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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) 2022- 2022-03-30 e THE BEST LAID PLANS IV #GotGoldorRubles? Russia Just
Broke the Back of the West
I don’t think everyone has yet caught the significance of Russia announcing they are putting a floor under the price of gold. But, to be clear, Russia just broke the paper gold suppression scheme. On Friday the Bank
of Russia announced:
For a few days previous to this announcement, which they knew was coming, The West was running around with multiple bits of legislation to try and keep the Russians from selling their gold. The G7 think the sanctions are hitting so hard that Putin will be forced to sell his gold to evade sanctions to pay for things. They are literally running a script in their heads that is not actually playing out in the real world. But, whatever, Neocons never met an ugly stick that they didn’t want to use to beat someone over the head with. Too bad all they’re doing is hitting a rubber tire. Boing! Because here’s the gig, Russia won’t be selling any gold. They’re buying it. These are supposed to be the architects of the global monetary system and you would think they are the ones that understand it the best. But, clearly they do not. What they think they understand is that they still control the flow of commodities around the world through price suppression schemes on the CRIMEX, LBMA and ICE. They do not. Ultimately, ‘outside money’ trumps ‘inside money.’
Money, It’s a Hit!Let’s start with the basics. Why do we create money? To act as a way to mitigate the time risk between selling what we have and buying what we want. So we sell our labor today to buy gasoline, printer paper or blow jobs tomorrow. In the meantime we hold money. It is a way to turn thought and personal application of energy and time into a token which can procure for us real goods in the real world. With that in mind, now think about the current financial system where all inside money is created by first selling a debt instrument to someone willing to hold it for a vig. Back to the ruble and gold. Because once I lay out the new incentive structure it will be clear as to why the G7 has no friends in this fight anymore. Davos’ power rests on the ability to create credit and sell it at a positive interest carry to commodity producers. Since base commodity production in any kind of efficient market should be a very low margin enterprise, think 1-4% real annual return, selling them debt to extract oil or gold out of the ground at higher rates than that ultimately sucks all the profit out of the venture. Free markets when allowed to function properly grind out profit through competitive arbitrage. It is both brutal and the spark of new innovations and efficiencies. It is the desire for higher profits over baseline that does this. In base commodities that is difficult, at best, to do. Why? Because they aren’t anything more than a second order good. First order would be the ore or timber harvested. Second order would be the ingot or lumber produced. The higher order the good, the more specialized it is and the higher opportunity for profit through product differentiation on something other than price emerges. That’s most difficult to do in improving resource extraction because, it follows, most of the major gains in efficiency occurred in the past when the economy was less specialized. Confusion Over ‘The System’If the banks are on both sides of the trade setting the price of money, then they ultimately control who wins and who loses while this goes on. And let’s not mince words, it’s them. The profit rolls up to those that produce the highest order goods with the most complex supply chains. The banks plough the profits from getting interest on the original debt into the very companies producing the higher order goods needed to ensure the lower order goods produce no wealth through the grinding out of profit via arbitrage throughout the supply chain. Don’t believe me? Ask cattle farmers. In this respect the current financing of these industries is nothing more than a virtualized version of the colonial economic model of the 15th through 19th centuries. Instead of using physical men to subjugate the locals through superior weaponry and bribes to get them to extract the mineral wealth which the colonialists take back home, today we use the post-WWII institutions to run that same system through debt issuance for capex and the interest payments (in this case pure economic rent – unearned wealth). The producer countries of all the mineral wealth in the world are nothing but debt slaves to the money masters in Brussels, City of London and New York. That’s the gig. Since we’ve reached the point of debt saturation where no more debt can be issued to extract mineral wealth and have the markets believe it could ever be paid back at these real yields, the system has to be reset. The whole Great Reset is a way to crash the existing system but leave the same colonialists in power legally. It’s not really more complicated than that. When you understand that dynamic now you can understand why Russia, in particular, is the vanguard of the Global South’s desire to change the System of the World. It is also the one country that has the commodity production power to expose the vulnerabilities of this System. That’s Nice… #GotRubles?And that’s where pegging the ruble to gold comes in. The Bank of Russia is now a buyer of gold at 5000 rubles to the gram, or 155,500 rubles to the troy ounce. At a Friday March 25th closing price of RUB96.62 vs. the USD that implies a gold price of $1610 per ounce. The ruble is now freely strengthening versus the US dollar. Now, that is not that remarkable on its own. As I explained on Twitter that day:
So, this scheme incentivizes Russians to hold savings in rubles, because the ruble is undervalued. It also incentivizes foreign traders to hold rubles because the ruble is undervalued relative to an overvalued open gold price. Clearly currency speculators in Moscow, Shanghai, Singapore, Mumbai and Hong Kong are having a field day with this. Coupled with Putin demanding ‘unfriendly countries’ paying for their Russian imports with either gold or the ruble, the natural choice is for them to buy rubles until such time as the price of gold and the ruble are in sync on international markets. The howls of pain from the G-7 and Germany in particular are equal parts pathetic and hilarious as they complain that Putin is in ‘breach of contract’ for demanding a different payment currency for gas other than the euros stipulated in the contract.
Pissed off Russians certainly have a way with words, as a writer, I appreciate this greatly. According to TASS:
Do you hear that Davos? That’s the sound of the ticking clock. The Trade’s the Thing…The reason why this current scheme is already working is that Russia runs a positive trade balance mostly in base commodity exports. Davos doesn’t want them making any money selling those commodities to the world and will continue to put sanctions on to get people to not use rubles. They are however fighting the invisible hand of Adam Smith’s market. The demand for the ruble will rise above the pre-war exchange rate of around 75:1 vs. the USD. The price point for gold/ruble implies that exchange rate. Russia will revisit this at the end of Q2. This also implies they expect the ruble/dollar rate to fall to 75 by the end of Q2, if not earlier. After that if the ruble strengthens beyond that they can adjust the gold buying price. If the ruble/dollar rate dips below their pegged price, buyers are getting oil at a discount when paying in gold. That will force the CRIMEX and LBMA into a supply shortage situation or they will have to end the expansion of paper gold versus real gold and allow real price discovery to the upside. If the sanctions
are successful in scaring everyone into not using As I talked about in previous articles, this sets up the opportunity to end the suppression of the price of gold through rehypothecation of physical gold in the paper markets which is the basis for the entire financial colonization system I described above. FYI, this same scenario is going to play out in Bitcoin now that Russia has said ‘friendly countries’ can pay for imports with Bitcoin. Has anyone noticed the current rally in the World’s Most Hated Cryptocurrency? We now have a full gold/bitcoin/ruble (and soon Yuan) interconversion system that completely and utterly cuts out Davos and destroys their colonial debt model while also taking away their power to crash economies through hot money in and out flows. Because the next step in all of this is for Russia to close their capital account and nationalizing the Bank of Russia making the only source of international rubles be the Russian government. Internally, the ruble will be de facto backed by gold and can circulate freely. The War Without End, EndedThe war is over folks. Russia, China and the rest of the Global South have already won. As Luke Gromen replied to me., “in the end there’s nothing they can do about it.” What scares me is the last thing I tweeted out in that thread:
And that’s exactly what I expect to happen next, sadly. Biden is in Brussels saying the quiet parts out loud talking with the 82nd Airborne about going into Ukraine and calling for regime change in Moscow. These people still believe their own bullshit to the point where they think this becomes a war the Russians can’t win. Putin let the world down easy with this announcement. He could have walked right in and said 8000 rubles to the gram or $2575/oz and that would have broken the markets Friday going into the weekend, by selling his oil and gas at a steep discount. He waited until after OpEx last Friday and the Fed’s interest rate hike plan was announced. Timing matters guys. But, by doing this he has very subtly also supported the Fed and it’s plan to withdraw dollars from Europe, because this will keep the price of gold in check for a little while and keeping the ECB from offsetting spiking Eurobond yields with higher gold reserves on its balance sheet. Putin on the left arm, Powell on the right and Lagarde is about to get pulled apart at the seams if Davos doesn’t play ball and give up. The problem there is the unquenchable arrogance of these European elites who simply do not believe they could be bested by the “colonies” in the US and the “dirty slavs” in Russia. I’ve told you for years now that it is their inherent racism that drives their actions. So, do not be surprised if they empower the neocons in the UK and US to escalate from here. The signs are piling up that the Pentagon and the White House are at odds over the planned escalations. The State and Treasury Depts. are nests of vipers having usurped Congress to wage war without declaring it. I can only hope that serious and adult people within the Pentagon will finally end this nonsense before we wind up in a war no one wants except a bunch of inbred Eurotrash well past their ‘use-by’ date. I always say that spooks start civil wars but militaries end them. Let’s hope that we never get to the point of needing any other military than the Russians’ to end this war. In the meantime, the message is clear, #GotGoldorRubles? (read more)* READER COMMENTS: Rubles today are not
backed by gold. The Russians very simply now require
unfriendly nations to pay up for Russian exports in
Rubles. And if such don´t have Rubles — most don´t —
Russia will kindly buy their physical gold bullion
to the tune of 5000 Rubles per gram which would be
equivlanet to USD $ 1550 per Troy ounce… until June
30… after which nobody knows what Russia may decide
to do.
But beware, Russia only BUYS gold and it doesn´t sell it for nothing no matter what you or anybody else cares to give them. And if for whatever reasons you have Rubles in your bank account you can indeed buy products and services that Russia would be willing to sell you albeit not always and not to unfriendly nations. But with those Rubles of yours today you CANNOT buy gold from Russia, they will not sell you any. — Brexitologist * Finally paper gold fraud
Ponzi gets destroyed. Bitcoin becoming a chess piece
to destroy the dollar hegemony is significant. This
war unfortunately is just the overture to the larger
conflagration expanding this fall. There is always
lag time to impacts on financial markets. You can’t
taper a Ponzi. There are counter parties to all
these commodity contracts that have imploded due to
these mad sanctions and Russia’s reciprocal actions.
We will see who is actually swimming naked. There is
going to a worse than Lehman event this fall for
sure as the Fed, the ECB and BOJ are unable to print
currency to cover the implosions. As they say when
all else fails they take you to war. I see what
these crazy neocons will do in succession. Invade
Saudi Arabia after they allow RMB trade for their
oil, create an insurgency in Ukraine that will spill
over Europe thereby creating security instability
all over Western Europe, collapse of European
economy means the unemployed population will join
criminal gangs and other revolutionary militias
furthering the political and security crisis in the
continent. By fall, the burn with us Neocons will
take the war to Asia by declaring Taiwan independent
unilaterally. Of course China will not take this
running through its red line lying flat. Chinese
fight wars differently adhering to Sun Tzu which
first exhaust all non kinetic and economic response.
Knowing how these neocons work they will ignite the
war through a Gulf of Tonkin like incident and all
bets are off for use of nukes and end of life
scenario. A war in Taiwan this time around is a
world war as it ignites North Korea, Iran, Japan and
others to the fray aside from the big actors. We’re
living in interesting times yet scary times indeed.
— Hendrix Harrison * Since August 15, 1971
and most specially since the London Gold Pool
bankruptcy debacle in 1968, the Bank of England and
the US Federal Reserve manipulate gold prices every
single day many times per day as per their exclusive
needs and wishes. It´s the Gold Ponzi scheme many
posters refer to which does not allow for any
possible gold price discovery.
(a) Russia does not
wish to engage in Euro-charity or traditional Euro
give-away subsidies.
(b) Russia wants to be payed for its produce, same as you or I would, right ? But Russia cannot accept dollars or euros that would be readily confiscated yet again by Western democracies. Such Western currencies are now WORTHLESS to Russia or anybody else subject to same THEFT. So beware of Western democracies which confiscate your accumulated bank savings without batting an eyelash if they care to. Accordingly, (1) Russia sells its
exports under very precise contract clauses.
(2) Russia used to be payed in dollars and euros but the WEST froze its accounts (3) Russia will not give away its produce for NOTHING (4) Russia accordingly says pay me in Rubles then… and if you have no Rubles pay me in gold (NOT confiscatable dollars or euros) at the conservative rate of R$ 5000 per gram I am buying your gold at which under CURRENT market prices is equivalent to USD $ 1850 per ounce Troy which is approx. 10% below today´s market price, not 20% as it was yesterday, for example. And if you don´t like my conservative price for your gold just pay me in Rubles. You don´t suggest going back to 3rd. century barter, do you ? — Brexitologist * I’m taking a contrarian
perspective on intent. Not on any of the detailed
analysis and economic ramifications, which is all
very insightful and fits very well. This probably
won’t be a popular opinion but I believe its highly
likely that the Davos cabal have fully intended
most, if not all, of the assorted economic
consequences (and related forecasts) that are in
play. I openly admit that my economic depth is about
as shallow as an inflatable wading pool in contrast
to a practiced analyst. Even still, by keeping up
with analysis and economic events, it seemed obvious
to me even before the first sanctions were dished
out (by the West against the western middle class,
placing blame on Russia) that Russia could easily
have the West and the dollar by the short hairs, if
Russia and the West ever went toe to toe in any
serious fashion. The energy dependencies built
around Russia are simply too strong. In fact, a
detailed hindsight review of related energy history
over the past 30 years demonstrates what looks like
intent to set up a dependency. Most of you will know
what I’m talking g about, re: diminishing western
energy infrastructure, as Russian infrastructure is
growing. So I have to ask myself the question: Are
the Davosian dogmatics so tunnel-visioned that they
couldn’t predict how this might play out? The
so-called economic playwriters entirely missed the
plot? Did they put all of the pieces in place in
Ukraine to draw Russia into a trap, without ever
examining or managing the associate risks? Is it
merely a coincidence that much of the fallout will
contribute to reset goals? Are we therefore
witnessing coincidence theory? Maybe I’m too jaded.
I’m not buying it.
— Concerned * See also: https://www.reuters.com/business/find-roubles-if-you-want-russian-oil-grain-or-metals-top-lawmaker-says-2022-03-30/ See also: https://rightwirereport.com/2022/03/30/chart-of-the-day-which-burning-currency-will-win-technical-analysis/ See also: Russia Agrees to Accept Euros for Energy Payment, Which Will Be Transacted into Rubles by Gazprombank [...] Despite NATO, the G7 nations and western alliance agreeing to use economic and financial sanctions to block Russia from receiving dollars and euros. Inside the alliance, there appears to be a fear that if Russia is successful in creating a financial trade system based on rubles, the G7 may lose influence on energy policy via climate change. Inside the western alliance, the geopolitical control mechanisms that use energy sector development are under stress. If global oil and gas is not exchanged in euros (European centric) or petrodollars (globally), the ability of the multinational agents to pressure climate change demands will be weakened.
The economic globalists need the oil/gas producing nations to stay linked to euros and dollars. The economic nationalists, who essentially generate most of the oil and gas that is used by the rest of the world, would be more favorable to a different form of currency for payment. Thus, inside the western alliance that triggered the sanctions, there is a problem. That problem becomes a pressure point for Russia to exploit, which is exactly what Vladimir Putin is doing by asking for payment in rubles. To
try and support the western alliance political effort,
the ideologically allied Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy is now pushing “green energy”
development. Getting the entire world economy
realigned through the tool of energy development is
the objective of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and
climate change globalists within the sphere of
international finance. The sticky issue remains
with Europe dependent on Russia selling energy.
______________________[...] For the first time in decades, the globalists appear to be shaken and unsteady. The underlying premise of their assembly is in the spotlight, and that premise is not as appealing as it was. Simultaneously, for the first time in decades, the benefits of economic nationalism are being reevaluated and reassessed, and there is an increased appeal in the self-sufficiency of sovereignty. Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, ______________________ |
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