Nothing less than our way of life is under
threat now. A population distracted by propaganda
about one existential threat after another –
pandemics, nuclear war, climate crisis – is being
herded into an unrecognizable future.
What was done in the name of Covid was
grotesque – a violation of the rights of billions
of people. Having seen what they can get away
with, our so-called leaders have moved on,
broadening their scope, as greedy for more as kids
left unsupervised in a [candy] shop.
What is
happening now, all around us, is the relentless
erosion not just of our rights and liberties, but of
our lives. It is so blatant – what’s happening –
it’s hard to see it for what it is, which is
bare-faced daylight robbery.
After Covid, the C-word that’s supposed to
be on everyone’s lips … drummed into us night and
day by the same complicit media that drives
everything else … is climate – Climate crisis, in
fact. Two c-words for the price of one.
From all
sides, we are bombarded with predictions of the end
of the world. Predictions, remember? Computer
modelling … the crystal-ball-gazing of the
scientific world.
If you
believe the predictions and “the science” … by which
I mean the pronouncements of scientists and global
corporations … the same corporations champing at the
bit for all the government grants and contracts to
get all tooled up for making expensive wind
turbines, solar panels, liquid hydrogen processing
plants … and all those batteries … gazillions of
batteries filled with the Earth’s rarest metals and
minerals{, you are dangerously deluded.]
important word to notice there is rare, in that, if
they’re rare now what’s it going to be like in 20
years’ time when all the existing stuff needs
replaced and multiplied in number by a factor of 10
or 100, or a thousand?
if you believe that science,
unquestioningly, if you can’t or won’t see vested
interests at work, it may already be too late for
We are to
sacrifice everything on the promise of jam
tomorrow. Pain for a decade until the as-yet
non-existent technology is invented and fills
all the yawning gaps … try selling that business
pitch on Dragon’s Den. “I don’t know what I’m
going to invent, but if you all give me your
money, your way of life and your children’s
futures, this time next decade we’ll all be
farting through silk.”
They get away with it, because of the
message relentlessly pumped out. The message
pumped out morning, noon and night that we filthy,
mostly white creatures of the West have, with our
greedy consumption of fossil fuels since the
industrial revolution, all but set the world on
If we
don’t stop now … or preferably yesterday, they
squeal … the blue planet will shortly be a blackened
lump of charcoal leaving only a smoking trail as it
hurtles lifeless through the universe.
By now, generations of people in the West
have been raised to accept this grim premonition
as holy writ[; not as a Goebbels' Big Lie}.
are crying themselves to sleep at night on account
of their certainty that the planet won’t continue to
exist long enough for them to grow up.
This ingrained, endemic terror is the
breeding ground for the insanity of Net Zero … and
the suicide note for millions that is Agenda 2030.
Generations alive today have been raised
to believe that the planet and entire populations
YET TO BE are far, far more important than THEY
are now. Those alive today are of no concern
whatever when compared to the well-being of
fantasy people of the future, who will inhabit a
Utopia made possible by the impoverishment and
immiseration of all of us here right now.
we are the first pancake – the throw-away.
When I say we are being robbed of our way
of life, I could as justifiably say our children
are being raised to accept that their being alive
AT ALL is the biggest part of the problem. What
the planet wants most of all, we are told, is to
be rid of most of us, like too many flies in
around the world, birth rates are dropping as fast
as a piano falling out of a window.
living populations of many nations are not producing
enough people to replace them after they die. If
nothing is done to slow this run-away train … to
drive the birth of many, many more babies every year
… entire nations face inevitable extinction.
than our way of life being under threat, life itself
is being sacrificed [by the tiny minority of
CO2-is-toxic monsters] to ensure the future of
planet Earth.
The message fed to our children is
Satanically dark – that they are nothing more than
blight upon the world … meat-eating,
resource-consuming, fossil-fuel-dependent
Once you contemplate the consequences of
those poisonous seeds, the motivations behind
anti-human notions like Agenda 2030 and Net Zero
become obvious.
around now:
for instance, the idea of the 15-minute city
(20-minute cities in Scotland because First Minister
Nicola Sturgeon always has to convince herself she’s
doing something different from England). That’s
another foot in the door by Mr Global.
with the clamp down on cars … the ideology that
started with congestion zones but that has
metastasised into a multi-faceted determination to
make the privacy and convenience of independent
travel a thing of the past … the
idea of limiting our horizons to within walking
distance of our houses is about preparing us for
smaller, meaner lives lived under perpetual
scrutiny. Papers, please!
say it’s all very well if you actually already live
in a city but ask “What about those in small towns,
villages, or in isolated homes in the countryside?”
If you
ask me, that’s to miss the point of 15-minute cities
entirely. If you ask me, the evolution in the minds
of the powers that be, like those little emperors
gathered in Davos, where the Alpine air must be
thick with the smell of spent aviation fuel from
hundreds of private jets and, if reports are to be
believed, the cologne worn by the thousands of
sex-workers who have arrived in town for no apparent
reason whatsoever.
The Daily Mail ran
with the headline: Prostitutes gather in Davos for
annual meeting of global elite – where demand for
sexual services rockets during economic summit … The grand plan of those priapic masters
of the universe will see us herded out of the
countryside, out of the villages and into those
cities already built and others yet to be.
direction of travel I detect will set aside the
countryside for other purposes that us little people
ought not to bother our pretty little heads about.
Probably growing all the biofuel required for all
those private jets, who knows?
In the
future we’ll all be city mice and the country mice
will be just another extinct species, like the
cattle, pigs and sheep.
The fear works best on children – and so
much of the rest of the change to our way of life
targets children first.
week I read about Edinburgh being the first city in
Europe to commit to getting meat off the menu in
schools. Choice about what we eat is, obviously,
another fundamental part of life that is being set
aside without so much as a by your leave.
But the Utopian future is meatless, make no
mistake, at least for the likes of us that
can’t afford to attend Davos in our private jets, or
else made of some abomination grown in 3-D printers
in labs and sold to us as meat.
And who’s going to go meat-free first? The
kids of course. Those of us with kids know the
truth of school meals, especially in primary
schools. Jamie Oliver can bang on all he likes
about revolutionising that aspect of the school
day, but the reality of meat-free lunches in most
primary schools will be chips, pizzas, more chips,
and those hyper-processed chemistry set
experiments they call vegan sausages, the ones
with the ingredients list of unpronounceable
additives on the back that’s as long as the Old
Testament. And more chips.
rising damp that creeps, or an airborne virus, new
laws are being conjured into existence all around
us, all of them shaped to profoundly alter our lives
while we’re conveniently distracted by a suspicious
new pathogen and the threat of Armageddon caused
either by nuclear war or the planet bursting into
flames on account of too many burping cows and homes
that are warm in the winter.
As well
as a way of life, old certainties dictated by nature
herself are being erased. Always,
always it’s about attacking the foundations of the
family. Mothers are not necessarily women
anymore. Women are certainly not a sex anymore, at
least not as far as our elected representatives in
Parliament are concerned. In a move so fast you
might break your neck trying to keep up with it,
women are designated as something men can choose to
be when it suits them, less an adult human female,
more a state of mind in a dress and a pair of court
When I was a lad, the future was going to
be about world peace and teleporting to Mars for
summer holidays. Instead, it’s turned out to be
about no more plane flights unless you’re a
billionaire, mass vaccinations not for health but
to qualify for a digital ID, burgers made of
insects, bikes instead of cars, a forever war in
Europe and biological men urinating next to little
girls in the Ladies toilets.
reams of new legislation are creeping up on us from
all sides. They’ve demonised those on strike just in
time to secure public support for new laws against
billionaires funded the climate crisis glue-downs
and soup-throwing performances in art galleries just
long enough to usher in new laws limiting the right
to public protest.
in as well is the Online Harms Bill, a full-throated
attempt to take freedom of speech by the scruff of
the neck and throw it down the waste chute as well.
The World Health Organisation – second
biggest funder, the Bill Gates Foundation, don’t
forget – together with member states, is working
towards a new Pandemic Treaty that might mean that
next time – and Gates has put a hard pencil line
around the year 2025, in which he predicts there
will be a real doozie – it will be the WHO and not
the elected governments of sovereign nations that
call the shots when it comes to vaccine mandates,
lockdowns, travel restrictions and all the rest.
legislating about how we heat our homes – or rather
how we don’t heat them: heat pumps that everyone
with even a sketchy understanding of the laws of
physics and the nature of the climate in the
Northern latitudes knows won’t work, no more gas
How long before they really do come for
the wood burners, the coal fires and the gas
stoves as well? How long before they decide they
really will deny us every last one of the things
that give us independence … herding us away from a
past in which our heating and cooking is powered
by fuels that can’t be cut off remotely with just
the flick of a switch on a Smart Meter. How long
have we got?
Health, freedom to move around our towns –
and around our world – the right to protest and
dissent, the right to withhold our labour, freedom
of speech, the nature of the food we eat, the
right to refuse to accept a medical intervention,
what it means to be women and men.
The race
is on. Our so-called leaders, all pumped up on the
adrenaline of lockdowns and mandates, have sprinted
out of the blocks for the ultimate round of
Supermarket Sweep. Into their trolleys, they plan to
heap every last aspect of the lives we have had.
They think they’ve got us scared enough to
accept the whole damned lot of it.
Here’s the thing: I am not afraid of them.
don’t even take them seriously. (source)