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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) 2022- 2022-07-02 a THE REICH STUFF ![]() No Really, I'm Not a Nazi
("Neo" or Otherwise)
I try to not be finicky about political labels. I’m comfortable with many of them. Race realist, white advocate, white nationalist, identitarian, and racialist are all decent descriptions of what I am. But there are two I am sometimes saddled with that I reject entirely. The first is “paleoconservative.” While I have profited enormously from reading many paleo thinkers, and enjoy Chronicles magazine, I am not one of them. A cornerstone of paleoconservatism is social conservatism in regards to the “culture war” issues of the late 1990s and early 2000s. I am not a social conservative, I’m a cosmopolitan urbanite. Moreover, the social conservatism of paleos is almost always informed by religious devotion, usually Catholicism, but sometimes other branches of Judeo-Christianity. I am not a believer in any of those religions. But “Nazi” is the incorrect label I hear much more often. It is an even less accurate designation than paleo. Despite the mainstream media and education system’s obsession with the history of race relations in the United States, many people, strangely, seem to believe that Adolf Hitler was the first, or perhaps foremost, exponent of white racial consciousness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hitler wasn’t a white nationalist so much as a German revanchist/chauvinist. His concept of the “Aryan” was quite different from what many American racialists throughout history, and most contemporary people, think of as “white.” The “master race” lionized by the Third Reich excluded Slavs and treated them brutally, to put it mildly. I am a pan-Europeanist. Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, and all the non-Muslim and non-Gypsy peoples of the Balkans and Eastern Europe are white. Germans are not superior to them. Moreover, the indigenous peoples of the Old Continent must put aside their petty differences and historic grievances and work together against the rising tide of color crashing upon its shores. Hitler, and Nazism, are emblematic of the small-minded nationalism that has so tragically divided the white race and led to countless fratricidal wars. In this sense, I have as little use for Nazism as I do for Bonapartism. Neither France nor Germany (or any other country) have a right to conquer and kill their racial kinsmen. Hitler also aligned with non-whites against whites. The Imperial Japan of the 1930s was one of the most ferocious and menacing non-white empires in world history. In 1941, the Japanese [were allowed to attack] America (essentially a white superpower). America immediately retaliated with a declaration of war, after which Nazi Germany declared war on the US. Nobody who aligns with Asian countries against America, or against any other white country, can be considered a white nationalist. Presumably Hitler would have been pleased to see Japan invade and colonize the western United States. As a white American, I find this unforgivable. To whatever extent Hitler aligned with Japan from fear of the USSR’s imperial designs, he should have scrapped the alliance the moment Japan failed to aid Germany during or after Operation Barbarossa. [...] In regards to Jews, I do not think their political power and cultural influence are above criticism. However, I have never believed that Jews are the biggest threat to Western Civilization. Historically, Islam seems to be a better candidate for that distinction. That being said, several different Asiatic powers are certainly in the running, both past (e.g. the Mongol Empire) and present (e.g. China). Right now, the biggest threat facing whites is the looming African population bomb. I’m no fan of the ADL, George Soros, Howard Zinn, or the Frankfurt school, but obsessing over Jewish malfeasance has a tendency to blind people to nuanced realities, and the existence of very real non-Semitic threats — such as the enormous amount of damage done by gentile race traitors throughout history. Some may argue that various neo-Nazis are not guilty of the issues outlined above. Most American Nazis, it seems, don’t dislike Eastern Europeans. If that’s the case, they really shouldn’t call themselves “Nazis.” Anti-Slavism was integral to the Third Reich. Likewise, if neo-Nazis are pleased that America defeated Japan instead of vice versa, then they shouldn’t admire a man who declared war against America in defense of Japan. The racialist bonafides of neo-Nazis are often suspect in other ways. For example, George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, once said “I’d rather gas queers than anyone else.” That is to say, he saw heterosexual miscegenists, blacks, and non-white immigrants as a lesser problem than gays, even white ones. That puts him in the same league as those conservative evangelicals who would rather their daughters give them seven mulatto grandchildren than cohabitate with a white woman. I find that preference truly disgusting. Whatever you think of gays, they’re certainly better than miscegenists. If you disagree, you are probably more of a conservative, or reactionary, than a racialist. I am a racialist first and foremost. On the whole, it has never been clear to me what Nazism has to offer to white Americans, past and present. As I noted in the beginning of this essay, Adolf Hitler didn’t pioneer white racial consciousness in any way. American identitarians have no shortage of domestic thinkers and politicians to draw from: Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, Hinton Rowan Helper, the American Colonization Society, Pitchfork Ben Tillman, James K. Vardaman, John Muir, Jared Taylor, and David Starr Jordan — to name only a few. Much of Nazi ideology is specific not just to Germany, but to Germany in the 1930s, and has little to no relevance or applicability to the United States. Likewise, there is no shortage of European figures not bogged down by Germanic particularism or totalitarianism: Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye, Enoch Powell, and Pim Fortuyn to again name only a few. So no, I am not a “Nazi” in any way. To call me one is about as accurate as calling a Bernie Sanders voter a Stalinist. In both cases, the label is used as a partisan slur that seeks to delegitimize a viewpoint out of hand. Call me a “white nationalist” instead, that term also goes a long way in isolating me from polite society, and it’s accurate to boot. (read more) ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, ______________________ |
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