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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2022- 2022-12-07 j DEMOCRAT DEMOLITION OF AMERICA X THE DATA BEHIND THE DEPOPULATION AGENDA
* Watch also: https://youtu.be/qLLyNzQylxg 2022-12-07 h DEMOCRAT DEMOLITION OF AMERICA VIII YOU WILL WALK TO WORK
DEGENERACY & DEPRAVITY Balenciaga and the rise of
paedo chic
Adults need to stop dragging kids into their sexual fantasies. The fashion world is not especially known for its morals. And yet even by fashion’s standards, this week’s BDSM bear controversy has been a weird one. The esteemed, celeb-loved Spanish fashion house Balenciaga has been slammed for putting out images of young kids holding teddy bears wearing kinky bondage gear. The odd pics feature in its Christmas advertising campaign. They show sad-eyed toddlers holding teddies that are dolled up in fishnet tops, lock-and-key collars and wrist restraints. Normally, you’d have to go to some dingy club on a dark street in Soho to see get-up like that. Now, Balenciaga is putting it on fluffy bears and giving those bears to actual children. In one of the images the kid is holding her X-rated teddy while standing on a bed. In another, a child is lying face down on a couch, looking miserable, surrounded by wine glasses and with two of the weird bears propped up behind her. One of the bears appears to be in a kind of leather harness, the sort you’d see at a BDSM party. It gets worse.
Another photo features a handbag on a pile of
documents. Seems innocent. It’s a nice bag. Only
internet sleuths have zoomed in and discovered
that one of the documents is a printout of
something to do with Ashcroft v Free
Speech Coalition, the 2002 US
Supreme Court ruling that struck down a section
of the Child Pornography Prevention Act and
ruled that fake child porn is protected speech.
This needs an explanation, surely? It cannot be a coincidence that an ad campaign with very young children holding sex teddies also makes a sly reference to a court ruling that said not all sexualised depictions of kids should be illegal. Someone involved in this, whether someone at Balenciaga or someone in the set-designer or photography teams it hired for this campaign, knew what they were doing here. Balenciaga is blaming the photographer, and is even threatening to sue him. It has apologised for the pics, and for the inclusion of ‘unsettling documents’, and has wiped the campaign from its Instagram. The photographer, meanwhile, insists he had nothing to do with choosing the products or the models. He just set up the lighting and clicked. So no one’s to blame? You know how it is – you take a few photos to promote your products and, darn, you accidentally include children with pervert teds and a nod to a ruling that dismantled part of the child-porn law. Could happen to anyone. It’s hard to know what’s worse. That someone thought it would be fun to put dejected-looking kids alongside bears that look like they’ve just stumbled out of a queer kink dungeon in West Hollywood or that no one at Balenciaga thought: ‘Is this a little odd?’ Balenciaga is a fashion power-house. It is loved by the Kardashians. It’s all over red carpets. And yet its famous attention to detail appears to have escaped it when it was shown an image of a kid on a couch being gawked at by a fluffy blue bear in an outfit straight out of Cruising. In another way, though, it makes messed-up sense that no one in this fashion chain of command stopped to wonder if this might all be a bit strange. Because the sad fact is that paedo chic is everywhere right now. In a world saturated with images of kids in adult clothing, and when children bop along to pop and rap tunes that are sexually explicit, and when it is not uncommon to see kids petting men-as-pups at Pride marches or laughing along with drag queens in skimpy outfits, why would anyone bat an eyelid at a pic of a girl on a bed with a kinky bear? Paedo chic is one of the most worrying trends of our time. We seem to be witnessing a surge in the paedophilic sensibility. No, this is not to say that anyone at Balenciaga is a paedophile, or that a parent is a child abuser if he lets his kid hang out with braless ‘transwomen’ at those bacchanalian orgies of self-regard mixed with self-pity that Pride gatherings have become. But it does feel like the paedophilic imagination, the view of children either as sexual beings or as fit for being exposed to sexual beings, is having a resurgence. And we need to talk about that. We’ve seen the rise of child drag queens. They ‘saunter’, they ‘slay the runway’, they look ‘fierce’, say mainstream media outlets about these young children who adopt the exaggerated sass of adult drag performers. We’ve seen kids attending not only Drag Queen Story Hour events, which are odd but not the end of the world, but also blatantly sexual drag performances. And who can forget the Family Sex Show – three words that really do not belong together – that was due to take place in Norwich earlier this year? It was about sex, featured full-frontal nudity, and was aimed at kids as young as five. Its website encouraged children to google masturbating animals so that they might see how natural it is to have a wank. Online searches for sexual images of beasts? What could go wrong? You don’t have to be Mary Whitehouse to find this disturbing. To be worried that pop, always loved by the young, has been pornified, with kids singing along to lyrics like ‘chains and whips excite me’ (thanks, Rihanna) or to the dreaded ‘WAP’. To be worried that so many American schoolteachers seem hellbent on teaching their charges that there are a hundred genders and you can be any one of them you want. To be worried by reports about a male Canadian schoolteacher wearing Size Z fake boobs while teaching teenagers or that some sex-ed books in schools contain info about orgies and sex apps. It’s okay to say this isn’t normal. Even – brace yourselves, moral relativists – that it’s bad. There seems to have been an erasure of the boundary between adults and children, meaning kids are increasingly dragged – no pun intended – into worlds that were once for grown-ups. The consequences can be sinister. Consider the trans youth charity Mermaids. Not only has it published images featuring young children in sexualised make-up and clothing sitting on beds with drag queens. It also had a trustee who once gave a speech at a conference for ‘minor-attracted persons’ (i.e, paedos) and who wrote of a 12-year-old boy dancing, that he was ‘mimic[king] sex acts, repeating the easily citational gestations of pelvic thrusts’. Another of its members of staff, a man, posed as a schoolgirl in explicit photos. Again, this isn’t normal. Further afield, on the wackier outskirts of identity politics, sympathetic talk of ‘minor-attracted persons’ is becoming more and more widespread. Even USA Today published a report on ‘What the public keeps getting wrong about paedophilia’ – it has since updated the headline to ‘The complicated research behind paedophilia’. What if ‘minor attraction’ is just another sexual identity that people are born with, the paper pondered? It cited experts who believe we should talk about ‘destigmatising paedophilia’. ‘Destigmatising paedophilia’ is both a horrifying idea and one that makes sense in this chaotic era of moral cowardice and non-judgementalism. Don’t kink-shame, we’re constantly told, even when someone’s kink is shameful, like those 50-year-old blokes who go to Pride in baby outfits while sucking on dummies. Don’t question anyone’s gender identity, we’re instructed, even when it’s a palpably mad gender identity – like aerogender, say, which is when your gender changes depending on what room you’re in. Don’t be such prudes, the woke say to parents who are angry that their kids are being plied with nonsense about genderfluidity and given sex-ed classes that border on the pornographic. Judgement is the great sin now. And this abandonment of judgement has opened the door to increasingly crazy demands to ‘Respect my identity!’ where ‘identity’ very often means ‘perversion’. That some actual paedophiles are now demanding their slice of non-judgement, as USA Today reported, is not surprising. Or minor-attracted persons, I should say. We wouldn’t want to kink-shame them. We need to confront the cult of infantilisation. Today’s infantilisation of adults leads, perversely, to the adultification of children. For if adults are overgrown children, perma-adolescents, reluctant to embrace the moral responsibilities of being a grown-up, then surely there isn’t much difference between them and kids? Bit by bit, the old dividing line between adults and children is washed away, so that adults can seem like kids – staying in the parental home till they’re 30, overemotional, allergic to commitment – and kids can seem like adults. Dress like adults, talk about sex like adults, go to drag shows like adults. The detonation of the border between childhood and adulthood means we all meet on a weird and unsettling new territory in which the grown-ups are babies and the children are saying, wearing and doing things that they shouldn’t be. * * * * *
THE VACCINE ORIGINS OF HIV/AIDS TO HIDING THE FUNDING & CREATION OF COVID. * @Eric_Schmitt BREAKING: Here is the full transcript of the Anthony Fauci deposition: A few takeaways https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1599853022489718784.html *
* *
I am thankful their days are numbered. The Tyranny of the Minority
A few hundred super-rich elites and a powerful handful of woke and climate activist ringleaders now tyrannize America. In the Federalist, James Madison famously warned against the “tyranny of the majority,” but it is unlikely he could have envisioned what we face today. Twenty-first-century America is dissolving before our eyes, as a tyrannical coalition of minorities steals our heritage and sovereignty. Not ethnic minorities—their American bequest is being stolen right alongside that of America’s shrinking white majority. Nobody is exempt, and everyone should unite to resist. “Minorities” in this context refers to the elite vanguard of what Californian political writer Joel Kotkin has called the “Upstairs-Downstairs Coalition,” a voting bloc, he says, “that brings together the most destitute with the most privileged parts of our society.” At the top of the top are a few thousand of the super-rich. At the bottom are a few thousand hardened fanatics, many of them professionals. These two super-minorities, working in tandem, currently control the destiny of America. Expertly manipulating the voters in the upstairs-downstairs coalition, they’re actively destroying everything we love and everything we need. The minority occupying the top position in the upstairs-downstairs coalition are the plutocrats who run America. A 2017 analysis identified the top 0.01 percent (1 in 10,000 Americans) to have an average annual income of over $30 million. A 2019 Stanford study found the top 0.1 percent (1 in 1,000 Americans) control a total net worth equal to the entire cumulative net worth of the bottom 90 percent of Americans. At the pinnacle, however, are America’s billionaires, a scant 735 of them at last count. This is a vanishingly small minority of people, roughly one in every half-million Americans. But their influence is decisive. Every year, these billionaires and the corporations they control disburse billions—often getting tax deductions for doing so—to maintain standing armies of activist groups that conduct lawfare, fund civil disobedience, run massive propaganda campaigns, engage in targeted “get-out-the-vote” activities, prop up financially dependent media properties, and produce “expert” studies with paid-for ideas. The minorities at both ends of this up-down coalition are groups identifiable not by their ethnicity or ideology, but by their behavior. In every case, they constitute a minute fraction of the population, but in the name of compassion, equity, diversity, and environmentalism they are undermining and, unless stopped, will destroy America. The Weaponization of Mental IllnessMichael Shellenberger, a Californian and former progressive activist, has become one of America’s most astute critics of the failed policies that are sowing social and economic chaos across the nation. In a series of recent Substack articles with self-explanatory titles, including “Infantilization Of The Apocalypse,” “The Quiet Desperation Of Woke Fanatics,” and “Narcissism In Climate & Woke Victim Movements,” referring to militant climate activists, he argues that “global elites are encouraging them, which is exceedingly dangerous and irresponsible.” He’s right. Co-opting potentially violent sociopaths, or as Shellenberger puts it, “weaponizing mental illness,” has long been a tool of authoritarian regimes. In the USSR during the Cold War, during the German Nazi era, and in police states throughout the 20th century, recruiting thugs and turning them on their own people was a common tactic—as it is still in Communist China today. What’s happening in America is only slightly more nuanced, and highly effective. To further explain who controls America’s current upstairs-downstairs coalition in a historical context, it is helpful to recognize the false dichotomy represented by the supposedly left-wing establishment Democrats and the supposedly right-wing establishment Republicans. “Establishment” is the key word here. Gary Allen, in his 1971 book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, blew up the traditional paradigm whereby the “Left” is communism and the “Right” is fascism. In what he suggested is a more accurate political spectrum, all forms of authoritarian government, communism, fascism, and socialism, are to one extreme, anarchy is to the other extreme, and in the center is a constitutional republic with limits on government power. The distinction explains how a shared agenda could exist between outwardly antagonistic capitalists and socialists. Allen writes, “The seeming paradox of rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes the logical, even perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.” Pressure from Above, Pressure from BelowAllen describes the upstairs-downstairs coalition as “pressure from above, pressure from below,” writing, “Radical movements are never successful unless they attract big money and/or outside support . . . the Left is controlled by its alleged enemy, the malefactors of great wealth.” The hidden agenda is to sow chaos, triggering demands for more state control, and allowing governments and corporations to consolidate power and wealth further. This agenda is proceeding on schedule. The public agenda, incessantly marketed as something to be desired, is to erase America as we know it, replacing it with what is enthusiastically portrayed as a transnational, transhuman utopia. According to this vision, every person on earth will have achieved “equity,” i.e., equal outcomes. At the same time, the footprint of human civilization will become ecologically benign, and the planet will be saved. This is an impossible charade. What they are actually imposing on the overwhelming majority of Americans is a terrifying dystopia. Private financial independence will become all but impossible, the economy will be centrally controlled, productivity will be rationed, and, if anything, the health of planetary ecosystems will be worse, not better. Indoctrination campaigns escalate with every passing year. But if you question any of it, you are tarred as a divisive bigot. For decades, intensifying with Obama’s presidency, establishment institutions in America have falsely condemned Americans as racist and sexist, despite American culture for all its flaws being the most inclusive culture in the history of civilization. This ongoing propaganda war on social stability wasn’t enough, however, when the MAGA movement began to attract Americans of all backgrounds in 2016. These MAGA Americans reject the narratives of systemic racism and sexism, and they reject climate doomsday scenarios. To cope, the establishment began anointing the most troubled individuals among us as pioneering saints, destined to redefine what it means to be “normal.” American culture is now at a tipping point, because American institutions are now opportunistically validating behaviors that are clearly destructive and obviously pathological. The Useful LunaticsThe riots of summer 2020 highlighted the individuals who now constitute the vanguard of the downstairs cohort of the upstairs-downstairs coalition. For months on end, Antifa and Black Lives Matter ringleaders, fêted by the media and funded by plutocrats, orchestrated murderous rampages in dozens of cities. Looters and vandals were described by establishment press and politicians as “mostly peaceful,” and “victims of racism.” Other members of the downstairs cohort include homeless drug addicts, psychopaths, and predators, who in their uncontained thousands have made life unpleasant, unsanitary, and dangerous for millions of people in cities and towns across America. But they are not held accountable for their actions. They are no longer arrested for vagrancy, public intoxication, or even theft. In the name of compassion and equity, such laws are no longer enforced. This disregard for the rule of law only encourages and multiplies the worse elements, and further harms the genuine victims. Climate militants, also a minute fraction of the population, have made common cause with BLM and Antifa militants. They commit acts of performative vandalism, their protests block freeways, they harass targeted politicians and executives, they have shut down energy pipelines, and their attacks on vital energy infrastructure are escalating. Their actions are encouraged by every mainstream institution in America, despite the destructive essence of their agenda. No description of the activist minorities bent on erasing America as we know it would be complete without delving into the sexual revolution, which has taken a form that even hippies in the hedonistic late 1960s would scarcely recognize. Do you think women have penises or that men menstruate? If you do not agree with those statements, American institutions ranging from Proctor and Gamble to the National Hockey League consider you to be a “divisive” individual, lacking empathy. The preposterous extreme to which the woke gender warriors are trying to take America is incomprehensible to any sane person. Do you believe it’s appropriate for drag queens to recruit five-year-old children to learn how to twerk? Should states be boycotted because their legislatures had the courage to prohibit biological men from using a women’s restroom, or participate in women’s sports? Do you object to surgeons removing the sexual organs of children? Careful how you answer. Sanity is insurrectionary. The public agenda of Antifa and BLM is “equity.” For the Homeless Industrial Complex, it’s “compassion.” For climate militants, it’s “saving the earth.” For gender warriors, it’s to end “discrimination.” But in all of these cases, their hidden agenda is to advance the power of the state, to divide and demoralize the population, to destroy conventional traditions and norms, and consolidate private property ownership in the hands of a small elite. From outraged parents swarming in to be heard at school board meetings to individuals everywhere merely wanting to protect their families, their homes, and their businesses, those who defend order and normalcy are now the “divisive” ones. Worse, they are now deemed dangerous and are condemned by nearly every influential institution in the country. A few hundred super-rich elites and a powerful handful of woke and climate activist ringleaders are the minorities that now tyrannize America. They are not defined by conventional ideological definitions, or by their faith, or by their ethnicity. With money and fanaticism, they control establishment institutions and grassroots armies. The wealthy faction is united by greed, the woke and climate populists by nihilistic hatred. It is an axis of evil. This cannot stand.
There are too few of them and too many of us.
Resist. (read
*MORE DEATHS FROM THEIR BIOWEAPON * * See also: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19 See also: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/23/fda-horse-message-ivermectin-covid-coronavirus 2022-12-07 c DEMOCRAT DEMOLITION OF AMERICA III THEIR TAKEOVER WILL BE
CANNOT CONTROL THE PRODUCTIVE PEOPLE. They already control the welfare parasites & all those who feed at the public trough. What we are seeing now is econocide: the deliberate destruction of economic well-being to the point that it is life-threatening. The question is, what do the gov want to replace it with? My guess: Digital IDs, Social Credit System, Universal Basic Income & ‘15-minute’ cities. — Dominique Samuels (@Dominiquetaegon) December 7, 2022 2022-12-07 b DEMOCRAT DEMOLITION OF AMERICA II THE GREAT REPLACEMENT
BEEN ACCELERATED * * See also: https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2022/11/30/biden-funds-covert-parole-pipeline-for-illegals-to-reach-us-jobs-housing/ *
Destroy The United States, Then...
First, you would surrender our prior energy independence. Reduce new gas and oil leases on federal lands to the lowest levels of any president in history. Cut back production at precisely the time the world is emerging from a two-year lockdown with pent-up consumer demand. Make war on coal and nuclear power. Drain the strategic petroleum reserve to make the pain for consumers more bearable for midterm election advantage. Cancel the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil and gas field. Block pipelines like the Keystone oil pipeline and the Constitution natural gas line. Overregulate and demonize frackers and horizontal drillers. Ensure there is less investment for their exploration and production. Make use of internal combustible engines or fossil fuel power generation prohibitively expensive. Achieve a green oil-dependency along the lines of contemporary Europe. Second, print trillions of dollars in new currency as the lockdowns end, demand rises, and consumers are already saturated with COVID-19 subsidies. Keep interest rates low, well below the rate of inflation, as you print more money. Ensure that passbook holders earn no interest at the very time prices skyrocket to the highest per annum level in 40 years. “Spread the wealth” by sending money to those who already have enough, while making it less valuable for those deemed to have too much. Ensure runaway high prices to wean the middle class off its consumerism and supposedly to inspire them to buy less junk they don’t need. Damn the rich in the open and in the abstract, court them in the concrete and secret of darkness. Third, end America’s physical boundaries. Render it an amorphous people and anywhere space. End any vestigial difference between a citizen and resident. Up the current nearly 50 million who were not born in the United States —27 percent of California’s population—to 100 million and more by allowing 3 million illegal aliens to enter per year. Fourth, destroy the public trust in its elections. Render Election Day irrelevant. Make proper auditing of 110 million mail-in/early ballots impossible. Normalize ballot harvesting and curing. Urge leftist billionaires to infuse their riches to “absorb” the work of state registrars in key precincts to ensure the correct “turn-out.” Blast as “election denialists,” “insurrectionists,” and “democracy destroyers” anyone who objects to these radical ballot changes, neither passed by the U.S. Congress nor by state legislators. Weaponize the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice. Fifth, redefine crime as one rich man’s crime, another poor man’s necessity. Let those who need “things” exercise their entitlement to them. Rewrite or ignore laws to exempt the oppressed who take, or do, what they want as atonement for past systemic racism and oppression. Six, junk the ossified idea of a melting pot and multiracial society united by common American values and ideals. Instead, identify individuals by their superficial appearance. Seek to be a victim and monetize your claims against perceived victimizers. Call anyone a “racist” who resists. Encourage each tribe, defined by common race, ethnic, gender, or sexual orientation affinities, to band together to oppose the monolithic “white privilege” majority. Encourage social and tribal tensions. Racially discriminate to end discrimination. Greenlight statue toppling, name changing, boycotting, cancel culturing, ostracizing, and Trotskyizing. Erase the past, control the present, and create a new American person for the future. Seven, render the United States just one of many nations abroad. Abandon Afghanistan in shame. Leave behind thousands of loyal Afghan allies, billions of dollars in equipment, a billion-dollar embassy, and the largest air base in central Asia. Appease the theocracy to reenter the Iran nuclear deal. Beg enemies like Venezuela, Russia, and Iran to pump more oil when it is politically expedient for us to have abundant supplies—oil that we have in abundance but won’t produce. Discourage friends like Guinea from producing more energy and cancel allies’ energy projects like the EastMed pipeline. Trash but then beg Saudi Arabia to pump more oil right before the midterms for domestic political advantage. Eight, neuter the First Amendment. Enlist Silicon Valley monopolies to silence unwanted free speech while using Big Tech’s mega profits to warp elections. Declare free expression “hate speech.” Criminalize contrarian social media. Nine, demonize half the country as semi-fascists, un-Americans, insurrectionists, and even potential domestic terrorists. Try to change inconvenient ancient rules: seek to pack the court, end the filibuster, junk the Electoral College, and bring in two more states. Twice impeach a president who tried to stand in your way. Try him when he is an emeritus president and private citizen. Raid his home. Seek to indict a future rival to the current president. Ten, never mention the [American] origins of the COVID virus. Never [state he real target was} China for the release of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Exempt investigations of U.S. health officials who subsidized Chinese gain-of-function research. Ignore the Bill of Rights to mandate vaccinations, mask wearing, and quarantines. We have done all of the above. It would be hard to imagine any planned agenda to destroy America that would have been as injurious as what we already suffered the last two years.(read more) 2022-12-06 a SATANIC This still is from Kylie Jenner’s
for her “make-up” line. ![]() * WHY ARE THOSE WHO EXPOSE
* * * * * Bad Kitty Censored Breaking thread! I found the directions for submitting tweets to El-ISAC (CiSecurity) like Katie Hobbs did. They land at Stanford for determination There is also a hidden Twitter Portal and a gov Twitter email address. Cont reading full
thread https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1599609708574543873.html Bad Kitty Censored The Bad Kitty Letters 118 pages of censorship emails involving Twitter, DHS, CDC, FB, Cisecurity etc Here Georgia nabbed Code Monkey by submitting to cisecurity and the DHS is doing the dirty work.(see disclaimer?) Cont reading full
Press Existed, The Twitter Files Wouldn’t
Nothing Twitter did or could have done would have buried the Biden family scandal story had journalists just done their jobs — but they didn’t. Twitter management knew immediately they had bombed big time when the tech giant censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, internal communications published on Friday by independent journalist Matt Taibbi reveal. Little else surprising emerged from the first installment of “The Twitter Files,” but the concrete proof provided by new owner Elon Musk of Twitter’s entanglement with the government and Democrat interests nonetheless vindicated conservatives who have been screaming for years of Big Tech’s squelching of their speech. The Twitter Files should raise the ire of all Americans, however, and not because of what they expose about tech companies — but because they illustrate the corporate media’s complicity in the censorship of stories that prove harmful to powerful people and preferred politicians. A little over a week ago, Musk tweeted a promise to release evidence of the company’s “free speech suppression” in what he branded The Twitter Files. “The public deserves to know what really happened,” the new Twitter owner stressed. Late Friday, Musk kept his promise when Taibbi published a detailed Twitter thread highlighting, with screen grabs, high-level internal Twitter discussions concerning the company’s censorship of posts and specifically the blocking of the New York Post’s story about the Hunter Biden laptop. The Post published its exclusive bombshell report on emails culled from a laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store a mere three weeks before the U.S. presidential election. “How Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad,” the Post titled its Oct. 14, 2020 story that then opened by detailing that an email confirmed Hunter had introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma “less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.” The email to Hunter, dated April 17, 2015, came from Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma — a board on which Hunter served “at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month,” according to the Post’s article. Soon after the Post broke the story, Twitter and Facebook “deprecated” the story, meaning the social media giants prevented the algorithm code from allowing the story to be amplified. By mid-afternoon, however, Twitter moved to banning the sharing of the story both in tweets and in direct messages. At the time, “Twitter representatives pointed press to the company’s hacked material policy, which prohibits sharing links to or images of hacked content. Twitter’s guidelines for blocking URLs, which were updated this July, also include provisions for hacked material and content that ‘interferes with civic and election integrity.’” Twitter’s staff went further, though, locking out the Post’s primary Twitter account (@nypost), claiming in a letter to the outlet that “the Hunter Biden stories violate its rules against the ‘distribution of hacked material.’” Twitter also locked Trump spokeswoman Kaleigh McEnany out of her account merely for tweeting about the story. Twitter reinstated McEnany’s account the following day and later reversed itself, allowing the Post’s article to be shared. However, the Post remained locked out of Twitter for another two weeks, preventing the outlet from directly sharing its many follow-up articles, such as its Oct. 15, 2020, piece that revealed additional emails obtained from Hunter’s abandoned laptop. That article discussed email exchanges concerning a business venture Hunter was negotiating with CEFC China Energy — an investment Hunter said would be “interesting for me and my family.” Another email featured in the Post’s follow-up article was sent to Hunter and included the subject line “Expectations.” The email detailed the “remuneration packages” planned for six individuals “involved in an unspecified business venture” and floated as a suggested share, “10 held by H for the big guy?” A former Biden business associate, Tony Bobulinski, would later claim in a late-October 2022, Tucker Carlson interview that the referenced “big guy” was Joe Biden. In Friday’s Twitter Files, Taibbi revealed that while still blocking the story, Twitter insiders were questioning the legitimacy of the censorship decision. “Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the policy?” the then-Vice President of Global Communications Brandon Borrman asked in response to the Twitter team framing the ban as based on Twitter’s hacked policy. In response, Twitter’s then-Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker framed the censorship decision as based on “caution.” “There are some facts that indicate that the materials may have been hacked, while there are others indicating that the computer was either abandoned and/or the owner consented to allow the repair shop to access it for a least some purposes,” Baker wrote in an internal email. Taibbi highlighted these emails and others; he also revealed details from interviews he had with Twitter sources. And noting he had obtained thousands of internal documents, Taibbi promised more revelations in the days to come. But even as Taibbi’s reporting confirmed Twitter’s unprincipled censorship of the Post’s story, because there was no single smoking gun among the details dropped, the same news media that buried the Biden-family scandal mere weeks before the 2020 presidential election — or falsely reported it was misinformation — mocked Taibbi, claiming he had fallen from a respected journalist to running “PR for the world’s richest man.” The projection from these supposed reporters couldn’t have been any more ironic because had there been a widespread outbreak of journalism following the Post’s bombshell coverage of the Biden family scandal, Twitter’s censorship would not have happened — or, if it did, it would not have mattered. Had journalists from legacy outlets and especially the supposed standard-bearers of journalism, such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, approached the story with the seriousness it deserved, it seems unlikely Twitter would have dared censor the story. Or such censorship, had it occurred, would have been futile because journalists would be falling over themselves to report the latest details in a political scandal that suggested the Democrat candidate for president had participated in a pay-to-play enterprise with his son while vice president. Real journalists would have tracked down and authenticated the laptop materials, as they did a belated two years later. Real journalists would have questioned Bobulinski and reported his collaborating statements. Real journalists would have demanded answers from Joe, Hunter, and James Biden, the president’s brother who also profited from the many deals; they would have sought answers on every detail suggesting corruption discussed in the emails and other materials recovered from the laptop. And real journalists would have pushed intelligence agencies, and the former members of them who signed on to a letter casting the laptop as Russian disinformation, on the basis for that claim. Nothing Twitter did or could have done would have buried the Biden family scandal story had journalists just done their jobs. But they didn’t, and a retrospective review of their contemporaneous “reporting” shows they took pride in their non-coverage, as best illustrated by an Oct. 18, 2020, CNN story titled “The Anatomy of the New York Post’s Dubious Hunter Biden Story.” In reference to the bombshell story, Brian Stelter called it “a classic example of the right-wing media machine.” The story is a “manufactured scandal,” the former host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources” said. Yochai Benkler, a Harvard Law School professor, agreed with Stelter, telling him approvingly, “The media world has largely ignored the Post’s Hunter Biden story.” Trump’s team is “so confident that the story’s just going to be too much fun for serious journalists not to pick up,” Benkler added. “They’re trying to produce it now, but the media at the moment — major professional media — doesn’t seem to be falling for it.” PolitiFact likewise celebrated the media’s refusal to cover the Biden family scandal story, writing that “no credible news outlets have reported any wrongdoing or role held by Joe Biden…” And NPR announced it was not covering the story because it didn’t “want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories,” and didn’t “want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.” For all the outrage and anger directed at old Twitter for its censorship of the Biden family scandal, the lack of a vibrant journalistic class proved more problematic to free speech. And for all the kudos and back-patting bestowed on Musk for his efforts to remake Twitter as a platform dedicated to free speech, reforming Big Tech will do nothing to right the news media — and the condescension dripped on Musk and Taibbi since Friday show the corrupt journalists have no intention of curing themselves. (read more)2022-12-05 b IT'S NOT ONLY TWITTER - APPLE, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, YOUTUBE, etc. TAKE ORDERS FROM DEEP STATE II Elon Musk's next Twitter
bombshells could explode social media tyranny
It's clear from Twittergate revelations that social media giant deliberately involved in suppressing free speech Conservatives have been shouting about Twitter's partisan meddling for years – and now we have the smoking gun proof to back it up. Shockingly, it was even worse than we thought. It had long been suspected that Twitter was, before Elon Musk bought it, regularly engaging in a massive fraud against the principles of free speech and creating a slanted public forum. Now it's demonstrably true, based on the words of those who were running it. That's what we have
learned so far from what journalist Matt Taibbi has
dubbed the "Twitter Files." It's a compilation
of emails from inside of Twitter that shows the
company was – at the highest level – deeply
partisan, and became a ruthless tool of left-wing
censorship on a range of key issues and critical
election moments. That act of pure election meddling had nothing to do with "hacked materials" and everything to do with Democrats' gaining power. It was dishonest. It was bad faith. And it may well have thrown them the 2020 election. But the "Twitter Files" are still in their opening act. Matt Taibbi and Elon Musk himself have made clear that a whole range of internal documents will soon be shared with the public. And the Democrats may face a reckoning that stretches all the way up to the White House. What will the next batch of Twittergate emails show? "Shadow banning" is
a likely target. This is the process that Twitter,
under its previous woke management, used to
dramatically limit the reach of certain users. In
essence, disfavored conservatives, who challenged
the consensus on, say, COVID mandates or election rigging –
would be blocked from reaching their own audience. This was among the most pernicious, underhanded maneuvers at Twitter, as it created the appearance of free and open debate without risking the backlash of an actual suspension. It was demoralizing
for anyone who was trying to make their case in the
public square and found themselves shouting into a
proverbial empty room, no matter how many followers
they had. This was all done on purpose, to aid the
Left. Elon has all the receipts [but the spooks are allowing him to release a few domestic ones - those with international implications are too inflammatory - from Arab Spring to Brexit to European & Brazilian elections], because the Twitterati never thought he would be in charge of the company, so it didn't occur to them to hide their thoughts until it was too late. There is a vast trove of truth – and probably bright red-line violations of the Constitution – contained in the files Musk has at his disposal. We know there's more coming, and while the Democrat-aligned news media has thus far laughably ignored the huge story, the internet has been on fire with Twitter's malfeasance for days. Depending on his deep this goes, there could even be downstream ramifications for how Facebook, Google, and other tech giants engage in covert partisan warfare going forward.We are still in the opening act of this saga. But we already know the Hunter laptop was authentic, and the only real election "collusion" was in 2020, between Twitter and the DNC. Thanks to Elon
Musk, we see that many of the people who have been
lecturing us online about the sanctity of our
democracy were in fact working from shadows to
undermine it, by crippling the First Amendment. And this is just the
Bannon: Mob Lawyer Marc Elias once again demanding that non-chain of custody , unverifiable, non ID votes MUST BE COUNTED or Officials will be subject to criminal prosecution… This is why 59% of Americans think Biden is Illegitimate…Thug *
* Under Deposition FBI Admits Giving Targeting Instructions to Tech Giants and Social Media Companies for Blocks and Content Removal * Hunter Biden laptop whistleblower says he’s ‘vindicated’ by Twitter report https://nypost.com/2022/12/04/hunter-biden-whistleblower-says-hes-been-vindicated/ 2022-12-04 g THE STATE OF THE DISUNION VII THE COVID-CON
* https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/on-dr-ryan-marino-covid-vaccines
https://americafirstreport.com/unvaccinated-blood-sees-demand-increase-all-around-the-world/ https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/11/short_and_brilliant_video_on_the_ineffectiveness_of_the_jab_goes_viral_for_all_the_right_reasons.html https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/ninth-review-conference-of-the-biological https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.16.484616v2.full The Real Anthony Fauci https://www.bitchute.com/video/aQz2C3vTmwaX/ https://brownstone.org/articles/not-even-n95-masks-work-to-stop-covid/ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rfk-jr-documents-biden-big-tech-collusion-censor-covid-misinformation/ https://covid19criticalcare.com/tag/flccc-protocols/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11490847/Anti-vaxxer-nurse-injected-8-600-patients-saline-instead-Covid-vaccine-walks-free.html https://dailysceptic.org/2022/11/26/as-an-oncologist-i-am-seeing-people-with-stable-cancer-rapidly-progress-after-being-forced-to-have-a-booster/ https://dossier.substack.com/p/first-choice-how-china-and-the-who https://www.eugyppius.com/p/the-covidification-of-influenza https://www.eugyppius.com/p/new-fauci-emails-show-christian-drosten https://www.eugyppius.com/p/new-york-time-decides-lockdowns-are https://www.eutimes.net/2021/05/team-of-1000-lawyers-and-10000-medical-experts-start-nuremberg-2-trial-against-world-leaders-for-crimes-against-humanity/ https://expose-news.com/2022/08/16/us-gov-covid-vaccination-risk-cancer-143233-percent/ https://www.globalresearch.ca/top-oncologist-cancer-patients-exploding-after-covid-shots/5800717 https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/western-university-drops-all-vaccine https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/premeditated-cdc-knew-covid-vax-associated-myocarditis-left-post-vax-surveys The Argument AGAINST All ‘Vector’ Technologies https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=247500 The Insanity of ‘Zero Covid’ https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=247530 https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/covid-military-vaccine/2022/12/01/id/1098730/ https://palexander.substack.com/p/albert-bourla-the-malfeasant-criminal https://palexander.substack.com/p/boom-desantis-they-lied-about-the https://palexander.substack.com/p/can-covid-gene-injection-vaccine https://palexander.substack.com/p/dr-harvey-risch-plausibility-but https://palexander.substack.com/p/the-f-word-no-not-that-one-fertility https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/miraculous-recovery-of-hypoxemic https://rumble.com/v1xxhy6-military-hiding-increases-in-cancer-myocarditis-and-vaccine-injuries.html https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/worldwide-covid-19-religious-restrictions https://www.science.org/content/article/inside-story-how-trumps-covid-19-coordinator-undermined-cdc https://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/covid-update-what-is-the-truth/ https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/miraculous-recovery-of-hypoxemic-covid-19-patients-with-ivermectin_4899987.html https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/unintended-consequence-of-covid-19-vaccines-permanent-installation-of-mrna-genetic-code_4895932.html The face mask has become a marker of political identity, a religious talisman remaining sacred in the most left-wing enclaves of the country. Local health officials steeped in leftism won’t give up on face masks — because they can’t. https://thefederalist.com/2022/12/02/la-health-officials-wont-move-on-from-covid-because-they-cant/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/international-blood-bank-unvaccinated-formed-members-least-16-countries-demand-pure-blood-skyrockets/ SPANISH FLU
https://salmartingano.com/the-1918-spanish-flu-only-the-vaccinated-died/ https://vaccineimpact.com/2018/did-military-experimental-vaccine-in-1918-kill-50-100-million-people-blamed-as-spanish-flu/ * I BET FAUCI, GATES &
DRESSED AS GIRLS OR GIRLS DRESSED AS BOYS? ASKING FOR A FRIEND. * See also: https://www.libsoftiktok.com/p/outrage-underage-students-perform * ![]() *
ELON MUSK BUYING TWITTER Censorship by surrogate: Why Musk’s
document dump could be a game changer
See also: Twitter
Files’ Confirm Big Tech Leftists Suppressed Hunter
Biden Laptop Story Ahead Of 2020 Election“Handled.” That one word, responding to a 2020 demand to censor a list of Twitter users, speaks volumes about the thousands of documents released by Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, on Friday night. As many of us have long suspected, there were back channels between Twitter and the Biden 2020 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to ban critics or remove negative stories. Those seeking to discuss the scandal were simply “handled,” and nothing else had to be said. Ultimately, the New York Post was suspended from Twitter for reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Twitter even blocked users from sharing the Post’s story by using a tool designed for child pornography. Even Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was suspended for linking to the scandal. Twitter’s ex-safety chief, Yoel Roth, later said the decision was a “mistake” but the story “set off every single one of my finely tuned APT28 hack and leak campaign alarm bells.” The reference to the APT28 Russian disinformation operation dovetailed with false claims of former U.S. intelligence officers that the laptop was “classic disinformation.” The Russian disinformation claim was never particularly credible. The Biden campaign never denied the laptop was Hunter Biden’s; it left that to its media allies. Moreover, recipients of key emails could confirm those communications, and U.S. intelligence quickly rejected the Russian disinformation claim. The point is, there was no direct evidence of a hack or a Russian conspiracy. Even Roth subsequently admitted he and others did not believe a clear basis existed to block the story, but they did so anyway. Musk’s dumped Twitter documents not only confirm the worst expectations of some of us but feature many of the usual suspects for Twitter critics. The documents do not show a clear role or knowledge by former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Instead, the censor in chief appears to be Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s former chief legal officer who has been criticized as a leading anti-free speech figure in social media. There also is James Baker, the controversial former FBI general counsel involved in the bureau’s Russia collusion investigation. He left the FBI and became Twitter’s deputy general counsel. Some Twitter executives expressed unease with censoring the story, including former global communications VP Brandon Borrman, who asked, “Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the policy?” Baker jumped in to support censorship and said, “It’s reasonable for us to assume that they may have been [hacked] and that caution is warranted.” Baker thus comes across as someone who sees a Russian in every Rorschach inkblot. There was no evidence the Post’s Hunter Biden material was hacked — none. Yet Baker found a basis for a “reasonable” assumption that Russians or hackers were behind it. Many people recognized the decision for what it was. A former Twitter employee reportedly told journalist Matt Taibbi, “Hacking was the excuse, but within a few hours, pretty much everyone realized that wasn’t going to hold.” Obviously, bias in the media is nothing new to Washington; newspapers and networks have long run interference for favored politicians or parties. However, this was not a case of a media company spiking its own story to protect a pal. It was a social media company that supplies a platform for people to communicate with each other on political, social and personal views. Social media is now more popular as a form of communications than the telephone. Censoring communications on Twitter is more akin to the telephone company agreeing to cut the connection of any caller using disfavored terms. And at the apparent request of the 2020 Biden campaign and the DNC, Twitter seems to have routinely stopped others from discussing or hearing opposing views. The internal company documents released by Musk reinforce what we have seen previously in other instances of Twitter censorship. A recent federal filing revealed a 2021 email between Twitter executives and Carol Crawford, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s digital media chief. Crawford’s back-channel communication sought to censor other “unapproved opinions” on social media; Twitter replied that “with our CEO testifying before Congress this week [it] is tricky.” At the time, Twitter’s Dorsey and other tech CEOs were about to appear at a House hearing to discuss “misinformation” on social media and their “content modification” policies. I had just testified on private censorship in circumventing the First Amendment as a type of censorship by surrogate. Dorsey and the other CEOs were asked about my warning of a “‘little brother’ problem, a problem which private entities do for the government that which it cannot legally do for itself.” In response, Dorsey insisted that “we don’t have a censoring department.” The implications of these documents becomes more serious once the Biden campaign became the Biden administration. These documents show a back channel existed with President Biden’s campaign officials, but those same back channels appear to have continued to be used by Biden administration officials. If so, that would be when Twitter may have gone from a campaign ally to a surrogate for state censorship. As I have previously written, the administration cannot censor critics and cannot use agents for that purpose under the First Amendment. That is precisely what Musk is now alleging. As the documents were being released, he tweeted, “Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is.” The incoming Republican House majority has pledged to investigate — and Musk has made that process far easier by making good on his pledge of full transparency. Washington has fully mobilized in its all-out war against Musk. Yet, with a record number of users signing up with Twitter, it seems clear the public is not buying censorship. They want more, not less, free speech. That may be why political figures such as Hillary Clinton have enlisted foreign governments to compel the censoring of fellow citizens: If Twitter can’t be counted on to censor, perhaps the European Union will be the ideal surrogate to rid social media of these meddlesome posters. The release of these documents has
produced a level of exposure rarely seen in
Washington, where such matters usually are simply
“handled.” The political and media establishments
generally are unstoppable forces — but they may
have met their first immovable object in Musk. (read
* * * BREAKING: In our deposition of FBI agent Elvis Chan on Tuesday, we found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech – from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns. — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) December 2, 2022 *Tracy
Beanz@tracybeanz https://truthsocial.com/users/tracybeanz/statuses/109451220633625185 * * See also: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/katie-hobbs-contacted-twitter-to-silence-political-opponents/ 2022-12-04 b THE STATE OF THE DISUNION II TWITTER FILES RELEASED YESTERDAY (HERE
The darkest souls populate the Globalist cause. Their protocols require global domination. Their intellectual ancestors include the Bolsheviks. They have made too many Faustian bargains. Their end is near. The
Darkest Path
The Truth at the Heart of the Balenciaga Saga The Shadow War. The Strange War. The Mind War. The Information War. From the esoteric to the mechanistic, the metaphorical to the practical, there have been many names given to the global conflict we have been waging for the better part of a decade—for some, for the better part of their lives—between the forces of Globalism and Sovereignty the world over. This is a conflict made up of fronts both kinetic and cognitive, emotional and intellectual. It is a war for the past and the future, the present time and the current mind, and it is one that involves clandestine, military and psychological deployments by factions on all sides of a Game Theory game board that makes even the most complex game of chess or Japanese Go seem like tic tac toe. And somehow, for me writing these words and for you reading them, we are a part of it, however small and however seemingly-insignificant. Together, we represent a small part of a decentralized collective sometimes referred to as the Anons—a collection of cooperative independence that digs and dives, researches and disseminates, educates and elucidates a world that only seems like it has gone mad because we have helped to pry loose the anchors of a Faustian mask the powers-that-would-be have stapled onto the world-as-it-should-be for the better part of a century—maybe more. All of these terms, from the Shadow War to the Information War hold water. All have a place and all can be helpful when it comes to orienting ourselves within an ever-shifting morass of PsyOps and Spec Ops, Politics and Media we are bombarded with and assisted with on an hourly basis as we attempt to weather the storm of Narrative Potential, picking out flying bits of Actual for closer examination when we’re quick and discerning enough to do so. That said, sometimes this intellectual and cognitive intent can become so directed and so all-consuming that we can lose the forest for the trees. In this week’s deep dive on the System of Systems, ‘Hegelian Death Loop,’ I took some time to attempt to parse this subject by applying a macro lens to what it is we mean when we refer to the Deep State, the Cabal or even the more sanitary, politically-expedient term, ‘The Globalists.’ Still, while it is essential to map out the various factions on a game board that becomes less obscured by the day only to reveal itself as being even more expansive than previously imagined, there is something that lies below and hangs above all of it. Something that gnaws at those of us who found our way into this Strange World War through pathways that challenged the heart and soul as readily as the mind and the will. I am referring, of course, to the Darkest Path, and one that requires us to shine the light more powerfully if any of this is to mean anything in the end. I am talking about the children, and those who would—who have—done them harm. This is the core truth that sits at the heart of it all. For what greater purpose could any of us singularly or all of us collectively have that trumps the protection of—or at the very least, vengeance for—the most innocent among us? It seems simple today, and this piece is not meant to be a lecture or any sort of admonishment—far from it. But the subject of Crimes Against Children that was at one time ubiquitous with this entire Truth Community, from the [Deep State} Q Operation to the Memetic Warfare we all employ and deploy to staggering efficiency, from digs in daylight to digs in darkness, it seems that every spoke in the wheel and every pillar in the crumbling edifice that is the System of Systems was erected, supported and will ultimately be undone by horrors some of us have researched in excruciating detail, while others have not had the will or the heart to do so, but know them to be true all the same. In various pieces before and I’m sure in many to come, I will continue to address flagging spirits and sinking resolve in the face of a pervasive and subversive enemy who seeks to reduce us to dimming wicks in the cold winter night, writing on the point of it all in reference to the continued exposure of the Financial, Political, Administrative and Media arms of the System of Systems, but there are times when even those logic-based appeals seem tired and fail to generate the spark necessary to keep up the fight. When you feel this, remember the exposure events of the last week and project them onto the many to come, and remember that, even if you lose the will to expose the corruption inherent in any of the figures, factions and systems we explore around these parts and elsewhere in this brilliant community of thinkers, writers, readers and researchers, that it was never about the towers, the castles and the fortresses of [their] domain. It was about the foundations, and the bones that hold them up. It was about the children, and it continues to be. While this can be an understandably-depressing topic, my appeal to you today is to see the emerging—and far from finished—Balenciaga Saga as less of a shocking exposure and more an encouraging—even a divine—sign that we are approaching a time in American and World society where these unspeakable dregs are not simply whispered of in the dark corners and derided in the open, but discussed in the cold light of a judging day. Judged by us and for us, as the symbolism inherent in the warped, poisonous philosophy that underlies everything [they] are building, that buoys every Narrative and Policy, Social Movement and Military Deployment [they] have visited upon us. The Epstein Arrest [and subsequent extraction] remains one of the most all-encompassing Narrative Seeds ever administered to the Collective Mind, and stands as a sobering and unifying reminder that we must not lose the future in the present, the Macro in the Micro or, yes, the forest for the trees. As Gandalf says in The Fellowship of the Ring, “Even the very wise cannot see all ends,” even if we guess at them and apply all of our individual and collective cognitive might and discernment to the attempt. Epstein [the Mossad pedophile & procurer, tempter & blackmailer] was and is a massive cultural touchstone unlike anything we have ever seen before [in modern times]. Not because of what he is accused of and not because he was a name before becoming THE name, but because of the crime. Because of the money. Because of the influence implicit in the two together, and because of the truth that underlies it all. The truth that has burrowed its way deep into the darkest recesses of that Collective Mind—nestled in the exhaustive Memetic Event that spun out of it and kept warm by the imprint of the name as being synonymous and ubiquitous with the prime evil and the prime act that holds the whole thing up, and so will bring the whole thing down. This is a truth that hit the Collective Mind like a battering ram, that was so apparent and so disconcerting that it assailed the walls of cognitive dissonance and vaulted over them, finding its way into every cultural moment of the ensuing year, from the satisfying shock at the Golden Globes to the failed attempts by Netflix and other Media Illusionists to obfuscate. This truth [that our global elite are irredeemably depraved and are a parasitic cancer upon humanity] has been resting, germinating and waiting patiently for the waters of the Information War to seep down, to crack the sodden shell, caress the sprouting chutes and break up the soil that has been packed down so hard and so forcefully that it has been calcified. That is what we have done. That is what you have done. We have chosen to lift the veil from reality and peered into all its ugliness when others would not, and we have taken the opportunity to sharpen our claws and our picks and shovels and set to work on this engineered psychological bedrock, searching for earth loose enough and fertile enough in the minds of our fellows to pull them up, dust them off and hand them a digging tool for themselves, so that they might join us. The Balenciaga Saga
is the latest opportunity to dig, and to call others
into the act of digging, and to make such an event
of the exposure itself that our act of asking
questions imprints the implied answers into the
Collective Mind we are attempting to free so that we
might put things right, or to ensure that they are
never put so wrong again. {This latest revelation
about a luxury brand that caters to an unseemly
elite, consumed by fetishes and perversions, pales
when we realize the 'Beautiful People' have shown no
outrage. Their silence is indeed deafening.] Other exposures will continue and must continue, from the Financial to the Political, the Cultural to the Administrative, but the darkest truth remains the darkest path, and no matter how long it lays dormant or how obscured it becomes, it must be walked and those seeds must be watered so that the shoots might reach up high enough to break through and find the sunlight, and perhaps justice. Take a look at the lay of the land in this Fifth-Gen War. A communications battlefield has been unleashed once more, unfettered and largely unchained. An Anon decentralized collective that stands as the vanguard—a powerful paradox of directed intent and genius, hardened by exile and eager to return to the front lines. A sleeping, slowly-waking hive mind that has been beaten down and exhausted by the psychological and Actual [pandemic] deployments of the last few years and now sits malleable and more open than it has ever been before, now that the Old System no longer serves and protects it as it begins to accept the prospect that something is wrong. The Balenciaga Saga. The name itself is dripping with symbolism, making it instantly memorable and easily-imprinted. A name that manages to convey all of the sinister darkness and the striking arrogance [they] have flaunted for time immemorial. What’s more, the powers that would be and the powers that stand accused have not devolved into the usual panicked pattern of denial and obfuscation, but rather to blame, a tacit admission of the underlying and obvious guilt at the heart of the scandal in the first place—one that won’t be denied because it CAN’T be denied. I have said in recent pieces and on recent appearances that we have entered a new phase in the Information War, in the Mind War, and while I said this because of my observations of a shifting cognitive and communications battlefield, a teetering Financial system and the continued emergence of a multi-polar world order that stands to replace the collectivist rot of the System of Systems, that shifting Information Battlefield is only as relevant as the Information that comes to light on its blasted fields and emerges from its smoking craters. Nothing is accidental and nothing is by mistake. We have entered a new phase in the war. A new beginning. That should strengthen your resolve and redouble your patience, as the Balenciaga Saga reminds us that the loss of that patience is not some virtue of tired intelligence or moral superiority while we watch the rest of humanity flounder and fight, but rather a grave sin in light of what this war is all about. Remember that we have many more among our ranks than the last time the Darkest Path was explored in full view of the Collective Mind and [their] corrupt and crumbling System. And remember that those who still sleep among us are not our enemies, but our allies-in-waiting, consumed by cynicism, programming, hubris and ignorance. They wait only for a truth that could shock them AND unite them, so that they might join us in common cause. The awakening happens very slowly … and then all at once. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing can stop us. Nothing can stop you. It was always about the children. It will always be. 2022-12-03 b THE TWITTER FILES II TAIBBI'S TWEETS
* 2. What you’re about to
read is the first installment in a series, based
upon thousands of internal documents obtained by
sources at Twitter.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 * 4. Twitter in its
conception was a brilliant tool for enabling instant
mass communication, making a true real-time global
conversation possible for the first time.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 *
5. In an
early conception, Twitter more than lived up to
its mission statement, giving people “the power to
create and share ideas and information instantly,
without barriers.”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 *
*6. As time
progressed, however, the company was slowly forced
to add those barriers. Some of the first tools for
controlling speech were designed to combat the
likes of spam and financial fraudsters.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 7.
Slowly, over time, Twitter staff and
executives began to find more and more uses for
these tools. Outsiders began petitioning the company
to manipulate speech as well: first a little, then
more often, then constantly.
*— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 * 9. Celebrities
and unknowns alike could be removed or reviewed at
the behest of a political party:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 10.Both parties had
access to these tools. For instance, in 2020,
requests from both the Trump White House and the
Biden campaign were received and honored. However:
*— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 11. This
system wasn't balanced. It was based on
contacts. Because Twitter was and is
overwhelmingly staffed by people of one
political orientation, there were more channels,
more ways to complain, open to the left (well,
Democrats) than the right. opensecrets.org/orgs/twitter/s…
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 12. The resulting slant in
content moderation decisions is visible in the
documents you’re about to read. However, it’s also
the assessment of multiple current and former
high-level executives.
Okay, there was more
throat-clearing about the process, but screw it,
let's jump forward
*— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 Okay, there was more
throat-clearing about the process, but screw it,
let's jump forward
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 16. The Twitter Files, Part
One: How and Why Twitter Blocked the Hunter Biden
Laptop Story
*— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 17. On October 14, 2020,
the New York Post published BIDEN SECRET EMAILS,
an expose based on the contents of Hunter
Biden’s abandoned laptop:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 18.
Twitter took extraordinary steps to suppress
the story, removing links and posting warnings that
it may be “unsafe.” They even blocked its
transmission via direct message, a tool hitherto
reserved for extreme cases, e.g. child pornography.
*— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 19. White House
spokeswoman Kaleigh McEnany was locked out of
her account for tweeting about the story,
prompting a furious letter from Trump campaign
staffer Mike Hahn, who seethed: “At least
pretend to care for the next 20 days.”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 20.This led public
policy executive Caroline Strom to send out a
polite WTF query. Several employees noted that
there was tension between the comms/policy
teams, who had little/less control over
moderation, and the safety/trust teams:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 21. Strom’s note
returned the answer that the laptop story had
been removed for violation of the company’s
“hacked materials” policy: web.archive.org/web/2019071714…
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 22. Although
several sources recalled hearing about a “general”
warning from federal law enforcement that summer
about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence -
that I've seen - of any government involvement in
the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 *
23. The decision was made
at the highest levels of the company, but without
the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head
of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a
key role.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 *
*24. “They just freelanced
it,” is how one former employee characterized the
decision. “Hacking was the excuse, but within a
few hours, pretty much everyone realized that
wasn’t going to hold. But no one had the guts to
reverse it.”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 25.You can see the confusion
in the following lengthy exchange, which ends up
including Gadde and former Trust and safety chief
Yoel Roth. Comms official Trenton Kennedy writes,
“I'm struggling to understand the policy basis for
marking this as unsafe”:
*— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 26. By this point
“everyone knew this was fucked,” said one
former employee, but the response was
essentially to err on the side of… continuing
to err.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 27. Former VP of Global
Comms Brandon Borrman asks, “Can we truthfully
claim that this is part of the policy?”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 28. To which former
Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker again seems
to advise staying the non-course, because
“caution is warranted”:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 29. A fundamental problem
with tech companies and content moderation: many
people in charge of speech know/care little about
speech, and have to be told the basics by outsiders.
To wit:
*— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 30. In one humorous
exchange on day 1, Democratic congressman Ro
Khanna reaches out to Gadde to gently
suggest she hop on the phone to talk about
the “backlash re speech.” Khanna was the
only Democratic official I could find in the
files who expressed concern.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 31. Gadde replies
quickly, immediately diving into the weeds
of Twitter policy, unaware Khanna is more
worried about the Bill of Rights:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 32.Khanna tries
to reroute the conversation to the First
Amendment, mention of which is generally
hard to find in the files:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 33.Within a day,
head of Public Policy Lauren Culbertson
receives a ghastly letter/report from Carl
Szabo of the research firm NetChoice, which
had already polled 12 members of congress –
9 Rs and 3 Democrats, from “the House
Judiciary Committee to Rep. Judy Chu’s
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 34.NetChoice
lets Twitter know a “blood bath” awaits in
upcoming Hill hearings, with members saying
it's a "tipping point," complaining tech has
“grown so big that they can’t even regulate
themselves, so government may need to
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 35.Szabo
reports to Twitter that some Hill figures
are characterizing the laptop story as
“tech’s Access Hollywood moment”:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 * An amazing subplot of
the Twitter/Hunter Biden laptop affair was how
much was done without the knowledge of CEO Jack
Dorsey, and how long it took for the situation to
get "unfucked" (as one ex-employee put it) even
after Dorsey jumped in.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 2, 2022 * Read more complete version at: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1598822959866683394.html 2022-12-03 a THE TWITTER FILES I ELON MUSK (with Matt Taibbi)
Carlson Calls Twitter Files The Biggest First
Amendment Violation In Modern History 2022-12-02 f IS IT LOVE? VI SCIENCE-LOVING PROFESSOR
Masks are USELESS. Serve only as obvious signs of submission & compliance. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has mandated that all fully vaccinated DoD workers to wear masks again, allegedly due to the high COVID-19 transmission rate on Thanksgiving. It can be recalled that the US government agencies, including U.S. Defense and Justice departments, lifted their mask policy earlier this year. But beginning on Wednesday, November 30th, all Department of Defense personnel, service members, DOD civilians, contractors, military trainees, family members, and visitors to the installation will be required to wear a mask again when in any building on the installation. He continued, “100% of the military force has been vaccinated against our will, but yet we still are required to wear masks. Go figure.” “Fauci was deposed and said there wasn’t a single study to show masks were effective… 100% of the military was vaccinated without our ability to opt-out. Masks aren’t effective and probably do more harm than good. 2022-12-02 c IS IT LOVE? III PAIN-LOVING NEW EUNUCH
Was he using peanut butter as an intimate lubricant? ![]() 2022-12-02 b IS IT LOVE? II PURE-BLOODED,
Transhuman, formerly pure-blooded human females, shed spike protein & have fertility issues. 2022-12-02 a IS IT LOVE? I FAG-LOVING REPUBLICANS
12 Republican senators
joined Democrats to codify the satanic practice of
same-sex "marriage." The measure has ominous
WOULD NEVER AGAIN SEE SNOW? See current reality at: Snow
Extent in the Northern Hemisphere now Among the
Highest in 56 years Increases the Likelihood of
Cold Early Winter Forecast both in North America
and Europe
Snow Page at Global Cryosphere Watch 2022-12-01 c CLIMATE LUNACY III SCIENTISTS WHO VALUE THEIR
Global Sea Ice Confounds the Net Zero Catastrophists
See also: Worldwide
Record Cold Challenges Climate Rhetoric and Risks
Lives by ComplacencyIt’s a mystery. Why has Arctic sea ice cover roared back so quickly over the last few years? Nobody knows – not one scientist on the planet can tell you, writes Willis Eschenbach in a short essay on the climate site Watts Up With That? It might be noted, of course, that there was no shortage of explanations when there was a cyclical downturn, mostly to do with humans having something to do with it. Ice melting at the Poles is still one of the crucial supports for the entire command-and-control Net Zero political agenda. This graph shows changes in Arctic sea ice cover during the satellite era. Values are anomalies from the 1991-2020 average. Eschenbach notes that since around 1990, people have been talking about how human-emitted carbon dioxide is reducing the amount of Arctic sea ice. When it started dropping very fast, there was talk we’d passed a ‘tipping’ point from which the ice would never recover. Over this time, noted Eschenbach, predictions of an ice-free Arctic ocean abounded. Old habits die hard. Despite the impressive recent ice recovery, talk of these tipping points – mostly an invention of so-called ‘attribution’ computer models – are ubiquitous. In his recent Frozen Planet II agitprop series for the BBC, Sir David Attenborough made a number of model-produced references to the Arctic being free of summer sea ice by 2035. According to Eschenbach, there are more mysteries down in Antarctica. Here Eschenbach poses the question – why did the Antarctic ice pack, unlike the Arctic pack, start increasing quite rapidly around 2008? Nobody knows, he says. Why did it differ from the Arctic by plateauing from 2010 to 2015, but then mirror the Arctic by dropping rapidly, and then turn around and start rebounding? You guessed it – nobody knows. Finally the global situation. Why has global sea ice followed this pattern, while CO2 continues to rise in the atmosphere, he asks. The politically-motivated alarmists constantly tell us the ice will soon all disappear. According to Eschenbach, not one climate scientist on the planet predicted these large changes in sea ice. The author concludes:
Of course, there are many sceptical scientists who seek answers to the cyclical nature of global ice outside the restrictive confines of ‘settled’ climate science. As the Daily Sceptic has often reported, short-term movements of ice are affected by often incalculable atmospheric heat exchanges, ocean currents and many other natural climatic variations. The geologist Professor Ian Plimer recently noted in an essay published by Quadrant, there have been six major ice ages and each started when there was far more CO2 in the atmosphere than now. Taking the longer view, Plimer said that we are currently in an ice age initiated 34 million years ago, the current interglacial started 14,400 years ago in the Northern Hemisphere, and we were at the peak of this interglacial 4,000-7,000 years ago in the Holocene Optimum. Two American geologists recently found that over half of the Arctic’s glaciers and ice caps that exist today did not exist or were smaller 3,400 to 10,000 years ago. At the time, atmospheric CO2 ranged between 260 to 270 parts per million, compared to the current 410 ppm. At the peak of this interglacial Arctic warming, temperatures were noted to be several degrees warmer than today. Change in the size of glaciers and ice caps over the last few centuries “is but a partial return to a former period of much greater warmth”, the geologists suggest. Political tactics designed to scare entire populations into following an anti-growth Net Zero future pay little attention to such trends. Global warming ran out of steam a couple of decades ago, and the latest satellite data for November is almost certain to extend the current eight year, one month pause. Instead a ‘highway to hell’ message is broadcast, based almost solely on invented stories attributing bad or ‘extreme’ weather to the activities of humans. Despite the overwhelming evidence from the past that global temperatures can rise and fall rapidly, an entire climate industry, backed by almost unlimited transfers of wealth from often poor to rich people, has sprung up forecasting Armageddon if there is a rise of a few parts of a degree centigrade. It’s
definitely all a bit of a mystery. (read
![]() Switzerland, Facing an
Unprecedented Power Shortage, Contemplates a Partial
Ban on the Use of Electric Vehicles
It turns out that you can have battery-powered cars, or you can have renewable energy, but you can't have both. The Swiss Confederation usually imports electricity from France and Germany to keep the lights on over the winter, but this year neither country has any power to spare. Many French nuclear power plants are down after years of postponed maintenance, while in Germany we suffer from a superfluity of idle wind turbines and a (self-imposed) shortage of natural gas. The Federal Council of Switzerland has therefore published draft legislation, which outlines four tiers of escalating measures to conserve electricity and avert potential blackouts. The first prescribes a lot of temperature restrictions for things like refrigerators and washing machines. The second includes more unusual rules, such as the demand that heating in clubs and discotheques “be set to the lowest level or switched off completely,” and that “streaming services … limit resolution of their content to standard definition.” The third foresees cutting business hours, banning the use of Blue Ray players and gaming computers, and also limiting the use of electric cars, which should be driven only when absolutely necessary. A fourth and final tier mandates closure of ski facilities, casinos, cinemas, theatre and the opera. A lot of these rules look unenforceable, but they said the same thing about contact restrictions during the pandemic. It turns out that the state really can prevent you from socialising with people in your own home if it wants to, especially when there’s no shortage of prying neighbours eager to snitch. Feasibility
isn’t the point, though. It’s the optics here that
are most astounding. Electric
vehicles, which politicians have heavily
subsidised as one of their primary policy
responses to [fictitious] climate change, are just
now crashing against that other great arm of the
green agenda, namely renewable energy. You can’t
drive everyone into ever greater dependence upon
the electrical grid, while also orchestrating an
energy transition to wind (which hardly blows in
Germany, except in the north) and solar (which
generates no meaningful power in the depths of the
Central European winter). Gas
from Russia was the magic ingredient that kept the
whole renewables charade going, and we’re out of
that now. There’s no way to cover up the failure;
not even the green-friendly German media has any
excuse or messaging angle here. (read
[Biden] mean we're going to ‘end drilling?’”
Biden Energy Advisor Amos Hochstein: “Eventually we are – we’re going to be phasing out the use of oil.” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 30, 2022 ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2022 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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Klaus Schwab: ‘God is dead’ and the WEF is ‘acquiring divine powers’
According to the WEF, a new one world religion has arrived and it unites all of humanity in worshipping at the altar of climate science, techno-communism and eugenics.
If you find it hard to believe Klaus Schwab’s WEF would go this far, you clearly haven’t been paying attention to developments in recent times.
Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Yuval Noah Harari has announced that the WEF has been so successful in its plans that it is “acquiring divine powers” of “creation and destruction.” The blasphemy doesn’t stop there. Harari also promises the WEF will turn humans into gods.
The WEF is also increasingly hostile to Christianity and major religions. If you read between the lines just a little, it’s clear the WEF is consciously attempting to supplant Jesus
According to the WEF, Jesus is fake news, God is dead, and you do not have a soul. You are a “hackable animal” who does not have the capacity for free will.
The World Economic Forum has spent decades quietly infiltrating democratically elected governments, penetrating cabinets and wielding an outsized influence on the world from the corridors of Schwab’s Swiss hideout in Davos.
These tyrants have now become arrogant and sure of their own success. They are no longer hiding in the shadows and pulling puppet strings from behind the curtain.
According to Schwab, it is his role to shape the “transformation” of the world in the current period. And unsurprisingly he admires the Chinese system of state control authoritarianism.
With world leaders and cabinets firmly under their control, Western democracy has been decimated. Trudeau’s Canada has become a wasteland of authoritarian control. Jacinta Ardern’s New Zealand is arguably even more tightly controlled by the Davos technocrats.
Why should they respect us and our human and constitutional rights if they see us as “hackable animals” incapable of free thought?
Take a look at Brazil for a glimpse of the future. President Bolsonaro’s supporters are protesting what they claim to be a wildly unfair and corrupt election. WEF favorite Lula, who hasn’t even taken office yet, has already started enacting the Klaus Schwab playbook, freezing the bank accounts of protestors amid a chilling crackdown on freedom of speech and the right to protest peacefully.
First Canada, now Brazil. Next the United States?
French billionaire Philippe Argillier claims he has four databases that will expose 38 individuals who control the whole world and run the “shadow government”. Bill Gates, who needs no introduction, is one of those 38 un-elected individuals who control the daily lives of 8 billion people.
According to Argillier, he can prove the Biden administration takes direct orders from this shadow government.
If you want a sneak peek of the future under this shadow government, it’s worth paying attention to Bill Gates’ latest announcement. Gates has a history of playing god. Robert F. Kennedy warned us about this trait in Gates’ psychology years ago.
According to Kennedy Jr, the World Health Organization is “conducting global social and medical experimentation” in accordance with the vision of their mega-donor Bill Gates and his “religious faith that he can use technology (vaccines and GMO agriculture) to make him the savior to all of humanity.”
“Gates’ strategy of buying WHO [World Health Organization] and purchasing control of US health officials like Tony Fauci & Deborah Birx” means the Microsoft co-founder can now “dictate global health policies affecting 7 billion people and to control the most intimate details of our lives,” said Kennedy Jr. on his Instagram page.
Just last week Gates, in his role as false savior, was caught telling world leaders that it’s time for “death panels” to decide who has the right to live and die.
Of course Gates’s “death panels” have everything to do with the globalist elite’s obsession with depopulation. This is the brutal, soulless world Gates and the shadow government at the World Economic Forum are determined to roll out as part of their Great Reset. We can’t allow their evil religion to become the new normal. (read more)