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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2022- 2022-02-10 f ABOMINATION * See also: Joe Biden, Puttin’ On The Dog "He
has worked his way up through the progressive
establishment. This is what it means to have
Democratic Party governance now: a freak show. None of
those people recognize it as a freak show. Appointing
to the federal government’s nuclear management agency
a weirdo who puts his wing-wang up the rear end of men
who pretend to be dogs, and brags about it to the
media, is just another day of celebrating Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion™."
2022-02-10 e INFLATION II Modified and Weighted
Inflation Data Shows 7.5 Percent Annual Increase,
Highest Increase in 40 Years
dThe Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) released the January inflation data [DATA HERE] along with the yearly data from 2021. The “first round” of retail grocery price increases starts to surface; but this is only the first round. January inflation was actually much worse than the bad data inside the BLS analysis. Additionally, the BLS readjusted the weighting for relative price importance, putting added weight to urban economic priorities (ie. food at restaurants), which indicates their intent to downplay the scale of inflation overall. The topline statistic of 7.5% annual inflation (year over year) is bad; however, because of weighting that figure belies the bigger issue, it’s actually much worse. In January alone inflation jumped 0.8% (unadjusted), primarily driven by the first-round of 2022 consumer inflation that preexisted since early December 2021. To give an idea of how much prices have increased, we modified BLS Table 1 to take out some noise. Look at the single month of January (red box).Look at January “electricity” price increases. A jump of 4.5% in one month alone, and keep in mind the BLS puts far less importance on electricity than “food away from home”. In fact, the weighting for economic importance of restaurants is 5 times greater than the electricity to power your house. Always keep in mind inflation data is backward looking. So it is a capture of the price increase at a former moment. In this example the pricing survey was early January. The timing part is important because gasoline has jumped again since this survey was completed. The BLS data only has gas increasing at 0.1% in January; in reality it increased much more. You can see the statistical smoothing to present the softest inflation data by looking at Food at Home, Meats, Poultry and Fish. The actual rate of inflation in that category is 40%+ at retail. The BLS deemphasizes the price increase by putting less economic importance on the category and they come up with a 12.2% increase, one third of the actual price we are feeling.
Despite the BLS putting less emphasis on food we purchase to make at home, the overall scale of 7.5% aggregate weighted inflation would indicate to us that real inflation on all items is running around 23 to 28%. Think about the inflation you are feeling at or near 20%, then compare that outcome to the 1970’s when we thought things were bad with 15% inflation. On the positive side, well, actually just less bad side, some of the MSM is starting to realize the importance of looking at unavoidable inflation (food, fuel, energy) as the truer measure of the pain consumers are feeling. (NBC) – High prices continue to hit American shoppers as inflation rose faster than expected to 7.5 percent for the month of January over the previous year, exceeding the 40-year high set in December. The latest release of the monthly Consumer Price Index by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Thursday shows that price increases were most pronounced in food, electricity and shelter. The indexes for food and energy each rose 0.9 percent, and the index for shelter rose 0.3 percent. The “core” consumer price index, minus the more volatile food and energy indexes, rose 0.6 percent in January, the same as in December. Indexes for household furnishings and operations rose 1.3 percent, used cars and trucks increased by 1.5 percent, medical care went up 0.7 percent, and apparel increased by 1.1 percent. The rise in consumer prices appears to be sticking around, despite earlier claims by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell that the effects would be transitory. (read more) A Gallup news survey [DATA HERE] indicates that eight out of ten Americans expect higher prices and continued rising inflation, as the working class can see the through the smoke and mirrors of the BidenOverall, there are multiple datapoints that show the economic quagmire that is taking place right now. Gasoline continues to rise in price, as oil costs continue to skyrocket as an outcome of Biden energy policy. Food store prices have only just begun to show the higher prices that are built into the replenishment process. Newly arriving goods overall are at a much higher price that previous inventory. The 30, 60 and 90-day terms of purchase order fulfillment are now reflecting the cumulative cost increases at every stage in the supply chain. Inbound prices to retail are still climbing. This is an economic quagmire created by inflation that cannot be avoided. Fuel, food, home energy and home prices overall are rising. As a result, durable good spending has contracted. CTH has pointed out this dynamic for almost five months; however, the actual data is difficult to extract, because the scale of government spending in 2021 has clouded all of the economic indicators. The official government inflation statistics at 7 to 9% do not accurately reflect the real inflation being felt by consumers, which is in the 25 to 40 percent range for highly consumable products. If you look around your local community, it is not difficult to see that working class Americans have modified all of their spending priorities to deal with the food, energy and housing inflation that cannot be avoided. The bottom line is this. Despite the indicators, which have been made useless by massive amounts of money pumped into the economy, we have been in a contracting economic position since mid-2021. This is a very important aspect to accept when you are thinking about your current financial position, and/or what you may need to do going forward. If you recognize the absence of real economic activity surfaced mid-2021; and if you accept that absence was hidden by economic activity generated by the spending of government funds injected into the economy; then you can better predict the depth of the hole that was covered up by government intervention. Accepting that reality then the irreconcilable data starts to make things make sense: ♦ November 2021 retail employment hiring was down. Why? This should have been the pre-holiday hiring spree. However, retailers saw something in their brick and mortar sales that stopped them from hiring. ♦ The third quarter U.S. productivity (June, July, August) was down 5%. Why? If everyone was spending their COVID stimulus, why wasn’t manufacturing making more stuff? The reality was that wholesalers were clearing out product inventories as they knew inbound replacements would cost more…. so, they replaced less. ♦ Inflation wasn’t “transitory”? Why? Because the inflation was driven by the perfect storm of energy policy, monetary policy and government spending. ♦ December 2021, retail sales were lower than December 2020. Why? Because people bought less stuff, because people had less disposable income, because food, fuel, energy, home heating and home living costs were chewing up our paychecks and savings. ♦ The U.S. savings rate started rapidly declining. Why? Inflation. ♦ In the third and fourth quarter 2021, U.S. workers started quitting more (JOLT’s report). Why? A combination of vaccine mandate (minor cause) and people jumping jobs to get higher wages because inflation was crushing them (major cause). The people predicting more inflation all the way through 2022 are correct. We have only just recently seen the first wave of 2022 product inflation hitting the supermarket in the past two weeks. There will be more waves as the prices embedded inside the cumulative supply chain have yet to surface. However, stop and think about this overall economic situation, a real quagmire, as identified by the simple datapoints above. The professional political class and financial pundits will never admit the Main Street economy started contracting in the middle of 2021. From their perspective, the money pumped into the system was real. It wasn’t. It was all artificial economic stimulus. Now, into this very
specific -and never before experienced- economic
quagmire, where we are supposed to pretend not to
know things, the Federal Reserve is about to raise
interest rates. (read
more) INFLATION I "Obama’s third term is an extinction level event for Democrats,,," Biden Economics Has Hit MSNBC
Hard, Progressive Panel Now Admits Inflation Bad and
“Will Get Worse”
cWhen the Biden administration loses MSNBC, you know the White House is realizing this is going to crush them. In an unusual MSNBC discussion, the regime stenography panel admits that not only is inflation bad now, but it is likely to get much, much worse. Just watch the first three minutes to recognize the scale of how the economic situation in the U.S. is being accepted by the water-carrying media. “The problem we have here is a series of events that have led to higher prices,” says Liesman. “I am afraid this number is bad and could get worse.” Keep in mind, most Americans have no idea what 15% inflation and rising interest rates looks like. The Gen-x generation saw everything as it was growing, and the millennial generation has no reference point for thrift prioritization and not being able to indulge themselves. How many even know how to cook, let alone sustain themselves financially. Yes, things are bad now, but almost every person in the progressive, leftist, occupy, Antifa side of the political divide have no concept of what is about to happen. It is going to be really interesting to watch how the 20- to 40-year-old age groups respond to a new era of economic scarcity. The ideological
Obama crew have really pushed Joe Biden into the
furnace. (read
more) THE COVID-CON III Mass Murder by a Medical
System that has Lost Its Direction and Soul
People were dying, [yet] all of my ideas were getting shouted down. My superiors were showing up [to my clinical meetings] and getting me to stand down, because I was entertaining the idea that we should do this, that and the other thing, and they didn’t want anything to be done. —Dr. Pierre Kory This is a war on cheap repurposed drugs. —Dr. Paul Marik before testifying on NH Bill that would make Ivermectin available OTC in NH. I never thought I’d see the day where doctors are censored, and patients are kept from care. —Dr. Peter McCullough An epidemic, either naturally caused or intentionally caused, is the most likely thing to cause…say…10 million excess deaths. —Bill Gates – 2017 Were we lied to about the number of deaths from Covid? Yes! Were the tests run at cycles too high to purposely show false positives? Yes! Could someone pass the virus if asymptomatic? No! Was social distancing valid? No! Were masks beneficial? No! Was the lockdown effective in stopping the viral spread? No! Have nearly half of small businesses been destroyed? Yes! Has the economy tanked? Yes! Have the big box stores benefitted? Yes!Has domestic abuse risen? Yes! Has drug addiction climbed? Yes! Have suicide rates escalated? Yes! Have mental and physical problems risen? Yes! Have children lost IQ from the masking? Yes! Are children disabled via speech impediments and learning disabilities because of the lockdowns and masking? Yes! Have the AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH protocols saved patients? Hell no! They have purposely murdered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who could have been saved. The dissident doctors, scientists and healthcare workers know there are repurposed drugs (inexpensive and available) that could have saved up to 86% of those who perished. Have those same stakeholders lied about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? Yes, even Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine lied. Have we been sold a lie via fear mongering and media propaganda? Yes! Has the government enacted mandates that are unconstitutional? Yes! Has the Bill of Rights been violated? Yes! Are the COVID jabs dangerous to your health and wellbeing? Very! Are the actuarial tables showing a rise in deaths of young people who had the jab? Yes! Are our soldiers being disabled by the jab? Yes! Have we been lied to from day one about the creation of this Wuhan virus and who is responsible? Yes! Was the CIA involved in planning this pandemic? Yes! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, states that there were over 20 “pandemic” simulations beginning in 2000, and Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the CIA were involved in every one of them. “The CIA wrote the script, high-level CIA officials participated in every one of those pandemic simulations.” Kennedy states, “So they practiced again and again and again: How to use the pandemic as a pretext for imposing totalitarian controls and for obliterating liberal democracy across the planet.” This was all part of a decades-old globalist-devised blueprint for the future. “New World System” The previous two nightmare years were engineered decades ago and exposed in the 1960s. Dr. Vernon Coleman’s short 17-minute video explains what the globalist architects were up to back then and where we are today…frighteningly close to completion! He mentioned a dystopian lecture by Dr. Richard Day. In March 1969, Dr. Richard Day, Professor of Pediatrics at Mt. Sinai Medical School in New York gave a chilling lecture about the “New World System.”Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. He told of future plans, whether as a forewarning or to unburden himself. He spoke as though he had colluded with the blueprint designers. His warnings for the future were uncannily accurate. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended Dr. Day’s lecture. The audience was told not to take notes, but he later recorded his recollections of what was said by Dr. Day. Two of the three tapes made by Dr. Dunegan were transcribed and can be accessed at this website. It’s all there, and we’re experiencing everything Dr. Day told the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society 53 years ago. I urge you to fully peruse the website as it contains vital information not included in this article. Dr. Coleman exposed the highlights of Dr. Day’s lecture. Day warned that in the future, the elderly would be eliminated by making it more difficult for them to access medical care. He stated that social chaos would be promoted, travel would be restricted, hospitals would become jails, private medicine would be eliminated, the incidence of heart attacks would be deliberately increased, the world population would be reduced, information would be controlled, fake science would be used to promote the myth of global warming, there would be cameras everywhere, sports will become unisex, ID cards will be implanted, food supplies would be controlled, the weather would be controlled, and the people would be controlled. He also warned that books would be banned and removed from libraries if they were considered dangerous. Professor Day also stated that television sets would be able to watch the people who watch them and that new diseases would be deliberately introduced. Dr. Coleman mentioned we were warned in the 80s that everyone would be affected by AIDS, and by the 2000s, medical organizations were constantly producing unsubstantiated scare stories. Today the beat goes on… Our Soulless Medical System Dr. Dunegan was shocked when Dr. Day stated, “Some of you will think I’m talking about Communism. Well, what I’m talking about is much bigger than Communism!” Of the over 40 topics discussed in the transcribed two tapes, I’ve included only a few of Dr. Dunegan’s statements, those that pertain to the medical industry. My comments are in italics.
A big item that was elaborated on at some length was the cost of medical care would be made burdensomely high. Medical care would be connected very closely with one’s work but also would be made very, very high in cost so that it would simply be unavailable to people beyond a certain time. Unless they had a remarkably rich, supporting family, they would just have to do without care. And the idea was that if everybody says, “Enough! What a burden it is on the young to try to maintain the old people,” then the young would become agreeable to helping Mom and Dad along the way, provided this was done humanely and with dignity. Then the example was – there could be a nice farewell party, a real celebration. Mom and Dad had done a good job. Then after the party is over, they take the “demise pill.”
There would be profound changes in the practice of medicine. Overall, medicine would be much more tightly controlled. Insurance is the racket they’ve been using to control what you are allowed and not allowed. This has already been exacerbated by Obama’s euphemistically named, “Affordable Care Act.” The cost of insurance and thus medical care has risen exponentially, along with the cost of prescription medications. More at the Link.
The image of the doctor would change. No longer would he be seen as an individual professional in service to individual patients. The doctor would be gradually recognized as a highly skilled technician – and his job would change. The job is to include things like executions by lethal injection. Healthcare providers in other countries ravaged by COVID have decided that age 60 is the cut off age for life or for use of resources that can benefit younger patients. Last December, New Zealand okayed euthanasia for COVID patients. Ninestates (CA, CO, HI, ME, NJ, NM, OR, VT, and WA) and DC legalized physician-assisted suicide via legislation. One state, (MT) has legal physician-assisted suicide via court ruling. The image of the doctor being a powerful, independent person would have to be changed. Dr. Richard Day went on to say, “Doctors are making entirely too much money. They should advertise like any other product.” Lawyers would be advertising too. Lawyers already are advertising, and very few physicians still have single practices. All of them are working for an employer in a group practice, which can advertise. Keep in mind, this was an audience of doctors; being addressed by a doctor. And it was interesting that he would make some rather insulting statements to his audience without fear of antagonizing us. The solo practitioner would become a thing of the past. They have. A few die-hards might try to hold out, but most doctors would be employed by an institution of one kind or another. Group practice would be encouraged, corporations would be encouraged, and then once the corporate image of medical care gradually became more and more acceptable, doctors would more and more become employees rather than independent contractors. Along with that, of course, unstated but necessary, is the employee serves his employer, not his patient.
The next heading to talk about is Health and Disease. Day said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. They would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable – at least for a long time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, “Is this a case of what he was talking about?” Some years later AIDS developed. I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease. Covid has never been isolated, neither have any of the so-called “variants.”
Cancer. He said, “We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it’s ever decided that it should be released. But consider – if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as of something else.” Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation. And there’s all the money made from those stricken with the disease.
Another very interesting thing was heart attacks. Day said, “There is now a way to simulate a real heart attack. It can be used as a means of assassination.” Only a very skilled pathologist who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish this from the real thing. I thought that was a very surprising and shocking thing to hear from this particular man at that particular time. This, and the business of the cancer cure, really still stand out sharply in my memory, because they were so shocking and, at that time, seemed to me out of character. He then went on to talk about nutrition and exercise sort of in the same framework. People would have to eat right and exercise right to live as long as before. Most won’t. In retrospect, I tend to think he meant high salt diets and high fat diets would predispose toward high blood pressure and premature arteriosclerotic heart disease. And that if people who were too dumb or too lazy to exercise as they should, then their circulating fats go up and predispose to disease. Dr. Day also said something about diet information would be widely available, but most people, particularly stupid people, who had no right to continue living anyway, would ignore the advice and just go on and eat what was convenient and tasted good. There were some other unpleasant things said about food. I just can’t recall what they were. But I do remember having reflections about wanting to plant a garden in the backyard to get around whatever these contaminated foods would be. I regret I don’t remember the details about nutrition and hazardous nutrition. Researchers are now putting COVID mRNA vaccines in lettuce, spinach and edible plants to vaccinate the unvaxxed. Anybody who was lazy enough to want convenience foods rather than fixing his own also had better be energetic enough to exercise. Because if he was too lazy to exercise and too lazy to fix his own food, then he didn’t deserve to live very long. This was all presented as sort of a moral judgement about people and what they should do with their energies. People who are smart, who would learn about nutrition, and who are disciplined enough to eat right and exercise right are better people – and the kind you want to live longer. Look at the rise in heart attacks with the COVID vax, not to mention a shortened life because of myocarditis, pericarditis, and a destroyed immune system. Professor Day also mentioned the need for more jails, and using hospitals as jails. Hospitals could serve as jails. Some new hospital construction would be designed so as to make them adaptable to jail-like use. Haven’t we already seen this very thing happen to many elderly patients and only by the grace of God have families and attorneys gotten them out of these new COVID-death prisons. Attorneys Report Spike in Calls for Help from Families of Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19. All of this was forecast in 1969, and nearly everything Dr. Day lectured about has already happened…and at an increasingly accelerated rate. Today, medical care for the un-jabbed is being denied, social credits are being introduced, and the mandatory childhood jabs are on their way to kill or sterilize our children. Babies and toddlers are next. What has occurred in the last two years is a culmination of these plans. The hospital protocols for COVID are a death sentence and the unvaxxed “purebloods” are also paying a hefty price. Vax Mandates A three-year-old boy was denied heart surgery in Germany, the UK, and Israel because his parents weren’t “vaccinated.” Finally, he was flown to Greece where the surgery was performed. A Boston hospital refused a 31-year-old man a heart transplant because he did not want to be inoculated with C-19 jabs. One look at the myocarditis and pericarditis stats after these vax injections would deter anyone, yet medical personnel, who are supposed to stay informed, either know nothing or continue to protect themselves rather than their patients. They follow their employers’ mandates. Cleveland Clinic has made it mandatory for anyone receiving a transplant to be Covid jabbed. A kidney transplant became available for Mike Ganim via a friend of the family. But then devastating news was dropped on them when Cleveland Clinic said the donor had to have the C-19 vax in order to “protect” everyone. The donor had religious reasons, including freedom, for her refusal of this inoculation. The U.S. Navy is violating a court order by allegedly blocking treatment for a traumatic brain injury and inflicting other forms of punishment on SEALs who requested religious exemptions to the coronavirus “vaccine,” according to a new legal complaint. Adverse Effects and Fatalities The military’s mandated injections resulted in a high rate of disorders, ailments, and death, as well as the onset of COVID-19, influenza, pneumonia, and over 100 other conditions. The findings of the Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers, as told to attorney Thomas Renz, are consistent with remarks from OneAmerica CEO J. Scott Davison, who stated during a call hosted by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Indiana Hospital Association that “working age people (18 to 64) are dying at a rate that is 40% higher than pre-pandemic rates.” Healthy young sports figures are dying because of the vax; 108 FIFA footballers and over 400 athletes dead from heart failure in six months. Journalist and commentator Daniel Horowitz, who spoke with attorney Renz before Senator Ron Johnson’s panel discussion, explained in an article published on January 26th that the doctors “queried the numbers for hundreds of codes from 2016 through 2020 to establish a baseline five-year average.” An alarming increase in cancer, miscarriages, and myocarditis was found in addition to many other diseases (as outlined in Senator Ron Johnson’s letterto DOD Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III).
Medical Propaganda There are hundreds of thousands of incidences of hospital protocols for COVID patients and those who received the jabs resulting in death. COVID fatalities are kept high despite available repurposed drugs and OTC supplements. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and supplements are cheap, can be used at home, will keep you out of hospital, and are on the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines. These effective medications have purposely been maligned, not only by the media, the stakeholders, and the majority of medical caregivers but by The Lancet medical journal and the New England Journal of Medicine. Robert Kennedy Jr. states, “Somebody at the very pinnacle of the medical cartel had twisted arms, kicked groins, and stoved in kneecaps to force these periodicals to abandon their policies, shred their ethics, and spend down their centuries of hard-won credibility in a desperate bid to torpedo HCQ. To date, neither the authors of the false anti-HCQ claims nor the journals, have explained who induced them to coauthor and publish the most momentous fraud in the history of scientific publishing.” The globalist goals were always pointed at a “vaccine,” where billions would funnel into the pockets of Gates, Fauci, and their friends in Big Pharma. Thus, the maligning of repurposed wonder drugs, and the murder of millions was accomplished to fill the coffers of the depopulation enemies of freedom and complete the Great Reset. Conclusion There can be only one conclusion. Mass Murder was planned and we are the prey. Related articles:Dr. Michael Yeadon: THIS MUST STOP! Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk Health Canada Initially Created For
Population Control Measures 2022-02-10 b THE COVID-CON II The pathetic collapse of Team
See also: The
Change in the Wind is ObviousThe science has changed lol. Efforts to rewrite history will begin in three, two, one... In the last few weeks, coronavirus infections in the United States have hit stunning new heights. Covid deaths are second only to their January 2021 peak (a peak probably driven by first-dose mRNA vaccinations of the elderly, but don’t get me started). In response to this unprecedented Covid wave, Democrats and their media allies are calling for school closures, more masking rules, and new lockdown restrictions. “We need to follow the science and come together as a nation,” President Biden said in a special Oval Office address. “A few more weeks of shared sacrifice will get us through this dark winter. These restrictions have worked before, and they will work again.” — Whoa! Sorry. Drifted off for a minute. Back here in the real world, exactly the opposite is happening. The Covid wave notwithstanding, Democrats and the bluechecks are sprinting away from every restriction and mandate and rule they have shoved down the throats of Americans for the last two years. Masks? Who needs ‘em? Last July, when the United States had under 40,000 Covid infections a day, Dr. Leana Wen - a CNN staple - lashed out at states that had ended mask mandates. CNN Medical Analyst Says Some Indoor Mask Mandates Should Be Reinstated as Cases RiseAnd today? Today Dr. Wen is singing a different tune. Today Dr. Wen believes in medical autonomy. Yes, Dr. Wen - who also famously said last year that she thought life should be “hard” for Americans who chose not receive to a Covid vaccine - is now all about “individual choice.” Kinda surprising she didn’t believe in personal choice all along, since she once was president of Planned Parenthood. Then again she only lasted eight months there before her tenure was, well, abruptly aborted. But I digress. School closures? Don’t even, sister. [...]This new stance marks a rather… remarkable… turnaround. I am old enough to remember that night in March 2021 when Joe Biden told us that if we were good little boys and girls, he might allow us to gather in “small groups” for Independence Day. “A July Fourth with your loved ones is the goal,” he told us. I don’t know about you, but Biden’s speech that night sounded to me more or less like the definition of a government effort to discourage people from leaving their homes. There’s another word for that. Eight letters, starts with L, ends N. I’ll remember eventually. — Of course the bluechecks want to tell you that they’re just following the science in their new devotion to freedom. The science has changed! Dr. Leana Wen actually said so out loud, bless her heart. The science has changed in only one meaningful way in the last year-plus. The mRNA jabs look worse on an almost daily basis. But the uselessness of masks and lockdowns, the problems with school closings, Covid’s lack of risk to kids - we have known all that almost since the epidemic began. In fact, what’s amazing is HOW LITTLE - not how much - has changed about the epidemiology of Covid in the last two years. I know. I have the receipts. The control measures work just as well now as they ever have, which is to say not at all. If they did, we would not be headed into year three of Covid: The Little Epidemic That Could. No, what’s changed is the fact that despite two years of lectures, most people now understands the uselessness of what we’ve done. What’s changed are the polls. I can only imagine the internal Democratic numbers are even WORSE than the public numbers (which have a bit of a left lean to them, as shown by the fact that they understated Trump’s support in both 2016 and 2020). And despite appearances, the Democrats do want to stay in power. Thus the race to the doors of the last week. The blue-state jab mandates will be next to go, though they may hang on a few more weeks. A lot of people don’t understand yet just how useless the shots have become with Omicron dominant. Also, they were imposed so recently that dropping them now would a whole new level of embarrassment. But they will be dropped. You haven’t heard too many blue-state governors talk much about mRNA shot mandates for schoolchildren lately, have you? With fewer than one in four kids 5-11 now jabbed, school mandates would cause riots. So yes, the last act in this pathetic folly will be the quiet walkaway from any attempt to force the Covid shots. Those little gobs of mRNA will become like the flu shots, heavily promoted but entirely voluntary. Now we just have to
make sure none of this ever happens again. (read
more) See also: Even the Pandemic’s Wrongest Magazine [The Atlantic] has has had enough 2022-02-10 a THE COVID-CON I Saving Democracy From the
Pandemic [of Lies]
fThree years of crisis were used to justify the concentration of powers and suppression of freedoms that must be clawed back COVID-19 has [allegedly] killed millions and threatened the prospects of democracy for billions more. Since early 2020, the world has witnessed a marked expansion of governmental decision-making regarding health. Lockdowns and curfews were instated in many countries, and many freedoms were taken away under the justification of a major health threat. Health authorities and politicians alluding to or exploiting health authorities acquired extraordinary power to regulate society at large, including the application of mandates. A Freedom House report found that democracy grew weaker in 80 countries during COVID-19, and that in 2020 the number of free countries reached the lowest level in 15 years. Countries that regressed included ones you’d expect like China and Belarus, but also democratic bulwarks like the United States, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands. The United States was listed as one of the 25 countries that witnessed the steepest declines in freedom. Even if the pandemic enters a less threatening endemic phase (as may already be the case in several countries), the legacy of authoritarian measures and mandates may leave behind a more enduring threat to democracy. Several governments responded to the lethal pandemic by undermining the very systems that were in place to ensure accountability and to protect public health and well-being. No single individual can be blamed for this—it was a systemic problem, as decisions taken by one government or government agency instantaneously affected the decisions of others. But the result was the restriction of basic freedoms and the normalization of scapegoating and exclusion, both historically a prelude to atrocities. While some extreme actions were justified as efforts to achieve otherwise laudable goals (like increasing rates of vaccination), the attempt to isolate vast numbers of people while whipping the general population into agreement on aggressive public health policies probably damaged even these goals. Some people, organizations, corporations, and lobbyists (or combinations thereof) saw this crisis as an opportunity to establish some version of a desired ideological utopia, which, in reality, benefited only a zealous minority confident in their “truth”, “science,” or whatever name they used to legitimate blind dogmas. In the end, half of the world’s working population suffered financially under lockdowns, creating massive ripple effects. Most people thrive when they can make their own decisions within the boundaries of the law, even during a crisis. But the loss of these basic freedoms was celebrated as a victory for public health, even as the loss of basic freedoms probably made public health outcomes worse in several countries. Many citizens of the United States and other democracies saw their businesses shutter, their life’s work disappear, and were not allowed to visit sick and dying loved ones or to even attend their burials. Younger generations were probably affected most, as students saw their schools close and their social lives thwarted with consequences we won’t fully understand for many years. A critical mass of people, especially among those hit hardest by the crisis or whose concerns were marginalized by political and health authorities, may eventually conclude that their governments and leaders have failed them. Frustration may be expressed through peaceful, democratic means (voting officials out of office, for example), or through riots and revolution. Across the world, we have already seen instances of both. The outcomes of such social explosions are by nature chaotic and unpredictable. The worst way to address such circumstances is to double down on trying to replace concrete values like freedom and equality with goals like safety and health under the guise of “science” and the greater good. No reasonable person would question that all of these values and goals are worthy of our efforts. But when they clash (or are portrayed as clashing), democratic societies must make decisions on priorities. Once individual freedom has been downgraded as a priority, it is difficult to ever get back. In navigating such difficult circumstances, we need to ask ourselves: What kind of society do we want to have, and what legacy do we want to leave behind to our descendants? To stay healthy and thrive, human beings need positive reinforcement, engagement, close relationships, meaning, and a sense of accomplishment. Even if run by benign “experts” or agencies, top-down societies in which decision-making power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people make it harder, not easier, for people to live these types of lives. It becomes still more difficult when small groups of people also preside over the concentration of wealth and information. Many billionaires enjoyed a big expansion of not only their wealth but their influence over public decision-making during the pandemic. Some of them are no doubt brilliant human beings, well-intentioned benefactors, and generous philanthropists. But a big part of society’s increasing distrust of authorities has been the sense that elected representatives and health authorities have become too dependent on or susceptible to the lobbying and influence of tech and financial magnates. Concern about the manipulation of power and influence has also been exacerbated by the performance of media and social media. It is critical in free, democratic societies that media never become a vessel for a single, state-sanctioned, official narrative at the expense of public debate and freedom of speech. The same applies for social media: Removing content considered “fake” or “false” in order to limit the ability of ordinary people to judge information for themselves only inflames polarization and distrust of the public sphere. This is especially important in the realm of scientific debate. Anyone who believes that it’s possible to cleanse “science” of error through brute force censorship has no understanding of how science works or how accurate, unbiased evidence is accumulated in the first place. The idea of arbitrators who select what is correct and dismiss what is incorrect is the most alien possible concept to science. Without the ability to make errors or make (and improve on) inaccurate hypotheses, there is no science. The irony is that scientists understand (or at least should understand) and embrace (or at least should embrace) the fact that we all float in a sea of nonsense; it is the opportunist influencers and pundits, lacking in any understanding of the scientific method, who believe in the possibility of pure, unconflicted “truth.” The population at large would benefit more from scientific skepticism (which doesn’t require a Ph.D.) than from the purging of “bias” by spurious information purifiers. Teaching free citizens about the risk of multifarious biases and how to prevent, detect, and avoid them is a job for educational institutions like schools and universities, not for tech companies, billionaires, federal bureaucrats, or online mobs. Being sensitized about bias has nothing to do with conspiracy theories, and may be the best way to diminish the alarming number of followers of conspiracy theorists. Willingness to acknowledge what we don’t know creates space for respect and dignity; pseudoscientific dogmatism only leads to bullying, violence, and repression. This is as true during times of crisis and emergency as it is during periods of peace and prosperity. Many governments have demonstrated in the past three years that they can summarily impose decisions on free people without their consent, and can even whitewash their actions if they backfire. A balancing force is needed in a well-informed democracy to promote thoughtful discussion and the adoption of cautious and moderate policies, rather than conflicted agendas based on the proclamations of manipulated mobs. Intolerance and humiliation may seem like expedients, but tolerance and scientific humility may achieve even more. As the pandemic
ebbs, the years ahead will help determine whether
we as democratic citizens and free people are
still capable of making our own decisions, pursuing happiness,
and refraining from harm, without falling prey to
the authoritarian temptations that have felled
democracies in the past. (read
more) THE DATA VI Horowitz: The Pentagon’s
RESPONSE to the explosive DOD medical data is an
even bigger story than the data
![]() One thing is clear about the revelation of the 2021 military epidemiological data and the military’s response to it: There is undoubtedly a public health and national security crisis in the military, and the Pentagon’s reaction only seems to be concerned with exonerating the vaccine, not fixing its own alleged problem. It’s now certain that the military’s health surveillance system — DMED — showed a massive increase in sickness and injury diagnoses in 2021 over previous years, particularly in the neurological, cardiovascular, oncological, and reproductive health categories. The military, in a very terse and cryptic statement to PolitiFact last week, admitted as much, but claimed without any further explanation that the data in the system accessed by several military doctors working with attorney Thomas Renz was only a “fraction” of the true numbers that existed. In the words of the Pentagon spokesman, it was a “glitch in the database.” Where those true numbers existed, why they weren’t in the system for five years, what exactly was in the system, and why the 2021 numbers were accurate according to the DOD account remain a mystery. However, one by one, the military public health officials have been adding back random numbers to the 2016 through 2020 codes. I’m told by Renz and two of the whistleblowers that throughout the past week, they have queried the same data again, and in most of the ICD categories, they have found that the numbers from 2016 through 2020 were “increased” exponentially to look as though 2021 was not an abnormal year. This has been done without any transparency, any press release, any statement of narrative, and sloppily in a way that makes the already unbelievable narrative simply impossible to believe. In addition to believing that every epidemiological report for five years was somehow completely tainted with false data — including during the first year of the pandemic itself — we would have to believe that the minute they discovered this from Renz, they suddenly discovered the exact numbers. A five-year mistake fixed overnight! Just take a look at the following statement given to the Epoch Times, the only other public comment delivered by an authorized Pentagon spokesman: “Comparing the DMED database to the source data contained in DMSS, AFHSD discovered that the total number of medical diagnoses from 2016-2020 that were accessible in DMED represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses for those years. In contrast, the 2021 total number of medical diagnoses were up to date in DMED. Comparison of 2021 to 2016-2020 resulted in the appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the under-reported data for 2016-2020. AFHSD has taken DMED offline to identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption,” said Maj. Charlie Dietz. That’s it! They are
only concerned with downplaying any potential
culpability of the vaccine, not explaining how they
were flying blind, according to their official
narrative, on such an important endeavor for so many
years. Just consider the fact that at last week’s
meeting of the CDC's Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP), officials revealed
that they have been monitoring vaccine safety data
from the DOD, among other places.
Moreover, the DOD’s new data (as presented on Renz’s website) that was somehow updated so quickly is impossible to believe for a number of other reasons. Take a look at the top-line number of ICD codes in 2016-2020, as reflected in the data before the DOD tampered with it to input the new updated numbers. [...] The data originally reflected on DMED that was downloaded by the whistleblowers a few weeks ago makes much more sense because it accommodates both COVID and vaccine injury, which would explain the unprecedented increase. Now, obviously, COVID alone can’t explain all the increases, because some of the specific data points presented have already been associated with the vaccine injury, per VAERS and other studies, as opposed to the virus.More fundamentally, it is simply ludicrous to suggest that there are this many diagnoses in the military in a given year. All active-duty soldiers have to be medically screened. Obesity, diabetes, and heart conditions are very rare, and the population is generally very young. If we really have over 20 million diagnoses every year in the military (consisting of about 1.4 million active-duty personnel), there is something seriously wrong, and that in itself is a huge story. [...] The silence both from the media and congressional members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees is astounding. One of two things is true: Either there was mass vaccine injury in the military, or our military has been very unhealthy and the Pentagon completely lost control over epidemiological surveillance of these health issues for years. Either way, this is the story of the year. (read more)2022-02-09 e THE DATA V Strictly regular use of
ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19 leads to a
90% reduction in COVID-19 mortality rate, in a
dose-response manner: definitive results of a
prospective observational study of a strictly
controlled 223,128 population from a city-wide
program in Southern Brazil
dResearch Gate, February 2022 DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.20069.68320 Background: Previously, we demonstrated that ivermectin use as prophylaxis for COVID-19 was associated with reductions in COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates, and in the risk of dying from COVID-19, irrespective of regularity and accumulated use of ivermectin, in an observational, prospectively obtained data from a strictly controlled city-wide program in a city in Southern Brazil (Itajaí, SC, Brazil) of of medically-based, optional use of ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19. In this study, our objective was to explore the data obtained from the program to evaluate whether the level of regularity of ivermectin use impacted in the reductions in these outcomes, aiming to determine if ivermectin showed a progressive dose-, regularity-response in terms of protection from COVID-19 and COVID-19 related outcomes. Materials and methods: This is a prospective observational study of the program mention above, that used ivermectin at a dose of 0.2mg/kg/day for two consecutive days, every 15 days. We obtained and analyzed the data regarding the accumulated dose of ivermectin use, in addition to age and co-morbidities, to analyze the patterns of reduction of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates, and risk of dying from COVID-19, according to the regularity and amount of ivermectin used in a 5-month period. Following definitions of regularity, we considered as strictly regular subjects that used at least 180mg of ivermectin (180mg = 30 tablets), and as sporadic users subjects that used 60mg (= 10 tablets) or less during the 5-month period. Comparisons between subjects that did not use ivermectin and these two levels of regularity of ivermectin use were performed. Analysis of the intermediate levels of ivermectin use are present in the supplement appendix of this study. To analyze hospitalization and mortality rates, we utilized the database of COVID-19 infections of all participants, from Itajaí and outside. To analyze COVID-19 infection rate and risk of dying from COVID-19 we utilized the Itajaí city database. Propensity score matching (PSM) was employed, followed by multivariate adjusted analysis for residual differences (doubly adjusted analysis). Results:
Conclusion: Non-use of ivermectin was associated with a 10-times increase in mortality risk and 7-times increased risk of dying from COVID-19, compared to strictly regular use of ivermectin in a prospectively collected, strictly controlled population. A progressive
dose-response pattern was observed between level of
ivermectin use and level of protection from COVID-19
related outcomes and consistent across different
levels of ivermectin use. (read
more) THE DATA IV Are child [vaccine] deaths
acceptable ‘collateral damage’ in the war against
cTHE very essence of the scientific method is to advance challenging hypotheses and to seek to disprove them. HART are a UK-based team of volunteer experts – senior and junior medics, life and physical scientists, data scientists, lawyers and other professionals – who have pooled their professional expertise to test the dominant narrative in the best traditions of scientific discourse. Amongst our number are nine professors, several of whom are medically qualified, and many others with doctoral level degrees or above. We are in no one’s pocket: to the contrary, as individuals we expose ourselves to professional risks and personal opprobrium by questioning and trying to test the mainstream narrative. We believe that critical and independent thinking are especially important in these changing times. We continue to challenge what we think is flawed reasoning for giving children injections against Covid: see here, here and here. In essence, children will not benefit sufficiently to justify the known and unknown risks. You can read our recent letter to the UK health authorities regarding our concerns about very worrying signals that Covid injections may have caused death in children and young adults here. As well as HART members, this letter was signed by more than 80 experienced clinicians and academics, including professors and health professionals from every speciality including public health, epidemiology, microbiology, immunology, emergency medicine, paediatrics, genomics and the pharmaceutical industry. Given that the Office for National Statistics has accepted that the 2021 increase in young male deaths is a statistically significant increase, we believe that Covid injections for young people should be halted immediately, pending further information gathering and detailed interrogation of the underlying data. The letter was published in full by TCW. We believe that the careful consideration of such concerns is crucial for safeguarding children. It is therefore quite surprising, to say the least, to be on the receiving end of some rather unusual commentary in UnHerd. Tom Chivers is the Science Editor of UnHerd, as well as being ‘far too nice to be a journalist’ (at least according to Terry Pratchett). He writes some helpful articles, and we are happy to plug his latest book on How to Read Numbers, a skill that seems to be sorely lacking in this current day and age. However, according to Mr Chivers, we are ‘odd’, ‘deeply strange’ people. He uses illegally hacked material from private conversations in an attempt to illustrate this. He singles out HART for some criticism of the ‘sticks and stones’ variety – in his own words, he chooses to play the man before the ball, something that people usually do when the main thrust of their argument is holed beneath the waterline. The title of his piece is frankly shocking: ‘Is it worth vaccinating children? It sounds cruel – but a small number of deaths would be worth it’. In the context of offering Pfizer’s injections to children, the statement is not just cruel but crudely disguises a misunderstanding of the situation. You would think a scientific journalist would support a call for more evidence, especially one who grudgingly concedes that our concerns are a ‘slight understatement of reality’. Instead he attempts to dismiss these deaths, firstly as due to Covid (although there were only two deaths with Covid in this group over that period in question), secondly as the result of clearing a backlog (when this has not been apparent for any other age group) and thirdly by saying vaccines were not significantly rolled out until August (when 1.4million 16-19-year-olds had taken their first dose before August). He then takes the position that a hypothetical drug that killed children would be justified if it saved more than it killed. There have been only 20 deaths of under-19s attributed to Covid in those with no pre-existing conditions in England, and the total was 93 deaths out of an estimated 8.4million infections. Even the deaths that have been attributed to Covid are complex. The National Clinical Auditors for paediatric intensive care units, PICANet, state that ‘It is not possible to say that any of the deaths on PICU were as a direct result of COVID-19, merely that these children had a COVID-19 positive test prior to or during their PIC admission or at post-mortem’. Mr Chivers bizarrely claims that 1 in 100,000 unvaccinated 12-17-year-olds die every week in the USA, without linking to a credible source. Extrapolating to the UK, that would translate to 19 Covid deaths of unvaccinated 12-17-year-olds every single week in England where there have only everbeen 65 deaths of 10-19-year-olds in England and Wales with Covid over the nearly 100-week duration of the pandemic so far, 80 per cent of whom had significant comorbidities. To justify giving anyone a medical intervention it must be clear – by a statistically significant margin – that it will have a direct net health benefit to that person. To proceed otherwise is not ethically acceptable. The JCVI has not been able to clearly establish such a direct net benefit for children. In fact, the decision in September 2021 by the chief medical officers (thereby overriding the decision of the JCVI, who chose not to recommend it) to green-light Pfizer Covid injections for 12-15-year-olds was based on questionable spreadsheet modelling that implied there might be marginally fewer school absences. This is no way to make robust scientific decisions. Simply put, the ethical bar has not been cleared to justify use of the Pfizer Covid injection in young people. Even if it were to be established that there was a secondary ‘herd’ benefit to the rest of the population, as Mr Chivers claims, this would not be an excuse to lower this ethical bar, as highlighted in Article 7 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Children, after all, are not adults’ human shields. Despite this, the crux of Mr Chivers’ argument in favour of dismissing HART’s concerns is that vaccinations will somehow stop children getting infected and that if they remain unvaccinated they would be ‘more likely to pass it on to other, more vulnerable, people, including their own families’. It turns out that this statement is false. The Pfizer CEO has himself admitted that the current injection (designed to act against the Wuhan strain) ‘offers very limited protection, if any’ and doesn’t ‘have the safety profile that we hoped we can achieve with this technology’. This is not so much a tacit admission of failure as a mea culpa. The whole principle under which Pfizer’s injection was given emergency approval for adult use has been found wanting. It is worth noting that Israel – which is currently deploying a second booster, i.e. a fourth Pfizer dose – had more SARS-CoV-2 infections in the penultimate week of January 2021 than in all of 2020, before it began mass mRNA injections. Israel is one of the most-vaccinated nations, yet its Covid case numbers and also hospitalisations are now greater than they have been at any stage of the pandemic, which must surely bring into question the claim that the vaccination programme (as a whole) is working. Overall, it is curious that Mr Chivers – who has previously disclosed involvement with an RNA vaccine developer – seeks to dismiss HART’s concerns in such an unscientific manner. It certainly stands out from Unherd’s usual methodologically sound science journalism, and judging by the very few comments posted underneath the article, it would seem that UnHerd’s readership was similarly unimpressed. Mr Chivers’s attack
on those merely asking for further investigation (of
young male deaths) seems particularly perverse given
that he himself claims to ‘hope that the ONS is able
to find some hint of what caused the apparent
increase in deaths among adolescent males’. This
seems totally at odds with the thrust of the piece,
which is that there is ‘nothing to see here’. (read
more) THE DATA III The Dissidents
bA handful of scientists and doctors have spent the past two years defending mainstream public health approaches and scientific rigor against the pandemic response bureaucracy Last year I spoke to a long list of leading scientists and doctors for a piece I was reporting. Of all the things they shared with me, one quote stood out: There is
no scientific truth, only replicable science. Then
it becomes theory, but not law. And not truth.
There are fundamental laws of physics that have
been overturned. Law is not truth, law is law, and
in science, law can be overturned.
Somehow, in the madness, fear, confusion, and paranoia of our two-year sojourn through COVID-19, that basic definition of scientific truth—that it is ever-evolving, and inimical to dogmatism—has been largely mocked, denigrated, and ignored, if not met with slogans like “believe science.” This anti-scientific attitude has become common among scientists, too—ones who, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, assume that “attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science.” There are the medical doctors, who are convinced that results from a single clinical trial, conducted by Pfizer, of Pfizer’s own new antiviral pill are more legitimate than hundreds of clinical trials and observational studies of existing medications not produced by Pfizer. There are scientific and medical journal editors who refuse to publish papers that they believe might undermine existing consensus, preferring instead to publish papers that must later be retracted as fraudulent. Then there are the politicians who have been curiously uninterested in the origins of a novel, mysterious, and paradigm-shifting virus, and the journalists and “fact-checkers” whose work has invariably supported ever-shifting public health wisdom, often by simply quoting press releases from the pharmaceutical companies and government agencies whose claims they’re supposed to be evaluating in the first place. In the face of censorship, undermining, and mockery driven by authoritarian bureaucrats and tech platforms that increasingly function as private arms of the state, a smaller group of scientists, many of whom are also medical doctors, have continually spoken up to question the scientific consensus on whatever platforms they could find. We’re calling them “The Dissidents,” merely because they have spoken up against official policy. The term’s connotation of rebellion or revolution has nothing to do with what these thinkers represent: In their Talmudic approach to the pandemic, posing questions of questions and questions of other questioners, they are instead voices that have sought to uphold the past 400 years of scientific tradition and practice, rather than overturn it. Some of their questions have been prescient and vindicated; others might appear conspiratorial or extreme. But the main point is that they have asked and continue to ask questions, while a majority of their peers have done away with the scientific method or have been cowed into silence. On Monday, Drs. Jay Bhattacharya, Harvey Risch, Pierre Kory, Aaron Kheriaty, Peter McCullough, and Robert Malone appeared together on a panel at the U.S. Capitol moderated by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., titled “COVID-19: A Second Opinion.” Dr. Malone opened his remarks by making one thing clear: In my opinion we should not have politicized the public health response to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. This is a bipartisan issue, and the physicians represented here are truly a bipartisan group; I’m not, although I’ve been characterized as a right-wing Proud Boy, I’ve previously supported both President Obama and President Biden’s campaigns, but the course of events have forced me to rethink a lot of my positions, and I think that’s the case with many of my peers. THE GREAT BARRINGTON THREE: MARTIN KULLDORFF, JAY BHATTACHARYA, AND SUNETRA GUPTA Drs. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford came together in October 2020 at Kulldorff’s invitation to discuss alternatives to lockdowns: The Great Barrington Declaration was born. In that document, they suggested a strategy akin to what Sweden had done: Focused protection of the elderly and the most vulnerable, and normal life for everyone else, with the goal of avoiding unintended harms—physical, mental, developmental, and economic—among the broader population. Over 60,000 medical professionals have signed on. The GB3 advocated this approach on the basis of precedent, which had shown that lockdowns “do not reduce the total number of cases in the long run and have never in history led to the eradication of a disease.” The current waves of COVID in Australia, New Zealand, and China help illustrate this hypothesis. Scientific papers authored or co-authored by the GB3 have been cited by other scientists a total of 59,145 times (and counting). But neither their long publication histories nor their lofty academic affiliations mattered to Dr. Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health, when he called them “the three fringe epidemiologists” in an October 2020 email to Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In the emails, recently released via Freedom of Information Act request, the two leaders of the United States’ medical science establishment colluded to discredit the three leading scientists and their message because it dissented from what was then state orthodoxy. All three have taken flak from colleagues; the noise may have reached its apotheosis on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2022, when the editor-in-chief of Science magazine tweeted in response to Kulldorff, “I don’t think it’s going out on a limb to say that MLK would not have been a fan of the Great Barrington Declaration.” Says who? HARVEY RISCH Dr. Harvey Risch is professor of epidemiology and a cancer etiologist at the Yale School of Public Health. He has authored more than 350 original peer-reviewed research papers, which have been cited by others more than 44,000 times. He tells Tablet he has read “nearly 3,000” scientific papers and documents on COVID over the past two years. In April 2020, Risch was asked to advise the state of Connecticut on potential early outpatient treatment options. His initial review of the evidence was published on May 27, 2020, and it concluded that given the options available at the time, the use of hydroxychloroquine in combination with azithromycin and/or doxycycline, and zinc could be used in outpatients to prevent hospitalization. In August of 2020, other epidemiologists published a rebuttal to his initial review, criticizing aspects of his methodology and the quality of evidence cited. But Risch has continually monitored the emerging data, and in June 2021, he gave a lecture in which he presented a new meta-analysis in favor of his original case, citing 10 studies (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), eight of which were newly incorporated. At the very least, his work shows that the case against hydroxychloroquine isn’t “settled.” Risch mentions in his lecture that he supports using hydroxychloroquine with some of its “friends,” e.g., azithromycin or doxycycline, colchicine, fluvoxamine, budesonide, zinc, vitamin D, bromhexine, or aspirin. He says “HCQ works by itself, but not well enough, really for what we want to accomplish.” He has championed early outpatient treatment using cocktails of repurposed, FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, including in front of a Senate committee on Nov. 19, 2020. He told Tablet that the question he would most like answered in 2022 is, “For whose interests did these regulatory agencies [FDA, CDC] contrive to abet the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who could have been saved by use of early outpatient treatment that these agencies suppressed?” ROBERT MALONE Dr. Robert Malone was a young man in 1987-89 when he helped develop the initial concept for the RNA and DNA vaccines later brought to fruition in the current vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, et al. In the past 20 years he has worked extensively in biotechnology, developing vaccines and consulting with the U.S. government on biodefense. The saga of Malone and COVID can be tied to two podcast episodes on which he appeared during the pandemic. The first was a June 11, 2021 episode of Bret Weinstein’s DarkHorse podcast featuring Malone, Weinstein, and the entrepreneur Steve Kirsch. For three hours, the three discussed both observed and theoretical information that suggested the possibility that mRNA vaccines might be dangerous for some recipients. By virtue of his expertise, Malone explained the potential mechanism of action that might cause damage (starting at 13:10 in the podcast). Malone himself received two doses of Moderna and says he suffered severe and sudden hypertension (high blood pressure) as a result. Throughout 2021, Malone helped lead the charge for greater scrutiny of vaccine safety while being pilloried by tech platforms as a vector of disinformation, incurring warning labels on his descriptions of vaccines that he helped to conceive. He has been unequivocal in his plea to avoid giving mRNA vaccines to children. The Atlantic has since painted him as a fame-hungry spreader of misinformation, and he has been kicked off of Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. (He is now on Substack.) The culmination of Malone’s public communication efforts last year came on Dec. 30, when he sat down with Joe Rogan to discuss all things COVID. One of Malone’s assertions in the now-infamous podcast stood out: the concept of Mass Formation Psychosis and its role in the current pandemic. When queried, Malone told Tablet that his most pressing question for 2022 is, “What did Tony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Jeremy Farrar discuss, using burner phones to avoid detection, when it became clear that they had funded the development (by EcoHealth Alliance) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus?” VINAY PRASAD Dr. Vinay Prasad is a hematologist/oncologist and associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco, who first made waves by challenging the shibboleths of corporate medicine, as summarized in a 2017 Stat news profile. Prasad’s commentary during the pandemic has extended to many topics, but the first, and dearest to his heart, has been the importance of remaining open to all points of view in trying to solve the crisis. To that end, he recently decided to listen to the entirety of Joe Rogan’s popular podcasts with Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough to try and break down, issue by issue, the substance of their claims, rather than dismiss them wholesale with scare-words like “fringe” or “dangerous.” Prasad has been a source for acute analysis of the benefits and risks of vaccination for young men vulnerable to myocarditis, and a consistent voice in questioning the wisdom and efficacy of mask mandates, especially for schoolchildren. He first wrote about the need for better evidence in masking on Nov. 27, 2020, and on myocarditis on June 29, 2021. (Note: Dr. Prasad is a contributor to Tablet.) MARTY MAKARY Dr. Marty Makary is professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins and a health care reformer. He has been a regular presence on television and in the pages of major newspapers, delivering his views on what a sensible response to the pandemic might look like. One major focus for Makary has been on the importance of recognizing natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2, acquired by previous infection. He has continually pushed for the government and employers to recognize natural immunity in addition to immunity conferred by vaccines when considering mandates, which is normal throughout Europe. A new CDC study released on Jan. 19, 2022, appeared to lend credence to Makary’s analysis. Newly elected Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin recently appointed Makary to be his adviser on pandemic response. PETER MCCULLOUGH Dr. Peter McCullough’s academic work has been cited by other authors 63,953 times, according to Google Scholar. He is a renowned cardiologist and nephrologist, and was one of the first physicians to loudly and consistently promote the idea of early outpatient treatment for COVID-19—first on Aug. 7, 2020, in an early paper on potential protocols for multidrug treatment, and then alongside Risch in front of the U.S. Senate on Nov. 19, 2020. To those who’ve attacked him for his emphasis on hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin as treatment components, he emphasizes that he has also promoted FDA emergency use authorized monoclonal antibody treatments, which have been greatly underutilized. In 2021, McCullough’s crusade expanded from early treatment to vaccine safety. While initially many patients in his practice in Dallas were vaccinated, by March 2021, he started to have doubts about vaccine safety, as reports of injury and death began to accrue in the VAERS database. On May 7, 2021, McCullough was invited on Tucker Carlson Today for a 45-minute interview in which he made his concerns known. Specifically, McCullough emphasizes that a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccination is wrong—that it should instead be recommended on the basis of specific risk-benefit calculations for different populations. “The idea that we’re going to roll out new products and get it right the first time, how often does that happen in medicine?” he said. “We’ve always got to tweak things, maybe there’s certain groups that shouldn’t get it, maybe the doses are too high, maybe the doses should be weight-based, there’s all kinds of things to consider.” McCullough then traveled across the country, speaking in town hall formats and doctors conferences, as well as continuing to engage online. By the time of an Oct. 2, 2021, speech summarizing his concerns, he said the current COVID vaccines “cannot be generally supported in clinical practice” due to safety signals. In December 2021, he was a featured guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast. To date, he has been fired from all of his prior academic medical positions and is being sued by his former employer, Baylor University, for $1,000,000 for breach of contract. McCullough has become conspicuously vocal about the nefarious intentions he believes undergird the COVID vaccine program and the overall governmental response to the pandemic; not to acknowledge those views, too, would be misleading. At the same time, I spoke to McCullough last year for two hours and did not find him to be “far out.” He struck me as a sensible and brilliant everyman who has been pushed to his breaking point by two years of irrationality and therapeutic nihilism. McCullough told Tablet that the person who has most dramatically changed his thinking of late is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose work has helped him understand that the crisis has been used “to orchestrate a totalitarian takeover based on an ineffective and unsafe set of genetic vaccines.” PIERRE KORY Dr. Kory is a pulmonary and critical care medicine specialist and a former associate professor and chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin. He is also an internationally renowned pioneer in the field of critical care ultrasonography. As a native New Yorker, he is evidently unafraid to speak up—loudly. If there is one subject on which Kory has distinguished himself, it is his ferocious insistence on the importance of letting doctors doctor. He was one of the first to advocate for the need to administer corticosteroids in hospitalized patients, and said so before the U.S. Senate on May 6, 2020. On July 17, 2020, his cries were vindicated by a trial out of the United Kingdom. Corticosteroids are now standard care for COVID-19 in hospitals worldwide. Kory’s ensuing crusades included the need for more and better outpatient treatment and the potential of a Nobel Prize-winning drug with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties called ivermectin. Kory and his group of critical care specialists, the FLCCC, felt they had found a miraculous gift in ivermectin. Kory was invited to speak again to the U.S. Senate on this topic on Dec. 8, 2020. As the recording of his impassioned speech during a Senate hearing about the importance of early treatment and the utility of ivermectin gained viewers, YouTube removed it on Jan. 27, 2021. Kory remains an outspoken voice for aggressive outpatient and inpatient care of COVID-19 and a skeptic of the public health response. When I spoke to him last year for background on a different story, I asked what allows him to ignore the damage to his reputation caused by speaking out. He answered, characteristically, “data.” He went on, “What keeps me going is not the getting dragged, it’s the success! Thousands around the world we know we’ve helped, many doctors in India know that it works. I know we’re helping people.” AARON KHERIATY Since 2013, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty has been the director of the Medical Ethics program at the University of California Irvine. In August of 2021, the university imposed a campuswide vaccine mandate. Kheriaty had previously been ill with COVID and sued the school in federal court for an exemption due to prior infection and naturally acquired immunity. He was placed on paid leave in October 2021 and fired on Dec. 17, 2021. His goodbye letter to his former colleagues and students got a lot of attention online. Since then, he has been extremely active in media (and on his Substack) in continuing his quest for medical ethics and informed consent in the application of COVID policies. In a recent interview, when asked how he made peace with his decision in light of the fact it robbed him of his his beloved community at UCI, he responded, “When I decided to file the lawsuit, I was projecting ahead to the ethics course I would be teaching [this time of year] and tried to imagine myself standing up in the lecture hall and talking about informed consent, a foundational principle of bioethics, and the need for moral courage … I couldn’t imagine teaching about integrity and moral courage if I had seen something troubling that unfolded around me and my actions didn’t back up what I taught in the classroom.” BRET WEINSTEIN AND HEATHER HEYING Dr. Bret Weinstein and his wife, Dr. Heather Heying, are evolutionary biologists, and it should be noted, avowed liberals who live in Portland, Oregon. After they were run out of Evergreen College in Washington state for trying to teach normally scheduled classes during an officially sanctioned “day of absence,” when all white people were told to leave campus, they went indie. Their DarkHorse podcast has become widely influential since its 2019 debut, but it is in the context of the pandemic that Weinstein and Heying have become essential listening for many. Their analysis has repeatedly proven prescient over the past 22 months. On their March 26, 2020, episode, Heying asked Weinstein for his thoughts on a potential vaccinal escape route from the pandemic. “There is a lot seeming to be banked on the fact that a vaccine is … around the corner and if we can just hold out long enough … life goes back to normal,” he answered, during a moment when public health officials and the American press were universally promising that it would take a mere two weeks to flatten the curve. “I suspect life never goes back to normal,” he continued. “We are not going to live in quarantine from here on out, but I think humanity just learned a very serious lesson about something that will be much harder to control than we imagine …” In the next podcast, dated March 30, 2020, they discussed the possibility of zoonosis, accidental “lab leak,” and/or bioweapon hypotheses related to the etiology of SARS-CoV-2. The conversation was notable for its dispassionate, scientific approach. Fourteen months later—after a monumental media blitz that attempted to discredit anyone posing the latter two hypotheses—former CDC director and virologist Dr. Robert Redfield stated that he believed the virus originated in a lab. Weinstein and
Heying have gone on to interrogate several facets
of the pandemic and our response to it, including
the continued imperative to investigate the lab
leak hypothesis, the evolutionary implications of mRNA technology,
the potential for vaccine-induced
damage, the need for early
treatment of COVID-19, the potential for the
program of mass
vaccination to drive mutations toward new immune
escape variants, vaccine
passports, and what all of this means for our
future as a society. They recently recorded their 112th
livestream. (read
more) THE DATA II URGENT: New research turns up
yet more potential mRNA vaccine dangers
A preprint in Cell finds vaccine-driven original antigenic sin is deeply powerful. Also: vaccine-generated spike protein circulates in the blood and vaccine mRNA persists for months in lymph nodes. mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna shots can be found in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection. Free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination. Vaccinated people infected with variants of Sars-Cov-2 produce antibodies biased toward the original and now extinct variant - rather than the one that has actually infected them. Conspiracy theories from Dr. Kennedy-Mercola’s We Hate Vaxxxines Digest? No. Findings from a preprint in Cell, among the world’s leading scientific journals. Almost 50 researchers worldwide collaborated on the work, which Cell released online two weeks ago. The preprint has received little attention, possibly because it discusses the potential implications of its findings only obliquely. In discussing the fact that the mRNA hamper the immune response to new variants, the researchers offer extra doses as a potential solution, for example: Additional booster doses may be able to compensate for relatively decreased binding to new viral variant antigens, potentially decreasing the public health impact of antibody response imprinting. Nonetheless, the preprint’s findings destroy comforting fictions about the mRNA shots, including that the body quickly destroys the genetic material in the jabs - as Reuters and other “fact-checkers” have long insisted. In fact, researchers found vaccine mRNA in the germinal centers of lymph nodes for 60 days after the shots (as long as they checked). (image)The germinal centers play a crucial role in the immune system, where B-cells - which help produce long-term immunity - mature and learn to make antibodies to infection more efficiently. The researchers also reported finding vaccine mRNA outside the germinal centers, though rarely. The mRNA shots cause the body to make huge amounts of spike protein. Vaccine advocates have generally argued that those proteins remain bound to the cells where they were produced. But the researchers also said they had found spike protein in the blood following mRNA shots at levels as high as those produced by coronavirus infection itself: At least some portion of spike antigen generated after administration of BNT162b2 becomes distributed into the blood. We detected spike antigen in 96% of vaccinees in plasma collected one to two days after the prime injection, with antigen levels reaching as high as 174 pg/mL. The range of spike antigen concentrations in the blood of vaccinees at this early time point largely overlaps with the range of spike antigen concentrations reported in plasma in a study of acute infection. Aside from that, everything is fine and we have nothing to worry about. (read more)2022-02-09 a THE DATA I They Did It Again, White House
Jen Psaki Proactively Frames Media for Tomorrow's
Inflation Data
cLast week the White House did a weird proactive talking point seminar on Monday, preparing the media for official unemployment data which would follow four days later. {Go Deep} Everything about the new econ talking points, added to the press briefing book, indicates the White House knows it’s the economic policy that is the most politically damaging for them. Today, the same proactive approach to head off negative economic consequences is evident, this time regarding inflation. Tomorrow, the official Bureau of Labor and Statistics inflation numbers will be released for January and for 2021 in total. The White House has been again tipped-off. Watch how Jen Psaki attempts to proactively establish the talking point about the month-over-month rate of inflation change as the important element to focus on. If you’ve read the previous post, you can clearly see what they are doing now. Also, this is entirely scripted and coordinated with the press pool to ask a very specific question. WATCH, prompted. You only need to watch for a minute or two to see the strings on the marionettes. It’s also worth
noting, the people behind Joe Biden were meeting
with energy executives today to work out the terms
and conditions for their bribes from the White House
to trigger the Green New Deal. The energy
company bribe amounts, known as direct subsidies in
the talking points, were being negotiated as Psaki
was talking to the press pool. (read
more) ACADEMIC EVIL University professor makes
video declaring sex with children should be legally
bA professor at the State University of Fredonia, New York, made a video that is frankly beyond the pale of anything this reporter has ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot in my 30-plus years of covering the news, both in the mainstream and alternative media.
Fredonia is part of the State of New York’s public university system. Stephen Kershnar is a “distinguished professor” of philosophy on the staff of the university. Kershnar, in a video posted Feb. 1 to Twitter, stated that he believes it should be legal and perfectly acceptable for adults to have sex with children, no matter how young. Listen to this sick human
being’s reasoning in his own words. So it’s “not obvious” to this pathetic individual that sex with children of any age, “even a 1 year old,” is wrong. “It’s a mistake,” he says, to think pedophilia is wrong, and he believes there are “evolutionary advantages to child/adult sex.” We called the president’s office at SUNY Fredonia on Wednesday, Feb. 2, and spoke with an assistant to the president named Dawn. She confirmed that Kershnar is on the staff of Fredonia University and that the president of the university is aware of the video. She said the situation with Professor Kershnar is “under review.” You can see Kershnar’s official biography on the State University of New York at Fredonia website. His official bio on the university website lists several of his favorite research topics as follows:
When asked what could possibly require more of a “review” than to simply watch the video and see that their own professor had made it, Dawn told me “I can’t answer that question.” I asked if Professor Kershnar will be fired, she said she could not answer that question, either. As I’ve said many times on this blog, the Great Reset requires the total destruction of the old Judeo-Christian civilized order before the new order can be implemented, which they call the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And part of the controlled demolition of any society involves the destruction of its young minds through propaganda. They truly are coming after our kids. The idea that this monster has been teaching any subject to our teens and young adults for a number of years at a public, taxpayer-funded university is outrageous. We’ll keep you posted on whether The State University at Fredonia continues to mull over whether it wants a child-sex advocating pervert on its staff or if it can finally come to the conclusion that maybe that’s not a good idea and he ought to be fired. This man, I use that term loosely, is likely a pedophile. Whatever he is, he can’t think of any reason why we should have laws against adults having sex with children as young as 1 year old. And we wonder why
our teens come out of these universities with warped
values. (read
The stories of parents caught between the techno-medical complex and their kids sucked into the gender cult have contorted my heart into positions I didn’t know it could stretch, so much have I felt for them. But listening to Youtuber, Karen Davis’s critiques of the parent advocacy group, GenSpect recently, and the vitriol she is receiving from parents, I started to notice these organizations are now becoming a hindrance to real political action that might change the landscape for parents and for women whose rights to even name themselves are being rapidly stripped away. This past week, a mother from another organization of parents, which is umbrellaed under the GenSpect parent group, wrote a piece entitled It's Strategy People!!, in support of GenSpect. The group is called Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) and is housed on the Substack blogging platform. The piece was a caged memo to feminist activists who have recently been pushing a harder front line that does not capitulate to gender ideology, and specifically putting Karen Davis, critiquing GenSpect and those aligning with her on notice: Parents would not tolerate dissent from their narrative and the organizations buffering them from the public ROGD, an acronym that stands for Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, coined by Lisa Littman, a physician, and scientist, describes an explosive social phenomenon of children presenting with body dysphoria related to their sex. In the past several years many organizations to help parents navigate their children’s ROGD have emerged in various countries. 4th Wave Now, was one of the first organizations for people questioning the medicalization of gender-atypical youth, which was begun by a parent, and attracted other parents of children claiming special sex identities and seeking serious medical interventions. On its heels, TransgenderTrend, a group of parents, professionals, and academics who are concerned about the number of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria formed. Current iterations of these organizations and the ones finding themselves under the scrutiny of Karen Davis, are Gender Dysphoria Alliance and GenSpect. While these organizations have been helpful in getting information to parents, supporting them when there seemed no place else to turn, they have become, for many of us in the pro-reality movement, an anchor on the necessity of ending the lie that anyone transitions, or that anyone’s body should be treated as experimental fodder for a corporate agenda to colonize human sex. As these organizations grow, through fundraising, the justification for their existence will need to be continually solidified with the idea that some children should be medicalized, that “transgender” is something real, which in turn solidifies the attack on women’s rights and on women who will not submit to this concept. These organizations, whether they realize it or not are becoming part of the gender industry, supporting the medicalization of children, in moderation, and to hell with whatever happens to women in the process. In response to the PITT post, several feminist activists (myself included), a few parents, and a young person who’d almost been captured by the gender cult, jumped into the comments section of the piece to articulate our concerns. The concerns focused on the continued anonymity of parents, their partnering with organizations, like GenSpect, that solidify the concept of gender identity, and GenSpects message of better oversight for children with body dysphoria, versus ending the medicalization of children’s bodies entirely and unequivocally. There is no such thing as a little bit of eugenics and there is no such thing as “transgender people.” It is corporate fiction. Those of us on the thread, supporting a feminist analysis called out GenSpect’s support of the overall concept of “trans” people, that there is such a thing as “transphobia” (a slur being weaponized to silence women resisting their own erasure), their affiliations with men in the sex research industries who support the destigmatization of pedophilia, their platforming of people who are self-harming and still claiming special sex identities as well as pornographers, interviews with adult men who have autogynephilla, and their lack of a clear message about what they are actually accomplishing politically against the gender industry. This post is not to punish anyone for not being on a particular side or for not engaging in “purity stances,” a statement being thrown at people who hold to the reality that everyone is either male or female. It is an effort to get people to reflect on the broader picture, as most of my work tries to accomplish. On today’s PITT Substack, entitled, It’s About Winning! one parent wrote, “Once we’ve won and our children are safe, most of us parents will dissolve back into our normal daily lives, civilians once more.” Winning for who, I ask? Feminists and others have been here the whole time, fighting alongside these parents for their kids, exposing information, researching, organizing on-the-ground protests at gender clinics, tracking gender clinics, creating our own websites to get information out, writing articles, helping to get bills passed, organizing conferences, all of us operating as and with volunteers, while working full-time jobs, putting in hours and hours of our time, so that no other child is harmed and once these parents feel like their children are safe, its goodbye from them. Wow. Just wow. The privilege and entitlement dripping off these posts are astonishing. The defensiveness with which the expressed concerns in the PITT comments were met by parents had me thinking that “ROGD Parent” has become an identity on par, in specialness, with the parent of a “trans” child. It is being solidified into an untouchable, unquestionable category of victimhood around which parents are creating identities that have them avoiding moving into the next phase of response against the gender industry. They have been anonymous for years, they are protected by organizations, soothed, offered comfort and compassion, given a place to share their stories of suffering within a community of loose-knit allies calling themselves gender critical. Their grief has become a shield against any inquiry. The organizations themselves have helped create and solidify these parents’ identities as the walking wounded. Instead of moving beyond their grief into concrete political resistance that demands change, the parents are protecting the concept of gender identity while simultaneously begging for incremental change by calling attention to their woundedness and that of their children. These parents are overwhelmingly mothers, as are the parents solidifying their children’s identities of being “transgender.” As one parent participating in the comments on the PITT Substack told me after the comments were shut off, “this virtuous victim narrative is entirely absent of any sense of accountability for the impact that their actions and advocacy of this harmful ideology have on others. It denies the agency of both kids and parents, and it feeds a preexisting narrative of white innocence/purity without actually acknowledging the power-seeking aspect of "being trans.” Some of the themes that emerged on the comments thread at the original PITT post from parents were: * How dare you question us, we are suffering *There is no other group that has a higher stake in this debate *Only another parent going through this can understand how much we have suffered *We have a separate goal from others fighting the gender industry (we are special) - our goal is to save our children. *Women’s rights are not our problem - feminists should fight their own battles *GenSpect is our protector - how dare you question their motives *Anyone questioning or critiquing the position of GenSpect are attacking us and are cruel, horrible, and unsympathetic people *General outrage Some of the responses from women with years of political experience as activists, who have provided these parents with the information and support they need to understand what is happening to their children were: * You can’t solidify the concept of gender identity and simultaneously fight it and then expect children to be safe. *GenSpect is not doing much politically when what is needed is organized, strategic political resistance to the techno-medical complex and the institutions driving gender ideology. *Children aren’t safe if women aren’t safe. Leaving the ideology of gender identity intact leaves women unsafe. *Capitulation and supplication to the ideology and the media pushing it, is doing more harm in the long run to everyone, including children. *Effective resistance allows for critique, especially when it is in response to a publicly published piece about political strategy. *Critique should lead to self-reflection not defensive posturing *We care about children too, not just yours but children in the future who will be set up for medicalization unless the entire ideology is exposed for the lie it is and ended. *Kids are harmed by the lies that some children might need medicalization for their feelings. *Kids are harmed by the idea that anyone’s sex should be mutilated for identity. *Capitulation to gender ideology creates an atmosphere for those resisting the entire edifice of “transitioning” to be seen as extremists Mostly, women
commented for two or three days. Though emotions
ran high, the thread of comments in its entirety
was rich with varying perspectives, that could
have been reflected on for a long time to come,
leading to constructive change. I went back the
day after making my last comment to do some
reflecting myself and the entire thread was gone.
I was shocked. I understand the need to shut off
comments at a certain point but those managing the
comments could obviously brook no dissent to their
views and removed it all. One of the commenters had luckily left her browser open and sent me the entire thread this morning, which I am including a link to at the bottom of this piece, for your reflection. I believe there is no way to avoid conflict and controversy in life. As women, we are socialized to avoid it at all costs, but it is often valuable to work through it instead of trying to eradicate it. No one has a corner on suffering here. Our society is being upended in its entirety. Women are being erased in language and law, threatened with job loss, social isolation, rape, and death. Some women have already been raped, in prison by men claiming to be female. Children are being drugged, sterilized, and mutilated. Unity is stronger than separation and consistent truth-telling is the only antidote to the enormous lie that there is any such thing as a “trans” person. It is my sincerest hope that women will find it in themselves to step beyond their fears and start telling the truth until telling the truth doesn’t look like extremism. Here is the original article on the Pitt Substack and the thread of comments for anyone interested in reading through it and reflecting on the changing landscape in the war against the gender industry: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15AD98rcB5w2U2eQ1MaE-muirqv0T1fcxIA70qKT7s1k/edit?usp=sharing (read more)2022-02-08 a CENSORIOUS EVIL From Censorship to Asset Seizure
hIt has become the obnoxious moniker of the laser-eyed crypto zealots to proclaim that bitcoin fixes everything. I have called them fervent speculators, greenhorns who know nothing about the underlying technology and are caught up in the psychological frenzy of DeFi gaming. They have their eyes on the digits in their crypto wallets and on the towering red or green candles that move their worth in wild speculative swings and care of little else. And so damn what. This is all fine. Great. Superb. It does not matter how one arrives at the correct destination so long as they get there. We have no time for crypto purity quarreling. Whether through greed, speculation, foresight or politics, it is important that the majority of people arrive here sooner than later to avoid the financial tyranny management has planned for us. The future cannot wait. The maple leaf regime up north just leaned on a private company to seize the charitable assets of peaceful protestors assembled in Ottawa. The recent theft of the Freedom Truckers’ donations ($9 million) by Silicon Valley parasites at GoFundMe on behalf of Canadian Prime Minister Fidel Castro Jr. is just the latest in a long list of warnings that a free and fair society cannot exist upon a bed of ideologically corrupted institutions who hold all the power. This was the same company that openly and actively raised funds for hostile communists who seized public and private property in Seattle during the summer of the Saint George protests. Anyone shocked by this latest heist has not been paying attention. For all the laser-eyed zealots of crypto out there, yes, Bitcoin absolutely fixes this. First they came for Alex Jones and people were too afraid to even use his name let alone defend him. When first they came for him, that should have been a clue that he was often right. They do not censor propagandists and liars, they promote them. They do not promote the modern sages, though sometimes outrageous or blusterous, they smear them as conspiracy theorists, then censor them. People are still afraid to use the name Alex Jones for fear of what others might think of them. We know he's been right for years about a lot of things and if people weren't so afraid of what others thought of them maybe they'd have been better prepared for the past two years. Only a coward worried about his own finances or reputation amongst functionary mid-wits of the mainstream would side with managing their impressions over promoting the truth. After Jones they quickly came for others, and once censorship of any sort begins, it never ends. There is always a new term of service or ‘safety’ rule that can be flexed to justify the censorship of anything, and you can be sure that ‘anything’ that was censored was not what they claim but some observation or statement that was right over the target. Always pay attention to where the official corporate-state censors aim their flak. Follow the dots of black smoke in the public discourse skyline and you’ll be on the trail of truth, even if they’re smothered by chemtrails. Censorship is always a precursor to other authoritarian methods, the canary in the free society coalmine. PayPal and large financial institutions have begun seizing and freezing finances of lawful Americans. PayPal purges are on overdrive, and their market cap is tanking. They’d rather expel good honest hard working Americans from participation in the financial system for wrong thoughts than worry about their stock price. In controlled markets with central banker bailouts the actions of a company no longer matter. The fascistic corporate-state can collude everywhere to purge enemies of its stranglehold on power. This is all unconstitutional of course but don’t expect that to matter anymore. The rule of law is as expendable as everything else in the purge of political enemies. There are no safety nets, no recourse for the law abiding citizen with the wrong views, guilty until bankrupted by legal fees. America First dissident Nicholas Fuentes, who streams a popular political talk show that dares to put America First a la Alex Jones, was in the capitol on January 6th last year. He never breached any buildings or broke any laws and yet Bank of America froze his private accounts worth half a million dollars and he was placed by the government on a no-fly list. He couldn’t access his credit or debit cards and could not fly home. He was not the only one, just one of many with a large enough platform to call attention to this open fascism. This is the future being engineered before our eyes. You will obey and submit and never criticize management lest you suffer the consequences of censorship, black listing, no-fly lists and asset forfeiture, no evidence of crimes needed. Your only crime? Wrong think. You will be forced to hire an expensive attorney and jump through all those legal hoops, and this is the point, to make you suffer in stress and financial loss at the very least in addition to realizing you have no liberties. The only recourse
is to opt out of everything they offer. Reject their
financial structures, their banking system, their
paradigms that can be controlled wherever it is
possible to reject them. There is only innovation
and rebellion through decisive consumer decisions
that reject the servants of the corporate-state and
opt for their parallels that cannot be corrupted by
central authorities. These include smart phones like
the encrypted freedom phone or de-googling
your phone, and rejecting all offers from Silicon
valley companies. This also includes diversifying
assets to precious metals and crypto currencies.
When they say “Bitcoin fixes this” for so many
issues, they are not wrong. (read
more) DOSE OF REALITY VIII Long Funeral Homes, Short Life
Insurers? Ex-Blackrock Fund Manager Discovers
Disturbing Trends In Mortality
weeks ago, OneAmerica insurance company CEO Scott
Davison revealed that they had witnessed 'the highest
death rates in the history of this business - not just at
OneAmerica' with a jump of '40% over what
they were pre-pandemic.' Interestingly, Davison
noted that the majority of deaths are not classified as due to
Ex-Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd is in the former camp, and has spent the last month analyzing breadcrumbs associated with a rise in excess mortality vs. pre-pandemic levels. Given that we're now in the middle of earnings season, there are some pretty big crumbs rolling out of the insurance and funeral services industries which are beginning to paint a disturbing picture. A few key observations:
On Tuesday, financial insurance
company Unum reported that their Life segment saw an increase of
9% in their ratio of payouts vs. premiums
(Benefit ratio), a 17.4% increase in 2021 vs. 2020 despite widespread
vaccinations, and a 13.3% increase
over 2019.
In general, funeral
homes saw an uptick in business in Q3, and Dowd will
be closely monitoring Q4 reports which are expected
around Feb. 15 - less than two weeks away.
Reinsurance Group of America, for example, reported a profit in Q4 2020 when the most of the population was unvaccinated and amid a deadlier strain of Covid-19, yet they registered a loss in Q4 2021 with more than 60% of the country fully vaccinated (and around 75% who have received at least one dose). Perhaps this is why Pfizer is now actively fighting to suppress research data submitted to the FDA for approval - while the pharmaceutical giant and its peers continue to enjoy legal immunity from vaccine injuries. In closing, some
tongue-in-cheek non investment advice from Dowd:
(read more) 2022-02-07 g DOSE OF REALITY VII We now enter a period of
danger as the sleepwalkers of America awaken from
their induced consensus trance and begin to
understand how they were harmed, swindled, and
robbed by a corrupt, criminal officialdom. It will
hurt badly because the public wanted so desperately
to believe that vaccines would make them safe from
the mysteriously conjured Covid-19 virus — and, more
than that, would cure their gnawing anxiety over the
wreckage of American life caused by what appears to
be leadership hostage to sinister forces.
I must say, I believe the truth of our predicament will grow a whole lot weirder as we stumble into springtime. The weirdest part of all will be when America learns exactly who and what have been the prime generators of our disorder. The disillusionment will be cosmic. — James Howard Kunstler 2022-02-07 f DOSE OF REALITY VI “The most terrifying
force of death, comes from the hands of men who
wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to
mind their own business and provide for themselves
and those they love. They resist every impulse to
fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change
of life that will come from it. They know, that the
moment they fight back, their lives as they have
lived them, are over. The moment the men who wanted
to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a
form of suicide. They are literally killing off who
they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take
up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone,
fight with unholy vengeance against those who
murdered their former lives. They fight with raw
hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those
who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.
TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and
they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it
will fall upon the deaf ears of the men who just
wanted to be left alone.”
— Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 2022-02-07 e DOSE OF REALITY V The Canadian revolt
appears to be inspiring similar operations in the
US, where a movement has started for a massive
trucker convoy from California to Washington, DC —
the swampy pivot-point of Covid tyranny under the
phantasm known as “Joe Biden” — as a very general
way of saying we’ve had enough of being pushed
around by political grifters and their bureaucratic
The Covid-19 saga gets darker every day, while the official alibis, cover-stories, and disinfo ops bend ever deeper toward an arc of criminality. The US government has lied about every plot-line in the two-year horror show. In fact, a conscientious observer would have to conclude the following: That the government’s highest-paid employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, led surreptitiously in the creation and release of a bioweapon; that he and his cohorts, along with the pharma companies, and other interested parties such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization, enabled the release of so-called “vaccines” (genetic treatments) that were at least as deadly as the disease itself; that as a result of the shots many people of all ages will die before their natural time; that the process is already underway as documented in the all-causes death data tallied by insurance companies; that the same government officials maliciously suppressed viable, inexpensive, FDA-approved treatments for Covid-19 in order to herd the populace into receiving dangerous “vaccines”; that said officials have worked strenuously to muddle and fake the statistics that would show who is actually dying of what; and that the entire fiasco appears to have been ginned up in order to systematically control the population in ways contrary to our natural rights while killing off a substantial number of us. Let the trucks roll from Fresno to DC if they still want to play rough. Think the “Joe Biden” gang will try to divert attention by starting a war in Ukraine? They don’t dare. Think the financial markets will tank? Well, of course they will, no matter what, because the markets and the money are detached from reality. Face it: what America needs most of all is to reconnect with reality, and you can be sure that the process will be uncomfortable, having sojourned so far from it for so long. (“Let’s Go, Brandon!”) And Let’s go, Canadian truckers! — James Howard Kunstler 2022-02-07 d DOSE OF REALITY IV I am seeing cancers take
off like wildfires after the vaccine, says US doctor
See also: DMED data is explosive. Mainstream media
has been ordered to ignore it.THREE American military whistle-blowers have revealed data that show a dramatic decline in soldiers’ health during the 2021 Covid vaccine rollout. Many young men and women have dropped out of training programmes with suddenly spreading tumours, autoimmune diseases, and heart and circulatory disorders. The data support and strengthen concerns that the vaccines can injure the heart and nervous system, cause miscarriages and even trigger cancer. US attorney Thomas Renz, who represents clients fighting vaccine mandates, told an inquiry in Washington last week that the whistle-blowers, all doctors, drew their information from the Defence Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) after they and other medical colleagues in the military noticed alarming increases in ailments they feared could be vaccine-related, but were discouraged from raising questions. It was this clinical experience that led them to investigate further. Aviation safety officer Lt Colonel Theresa Long, Dr Samuel Sigoloff and Lt Colonel Peter Chambers made their findings known under the Military Whistle-blowers Protection Act. ‘All three have given me this data in declarations that stated this is under penalty of perjury,’ Renz said. ‘We intend to submit this to the courts.’ He was speaking towards the end of a five-hour panel discussion by a group of world-renowned doctors and medical experts called by Republican Senator Ron Johnson to examine the global pandemic response. For the first time in such a high-level group, several of the experts discussed signals of a cancer risk from the Covid jabs and the mechanisms that could lie behind that. DMED is a web-based tool that contains codes for every medical diagnosis submitted by the military for insurance billing purposes. The doctors ran a search for codes relating to ailments and injuries which could be related to the jabs, using data from 2016 to 2020 to establish a five-year average, and comparing that with totals for the first ten months of 2021. The figures are for diagnostic codes, rather than individual patients, some of whom will have made visits giving rise to several code entries. Nevertheless, the increases are stunning. The five-year average for miscarriages, for example, was 1,499 entries a year. There was no increase in 2020, when Covid arrived. The 2021 figure was 4,182, a rise of nearly 300 per cent. A similar increase was seen with cancer, from a five-year average of 38,700 compared with 114,645 in 2021. Diagnostic codes for neurological issues rose even more dramatically, up by 1,000 per cent from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000. ‘Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed,’ Renz said. Other numbers from the database, revealed in a subsequent interview with policy analyst Daniel Horowitz, include: · Myocardial infarction (heart attack) – 269 per cent increase · Bell’s palsy – 291 per cent increase · Congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156 per cent increase · Female infertility – 471 per cent increase · Pulmonary embolisms – 467 per cent increase Renz told Horowitz that this is just ‘the tip of the iceberg’ as the codes have increased exponentially in numerous other diagnosis categories. He said the numbers tended to be remarkably similar in all the preceding years, but rocketed when the vaccines were distributed in 2021, even excluding the months of November and December. A spreadsheet covering more than 100 categories was shared with Senator Johnson and his staff before last week’s hearing. One of the whistle-blowers told Horowitz that physicians throughout all branches of the force had been intimidated into not properly investigating potential adverse reactions from the jab. ‘It will require other military physicians to step forward and share experiences to fully ascertain the enormity of these allegations and engender an investigation to the fullest extent,’ the doctor said. Senator Johnson said his office had put the Defense Department and Biden administration on notice that they must preserve and investigate the data. ‘The increase in cancer is something I’ve been hearing about for months,’ he said. ‘Quite honestly, I’ve told people I don’t think the public is quite ready for that yet. But this is frightening.’ Panel member Dr Ryan Cole, a pathologist, said he saw an early signal of some virus conditions increasing during the mass vaccine rollout, and was now seeing more of certain types of cancer. Both increases might reflect an adverse effect of the jab on immune surveillance. ‘I’ve been cancelled, I’ve been ridiculed, I’ve been maligned for saying so, but I can’t deny the observation . . . I am seeing these odd, stable cancers take off like wildfires, after the vaccine. It is happening,’ Cole said. Other specialists were now also reporting an increase in cancers. Federal funding was needed to find out what was really happening. He added: ‘Getting a grant for anything related to the vaccines is next to impossible because they are “perfect, safe and effective”.’ Senator Johnson said the safety signal he had received was coming from nurses across the country, contacting him to say why they were not going to get the vaccine. ‘They are seeing these patients, their cancers are in remission, and all of a sudden – boom, they are blossoming again.’ The cancer risk is flagged up in a detailed analysis published this month by Dr Stephanie Seneff, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) senior researcher, with top American heart specialist Dr Peter McCullough as a co-author. Most of the Covid vaccines inject strips of genetic instructions that cause our body cells to manufacture the spike protein, a feature of the genetically engineered SARS-CoV-2 virus that made it a danger to humans. The idea was that by stimulating the immune system into making antibodies to this protein, the jab would limit the damage caused when we meet the actual virus. There is some evidence that this happens, though the effect rapidly wears off. However, the vaccine has modifications in its mRNA that may in themselves increase the toxicity of the protein. These hide the injected material from cellular defences, cause increased production of the proteins, and make them last longer. Seneff says the result of these changes produces a very different immune response to the vaccines compared with natural exposure to the virus. The jab profoundly impairs biochemical signalling vital to a healthy immune system. It also disturbs regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance, making tumour growth more likely. ‘Cancer is a disease generally understood to take months or, more commonly, years to progress from an initial malignant transformation in a cell to development of a clinically recognised condition,’ she writes. Since adverse event reports are logged within months or days of the jab, ‘it seems likely that the acceleration of cancer progression following vaccines would be a difficult signal to recognise. Furthermore, most people do not expect cancer to be an adverse event that could be caused by a vaccine.’ Yet an analysis of the US adverse event database shows that it reflects increases in a wide range of cancers, ‘and dramatically so’. For example, there are three times as many reports of breast cancer following a Covid jab than were logged for all other vaccines over the past 31 years. And more than six times as many reports of lymphoma involving B-cells, a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in the immune system. Cancers of the pancreas, liver, prostate, colon and ovaries are also all showing up on the database at abnormal levels.
authors conclude that the mRNA jabs should be
halted immediately, pending further study
of the potential for harm. ‘We are not exaggerating
to say that billions of lives are at stake. Until
our public health institutions do what is right in
this regard, we encourage all individuals to make
their own health care decisions, with this
information as a contributing factor.’ (read
more) See also: Regarding the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database Data Dump 2022-02-07 c DOSE OF REALITY III Fake news, fake art, fake
‘LITERATURE is news that stays news’ said some dead bigot. I suppose that’s why our literature is worthless today, when the news churned through the dark satanic opinion mills is either written by robots or people who think like them. This idea of ‘the news’ reporting reality is itself somewhat quaint, like the idea of reading a poem or looking at a painting just to find out what is there. Perhaps the reason these habits are uncommon is that they have no practical value. These days, art is a boring lecture communicated through the medium of trash. Its function is to launder money. Most modern books could use practically any corporation’s latest advertisement to illustrate the cover. It is a product in the same vein of television and film and theatre, a parade of tropes deemed worthy by people who don’t much like your reality and would rather you looked at their fantasies instead. Not all art is quite useless. The older stuff is better in the main to serve the appetite for beauty and for truth. It is simply too dangerous to point out the facts in print these days. It would appear that beauty has been banished from visual art as it has the whiff of bigotry about it. Art is now a senseless prank presented as an intelligence test, whose real purpose is to do with equally dishonest investment portfolios. If there is an ideology to be drawn from all this product placement it is that of the consumer lifestyle. Anti-life, devoid of substance, it degrades everything it brands. Pointing to nothing but yourself is achingly now. What else is there? Our art is empty because we are full of it, preferring the void of vanity to the content of experience. Life as it is lived cannot be fact-checked, so it does not appear in official sources. The purpose of mass media is to replace, not represent, reality as we find it. The world around the screen does not match its sassy pretensions to progress. The display of revolting debauchery, the valorisation of crime, the weird moral and cultural inversions, the recasting of Western civilisation as the Fall of Man – these mad themes read like the manifesto of some lunatic embarking on a killing spree of pure vengeance. The simple fact is that no one writes about what is real because it wouldn’t get published. Reality is censored. It’s taboo. If I wrote a short story about the mess of urban life and the abolition of norms it represents in real time, it would serve me best as a career suicide note. It is reckless to notice things out loud. We are expected to learn to make excuses for reality, to learn the habit of doubleseeing. What is there is not really there. This is the education we all receive, regardless of what we want. You get to choose only between what’s on sale. Politics is no different from entertainment in this way. It too is a false picture having no value as a map. To look at contemporary art, entertainment, news and politics as reliable guides to reality is more escapism than sense. It produces flattering images which match a certain character, itself patterned more and more on these images themselves and less and less on offstage experience. There is a reason we can’t face each other and that is because we don’t. Reality is no longer a consensus, because many people think reality is what has been peer-reviewed. It is not. Reality, like science, is the result of observation and reflection and then a kind of talk. In a time when only what is agreed among your powerful ‘friends’ online is permitted it is curious that the main point of disagreement is over reality itself. This is a means of defending beliefs from argument. The defence is to take offence. The matter is emotionally charged because what is being defended is not true, but is beloved of some people who wish it were. This mentality produces the kind of art that resembles the cover of a fantasy novel. The biggest television show recently was about nudity and dragons. There’s an old meme that promotes a fascinating new game – Going Outside. It’s a brave concept offering a fully immersive experience. Trouble is, going outside is a risky business and may seriously interfere with your picture of reality. Try to resist the urge to take the screen out of your pocket as you hurry by. William Randolph Hearst had the biggest media company of his time, printing early clickbait to great commercial success. He owned the news. Ezra Pound, who came up with the quote below, was invited on to his yacht. ‘The real trouble with war (modern war) is
that it gives no one a chance to kill the right
2022-02-07 b DOSE OF REALITY II Victim of spike protein
mRNA gene therapy clot shot?
Katie Novak, passionate
fitness trainer from St. Louis Park, dies at 31
As a trainer, she had a knack for encouraging others. Katherine "Katie" Novak had a series of "Katie-isms" that clients at Burn Boot Camp in Maple Grove came to know well. "If you can, you must" was a phrase that Novak, a lead trainer at the gym, used to motivate those in her classes, but it also proved a motto for the rest of her life, friends and family said. "She was always about helping people," remembered her mother, Beth Novak. If Katie Novak could offer advice, encouragement or support to someone, she did. Katie Novak, of St. Louis Park, died unexpectedly on Jan. 18. Her family suspects her heart stopped while she was napping. She was 31. Her son, Nolan, and co-parent, Chris Kuker, had both recently tested positive for COVID-19, but Katie Novak had tested negative and was vaccinated. "It was an absolute shock," said her father, Barry Novak. Since Katie Novak's death, her parents have heard from dozens and dozens of people — both from the gym and from the broader community — who were affected by her positive energy. "We didn't fully understand her impact until her death, but we've been given this bittersweet gift of understanding an aspect of our daughter that we only had a glimpse of," Barry Novak said. A few days after her death, Katie Novak's co-workers, clients and family gathered at the gym to share memories. They talked about how she always greeted people with a cheery "Hey, hey!" and was an expert at encouraging people to push themselves and stay motivated. One woman told of a time when Novak came up to her after class and welcomed her back to the gym after a period of time when she was too down to attend. The woman, who was depressed and struggling, confided in Novak, who met her gaze and said, "I've been there too, and we'll get through it together." She held true to her promise, and that woman told Novak's parents that their daughter saved her life. Beth Novak said even as a child, her daughter was quick to reach out to others — so much so that she would frequently invite neighbors and passersby inside the house for snacks. "She truly believed everybody had potential," Beth Novak said. Tina Hegna, the owner of the gym where Katie Novak worked, said that conviction and positive energy came through even in Novak's first phone interview and never wavered, even when the pandemic changed protocols at the gym shortly after Novak was hired. Hegna said she had planned to have Novak soon start working as lead trainer at three gyms across the metro area. "She was such a great leader," Hegna said. "We really thought we were going to work together for 20 years." Still, both Hegna and Novak's parents have found peace in the fact that she had found her passion and purpose at such a young age. "It's a tragedy that she died so young, but it would have been an even greater tragedy had she passed before she found that meaningful intersection of her passion and her energy at a place that loved her so much," Barry Novak said. Burn Boot Camps around the country are honoring Katie Novak with workout events in her memory. (read more) 2022-02-07 a DOSE OF REALITY I “We have fundamentally
altered the very conditions that made the evolution
of life on Earth possible.”
– Arthur Firstenberg ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2022 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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