![]() |
![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2022- Throughout July,
USAAPAY.com will celebrate white people - including
their history, their accomplishments and future.
![]() Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. — Joseph Sobran, April, 1997 (originally posted as 2021-04-16 d) 2022-07-10 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI Why
Don't Those Meddlesome Jews
Resettle Africans into ISRAEL instead? After all, Israel
is adjacent to Africa, so such an operation
would have a far smaller carbon footprint (less jet fuel used, fewer emissions emitted & better for the environment). ![]() Let's not forget
Roman Catholics and Lutherans also
participate in the "refugee" (Great Replacement) racket. 2022-07-10 d THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IV Miscegenation Will Lead to a Global Zimbabwe, Teeming With Mental Midgets, Living in a Hobbesian Nightmare, Managed by High-IQ White Technocrats, Ruled by Jewish Overlords.
Last week I stopped to fill my fuel tank at a self-service gas station. As I waited for my tank to fill, I noticed a young redhead who was also filling her tank. Her alabaster skin, sprinkling of freckles, green eyes and upturned nose were good indications that her hair color was natural. That made her a rare individual. Each generation, natural blondes and natural redheads are becoming fewer in number. Not all White people are blondes or redheads — I’m not, for example — but they represent something special about our race and our heritage, and are among the most envied people on earth. To prove my point, just think of all the hair dye bought and used by women to make themselves more attractive. How many brunettes dye their hair blonde or red? There is something instinctive about this tropism toward fairness. The basic instincts which have helped to shape our species operate on a sub-rational level. We may not be consciously aware of this special attraction, but it exists. All of these thoughts brought to mind a book that I have been reading, Ascent of the Mind by William H. Calvin. It’s a scholarly interpretation of the effects of the ice ages on the intellectual development of our race. The human brain has increased in size by a factor of four in the last 2.5 million years. This rapid rate of development is almost unheard of in nature. Dr. Calvin makes an excellent argument that this increase in cranial size is due primarily to the ice ages. The ice ages occurred in cycles. We experience spring, summer, fall and winter every year. The ice ages cycled every 100,000 years with smaller ice ages every 10,000 years. When the two cycles coincided, the glaciers covered most of the European continent, the cradle of our people. Life was extremely difficult for early European man during those periods. Only the most fit–and the most intelligent–survived those harsh times. The weak and the mentally incompetent perished in the limitless ice and snow. The ability to plan ahead demanded self-denial in the summer in order to ensure survival during the long, bleak winters. Those who could work together for the common good also increased their odds for survival. This, in time, developed into a social order that is as much instinctual as it is learned. Another thing that happened was that our appearance changed. As our brains got larger, our jaws receded and our forehead became nearly vertical instead of sloping. Our skin became nearly white, and our hair and eyes became lighter. Whiteness in Nature, of course, is the great signifier of the North, of the creatures which developed in the harshness of the ice and snow. We carry this mark of the North. We instinctively associate these qualities of appearance with nobility, character, and intelligence–and our instincts are right. In between the ice ages, times were good, the glaciers receded, food was plentiful, and mankind flourished. These boom times lasted hundreds of generations. European man increased in both number and diversity. New variations of Caucasians came into being. During the next ice age a great winnowing process took place. The new variations not worthy of survival became extinct, while improved variations increased. This cycle of events was repeated every 100,000 years for the past 2.5 million years. We, the descendants of those European peoples, are the result of that natural selection process. The young redhead at the gas station was truly a beautiful work of Nature and, if you will, Nature’s God. By this time, the young lady had finished filling her tank. She opened her passenger door and retrieved her baby from its car seat. Only now was I able to see her toddler as she carried it in to pay for the gas. After my previous thoughts, I was unprepared for what I saw. Emotions washed over me: shock, anger, disgust, and sorrow! The baby she carried had brown skin and black, kinky hair. It wasn’t the first time that I had seen a White girl with a dark baby. Unfortunately, these days, it is a common sight. All too common! What made this time especially disturbing to me was the fact that I had, only seconds before, been thinking about how this beautiful young woman represented one of Nature’s greatest achievements. We now know that the African continent did not suffer through the ice ages as Europe did. Therefore, the indigenous peoples of Africa did not experience the same development. Survival in Africa depended on a different set of criteria. It was not necessary to use forethought or long-term planning to survive, so those traits were never well-developed. It was beneficial to make the most of any unexpected opportunity, hence the trait for impulsive acts. The African continent has always had swift predators, hence the traits for speed and agility. Disease, much more common in the steaming tropics than in the cold north, made life short, hence the high rate of reproduction. The Black race still has these traits today. The gene for sickle cell anemia, another trait developed in Africa, actually is a survival advantage where malaria is common. The author of Ascent of the Mind, however, never mentioned what should have been an obvious conclusion. The fact that Blacks evolved in a radically different environment and are therefore a radically different kind of human is a Politically Incorrect conclusion. Does accepting this truth mean that we should hate Blacks? No, but not accepting this truth and acting as though the races are equal will lead to the death and extinction of our people. The psychological differences between Blacks and Whites are as pronounced as the differences in skin color. Intellectually, the differences are easily measured. The average White has an IQ of 100, while the average [American] Black has an IQ of only 85. A higher IQ simply was not necessary for survival in Africa. More importantly, the percentage of the very intelligent, those people who are our natural leaders, thinkers, and inventors, those upon whom the future of our society depends, is hundreds of times greater among Whites than among Blacks. Racial mixing can easily wipe out the class of people who create and sustain civilization in just a few generations. It has happened before. What about the young redhead? Was what she had done as wrong as I thought it was? Television, movies and even our tax-supported educational institutions promote racial mixing. As a college instructor, I am well aware of the social pressure on young White people. Black males are only following their natural animal instincts when they try to mate with as many females as possible. Young White girls, especially blondes and redheads, are their most desired prey. When a Black male flatters a White female, and she has not been sufficiently indoctrinated into racial mixing, she will reject his sexual advances. Most Black males have learned that if all else fails, to ask, What’s the matter, are you prejudiced? They have found that young, educated White girls want to be fashionable. It is not fashionable to be prejudiced. Her TV, her teachers, her newspapers, her magazines, her music and maybe even her pastor teach her that to be prejudiced is just possibly the worst thing she could ever be. Probably that is what happened to the young redhead. The dark-skinned, flat-nosed, kinky-haired baby represented a backward step for the European race, a backward step of hundreds of thousands of years, a backward step into a chasm with no bottom save the endless darkness of death. It may have been the redhead’s life, it may have been her body, and it may have been her baby–but it was my race that she was destroying. She had betrayed every ancestor who had struggled for survival against overwhelming odds so that their children and their grandchildren and their great-grandchildren, through all the ages could advance and prosper. Instead of further advancement, she had chosen to become an evolutionary dead end. I fear that she and other unthinking White females like her may be responsible for the extinction of our race and the end–the literal end for all time–of everything we hold dear and sacred in this world. Preventing that from happening is what this
program is all about. That is why we are here every
week, taking the chances that every one of you who
bothers to think about it knows we are taking. That is
why everyone associated with National Vanguard Books
and the National Alliance has given up something, some
of us quite a bit, to do everything we can to bring
the truth to our people. (read
From behind one podium after another, western leaders and their lackeys talk more and more openly about a liberal world order – even a rules-based liberal world order. The more I hear and see about a world ordered by self-described liberals and their rules, the less I like it. I certainly don’t recall ever being invited to vote for it. Two years ago I gave scant thought to acronyms like WHO, UN, WEF. Now I watch them with the same attention I give to dogs that look like they might bite. At some point in the past –
and I missed that point too, whenever it was, I
will freely admit – the governing class decided
they were done with serving us and that they own
us and rule us instead. That cancerous thought has
metastasized in recent years, so that it’s not
just governments and their bureaucrats and
preferred scientists who presume to lord it over
us, to tell us what to do, what to think. That
same deranged thought is there throughout the
greediest capitalist corporations now as well. The
technocrats took free speech by the throat long
ago, so as to preserve and push their own
self-described progressive ideologies. No that
same superiority complex is everywhere else as
a THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I The Pandemic of Lies
Tucker Carlson Outlines
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Reset Everything and asks,
Was it Done on Purpose?
During his opening monologue Friday evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson went into great detail outlining the current evidence of how the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated. As a direct consequence of the COVID-19’s global impact, a geopolitical reset has taken place. Carlson asks the questions of whether this reset was done purposefully, and why is there no one looking at how the virus originated? WATCH. (read more)2022-07-09 c BLACK & WHITE III USAAPAY.com
and the corporate media lit the race
war fuse decades ago.
The race war, including horrendous levels of black on white violence, smolders throughout melanin minority neighborhoods and its frequent flare ups are usually not covered by the media, because stereotypes. Democrats and the corporate media inflame race tensions by lying to blacks about systemic racism or individual racism being the explanation for black poverty, black dysfunction, black under-performance and black criminality. Blacks are not told there is a strong association between intelligence and income. More intelligent individuals earn more (much more) than the less intelligent. Blacks with some white genetics (85 average IQ) are one standard deviation lower than whites (100 average IQ). Blacks with no white genetics (70 average IQ), like their brethren in sub-Saharan Africa, are two standard deviations lower than whites. School under-performance and criminality are best explained by the hereditary intelligence deficits of blacks. The fiction of systemic racism does not account for the current plight of inner-city blacks. Blacks have received billions in aid and welfare since the mid 1960s. Blacks have been the beneficiaries of racial preferences and affirmative action programs for more than a generation. Black anger and resentment increase because all those benefits (essentially reparations) have not given them white levels of achievement or prosperity. We at usaapay.com see the situation worsening with the race war becoming bloodier. We repeat our previous warnings to whites: STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS AND BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS. 2022-07-09 b BLACK & WHITE II In deepest,
darkest Philly ...
Police Looking for 7 [BLACK] Teens Who Beat
73-Year-Old to Death with Traffic Cone
It has been many years since CTH made the decision to stop documenting the predatory attacks from within the Safari confines of Atlanta, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Oakland, New York City, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Austin and several major metropolitan areas. {Go Deep} It became almost impossible to report on the Safari because even a decade ago the politically correct internet police were scrubbing content faster than Nina Jankowicz would sing about disinformation. However, in the decade that’s passed; and as expected throughout the rise of the Dream Defenders and BLM; things have gotten much worse. The most recent example of danger within a regional safari zone comes from Philadelphia. A group of seven “teens” beat a 73-year-old man to death with a traffic cone. A traffic cone. PHILADELPHIA – Security video released Friday by Philadelphia police shows a group of teens fatally beating a man in his early 70s with a traffic cone. In a statement, the Philadelphia Police Department said authorities were searching for seven teens seen in the video, which was recorded on the morning on June 24. The victim, who was not identified in the statement and who police blurred in the video, fell to the ground after being struck with “objects,” the department said. He died the next day.
In the video, the department said a reward of $20,000 was being offered for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case. The department said the group appeared to be in their early to mid-teens. The man was identified by NBC Philadelphia as 73-year-old James Lambert Jr., who went by “Simmie,” according to his family. The video showed the man crossing a street north of downtown Philadelphia before one of the teens can be seen hurling a cone at him. It isn’t clear if the teens knew the man or what occurred before the apparent assault. (MORE) The attack took place at 2:00am, and as expected the immediate response from the local safari defenders is to ask why the victim violated a key safari rule and went outside after dark. Within the confines of the Safari Zones the rules clearly state you should not be there; it is specifically emphasized that if a traveler must transit near a Safari Zone, there should be no travel into, through or within the zone after sunset. The predators are most active at night. Most of the time the safari incidents show up on page 5 or 6 of the newspaper. Ten years ago, the common lingo was to identify the ‘incidents’ as kids playing the “Knock Out Game”, or shooting people for “Thrill Kills”, or if people accidentally talked to them, well, the safari residents were allowed to jump in/out of the car and attack without consequence. The empowerment rules within the safari, commonly known as racial equity efforts, have spread in the last decade. Inside the Safari, the predator’s rape little girls during their adolescence, smash bricks in the faces of others as teens, enjoy lighting people on fire while they are alive, and sometimes they will order a pizza or Chinese food so they can shoot the delivery driver for a viral YouTube video. Other random examples have highlighted the “cap-a-joggers-ass” for jogging in/near the safari or smashing faces with bricks for more giggles. The safari residents develop alternate monikers like No-Limit-Nigga, and if you exit your vehicle during your drive through their region, well, you are requesting a beating. If you describe the adult version of the teen predators honestly you are labeled a racist. However, if you put your head down and ignore the warning signs you risk becoming a victim. A tenuous choice. To distract attention away from the Safari Zones the congressional black caucus claims to legitimize occupants with representation. If you defend yourself against them, you are hunting in the safari, regardless of the reason for your presence. Safari regulators Al Sharpton and Benjamin Crump call the residents “constituents” while Malik Shabazz calls them “footsoldiers”, Eric Holder calls them “his people”, and President Obama says they are just like his kids: “if I had a son.” So,
you are In each of the
cases in/around the Safari Zones the victim was
usually targeted because they were vulnerable or
disposable; customarily because the victim violated
one of more of the rules of the safari. In
this example Mr. Lambert was outside his home at
2:00am. See more about Philadelphia: https://www.bigtrial.net/2022/07/larry-krasner-enables-accused-rapist-to.html 2022-07-09 a BLACK & WHITE I Concealed carry is the
only to defend
oneself from such savages.
2022-07-08 c CIRCLING THE DRAIN III Gallup: Trust In Institutions
Hits A New Low
Back to the problem I posed in 2017: “So I’m thinking through what it will mean to live without institutions.” The collapse of trust in institutions is fairly obvious by now. We’ve been harping on how institutions have been gutted from the inside out by repressive progressive politics, what now is called wokeness, but the problem pre-dates that now-fashionable term. There is a generational effort to tear the country apart, and so much of it started in education and expanded outward, what I’ve called the “campus to culture” phenomenon. In 2017 I wrote, Legal Insurrection is 9 years old, and filled with dread:
Apparently a lot of people have come around to my observation on the collapse of institutions. On July 5, 2022, Gallup released a survey finding Confidence in U.S. Institutions Down; Average at New Low:
Some of the
specifics are not surprising – the news media is in
the toilet.
The Gallup historical data demonstrates longer term trends by institutional type. The Military has dropped 10 points since the Trump years: This is all interesting data, and confirms what we see. Back to the problem I posed in 2017:
It has a real potential to get very ugly. (read more)2022-07-08 b CIRCLING THE DRAIN II Wharton Finance Professor
Looks Deeper into June Jobs Data, Outlook Not So
Good – Hours Worked Dropped Equivalent to 450,000
Lost Jobs
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, Finance Professor Jeremy Siegel, takes a closer look at the June jobs data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Professor Siegel notes a .01% drop in average hours worked is the labor equivalent of dropping 450,000 jobs. With factory demand dropping, and with inventories climbing, and with FTE’s (Full-Time Equivalents) dropping, the jobs report takes on additional context that aligns with the overall decline we feel in Main Street activity. Essentially, regardless of how many jobs are “created” within the economy, the overall economic activity -as measured by the value of products & services generated- is declining. Additionally, as noted by Professor Siegal, the current best estimate as reviewed by the several data points, is a current drop in overall GDP in the -2% range. Seigal points this information out because the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates into an economy that has declining (demand side) consumer activity, which, correctly as he states, only makes the contraction more severe. WATCH. The core supply side costs (all based on energy policy) continue to increase and drive consumer prices upward. Simultaneously, consumer demand is dropping because the goods and services impacted by the increased costs (most of which are unavoidable) are more expensive. This creates a downward spiral. Prices are increasing, at the same time demand is decreasing. In this scenario there is no way to avoid a steep recession. (read more) 2022-07-08 a CIRCLING THE DRAIN I No National Politician Will Go
There – However, at Least Tucker Carlson Does
One of the most frustrating aspects to our current state of national affairs is that no politician will articulate the basic commonsense problem, and how the people handling Joe Biden are directly to blame for it. Instead, DC and national politicians talk around it, all of them pretending not to know. However, at least there is one voice in Tucker Carlson who articulates the economic and political reality in a framework that most can understand. In his opening monologue, Carlson succinctly pointed out how the current state of economic anxiety is directly the result of Joe Biden chasing the Green New Deal initiatives that progressive, communist democrats have advocated for years. WATCH. The energy crisis is intentional. The food crisis is intentional. Everything that is happening domestically in our economic crisis is happening intentionally. All of the problems are the result of intentional policy decisions. (read more) 2022-07-07 c MILITARY TRANSVESTITES PRIVATES SHOW
Army Training Says Soldiers Must Shower with
Transgender Persons of Opposite Sex
bAn Army training slide obtained by Breitbart News instructs soldiers to shower with transgender members of the opposite sex even if they have not undergone a surgical transition. The training slide offers a “vignette” instructing soldiers on what to do if they encounter a female soldier who identifies as male according to the Department of Defense’s personnel tracking system known as Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), but has not surgically transitioned and still has “female genitalia.” The slide, titled “Soldier/Unit Training Barracks, Bathrooms, and Showers,” reads:
The slide instructs soldiers: “Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy. … Understand anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.” It also tells soldiers that they should be “respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others,” but that “transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.” The training slides warn soldiers that violations of Equal Opportunity (EO) policies may result in disciplinary actions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and that EO policies “apply to working, living, and recreational environment (on and off-post, during duty and non-duty hours).” Soldiers with concerns or questions are told to discuss them with their chain of command. While fear of reprimand may prevent soldiers who disagree with the policy from expressing those views publicly, some teammates of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas have shared how they felt about sharing a locker room with someone from the opposite sex. One swimmer told the Daily Mail: “Multiple swimmers have raised it, multiple times… . But we were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and there’s nothing we can do about it, that we basically have to roll over and accept it, or we cannot use our locker room.” The swimmer added, “It’s really upsetting because Lia doesn’t seem to care how it makes anyone else feel… . The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one.” The slide is part of a mandatory training presentation all soldiers must receive following the Biden administration’s January 2021 order to the Department of Defense that all qualified transgender persons be allowed to join the military and serve openly. The order reversed a policy under the Trump administration that prohibited transgender persons with gender dysphoria from serving. Another slide from the presentation states that a soldier’s gender transition is considered administratively “complete” once the soldier has completed the “medical care necessary to achieve stability in the self-identified gender,” but that the medical care is the “medical process identified or approved by a military medical provider in a documented medical treatment plan” and “often does not include surgical treatment.” “Once gender transition is complete and the Soldier’s gender marker in DEERS is changed, the Soldier is expected to adhere to all military standards associated with the Soldier’s gender marker in DEERS and use billeting, bathroom, and shower facilities in accordance with the DEERS gender marker,” it says. The training slides are dated August 2021, but were distributed to soldiers earlier this year in March, according to the Free Beacon, which obtained different slides from the same training. Similar training slides have been circulated in the past, featuring slightly different scenarios. Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Navy reservist and member of the House Armed Services Committee, said in a statement to Breitbart News, “Every soldier I know just wants to spend their day working hard to keep America safe and it’s shameful that they’re being forced to sit through these pointless and partisan trainings.” “Our adversaries aren’t wasting their time with this stuff. We need to get serious about countering the serious threats we face abroad,” Banks, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, added. Breitbart News
contacted the Army for a comment but did not receive
a response by deadline. (read
2022-07-07 a MURDEROUS TRANSVESTITE IV Dad says,
cross-dressing, killer son has, "good morals."
2022-07-06 c MURDEROUS TRANSVESTITE III Highland Park parade
shooter's mom is wacky.
Denise Pesina Confronts SWAT
Personnel and Police, Exposes Breast in Front of Her
Home After Highland Park Parade Shooting
Police and SWAT personnel, just before 4:00 p.m. Monday, July 4, 2022, began to assemble in front of the home of Denise Pesina, mother of Highland Park Independence Day mass shooter suspect Robert E. Crimo III. Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesman Deputy Chief Christopher Covelli released yesterday, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 that investigators believe that Robert E. Crimo III disguised himself as a woman to blend in with the crowd as he left the mass shooting scene without his rifle just after 10:15 a.m. Monday, July 4, 2022, and then walked to his mother’s home a short distance away from the crime scene. Covelli did not release the address of the mother’s home, but the SWAT operation at Denise Pesina’s home was randomly discovered as part of observation of a very large area of police activity in Highland Park. Covelli also did not release the identity of the suspect’s mother, but a published obituary of a grandfather, and multiple media sources have identified Denise Penisa as the mother of Robert E. Crimo III. In a press conference Tuesday, Lake County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Chief Covelli (Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesman) said Robert E. Crimo III borrowed his mother’s car and fled the area. Covelli also said that there was no indication that Robert E. Crimo III told his mother that he had committed the crime in downtown Highland Park. Earlier on Monday at about 1:40 p.m. and before he was captured, police indicated that Crimo, III, was believed to be driving a 2010 silver Honda Fit with license plate DM 80653. Before Robert E. Crimo III was captured, police with armored Bearcat trucks and tactical gear surrounded Denise Pesina’s home carrying rifles and body shields. From the appearance of tactical positions of the SWAT personnel, it was apparent that police eventually did not suspect that Crimo III was inside the home. However, they wanted to enter the home for some reason, and apparently Denise Pesina wasn’t cooperating with police. While police assembled and waited, Denise Pesina accosted police and walked back and forth down her street in front of her home. She twirled her body, while pointing at equipment and personnel, and a helicopter overhead. She appeared to be ridiculing the police response, but she was too far from the police perimeter tape to hear and understand her exact words. At one point she gestured in a sort of mime action that she was pulling down her revealing spaghetti strap top, and then her pants. Then she walked back toward her home, and when she walked past two personnel assigned to SWAT, she pulled down her top to expose her right breast. Both tactical personnel averted, turning their eyes and bodies away from the view of her body as she walked past them. Apparently, police were waiting for a search warrant to arrive to enter her home. When a police officer arrived with a white paper document, SWAT personnel raised their body shields and moved to enter the home. An ambulance had staged nearby as a precaution in case any injuries occurred during the tactical operation. There were no apparent injuries at the scene. The exact address and location of the home is purposefully not identified here to avoid or reduce the risk of malicious targeting of the home. A neighbor said that he recognized Denise Pesina as being from the neighborhood. He also said that there was anodd occurrence before the parade. There were about 30 to 40 people gathered at about 7:30 a.m. Monday, July 4, 2022 near the intersection near Denise Pesina’s home. The neighbor said there was no indication what the group was doing there. The neighbor said he thought the gathering seemed odd for some reason — even before he was aware that the Highland Park mass shooting occurred. (read more)2022-07-06 b MURDEROUS TRANSVESTITE II Highland Park parade
shooter wore women's clothes.
![]() (mug shot)
Highland Park Shooting Suspect
Held Without Bail, Supposedly Confessed to Crime
Highland Park shooting suspect Robert Crimo III appeared in court where a judge said he would be held without bail. Judge Theodore Potkonjak described Crimo as a “threat to the community.” Crimo is charged with seven counts of first degree murder. Crimo, 21, allegedly
fired more than 80 rounds at a crowd of spectators
Monday morning in a suburb of Chicago, killing seven
people and injuring dozens, before fleeing the scene
dressed as a woman, authorities said.
According to prosecutors, Crimo confessed to shooting at innocent parade goers from a rooftop perch. He allegedly admitted to dressing up in woman’s clothing and covering his tattoos in makeup to try and conceal his identity. After he fled the rooftop, according to prosecutors, his Smith & Wesson M&P 15 rifle fell out of his bag in a back alley. Lake County Deputy Sheriff Chris Covelli said that Crimo told the police “he happened upon a gathering in or near Madison, Wis., and considered attacking people there with a rifle he had in his car” after he left the scene in Highland Park. Crimo did not attack the group “because he had not conducted enough advance planning.” Crimo watched the hearing via a video link from Lake County Jail. He told the judge he did not have a lawyer. His lawyer Tom Durkin “had to step aside because of an unspecified conflict of interest in the case.” He will have a public defender now.The police also revealed how Crimo’s father helped him obtain his guns despite having a violent past. Robert Crimo II, sponsored his son’s FOID application in December 2019 since he was only 19 years old. Crimo II did this despite someone calling the police twice in that year because his son threatened to kill himself and his family: The Highland Park Police Department notified the Illinois State Police. But they did not have information he had any firearms:
Crimo was able to pass background checks because no one filed complaints against him: (read more) 2022-07-06 a MURDEROUS TRANSVESTITE I Uvalde school shooter
used eyeliner,
spoke with a lisp and wore women's clothes. * * * * See also: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/06/uvalde-school-shooting-robb-elementary-report/ 2022-07-05 d BLACK & WHITE IV What Every White Parent Should
Explain to Their Children About Blacks - 'The Talk',
by John Derbyshire
The Talk: Nonblack Version This is the column that
got me defenestrated by National Review,
as covered at length here. The
original column is still at the Taki's
Magazine website in late 2019. In case
something happens to it — you never know
nowadays — I am archiving this copy here at my
own website.
In the course of archiving I have inevitably found that many of the links in the original article no longer work. I have put in substitute links where I could find something suitable; elsewhere I have just left the text linkless. There is much talk about "the talk."
Denisa R. Superville of the Hackensack (NJ) Record tells us. Meanwhile, down in Atlanta:
Gracie Bonds Staples writes in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Leonard Greene talks about the talk in the New York Post. Someone bylined as KJ Dell'Antonia talks about the talk in The New York Times. Darryl Owens talks about the talk in the Orlando Sentinel. Yes, talk about the talk is all over. There is a talk that nonblack Americans have with their kids, too. My own kids, now 19 and 16, have had it in bits and pieces as subtopics have arisen. If I were to assemble it into a single talk, it would look something like the following: (1) Among your fellow citizens are forty million who identify as black, and whom I shall refer to as black. The cumbersome (and MLK-noncompliant) term "African-American" seems to be in decline, thank goodness. "Colored" and "Negro" are archaisms. What you must call "the N-word" is used freely among blacks but is taboo to nonblacks. (2) American blacks are descended from West African populations, with some white and aboriginal-American admixture. The overall average of non-African admixture is 20-25 percent. The admixture distribution is nonlinear, though: "It seems that around 10 percent of the African American population is more than half European in ancestry." (Same link.) (3) Your own ancestry is mixed north-European and northeast-Asian, but blacks will take you to be white. (4) The default principle in everyday personal encounters is, that as a fellow citizen, with the same rights and obligations as yourself, any individual black is entitled to the same courtesies you would extend to a nonblack citizen. That is basic good manners and good citizenship. In some unusual circumstances, however — e.g. paragraph (10h) below — this default principle should be overridden by considerations of personal safety. (5) As with any population of such a size, there is great variation among blacks in every human trait (except, obviously, the trait of identifying oneself as black). They come fat, thin, tall, short, dumb, smart, introverted, extroverted, honest, crooked, athletic, sedentary, fastidious, sloppy, amiable, and obnoxious. There are black geniuses and black morons. There are black saints and black psychopaths. In a population of forty million, you will find almost any human type. Only at the far, far extremes of certain traits are there absences. There are, for example, no black Fields Medal winners. While this is civilizationally consequential, it will not likely ever be important to you personally. Most people live and die without ever meeting (or wishing to meet) a Fields Medal winner.
(6) As you go through life, however, you will experience an ever larger number of encounters with black Americans. Assuming your encounters are random — for example, not restricted only to black convicted murderers or to black investment bankers — the Law of Large Numbers will inevitably kick in. You will observe that the means — the averages — of many traits are very different for black and white Americans, as has been confirmed by methodical inquiries in the human sciences. (7) Of most importance to your personal safety are the very different means for antisocial behavior, which you will see reflected in, for instance, school disciplinary measures, political corruption, and criminal convictions. (8) These differences are magnified by the hostility many blacks feel toward whites. Thus, while black-on-black behavior is more antisocial in the average than is white-on-white behavior, average black-on-white behavior is a degree more antisocial yet. (9) A small cohort of blacks — in my experience, around five percent — is ferociously hostile to whites and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm us. A much larger cohort of blacks — around half — will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that whites have it coming. (10) Thus, while always attentive to the particular qualities of individuals, on the many occasions where you have nothing to guide you but knowledge of those mean differences, use statistical common sense: (10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally. (10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods. (10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot). (10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks. (10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible. (10f) Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians. (10g) Before voting for a black politician, scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white. (10h) Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway. (10i) If accosted by a strange black in the street, smile and say something polite but keep moving. (11) The mean intelligence of blacks is much lower than for whites. The least intelligent ten percent of whites have IQs below 81; forty percent of blacks have IQs that low. Only one black in six is more intelligent than the average white; five whites out of six are more intelligent than the average black. These differences show in every test of general cognitive ability that anyone, of any race or nationality, has yet been able to devise. They are reflected in countless everyday situations. "Life is an IQ test." (12) There is a magnifying effect here, too, caused by affirmative action. In a pure meritocracy there would be very low proportions of blacks in cognitively demanding jobs. Because of affirmative action, the proportions are higher. In government work, they are very high. Thus, in those encounters with strangers that involve cognitive engagement, ceteris paribus the black stranger will be less intelligent than the white. In such encounters, therefore — for example, at a government office — you will, on average, be dealt with more competently by a white than by a black. If that hostility-based magnifying effect (paragraph 8) is also in play, you will be dealt with more politely, too. "The DMV lady" is a statistical truth, not a myth. (13) In that pool of forty million, there are nonetheless many intelligent and well-socialized blacks. (I'll use IWSB as an ad hoc abbreviation.) You should consciously seek opportunities to make friends with IWSBs. In addition to the ordinary pleasures of friendship, you will gain an amulet against potentially career-destroying accusations of prejudice. (14) Be aware, however, that there is an issue of supply and demand here. Demand comes from organizations and businesses keen to display racial propriety by employing IWSBs, especially in positions at the interface with the general public — corporate sales reps, TV news presenters, press officers for government agencies, etc. — with corresponding depletion in less visible positions. There is also strong private demand from middle- and upper-class whites for personal bonds with IWSBs, for reasons given in the previous paragraph and also (next paragraph) as status markers. (15) Unfortunately the demand is greater than the supply, so IWSBs are something of a luxury good, like antique furniture or corporate jets: boasted of by upper-class whites and wealthy organizations, coveted by the less prosperous. To be an IWSB in present-day US society is a height of felicity rarely before attained by any group of human beings in history. Try to curb your envy: it will be taken as prejudice (see paragraph 13). * * * * * * * * * * * * * You don't have to follow my version of the talk point for point; but if you are white or Asian and have kids, you owe it to them to give them some version of the talk. It will save them a lot of time and trouble spent figuring things out for themselves. It may save their lives. (read more)2022-07-05 c BLACK & WHITE III
2022-07-05 b BLACK & WHITE II My negro fatigue is
unquantifiable these days. The non-stop yammering
about equality and reparations (among others) is
nothing short of infuriating. Their damn reparations
are that they live here and not Apefrica. Further,
there is no true wish for equality – they want
dominion over Whitey, period.
— usNthem 2022-07-05 a BLACK & WHITE I In deepest, darkest Ohio
Ohio police release graphic
footage of officers killing Jayland Walker
aGraphic videos released Sunday show eight Ohio cops firing the barrage of bullets that killed a black man fleeing a traffic stop in Akron — with the city’s mayor calling the footage “heartbreaking.” Authorities have not said how many shots were fired at DoorDash driver Jayland Walker, 25, but Akron Police Chief Steve Mylett on Sunday acknowledged the number could be more than 90, with the man suffering at least 60 bullet wounds, according to cincinnati.com. The shooting took place Monday, after Walker allegedly refused to stop for cops trying to pull him over for unspecified traffic and vehicle violations. Police say Walker fired a gunshot from his car as he was being pursued. When Walker finally stopped his vehicle, he got out of the car in a ski mask and ran away from police, footage shows. Police said it appears he was turning toward officers, who believed he was preparing to shoot at them, when cops opened fire. One video shows a hail of bullets fired toward Walker, who Mylett said was unarmed at the time. Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan called the video “heartbreaking,” while a lawyer for Walker’s family has said the man was on the ground as cops continued to fire. Mylett refused to say Sunday whether the shooting was justified and added that when a cop “makes the most critical decision in his or her life” and points a weapon at someone and fires, they have to explain “for every round down the barrel of a gun,” the Cincinnati outlet said. A local medical examiner arrived at the scene to find Walker in handcuffs lying on his back, according to an ME “worksheet” in the case, the Beacon Journal reported. Walker was pronounced dead at the scene. Mylett said police later found a bullet casing, consistent with the gun Walker had, around the area where authorities believe he shot his weapon while driving. A gun also was recovered on the driver’s seat of Walker’s car, police said — as was a loaded magazine and what appeared to be a gold wedding band. Walker’s fiancee had died in an accident last month, the Cincinnati outlet said. Police said during Sunday’s press conference, which was streamed by USA Today, that 40 seconds after the driver fled the attempted stop, a gunshot was heard on officers’ body cams. Officers reported to dispatch a gunshot came from Walker’s car, police said. Walker suffered more than 60 gunshot wounds, though it’s unclear how many bullets hit him as officials examine entrance and exit wounds, Mylett said. Officers attempted earlier to use their stun guns to stop Walker but were unsuccessful, police said. A lawyer for the Walker family, Bobby DiCello, said Sunday after the footage was released that he was “very concerned” police alleged Walker fired at officers. He argued there was no justification for this death. He urged peace during protests. “They want to turn him into a masked monster with a gun,” DiCello said. “I ask you, as he’s running away, what is reasonable? To gun him down? No, that’s not reasonable.” All of the involved officers are on paid administrative leave. Mylett said he was told by the police union head that the officers were cooperating with the investigation, which is being conducted by the Ohio Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Medical-examiner photos of Walker viewed by an Akron Beacon Journal reporter show he had wounds to his face, torso and upper leg. DiCello said the family is unsure why Walker fled from police. He noted Walker was grieving the recent death of his fiancée. “He was sad, but he
was getting through it,” DiCello said. (read
more) INDEPENDENCE DAY While we celebrate
Independence, the illegitimate
Biden regime does everything possible to increase dependence. Why We Celebrate The Fourth of
2022-07-03 iThe colonies had been in conflict with England for over a year in June of 1776. A Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia on June 7 of that year. Richard Henry Lee from Virginia offered up a resolution with these now famous words: “Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.” Lee’s words spurred the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. A committee of five was appointed to draft a statement making the case for the colonies, a statement to the world of the intent and the reason behind that intent. Members of the Committee were John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. Jefferson took on the task of actually drafting the document as we know it today. The Continental Congress reconvened on July 1, 1776, and on the following day, the resolution for independence by Lee was adopted by 12 of the 13 colonies, with New York not voting. Minor changes were made to the Jefferson document. Work on the document continued through July 3 and into the afternoon of July 4, when the Declaration was officially adopted by the Congress. Of the 13 colonies, nine voted in favor of the Declaration, two — Pennsylvania and South Carolina — voted No, Delaware was undecided and New York again abstained.
As we all know,
John Hancock, President of the Congress made his
signature large enough for King George to read
“without his spectacles.” (read
While I live, let me have a country, a
free country.
– John Adams 2022-07-03 h THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VIII Covid-Con & Lethal
Injection Updates
Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV
It also works like HIV, via LFA-1 T-cell Receptors and gp120 * AIDS-Like
"Chronic Covid" is Taking Over Europe, Australia
and NZ
The Boosted Cannot Clear Covid Easily and Keep Getting Reinfected * * Vaccine
Shedding Finally Proven!
Statistically Significant Vaccine Shedding from Parents to Children * * 2022-07-03 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII Here’s a little factoid:
the recent Virginia gubernatorial election went
against the democrats because 80% of the poll
watcher positions available for Republicans were
filled, as opposed to the 15% of them who signed on
for the 2020 general election.
Vote fraud is behind every Democrat win in state and national elections. When the Democrats steal an election, it’s because their opponents aren’t watching them closely enough. — Ed D (source) * Great exposé on the meeting and plotting of
the scoundrels that are planning to steal the midterm
The one thing that should tip off people about the Dems’ confidence in their ability to cheat and their confidence that nobody will see legal consequences, is that Biden and other Dems are so flippant about the destruction they have caused, and will continue to cause, especially with the high gas prices. Normally when a politician’s or a party’s negatives and “country on the wrong track” numbers turn out badly, they act contrite, try to make up for the mistake, and correct things some. They fear the retribution at the ballot box in the next election…”the populous are pissed off and are going to stick it to us, we need to adjust this policy, retract that one policy, etc.” However Dems aren’t doing that, and as you’ve pointed out, are doubling down, basically telling the tens of millions complaining people to shove it, that high gas prices, high food prices, food shortages here and there are the new norm, Dems are fine with that, and aren’t going to do anything to remedy these items. The only reason they are taking that attitude is that they are supremely confident in their ability to cheat when it comes to voting. They do not fear retribution at the ballot box because they have neutered the population’s ability to bring that retribution. We saw it in 2020 and I think it is going to happen in a way in 2022 that will shock people because no President has had as low favorable ratings as Biden, and no “country on the wrong track” number has ever been so high. Common sense says that the party in power with those two negative factors in place, should get wiped out in the elections. But that won’t happen and while I hope that I am wrong, I fear that 2022 will be an epiphany for the population in a bad way. That AP story from a couple of weeks ago where they projected Dems to hold the House and pick up four Senate seats is some early gaslighting/conditioning that reveals their hand. The Fix Is In – Democrats Start to Prep America for Their Mid-Term Steal More of this type talk will occur over subsequent months and so when the steal happens, the mainstream media will just refer back to these articles as “Well, things turned out like what was predicted for months. No surprise or shock here. Dems keep the House and increase their seats in the Senate.” One of the common themes in Democrat policies, or in general their mindset, is that they and their constituents don’t expect to suffer negative consequences like they naturally should, from their bad/wrong/irresponsible behavior. Their whole M.O. is to rig a system, be it judicial, academic, voting, etc. for their benefit. Abortion is one example (irresponsible behavior leads to unwanted child, abortion makes the “problem” go away). Alec Baldwin is an example (kills someone, albeit accidentally, but still expects to receive no jail time, no penalties, no nothing). Sussman, Strzok, Clinesmith, etc. (all are part of a coup plot against the sitting president and all are walking free). Youth in our inner cities in large numbers don’t academically excel (they still get waved into Harvard or onto the next grade, etc.). Criminals and illegals in large numbers commit crimes (they get waved out of jail). None of the aforementioned suffered negative consequences like they naturally should have. Now we see it with the Dem President and Dem Congress…they burn down the country, but have voting rigged so that they won’t get thrown out of office en masse like they should. The 2022 vote will be very telling about where our country stands. (source) 2022-07-03 f THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI Federal Behemoth Has Been Restrained
Unelected bureaucrats
cannot put us in the dark
nor freeze us in winter nor broil us in summer. WEST VIRGINIA et al. v. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY et al. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1530_n758.pdf Finally, the Court has no occasion to decide whether the statutory phrase “system of emission reduction” refers exclusively to measures that improve the pollution performance of individual sources, such that all other actions are ineligible to qualify as the BSER. It is pertinent to the Court’s analysis that EPA has acted consistent with such a limitation for four decades. But the only question before the Court is more narrow: whether the “best system of emission reduction” identified by EPA in the Clean Powe r Plan was within the authority granted to the Agency in Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. For the reasons given, the answer is no. [...] Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible “solution to the crisis of the day.” New York v. United States, 505 U. S. 144, 187 (1992). But it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme in Section 111(d). A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is reversed, and the cases are remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion It is so ordered. 2022-07-03 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V “I will not go gently
into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we
will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL
history from that day forward will be forced to
note, even if they despise us, in the writing of
wreaking havoc and framing Trump supporters.
2022-07-03 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III My message to the pretend President:
Remove your sanctions on Russian oil and gas. Your and Obama's State Dept. and spooks provoked Russia constantly since 2014. Russia finally responded to your murderous provocations. You Democrats are responsible for the war & inflation.
* * * *
2022-07-03 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II The Alzheimer in Chief
Changed His Mind
“Life begins at
— Joe Biden, 2012 2022-07-03 a THE STATE OF THE DISUNION I War is not the glorious romp it used to be, either, in the days of caparisoned hussars and grenadiers in colorful enfilade. Now it’s more like being a swarm of gnats in a bug-zapper: pfffftttt… and you’re just one of ten thousand fellow gnats parlayed into the plane of ignominious nonexistence, sans accolades and salutes. Thus, our supremely stupid campaign against Russia in Ukraine, which is so not going well that it is hard to find a comparable strategic fiasco in history. Of course, strategic fiascos are “Joe Biden’s” specialty. Even his former running mate, Mr. O, acknowledged that “you can’t overestimate [“JB’s”] ability to fuck things up.” The alleged current president wanted desperately to bog down his nemesis, Vlad Putin, in the Ukrainian buzzard flats, hoping that Russia would roll over and die. But, lo and behold, it’s not working, not even with that $50-billion “JB” supposedly wired to Kiev. Instead, it’s America and our NATO allies who are circling the drain. Remember all those humming factories we won the Second World War with? They don’t exist anymore. Try prosecuting an industrial war without any industry. Decreasingly, too, our oil production, thanks explicitly to “Joe Biden’s” policies. Next, he’ll beg Mr. Putin for a discount on Russian oil while threatening to punch him in the face. I hope you’re prepared to lose this one as badly as we lost Afghanistan. Life for us will get simpler, for sure, but it
doesn’t have to be a trip back to the eleventh
century. Mere months remain before the Party of Chaos
has its near-death experience at the polls and we can
begin to contemplate a change of course that allows us
to remain a civilized nation of law and liberty,
despite all the damage done. I’m celebrating this
Fourth of July by mindfully declaring the independence
of the country I love from the regime of grifters,
tyrants, and sadists temporarily occupying the power
centers of Washington, DC. I hope you will join me and
do likewise.
Bolsheviks Are Wrong.
The Climate Cult Is a Bad Joke. Carbon Dioxide Has No Measurable Effect on Earth's Climate. There Isn't Enough of It to Make a Difference. At an
estimated 420 parts per million of our atmosphere,
CO2 constitutes 1/25th of 1% of the atmosphere.
That's right, one twenty-fifth of one percent. If you follow the science, specifically the Laws of Thermodynamics, you would know there is not enough CO2 to have a measurable impact on climate. I wrote this in February, 2021: Strictly speaking, I
am neither a climate denier nor a climate change
denier. Every planet with an atmosphere has a
climate. And the climate of this planet does
indeed change: sometimes cyclically, usually
gradually, but sometimes cataclysmically. I mean
what I say and say what I mean. Unlike the
algoreans, warmists, Green New Deal Marxists and
their media stenographers, I use words
Any compendium of modern pieties must include the unquestioned and unquestioning belief in Global Warming specifically or Climate Change in general. Faith, not facts, guide the pious. They have heard the green catechism since kindergarten. The strength of their beliefs would make a Calvinist jealous. Consequently, both believers or agnostics of that dogma show little interest in knowing its origins or underpinings. They treat it like holy writ and do not tolerate heretics or doubters. It is, as they claim, settled science. But is any science ever settled? Can we know everything about a subject of scientific inquiry and be dogmatically certain no new facts will be uncovered by further research? The pious faithful of the settled science cult suffer from the "Semmelweis reflex" or "Semmelweis effect." They tend to reject any new evidence or new knowledge that contradicts their established beliefs or paradigms. Timothy Leary, the LSD researcher, gave us a good definition of the Semmelweis reflex: "Mob behavior found among primates and larval hominids on undeveloped planets, in which a discovery of important scientific fact is punished.". For me, socialist economist Robert Heilbroner was the founding father of the modern climate cult. His article, After Communism, The New Yorker, Reflections, 10 September 1990, page 91, was his attempt to restore, “the honorable title of socialism,” after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He envisioned socialism being reborn by destroying capitalism and restoring central planning to mitigate, “the ecological burden that economic growth is placing on the environment.” Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates must have clipped that article and filed it away. Heilbroner stated, “Capitalism must be monitored, regulated, and contained to such a degree that it would be difficult to call the final order capitalism.” Are the Covid-Con and the proposed (but doomed to fail) Great Reset the result of Heilbronner's manifesto? The pious faithful of the settled science cult also suffer from a misplaced belief in consensus. Just as might does not make right, consensus does not make anything right. Science is not decided by majority vote. Anyway, the fiction of consensus in climate "science" dates to a paper by Peter Doran and Maggie Kendall Zimmerman of the University of Illinois. They reported the skewed results of an opinion poll of climate scientists that Ms. Zimmerman had done for her MSc thesis. They concluded that 97% of climatologists thought that mankind was having a significant impact on the climate. Though the survey was sent to over 10,000 scientists, only 79 responses were received from climatologists. The vaunted 97% figure represented just 75 out of 77 scientists. "Many participants were appalled by the survey and recorded their feelings at the time, calling it simplistic and biased, and suggesting that it was an attempt to provide support for a predetermined view." Though the mainstream media insist otherwise, there is no consensus. See also these old links: http://business.financialpost.com/fp-comment/meaningless-consensus-on-climate-change http://opinion.financialpost.com/2011/01/03/lawrence-solomon-97-cooked-stats/ http://climatequotes.com/2011/02/10/study-claiming-97-of-climate-scientists-agree-is-flawed/ http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2014/05/the-phony-claim-that-97-of-scientists.html http://www.garnautreview.org.au/update-2011/commissioned-work/the-%e2%80%99scientigic-consensus-on-climate-change%e2%80%99.pdf http://sppiblog.org/news/the-97-consensus-is-only-75-self-selected-climatologists http://tinyurl.com/Clim97pct https://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/07/18/what-else-did-the-97-of-scientists-say/ http://www.wendymcelroy.com/news.php?extend.3684 2022-07-02 e THE RIPE STUFF We Are Ripe for
Obama/Biden Bolsheviks Will Lose. Neil Oliver Will Not Eat the
This week Neil Oliver talks about the new Utopia we are being instructed to accept. A world in which there are no rights, only permissions. Everything including the modification of diets and the eating of bugs and fake meat; to the type of carbon footprint home we are permitted, to the energy we may use or the acceptable car we must drive; permissions, assuming of course, our social media profile and accompanying score is in line with regulatory inspection. Nope. Not happening. There are more of us than them. We will not eat the bugs. WATCH. [Transcript] – What’s being done to us, or tried on us at least, isn’t working … and it isn’t working and won’t work because what we’re being pushed to accept as the new world makes no sense. The supposed utopia we’re being promised – or, rather, having rammed down our throats – is one in which there is no universal truth, no absolute and trusted truth, but only personal truth that trumps all else. There are to be no facts like those observed by biologists, just as a for instance, and only feelings based on personal preferences that change from day to day. It will be a world in which we might have no inalienable rights, rights we are born with – just permissions granted one by one by the state … and then only if we do as we are told and do without cars and warm homes and eat our bugs and fake meat and take our medicine on demand. It is a world in which 2+2 might equal 5 if some faceless, unelected bureaucrat says it does – and if any of us says no, 2+2 always and only equals 4, then our bank accounts won’t give us any money until we accept our arithmetical and moral error. It is a world that makes no sense and that will not work, not for the likes of you and me. It will benefit the few, but it won’t work for the billions. In the world of before some of us had tried to learn to treat our fellow citizens as equals, and to judge them only by the content of their characters. In the new world we are to be born stamped and cursed with the sins of our ancestors or burdened with the yoke of oppression that was borne on the shoulders of those that went before. And above all else, we are absolutely to judge, and be judged, by the colour of our skins. This judging of a person by the colour of his or her skin is a glaring example of an idea that makes no sense and does not work. The trail to the new world is being blazed by those who call themselves progressive. Among much else, progressives say they hate racism and that it is the duty of all of us to be actively anti-racist. Progressives say we must teach our youngest about white privilege, introduce critical race theory to the classroom. But as soon as the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and put the individual states of America in control of laws on abortion, the progressive racist knives on the Left were out for a black judge named Clarence Thomas, one of the majority that struck down the 1973 ruling. Thomas – only the second African American person to sit on the Supreme Court, and having occupied a place there since 1991 is, in the eyes of many who count themselves progressive, evidently the wrong sort of black man. As a black African American, he ought, the progressives thought, to have belonged to them, and so done their bidding promptly and without hesitation. Justice Clarence Thomas however, had his own mind and made his own decision – which was not the one they wanted him to make. All at once the N-word was back and being thrown in his face. On social media he was described, among other things, as just another dumb, field … I leave you to fill in the blank, starting with the letter N. He was called a … slave – again with the N-word as a prefix – an N-word slave to his white wife, who was called a nutcase, just for good measure. We might just cut to the chase and say Justice Clarence Thomas was called everything under the sun by the progressive, pro-choice/pro-abortion side of the debate. Racism is one of the oldest sins of humankind. The N-word might be the ugliest name a human can call another human. In 20th century America the Ku Klux Klan hid their faces within white pointed hoods. In 21st century America it turns out progressive politics provide the necessary cover for naked racism. Aside from feelings and opinions about abortion, deeply and passionately held – aside from the unforgivable return of one of the most offensive words in any language, and a slew of other racist insults too many to list – this behaviour by self-proclaimed progressives makes no sense – not least because it is simply inconsistent. It is also hypocrisy of the most obvious sort. Let’s remember these are people who say they hate racism and racists. And yet the moment a man – a black African American man – did something they didn’t like – which is to say step out of line – the vilest manifestation of racist thinking was an instant, easy, comfortable fit in some of their mouths. When [illegitimate] President Joe Biden felt he had to respond to news of black people thinking about voting for Donald Trump at the last election he said of them: “You ain’t black!” It seems that in the minds of so-called progressives, from the White House on down, black Americans are to be seen and treated as a monolithic bloc that could and should be counted on to vote as one … specifically the Democrat, leftist, woke … “right” way. In those progressive minds, any black people who do otherwise, who break step with the herd, must have something wrong with them. If thinking that all members of a racial group can be counted on to think and act as one isn’t racist to the core … then I don’t know what is to be described as racist. Many of those same racists who pilloried a black man for thinking and acting as he saw fit were also among those demanding bodily autonomy for women in the context of abortion. Where were they when women, and men, were losing their jobs for refusing the Covid-19 [lethal] injections? Where were they when world leaders like Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern and many others went out of their way to make life unbearable, unliveable for those millions who already understood bodily autonomy and had the courage to make it real by standing up straight and saying no to an unwanted medical procedure and damn the consequences? Where were those bodily-autonomy-demanding progressives then? It doesn’t make sense, this proposed new world … this new world of say one thing and do another, where racists are evil incarnate until a black man thinks for himself and then quick as a flash the progressives sound like they’re looking for the bed sheets and the burning crosses. Racism from the progressives might be the most egregious example of the new world making no sense, but it’s hardly alone. World leaders in the west, for what they’re worth – which is absolutely nothing – are reciting from a hymn sheet, singing in perfect harmony about a world made green by ending fossil fuels. Footage emerged this week of Canada’s PM, Blackface Trudeau, and our own Boris Johnson, laughing together at the G7 about who had arrived on the smallest jet plane. They were laughing about their uninterrupted use of jet planes because to them the very subject is a joke. It’s a joke because for them nothing will change, while for us, the peasants, everything must change. Leaders like Trudeau and Johnson find the advent of this new reality very funny indeed, because it’s another opportunity to laugh at us – us everyday folk, fearful about feeding our families, heating our homes, ever-rising inflation, that sort of thing. The nonsense – or rather, the absolute absence of sense – trickles down from on high and puddles around the feet of the gullible and the hypocrites. The Glastonbury music festival was the return of the annual pilgrimage of the woke and worthy – fittingly enough, at Worthy Farm of all places. It is the gathering, all in one place, of the hundreds of thousands who think they know best and are ready and able to part with hundreds of pounds just to get beyond the high fences and onto the holy ground. Talk about no borders. When it was all over, they left in their woke wake uncountable tons of rubbish – single use plastic among it – scattered across the fields so that the farmland looked like a pop up landfill site. Best of all, the organisers had provided chargers for electric cars. The initial price to top up a virtue vehicle was 80 pounds … dropped to a bargain low of 50 pounds after complaints. But wait … the chargers were powered by … diesel generators. There, at the heart of the high church of woke, was the very life blood of Satan himself – filthy old diesel. A statement on behalf of the festival even said that using the farm’s own diesel power had been deemed less harmful – less harmful – to the environment than installing a Tesla supercharger. On and on it goes, the litany of the nonsensical. We’re told to fear overpopulation – when reproduction rates throughout the West are way below the level needed even to sustain present numbers. All across the globe – from the US to Spain to here in the UK to Singapore and to Japan – population numbers are set to fall off a cliff. Who will work to earn the taxes? Who will take care of the elderly? Countless questions and not enough people demanding answers. It makes no sense. At a time in history when we have the technology and the ability to feed all 7 billion people on the planet and more besides, we have global food shortages, the promise of famines in the Third World. We have a fuel crisis while coal, gas and oil lie untapped under the lands of the west, and while nuclear power remains pariah in the minds of those who would rather the poor got poorer, the hungry got hungrier and the cold got colder. Boris Johnson and Joe Biden find yet more billions of pounds to send to Ukraine and won’t lift a finger to do anything meaningful to help their own people face the advent of crisis and hardship. It makes no sense. It makes no sense because, and here’s the hardest pill to swallow, it’s not supposed to make sense. This is planned. This is on purpose. It’s supposed to make us do what we’re told. It’s supposed to make us stop asking impertinent questions and just submit to The Man. It’s supposed to divide us, one from another until everyone feels alone. It’s supposed to make us scared, angry, cold, hungry and sick to death. And when enough us are scared enough, angry enough, cold enough, hungry enough and sick enough or dead … we’re expected to welcome the new world with open, spindly, incessantly jabbed arms. But here’s the thing, my prediction is that it won’t work, this new world. It won’t work because it takes no account of the human spirit – the human spirit that learned more than two thousand years ago why totalitarianism was the enemy of freedom and life itself. That human spirit is still alive and kicking, by the millions. I’ll tell you this much right now – I want nothing of their new world and so I’m having none of it. I know right and wrong when I see them. I will not eat the bugs. I’ll see you on the other side. (read more) 2022-07-02 d THE RIDE STUFF Russia Sanctions Blamed
Obama/Biden Green New Deal Fuel & Food Inflation Meant to Crush the White Middle Class * * *
2022-07-02 c THE RITE STUFF Intolerant Religion of
Affluent White Female Liberals
The Modern Democrat Voter
Rarely does an image encapsulate a moment in U.S. political history so succinctly. This is a brilliant, absolutely brilliant, representation of a modern leftist who votes politically in favor of democrats. This artwork is one of the best encapsulations I have seen in years. The image is particularly poignant because modern leftists must pretend not to [notice or] know things in order to advance their political ideology. The suburban female voter, perfectly showcased as a “Karen” type figure (and the gender shaded imagery) is a representation of a wealthy, white, female, suburban liberal who drives the overall policy direction of the toxic political left. ![]() The artwork perfectly encapsulates the G7 policy announcement made by Joe Biden:
(1) To increase dependency and control the third-world population the G7 will finance a vaccine manufacturing facility in Senegal. The breeding of the brown people must be controlled – climate change policy demands it. (2) To control the optics of the third-world complaining about it, the G7 will mobilize $335 million in private capital to control the communication systems in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The brown people must not discover the nature of their exploitation; and the citizens within the G7 nations must not find out their government is exploiting the brown people. Wouldn’t look good. (3) The United States will spend $50 million over five years to support gender equity in the developing world increasing the friction between brown women and brown men, while ignoring cultural differences and forcing the social ideology of the West upon them. And finally…. (4) The G7, fearing third-world instability and anger from the brown people that could disrupt their supply chains, the U.S. and Western nations will now seek to increase their control of mining for mineral deposits needed for G7 batteries – and will fund more railroads and ports to export the critical material to the West more quickly. [SOURCE]The announcement is
an official launch and a rebranding of what had been
rolled out last year at the G7 in the UK as “Build
Back Better World,” the formal instructions from the
World Economic Forum surrounding [the fiction of]
climate change. (read
more) THE RIGHT STUFF [H]uman societies are composed of contending
political forces that seek power [“power bloc” or
“political force”], and these forces include all
groups able to organize and mobilize considerable
numbers of people and resources around them. In the
late Roman Empire, Christianity and (for a time)
Mithraism were such forces, able to attract a large
following and to compete for power in the crumbling
imperial state. In other periods of history,
significant political forces have mobilized around
certain military technologies or forms of organization
(the Greek phalanx or Roman legion, the mounted
warriors and English longbows of the Middle Ages), or
economic interests (industrial wealth in the early
19th century). What may be a significant political
force, one able to win the support of followers and
adherents and exercise power in one historical epoch
or circumstance, may cease to be significant when
other forces are able to resist, overcome, or replace
it. Those political forces or power blocs that are
most successful in mobilizing power then constitute an
elite or ruling class.
{...} The problem with this concept of conspiracy as “power bloc” or “political force” is that it tends to take all the fun out of conspiracy theory. Instead of locating villainy in a small, monolithic, invisible, and all but invincible band of plotters, it offers a sociology of elites as the main explanation of the dominant historical trends of the age. But truth, if it is less fun than fiction, is at least more useful. The power bloc model ought to dispose of several of the wackier conspiracy theories without further discussion. We are not talking about Freemasons or Illuminati or Satanists or rabbis who pore over the Talmud in a millennium-long quest to make us believe in evolution, but about which groups control the instruments of political, economic, and cultural power and how they organize and use their power. [...] Once Middle Americans begin to grasp the truth that it is the power structure rather than a man, a woman, or a small gang of swindlers and sex fiends that lies behind the dispossession of their country and their cultural and economic destruction, then they will begin to understand that what really goes on behind the scenes — Sam Francis, 1996 2022-07-02 a THE REICH STUFF ![]() No Really, I'm Not a Nazi
("Neo" or Otherwise)
I try to not be finicky about political labels. I’m comfortable with many of them. Race realist, white advocate, white nationalist, identitarian, and racialist are all decent descriptions of what I am. But there are two I am sometimes saddled with that I reject entirely. The first is “paleoconservative.” While I have profited enormously from reading many paleo thinkers, and enjoy Chronicles magazine, I am not one of them. A cornerstone of paleoconservatism is social conservatism in regards to the “culture war” issues of the late 1990s and early 2000s. I am not a social conservative, I’m a cosmopolitan urbanite. Moreover, the social conservatism of paleos is almost always informed by religious devotion, usually Catholicism, but sometimes other branches of Judeo-Christianity. I am not a believer in any of those religions. But “Nazi” is the incorrect label I hear much more often. It is an even less accurate designation than paleo. Despite the mainstream media and education system’s obsession with the history of race relations in the United States, many people, strangely, seem to believe that Adolf Hitler was the first, or perhaps foremost, exponent of white racial consciousness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hitler wasn’t a white nationalist so much as a German revanchist/chauvinist. His concept of the “Aryan” was quite different from what many American racialists throughout history, and most contemporary people, think of as “white.” The “master race” lionized by the Third Reich excluded Slavs and treated them brutally, to put it mildly. I am a pan-Europeanist. Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, and all the non-Muslim and non-Gypsy peoples of the Balkans and Eastern Europe are white. Germans are not superior to them. Moreover, the indigenous peoples of the Old Continent must put aside their petty differences and historic grievances and work together against the rising tide of color crashing upon its shores. Hitler, and Nazism, are emblematic of the small-minded nationalism that has so tragically divided the white race and led to countless fratricidal wars. In this sense, I have as little use for Nazism as I do for Bonapartism. Neither France nor Germany (or any other country) have a right to conquer and kill their racial kinsmen. Hitler also aligned with non-whites against whites. The Imperial Japan of the 1930s was one of the most ferocious and menacing non-white empires in world history. In 1941, the Japanese [were allowed to attack] America (essentially a white superpower). America immediately retaliated with a declaration of war, after which Nazi Germany declared war on the US. Nobody who aligns with Asian countries against America, or against any other white country, can be considered a white nationalist. Presumably Hitler would have been pleased to see Japan invade and colonize the western United States. As a white American, I find this unforgivable. To whatever extent Hitler aligned with Japan from fear of the USSR’s imperial designs, he should have scrapped the alliance the moment Japan failed to aid Germany during or after Operation Barbarossa. [...] In regards to Jews, I do not think their political power and cultural influence are above criticism. However, I have never believed that Jews are the biggest threat to Western Civilization. Historically, Islam seems to be a better candidate for that distinction. That being said, several different Asiatic powers are certainly in the running, both past (e.g. the Mongol Empire) and present (e.g. China). Right now, the biggest threat facing whites is the looming African population bomb. I’m no fan of the ADL, George Soros, Howard Zinn, or the Frankfurt school, but obsessing over Jewish malfeasance has a tendency to blind people to nuanced realities, and the existence of very real non-Semitic threats — such as the enormous amount of damage done by gentile race traitors throughout history. Some may argue that various neo-Nazis are not guilty of the issues outlined above. Most American Nazis, it seems, don’t dislike Eastern Europeans. If that’s the case, they really shouldn’t call themselves “Nazis.” Anti-Slavism was integral to the Third Reich. Likewise, if neo-Nazis are pleased that America defeated Japan instead of vice versa, then they shouldn’t admire a man who declared war against America in defense of Japan. The racialist bonafides of neo-Nazis are often suspect in other ways. For example, George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, once said “I’d rather gas queers than anyone else.” That is to say, he saw heterosexual miscegenists, blacks, and non-white immigrants as a lesser problem than gays, even white ones. That puts him in the same league as those conservative evangelicals who would rather their daughters give them seven mulatto grandchildren than cohabitate with a white woman. I find that preference truly disgusting. Whatever you think of gays, they’re certainly better than miscegenists. If you disagree, you are probably more of a conservative, or reactionary, than a racialist. I am a racialist first and foremost. On the whole, it has never been clear to me what Nazism has to offer to white Americans, past and present. As I noted in the beginning of this essay, Adolf Hitler didn’t pioneer white racial consciousness in any way. American identitarians have no shortage of domestic thinkers and politicians to draw from: Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, Hinton Rowan Helper, the American Colonization Society, Pitchfork Ben Tillman, James K. Vardaman, John Muir, Jared Taylor, and David Starr Jordan — to name only a few. Much of Nazi ideology is specific not just to Germany, but to Germany in the 1930s, and has little to no relevance or applicability to the United States. Likewise, there is no shortage of European figures not bogged down by Germanic particularism or totalitarianism: Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye, Enoch Powell, and Pim Fortuyn to again name only a few. So no, I am not a “Nazi” in any way. To call me one is about as accurate as calling a Bernie Sanders voter a Stalinist. In both cases, the label is used as a partisan slur that seeks to delegitimize a viewpoint out of hand. Call me a “white nationalist” instead, that term also goes a long way in isolating me from polite society, and it’s accurate to boot. (read more) 2022-07-01 c POOR WHITES AGAINST ADVERSITY Grace and Grit in Southern
West Virginia
[...] At the end of the week, I drive home and there’s everything to think about alone in my car for hours and hours. It’s as if I can’t even remember what I was expecting to find now that I’ve seen so much. Southern West Virginia is poor, and the stories of its heartbreak could fill the Library of Congress a hundred times over. But I knew all that before I got there— you probably did, too. However, it’s not some kind of “big White ghetto” in the midst of a Hobbesian war of all against all. I’ve really never met kinder people. I’ve also never met a people more determined to withstand it all and persevere. The place enlightened me— but only after it humbled me. All of us really do have a lot to learn from these people. Marcus Aurelius wrote that, “Nothing can happen to any man that nature has not fitted him to endure. Your neighbor’s experiences are no different from your own; yet he, being either less aware of what has happened or more eager to show his mettle, stands steady and undaunted. For shame, that ignorance and vanity should prove stronger than wisdom!” My Christian friends assure me that Christ agrees. I couldn’t tell you if God is real, but after a week in Welch, I do know for certain that God smiles upon southern West Virginia— and on the rest of us as well. (read more) 2022-07-01 b HARRIDANS AGAINST LIFE ABORT THE MISSION! ABORT!
aI gather from the recent hysteria that the Supreme Court has just ordered all 72 million American women of childbearing age to get pregnant and carry the baby to term. This is big news, if true. I’m not at all surprised that every female journalist, activist and politician is threatening to burn down the Supreme Court over its decision last Friday in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. On the other hand, even accepting the abortion cult’s belief that members of the weaker sex are incapable of either keeping their knees together or mastering birth control, I still only count about 100,000 women who won’t have easy access to abortion without Roe v. Wade. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, 930,160 abortions are performed in the U.S. every year. The lion’s share of those abortions occur in states that Biden won. Sixty-eight percent of all abortions are performed in blue states and 32% in red states, according to the CDC. Far from restricting abortion, the blue states have begun wildly expanding abortion rights in response to Dobbs — to the extent that that’s humanly possible. (Yes, it’s a beating heart, a helpless human being made in God’s image, but I’m not all that grieved about abortions in blue states.) That means, straight out of the chute, we’re down to only 297,651 abortions per year that are even at risk of being banned after Dobbs. Flash to thousands of screeching harridans, whose only risk of pregnancy would be if a zoologist inseminated them in a lab, holding signs that say, “GET OUT OF MY UTERUS!” Also according to Guttmacher, 54% of all abortions already are “medication abortions,” i.e. accomplished with pills given within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Good luck trying to ban that: The combined power of federal law enforcement — the FBI, the DEA, Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. military — plus state law enforcement can’t even keep fentanyl out of the country. So now, we’re down to — at most — 136,919 abortions a year that could theoretically be banned post-Dobbs. In fact, it will be significantly fewer than that, because a lot of the red state “bans” will still permit abortion in the first trimester. Guess how many abortions take place in the first trimester? Ninety-two percent, according to the CDC. Forty-three percent occur in the first six weeks of pregnancy. We’ve apparently already won an awful lot of “hearts and minds” on abortion – and I’m happy to explain that term to any pro-abortionists who can’t define “beating heart.” I didn’t even mention that every abortion ban includes an exception to protect the life or (serious) health of the mother (i.e., NOT I’ll be really depressed if I can’t get this abortion). Always have, and always will. That gives the abortionist a fair bit of wiggle room. This is the terrifying future that led thousands of abortion hobbyists to rush into the streets last week and scream at us about their uteruses. (Uteri?). All because up to 100,000 ladies won’t be able to get drive-through abortions if they have unprotected sex with men they don’t want to have children with, and they didn’t notice that they live in Louisiana. Maybe their unaborted kids will be better at math. The loons have also introduced a new phrase into the abortion debate (already elevated by such precise terminology as “choice”): “Abortion care.” See, if I’d been at the meeting where it was announced, OK, everybody! We’re going to start calling it “abortion care,” I’d have said, “I’m sorry, that’s too preposterous.” Consistent with liberal psyches, the attack on the Supreme Court last week was completely schizophrenic — Thursday: HOW DARE YOU TAKE AWAY STATES’ RIGHTS ON GUNS! Friday: HOW DARE YOU GIVE US STATES’ RIGHTS ON ABORTION! [ANSWER: One’s in the Constitution, and one isn’t.] The Dobbs decision also allowed the left to imitate Joe Sobran’s joke version of a New York Times headline: Earthquake Destroys New York; Women and Minorities Hit Hardest. In one breath, abortion enthusiasts tell us women of color will be hit hardest by the court ruling allowing states to ban abortion. That’s true in a sense: According to the latest figures from the C.D.C, in 2019, 33% percent of women seeking abortions were White, 38% Black and 21% Hispanic. Per capita, that’s a lot more Black and Latino babies being aborted than White babies. But then in the next breath, they say opposition to abortion is rooted in White supremacy! Yes, that’s a big rallying cry at the white supremacist rallies: DON’T KILL BLACK BABIES! As I noted after the freakout over the leaked abortion opinion a couple of months ago, no matter what people think of abortion, unleashing these shrews on the public is not helping Democrats. Democratic consultants’ midterm strategy: More shrews! Oh, wait — the Democrats agree with me. After allowing the ladies a three-day struggle session over the weekend, on Monday, the Jan. 6 committee suddenly announced an immediate return to the hearings. It was an emergency! They had a surprise witness. This could not wait. MAJOR UPDATE FROM BOMBSHELL WITNESS AT TUESDAY’S HEARINGS: Trump is still a douchebag. In three days, we
went from It’s a Christian cult on the Supreme
Court! My Body, My Choice! This is like slavery! to … What abortion
decision? Let’s talk about Trump! (read
more) US AGAINST THEM Aleksandr Dugin on the Alien,
Substantially Jewish Elite in the U.S. and Its War
Against Traditional American Individualism
______________________A translated version of an article by Aleksandr Dugin has appeared on KATEHON, an anti-globalist, pro-Russian website. (When I tried to post a link to the article on Twitter, they said that “the link has been identified by Twitter and its partners as harmful” and they blocked it.) Dugin’s article indicates that he has a solid grasp of politics in the U.S., and for the first time that I am aware of, he points to Jewish influence. Since Dugin is reputedly close to Vladimir Putin (“Putin’s brain” and of course, a “fascist,” as the neoliberal Washington Post phrased it) and because he has supported the Ukrainian war, it indicates that the Russian political establishment understands the upheaval going on in the United States. Excerpts from Alexander Dugin: “The United States Court Against the Ideology of Progress.”
Dugin is describing traditional American political values based on individualism and personal freedom. But traditional American political values have been in conflict with the values of a new, substantially Jewish elite with strong authoritarian tendencies.
This is exactly what we have emphasized at TOO. There are people with a variety of backgrounds that make up our new elite, but there is a substantial Jewish core with “alien” values, and in general, this elite speaks with one voice and dissent on important issues is not tolerated. This new elite largely emigrated to the United States in late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and the Marxist commitments of many of them were an important aspect of the enactment of the 1924 Immigration Restriction Act in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution. In subsequent decades Jews became the backbone (p. 68ff) of the American Old Left and New Left. Indeed, as noted in my review of Amy Weingarten’s Jewish Organizations’ Response to Communism and Senator McCarthy, “a major problem that the organized Jewish community was forced to confront—a problem stemming from the long involvement of the mainstream Jewish community in communism and the far left, at least until the end of World War II, and among a substantial number of Jews even after this period. … Weingarten points to a “hard core of Jews” (p. 6) who continued to support the Communist Party into the 1950s and continued to have a “decisive role” in shaping the policies of the American Communist Party (CPUSA) (p. 9). These leftist Jews were welcomed into the Jewish organizations during the early post-war, particularly the American Jewish Congress, the largest American Jewish organization, but they were gradually made unwelcome due to the anti-communist fervor of the period. Notice that Dugin emphasizes that the new alien elite has exploited American individualism to advance these alien values—they “took advantage of American opportunities, but did not intend to adopt a libertarian logic unrelated to any hint of totalitarianism.” When they achieved power, they rejected the libertarian ethos in favor of top-down, centralized, authoritarian control that is antithetical to traditional American political culture. This is precisely the thesis of my 2019 book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future where I document the rise of the substantially Jewish elite (Ch. 6; see also here) and describe how this new elite is shaping attitudes via domination of the media, the educational system, and political culture. Rejecting the libertarian framework, the new elite favors censoring ideas that conflict with these messages (Ch. 8), and it has established a two-tier justice system in which dissidents from the established orthodoxy are treated far more harshly than those favored by the new elite. In Chapter 9 I argue that traditional Western individualism is under dire threat from this assault. I would add that our new elite is not only alien to traditional Western values, it is also a hostile elite—hostile to the traditional people and culture of America, and that their desired multicultural future in which Whites would be a much-hated minority is very dangerous for Whites. And I agree entirely that Jews “took advantage of American opportunities.” Because of their intelligence, their ethnic networking, and their long experience as merchants and in financial matters, Jews have certainly shown that they are quite successful in an individualist economic system (capitalism) and they have taken advantage of the relatively low ethnocentrism that is an integral aspect of individualism. As I noted in Chapter 8 of Individualism,
As a result, this new elite encountered only minimal resistance from the old American elite which was under intense pressure during the 1950s and capitulated entirely in the 1960s and 70s—the era that resulted in Roe v. Wade (1973), civil rights legislation, affirmative action, replacement-level non-White immigration, etc. Critically relevant is that Dugin notes parallels of the new elite with Bolshevik attitudes of authoritarian control, including “destruction” of those seen as having the wrong attitudes: “If you are not a progressive, you are a Nazi and “must be destroyed.”
We often hear the phrase “on the right side of history” from progressives, the idea being that history is going in only one direction and change in that direction is inevitable. At this time, being on the right side of history means believing that you believe in a future in which White “racism” is abolished and all peoples will live together in peace and harmony, ethnic conflicts will be abolished, and all groups—freed from the scourge of White racism—will have the same average level of income and achievement. Such a utopian view flies in the face of the long history of ethnic/racial conflict and the reality of biologically based race differences. But believing it is progressive dogma and, as Dugin would say, “If you are not a progressive, you are a Nazi and must be destroyed.” Dugin is quite aware of the opposition of our hostile elite to Donald Trump:
As I have written before, Trump made many mistakes and often fumbled the ball on his appointments (although the pool of mainstream Republicans from which he chose was completely corrupt, and he saddled himself with Jared and Ivanka as central players). However, his campaign pronouncements were clearly anti-globalist—opposing immigration (not just illegal), building the wall, wanting better relations with Russia, removing U.S. troops from the Middle East, complaining about the effects of immigration (“Paris isn’t Paris any more”), etc. These pronouncements engendered an unprecedented uproar from our hostile elite (now being reenacted as a result of the recent SCOTUS rulings—blamed on Trump because of his choices in SCOTUS nominations) and the Washington bureaucracy—the deep state (including the FBI). Media articles during the 2016 campaign were replete with messages that Trump was the reincarnation of Hitler, etc. This hostility continued throughout Trump’s presidency resulting in the prolonged Mueller investigation (based on the Russia collusion hoax) and two impeachments by the Democrat-controlled House (with the help of some Republicans). For the entire four years, there was an atmosphere of crisis surrounding Trump’s presidency, and this has continued now with the January 6 Committee hearings (which are mainly aimed at preventing Trump from running again). Dugin repeats his emphasis on the totalitarian and violent tendencies of the new elite:
Yes, but I’d say it’s more than “a bit like the Bolsheviks.” Moreover, it’s tempting to think that Dugin is here linking Bolshevik-type authoritarian attitudes to the Jewish overrepresentation in the new American elite, given that he noted the obvious role of Jews in the new globalist elite dominating America, and his likely awareness of the well known outsized Jewish role in the murderous, intensely authoritarian early decades of the USSR with its utopian promises of creating the New Soviet Man. This very large role of Jews in the early decades of the USSR has also been noted by Putin and is presumably common knowledge among Russian intellectuals.
“Better sooner than later.” I couldn’t agree more. While the White population still has political and demographic clout. Dugin’s comments on the alien American elite and his strong support for the Ukrainian war make clear the dominant Russian perspective on this conflict. They see it correctly as a conflict between Russian sovereignty and neoliberal globalist elites based in the West that are aiming for a unipolar world with themselves dominating a subservient, relatively powerless Russia. It is the world dreamed of in the 1990s during the Yeltsin administration and abruptly snuffed out by the rise of Putin. Neoconservatives have targeted Russia ever since. Make
no mistake. It is critical for
Russia to win this war. But it’s quite
clear that the [Jewish] neoconservatives (Blinken,
Nuland, Sherman) dominating the Biden
administration’s foreign policy also see this as a
critically important struggle, and they have
continued to increase the U.S. commitment—willing
to fight to the last Ukrainian. And, I suspect that ultimately they will be
willing to use U.S. troops in the conflict to
prevent a Russian victory. (read
more) Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2022 ARCHIVE
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those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
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