Ted Hudacko vs. Trans
Please sit
down and devote time to read Abigail Shrier’s devastating report
on the case of Ted Hudacko and his son “Drew,”
who was torn from him by a court in a divorce
proceeding. Drew is 16, and believes himself to be a
transgender girl. Christine, Ted’s ex-wife, supports
Drew’s choice. Ted is not a particularly religious
person, but he believed that Drew might be acting
hastily. Here’s how the piece starts:
Before she decided
to strip him of all custody over his son,
Drew*—before determining that he would have no say
in whether Drew began medical gender
transition—California Superior Court Judge Joni
Hiramoto asked Ted Hudacko this: “If your son [Drew]
were medically psychotic and believed himself to be
the Queen of England, would you love him?”
“Of course I
would,” the senior software engineer at Apple
replied, according to the court transcript. “I’d
also try to get him help.”
“I understand that
qualifier,” Judge Hiramoto replied. “But if it
were—if you were told by [Drew’s] psychiatrist,
psychologist that [Drew] was very fragile and that
confronting him—or, I’m sorry, confronting them with the idea that
they are not the Queen of England is very harmful to
their mental health, could you go along and say,
‘OK, [Drew], you are the Queen of England and I love
you; you are my child and I want you to do great and
please continue to see your psychologist.’ Could you
do that?”
“Yes,” Hudacko
said. “That sounds like part of a process that might
take some time, sure.”
“What process?”
Judge Hiramoto said. “What is the thing that might
take some time? Accepting the idea that [Drew]
occupies an identity that you believe is not true?”
“The identity you
just mentioned to me was the Queen of England,” Ted
began. “I can tell him and I can affirm that to him,
to reassuring him situationally; but objectively, he
is not the Queen of England and that won’t change,
and even the therapist in that case would know
then-54-year-old father of two teenage minor sons
(Drew is the elder) felt that he was walking into a
trap. For Ted, precision is not merely a requirement
for his job but almost a constitutional necessity.
His recall of every fact, date, and filing of the
complicated court proceedings involving him and his
ex-wife is astoundingly accurate—the sort of feat
you might expect from a brilliant lawyer, not a
distraught father battling the legal system alone
for his son.
But at this point
in the child-custody hearings, Ted couldn’t
understand what the judge wanted from him. His
soon-to-be-ex-wife, Christine, then an executive at
the investment firm BlackRock, had already agreed to
shared custody of their younger son; no one—not even
this judge—seemed to believe that he was anything
like an unfit father.
Ted isn’t a
particularly devout Episcopalian, and he describes
his politics as libertarian. He’s athletic,
health-conscious, and takes a keen interest in his
sons’ talents. He coached their baseball teams and
researched conservatory programs for Drew, already
an accomplished pianist. Just one year earlier, Ted
had been one-half of a Bay Area power couple with
high-status careers and precocious kids. Now, he was
one-half of a contentious divorce, presided over by
a judge who was referring to Drew as “they” and
pressing Ted to accept that his 16-year-old son was
actually a girl.
“And do you think
that being transgender is a sin?” Judge Hiramoto
asked, according to the transcript.
“No, of course I
don’t think it’s a sin.”
“So you don’t think
that it’s a sin. But you probably think that [Drew],
if they are truly transgender, you would prefer that
[Drew] not be transgender because in our society
transgender people are the subject of a lot of
discrimination. Would you agree with that?”
“I agree that
transgender people suffer some discrimination and
prejudice. I agree with that,” he said.
“I’m sort of going
off the parallel experiences that I’ve read about or
heard in family court or in family law classes for
judges where gay children come out to their
parents,” the judge said. “And sometimes it is
difficult for the parents because they believe that
the identity of being gay or lesbian, in their
religion, is a sin. And then some people don’t feel
that it’s a sin, but they say—they take a different
angle, and they say, I just would prefer my child
not to be gay or lesbian because they suffer so much
discrimination in our society.
“So I’m sort of
asking these parallel questions to see what is
your—what I see in the papers is that you think that
[Drew] is not truly transgender and that they are
merely confused and—”
“He might be
transgender,” Ted said. “He might be.”
“Okay. So if [Drew]
might be transgender, it’s just to say they might.”
Ted realized his
error and corrected himself: he had used the “he”
pronoun because he remained deeply skeptical that
the boy he’d coached in little league—the son he’d
once seen crushing on a cute girl in his fifth-grade
class—was actually a young woman.
“They might be,”
Ted said. “[Drew]—they might be. Might be. We don’t
While trying to
keep an open mind about Drew’s gender, Ted was
adamant to the judge that he did not want Drew to
begin medical transition. In the 312 days since he
had last seen his boy, Ted had done a lot of
research on medical transition and gender dysphoria.
He begged the court to consider research that
suggested puberty blockers could impair cognition
and diminish bone density. He knew that Drew, if
administered puberty blockers along with estrogen,
would be at high risk of permanent infertility. He
wasn’t even sure that his son had gender dysphoria.
He wanted to see his son—and he wanted this bullet
train to slow down.
“It sounds to me
that you would prefer that [Drew], when all is said
and done, is just going through a phase. Is that a
fair assessment?”
Ted evaded the
question. Did he prefer that his son avoid a
medically risky regimen that would render him
permanently infertile and make him a lifetime
medical patient? Wouldn’t anyone?
In the three years
I’ve spent writing about families with
transgender-identifying minors, the story of Ted
Hudacko stood out as a case study of how gender
ideology has infiltrated family law. It also frames
the unintended consequences of medical
professionals’ fudging science, rewriting medical
definitions, and tolerating shoddy research to
placate activists. At each stage, doctors may have
thought: Where was the harm? And so, as a
consequence, judges now decide the fate of children
and their families based on phony, medically
unsubstantiated metaphysics, as if it were factual
that all adolescents have an immutable, ineffable
“gender identity,” knowable only to the adolescents
Judge Hiramoto
never disclosed that she has a transgendered child,
and that she has expressed sympathy for trans
activism online. I strongly urge you to read the whole thing. This poor man, Ted
Hudacko, was dragged through a Kafkaesque legal
system that was utterly against him, and so
pro-trans that it beggars the imagination.
Seriously, Shrier has the details here. There was
never any consideration by anyone representing the
court in this matter that Hudacko might have a
point, and that transition for Drew might not be the
best option.
You should
understand that judges are drawn from a social class
in which embracing and affirming transgenderism is
the expected thing. People who question the trans
narrative are monstered by this class. Ted Hudacko
and his son never had a chance. Now this teenage boy
is going to be permanently mutilated.
Reading Shrier’s
story was like reading an account of the show trials
in the Stalinist world. The actual guilt or
innocence of the defendant was irrelevant. The
political verdict was decided before things got
underway. What we are seeing here is not just a
totalitarian court proceeding, but totalitarianism
that comes from the elite social class forcing its
highly controversial views on the rest of us, as if
they were holy writ. You don’t think it’s a class
issue? Here’s how Shrier’s piece ends:
In January 2021,
Judge Hiramoto transferred from Family Court of
Contra Costa to the Criminal Division. For a year,
Judge Wendy Coats presided over the Hudackos’
ongoing proceedings. Last Friday, Ted and
Christine appeared before their new judge,
Benjamin Reyes II. At issue: the temporary
restraining order against Ted.
According to
several witnesses, Judge Reyes commenced
proceedings by stating his pronouns.
These people, these
elites, they hate normality, and they hate people
like us. You need to get it clear in your head right
now that you
too could be Ted Hudacko. You think you’ll be safe
if you move from California to Texas? Ask Jeff Younger how that worked
out for him in Dallas County, where a judge took his
nine-year-old son away from him last year and
awarded full custody to the boy’s mother, who is
transitioning him to female.
In November 1996, First Things magazine
published an extremely controversial symposium on
the topic of “the judicial usurpation of
politics.” It began like this:
Articles on
“judicial arrogance” and the “judicial usurpation
of power” are not new. The following symposium
addresses those questions, often in fresh ways,
but also moves beyond them. The symposium is, in
part, an extension of the argument set forth in
our May 1996 editorial, “The Ninth Circuit’s Fatal
Overreach.” The Federal District Court’s decision
favoring doctor-assisted suicide, we said, could
be fatal not only to many people who are old,
sick, or disabled, but also to popular support for
our present system of government.
This symposium
addresses many similarly troubling judicial
actions that add up to an entrenched pattern of
government by judges that is nothing less than the
usurpation of politics. The question here
explored, in full awareness of its far-reaching
consequences, is whether we have reached or are
reaching the point where conscientious citizens
can no longer give moral assent to the existing
Americans are not
accustomed to speaking of a regime. Regimes are
what other nations have. The American tradition
abhors the notion of the rulers and the ruled. We
do not live under a government,
never mind under a regime; we are the government.
The traditions of democratic self-governance are
powerful in our civics textbooks and in popular
consciousness. This symposium asks whether we may
be deceiving ourselves and, if we are, what are
the implications of that self-deception. By the
word “regime” we mean the actual, existing system
of government. The question that is the title of
this symposium is in no way hyperbolic. The
subject before us is the end of democracy.
We are at a new
moment in which this topic must be taken up again.
We are dealing not only with the judicial usurpation
of politics, but with the judicial usurpation of
family, and the biological destiny of children. It
is hard to find words strong enough to describe the
hideousness of what these judges are doing. These
judges are not outliers, but key actors in an evil
system — a regime — that is fast losing its
legitimacy, in my view. Why are we sitting back
letting this happen? Why do our elected
representatives not care? Why don’t we make them
care? Look at what they are doing to fathers like
Ted Hudacko and James Younger, and to their minor
As you know, I am
now back in Hungary, where abominations like this do
not happen, because most people here are morally
sane. And yet, many in the United States look at
Hungary as some sort of semi-fascist state. Hungary
is a country where the courts will not take children
away from parents and permit them to be jacked up on
cross-sex hormones. God bless Hungary! The day may
come when carers request political asylum here to
escape the gender “gulag” into which American judges
sentence their children.
This has to be
fought politically, and fought hard. What are we
waiting for? The First Things symposium, if memory
serves, ended with Richard John Neuhaus concluding
that as long as we still had the democratic
opportunity to fight the courts politically, we
could not in good conscience withdraw consent from
the regime. What about now?
You, father, and
you, mother, are potentially an enemy of the state,
simply because you do not wish to have your children
mutilated and chemically transformed into a
facsimile of the opposite sex. Think about that.
None of us are safe from what happened to Hudsacko
and Younger, and their sons. All it takes is an
angry, divorcing spouse, and a child who thinks they
have gender dysphoria, having been propagandized
relentlessly by pop culture and the schools.
Here is Aleksandr
Solzhenitsyn’s short 1974 essay “Live Not By Lies,” from which I took the
title of my book about building resistance
to this new form of totalitarianism. Solzhenitsyn says that
not everybody has to be a hero, but there are things
that all of us must be prepared to do, right now, to
refuse to accept the lies of the system. This is the
It will
not be an easy path, perhaps, but it is the
easiest among those that lie before us. Not an
easy choice for the body, but the only one for the
soul. No, not an easy path, but then we already
have among us people, dozens even, who have for
years abided by all these rules, who live by the
And so:
We need not be the first to set out on this path,
Ours is but to join! The more of us set out
together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and
shorter will this path be for us all! If we become
thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable
to touch us. If we will grow to tens of
thousands—we will not recognize our country!
But if
we shrink away, then let us cease complaining that
someone does not let us draw breath—we do it to
ourselves! Let us then cower and hunker down,
while our comrades the biologists bring closer the
day when our thoughts can be read and our genes
And if
from this
also we shrink away, then we are worthless,
hopeless, and it is of us that Pushkin asks with
offer herds their liberation?
them are shears or slaughter-stall]
heritage each generation
yoke with jingles, and the whip.
He’s saying that we
can be like the dumb cows of the herd, or we can be
men and women. Are we Americans going to allow the
state to do this to us and our children? Are we just
going to cower, and leave poor souls like Ted
Hudacko and James Younger to be destroyed in trying
to protect their children?
The times are very
dark. Be a light. Be a damn blowtorch.
UPDATE: It was a joke when
Monty Python did it. But this is happening at a real
university in the UK:
Lecturers at
a leading university are being given guidance
on neopronouns, which include emoji labels and
catgender, where someone identifies as a
University of Bristol has provided guidance
for its staff on “using pronouns at work”,
urging them to declare in verbal introductions
and email signatures whether they use he/him,
she/her or they/them, to support transgender
But unlike
myriad pronoun manuals on other campuses,
Bristol lecturers are also directed to
neopronouns which include “emojiself
pronouns”, where colourful digital icons –
commonplace on social media – are used to
represent gender in written and spoken
conversation. …
section explains how noun-self pronouns are
used by “xenic” individuals whose gender does
not fit within “the Western human binary of
gender alignments”. The webpage adds: “For
example, someone who is catgender may use
nya/nyan pronouns.”
Catgender, it
says, is someone who “strongly identifies”
with cats or other felines and those who “may
experience delusions relating to being a cat
or other feline”. The word nyan is Japanese
for “meow”.