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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2021- 2021-12-26 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III ![]() That is why the Great
reset is failing.
2021-12-26 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II ![]() Letter to a Colluder: Stop
Enabling Tyranny
2021-12-26 aStand Down … So You Can Stand Up
I’m willing to die to defend my liberty. Are you willing to die to take my liberty? No? Good. Then stop enforcing totalitarian measures against your neighbors on behalf of the tyrants, who wouldn’t hesitate to annihilate you. Stop planning, directing, supervising, controlling, and performing their dirty work. Become part of the resistance instead of an enabler of democidal despots. Whether you are a law enforcement officer, public health official, psychologist, scientist, medical professional, educator, employer, censor, propagandist, or any other agent of complicity in this war against the people, you are what makes dictatorships possible. You are what makes enslavement possible. You are what makes genocide possible. You are what makes the Biggest Lie in history possible. You may not be one of the Gestapo agents beating individuals entering a public space without their vaxxport; wrenching children away from their vaxx criminal parents; pummeling anti-injection protesters; stripping and needle-raping resisters; reverting Australia to a penal colony; or restraining and forcibly injecting the elderly and mentally disabled (otherwise known as “useless eaters” by your predecessors). You may not be one of the public health officials instituting ineffectual and deleterious mask guidelines and lockdowns based on fraudulent PCR tests; testing wastewater to justify iron-fisted measures; or falsifying the numbers to magnify a fabricated threat and conceal the deadly factual consequences and statistically astronomical number of adverse reactions to the injection. You may not be one of the psychologists devising the mass persuasion campaign that has hypnotized the obedient, the gullible, and the ignorant around the globe. You may not be one of the scientists too frightened of losing your career, credibility, grant funding, and future to denounce the fraud being perpetrated under the cloak of Science™. You may not be one of the physicians violating the Hippocratic Oath and Nuremberg Code as you deny potentially life-saving medications, deploy murderous injections, administer lethal drugs such as Remdesivir, inflict ventilator-associated lung injuries, apply high-risk interventions like intubation, gang-inject patients, coerce pregnant mothers into risking miscarriage, refuse to treat non-GMO humans, and contemplate prioritizing ICU beds for the injected. You may not be one of the nurses flouting the nursing code of ethics while pinning down screaming children as you plunge in the poison death jab. You may not be one of the daycare employees torturing toddlers into wearing a mask. You may not be one of the fascist institutions complying with the merciless edicts to fire the rational dissidents in your organization. You may not be one of the censors suppressing evidence of all of the above atrocities while simultaneously silencing and smearing the honorable scientists, medical experts, whistleblowers, and other truth-tellers valiant enough to refute the preposterous narrative you have swindled so many into believing. You may not be one of the propagandists blaring the Biggest Lie talking points over the loudspeakers through every conceivable mechanism 24/7/365 until the feeble-minded succumb to your relentless coercion from exhaustion, peer pressure, menticide, and Orwellian doublethink. You don’t have to be any of those abominable scoundrels to be an enabler of tyranny. You simply need to hold your tongue. You simply need to look the other way. You simply need to turn a deaf ear. You simply need to stifle your gut feeling that something is profoundly, irrevocably wrong about every venomous lie, absurd policy, and malignant mandate that has bombarded the public since spring 2020. You simply need to live in fear. You simply need to cling to your ignorance. You simply need to follow the leader. You simply need to surrender to cowardice. [...]Every act of collusion, every stain on your conscience, every bureaucratic compromise of your values etches an ineradicable scar into your soul. As a philologist colleague of Milton Mayer’s explains in They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45:
In Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland1 (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), Christopher R. Browning ponders why only twelve men out of a battalion of nearly 500 kindled the courage to decline participation in the Józefów massacre of Polish Jews when Major Wilhelm Trapp (who himself “wept bitterly” at the command but ultimately complied, saying, “But orders are orders”)—offered to excuse anyone who asked. Browning lists such factors as “the pressure for conformity”; Himmler’s “exalting obedience as one of the key virtues of all SS men”; “wartime brutalization, racism, segmentation and routinization of the task, special selection of the perpetrators, careerism, obedience to orders, deference to authority, ideological indoctrination”; and fear of “isolation, rejection, and ostracism.” Thanks to the “growing callousness” that comes from habituation, the soldiers discovered “killing was something one could get used to.” Browning found Zygmunt Bauman’s explanation especially compelling, noting:
What set those twelve brave men apart? Browning summarizes Bauman’s observation:
Browning goes on to cite the conclusion Philip Zimbardo drew from his notorious Stanford Prison Experiment:
He then recaps the findings of another famous experiment, Obedience to Authority conducted by Stanley Milgram:
But Browning doesn’t solely focus on those who pulled the triggers. He also addresses the “desk murderers,” for whom homicidal acts were almost mundane thanks to “the desensitizing effects of division of labor.” He describes Raul Hilberg’s emphasis on “the bureaucratic and administrative aspects of the destruction process”:
Soldiers and bureaucrats weren’t the only ones responsible for executing enemies of the Third Reich. Medical personnel were also enlisted, as revealed in the REMI Platinum Award–winning documentary Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich: Few of the individuals who slaughtered their fellow human beings were psychopaths initially. They were average folks just like you. They were simply doing their jobs, which required increasing levels of savagery over time. That is the process by which well-meaning individuals metamorphose into barbarous sociopaths. The only way to keep yourself from transmogrifying into a monstrous sadist is to alchemize your cowardice into courage NOW. Instead of being a tread in the panzer that is razing humanity, you can become a wrench in the gears. You have the power to fell the Goliaths. You have the power to expose the corrupt. You have the power to subvert the technocrats. You have the power to uncloak the transhumanists. You have the power to bring to justice the self-installed oppressors demolishing and reconstructing the world in their own malevolent image. You have the power NOT TO FOLLOW ORDERS. When I snap my fingers, you will awaken from your hypnosis. SNAP! It is time to wake up. It is time to redirect your aggression from the people to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be. It is time to recognize you are one of the targets of this fiendish agenda, too. Eventually, you will be replaced by robots. Then you will become one of the plebeians you presently persecute—and the few of us who survive the democide will be equally disempowered, dependent, divested of possessions, and enslaved to a totalitarian technocracy. Mass surveillance will monitor our every twitch, tallying credits and demerits to our social credit score in accordance with the autocratic algorithms. There will be no humans left to administer mercy. There will be no halfway decent enforcer to let this one slide. There will be no compassionate official to consider mitigating circumstances. All grays will be washed into an unending, unflinching, unsparing blackness from which the dawn never emerges. The totality of this New World Tyranny is unprecedented in human history. Indeed, it may signal the end of all human history, now and forevermore. Unless you stop colluding. Unless you stop enforcing. Unless you stop enabling. Will you be one of the intrepid dozen to defy orders, setting an example for other colluders to follow while tipping the dominoes in favor of the people over the parasitic patriciate? Stand up for truth. Stand up for freedom. Stand up for justice. Stand up for humanity—before you ensure our mutual destruction. Take courage from the letter written by Police Constable Adrienne Gilvesy, in which she denies her consent to the illegal Mandatory Vaccination Requirement for Toronto Police Service Members. Draw inspiration from Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, who has chosen to protect the rights of his employees rather than comply with the vaccine mandate. Look to the Massachusetts State Troopers Union, which filed a lawsuit requesting that a hold be put on Governor Baker’s spike mandate. Listen to Irish physician Dr. Anne McCloskey, who was suspended for bearing witness to the perils associated with the injection. Take a lesson from Dr. Julie Ponesse, who was terminated from her position as professor of ethics at the University of Western Ontario for not consenting to a coercive and unethical decree: Consider the example of the nineteen United States governors refusing to comply with the mandate—or Oregon State Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, who have filed a formal petition for a federal grand jury investigation into the CDC and FDA for willful misconduct. Join the heroic whistleblowers such as this ICU nurse, this senior NHS nurse, and the following nurses who stepped forward to expose the corrupt and toxic practices at their institutions: Follow in the footsteps of the Niagara Police Department, whose members formed the Niagara Regional Police United for Human Rights group, issuing the following statement in response to vaccine mandates:
We CAN break the
tyrannical spell that has been cast over the
world—but we need you to stand behind us, stand
beside us, and, if needed, stand in front of us. (read
more and watch videos) THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I The night fires have
gone out.
The dawn fog is lifting. A new day is dawning. ![]() Americans belong to many
creeds, factions and groups. The groups that will
succeed during and after the Great Culling are the
ones who long for this scene to be real. They know
at a visceral level that liberty could flourish only
if this transpires. They dream of a time when the
District of Corruption has been laid to waste.
"HO HO HO, Merry Christmas" to legal Americans. "Infeliz Navidad" to illegal aliens. ![]() Get this: the SARs
Covid-19 episode has been an engineered mind-fuck
from start to finish. Western Civ has been taken
for a ride, fleeced, shot in the head, and left in
the trunk of a car abandoned on a lonely stretch
of highway. As we turn the corner into 2022,
millions of surviving, de-programmed Americans may
get a little worked-up about what has been done to
our country and just who is responsible for it.
— James Howard Kunstler 2021-12-24 e A PASSING THOUGHT ![]() 2021-12-24 d A PASSING REMARK - a remarkable passage ‘Haaretz’ publisher says
Israel is ‘an apartheid state’ — as his paper
continues to warn against an Israel-Iran war
Haaretz publisher: "The product of Zionism, the State of Israel, is not a Jewish and democratic state, but has instead become an apartheid state, plain and simple." Amos Schocken is Israel’s equivalent of the latest Sulzberger to inherit control of the New York Times. Schocken, in his mid-70s, is the third generation of his family to run Haaretz, the most respected newspaper in Israel, and he speaks out regularly in columns and on social media. Just the other day, Schocken called Israel “an apartheid state.” He was indignantly responding to a right-wing member of the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament. Here’s the full quotation:
Haaretz continues to be indispensable to understanding the vital truths about Israel/Palestine, truths the New York Times ignores and covers up. The latest example: yesterday’s Times has an analysis of the differences between the U.S. and Israel over the re-negotiations of the Iran nuclear deal. The article could have been ghost-written by hawks in the Israeli government. Its overall tone is sympathy with Israel, and a sense that American policymakers are naive. The report euphemistically mentions Israeli “covert strikes” and “sabotage operations” against Iran, but doesn’t give more details. Only in the final paragraph (the 23rd), does the Times acknowledge that the American CIA director, William Burns, says the U.S. “continues to believe that Iran has not made a decision to weaponize its nuclear program.” Let’s turn to Haaretz. Start with its respected national security reporter, Amos Harel. He’s no radical, but he does know how to report and tell the full story, and he obviously has reliable sources within the Israeli military. He starts by raising doubts that Israel is even capable of a successful attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities, an angle the Times ignored:
Harel goes on to warn that an Israel raid would risk dangerous consequences across the Mideast, another angle the Times missed:
Harel has the good reporter’s concern for specifics and a healthy disdain for euphemism. What the Times article called “sabotage operations” against Iran turn out to be “assassinations of nuclear scientists, explosions at nuclear sites, cyberattacks, attacks on Iranian ships, extensive airstrikes against pro-Iranian militias in Syria, and a systematic assault on convoys smuggling arms from Iran to Hezbollah. . .” Haaretz’s truth-telling didn’t stop there. A lead editorial upbraided two top Israeli security officials for “parading a stream of arrogant, boastful threats against Iran in recent days,” and warned that the current discussion should not focus on Israel’s saber-rattling but instead on “an Iran-Israel war that could erupt following such a dangerous attack.” A decade ago, the New Yorker’s top editor, David Remnick, published an inspiring long report about Haaretz and its publisher, Amos Schocken. Remnick quoted at length from an article Schocken himself wrote back then, which argued that “Hatikvah,” Israel’s national anthem, should be changed because “its lyrics are about only Jewish aspirations.” Schocken said:
BEFORE YOU GO – Stories like the one you just read are the result of years of 2021-12-24 c A PASSING REFERENCE "Asymptomatic," she
So, did the Alzheimer in Chief test positive? .@PressSec says Biden is
asymptomatic after his close contact last week with
a staffer who later tested positive for COVID-19. 2021-12-24 b A PASSING AWAY THEY ARE DROPPING LIKE
(The lethal injections ARE working.) See also: vaxxident videos 2021-12-24 a A PASSING “Slouching Towards
Joan Didion Knew The Job Had
Been Butchered
It’s fashionable to like Joan Didion. They printed her on tote bags, and for obvious reasons. The Corvette, of course. The cigarette. The effortless cool of long, untamed hair and a flowing dress. You can read about her “radicalization” in The New Yorker. Didion, who passed this week, started her career with a healthy respect for Barry Goldwater, contributing essays to National Review. By the late 1980s, Didion developed a healthy skepticism of the American right. The essays in “Political Fictions,” released in 2001, start with “Insider Baseball,” a cutting critique of campaign theater with enduring relevance. She flays Dinesh D’Souza. She roasts Newt Gingrich. Yet the book is almost transpartisan, unamused with the ritual choreography of American politics. Her 1996 review of Bob Woodward’s “The Choice” is above all a brutal piece of media criticism. “What seems most remarkable in this Woodward book,” said Didion, “is exactly what seemed remarkable in the previous Woodward books, each of which was presented as the insiders’ inside story and each of which went on to become a number-one bestseller: these are books in which measurable cerebral activity is virtually absent.” The charge Didion brings against Woodward, that he only obtains insider information by protecting the interests of those insiders, she also levels against the entire industry. “The genuflection toward ‘fairness’ is a familiar newsroom piety, in practice the excuse for a good deal of autopilot reporting and lazy thinking but in theory a benign ideal,” wrote Didion. “In Washington, however, a community in which the management of news has become the single overriding preoccupation of the core industry, what ‘fairness’ has often come to mean is a scrupulous passivity, an agreement to cover the story not as it is occurring but as it is presented, which is to say as it is manufactured.” In the book, that essay appeared under the headline, “Political Pornography.” Chomsky, of course, wouldn’t be caught dead in a hot rod. And therein lies the appeal of Joan Didion, whose life had all the glamor and tragedy of America in the 20th Century, and whose travels “South and West” and everywhere else had all the romance of the American imagination, of scribbling in a notebook from the bed of a midcentury motel on a stretch of remote highway far from home. She really did it. Didion’s disillusionment with the left became a disillusionment with the system itself — as well it should have. While her thinking may have shifted, “Slouching Towards Bethlehem” remains exact in its prescience, much like her musings on Woodward. Indeed, reading Didion can feel like mining for gold, finding in her dry wit and precise descriptions those standout passages that captured something true about her time then and our time now. Burdened by anxiety before it became a national burden, Didion leaves us at a time when there is much to be gained from her work, just as bellbottoms return to the racks and cities return to decay. “Slouching Towards Bethlehem” begins with five famous words: “The center was not holding.” “It was not a country in open revolution,” Didion wrote. She continued:
It’s really too bad she can’t go back. (read more)2021-12-23 d CRISIS IV The Single Most Important
Thing We Can Do To Save the Constitution
cIf James Madison rose from his grave today, he’d be astonished. Not that a demented, corrupt scoundrel was now serving in the same office he once held—as astonishing as that is. Nor that the federal government had metastasized into a liberty devouring leviathan that towers over his great state of Virginia. What would surprise him is that, after nearly 250 years, his Constitution, no matter how tattered and torn, has endured. Our classrooms have abandoned an appreciation for the profound genius of the Founders and the institutional gifts they gave us. Instead, classrooms breed contempt for our history. The Founders’ priceless legacy is the notion that government is established to protect men’s liberty and, because men are no angels, that government must be limited, accountable, and divided. Even today, the most elementary constitutional lesson is probably still taught: the legislative branch makes the laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judicial branch adjudicates the laws—but today that’s a lie. Unlike the obvious panoply of deceit cascading from every corner of the government and complicit news media, this lie, although more toxic to our Constitution and more dangerous to our freedoms, goes largely unrecognized. We have an all-encompassing de facto fourth branch of government—the administrative state, the magnum opus of the progressive movement. The movement’s name itself is diabolical. Who isn’t for progress? Faster, bigger, better—it’s the zeitgeist of America. But the Progressives wanted a different type of progress: to progress beyond the Constitution. Teddy Roosevelt
was our first Progressive president but his real
damage was running for a third term under the Bull
Moose party, thereby splitting the Republican
ticket and ushering in Woodrow Wilson, a true
progressive. He was an intellectual blinded by his
good intentions and bred with a malevolent
contempt for a Constitution that obstructed his
ambitions. Wilson, our only president with a Ph.D. (indisputable proof it should be disqualifying), was corrupted at John Hopkins University by a faculty heavily influenced in the Hegelian tradition (belief in an all-encompassing organic state as opposed to American individualism). Wilson’s 294-page thesis was an all-out assault on our Constitution: “The period of constitution-making is passed now. We have reached a new territory in which we need new guides, the vast territory of administration.” Wilson viewed the Founders’ separation of powers as an “unpleasant wearing friction” depriving expert administrators of the “means of making its authority complete and convenient.” To Wilson, the Constitution was an anachronistic relic written in the age of fighting kings and wholly incompatible with the modern day. Appealing to “the science” of the day, he claimed “The government is not a machine, but a living thing. It is accountable to Darwin, not Newton. Living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and in practice.” They must evolve. Article V of the Constitution describes precisely how it might evolve but, impatient for change, Wilson had a better idea: “All that progressives ask or desire is permission to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle.” So modest, so scientific. But what Wilson wanted was to radically restructure it: “If it could not stretch itself to the measure of the times, it must be thrown off and left behind.” Wilson wanted the government to be run by an “administration of executive agents...virtually supreme in all things.” At his inauguration, it is a wonder the Good Book itself didn’t leap from his hand as he swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.” Despite
Wilson’s scholarly rhetoric, he was only mildly
successful in his diabolical assault on liberty.
As history has repeatedly
shown—from the Reichstag fire to 9/11 to
COVID—it takes a crisis for men to willingly
surrender their freedom. For the Progressives,
that crisis was the Great Depression. (read
more) CRISIS III The Corporate Media Freakout Over The
Omicron Variant Isn’t Normal, It’s Psychotic
bTwitter blue checks across the Northeast are utterly divorced from the reality of pandemic life in the rest of the country. Omicron is here, and with it comes death and destruction — unless, that is, you cancel Christmas, hide in your homes, get all the boosters, double mask, and demand to see negative Covid tests and proof of vaccination for anyone who darkens your doorstep. Any precautions, no matter how seemingly outlandish, are seen as justifiable to protect yourself from this new and terrifying variant. So it is, anyway, with a disturbingly large number of reporters and commentators in the corporate press, whose coverage and individual responses to Covid have become increasingly divorced from that of the rest of America. To watch CNN or read The New York Times, you’d think omicron was the most deadly strain of the virus to date, poised to overwhelm hospitals and leave a trail of death behind it. The reality, which most Americans have readily grasped, is just the opposite: omicron appears to be the least dangerous strain of the virus yet. After five weeks of omicron’s spread in South Africa, where the variant first appeared, the news is encouraging: mild to nonexistent symptoms, hospitalization rates nine times lower than previous surges, and extremely low rates of severe illness and death even though only about a quarter of the population is vaccinated. Here in the United States, only one person has [allegedly] died from with the omicron variant thus far, even though omicron cases accounted for nearly three-quarters of new infections nationwide last week. Rather than return to lockdowns and school closures — to say nothing of canceling holiday gatherings — there’s every reason to believe we’ll be able to weather this surge with minimal disruption. Unless you’re a member of legacy media. In that case, you’re probably going to cancel your own birthday party like The Atlantic’s Ed Yong did, even though all his birthday guests were vaccinated and boosted, and probably would have been tested before showing up at his house. But no, it was just too great a risk. Yong, you see, covers science. He won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of Covid. He’s written too many stories about the pandemic to be dissuaded by mere data about omicron. For him, isolation, masking indoors, and eating outside are normal and necessary, and really what everyone should be doing. He’s not alone. Former GOP communications director and CNN contributor Tara Setmayer blurted out on Twitter last week that she hadn’t been on a plane or gone to a movie since March 2020, and has only eaten indoors twice this entire time, even though her family is vaccinated and boosted.This isn’t a healthy or sane response to the pandemic [of lies], especially not after nearly two years of Covid. Judging by how busy airports and movie theaters and restaurants are across the country, it’s also not normal. It’s borderline psychotic. Only people who have convinced themselves that the worst thing that could happen to them is get Covid would go to these absurd lengths. Yet that’s exactly what many Twitter blue checks have done. CNN’s Chris Cillizza confessed on Twitter last week that the omicron surge has really hit him hard because it made him realize, for the first time, that “the vaccines don’t, really, prevent you from getting the virus,” and that they “can never do what I had hoped: Ensure no one I loved will become infected.” Imagine being so impervious to reality — to say nothing of science and data, or even just stories about Covid in the news — that you’d still think, in December 2021, that the Covid vaccines could prevent all your loved ones from getting infected. I know we all joke about how bad Cillizza’s takes are, but come on. It would be one thing if this insanity were confined to the Acela corridor, but it’s not. Thanks to the hysterics of our media elite, a certain segment of the American people have lost their minds over Covid and essentially become some version of the mask-sealed-with-surgical-tape, “Shitton of Xanax” lady: Now, where would this poor woman get the idea that all this is necessary to protect her from the omicron variant? Maybe she read Washington Post health reporter Dan Diamond’s latest column, in which he warns his readers not to expect a mild case of Covid from the omicron variant, to “brace yourself” for a positive test even if you’re vaccinated, to “expect hospitals to be pushed to their limits,” and to “upgrade your mask and think twice about taking risks.” Understand that none of this advice has much to do with the science or data we have so far on omicron. Indeed, the South African doctor who first reported the omicron variant wrote earlier this month that she was “astonished by the extraordinary worldwide reaction” to the new strain of Covid, which she says is “out of all proportion to the risks posed by this variant.” That reaction is being pushed by a small cohort of elite journalists and talking heads who live in large cities in the northeast, and whose entire approach to Covid and the pandemic are way out of step with the rest of the country. What’s more, their fear-driven approach hasn’t yielded better outcomes. Places that have imposed draconian lockdowns and school closures have fared no better (and sometimes worse) than places that have remained mostly open. It’s
time — long past time — to stop listening to these
people. (read
more) CRISIS II A paragraph that puts to shame
the January 6 Select Committee of the House of
aLt. General Michael Flynn has filed a complaint against Speaker Pelosi and her Select Committee along the lines of the complaint already filed by former White House counsel Mark Meadows, but with an important difference. Like the Meadows complaint, Gen. Flynn points out that the committee was not organized in accordance with the provision of the authorizing resolution, H.Res. 503. Where the resolution called for thirteen members, the Pelosi panel has only nine members. Where the resolution called for five members of the minority appointed in consultation with the minority leader, the committee has two members of the minority, selected by the speaker without consultation with the minority leader. The authorizing resolution called for a ranking member; the committee has no ranking member. And as the Meadows complaint alleges, the Flynn complaint alleges that the subpoenas issued by the committee serve no valid legislative purpose. In pertinent part, the Flynn complaint, as does the Meadows complaint, calls on the court — in this case, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Ft. Myers Division — to declare unenforceable the subpoena issued by the Select Committee on Lt. General Flynn. There is, however, a marked difference in paragraph 3 of the Flynn complaint, compared with the opening paragraphs in the Meadows complaint, and I believe that the words in this paragraph demand the immediate attention of the United States Congress, the media, and, of course, the readers of American Thinker, for this paragraph makes clear that all those who incessantly apply the terms "false" and "baseless" to expressions of concern about the conduct of the 2020 presidential election are traducing the very concept of free speech and expression in America and would impose the notion of unfreedom upon a people who view liberty as a God-given right. Here is the
important, indeed crucial to freedom's cause,
reminder in the Flynn complaint, how far astray
Speaker Pelosi and her very Select Committee would
take us from the moorings of our Constitution:
By implication,
paragraph 3 of the complaint brought by Lt.
General Flynn against Speaker Pelosi and her
cohort is tantamount to a call on a free people to
rise up; to declare that the Pelosi panel is an
affront to the Constitution and the American
spirit of liberty; and to demand an end,
forthwith, to the politically obscene conduct of
this committee of the House of Representatives, a
committee that offends the Constitution and is an
insult to the men who drafted our organic document
of government. (read
more) CRISIS I The Crisis
by Thomas Paine December 23, 1776THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER" and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God. Whether the independence of the continent was declared too soon, or delayed too long, I will not now enter into as an argument; my own simple opinion is, that had it been eight months earlier, it would have been much better. We did not make a proper use of last winter, neither could we, while we were in a dependent state. However, the fault, if it were one, was all our own [FOOTNOTE]; we have none to blame but ourselves. But no great deal is lost yet. All that Howe has been doing for this month past, is rather a ravage than a conquest, which the spirit of the Jerseys, a year ago, would have quickly repulsed, and which time and a little resolution will soon recover. I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. Neither have I so much of the infidel in me, as to suppose that He has relinquished the government of the world, and given us up to the care of devils; and as I do not, I cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us: a common murderer, a highwayman, or a house-breaker, has as good a pretence as he. 'Tis surprising to see how rapidly a panic will sometimes run through a country. All nations and ages have been subject to them. Britain has trembled like an ague at the report of a French fleet of flat-bottomed boats; and in the fourteenth [fifteenth] century the whole English army, after ravaging the kingdom of France, was driven back like men petrified with fear; and this brave exploit was performed by a few broken forces collected and headed by a woman, Joan of Arc. Would that heaven might inspire some Jersey maid to spirit up her countrymen, and save her fair fellow sufferers from ravage and ravishment! Yet panics, in some cases, have their uses; they produce as much good as hurt. Their duration is always short; the mind soon grows through them, and acquires a firmer habit than before. But their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered. In fact, they have the same effect on secret traitors, which an imaginary apparition would have upon a private murderer. They sift out the hidden thoughts of man, and hold them up in public to the world. Many a disguised Tory has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which Howe arrived upon the Delaware. As I was with the troops at Fort Lee, and marched with them to the edge of Pennsylvania, I am well acquainted with many circumstances, which those who live at a distance know but little or nothing of. Our situation there was exceedingly cramped, the place being a narrow neck of land between the North River and the Hackensack. Our force was inconsiderable, being not one-fourth so great as Howe could bring against us. We had no army at hand to have relieved the garrison, had we shut ourselves up and stood on our defence. Our ammunition, light artillery, and the best part of our stores, had been removed, on the apprehension that Howe would endeavor to penetrate the Jerseys, in which case Fort Lee could be of no use to us; for it must occur to every thinking man, whether in the army or not, that these kind of field forts are only for temporary purposes, and last in use no longer than the enemy directs his force against the particular object which such forts are raised to defend. Such was our situation and condition at Fort Lee on the morning of the 20th of November, when an officer arrived with information that the enemy with 200 boats had landed about seven miles above; Major General [Nathaniel] Green, who commanded the garrison, immediately ordered them under arms, and sent express to General Washington at the town of Hackensack, distant by the way of the ferry = six miles. Our first object was to secure the bridge over the Hackensack, which laid up the river between the enemy and us, about six miles from us, and three from them. General Washington arrived in about three-quarters of an hour, and marched at the head of the troops towards the bridge, which place I expected we should have a brush for; however, they did not choose to dispute it with us, and the greatest part of our troops went over the bridge, the rest over the ferry, except some which passed at a mill on a small creek, between the bridge and the ferry, and made their way through some marshy grounds up to the town of Hackensack, and there passed the river. We brought off as much baggage as the wagons could contain, the rest was lost. The simple object was to bring off the garrison, and march them on till they could be strengthened by the Jersey or Pennsylvania militia, so as to be enabled to make a stand. We staid four days at Newark, collected our out-posts with some of the Jersey militia, and marched out twice to meet the enemy, on being informed that they were advancing, though our numbers were greatly inferior to theirs. Howe, in my little opinion, committed a great error in generalship in not throwing a body of forces off from Staten Island through Amboy, by which means he might have seized all our stores at Brunswick, and intercepted our march into Pennsylvania; but if we believe the power of hell to be limited, we must likewise believe that their agents are under some providential control. I shall not now attempt to give all the particulars of our retreat to the Delaware; suffice it for the present to say, that both officers and men, though greatly harassed and fatigued, frequently without rest, covering, or provision, the inevitable consequences of a long retreat, bore it with a manly and martial spirit. All their wishes centred in one, which was, that the country would turn out and help them to drive the enemy back. Voltaire has remarked that King William never appeared to full advantage but in difficulties and in action; the same remark may be made on General Washington, for the character fits him. There is a natural firmness in some minds which cannot be unlocked by trifles, but which, when unlocked, discovers a cabinet of fortitude; and I reckon it among those kind of public blessings, which we do not immediately see, that God hath blessed him with uninterrupted health, and given him a mind that can even flourish upon care. I shall conclude this paper with some miscellaneous remarks on the state of our affairs; and shall begin with asking the following question, Why is it that the enemy have left the New England provinces, and made these middle ones the seat of war? The answer is easy: New England is not infested with Tories, and we are. I have been tender in raising the cry against these men, and used numberless arguments to show them their danger, but it will not do to sacrifice a world either to their folly or their baseness. The period is now arrived, in which either they or we must change our sentiments, or one or both must fall. And what is a Tory? Good God! What is he? I should not be afraid to go with a hundred Whigs against a thousand Tories, were they to attempt to get into arms. Every Tory is a coward; for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism; and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave. But, before the line of irrecoverable separation be drawn between us, let us reason the matter together: Your conduct is an invitation to the enemy, yet not one in a thousand of you has heart enough to join him. Howe is as much deceived by you as the American cause is injured by you. He expects you will all take up arms, and flock to his standard, with muskets on your shoulders. Your opinions are of no use to him, unless you support him personally, for 'tis soldiers, and not Tories, that he wants. I once felt all that kind of anger, which a man ought to feel, against the mean principles that are held by the Tories: a noted one, who kept a tavern at Amboy, was standing at his door, with as pretty a child in his hand, about eight or nine years old, as I ever saw, and after speaking his mind as freely as he thought was prudent, finished with this unfatherly expression, "Well! give me peace in my day." Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must some time or other finally take place, and a generous parent should have said, "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace;" and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty. Not a place upon earth might be so happy as America. Her situation is remote from all the wrangling world, and she has nothing to do but to trade with them. A man can distinguish himself between temper and principle, and I am as confident, as I am that God governs the world, that America will never be happy till she gets clear of foreign dominion. Wars, without ceasing, will break out till that period arrives, and the continent must in the end be conqueror; for though the flame of liberty may sometimes cease to shine, the coal can never expire. America did not, nor does not want force; but she wanted a proper application of that force. Wisdom is not the purchase of a day, and it is no wonder that we should err at the first setting off. From an excess of tenderness, we were unwilling to raise an army, and trusted our cause to the temporary defence of a well-meaning militia. A summer's experience has now taught us better; yet with those troops, while they were collected, we were able to set bounds to the progress of the enemy, and, thank God! they are again assembling. I always considered militia as the best troops in the world for a sudden exertion, but they will not do for a long campaign. Howe, it is probable, will make an attempt on this city [Philadelphia]; should he fail on this side the Delaware, he is ruined. If he succeeds, our cause is not ruined. He stakes all on his side against a part on ours; admitting he succeeds, the consequence will be, that armies from both ends of the continent will march to assist their suffering friends in the middle states; for he cannot go everywhere, it is impossible. I consider Howe as the greatest enemy the Tories have; he is bringing a war into their country, which, had it not been for him and partly for themselves, they had been clear of. Should he now be expelled, I wish with all the devotion of a Christian, that the names of Whig and Tory may never more be mentioned; but should the Tories give him encouragement to come, or assistance if he come, I as sincerely wish that our next year's arms may expel them from the continent, and the Congress appropriate their possessions to the relief of those who have suffered in well-doing. A single successful battle next year will settle the whole. America could carry on a two years' war by the confiscation of the property of disaffected persons, and be made happy by their expulsion. Say not that this is revenge, call it rather the soft resentment of a suffering people, who, having no object in view but the good of all, have staked their own all upon a seemingly doubtful event. Yet it is folly to argue against determined hardness; eloquence may strike the ear, and the language of sorrow draw forth the tear of compassion, but nothing can reach the heart that is steeled with prejudice. Quitting this class of men, I turn with the warm ardor of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter out: I call not upon a few, but upon all: not on this state or that state, but on every state: up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when so great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands; throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but "show your faith by your works," that God may bless you. It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing will reach you all. The far and the near, the home counties and the back, the rich and the poor, will suffer or rejoice alike. The heart that feels not now is dead; the blood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole, and made them happy. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. My own line of reasoning is to myself as straight and clear as a ray of light. Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support an offensive war, for I think it murder; but if a thief breaks into my house, burns and destroys my property, and kills or threatens to kill me, or those that are in it, and to "bind me in all cases whatsoever" to his absolute will, am I to suffer it? What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a king or a common man; my countryman or not my countryman; whether it be done by an individual villain, or an army of them? If we reason to the root of things we shall find no difference; neither can any just cause be assigned why we should punish in the one case and pardon in the other. Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man. I conceive likewise a horrid idea in receiving mercy from a being, who at the last day shall be shrieking to the rocks and mountains to cover him, and fleeing with terror from the orphan, the widow, and the slain of America. There are cases which cannot be overdone by language, and this is one. There are persons, too, who see not the full extent of the evil which threatens them; they solace themselves with hopes that the enemy, if he succeed, will be merciful. It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice; and even mercy, where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf, and we ought to guard equally against both. Howe's first object is, partly by threats and partly by promises, to terrify or seduce the people to deliver up their arms and receive mercy. The ministry recommended the same plan to Gage, and this is what the tories call making their peace, "a peace which passeth all understanding" indeed! A peace which would be the immediate forerunner of a worse ruin than any we have yet thought of. Ye men of Pennsylvania, do reason upon these things! Were the back counties to give up their arms, they would fall an easy prey to the Indians, who are all armed: this perhaps is what some Tories would not be sorry for. Were the home counties to deliver up their arms, they would be exposed to the resentment of the back counties who would then have it in their power to chastise their defection at pleasure. And were any one state to give up its arms, that state must be garrisoned by all Howe's army of Britons and Hessians to preserve it from the anger of the rest. Mutual fear is the principal link in the chain of mutual love, and woe be to that state that breaks the compact. Howe is mercifully inviting you to barbarous destruction, and men must be either rogues or fools that will not see it. I dwell not upon the vapors of imagination; I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as A, B, C, hold up truth to your eyes. I thank God, that I fear not. I see no real cause for fear. I know our situation well, and can see the way out of it. While our army was collected, Howe dared not risk a battle; and it is no credit to him that he decamped from the White Plains, and waited a mean opportunity to ravage the defenceless Jerseys; but it is great credit to us, that, with a handful of men, we sustained an orderly retreat for near an hundred miles, brought off our ammunition, all our field pieces, the greatest part of our stores, and had four rivers to pass. None can say that our retreat was precipitate, for we were near three weeks in performing it, that the country might have time to come in. Twice we marched back to meet the enemy, and remained out till dark. The sign of fear was not seen in our camp, and had not some of the cowardly and disaffected inhabitants spread false alarms through the country, the Jerseys had never been ravaged. Once more we are again collected and collecting; our new army at both ends of the continent is recruiting fast, and we shall be able to open the next campaign with sixty thousand men, well armed and clothed. This is our situation, and who will may know it. By perseverance and fortitude we have the prospect of a glorious issue; by cowardice and submission, the sad choice of a variety of evils - a ravaged country - a depopulated city - habitations without safety, and slavery without hope - our homes turned into barracks and bawdy-houses for Hessians, and a future race to provide for, whose fathers we shall doubt of. Look on this picture and weep over it! and if there yet remains one thoughtless wretch who believes it not, let him suffer it unlamented. December 23, 1776 Footnote:The present winter is worth an age, if rightly employed; but, if lost or neglected, the whole continent will partake of the evil; and there is no punishment that man does not deserve, be he who, or what, or where he will, that may be the means of sacrificing a season so precious and useful. 2021-12-22 hRFK Jr. SAID How RFK Jr. went from "a good
guy" to an "anti-vaxxer"
gI talked to him this morning about what led him down the anti-vax path nearly 20 years ago. Here's the story, condensed to make it a quick read. Here’s the quick summary of the story of how science convinced RFK Jr to become a truthteller about vaccines:
In short, RFK Jr. was persuaded the vaccines were unsafe based on science and how people acted to deliberately cover it up. It’s no more complicated than that. PostscriptThe original Verstraten VSD data sets on thimerasol were turned over to a third party to keep them out of reach of FOIA. VSD data is more heavily guarded than the gold in Ft. Knox. Its all there; the vaccine damage to children's health since 1986. Here we are today, over twenty years after thimerosal was known to cause problems. We know for sure it causes mercury accumulation in the brain. Here’s the most recent review showing RFK was right: 22 studies showing ethyl- and methylmercury cross the blood-brain barrier using the same LAT system: “In total, these studies indicate that ethylmercury-containing compounds and Thimerosal readily cross the BBB, convert, for the most part, to highly toxic inorganic mercury-containing compounds, which significantly and persistently bind to tissues in the brain, even in the absence of concurrent detectable blood mercury levels.” In short, it goes from the blood to your brain where it stays for the rest of your life. Of course, the CDC is still lying about it today on their website. This is why the CDC doesn’t want to debate Kennedy, me, or anyone else on vaccine safety. They would be exposed as deliberately lying to the public. They can’t have that happen. This is why they are relentless in attacking RFK Jr.
Fast forward to todayClearly, the CDC can completely get away with lies about the safety of thimerosal even 20 years later. So they are going to use similar techniques to convince everyone the current vaccines are safe, even in light of all the evidence that it isn’t. And they’ll get away with it for decades even after killing over 150,000 Americans in 2021 without anyone noticing. Silencing critics through censorship, de-platforming, ad hominem attacks, and refusing to debate are all techniques that engage in today to hide the truth and keep it hidden for decades. Any doctor or pharmacist or other medical professional who speaks against the narrative will be punished through loss of ability to earn a living, loss of medical licensing, or in some cases, loss of life. I can’t tell you how many calls I get a day of medical boards going after people who speak out when they discover that the vaccines are killing and/or injuring people. The
censorship and intimidation grows stronger and
stronger every day because more and more people
are waking up to the truth. (read
more) FAUCI THE FRAUD SAID Anthony Fauci Says Unvaxxed
Relatives Not Worthy Enough to Attend Family
Christmas Gatherings
Dr. Anthony Fauci is a thin-skinned, unstable ideologue with visions of grandiosity. He has wreaked havoc on our nation and perpetuated a major crisis on the global stage with his poor advice on COVID-19. He personifies a mentally and emotionally unstable person within his worldview. Fauci is representative of a group of psychologically unstable people who need a career operating in government systems and institutions, because they could never be successful in the private sector. They can only succeed in academia and institutions without merit-based structures. These are very disturbed people who have allowed a taste of power and influence to fuel an underlying narcissism. Their disorder exhibits as vengeful bitterness, the result of adolescent isolation and no emotional balance. History will not look well upon Anthony Fauci any more than history reflects well upon Josef Mengele. In this short Q&A snippet, [the Grinch] Anthony Fauci reveals his bitter worldview by saying unvaccinated people should be told to stay away from family events this Christmas. Notice the reference point of the response is that people should appreciate being in his presence. WATCH (18 Seconds) (read more) 2021-12-22 f ELON MUSK SAID Elon Musk @elonmusk says the woke mind virus is "arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization." pic.twitter.com/JqLmb1Sqm8 * NOW - Elon Musk: "Wokeness basically wants to make comedy illegal, which is not cool... do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation, and hate?" pic.twitter.com/V9PJ5B3uKl 2021-12-22 e RAJEEV VENKAYYA SAID How Fanatics Took Over the
dEarly in the pandemic, I had been furiously writing articles about lockdowns. My phone rang with a call from a man named Dr. Rajeev Venkayya. He is the head of a vaccine company but introduced himself as former head of pandemic policy for the Gates Foundation. Now I was listening. I did not know it then, but I’ve since learned from Michael Lewis’s (mostly terrible) book The Premonition that Venkayya was, in fact, the founding father of lockdowns. While working for George W. Bush’s White House in 2005, he headed a bioterrorism study group. From his perch of influence – serving an apocalyptic president — he was the driving force for a dramatic change in U.S. policy during pandemics. He literally unleashed hell. That was 15 years ago. At the time, I wrote about the changes I was witnessing, worrying that new White House guidelines (never voted on by Congress) allowed the government to put Americans in quarantine while closing their schools, businesses, and churches shuttered, all in the name of disease containment. I never believed it would happen in real life; surely there would be public revolt. Little did I know, we were in for a wild ride… Last year, Venkayya and I had a 30-minute conversation; actually, it was mostly an argument. He was convinced that lockdown was the only way to deal with a virus. I countered that it was wrecking rights, destroying businesses, and disturbing public health. He said it was our only choice because we had to wait for a vaccine. I spoke about natural immunity, which he called immoral. So on it went. The more interesting question I had at the time was why this certified Big Shot was wasting his time trying to convince a poor scribbler like me. What possible reason could there be? The answer, I now realized, is that from February to April 2020, I was one of the few people (along with a team of researchers) who openly and aggressively opposed what was happening. There was a hint of insecurity and even fear in Venkayya’s voice. He saw the awesome thing he had unleashed all over the world and was anxious to tamp down any hint of opposition. He was trying to silence me. He and others were determined to crush all dissent. Fat chance. His greatest fears have been realized. The movement against what he did is now global, ferocious, and insuppressible. It’s not going away. It is only going to grow, despite his best efforts. This is how it has been for the better part of the last 21 months, with social media and YouTube deleting videos that dissent from lockdowns. It’s been censorship from the beginning. Now we see what happens: the lockdowns have birthed a new movement plus a new way of communicating plus new platforms that are threatening monopoly control the world over. Not only that: political and economic upheaval seem inevitable. For all the problems with Lewis’s book, and there are plenty, he gets this whole backstory right. Bush came to his bioterrorism people and demanded some huge plan to deal with some imagined calamity. When Bush saw the conventional plan — make a threat assessment, distribute therapeutics, work toward a vaccine — he was furious.
Hey, if the president wants a plan, he’ll get a plan. “We want to use all instruments of national power to confront this threat,” Venkayya reports having told colleagues. “We were going to invent pandemic planning.” This was October 2005, the birth of the lockdown idea. Dr. Venkayya began to fish around for people who could come up with the domestic equivalent of Operation Desert Storm to deal with a new virus. He found no serious epidemiologists to help. They were too smart to buy into it. He eventually bumped into the real lockdown innovator working at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. His name was Robert Glass, a computer scientist with no medical training, much less knowledge, about viruses. Glass, in turn, was inspired by a science fair project that his 14-year-old daughter was working on. She theorized (like the cooties game from grade school) that if school kids could space themselves out more or even not be at school at all, they would stop making each other sick. Glass ran with the idea and banged out a model of disease control based on stay-at-home orders, travel restrictions, business closures, and forced human separation. Crazy right? No one in public health agreed with him but like any classic crank, this convinced Glass even more.
Genius, right? Glass imagined himself to be smarter than 100 years of experience in public health. One guy with a fancy computer would solve everything! Well, he managed to convince some people, including another person hanging around the White House named Carter Mecher, who became Glass’s apostle. Please consider the following quotation from Dr. Mecher in Lewis’s book: “If you got everyone and locked each of them in their own room and didn’t let them talk to anyone, you would not have any disease.” At last, an intellectual has a plan to abolish disease — and human life as we know it too! As preposterous and terrifying as this is — a whole society not only in jail but solitary confinement — it sums up the whole of Mecher’s view of disease. It’s also completely wrong. Pathogens are part of our world; they are not generated by human contact. We pass them onto each other as the price for civilization, but we also evolved immune systems to deal with them. That’s 9th-grade biology, but Mecher didn’t have a clue. Jump forward to March 12, 2020. Who exercised the major influence over the decision to close schools, even though it was known at that time that SARS-CoV-2 posed almost no risk to people under the age of 20? There was even evidence that they did not spread COVID-19 to adults in any serious way. Didn’t matter. Mecher’s models — developed with Glass and others — kept spitting out a conclusion that shutting down schools would drop virus transmission by 80%. I’ve read his memos from this period — some of them still not public — and what you observe is not science but ideological fanaticism in play. Based on the timestamp and length of the emails, Mecher was clearly not sleeping much. Essentially he was Lenin on the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution. How did he get his way? There were three key elements: public fear, media and expert acquiescence, and the baked-in reality that school closures had been part of “pandemic planning” for the better part of 15 years. The lockdowners, over the course of 15 years, had worn out the opposition. Lavish funding, attrition of wisdom within public health, and ideological fanaticism prevailed. Figuring out how our expectations for normal life were so violently foiled, how our happy lives were brutally crushed, will consume serious intellectuals for many years. But at least we now have a first draft of history. As with almost every revolution in history, a small minority of crazy people with a cause prevailed over the humane rationality of multitudes. When people catch on, the fires of vengeance will burn very hot. The
task now is to rebuild a civilized life that is no
longer so fragile as to allow insane people to lay
waste to all that humanity has worked so hard to
build. (read
more) LORD FARQUHAR SAID The Vaxx Mandate on Shrek
![]() 2021-12-22 c PRIMITIVE PRIMATE SAID This Lesbian Forgets
That Productive People
Are Free to Move Out of Chicago ![]() To put it simply, if you have been living vaccine-free, your time is up. If you wish to live life as w/the ease to do the things you love, you must be vax'd. This health order may pose an inconvenience to the unvaccinated, and in fact it is inconvenient by design. — Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) December 21, 2021 * Lightfoot: "If you're
going into that coffee shop to pick-up and go, you
don't need to show proof. But if you're gonna
linger, you're gonna eat that muffin, you're gonna
sit down with your laptop, you gotta show proof of
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 21, 2021 2021-12-22 b BRANDON SAID ![]() 2021-12-22 a CONFUCIUS SAID “Never take medical
advice from a man with dementia.”
—- Ancient Chinese Proverb — Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) December 21, 2021 2021-12-21 h BLINDED BY SEXUAL CONFUSION (promoted by the usual suspects) Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With
Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.
gPeople say that we live in a postmodern age that has rejected metaphysics. That’s not quite true. We live in a postmodern age that promotes an alternative metaphysics. As I explain in “When Harry Became Sally,” at the heart of the transgender moment are radical ideas about the human person—in particular, that people are what they claim to be, regardless of contrary evidence. A transgender boy is a boy, not merely a girl who identifies as a boy. It’s understandable why activists make these claims. An argument about transgender identities will be much more persuasive if it concerns who someone is, not merely how someone identifies. And so the rhetoric of the transgender moment drips with ontological assertions: People are the gender they prefer to be. That’s the claim. Transgender activists don’t admit that this is a metaphysical claim. They don’t want to have the debate on the level of philosophy, so they dress it up as a scientific and medical claim. And they’ve co-opted many professional associations for their cause. Thus the American Psychological Association, in a pamphlet titled “Answers to Your Questions about Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression,” tells us, “Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression, or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.” Notice the politicized language: A person’s sex is “assigned at birth.” Back in 2005, even the Human Rights Campaign referred instead to “birth sex” and “physical sex.” The phrase “sex assigned at birth” is now favored because it makes room for “gender identity” as the real basis of a person’s sex. In an expert declaration to a federal district court in North Carolina concerning H.B. 2, Dr. Deanna Adkins stated, “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.” Adkins is a professor at Duke University School of Medicine and the director of the Duke Center for Child and Adolescent Gender Care (which opened in 2015). Adkins argues that gender identity is not only the preferred basis for determining sex, but “the only medically supported determinant of sex.” Every other method is bad science, she claims: “It is counter to medical science to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, or secondary sex characteristics to override gender identity for purposes of classifying someone as male or female.” This is a remarkable claim, not least because the argument recently was that gender is only a social construct, while sex is a biological reality. Now, activists claim that gender identity is destiny, while biological sex is the social construct. Adkins doesn’t say if she would apply this rule to all mammalian species. But why should sex be determined differently in humans than in other mammals? And if medical science holds that gender identity determines sex in humans, what does this mean for the use of medicinal agents that have different effects on males and females? Does the proper dosage of medicine depend on the patient’s sex or gender identity? But what exactly is this “gender identity” that is supposed to be the true medical determinant of sex? Adkins defines it as “a person’s inner sense of belonging to a particular gender, such as male or female.” Note that little phrase “such as,” implying that the options are not necessarily limited to male or female. Other activists are more forthcoming in admitting that gender identity need not be restricted to the binary choice of male or female, but can include both or neither. The American Psychological Association, for example, defines “gender identity” as “a person’s internal sense of being male, female, or something else.” Adkins asserts that being transgender is not a mental disorder, but simply “a normal developmental variation.” And she claims, further, that medical and mental health professionals who specialize in the treatment of gender dysphoria are in agreement with this view. Transgender Catechism These notions about sex and gender are now being taught to young children. Activists have created child-friendly graphics for this purpose, such as the “Genderbread Person.” The Genderbread Person teaches that when it comes to sexuality and gender, people have five different characteristics, each of them falling along a spectrum. There’s “gender identity,” which is “how you, in your head, define your gender, based on how much you align (or don’t align) with what you understand to be the options for gender.” The graphic lists “4 (of infinite)” possibilities for gender identity: “woman-ness,” “man-ness,” “two-spirit,” or “genderqueer.” The second characteristic is “gender expression,” which is “the way you present gender, through your actions, dress, and demeanor.” In addition to “feminine” or “masculine,” the options are “butch,” “femme,” “androgynous,” or “gender neutral.” Third is “biological sex,” defined as “the physical sex characteristics you’re born with and develop, including genitalia, body shape, voice pitch, body hair, hormones, chromosomes, etc.” The final two characteristics concern sexual orientation: “sexually attracted to” and “romantically attracted to.” The options include “Women/Females/Femininity” and “Men/Males/Masculinity.” Which seems rather binary. The Genderbread Person tries to localize these five characteristics on the body: gender identity in the brain, sexual and romantic attraction in the heart, biological sex in the pelvis, and gender expression everywhere. ![]() The Genderbread Person presented here is version 3.3, incorporating adjustments made in response to criticism of earlier versions. But even this one violates current dogma. Some activists have complained that the Genderbread Person looks overly male. A more serious fault in the eyes of many activists is the use of the term “biological sex.” Time magazine drew criticism for the same transgression in 2014 after publishing a profile of Laverne Cox, the “first out trans person” to be featured on the cover. At least the folks at Time got credit for trying to be “good allies, explaining what many see as a complicated issue,” wrote Mey Rude in an article titled “It’s Time for People to Stop Using the Social Construct of ‘Biological Sex’ to Defend Their Transmisogyny.” (It’s hard to keep up with the transgender moment.) But Time was judged guilty of using “a simplistic and outdated understanding of biology to perpetuate some very dangerous ideas about trans women,” and failing to acknowledge that biological sex “isn’t something we’re actually born with, it’s something that doctors or our parents assign us at birth.” Today, transgender “allies” in good standing don’t use the Genderbread Person in their classrooms, but opt for the “Gender Unicorn,” which was created by Trans Student Educational Resources. It has a body shape that doesn’t appear either male or female, and instead of a “biological sex” it has a “sex assigned at birth.” Those are the significant changes to the Genderbread Person, and they were made so that the new graphic would “more accurately portray the distinction between gender, sex assigned at birth, and sexuality.” According to Trans Student Education Resources, “Biological sex is an ambiguous word that has no scale and no meaning besides that it is related to some sex characteristics. It is also harmful to trans people. Instead, we prefer ‘sex assigned at birth’ which provides a more accurate description of what biological sex may be trying to communicate.” The Gender Unicorn is the graphic that children are likely to encounter in school. These are the dogmas they are likely to be catechized to profess. ![]() While activists claim that the possibilities for gender identity are rather expansive—man, woman, both, neither—they also insist that gender identity is innate, or established at a very young age, and thereafter immutable. Dr. George Brown, a professor of psychiatry and a three-time board member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, stated in his declaration to the federal court in North Carolina that gender identity “is usually established early in life, by the age of 2 to 3 years old.” Addressing the same court, Adkins asserted that “evidence strongly suggests that gender identity is innate or fixed at a young age and that gender identity has a strong biological basis.” (At no point in her expert declaration did she cite any sources for any of her claims.) Transgender Contradictions If the claims presented in this essay strike you as confusing, you’re not alone. The thinking of transgender activists is inherently confused and filled with internal contradictions. Activists never acknowledge those contradictions. Instead, they opportunistically rely on whichever claim is useful at any given moment. Here I’m talking about transgender activists. Most people who suffer from gender dysphoria are not activists, and many of them reject the activists’ claims. Many of them may be regarded as victims of the activists, as I show in my book. Many of those who feel distress over their bodily sex know that they aren’t really the opposite sex, and do not wish to “transition.” They wish to receive help in coming to identify with and accept their bodily self. They don’t think their feelings of gender dysphoria define reality. But transgender activists do. Regardless of whether they identify as “cisgender” or “transgender,” the activists promote a highly subjective and incoherent worldview. On the one hand, they claim that the real self is something other than the physical body, in a new form of Gnostic dualism, yet at the same time they embrace a materialist philosophy in which only the material world exists. They say that gender is purely a social construct, while asserting that a person can be “trapped” in the wrong gender. They say there are no meaningful differences between man and woman, yet they rely on rigid sex stereotypes to argue that “gender identity” is real, while human embodiment is not. They claim that truth is whatever a person says it is, yet they believe there’s a real self to be discovered inside that person. They promote a radical expressive individualism in which people are free to do whatever they want and define the truth however they wish, yet they try ruthlessly to enforce acceptance of transgender ideology. It’s hard to see how these contradictory positions can be combined. If you pull too hard on any one thread of transgender ideology, the whole tapestry comes unraveled. But here are some questions we can pose: If gender is a social construct, how can gender identity be innate and immutable? How can one’s identity with respect to a social construct be determined by biology in the womb? How can one’s identity be unchangeable (immutable) with respect to an ever-changing social construct? And if gender identity is innate, how can it be “fluid”? The challenge for activists is to offer a plausible definition of gender and gender identity that is independent of bodily sex. Is there a gender binary or not? Somehow, it both does and does not exist, according to transgender activists. If the categories of “man” and “woman” are objective enough that people can identify as, and be, men and women, how can gender also be a spectrum, where people can identify as, and be, both, or neither, or somewhere in between? What does it even mean to have an internal sense of gender? What does gender feel like? What meaning can we give to the concept of sex or gender—and thus what internal “sense” can we have of gender—apart from having a body of a particular sex? Apart from having a male body, what does it “feel like” to be a man? Apart from having a female body, what does it “feel like” to be a woman? What does it feel like to be both a man and a woman, or to be neither? The challenge for the transgender activist is to explain what these feelings are like, and how someone could know if he or she “feels like” the opposite sex, or neither, or both. Even if trans activists could answer these questions about feelings, that still wouldn’t address the matter of reality. Why should feeling like a man—whatever that means—make someone a man? Why do our feelings determine reality on the question of sex, but on little else? Our feelings don’t determine our age or our height. And few people buy into Rachel Dolezal’s claim to identify as a black woman, since she is clearly not. If those who identify as transgender are the sex with which they identify, why doesn’t that apply to other attributes or categories of being? What about people who identify as animals, or able-bodied people who identify as disabled? Do all of these self-professed identities determine reality? If not, why not? And should these people receive medical treatment to transform their bodies to accord with their minds? Why accept transgender “reality,” but not trans-racial, trans-species, and trans-abled reality? The challenge for activists is to explain why a person’s “real” sex is determined by an inner “gender identity,” but age and height and race and species are not determined by an inner sense of identity. Of course, a transgender activist could reply that an “identity” is, by definition, just an inner sense of self. But if that’s the case, gender identity is merely a disclosure of how one feels. Saying that someone is transgender, then, says only that the person has feelings that he or she is the opposite sex. Gender identity, so understood, has no bearing at all on the meaning of “sex” or anything else. But transgender activists claim that a person’s self-professed “gender identity” is that person’s “sex.” The challenge for activists is to explain why the mere feeling of being male or female (or both or neither) makes someone male or female (or both or neither). Gender identity can sound a lot like religious identity, which is determined by beliefs. But those beliefs don’t determine reality. Someone who identifies as a Christian believes that Jesus is the Christ. Someone who identifies as a Muslim believes that Muhammad is the final prophet. But Jesus either is or is not the Christ, and Muhammad either is or is not the final prophet, regardless of what anyone happens to believe. So, too, a person either is or is not a man, regardless of what anyone—including that person—happens to believe. The challenge for transgender activists is to present an argument for why transgender beliefs determine reality. Determining reality is the heart of the matter, and here too we find contradictions. On the one hand, transgender activists want the authority of science as they make metaphysical claims, saying that science reveals gender identity to be innate and unchanging. On the other hand, they deny that biology is destiny, insisting that people are free to be who they want to be. Which is it? Is our gender identity biologically determined and immutable, or self-created and changeable? If the former, how do we account for people whose gender identity changes over time? Do these people have the wrong sense of gender at some time or other? And if gender identity is self-created, why must other people accept it as reality? If we should be free to choose our own gender reality, why can some people impose their idea of reality on others just because they identify as transgender? The challenge for the transgender activist is to articulate some conception of truth as the basis for how we understand the common good and how society should be ordered. As I document in depth in “When Harry Became Sally,” the claims of transgender activists are confusing because they are philosophically incoherent. Activists rely on contradictory claims as needed to advance their position, but their ideology keeps evolving, so that even allies and LGBT organizations can get left behind as “progress” marches on. At the core of the ideology is the radical claim that feelings determine reality. From this idea come extreme demands for society to play along with subjective reality claims. Trans ideologues ignore contrary evidence and competing interests, they disparage alternative practices, and they aim to muffle skeptical voices and shut down any disagreement. The movement has to keep patching and shoring up its beliefs, policing the faithful, coercing the heretics, and punishing apostates, because as soon as its furious efforts flag for a moment or someone successfully stands up to it, the whole charade is exposed. That’s what happens when your dogmas are so contrary to obvious, basic, everyday truths. A transgender future is not the “right side of history,” yet activists have convinced the most powerful sectors of our society to acquiesce to their demands. While the claims they make are manifestly false, it will take real work to prevent the spread of these harmful ideas. (read more) BLINDED BY FAUX FURY
2021-12-21 f BLINDED BY A LYING, MARXIST NEGRESS Fury From The Left After
George Will Calls 1619 Project “Historical
Illiteracy” and “Not Innocent Ignorance”
eAnd he did it at WaPo, leftists’ safe space. Race card played: “Will should’ve just written Hannah-Jones was ‘uppity'” Washington Post columnist George Will understandably is not most Republicans’ cup of tea considering his abandonment of the party, which started well before his hatred for Donald Trump became a thing. But he wrote a column last week that deliciously ripped apart the “1619 Project” and the New York Times’ amplification of it, in the process enraging “woke” leftists who didn’t appreciate the inconvenient truths he told about the project’s creator Nikole Hannah-Jones’ flagrant rewriting of history. In it, Will examined the central component of Nikole Hannah-Jones’ deeply flawed argument: That the basis for the American Revolution was to preserve slavery. That claim and many others she made have been discredited by scholars and historians alike, but because the New York Times published it and because she received so many seemingly prestigious accolades from the usual corners (including a Pulitizer prize) as a result, the “hate America” contingent of the Democratic party latched on to it as “further proof” that America was “systemically racist” from the start. Because this myth persists, and because tenets of it in concert with CRT are being taught as subject matter on college campuses and in some public school classrooms as part of a larger plan by so-called progressives to radically transform America into something it’s not, Will decided to tackle the claim as well: [Claim:] The war was supposedly ignited by a November 1775 British offer of freedom to Blacks who fled slavery and joined British forces. Well. That offer came after increasingly volcanic American reactions to various British provocations: After the 1765 Stamp Act. After the 1770 Boston Massacre. After the 1773 Boston Tea Party. After the 1774 Coercive Acts (including closure of Boston’s port) and other events of “The Long Year of Revolution” (the subtitle of Mary Beth Norton’s “1774”). And after, in 1775, the April 19 battles of Lexington and Concord, the June 17 battle of Bunker Hill and George Washington on July 3 assuming command of the Continental Army. Writing history is not like doing physics. But event A cannot have caused event B if B began before A. Will also referenced comments by Gordon S. Wood, who he described as “today’s foremost scholar of America’s Founding.” At a recent speaking engagement, Wood suggested that “the New York Times has the history completely backwards,” pointing out that when the war started, Britain “was not threatening to abolish slavery in its empire” and that colonists in the north were forming abolition movements in 1776:
Will concluded his piece by noting that the New York Times’ claim that American exceptionalism stems in large part from slavery and racism proves that “the 1619 Project’s historical illiteracy is not innocent ignorance.” At its core, Will correctly concluded that the purpose behind the project was to “service … progressivism’s agenda,” not to correct any alleged historical inaccuracies. It did not take
long for the Usual Suspects to start trotting out
the race cards and related words like “white
supremacy” in an attempt to deflect from his
argument (perhaps because they couldn’t refute it):
I would
add white supremacy’s “continued” exploitation of
POC. That acknowledgment would completely shatter
this myth & instead force us to confront these
systems of oppression & attempt to reform them
so all of us have an equal shot at the American
Dream. But why give up power?
— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) December 17, 2021
This Twitter user
summed up Will’s column and the leftist outrage on
it perfectly:
BLINDED BY THE LOVE OF MONEY Why Natural Immunity Can’t Be
If you took any basic biology class in high school, you understand natural immunity. Once you get a disease and develop resistance to it you are unlikely to get it again. Maybe you had mumps. You didn’t have it twice. The same thing applies to COVID-19. Yet, since the beginning of the pandemic, the high priests of “science” like Dr. Fauci have seemed strangely dismissive of this fact. Just as they have prevented any use of therapeutics to treat the disease, they have pushed the line that only “immunity” acquired via injection is recognizable. This seems like a pretty big deal because by this point estimates by CDC are that roughly 150 million Americans have already had COVID. In fact, it is an even bigger deal than it may appear at first glance because natural immunity acquired from having COVID is actually greatly superior to that afforded by the vaccines. As evidenced by the explosion in new COVID cases in highly vaccinated nations and U.S. states, vaccine immunity is increasingly proving to be illusory at best. Professor Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins had this to say on the topic in a recent article he wrote in the Washington Post. “More than 15
studies have demonstrated the power of immunity
acquired by previously having the virus. A
700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found
that those who had experienced prior infections were
times less likely to get a second symptomatic
covid infection than those who were vaccinated. This affirmed a June
2021 Cleveland Clinic study of healthcare workers
(who are often exposed to the virus), in which none
who had previously tested positive for the
coronavirus got reinfected. The study
authors concluded that “individuals who have had
SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit
from covid-19 vaccination.” And in May, a
Washington University study found that even a mild covid
infection resulted in long-lasting immunity.” Makary is not alone. Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England, recently admitted as much. In discussing reasons why the Omicron variant was not as big an issue in South Africa as elsewhere, Whitty cited the fact that much of the population had already been exposed to the Delta variant and had COVID. In Whitty’s words, as a consequence, there “is more immunity in South Africa now.” The reasons for the superiority of natural immunity are summarized well in this portion of an article by Dr. Mercola.
At least half the American population has had COVID and cannot get the disease again. Their immunity against reinfection is demonstrably superior to that afforded by “vaccines,” which are failing dramatically all around us. Yet, this natural immunity continues to be ignored by the Biden administration and the “experts” around him. There is no scientific basis for this. This has nothing to do with biology. It has to do with another subject you may have also studied in high school – economics. Big Pharma intends to make billions if not trillions from vaccinating you, revaccinating you, and forcing you to take “booster” shots for the rest of time. If we go down the road of recognizing natural immunity and face the fact that we are fast approaching herd immunity, all of that money goes away. The biggest payday in world history vanishes. Natural
immunity can’t be recognized. There is way too
much money at stake. (read
more) 2021-12-21 d BLINDED BY OBAMA IDEOLOGY Manchin blames White House
staff for breakdown in Biden bill talks
cU.S. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin said on Monday that White House staff did "inexcusable" things that led to his decision to publicly reject [illegitimate] President Joe Biden's social and climate policy plan, a move that imperils the legislation. Manchin made the comments during an interview on West Virginia MetroNews radio, after telling Fox News on Sunday he would not be able to vote for the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better bill. Manchin said he would not say "the real reason" talks failed. But when asked what that was, he said: "The bottom line is ... it's staff. It's staff purely. ... It's not the president. It's staff. And they drove some things and put some things out that were absolutely inexcusable." White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement on Sunday that Manchin's halting negotiations on the bill would represent a "sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate." Manchin's move prompted Goldman Sachs to lower its forecasts for U.S. economic growth [based on trillions in magic money]. A Manchin aide called the White House shortly before the senator's Fox interview, people familiar with the matter said. The White House was unable to reach the senator directly in response before he announced on air that he was done with the discussions. Biden and Manchin spoke
on Sunday night, according to a person familiar with
the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity,
leading to some hope that talks can continue in the
new year on cordial terms. (read
more) BLINDED BY STUPIDITY Quick Note: For Those Of You
bYep, STUPID. You said the mandates were fine "because you took the jab" allegedly "voluntarily" so you didn't care. Well, guess what? Now the booster mandates are starting. Johns Hopscam has now announced that you must be boosted by February 1st in order to set foot on campus. Which means for those of you who said "oh yeah, its ok": You were stupid, you were played, you believed it was one and done (or two and done) and no, it isn't, no it will never be and since you didn't destroy them the first time now you're ****ed in terms of being able to sue as well! After you you consented to them having control over forcing you to take a medical procedure. You gave up one of your most-sacred rights and now it has been rammed up your ass. You were stupid and now you're going to pay for it. The adverse events are racking up like cordwood. Oh sure, they all say "it's not related." Uh huh. Go ahead, keep believing that line of bull****. Even Pfizer admits that myocarditis from its jabs in young people is equally or more likely than getting hospitalized by ***** itself and that is without boosters. What, you think the risk isn't at least additive and might be exponential? Good luck with that. I have zero sympathy of any sort for anyone who went along with the original bull**** or remained silent and a part of it if they decided on their own to take the jabs for their own personal reasons. If you didn't put a stop to the mandate crap in your life, whether it school or work, you own this. Every bit of it. And you deserve every single risk and bad outcome that comes from it. Pay attention New
York, Chicago and elsewhere. (read
on Vaccine Mandate, Claims He Must Destroy American
Liberty to Save People
The White House occupant is a notoriously unlikeable man of intemperate disposition. Amid his unstable moments of anger and bitterness toward those who he now describes as “unpatriotic people” who are refusing his vaccine [lethal injection] mandate, Biden doubled down in his position: (watch video) You will take his jab, and you will like it. This is not a mentally stable person. Talking down to people is very off-putting. Shouting and belittling people is very unbecoming. Joe Biden is a very unlikable person; adding a dog isn’t going to help change that reality. (read more) 2021-12-21 a BLINDED BY THE VAXX Promoting &
Justifying the Clot Shots is a Losing Strategy
NEW – Trump: "You’re playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.pic.twitter.com/GXmxQVNezF — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 20, 2021 See also: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/trump-i-got-the-booster/ 2021-12-20 e SIGNATURE LEGISLATION V For five and a half months, I have worked as
diligently as possible meeting with President Biden,
Majority Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi and my
colleagues on every end of the political spectrum to
determine the best path forward despite my serious
reservations. I have made my concerns clear through
public statements, op-eds and private conversations.
My concerns have only increased as the pandemic surges
on, inflation rises and geopolitical uncertainty
increases around the world.
I have always said, 'If I can't go back home and explain it, I can't vote for it.' Despite my best efforts, I cannot explain the sweeping Build Back Better Act in West Virginia and I cannot vote to move forward on this mammoth piece of legislation. My Democratic colleagues in Washington are determined to dramatically reshape our society in a way that leaves our country even more vulnerable to the threats we face. I cannot take that risk with a staggering debt of more than $29 trillion and inflation taxes that are real and harmful to every hard-working American at the gasoline pumps, grocery stores and utility bills with no end in sight. The American people deserve transparency on the true cost of the Build Back Better Act. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office determined the cost is upwards of $4.5 trillion which is more than double what the bill's ardent supporters have claimed. They continue to camouflage the real cost of the intent behind this bill. As the Omicron variant spreads throughout communities across the country, we are seeing COVID-19 cases rise at rates we have not seen since the height of this pandemic. We are also facing increasing geopolitical uncertainty as tensions rise with both Russia and China. Our ability to quickly and effectively respond to these pending threats would be drastically hindered by our rising debt. If enacted, the bill will also risk the reliability of our electric grid and increase our dependence on foreign supply chains. The energy transition my colleagues seek is already well underway in the United States of America. In the last two years, as Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and with bipartisan support, we have invested billions of dollars into clean energy technologies so we can continue to lead the world in reducing emissions through innovation. But to do so at a rate that is faster than technology or the markets allow will have catastrophic consequences for the American people like we have seen in both Texas and California in the last two years. I will never forget the warning from then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, that he delivered during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing during my first year in the Senate. He testified that the greatest threat facing our nation was our national debt and since that time our debt has doubled. I will continue working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to address the needs of all Americans and do so in a way that does not risk our nation's independence, security and way of life. — Sen. Manchin 2021-12-20 d SIGNATURE LEGISLATION IV Leftist Response to Collapse
of Build Back Better Legislation Highlights
Originating Motive for COVID-19
cThe apoplectic response to Joe Manchin’s rebuke of Biden’s Build Back Better deal in general, and specifically, their reaction to losing the climate change agenda within it, points toward the original intent of COVID-19 in the first place. In this tweet, communist stenographer and narrative engineer Sam Stein (Politico/MSNBC) says the quiet part out loud: A lot to process on
the Manchin news but, from a substantive
standpoint, it's just objectively devastating
for the planet. The last best chance at climate
change legislation is gone
— Sam Stein (@samstein) December 19, 2021 Point One – The “Build Back Better” agenda was never about anything except radical climate change legislation. Once you accept that, now admitted, baseline, things start to become much clearer. Point Two – The “Build Back Better” phrase came from the World Economic Forum and was promoted by a multitude of international leaders and left-wing organizations. That reality then brings up the most important point. To get to “building back better”, you first need to destroy something. That thing they needed to destroy was how the global economic dependency on carbon-based fuel supplies (oil, gas, coal, etc.). Point Three – In order to destroy the ‘something of that scale’, the energy program for the entire world, something massive is needed to fundamentally change the entire world approach toward energy production. Something is needed to create the crisis that provides the origin for the process to initiate. Point Four – That triggering mechanism was/is SARS-CoV-2, or what we now call COVID-19 and all variants therein. There you have it. That’s the summary soup to nuts explanation of why a virus was created, and the subsequent panic pushing to create social structures that would facilitate the global acceptance of an entire new economic system that would be designed around saving the planet [from a fictitious threat]. Through the prism of that motive, all irreconcilable panic-selling from government entities starts to make sense. You don’t have to be a true believer at the top of the climate change pyramid to see the massive financial opportunities created by an agenda to structurally change the entire foundation of energy use on a global scale. Factually, I would be surprised if the biggest people within Klaus Schwab’s WEF believed in anything even resembling climate change. However, they would see the opportunity for a massive shift in global wealth, and with that comes a myriad of mechanisms and more opportunities to control it. As I have repeated on these pages for a decade, everything is downstream from the economics of everything. The love of money and power is at the root of all evil. Fascism was traditionally defined as an authoritarian government working hand-in-glove with corporations to achieve objectives. A centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, using severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. That system of government didn’t work in the long-term, because the underlying principles of free people reject government authoritarianism. Fascist governments collapsed, and the corporate beneficiaries were nulled and scorned for participating. Then, along came a new approach to achieve the same objective. The World Economic Forum (WEF) was created to use the same fundamental associations of government and corporations. Only this time it was the multinational corporations who organized to tell the government(s) what to do. The WEF was organized for multinational corporations to assemble and tell the various governments how to cooperate with them, in order to be rewarded by them. Corporatism was/is the outcome. The government now doing what the multinationals tell them to do, and in return the multinationals install the compliant politicians Fascism, the cooperation between government and corporations, is still the underlying premise; the World Economic Forum simply flipped the internal dynamic putting the corporations in charge of handing out the instructions. What results is a slightly modified definition of fascism: …A massive multinational corporate conglomerate; telling a centralized autocratic government leader what to do; and using severe economic and social regimentation as a control mechanism; combined with forcible suppression of opposition by both the corporations and government. Doesn’t that define our current reality, especially in the era of COVID? The instructions from the multinationals to government would be called “Build Back Better”. The triggering mechanism to create the crisis (BBB is designed to solve), is called SARS-CoV-2. The program to control backlash and ensure sheeple compliance from various populations would be called “a vaccine.” Driving fear of the Rona would be needed and disproportionate to the risk itself. This keeps backlash in line (lockdowns, regulations etc). If any opposition to the agenda begins to mount, the same people pushing the originating narrative then create and push a variant. The variant, real or imagined, is then pushed forward in order to get compliance (acceptance of the BBB objective) back on track. In my opinion, structurally changing the global economy around the threat of climate change is what this entire Coronavirus mess is all about. They needed the virus to trigger the crisis. The crisis then creates the roadmap to rebuilding all society -on a global level- away from fossil fuels. Put another way: the motive behind the origin of the
Coronavirus is climate change. (read
more) SIGNATURE LEGISLATION III White House Calls Joe Manchin
a Liar, a Deceiver, and Promises to “Push Him”
bImmediately following the statements by West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, earlier today, which effectively ends the Senate Build Back Better bill, the White House releases a lengthy statement [READ HERE] blasting Senator Manchin and releasing the leftist hounds from Hell upon him. This reaction from the White House is exactly what the communist Democrats do whenever they are rebuked. We should anticipate the extremely angry Biden administration will retaliate with even stronger economic punishment against all Americans this Tuesday. WHITE HOUSE – “Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances. Weeks ago, Senator Manchin committed to the President, at his home in Wilmington, to support the Build Back Better framework that the President then subsequently announced. Senator Manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework “in good faith.” On Tuesday of this week, Senator Manchin came to the White House and submitted—to the President, in person, directly—a written outline for a Build Back Better bill that was the same size and scope as the President’s framework, and covered many of the same priorities. While that framework was missing key priorities, we believed it could lead to a compromise acceptable to all. Senator Manchin promised to continue conversations in the days ahead, and to work with us to reach that common ground. If his comments on FOX and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate.
Senator Manchin claims that this change of position is related to inflation, but the think tank he often cites on Build Back Better—the Penn Wharton Budget Institute—issued a report less than 48 hours ago that noted the Build Back Better Act will have virtually no impact on inflation in the short term, and, in the long run, the policies it includes will ease inflationary pressures. Many leading economists with whom Senator Manchin frequently consults also support Build Back Better. Build Back Better lowers costs that families pay. It will reduce what families pay for child care. It will reduce what they pay for prescription drugs. It will lower health care premiums. And it puts a tax cut in the pockets of families with kids. If someone is concerned about the impact that higher prices are having on families, this bill gives them a break. Senator Manchin cited deficit concerns in his statement. But the plan is fully paid for, is the most fiscally responsible major bill that Congress has considered in years, and reduces the deficit in the long run. The Congressional Budget Office report that the Senator cites analyzed an unfunded extension of Build Back Better. That’s not what the President has proposed, not the bill the Senate would vote on, and not what the President would support. Senator Manchin knows that: The President has told him that repeatedly, including this week, face to face. Likewise, Senator Manchin’s statement about the climate provisions in Build Back Better are wrong. Build Back Better will produce a job-creating clean energy future for this country—including West Virginia. Just as Senator Manchin reversed his position on Build Back Better this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again, to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word. (read more) This
is going to get ugly. (read
more) SIGNATURE LEGISLATION II Sunday Talks, Joe Manchin
Confirms He Is a Hard No on Biden Build Back Broke
aInteresting choice of media outlets for his final nail delivery. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) appears on Fox News to confirm the Build Back Better negotiations are done, and he’s done, and the $4.5 trillion legislation is dead. During the expanded explanation by Senator Manchin, he points to two primary issues with the bill. First, it is a massive takeover of the U.S. economy, and the basic outline of the bill details never changed. The ‘negotiations‘ that were taking place amounted to the White House putting an ever shorter end date on the legislation. The Senate was giving the appearance of a lower cost by shifting the sunset clause; however, from beginning to end the scope of the legislation never changed. Second, the issue of inflation has been created by Joe Biden policy. Regulations, energy policy, monetary policy, reckless fiscal policy and massive spending have led to massive inflation. Manchin explains how inflation is not sustainable for his constituents in West Virginia. (watch video) In my opinion, Manchin is positioning himself for a Democrat presidential race.
It is not coincidental that Manchin makes this statement today, on Fox News, as polling shows massive drops in support for Joe Biden. Manchin knows he is sitting in a spotlight of an inflection point. Manchin is politically astute and cunning to the ways of politics. Manchin comes across as meek and mild-tempered, a man of reasonable disposition… but that doesn’t accurately portray his cunning. This is his chance to make a big move. Senator Joe Manchin also knows that Democrats are going to implode, as the Obama allied communist puppet masters behind Biden have a one term agenda to exploit their control over the dementia patient currently occupying the White House. Manchin knows the collapse of the Democrat Party is his opportunity. He also knows THE REALITY behind the released Marist Poll [data here] showing a majority of non-communist Democrats want nothing to do with the senile occupant of the White House. Manchin is again making a BIG club move by positioning himself as reasonable right now. Manchin is testing his strength. Manchin will likely be the #1 contender in 2024, and he knows it. Manchin is cunning. Manchin is not only reaching out to ‘moderate’ registered Democrats…. Manchin is reaching the minds of registered Republicans. Manchin is a very
worthy adversary… (read
The propagandists for
the deep state, the ones some of you call reporters
or the press, latch on to certain magical phrases,
repeating them like incantations, investing them
with imaginary transcendence. A current one is: signature legislation.
Would they intone the phrase so reverently if
speaking of the signature
legislation of mass killers like Stalin or
Mao Zedong or Pol Pot? What is so special about the
legislation of the illegitimate corrupt
politician occupying the White House? First, the
Alzheimer in Chief (the one who forgets to shit in a
toilet) is mentally incapable of crafting even a
daily personal hygiene to-do list. The Green New
Deal/Build Back Better/De-Carbonizing boondoggle was
authored by climate crazies. These are the same
climate crazies behind the Great Reset of the World
Economic Forum.
The climate crazies are also behind the:
Damning New Details
Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators
At The Heart Of January 6
2021-12-19 kSix weeks ago, Revolver News published a blockbuster investigative report on Ray Epps — a man who, more than any other individual, appears to be the key unlocking the question of active federal involvement in the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6th. Out of all of the
thousands of January 6’s protesters, and the
thousands of hours of publicly available footage
from that fateful day, Ray Epps has turned out to be
perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights
confessing on camera to plotting a pre-planned
attack on the Capitol. On both January 5 and January
6, Epps announced multiple times, at multiple
locations, his upcoming plot to breach the US
Capitol. He then spent hours attempting to recruit
hundreds of others to join him. On top of it all,
Epps was seen leading key people and managing key
aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds
himself. It would be one thing if Epps’s repeated calls on January 5 to “go into the Capitol” had simply amounted to bluster. But Epps followed through on his stated mission to shepherd others inside. In clips 4-6 of the above compilation, we see Epps actively orchestrate elements of the very first breach of the Capitol barricades at 12:50 p.m, while Trump still had 20 minutes left in his rally speech. It is noteworthy that this Ray Epps breach occurs just one minute after Capitol Police began responding to reports of two “pipe bombs” located at DNC and GOP headquarters, respectively. Rather conveniently, the already-handicapped Capitol Police thus had still-fewer resources with which to respond to the barricade breach in question. While the “pipe bombs” turned out to be a dud, the Ray Epps breach proved fateful. Today, the official stories told by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the US Justice Department all depict the apparent Ray Epps-orchestrated 12:50 p.m. initial breach of metal barricades as the “Big Bang” event of January 6. In large part, this description is hardly an exaggeration. Indeed, it was the 12:50 p.m. breach of the Capitol grounds, in conjunction with a handful of suspicious individuals ripping down fencing and signage, that set in motion the conditions allowing for 1/6 to turn from a rally into a riot. In this report, we will blow open this network of still-unindicted key operators who appear to have been at work either with or around Ray Epps during the initial Capitol grounds breach. You, dear reader, will be scandalized — though perhaps unsurprised — to learn that none of the actors covered in this report have received attention in the mainstream press, despite their active and indispensable roles in the events of 1/6. As we explained in detail in our previous report, the FBI originally put Ray Epps’s face on its Capitol Violence “Most Wanted List” on January 8, 2021, just two days after 1/6. They offered a cash reward for information leading to his arrest. In fact, rank-and-file FBI agents initially deemed Epps’s role as an apparent riot organizer so important that they named him Suspect #16—one of the first 20 high-profile FBI targets in a database now packed with more than 500 suspects. Then, six months later on June 30, 2021, both Revolver News and The New York Times published inconvenient stories that encouraged a more aggressive interrogation of the “Ray Epps third rail,” leading reasonable people to wonder why this publicly identified man on the Most Wanted List still had no charges filed against him. The FBI responded to these important media stories the very next day. But their response was to quietly purge all online Ray Epps files from their website, then switch to a posture of “What? Who? Ray Epps? Never heard of him.” Agents of the FBI
Field Office in Phoenix (where Epps lives) have gone
so far as to explicitly
deny knowledge that Ray Epps even exists. Instead of
pursuing Epps, FBI
agents have instead pursued journalists who had the temerity to
ask Epps in person if he was a government operative.
“I understand that, but I can’t say anything,” is
all Epps would tell them. [...] Synthesis: We Now Know How They Did It It increasingly appears that we now know how rogue elements of federal agencies pulled off the January 6 Fedsurrection. If the Ray Epps Breach Team hypothesis is correct, a group of government-sponsored provocateurs were all instructed separately by handlers to arrive at the Peace Monument before 12:45 p.m., where they front-ran the arrival of the Proud Boys, who would serve as the scapegoat for the breach. Then, post-breach, key operators such as Epps and ScaffoldCommander directed the crowd to “move forward,” while others removed barricades, fencing and signage. There is simply no way the FBI did not know the Proud Boys march would end up at the Peace Monument just after 12:45 p.m. That march was led by Proud Boy leader Joe Biggs. Biggs is an FBI informant who says he “spoke often” with his bureau contacts. Biggs’s Proud Boy boss Enrique Tarrio was also an FBI informant. And the FBI was reading their cell phone group chat messages ahead of time. Epps, for his part,
may not have understood any of the bigger picture.
If the former Oath
Keeper state chapter president is indeed a longtime
government informant, as it fully appears, he may be
very much used to getting text messages from an
agency contact telling him “Hey, go to this
right-wing event and test the crowd for
troublemakers. We’re looking to flush
out the crazies.” Certainly, Epps made
it sound like he was no novice to crowd control at
large-scale protest events. His Facebook
profile picture was a previous mass march on
Washington, and he was fond of telling those around
him he’s “been
doing this a long time.” [...] Finally, Ray Epps, if you’re reading this: We know that you are conflicted, and that you want the truth to come out. You can still be a hero. Simply come forward, and tell the world your story. What
really happened on January 6? (read
Wokeism as Applied Borderline
Personality Disorder
[...] I wonder if we mightn’t be served well to start seeing wokeness as applied BPD? Today the power users of the internet are not guys with Asperger’s, they’ve teenage girls with cluster B disorders. We’re all obligated to live in the head of a 15 year old girl with daddy issues and so far it’s nearly torn the Western world apart in just a few years. (read more) 2021-12-19 j THE STATE OF THE DISUNION X THEY ARE STUCK ON STUPID
Why Democrats
Self-Destruct on Crime
Progressives still deny rising crime even as it undermines Joe Biden's presidency Over the last 18 months, many progressives and Democrats have argued that public concern over crime, particularly in liberal cities, doesn’t reflect reality. “Overall crime [in San Francisco] was down 25 percent from 2019,” noted Washington Post columnist Radley Balko in July, “and all major categories of crime remained well below their five-year average.” Said progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) earlier this month, “A lot of these allegations of organized retail theft are not actually panning out. I believe a Walgreens in California cited it, but the data didn’t back it up.” And, last week, Philadelphia’s progressive District Attorney, Larry Krasner, said, “We don’t have a crisis of lawlessness, we don’t have a crisis of crime, we don’t have a crisis of violence.” But homicides, shoplifting, and crime in general did indeed rise in 2020, and rose even more in 2021, including well above the five-year average. Homicides, the worst of all crimes, increased 30 percent nationwide in 2020. Whether or not shoplifting was the sole or even main reason Walgreens has been closing stores in San Francisco, there is no question they were being regularly ransacked by shoplifters, harming revenues, and putting employees in danger. And burglaries increased 50 percent in San Francisco between 2019 and 2021, while brazen “hot prowl” burglaries, where residents are at home while criminals steal, doubled. It’s true that some crimes declined in 2020, and that many crimes are still far below what they were in the 1980s and 1990s. The national murder rate in 2020 was still 40% lower than where it hovered in the 1980s and 1990s. There were 175 homicides in Oakland in 1992 in and 102 in 2020. As for San Francisco, wrote Balko, “Murders did increase in 2020, but only by 14 percent (from 41 to 47) from a 56-year low in 2019.” But over two-thirds of America’s largest cities will have more homicides in 2021 than in 2020, and at least 13 big cities will set all time records for homicides, including Philadelphia, Austin, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, Rochester, Toledo, Indianapolis, Portland, Minneapolis, Louisville, Columbus, Albuquerque, and Tucson. And many of the crimes that declined in 2020 did so due to covid, and have since increased. Car break-ins in San Francisco declined temporarily from reduced tourism in 2020 but have since skyrocketed to new heights, reaching 3,000 in November. Many San Francisco business leaders and residents say they no longer bother reporting crimes. Now, big cities are seeing a wave of spectacular smash-and-grab burglaries of luxury stores like Louis Vuitton by criminal gangs. The downplaying of crime by progressive Democrats has provoked a backlash from moderate Democrats. Last Friday, former Philadelphia mayor, Michael Nutter, who is black, accused Krasner, who is white [Jewish], of “white privilege” and “white wokeness… to have so little regard for human lives lost, many of them black and brown.” Higher crime, and the downplaying of it by progressives, could hurt Democrats in 2022 and 2024 Congressional and presidential elections. In 2020, more voters said they trusted Republicans more than Democrats on law enforcement and criminal justice. Since then, crime has worsened. The share of Americans who say they support Biden’s handling of crime declined from 43 percent in October to 36 percent last week. And the percentage of Americans who say crime in their local area is getting worse rose from 38 to 51 percent between 2020 and 2021. None of this should come as a surprise to Democrats. After the 2020 elections, Biden ally Rep. James Clyburn said that the progressive “Defund the Police” slogan was partly responsively for Democrats failing to win a stronger majority in the Senate. His complaints were widely publicized and debated. And many party leaders, including Biden, remember how, from the 1970s through the early 1990s, Democrats lost elections and political power due to the public perception that they were too soft on crime. (read more)2021-12-19 i THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IX WHAT'S FOR DINNER?
American doctors have
proven to be cowards, cravens, zombies, and fools
facilitating Dr. Fauci’s evil campaign — in concert
with the rapacious pharmaceutical industry and a
government in thrall to sinister forces that seek to
destroy the country. The doctors have disgraced and
dishonored themselves. The doctors have probably
undermined their own vocations, as well as the
entire armature of U.S. health care, which they have
allowed to become history’s worst racketeering
operation. You can be sure it is going to collapse
now, along with the equally degenerate financial
system and, alas, much of the on-the-ground daily
business of our country. For that you can also blame
the geniuses behind “Joe Biden.”
— James Howard Kunstler 2021-12-19 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII Pervasive Propaganda Is
![]() 2021-12-19 f THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI Pernicious Propagandists
Are Hazardous
2021-12-19 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V Pernicious Pedagogues
Are Hazardous
2021-12-19 d THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IV Pervasive Philosemitism
Is Pernicious and Hazardous
2021-12-19 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III ![]() 2021-12-19 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II The Government Counts Vaccinations
EXACTLY How It Counts Votes Reports Surface of CDC Overcounting U.S. Vaccine Rates This is likely not surprising to many Americans; however, Bloomberg {LINK} and now Axios {LINK} are reporting that official U.S. CDC vaccination rates are considerably overstated. [...] Anecdotally, this would align with several tangential datapoints which have always seemed to be in conflict with the preferred government narrative. Additionally, there’s also an obvious motive on behalf of the government to overinflate vaccination in order to generate peer pressure and the self-fulfilling prophecy needed to garner vaccine acceptance. [...] Perhaps this disparity reconciles why many people look quizzically at the high vaccine data while not finding any correlation to their own community, friends or family. Indeed, there has always been a disconnect between the number of people the government reports as having been vaccinated, when contrast against the open admissions of those who have not wanted to participate in this wide-scale vaccination program. [...] Vaccine hesitancy is not driven by pure opposition to vaccines in/of themselves; rather the commonsense hesitancy is driven by the reality of an mRNA vaccine potentially not being reversible if any long-term negative outcome was to eventually surface. The unvaccinated population are essentially a real world control group, and in the interest of public disclosure, I am a member of that group. Specific to the United States, we must also remember there is a large number, tens-of-millions of Americans, who have watched in real time how various institutions of government have been revealed to be corrupt. Never before, in recent memory, have so many people lost trust in government institutions as a result of sunlight upon them. Institutions including the U.S. Dept of Justice, the FBI and the various intelligence agencies, as well as corporate media, the U.S. education network, and now the medical establishment -writ large- have seen stunning collapses in trust and credibility. The impact of the collapse in trust of those institutions is going to reverberate for generations. The issue of whether anything resembling their prior credibility ever being achieved again is an open-ended question for the next several generations. Watching the metastatic virus of corruption and corporate influence infect the institutions of government is also not a unique issue for the United States. Globally, one only has to glance around at the visible protests to see that trust in almost all government is now at its lowest point in memory. That reality only provides more reason to doubt the vaccination rates being reported by those same corporate/government institutions. The “we are doing it for your health” talking point seems absolutely ridiculous when you contrast that claim against the harm caused by the COVID dictates. A solid argument can be made that the popular government deployed solution, totalitarian oppressions, has been far more detrimental than the virus itself. Put all of that
together with the visible anger amid the daily
protests on almost every continent, and yeah, it makes sense to read that these
vaccination rates are wildly over accounted by the
government entities and institutions who have
demanded them. (read
more) THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I Early prediction: the split Sixth Circuit decision affirming Biden's OSHA mandate will be overturned by the en banc Sixth Circuit. — Robert Barnes (@barnes_law) December 18, 2021 * See also: 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Biden Employer Vaccine Mandate ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2021 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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