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2022-05-31 d


BREAKING, The FBI Maintains a Workspace, Including Computer Portal, Inside the Law Firm of Perkins Coie – The Ramifications are Significant

There is very little that surprises me, but this is completely stunning.  An FBI whistleblower came forth to inform Rep Jim Jordan and Rep Matt Gaetz that the FBI maintains a workspace inside the law firm of Perkins Coie.  {Direct Rumble Link}

In response to a letter sent by Rep. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, Perkins Coie, the legal arm of the DNC and Hillary Clinton, admitted they have been operating an FBI workspace in their Washington D.C. office since 2012.  Pay attention to that date, it matters.

This is a huge development.  Essentially, what is being admitted in this claim is that a portal existed into FBI databases within the law firm that represents democrats.  This means access to FBI database searches exists inside the office of the DNC and Clinton legal group.  Think about the ramifications here.

CTH has long claimed there was some kind of direct portal link between the Clinton campaign team and the FBI databases.  There were too many trails of extracted non-minimized research evidence in the hands of the Clinton team that CTH could not trace to a transferring FBI official.  If Perkins Coie operated a portal in their office that allowed them to conduct search queries of American citizens, then everything would make sense.  That access portal is exactly what is being claimed and admitted in this report.

The start date of 2012 is important for several reasons, not the least of which is FISA presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer criticizing the scale and scope of unlawful FBI database access going back to exactly 2012.  Keep in mind a FISA-702 search, is simply an unlawful FBI warrantless electronic search of an American (“702” represents the American citizen) into the central database -maintained by the NSA- that contains all electronic data and communication.

I have been in the deep hole of the FISA-702 database search query violations for so long I don’t even need a flashlight.

The report from Matt Gaetz about Perkins Coie access to FBI databases, is in direct alignment with Rosemary Collyer’s prior report on FBI abuses of the database, 702 violations.  Notice the dates and scope Judge Collyer references [Source Link].


Non-compliant queries since 2012.

85% of the FBI and contractor searches are unlawful.

Many of those searches involved the use of the “same identifiers over different data ranges.”  Put in plain terms, the same people were continually being tracked, searched and surveilled by querying the FBI database over time.

The non-compliant searches go back to 2012.  The same date mentioned for the FBI portal to begin operating inside the Perkins Coie office.

This specific footnote is a key.  Note the phrase: “([redacted] access to FBI systems was the subject of an interagency memorandum of understanding entered into [redacted])”, this sentence has the potential to expose an internal decision; withheld from congress and the FISA court by the Obama administration; that outlines a process for access and distribution of surveillance data.

Note: “no notice of this practice was given to the FISC until 2016“, that is important.

Summary: The FISA court identified and quantified tens-of-thousands of search queries of the NSA/FBI database using the FISA-702(16)(17) system. The database was repeatedly used by persons with contractor access who unlawfully searched and extracted the raw results without redacting the information and shared it with an unknown number of entities.

The outlined process certainly points toward a political spying and surveillance operation.  When the DOJ use of the IRS for political information on their opposition became problematic, the Obama administration needed another tool.  It was in 2012 when they switched to using the FBI databases for targeted search queries.

This information from Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz has the potential to be extremely explosive.

It will be interesting to see how the domestic intelligence community media (NYT, Politico, WaPo – in that order) respond to this Matt Gaetz report.

I wrote about these suspicions in depth throughout 2017, 2018 and eventually summarized in 2019:


(read more)

2022-05-31 c

DHS and Intel Community Media Outlets Proactively Move to Defend Dominion Voting Systems Ahead of Report on Electronic Election Hardware Issues Coming This Week

The timing is not coincidental.  A 100-page report on electronic voting systems, by University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, remains under seal in a federal court in Atlanta as an outcome of election integrity lawsuits surrounding the Dominion voting system.  That report is rumored to be released soon, perhaps as early as this week.

In what appears to be a proactive move to get out ahead of identified voting system irregularities specific to the electronic voting systems, the Dept of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (DHS-CISA), updated the election page on their website [SEE HERE] under the “Rumor Control” section.  DHS made the update on May 27, 2022, last week.

The very next day, May 28, 2022, The Washington Post produces an article [SEE HERE] describing an upcoming DHS-CISA 5-page memorandum that is in the process of being sent to the states ahead of a public release.

With the WaPo being the outlet of choice for the intelligence community & security state, it appears they received an advanced copy to help establish an early response effort.

Within The Post article, “there are nine flaws affecting versions of the machine called the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite ImageCast X, according to a copy of an advisory prepared by CISA and obtained by The Washington Post.”  The article then goes immediately to downplay the problems. “The flaws, many of which are highly technical and which mostly stem from machine design as opposed to coding errors, generally require an attacker to have physical access to the devices or other equipment used to manage the election, CISA said.

[…] CISA’s five-page advisory is based in part on Halderman’s 100-page report, which remains under seal in a federal court in Atlanta. The advisory is expected to be released next week after officials in all 50 states are notified.

The WaPo article is filled with ‘nothing to see here, move along – move along,’ verbal engineering.

CNN then picks up the baton from the Washington Post, and they too tell their audience not to worry about any pesky evidence of election system vulnerabilities.  The professionals in charge of things have assured us there’s no problems and everything is fine.   After all, it would be far too difficult, and too many people would be involved, for there to be actual tampering and fraud in the use of the electronic systems.

(Via CNN) – Federal cybersecurity officials have verified there are software vulnerabilities in certain ballot-marking devices made by Dominion Voting Systems, discovered during a controversial Georgia court case, which could in theory allow a malicious actor to tamper with the devices, according to a draft analysis reviewed by CNN.

The vulnerabilities have never been exploited in an election and doing so would require physical access to voting equipment or other extraordinary criteria standard election security practices prevent, according to the analysis from the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

But because the subject is Dominion voting equipment, which has been the target of conspiracy theorists who falsely claim there was large-scale fraud in the 2020 election, federal and state and local officials are bracing for election deniers to try to weaponize news of the vulnerabilities ahead of midterm elections.

“While these vulnerabilities present risks that should be promptly mitigated, CISA has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited in any elections,” reads the draft CISA advisory, which the agency shared in a briefing with state and local officials on Friday. (read more)

For a group of government bureaucrats that are so confident there’s no ‘there, there‘, they sure are putting a lot of energy into delivering all the talking points ahead of the actual election reports and state advisories. (read more)

2022-05-31 b

Conscription at gas station lines!

“Kiev convulsively continues to drive its civilians to the slaughter, people are already guarded everywhere: Lviv gas station handing out mobilisation summonses right in the queue for fuel.”

More Cannon Fodder?

— ConWal (@ConWal4) May 28, 2022


As Things Fall Apart Biden May Want To Escalate

Is reality setting in? Is that why a Washington Post reporter, who has been on the frontline in Ukraine, was allowed to write this?

Ukrainian volunteer fighters in the east feel abandoned

[A]fter three months of war, this company of 120 men is down to 54 because of deaths, injuries and desertions.

The volunteers were civilians before Russia invaded on Feb. 24, and they never expected to be dispatched to one of the most dangerous front lines in eastern Ukraine. They quickly found themselves in the crosshairs of war, feeling abandoned by their military superiors and struggling to survive.

In mid February these people were still civilians in some town in west Ukraine. They then 'volunteered', to avoid a draft into the army, for the territorial defense forces with the hope to serve near their homes:

Lapko, built like a wrestler, was made a company commander in the 5th Separate Rifle Battalion, in charge of 120 men. The similarly burly Khrus became a platoon commander under Lapko. All of their comrades were from western Ukraine. They were handed AK-47 rifles and given training that lasted less than a half-hour.

“We shot 30 bullets and then they said, ‘You can’t get more; too expensive,’ ” Lapko said.

They were given orders to head to the western city of Lviv. When they got there, they were ordered to go south and then east into Luhansk province in Donbas, portions of which were already under the control of Moscow-backed separatists and are now occupied by Russian forces.

The men were put into a frontline ditch and have since been shelled again and again without any ability to respond. They then disregarded the orders from above and left. They have now been arrested.

The military values of such units was zero to begin with. Untrained men under command of an inexperienced civilian and with no real weapons have no chance to hold out against a professional military force like the Russian army.

That 60 or so of them got killed or wounded for no good reason is the responsibility of the servant of the corrupt (recommended), President Vlodomir Zelenski, and those 'western' politicians, like Boris Johnson, who egg him on.

But the biggest part of the responsibility for the life of those men falls to the Biden administration. It tried to push Zelensky to invade Donbas in early 2021. Back then Russia started large scale maneuvers and made clear that they would intervene. Zelensky got cold feet and pulled back.

(read more)

2022-05-31 a

See also:

-05-30 c

Daniel Issac Marquez, 10, named and shamed

2022-05-30 b

[Perverted] Pride parades should go on despite [homosexual] monkeypox concerns: WHO

A World Health Organization (WHO) adviser said on Monday that people should not change their plans to attend [anal intercourse] pride parades next month amid the increased circulation of monkeypox.

“It’s important that people who want to go out and celebrate gay pride, LGBTQ+ pride, to continue to go and plan to do so,” said Andy Seale, a strategies adviser in the WHO Department of Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections Programmes.

WHO experts have pointed to [homosexual orgy] sex at two recent raves in Europe as the leading theory for the spread of the virus, which is endemic in areas of Africa. The agency has said several [almost all] cases have been reported among men who have sex with men, but cautioned it may be a reflection of “positive health seeking behavior” in that demographic, given that the cases were identified at sexual health clinics.

Seale said at Monday’s public briefing that the organization has linked cases to a number of “[homosexual] social events” in European countries. (read more)

2022-05-30 a

Illegitimate Occupant of White House Has Thin Skin


-05-29 h

Are All Men Created Equal?

Ideology is political religion, said the conservative sage Russell Kirk.

And what is the defining dogma of the political religion, or ideology, of America in 2022?

Is it not that, “All men are created equal”?

Yet, as with every religion, a basic question needs first to be asked and answered about this defining dogma of liberal ideology.

Is it true? Are all men truly created equal? Are all races and ethnic groups equal? Are men and women equal? Are all religions equal? Or do we simply agree to accept that as true — and treat them all equally?

All Americans, we agree, have the same God-given rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the same constitutional rights in the Bill of Rights, and the same civil rights, enshrined in federal law.

But where is the historic, scientific or empirical proof of the defining dogma of American democracy that “all men are created equal”?

Thomas Jefferson, the statesman who immortalized the words, did not believe in equality, let alone equity. How he lived his life testifies to this disbelief.

When he wrote the Declaration of Independence that contained the famous words, Jefferson was a slave owner. In that document, he speaks of the British as “brethren” connected to us by “ties of our common kindred,” ties of blood.

But not all of those fighting against us were the equals of the British.

There were, Jefferson wrote, those “merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

In an 1815 letter to John Adams, Jefferson celebrated “a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents … The natural aristocracy I consider as the most precious gift of nature for the instruction, the trusts, and government of society.”

Jefferson was an aristocrat, not a democrat.

Abraham Lincoln opposed slavery but did not believe in racial or social equality. Though he cited Jefferson’s “all men are created equal” at Gettysburg, he had conceded in an 1858 debate with Stephen Douglas that, “We cannot, then, make them equals,” adding that the white race in America should retain the superior position.

With the Brown v. Board of Education decision desegregating public schools in 1954, and the civil rights acts of 1964, 1965 and 1968, a national effort was undertaken to bring about the social and political equality that Jefferson’s words of 1776 seemed to promise but failed to deliver.

At Howard University in 1965, Lyndon Johnson took the next step, declaring: “Freedom is not enough … We seek … not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result.”

Yet, over half a century after the civil rights revolution, incomes and wealth are not equal. Nor is there equal representation in professions like law, medicine and higher education.

President Joe Biden’s people have pledged to Black America that they will mandate and deliver that equality of results. If equity does not now exist, the Biden administration will impose it.

And why not?

If all men (and women) are created equal, the most reasonable explanation for a consistent inequality of riches and rewards between men and women, and black and white, is that the game has been rigged. An inequality of riches and rewards exists because “systematic racism” coexists in American society alongside “white privilege.”

The remedy is also clear. As Ibram X. Kendi, author of “How to Be an Antiracist,” told The New York Times’ Ezra Klein: “Racist policies are defined as any policy that leads to racial inequity … intent of the policymaker doesn’t matter. It’s all about the fundamental outcome.”

Thus, a policy that ensures an equal place at the starting line but consistently fails to deliver an equal place at the finish line is, de facto, racist.

If Asian and black kids start kindergarten in the same class, and Asian kids in 12th grade are studying calculus while most black kids are still trying to master algebra, racism alone, by Kendi’s rule, can explain such a regular result.

The solution to persistent inequality?

Mandate equity; mandate equality of results; mandate equal rewards for black and white. Compel the government to produce policies that deliver an equality of results.

But what if inequalities have another explanation?

What if Asian Americans are naturally superior in mathematics?

What if an inequity of rewards in society is predominantly a result of an inequality of talents and abilities?

What if it is more true to say that, based on human experience, no two men were ever created equal, than to say all men are created equal?

As Kirk said, ideology is political religion.

What we witness today is the refusal of true believers in egalitarian ideology to accept that their core doctrine may not only not be true, but may be demonstrably false.

What we are witnessing in America is how true believers behave when they realize the church at which they worship has been erected on a bright shining lie and reality must inevitably bring it crashing down. (read more)

2022-05-29 g

Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians Regarding COVID Vaccination - Part II: A Review and Update


Since the initial posting of the Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians Regarding COVID Vaccines (, new scientific information has emerged that has added strength, further detail, and further clarity to the concerns and understandings explained in the Open Letter. In particular, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has authored two new illuminating articles, entitled The Immunologic Rationale Against C-19 Vaccination of Children and Predictions on the Evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Here are links to those two articles:

To share the above-mentioned additional information with parents and pediatricians, we have co-authored this Open Letter Part II: A Review and Update.

In Part II we have provided 37 references. In addition, the reader is referred to the 1078 references in the original Open Letter and to the many other references in Dr. Vanden Bossche’s two articles.

The reader is also referred to this video-interview, regarding the Open Letter: Video-interview (Dr. Philip McMillan and Dr. Rennebohm).


‍Further information about COVID may be found on the following websites:

Dr. Vanden Bossche’s website:

Dr. Rennebohm’s website:

Read the Open Letter

(read more)

2022-05-29 f

Finding White Identity in Seattle

In my childhood home of 1980s Seattle, non-white immigrants came in a hurry. Microsoft boomed with discount Indian programmers, apple orchards flourished with low-cost Hispanic laborers, and the region careened into cultural chaos. Hindu temples sprang up in historically white, suburban neighborhoods. Traditional churches, once glorious in their proud, perpetual upkeep, drooped despondently in dreary disrepair, emptied of their parishioners. Ballet halls and piano practice rooms were shuttered and quickly replaced by Indian Vedic cultural centers and sprawling Mexican markets. Defeated, many whites stole away to rural areas, hesitatingly half-smiling at the new arrivals while loading up their moving vans with an innate urge to hold on to a forbidden identity. My leftist parents, however, staunchly stayed put, gushingly greeting the eager arrivals.

Supposedly to soothe white Seattleites still skeptical of the benefits of this onslaught, diversity billboards featuring smiling multiracial characters soon became a common sight along the I-405 corridor. Meanwhile, a fractured white identity screamed in primal angst within the maladjusted milieu of a drug-infested grunge music scene. The neighborhood parks where we had once grilled hamburgers, and where my friends and I had dreamt of becoming the next Jim Thome or Mark McGwire, quickly became the default venues for Indian wedding celebrations and religious festivals. Though unbeknownst to me at the time, I now realize that the burgeoning depression of my friends and I stemmed directly from this flagrant displacement and loss of purpose and peoplehood.

White identity frayed further at my high school of the mid-1990s, during which anti-white ideology grew commonplace, the concerns about which were summarily dismissed with an amused chuckle by all of the enlightened adults. Looking back, the white children had an instinctively wiser awareness of diversity’s perils than our parents did. Yet I, still too young to process fully the extent of the degradation around me, ensconced myself in my studies, excelling at music, mathematics, philosophy, and history. During my junior year at university, where I majored in history, a prominent black professor took me under his wing, promoting me to a rare position as an undergraduate researcher and writer, alongside graduate school entrants, for a prominent website on African American and global African history he had launched. What I was about to learn in my investigations would transform my nascent racial resentments into a clear-eyed understanding of race and a passionate commitment to my people.

Due to my extremely leftist upbringing and lack of exposure to blacks, I expected my studies to reveal an Africa afflicted with postcolonial devastation traceable to white rule. Instead, what I found was unmixed mayhem linked squarely to blacks. Using the valuable objectivity that my science professors had imparted to me, I strained to see how blacks were oppressed by whites. What I found instead was how desperately blacks depended on whites and their billions of U.S. dollars in foreign aid to sustain blacks’ very existence. And I saw how these charitable infusions were greedily misappropriated in what had become a flagrant and growing industry of institutional larceny.

Poring over decades of GDP data, I discovered how colonized countries had fared well under white rule, with infrastructure and forms of civility duly erected, only to fall into abject ruin upon declaring independence. In 20th century Africa, I learned about entire communities of blacks filling their drinking buckets from the same water source in which they defecated. I also found out about the blacks who starved to death due to a lack of basic maintenance of their once-thriving farms, which had been set up and properly stewarded by whites, only to be raided and abandoned in a spate of childlike mismanagement upon the dissolution of colonial rule. I learned about the continent’s endemic rape problem. I learned about the AIDS epidemic and how black men sought out intercourse with virgin women in an attempt to cure the disease.

I considered how some formerly colonized countries in Asia had economically vaulted ahead of some white nations, but I could find no explanation, other than racial differences, why not even one black nation had managed to achieve parity with the West. The entrenched pattern of incompetence among blacks was simply too global, too persistent, and thus too easily explainable by biology. Meanwhile, my evolutionary biology professor presented many noteworthy findings of differences in disease resistance, blood type, and internal organ size among the various subgroups of humanity. I began to consider that the capacity for civilization was also not universally human.

Knowing I was not the only person to have reached these conclusions, I sleuthed around a fledgling internet and found American Renaissance. After fifteen years, thousands of articles, and a hundred or so books, my entire existence has been upended. I married a Ukrainian woman, for whom white racial solidarity is a given, and for whom racial differences are an objective reality. My wife and I have since had two beautiful white children whose future I cannot say is certain, but whose mental health I know will be better because of their unabashedly proud sense of peoplehood.

Having been reared in a bastion of leftism, I can testify to the power that anti-white indoctrination holds over society. I can also testify to the seething anti-white sentiments of the incomers, who understandably disdain obsequious, effeminate leftist whites and their shameful lack of instincts for self-preservation. Within two to three decades, the US will become a majority non-white nation, and persecution of whites will be on the agenda for our new rulers. Political transformations happen suddenly — much faster than people living in the moment ever imagine. Hence we need to act fast while time remains to effectively organize ourselves. The abruptness of the anti-white protests of 2020 and the unexpected, dramatic sociopolitical changes that took place thereafter should serve as stark warnings for us. We are the American nation, but our legacy will endure only if we commit ourselves to outsmarting our corporate, media, academic, and government overlords and choose to forge secret societies that are self-reliant and able to withstand persecution.

Now is the time. Not tomorrow. We as a people must organize for ourselves a government for the sake of not only our own race, but also for all of humanity. Western civilization has shined the light of scientific knowledge and Christian morality on the world. Owing to our pathological altruism, this light has been dimmed. Yet together, with proper leadership and intelligent planning, we can rebuild our institutions. Together, with foresight and fierce determination — and humble hearts ready to listen and learn — we can stand tall once more in forging our own nation. (read more)

2022-05-29 e

It's a jungle out there.

Biden is a rayciss.

2022-05-29 d

Using Tragedy for Racial Propaganda

{Illegitimate] President Joe Biden has been lecturing white Americans about hate again. On May 15, the day after an 18-year-old white supremacist massacred ten black shoppers in a Buffalo supermarket, Biden called on Americans to “address the hate that remains a stain” on the country’s soul.


Two days later, Biden gave a longer speech in Buffalo about the attack. In Biden’s telling, white Americans are at best indifferent to the racist slaughter of their fellow black citizens. “We need to say as clearly and forcefully as we can that the ideology of white supremacy has no place in America. None,” Biden insisted. Biden’s exhortations and moral clarity were the only forces impeding a slide back toward Jim Crow and the reign of the KKK: “I promise you. Hate will not prevail. And white supremacy will not have the last word. . . . We can’t allow . . . these hate-filled attacks . . . to destroy the soul of the nation.” We can’t allow this violence, the president intoned, to “be the story of our time.” To “confront the ideology of hate requires caring about all people”—something that whites, in their silent complicity with racist rampages, apparently fail to do.

Last week’s remonstrances were not new. In an August 2019 press briefing, then-presidential candidate Biden claimed that racism was a “white man’s problem visited on people of color.” “White folks are the reason we have institutional racism,” he said. On November 6, 2019, the day before the press declared Biden the president-elect, he claimed a “mandate” to eliminate “systemic racism.”

Biden carried over the conceit into his presidential victory speech—the same speech hailed across the political spectrum as “unifying.” Among the “great battles of our time” was the still-unaccomplished goal of “root[ing] out systemic racism in this country.” Millions of Americans represent what Biden called “our darkest impulses.”


Biden’s recurring suggestions that white hate crimes are America’s dominant reality are false. Whites are not the biggest source of hate crime and interracial violence in the U.S.; blacks are. From 2016 to 2020, blacks nationally were twice as likely to commit a hate crime as whites, according to FBI data, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known.

Local data tell the same story. In New York City, from 2010 to 2020, blacks were 2.42 times as likely as whites to commit a hate crime, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. Blacks in Los Angeles committed anti-Asian hate crimes at 4.8 times the rate of whites in 2021, according to internal LAPD data. Blacks in L.A. committed anti-gay hate crimes at seven times the rate of whites, and anti-Semitic hate crimes at 2.4 times the rate of whites, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. Blacks committed anti-trans hate crimes at 2.5 times the rate of Hispanics; there were no white suspects in anti-trans hate crimes in L.A. in 2021.

Biden, the mainstream media, and Democratic politicians claim that demographic angst is driving whites to paroxysms of violence. As Biden himself said in 2015, an “unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop,” was eliminating the white majority population share. If whites were lashing out against this immigration-fueled shift in U.S. culture, you would think Los Angeles would experience a particularly disproportionate level of white-committed hate crimes, since whites are only 28 percent of the L.A. population, and Hispanics 49 percent. But that is not the case. Blacks committed anti-Hispanic hate crimes in Los Angeles at 13.5 times the rate of whites in 2021.

The media and race activists seize on absolute numbers of hate-crime victims to argue that blacks are the target of disproportionate violence from whites. This is statistical sleight of hand, based on disparate population shares. Take a hypothetical population of 80 whites and 20 blacks, for example, where, for the sake of illustration, blacks commit hate crimes against whites at a 100 percent rate and whites commit hate crimes against blacks at one-quarter that rate. Blacks would commit 20 anti-white hate crimes and whites would commit 20 anti-black hate crimes. Every black would be victimized by a hate crime because of the smaller black population, not because of disproportionate white offending.

In the U.S., blacks commit the vast share of the interracial violence between blacks and whites that is not classified as a hate crime: 88 percent. Some portion of the gratuitously brutal beatings and carjackings that have become even more of a routine occurrence in the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd race riots undoubtedly have racial animus behind them. The authorities treat black-on-white crime as unremarkable, however, and rarely look into motive. Authorities almost always scrutinize white-on-black crime, rare as it is, for a hate enhancement, precisely because it is so rare.

Maintaining the fiction of white hate-crime dominance takes work. Video evidence relentlessly shows that blacks are the predominant torturers of frail elderly Asians. Media still present the March 2021 Atlanta spa shooting as an anti-Asian hate crime, though religious torment and sexual guilt motivated it. In Dallas, Asian businesses experienced a wave of drive-by shootings starting in April 2022 and stretching into May, with bullets being fired into Asian-owned establishments from a passing car. On May 11, a man entered an Asian-run hair salon in Dallas and fired off at least 13 rounds, hitting three people, one in the lower back. The victims survived this attempted mass murder only because of the shooter’s poor aim. Police believe the assailant is connected to the previous drive-bys. Had he been white, his shooting spree would have been an international story. Because he was black, it was barely covered outside of Dallas. There has been no handwringing about black hate.

Teenage bullying is racially lopsided. On November 22 of last year, four white female Catholic school students were riding a city bus home in the Bronx. Two black male teenagers started taunting them and were joined by three black girls who beat the white girls up. Riders of mass transit in cities across the country know the dynamic and keep their heads down. Had the races on the Bronx bus been reversed, the incident would have been a national scandal—think the Covington Catholic hate-speech hoax.

The problem facing blacks today is not whites; it is black criminals.


The typical mass shooter in America is not a white supremacist. He is black and either retaliating for a previous shooting or impulsively reacting to a current dispute. In 2020, more than two dozen blacks were killed every day—more than all white and Hispanic homicide victims combined—even though blacks are only 13 percent of the population. The country turns its eyes away. As the former Baltimore gang member said of his community: “It’s like a norm now.” The black homicide toll will be higher in 2021 and 2022.


The Democratic, media, and academic establishments are nevertheless going to exploit the Buffalo atrocity. The recently proposed government disinformation office may be on ice for now, but the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022 could be an even more powerful tool for suppressing opposing viewpoints by falsely characterizing them as white supremacy. Though there is no shortage of government officials already investigating domestic terrorism, the bill would create three new offices in the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and the FBI tasked with assessing white supremacist and neo-Nazi threats in the U.S. and inside public agencies.


Figures from President Biden on down are telling blacks, nonstop, that they are under lethal threat from whites, and that it is white supremacists, not black criminals, who pose the greatest threat to their safety.


The false claim that we are living through an epidemic of racist shootings of black men by police officers arguably led to the crime waves of 2015 and 2016, and to the more dire anarchy since 2020. With the two-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death upon us, it’s not hard to imagine that the equally false claim that we are living through an epidemic of white-supremacist shootings of blacks could escalate America’s violence. (read more)

2022-05-29 c

Something About School Shootings

Every mass school shooting strikes terror in parents’ hearts and grief in the communities in which they occur. You might from press coverage have the idea that they are a regular occurrence, but, in fact, they remain rare -- 13 mass school shootings since 1966.

Still, like all seemingly incomprehensible tragedies it causes a search for meaning. After all, people my age went to schools where there were rifle clubs. Kids in those clubs regularly brought their weapons to school, and yet there weren’t any school shootings. (I expect in some rural areas of the country this may still be the case.)

What is common, as it is in all tragic events, is the jumbling of facts and the need to wait a few days for a clearer picture. The best information I can find right now about the shooting in Uvalde, Texas comes from the Wall Street Journal.

(read more)

Federal Agent in Buffalo Shooter’s Discord Chat, Parents Arrested and Tased for Telling Cops to Stop Uvalde Shooter

Both of the big mass shootings of the last few days are unraveling, exposing a sloppy mess of lies and hoaxes.

As I reported earlier this week, in Uvalde, 40 cops were outside of the school for 40 minutes and refused to enter the building while the shooter was killing everyone. They were apparently waiting for the shooter to run out of bullets.

The parents were ready to rush in themselves – so the police had to arrest them to… protect the shooter? (read more)


The Best Way to Prevent Another Uvalde

Pray for the families who lost children in the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday.  Their grief cannot be imagined or measured.  Pray also for the families of those two brave teachers who died protecting their students.  Their loss is tragic, and their families' lives have been shattered.

But pray for our nation, too.  Former Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus correctly identified the problem Tuesday night on Fox when he said that we as a nation have abandoned God.  Absolutely correct.

Fifty years ago, it would have been inconceivable for any young person to do such a thing.  Kids could and did mail-order rifles, and their parents either taught them how to shoot or enrolled them in a program that did.  These kinds of school shootings just didn't happen.

What happened? (read more)





Jim Fetzer demolishes Uvalde shooting hoax

2022-05-29 b

How many cops does it take to take down an active shooter?
Don’t know, they all went to change a light bulb.
... and handcuff and taser parents ... and secure a perimeter ...
and take orders from U.S. Marshals and Border Patrol ...
and find a janitor with the keys to the 4th grade classroom.

“Active Shooter for School-Based Law Enforcement” drill at Robb Elementary School:

2022-05-29 a

The 60-Year Slow-Motion Suicide of America

Childhood’s End

The phoniest trope in American life goes like this: We must find the cause of X so that it never happens again. Of course, it will happen again. We only pretend that the cause is a mystery. Let’s count the ways that school massacres happen.

American schools are fantastically depressing places. They are designed to look like medium security prisons and insecticide factories. They send the message: Enter here and be psychologically brutalized. They are too big, overwhelmingly alienating, ugly, devoid of visible symbolism signaling the value of being human. The interiors of the schools are designed for the convenience of janitors, hard surfaces of tile and linoleum that can be hosed down easily like the quarters of zoo animals. Children act accordingly.

The “facilities,” as we call them, are deployed in the illegible landscape of a demolition derby, separated from all the other activities of daily life, which themselves have reached a culminating state of meaninglessness: big box shopping, national chain franchise food installations, strip malls of empty storefronts, parking lot wastelands, nothing that will excite a child’s imagination with emotions other than bewilderment, anxiety, and aversion.

The “teaching” that supposedly goes on in schools is a broken remnant of preparation for an economy that no longer exists. We’re no longer a society of people who do things, but rather a society of people to whom things are done, many of them harmful, humiliating, and arbitrary. America’s demoralized teaching corps is so unhinged by their own anomie that they resort to imposing sadistic fantasies on the children in their charge.

Thus, all the inappropriate curricula around adult preoccupations with sex, such as the Drag Queen Story Hour, for which mentally ill men are invited to act-out impersonations of women-as-monsters for young people who can’t possibly be expected to make sense of the spectacle. (I suspect that even six-year-olds, hard-wired to function as successful animals in this world, understand it as some kind of affront to reality.) Otherwise, American teachers are out of ideas, and are themselves damaged by the same forces in culture that they are now asked to direct.

America has become a malfunctioning pageant without feasible roles that children can realistically project themselves into. What ten-year-old longs to become the Burger King fry-o-later boss in a brown apron and an asinine cardboard crown? Rather, they are prompted to aspire to become sports star millionaires, of which there are perhaps fewer than 5,000 positions in a land of 340-million. By age twelve, they probably comprehend the unlikelihood of that outcome, or of becoming the next Kardashian… or Spiderman. (Superheroes are supplied by the entertainment cartels to occupy the imaginative realm of children because American culture is bereft of reality-based roles worth aspiring to.)

In this tumult of cultural impoverishment, psychotic grandiosity creeps in. Be big if you can’t be anything else. Hence, one achievable role for young persons in American life is mass murderer. It is a way of becoming important, of having an effect on other people and society in general. Your name may be forgotten, but the act itself will endure in the collective memory of a people. It will be some kind of a mark in history, even better remembered, perhaps, than whoever played third-base for the Atlanta Braves in 1994… or the woman who once capered down the red carpet at the Oscars in a dress fashioned on a slaughtered swan.

The mayhem unleashed in a school shooting is just the rectified essence of the manifold derangements in our national life. Everything is out-of-whack, including our perception of what’s going on and what it means. There is almost nothing left of childhood in this land, in the way of young, unformed creatures assisted by adults who love them into a future worth being part of. We have forgotten how to be grateful for coming into this world at all, leaving us unworthy of being here. The quality of virtue, meaning that some things and some doings are recognizably better than others, was deceitfully replaced by the equity of nothing being allowed to be better than anything else. Truth and beauty have gone outlaw. Bad faith and wickedness rule, led by a Party of Chaos. So, really, what do you expect? And what do you deserve? (read more)

2022-05-28 c
12 Groups Behind Protest Of Musk’s Twitter Takeover Have Ties With Gates Foundation, Soros

A dozen liberal groups that pressured Twitter advertisers to boycott the platform in response to Elon Musk’s plans to acquire it received money from entities backed by Bill Gates and George Soros, an analysis of public filings shows.

In early May, a group of 26 organizations penned a public letter claiming that the Tesla CEO’s takeover of Twitter would “be a direct threat to public safety” and turn the platform into “a cesspool of misinformation.” The letter called for Twitter’s top advertisers to “hold [Musk] to account” by committing to “non-negotiable” standards for doing business with the site, one of which is to not restore the accounts of political and public figures banned for “egregious violations of Twitter Rules.” The letter contained the logos of Accountable Tech, Media Matters for America, and UltraViolet Action.

An analysis of the public filings and records shows that at least 11 of the letter’s signatories or their affiliated groups have taken money from organizations funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. One of the three groups leading the letter has received over $1 million from billionaire financer George Soros’s grant-making network Open Society Foundations, while the two others were founded in part by former staffers for Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton.

Eight signatories also collected roughly $10.25 million in federal grants and loans between 2020 and 2021, public records show.

The New Venture Fund, the recipient of more than $500 million in grants from the Gates Foundation since 2012, in 2020 gave $180,000 in total to two signees, Media Matters for America and Center for Media Justice. Another $11.2 million of the New Venture Fund’s 2020 grant money went to North Fund, a shadowy progressive nonprofit based in Washington that funnels money to a number of other activist groups, including Accountable Tech, which published the letter.

Accountable Tech’s website shows that two members on its team—its co-founder and digital director—worked for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Founded in 2004, Media Matters for America describes itself as a “progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.” A key function of the organization is to provide tools for monitoring what it considers to be “conservative misinformation,” which it defines to be “news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda.”

The Center for Media Justice, which in 2019 was rebranded to MediaJustice, aims to promote “racial, economic, and gender justice in a digital age,” its website states.

Tides Foundation, a Gates Foundation grantee since at least 2013, has handed over $2.34 million to eight of the signatories or their affiliates over a three year-period since 2019.

Among the recipients is Indivisible Project and its nonprofit charitable arm Indivisible Civics that work to “defeat the Trump agenda,” of which the signatory Indivisible Northern Nevada is a local chapter.

The other seven signatories that received money from Tides Foundation in the past three years are: women’s advocacy group UltraViolet Action; environmentalist groups Union of Concerned Scientists and Friends of the Earth; pro-abortion association NARAL Pro-Choice America; Black Lives Matter South Bend, a local chapter of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation; GLAAD, which monitors media portrayal of LGBTQ groups; and Media Matters Action Network, a partner project of Media Matters for America.

UltraViolet Action’s board chair and board member Karen Finney was the Democratic National Committee’s first African American spokeswoman and had served as the senior spokesperson for Hilary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, according to the group’s website. Another board chair, Arisha Hatch, was an organizer for then-candidate Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008.

Access Now, which focuses on internet accessibility around the world, in 2021 received funds totalling $1.35 million from the Open Society Foundations that Soros founded and chairs, along with grants from Wikimedia Foundation, Microsoft, governments in Germany, Switzerland, Canada, and the Netherlands.

Beginning in 2017, the Open Society Foundation has also awarded three grants with a combined value of 1.625 million to Free Press, a pro-net neutrality group that also signed on to the letter.

The Microsoft co-founder last month admitted to having taken a $500 million short position on Tesla shares, according to a leaked text message string between Gates and Musk said that the latter said was authentic.

Musk had reacted to the boycott letter by calling for an investigation of the signatories’ funders.

“Who funds these organizations that want to control your access to information? Let’s investigate …” he wrote on Twitter on May 3, adding: “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

He later made note of a report that some signatories received funding from Soros and European governments. “Interesting. I wonder if those funding these organizations are fully aware of what the organizations are doing,” he wrote.

Twitter in recent years has drawn criticism for censoring and suspending conservative users. Among its list of banned public figures are former President Donald Trump, Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, COVID-19 vaccine critic Dr. Robert Malone, and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Musk has called Twitter’s ban of Trump’s account in early 2021 “flat-out stupid.” He said he would reverse the move if he becomes the platform’s new owner.

At a recent Miami tech conference, Musk also said he would be voting Republican after having “voted overwhelmingly for Democrats.” He described the $44 billion deal as “not some right-wing takeover,” but instead a “moderate take over and an attempt to ensure that people of all political beliefs feel welcome on a digital town square and they can express their beliefs without fear of being banned or shadowbanned.”

The Gates Foundation connections were first reported by Breitbart. The Epoch Times has reached out to all the named organizations.

(read more)

2022-05-28 b
The mainstream media and their owners will retire the monkeypox fairy tale narrative if everyone calls it:

fag monkeypox
faggot monkeypox
gay monkeypox
homo monkeypox
homosexual monkeypox

It is no secret the pox is overwhelmingly spread by poofs, pansies and pillow-biters.

A first rapid phylogenetic analysis of the draft genome … indicates that the 2022 virus belongs to the [milder] West African clade and is most closely related to viruses associated with the exportation of monkeypox virus from Nigeria to several countries in 2018 and 2019, namely the United Kingdom, Israel and Singapore. (source)

2022-05-28 a

Credible sources are saying the local police were ordered to stand down.
Some say the order came from the Border Patrol.
Others say the order came from U.S. Marshals.
If corroborated, why were federal agents allowed to interfere?
What federal interest was served by letting more children die?
Did the order come from Washington? Who issued the order?


In South Texas today, there is one and only one story being talked about by real people: the cowardice, criminal negligence, and cover-up by the Uvalde police department. Quite literally, the only gun control being talked about today is the gun control exhibited by the parents who didn’t shoot the cops that heard their children screaming for help and that refused to rush the shooter. Texans are outraged and ashamed. It feels like the days after the Floyd shooting, like it would only take a spark to set the whole state on fire. I can’t tell what this rage would be directed at, but we are sitting on a volcano gentlemen.  (source)

2022-05-27 g

My advice, if you are in an active-shooter situation, is the same no matter your age. Listen for the source of the shooting. Give yourself at most two seconds for this task. Those are not firecrackers. Then run as fast as you can in the other direction, and do not stop running until the only thing you hear is the sound of birds chirping, wind in the trees or grass, and the beating of your own heart. My advice differs only if you are responsible for others on the scene—in which case you need to get those other people to run away with you—or if you are an armed guard or cop, in which case you should run, too, but not away. (source)

2022-05-27 f

NEWS: McConnell tells me he met this morning with Texas Sen. John Cornyn after he returned from Texas and encouraged him to begin discussions with Dems including Sens. Murphy and Sinema to see if they can find a consensus on some legislation to respond to the shooting in Texas.

— Lauren Fox (@FoxReports) May 26, 2022

2022-05-27 e

Authorities investigating if retired federal agent knew of Buffalo mass shooting plans in advance

Law enforcement officers are investigating whether a retired federal agent had about 30 minutes advance notice of a white supremacist's plans to murder Black people at a Buffalo supermarket, two law enforcement officials told The Buffalo News.

Authorities believe the former agent – believed to be from Texas – was one of at least six individuals who regularly communicated with accused gunman Payton Gendron in an online chat room where racist hatred was discussed, the two officials said.

The two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the investigation stated these individuals were invited by Gendron to read about his mass shooting plans and the target location about 30 minutes before Gendron killed 10 people at Tops Markets on Jefferson Avenue on May 14. 

The News could not determine if the retired agent accepted the invitation.

“These were like-minded people who used this chat group to talk about their shared interests in racial hatred, replacement theory and hatred of anyone who is Jewish, a person of color or not of European ancestry,” said one of the two law enforcement officials with close knowledge of the investigation. “What is especially upsetting is that these six people received advanced notice of the Buffalo shooting, about 30 minutes before it happened.

“The FBI has verified that none of these people called law enforcement to warn them about the shooting. The FBI database shows no advance tips from anyone that this shooting was about to happen.”

Agents from the FBI are in the process of tracking down and interviewing the six people, including the retired agent, and attempting to determine if any of them should be charged as accomplices, the two sources with close knowledge of the probe told The Buffalo News.

The two sources did not identify the agent by name and could not confirm what federal agency he worked for.

The Buffalo FBI Office declined to comment on the investigation. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Buffalo declined through a spokeswoman to comment. 

Buffalo civil rights attorney John V. Elmore said it will be outrageous if it turns out that a former law enforcement officer had advance notice of the shooting and did nothing to prevent it.

“If he had advance notice, he had a moral obligation to get on the phone and try to notify someone about it,” said Elmore, who represents the family of Andre Mackniel, who was shot dead when he went to Tops to buy a birthday cake for his 3-year-old son.

Attorney Terrence M. Connors, who is representing several families who lost loved ones in the shooting, said: “As outrageous as this may sound, based upon what we are finding in our investigation, it is not surprising.” He declined to reveal the evidence his law firm has collected.

The New York Times reported May 17 that Gendron invited a small group of people into a private chat room on the messaging platform Discord to review his plan about 30 minutes before the massacre at Tops. The Washington Post reported two days later that 15 people accepted Gendron's invitation into the Discord chat room and were able to review his plan and watch his live stream video as he committed the killings.

Federal authorities are investigating if the retired agent provided information to Gendron before he went on his shooting spree, the two law enforcement officials told The News.

In addition to law enforcement sources, two other individuals with knowledge of the mass shooting investigation have also confirmed that federal authorities are looking into the former agent’s relationship to the shooter.

The Sandman

FBI agents are also trying to determine the identity of an individual Gendron calls “Sandman,” and “Saint Sandman” in his lengthy social media diary that appeared on Discord 30 minutes before the attack, the sources said.

In the diary, Gendron indicates Sandman counseled him on manufacturers of AR-15 semi-automatic rifles and their quality. The shooter purchased and allegedly used that type of assault rifle in the rampage, which local authorities have said was fueled by his racial hatred.

In the document Gendron posted on Discord just prior to the shooting, he references Sandman three times. 

In a passage dated May 2, he quoted Saint Sandman as saying: "When the time finally comes to deal decisively with a whole host of society's problems, and not go to prison for it, you'll know. Just be ready. You have spent your entire life, from the day you were born, right up to this very moment, reading this sentence, coming to where you are right now. Look around you. Are you content with where you are right now? Are you where you want to be? If so, continue to march. If not, what are you going to do? What's your plan? Get and keep your mind, body, and spirit right. Pray. Lift. Run. Read. Shoot. And teach your kids to do those things.” 

A third law enforcement source told The News they are aware of Gendron’s writings involving the quality of different rifles. The shooter ended up using a Bushmaster X-15, a version of the AR-15 rifle, police have reported. (read more)

See also:


2022-05-27 d

2022-05-27 c

Dude, you’ve got a couple dozen LEOs in body armor, each armed with AR’s and Glocks, sitting outside the school as the shooter is popping off rounds and rolling up the body count.

Is it really too much to expect that even a few of the LEOs outside summon enough courage to do their job?? If not then we need to thinking about bringing in some non-gelded men, like Chechens. (source)

What you should say is it really too much to expect that even a few of the LEOs outside summon enough courage to disobey the orders of their superiors to stand down and allow as much carnage as possible so as to promote the Democrat plan to confiscate guns? (source)

2022-05-27 b

2022-05-27 a

What Princeton Did to My Husband

My alma mater is not the school I once loved. But Joshua Katz is exactly the man I knew I married.

We’ve run plenty of stories about people who have been the target of  mobs—what's happened to them and their challenges and resilience in the aftermath.

What we’ve rarely heard—here or anywhere else—is what it’s like for the person who loves the mob’s target. What it’s like to watch someone you love being torn to pieces.

Solveig Gold is one of those people. She’s smart, funny, angry and brave. Mostly brave.

Below is Solveig’s story. It’s about bullies and Puritanism and the insane state of our universities, but really it’s a story about freedom and love and the things that endure, no matter what.


I decided to apply for early admission to Princeton after sitting in on Professor Joshua Katz’s seminar in April of 2012. I’m afraid I don’t remember the content of the seminar, but I do remember the way he captivated the classroom—the way his students hung onto his every word and the way he hung onto theirs.

Last summer, I married him. This week, Princeton fired him.

He isn’t the Princeton Charming I expected to win in my undergraduate years. I entered college in 2013 under the shadow of Susan Patton, a Princeton alumna and mom who had some months before written a widely read letter to female students in the Daily Princetonian, urging them to find a husband on campus before they graduated. My friends and I mocked Patton relentlessly, and yet deep down we knew what she said was true: Smart women have a hard time finding worthy men. We set out to find ours. 

Along the way, we’d joke about our professors. I swooned when a handsome Platonist read excerpts from the Symposium; I sighed in a lecture about art and love. My a cappella group laughingly serenaded an instructor on a trip to Greece.

I didn’t joke about Joshua, though—or Katz, as I called him then. It didn’t even occur to me. He was a balding nerd with a belly, and I adored him, but not like that. I adored him because he saw and brought out the best in me as a student and scholar.

That hardly made me special. Everyone at Princeton adored Joshua, male and female alike. What he lacked in looks he made up for in true friendship and generosity. There is a reason why he won Princeton’s highest teaching awards so early in his career.

His colleague and former student, Dan-el Padilla Peralta, once detailed in his memoir the time he confided in Joshua about his undocumented status. “I felt what I never felt around my college friends: the compulsion to spill the beans on my undocumented woe.” With Joshua’s encouragement, Padilla Peralta worked to become documented.

Padilla Peralta is but one example of the countless students Joshua supported during his nearly 25 years on Princeton’s faculty. He counseled a student through an unplanned pregnancy. He directly intervened to save two students from suicide. For all the talk these days of treating students with empathy and respect, Joshua walked the walk.

And then out we walked through FitzRandolph Gate in June of 2017. The gate marks the divide between the town of Princeton and Princeton campus, and students walk through it only twice: at the start of their freshman year, to mark the beginning of their time as Princeton students, and at Commencement, to mark the end. Because I was one of the seniors chosen to sing “Old Nassau” at Commencement, I was onstage for the ceremony alongside the faculty. As we peeled off to march two by two down the aisle and out the gate, I was serendipitously joined from across the stage by Joshua. We laughed and took a selfie. God’s sense of humor, I guess.

I flew off to England for an MPhil in Classics. I was in love with a boy in California, had lingering feelings for a boy in New York, and was nonetheless eagerly dating Englishmen and Germans at Cambridge. In the midst of it all, I sent Joshua an old article: Cambridge Classics Professor Mary Beard on the subject of the erotics of pedagogy. What did he make of it?

The conversation between us changed. He wrote me a letter. We met in Paris. And the rest, as they say, is history. 

My now-97-year-old grandmother, who lived just a few blocks from Joshua in Princeton, was the first to suspect a spark: After my grandfather’s death, Joshua began to pay her regular visits, and she decided that if we weren’t dating already, she would try to set us up. My parents and friends were cautiously supportive—and not remotely surprised that I’d fallen for an older man. As my mother said, “No relationship is perfect. If your biggest problem is a 25-year age gap, you’re doing pretty well.”

Joshua, for his part, never pretended to be perfect. Early on in our courtship in 2018, he confided in me about the worst mistake of his life: a consensual relationship with a Princeton undergraduate in the mid-2000s. He told me about the angst and pain it had caused them both. And he told me that a third party had, after all these years, brought the relationship to the attention of the university and that he would likely be disciplined with a yearlong unpaid suspension. (He was.) He told me I should leave him then and there.

I went for a walk. And then I came back.

In November 2018, Joshua bought my father a martini and asked for permission to marry me. In March 2019, we found our dream home in Princeton. That December, Joshua proposed. We began lining the house with bookshelves—an oasis for an academic life. Homer for him; Plato for me.

But then Joshua, a lifelong library rat, did something out of character. When hundreds of his colleagues in July 2020 signed a letter with demands in the name of anti-racism, he penned a response in Quillette. He agreed with some of their demands (the expansion of an undergraduate fellowship program, summer move-in allowances for new assistant professors) but found others to be deeply immoral and discriminatory, including extra pay and perks for faculty of color and the formation of a committee to investigate and discipline so-called racist scholarship. He also described a long-defunct student group, the Black Justice League, as “a small local terrorist organization that made life miserable for the many (including the many black students) who did not agree with its members’ demands.”

We knew the piece would be controversial, but we didn’t anticipate what would follow. Princeton’s President Eisgruber denounced Joshua in the Daily Princetonian. Academics around the country accused him of inciting violence. He lost a prestigious outside appointment. Students and alumni petitioned the university to discipline him. A university spokesman said ominously that the administration would “be looking into the matter further.” 

Eventually, the university called off its investigation. But the damage was done: Joshua was now a pariah.

Dan-el Padilla Peralta—the one he helped on the path to citizenship—publicly rebuked Joshua for his “flagrant racism.” The head of Joshua’s department, a friend with whom he had regular sushi lunch dates, condemned Joshua’s words in an email to the entire Princeton Classics community and issued an official statement on the department website, without ever saying a word to Joshua himself. We passed him on the sidewalk some months later; he looked the other way.

And then there was Joshua’s best friend at Princeton, a professor who had been running around our yard with her dog mere days before. Not only had we just sent her family a save-the-date to our wedding; Joshua was considering asking her to be in the wedding. My Jewish grandmother always said that a true friend is one who would hide you under the floorboards when the Nazis come, and Joshua once told me that this friend was of that caliber. 

He was wrong. She said nothing to him for weeks, before eventually writing a few lines expressing her disappointment. They haven’t spoken since.

I watched the man I love become a shell of his former self, as he realized that many of his closest friends were not friends at all.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to us, within days of Joshua’s Quillette article, the Daily Princetonian began digging into his personal life and discovered the consensual relationship from the mid-2000s for which he had previously been punished. The frenzy was reignited.

The woman with whom Joshua had the relationship had declined of her own volition to participate in Princeton’s 2018 investigation. Indeed, she had repeatedly by email expressed her dismay that the school would even consider punishing him. In 2021, however, in the wake of both the Daily Princetonian’s McCarthyist reporting and her discovery that Joshua was engaged to marry me (we have this in writing), she demanded that the university investigate Joshua anew. Princeton was all too happy to comply.

For well over a year we lived under the sword of Damocles, with the university’s allegations against Joshua seemingly changing by the minute. The university disingenuously used a handful of cherry-picked email exchanges to find “new” grounds to punish Joshua, when really they were subjecting him to double jeopardy. We turned over thousands of emails in an effort to provide more context, but Princeton didn’t care—they didn’t even mention in their investigative report the exculpatory evidence he supplied.

In the midst of it all, though, we were married: July 17, 2021, during that blissful time when everyone thought Covid was over. No one wore masks, but we did hire security. Certain of Joshua’s old friends were noticeably absent, but with new and better friends we danced the night away. Joshua and I gripped each other tightly—so tightly that I had to have an emergency repair on my engagement ring before our honeymoon.

In the end, Princeton found him guilty, even as they were busily defaming him as a racist to the entire freshman class.

Unsurprisingly, the ongoing attacks on my husband have been coupled with attacks on our marriage, as Twitter trolls and tenured academics alike try to get me to turn, as so many others have, on my husband.

I’ve been told that I was “groomed” because, for instance, we sometimes exchanged emails at 4 a.m. when I was a student (never mind that Joshua answers all his emails at 4 a.m.). The reporter who made so much of this never bothered to ask me for a comment, but I assure you: I’m incapable of being groomed. (I do, though, enjoy grooming Joshua, who stopped visiting the barber during the pandemic.)

In 2022, it seems, all sex is to be celebrated—except between older men and younger women. Student-teacher relationships are unwise for all sorts of reasons, and Joshua will be the first to tell you why. But when the same people who think that children can consent to puberty blockers claim that a 21-year-old woman cannot possibly consent to a relationship with her professor, it’s hard to take them seriously.

Let me tell you about our relationship. We wake up, we compare Wordle scores (and Dordle and Quordle), I make him exercise. We clean the dishes from the night before while singing made-up songs about bears, he chides me for not squeezing out the sponge, we spend some hours apart writing, I tell him what I want for lunch, he makes it for me, we go back to writing, we pick a new recipe to cook for dinner, I chop the onions, he minces the garlic, and then I make him dance with me around the kitchen. We’re weird, but we’re extremely well-matched.

My point here is that we are a relationship of equals. Power transfers back and forth in any relationship, and my relationship with Joshua is no different. But ask anyone who knows us: I am the alpha.

And as much as the naysayers have tried to get me to feel ashamed about my husband, I am tremendously proud of him.

I am proud to be married to a man who owned up to his one big mistake and repented for it. A man with courage of conviction, who did not walk back his comments about anti-racism when his colleagues demanded he do so. A man who did not let despair and depression win, even as lifelong friends deserted him overnight.

The prospect of no longer teaching at Princeton is devastating for my husband: He loved his job, and he has given his entire adult life to the university. The relentless bad-faith efforts to destroy his career and reputation have driven him sobbing into my arms more nights than I can count.

I suppose Padilla Peralta, who last year made a splash in the New York Times Magazine for his stated desire to destroy the existing discipline of Classics, is getting his wish. As was widely reported, Princeton’s department last year voted to eliminate its language requirement for undergraduates. Now it has eliminated its most legendary language instructor. The great irony is that the elimination of the language requirement was, in part, to encourage students to take ancient languages other than Latin and Greek . . . and Joshua was the only member of his department qualified to teach multiple such languages: Egyptian, Sanskrit, Tocharian, Syriac, Akkadian, Old Norse, Old Irish, etc. Indeed, Joshua’s earliest academic publications concerned Native American languages. His work was the least Eurocentric in the department.

And then there is the chilling message Princeton has sent to Joshua’s colleagues and to academics everywhere: step out of line politically, and we will find a way to bring you down. Show us the man, and we’ll show you the crime. 

Perhaps Joshua’s tormentors have no skeletons in their closets—but then again, several senior administrators who have served in the last few years are or have been in romantic relationships that would now violate Princeton’s official policies. The Ivory Tower is a house of cards. And for the first time in my life, I’m sorry to say, I’ll almost be glad to see it fall.

I hate that I feel that way. That is the rhetoric of people like Padilla Peralta, who, during the same freshman orientation session in which Joshua was singled out as a racist, told the freshman class that they should “tear down this place and make it a better one.” 

The truth is that I have an abiding love for Princeton as an institution. It isn’t the place I once knew. Maybe it will be again. Thankfully, my husband is exactly who I always knew him to be. (read more)

2022-05-26 j

2022-05-26 i


2022-05-26 h

-05-26 g

Wow: 1 parent was briefly arrested for urging police to enter Robb Elementary

"Once freed from her cuffs Ms. Gomez made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fence, and ran inside to grab her 2 children. She sprinted out of the school with them"

— Joseph Zeballos-Roig (@josephzeballos) May 26, 2022

2022-05-26 f

2022-05-26 e

2022-05-26 d

2022-05-26 c

Cops stood outside the school while the killer rampaged inside.

Onlookers yelled at them to go in. They didn’t. One parent urged bystanders:

“Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to.”

— Andy Specht (@AndySpecht) May 25, 2022

2022-05-26 b

Police waited to enter Texas school as shooter went on killing spree: witness

The teenage madman who slaughtered 19 kids and two teachers in a Texas school spent more than 40 minutes inside as witnesses desperately urged police to charge into the building, it was ­revealed Wednesday.

Salvador Ramos barricaded himself inside the classroom before opening fire on students and teachers inside. Border Patrol agents finally breached the door about 40 minutes to an hour later when a staff member gave them a key.

Now the father of one of the dead children is blaming officers at the scene for not acting sooner to stop the gunman.

Jacinto Cazares raced to Robb Elementary School when he heard about the shooting and arrived while police were still gathered outside.

While he anxiously watched the officers standing outside his daughter’s school, he suggested storming into the school building himself along with other civilian bystanders.

“’Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,’” he said he told other onlookers. “More could have been done.”

“There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth but didn’t do a darn thing [until] it was far too late,” Cazares, the father of 10-year-old victim Jackie Cazares, told ABC News.

A witness who lived across the street from the elementary school said onlookers begged officers outside the school to do something as gunfire rang out inside the building.

“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers who did not go inside, 24-year-old Juan Carranza said.

Local police, state police and 80 Border Patrol officers swarmed to the scene. Four of the 80 Border Patrol officers entered the school building and killed Ramos, according to a Customs and Border Protection official.

Carranza felt the officers should have entered the school sooner. (read more)

2022-05-26 a

Onlookers urged police to charge into Texas school

UVALDE, Texas (AP) — Frustrated onlookers urged police officers to charge into the Texas elementary school where a gunman’s rampage killed 19 children and two teachers, witnesses said Wednesday, as investigators worked to track the massacre that lasted upwards of 40 minutes and ended when the 18-year-old shooter was killed by a Border Patrol team.

“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, who saw the scene from outside his house, across the street from Robb Elementary School in the close-knit town of Uvalde. Carranza said the officers did not go in.

Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said he raced to the school when he heard about the shooting, arriving while police were still gathered outside the building.

Upset that police were not moving in, he raised the idea of charging into the school with several other bystanders.

“Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,” he said. “More could have been done.”

“They were unprepared,” he added.

Minutes earlier, Carranza had watched as Salvador Ramos crashed his truck into a ditch outside the school, grabbed his AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle and shot at two people outside a nearby funeral home who ran away uninjured.

Officials say he “encountered” a school district security officer outside the school, though there were conflicting reports from authorities on whether the men exchanged gunfire. After running inside, he fired on two arriving Uvalde police officers who were outside the building, said Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson Travis Considine. The police officers were injured.

After entering the school, Ramos charged into one classroom and began to kill.

He “barricaded himself by locking the door and just started shooting children and teachers that were inside that classroom,” Lt. Christopher Olivarez of the Department of Public Safety told CNN. “It just shows you the complete evil of the shooter.”

All those killed were in the same classroom, he said.

Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw told reporters that 40 minutes to an hour elapsed from when Ramos opened fire on the school security officer to when the tactical team shot him, though a department spokesman said later that they could not give a solid estimate of how long the gunman was in the school or when he was killed.

“The bottom line is law enforcement was there,” McCraw said. “They did engage immediately. They did contain (Ramos) in the classroom.”

Meanwhile, a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation said the Border Patrol agents had trouble breaching the classroom door and had to get a staff member to open the room with a key. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing investigation.

Carranza said the officers should have entered the school sooner.

“There were more of them. There was just one of him,” he said.

Uvalde is a largely Latino town of some 16,000 people about 75 miles (120 kilometers) from the Mexican border. Robb Elementary, which has nearly 600 students in second, third and fourth grades, is a single-story brick structure in a mostly residential neighborhood of modest homes.

Hundreds packed into bleachers at the town’s fairgrounds for a vigil Wednesday and the crowd swelled so big some stood around the speakers on the dirt arena. Some cried. Some closed their eyes tight, mouthing silent prayers. Parents wrapped their arms around their children, as the speakers lead prayers for healing.

Before attacking the school, Ramos shot and wounded his grandmother at the home they shared, authorities said.

Neighbor Gilbert Gallegos, 82, who lives across the street and has known the family for decades, said he was puttering in his yard when he heard the shots.

Ramos ran out the front door and across the small yard to the truck parked in front of the house. He seemed panicked, Gallegos said, and had trouble getting the truck out of park.

Then he raced away: “He spun out, I mean fast,” spraying gravel in the air.

His grandmother emerged covered in blood: “She says, ‘Berto, this is what he did. He shot me.’” She was hospitalized.

Gallegos, whose wife called 911, said he had heard no arguments before or after the shots, and knew of no history of bullying or abuse of Ramos, who he rarely saw.

Investigators also shed no light on Ramos’ motive for the attack, which also left at least 17 people wounded. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Ramos, a resident of the small town about 85 miles (135 kilometers) west of San Antonio, had no known criminal or mental health history.

“We don’t see a motive or catalyst right now,” said McCraw of the Department of Public Safety.

Ramos legally bought the rifle and a second one like it last week, just after his birthday, authorities said.

About a half-hour before the mass shooting, Ramos sent the first of three online messages warning about his plans, Abbott said.

Ramos wrote that he was going to shoot his grandmother, then that he had shot the woman. In the last note, sent about 15 minutes before he reached Robb Elementary, he said he was going to shoot up an elementary school, according to Abbott. Investigators said Ramos did not specify which school.

Ramos sent the private, one-to-one text messages via Facebook, said company spokesman Andy Stone. It was not clear who received the messages.

Grief engulfed Uvalde as the details emerged.

The dead included Eliahna Garcia, an outgoing 10-year-old who loved to sing, dance and play basketball; a fellow fourth-grader, Xavier Javier Lopez, who had been eagerly awaiting a summer of swimming; and a teacher, Eva Mireles, whose husband is an officer with the school district’s police department.

“You can just tell by their angelic smiles that they were loved,” Uvalde Schools Superintendent Hal Harrell said, fighting back tears as he recalled the children and teachers killed.

The tragedy was the latest in a seemingly unending wave of mass shootings across the U.S. in recent years. Just 10 days earlier, 10 Black people were shot to death in a racist attack at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket.

The attack was the deadliest school shooting in the U.S. since a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012.

Amid calls for tighter restrictions on firearms, the Republican governor repeatedly talked about mental health struggles among Texas young people and argued that tougher gun laws in Chicago, New York and California are ineffective. (read more)

-05-25 i

2022-05-25 h

Border Patrol Agent Killed Texas Shooter After Rushing In With No Backup; What We Know About The Suspect

The man who brought down the Texas elementary school shooter on Tuesday was a US Border Patrol agent who rushed in  without backup and killed the assailant.

"A Border Patrol agent who was nearby when the shooting began rushed into the school without waiting for backup and shot and killed the gunman, who was behind a barricade," reported the Associated Press. "The agent was wounded but able to walk out of the school."

As FoxLA's Bill Melugin reported on Tuesday, "an elite BORTAC Border Patrol agent is believed to have shot and killed the gunman at Robb Elementary School today."

According to the US Customs and Border Protection
website, BORTAC stands for Border Patrol Tactical Unit, which "provides an immediate response capability to emergent and high-risk incidents requiring specialized skills and tactics." The unit was created in 1984 in order to deal with rioting at border detention facilities, and "quickly evolved and acquired additional skill sets in high-risk warrant service; intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance; foreign law enforcement" and now, school shootings.

In a Tuesday night address following the shooting, President Biden pounced on the opportunity to push for gun control. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, on the other hand, kept politics out of his response.

"Texans across the state are grieving for the victims of this senseless crime and for the community of Uvalde," he said, referring to the town in which the shooting occurred located around 85 miles west of San Antonio. "Cecilia and I mourn this horrific loss and we urge all Texans to come together to show our unwavering support to all who are suffering."

Here's what we know so far about Salvador Ramos (via The Epoch Times):

The 18-year-old suspect who allegedly shot and killed 19 children at a Texas school allegedly messaged a stranger, saying: “I’m about to” hours before Tuesday’s incident.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott identified Ramos as the suspect of a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde on Tuesday afternoon. He was slain by law enforcement officials, according to the governor’s office.

Ramos is also accused of shooting his grandmother before driving to Robb Elementary armed with a handgun and possibly a rifle, said Abbott. The suspect had attended Uvalde’s high school.

A manager at a local Wendy’s in Uvalde confirmed Ramos had worked at the establishment but “kept to himself mostly.”

“He felt like the quiet type, the one who doesn’t say much. He didn’t really socialize with the other employees,” Adrian Mendes, the manager, told CNN. “He just worked, got paid, and came in to get his check.”

And a young woman who had worked with Ramos said he appeared to be aggressive.

“He would be very rude towards the girls sometimes, and one of the cooks, threatening them by asking, ‘Do you know who I am?’ And he would also send inappropriate texts to the ladies,” the former co-worker, who was not identified, told The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity.

Without elaborating, the female worker said, “At the park, there’d be videos of him trying to fight people with boxing gloves. He’d take them around with him.”

Santos Valdez Jr. told the Washington Post that they had been friends until Ramos’ behavior started to “deteriorate,” adding that Ramos was often bullied because of a stutter and a lisp. At one point, Valdez recalled, Ramos cut his own face with a knife “just for fun.” He added: “He’d cut up his face with knives over and over.” Another person who knew him said Ramos allegedly would shoot at strangers with a BB gun from a car.

Just hours before the shooting, Ramos allegedly messaged a young woman, who said that Ramos was a total stranger who tagged her in a gun photo.

“You gonna repost my gun pics,” his alleged account, “@sal8dor_,” direct messaged the girl on May 12, according to screenshots of the messages. The account appears to have been deleted.

The woman then told him “what your guns gotta do with me (sic).” Ramos then allegedly replied: “Just wanted to tag you,” as reported by the New York Post.

That Instagram account also posted several images three days ago of two rifles, including one that appears to be a Daniel Defense AR-15-style rifle. Another image showed an individual holding a magazine.

A former classmate, Nadia Reyes, told the Washington Post that he posted videos to Instagram showing Ramos screaming at his mother and cursing at her as she tried to kick him out of the house.

“He posted videos on his Instagram where the cops were there,” Reyes said. “He’d be screaming and talking to his mom really aggressively.”

Another classmate of Ramos said that he texted him photos of ammunition and firearms. “He would message me here and there, and four days ago he sent me a picture of the AR he was using… and a backpack full of 5.56 rounds, probably like seven mags,” the unidentified friend told CNN, adding: “I was like, ‘Bro, why do you have this?’ and he was like, ‘Don’t worry about it.’”

“He proceeded to text me, ‘I look very different now. You wouldn’t recognize me,’” the friend said, adding that Ramos “slowly dropped out” of school after he was allegedly bullied. (read more)

2022-05-25 g

REVEALED: Uvalde school district was part of AI program that rooted out potential mass killers and monitored social media for threats and potential shooters
  • Texas school officials had been monitoring students' social media prior to the deadly shooting in Uvalde Tuesday - but failed to pick up on posts from gunman
  • As an 18th birthday present to himself earlier this month, now-deceased suspect Salvador Ramos bought two AR-style rifles and paraded them on social media
  • The ensuing massacre left 19 students aged under 11 and two adults dead
  • Before the rampage, Ramos reportedly also shot his 66-year-old grandmother
  • Uvalde School District officials say they had been monitoring its students' social media pages using an advanced AI-based service called Social Sentinel
  • The software is designed to find signs of potential harm in digital conversations
Texas school officials had been monitoring students' social media prior to the deadly shooting in Uvalde Tuesday, it has been revealed - but still failed to pick up on concerning posts from the teenage gunman in the days leading up to the tragedy.

As an 18th birthday present to himself earlier this month, now-deceased suspect Salvador Ramos bought two AR-style rifles and paraded them on social media - including in ominous messages sent hours before the killing started.

The teen's photo-op also saw him share an image to his since-scrubbed Instagram account, of him cradling the magazine of a rifle on his lap.

The ensuing massacre - the deadliest at a US elementary school since the infamous 2012 Sandy Hook shooting - left 19 students aged under 11 and two adults at Uvalde Elementary dead. Ramos also reportedly shot his 66-year-old grandmother before embarking on the killing spree.

Now, Uvalde School officials say they had been monitoring its students' social media pages using an advanced AI-based service called Social Sentinel, designed to recognize signals of potential harm found in digital conversations.

The district revealed Monday it had been using the platform 'to monitor all social media with a connection to Uvalde as a measure to identify any possible threats that might be made against students and or staff within the school district.'

According to its creators, the service - powered by advanced linguistics technology - scans and analyzes digital content to pick out and flag potential safety and security risks, as well as mental health and social and emotional concerns.

The software scans selected digital content - in this case, thousands of students' social media accounts - and identifies language that fit those criteria.

The powerful technology is designed to then alerts leaders if a community member is showing signs of crisis, so they can intervene before an incident occurs.

The service also scans threatening images, along with its associated text, before determining whether it is something community leaders should look into.

However, in this particular instance, the technology fell short - failing to spot Ramos' objectively concerning posts and notify district officials.

It is not immediately clear why the technology failed to flag Ramos' posts. reached out to Social Sentinel and Uvalde district staffers for comment on the software's apparent failure Wednesday morning, but did not immediately hear back.

Students and parents also failed to spot the post from the troubled student, who was described as a bullied loner who slowly dropped out of school due to teasing about his lisp, habit of wearing eyeliner, clothes and his family's poverty. (read more)

-05-25 f

Creating another school shooter in 8 to 10 years?

2022-05-25 e

More gun laws will not make a difference. 
Criminals do not obey laws.

If criminals obeyed gun laws,
Chicago would be a safe city.

2022-05-25 d

The uniparty has other (corrupt) priorities.

Imagine how many innocent American lives could be saved if our elected officials spent as much time allocating funds to secure our schools as they have spent to secure Ukraine.

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 25, 2022

2022-05-25 c

School shootings often linked to prescribed,
brain-altering, psychiatric drugs.

America does not have a gun problem.
America has a Big Pharma problem.

This website is a collection of about 5000 news stories with the full media article available, mainly criminal in nature, that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals)  or that were part of FDA testimony in either 1991, 2004 or 2006, in which antidepressants are mentioned or in some cases family, friends, law enforcement or coroners have verified the presence of an antidepressant in a perpetrator.

Antidepressants have been recognized as potential inducers of mania and psychosis since their introduction in the 1950s.  Klein and Fink1 described psychosis as an adverse effect of the older tricyclic antidepressant imipramine. Since the introduction of Prozac in December, 1987, there has been a massive increase in the number of people taking antidepressants. Preda and Bowers2 reported in the year 2001 that over 200,000 people a year enter a general hospital with a diagnosed antidepressant-associated mania and/or psychosis. They were shocked by such high figures stating that since it is rare for physicians to recognize the antidepressant as the trigger for the mania that the actual figures of antidepressant-induced mania would be far higher. The subsequent harm from this prescribing can be seen in these about 5000 stories of those who never made it into a hospital before the mania resulted in tragedy for them and those around them.

This web site focuses mainly on the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Prozac was the first and was also marketed as Sarafem (Prozac in a pink pill) for PMS.  Other SSRIs are Zoloft, Paxil  (Seroxat), Celexa, Lexapro, and Luvox.  Other antidepressants included in this list are Anafranil and Trazadone (Desyrel) and the SNRIs Effexor, Serzone, Remeron, Cymbalta, Pristiq, Savella, Stratera given for ADHD as well as the dopamine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant Wellbutrin (also marketed as Zyban).


48+ School Shootings/Incidents Involving SSRIs

Most of the stories on this site describe events that occurred after the year 2000.  The increase in online news material and the efficiency of search engines has greatly increased the ability to track stories.  Even these 5000 documented stories only represent the tip of an iceberg since most stories do not make it into the media. There are 68 cases of bizarre behavior, 48 school shootings/incidents, 52 road rage tragedies, 12 air rage incidents, 44 postpartum depression cases, over 600 murders (homicides), over 180 murder-suicides and other acts of violence including workplace violence on this site.

A Public Health Problem of Epidemic Proportions

There is a grave concern among advocates that adverse reactions are greatly underestimated by the public, the medical profession, and the regulatory authorities. Each of these stories in our list can be interpreted as an adverse reaction and in most cases we have highlighted the portion of the article that refers to evidence of bizarre behavioral change consistent with drug reaction. In some stories causation is acknowledged and the juxtaposition of these stories with those where it goes unrecognized as well as the repetition of themes and circumstances is chilling. If indeed medications played a significant role in all these tragedies, then this is a public health problem of epidemic proportions on a global scale.

(read more)

See also:

See also:

See also:

2022-05-25 b

Black career criminal died of fentanyl overdose
on 25 May 2020. White cop convicted by a corrupt system.

2022-05-25 a

Homosexual, black, bird-watcher vigilante
threatened white woman with dog.
She got cancelled.

On the morning of May 25, 2020, a woman named Amy Cooper was walking her dog in an area of Central Park known as the Ramble. Comic book writer and editor Christian Cooper, who is not related to Amy Cooper, was birdwatching there, and noticed that Amy’s dog was unleashed and running free,[1] despite the requirement that dogs in that part of the park be on-leash according to the Central Park Conservancy, which manages the park under contract with the city.[2] Christian asked Amy to leash her dog, and she allegedly refused. By his own account, Christian then said, “Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it,” and beckoned the dog toward him with a dog treat.[3] Amy then yelled, “Don’t you touch my dog!”[3] Christian then began recording on his cellphone.[1][3] (read more)

See also:

-05-24 e

Salvador Ramos was SICK

"trans" shooter

2022-05-24 d

Biden Admits U.S. Gas Prices Driven by Incredible Transition Away from Fossil Fuels

During a joint press conference held in Tokyo, Japan, held by Joe Biden and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Biden was asked about the financial pain Americans are feeling with massive increases in gasoline prices.

Outlining how his energy policy is directly related to the gasoline price, Joe Biden said: “Here’s the situation. And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.” Yet again proving the intent of the administration is to implement the ‘Green New Deal’ through executive action.  WATCH.

This admission is akin to former President Obama saying, “energy prices would necessarily skyrocket” in order to achieve the goals of the administration. (read more)

2022-05-24 c

"The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation": Nicolle Wallace. Nobody Spreads it More Relentlessly.

From her days as Bush/Cheney propagandist, to her stint on The View, to her role as beloved-by-Democrats MSNBC host, Wallace has perfected the art of sociopathic lying. Watch our original video.

The most blatant and shameless liars from the first term of the Bush/Cheney administration have, revealingly, enjoyed great success in media and journalism. That is because serial deceit is not a liability for a thriving career in corporate journalism but rather a vital asset — provided that the lies are in service of ruling class policies. Tawdry propagandists who helped drive post-9/11 America into a bottomless pit of lies and self-destruction have become the most highly-paid and beloved stars of liberal media. They include:

  • Former Bush White House speechwriter David Frum of The Atlantic and CNN;

  • Bush/Cheney CIA and NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden of CNN;

  • Ubiquitous amoral neocon warmonger Bill Kristol of MSNBC and various #NeverTrump groups;

  • Al-Qaeda/Saddam conspiracy theorist Jeffrey Goldberg, now editor-in-chief of The Atlantic;

  • The various scumbags, con artists, predator-protectors and fraudsters of the Lincoln Project, drowning in #Resistance cash and frequent MSNBC appearances;

  • Pro-war Florida GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough, now a multi-million host of MSNBC's flagship morning show and anchor of its corporate brand; and,

  • Rep. Liz Cheney, long-time vocal supporter of her father and now a literal "hero” to American media liberals.

But few Bush-era propagandists have thrived more, made more money, and developed a more devoted and swooning liberal fan base than the official Communications Director of the Bush/Cheney White House and 2004 Bush/Cheney-reelection campaign, Nicolle Wallace. Having catapulted from her work as Jeb Bush's Press Secretary to the White House to senior adviser to John McCain's presidential campaign (working for her close friend, Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt, who recently performed one of the most public and sustained nervous breakdowns in the history of the internet), Wallace was always beloved by the DC press corps.

In 2005, when she was named Bush White House Communications Director, The New York Times lavished her with praise, claiming that she “comes from a different mold than the small band of Texans who carry out the White House press policy” and admiringly noted that “she was once fired for being too nice to reporters.” She endeared herself further to corporate journalists by repeatedly sabotaging the McCain campaign from which she was collecting a paycheck, leaking negative stories about McCain and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (whose selection as Vice Presidential candidate was driven primarily by liberal icons Bill Kristol and Steve Schmidt).

As Wallace — seeing the media's love affair with Obama — began shrewdly repositioning herself as a liberal, she claimed in 2010 that she did not even vote for McCain due to her misgivings about Palin (a claim which Schmidt repeated about himself for the first time last week during his multi-day psychological erosion). When Wallace published a self-glorifying novel about the first female chief of staff (modeled after herself) to the first female president in 2011, liberal corporate journalists including MSNBC's Rachel Maddow gushed over it, while The New York Times’ reporter Ashley Parker, now of The Washington Post, heralded her as “the tough, savvy and hard-charging conservative political operator” who enjoys a close friendship with CNN's Dana Bash.

So beloved was Wallace by the corporate press that she was rewarded in 2014 with a highly lucrative contract to be a co-host on ABC's The View. She then joined NBC News. Quickly adapting to her new role as a Republican who vehemently despised Donald Trump — easily the most lucrative Trump-era archetype —- MSNBC bestowed her with her own afternoon cable show in 2017. She quickly became one of Democratic viewers' most popular hosts — constantly giving a platform to Schmidt and other Lincoln Project sleaze merchants as part of the #NeverTrump gang, a faction so beloved by corporate media employees that they filled cable green rooms and newspaper op-ed pages while having little to no representation among the actual voting populace. Liberals love Wallace so much that she was given a second hour to host in 2020.

But lurking beneath her perky smile, multi-million-dollar media contracts, gushing liberal fan base and a long list of media admirers is something extremely dark and pernicious. In a swamp of professional liars and sleaze merchants, Nicolle Wallace has distinguished herself easily as one of the most seamless and casual liars in the world of Washington politics and media. She thrived in the Bush/Cheney administration precisely because she was so adept at selling the White House's deadly lies to liberal corporate media employees, dressing up those lies in a pleasing-to-liberals packaging that she learned from growing up in a affluent town near San Francisco, and then at Berkeley and Northwestern's School of Journalism. She was the vintage conservative who liberals could love — a smiling sophisticate, someone willing to betray her GOP employers to impress liberal journalists, an amicable young woman touting degrees from the types of schools that impress coastal media elites — and it was virtually inevitable that she would thrive within media corporations that need women who can credibly claim to be conservatives yet appeal to liberal sensibilities and flatter liberal audiences.

Wallace has employed those personality traits in service of the most toxic and insidious of all tasks: a happy, relentless purveyor of official disinformation. When the CIA wants the American public contaminated with its lies and disinformation, Nicolle Wallace's lips begin moving. She delivers the anonymous disinformation campaigns of the U.S. security state with a tone of empathy, compassion, and liberal elegance, all in the language and with the affectations which affluent liberals most admire.

She has an unsurpassed ability to broadcast to audiences outright lies whispered to her by Deep State operatives — one after the next — without flinching or betraying the slightest sense of a conscience or moral compass. She lies like only a sociopath can: exuding charm and warmth yet utterly vacant on the inside, except for a soul festering in rot. Over the last twenty years — from her perches at the White House, on The View, and now at MSNBC — nobody has made liberals eat up Pentagon and neocon war propaganda more eagerly and uncritically than Nicolle Wallace.

There is literally not a single liberal/CIA disinformation campaign over the last six years that she did not fully and uncritically embrace. Each time the U.S. Security State and Democratic Party fabricated blatant lies and embarked on injecting their poisonous brew into the American bloodstream, Nicolle Wallace was at the forefront. Using the skills she harnessed to help lead Americans into one of its most destructive and immoral wars in U.S. history — the invasion and 15-year destruction of Iraq — the former Bush/Cheney shill, now a DNC and CIA shill, has played a starring role in virtually every lie American liberals have been led to believe.

Because Wallace is primarily a video performer — she rarely writes or speaks extemporaneously, instead clinging loyally to talking points and teleprompter scripts — video is the only medium that can really convey the full extent of her brazen contempt for the truth. After we began compiling many of the examples of Wallace's leading role in spreading official disinformation, we asked Matt Orfalea — who came to prominence as a young videographer for the 2016 Sanders campaign and who has since become a much more heterodox voice on his Rumble page, which he began after repeatedly being censored by YouTube — to produce a video with the goal of viscerally conveying who Nicolle Wallace really is and the dark arts on which she relies for her careerist and ideological project.

Orfalea is an artist: a highly creative and unorthodox videographer. The videos he produced for journalist Matt Taibbi regarding the media's disinformation orgy about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and its even more deceitful effort to lie to the public about the materials on Hunter Biden's laptop are two of the best political videos I have seen in years. The video he produced for us on Nicolle Wallace — the Typhoid Mary of Disinformation — is, in my view, at least of the same quality. The tone and tenor of this video are obviously quite different from those we typically employ to do our reporting here, but the video so perfectly conveys who Wallace is, and how she spews and disseminates disinformation, that I am very proud to present it and eager for you to watch it.

The free trailer, available to all, is below. The full mini-documentary, for subscribers only, follows after that. Above all else, it demonstrates the key point about this new discourse about “disinformation.” Those who most flamboyantly warn of the dangers of disinformation and seek to censor the internet in the name of fighting it are, (through such tactics as the defunct-for-now Homeland Security Disinformation Board) in fact, the most aggressive and destructive purveyors of disinformation in the world.

The trailer for "The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation” is here.

(read more)

2022-05-24 b

2022-05-24 a

Amateur hour at the White House briefing room

Karine Jean-Pierre made her historic debut as White House press secretary this week. And after watching her first four performances as the president’s spokesperson, only one word sums it all up: amateur.

To be sure, White House press secretary is one of the hardest white-collar jobs in the world, if not the hardest. Oftentimes, as we witnessed with Jean-Pierre’s predecessor, Jen Psaki, the job calls for defending the indefensible. And when 79 percent of voters believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and when the public’s approval of the president’s handling of the economy and the border is languishing in the 20s, that’s not a job most would sign up for.

But Jean-Pierre isn’t just a victim of bad luck regarding the president for whom she works. This early conclusion comes after watching this press secretary read answers to questions, oftentimes for extended periods of time, verbatim.

The confidence simply is not there, nor is the conviction. Consider this exchange between the new press secretary and Peter Doocy on Monday after the Fox News White House correspondent read the following tweet from Biden on May 16.

“You want to bring down inflation? Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share,” the president tweeted.  

Doocy: “How does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of gas, the cost of a used car, the cost of food, for everyday Americans?”
What followed was akin to a high school student putting together a series of sentences in order to achieve a mandatory word count on a term paper. Here was the answer verbatim, per the official White House transcript:

Jean-Pierre: “So, look, I think we encourage those who have done very well — right? — especially those who care about climate change, to support a fairer tax — tax code that doesn’t change — that doesn’t charge manufacturers’ workers, cops, builders a higher percentage of their earnings; that the most fortunate people in our nation — and not let the — that stand in the way of reducing energy costs and fighting this existential problem, if you think about that as an example, and to support basic collective bargaining rights as well.  Right?  That’s also important. But look, it is — you know, by not — if — without having a fairer tax code, which is what I’m talking about, then all — every — like manufacturing workers, cops — you know, it’s not fair for them to have to pay higher taxes than the folks that — who are — who are — who are not paying taxes at all or barely have.”

The original question about how raising taxes on corporations lowers inflation did not get answered.

On another occasion on Wednesday, a reporter asked if there is “a new level of alarm within the White House about the stock market?” The question came after stocks plunged for a sixth straight day, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average losing more than 1,100 points, the biggest drop in two years.

Jean-Pierre: “We do not — that’s not something that we keep an eye on every day. And so, I don’t — I’m not going to comment about that from here.”

So while more than 144 million Americans own stock, and many more are invested in 401Ks for their retirement, the White House isn’t keeping an eye on it. Sleep tight, America.

For all Psaki’s flaws – among the most notable were pushing hilariously false narratives such as blaming former President Trump for the current border crisis and arguing that spending additional trillions will lower inflation and the deficit and that Republicans want to defund the police – there was confidence behind her answers regardless of whether they were convincing or not. Psaki left the White House for MSNBC, which led to Jean-Pierre’s promotion. 

Then there’s the question of Jean-Pierre’s credibility based on her past statements which, if uttered by a conservative or anyone named Trump, would be characterized as a chilling attack on democracy. 

“Stolen election … welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump,” she tweeted after the 2016 election. 

“Trump always finds a way to take it to the lowest of lows. Not only is he petulant dotard but also a deplorable illegitimate president,” was her sentiment in 2017

“Reminder: Brian Kemp stole the gubernatorial election from Georgians and Stacey Abrams,” she said of Abrams’s gubernatorial loss to Republican Brian Kemp. 

It’s a good thing the new Government Disinformation Board has been put on hold, because these reckless claims should be placed at the top of the list. And of course, Twitter did not suspend Jean-Pierre’s account or take those tweets down despite breaking its number one rule regarding false or misleading claims. 

Elon Musk is correct: The platform does have a “very far-left bias.” Jean-Pierre should apologize while taking these tweets down, but that ain’t happening and likely never will because a mostly compliant media isn’t broaching them or calling her a conspiracy theorist. And you know that would not be the case if a press secretary for a Republican president made such chilling claims. 

The coverage of Jean-Pierre thus far has focused not on her performance but on her gender, race and sexual orientation. 

Karine Jean-Pierre leads history-making first briefing as White House press secretary” — USA Today 

“New press secretary hails barrier breakers who paved the way for her” — NBC News 

Meanwhile, on Friday, it was announced that Pentagon spokesman John Kirby is heading to the White House. Multiple reports say Kirby will appear in place of Jean-Pierre on occasion but will not be officially sharing duties with her. 

Kirby, who is steady, likable and credible in this role at the Pentagon, should have been the president’s first choice to replace Psaki. He’s also relatively fearless in appearing on all the cable news networks, including Fox News on multiple occasions. The decision about Psaki’s replacement should have been one of the easier ones for the president to make. Alas, it went to Jean-Pierre.

And if she is wise, she will reach out to past successful press secretaries who served under Democratic presidents. Mike McCurry was excellent under President Clinton, as were Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney and Josh Earnest under President Obama. 

It’s a good bet all of these former press secretaries would be happy to help, because learning by doing during an election year simply isn’t going to cut it. (read more)


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