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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) 2022- 2022-07-17 l THE STATE OF THE DISUNION XII THE COVID CON
[...] Key Failures Leading Up to
the Pandemic
I cannot reveal my source, but I am relatively
certain Donald Trump’s youngest son developed a high
functioning form of autism from a childhood
vaccination, and I suspect that Trump’s statements that he observed the
same thing occurring in a few of his employees were
also truthful. For this reason, when Trump
first ran for president, he was willing to speak out
against vaccinations and at the presidential debates
did not back down when he was challenged on the
issue. Once Trump was elected, he then pledged to
make a vaccine safety commission with RFK, and at
start of the process during the transition period RFK
was invited to the Trump Tower to lay the groundwork
for this. Not long after the entire effort was
scrapped, which as best as I can gather resulted from
Bill Gates directly telling Trump to terminate it
(Gates has admitted this on tape) and most of Trump’s
administration being opposed to this commission.
______________________If that commission would have been allowed to proceed (there are numerous major safety issues with childhood vaccines), it is highly unlikely much of what has happened with the pandemic response could have occurred. Likewise, Bill Gates would not have been able to make the power grab he made from the pandemic. Trump campaigned on draining the swamp, and I believe like many discovered that the swamp was so thick that he was relatively powerless challenge it. Much of what I know on this issue arises from reading Peter Navarro’s account and Dr. Scott Atlas’s account of what occurred during the pandemic alongside my own observations of the political process and my own team’s interactions with the Trump White House. Both of these authors showed that one of the major issues Trump had was attracting qualified talent to fill the executive branch who were not committed to entrenched political interests. Because Trump could not attain sufficient numbers of these personnel (and honest independent individuals who filled these roles were frequently targeted for removal by the media, professional organizations and even the FBI), many positions could only be filled with personnel that actively tried to sabotage Trump’s agenda. As a result, many of the policies Trump sought he was not able to enact as he lacked sufficient support within the executive branch for them. One of the things which made me extremely hopeful for the Trump administration was his choice to nominate a doctor who belonged to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. While AAPS is often maligned as an ultra-conservative group, their primary focus has been standing up for the individual rights of doctors to practice without government interference, and to challenge entrenched medical dogmas. AAPS has done a lot of good work over the years, and they were one of the initial organizations that proposed early outpatient Covid treatment protocols. AAPS also went to bat for patients being denied early treatment for Covid because “there was no evidence“ for any of these protocols. Not
long after being nominated to the position, a
political hit job was done on Tom Price over his scandalous
choice to use government plans for personal
transportation and he was forced to resign,
ultimately serving the shortest tenure in the
history of the department. Given the
aggression for with which the media jumped up on
this and how quickly he was forced to leave
office, the only conclusion I could draw was
that Price really upset the vested
pharmaceutical interests. I wrote a detailed summary of the FDA’s gross malfeasance with the SSRI antidepressants because it was the closest parallel I have been able to find to their abhorrent conduct with the Covid vaccines. It is hence not surprising that Azar played a pivotal role in the disaster that occurred over the last few years. For example, to quote this previous article on corruption within the COVID response:
Suffice to say, had Trump not allowed Price to be fired by the media, it is unlikely most of the malfeasance that occurred during Operation Warp Speed could have happened. In early 2018, US
diplomats became alarmed at how poor the safety
controls were at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and
sent urgent warnings to the
United States that there was a high risk of a
pandemic being released from the lab if the safety
issues were not addressed. These concerns
were of course ignored. There are a variety
of explanations for how SARS-CoV-2 escaped the Wuhan
lab. I have looked at every single explanation
alongside more evidence than I can count, and while
there are many potential explanations, I believe the
most consistent narrative is that it was an accident
and once it occurred everyone (the NIH leadership,
the Wuhan Lab, Wuhan’s government, and China’s
central government) tried to cover it up so that
they would not get in trouble. Had someone
within the Trump administration acted upon the early
warnings to address safety within the Wuhan lab, it
is very likely the entire pandemic could have been
prevented or drastically mitigated. The Covid Task ForceSomething that still baffles me was that from reading reports I stumbled across on anonymous online message boards, was that in December of 2019 I knew that Covid was going to turn into a global catastrophe, yet it was not until late March 2020 that this was recognized by the U.S. government. During this period, Peter Navarro shared that he repeatedly tried to warn the Trump administration that the virus in China was going to turn into a large problem they needed to prepare for, but each time he brought it up, he was dismissed as being too negative and his concerns were hence not listened to. Based on Navarro’s experience, I am inclined to believe that a collective denial and unwillingness to consider something extremely uncomfortable was occurring is a key reason why the initial stages of the pandemic were catastrophically mishandled. Trump did eventually acquiesce to Navarro’s advice (when he decided to take a great political risk to enact a highly controversial travel ban which was of course sabotaged by members of his administration and officials from democratic states which subsequently were the worst impacted by COVID-19 in the country). From that point forward, the entire pandemic response was highly politicized and became extremely difficult to conduct any type of sensible policy. In most cases to
get a high level position within the federal
government, you are required to spend years
supporting the vested interest throughout the
federal bureaucracy and competency in your position
typically disqualifies you from rising up the ranks
(the Comptroller General is the only
exception I know of to this rule). The key members of Trump’s Covid task
force, Deborah Birx, Robert Redfield and Anthony
Fauci were friends that shared a history of
gross incompetence and malfeasance stretching
all the way back to HIV (they had also made a
pact to all quit if one of them was dismissed by
Trump). Eventually, Trump was convinced to seek outside assistance from Scott Atlas M.D. who was that appointed to the Covid task force. Atlas’s memoir was extremely illuminating, and required reading for anyone who wants to understand what went wrong inside the White House during the pandemic response. Show of the key points from Atlas were as follows: •The task force members, particularly Fauci and Birx were extremely incompetent to the point they would have failed a medical residency due to their inability to grasp simple concepts within scientific publications. I have low expectations of public officials, but I was nonetheless jaw dropped when I read some of the accounts Atlas shared. •One of the most important characteristics of the virus was that it spared the young and was primarily dangerous to the elderly. For this reason, a targeted approach that changed depending on one’s age was by far the most appropriate way to handle the pandemic (children were excellent candidates for developing herd immunity within the population and should have never been locked at home, whereas protecting the elderly in nursing homes should have been prioritized). Despite Atlas repeatedly banging his head against a brick wall for these policies, the rest of the task force refused to consider his position, and most of the public never knew their actual risk of dying from Covid. •Birx was fanatical about testing as many people as possible and using the case numbers from that testing to push for lockdowns. For all practical purposes, she refused to consider any other option, and often got extremely confrontational when her approach was challenged. Birx likewise over time upset governors across the country for failing to provide any advice beyond testing and separating people. Atlas argued Birx rather than Fauci was actually the individual most responsible for creating a catastrophic pandemic response. •Atlas appeared to have been appointed because Trump likewise believed the pandemic policies were causing significantly more harm than good for the country. However, rather than directly taking action to change them, Trump appointed Atlas to the task force and gave him the job of going against the entire executive branch to advocate for the appropriate pandemic policies to follow. Not surprisingly Atlas, despite his best efforts was unsuccessful. •As
was highlighted in a previous section, because the
pharmaceutical industry owns the media, the media
will aggressively promote whatever narrative
benefits that industry. As a result, grossly
incompetent officials like Fauci (who long ago
sold out to the pharmaceutical industry) are
continually presented with a glowing halo
regardless of how egregious or nonsensical their
mistakes were. Similarly, whenever any
policy can have the potential to challenge the
medical industrial complex is considered, the media
will often be created to prevent the policy from
ever being considered or implemented. Atlas
repeatedly ran into this issue as each time he
appeared to be gaining any degree of traction with
correcting a bad policy from within the Covid Task
Force, someone would “leak” his proposal and a media
would emerge that ultimately prevented Atlas’s
suggestions from being acted upon. A quotation from a review of Atlas’s memoir perfectly summarizes much of the what happened within the White House during the pandemic response:
Concluding Thoughts on the Task ForceIn my eyes, there were two major shortcomings of the Covid Task Force. The first was that the task force never made an effort to directly develop or recruit another group to develop treatment guidelines for COVID-19. The NIH, who should have been responsible for this task likewise failed to fulfill it. One
of the main reasons why Covid killed so many
people was because the majority of healthcare
providers were not willing to go against the
existing guidelines, and no serious effort was
ever made to develop treatment guidelines,
especially for patients who had not been yet been
hospitalized. Throughout the pandemic, I can
remember desperate healthcare providers soliciting
each other for guidelines that had been developed
by academic institutions, but they were never
willing to go out on a limb to try developing
their own treatment protocols. Although failing to
produce treatment guidelines was problematic,
overall, I believe the largest mistake made by the
Covid Task Force occurred at the very start. In one
of the first announcements of the pandemic, Trump
detailed the measures his administration was taking
to confront this extraordinary crisis. One of
these was to have Medicare cover all cases of Covid
for those without health insurance.
I completely
understand why this issue would not have been
apparent to Trump when he enacted the policy, as it
is only something you can grasp from having worked
within the medical system. However,
I am highly doubtful Fauci and Birx were not aware
a massive inflation of COVID-19 cases,
hospitalizations and deaths would be the direct
consequence of that policy. The dead giveaway on all of this for me was the fanatical coverage that occurred in the media at the start of the pandemic regarding the desperate shortage of ventilators in New York (the governor was regularly calling Trump a murderer for failing to provide ventilators) and the “heroic” effort our country went through to provide more ventilators. All of this suggested to me that the extra ventilators had minimal medical value and were primarily being used as part of yet another propaganda campaign to suck the American public into the pandemic narrative. When I considering everything that occurred within the task force, the only explanation I can see that explains Fauci and Birx’s egregious unscientific conduct (along with a tendency to complain to the press if Atlas interfered with their agenda) was that their goal was to make COVID-19 as damaging as possible so that this could be used as leverage for vaccinating the entire population. Given that Fauci had a large financial conflict of interest with Moderna, it is quite likely that was the motivation for his unethical conduct. I was unable to locate any information on Birx’s is financial entanglements, so I cannot comment on what her ultimate motivation might have been. Crimes Against the ElderlyI will admit, I am
still not sure what the best way to write this
section is, so please forgive me for how this came
out. One of the central
problems policymakers within Western democracies
have struggled with is what to do with the
elderly. This is because the nature of our
medical system causes it to be prohibitively
expensive to take care of the elderly near the end
of their life and the structure of our retirement
system requires numerous parties to pay large
amounts of money to financially support them after
retirement. Unfortunately, because our monopolized medical system is extremely hostile towards anything that threatens its revenue, the model of medicine I am suggesting has never been implemented. The primary approach instead is to sell as many (often harmful) medical treatments to the elderly as possible, prematurely shorten their lifespan, and warehouse them in abysmal living centers until they pass away. Because we have an increasing number of elderly adults in the population, the existing approach is on the edge of no longer being sustainable, and as the years go by, suggestions to address the problem through mass euthanasia continually increase. With
the pandemic, there is significant evidence to
suggest deliberate euthanasia of the elderly
occurring in certain States and within
England. It is entirely possible this
occurred in other areas, but I have no knowledge
of the subject. The most common way this
occurred was by discharging patients with COVID-19
from hospitals to nursing homes rather than having
them wait out the last part of their disease
process in the hospital. The other side effect of this policy was that a large number of elderly patients died. In fact, it is arguable that most of the deaths that occurred during the peaks of the pandemic were a direct result of nursing home policies. When I learned of Covid in December 2020, my first thought was “this will be catastrophic if it gets in the nursing homes,” and it over the next few months many other doctors came to the same conclusion emphasized the urgency of keeping Covid out of the nursing homes. Curiously however, top-down policies were enacted which sent infected patients back to their nursing homes. Malcolm Kendrick, a English doctor repeatedly discussed the madness of this policy in his blog and his continual unsuccessful attempts to oppose it. Within the United States, this policy also occurred, but curiously it only happened in certain states: California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. This conduct was egregious and in many cases was investigated by Trump’s Department of Justice. Some of the figures involved in this scandal are shown here. Two
particularly concerning things stand out about
this euthanasia period. The first what is
that the high death count that was amassed by
placing the Covid patients in nursing homes was
then subsequently used to justify the hysteria
around Covid and the draconian policies that
followed from it (sadly there is a past precedent
for the government sacrificing civilians so their
deaths can be used to promote a narrative).
Levine then used
these deaths to justify requiring last minute
mail-in ballots throughout Pennsylvania (which was
in violation of Pennsylvania’s state constitution),
and other last-minute voting changes that resulted
in Joe Biden winning the state when he most likely
would not have done so otherwise. Levine was
subsequently appointed as Assistant Secretary for
the HHS and was commissioned as a four-star admiral
in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned
Corps. I felt the actual issue was that Levine’s appointment to each of these positions was most likely a pay-off for murdering a large number of elderly individuals in order to get Biden elected. In England, something equally concerning occurred. Midazolam is a commonly used sedative in medical practice (i.e. when someone needs to go under) that also has the side effect of reducing respiration, which is something quite problematic in those with impaired respiratory function from Covid or old age. Because many Covid patients were sent to the nursing homes, it resulted in many Covid cases and suspected Covid cases within the nursing homes that were incorrectly managed and led to numerous deaths. For some reason in England, a large amount of midazolam was ordered during the first wave of COVID-19 and was then administered (likely in an excessive dose) to a large number of elderly patients in nursing homes (38,352 prescriptions were administered in April 2021 compared to a baseline level of 15,000 a month). This action is suspected to be responsible for many of the Covid deaths that occurred (as many patients who likely would have been fine died after being sedated with Midazolam), and has resulted in groups within England of filing murder charges against the government for this policy. Operation Warp SpeedThe classic
Republican view is that regulations are the root
cause of everything that is wrong in the world, and
if you get the government out of the way, a lot of
things become possible and everyone
prosperous. On many levels, Operation Warp
Speed which sought to do just that (isn’t it odd
it shares an abbreviation with Occupy Wall Street?)
was an incredible feat that made it possible to
accomplish many things which would normally have
been impossible within the federal
government. One of the major
challenges that emerged during the early days of the
pandemic was how difficult it was to conduct
clinical trials or receive Emergency Use
Authorizations for off-patent therapies. I,
along with many other parties attempted to do so and
eventually gave up once it became clear the FDA was
only interested in approving expensive medications
everyone could profit off of. The largest mistake that occurred during OWS was pushing through the mRNA vaccines. Many officials in the Trump administration appeared to have allowed themselves to be boxed in by the fear of promoting a therapy the media would eviscerate them for (with the pushback received for advocating hydroxychloroquine or the use of disinfectants being the best examples). My team encountered this fear firsthand when members of the Trump administration told us they thought our proposals were a very good idea but they could not touch them because the media would have a field day. Because of the fear they would be lynched by the media for any “non-scientific“ (whatever that means) approach to treating COVID-19, the Trump Administration focused on the most socially acceptable approach – developing vaccines for COVID-19. As was discussed in this recent article, it was clear to anyone with a scientific background that this was a very bad idea that was likely to worsen rather than solve the pandemic, and according to Paul Alexander who worked in the HHS at the time, many government employees alongside Pfizer and Moderna employees felt the same way but were not willing to take the risk to state their concerns publicly. The entire Trump administration thus got sucked into pinning their hopes on being able to deliver a miracle and have a vaccine enter the market right before the election, so they made enormous investments on their end to make that happen. Trump ultimately learned why it is bad to make a deal with the devil, as at the last minute Pfizer deliberately delayed their vaccine so that it could not be approved until right after the election concluded and then worked in lockstep with the Biden administration to force vaccine mandates onto the American population. My personal opinion is that unless Trump is willing to disavow the vaccines he brought to market, it will not be possible for him to win the 2024 election, since by that time the harms from these vaccines will likely be abundantly clear to everyone. Unfortunately, Trump appears to have gotten stuck on the fact his administration performed a “miracle” to get the vaccines to market as quickly as they did, and is unable to see that he was played by the pharmaceutical industry. This is particularly sad given that, as discussed above, Trump already had decades of personal experiences with vaccine injuries being gaslighted by the government and medical establishment. In our petitions to the White House from the very start, we stated that unless the Trump administration was able to develop an effective treatment protocol for Covid, they would not win the 2020 election. I ultimately believe the reason this did not occur was because like most public officials, the Trump administration deferred to the advice of medical experts rather than attempting to figure out the problem themselves. Interestingly, Peter Navarro, who was not a doctor and had no medical background, often did a better job of identifying appropriate therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 than the medical personnel on the Covid Task Force. However, because most of the Trump administration still operated under the paradigm of trusting the experts, Navarro’s advice was never listened to and clearly corrupt bureaucrats were allowed to craft a pandemic response they profited massively off of. I hope this was a
helpful summary of my own interpretation over what
happened behind the scenes during the past few
years. My sincere hope is that by bringing
awareness to these issues, it will motivate future
political candidates to avoid committing the same
mistakes and provides a working framework for us to
move forward with. I thank you for taking the time
to read through this series and share it with people
you believe can benefit from it. (read
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