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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2022- NO NATION CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT EFFECTIVE & ENFORCED BORDERS III GRAPES OF WRATH IN THE
* * * I guess
liberals don't support diversity after all
Now that's racist pic.twitter.com/juQ88XMFG1 — lauras4Trump (@Lauras4T) September 16, 2022 * *
* *
* See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11216207/Conservatives-joke-Marthas-Vineyard-residents-ripping-pro-immigrant-yard-signs.html See also: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-why-no-one-marthas-vineyard-obamas-celebrated-migrants See also: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/09/the_geese_of_marthas_vineyard_have_to_live_with_their_gander_policies.html See also: https://www.foxnews.com/us/marthas-vineyard-homeless-advocate-says-migrants-eventually-have-move-somewhere See also: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/16/left-wing-marthas-vineyard-elites-deport-illegal-immigrants-after-just-24-hours/ 2022-09-17 d NO NATION CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT EFFECTIVE & ENFORCED BORDERS II MOCKING LIBERALS IS LIKE
Martha’s Vineyard Lovingly
Welcomes Immigrants To Any Other Part Of America Martha’s Vineyard Resident
Calls Police To Report A Hispanic In The
Neighborhood Not Operating A Leaf Blower 9 Innovative Ways Martha’s
Vineyard Is Handling Its Border Crisis Obamas Construct New Cages At
Martha’s Vineyard To Hold Arriving Migrants After Dealing With Martha’s
Vineyard HOA, Migrants Decide To Go Back And Take
* *
* See also: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/highest-number-in-us-history-border-patrol-logs-8000-migrants-entering-us-each-day/ See also: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/biden-admin-awards-80-million-contract-that-prohibits-gps-monitoring-of-illegal-immigrants/ See also: https://rumble.com/v1k8dgj-lara-logan-the-un-discussed-plans-to-move-100-million-illegals-into-the-us See also: https://nypost.com/2022/09/16/nyc-shelters-full-but-adams-strikes-200-migrant-a-day-deal/ See also: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/friction-white-house-dhs-officials-migrant-numbers-rise-rcna47770 See also: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/new-york-city-nearing-its-breaking-point-influx-illegal-immigrants-texas-mayor 2022-09-17 b CELEBRATING CONSTITUTION DAY II UPHOLDING SECOND
BOOM! I say again, BOOM! The federal
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just said @twitter
and other social media platforms don’t have an
unlimited right to discriminate against speech.
Let a thousand flowers bloom. pic.twitter.com/j8Ya82msRy — Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) September 16, 2022 2022-09-16 g THE DEEP STATE HAS SCREWED ITSELF
DEMONIZE CO2 AND IMPOVERISH BILLIONS FOR 0.0002 F. REDUCTION IN PROJECTED WARMING. WHAT IDIOTS WANT TO IMPLEMENT THIS? ... International Energy Agency estimates that an electric car emits a little less than half as much CO2 as a gasoline-powered one. What does that up to, in terms of climate? If every country achieved its stated ambitious electric-vehicle targets by 2030, the world would save 231 million tons of CO2 emissions. Plugging these savings into the standard United Nations Climate Panel model, that comes to a reduction of 0.0002 degree Fahrenheit by the end of the century. (read more) *
What's wrong? The owners of multi-million dollar estates don't need cooks, maids and gardeners? ![]() * * *
Democrats, R.I.N.O.s, Globalists, Great Reseters and Anglo-Zionist Interests * 2022-09-16 b THE COVID-CON II IT IS TREASON TO
Every day there is more
evidence that the SARS-2 outbreak began months
before the earliest documented Wuhan infections. Why
does nobody care? I finally got to read that new Italian study on pre-pandemic SARS-2 infections in Lombardy that has been making the rounds. It comes out of an Italian reference laboratory for measles and rubella surveillance, where scientists noticed an increase in the portion of suspected measles cases that were testing negative, all the way back in August 2019. Since skin rashes are a well-documented Corona symptom, they recently decided to test old archival samples for SARS-2, to see if they couldn’t solve this small mystery. They looked at samples going back to 2018, and their tests came up positive for SARS-2 RNA in thirteen cases. Eleven of these samples were collected before anybody declared a pandemic. Four of the eleven also had anti-SARS-2 antibodies – including the earliest sample, taken from an eight-month-old infant on 12 September 2019. None of these patients had any relevant travel history. What’s most interesting, is the genetic sequences of these early samples from Fall 2019:
It’s like this: By comparing early SARS-2
sequences with closely related pangolin and bat
viruses, we can infer that the progenitor of
SARS-CoV-2 lacked a series of so-called alpha
mutations, seen in the earliest sequences from
Wuhan. By late January 2020, these alpha mutations
were increasingly joined by a series of beta
mutations in the sequenced Wuhan viruses. There is a
good relative chronology here: Viruses with alpha
and beta mutations probably postdate viruses with
alpha mutations alone. (image) What the Italians have discovered, is that these beta mutations are far older, going back as far as October 2019. We can still say that Wuhan looks to be the origins of the outbreak, because the older lineages with only alpha mutations were detected there first of all, and in the greatest numbers. But, it’s clear that the chronological picture we’ve been fed about the origins of the SARS-2 outbreak, and that all establishment sources continue to propagate, is totally false. As Michael Senger noted recently, “there’s something rotten in the state of virology.” That crucial findings like these should attract such little interest speaks volumes about the heavily manipulated nature of Corona discourse. There are specific parties you’d think would directly benefit from more studies like this one; for the Wuhan Institute of Virology, finding alpha-but-not-beta viruses in 2019 samples outside China would be a powerful argument for exoneration. But, nobody wants to dig up further evidence on when and where SARS-2 entered humans – perhaps because everybody knows that more chronological clarity would do anything but support the case for natural origins. (read more) 2022-09-15 c A REMEMBRANCE OF TIMES PAST III FRIENDS THAT HAD BEEN
Opening Boxes from 2019 Annals of Corruption: Objects from a Vanished World Reveal Rotten Institutions So twenty years of my possessions had stayed for the past two and a half years in a storage unit. I was opening boxes now that were not just from another place — as is usual when you move; not just from another time; but I was opening boxes that were from literally another world. I don’t know that such a thing has happened in quite this way in history before. Some items memorialized normal losses and change. Others, though, revealed that long-revered institutions had lost all morality and authority. Here was a grey sweater that had belonged to my father, who had been a writer. It still had the line of loose threads along the clavicle, the little gaps opening up in the sewn-together pieces, that were characteristic of his distinguished-but-absent-minded-professor look. Dr Leonard Wolf could wear a moth-eaten sweater such as that one, on a street in New York City, and still look like a Byronic poet preoccupied with his latest sonnet. He looked stylish even when he was bedridden — even when advancing Parkinson’s meant he could no longer communicate with words, his treasure. He was charismatic even when gestures failed him; when my husband, an Irish raconteur, sat by his bedside, telling stories to make him laugh. He managed to have elan even when Brian had to ask him to make a sound to let him know if he wanted the stories to continue, and my dad could only groan: yes, more stories. The stories have ended now for my father; at least the earthly ones. But the sweater still carries that wintry, breezy scent that was his while he was on this earth, telling us stories, more stories. I folded my father’s sweater for the mending pile. A small brown dog toy surfaced, chewed so thoroughly in one section that the white lining of the toy remained. The little dog who had enjoyed the toy, of course, the much-mourned Mushroom, is no more. His dog tag is nailed to a tree that leans over the river in the woods, near where we now live. I put the chewed-up toy on the discards pile. There was the little white wooden armoire I had hand-painted — amateurishly but with love — for a child’s room. The armoire was not needed any more. Everyone had grown up. There were boxes and boxes of what had once been exciting, culturally meaningful CDs and DVDs. I sighed — what to do with these now? The technology itself was obsolete. Then there were the pillows. Floral pillows. Tufted pillows. Even I knew these were tasteless, and I’d known that even at the time I had bought them. When my loved ones were old enough to notice aesthetics, they would chorus, when I brought home a new find: “Mom! Please! No more florals!” I saw that I had been obsessed then with accumulating not only florals, but warm colors — cranberry and scarlet, terra-cotta and apricot and peach. With the eyes of the present, and now in a happy marriage, I realized what had been pushing me to acquire all of these redundant soft florals. I had longed for domesticity and warmth, but had been, as a single mother then, dating the wrong kind of man to get domesticity and warmth. So I had unconsciously kept choosing softness and coziness in decor, because I had missed it in my relationship. The man, a gifted, mercurial charmer, had also, in the past few years, passed away; young; of a wasting cancer. I sighed again, and put the floral pillows in the “donations” pile. #### Other items in the opened boxes, however, did not speak of organic loss and change but rather of worlds of authority that had seemed sparkling and real in 2019, but that have revealed themselves since then to be seething with rot. Here, for instance, was the brown, pleated, Grecian-style dress, with the bared arms and gathered waist, that I had worn to a wedding on Martha’s Vineyard in the early 2000s. Brown is a color I almost never wear, and I had never worn that Grecian style of formal dress briefly fashionable in the Friends era; so I remembered, as I shook it out into the sunlight of two decades later, that I had felt quite daring that night. The wedding had been in an event hall nestled in the dunes. Local seafood hors d’oeuvres had been passed on silver trays. The bride had been smoldering and lovely in a white lace Vera Wang (always Vera Wang) dress. All was as it should have been. The wedding had brought together White House politicos, Washington Post op ed writers and reporters, brash young New York City political speechwriters and campaign managers, and trendy nonfiction writers who were already making names for themselves chronicling the scene. We were all in our mid- to late 30s — we were fomenting change, approving of ourselves, making a difference; we were kind of like The West Wing, we thought — (one of our friends consulted for it) — idealistic, unintentionally a bit chic, madly hopeful. We were the scene. I almost recoiled now with sorrow and anger. I folded up that dress, thinking about those institutions that had undergirded our optimism that warm night, when our confidence and certainty had rung out onto the warm, salty breezes, along with the sounds of the ultra-hip blues band. The major newspapers? The once-young journalists? The last two and a half years showed them to be shills for what have been revealed to be genocidal imperial powers. They became media versions of sex workers, scheduling time to deliver blow jobs to whomever would write them the biggest checks. The once-young, West-Wing-style politicos? The last two and a half years showed them willing to become policy wonks for a global march to tyranny that instrumentalized a murderous medical experiment on their fellow humans; on their very constituents. Where now were those institutions that at that wedding in the early 2000s, filled us with pride and a sense of mission as we took part in building them? Imploded morally; left without a shred of authority or credibility. I put the brown dress on the Goodwill pile. I turned to an old scheduling notebook — it recorded some visits to Oxford. We’d been at a dinner party in North Oxford, hosted by the Warden of Rhodes House, attended by the Vice Chancellor of the University, as I recall, and by many other luminaries. Indeed, the evolutionary biologist Dr Richard Dawkins had been a guest, pestered, as he no doubt often was, by a dinner attendee who had wanted to talk to him about his atheism. It had been a sparkling evening, elegant and urbane. I’d felt privileged to be at a table where some of the greatest of minds of my time were gathered, and where the very leader of a great university was helping to convene us. I loved Oxford with a pure love. The university had sustained a vibrant commitment to the principles of reason and to freedom of speech, for over nine hundred years. It had supported the asking of questions when it was dangerous to ask questions; from just after what used to be called the Dark Ages; through the High Middle Ages; through the Reformation; through the Enlightenment. It had tended faithfully, through the darkest of times, the bright, unquenchable flame of the wakeful mind of Europe. That - the legacy of critical thinking of the West - was Oxford’s legacy. But —in 2021— it had complied with a requirement that its students endure “online learning”— a demand that had no basis in reason or in the natural world (https://www.oxford.gov.uk/news/article/1686/most_students_set_to_study_online_under_new_national_lockdown.) This damage done to its trusting young people was a travesty, in my mind, of the great innovation that the University of Oxford had given to the world - the tutorial system, in which being physically present with a couple of other students and with a Don (professor) in his or her study, opens up the dimension of rigorous scholarly discourse in a magical and irreplaceable way. ‘Online learning’? In Oxford? An institution that had survived plagues and epidemics that dwarfed the respiratory disease of 2020-2022, that had survived wars and revolutions, and that had taught students nobly in the face of crises of all kinds? I did not know if I would ever go back to Oxford; and, if I did, what I would find there or how I would feel. I did not even know if today’s Oxford would welcome me back, being, as I was now in 2022, though I had not been in 2019, a “reputational refugee”, having been cancelled institutionally in most of what had been my traditional intellectual homes. My heart hurt once more. I put the old notebook in the pile for “storage.” I unfolded a tablecloth I had bought in India. I’d visited a literary conference in Tamil Nadu in about 2005, and had brought the lovely fabric home as a souvenir. A flood of memories surged as I looked at the once-familiar pattern. I’d hosted so many parties in my little West Village apartment, centering on that hand-blocked tablecloth. I’d set a big pot of turkey chili — my go-to option, the only dish I could not ruin — pile cut-up baguettes on platters, and assemble bottles of cheap red wine on that tablecloth. Thus I could, as a broke single mom, affordably entertain — and those parties, as I recall them, were fantastic. Crowded, lively, buzz-y, with a sexy, intellectually engaging vibe. Filmmakers, actors, journalists, artists, novelists, academics, poets; a handful of the less-boring venture capitalists; all crowded together, spilling out into the kitchen, the hallways. At a certain point in the evening the noise would crescendo — (my neighbors were tolerant) — into the happy roar of new ideas clashing or merging; new friendships, new contacts, new lovers connecting and engaging. In 2019, I had been part of the New York City social scene. My life was full of events, panels, lectures, galas, the watching of rehearsals, theatrical opening nights, film premieres, gallery openings. I thought that my place in the society in which I traveled was unquestioned, and that I was in a world in which this calendar of events, these parties, this community, above all this ethos, would last forever. Where was that society now? Artists, filmmakers, journalists — all of the people who are supposed to say No to discrimination, No to tyranny — they had scattered, had cowered, had complied. They had groveled. The same people who had been the avant garde of a great city, had, as I have written elsewhere, gone right along with a society in which a person such as I am, cannot enter a building. And I had fed those people. I topped up their drinks with my affordable red wines. I had welcomed them into my home. I had supported their careers. I had fostered connections on their behalf. I had blurbed their books, had promoted their gallery openings, because — because we were allies, right? We were intellectuals. We were artists. We were even activists. And yet these people — these same people — had complied — eagerly! With zero resistance! Immediately! With a regime that is appearing day by day to be about as bad in some ways as that of Marshal Philippe Petain’s in Vichy France. Unthinkable now that I had treated them once as colleagues, as friends. I had been made into a nonperson, overnight. Now it turns out, as America First Legal found via a recent lawsuit, that the CDC had actively colluded with Twitter officials, in reaction to an accurate tweet of mine calling attention to menstrual problems post-mRNA vaccination, to erase me from the worlds of both legacy media and digital discourse. A smear campaign that was global in its dimensions had been orchestrated with Twitter by CDC’s Carol Crawford, as the internal emails revealed by America First Legal seemed to show. This past week, another lawsuit, by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt, revealed that the White House itself colluded with Big Tech to censor American citizens. My truthful tweet was in that tranche as well. As if we were characters in a Lewis Carroll book, the world of meritocracy had been inverted. The highest level of government collusion was directed at me the minute I did just exactly what I have done for 35 years; that is to say, the minute I raised, in summer of 2021, a grave women’s health concern. Confusingly, my advocating in exactly this way for serious women’s health journalism and for proper medical responses to women’s emerging sexual and reproductive health issues, had made me a media darling for 35 years. Indeed, this practice had made me a media darling among those very people, who had eaten my food and drunk my wine, while sitting around this very tablecloth. But now, when I did the exact same thing for which they had long applauded me, I was cast immediately into social outer darkness. Why? Because the times had changed. And because the scale of the revenue generated for them by supporting flat out lies, had changed. Did any of those right-on people — many of them famous feminists, male and female - speak up for me? Did any of them publicly say, Wait a minute, whatever the truth may turn out to be (and I was right, right, right) - this is a serious women’s health issue? Let’s explore it? Not. A. One. The bold, brave, edgy New York City avant-garde, whom I had hosted for twenty years? They were scared off by Twitter. That world surely shunned me, and made me a nonperson, overnight. The power of the Federal government is pretty stunning, especially in collusion with the biggest content companies in the world, when you are on the receiving end of being erased by them. That world rejected me. But I rejected it right back. ##### I live in the woods now. Instead of the glitter and din of galas, the chatter of the literati, Brian and I are surrounded by crowds of tall, solemn trees; the excitement of our days centers on sightings of cranes and hawks; the dramas we face involve living near coyotes and rattlesnakes, and evading while yet marveling at the resident adolescent bear. We are making friends with those who grow food, in anticipation of needing to be self-sufficient. We just picked up from farmer acquaintances, to store in a massive freezer, something that was described with a phrase I had never heard in my previous, Door-Dash life: our quarter of a cow. I was gifted a .22 by Brian. He recently bought me a Ruger as well. The world is falling apart even as a new world is emerging. A peaceful person though I am, I realize that we may someday need to hunt for food or perhaps need, God forbid, to defend our home. I am learning to shoot. The old world, the pre-2019 world, is a scene of wreckage and carnage to me. The old world I left behind, and that left me behind, is not a post-COVID world. It is a post-truth world, a post-institutional world. The institutions that supported the world that existed when these 2019 boxes were packed, have all collapsed; in a welter of corruption, in an abandonment of public mission and public trust.I look at them now the way Persephone looked backward without regret at Hades. I am living in a new world already — a world that most people can’t see yet as it is still being envisioned and built up - painfully, daringly, laboriously. Though it exists at this point in history more conceptually and even spiritually than it does materially and politically, this new world is my home. Who else lives in the new world? My husband, who was not afraid to fight for America, and who is not afraid to defend me. A new constellation of friends and allies, that have emerged since these boxes were packed away, and since the worlds that are represented as if sealed inside them, collapsed with rot. I work and party now with people who love their country and tell the truth. The people with whom I spend time now are this era’s versions of Tom Paine, Betsy Ross, Phyllis Wheatley and Ben Franklin. I don’t know how these folks vote. I don’t know that they know how I vote. I don’t care. I know that they are sterling human beings, because they are willing to protect the cherished ideals of this beautiful experiment, our native land. Life experiences don’t unite these people with whom I hang out now; social status does not unite them — they come from all walks of life, from every “class”, and they pay little or no attention to status or class markers. Politics don’t unite these people. What unites them in my view is the excellence of their characters, and their fierce commitment to liberty; to the ideals of this nation. Oddly, living now in the purple-to-red rural America that my former “people,” the blue-state elites, are conditioned to view with suspicion and distrust, I also have more personal freedom than I did as a member of the most privileged class. The most privileged class does not have the greatest privilege of all, that of personal liberty: it is a class that is continually anxious and status-insecure, its members often scanning the room for a more important conversation, its collective mind continually exerting subtle control, both socially and professionally, over other members of the “tribe.” My former elite network paid lip service to “diversity”; but there was a deadening sameness and conformity in our demographics, and that conformity also policed our world views, our voting patterns, even our kids’ schools and our travel destinations. In contrast, people here in deep purple-red country, the ones whom we know anyway, give each other the assumed permission to differ, to have uncensored opinions, to be free. Even my social media community is not the world I left behind in 2019; I can’t even get on those platforms any more, as I am extra super duper ultra cancelled. But I don’t know if I’d even want to be in those conversations now; the discourse of the elite left these days, “my people”, seems fearful and in-lockstep, scolding and rigid, when I hear exchanges of it. Now, in 2022, my online community is made up of a world of people whom I never knew existed — or rather a world of people I was conditioned ignorantly to stereotype, and to fear; I am in contact now with people who care about America, who believe in God or in a greater meaning in this world, people who put family first, and who turn out — who knew? — to be vastly open-minded, civilized and decent. I spend time with people who love their communities, speak out for their actual brothers and sisters, meaning humanity; risk themselves to save the lives of strangers; and care about actual fact-based journalism, actual science-based medicine, actual science-based science. These days I chat online with people who tell me, unfashionably but beautifully, they are praying for me. In spite of fighting an apocalypse every day, how can I help but be so much happier now? ***** I no longer want to sit at a table with people who call themselves journalists, but who deny or trivialize injuries to women at a scale that beggars belief; who give Pfizer and the FDA a pass, and ask them no real questions. I no longer want to sit at a table with people who are okay with the murder of children, the poisoning of breast milk, the burdening of women with the twenty different names in the Pfizer documents that all amount to menstrual pain and agony and the ruination of women’s fertility. I don’t want to do anything but prosecute the people who took money to cover up the damaging of women by means of “reproductive disorders,” at scale. These people, “my people”, who were once so erudite, so witty, so confident, so ethical, so privileged - the people of the elite world contained in the 2019-and-before boxes — pretty and well-spoken as they once were, turn out, with the twist of just a couple of years, and just a bucket load or two of bribe money, to be revealed as monsters and barbarians. I left the rest of the boxes to open another day. There is no rush. The institutions the boxes memorialize are dead; and maybe they never really existed, as we believed them to be, in the first place. I put the red, purple and blue tablecloth on the “wash and store to use again” pile. Then I took it home with me. People who still have their honor intact, will sit around our table. (read more)2022-09-15 b A REMEMBRANCE OF TIMES PAST II Made “Breathless”
by Assisted Suicide
* "I’ve never gotten
anything out of his movies. They have felt
constructed, faux intellectual, and completely
dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and
infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He’s
made his films for the critics. One of the movies,
Masculin, Féminin, was shot here in Sweden. It was
mind-numbingly boring.”
— Ingmar Bergman * “His gifts as a
director are enormous. I just can’t take him very
seriously as a thinker — and that’s where we seem
to differ, because he does. His message is what he
cares about these days, and, like most movie
messages, it could be written on the head of a
— Orson Welles * See also: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/sep/13/jean-luc-godard-giant-of-the-french-new-wave-dies-at-91 2022-09-15 a A REMEMBRANCE OF TIMES PAST I DEGENERATES RISE TO THE TOP
20 years ago
this month I was in the bathroom of New
York's filthiest queer bar (THE HOLE) where
a lanky trans guy jabbed me in the thigh
with a hypodermic to show me how to
self-inject. Two decades later I'm running a
university department and he's an assistant
Naomi Clark 暗悪直美 #blacklivesmatter (@metasynthie) September 13, 2022 2022-09-14 c AFRICANIZATION DECONSTRUCTED "The stock
in trade of the Afro-jungle musician (and their
callow white imitators
such as Elvis Presley) is sexually stimulating rhythm music which has its origin in the primitive sex orgies of central Africa, and which is an integral part of the obscene “Voodoo” rituals practiced by Negroes in the Caribbean area." . . . The situation raises the very serious question as to whether our white Christian-American civilization can continue to survive or perpetuate itself under such conditions. Elvis Presley, Professor Quigley, & the Africanization of Youth The recent movie on Elvis Presley[1] is exceptional in its acting, script, and production. For those interested in such matters, it is also excellent as cultural history. The movie deals to a significant extent with the African influences on Presley’s music. As a little boy growing up in a poor, integrated neighborhood, he was fascinated by the rhythms and gyrations of the blacks, including black gospel music. This boyhood fascination developed into an adolescent identification with the “blues” of Negro musicians, and his frequenting of black nightclubs and bars. With Presley’s distinctly Negro musical style and his equally Negro-influenced gyrations, the movie depicts the impact that he had on crowds of white female adolescents, which later spread to their initially appalled boyfriends. What the music and the gyrations were evoking were the atavistic impulses of the most primal elements common to the collective unconscious, as Jung might put it: that layer of the unconscious that predates racial differentiation. Mass Marketing Negro Rhythms Presley’s style was quickly seen as the means by which Negro music could be marketed to white adolescents; creating a vast new consumer market through the mainstreaming of previously marginalized Negro rhythms. Christopher Farley, writing for Time, refers to Samuel Phillips of Sun Records, where Presley got his start, as seeing the profits to be made in mass-marketing black music to white consumers via a white musician: One of Presley’s most significant contributions was this: he was able to make more of a commercial impact in rock than the black performers who pioneered the field. In fact, before he signed Presley, Phillips famously declared that “If I could find a white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel, I could make a billion dollars.”[2] With the backing of RCA Victor in 1956, Presley was elevated to iconic status, displacing the popularity of white country musicians such as Hank Snow. Indebted to Negro Rhythms and Dance Presley acknowledged his debt to Negro music. In an interview in 1956, Presley explained: The colored folks been singing it and playing it just like I’m doin’ now, man for more years than I know. They played it like that in their shanties and in their juke joints and nobody paid it no mind ‘til I goosed it up. I got it from them. Down in Tupelo, Mississippi, I used to hear old Arthur Crudup bang his box the way I do now and I said if I ever got to a place I could feel all old Arthur felt, I’d be a music man like nobody ever saw.[3] To Loui Robertson of the Negro magazine Jet, Presley ascribed his first influences as a child to black gospel: A lot of people seem to think I started this business, but rock ‘n’ roll was here a long time before I came along. Nobody can sing that kind of music like colored people. Let’s face it: I can’t sing it like Fats Domino can. I know that. But I always liked that kind of music. I used to go to the colored churches when I was a kid — like Rev. Brewster’s church (Rev. W. Herbert Brewster of East Trigg Ave. Baptist Church in Memphis).[4] Little Richard said of Presley that “[t]hey wouldn’t let black music through. He opened the door for black music.”[5] Perhaps the most significant accolade comes from one of our epoch’s most eminent Culture-distorters, Leonard Bernstein, who said of Presley: Elvis is the greatest cultural force in the twentieth century. He introduced the beat to everything and he changed everything — music, language, clothes, it’s a whole new social revolution — the 60’s comes from it. Because of him a man like me barely knows his musical grammar anymore.[6] Bernstein hosted the “radical chic” fundraising dinner parties lampooned by Tom Wolfe, where New York’s socialites mingled with Black Panthers.[7] Bernstein, the maestro with a unique ability to turn high art into a cacophony, apparently regarded Presley as having made Beethoven and Wagner, Mozart and Gluck, redundant. Breaking Down the Color Bar In 1956 Presley “crossed the color line” by attending events designated for blacks only. In June he attended the Memphis Fairgrounds amusement park during what was designated as “colored night,” according to the newspaper Memphis World. On December 7 he attended the annual fundraiser held by black radio station WDIA at Memphis Stadium to raise funds for “needy Negro children.” Here he performed with B. B. King, Ray Charles, and Rufus Thomas. He returned to the same event the following year. The movie Elvis and sundry television documentaries on him over the years have referred to the opposition Presley met from diehard Southern segregationists. This is intended to place Elvis in his role as an iconic “rebel with a cause” against the “Establishment” in an era where it was the South that was beleaguered by the “Establishment,” while black civil rioters received plaudits from the mass media and plentiful funding from Ford, Rockefeller, and other oligarchic wealth. The villain in the movie in this regard is James O. Eastland, Senator from Elvis’ home state of Mississippi. A review of the movie states of the Eastland character: James “Jim” Eastland was an antagonist in the 2022 movie Elvis. He was based on the real life Senator Eastland, and was portrayed by the English actor Nicholas Bell. A virulent racist, Eastland was stridently opposed to racial equality and integration of minorities. In the 1950s he was a United States Senator from Mississippi. When young people heard and saw a new young singer named Elvis Presley Eastland also started opposing Elvis on the grounds that he was “corrupting” the youth of America with his physical performance artistry and his beliefs. He began leading efforts to have Elvis banned from both the airwaves and in person concerts.[8] The white resistance is, as one might expect, portrayed invariably as regressive and ignorant. Television documentaries on Presley often show clips of a spokesman from the segregationist Citizens Councils, declaiming against Presley’s “immorality.” 65 years later, sophisticated viewers are supposed to react with reflexive mirth and/or disgust at such bigotry. While country-music singer Hank Snow is portrayed, albeit in passing, as a regressive Christian bigot, not all Negroes were enamored with Presley’s style, just as not all were zealous about desegregation.[9] Criticism came especially from the jazz genre, one jazz music critic stating that whereas such music previously had a limited appeal, this music — referring to Presley — was now “intentionally cheapened to appeal to mass taste.”[10] The music critic had discerned precisely the meaning of it all. The jazz genre was elitist, despite the use the CIA and State Department were making of it during the “cultural Cold War” to showcase the wonders of American democracy to the world (along with Abstract Expressionism). Dr. Michael Bertrand states of this: Dizzy Gillespie put many of the jazz community’s condemnations into perspective when he groused that “jazz was once on its way to becoming the real folk music of America, but now that’s almost gone. The folk music of America is [now] a mongrel made up of strains of Presley, Liberace, Tennessee Ernie Ford, and Sh’Boom.” Faced with media reports that “started churning up silly questions about whether rock ‘n roll had replaced bebop,” Gillespie’s response exemplified an elite viewpoint. “We never carried big crowds because jazz is strictly an art form,” he explained, “and so there was always a division between jazz and what other people were doing who were not really participating in a caritive art form. Those other things people were doing were not creative; they were like pretty, manufactured meaningless tinsel rolling off an assembly line.” As far as Dizzy Gillespie as was concerned, the fact that the country could fall for rock ‘n roll was proof that jazz was “too good for Americans.”[11] Gillespie had discerned the destructive impact of democratization on the arts, while others had pointed to the manner by which this democratization is mass consumption and profit maximization. Here is the crux of the “inclusive economy,” as the global corporations now call the process, behind the façade of “equality,” whether in the United States or South Africa. At the time, the Citizens Councils mobilized large numbers of Southerners to resist federally-imposed desegregation. The Citizens Councils had started in Memphis and soon reached 80,000 members throughout Tennessee, then proliferated throughout the South. Their leaders were well-educated and articulate. Their supporters included scientists such as biologist Wesley Critz George and the psychologist Henry E. Garrett, who questioned the wisdom of racial integration, particularly in the schools. At the time a Northern commentator, Frank Britton, editor of The American Nationalist, analyzed the issue in a manner fairly representative of the anti-integrationist outlook: The aliens who control our radio and television networks, and our musical recording industry, have long recognized the Negro jazz musician as an ideal medium through which millions of impressionable school-age children could be introduced to the joys of racial “integration.” . . . The stock in trade of the Afro-jungle musician (and their callow white imitators such as Elvis Presley) is sexually stimulating rhythm music which has its origin in the primitive sex orgies of central Africa, and which is an integral part of the obscene “Voodoo” rituals practiced by Negroes in the Caribbean area. Until the advent of modern technology this Negroidal contribution to U.S. musical culture was largely confined to the brothels of New Orleans and other Southern cities with large Negro populations. Gradually, however, jazz and dixieland music (and its recent derivations of “rhythm-in-blues” and “rock-and-roll”) emerged from the bawdy house and black belt district, and through radio, television and recordings has been brought right into the American living room. It should be emphasized, however, that the recording industry is the principal vehicle for the African jazz musician, and he derives a substantial proportion of his income (and fame) from the sale of records, most of which are sold to teen-age school children. The Negroidal “rhythm-in-blues” and “rock-and-roll” musician and his promoters thus prey on, and in turn are sustained by, the adolescent — the so-called “juke-box” set. The weird and often unintelligible “jive” talk and “hop-cat” antics of the modern juvenile provides visible and startling evidence of the impact the Negro jazz musician (and his imitators) has upon the adolescent mind. And lest any doubt remains that it is an unwholesome influence, the recent craze for “rhythm-in-blues” recordings should dispel it. Although the story has been largely suppressed by the radio and press, the burgeoning popularity of “rhythm-in-blues” records is a national scandal. The “rhythm-in-blues” singer makes a specialty of putting double meaning into his lyrics. Millions of these suggestive and obscene double-entendre “rhythm-in-blues” recordings have been openly sold in record shops catering to juveniles and played on juke boxes and even over the radio. Some radio stations, under pressure from outraged parents, have outlawed the playing of the more offensive recordings, but the fact that such a situation could exist at all illustrates the insidious influence now being exerted over our youth by our Africanized entertainment industry. . . . The situation raises the very serious question as to whether our white Christian-American civilization can continue to survive or perpetuate itself under such conditions.[12] If the alarm of those such as Frank Britton from the late 1950s now seems even to the most “conservative” to be quaintly puritanical and regressive, if not malicious, perhaps it is because we “moderns” have over decades gradually succumbed and psychologically integrated Culture-distortion to the extent that our instincts have atrophied and we are unable to realize the abysmal depths to which Western civilization has sunk? We are immersed in cultures that are alien, and it is difficult to have the detachment necessary to perceive what has happened. Carl Jung had observed the same Africanization process three decades earlier, writing that [a]nother thing that struck me was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood . . . the peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the American Negro. American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance.[13] Professor Carroll Quigley on Africanization of White Youth Although Britton’s manner, at a time of racial tumult, is strident, an esteemed academic with impeccable liberal-Establishment credentials said the same in more refrained but just as unequivocal a manner. Dr. Carroll Quigley of the Foreign Service School, Georgetown University, and Harvard University, a lecturer at the Brookings Institution and the State Department, and so on, is widely familiar especially among the “American patriot movement,” if one might call it that. His magnum opus, Tragedy & Hope,[14] has long been widely cited in that milieu. Quigley’s book is primarily of interest to populist elements of the “Right” because several dozen of its 1,300 pages refer to a “network” of oligarchs who aim to establish a world system of financial control, and often use Leftists for the purpose. It is particularly attractive to the traditional anti-British sentiments of the American patriot because Quigley erroneously thought that this was an “Anglophile network,”[15] which has obscured the many other interesting points in Quigley’s work. One of these is his discussion of the psychological differences between Europeans and Negroes; another is his discussion of the Africanization of white American youth. In discussing Africa and Africans, Quigley described the outlook of “the ordinary African” as generally having “a preference for the present”: The African has a fair recognition of the immediate past, a dominant concern for the present, and little concern for the future. Accordingly, his conception of time is totally different from that of the average Western man. The latter sees the present only as a moving point of no dimension that separates the past from the future. The African sees time as a wide gamut of the present with a moderate dimensional past and almost no future. This outlook is reflected in the structure of the Bantu languages, which do not emphasize the tense distinctions of past, present, and future, as we do . . . In addition to his present preference, the Bantu has a list of priorities, in his conception of a higher standard of living, which contains many noneconomic goals. A fairly typical list of such priorities might run: food, sex dalliance, joking with one’s friends, a bicycle, music and dancing, a radio, leisure to go fishing . . .[16] The “Bantu list of priorities” discerned by Quigley became as a tendency the priorities of Western youth: the satisfaction of immediate urges, devoid of consequences; a fixation on entertaining trinkets; and the satiation of the senses at the most primordial levels. At some deep atavistic level of the unconscious the primitive could be evoked, with the addition of expanding consumer demands that required neither quality nor performance. The “noneconomic priorities” of the traditional African could be commodified and repackaged for a white adolescent consumer market. Quigley writes of the breakdown of the traditional American middle-class family, and particularly the rejection by youth of their parents’ values. This is not the place to consider the extent to which this “youth rebellion” that characterized the 1960s was seeded, cultivated, and propagated by the “Establishment” against which they thought they were revolting. What concerns us here is what Quigley said on the extent to which this youth rejectionism was influenced by Africanization. Quigley states that behind the middle-class American family, “a new teenage culture has growing up”:[17] In many ways this new culture is like that of African tribes: its tastes in music and the dance, its emphasis on sex play, its increasingly scant clothing, its emphasis on group solidarity, the high value it puts on interpersonal relations (especially talking and social drinking), its almost total rejection of future preference and its constant efforts to free itself from the tyranny of time. Teen-age solidarity and sociality and especially the solidarity of their groups and subgroups are amazingly African in attitudes, as they gather nightly, or at least on weekends, to drink “cokes,” talk interminably in the midst of throbbing music, preferably in semidarkness, with couples drifting off for sex play in the corners as a kind of social diversion, and a complete emancipation from time. Usually they have their own language, with vocabulary and constructions so strange that parents find them almost incomprehensible. This Africanization of American society is gradually spreading with the passing years to higher age levels in our culture and is having profound and damaging effects on the transfer of middle-class values to the rising generation. A myriad of symbolic acts, over the last twenty years, have served to demonstrate the solidarity of teen culture and its rejection of middle-class values. Many of these involved dress and “dating customs,” both major issues in the Adolescent-Parental Cold War.[18] The “youth revolt,” including what Quigley described as the Africanization of the young, assisted in a paradigm shift in the United States, first culturally, as we have seen, and then politically. This “youth revolt,” which John D. Rockefeller III, for example, regarded as such a splendid example of “youthful idealism,”[19] helped to fracture the “middle class” which the “Establishment” oligarchy, described by Quigley, regarded with contempt. Quigley describes this “Eastern Establishment” as maintaining their strength in “their control of eastern financial endowments, operating from foundations, academic halls, and other tax-exempt refuges.” These oligarchs were repelled by what Quigley dismisses as the “Radical Right” of the “petty bourgeoisie,” represented by senators Taft[20] and Goldwater, the latter being considered as representing the “extremist elements” of the Republican Congressional Party in 1964.[21] At another level, in regard to the fracture of middle America via the use of the young, the New Left had been radicalized by the experiences of white students in the early black “civil rights” protests that were also down South.[22] Metapolitics The cause of the South and of opposition to racial integration was lost as soon as Negro music imbued white youth via rock ‘n roll. White youth were Africanized en masse; the slang, lyrics, phrases, rhythms, and dance changed the collective psyche of white youth at the deepest levels, leading to a change in outlook, manner, and attitude to what Quigley called the “Bantu list of priorities.” These have remained dominant over the collective conscious of white youth, appealing to the infantile and the primordial. White youths would no longer resist the despoilation of their neighborhoods and schools when their new icons and heroes were Negro, and they regarded black rhythms, dance, attire, and phrases as their own. Constance White, a black “style critic” for eBay, The New York Times, and so on enthused in Time: “Fashion has embedded itself in our popular culture, and Black style, fertile and innovative, is continuously multiplying like a reproducing amoeba, spinning off into sub-genres.”[23] Constance White traces this Africanization not only in the US but also in Europe to what was the moral fracture of the post-First World War years, where Negro musicians entered the clubs of Berlin, London, and Paris: Stateside and in parts of Europe in the early twentieth century, bandleaders like Cab Calloway popularized the dramatically baggy zoot suit. Jazzmen and blueswomen started trends, as Billie Holiday did when she appeared with a flower in her hair. The ’20s flapper style is said to have risen in part from the need to allow for vigorous movement after Black youth introduced an energetic new dance called the Charleston, which was then popularized on Broadway. With dresses shortened to scandalously bare ankles and calves, corsets were flung aside, and dresses became loose and free, all the better to shimmy and shake. As they do today, early entertainers of all colors found their style within the Black community, and in a back-and-forth exchange, the Black community in turn fed off and expanded upon the looks entertainers wore on stage, on screen, and at their public appearances. . . .[24] Modernist Voodoo What was achieved in the southern US — that is, even among the most resistant element of the white population then extant, the Southerners — was undertaken by evoking the most infantile stratum of a society, at the lowest denominator, that exists on a subliminal level: a primitive part of the unconscious that can be evoked through a return to primal rhythms and dance, tantamount to sorcery, or more specifically, to a Voodoo rite. A trance-like state is induced and the unconscious is opened to suggestibility. Here the modern houngan and mambo are the executives, promoters, and producers of the entertainment industry. As Constance White approvingly states, this Africanization of culture is “continuously multiplying like a reproducing amoeba, spinning off into sub-genres.” That is to say, it enables music, dance, and fashion to be commoditized and mass produced for a fast turnover and “planned obsolescence,” like automobiles, refrigerators, or televisions. By the time that a robust white resistance was needed in the South, necessitating the loyalty of white youth, rock ‘n roll had Africanized that youth. The Presley movie depicts the true-life scenario that is described by Dr. Bertrand: On the evening of July 4, 1956, the hottest day of the year thus far, Mississippi Senator James Eastland, a staunch segregationist, appeared in Memphis to make a speech on the evils of integration. Several, pro-segregation groups had invited the race-baiting Senator to a holiday rally. Thirty-five hundred people assembled at the Overton Park Shell to hear Eastland rail against the Supreme Court, school integration, and various similar topics. Toward the conclusion of his speech, he pledged that “proponents of desegregation rally are after racial amalgamation, and we in the South aren’t going to stand for it.” Ironically, the loudest ovations in Memphis that night did not emanate from the Overton Park Shell. The truly thunderous noise was reserved for an event occurring roughly two miles further west towards the Mississippi River, at Russwood Park a baseball stadium. Although the diamond may have been devoid of ballplayers, “the roaring was so loud and long that extras rations for sleeping pills were passed out to the patients of four hospitals near the field.” At about the same time that Eastland was reaching his crescendo of hate politics, Elvis Presley, was performing before an audience of approximately fourteen thousand screaming teenagers, both black and white.[25] Dr. Bertrand points out that the two sides symbolized by Eastland and by Presley would conflict until one was brought to extinction. But Ford, Rockefeller, Rosenwald, and other oligarchical fortunes had patronized Negro causes for decades, along with the support of the mass media and the federal government. Added to this was perhaps the most vital element in delivering a death-blow to white consciousness: the use of the entertainment industry to cause a shift in consciousness among an entire generation of white youth. It was the segregationists who were the underdogs fighting defensive action. While Bertrand waxes lyrical on the brave new world awaiting, he seems supremely satisfied that the process he is zealously describing focused on the programming and manipulation of youngsters, “oblivious” to the “clamor and disruption they were creating.” Apparently, this is something that should be celebrated. Bertrand writes: Those steadfastly moored to the past would not go away quietly or without a fight; those who danced and cavorted to the new rhythms of rock ‘n’ roll seemed oblivious to the clamor and disruption they were creating. By applauding and honouring rhythm and blues and rock ‘n’ roll heroes they dissented from a past that no longer held a conclusive meaning for them. A generational collision was looming, and at least one alert white southerner foresaw the inevitable. The problem with rock ‘n’ roll he discerned, was that its message of equality transcended jukeboxes, radios and dancehalls. Too many whites and too many Negroes are hearing music the band isn’t playing.” Another frustrated Dixiecrat conceded that there were many people who thought such fears were exaggerated and that “we [are] reading something into the music that isn’t there.” Yet as he contemplated the swift and dramatic changes engulfing his society, he wondered, “Are we?”[26] One might ask, how can one be in dissent when one is, as Bertrand mentioned, doing no more than reacting in an oblivious manner to dance and rhythms — “dancing and cavorting” — as if in Voodoo ritual, induced into a zombified trance that destroys rather than maintaining or enhancing free will and discernment? Bertrand acknowledges that the Dixiecrats perceived the subversive character of the dance and rhythms correctly. If the “past” no longer had “conclusive meaning” for white youth, with a heritage that truly was one of dissent and one that needed reviving, then it was surely because the South had failed to pass the full meaning of its heritage and a sense of destiny on to further generations. A Southern mythos of blood and soil needed to be maintained and replenished, but it had been neglected perhaps out of hubris, and the most that was being defended were legalistic issues of “state’s rights” and segregation. Such degeneration could not have proliferated unless the custodians of that heritage had failed to imbue its spirit and ethos in new generations. Now, as if the oligarchy fears the vaguest possibility of a resurgence, the few remnants of that heritage are being systematically dismantled. The Rockefeller Foundation took credit for having initiated the process in New Orleans in 2017, according to the Foundation’s Director, Dr. Rajiv J. Shah.[27] Again, the zombified dance to the drum of oligarchs and it is called “dissent,” with an additional gesture of humiliation: the bended knee. Today, it is the use of Hip Hop, called “hip hop diplomacy” by the State Department, that is used as a strategy in the expansion of globalist hegemony under American auspices, and it is still youth that are targeted as the means of change[28] with the use of what is, to paraphrase Dizzy Gillespie, “manufactured meaningless tinsel rolling off an assembly line.” The nexus of politics and commerce also sets its sights lower, literally, in using a similar process of Africanizing toddlers as another large consumer market that can be conditioned from the first years of life. For that purpose, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has published a guide for manufacturers of toys, games, books, films, television, clothing, and accessories on how to promote “inclusivity” among children, including pre-schoolers, with the premise being the “power to influence” “through advertising and marketing.” The categories include gender, race/ethnicity/culture, disability, and family definitions.[29] Dolls have become the equivalent of African fetish figures and promote ghetto slang, dress, music, graffiti, and “attitude”[30] to the littlest consumers. Was the indoctrination by any totalitarian state ever as pervasive and perverse as that perpetrated under democracy? Dixieland lost its cause the moment that its young started idolizing dance, rhythms, mannerisms, and idioms that were of African origin. The process started in the West with the ideologues of liberalism in the salons of the degenerated upper classes in eighteenth-century Europe where the mythical “Noble Savage” was theorized and fetishized. The moral and social fractures of the First World War accelerated the process of cultural bastardization. The aftermath of the Second World War made the very notion of European identity morally anathema to the point of an ongoing criminalization. The 1960s saw a “revolution from above” in morals and culture, where adolescents were targeted for cultural reconstruction. Now the process is proceeding among the ever younger to the point of being cultural-paedophilia. The foundation of all the rot was ultimately cultural and moral — that is to say, firstly, metapolitical. Notes [1] “Elvis,” Warner Bros., 2022. [2] Christopher John Farley, “Elvis Rocks. But He’s Not the First,” Time, July 6, 2004. [3] Ibid. [4] “Elvis Presley and the Black Community.” [5] Ibid. [6] “What they have said about Elvis.” [7] Tom Wolfe, “Radical Chic. That Party at Lenny’s,” New York, June 8, 1970. [8] “Jim Eastland,” Villains Wiki. [9] During the 1930s, 2,000,000 blacks had signed the petition of the Ethiopia Pacific Movement for repatriation to an African homeland, either Liberia or Ethiopia. The strongest support for the movement came from the much-maligned Senator Theodore Bilbo, from Presley’s home state, who introduced the petition and restoration bill to the floor of the House every year until his death in 1947. The black separatists and their white supporters approached senators Storm Thurmond of South Carolina, John C. Stennis of Mississippi, and Richard Russell of Georgia to reintroduce the bill. Notably, these champions of segregation did not want to offend the interests of the Southern oligarchy that relied on Black labor. Further, the bill went against the concept of “state’s rights,” as it required federal backing — that is to say, the repatriation bill was opposed by the professed champions of “white supremacy.” The bill was later championed by Senator William Langer of North Dakota. Colonel Ernest Sevier Cox, one of the white backers of the black repatriation movement, stated that repatriation was opposed by Northern politicians who were after black voters and Southern oligarchs relying on Black labor. [10] Cited by Michael T. Bertrand, Rock, Race and Elvis (University of Illinois Press, 2004), 146. [11] Bertrand, 146, citing Dizzy Gillespie, To Be or Not to Bop (University of Minnesota Press, 2009), 230. [12] Frank L. Britton, “American Youth Corrupted by Negroidal Influence,” American Nationalist, Inglewood, California (leaflet, 1958). [13] Carl Jung, “Mind and Earth” (1931). [14] Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1966). [15] Unfortunately, Quigley was off-beam in calling this an “Anglophile network,” and assuming that there has been an alliance between diehard British imperialists via the Royal Institute on International Affairs (RIIA) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The latter was created in the aftermath of the First World War as a think tank for Wilsonian democratic-internationalism. It was, to the contrary, a lead player in dismantling the British and other European empires. The proffered alliance between the RIIA and the CFR was stillborn, as explained by CFR historian Peter Grose in Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations 1921 to 1996 (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1996, 2006). [16] Quigley, 1185. [17] Ibid., 1263. [18] Ibid., 1263-1264. [19] John D. Rockefeller III, “The Youthful Revolution: A Positive Response,” 1969, entered into the Congressional Record (Vol. 15, Part 3) by Hon. William H. Ayres (R-Ohio), February 17, 1969, 3595-3596. [20] Quigley, 1244-1245. [21] Ibid., 1248. [22] This is discussed by a primary New Left leader and ideologue, Tom Hayden, in his autobiography Reunion: A Memoir (New York: Random House, 1988). Hayden’s allusions to New Left origins in the CIA-sponsored US National Student Association are also of interest, as are the same associations of feminist icon Gloria Steinem. [23] Constance C. R. White, “How African Americans Have Influenced Style and Culture,” Time, February 6, 2018. [24] Constance White, ibid. [25] Bertrand, 242. [26] Bertrand, 244. Emphasis added. [27] Remarks by Dr. Rajiv J. Shah at the University of Pennsylvania Perelmsan School of Medicine Commencement, May 16, 2021, Rockefeller Foundation. [28] “Hip-Hop Diplomacy,” Council on Foreign Relations. [29] Catherine Rutgers (ed.), Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Advertising: A UNICEF Playbook (UNICEF, 2021). [30] K. R. Bolton, The Tyranny of Human Rights (Quakertown, Pa.: Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022), 247-269. (read more)2022-09-14 b PETTY WEF OPPRESSORS DECONSTRUCTED THE PERSISTENCE OF MEMORY
2022-09-14 a MEMORY INSTITUTES DECONSTRUCTED Prologue As Prelude
Revanchism and the Memory WeaponAs an aspect of anti-communist lustration, or purges, Eastern European States sponsored “Memory Institutes” devoted to denouncing the crimes of communism. Of course, such campaigns were used by far-right politicians to cast suspicion on the left in general. As explained by European scholar Zoltan Dujisin, “anticommunist memory entrepreneurs” at the head of these institutes succeeded in lifting their public information activities from the national, to the European Union level, using Western bans on Holocaust denial to complain, that while Nazi crimes had been condemned and punished at Nuremberg, communist crimes had not. The tactic of the anti-communist entrepreneurs was to demand that references to the Holocaust be accompanied by denunciations of the Gulag. This campaign had to deal with a delicate contradiction since it tended to challenge the uniqueness of the Holocaust, a dogma essential to gaining financial and political support from West European memory institutes. In 2008, the EP adopted a resolution establishing August 23 as “European Day of Remembrance for the victims of Stalinism and Nazism” – for the first time adopting what had been a fairly isolated far right equation of. A 2009 EP resolution on “European Conscience and Totalitarianism” called for support of national institutes specializing in totalitarian history. Dujisin explains, “Europe is now haunted by the specter of a new memory. The Holocaust’s singular standing as a negative founding formula of European integration, the culmination of long-standing efforts from prominent Western leaders … is increasingly challenged by a memory of communism, which disputes its uniqueness.” East European memory institutes together formed the “Platform of European Memory and Conscience,” which between 2012 and 2016 organized a series of exhibits on “Totalitarianism in Europe: Fascism—Nazism—Communism,” traveling to museums, memorials, foundations, city halls, parliaments, cultural centers, and universities in 15 European countries, supposedly to “improve public awareness and education about the gravest crimes committed by the totalitarian dictatorships.” Under this influence, the European Parliament on Sept. 19, 2019 adopted a resolution “on the importance of European Remembrance for the Future of Europe” that went far beyond equating political crimes by proclaiming a distinctly Polish interpretation of history as European Union policy. It goes so far as to proclaim that the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is responsible for World War II – and thus Soviet Russia is as guilty of the war as Nazi Germany. The resolution,
It further:
This of course not only directly contradicts the Russian celebration of the “Great Patriotic War” to defeat the Nazi invasion, it also took issue with the recent efforts of Russian President Vladimir Putin to put the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement in the context of prior refusals of Eastern European states, notably Poland, to ally with Moscow against Hitler. But the EP resolution:
Thus the importance of Memory for the future, turns out to be an ideological declaration of war against Russia based on interpretations of World War II, especially since the memory entrepreneurs implicitly suggest that the past crimes of communism deserve punishment – like the crimes of Nazism. It is not impossible that this line of thought arouses some tacit satisfaction among certain individuals in Germany. When Western leaders speak of “economic war against Russia,” or “ruining Russia” by arming and supporting Ukraine, one wonders whether they are consciously preparing World War III, or trying to provide a new ending to World War II. Or will the two merge? As it shapes up, with NATO openly trying to “overextend” and thus defeat Russia with a war of attrition in Ukraine, it is somewhat as if Britain and the United States, some 80 years later, switched sides and joined German-dominated Europe to wage war against Russia, alongside the heirs to Eastern European anticommunism, some of whom were allied to Nazi Germany. History may help
understand events, but the cult of memory easily
becomes the cult of revenge. Revenge is a circle
with no end. It uses the past to kill the future.
Europe needs clear heads looking to the future, able
![]() Clueless wokesters and NAACP book burners must
not have read this children's book. Elevated diction?
Polysyllabic vocabulary?
This classic work by Helen Bannerman depicts a fictional character and his parents, Black Mumbo and Black Jumbo, living where tigers roam. Butter is also mentioned. Tigers do not live in Africa. However, clarified butter, like tigers, is found in India. Little Black Sambo must be, using Bishop Caldwell's term, a Dravidian. (But not a Davidian. the extinct fundamentalists from Waco, Texas who were incinerated by the FBI's Hostage Roasting Team holocaust.) Look at the illustration above. Sambo lacks negroid features. Look at his hair. Look at his face. Look at his nose. I could never confuse him with a pickaninny. If a National Association for the Advancement of Dravidian Peoples is formed, I hope they find better things to do than censor a classic of juvenile literature. 2022-09-13 f EXTREMISM DECONSTRUCTED
*As Haitian and African illegal invaders become more numerous, drownings in Rio Grande rise. Biden's Border: Texas
Morgues Request More Refrigerators As Migrant
Deaths Soar https://t.co/YZSenoboKa
— Media Research Center (@theMRC) September 13, 2022 * Biden’s Border: Texas Morgues
Request More Refrigerators As Migrant Deaths Soar
[...] There are so many bodies being recovered that the morticians are asking for assistance,” Eagle Pass Fire Department Chief Manuel Mello III, said, as reported by Fox News. “I had never seen so many drownings like we’re seeing right now.” So far this fiscal year, a record-breaking 748 people have died trying to get across the Southwest U.S. border thrown open by the [illegitimate] Biden administration. The stunning figure – reported, to their credit, by CNN – is about 200 more deaths than in FY2021, and is a tragic reminder of just how deadly the journey into the U.S. can be for those trying to cross unlawfully through a treacherous river and arid desert. In fact, this year’s death total already marks the highest number of illegal alien fatalities in recent CBP history, and we’ve still got a month left to go. The massive spike in border crossings is spurred by the Biden administration’s open-border promise to many migrants, policies that remain in place despite the White House’s insistence that the border is “closed” to illegal immigration. Since Biden took office in January 2020, his administration has released an estimated 1 million illegal aliens into the United States with orders to appear in immigration court. Another million or so “got-aways” are believed to have come into the United States without getting caught. (read more) 2022-09-13 b NATURAL GAS EXPORTS DECONSTRUCTED Massive Increases in U.S
Natural Gas Exports are Driving Up U.S. Energy
It is good to see at least one energy finance analyst at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, speaking commonsense. In an article by Clark Williams-Derry for Barron Magazine [SEE HERE], the author accurately outlines how significant U.S. Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exports are driving up natural gas prices for American consumers. The author accurately refutes the notion that exports do not drive-up domestic prices, by walking through the example of how natural gas prices dropped for U.S. consumers when the liquefied natural gas plant in Quintana, Texas [Freeport LNG] was temporarily shut down, blocking a portion of the export capacity. However, that facility is about to come back on-line and with increased exports from other facilities domestic U.S. prices have already doubled. According to the U.S. Energy Information Association (IEA), U.S. storage of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is 12% below the five-year average (LINK). Additionally, the IEA is expecting the U.S. to export 11.7 billion cubic feet of LNG per day during the fourth quarter of 2022 — up 17% from the third quarter. The destination of that export is Europe. Consider that 43% of U.S. households use natural gas for home heating, and power suppliers use natural gas to create electricity. With the massive 2022 exports of LNG to Europe (+17% in fourth quarter alone), that means lower domestic supplies and increased prices here in the United States for electricity and home heating. We are seeing and feeling these massive price increases right now. Barrons – […] If you need more evidence of the impact of natural gas exports on prices, just compare supply and demand fundamentals for the year leading up to February 2020 (the last pre-pandemic month) versus the year leading up to this May (the most recent month with full federal data). Annualized production rose over the period, while domestic consumption remained roughly flat. Yet LNG exports almost doubled—a surge that tightened U.S. gas markets and doubled the price that U.S. consumers pay for the fuel.
The growth of global demand for U.S. LNG can be tied to many market forces, including the shortfalls in Europe due to Russia’s manipulation of European Union gas markets. Sustained high demand in wealthy Asian nations has contributed to export growth as well. And so has the U.S. gas industry’s dogged determination to ship its wares to the highest bidder, foreign or domestic. Russia’s role has been particularly critical in the rise of global LNG demand. As Russia choked off gas shipments to Europe, EU buyers have turned to global LNG markets to make up the shortfall. Global LNG prices rose in response, and U.S. LNG companies ramped up output, shipping more cargoes to Europe. But Russia responded by further clamping down on gas supplies to the EU—a vicious circle that has hurt Europe’s economy even more severely than it has harmed America’s. There’s little sign that U.S. gas prices will ease in the coming years. Freeport’s demand will be back online soon enough, and there are three other massive LNG export projects under construction, with more than a dozen of others waiting for financing. […] Curiously, federal regulators have consistently found that the gas export projects are in the public interest—meaning they were in the economic interest of LNG companies and gas drillers. But now, exports are creating sky-high costs for U.S. consumers, and drillers are reluctant to boost gas output lest prices fall back to earth. So, it’s high time to consider whether soaring U.S. LNG exports are actually in America’s interest—or if, instead, runaway LNG exports are fueling energy inflation and undermining the nation’s economic competitiveness. (read more) Not only are U.S. taxpayers directly paying for the majority of costs in Ukraine, but we are also subsidizing the European Union by exporting LNG and driving up the price for energy here at home. We the taxpayers are directly paying Ukraine, and indirectly paying Europe to maintain gas sanctions against Russia. As a result, we the taxpayers are also paying higher prices here at home. This is the reality of the current exfiltration of wealth as created by the Biden administration. FUBAR (read more)See also: https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/natural-gas - observe that LNG prices dropped after fire
at LNG export terminal in Texas - prices now
rebounding as exports set to resume -
WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? They want, evidently, to
dance. Why? Why, in the days of my youth, did girls
permit themselves to be seized and clumsily pushed
about by sweating, overexcited, embarrassed boys? Not
only did they permit it, they dressed themselves in
taffeta and tulle and strapless bras to encourage its
happening, and wept when it did not.
For tears to be evoked, the importance of dances—school, country-club, Saturday-night, tea, square—as a means of gauging female desirability and mateability must be firmly established in feminine nervous systems. Society, to perpetuate itself in an orderly fashion, needs to arrange controlled outlets for the sexual impulses of the young. In the West, couples dancing became such an outlet, a ritual sublimation. For the male, the opportunity to put at least one of his arms around a female, inhaling her perfume, feeling her body brush against his and her palm moisten in his grip, was its own breathtaking reward. In Homage to Blenholt, by the great Daniel Fuchs, Mendel Munves, a scholarly etymologist, is belatedly taught to dance by the amiable Rita. Taking her into his arms opens him to cosmic speculation: Munves pressed her tightly to him and shivered. Ooooh, it felt good. Soft, soft. Women were originally built like a jackknife, like a Westchester roll, and all one short round lump, he was thinking, and when God opened them up straight, the body protruded in round curved masses. He hugged her tighter and tighter, his skinny arm on her shoulders aching. On the other side of the world, where the Japanese were tentatively imitating this risqué Western custom, the hero of the great Tanizaki’s Naomi has a harder time of it, at first: I remember taking Naomi’s hand and beginning the one-step, feverish with excitement, but after that, I lost all sense of what was going on. I couldn’t hear that music any longer; my steps were chaotic; my eyes were dazed; my heart pounded. It was all so different from dancing to records above Yoshimura’s music shop. Once I’d paddled out into this vast sea of people, there was no turning back and no going forward. I didn’t know what to do. Another partner, however, settles him down: But when I danced with Kirako, I was surprised to find how light she was. Her whole body was soft, like cotton, and her hands were as smooth as new leaves. She quickly got the knack of dancing with me, awkward as I was, and adapted herself to me the way an intelligent horse does to its rider. Lightness carried to this degree is indescribably pleasant. Though he is supposed to lead, a man dancing is a guest of his female partner, welcomed into her province. Girls take to dancing with a mysterious ease and keenness. Lacking a male partner, they will dance with each other, as we see in that ecstatic painting by George Luks, The Spielers, showing two slum girls locked in a musical embrace so energetic that their hair is a blur of brushstrokes. The fondness for conjoined rhythmic motion relates, perhaps, to a gender trait—a female somatic unity, a sense of the entire body as an expressive and erotic means. Men, relatively, are compartmentalized creatures, and in couples dancing the parts—the feet, the tongue, the libido, the diagrammatic brain—go flinging in different directions. Guide me, master me, the woman’s posture says, as she lifts her arms to be danced with. How sweetly forbearing she is, shuffled back and forth in a pathetically stunted version of what Fred Astaire might have sweepingly done with her graceful compliance. Astaire epitomized the romantic hero as dancing man; his reedy voice, his odd face, his slight build, the trifling nature of his screen personae were all small coin within the largesse of his permission, to his female partner, to dance. Even Astaire, paired with a female, became an excuse for her greater suppleness and grace to display itself, to discover itself, in dancing. It is Ginger Rogers’ trailing boas and shimmering gowns that stick in the mind as tokens of an indescribable pleasure. We remember her face as coolly averted, not so much from her partner’s face as from the naked sensation of dance, an invisible white fire that is engulfing her from below. The maenads, intoxicated by wine, danced themselves into a murderous frenzy. Eliza Doolittle could have danced all night. Dancing is one of the earliest and most widespread expressions of culture—that is, of human raw material channelled into social form. Stone Age cave paintings show dancing shamans in animal dress. Fertility dances occur from Australia to Alaska. Rain dances reinforce the shaman’s danced appeal to the gods. The upper classes of advanced societies tended to leave dancing to the priests and the peasants. “The cultured upper classes of Egypt do not appear to have indulged in any form of social dancing,” I read in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and, “Dancing of all kinds was regarded with disfavor by the cultural and intellectual people of Rome.” No authorities are cited, but I believe it. The Romans did have war dances, however, in which the priests of Mars danced with weapons, while those of Cybele and Attis gashed themselves with knives and potsherds. The people of the Middle Ages had the dance of death, and the slower-paced basse danse. The sixteenth century brought in the galliard, the pavane, the courante, and the volta, whose turns were so violent the lady was sometimes lifted off her feet. The volta was considered impolite until Queen Elizabeth I herself danced it. Dance and indecency go hand in hand. Look at go-go, exotic, and belly dancers. Dancing is both self-exhibition and self-exploration. Until the twist came along in 1960, it was hard to see your female partner. She was a piece of waved hair, a bare shoulder, a foreshortened upper lip. In the jitterbug, she flew past—and in my high school the boys who could jitterbug were so few the girls jitterbugged with each other. When the twist came along, I was determined not to be left out, and wasn’t. Around eleven o’clock on a Saturday night, the Chubby Checker and Fats Domino records were put on the turntable and our suburban dinner parties shucked their small talk and revealed their Dionysian side. The twist was, for women, one of the most ungainly dances ever devised, and yet they did it, as if knowing that in a year or two it would yield to the frug, at which they could show themselves to subtler advantage. In all of the myriad non-contactual dances that have followed rock-and-roll on its proliferating course, the woman becomes alone with her bliss. When happy, little boys jump and start hitting things with sticks; little girls do a dance. In the West Indies, the black women wrapped their bodies snug around the mambo, its chickenish head-motions and mincing steps, and the steel drums pealed on and on. In New England, in our ethnically mixed little mill town, the young housewives learned the steps to join in at Greek dances, and affected a Melina Mercouri–esque hauteur as they slid along in the braid of moving feet and interlocked hands. In swinging London, in 1969, the dollies in their minis cavorted by the light of a stroboscopic flash, stamping each pose onto the blackness of my retina like a letter of the Egyptian alphabet. In the Shillington (Pennsylvania) Recreation Hall, in 1943 or ’4, “Mairsy Doats” and Artie Shaw’s slippery “Begin the Beguine” were the records I tried to learn to fox-trot to, not very successfully, though my partner kept murmuring encouragement in my ear. We were eleven, or twelve. My mother, sensing something amiss in my preparations for life, sent me to take dancing lessons in a nearby city, with a plump woman shorter than I though more than twice as old. We strode around her empty studio for an hour each Saturday morning, but it didn’t give me twinkling feet. I have always been excessively afraid of stepping on women’s toes. They do get stepped on, but it is not the issue, just as—as Norman Mailer once told me—bloody noses cease to be the issue once you put on gloves and begin to box in earnest. I haven’t taken up boxing, and my dancing days are stumbling down to a precious few. This is a sadness to my wife, who took ballet as a tiny girl and loved her Connecticut cotillions. Well, I tell her, life is more than a two-step. But in my heart I fear it is not; we are born (step one) and then we die (step two), and between-times the drumbeat of the pulse demands that we act out its rhythm. In my lovingly preserved images of women dancing they are sweaty and self-forgetful—hopping up and down to, say, the sixth hoarse chorus of Janis Joplin’s “Me and Bobby McGee,” or being cradled in the dreamy last clarinet run of “Stardust,” while the overhead mirror-ball slows. Dancing should be a vacation the body takes from consciousness. I have seen Martha Graham and Margot Fonteyn dance, on the far edge of their long primes, but performance dancing however exquisite has always afflicted me with a slight anxiety—that the shoe will squeak, that the male dancer with his bulging legs and buttocks will drop his quivering burden of ballerina, that some small earthly happenstance will mar the attempted otherworldly perfection. It is the supporting ensemble, in their multiple tutus and undulant anonymity, that override anxiety, and relax the spectacle. Dance should transcend its form. Dance should not be a worry, but worry’s cancellation. If women have more worries than men, by compensation they seem to arrive more readily at shedding them. Once, in Africa, I watched the staging of a so-called native dance. The most conspicuous item of clothing for the females was a set of colorful flat necklaces bounced up and down in picturesque tribal synchrony. Some of the women were young girls, and as I watched I reflected that, this being modern Kenya, they were probably, otherwise dressed, receiving sound neo-colonial educations and preparing for progressive careers in engineering or civil service. One of the girls, one of the bounciest, caught my eye and seemed to read the mind of this elderly mzungu; her smile, already broad, broadened further, while her necklaces didn’t miss a prehistorical beat. “O body swayed to music, O brightening glance / How can we know the dancer from the dance?” Well, we can’t, and that is the beauty of it. — John Updike 2022-11-12 a WHAT DID CHENEY & RUMSFELD KNOW AND WHEN DID THEY KNOW IT? YET ANOTHER
The impact hole in the
outer ring of the Pentagon (alleged from American
Airlines flight 77) was about 16-18 feet wide.
If anyone can explain how two 12,000 lb jet engines, 45 feet apart on either side of the jet, can squeeze into an 18 foot hole without leaving a mark on the wall on either side of the hole, I ‘d love to hear it. ![]() Pentagon. 11
September 2001
Do you see passenger airplane debris? Where are the wing parts and jet engines? I see a discrete, cruise missile-sized impact hole behind the car. 2022-09-11 l THE STATE OF THE DISUNION XII BLACK SAVAGE
Tucker Carlson on abduction and death of Eliza Fletcher: "We should never accept this under any circumstances ... Our entire country will be Memphis if we don't put a stop to this insanity right now with as much force as is required." pic.twitter.com/55sLNhsasS — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) September 7, 2022 2022-09-11 k THE STATE OF THE DISUNION XI YET ANOTHER
Exclusive: Gen. Flynn Drops Bomb on QAnon
- What if It's Really...
Former National Security Advisor and retired three-star Gen. Michael Flynn shared his thoughts on the QAnon movement in an exclusive interview with The Western Journal on Friday. Flynn expressed his belief that the origins of QAnon have links within the United States government, strongly rejecting insinuations from the establishment media that he’s connected to the conspiratorial movement in any way. “This whole QAnon thing — I’ve been very public and outspoken about it … they want to tag me as though I’m ‘the guy,'” the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency said. Flynn pointed to his own military experiences in his assessment, describing instances in which the U.S government had used information warfare against terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda. “One of the things that I do know about our government is our government’s ability to project, and our government’s ability to put together disinformation campaigns, psychological operations and psychological campaigns…” “Information warfare is something our government gets involved in.” “I raise this because… I really do believe that it [the QAnon movement] is some type of government campaign. Maybe it’s being done by … ultra-government organizations, you know, that are working on behalf of it.” Flynn pointed to “crazy ideas” associated with the QAnon movement — usually labeled by the mainstream media as a “baseless conspiracy theory” — such as the notion that, during his presidency, Trump was “battling an entrenched bureaucracy and sex trafficking ring run by pedophiles” and currently, that Trump is still the acting, sitting President. TWJ Deputy Managing Editor Josh Manning asked Flynn to elaborate on his theories on QAnon’s origins. “This is me speculating, but it is also — when I speculate, I also have a level of expertise in these types of efforts,” said the former National Security Advisor, describing his extensive resume in the intelligence world. “This is something that I can see our government — and they’re going to go crazy on this — but I can see our government, you know, somewhere, at some level, putting something like this together, but bifurcating it from the government and turning it over to another body.” The movement’s origins stem from anonymous posts on an internet forum supposedly authored by a senior U.S government official with ‘Q’ top-secret security clearance. Some proponents of the movement trust in the idea of a wide-ranging ‘plan’ in which their adversaries will be arrested in masse — an idea Flynn urged conservatives to reject. “This idea that there’s some ‘plan,’ or something that’s going to happen…” “You know, I keep telling people. The plan is ‘We the People.’ The plan is you and I,” said the retired general. “The plan is me and
guys like me and people like me getting out there to
encourage people to get involved in the everyday
life of this country.” (read
more) See also: It's
(Almost) Always the Feds: How the FBI Fabricates
Schemes To Entrap [Not Too Bright] Would-Be
It's time to boost death rates. *
* * (see faint blue line
showing vaccine roll out at week 14 - chart
follows Renal Failure)
* An effective substitute
for Covid vaccines:
* They finally admit this
after 1000s of miscarriages and stillbirths:
See: https://www.normanfenton.com/post/breaking-news-uk-government-says-vaccine-not-safe-for-pregnant-or-breastfeeding-women 2022-09-11 h THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VIII What happens when
teacher certification standards
are lowered so affirmative action instructors can be hired?
Calcutta by the Golden Gate *
2022-09-11 f THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VI Thank You, Ruth, for Not
* See also: Obama v. RBG: The untold story of Obama's attempt to name the first African-American woman to the Supreme Court - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1138623 2022-09-11 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V BLACKS ARE SO CREATIVE
1987 - Tawana Brawley - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawana_Brawley_rape_allegations 2002 - Wanetta Gibson - falsely accused Brian Banks of rape - https://californiainnocenceproject.org/read-their-stories/brian-banks/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3qDG9sX23QIVibfACh1oDA8eEAAYASAAEgL9JvD_BwE http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jun/22/local/la-me-adv-brian-banks-20130623 2006 - Crystal Gail Mangum - Duke lacrosse rape hoax - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_lacrosse_case 2012 - Jackie Coakley - Rolling Stone Sept. 28 campus rape hoax at University of Virginia, Phi Kappa Psi fraternity Sabrina Rubin Erdely's Hate Hoax, UVA Frat Houses - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Rape_on_Campus https://jezebel.com/is-the-uva-rape-story-a-gigantic-hoax-asks-idiot-1665233387 http://www.unz.com/isteve/richard-bradley-is-the-rolling-stone-story-true/ * Duke Player Claims to
Have Heard the "N" Word;
* See also: https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-abc-espn-promoted-duke-volleyball-players-racial-slur-story-go-quiet-developments-debunking-claim 2022-09-11 d THE STATE OF THE DISUNION IV 25 Big Questions That
Democrats Can't Answer About The 2020 Election
Why not upset a liberal today and send them this handy list! 25 Big Questions That Democrats Can't Answer About The 2020 Election — Because They Know They Cheated
2022-09-11 c THE STATE OF THE DISUNION III If you still believe the
November 2020 election was as pure as driven snow,
and claims to the contrary are "baseless," and that
there is no evidence of Deep State / Democrat /
corrupt foreign actor malfeasance, please study the
information at these links:
https://2000mules.com/ https://election-integrity.info/ https://electionfraud20.org/2000-mules/ https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/05/the_riveting_2000_mules_proves_there_was_massive_election_fraud.html https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/01/30/2000-mules-the-background-of-the-2020-election-fraud/ https://thefederalist.com/2022/03/03/wisconsin-special-counsel-finds-widespread-election-fraud-in-2020-nursing-homes/ https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2022/03/28/new_peer-reviewed_research_finds_evidence_of_2020_voter_fraud_147378.html https://www.truethevote.org/ https://truethevote.locals.com/ https://uncoverdc.com/2022/05/02/true-the-vote-has-rico-ballot-trafficking-evidence-americans-should-care/ https://uncoverdc.com/2021/12/07/gableman-hearing-zuckerberg-infiltrates-wisconsin-election-in-five-key-cities/ https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/22/brandtjen/media/1552/osc-second-interim-report.pdf https://www.usaapay.com/ar15/2022/05/12f.html * And, straight from the
zombie's mouth:
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” — Joe Biden 21 October 2020 2022-09-11 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II It takes an Alpha Male
to maintain a 1000 year realm.
Women & Beta Males are incapable of such a feat.
Elizabeth II betrayed
her realm and most especially her Anglo-Saxon,
Briton, Celt, Cornish, Kentish, Manx, Norman,
Pict, Scot and Welsh subjects.
She never publicly condemned the invasions. She shirked her constitutional duty. She was missing in action during the Windrush invasion by Jamaican peasants, sugarcane workers, gangsters and uneducated hordes. Enoch Powell did complain. Read his impassioned & prescient 'Rivers of Blood' speech. She was silent while London ceased to be an English city. She was silent while the fair lands once subject to Danelaw filled with the teeming masses of the curry crowd and Pakis who groom young girls and clitoris-cutting Mohammedans. She allowed millions of welfare parasites to burden the realm's finances. There might always be an England, however, she won't be populated with Englishmen. Shame on her! * * * See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/live/article-11199277/King-Charles-III-proclamation-live.html See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11195181/Woke-liberals-waste-no-time-attacking-colonizer-Queen-mere-hours-death.html * ![]() Coronation - 2 June
2022-09-10 d ELECTION TENSION VIII Computer Experts to Swing
State: Replace Dominion Voting Machines With Paper
Ballots Before Midterms
A group of computer and election security experts is urging Georgia election officials to replace the state’s touchscreen voting machines with hand-marked paper ballots ahead of the November midterm elections, citing what they say are “serious threats” posed by an apparent breach of voting equipment in one county. The 13 experts on Thursday sent a letter to the members of the State Election Board and to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who’s a non-voting member of the board. It urges them to immediately stop using the state’s Dominion Voting Systems touchscreen voting machines. It also suggests they mandate a particular type of post-election audit on the outcome of all races on the ballot. The experts who sent the letter include academics and former state election officials and are not associated with efforts by former President Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the [fraudulent] 2020 presidential election. The midterm elections are just two months away. A switch to hand-marked paper ballots could easily be made by then because state law already provides for them to be used as an emergency backup, the letter says. State Election Board Chair William Duffey responded in an email to The Associated Press that the “security of our election equipment is of paramount interest to the State Election Board as is the integrity of the election process in Georgia.” He noted that the alleged breach in Coffee County is being investigated by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and secretary of state’s office investigators and said the FBI has been asked to assist. “The investigation is active and ongoing,” Duffey wrote. “Information developed will be considered to evaluate the impact of the Coffee County conduct.” (read more) 2022-09-10 c ELECTION TENSION VII Latinos Leaving Democrat
Hacienda Faster
Than Blacks Are Escaping the Democrat Plantation Tucker Carlson Outlines
Reasons Latino Community Aligns with Trump and MAGA
This is good to see and a little funny at the same time. Since 2015 CTH has been outlining how the MAGA working-class movement is in direct alignment with the values and priorities of Latinos and Hispanics. More Latinos support President Trump than supported any republican modern in history. In the bigger picture, Latino voters support President Trump for the same reasons the Amish voters support President Trump, the absence of political correctness. WATCH. (read more) 2022-09-10 b ELECTION TENSION VI TWO New Hampshire Election
Lawsuits Filed to Ban Voting Machines – One State,
One Federal!
NH Resident Dan Richard has been granted an Emergency Hearing by the Rockingham County Superior Court, this Friday, September 9, 2022, at 1pm to seek a temporary and permanent injunction to prohibit the use of voting machines and to hand count ballots. This hearing is open to the public. Mr. Richard’s complaint brings multiple charges, which include:
Mr. Richard will argue:
As reported by the Gateway Pundit, a second lawsuit was filed by NH Resident Brenda Towne in federal court. Mrs. Towne’s complaint seeks the removal of voting machines in NH. It also names Harri Hursti and LHS Associates as plaintiffs, alleging that they were responsible for the destruction of election evidence that was to be maintained and kept under state and federal mandates. Mrs. Towne’s lawsuit seeks the following relief:
You can read more here. (read more)2022-09-10 a ELECTION TENSION V FEDERAL BUREAU OF
FBI Conceals Chinese
Infiltration of U.S. Election Software
"This is a red Chinese communist op run against the United States by Chinese operatives and it's a disaster." In a live chat released on Monday, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, appeared together on “truethevote.locals.com” to discuss their 15-month involvement with what was characterized to them as a “counter-intelligence operation” with the Federal Bureau of Investigation into American election company Konnech Inc. Konnech, which is based out of East Lansing, Michigan, builds software to manage the poll workers, poll locations, campaigns, assets, and supplies necessary to run elections in the United States, Canada, and Australia. In January 2021, Phillips said that the cyber analyst he had been working with encountered an “oddity in some of the URLs” such as vote4la.com, vote4detroit.com, and vote4boston.com, which Konnech’s “PollChief” software application used to gather personally-identifying information about poll workers. Using Binary Edge, a software product companies use to identify and assess the risk of cyber breaches, “We began to look at where do these URLs actually resolve to. We found that most of them resolve to one IP address and that IP address — the URL resolved in China,” Phillips said. “What we also learned in our review, apps.konnech.com [.net], resolved into this same URL in China, meaning that the application itself was residing in China,” he continued. “In Binary Edge, you can figure out what type of database they are using, their database port, and all the different services offered by ports in this particular application living in China. It turned out that not only did it live there, but they left the database open.” This database “stored the personally identifying information of over a million Americans,” he emphasized. Engelbrecht and Phillips decided that “this was a major national security risk” and immediately took the information to the FBI. When Engelbrecht and Phillips took this information to the FBI, the FBI “said the information was forwarded to their counter-intelligence operation, and a counter-intelligence op was opened up in January or February of 2021,” Phillips said.Phillips described how he and Engelbrecht played an active role in the FBI’s operation, “They engaged us in the operation, they were communicating with us on a regular basis. They were communicating with Catherine regarding communications with the target and this went on for approximately 15 months.” Phillips and Engelbrecht noted that the field office that they worked with for those 15 months was “legitimate” and not “political law enforcement.” “These were legitimate people who believed that this software posed a national security risk to the United States of America and they were working with us closely to try to stop this from being in place during the midterms,” Phillips said. “The focus point was always we needed to remove this software from the election, but taking a step further, there were a lot of other concerns that the bureau had.” The FBI agents indicated that Konnech had already “been on their radar” and that there were “lots of other problems” with the U.S. election company including “banking issues” and problems involving the company’s overseas operations in “Australia” and “Canada”. In April 2022, Engelbrecht received a call from one of the FBI agents, who informed her that the FBI’s “Washington D.C. headquarters” was now involved in the investigation. Engelbrecht described how everything changed after this call, “There was no more goodwill, there was no more let's work together, the script had been flipped, and now we were the target,” she said. “That was a very disturbing call.” The agent informed Engelbrecht that “two women” at the FBI’s headquarters believed that Phillips and Engelbrecht were “in the wrong for doing this” and that the D.C. office was now trying “to figure out how you guys broke the law to find all of this”. Engelbrecht added, “which of course we didn't, but that was kind of their MO [modus operandi], they were going to try to pin something on us, and today you can pick your headlines about how the FBI has done this time and again.” Phillips remarked, “The problem is they know about this and they chose to do nothing. They chose to investigate it and in the end, they chose to blame us, but this is China. These are Chinese operatives in the United States, these are Chinese citizens who are programming this.” Engelbrecht and Phillips, who have worked in the election industry for a combined fifty years, described how this was a “complete and total failure” of federal law enforcement, U.S. intelligence, and the Department of Homeland Security which is primarily responsible for the “critical infrastructure” making up the U.S. election system. “In fact, the president of this company sits on the board of another election company that is one of the founding members of DHS's election security task force. So you want to talk about the fox in the hen house? It's all right there,” Engelbrecht noted about Konnech CEO Eugene Yu’s membership on Votem Corp.’s Board of Advisors. Furthermore, Phillips added, “The same individual who programmed this election mess, PollChief, was also the lead programmer for the Confucius Institute internal comms [communication] mechanism.” “Meaning how they exchange data between here and China, this same person built the entire app that runs all of these elections across the United States. This is a red Chinese communist op run against the United States by Chinese operatives and it's a disaster.” Engelbrecht explained how the FBI agents initially hoped they could persuade the Washington D.C. office to do the right thing, “Our contacts were saying we are going to try and smooth this out, but as the days clicked on, they re-contacted us and one of them said you may need to be ready to — his term was to use the nuclear option and go to the press,” she said. “And that is when we began to plan the Pit.” With the FBI no longer interested in pursuing Konnech, Englebrecht and Phillips organized an event for Saturday, August 13th in Arizona called “the Pit” where they brought together about two hundred “researchers, independent journalists, and big thinkers” to share their story with. “We asked the people in attendance for help, we didn't know what the FBI's plans were for us, we didn't know if we didn't speak this publicly if we would ever have the chance to, but we felt like our best chance was to share this with people we trusted who had the wherewithal to get the word out,” Englebrecht said. She continued, “There have been so many great things that have happened since that event, but one of the greatest, was this community that came out shoulder to shoulder saying let’s dig this, let's see how much more information we can find.” “The quality of research that has been done to supplement what we already had and to corroborate what we already had has been incredible.” Phillips added, “This is some of the best research I have ever seen. The quality of it, the depth of it, we were with a prosecutor the other day and we had an opportunity to share some of this information with them.” He continued, “There's likely going to be a grand jury convened here in the next week or so. It's supported by not just the research that my team OPSEC did for Catherine and True the Vote, but it's supported by the research of one of the best research teams that I've ever seen come together.” “The data and research all stand on their own.” Englebrecht concluded that Eugene Yu and the Konnech story is far from over and will continue to get stratospherically bigger. (read more) ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2022 ARCHIVE
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