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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2022- 2022-04-17 i THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IX I Pledge Allegiance to
the Pride Flag ...
... with Faggotry, Fetishism and Transvestitism For All. Bellingham Schools
clarifies plans for drag show at local middle school
See also: Libs of TikTok Twitter Account Temp-Banned
– Watch and Share This Stuff While You Can!BELLINGHAM, Wash. – Word of a drag show at Bellingham’s Whatcom Middle School has raised some eyebrows, but the district says it’s not what some have portrayed it as. The Drop Dead Gorgeous Drag Show was conceived by Whatcom’s GSA student organization as part of Bellingham Schools’ Think BIG Challenge. It’s one of seven student clubs that are receiving grants of $1,000 to $2,500 for ideas ranging from science, the environment, student transportation, even crochet. The money is not coming from the district but is a grant from the Bellingham Public Schools Foundation, the district’s non-profit partner. The event hasn’t been scheduled yet but will be extracurricular and will happen outside of school hours. The district says similar events have been held in the past and have included fashion, personal expression, musical performances and more. It stresses that school policies ensure that the drag/talent show will be behaviorally appropriate. GSA – or Gender
Sexuality Alliance – clubs have been shown by
research to enhance school safety and positive
student development. (read
more) 2022-04-17 h THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VIII “The most improper job
of any man is bossing other men. Not one in a
million is fit for it, and least of all those who
seek the opportunity.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien 2022-04-17 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII The Ukraine Is a
& a Great Reset - "Climate Change" Ploy ![]() 2022-04-17 f THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI “I will say, then, that
I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing
about in any way the social and political equality
of the white and black races [applause]: that I am
not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters
or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold
office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I
will say in addition to this that there is a
physical difference between the white and black
races which I believe will forever forbid the two
races living together on terms of social and
political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so
live, while they do remain together there must be
the position of superior and inferior, and I, as
much as any other man, am in favor of having the
superior position assigned to the white race.”
— Abraham Lincoln, September 18, 1858, Charleston, Illinois 2022-04-17 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V IN DEEPEST,
My Negro Problem—And
dOne of the Most Controversial and Powerful Essays Published in COMMENTARY by Norman Podhoretz If we—and . . . I mean
the relatively conscious whites and the relatively
conscious blacks, who must,
like lovers, insist on, or create, the consciousness of the others—do not falter in our duty now, we may be able, handful that we are, to end the racial nightmare, and achieve our country, and change the history of the world. Two ideas puzzled me deeply as a child growing up in Brooklyn during the 1930’s in what today would be called an integrated neighborhood. One of them was that all Jews were rich; the other was that all Negroes were persecuted. These ideas had appeared in print; therefore they must be true. My own experience and the evidence of my senses told me they were not true, but that only confirmed what a day-dreaming boy in the provinces—for the lower-class neighborhoods of New York belong as surely to the provinces as any rural town in North Dakota—discovers very early: his experience is unreal and the evidence of his senses is not to be trusted. Yet even a boy with a head full of fantasies incongruously synthesized out of Hollywood movies and English novels cannot altogether deny the reality of his own experience—especially when there is so much deprivation in that experience. Nor can he altogether gainsay the evidence of his own senses—especially such evidence of the senses as comes from being repeatedly beaten up, robbed, and in general hated, terrorized, and humiliated. And so for a long time I was puzzled to think that Jews were supposed to be rich when the only Jews I knew were poor, and that Negroes were supposed to be persecuted when it was the Negroes who were doing the only persecuting I knew about—and doing it, moreover, to me. During the early years of the war, when my older sister joined a left-wing youth organization, I remember my astonishment at hearing her passionately denounce my father for thinking that Jews were worse off than Negroes. To me, at the age of twelve, it seemed very clear that Negroes were better off than Jews—indeed, than all whites. A city boy’s world is contained within three or four square blocks, and in my world it was the whites, the Italians and Jews, who feared the Negroes, not the other way around. The Negroes were tougher than we were, more ruthless, and on the whole they were better athletes. What could it mean, then, to say that they were badly off and that we were more fortunate? Yet my sister’s opinions, like print, were sacred, and when she told me about exploitation and economic forces I believed her. I believed her, but I was still afraid of Negroes. And I still hated them with all my heart. It had not always been so—that much I can recall from early childhood. When did it start, this fear and this hatred? There was a kindergarten in the local public school, and given the character of the neighborhood, at least half of the children in my class must have been Negroes. Yet I have no memory of being aware of color differences at that age, and I know from observing my own children that they attribute no significance to such differences even when they begin noticing them. I think there was a day—first grade? second grade?—when my best friend Carl hit me on the way home from school and announced that he wouldn’t play with me any more because I had killed Jesus. When I ran home to my mother crying for an explanation, she told me not to pay any attention to such foolishness, and then in Yiddish she cursed the goyim and the Schwartzes, the Schwartzes and the goyim. Carl, it turned out, was a schwartze, and so was added a third to the categories into which people were mysteriously divided. Sometimes I wonder whether this is a true memory at all. It is blazingly vivid, but perhaps it never happened: can anyone really remember back to the age of six? There is no uncertainty in my mind, however, about the years that followed. Carl and I hardly ever spoke, though we met in school every day up through the eighth or ninth grade. There would be embarrassed moments of catching his eye or of his catching mine—for whatever it was that had attracted us to one another as very small children remained alive in spite of the fantastic barrier of hostility that had grown up between us, suddenly and out of nowhere. Nevertheless, friendship would have been impossible, and even if it had been possible, it would have been unthinkable. About that, there was nothing anyone could do by the time we were eight years old. Item: The orphanage across the street is torn down, a city housing project begins to rise in its place, and on the marvelous vacant lot next to the old orphanage they are building a playground. Much excitement and anticipation as Opening Day draws near. Mayor LaGuardia himself comes to dedicate this great gesture of public benevolence. He speaks of neighborliness and borrowing cups of sugar, and of the playground he says that children of all races, colors, and creeds will learn to live together in harmony. A week later, some of us are swatting flies on the playground’s inadequate little ball field. A gang of Negro kids, pretty much our own age, enter from the other side and order us out of the park. We refuse, proudly and indignantly, with superb masculine fervor. There is a fight, they win, and we retreat, half whimpering, half with bravado. My first nauseating experience of cowardice. And my first appalled realization that there are people in the world who do not seem to be afraid of anything, who act as though they have nothing to lose. Thereafter the playground becomes a battleground, sometimes quiet, sometimes the scene of athletic competition between Them and Us. But rocks are thrown as often as baseballs. Gradually we abandon the place and use the streets instead. The streets are safer, though we do not admit this to ourselves. We are not, after all, sissies—that most dreaded epithet of an American boyhood. Item: I am standing alone in front of the building in which I live. It is late afternoon and getting dark. That day in school the teacher had asked a surly Negro boy named Quentin a question he was unable to answer. As usual I had waved my arm eagerly (“Be a good boy, get good marks, be smart, go to college, become a doctor”) and, the right answer bursting from my lips, I was held up lovingly by the teacher as an example to the class. I had seen Quentin’s face—a very dark, very cruel, very Oriental-looking face—harden, and there had been enough threat in his eyes to make me run all the way home for fear that he might catch me outside. Now, standing idly in front of my own house, I see him approaching from the project accompanied by his little brother who is carrying a baseball bat and wearing a grin of malicious anticipation. As in a nightmare, I am trapped. The surroundings are secure and familiar, but terror is suddenly present and there is no one around to help. I am locked to the spot. I will not cry out or run away like a sissy, and I stand there, my heart wild, my throat clogged. He walks up, hurls the familiar epithet (“Hey, mo’f—r”), and to my surprise only pushes me. It is a violent push, but not a punch. A push is not as serious as a punch. Maybe I can still back out without entirely losing my dignity. Maybe I can still say, “Hey, c’mon Quentin, whaddya wanna do that for. I dint do nothin’ to you,” and walk away, not too rapidly. Instead, before I can stop myself, I push him back—a token gesture—and I say, “Cut that out, I don’t wanna fight, I ain’t got nothin’ to fight about.” As I turn to walk back into the building, the corner of my eye catches the motion of the bat his little brother has handed him. I try to duck, but the bat crashes colored lights into my head. The next thing I know, my mother and sister are standing over me, both of them hysterical. My sister—she who was later to join the “progressive” youth organization—is shouting for the police and screaming imprecations at those dirty little black bastards. They take me upstairs, the doctor comes, the police come. I tell them that the boy who did it was a stranger, that he had been trying to get money from me. They do not believe me, but I am too scared to give them Quentin’s name. When I return to school a few days later, Quentin avoids my eyes. He knows that I have not squealed, and he is ashamed. I try to feel proud, but in my heart I know that it was fear of what his friends might do to me that had kept me silent, and not the code of the street. Item: There is an athletic meet in which the whole of our junior high school is participating. I am in one of the seventh-grade rapid-advance classes, and “segregation” has now set in with a vengeance. In the last three or four years of the elementary school from which we have just graduated, each grade had been divided into three classes, according to “intelligence.” (In the earlier grades the divisions had either been arbitrary or else unrecognized by us as having anything to do with brains.) These divisions by IQ, or however it was arranged, had resulted in a preponderance of Jews in the “1” classes and a corresponding preponderance of Negroes in the “3’s,” with the Italians split unevenly along the spectrum. At least a few Negroes had always made the “l’s,” just as there had always been a few Jewish kids among the “3’s” and more among the “2’s” (where Italians dominated). But the junior high’s rapid-advance class of which I am now a member is overwhelmingly Jewish and entirely white—except for a shy lonely Negro girl with light skin and reddish hair. The athletic meet takes place in a city-owned stadium far from the school. It is an important event to which a whole day is given over. The winners are to get those precious little medallions stamped with the New York City emblem that can be screwed into a belt and that prove the wearer to be a distinguished personage. I am a fast runner, and so I am assigned the position of anchor man on my class’s team in the relay race. There are three other seventh-grade teams in the race, two of them all Negro, as ours is all white. One of the all-Negro teams is very tall—their anchor man waiting silently next to me on the line looks years older than I am, and I do not recognize him. He is the first to get the baton and crosses the finishing line in a walk. Our team comes in second, but a few minutes later we are declared the winners, for it has been discovered that the anchor man on the first-place team is not a member of the class. We are awarded the medallions, and the following day our home-room teacher makes a speech about how proud she is of us for being superior athletes as well as superior students. We want to believe that we deserve the praise, but we know that we could not have won even if the other class had not cheated. That afternoon, walking home, I am waylaid and surrounded by five Negroes, among whom is the anchor man of the disqualified team. “Gimme my medal, mo’f—r,” he grunts. I do not have it with me and I tell him so. “Anyway, it ain’t yours,” I say foolishly. He calls me a liar on both counts and pushes me up against the wall on which we sometimes play handball. “Gimme my mo’f—n’ medal,” he says again. I repeat that I have left it home. “Le’s search the li’l mo’f—r,” one of them suggests, “he prolly got it hid in his mo’f—n’ pants.” My panic is now unmanageable. (How many times had I been surrounded like this and asked in soft tones, “Len’ me a nickle, boy.” How many times had I been called a liar for pleading poverty and pushed around, or searched, or beaten up, unless there happened to be someone in the marauding gang like Carl who liked me across that enormous divide of hatred and who would therefore say, “Aaah, c’mon, le’s git someone else, this boy ain’t got no money on ‘im.”) I scream at them through tears of rage and self-contempt, “Keep your f—n’ filthy lousy black hands off a me! I swear I’ll get the cops.” This is all they need to hear, and the five of them set upon me. They bang me around, mostly in the stomach and on the arms and shoulders, and when several adults loitering near the candy store down the block notice what is going on and begin to shout, they run off and away. I do not tell my parents about the incident. My team-mates, who have also been waylaid, each by a gang led by his opposite number from the disqualified team, have had their medallions taken from them, and they never squeal either. For days, I walk home in terror, expecting to be caught again, but nothing happens. The medallion is put away into a drawer, never to be worn by anyone. Obviously experiences like these have always been a common feature of childhood life in working-class and immigrant neighborhoods, and Negroes do not necessarily figure in them. Wherever, and in whatever combination, they have lived together in the cities, kids of different groups have been at war, beating up and being beaten up: micks against kikes against wops against spicks against polacks. And even relatively homogeneous areas have not been spared the warring of the young: one block against another, one gang (called in my day, in a pathetic effort at gentility, an “S.A.C.,” or social-athletic club) against another. But the Negro-white conflict had—and no doubt still has—a special intensity and was conducted with a ferocity unmatched by intramural white battling. In my own neighborhood, a good deal of animosity existed between the Italian kids (most of whose parents were immigrants from Sicily) and the Jewish kids (who came largely from East European immigrant families). Yet everyone had friends, sometimes close friends, in the other “camp,” and we often visited one another’s strange-smelling houses, if not for meals, then for glasses of milk, and occasionally for some special event like a wedding or a wake. If it happened that we divided into warring factions and did battle, it would invariably be half-hearted and soon patched up. Our parents, to be sure, had nothing to do with one another and were mutually suspicious and hostile. But we, the kids, who all spoke Yiddish or Italian at home, were Americans, or New Yorkers, or Brooklyn boys: we shared a culture, the culture of the street, and at least for a while this culture proved to be more powerful than the opposing cultures of the home. Why, why should it have been so different as between the Negroes and us? How was it borne in upon us so early, white and black alike, that we were enemies beyond any possibility of reconciliation? Why did we hate one another so? I suppose if I tried, I could answer those questions more or less adequately from the perspective of what I have since learned. I could draw upon James Baldwin—what better witness is there?—to describe the sense of entrapment that poisons the soul of the Negro with hatred for the white man whom he knows to be his jailer. On the other side, if I wanted to understand how the white man comes to hate the Negro, I could call upon the psychologists who have spoken of the guilt that white Americans feel toward Negroes and that turns into hatred for lack of acknowledging itself as guilt. These are plausible answers and certainly there is truth in them. Yet when I think back upon my own experience of the Negro and his of me, I find myself troubled and puzzled, much as I was as a child when I heard that all Jews were rich and all Negroes persecuted. How could the Negroes in my neighborhood have regarded the whites across the street and around the corner as jailers? On the whole, the whites were not so poor as the Negroes, but they were quite poor enough, and the years were years of Depression. As for white hatred of the Negro, how could guilt have had anything to do with it? What share had these Italian and Jewish immigrants in the enslavement of the Negro? What share had they—downtrodden people themselves breaking their own necks to eke out a living—in the exploitation of the Negro? No, I cannot believe that we hated each other back there in Brooklyn because they thought of us as jailers and we felt guilty toward them. But does it matter, given the fact that we all went through an unrepresentative confrontation? I think it matters profoundly, for if we managed the job of hating each other so well without benefit of the aids to hatred that are supposedly at the root of this madness everywhere else, it must mean that the madness is not yet properly understood. I am far from pretending that I understand it, but I would insist that no view of the problem will begin to approach the truth unless it can account for a case like the one I have been trying to describe. Are the elements of any such view available to us? At least two, I would say, are. One of them is a point we frequently come upon in the work of James Baldwin, and the other is a related point always stressed by psychologists who have studied the mechanisms of prejudice. Baldwin tells us that one of the reasons Negroes hate the white man is that the white man refuses to look at him: the Negro knows that in white eyes all Negroes are alike; they are faceless and therefore not altogether human. The psychologists, in their turn, tell us that the white man hates the Negro because he tends to project those wild impulses that he fears in himself onto an alien group which he then punishes with his contempt. What Baldwin does not tell us, however, is that the principle of facelessness is a two-way street and can operate in both directions with no difficulty at all. Thus, in my neighborhood in Brooklyn, I was as faceless to the Negroes as they were to me, and if they hated me because I never looked at them, I must also have hated them for never looking at me. To the Negroes, my white skin was enough to define me as the enemy, and in a war it is only the uniform that counts and not the person. So with the mechanism of projection that the psychologists talk about: it too works in both directions at once. There is no question that the psychologists are right about what the Negro represents symbolically to the white man. For me as a child the life lived on the other side of the playground and down the block on Ralph Avenue seemed the very embodiment of the values of the street—free, independent, reckless, brave, masculine, erotic. I put the word “erotic” last, though it is usually stressed above all others, because in fact it came last, in consciousness as in importance. What mainly counted for me about Negro kids of my own age was that they were “bad boys.” There were plenty of bad boys among the whites—this was, after all, a neighborhood with a long tradition of crime as a career open to aspiring talents—but the Negroes were really bad, bad in a way that beckoned to one, and made one feel inadequate. We all went home every day for a lunch of spinach-and-potatoes; they roamed around during lunch hour, munching on candy bars. In winter we had to wear itchy woolen hats and mittens and cumbersome galoshes; they were bare-headed and loose as they pleased. We rarely played hookey, or got into serious trouble in school, for all our street-corner bravado; they were defiant, forever staying out (to do what delicious things?), forever making disturbances in class and in the halls, forever being sent to the principal and returning uncowed. But most important of all, they were tough; beautifully, enviably tough, not giving a damn for anyone or anything. To hell with the teacher, the truant officer, the cop; to hell with the whole of the adult world that held us in its grip and that we never had the courage to rebel against except sporadically and in petty ways. This is what I saw
and envied and feared in the Negro: this is what
finally made him faceless to me, though some of it,
of course, was actually there. (The psychologists
also tell us that the alien group which becomes the
object of a projection will tend to respond by
trying to live up to what is expected of them.) But
what, on his side, did the Negro see in me that made
me faceless to him? Did he envy me my
lunches of spinach-and-potatoes and my itchy woolen
caps and my prudent behavior in the face of
authority, as I envied him his noon-time candy bars
and his bare head in winter and his magnificent
rebelliousness? Did those lunches and caps spell for
him the prospect of power and riches in the future?
Did they mean that there were possibilities open to
me that were denied to him? Very likely they did.
But if so, one also supposes that he feared the
impulses within himself toward submission to
authority no less powerfully than I feared the
impulses in myself toward defiance. If I represented
the jailer to him, it was not because I was
oppressing him or keeping him down: it was because I
symbolized for him the dangerous and probably
pointless temptation toward greater repression, just
as he symbolized for me the equally perilous tug
toward greater freedom. I personally was to be
rewarded for this repression with a new and better
life in the future, but how many of my friends paid
an even higher price and were given only gall in
return? [...] And what about me? What
kind of feelings do I have about Negroes today? What
happened to me, from Brooklyn, who grew up fearing
and envying and hating Negroes? Now that Brooklyn is
behind me, do I fear them and envy them and hate
them still? The answer is yes, but not in the same
proportions and certainly not in the same way. I now
live on the upper west side of Manhattan, where
there are many Negroes and many Puerto Ricans, and
there are nights when I experience the old
apprehensiveness again, and there are streets that I
avoid when I am walking in the dark, as there were
streets that I avoided when I was a child. I find
that I am not afraid of Puerto Ricans, but I cannot
restrain my nervousness whenever I pass a group of
Negroes standing in front of a bar or sauntering
down the street. I know now, as I did not know when
I was a child, that power is on my side, that the
police are working for me and not for them. And
knowing this I feel ashamed and guilty, like the
good liberal I have grown up to be. Yet the twinges
of fear and the resentment they bring and the
self-contempt they arouse are not to be gainsaid. But envy? Why envy? And hatred? Why hatred? Here again the intensities have lessened and everything has been complicated and qualified by the guilts and the resulting over-compensations that are the heritage of the enlightened middle-class world of which I am now a member. Yet just as in childhood I envied Negroes for what seemed to me their superior masculinity, so I envy them today for what seems to me their superior physical grace and beauty. I have come to value physical grace very highly, and I am now capable of aching with all my being when I watch a Negro couple on the dance floor, or a Negro playing baseball or basketball. They are on the kind of terms with their own bodies that I should like to be on with mine, and for that precious quality they seem blessed to me. The hatred I still feel for Negroes is the hardest of all the old feelings to face or admit, and it is the most hidden and the most overlarded by the conscious attitudes into which I have succeeded in willing myself. It no longer has, as for me it once did, any cause or justification (except, perhaps, that I am constantly being denied my right to an honest expression of the things I earned the right as a child to feel). How, then, do I know that this hatred has never entirely disappeared? I know it from the insane rage that can stir in me at the thought of Negro anti-Semitism; I know it from the disgusting prurience that can stir in me at the sight of a mixed couple; and I know it from the violence that can stir in me whenever I encounter that special brand of paranoid touchiness to which many Negroes are prone. This, then, is where I
am; it is not exactly where I think all other white
liberals are, but it cannot be so very far away
either. And it is because I am convinced that we
white Americans are—for whatever reason, it no
longer matters—so twisted and sick in our feelings
about Negroes that I despair of the present push
toward integration. If the pace of progress were not
a factor here, there would perhaps be no cause for
despair: time and the law and even the international
political situation are on the side of the Negroes,
and ultimately, therefore, victory—of a sort,
anyway—must come. But from everything we have
learned from observers who ought to know, pace has
become as important to the Negroes as substance.
They want equality and they want it now, and the white world is
yielding to their demand only as much and as fast as
it is absolutely being compelled to do. The Negroes
know this in the most concrete terms imaginable, and
it is thus becoming increasingly difficult to buy
them off with rhetoric and promises and pious
assurances of support. And so within the Negro
community we find more and more people declaring—as
Harold R. Isaacs recently put it in these pages that they want out: people who say that
integration will never come, or that it will take a
hundred or a thousand years to come, or that it will
come at too high a price in suffering and struggle
for the pallid and sodden life of the American
middle class that at the very best it may bring. (read
The Obese Black Who
Couldn't Shoot Straight
* *
2022-04-17 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III The Fall of the House
Of Twitter
Uhm, someone should probably advise employees "poison pill" is not literal... * Yesterday
was a flagship day in corporate media. It was the
day they were forced to explicitly state what has
long been clear: they not only favor censorship but
desperately crave and depend on it. * * If the current Twitter board takes actions
contrary to shareholder interests, they would be
breaching their fiduciary duty. * * * Want to see the whole world lose their shit ? Get Peter Thiel to partner with Elon and raise the bid for Twitter — Mark Cuban (@mcuban) April
14, 2022
2022-04-17 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II You’ve Been Misinformed
Half the nation doesn’t believe anything it is told by those in authority and the other half revels in its reckless abuse of authority…. Isn’t it obvious by now that pervasive dishonesty is the foremost crisis of many crises in Western Civ generally and American life in particular? All our authorities have made themselves false, lying their way into the broad collapse of confidence that drives the nation toward some culminating horror show of strife and loss. The go-to lever of concerted mind-fuckery has been the term-of-art misinformation, applied especially to things and propositions that are truthful — thereby confounding the public’s ability to discern truth in anything, or to discover how they are being misled in matters of life and death. We’ve allowed the worst in human nature to disgrace ourselves. Satan, Father of Lies, is Western Civ’s paragon of disgrace, and so American life appears more and more Satanic and disgraceful. All this was epitomized in the operation of Twitter, the cheerful little bluebird of social messaging which evolved in a very few years into an instrument of coercion, punishment, deception, and lying, until it became clear that Twitter’s misinformation was misinformation itself. Half the nation doesn’t believe anything it is told by those in authority and the other half revels in its reckless abuse of authority. And so, it’s refreshing to see one Elon Musk act to seize control of this Satanic vector of disgrace. Mr. Musk appears motivated to defeat the culture of lying by restoring open debate in the ubiquitous online public arena. It’s a heroic deed. But, you see, it’s not merely Twitter’s management or its biggest shareholders that Mr. Musk is messing with, but malign forces in the US government, which have surreptitiously taken control of Twitter and other social media to work its will on events. If you don’t know that Twitter, Facebook, and Google are proxies serving the US Intel Community, then you have not been paying attention. Using Twitter to impose that culture of pervasive dishonesty in public chatter is what gave permission for all others to follow the script. Medicine has succeeded completely in disgracing and destroying itself by lying about everything connected to Covid-19, from its origins, to the insanely outlawed treatments for it, to the harmful actions of the vaccines, to the hidden data that might tell us the results of all that lying. Twitter set the tone for that with its censorship policies. Anyone who suggested that lockdowns, masking, remdesivir protocols, and vaccine mandates violated common decency was tossed out of the arena, often with added punishment of losing a career, a professional license, a livelihood, and having to endure the betrayal of colleagues cowed into silence. Twitter also enabled the suicide of higher education, which has succumbed to a plague of Jacobin craziness that would embarrass the inmates of an old-time locked ward. The failure of authority on campus is cosmic. Can you name a single college president who has raised a voice against such manifest idiocy as men competing in women’s sports, the invention of ersatz fields of study, the re-segregation of dormitories and graduation ceremonies, the shouting down of invited lecturers, the persecution of free-thinking faculty, the kangaroo courts for sex disputes, and a hundred other violations of intellect and decency? All this coerced insanity has been nurtured by social media’s sly mechanisms for bending narrative into propaganda: their beloved algorithms, all fine-tuned to destroy anything that touches on truth. The result is a country so marinated in falsehood that it can’t construct a coherent consensus of reality, and can’t take coherent actions to avert its own collapse. Mighty forces are marshaling to prevent Elon Musk from buying up Twitter stock and taking the company private. BlackRock, Vanguard, the prince regent of Saudi Arabia are all principal stockholders in Twitter, with gazillions in capital to theoretically match and overcome Mr. Musk’s moves. Meanwhile, the Tesla boss maintains a prankish self-confidence in this exploit, offering cryptically comic gibes to a news media that is openly vested in opposing him. You have to suppose that he’s gamed out the gamble. He’s looking like someone who has dealt out a hand of cards aiming to shoot-the-moon. The prospect of an open public arena for ideas is exhilarating all of a sudden, considering how the information-stream got hijacked in service to the wicked. It’s fun to see their tortured casuistry as they plead for “content moderation” — the phrase du jour for censorship, as if it were a good thing rather than the opposite of anything good. This feels like the beginning of something positive after a long siege of political degeneracy. Let the sunshine in to disinfect the arena. Cast the Demons back into darkness. You go, Elon! (read more) 2022-04-17 a THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I Leftist, Feminist Jewess
Escapes the Matrix
an age of uncertainty, it feels good to cast the habit
of questioning aside and embrace the idea that the
cautious weighing of evidence is unnecessary. Your
side walks in light. The other side dwells in
darkness. [...]
2022-04-16 dWhat is wrong, as I now see it, is that none of this activism results in making anyone’s lives better. The Women’s March collapsed under the weight of the very sorts of problems raised by its few early skeptics. Time’s Up has been mired in one scandal after another. Barely a year and a half after garnering an Emmy, a $5 million book deal, and an army of “Cuomosexual” fans online, the former governor of New York left office in disgrace. According to New York Magazine’s Sean Campbell, Black Lives Matter spent $6 million on a mansion for its leaders. The word “science” was used to shame those who wouldn’t fall in line and boost the profit margins of large pharmaceutical companies that had been, barely minutes before, justly infamous for lying to the public and profiteering off of illnesses that they often did little to heal—and even, as in the case of America’s recent opioid epidemic, caused. The public campaigns that utilize these virtuous slogans on social media are political tools, wielded by people who are interested in corralling the public toward a variety of unrelated ends—including their own self-enrichment. If you’re wondering whether or not your favored cause is a radical effort to help those who are genuinely in need or powerless, there’s an easy way to find out: Ask yourself why BlackRock—a corporation making it impossible for middle-class Americans to own homes—is draping itself in the language of social justice. Ask yourself why, in fact, so many corporations now all support the same roster of causes. Ask yourself how all channels of discourse in America suddenly flow in the same direction, making local and institutional and communal distinctions that were once defining seem vanishingly trivial. Why do all universities have the same politics and curricula and trigger warnings and quotas? Why must all hospitals and schools have them too? At what point does one accept that all of these causes and crises are related, that the closeness of their relationship to each other is quite strange? A new and decadent power center has been built, made up of the federal government and a constellation of corporations and nonprofits that operate as connected wings of the same sprawling complex. The people who control the key platforms and networks are aggregating power to themselves at the expense of everyone else. These people and the institutions they dominate are not interested in social justice, or any other kind of justice, except to the extent that they can be used as shields. They festoon their corporate headquarters with slogans about women’s rights, Black rights, and trans rights while hoovering up millions of jobs and billions of dollars that once belonged to small- and medium-sized American businesses and shipping it all to China. Through their networks of foundations and NGOs, they have emptied out America’s free press and turned most of it into a quasi-governmental political propaganda apparatus that is remarkably empty of meaningful information about how power works in America and why the quality of so many people’s lives keeps getting worse. Different people have different words for this new monolithic reality, but everyone who isn’t either naive or craven knows that it exists. I envision it as a pyramid—one that contains the sum total of every slogan and brand name and source of prestige, acting and speaking in unison. To live in its shadow, to take one’s moral or political or social cues from the pyramid’s overseers, is not simply an act of idol worship; it’s a form of servitude. For American Jews, our addiction to being insiders is especially dangerous at this moment, because it means siding with people who don’t like Jews very much, and in some cases actively wish us harm. But it’s more than that, for everyone: When status becomes the reward for serving those in power, who in turn reduce the rest of the population to forms of abject powerlessness, then seeking it out becomes toxic. And it’s not simply that we shouldn’t be participating in this system; it’s that we—especially those of us who care about the less fortunate, who want to see more justice in the world, who want more safety and health and prosperity for greater numbers of people—should be leading the charge out of this Egypt, helping to build the institutions and communities and companies and cultural organizations of a new and better future. Because if there is the pyramid, there is also a space emerging outside of it—a space increasingly populated by people who want to take back their right to question, who want to experiment and quarrel and even get things wrong sometimes but to do so according to their own consciences, and who are willing to sacrifice comfort and prestige for that freedom. The people who dwell here are not part of any political faction or ideological school—or rather, they are from all of them. Indeed, the operative distinction in the near term in American politics will not be between left and right, but between insider and outsider; between those incapable of leaving their fleshpots and those who would willingly face uncertainty and risk for the chance at a better world. Between the majority that stays and is swallowed up by history, and the minority that leaves and makes the future. Whoever you are,
if you are sitting around a Seder table this
weekend, your ancestors were among those who opted
not to serve the people who built the pyramids.
They were people who chose to pursue the spark of
the divine that makes us human, even if it meant
being pursued by Pharaoh’s chariots and then
enduring 40 years of uncertainty wandering in the
desert. If it’s no surprise that most Jews
preferred to stay in Egypt, this Passover let us
celebrate the ones who left—by following their
![]() 2022-04-16 c BLACK MOM, BASEBALL AND NO APPLE PIE She Is a Slave to
Her Emotions
2022-04-15 c MUSK vs. TWITTER * * *
* See also: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/elon-has-already-won/comments?s=r See also: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/04/librul-frenzy-over-musk-buying-twitter.html See also: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/14/in-his-own-words-elon-musk-explains-why-he-tendered-an-offer-to-purchase-twitter-video/ See also: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/15/twitter-responds-to-elon-musk-proposal-by-creating-poison-pill/ See also: https://www.unz.com/isteve/what-is-elon-musks-plan-for-reversing-the-tyranny-of-the-ex-men/ See also: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/twitter-board-adopts-poison-pill-thwart-musk-takeover-exposing-itself-titanic-legal * Job one in a Twitter
takeover should be a Truth and Reconciliation
Committee to air out all the nefarious secret dirt
of past censorship at Twitter. Then Elon can move
the HQ to Texas and hire MAGA-hat wearing good ole
boys to moderate the site in place of the Bay Area
employees with blue hair and nose rings. Personnel
is policy, as they say.
*— Hypnotoad666 2022-04-15 b The United States, like England, is a
washed-up former empire. The only thing keeping the
United States going is the issuance of debt, by
privately owned banks. One of these days, this super
Ponzi scheme is going to explode.
You say how great the United States is, how it produces all these wonderful things and how much freedom we have. I do not know where you have been the past 45 years. Possibly you were living in some other country, listening to the Voice of America and its propaganda on short wave radio. The United States is no longer a producer of useful products that American consumers can purchase and possess good paying jobs that make this possible. Go into any Home Depot, Lowe’s or Walmart and you will find that 95% of the merchandise has been made in CHINA. Try to buy a pair of American made socks or underwear! The United States’ main industries now are armaments for WAR and the financial “industry” that specializes in screwing people out of what little money they have. Practically all of our manufacturing has been exported to China and to Third World countries, in search of cheap labor, so that the rich can get even richer. You say how much “freedom” we have in the United States. We no longer have ANY freedom. Your darling George W. Bush publicly proclaimed that the Constitution was just a worthless piece of paper and he was absolutely correct. The U.S. government can now detain you indefinitely or even KILL YOU, without any trial in any court of law, just by labeling you an “enemy combatant.” Your every movement is now tracked in real time, courtesy of all of the cameras on the interstate highways and in all of the major cities. Your every phone call and text message can be monitored at will. Your every keystroke, your every e-mail and every web site that you visit on your internet connected computer can be monitored at will. Likewise, every financial transaction that you make can be monitored, courtesy of your Social Security number. You have absolutely NO privacy! Why do you think that they have built and equipped & manned all these Fusion Centers?” To keep track of you, me and everyone else in our country. You speak of all these wonderful medical “advances” that we have in the United States. What advances? Americans are now spending MORE money on healthcare and are SICKER than they have ever been. The only thing that the “medical industry” accomplishes is dreaming up all these new drugs to TREAT SYMPTOMS; they no longer care about what is causing the medical problems. In the past 20 years, the United States has experience record numbers of bankruptcies (both personal and corporate), record numbers of foreclosures and record numbers of homeless people. The American politicians, both “Democrat” and “Republican,” do NOT give a damn about the average American. Their only concern is getting (re)elected and keeping their cost-free healthcare that they receive, compliments of the taxpayers that they are fleecing on a daily basis. They are not about to kill the goose that is laying the golden eggs that are benefiting THEM. We now have UNCONSTITUTIONAL “laws” that have been passed, which have served to take away all of our personal freedoms – the N.D.A.A., the “Patriot” Act, various presidential “signing statements” and other unconstitutional laws which have stripped us of our freedoms. We have a “War on Drugs” that is as phony as a $3 bill. Practically ALL of the illegal drugs are allowed into this country so that the banks can launder billions of dollars each year, tax-free. The War on Drugs keeps the prisons filled and gives the lawyers & judges job security. We also have a “War on Terror” in which probably 95% of the “terror” is orchestrated by our own government. We have various government agencies that entrap individuals into committing crimes, so that they can be arrested, convicted and imprisoned, all while these government employees beat themselves on their chests and say how they are “saving” their fellow Americans from all the “terror.” Most major CRIME in the United States is committed by men and women wearing business suits; not by people wearing blue jeans. But the crime perpetrated by the business people is all “legal.” In my opinion, the United States is the most corrupt country on earth. The only difference in our corruption is that it is much more sophisticated than the corruption in other countries. We have a military that has nothing to do with protecting our freedoms, but has everything to do with paving the way for major American-based corporations and multi-national corporations to run rough-shod over the entire world. Not to mention all the phony wars, including the War of 1812, both World Wars, the Korean and Vietnam wars and the perpetual wars in Europe and the Mideast. The killing never stops – because there is too much money to be made from it. There is a video available on YouTube which explains this all. The title of the video is “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars” and it is a real eye-opener. Some time ago, George Carlin came out with a short video that explains our “situation” here in the United States. — Brad Anbro 2022-04-15 a But at the end of the
day, the West with its freedom, and belief in
individual know how, produces the ideas and products
that the world needs and wants
That’s the West of purely Caucasian populations and mainly Christian faith. The West of small government and free enterprise. The West of traditional values like family, discipline, frugality, hard work. This, however, is the miscegenated West. The West of atheism, degeneracy, promiscuity, perverted morals, corruption, absolutist state, supranational institutions. The West that teaches its children to be ashamed of their past, to kneel to blacks, to consider sex-change and anal penetration. Only a crisis of Biblical proportions can save us. A crisis so deep that forces a purifying cleansing in all senses and directions; a cleansing made also of violence and bloodshed. And a return to gold. Anything short of that is a fraud. — Montmorency 2022-04-14 f YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST. NOTICE TO CONGOLESE
shot dead by a @GrandRapidsPD officer after
violently resisting arrest & trying to take
the cop’s taser, has a conviction for assaulting a
pregnant woman in Kentwood County. #Antifa & the left are
calling for violence as revenge for his death pic.twitter.com/9gKqwhkLkX
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) April 14, 2022 2022-04-14 e AGENDA EXPOSED V Will Uncle Scam Remain a
Silent Partner?
Elon Musk Makes a Massive
Proposal, Offers to Purchase Twitter for $41 Billion
With Plan to Take Company Private
The richest man in the world, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, made an offer to purchase the Twitter platform for a price of $41 billion. The offer represents a value of 38% more than the current evaluation. [SEC FILING HERE] The offer is filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission proposing a full takeover for $54.20 per share in cash. Within the filing Elon Musk states his intentions: “I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy. However, since making my investment I now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company. As a result, I am offering to buy 100% of Twitter for $54.20 per share in cash, a 54% premium over the day before I began investing in Twitter and a 38% premium over the day before my investment was publicly announced. My offer is my best and final offer and if it is not accepted, I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder. Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it. (SEC LINK) What Elon Musk appears to be doing is perhaps the biggest story that few understand.
I share this perspective having spent thousands of hours in the past several years deep in the weeds of tech operating systems, communication platforms, and the issue of simultaneous users. What Twitter represents, and what Musk is attempting, is not what most would think. In the big picture of tech platforms, Twitter, as an operating model, is a massive high-user commenting system. Twitter is not a platform built around a website; Twitter is a platform for comments and discussion that operates in the sphere of social media. As a consequence, the technology and data processing required to operate the platform does not have an economy of scale. There is no business model where Twitter is financially viable to operate…. UNLESS the tech architecture under the platform was subsidized. In my opinion, there is only one technological system and entity that could possibly underwrite the cost of Twitter to operate. That entity is the United States Government, and here’s why. Unlike websites and other social media, Twitter is unique in that it only represents a platform for user engagement and discussion. There is no content other than commentary, discussion and the sharing of information – such as linking to other information, pictures, graphics, videos url links etc.In essence, Twitter is like the commenting system on the CTH website. It is the global commenting system for users to share information and debate. It is, in some ways, like the public square of global discussion. However, the key point is that user engagement on the platform creates a massive amount of data demand. Within the systems of technology for public (user engagement) commenting, there is no economy of scale. Each added user represents an increased cost to the operation of the platform, because each user engagement demands database performance to respond to the simultaneous users on the platform. The term “simultaneous users” is critical to understand because that drives the cost. According to the Wall Street Journal, Twitter has approximately 217 million registered daily users, and their goal is to expand to 315 million users by the end of 2023. Let me explain why things are not what they seem. When people, users, operate on a tech platform using the engagement features, writing comments, hitting likes, posting images, links etc, the user is sending a data request to the platforms servers. The servers must then respond allowing all simultaneous users to see the change triggered by the single user. Example: when you hit the “like” button feature on an engagement system, the response (like increasing by one) must not only be visible to you, but must also be visible to those simultaneously looking at the action you took. If 100,000 simultaneous users are looking at the same thing, the database must deliver the response to 100,000 people. As a result, the number of simultaneous users on a user engagement platform drives massive performance costs. In the example above, a single action by one person requires the server to respond to 100,000 simultaneous users with the updated data. As a consequence, when a commenting platform increases in users, the cost not only increases because of that one user, the cost increases because the servers need to respond to all the simultaneous users. Using CTH as an example, 10,000 to 15,000 simultaneous commenting system users, engaging with the servers, costs around $4,500/mo. This is why most websites, even big media websites, do not have proprietary user engagement, i.e. commenting systems. Instead, most websites use third party providers like Disqus who run the commenting systems on their own servers. Their commenting systems are plugged in to the website; that defers the cost from the website operator, and the third party can function as a business by selling ads and controlling the user experience. [It also sucks because user privacy is non existent] The key to understanding the Twitter dynamic is to see the difference between, (a) running a website, where it doesn’t really matter how many people come to look at the content (low server costs), and (b) running a user engagement system, where the costs to accommodate the data processing -which increase exponentially with a higher number of simultaneous users- are extremely expensive. Twitter’s entire platform is based on the latter. There is no economy of scale in any simultaneous user engagement system. Every added user costs exponentially more in data-processing demand, because every user needs a response, and every simultaneous user (follower) requires the same simultaneous response. A Twitter user with 100 followers (simultaneously logged in) that takes an action – costs less than a Twitter user with 100,000 followers (simultaneously logged in), that takes an action. If you understand the cost increases in the data demand for simultaneous users, you can see the business model for Twitter is non-existent. Bottom line, more users means it costs Twitter more money to operate. The business model is backwards from traditional business. More customers = higher costs, because each customer brings more simultaneous users….. which means exponentially more data performance is needed. User engagement features on Twitter are significant, because that’s all Twitter does. Not only can users create comments, graphics, memes, videos, but they can also like comments, retweet comments, subtweet comments, bookmark comments, and participate in DM systems. That is a massive amount of server/data performance demand, and when you consider simultaneous users, it’s almost unimaginable in scale. That cost and capacity is also the reason why Twitter does not have an edit function. With 217 million users, you could expect 50 million simultaneous users on Twitter during peak operating times. My back of the envelope calculations, which are really just estimations based on known industry costs for data performance and functions per second, would put the data cost to operate Twitter around at least $1 billion per month (minimum). In 2021, Twitter generated $5.1 billion in revenue, according to the Wall Street Journal. There is no business model, even with paying subscribers, for Twitter to exist. As the business grows, the costs increase, and the costs to subscribers would grow. So, what is going on? The only way Twitter, with 217 million users, could exist as a viable platform is if they had access to tech systems of incredible scale and performance, and those systems were essentially free or very cheap. The only entity that could possibly provide that level of capacity and scale is the United States Government – combined with a bottomless [black budget] bank account. If my hunch is correct, Elon Musk is poised to expose the well-kept secret that most social media platforms are operating on U.S. government tech infrastructure and indirect subsidy. Let that sink in. The U.S. technology system, the assembled massive system of connected databases and server networks, is the operating infrastructure that offsets the cost of Twitter to run their own servers and database. The backbone of Twitter is the United States government. There
is simply no way the Fourth Branch of
Government, the U.S. intelligence system writ
large, is going to permit that discovery.
(read more) * See also: Cameron Winklevoss comment See also: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/120114/how-does-twitter-twtr-make-money.asp See also: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/vanguard-just-became-the-largest-twitter-twtr-stock-hold See also: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/best-and-final-offer-elon-musk-offers-buy-twitter-5420-share *
2022-04-14 d AGENDA EXPOSED IV What distinguishes
diplomats from courtiers, securocrats, and other
bureaucrats in a national capital is a reliance on
empathy: the ability to see the world through other
eyes and to use this insight to induce others to see
their interests the way the diplomat wants them to
see them. It takes more than a diplomatic passport,
position, or title to make someone a “diplomat.”
Diplomacy, like other skilled work, requires
know-how gained through training, mentoring,
on-the-job experience, and awareness of historical
precedents. It is a calling and a role, not a job
Yet diplomacy remains at best a proto-profession in the United States, thanks to the uniquely American reliance on the political spoils system to staff even key national security functions. This makes diplomatic appointments to benefit appointees and their political parties rather than the country. It thereby enshrines amateurism and incompetence. As the New York Herald-Tribune put it in 1857, in the United States “diplomacy is the sewer through which flows the scum and refuse of the political puddle. A man not fit to stay at home is just the man to send abroad.” Only one thing has changed about this in the last 165 years. Female campaign donors and celebrities now compete with men for appointments to what they imagine are ambassadorial sinecures in plummy places abroad, leaving seedy and dangerous places to lifers. (source) 2022-04-14 c AGENDA EXPOSED III The destabilization of
relations between Russia and Ukraine is the first
broad step towards the destruction of Russian
statehood, as well as the encirclement of the entire
Russian border by military conflicts in the
surrounding territories. The main thing is to
provoke a clash, kindle the fire of war, squeeze
Russia with a fiery ring of chaos.
The US aims to make the entire territory bordering Russia on the European side a springboard for de-energizing the Russian military potential. The report goes on to say that bombers, fighters, nuclear weapons and anti-missile installations must be relocated within easy reach of key Russian strategic installations. NATO expansion will reduce US risks and costs by drawing other countries into the alliance’s economy and make Russia’s defenses more vulnerable. (source) See also: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB10014.html 2022-04-14 b AGENDA EXPOSED II From Paris to Karachi – Regime
Change is In the Air
aThere is nothing good about war. On this point all civilized people can agree. So, those that support the ‘current thing’ can stop reading right about…. Now. But one of the things war does is expose everyone’s real intentions. Even though the first casualty of war is the truth, nothing clears the air more than than troops and tanks crossing political borders and forcing people to react to such a thing. Since the beginning of Russia’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine, nee invasion, there’s been an acceleration of every conflicting agenda on the world stage, with mixed results for all involved, including Russia. As I’ve talked about at length, this is a conflict of existential proportions for every major player. From the Neocons in the US/UK foreign policy establishment to Davos and the EU, from the terminally corrupt grifters in Congress to Putin’s inner circle in the Kremlin. Ukraine represents the battlefield which will determine the outcome of World War III. It’s both the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. Because of this political leaders around the world are under the kind of pressure which will define them. Some will rise to the challenge, others wilt under the glare of the klieg lights . Regime change is in the air all around the world either from the ground up as populations express their frustration with leadership intent on not serving their needs or from the top down as political elites attempt to retain control or open up new fronts without openly declaring war. Like the Russian intervention into Syria in October 2015, this invasion of Ukraine also exposes a great deal of the lies and motivations behind those lies for the tensions leading up to it. Think back to 2015 for a minute. All year long we were told that ISIS was too strong for anyone to really contain. We held Senate hearings on this. A new caliphate was rising in the eastern part of the country. These radicals just sprang up seemingly out of holes in the ground to overrun the Syrian army and begin knocking on the door to Assad’s presidential palace in Damascus. Russia chose to intervene in Syria after Vladimir Putin’s speech at the UN General Assembly two days prior, where he asked the West, “Do you realize what you have done?” By bringing in air support and precision bombing Russia proved to all the world that ISIS wasn’t unbeatable, it was the exact opposite, a paper tiger created by virtual newspapers. And that raised the simple question, if a few dozen Russian planes running sortie after sortie can turn the tide in this war in a matter of weeks why couldn’t the US Air Force do the same thing? It’s not like anyone at the time thought the Russian air force superior to that of the US, so what in the holy hell was going on? Clearly, at that point Occam’s Razor applies and you have your answer, the US was turning a blind eye to ISIS’s rampage and likely assisting it in operations against the Syrian Arab Army. After all President Obama in 2013 tried to form a new “coalition of the willing” to oust Assad from power after a false flag chemical weapons attack which never formed when the British parliament defied Prime Minister David Cameron and refused to join Obama’s invasion. Putin negotiated a a face-saving compromise which saw Assad give up his stockpile of chemical weapons and his reward was three months later a coup in Ukraine which brought down corrupt President Viktor Yanukovich. This led to the current state of affairs with the Donbass declaring independence sparking a civil war and the Russians allowing Crimea to join the Russian Federation of its (mostly) own free will. So, fast forward to today and shouldn’t we be asking the same questions about the war in Ukraine itself? To even casual observers of this conflict, whether we agree or disagree with Russia’s red lines over NATO’s intentions or Ukraine’s right to ‘self-determination,’ there was clearly a relatively peaceful outcome on the table should both sides have been willing to deal honestly about it. So why didn’t it happen? Why are we here? Again I refer you to the existential threats to various people, groups and countries for whom Ukraine represents something bigger than just Ukraine itself. Moreover, today we are clearly not allowed to raise these questions. If you do then the Thought Police come in to take away your Twitter account or worse. We are seven years advanced from those halcyon days of being able to take in information and discuss it and draw our own conclusions. Because of this the fog of war has never been thicker in my lifetime. It begs another question as to why. Why should it be verboten to question what happened at Bucha? Or why Russia invaded in the first place? Why we’re even contemplating expanding the official presence of NATO in Ukraine as it resists foreign occupation? Again, it doesn’t matter if conceding to Russia’s demands on Ukraine violate some so-called Western principles of self-determination. When politicians are hiding behind principles you know there is a far different agenda lurking beneath the headlines. That said, to my mind it is very clear why. When all aspects of this conflict are balanced it is hard to ignore the conclusion that the foundation on which the entire Western neoliberal order rests is crumbling. It means there can be no quietly going our separate ways, West and East, without one side gaining and the other losing prestige and power. This is why “regime change” is now the catchphrase of the day. While everyone involved officially denies that’s what’s going on, the actions say otherwise. The West is openly lobbying for Russians to rise up and overthrow Vladimir Putin. Russians are ignoring them completely. We are mobilizing thousands of troops and tons of materiel into Poland. The EU’s top diplomats is now saying only a military solution is possible in Ukraine as Russia prepares its next major assault on Ukraine’s forces trapped in the eastern part of the country, incapable of coordinated strikes of militarily strategic significance. Russia smothered the pivotal city of Mariupol and has finally secured some of the last holdouts in the Azovstal Steel Complex where reportedly hundreds of NATO officers of French, British, Canadian and (yes) American allegiance were trapped when the Russians surrounded the city and were apparently held as hostages by the remaining Azov Battalion forces holed up there. That is the subtext of Emmanuel Macron’s poor showing in last weekend’s first round of the French Presidential elections. And it has him in the thinnest position an establishment French President has been in electorally in decades, having not gotten French military men out of harm’s way before things got out of hand. When I say regime change is in the air, I don’t just mean some nefarious intelligence agency operation. Viktor Orban’s impressive showing in Hungary was also a black eye for Davos as this election campaign was widely reported as very close with polls showing him in danger of losing to a Not-Orban coalition. And then on the day see him win with stronger support than he had previously. This leaves the EU vulnerable to Hungary’s clear unwillingness to get involved in a war on the European continent. In the US, President Biden is in serious trouble as the issues surrounding his son, Hunter, and his involvement in shady dealings in Ukraine. If you needed a reason, other than Biden’s obvious cognitive decline and inability to project US influence over countries necessary to isolate Putin and Russia, for the Democrats to come up with a reason to get rid of him before the mid-terms in November look no further. If you want you can add in rampant inflation and his administration’s ridiculous claims about it being “Putin’s price hike.” No wonder Jenn Psaki wants out of this clown show. But, Biden was put into power to be the fall guy for US incompetence in the hopes that they can scapegoat him for the administration’s struggles. As if no one has a memory capable of going back farther than a month or so. With these troubles brewing in important countries in the West. The pressure on countries unwilling to agree with the West’s characterization of this war as only Russia’s fault has increased substantially. In Pakistan, Imran Khan is now the former Prime Minister, as a combination of his own failings as a leader mixed with intense external pressure led to him being ousted from power but also not leading to a new election, which was the path he tried to choose. Sound familiar? This is similar to what happened in Italy in 2019 when Italian political insiders closed ranks to oust Lega’s Matteo Salvini from power and put former ECB President Mario Draghi in charge of the country just in time to destroy it for Davos’ Great Reset and the COVID-19 great leap into tyranny. Pakistanis are coming out in huge numbers protesting the “Imported Government” now forming up after Khan successfully made the pitch to the people that the situation there is a product of US intervention. I would keep a close eye on what’s happening in Pakistan over the next few weeks. Biden was in India to meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to pressure him into giving up his support of Putin through bilateral trade. The goal is to get India to re-establish ties with the US and, more importantly, the US dollar. And that’s the real crux of what is going on now. The dollar isn’t in trouble today. A quick look at the US Dollar Index tells you that. But it is in trouble in the long run, as I’ve discussed in previous articles (here and here). It seems the only guy not in some kind of political trouble is the one person supposedly suffering the most, Vladimir Putin. A few weeks ago I asked the question whether Putin was destined to drown or hang over his refusal to bow to the West.
That something unthinkable is what Robert Kagan, husband to Victoria Nuland, thinks is worth getting rid of Putin over, nuclear conflict with Russia. Kagan knows that Putin, for all of the issues he’s navigating now, is in no worse a position than he was six weeks ago. The Russian people are lining up to fight in Ukraine, his popularity hasn’t been this high since reunification with Crimea and he’s begun the process of reversing the nothing for something global monetary order having tied the ruble to gold and, by extension, all commodity trading worldwide. But it seems now, with the surrender of most of the Azov forces in Mariupol and the Russians massing a huge force to roll over the rest of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the next few weeks in the Donbass, a small dose of reality is beginning to filter into the minds of neocons and Davos. When they send out a CFR Senior Fellow to write a massive apologia for a return to realpolitik for the New York Times (link to a non-paywalled version of the story here) you know we are now beginning to look at the costs of escalating this conflict any further. The right move here for everyone is to get back to the bargaining table, accept the fact that the Great Reset has failed and live with the idea that to survive what [deliberate and premeditated] damage has already been done to the global economy and humanity itself, post-COVID, is already an Herculean task which doesn’t need regime change on a mass scale but the barest modicum of humility to let sane minds begin the rebuilding. Sadly, I don’t
think that is the most likely outcome. (read
more) AGENDA EXPOSED I I think the way to know
what’s going on behind the curtain is to create half
a dozen Twitter accounts, run different theories
through each account, and see which account gets
banned, first and most regularly.
(source) 2022-04-13 c MAKE RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN *
* See also: Lavrov: the Ukrainian Operation Is Intended to End US World Domination Agenda * We never wanted a war,
and we still don’t want it. We want to end this war,
including in the interests of the two republics
which refused to recognise the bloody
anti-constitutional coup of 2014 and the regime that
looked on proudly and cynically when its
representatives burned people alive in Odessa, that
sent warplanes to bomb central Lugansk, and that has
bombed, attacked and shelled residential districts,
villages, schools and kindergartens for the past
eight years.
— Lavrov 2022-04-13 b MAKE BINARY GREAT AGAIN Sorry to break it to you
but humans are a sexually dimorphic species and
biology is indeed binary, as indicated by our
reproductive systems and terms like “bisexual”. The
binary is implicit and gender (which is based in
ideological theory) is not interchangeable with sex
(which is based in biological reality). Intersex
conditions are not the same as gender dysphoria and
should not be erroneously conflated with all other
DSDs. The available evidence (that militant trans
ideologues haven’t been able to suppress) suggests
that an overwhelming majority of kids with dysphoria
grow up to be homosexual, so your belief in a
ambiguous yet rigid “gender spectrum” treated with
permanent surgery and experimental cancer drugs like
Lupron essentially amounts to a form of homophobic
conversion therapy and is doing lasting damage to
many young women such as myself who detranstioned in
my 20s after discovering that I am a lesbian. Gender
theory is entirely faith based and rooted in the
same anti scientific misogyny that informs
evangelicalism. Your ignorance causes real harm.
Your comment is either internationally misleading or
based in abject delusion influenced by your
retrograde ideology.
— Marla Boome 2022-04-13 a MAKE MAGYARS GREAT AGAIN Another Reason
Globalists HATE Viktor Orbán
2022-04-12 e FROM DEEPEST, DARKEST PENN LAW SCHOOL ... ... the
latest "WAX JOB" from Mrs. Roger B.
Mrs. Cohen
doesn't fear
2022-04-12 d IN DEEPEST, DARKEST BROOKLYN ... ... feral
negro shoots up subway.
* * *
2022-04-12 c ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF III Illegitimate
White House Occupant Has a Fetish
![]() 2022-04-12 b ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF II 2022-04-12 a ALZHEIMER IN CHIEF I
2022-04-11 h OBSERVATIONS VIII https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10702811/Shanghai-residents-revolt-Zero-Covid-lockdown-Videos-shows-mobs-looting-stores-urgent-food.html
ghttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10697709/Black-Virginia-teacher-SUES-white-student-taunting-leaving-banana-doorway.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10684119/Secret-Service-paying-30-000-month-rent-mansion-Malibu-protect-Hunter-Biden.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10702865/Trans-killer-says-identifies-baby-demands-baby-food-dummy-prison-cell.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10702989/Pittsburgh-Steelers-quarterback-OSU-standout-Dwayne-Haskins-24-died-hit-car.html OBSERVATIONS VII * 2022-04-11 f OBSERVATIONS VI 2022-04-11 e OBSERVATIONS V ‘Ideological
Intolerance’ invading science classrooms
dStudents are increasingly displaying “ideological intolerance in the science classroom,” according to Williams College Associate Professor of Biology Luana Maroja. Or so reports The College Fix. Maroja wrote about the trend in a recent piece for Heterodox STEM, a new Substack for science scholars to weigh in on issues pertaining to science and society. One example she cited was “a marked increase in students asking for ‘trigger-warnings’ for ‘offensive content.’” Such as the use of the word “dyke” in geology, not as a derogatory reference to lesbians, but as a technical term. Geologically speaking, “Dyke” is a layer of rock cutting into another layer. (Another definition of “Dyke” is: a wall to prevent flooding. Surely this, too, would be traumatizing to many of today’s young scholars.) Maroja also noted that “some students in physiology refused to use the word ‘woman’ and instead used ‘person with a uterus.'” If we can separate “woman” from “person with a uterus” because “woman” is not welcoming enough or inclusive enough, then why not do the same with cars and…everything else. “Car” could become “vehicle with 4 tires and an engine.” “Table” would instead be referred to as a “flat surface atop 4 legs.” “Zebra” would instead be “mammal with stripes.” What is the point of this? Maroja says students have also informed her that “IQ tests were invented to ostracize and marginalize minority groups.” Yes, that is why they were invented. And the A-F grading system was invented to punish minorities, too. As was the pop quiz, chapter test, and performance review. And literally, everything else ever invented or employed to measure intelligence, competence, effectiveness, success, grasp of subject matter, standards of behavior, etc., etc. What does it tell you about leftists/progressives that they don’t believe certain minorities are capable of being…capable? Or reasonable? Professor Maroja also said that students “feel uncomfortable discussing kin selection, or the idea that when individuals take actions for the benefit of their offspring and siblings, they indirectly perpetuate their own genes.” Why? They think it is a “problematic concept” because Donald Trump hired his own daughter. Really. And about Joe and Hunter Biden? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? It is very likely true that students are increasingly displaying “ideological intolerance in the science classroom.” And everywhere else, for that matter. And the same can
be said of
scientists. And professors, teachers, actors,
“journalists,” Big Tech titans, CEOs of
multi-national corporations…. (read
more) OBSERVATIONS IV Environmentalists Want Us to Freeze,
Starve, and Die
cThey can't bear people living guilt-free lives. Every now and then someone pipes up to point out that if environmentalists really want to lower carbon, they’re going to have nuclear. And they’re promptly buried in a tsunami of outrage ("Nuclear? Do you want us all to die?") and spin (look at this blog post sponsored by a solar panel company about how well solar panels work). The obvious answer is that environmentalists, like all lefties, don’t actually care about the things that they claim to care about. Eric Levitz at New York Mag has the latest such entry showing exactly how enviros have zero interest in “saving the planet”:
Environmentalists don’t want to provide more energy or “cleaner energy.” What they want is a dependency on energy sources that they don’t like, constantly push to phase them out with green subsidies that don’t work, and with the goal of having that fail so that the public is faced with skyrocketing energy prices and unreliable energy sources. Or they simply hate us and want us to freeze, starve, and die. At best, they want to have outrage fuel and a basis for their movement. What they don’t want is to fix any of the problems they invented in any kind of even nominally workable way. The moment that any workable fix arises, they shut it down. The old
enviro-conspiracy theory is that car companies had a
car that ran on water, but then hid it to protect
the oil industry. The reality is that if a car ran
on water, environmentalists would be the first to
shut it down because it would lead to exactly what
they don’t want, people enjoying their lives
guilt-free. (read
more) OBSERVATIONS III Trump in 2020: If
Biden gets in, you'll be paying $7 for gas!
No one believed him. Trump was right again. — Kambree (@KamVTV) April 11. 2022 * See also: Joe Biden is The Doomsday Scenario We Were Warned About 2022-04-11 b OBSERVATIONS II Barack Obama Comes Out Against
the First Amendment
aOnce again, the authoritarian heart of the Left is revealed. One would think that a former president of the United States would be a staunch defender of the First Amendment. When it comes to Barack Obama, however, you’d think wrong. Obama spoke Wednesday at an event sponsored by The Atlantic and the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy.” In the course of a long and rambling discussion with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, Obama called for government control over the Internet in order to stem the “demand for crazy” that was spreading what he called “disinformation.” As Leftists always do, Obama claimed that this “disinformation” was threatening “our democracy,” that is, the Left’s political and cultural hegemony. Obama first insisted, with his characteristic near-incoherence: “I am close to a First Amendment absolutist. I believe in the idea of not just free speech, but also that you deal with bad speech with good speech, that you engage, um, that, that, that, that the exceptions to that are very narrow, um, and, and, and, y’know, particularly, uh, among this cohort of folks in college, and I’ve talked to my daughters about this, um, y’know, I don’t want us to be such a society of manners that, like, we can’t, we feel like our feelings are hurt and we can’t hear something that, uh, somebody says, and, and, and we wilt. Uh, I think, uh, I want us all as citizens to be in the habit of being able to hear stuff that we disagree with and be able to answer with our words.” His First Amendment absolutism, however, only went so far. After a good bit more rambling, Obama got around to asserting that in order to limit the spread of what he called “toxic information,” it would be “reasonable for us as a society to have a debate, and then to put in place a combination of regulatory measures and, uh, industry norms, uh, that leave intact the opportunity for these platforms to make money, but say to them that, there, there, there’s certain practices that we are not, that we don’t think are good for our society and we’re gonna discourage.” There goes the First Amendment. This is because, he explained, “I do think that there is a demand for crazy on the internet that we have to grapple with,” and that this involves “a systematic effort to either promote false information, to suppress true information, for the purpose of political gain, financial gain, enhancing power, suppressing others, targeting those you don’t like.” Among these, “Roughly 40 percent of the country appears convinced that the current president was elected fraudulently and that the election was rigged,” and 30-35% reject the “medical miracle” of vaccines. It was important, Obama said, to reassert “the value of, y’know, expertise and, uh, science.” Sure. But it’s remarkable that Obama would be calling for “regulatory measures” to combat “disinformation” right after the Hunter Biden laptop story, which the news organizations Obama would tout as the most reliable dismissed as disinformation for a year and a half, has now been definitively acknowledged to be true. Does Obama’s sumptuous new beachfront mansion in Hawaii not have the Internet hooked up yet? Has he really not heard about this, or does he really think that we haven’t? The Hunter Biden laptop is the clearest indication that regulatory measures designed to protect the public from “disinformation” can prevent the public from learning genuine and important information that is inconvenient to those who have the power to enable that information to be labeled “disinformation.” If Obama is really as “close to a First Amendment absolutist” as he claims to be, he should acknowledge that there have been many other cases lately in which what was dismissed as “disinformation” turned out to be absolutely true, including the discounting and later verification of the claim that the COVID virus originated with a lab leak in Wuhan, China. If the government had regulatory measures in place controlling “disinformation,” we might still not know about Hunter’s laptop, or the 10% he set aside for “The Big Guy” from his influence-peddling, or how the COVID virus originated, or about a host of other issues. Nowadays the guardians of acceptable opinion are flagging as “disinformation” any assertions that men are men and women are women and that one cannot turn into the other. How is that going to look once a bit of sanity returns to society? Obama, the
self-proclaimed near-absolutist on free speech
should know all this and should have explained it to
Goldberg. Instead, he once again revealed the
authoritarian heart of the establishment Left. (read
more) OBSERVATIONS I I recommend teaching
your boys to be men before their teachers teach
them to be women.
— Robert J. O'Neill (@mchooyah) April 11. 2022 2022-04-10 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII Short the Mouse
Disney’s Business Model is Turning Kids
Into Dysfunctional Adults
fIts customer base isn’t kids. It’s messed up adults. “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children," Walt Disney once said. Walt’s unique strategy of building an entertainment empire for kids once made Disney a trusted source of family entertainment. That didn’t last long after Walt's death as Disney started releasing R-rated movies and adult television programming under the Touchstone label. A decade later, Disney bought Harvey Weinstein’s Miramax. During the 90s, while Disney's more family friendly brand was releasing animated cartoons, Miramax featured Pulp Fiction, Trainspotting, and the Scream sequels. During this time Weinstein was accused of sexual harassment and assaults. Some of this was taking place even as Disney’s “family friendly” brand released The Hunchback of Notre Dame with its depiction of a lecherous Catholic villain praying before a cross while ranting about his lusts. This was what Disney had become. In the new century the barrier between the two schizoid faces of Disney has come down. Disney isn’t for kids anymore. Its movie business is dominated by Marvel blockbusters. Half of Disney+ subscribers, its big bet on the home streaming future, are adults with no children. ‘ What about the theme parks? 60% of Disneyland visitors were adults with no children. Only 36.7% of Disney World visitors had children under 18. The largest demographic for the theme parks, like the movies, are millennials. They are also members of the fandoms who are likeliest to spend money on licensed merchandise, and on toys and movie tie-ins that are Disney’s bread and butter. And Disney is rapidly adapting with theme parks and resorts that emphasize its Marvel and Star Wars properties more than classic fare. Its Galactic Starcruiser hotel, aimed at Star Wars fans, costs $4,809 for two adults. Why bother with kid stuff when you can sell $13 beers? Disney may have started out feeding the imaginations of children, but now its business model is acquiring intellectual properties with active fandoms and milking the adult fans for every cent. Its political opposition to a Florida law barring teachers from pushing sexual issues on kindergartners might be out of tune with the old family values Disney, but the company’s actual base, like that of virtually every entertainment corporation in the country, is a narrow slice of upscale urban millennials with lots of disposable income and no families. Wokes are Disney’s base. In 1966, the idea that a single adult would spend more money on Disney merchandise than a family of four would have seemed ridiculous. In 2022, it’s just the new normal. If you doubt that stop by a theme park and see how many of the adults with no children wearing every single piece of Disney merchandise on sale would love to lecture you about queer theory. These are the people Disney caters to now. Not little girls who want to be princesses. That’s why its theme parks will no longer address little girls as princesses. That’s also why rides like Pirates of the Caribbean or Jungle Cruise are being revamped to be more politically correct. Disney’s new woke demographic is much pickier than even the pickiest child could be. It’s also sexually creepy. Disney’s new demographic are adults who have never properly grown up and on some level still think of themselves as children. That’s also the profile for the average child molester. And of the kind of adult who insists that schools force children to “explore their sexual identities”. Healthy adults raise, protect and care for children. Deeply unhealthy ones erase the barriers between themselves and children in ways that can be merely immature or outright evil. Disney is a messed up company with a messed up base. This is no secret to theme park employees who will, anonymously, spout about it at forums. But some of those employees have also been caught up in child sex investigations. Disney has the clout to make much of that go away through its advertising budgets and the incredible power its theme parks wield over local governments in California and Florida (though Gov. DeSantis has warned that’s going away.) The growth of Disney paralleled a post-war child-oriented family culture. The collapse of that culture into counterculture sent the company astray. And after decades in the wilderness reemerged with cartoons full of show tunes that catered as much to Broadway lovers as to children, to an indie film movement with a seamy underbelly, and finally perpetual fandom. Disney found its post-Walt success in moving beyond selling universal family entertainment to tapping into obsessive subcultures. As a company that had nurtured fandom in children, it was uniquely positioned to capitalize on the transformation of adults into overgrown children. None of this is good for adults, for children, or for the culture. Neither is Disney. American birth rates are lagging and the family is in a poor state. Only 3 in 10 millennials are living with a child and a spouse. Much of the demographic growth is coming from immigrant childbirths, not Americans. Seen from this vantage point, Disney’s bet on diversity in children’s entertainment and on catering to adult fans willing to drop $5,000 on a hotel with lightsaber training or sing-along sessions to cartoon show tunes from their childhoods makes sense. The Walt Disney business model depended on a healthy national family. Shareholders are not going to bet on a growth segment in the American nuclear family that doesn’t exist. Betting on dysfunctional adults with sizable disposable incomes makes a whole lot more sense. Americans are more atomized than ever. Families are drifting apart. Religious faith is imploding among millennials and zoomers. The fictional characters and entertainers of popular culture are taking the place of family and faith. Fandom provides a sense of belonging and culture that community no longer does. Main Street is being replaced by The Avengers and Mos Eisley. And who can blame a generation born into a broken nation for choosing fantasy over reality? Peter Pan, like the Narnia books, concludes with the reality that children have to leave fantasy behind, grow up and become adults. But what happens when the children never grow up? Disney still has a profitable kids segment, but its real profits come from overgrown children born into broken families, prematurely coming of sexual age, who are eager to embrace leftist utopian causes and fantasies, who are seeking an identity and an escape at the same time. The company isn’t for kids, it’s for broken adults. And it’s only natural that Disney would seek to create more broken adults to perpetuate its business model. A healthy functional adult isn’t nearly as profitable for the entertainment giant as a dysfunctional one addicted to its product. Advocating that schools push sexual identity on kindergartners is a cause that the entire entertainment industry, which wouldn’t exist without dysfunctional adults, can get behind. What’s bad for America is great for Hollywood. Functional people don’t spend all of their time in front of a television set. And functional families don’t plant their children in front of one and then buy them whatever they want to get them to shut up. Functional people are not very profitable for Disney or for the rest of Hollywood. The entertainment industry went from a leisure enterprise to one that thrives on dysfunction, that is less interested in having 60% of the country watching something for an hour than having 10% of the country binge watch it for six hours. Ratings and demographic profiles of the industry reflect a profound shift away from entertainment as a pastime to entertainment as a lifestyle. And even an
identity. (read
Mickey and Minnie and Their Depravities ![]() * * * *
* * “Boycott Groomers”
![]() 2022-04-10 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V Is Russia the REAL target of Western
See also: ”if you believe that the West can craft
sanctions that maximize pain for Russia while
minimizing financial stability risks and price
stability risks in the West, you could also believe
in unicorns.”Soaring oil prices, energy and food crises on the horizon…is it possible the REAL target of this economic war is us? The first tweet I saw when I checked my timeline this morning was from foreign policy analyst Clint Ehrlich, pointing out that the Russian ruble has already started recovering from the dip created by Western sanctions, and is almost at pre-war levels:
…to which I can only respond, well “were they?” …and perhaps more importantly, “have they?” Because it doesn’t really look like it, does it? If anything, the sanctions seem to be at best rather impotent, and at worst amazingly counterproductive. It’s not like the US/EU/NATO don’t know how to cripple economies. They have had years of practice starving the people of Cuba, Iraq, Venezuela and too many others to list. Now, you could argue that Russia is a larger, more developed economy than those countries, and that’s true, but the US and its allies have previously managed to hurt the Russian economy quite drastically. As recently as 2014, following the “annexation” of Crimea, Western sanctions were tame compared to the recent unprecedented measures, but crucially the US massively increased its own oil production, then later that year (following a visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry) Saudi Arabia did the same. Despite objections from other members of OPEC – Venezuela and Iran chiefly – the Saudis flooded the market with oil. The result of these moves was the biggest fall in oil prices for decades – collapsing from $109 a barrel, in June 2014, to $44 by January 2015. This kicked Russia into a full recession and saw Russia’s GDP shrink for the first time under Putin’s leadership. Again, just two years ago, allegedly as part of competing with Russia for a share of the oil market, Saudi Arabia once more flooded the market with cheap oil. So, the West does know how to hurt Russia if it really wants to – by increasing oil production, flooding the market and tanking the price. But has the US increased its oil production this time round? Have they leant on their Gulf allies to do the same? Not at all. In fact, in a point of beautiful narrative synchronicity, the US claims it’s “unable” to increase its oil production due to “staff shortages” caused by that gift that keeps on giving – Covid. Similarly, Saudi Arabia is not tanking the oil market, but deliberately increasing prices. Yes, right now, with the Western allies locked in an alleged economic war with Russia the price of oil is soaring, and may continue to do so. This is good news for the Russian economy, to the point it may even make up for the damage done by the brutal sanctions. The high price of oil and need “not to rely on Putin’s gas” or “de-Russify” our energy supply will doubtless result in millions being poured into “green” technology. Those Western sanctions are targeting other Russian exports too, including grains and food in general. Russia is a net exporter of food, meaning they export more food than they import. Conversely, many countries in Western Europe rely on imported food, including the UK which imports over 48% of its food supply. If Europe refuses to buy Russian food, the net effect is that Russia has food…and the West doesn’t. And, just as with oil, increasing food prices will help rather than hinder the Russian economy. Take wheat for example, of which Russia is the biggest exporter in the world. The vast majority of this wheat is not even sold to Western countries – but instead to China, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Nigeria and Pakistan – and so is not even subject to sanctions. Nevertheless, the sanctions, and the war, have actually driven the price of wheat up almost 30%. This is good for the Russian economy. Meanwhile, according to CNN, the US is likely to enter a full-blown recession by 2023, France is considering food vouchers and countries all over the world are expected to begin rationing fuel. So, the sweeping sanctions imposed against Russia by the West, allegedly in response to the invasion of Ukraine, are not having their stated aim – tanking the Russian economy – but they are driving up the price of oil, creating potential energy and food shortages in the West and exacerbating the “cost of living” crisis created by the “pandemic”. You should always be wary of anybody – individual or institution – whose actions accidentally achieve the exact opposite of their stated aim. That’s a simple rule to live by. Remember how Orwell described the evolution of the concept of war in 1984:
Recall that “the worst food shortages for fifty years” were predicted as a result of Covid. But they never materialised. Likewise, we were due to experience Covid-related energy disruptions and power cuts. Short of the UK’s damp squib of a “petrol crisis”, they never really arrived. But now they are heading our way after all – because war and sanctions Increased food prices, decreased use of fossil fuels, lowering standards of living, public money poured into “renewables”. This is all part of a very familiar agenda, isn’t it? Regardless of what you feel about Putin, Zelensky, the war in general or Ukrainian Nazis, it’s time to confront the elephant in room. We need to be asking: What exactly is the real aim of these sanctions? And how come they align so perfectly with the great reset? (read more) 2022-04-10 d THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IV New Religions at a Dangerous Crossroads
Letter to a fellow academic heretic. [...] I’m more interested in those less willing to accept information, those we might call skeptics or who historically were called heretics for not accepting dominant beliefs. These days the word 'conspiracy theorist' gets bandied about as a pejorative with similar implications. For those who are indoctrinated into a ‘cult’ for example, or who hold a set of beliefs that deviate from the vast majority of demographics within a social body we often put all those beliefs outside some established box filled with socially acceptable norms and hence the designation of ‘cult’ or ‘cult member’. This deviation from the social norms usually results in a social cost to pay for the individual and need not be limited simply to one’s beliefs. Today we have all manner of new methods of being 'influenced' by information that mold our beliefs, whether technological or decentralized, or distributed. What perhaps they used to call the 'global village', we are interconnected through technology beyond our local influences. These are now the dominant sources of information distribution and consumption and are centrally controlled by ever-smaller concentrations of power. I have called these technologies ‘herding systems’, that seek to control, manipulate and funnel the masses in the same direction, reinforcing ideas and beliefs through a kind of digital hive mind. It seems self-evident then that if one declares themselves not part of something, even if others point to what they claim is scientific evidence, they are denying the tenets of whatever it is that group of people believes and are a ‘non-believer’. The more significant those tenets are in shaping that group's world the stronger they adhere to them, and the more of an outsider the non-believer becomes. If it is their (the group) entire raison d'etre then the more of a threat that outsider becomes, especially if their views are ever expressed that challenge or expose that groups’ beliefs in a way that reveals them to be worthy of greater scrutiny. It usually happens that sooner or later the non-believer will be challenged to justify their reasons for being so and if any undermine or challenge the beliefs of that group they become a kind of virus that has been introduced into this social body. This can also happen in the digital sphere when one finds themselves in an echo chamber of people reinforcing their established views and dares challenge them. There exists what scientists consider a foundational body of knowledge that has emerged through the process of scientific discovery, but also what we personally consider truths or beliefs that don’t adhere to those rigorous standards. That foundational body of knowledge, however, which is molded and shaped by academia (often funded by outside sources with an agenda) has a tremendous influence on what informs personal beliefs. What happens though if the dominant set of beliefs, whether globally or in a locality we might call the western world becomes the ‘cult’ even if rooted in scientific discovery that has been corrupted or flawed? It may never get that disparaging label of ‘cult’ even if the existence of cult-like attributes are present. (read more) 2022-04-10 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III Pronouns Have Been
Changed to Reflect Reality
What Lia Thomas and
Covid have in common
Denying biological reality rarely ends well ![]() About half the class laughed out loud. All but the most blinkered among us know that our public discourse is bizarre and broken. To state simple, obvious truths is to risk job loss - as well banishment from the digital town squares that are our most crucial spaces for conversation, debate, and political organizing. Anyone with eyes can see that Lia Thomas is biologically male. He may think of himself as female, he may wish to identify as female, we may all agree to accept his wishes because doing so is simpler than not doing so for both him and for us, but Lia Thomas is biologically male. I am Photoshopped, hear me roar: ![]() Here’s something the media does its best not to report. Thomas is swimming significantly more slowly now than she did three years ago as Will Thomas. If she reached those times - times she set as a good but not great male college swimmer - she would be the fastest female swimmer in the world by far. This is not evidence Thomas’s testosterone blockers are “working.” This is evidence that women and men are not the same. (It may also be evidence that Thomas is now sandbagging, deliberately slowing her times because he is now aware that if he wins by too much he’ll create a [greater] backlash.) This is an absurd form of competition. A demonstrably superior athlete is being handicapped with powerful drugs to keep the illusion of fair play. But what’s doubly absurd is that EVERYONE KNOWS THE TRUTH. (With the exception of a handful of very loud ideologues and the bluechecks whose careers depend on the delicate denial of reality.) One day the left will have to explain how sex - chromosomally immutable sex - is a matter of personal choice, but race - which is FAR murkier biologically and culturally - is fixed at birth. Which is to say nobody would be telling Will Thomas how wonderful he was if he’d decided three years ago to let the world know he now identified as African-American and intended to darken his skin so we could all play along too. But that day is not yet here. Today to state these simple truths is to be branded a “transphobe.” Only people like me - people without jobs or social media accounts to lose - can say them. — And for the best part of two years, to state the simple truth that Covid poses almost no risk to any non-elderly adult in even decent physical condition was to be branded a “Covid denier.” Even now, to point out that the mRNA vaccines do nothing to prevent Covid infection and transmission is nearly verboten, unless the words “but they do a great job of preventing severe illness and death” are immediately attached. (No. They don’t. If they did the course of the last 15 months would have been very different, and 90-plus percent of the people who die of Covid in Britain would not be vaccinated.) But after two years, everyone knows the truth. Ask a roomful of students if they trust public health authorities, and they laugh. Laughter is a cathartic response to the absurdities of the lies we face. But laughter is not enough. Laughter is the safe out. It allows the lies to remain overtly unchallenged. We must challenge them. We must resist the efforts to rewrite history that is barely history at all, that in some cases is less than a year old. Or else we will truly be living in the world Orwell described in 1984: History
has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless
present in which the Party is always right. I
know, of course, that the past is falsified, but
it would never be possible for me to prove it,
even when I did the falsification myself. After
the thing is done, no evidence ever remains.
And, more pithily: The Party told you
to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It
was their final, most essential command.
Don’t just laugh at the lies. Stand for the truth. (read more)
b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II Satire from Two Years
April 24, 2020
Dear New York Times, How are you? Fine I hope! You asked me last week to do a long range analysis of Joe Biden, vis a vis some very nasty comments from right wing neo-fascists and Trump supporters to the effect that the former Vice-President is showing signs of cognitive dementia and senility. I appreciate you choosing me and I assure you that I will provide a very honest analysis, free of any political bias, such as has been insinuated by the fanatic rabble that supports our obviously mentally-disturbed President. Those who know me well, know that I do not have a political bone in my body. To proceed to my analysis, I find Joe Biden to be the very epitome of a mentally sound person, fully in grasp of reality. He seems well-oriented as to what year it is, and he has not been seen out of his home without his pants on. He knows who the President is, which is Trump, who makes fun of physically disabled people. He does have little boo-boos from time to time about where he is. For example, which state he is in, but on a standard short form mental status exam, he still scores a solid 66.6%! Since he is the only person in the class, so to speak, I feel quite comfortable rounding that up on the curve to a solid A+! I did take note of the fact that he was not able to recite the passage about all people being endowed by you know, the thing, with whatevah, but no psychologist in her right mind would expect a patient to be able to recite the whole Declaration of Independence. Plus, on the World War II answer he gave, he knew who the President was during that time, Franklin Roosevelt, a good Democrat, Thank Goodness!, so I think that makes him pretty much a candidate for Mensa! As far as mistaking his sister for his wife, that is a common mistake, and quite common among the members of the Hookworm and Incest Belt of the South, where so many of Trump’s deplorables dwell. I know I have several times mistaken a grande for a venti at Starbucks, and Jeni’s Ice Cream for Ben and Jerry’s! Sooo, these sorts of little mix ups can happen. I am not worried at all by that! I do note that he is a sensitive and caring person, and I would suggest that he not engage in any prolonged debates or lengthy question and answer sessions. I think he sometimes seems to stumble over words or lose track of the question, but that is simply because he cares so much for people as opposed to the psychopathic Trump. And, it would probably be advisable to connect either a short tether or some duct tape between his belt and the dais to keep him in place because he has an oratory style like the old Greeks of the Peripatetic School, who walked around as they dispensed their wisdom. It is conceivable that Joe Biden could wander around and fall off a stage and injure himself during such an episode. In short, I saw absolutely no signs of any cognitive difficulties with Joe Biden, and I think he would make a wonderful replacement for that fat, narcissistic, criminal crook, Donald Trump! Very Truly Yours, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, Psychologist (read more) 2022-04-10 a THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I The
latest venture in unreality these days spills out of
Russia’s [special military] operation in [the]
Ukraine. The mind-fuckery over it sure seems
advantageously amplified here as a cover for the
tragic developments in the Covid-19 vaxx melodrama and
other domestic torments. All the
evidence suggests that our country’s leadership
wanted this war to happen in the worst way. We set
up the provocations in Donbas and let’er rip. Now we
posture on the sidelines, crying crocodile tears,
pretending to help while sabotaging peace talks.
What’s followed in our attempts to punish The Evil Putin (the source of all our problems) is the most feckless fiasco of unanticipated consequences since Kaiser Wilhelm gave the go-ahead to Austria to punish Serbia over the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Voila: a World War. Only in this case it’s looking more like a suicidal economic war by Western Civ on itself. How are those sanctions working out? No fuel for German industry… no fertilizer for Iowa farmers… no nickel and other metals to make machine parts for Europe and America…. And suddenly, having kicked Russia out of the international trade payment clearing system (SWIFT), we’ve provoked them to resort to [indirectly] backing the ruble with gold, meaning that our broke-down Bretton Woods fiat money system becomes the new “barbarous relic” of global finance, leaving the West to pound sand down a rat hole, while the other two-thirds of the world do actual business for commodities that modern life can’t do without. The result of all that? America and its partners in Western Civ resign from modern life and go medieval. Everything about America is looking more and more medieval — our rough living conditions, our [melanin minority] lawlessness, our violent entertainments, our Hobbesian racketeering, our occult sexual preoccupations, our depraved elites, our quack science. Our center has not been holding for so long that hardly anyone even remembers where the center used to be. And now the bottom is falling out. Hence, that pitiful scene in the White House this week with “Joe Biden” wandering aimlessly through a crowd focused on the charismatic Barack Obama — apparently tired of working-from-home. Even the luminous Dr. Jill has abandoned this hollow figurehead on Democracy’s flagship. You have to wonder if Mr. Putin saw the video, and if even he had to cringe at the sad spectacle of his antagonist’s ruin. — James Howard Kunstler 2022-04-09 a LEFTIST LEMMINGS Announcing a hostile takeover
of the left
Current managers are hereby dismissed; the movement will be rebranded and relaunched with a focus on the issues that matter I. We’ve seen this all before In the run up to World War I, labor was ascendant and capital was prone to endless cycles of boom and bust. The Second International was a collection of socialist and labor parties from twenty different countries that ostensibly was building a global alternative to capitalism. When the war began, all that these groups had to do was to abide by their stated principles and tell their members to put class ahead of nationalism (‘don’t fight in capitalist wars’). The various nation states of Europe would have crumbled, ushering in the worker-led world that they had been trying to create for seventy years (since the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848). Instead, these socialist and labor parties succumbed to nationalism, providing the troops for what was at the time the bloodiest war in human history. The Second International collapsed and the left has been marginalized ever since. All of the efforts to develop an enlightened ideology dissolved in the face of pure animal instincts and bloodlust. Nationalism trumped class. Lizard brain trumped rational brain. Cheap propaganda trumped decades of political organizing. On the precipice of achieving their dreams, the left found a way to take a dive and make capitalism more powerful than ever. History is repeating itself. In the run up to the Covid wars, the left was ascendant. Women, LGBT, people of color, environmentalists, and unions had formed alliances that enabled them to take power throughout the developed world. When the Fauci-funded gain-of-function virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan all that they had to do was to practice their principles; distribute 20 safe, effective, and inexpensive treatments to anyone who needed them; and tell Pharma (the most corrupt industry on earth) to pound sand. Instead the left collapsed morally and intellectually and became zombies enthusiastically helping Pharma to carry out global genocide. II. Foreshadowing of the unraveling Journalist and author Thomas Frank is beloved on the left and is one of its most insightful critics. His 2016 book, Listen Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People? sounded the alarm that the Democratic Party in the U.S. (and left parties in general worldwide) had lost their working class base and now only represent the interests of highly educated technocrats — about 10% of the population. Listen Liberal thus foreshadowed Hillary Clinton’s defeat later that same year and even Joe Biden’s inability to govern effectively today. Frank’s premise has gotten picked up by the left in the most peculiar way. The Winter 2022 edition of Democracy: A journal of ideas has a cover story titled, “Winning without the Courts.” Progressives know that the Supreme Court is lost for at least a generation so they are proposing to find a work-around to advance their goals without it. The entire winter edition of Jacobin, a glossy bougie Marxian magazine out of Brooklyn is about “The Left in Purgatory.” It laments the declining relevance of Bernie Sanders, AOC and the squad, and the Working Families Party in New York and wrestles with the question of how to do “working-class politics without the working class.” Others on the mainstream left have noted that Latinos are abandoning the Democratic Party and that the Democratic share of the Black vote is declining as well. In all of these critiques though, there is never any self-reflection, never any reckoning, never any demand to change course to meet people’s actual needs. Instead these articles are all about, how do we win without the courts, how do we win without the working class, how do we win without Latinos, Blacks, and women? The focus is always, hilariously, about messaging, as if tweaking a few words, but not the underlying ideology, would be enough to bring back the people who have rejected the party. It all becomes like
the Monty Python skit, “Just
a flesh wound!” III. Total collapse The intellectual and moral collapse of the left accelerated and became complete in response to the pandemic. The left was handed a straightforward problem — a rogue federal bureaucrat, in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry, engineered a gain-of-function virus in collaboration with a Chinese bioweapons lab that got out and started killing millions of people. To use a baseball analogy, this was a languid fastball right over the middle of the plate. The left should have been able to crush this pitch into the outfield bleachers. Arrest Fauci; distribute safe, cheap, and effective antiviral and antibacterial treatments that the CDC already knew would work against coronaviruses; nationalize Pharma; suspend trade relations with China; problem solved. Of course Trump was President at the start of the pandemic. But Democrats were a government in waiting and just 8 months from taking power. That gave the left plenty of time to articulate a sane response and to begin implementing it in the 22 states that they control. Furthermore, Democrats controlled the institutions that were (and still are) in charge of pandemic response — FDA, CDC, state and local public health departments, mainstream medicine, and the corporate media. Given that there was almost no change in strategy when Biden took power, it shows that the Democratic plan was the official pandemic response from the beginning. Handed a golden opportunity to show that the meritocratic, progressive, regulatory state could effectively govern when it actually matters, the left went full Pharma fascist instead. All logic, reason, and principles went out the window in an instant. The party became all lizard brain all the time and rushed to set up Pharma Jim Crow, Pharma Apartheid, and Pharma Fascism in any jurisdiction under their control. The Democratic Party became the point of the spear for the most deadly and corrupt industry on earth in violation of all of their anti-corporate principles. Nothing they tried worked because nothing they did was based on actual science. It was not just the Democratic politicians who succumbed to Pharma junk science and propaganda. The brightest scholars on the left, one by one, announced their hatred for logic and reason and their love for Pharma Fascism. IV. Announcing a hostile takeover In the corporate sector, when a company is underperforming, investors often stage a hostile takeover. They push out the current management, sell-off underperforming assets, and refocus the company on its core mission. I’ve spent much of the last two years criticizing the left, pointing out the error in their ways, hoping that they will wake up. But it strikes me that there is a better alternative. I come from the left too and have just as much right to this intellectual space as they do. It is time to reclaim this movement and push out the Pharma Fascists. So I’m announcing a hostile takeover of the left. The movement is underperforming, current leadership has completely lost its way. First we need to fire a bunch of people. Then I am going to jettison underperforming assets and refocus the brand on what matters. You may be thinking whoa whoa, the left is not a corporation so one cannot just announce a hostile takeover. Are you sure about that? The climate change movement is funded by billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg (amongst others). The BLM campaign is funded by George Soros. Billionaire MacKenzie Scott funds Planned Parenthood. Democratic dark money groups spent $1.7 BILLION on the 2020 presidential election. The left is definitely a corporation at this point and ripe for a hostile takeover. V. Current managers are hereby dismissed As of today, the following leaders are dismissed. This is not cancel culture, this is zero tolerance for actual Nazis. Noam Chomsky. I loved Manufacturing Consent. Really solid work. Reagan and the CIA must have been displeased. But in 2020 you started to manufacture consent on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry. I get it. You’re old. Scared. Probably cannot read original source documents. But you should have been able to tell that the playbook is the same. Anyway, you flushed your legacy down the drain. Pack up your stuff and get out. We don’t ever want to hear from you again. Naomi Klein. No Logo was a revelation. Your timing was perfect and you gave voice to the feelings of workers crushed by globalization. No Logo was the manifesto for the WTO protests in Seattle in 1999 and likely helped build the ‘Teamsters and Turtles’ coalition. After that you pioneered left scholarship with multinational research teams and global multilingual book launches for Shock Doctrine, This Changes Everything, and On Fire. Every book you wrote helped us to see the world more clearly. But in 2022, when Trudeau brought the shock doctrine to Canada you cheered for the fascists and against the people. Working class people got trampled by jack booted thugs on horseback and you stayed silent. You expressed contempt for the truckers and adoration for the reactionary forces. It was the most stunning betrayal of principles I’ve ever seen and erased twenty-five years of scholarship in an instant. When the game was on the line, you sided with your bougie class interests and abandoned your principles. This changes everything, indeed. Slavoj
Žižek. Yeah you’re smart, you read everything.
But watching you speak is like being in the front
row of a Gallagher
Smash-O-Matic show as people have to roll out
sheets of plastic to avoid your spittle. Your schtick was always disingenuous because you use an if-by-whiskey style of argumentation that allows people to hear whatever they want to hear. I’m struck by the fact that of the thousands of pages that you read, and the hundreds-of-thousands of words that you utter at the drop of a hat, you cannot be bothered to read original source documents on masks, vaccines, or really any scientific aspect of coronavirus. Opining about Hegel without a firm grasp of statistics is just wankery. Re-watching some of your interviews and speeches now I see that you are badly vaccine injured (the clues are the strabismus plus tics and other Tourette’s movements). I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. But what you do from here on out is your responsibility. So brother, please put down whatever Lacan book you are reading and pick up Forrest Maready if you really want to begin the healing process. Michael Moore. When Pharma started poisoning people in Michigan with their junk science mRNA products, how come you failed to apply your homespun investigative journalism skills to get to the heart of this matter? Interviewing Albert Bourla or Stéphane Bancel in your Roger-and-me style would have been another blockbuster documentary. Instead you went fascist and pissed on the Canadian truckers because you’re worth $30 million dollars and hate the peasants. Anyway, you’re done. Every corporate Dem who worked for Clinton, Obama, or Biden. You were never progressive. You hijacked the movement to serve your own interests. You’re transactional, you do not actually believe in anything other than being in power. You were silent when the epidemics of chronic childhood illness took off in the 1990s and you’ve gone full fascist now under the guise of Covid. Nobody cares what you think because you don’t actually think. You’re already forgotten because you were never really here. The entire left media infrastructure. NPR, Amy Goodman/Democracy Now, Media Matters, the Nation, Mother Jones, the Atlantic, the New Yorker, NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, Vice, BuzzFeed, HuffPo, every astroturf narrative check organization. You work for Pharma, you have no critical thinking skills, and you are actively participating in genocide. Find another job immediately or prepare for Nuremberg 2. The billionaires. Behind every great fortune is a great crime. Nobody likes you. Go away. Who would you add to this list? VI. Sort the organic wheat from the chaff It is an enormous problem that the left has collapsed morally and intellectually. The world needs a vibrant counterculture and a multitude of different visions for society. Through dialogue, debate, and competition, ideas are refined and improved and everyone benefits. In taking over the left we must keep what was working and toss out the ideas that have outlived their usefulness. Keep 1960s left values. 1960s left values are fine and should be fully implemented. Obviously equal rights for people of color, women, and people who are LGBT are foundational. (Of course biological men should not compete in women’s sports, I should not have to explain this to anyone — it’s not a 60s value anyway). Protect the environment. Stop the war. Crack down on toxic polluters. The dreams of JFK, RFK, and MLK for a fair and just society must be completed. Jettison postmodernism and identity politics. Foucault and postmodernism were a life preserver for millions during the era of Thatcher and Reagan when the system was so monolithic, homogenizing, and totalizing that “there is no alternative” became its motto. Foucault offered a way out, a way to be a termite to gnaw away at the pillars of state power from within. But that era is over. Foucault and postmodernism accomplished their goal — creating space for a diversity of viewpoints especially including LGBT perspectives. Now Foucault and postmodernism have been weaponized as tools of totalitarian control and agents of Pharma/State power and must be repudiated. Identity politics has become a dead end. The reason you are sick, depressed, and confused all the time is because Pharma is poisoning you. Come join us as we hold them accountable. Climate change is not our biggest worry. Focusing on global warming is fine to a point, alternative energy sources are nice, but vaccine injury is going to wipe out life on earth long before rising seas ever do. And no, you don’t need $500 billion of taxpayer money to set up electric car charging stations nationwide. If the technology works as well as you say it does, great, then it should be market-competitive and capital should fund it. VII. Focus on what matters. Stopping Pharma Fascism is the defining issue of our lives. The pharmaceutical industry has captured our political system, science and medicine, the media, and academia and is using these institutions to implement an incredibly profitable genocide worldwide. The scale and mendacity of the pharmaceutical industry will soon eclipse the horrors of the Third Reich. Pharma’s goal is to enslave the whole planet. Vaccines create chronic health conditions that leave people dependent on expensive patented pharmaceutical products in order to survive. Pharma is sucking all wealth out of every individual, every family, and the entire global economy and directing it into their own pockets. Pharma seems to enjoy all of this — the money, the power, the control, and the sadism of inflicting harm on others. This industry wants to create a Pharma Fourth Reich in which they are the junk science high priests who will rule over everyone for a thousand years. We cannot let this happen. To be crystal clear: • The rise in chronic illness in children including autism, development disabilities, and childhood cancers is driven by the childhood vaccine schedule. • Gulf War Syndrome, the rise in dementia and Alzheimer’s, and the explosion in chronic illness among adults is driven by vaccines and other toxicants. • Covid vaccines are unsafe and ineffective and the current Covid vaccine campaigns are genocide. In order to keep this criminal scheme going Pharma requires a vast Big Tech surveillance system, a constant fog of propaganda, and the destruction of democracy and individual liberties. This is already well underway and accelerated dramatically under the guise of the pandemic. Our challenge is to dismantle Pharma Fascism and replace it with actual science, actual health, and respect for individual liberty. This will likely take a lifetime to accomplish. This is the work, this is what we will do, everything else is secondary. VIII. There is no left nor right anymore, it is time we retired those worn out terms The entire left vs. right framing of politics was always dreadful. Only 12% of the world’s population is left-handed so defining certain political ideas as “left” was to assign them to a permanent marginal status. And the entire metaphor never made sense — what do two relative directions have to do with a multitude of ideas about how best to live in harmony with each other? Left and right are hereby retired. The world is now divided into Pharma Fascists vs. Free and Sovereign People. Pharma Fascists have a lot of wealth, capture, and obedient zombies under hypnosis. But that’s about all they have. Free and Sovereign People is the descriptor for the vast majority of people on the planet. We have science, logic, reason, rationality, evidence, data, health, joy, love, families, liberty, puppies, spirit, and nature on our side. We just have to press our advantage and drive the Pharma Fascists out of business and out of polite society forever. I believe the way to do this will be through massive DECENTRALIZATION of all aspects of politics, economics, and knowledge. Pharma leadership must be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed for crimes against humanity. Those are my thoughts for now. Needless to say, I will write much more about these matters in the future, so please subscribe if you have not done so already. Blessings to the
warriors! Prayers for
everyone around the world fighting against Pharma
fascism. Huzzah to everyone
working to build the better world our hearts know is
possible. Hugs for people who
are just getting through the day. ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2022 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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