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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2022- 2022-02-28 d WORTHLESS POLITICIANS IV ![]() 2022-02-28 c WORTHLESS POLITICIANS III Gov Abbott Ordered Price Gouge
During Outages: Former Texas Energy Chief
bTexas Governor Greg Abbott allegedly pushed to charge residents sky-high energy prices amid the winter storm that paralyzed the state and caused mass blackouts last year, according to court testimony from the former head of his state's power grid. Former Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) CEO Bill Magness testified in court on Wednesday about the Republican governor's alleged role in allowing power prices to reach and remain at a maximum cap of $9,000 per megawatt hour, or 150 times the normal rate, according to the Houston Chronicle. More than 4.5 million Texans lost power during the February 2021 crisis, contributing to the deaths of at least 246 people. Magness maintained that he was left with no choice but to go along with the rate increase, racking up huge profits for energy companies in the process, after Abbott allegedly told former Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chair DeAnn Walker to do anything it took to prevent more blackouts. The PUC ordered the maximum price on February 15 as part of the anti-blackout effort, with prices remaining at the cap until February 19. "[Walker] told me
the governor had conveyed to her if we emerged from
rotating outages it was imperative they not resume,"
Magness reportedly said during his testimony. "We
needed to do what we needed to do to make it
happen." (read
more) WORTHLESS POLITICIANS II Parents, 12-year-old say Abby
Broyles verbally ‘accosted’ kids at Valentine’s
a(Update: One day after the publication of this article, Abby Broyles conducted a video interview with KFOR and admitted that she attended the party in question. The article below remains in its original form.) A Valentine’s Day weekend sleepover party for tween girls that included watching the film Titanic turned bizarre and tearful after parents say Oklahoma 5th Congressional District candidate Abby Broyles allegedly became drunk and berated some of the children in attendance. The party, held at the home of a Deer Creek Public Schools parent on Feb. 11, included eight girls between the ages of 12 and 13. Broyles was allegedly at the home the night of the party at the invitation of the homeowner, who is the mother of one of the children. According to multiple accounts of the evening, Broyles became intoxicated and spoke derogatorily to some of the girls. She allegedly called one girl an “acne fucker,” which prompted the girl to leave the room in tears. Broyles allegedly called another girl a “Hispanic fucker” and another a “judgy fucker.” At one point, Broyles allegedly vomited into a laundry basket and onto one girl’s shoes. Sarah Matthews, whose daughter attended the party, outlined some of Broyles’ alleged behavior in a Twitter thread Wednesday that tagged Broyles’ account. Matthews was not present but was told of the alleged events by her daughter and the mother who hosted the party. Both Matthews and her 12-year-old daughter discussed the situation thoroughly with NonDoc. Another parent, who asked not to be named, corroborated the story based on details provided by her daughter after the party. Text messages from the homeowner outlining and apologizing for Broyles’ actions were also provided to NonDoc by multiple people. In a phone conversation, the homeowner also confirmed to NonDoc that Broyles had caused an incident “of magnitude” at her home. NonDoc also obtained two photographs of Broyles: A picture of her drinking wine in a kitchen next to two girls, and a screenshot of her in a TikTok video posing with four girls, three of whom are wearing matching pink pajama outfits adorned with hearts. Matthews said she
is still shocked by her daughter’s account of what
happened. (read
more) WORTHLESS POLITICIANS I Sodomite Mayor Grants
Conditional Freedoms
Adams to scrap NYC vaccine
passports, school mask rules barring spike in cases
2022-02-27 lVaccine passports will no longer be required in New York City starting March 7, Mayor Eric Adams said Sunday — and he plans on lifting school mask mandates then, too, barring “unforeseen spikes” in COVID cases. Adams said he plans on following Gov. Kathy Hochul’s lead in nixing masks in schools but would make the final determination this Friday. “At the end of this week, we will evaluate the numbers and make a final announcement on Friday. If we see no unforeseen spikes and our numbers continue to show a low level of risk, New York City will remove the indoor mask mandate for public school children,” Hizzoner said in a statement. But he said
starting March 7, patrons at Big Apple restaurants,
gyms and indoor venues will no longer be required to
show proof of vaccination. (read
more) THE STATE OF THE DISUNION XII ![]() 2022-02-27 k THE STATE OF THE DISUNION XI Very Disturbing, Joe Biden Claims Inflation Is an Imaginary American Psychosis That Does Not Exist in Reality There is so much that’s disturbing about this interview, it is very difficult to adequately contextualize the danger we are facing as a nation. It’s an easy disposable line to say Joe Biden is clueless about things. He stumbles with cognitive thought, has trouble putting thoughts into understandable sentence structures using words, makes frequent gaffes and generally struggles to communicate issues that are simple and not complex. When the issues are complex, the cognitive impairment gets worse. These are easy truths to hit him with… However, there’s a more concerning aspect once you listen to how genuinely he has been led to believe in things that are fundamentally false. That’s where the danger comes from. In this prompted segment on COVID and the economy, Joe Biden references a perspective, a belief in current events, that has been seeded into his brain by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. I know it’s hard to listen to him, but in this segment pay close attention. Joe Biden believes, really believes, that a COVID induced mental psychosis is responsible for people convincing themselves that prices have gone up, that inflation is extreme, and that economic pain is real. He has been told that inflation does not exist, so he believes inflation is imaginary. He is reconciling the difference between what he is told to believe and the reality that everyone lives, by accepting an explanation from his advisors – that working class people are suffering from psychosis. WATCH (8:54) Transfer that reference into the policy from his office, and things become clear. Those driving the economic policy know they are creating chaos; however, they are telling Joe Biden the economic chaos does not exist. Without a reference for the damage his office is responsible for creating, more intentionally chaotic economic policy comes forth. The same context applies to foreign policy, monetary policy, regulatory policy, economic policy, energy policy, education policy etc. Scary stuff. (read more) 2022-02-27 j THE STATE OF THE DISUNION X Why So
Many Families Are Uprooting and Fleeing to Freer
Emily Burns had every intention of staying in Massachusetts. A longtime Boston resident, she, her husband, and three children left the city to settle in the upscale suburb of Newton in January 2020. What followed were two years of ongoing disruption and frustration. Prolonged school closures and continued coronavirus policies such as mask mandates angered Burns. Initially, this mom chose fight over flight. She announced a conservative run for U.S. Congress, representing Massachusetts's 4th district, a long-shot attempt in a staunchly Democratic area. Her primary issue was pushing back against COVID policies, particularly those that impacted school children. Her message resonated and Burns collected more than $100,000 in donations for her campaign in just one quarter. She was an outspoken advocate for children and families and called out the Massachusetts politicians who continue to double-down on coronavirus mandates even as elected officials elsewhere eliminate them. Burns was recently featured in a popular article, “Revenge of the Covid Moms” on Bari Weiss’s Substack, that spotlighted mothers who are fed up with endless virus restrictions and are taking action to end them. Ultimately, Burns had enough of fighting. This week, she terminated her political campaign and explained that she and her family are fleeing to Texas where her husband has an opportunity to open a new company office. “My leaving is entirely predicated on what is best for my family,” Burns wrote. “My trust in the political and cultural leadership of this state is totally broken. The past two years have shown me that I cannot protect my children from the ill effects of that leadership. Given the chance to escape those malign forces, I had to take it.” Fight or flight is a
choice that more Americans are facing, especially
those who live in parts of the country with
continued coronavirus restrictions and the
constant threat that, even if ended, those
restrictions could re-emerge at any time by
political decree. A
National Trend This is a national trend, as U.S. Census Bureau data released in December showed that restrictive states such as California, Illinois, New York, and Massachusetts lost population between July 2020 and July 2021, while states with less-restrictive virus policies like Texas, Arizona, and Florida gained population during that time. Writing about these population trends for FEE, economist Peter Jacobsen explained: “Lockdowns, documentation mandates, school closings, and other COVID regulations are likely just too cumbersome for some to tolerate.” Fight or flight is a tough choice for families, but at least it’s a choice that Americans can enjoy thanks to federalism and the ability to vote with our feet. We can choose to live in a different city or state, and select different state and local governance, due to the decentralization of power envisioned by our Founding Fathers. As more people
move to states they see as offering greater freedom
and opportunity, there is some concern about
political change in their new states. Could
newcomers bring with them policies and perspectives
that could threaten the very freedom they are
seeking? FEE's Fresh
Start States project helps to prevent this through
outreach and information promoting the principles of
personal and economic freedom to those settling in
new areas. What
If You Can't Move? Still, for a whole host of reasons, many families can’t or don’t want to move somewhere else. In that case, they can keep fighting. Burns has some advice for families staying put. “Start talking about your concerns publicly—and don't pull punches,” she told me in an interview this week. “Don't vacillate and say things work when you think they don't. That's how we got stuck here. You will find more people agree with you than you think. Then, if you can, run for something, and run on these issues—lean into them. These issues shouldn't be Republican or Democrat, so run however you feel comfortable. Talk about the things that concern you—not whatever the party line is supposed to be. Being public about it will help you find the people in your area who are sympathetic, and who will form the base of your support,” she said. It’s a dynamic moment in
the U.S., and many individuals and families who
never before considered uprooting their life for a
new one elsewhere are giving it serious thought.
Perhaps you are one of them. (read
i THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IX Where Have All the Great
Men Gone? (Not to Harvard)
hThe other day, Harvard senior Julie Hartman wrote a brief tale in the Wall Street Journal about what has been happening on that revered campus since COVID landed its microscopic self on American shores. She and her classmates have been denied the norms of campus life, treated instead to mask-wearing, social distancing, and endless COVID tests. But that’s no big deal, because students across the country have been subjected to similar protocols, right? That’s wrong, according to Hartman. She points out that students at Harvard are often viewed as the leaders of the next generation, for that institution has been producing great men for centuries. “We may be the future decision makers,” she writes, “but most of us aren’t leaders. Our principal concern is becoming members of the American elite, with whatever compromises, concessions and conformity that requires.” In essence, Harvard students are simply the same cookie-cutter automatons that so many institutions produce today. Hartman concludes by saying that such a lack of opposition to “these irrational bureaucratic excesses bodes ill for our ability to meet future challenges.” If today’s institutions aren’t producing great men and women, how can we average folks pick up the slack and do their work for them? And if we’re going to do that, just what exactly is it that makes a great man or woman? One of Harvard’s former professors, philosopher George Santayana, had some thoughts on the matter in his work, Winds of Doctrine. Santayana first diagnosed the reason why we don’t have great men: moral chaos. “When chaos has penetrated so far into the moral being of nations,” he wrote, “they can hardly be expected to produce great men.” This observation, made in 1926, certainly checks out with our present-day society. From rioting in the streets to election irregularities, to gender confusion, to irrational and flip-flopping COVID mandates, we’ve experienced a full range of chaos penetrating our moral being in the last few years. In the midst of such confusion, we often seek people to run for office or fill leadership positions who have never said or done anything that today’s cancel culture deems “offensive.” As a result, these hapless leaders have little ability to speak the hard truth, behaving instead like jello when anyone tries to pin them down on their beliefs. By contrast, “A great man need not be virtuous, nor his opinions right,” Santayana wrote, “but he must have a firm mind, a distinctive, luminous character; if he is to dominate things, something must be dominant in him.” In other words, a great man will have strong convictions and the courage to stick to them. These convictions will likely be ones that are secretly shared by many of the public. Unlike the masses, however, the great man will be willing to swim upstream against the conforming crowd. “We feel him to be great in that he clarifies and brings to expression something which was potential in the rest of us,” Santayana wrote, “but which with our burden of flesh and circumstance we were too torpid to utter.” “Greatness is spontaneous,” Santayana concludes, and “simplicity, trust in some one clear instinct, are essential to it….” So how do we encourage the next generation toward greatness rather than simply promoting compromise, concession, and conformity as Harvard is doing? The answer is to train them in a solid set of convictions, strong enough to be worth dying for and poignant enough to be worth defending when no one else will. Examples of such
convictions include faith in God, admiration of
virtue, respect for the institutions of marriage and
family, and love for learning and discerning truth.
These were once commonplace convictions in Western
civilization; now they are rarer than a white tiger.
Nevertheless, our need for them has never been
greater, and the men and women who are taught to
cling to these as children will one day stand in
greatness, even if they never set foot on Harvard’s
campus. (read
more) THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VIII More evidence Covid was
tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus
contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence
patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic
suspicion that Covid may have been tinkered with in a
lab emerged today after scientists found genetic
material owned by Moderna in the virus's spike
They identified a tiny snippet of code that is identical to part of a gene patented by the vaccine maker three years before the pandemic. It was discovered in SARS-CoV-2's unique furin cleavage site, the part that makes it so good at infecting people and separates it from other coronaviruses. The structure has been one of the focal points of debate about the virus's origin, with some scientists claiming it could not have been acquired naturally. The international team of researchers suggest the virus may have mutated to have a furin cleavage site during experiments on human cells in a lab. They claim there is a one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna's sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution. But there is some debate about whether the match is as rare as the study claims, with other experts describing it as a 'quirky' coincidence rather than a 'smoking gun'. In the latest study, published in Frontiers in Virology, researchers compared Covid's makeup to millions of sequenced proteins on an online database. (read more) 2022-02-27 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII CDC Drastically Alters Key Measure That
Influences [Widely Ignored] Mask Mandates Across US
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Feb. 25 drastically changed a key measure that is used by [authoritarian] officials across the country to determine whether or not to require mask-wearing. The federal agency now says nearly three-quarters of Americans don’t need to wear masks because they live in areas with low or medium community risk from COVID-19. The dramatic switch comes because the CDC switched from only using COVID-19 cases as a factor and are taking into account other metrics, including hospitalizations. “This updated approach focuses on directing our prevention efforts toward protecting people at high risk for severe ailments and preventing hospitals and healthcare systems from being overwhelmed,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s director, told reporters on a call. Walensky said the CDC “came up with these indicators, including new hospital admissions and hospital beds utilized, and complimented them with case incidents to really create a package of metrics to be able to understand what’s happening at the local level.” The CDC will count all hospitalizations, regardless of whether the patients were admitted because of COVID-19 or tested positive for COVID-19 after being admitted for another reason. The previous measures for transmission, unchanged since 2020 before Friday, counted a county as having substantial risk of COVID-19 transmission if there were as few as 50 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the past 7 days, or the percentage of positive tests was at least 8 percent in the same timeframe. High transmission risk meant a county had 100 or more new cases per 100,000 people or 10 percent or higher positive tests in the past 7 days. Under the scheme, over 95 percent of the country on Feb. 25 was labeled substantial or high risk, even though COVID-19 cases have plunged in recent weeks and just 77,458 cases were recorded nationwide on Feb. 23. After the update, the substantial risk column was removed. Now, just 37 percent of U.S. counties are deemed at high risk. People who live in those counties, representing 28.2 percent of the U.S. population, are advised to wear a mask in public indoor settings such as schools. In the rest of the counties, people are not advised to wear masks unless they test positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to somebody with COVID-19. People can still wear masks if they feel more comfortable, Walensky said. The CDC had resisted calls to alter its community risk metric for months, even after many of the governors who had kept masking requirements in place announced in early February those requirements would be eased or withdrawn. Walensky signaled a [politically-motivated] change might be coming in a recent briefing, acknowledging the sharp drop in cases and hospitalizations. But she’s also indicated that people would be urged to mask up in the future if the CDC thinks it’s necessary. “We want to give people a break from things like mask-wearing, when these metrics are better, and then have the ability to reach for them again should things worsen,” she said. Jeffrey Zients, a White House official, did not deny the White House had been in touch with the CDC on revising its masking recommendations but said the CDC was “in the lead here on both the substance and the timing of masking guidance.” Federal health
officials say masks are effective at preventing
COVID-19 transmission, pointing primarily to studies
the CDC has published in its quasi-journal. One such
paper, published Feb. 4, relied on
self-reporting and found no statistically
significant benefit for wearing cloth masks. Critics
say the studies don’t
support mask-wearing, especially wearing cloth
masks. (read
more) THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI Book Review: “Race Marxism” by James
The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis The introduction to author and mathematician James Lindsay’s new book, “Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis” is a perfect summation of its contents:
Many Legal Insurrection readers follow closely the work of our CriticalRace.org team. But no matter how many posts read or news stories followed, everyone striving to end the toxic policies based on the race-based doctrine should add Lindsay’s new book to their library. In Race Marxism, Lindsay carefully and with robust scholarship shows how Critical Race Theory is nothing more than repackaged Marxism. As practitioners of Marxism have failed to divide this country against each other by class, they have turned to racial division to enact their agenda as well as to gain power and influence. With precision that highlights his math background, Lindsay deftly demonstrates that Critical Race Theory = Race Marxism. Though the six chapters of Race Marxism, Lindsay explains what Critical Race Theory is, where it comes from, how it is implemented, and what can be done about it once it is understood to be repackaged Marxism. Lindsay offers a broad spectrum of quotes and background information supplied from proponents and Critical Race Theory activists. Race Marxism explains simply what Critical Race Theory does and the goals of its promoters. For example, the opening to Chapter 1 offers a clear, concise definition that is both accurate and eye-popping.
Lindsay expands upon the philosophy and the philosophers behind Critical Race Theory in engaging and informative detail. As an example, here is a passage explaining the influence of French political activist Michel Foucault (“whose relevance to the structure of Leftist social thought today can hardly be overstated”) and the mother of intersectionality, civil rights activist Kimberlé Crenshaw.
Race Marxism is very powerful and
superbly written. I must admit, I am no political
scientist, so sections were challenging to wade
through. I feel like I attended a Master Class
in the subject after having finished this book. It
appears I am not the only one who is arming
themselves with knowledge, either.
2022-02-27 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V "You could take the five worst presidents in American history and put them together and they would not have done the damage that Joe Biden and his administration has done in just a very short 13 months." — President Trump speaking at CPAC last night See also: Majority of Americans Think Biden’s First Year in Office Has Been a Failure 2022-02-27 d THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IV Let’s say you really didn’t care about the country you lead, let’s say you wanted to humiliate and degrade it and undermine its ancient institutions, what would you do? Well, you might take the single most important appointed position in the entire government and announce in public that you were filling that position on the basis of appearance, not on the basis of skill, or wisdom, or fealty to the founding documents of the United States, but on the basis of the way the person looks. So it’s not a question of saying, we found the most qualified person who happens to look this way. What you’re saying is, we found a person who looks this way, who by the way, may be qualified. That would send a very clear message that you don’t like the country you run, and you don’t care about the institutions that its ancestors built, and Joe Biden is doing that. We’ll have details straight ahead. [...] No one believes you anymore, Joe Biden. No one should believe you. It is very hard to take unserious people seriously. A serious President who cared would have reassessed everything. America’s foreign policy and how it is administered after the Afghanistan withdrawal last August. That was a disaster. — Tucker Carlson 2022-02-27 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III VERY DEEP BLACK HISTORY
Neanderthals, Denisovans and bearers of the "ghost archaic DNA" (most likely a form of Homo erectus) became extinct, though some of their genes live on in the three distinct lineages of modern humans. Their demise occurred because they were not "fit" in the Darwinian sense. Survival of the fittest applies even to hominids and the genus Homo. I have theorized that Australian Aboriginals, Philippine Negritos and Sub-Saharan Africans survived into the historical period only because they were isolated by ocean or desert barriers from those with Neanderthal genetics. The early Australians, like their progeny, would likely have been unable to build seaworthy vessels, maybe just log canoes. They also could have walked, waded or clung to trees dislodged by storms or tsunami from SE Asia across numerous islands to New Guinea and eventually to the Cape York Peninsula of northern Australia. This migration (or flight from attackers) could have taken hundreds of generations during the latest glacial period when sea level was about five hundred feet lower and later they became landlocked as sea level rose. The eventual Sub-Saharan Africans probably came south along the Atlantic coast during the Eemian Interglacial from the Iberian Peninsula (where much older stone tools have been found). The Eemian was warmer and more hospitable to early man than the Holocene, our current interglacial. With the coming of glaciation, aridity returned to block that route. I surmise they interbred with the existing African population that contributed the "ghost archaic DNA". The much older "ghost archaic" DNA population diverged from our family tree before the separation of Homo sapiens sapiens from Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. I tentatively call them a form derived from Homo erectus. The Neanderthal admixture produced humans with advantages, including larger brains and better immune systems. Unlike the Australians and Africans, they eventually became agriculturists and domesticated animals. They invented the wheel and could count beyond 3 or 5. They also invented writing. The Neanderthal admixture humans would have out-competed the Australian Aboriginals as well as the Sub-Saharan Africans, just like they out-competed Neanderthals and Denisovans and Homo floresiensis from Indonesia (and the bearers of "ghost archaic" DNA if they had encountered them). It bears repeating that no humans outside of Sub-Saharan Africa had "ghost archaic DNA." Australian Aboriginals do not have any trace of that admixture. Also, no ancient Sub-Saharan Africans had any Neanderthal genetics. The three human lineages have been distinct for a long time. Caucasians are not descended from Sub-Saharan Africans. The Out-of-Africa or African Eve theories of human origins were debunked years ago: Not only is race real, our biological/genetic differences go far beyond race and are best described as specific or subspecific differences. Yes, that statement makes many uncomfortable, but facts are facts. Modern humans are best understood as belonging to three distinct genetic lineages: 1. those with Neanderthal admixture - Europeans and Asians 2. those with Denisovan admixture - Australian Aboriginals, Philippine Negritos 3. those with "ghost archaic DNA" admixture - Sub-Saharan Africans Sub-Saharan Africans, on average, have an I.Q. below 70, limited impulse control, are unable to engage in abstract thinking and lack what is called, "a life of the mind." These traits are most pronounced in those with the highest percentage (up to 19%) of "ghost archaic DNA." While Sub-Saharan Africans' counting was limited to 1, 2 and "many," 3,700 years ago Babylonians used trigonometry and what would later be called the Pythagorean Theorem. 2022-02-27 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II Illegitimate White House
Occupant Selects "Ghost
Archaic DNA" Hybrid Because of Her Genitalia
and the Color of Her Skin
Joe Biden Nominates
DC Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson As Associate Justice
of the U.S. Supreme Court, Here Is the Backstory
A more accurate headline would be Barack Obama and James Clyburn nominate Ketanji Brown-Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court, but details, details. As we outlined since January 6, 2021, the nomination of Judge Brown-Jackson to the Supreme Court was a foregone conclusion, the only issue was the timing {GO DEEP}. The 10th Anniversary of Trayvon Martin provides the opportunity. Additionally, in order for Obama/Clyburn to get to KBJ, they had to shift Merrick Garland out of his judicial chair. That’s the largest part of the reason why we have Attorney General Merrick Garland. All of the political moves follow a pattern and script, you just need a solid mental reference library to see them. The game is rigged folks, and the most accurate definition of the ‘business of DC politics‘ is the strategic presentation of an illusion of choice. KBJ was put into the planning book back in February 2020, yes, 2020! It was February 25th, 2020, to be precise, just four days before the South Carolina Democrat primary. South Carolina Representative James Clyburn went backstage at the presidential debate and told Biden, “You’ve had a couple of opportunities to mention naming a Black woman to the Supreme Court,” Clyburn lectured his friend of nearly half a century, like a schoolteacher scolding a child. “I’m telling you, don’t you leave the stage tonight without making it known that you will do that.” {link} Unbeknownst to Biden at the time, just two days earlier Barack Obama and James Clyburn came to an agreement and created the most consequential alliance of the 2020 Democrat campaign. Barack Obama the figurative and ideological leader of the movement known as “Black Lives Matter”, and James Clyburn the figurative and ideological leader of the political construct within the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, had struck a deal. Obama and Clyburn really had no choice but to come to an agreement and form the alliance. If they did not act fast, Bernie Sanders was gaining momentum, and they could not have Sanders at the top of the 2020 ticket, because he was too outside the club system which was now almost exclusively focused on racial identity as a tool for political power.A Bernie Sanders -vs- Donald Trump general election would have been a disaster; and it would be almost impossible for the racial operatives in the key precincts [Atlanta (GA), Philly (PA), Clark County (NV), Wayne County (Mich), Madison (WI)] to feel inspired enough to risk themselves and commit fraud to help Bernie win. To get rid of Sanders, BLM and AME aligned. This was the actual moment when Hillary Clinton was cast into the pit of irrelevance in Democrat politics. Within the agreement, Obama and Clyburn selected Biden as the tool they could easily control to deliver on their larger, progressive, leftist intentions. A few days later, James Clyburn then endorsed Biden while Barack Obama began making phone calls telling each of the other candidates to drop out in sequence and support Biden or else the club would destroy them. The only one told not to drop out yet was Elizabeth Warren, as she would be needed as the insurance policy, the splitter against Bernie Sanders. Each of the candidates was promised the traditional indulgences for toeing the party line, and the rest is history. Joe Biden wandered around doing what everyone told him to do, which was mostly stay in his basement and let the club work on his behalf, until the club delivered the nomination. Inside that process, the strategic map was modified to ensure Ketanji Brown-Jackson would advance to the Supreme Court. With Biden installed, he would select Merrick Garland as his Attorney General. Judge Garland was an important judge on the important DC Circuit Court. Garland’s replacement would need to be a Senate confirmed seat for that court. Brown-Jackson would be put into Garland’s open spot. {Go Deep} As a standalone Supreme Court nominee, Brown-Jackson would have been a radical pick. Justice Brown-Jackson is a known activist in the DC District Court; however, with this maneuver she could get through nomination easier and then sit on the highest court for thirty years. Once Brown-Jackson was Senate confirmed for the DC Circuit Court, the countdown began until she was elevated as a Supreme Court nomination to replace Justice Stephen Bryer, now 83-years-old. The Senate has no political ammunition to block or not confirm the radical SCOTUS pick, because she was confirmed a few months before with support from Republicans. [White House Announcement]
(read more) 2022-02-27 a THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I I have a dream that my
four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the
color of their skin but by the content of their
— Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 28 August 1963 2022-02-26 c UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN XI Red Dawn Juan? Russian Solders
Trying To Hook Up With Ukrainian Girls On Tinder
bRussian troops are reportedly bombarding Ukrainian women with Tinder requests, according to the Sun. Hunky
Russian troops called Andrei, Alexander, Gregory,
Michail and a bearded Chechen fighter nicknamed
“Black” were among dozens whose profiles popped
Dasha Synelnikova’s phone lit up with snaps of dozens of randy Russians when she set her location to Kharkiv on Tinder yesterday. -Sun According to the report, the soldiers likely came into Tinder range of Kharkiv after a huge influx of Russian tanks and troops were positioned within striking distance of the city. "I actually live in Kyiv but changed my location settings to Kharkiv after a friend told me there were Russian troops all over Tinder," said video producer Dasha, 33. "And I couldn’t believe my eyes when they popped up trying to look tough and cool ... One muscular guy posed up trying to look sexy in bed posing with his pistol." “Another
was in full Russian combat gear and others just
showed off in tight stripy vests.
“I didn’t find any of them attractive and would never consider sleeping with the enemy. “I automatically swiped left to reject them, but there were so many I got curious and got into a message exchange. “It was funny but scary at the same time, knowing that they were so close.” Dasha exchanged messages with the guy holding the pistol, which the Sun published: Dasha:
“Where are you? Are you in Kharkiv?
Andrei: “Of course I am not in Kharkiv but I am close — 80km.” Dasha: “Do you have any plans to visit us?” Andrei: “I would come with pleasure but Russian guys have not been welcome in Ukraine since 2014 [when pro Russian forces seized Donbas and annexed Crimea]. Dasha: “What do you do?” Andrei: “I was born in Belgorod and was an engineer before 2014 and visited Kharkiv quite a lot and loved it there so much I wanted to buy a flat. I love travel to Asia, particularly Thailand. But now it’s a difficult time. I wanted to travel to Europe but getting a visa is difficult because no one likes Russia right now.” Then, Dasha asked Andrei if he was a Russian soldier - to which he replied with a cheeky "gif" video of Jim Carey - as if to say "Oops!" Dasha then received a constant stream of Russian suitors - including "Black," a 33-year-old Chechen fighter with terrible trigger discipline, and 29-year-old Alexander, whose profile pictures shows him posing in a striped vest and a beret. (read more) UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN X
2022-02-26 a UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN IX Chairman Volodin, referring to sources from the Verkhovna Rada, said that Zelensky had left Kiev, and all the videos he publishes were recorded in advance: “Zelensky and his entourage have fled to Lvov” — Russians With Attitude (@RWApodcast) February 26, 2022 ** 2022-02-25 h UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN VIII Joe Biden Holds a Press
Conference Declaring “No one expected the sanctions
to prevent anything from happening”
gEarlier today the installed current occupant of the White House delivered remarks and held a brief press conference to discuss the latest Russian entrance into Ukraine. Simultaneously, the White House also released their latest sanctions on Russia [SEE HERE] For well over a month Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the White House and State Department have promoted the assembly of “harsh sanctions” as the deterrent that would keep Russia out of Ukraine. However, when Biden was questioned by the media about the ineffectiveness of sanctions he declared, “no one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening.” WATCH (prompted) [Transcript Available Here]Russia knows from watching Biden execute his domestic energy and regulatory policy, that Joe Biden has no intention to do anything that would support U.S. energy development. As a consequence, Putin knows the U.S. will remain dependent on OPEC where Russia is a member. Additionally, Europe writ large, and Germany specifically, are dependent on Russia’s oil and natural gas. Underneath all of the saber rattling from the U.S. and NATO allies this truth remains Putin’s biggest weapon. In essence, Putin is leveraging the western ‘global climate change’ and energy initiatives as a weapon to do whatever he wants to do, while knowing his adversaries have no options. As the proverbial
‘west’ chases the Build Back Better climate change
agenda, it becomes a structural weakness that
Vladimir Putin knows he can exploit. (read
TOTAL War on Fake Country of Ukraine, All Airports
Bombed, Tanks Rolling to Kiev
LIVE HAPPENING THREAD – UPDATES BELOW [...] 12:38 PM EST Look, the revolutionary Maidan government has banned political opposition. Russia can take the country, then hold a real election, and a pro-Russian government will win, just like pro-Russian governments won from the collapse of the USSR until the Maidan overthrew an elected government. The current “democracy” government of the Ukraine is a Jewish occupation government enforced by Israeli-armed neo-Nazi gangs, political and media repression, and assassinations. (read more) 2022-02-25 f UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN VI Ukraine Implementing Minsk
Accords & Ending Conflict 'Very Last' Thing US,
UK Want, Ex-MEP Says
e[...] With the situation in eastern Ukraine deteriorating each day, the West keeps on promoting its “Russian threat” rhetoric and pledges “never-before-seen” sanctions on Russia should it invade Ukraine. Meanwhile, Kiev keeps violating the Minsk accord and continues to shell Donbass, forcing thousands of people to flee to Russia. Nick Griffin, political analyst and former Member of the European Parliament, reflects on the geopolitical, economical and historical reasons for the West trying to force Russia into war with Ukraine, why the collective West turns a blind eye on systemic violations of the Minsk agreement by Kiev, and why no one in the West cares about the humanitarian disaster in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics in Donbass. Sputnik: Why is the West not only ignoring but also encouraging Kiev’s provocations in Donbass? Nick Griffin: The Washington and Westminster cabal are desperate to force Vladimir Putin to abandon his policy of self-restraint and negotiation. They intend to leave him no option but to use military force in defence of the Russian population of Donbass. So the NATO leaders are now engaged in the most blatant and irresponsible destabilisation and hybrid war operation since they used Islamic terrorists to destroy Libya and attempted to use them to break up Syria. Their operation against Russia is in fact even more desperate than the campaign of lies and aggression against Syria, because the stakes are even higher. The West promoted conflict in the Middle East in the hope of gaining a geopolitical advantage. The attempt to force Russia into war in Ukraine, by contrast, is not really about promoting the geopolitical interest of the Dollar Empire – it is about its very survival. The US is no longer the self-confident colossus that bestrode the world a few decades ago. America in 2022 is a financial, political, economic, military and social basket case, and its UK ally is in the same very leaky boat. The liberal Anglo world is further disturbed by the situation in Canada, which is now in the critical phase of a historic struggle between the Trudeau regime and a large and well-organised section of the working population. On top of that, one shouldn’t overlook the influence of ideology and personal sexual obsessions in Western decision-making circles. There is in all this an element of a woke, liberal ‘crusade’ for ‘our liberal values’ against the ‘archaic Christian traditionalism’ which they see and detest in Russia. More practically, the Washington policy-makers, who direct the semi-senile ‘President’, know that Nord Stream 2 is about far more than a mutually beneficial energy trading relationship between Germany and Russia. In the shorter term, it also spells further financial disaster for the already failed client state of Ukraine. Longer term, Nord Stream 2 heralds a steadily closer relationship between Germany and Russia, which would in turn be a huge step towards the creation of a giant Eurasian free-trade block. The fundamental targets of the NATO warmongers in this crisis are not Donbass, nor even Russia, but Germany, and China’s One Belt, One Road initiative. They are trying to keep Germany down, and China out; failure to do both means that the US will become an isolated rust-belt island thousands of miles away from the core economic block of the world. The same development also spells the forthcoming end of the dollar as the world’s financial reserve currency, while America’s time as a sole military superpower has already clearly ended. This is a classic example of the Thucydides’ Trap, the moment when an emerging power threatens to displace an existing great power as the hegemon of the age, a transition which all too often is accompanied by a war of desperation. NATO’s aggression towards Russia is not born of confidence but of fear. In just three decades, we’ve gone from the ‘End of History’ to the looming end of the Dollar Empire. The push for war in Ukraine is an attempt to recover from the defeat of the Anglo-Zionist Jihadi adventure in Syria, and the debacle in Afghanistan. Perhaps, when it ends just as badly, they will finally learn a bit of humility, but I guess none of us will hold our breath. Sputnik: The OSCE is registering ceasefire violations, with Kiev repeatedly using 120mm mortars banned by the Minsk accord; why is the West ignoring these facts? Why are the US and its allies turning a blind eye towards Kiev blatantly violating the Minsk accord? Nick Griffin: Implementation of the Minsk Accord would end the crisis. That is the very last thing the US/UK want. It is very hard for nations with a vivid folk memory of the horrors of total war in their own land (such as Russia, Germany and China) to comprehend the very different attitude that prevails in the US. To Americans, the elite and the general population alike, wars are things that are fought in other peoples’ countries. Despite the fact that the US hasn’t won a war since the campaign against Japan in 1945, the general view in Washington, in particular, is that there is nothing to fear and plenty to gain from war. Sputnik: President Biden in his address held the self-proclaimed Donbass republics responsible for ceasefire violations and insisted there was no sign of Ukraine preparing a full-scale attack. Why is he downplaying the threat? Nick Griffin: The US is bankrupt, and threatened with this being drastically exposed by a new subprime debt disaster with the collapse of the shale gas debt bubble, and by the steady erosion of the reserve currency of the dollar. The very dubious legitimacy of the President is questioned by half the population and the Democrats are months away from potentially disastrous midterm elections. Key ally Boris Johnson likewise faces political and personal disaster at home. Ukraine’s provocations are therefore ignored and indeed rewarded with political backing and massive arms shipments because both Western leaders believe they have a great deal to gain from war or the threat of war. Given the perceived benefits to the US of war in Ukraine, why on earth would anyone expect the US and its allies to be concerned over the brutal aggression which we now see from their puppet regime in Kiev? If Russia is forced to act, then Nord Stream 2 will be stopped, inflicting massive economic damage on Germany and forcing Berlin to get back in line completely under Anglo-domination. If, on the other hand, Russia manages to keep out of the West’s proxy war, then Biden and Johnson will crow that it was their ‘resolve’ that ‘deterred Putin and saved Ukraine and freedom’. Thus, in their dangerously deluded calculations, it doesn’t really matter if the crisis ends in war or in peace. For them, it’s a win-win either way. That is why the Yanks and the Brits are only too happy to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian. Sputnik: Instead of ensuring that Kiev doesn’t use banned weapons, the West is stoking “Russia invasion” fears around the world. Where are the guarantors of the Minsk agreement? Are they so desperate for a new war? Nick Griffin: They are indeed desperate for war! Geopolitics, financial crisis, bribes from arms manufacturers, political advantage and personal vanity – they’ve been key drivers for disastrous wars in the past, and human nature doesn’t change. So here we are, back in July 1914. Sputnik: Thousands of people have fled their homes and are being evacuated to Russia due to constant shelling by Ukrainian forces. Why is this humanitarian disaster in Donbass being neglected by the West? Nick Griffin: Political elites always have a regrettable tendency to view the sufferings of the ‘little people’ as a price well worth paying for their own advantage. The Washington imperialists have always been among the very worst at this. Their Empire was founded on genocide and on the ruins of the Confederacy and grew through a series of false-flag initiated wars, and the deliberate and ruthless incitement of tensions in Europe to destroy a string of rivals, including Tsarist Russia and the British Empire. Why
would anyone expect the heirs of those who
obliterated Wounded Knee, Dresden and
Hiroshima to give a flying fig for the
well-being of a few hundred thousand
impoverished Slavs? If ever
there was a group who deserved to go on trial for
the crime of plotting aggressive war, they are
right now in the corridors of power in Washington
DC and Westminster. (read
more) UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN VI * * * * * *
2022-02-25 d UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN IV The United States and the NATO
Non-extension Assurances of 1990: New Light on an
Old Problem?
International Security (2021) 45 (3): 162–203. https://doi.org/10.1162/isec_a_00395 Abstract The Russian government has claimed that the Western powers promised at the end of the Cold War not to expand NATO, but later reneged on that promise. Most former officials in the West, and many scholars as well, have denied that this was the case; but other scholars, along with a handful of former officials, believe that promises to that effect were, in fact, made in 1990. So who is right? The question still has political importance: how it is answered has bearing on how we should feel about NATO expansion and, indeed, about the United States' post–Cold War policy more generally. So it makes sense to stand back and try to see where the truth lies. An examination of the debate in light of the evidence—especially evidence that the participants themselves have presented—leads to the conclusion that the Russian allegations are by no means baseless, which affects how the U.S.-Russian relationship today is to be understood. (read more) 2022-02-25 c UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN III Enlargement of NATO
Enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the process of including new member states in NATO. NATO is a military alliance of twenty-eight European and two North American countries that constitutes a system of collective defense. The process of joining the alliance is governed by Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which allows only for the invitation of "other European States", and by subsequent agreements. Countries wishing to join have to meet certain requirements and complete a multi-step process involving political dialogue and military integration. The accession process is overseen by the North Atlantic Council, NATO's governing body. After its formation in 1949 with twelve founding members, NATO grew by including Greece and Turkey in 1952 and West Germany in 1955, and then later Spain in 1982. After the Cold War ended, and Germany reunited in 1990, there was a debate in NATO about continued expansion eastward. In 1999, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO, amid much debate within the organization and Russian opposition. Another expansion came with the accession of seven Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. These nations were first invited to start talks of membership during the 2002 Prague summit, and joined NATO shortly before the 2004 Istanbul summit. Albania and Croatia joined on 1 April 2009, prior to the 2009 Strasbourg–Kehl summit. The most recent member states to be added to NATO are Montenegro on 5 June 2017 and North Macedonia on 27 March 2020. As of 2021, NATO officially recognizes three aspiring members: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Ukraine.[1] Future expansion is currently a topic of debate in several countries outside the alliance, and countries like Sweden, Finland, and Serbia have open political debate on the topic of membership, while in countries like Ukraine, support and opposition to membership is tied to ethnic and nationalist ideologies. The incorporation of countries formerly part of the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union has been a cause of increased tension between NATO countries and Russia. (read more)2022-02-25 b UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN II Budapest Memorandum on
Security Assurances
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994 to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1] The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. As a result, between 1994 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Until then, Ukraine had the world's third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical, but not operational, control. Russia alone controlled the codes needed to operate the nuclear weapons[4][5] via Russian-controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system.[4][5] In 2009, Russia and the United States released a joint statement that the memorandum's security assurances would still be respected after the expiration of the START Treaty.[6] After the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, Canada,[7] France, Germany, Italy, Japan,[8] the UK[9] and US[10][11] stated that Russian involvement was a breach of its Budapest Memorandum obligations to Ukraine which had been transmitted to the United Nations under the signature of Sergey Lavrov and others,[12] and in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. On 4 March 2014, the Russian president Vladimir Putin replied to a question on the violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the current Ukrainian situation as a revolution: "a new state arises, but with this state and in respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents."[13] Russia stated that it had never been under obligation to "force any part of Ukraine's civilian population to stay in Ukraine against its will." Russia tried to suggest that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum and described the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.[14] (read more)2022-02-25 a UKRAINE ON THE BRAIN I Ukrainian Hangovers
[...] So Russia had vital security concerns that could only be met by assurances that NATO would not move into the Warsaw Pact states, where so much Soviet blood had been shed in World War II. President George H. W. Bush (#41) made assurances that if the Soviets were to dissolve the Warsaw Pact, Russia must be assured that the NATO would not fill the vacuum. But his successor, Bill Clinton, broke this promise by quickly taking the former Warsaw Pact states into NATO, and then moved into territory formerly occupied and incorporated into the USSR with the Baltics. It should have been foreseen – and probably was inevitable – that these new entrants wanted NATO, given their own experience with Soviet occupation. But the eagerness of a triumphalist United States to surround Russia militarily rather than disarm led Russian leaders to feel betrayed by the US breaking its word. Russia today has watched covert attempts from the US State Department to the National Endowment for Democracy and other NGOs to break up their country as part of what is becoming a triumphalist global pattern. This threatens to remake their “near abroad” into a neoliberal periphery. (read more) 2022-02-24 f OH CANADA VI ![]() Generalissimo Trudeau
2022-02-24 e OH CANADA V
2022-02-24 d OH CANADA IV BOOM, Trudeau Reversal
Motive Surfaces – Canadian Banking Association Was
Approved by World Economic Forum To Lead the Digital
ID Creation
cSunlight is the best disinfectant. A promotional video from the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) helps to neatly connect all the dots about why the Canadian government made such a quick reversal in their bank asset seizures in the last 24 hours {Go Deep}. And yes, as we suspected, it was almost certainly contact from the World Economic Forum to Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that triggered the change in position. When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced they would use the Emergency Act declaration to target the financial support systems, banks and accounts of the people who were protesting against COVID mandates, they not only undermined the integrity of the Canadian banking system – but they also inadvertently stuck a wrench into the plans of the World Economic Forum and the collaborative use of the Canadian Bankers Association to create a digital id. Against the backdrop of the Canadian government action, WATCH THIS VIDEO. If the Canadian government can arbitrarily block citizen access to their banking institution without any due process, what does that say about the system the Canadian Banking Association (CBA) was putting into place as part of their Digital ID network? If the CBA digital identity were in place, the same people targeted by Trudeau’s use of the Emergency Act would have their entire identity blocked by the same government measures. The realization of the issue, reflected by a severe undermining of faith in the banking system, is a dramatic problem for those working to create and promote the Digital ID. It is not coincidental the financial targeting mechanism deployed by Trudeau/Freeland, the Canadian banking system, is the same system being used to create the digital identity. As a result of the government targeting bank accounts, Finance Minister Freeland just created a reference point for those who would argue against allowing the creation of a comprehensive digital identity. The motive for the World Economic Forum and Canadian Bankers Association to immediately reach out to Trudeau and Freeland and tell them to back off their plan is crystal clear. THAT is almost certainly why Freeland appeared so admonished, shocked and incapable of getting her footing yesterday {Go Deep}, and why the Canadian government simultaneously informed Parliament they were unfreezing the bank accounts. However, this undermined confidence and faith in the banking system cannot be restored quickly. The toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube. The horse has left the barn. This is now a moment for damage control by the Canadian government. That is why Justin Trudeau just dropped the declaration of the Emergency Act. It all makes sense now. All of it. Indeed, the government leaders who take their instructions from the multinational corporations in charge of the World Economic Forum, which is to say almost all of them, are so entrenched in their need to use COVID-19 as the pry bar for the Build Back Better agenda, they simply cannot let it go. Without COVID-19, they can’t keep the vaccination push. Without the vaccination push, they can’t keep the vaccine passport process in place. Without the vaccination passport registration process to track and monitor human behavior, the governing authorities cannot fulfill the mission of a comprehensive digital identity and social credit tracking system. Indeed, everything they seek is contingent upon keeping the premise of COVID-19 alive. It is not accidental the World Economic Forum is at the epicenter of this As we previously noted, the architects of the Build Back Better society (WEF) are guiding various governments on ways to create efficient registration and compliance systems, i.e. ways that permit citizens to prove their vaccinated and compliant status. As these discussions are taking place, it is prudent to pause and think very carefully, wisely. We all know, as we are reading this, under the guise of enhancing our safety, the U.S. Federal Government is in discussions with the medical community, multinational corporations and employers of citizens to create a more efficient process for you to register your vaccine compliance. We know their conversation under the terminology of a COVID Passport. The current goal is to make a system for us to show and prove our authorized work status, which, as you know, is based on your obedience to a mandated vaccine. Beta tests are being conducted in various nations, each with different perspectives and constitutional limitations, based on pesky archaic rules and laws that govern freedom.For the western, or for lack of a better word ‘democratic‘ outlook, Australia, New Zealand, France and Europe are leading the way with their technological system of vaccination check points and registered state/national vaccination status tied to your registration identification. New York City joined the vaccine checkpoint process, as their city now requires the vaccine to enter all private businesses. Los Angeles soon followed. The Australian electronic checkpoints are essentially gateways where QR codes are being scanned from the cell phones of the compliant vaccinated citizen. Yes comrades, there’s an app for that. Currently, the vaccine status scans are registered by happy compliance workers, greeters at the entry to the business or venue. Indeed, the Walmart greeter has a new gadget to scan your phone prior to allowing you custody of a shopping cart. In restaurants, the host or hostess has a similar compliance scanner to check you in prior to seating or a reservation confirmation. It’s simple and fun. You pull up your QR code on your cell phone (aka portable transponder and registration device), using the registration app, and your phone is scanned delivering a green check response to confirm your correct vaccination status and authorized entry. The Australian government, at both a federal and state level, is working closely with Big Tech companies (thirsting for the national contract) to evaluate the best universal process that can be deployed nationwide. As noted by all six Premiers in the states down under, hardware (scanners) and software (registration) systems are all being tested to find the most comprehensive/convenient portable units to settle upon. Meanwhile in the U.S., cities like Los Angeles and New York await the beta test conclusion before deploying their own version of the same process. In Europe, they are also testing their vaccine checkpoint and registration processes known as the EU “Green Pass.” The “Green Pass” is a similar technological system that gives a vaccinated and registered citizen access to all the venues and locations previously locked down while the COVID-19 virus was being mitigated. What would have been called a “vast right-wing conspiracy theory” 24 months ago, is now a COVID passport process well underway. As with all things in our rapid technological era, you do not have to squint to see the horizon and accept that eventually this process will automate, and there will be a gadget or scanning gateway automatically granting you access without a person needing to stand there and scan each cell phone QR code individually. The automated process just makes sense. You are well aware your cell phone already transmits an electronic beacon enabling your Uber or Lyft driver access to your location at the push of a touchscreen button, another convenient app on your phone. So, why wouldn’t the gateways just accept this same recognizable transmission as registration of your vaccine compliant arrival at the coffee shop? The automated version is far easier and way cooler than having to reach into your pocket or purse and pulling up that pesky QR code on the screen. Smiles everyone, the partnership between Big Tech and Big Government is always there to make your transit more streamline and seamless. Heck, you won’t even notice the electronic receiver mounted at the entry. Give it a few weeks and you won’t remember the reason you were laughing at Alex Jones any more than you remember why you are taking off your shoes at the airport. However, as this process is created, it is worth considering that you are being quietly changed from an individual person to a product. Some are starting to worry in the beta test: […] “you must become an object with attributes sitting in a database. Instead of roaming around anonymously making all sorts of transactions without the government’s knowledge, Australians find themselves passing through ‘gates’. … All product-based systems have these gates to control the flow of stock and weed out errors. It is how computers see things. The more gates, the more clarity. You are updating the government like a parcel pings Australia Post on its way to a customer. If a fault is found, automatic alerts are issued, and you are stopped from proceeding. In New South Wales, this comes in the form of a big red ‘X’ on the myGov vaccine passport app (if you managed to link your Medicare account without smashing the phone to bits). Gate-keeping systems have been adapted from retail and transformed into human-based crowd solutions to micromanage millions of lives with the same ruthless efficiency as barcodes tracking stock. There is no nuance or humanity in this soulless digital age. Barcodes are binary. Good – bad. Citizen or dissident. Even if you have all the required
government attributes to pass through the gates –
two vaccines, six boosters, and a lifelong
subscription to Microsoft – something could go
wrong. If your data fails the scan, you’ll slip
into digital purgatory and become an error
message. (read more) It could be problematic if your status fails to register correctly, or if the system identifies some form of alternate lifestyle non-compliance that will block you from entry. Then again, that’s what beta tests are for, working out all these techno bugs and stuff. Not to worry…. move along…. Then again… “For those in the privileged class allowed to shop, take note of Covid signs which encourage cashless transactions under the guise of ‘health’. Messaging around cards being ‘safer’ will increase until the Treasury tries to remove cash entirely, almost certainly with public approval.” Wait, now we are squinting at that familiar image on the horizon because we know those who control things have been talking about a cashless society for quite a while. We also know that data is considered a major commodity all by itself. Why do you think every system you encounter in the modern era requires your phone number even when you are not registering for anything. It, meaning you, us, are all getting linked into this modern registration system that is defining our status. We also know that system operators buy and sell our registered status amid various retail and technology systems. Yeah, that opaque shadow is getting a little clearer now. Perhaps you attempt to purchase dog food and get denied entry into Pet Smart because you didn’t renew the car registration. Or perhaps you are blocked from entry because you forgot to change the oil on the leased vehicle you drive, and Toyota has this weird agreement with some retail consortium. You head to the oil change place that conveniently pops up in the citizen compliance App –it’s only two blocks away– they clear the alert after they do the oil change, and you are gateway compliant again. Missed your booster shot? We’re sorry citizen, your bank account is frozen until your compliance is restored… please proceed to the nearest vaccination office as displayed conveniently on your cell phone screen to open access to all further gates (checkpoints)…. tap to continue! Vote for the wrong candidate? Attend, or donate to, a trucker protest? Yes, it seemed
transparently obvious where this was heading, and
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just awakened
the masses. (read
more) OH CANADA III Facing Financial Peril
and a Pending Senate Rebuke, Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau Revokes Emergency War Measures Act
In the bigger picture, the Canadian banking and financial system was hit hard by the deployment of the Emergency Act which highlighted the ability of the government to arbitrarily freeze and seize money, assets and financial investment capital without any due process. There are also strong rumors in the financial sector, that in addition to Canadians removing money from the banking system, previous investment funds from Hong Kong had been moved – and, making matters even worse, digital currency exchanges were no longer offering secure services in Canada. Simultaneous to the mounting domestic and international backlash against the financial system, the Canadian Senate was likely to rebuke the government of Justin Trudeau and not support the invocation of the Emergency War Measures Act against Canadian citizens. As a result of multiple issues of backlash with severe consequence, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet are trying to save face, and yet walk away from the Emergency War Measures Act by revoking it before they faced the humiliation of a public defeat in the Canadian Senate. WATCH After his prepared remarks about his reversal in position, Trudeau was softly questioned about internal documents discovered by the Canadian Senate that point toward Trudeau’s cabinet discussing the political benefits they would gain by invoking the Emergency Act. The prime minister dodged the question twice, instead saying a parliamentary investigation will review why the Emergency Act was needed. Keep an eye on the
story of this Senate discovery. From all
indications, even the liberal allies of Trudeau in
the Senate were unable to support the Emergency Act
after they reviewed the non-public documents.
There’s something very damaging in those documents,
likely internal emails between Trudeau and his
various ministers. FULL ANNOUNCEMENT
VIDEO AND PRESSER HERE. 2022-02-24 b OH CANADA II A Major Backfire – Is the
Canadian Financial and Banking System in Serious
Trouble as a Result of Their Attack on Private Bank
aHas there been a massive exodus of capital out of the Canadian financial system? A few obscure but interesting data-points seem to indicate Justin Trudeau’s unprecedented use of the federal government and intelligence apparatus to target the bank accounts of Canadian citizens has just created a serious problem for their financial institutions. If I was a betting person, I would bet half my stake that something very serious is happening in the background of the Canadian financial system, and it appears the leaders inside government, as well as leaders in the international financial community, are reacting and trying to keep things quiet. Stick with me on this and stay educated… DATA POINTS – In addition to being Justin Trudeau’s deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland is also the Finance Minister of Canada. Yesterday, a very twitchy, nervous and gasping for breath Freeland was noted in a very agitated state when she attended the press conference of her boss. Factually you can watch the video and see how stressed she was and incapable of keeping herself stable [SEE HERE]. Watch that video from the perspective that someone in the international financial world, IMF, World Bank or other affiliate in the world of collective finance has just had a very serious talk with Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. ♦ Shortly after that very awkward performance, Finance Minister Freeland’s assistant deputy, Isabelle Jacques, informed a parliamentary committee that all bank accounts frozen by the federal government’s use of the Emergency Act, were immediately being unfrozen. ( VIA CBC ) – […] More than 200 bank accounts worth nearly $8 million were frozen when the federal government used emergency powers to end a massive protest occupation of downtown Ottawa. Federal officials report most of the accounts are now in the process of being released, a parliamentary committee heard Tuesday. Isabelle Jacques, assistant deputy minister of finance, told a committee of MPs that up to 210 bank accounts holding about $7.8 million were frozen under the financial measures contained in the Emergencies Act. (read more) Obviously, many people realized from the outset what the Canadian government had done was tenuously legal at best, provided no legal due process or right of challenge, and likely would not pass any serious legal scrutiny. Unfortunately, in the echo chamber that is far-left liberalism, such matters are not as important as the ideological political motives; but there are people who realize the consequences of power-lust in this application. Without a doubt, just as you were likely stunned, amazed and then angered by the financial punishment declared by Trudeau, there are people aligned with Trudeau –outside his government– who could see a bigger picture of consequence than those inside the echo chamber. Central banking finance ministers around the world obviously would pay close attention to what Trudeau just announced, and there are certainly people in the World Economic Forum (WEF) group, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and central bankers who would not be happy about the Canadian government showing just how easy it is to snatch money out of the hands of citizens. These tools of citizen control are things well known to the central bankers and control agents of finance, but they are never spoken about in polite company – let alone publicized, promoted and openly bragged about. Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland essentially broke the financial code of Omerta, by highlighting how easy it is for government to seize your bank accounts, credit cards, retirement accounts, insurance, mortgages, loan access and cut you off from money. Worse yet, the short-sighted Canadian government via Minister Freeland announced their ability to control cryptocurrency exchanges in their country and block access within a financial mechanism that exists almost entirely as an insurance policy and hedge against the exact actions the government was taking. ♦ A very nervous Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland, appears with Trudeau to talk about Ukraine. ♦ Freeland’s underling, Deputy Minister Jacques, is simultaneously telling parliament the bank accounts are being unfrozen. ♦ The CBC then reports that RCMP officials are taking a 180° reversal in position, about asset seizures. Then there’s this
supportive data-point from Jordan Peterson (see this Direct
Rumble Link), Apply Occam’s Razor here and the result is akin to: ‘How couldn’t they“. Once that tool is
deployed, there’s no putting the toothpaste back
into the tube. (read
more) OH CANADA I Canadian Citizens Appear To Be
Engaging In A Classic Bank Run
We recently reported that many of Canada’s major banks were offline or suffering mysterious outages. As reports of increased civil unrest continue to come out of Canada we are beginning to see the classic signs of national and government collapse… According to the latest reports, Canadian citizens appear to be pulling out their funds from the custodial control of banks in record numbers. Sources claim that this is in direct response to Trudeau’s emergency measures and it isn’t very difficult to see why. Any government freezing assets and funds without a court order is a massive blow to individual liberty and property rights—with this being the norm now in Canada can we continue to call them a free and democratic country? People the world over took to Twitter to denounce the actions of Trudeau and his regime, but will this be enough to stem the tide and avoid a potential financial collapse in Canada? Here’s what people are saying:
According to Bein Crypto: People withdrawing huge amounts of money said they were avoiding a possible government measure announced in recent days by Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The money move was
noticed by James Melville, an economic journalist
from the United Kingdom. On his Twitter feed, he
posted a graph showing the massive flow of money
that has been withdrawn from Canadian banks.
(read more) 2022-02-23 c DESTRUCTION OF FAMILIES & SOCIETIES [...] The Sexual Situation of 1990s High SchoolsIn the 1990s, high schoolers were definitely sexually active, even in the Midwestern all-white upper-middle class suburb I grew up in. But things were much different than they are now, due primarily to the technological situation. Smartphones did not exist, most people did not even have “dumbphones,” and the internet was mostly just available on computers at school. This was the age of the CD-ROM mass mailing program of America Online (which inexplicably used the acronym “AOL”), where you got 40 free hours of internet browsing through your telephone line, and would then have to pay by the minute. What the smartphone did was give women the ability to get unlimited attention from unlimited numbers of men. More importantly, it allowed women the sexual freedom of “hooking up” with guys who were outside of their friends circle, which meant that they could have unlimited numbers of sex partners in secret. When I was in high school – the high school age that Blink 182 sang about – women were compelled to have “boyfriends.” There were certain girls who believed that every girl and boy should have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and they would plan to arrange these relationships. It should also be noted that at the time, high schoolers were not fat. Most of us played sports, or were involved in skateboarding or bicycling, and the food was just a lot better. So although there is always an “attractiveness curve,” by the nature of physiology, everyone was more or less “normal.” So it was possible for everyone to be “hooked up” with someone of equal attractiveness. For girls, obviously we are speaking entirely of physical attractiveness, whereas with boys, being “popular” as a result of sports achievement or being “cool” as a result of fashion and access to drugs, influenced their attractiveness level. What a woman did not want was to be considered a “slut.” This was very bad. Everyone would mock them, to the point where in the era, there were quite a few suicides by girls who were brutally mocked as overly sexually promiscuous, if they had sex with boys who were not their “boyfriend” or would switch from boyfriend to boyfriend at a rapid rate. Unlike now, everyone knew everyone, and word of sexual dalliances spread quickly. If a girl did not want the label of “slut” and the severe social shaming that went along with it, she could not operate as women currently operate on social media. As far as I’ve been able to observe, and I’m sure there is a lot of older sociological research (now banned) that would back up the assertion that “slut-shaming” is something that both men and women naturally do to promiscuous women, as we instinctively recognize it as a threat to the social order. Looking back, it’s clear that it was technology that interfered with the mating process at the time. Sex before marriage is a sin, but illicit high school sex was happening in the “pure” age of the 1940s and 1950s as well. As soon as you had sex-integrated schools, a large portion of teenagers were not going to be able to control their raging hormones, and were going to find a way to have sex with each other. The problem in the 1990s was that there were condoms and birth control, as well as abortion. In the 1940s, if a girl got pregnant by her “high school sweetheart,” it meant that there was almost certainly going to be a marriage forced on them by both sets of parents. This isn’t ideal, and as a Christian I do believe that in an ideal world, sex should be within the bounds of marriage. But as a practical reality, a teenage girl getting pregnant and then being forced to marry the father is not a totally broken social system. This situation actually did happen to a few people I knew in high school – a girl got pregnant, refused the abortion, and the couple ended up getting married. Of course, they are all divorced now, because divorce is legal in America (because our country is run by Jews who feel threatened by the existence of healthy families). The target of outrage at the time among conservatives was “teen promiscuity” and the target of liberals was “teen pregnancy.” As I’ve described, “promiscuity” was something of a misnomer, given that it was socially impossible in a social circle where everyone knew everyone. It was actually “premarital sex” that would have been the complaint, as most teens were limiting their sexual affairs to one person. In actual reality, neither of these things were very serious problems. Again, an ideal is an ideal, and sex after marriage is an ideal, but in reality, if it were not for birth control, abortion, and the legalization of divorce, upwards of 90% of the people I went to high school with would currently be married to the first (or maybe second) person they had sex with in high school. My generation is pushing 40 now, so that would mean that the current generation of teenagers would be raised by married biological parents. Instead, you have this: ![]() If you parse out that data, for millennials in the “married” category, of that 44%, about half of the women are married to men who are not the father of their first child. (That data is available, but I can’t find it right now – but you all know it’s true from your own experience. The number I have in my head is that 23% of millennials are married and living with children they produced together – and most of them will be divorced in the next 5 or so years.) For the record, my opinion on men who marry single mothers is that they should be taken out behind the barn and beaten to death with a shovel. This has been a process that began when women were given the right to vote. Women have no conception of society, or that something could be good or bad for society, they have only a concept of what is good for them personally. So if you give them rights, you enter the downward spiral. Incelism and YouNeedless to say, most young men are now incels. They might not want to use that word, but it’s just a fact. There are various types of incels, but the underlying causes are all of those listed above, to wit:
Most intelligent men have simply given up on attempting to make a relationship work, because it is clearly impossible, due to the progressive stacking of the deck against men being able to successfully couple. There are different types of giving up. Some men let themselves go and get fat and play video games all day. Some just try to go on with their lives, and live for themselves in as healthy a way as possible, working and making money, staying healthy, having fun with their bros. Other men are still chasing women. They are the largest group, probably. They are still harboring romantic dreams that they will find “the one,” or they are at least hoping that they can get a “hook-up” here and there. No one is really doing the former. Marriage simply does not work anymore. The woman has all the power, given that she can end the marriage at any time for no reason and take the money and the kids, which means that the man that keeps his marriage is the one willing to be a slave to a woman. The likelihood of “hooking up” is increasingly impossible. Not only are women able to choose which men they want to have sex with from a buffet on social media – where they will inevitably choose the top 5% most attractive, but women are actually having less sex. Due to the massively lower levels of testosterone in women, they simply have nothing approaching the male sex drive. What they have instead is a desire for attention. So they can get thousands of “likes” on pictures they post on social media, and feed their dopamine receptors, and they can go on dates from social media, have the man pay for everything, then say “well, I have to go home now.” The man thought he was paying for sex, by buying the food and the drinks, spending maybe hundreds of dollars, but the woman feels she is under no obligation. (Note: women become horny for about 72 hours per month when they are ovulating. This is when they will do a “hook-up” on an app with a man who is more attractive than them, who would never agree to marry them. Even if the overly attractive man did form a relationship and agree to marry, she would just divorce him in about five years, cash in, and move on to the next mark.) Whether you want to admit it or not, you are either an incel or you have serious emotional problems. You do not have the option of forming a permanent relationship, no matter how successful or attractive you might be. If you are not attractive enough to actually convince a woman to marry you, which is most of you, but you do hit the occasional “hook-up,” you are still an incel, in the same way that a homeless man who is able to break into an abandoned building and sleep for a few nights before being evicted by the police is still homeless. You just got lucky and got to sleep in a building for a few nights. When you’re kicked out by the police, you’re back on the streets. Any non-incel decision is an absurd waste of your time and resources, and is deeply personally humiliating. If you get married and have everything taken from you through a grueling process, you’ve played yourself. If you get lucky on an app and get a hook-up, you’ve wasted how much time and emotional resources that could have been spent on making money, learning skills, studying, and doing things that are actually enjoyable, in exchange for a few minutes of sexual release. If you are one of the few who manage to find a woman and stay married, then you are serving as a slave, without any power at all, waiting for the woman to get a feeling she is “not happy” and it’s time to cash out. This can happen in your 40s or even your 50s. Any married man is simply rolling the dice, every single day, hoping that the woman doesn’t say “we need to talk” and tell you she is “not happy.” Or, as has happened to more than one person I know personally, doesn’t even say anything to you, changes the locks on your house, and has the divorce papers sent to you. If you are a “live-in boyfriend” – now often goofily referred to as a “fiancé,” then the situation is about the same, though it will cost you less money when she decides she is “not happy.” Women are not logical. They can not be talked out of things. They make decisions purely based on emotions, and all of their emotions are based on the premise that they are personally the center of the universe and that everything that exists in the universe exists for the purpose of making them feel happy. hat’s just what they are, that’s what they’ve always been. It’s the first story in the Bible. A woman’s desire for excitement is what destroyed paradise. Where we are now, all of their worst instincts have been unleashed, and they are rewarded for embracing these worst instincts. They do not need you for sustenance anymore. Technological society, and the welfare system, feed, house, and clothe them. Therefore, you are obsolete, unless you are capable of being entertaining or otherwise feeding her ego. This is the system we live in. We didn’t volunteer for it. But this is where we are, and we cannot change it as individuals. With every single thing stacked against you, the only logical path for any man is to be an incel. Don’t Say “Volcel”I have seen a lot of people on the internet – faggots, in fact – who try to draw a distinction between an “incel” and a “volcel.” That is, a man who is involuntarily celibate vs. a man who is voluntarily celibate. Firstly, hookers do exist, so no man is technically “involuntarily celibate” in the strictest sense. Every man has the ability to order an escort, even in countries where prostitution is banned. So, the word “incel” actually doesn’t refer to a man who isn’t able to ever have sex under any circumstances, because technically, any man has the ability to order a hooker for sex. But nothing about the sexual landscape we currently suffer under was “voluntary.” None of us “volunteered” for a society that allows:
So, if you make a choice not to participate in that, you are an “incel,” even if you could technically do a hook-up or get involved in some horrible slave marriage or “live-in boyfriend” situation. Women in the WorkplaceJust to round this off, the entire “women in the workplace” phenomenon needs to be mentioned, as it often gets the blame for a lot of this. However, women in the workplace is more of a side effect than a core cause of the problem. If women could not prevent pregnancy through all of these different means, they wouldn’t have the option of joining the workplace. It’s likely that the social pressure for women to “have a career” is part of why they choose to have abortions. It is unlikely that if you polled most 13-year-old girls before this massive brainwashing campaign that many of them would say they dream of being a bank manager rather than a stay-at-home mother. But the birth control/abortion system enables this. The system of welfare for single mothers and just women generally also enables this. But really, “women in the workplace” is a form of government welfare, via the affirmative action programs. The only real job that a woman can do and make money comparable to that of a man, without an affirmative action program, is prostitution. And the period in which a prostitute can work and make good money is relatively short. (She can spend money on plastic surgery to extend her shelf-life, but that’s probably only going to lead to breaking even. One fact of reality is from the age of about 24, a woman begins making a rapid transformation into a beastly monster like something out a cursed swamp.) It’s all tied together as part of an anti-natal program implemented by the Jews who run our society, setting the social norms first through their control of academia and then through their ability to manipulate public opinion and to influence government policy. Obviously, women should not be in the workplace. But I would not identify that as a root cause of the current social collapse, but rather a symptom of it. The Failure of Christian ChurchesAt the core of the disaster is the failure of Christian Churches – which, not too long ago, had a lot of influence – to push back against this agenda. If churches in the 1950s and 1960s would have taken a hard line against feminism, none of this would be happening. Churches should have actively pushed not only for a ban on contraception and abortion, but on divorce, and on women being allowed to go to college and enter the workplace. Imagine that churches were at least at the time teaching that sex before marriage was wrong. Yet they were supportive of women going to college and getting jobs before marriage, which would mean that they would be expected to lose their virginity at what age? 28? 32? This is plainly nonsensical. It’s far from difficult to make the argument from the Bible that women’s place is in the home, having children. In fact, it is virtually impossible to make any other argument. Yet the churches didn’t do this, save for perhaps the Mormons (who are now backing off of that like every other church). Saint Paul, who is for all intents and
purposes the founder of the religion of Christianity
(Jesus was more of the basis of it than the founder,
although I don’t want to get into semantics), said
explicitly that the only way a woman can be saved is
through childbirth (1 Timothy 2:11-15). Not exactly mincing words there. By refusing to push back against feminism, and in fact largely embracing it, the churches destroyed their own selves, creating generations of godless youths raised by vicious and megalomaniacal women. “How can God exist if the world is run by women?” is a very good question. The answer is easy – because the people abandoned God and his plan for them. But that is a hard answer for people to come to. Or it was. It seems this answer is becoming less difficult for young people to reason out. “So You’re Saying We Shouldn’t Marry and Have Kids???”Every time I write about this topic, a gang of simps and morons come at me claiming that I am arguing against marriage and family. Intelligent people are able to see that I’m arguing the opposite. I’m the metaphor man. Let’s do this. Imagine we’re on a plane that crashes on a remote island in the Pacific somewhere. We have binoculars, and we can see that we are in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing but sea around us, in every direction. We have a source of fresh water. We have food. There are fruits and we can fish, there are even some wild pigs we’ve figured out how to trap. Someone says “I’m going to just swim out into the ocean and try to find land.” Having become the de facto leader of the crash survivors, I say “are you insane? You’re just going to drown. You can’t swim for hundreds of miles.” The smug person then replies: “so you’re saying we should just stay on this island forever????” You get it? To extend the metaphor: we might be rescued. There is a good chance of rescue. If we’re not rescued, we will make do. We will survive. Just so: there is a very good chance that with
the rate society is changing, and the high probability
of some kind of societal collapse, the current sexual
dynamics will change drastically, and we will be able
to reestablish workable sexual dynamics in the ashes
of a dead empire. (read
more) DESTRUCTION OF CANADA The Fall of Canada, The Danger
in the US
aUnderstanding Martial Law The world has watched, in pain, as images of police violence from Ottawa, and of a bid for Canadian tyranny (that I would ever write those words!) are flashed around the world. As usual, I hate to be Cassandra; but the chessboard ahead is all too clear. On Feb 12, 2022, I warned, during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom, that we all must all now brace for a period during which the powers that now clearly seek to enslave our planet, and subdue our human species, will be broadcasting scenes of civil society mayhem, and of shocking violence against protesters. I also predicted that there would be food shortages and other economic harms that would be blamed on the protesting truckers, and I warned too that people should print out their bank and any liquid asset records, as there would be cyberattacks on financial institutions and the freezing of accounts. All of that, of course, took place in the week that followed. I recently received a kind note on social media thanking me for my bulletins about the near future as it helped people, the writer explained, to stave off shock and disorientation. I have often spoken about how tyrants rely on just these effects of shock and disorientation to “tenderize” a targeted population, so I will keep alerting you all to the near future, as unpleasant as that task can be. So in this essay I wish to explain, especially to Canadians, what martial law really is, and how very dangerous it is, since many leaders there, especially Parliamentarians, appear to be in the treacherous “hangover” state of thinking that they still inhabit the old world that died when Justin Trudeau declared emergency law. I also wish to warn what happens historically at this moment in the decline of a formerly democratic nation, and what the murder of Canadian democracy — at least for now — means to the rest of the world. Parliamentarians in Canada do not seem to understand that now their former colleague, Justin Trudeau, can arrest not just truckers, whose lawful protest has been declared illegal, but also the Parliamentarians themselves. This is, sadly, the next step in this kind of drama, historically. It is an extraordinarily dangerous sign that Parliament is not seated. When the Australian Parliament was suspended, by the time they reconvened, their powers had been dramatically curtailed. Tyrants seek to normalize the convening of Parliaments as “optional” or to suspend normal Parliamentary processes long enough to hollow out a legislative body’s deliberative powers, and to ensure that when and if a Parliament (or a Congress, for that matter) meets again, it will be merely a ceremonial assembly. Parliamentarians in Canada also do not seem to understand that “dictator” is no longer rhetorical. A member of Parliament was shushed when he cried out this epithet, but the fact is that this is not a slur at this point. Justin Trudeau is by definition now in fact a dictator. At this stage in history, you do not go back to a previous state of civil society order without arrests, though hopefully you can do so without civil war. Historically, when a would-be dictator has reached this point in the suspension of democratic processes and has sought this level of a power grab, his arrests of the opposition’s leaders, on trumped-up charges, come next. Also arrested at this point are labor leaders, outspoken members of the clergy, and independent journalists and editors. Beware the word “incitement”; the next stage is an edict that casts criticism of what Trudeau is doing, as a crime, or an act of violence. At this stage in history, too, the identity of the security forces are at issue. Who are these frighteningly gas-masked, uniformed, extremely violent men represented as police in the streets of Ottawa? For that matter, who are the masked, black-uniformed, extremely violent men represented as police beating the protesters in Paris, a week ago? It is not easy to get police and military to enforce violence upon their own people, their own neighbors and community members. A real danger at this point in the overthrow of a democracy (for that is what happened in Canada in this past week) is the deployment of militias accountable not to the people but to the newly minted dictator. This happened in Italy when Mussolini sought control, in Germany when the National Socialists sought power, and so on. Remember that there are mercenary armies around the world, such as those run by Xe, formerly Blackwater, for hire [https://www.xecompany.us/]; remember that the Southern border of the United States is wide open and many observers have reported a massive influx of young adults of military age traveling alone [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/us-agents-encounter-single-adults-crossing-border-77661358]. With an open border in North America, a mercenary army can flow not just into Canada, if permitted by border guards directed by a would-be dictator; they can also flow into strategic points in the United States. But Parliamentarians and heads of provinces in Canada should be aware that those violent entities in the streets of Ottawa may be loosed against them, as well as against other hapless citizens trying to make use of their Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, of course, guarantees freedom of speech and expression, peaceful protest, and assembly. [https://lop.parl.ca/about/parliament/education/ourcountryourparliament/html_booklet/canadian-charter-rights-and-freedoms-e.html] The Charter of Rights and Freedoms also guarantees Canadians the right to a democracy itself, so what Justin Trudeau has done is unlawful on its face. Canadians, any Canadians, according to the Charter, can take him to court for having suspended their democracy unlawfully. There is also the criminal charge at stake. Justin Trudeau may well be guilty of an act of treason, which is defined in Canadian law as preparing to levy war against Canada, which is what I personally see in the Ottawa livestreams; and treason in Canadian law is also defined in other broad ways, including this: “(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province”; [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html#:~:text=46%20(1)%20Every%20one%20commits,any%20act%20preparatory%20thereto%3B%20or] “High treason
What I must share with sincere regret is that at this point in history, it is a situation of either “arrest or be arrested.” I am not advocating; simply describing a consistent pattern in history. At this point in a power grab, either Parliamentarians and patriotic heads of the military peacefully arrest an out-of-control leader who has sought to overthrow a democracy, or else they must be aware that history shows that their own arrests may be nigh. I also note that we down South of the Canadian border are far from safe. It is alarming that our own President has not spoken out against Justin Trudeau’s militaristic power grab, or against his violence against peaceful protesters using their lawfully protected freedoms of speech and assembly. It is even more alarming that the Biden administration is seeking to extend our own state of emergency. [https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/biden-extends-state-of-emergency-in-us-amid-ongoing-covid-19-pandemic-122021900344_1.html] The COVID-19 State of Emergency in the US was declared almost two years ago, at the start of the pandemic; now that the virus is “endemic”, against all science and reason the State of Emergency has been extended. This situation - that the United States is operating under emergency powers - is the biggest underreported story of the century to date. Emergency law means that President Biden has powers he does not have under non-emergency law; specifically, the COVID-19 emergency powers acts, extended eight times already, give HHS powers that it did not have before. President Biden declared a year ago the: “Continuation of the National Emergency Declared by Proc. No. 9994 Notice of President of the United States, dated Feb. 24, 2021, 86 F.R. 11599, provided: […] For this reason, the national emergency declared on March 13, 2020, and beginning March 1, 2020, must continue in effect beyond March 1, 2021. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national emergency declared in Proclamation 9994 concerning the COVID–19 pandemic. This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.” And the current declaration by President Biden, as of this past week, that the Emergency Act must be extended, is about an Act that is open-ended in duration. What this declaration does, going around Congress, is to continue to allocate billions of dollars to HHS, which billions in effect flow to constituencies to create a massive economic incentive for stakeholders to keep the drama of the pandemic, including forcible masking, pressure for vaccine passports, the possibility of closing businesses again, and all the misery of the past two years, ongoing forever. [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/biden-administration-extends-public-health-emergency-covid-19-rcna12291]. A state of emergency also allows the President to update the next Emergency Powers act in the future, with the kinds of suspension of democratic processes that we saw further North. We are in a highly precarious situation in the US, when it comes to the restoration of the rule of law. Sorry for this bleak bulletin, but this is where we are in the world. What is happening in Ottawa and in Paris is two to three weeks ahead of what will be attempted against us in the United States. Washington State’s Board of Health tried to pass a regulation to create a detention camp for those exposed to a contagious disease; fierce citizen pressure, including from readers of my site DailyClout.io, stopped that action. Then New York State under emergency law tried to pass the same kind of regulation. They will not stop coming at us. Boards of Health are exactly what are empowered to do whatever is deemed necessary by — Boards of Health, under the COVID-19 Emergency Powers Act. They are our Trojan horse. If we are to be brought to our knees here in the US currently, it will be via these bland-sounding agencies and the master agency, HHS. Beware of the focus now moving to “mental health”, as empowering Boards of Health with detention powers, with a focus of policing mental health, means that your and my dissident commentary can lead to our being entangled by these hyper-empowered and now-lawless entities in the near future. In every direction, the WEF has staked its alumni and speakers in national leadership roles, or, as in Boston, at the helm of local leadership; in every direction, they are cracking the totalitarian whip via “health” or in Canada, via the “emergency” of lawful peaceful protest. The people’s mass noncompliance, the leadership of the opposition in taking on tyrants, and hopefully too the people’s quickly-mastered knowledge of their own Constitution, their own Charter of Rights, and their own legislative processes, alone can save us all. The image of the great conflict of the 60s was of a young woman placing a daisy in a rifle barrel. The image of our great conflict, is that of scores of truckers on their knees, in the snow, praying, surrounded by unidentifiable standing thugs. We have been here
before. God have mercy on us; and as for us men and
women, may we only remember in time that we are free
people. (read
more) DESTRUCTION OF LOUDOUN COUNTY Biden’s Handlers Dumping
16,000 Afghan 'Translators'
in Loudoun County, Most
Don't Speak English
cThis will play out the way Leftist utopianism always does. Sheriff Michael Chapman of Loudoun County, Va. got an unpleasant surprise recently from Old Joe Biden’s handlers. On Thursday, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) published a press release that reveals the truly astonishing extent of the administration’s high-handedness, dishonesty, carelessness, and recklessness in its resettlement of Afghan refugees in cities and towns all over the United States. Without any prior warning, Loudoun County officials were told that 2,000 Afghan refugees would be arriving in the county in just over two weeks and that 2,000 more would be arriving every month after that through September. In what will come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention for the last thirteen months, Chapman and other Loudoun County officials found the Biden team to be disingenuous, uncooperative, poorly prepared, and worse. “On February 4, 2022,” says the Sheriff’s Office press release, “the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) received an unannounced visit by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Protective Service (FPS) in which it learned that approximately 2000 Afghan refugees, per month, were slated to arrive at the Washington Dulles International Airport during a window beginning as early as February 19, 2022, and extending to September 2022.” This gave them just two weeks to prepare for the influx. “DHS/FPS regional personnel advised the refugees would be transported by bus to the National Conference Center (NCC) where they would stay until their ultimate relocation elsewhere in the United States. DHS/FPS estimated that no more than 1000 refugees per month would remain at the NCC at any given time until September 2022. The refugees, for the most part, would enter the US from Qatar.” Let’s remember that in Oct. 2021, a Congressional delegation in Qatar led by Rep. Darell Issa (R-Calif.) was told that fully 12,000 of the Afghans who had come to Camp As Sayliyah and then went on to the U.S. had no identification at all. Issa stated: “They came with nothing. No Afghan I.D., no I.D. of any sorts. Those people were all forwarded on to the U.S., and that’s quite an admission. So many people had no I.D. whatsoever and yet find themselves in the United States today based on what they said.” Are any of these people we know absolutely nothing about going to Loudoun County? There’s no way to tell, but once they get there, they’ll have it made: “DHS/FPS advised that the refugees will be provided cash and cell phones from non-government organizations and be required to remain on the NCC grounds.” Whether voting for Democrats was a requirement for keeping the dough rolling in was not mentioned; maybe it’s just understood. Chapman found the information he had been given to be “vague,” and “raised concerns about DHS’ lack of communication, lack of planning, language barriers,” as well as about the fact that the National Conference Center was not fenced and was near “a residential neighborhood and two public schools.” In response, DHS officials told him that the Federal Protective Service would send over 15 officers to provide security. However, the Sheriff’s Office press release pointed out that “the FPS has no law enforcement jurisdiction in Loudoun County and cannot enforce nor investigate any criminal activity on the campus.” It got even worse. Chapman also asked: “What level of vetting has been conducted to ensure refugees entering Loudoun County had aided the United States and were not a threat to the US or our local community?” The Sheriff’s Office characterized the DHS response this way: “Refugees had been carefully vetted and many served as translators. However, when asked how if in fact they served as translators when only 30% of the refugees spoke English, DHS responded that many of the incoming refugees were family members of the translators.” The shifting answer there gives the strong impression that the DHS is making all this up on the fly. That impression is reinforced by the fact that while they told Chapman that “refugees had been carefully vetted,” a Senate Republican report noted back in Oct. 2021, according to the Washington Examiner, that “senior officials across the departments of Homeland Security, Defense, State, and Justice described a disastrous screening and vetting process.” This process relied completely on databases of criminals and terrorists, which were incomplete in the best of times and even less useful in the chaotic situation of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden administration officials accepted at face value what these Afghan evacuees told them about themselves without making any effort at all to check whether or not the evacuees’ claims were true. The report noted that “refugees are to be screened and vetted before being admitted to the U.S. through an extensive process that includes multiple interrogations. Rather than follow the protocol, the Biden administration instructed federal law enforcement and military officials handling the evacuations and processing to adhere to less stringent standards.” Chapman also asked the DHS: “What communications had been done to prepare area residents who may be impacted by this?” The answer was as succinct as it was chilling: “None.” The DHS “stated that no coordination had occurred and that no notifications had been made to the community surrounding the NCC (as of February 15). Additionally, no coordination had been performed either with the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Director of Public Safety.” So many of its
actions make abundantly clear that the Biden
administration simply doesn’t care about the
well-being of American citizens. What is happening
in Loudoun County is happening all over the country,
with no regard for the possibility that there could
be criminals and terrorists among the Afghan
refugees, despite the fact that some have already
been arrested. This will play out the way Leftist
utopianism always does: the elites will feel good
about themselves while ordinary people will have to
pay the price. (read
more) CENTERS FOR DEATH & CONTAGION III The Centers For Disease
Control’s Lies Have Destroyed Its Legitimacy
bBy refusing to acknowledge the harms of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination, the Centers for Disease Control has brought everlasting shame to itself. On August 6, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control released a report that the agency claimed showed “Vaccination Offers Higher Protection than Previous COVID-19 Infection.” This assertion came amidst a public battle with Sen. Rand Paul, as the CDC released this data from Kentucky, Paul’s home state. Yet after indisputable scientific evidence continued to pile up in favor of natural immunity, the CDC finally capitulated on January 19, 2022, recognizing the superiority of natural immunity over vaccination alone: “Between May and November 2021, people who were unvaccinated and did not have a prior COVID-19 infection remained at the highest risk of infection and hospitalization, while those who were previously infected, both with or without prior vaccination, had the greatest protection.” The CDC’s reversal came after its previous discounting of natural immunity caused mass layoffs, nursing home resident isolation, and hospital staffing shortages. It must not be forgotten or overlooked, and the CDC must be held accountable. Last summer, guided by the CDC, President Biden claimed, “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.” Biden also spread misinformation about vaccinations preventing the spread of Covid-19 by stating, “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” Who is harmed the most by health misinformation produced by our president and his agencies? Those with low health literacy. Our rich-poor gap is growing in this country, and lying about health issues only exacerbates it. A Positive Test Doesn’t Always Mean InfectiousnessA deeper dive into the August natural immunity study reveals methodology that can be recognized as illogical, even to those without medical experience. The CDC researchers created two groups. The case group included people who tested positive in 2020 and then tested positive again during a two-month window in 2021. The control group included people who had a positive test in 2020 without another positive test during this artificial two-month window. The study observed that non-vaccinated group registered a positive test 34.4 percent of the time, compared to 20.3 percent of fully vaccinated individuals. The CDC falsely defined the case group’s second positive test as a “reinfection.” This is the central lie of the study. This data conveniently omitted data on people actually becoming symptomatic or what a common person would call “reinfected.” To illustrate this point, consider if a Covid-recovered person comes into contact with Sars-Cov-2 in their community. They might test positive on a PCR test. Their body can remember the virus, fight it off, and the person never becomes ill. However, shortly after the exposure, a PCR swab can detect bits of genetic material (even if it’s unviable virus). Therefore, this study could be more of a reflection of people’s likelihood of re-exposure to Sars-Cov-2, not reinfection, as the CDC claimed. By conflating exposure and reinfection, the CDC misled the public. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stated, “This study shows you were twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated. Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious Delta variant spreads around the country.” This guidance came when mounting evidence indicated Covid vaccines quickly lose their effectiveness against infection and transmission, which the CDC loathed to admit. Unfortunately, Walensky’s guidance undermined the credibility of the CDC for generations to come. As a physician, it’s frightening that a public health official made a policy recommendation based on such a flawed study. We should encourage critical thinking and scientific skepticism, but such a blatantly flawed study design should not be tolerated in our leading health institutions. Not an Isolated Incident for the CDCThis isn’t the only time the CDC has been caught misleading the public. Drawing ire from the medical community, the was an uncontrolled study of students in Arizona that Walensky referred to in discussing the CDC’s mask guidance for schools. This study defined a “covid outbreak” as “two or more” positive lab tests among students or staff. So if your school had two asymptomatic third graders, you’ve got a “covid outbreak” on your hands. Even worse, the study weighted such an “outbreak” equally to a school with dozens of symptomatic teachers or students. According to the CDC, two equals 50—at least for “covid outbreaks.” In a Georgia study that actually had a sufficient control arm, the CDC minimized the fact that there was no statistically significant difference between masked and unmasked student groups. They’ve also minimized the importance of diet and exercise during the pandemic. They failed to effectively communicate evidence-based, life-saving outpatient treatment protocols. The list goes on. Why This Matters So MuchHow does minimizing natural immunity cause harm in the real world? There are at least three deadly repercussions. First, many hospitals following the CDC’s guidance mandated that only vaccinated health-care workers be allowed to work at their facilities. This means naturally immune health-care workers were wrongly excluded from the workforce. Based on a toxic lie fabricated by the CDC, hospitals continue to experience staffing shortages, contributing to the hospitalization overcapacity narrative they’ve used to demonize the unvaccinated. Second, the same problem arose for nursing homes, where seniors were denied visitation rights from unvaccinated, naturally immune family and friends, even though less protected vaccinated people were allowed in. Lack of care workers also prevents patients from being discharged from hospitals to care facilities. Third, the natural immunity lie also stripped countless Americans of their health coverage and livelihoods. During the delta wave, for example, a worker at Los Alamos National Laboratories was fired from his job for religiously objecting to vaccination, despite working entirely from home and having recovered from a previous Covid infection. The CDC now admits this worker’s immunity provides protection superior to that of his co-workers who had merely vaccine-induced immunity at that time. He lost his job while the less protected did not. By denying natural immunity’s superiority to vaccine-induced immunity, how many others have been fired and lost health-care access the moment we need our population to be at its healthiest? Punishing People We Should Have PraisedNaturally immune people should have been identified early in the pandemic as the most protected, ushered into hospitals and nursing homes to serve our vulnerable, and certainly should have been allowed to keep their jobs. By refusing to acknowledge the harms of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination, the CDC has brought everlasting shame to itself. There is clear evidence these types of interventions carry measurable risk. A better approach would have been to honestly discuss the risks and benefits with the public, much like I discuss surgical risks and benefits with my patients. This is the very tenet of informed consent, and better communication always results in a better relationship. Americans need an unbiased, incorruptible, and credible CDC that provides reliable and scientifically sound public health guidance. These lies have de-legitimized and undermined public confidence in the institution of the CDC itself. The consequences of
lying about Covid-19 will spill into other areas of
health care. Millions of Americans have lost trust
in our hospitals and institutions and are now
resorting to “under the table” health care. In
health care, loss of trust equals lack of access.
The CDC must return to the basics of evidence-based
medicine to overcome its crisis of legitimacy. (read
more) CENTERS FOR DEATH & CONTAGION II FDA Warns of Vaccine Induced
Positive Syphilis Test
aAs if there wasn’t enough sketchy stuff amid positive HIV tests as a result of the COVID-19 vaccination program, apparently now there’s a vaccine induced positive syphilis result. FDA LINK I guess that’s why they call it “practicing” medicine. On a serious note,
it would be interesting to see what the difference
is between people who took the vaccine and the
percentage of people who then took the booster
shot(s) after adverse vaccine events began getting
recorded. Are there a lot of people who took
the original vaccine, but later wouldn’t continue
taking the booster shots? (read
more) CENTERS FOR DEATH & CONTAGION I CDC Admits They are Keeping
Vaccine and COVID Data Hidden Because They Worry
People Will Talk About It
______________________The New York Times reports quotes from the CDC spokesperson about why the public health organization refuses to release data on COVID-19 and the vaccines. Nothing quite builds public confidence like the CDC saying they cannot release information because they are worried people will talk about it. The CDC basically says they do not want to release the data because they are worried people will talk about the data, and not the official CDC interpretation of the data. So, the CDC says, trust us… we’ve looked at the data… it says good things, promise. (New York Times) […] Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.” Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said. […] The performance of vaccines and boosters, particularly in younger adults, is among the most glaring omissions in data the C.D.C. has made public.
[…] the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective. Ms. Nordlund confirmed that as one of the reasons. Another reason, she said, is that the data represents only 10 percent of the population of the United States. But the C.D.C. has relied on the same level of sampling to track influenza for years. (read more) If the vaccines are effective, they cannot be misinterpreted as being ineffective. However, if the data shows the vaccines are ineffective, which at this point almost everyone admits they are, then the question becomes what were all of the mandates about? The CDC has become yet another institution, amid a network of institutions, that has collapsed itself under the weight of pushing political ideology as the primary mission. Entrenched ideological political bureaucrats being exposed in the system is the brilliant legacy of Donald J Trump. The CDC joins the FDA, DHS, HHS, FBI, DOJ, DoS, Pentagon and the larger intelligence apparatus as collapsing under their institutional ideology. We were always
rightly skeptical of these institutions of
government. However, now a much larger audience sees
them naked and exposed. (read
more) Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2022 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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