” national security ” and for years no journalist, from absolutely no media, had access to them. So the reproach of ” amateurism ” would have to apply not only to me but also to all the journalists who repeated the official version. [3] The adjective ” conspiratorial ” began to be used in the 1960s to designate those who questioned the official thesis of the lone sniper who supposedly assassinated President Kennedy and denounced that what he did was a conspiracy. possible that assassination. [4] Indeed, I deny the official version of the attacks of September 11, 2001. But the term ” denialism ” actually alludes to an extreme right-wing current – whose ideas I have always fought – that denies the will of the Nazis to perpetrate the genocide of the Jews in Europe. [5] Against All Enemies, Inside America’s War on Terror, Richard Clarke, Free Press, 2004. [6] Like every year, Warren Buffet – who was then the richest man in the world – gave a charity dinner in Nebraska. But, something that had never happened before, that day the annual dinner was not organized in a large hotel but … in a military base. The invited company bosses had given their New York employees the day off, which explains the relatively low death toll in the collapse of the Twin Towers. [7] A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq and the abuse of America’s intelligence agencies, James Bamford, Anchor Books (2004). [8] «¿Quién inventó las falsas llamadas telefónicas desde los aviones secuestrados el 11 de Septiembre?», por Giulietto Chiesa, Megachip-Globalist (Italia) , Red Voltaire , 28 de julio de 2013. [9] Top Secret America : The Rise of the New American Security State, Dana Priest & William M. Arkin, Little, Brown and Company (2011). [10] The “Five Eyes” or Five Eyes is the name of the alliance of services for eavesdropping and interception of global communications in which Australia, Canada, the United States, New Zealand and the United Kingdom participate. in 1941 by the Atlantic Charter. [11] “The Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 25 May 2021. [12] “Stabiliy American’s Ennemy”, col. Ralph Peters, Parameters #31-4 (winter 2001). [13] “Exclusive : Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army”, William M. Arkin, Newsweek, May 17, 2021. [14] Saturday, September 15, At Camp David, Advise and Dissent, Bob Woodward & Dan Balz, Washington Post, January 31, 2002. [15] «J’accuse – Bush’s Death Squads», Wayne Madsen, Makingnews.com, January 31, 2002. (read more)2021-09-06 f GUILT OF MERCHANTS OF DEATH IN BLACK AND WHITE During the war in Afghanistan, the top 5 weapons firms spent $1 billion lobbying Congress and received $2 trillion in Pentagon contracts. That's $1,813 in Pentagon contracts for every dollar spent on lobbying, a 181,214% return on investment. https://t.co/ttTyAvwAV3 — Eli Clifton (@EliClifton) September 2, 2021 2021-09-06 e GUILTY WHITE IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE (David 'Axis of Evil' Frum should be cancelled.) [...]
2. Vaccines: strategy As evidence mounts the vaccine wasn’t as effective as the propaganda said, we’re receiving calls for mandatory vaccination and persecution of the unvaccinated from precisely the same people who told us we needed to have a war in Mesopotamia and totalitarian surveillance state. David Frum has literally never been correct about anything, and the fact that this ridiculous, sinister neocon lizard is still taken seriously is in itself completely discrediting of “the establishment.” Since deplatforming and un-personing is now a fashionable way of dealing with sources of harmful “misinformation,” if anyone is deserving of this, it is David Frum, whose ideas have literally cost the US trillions of dollars, tens of thousands of lives, and sown chaos in large swathes of the world and caused 800,000 violent deaths. You could run a pretty good public policy institute by asking Frum what he thinks, and then suggesting the country do the opposite. For certain, Frum has done vastly more harm in the world with his actual misinformation than people like the Alex Jones. (read more) 2021-09-06 d WHITE GUILT IS NOT PRODUCTIVE - If you are a victim of a black criminal, PLEASE PRESS CHARGES. You are NOT a racist if you press charges. Otherwise, you keep encouraging black criminality.) Carjacking victim refuses to
press charges against teen (who already has 4 armed
robbery cases pending)
A driver who had a gun pressed to his forehead by a carjacker outside a North Side grocery store on Wednesday evening refused to press charges against the [black] man who apparently took the car because the vehicle was still in good condition when police recovered it for him. That’s according to a source with knowledge of the case. The 18-year-old that he refused to pursue charges against has four armed robbery cases pending in juvenile court and had a loaded handgun in his waistband when cops found him next to the stolen car downtown, according to prosecutors. Around 7 p.m. Wednesday, the 44-year-old victim was sitting inside his [unlocked] parked, running car on the parking lot of Cermak Fresh Market, 6623 North Damen, in Rogers Park, according to a CPD report. Suddenly, a man opened his passenger door and got inside. The intruder pressed a handgun to his forehead, demanded his valuables, and then told him to get out, the report said. He complied, and the offender drove away with his silver Toyota Camry, according to CPD spokesperson Kellie Bartoli. While officers were speaking with the victim, cops in the 1st (Central) Police District spotted the man’s stolen car at a BP gas station, 50 West Ida B. Wells. Traigan Martin, 18, was standing outside the car and moved inside the gas station when he saw police arriving, prosecutors said Thursday. Cops followed him inside, ordered him to raise his hands, and recovered a loaded handgun with an extended ammunition magazine and a laser sight from his waistband, according to prosecutors. But when the victim realized that his car was still in good condition, he declined to pursue charges, according to a source. Bartoli confirmed that the victim refused to prosecute, but she did not give a reason for his decision. Cops arrested Martin anyway for the gun he allegedly had in his waistband. He’s charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon. Prosecutors said during his bond court hearing that he has four pending armed robbery cases from before his 18th birthday. They did not provide details of those allegations. An assistant public defender said Martin has a two-year-old child and attended Legal Prep Career Academy. Judge Arthur Willis ordered Martin held on a juvenile warrant and set bail for the gun charge at $25,000. Willis said Martin would need to post a $2,500 deposit to get out of jail on electronic monitoring after the warrant is resolved. Wednesday’s victim is not the first person to forgive an armed carjacker this year. On February 3, a 28-year-old man was carjacked at gunpoint while shoveling out a parking space in West Town. Police arrested John Daniels, 19, as he drove the stolen car a short time later, according to a CPD report. While police were processing Daniels at the station, the victim’s driver’s license, debit card, and medical marijuana card fell out of his pants, the report said. But the [dumb ass] victim decided not to pursue charges because he “felt sorry for” the people who took his Lexus because “they probably need a car.” Less than four months later, Daniels took an 11-year-old boy to Uptown, where they violently carjacked another man, according to prosecutors. That victim, a 59-year-old man, was viciously beaten and suffered a broken orbital bone, prosecutors said. Video allegedly shows Daniels standing over the fallen man and taking keys from his hand. The Uptown victim pressed charges. (read more) See also: Prosecutors dropped his felony gun case due to COVID, then he allegedly killed a 16-year-old 2021-09-06 c (The instigators of the irrational illusion of the Covid Cult and the fake pandemic are absolutely terrified. They KNOW they have lost control of the narrative. They cried, "Wolf," thrice too often. Keep it up people. We are winning and there are orders of magnitude more of us than of them.) This “horse paste”
outrage cycle is really something. Please realize
it’s not really even about medicine; it’s about
making sure we continue to hate each other. This
is the whole business model for the media now.
— Genève Campbell @bergerbell September 4, 2021 * Every medication has
many effects. Causality in the real world is not a
chain -- more like a tree, it branches.
To make a claim like a given medication IS a dewormer, implying that it has NO other possible clinical use, reveals a complete misunderstanding of the nature of pharma — Joe Norman @normonics September 2, 2021 * 'You think vaccines
don’t fucking work? Oh, fuck off into the trash,
you attention-seeking fuckworm-faced shitbutt.
This isn’t even a point worth discussing, you
fuck-o-rama fuck-stival of ignorance.'
— Marieke Hardy @mariekehardy September 3, 2021 2021-09-06 b (Last week, with the Texas abortion law in the news, I was reminded how the wrong side demeans and disparages the beginning of human life when they call a fetus, just a clump of cells. We were all once a glorious single fertilized egg, bursting with energy and potential. Then 2, 4, 8 cells. Then more divisions and differentiation; always following a plan. We have come so far from the tiny chordate in the Burgess Shale. But, you know what? That first chordate surpassed the first cells by a greater degree than humans surpass that chordate.) 2021-09-06 a Trump accomplished several things. The
appointment of many conservative judges is a big
issue, right or wrong.
The four big things are: 1). He brought the immigration issue to the forefront. It had been a minor issue to most Americans, and was seen as a regional issue only. It is now recognized by millions as the critical issue of our time. For someone like me,who has been screaming about this issue since the mid-70’s, and a fan of Enoch Powell since his 68 speech, this was a huge issue. People like Ann Coulter were very late to the issue. He didn’t realize the extent of the Deep State he was up against, and assumed that being President was like being a CEO where people did what he told them or got fired or demoted. 2). He pointed out that Free Trade is a very bad idea in many cases, and that we were being seriously taken advantage of. 3). He virtually single-handedly changed our national view of China from “good for business- great trading partner!” to “Public Enemy Number 1” and a huge threat to American Dominance. 4). He never explicitly said it, but he has sparked what may finally turn out to be the birth of a White Racial Consciousness. It is certainly long overdue as our melting pot boils over. Whether enough Whites will wake up in time to save some semblance of this country from a Third-World Brazilian future remains to be seen. What is really amazing about Trump’s incredible destruction of Hillary’s expected Coronation is how both parties remain utterly clueless as to how he accomplished it. They are literally incapable of even vaguely understanding a world view held by tens of millions of their fellow citizens. And have shown zero interest in even attempting such an understanding since his loss [through massive fraud] to Biden. They truly believe that politics in the U.S. will go back to the way things were pre-Trump. — Charlesz Martel (a pseudonym) 2021-09-05 l THE STATE OF THE DISUNION XII (He is a pervert and registered sex offender claiming to be "trans.") In
June a woman alleged a person
exposed their penis to women
& girls at Wi Spa. Liberal
press declared it a transphobic
hoax. Story was supposed to go
away but I investigated &
found charges were discreetly
filed. The suspect is a
registered sex offender.
— Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo September 2, 2021 * See also: Sex
offending suspect claims transgender harassment in
Wi Spa case
In June, a group of women complained that a person who identified as female exposed [his] penis at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles. The incident led to months of sometimes violent protests, with media outlets declaring it an example of bias against the transgendered, or even that it didn’t happen. Slate said it was a “transphobic hoax.” But on Monday, charges of indecent exposure were discreetly filed against a serial sex offender for the Wi Spa incident, following an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department. Sources with knowledge of the case but not authorized to speak publicly say four women and a minor girl came forward to allege that Darren Agee Merager was partially erect in the women’s section of Wi Spa. Besides being a suspect in this case, Merager is facing multiple felony charges of indecent exposure over a separate incident in Los Angeles. Merager, who spoke exclusively to The Post, denies the allegations and says that [he] is actually the victim of transphobic harassment. 2021-09-05 k THE STATE OF THE DISUNION XI (This too shall pass.) If Trump were here, gas
would be $2.00/gal, the border
would be enforced, 13 service
members would be alive,
unemployment would be down…just
for starters.
— Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle September 4, 2021 2021-09-05 j THE STATE OF THE DISUNION X Today we
learned that President Biden has imported an acute
human rights crisis into the United States. Biden
killed 13 Marines so that we could admit fully-grown
Afghan men and their child brides into our country
& pay them $1,250 each. Reports
are saying that Biden’s evacuation efforts included
at least 100 Afghans with terrorist ties &
allowed child sex traffickers to import “child
brides”. 2021-09-05 i THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IX 'Holding them hostage':
GOP lawmaker says Taliban are refusing to let planes
with Americans depart
Congressman Michael McCaul , the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, claimed that the Taliban are not allowing planes carrying Americans to leave Afghanistan . The congressman said “zero” Americans have been able to leave the country since the U.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan less than a week ago because the Taliban are holding them "hostage." (read more) *STUCK ON PLANES: @RepMcCaul says Americans and Afghan interpreters have been held hostage by the Taliban for days at the Mazar-i-Sharif International Airport in Afghanistan. #FoxNewsSunday pic.twitter.com/2gJfxNTIfJ — FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) September 5, 2021 *Project Exodus:
Afghanistan Retired Special Forces Rescue Mission-
Update 9/5 4pm ET)
Northern Resistance Force pushing Taliban back to Kabul; Details on Americans waiting for those six planes to leave Pres. Joe Biden lost the final battle in the Afghanistan war. Americans and Afghan allies were abandoned by the U.S. government in the days before the August 30 departure. However, brave and patriotic retired military special operators have taken over the mission to leave no man behind. I’m part of one of the groups called “Project Exodus.” My team allows me to share some of their information to expose the crisis so that the politicians in DC will stop working against them. They also want Americans to understand the true crisis when the U.S. government stops operating and leaves American citizens and Afghan allies to be hunted by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Sunday 9/5 *New Contact: We have a new email for the team to track people who need rescue from Afghanistan. Please email your name, passport number or SIV application number and phone to exodus@whc.hush.com . Our team of U.S. veterans is monitoring the secure email and will guide you on where to go and how to stay safe until rescue. Six airplanes — Today, the media elite finally decided to publicly report about the six charter planes and Americans that can’t get out of Afghanistan. I reported it first on Sept. 2 at 2:30 pm ET. The corporate media knew about the planes — at least since I reported it. They asked the White House and State Department about it. They were told information to keep “confidential”, and they obeyed the government. I spoke to the State Department Spokesman directly. His “confidential” information was not being withheld for safety of the people in the airport. It just shows that the government was incapable of getting Americans out of the country. The media elite withheld that from the public for that reason only. (read more) 2021-09-05 h THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VIII The juvenile ‘It’s horse
paste!’ critique of ivermectin
See also: Fake News: The strange campaign against
ivermectin escalates The Nobel Prize in medicine in 2015 went to two scientists whose experiments on a type of bacteria and subsequent modifications produced a compound that led to “a new class of drugs with extraordinary efficacy against parasitic diseases,” in the words of the Nobel Prize committee. That compound is ivermectin, which “turned out to be highly effective in both animals and humans against a variety of parasites, including those that cause River Blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis.” The FDA approved the drug in 1996. That’s why U.S. doctors wrote more than 100,000 prescriptions a year for ivermectin, which comes in tablets but also in a lotion. In 2020, the FDA approved one ivermectin lotion as an over-the-counter lice treatment. So why does the major media want you to believe that ivermectin is simply a “horse paste”? The answer is probably because the media are more interested in scoring cheap points in the game of culture-wars by mocking rednecks and conservatives than they are in informing their readers. The situation is this: Many people believe that ivermectin is an effective treatment of COVID-19, but the drug is not proven to treat COVID-19 effectively. Nor is it approved by the FDA for that purpose. It’s an anti-parasitic drug, and coronavirus is not a parasite. Although it has been shown to break down the coronavirus in laboratory settings, it has not yet been shown to do so in humans. Some people apparently have sought ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment and have resorted to buying products for farm animals that contain ivermectin as the active ingredient. This is obviously far more foolish than taking human roundworm treatment for off-label purposes. So, when a well-known and widely hated podcaster announces he is taking ivermectin, among other drugs, to treat his coronavirus, how does NPR cover it? The podcast host Joe
Rogan, who has dismissed COVID vaccines, said he
tested positive and is taking a cocktail of
unproven treatments — including ivermectin, a
deworming drug for cows that the FDA warns people
should not ingest. https://t.co/ydGjahao4k
— NPR (@NPR) September 2, 2021 NPR presents no evidence that Rogan is taking horse-formulated ivermectin. They seem to be deliberately misleading their readers in order to get good guffaws at the neanderthals. And this is typical media behavior. Podcast host Joe Rogan
says he has Covid-19 and used ivermectin, a drug
typically used on livestock that health experts
have urged the public to avoid. https://t.co/a4abDfNO5q
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 2, 2021 Unsurprisingly, this coverage has misled the public. It would be natural to conclude that most ivermectin taken these days is horse paste. But it isn't. The CDC reports that ivermectin prescriptions (human prescriptions) have risen 24-fold since before COVID-19, from 3,600 a week to 88,000 a week. The CDC also says that people are calling poison-control centers for illness from taking ivermectin. “In July 2021, ivermectin calls have continued to sharply increase, to a five-fold increase from baseline,” the CDC says, suggesting unprescribed use of ivermectin and maybe uses of horse paste. So, how many horse pills or horse paste is being taken? Read closely into the reports of this, and you see a lot of hand-waving, percentages, and second-hand stories, but almost no numbers. “Physicians are raising alarms about a growing number of people getting the drug from livestock supply centers…” reports the New York Times. The New York Times also reported, “Mississippi’s health department said earlier this month that 70 percent of recent calls to the state poison control center had come from people who ingested ivermectin from livestock supply stores.” Look at that alert , though, and there are no hard numbers, although there is language that implies some very low hard numbers: “85% of the callers had mild symptoms, but one individual was instructed to seek further evaluations.” Does that mean that “one individual” was 15% of the callers, meaning there were seven ivermectin calls in the whole state, maybe five of which involved livestock-grade stuff? My queries to the state health agencies have not yet received replies. From Texas, we got larger and more concrete numbers. The New York Times reports, “So far this year the center has received 260 calls [about exposure to ivermectin]. The vast majority of the recent calls came from people who took a veterinary product in an attempt to treat or prevent COVID-19.” So let’s assume that’s about 200 people in the state of Texas so far this year. If Texas were representative of the whole United States, that would suggest 2,400 poisonings from horse paste all year nationwide. That’s one-fifth the number of ivermectin prescriptions handed out every day. That suggests that vastly more people are taking prescription ivermectin in human formulations than in livestock formulations. [...] If you want to inform the public about what is effective and what is ineffective in avoiding serious COVID-19, maybe being honest and forthright is better than being snarky and inaccurate. (read more) 2021-09-05 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII (I shudder to think that the Wicked Witch of the East could have been president.) @HillaryClinton You are a shadow
leader in service of evil. You are the enemy of
what is good, right and moral. You represent no
flag, no country, no soul. You eat hope, you twist
minds. I’ve been in a hotel room with your husband
and here comes the bomb.
— Rose Water waveMcGowan @rosemcgowan September 2, 2021 2021-09-05 f THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI Fun fact: Virtually
every single 'fact check' that is being published
on the Internet right now is full of sh*t.
— Kyle Becker @kylenabecker September 3, 2021 * USA Today admitted
there fact checker lied to cover for Biden.
BTW I just checked and (over a dozen) many media outlets online have left the untrue story up shocker there!!!! — Sunshine @SunshineArt7 September 4, 2021 * Remember
when the entire establishment lied and claimed
only people who were “thoroughly vetted” would be
evacuated? Now it turns out we just imported the
Afghanistan branch of the Lincoln Project.
— Sean Davis @seanmdav September 3, 2021 * ![]() 2021-09-05 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V Psaki completely SNAPS at a reporter, attacks him, and turns red like lava after getting called out over Biden’s blatantly anti-Catholic actions on abortion. Watch this. pic.twitter.com/HbeSE7HVA8 — Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 2, 2021 ** 3 Steps To Be A Good
Christian Today:
1. Find the @lyft App 2. Remove App 3. Delete App Lyft is using your ride money to fund the murder of innocent unborn. Do not contribute to their cursed blood money. Christian drivers must refuse to work for @lyft. #LyftKills — Benny @bennyjohnson September 4, 2021 * Abortion is murder.
This statement is not remotely controversial. Billions of believers around the world agree with this ancient truth. Our God *commands* us not to murder. Our God *commands* us to protect the innocent. We are the majority. We are going to start acting like it. — Benny @bennyjohnson September 4, 2021 2021-09-05 d THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IV The Democrat reliance on
the COVID fear as a political tool is wearing off;
perhaps the panic has an expiration date, or perhaps
people are starting to realize the politics of
manipulated COVID messaging is just that, ‘political
messaging’. The vaccine results from Israel
undercut the U.S. vaccine narrative; simultaneously,
the open-society results from Sweden show how
society can function without chasing endless
mitigation efforts (i.e. masks) that provide no
Many Americans are absorbing all the information available on a daily basis and appear to be seeing-through the ever-evolving, ever-changing, ever-contradictory, non-scientific COVID dictates. Yes, there is a virus; but also, these government directed solutions are delivering worse outcomes than the virus itself. As a result of growing public cynicism, health officials inside the administration are attempting to retain what little remains of their own crumbling credibility. Health officials inside the administration are now pushing back against the White House direction to promote never-ending and untested vaccine ‘booster shots’ as tools for fear and control over people. — The Last Refuge 2021-09-05 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III (Now you can begin to understand the sinister political, not medical, purpose for the booster shots. Remember, "They inform us they define "unvaccinated" as being less than 14 days after receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if there is no vaccination registry data. [...] Blood clots or heart inflammation caused by the spike protein mRNA shots often kill within a few days after getting a dose of the gene therapy mislabeled as a vaccine." They must have more hospitalizations and deaths to maintain the panic of a fake pandemic.) * I’m going to come right
out and say it: In situations where hospitals are
overwhelmed and resources such as intensive care
beds or ventilators are scarce, vaccinated patients
should be given priority over those who have refused
vaccination without a legitimate medical or
religious reason.
*— Ruth Marcus, 3 Sept. 2021, Washington Post Estimating the number of
COVID vaccine deaths in America
By Jessica Rose, Mathew Crawford Abstract: Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database can be used to estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database is the only pharmacovigilance database used by FDA and CDC that is accessible to the public. It is the only database to which the public can voluntarily report injuries or deaths following vaccinations. Medical professionals and pharmaceutical manufacturers are mandated to report serious injuries or deaths to VAERS following vaccinations when they are made aware of them. It is a “passive” system with uncertain reporting rates. VAERS is called the “early warning system” because it is intended to reveal early signals of problems, which can then be evaluated carefully by using an “active” surveillance system. The VAERS database can be used to estimate the number of deaths caused by the COVID vaccines using the following method: 1. Determine the
significant adverse event under-reporting multiplier
by using a known
significant adverse event rate 2. Determine the number of US deaths reported into VAERS 3. Determine the propensity to report significant adverse events this year 4. Estimate the number of excess deaths using these numbers 5. Validate the result using independent methods Determining the VAERS under-reporting multiplier One method to discover the VAERS underreporting analysis can be done using a specific serious adverse event that should always be reported, data from the CDC, and a study published in JAMA. Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare and occurs in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated in the United States based on events reported to VAERS according to the 2 September 2021 CDC report on Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination. Anaphylaxis is a well known side effect and doctors are required to report it. It occurs right after the shot. You can’t miss it. It should always be reported. (read more) 2021-09-05 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II (Alexandria Occasionally-Correct proves yet again that an illiterate idiot can be elected to Congress.) Hold everyone to the same standards we hold for Black women & women of color challenge AOC calls for the elimination of all racial preferences programs. Great! https://t.co/UAz6eqYjOW So no more
Affirmative Action then? my ivy
league grad school told us people of color could be
late to exams because it was "part of their culture" So you're expected to defer to me, or you'll be branded a racist and a sexist? Finally! https://t.co/4hDfMdCxAm 2021-09-05 a THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I (Rep. Chip Roy (R - Texas) understands both the crooked game and the rigged score. HE HIT THIS ONE OUT OF THE PARK.) "All of DC – all of it
– can go straight to hell."
Message to Republicans & Democrats – including @HouseGOP & @SenateGOP colleagues. I do not trust you to do anything at all, much less say you will draft my daughter to “non combat” roles. Why don’t I trust you? Let’s see – THREAD: (1/9) #DontDraftOurDaughters — Chip Roy (@chiproytx) September 2, 2021 *Maybe
it’s because you (both R&D) have amassed $30
trillion in debt and are blowing through trillions
more… all while giving lip service to “balanced
budgets” for decades… (2/9)
Maybe it’s because you
(both R & D) have talked about securing our
border while Texans suffer—our ranches, our
schools, our hospitals—Fentanyl pouring into our
communities… murders, rapes… dead migrants on
ranches… all in the false name of compassion…(3/9)
Maybe it’s because you
(both R&D) politicized a virus… giving us
wildly varying propaganda about it’s origins, the
nature of it’s communicability, the efficacy of
your mandated measures in response including
vaccines, and ignoring of treatments… (4/9)
Maybe it’s because you
(both R&D) have destroyed our healthcare
system and made it impossible to get the doctor of
our choice at a remotely affordable price all in
the false name of “coverage.” (5/9)
Maybe it’s because
both R&D have had us at war for 20 years…
without any actual new AUMF or consistent guidance
from our political leaders about victory… all
while our troops sacrificed, and we set the stage
for a gutless President to surrender and empower
our enemies… (6/9)
Maybe its because
you’ve funded education bureaucrat after education
bureaucrat to teach our kids that American is evil
and racist, to take God out of our schools, and
otherwise make it impossible for parents to safely
turn their children over to the schools… (7/9)
it’s because you’ve (both R&D) caused America,
despite sitting on a vast reserve of energy
supply, to render us less secure economically and
less secure against our enemies to appease
institutional investors and the Acela corridor
cocktail circuit. (8/9)
Now you – including likely 28 GOP House members voting for an NDAA last night to do so – want to draft my daughter and just “trust you” not to put them into combat? All of DC – all of it – can go straight to hell. (9/9) #DontDraftOurDaughters — Chip Roy (@chiproytx) September 2, 2021 ______________________Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2021 ARCHIVE
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