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2023-01-30 f

What if Russia nuked DC?
Would you even care?

The Contemptible Leading the Inept

Our national story.

Watching the current administration in America is like watching an incompetent bombmaker on his first foray into the craft. The sweating, desperate attempts at diplomacy, knowing deep down that they don’t have the knowledge or temperament to pull it off. The braggadocio they used to get the job cannot be reconciled with their inadequacy for it. The Larry, Moe and Curly administration they’ve put together is more of a Caligula’s Horse insult than an attempt to run the Executive Branch. And yet, we’re all at their mercy to some degree until they step on their own trip wire and blow themselves up. The question is: will they blow us up first?

During previous assessments of the possibility of a World War III, I was a skeptic. What administration would be so careless, so stupid, so reckless as to risk a nuclear exchange over anything less than an outright threat to the homeland or the population? Granted, if a NATO-affiliated nation were to run afoul of either China or Russia, the risk would go up, but any effective, intelligent Secretary of State would be able to skillfully defuse the crisis. The only question would be the cost of the mitigation in either treasure or prestige.

That’s not true now. Whatever dark figures like Soros or Schwab are truly running the Ukrainian operation, they seem to be doing so with the intended purpose of causing a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US. They don’t care. They have, by any number of other actions like the open borders, the tranny drag shows, the criminally derelict elections, demonstrated their contempt for the American people and they use these things to humiliate us. They really just want to destroy the West, or at least Western-style governments. They prefer, it seems, dictatorships and totalitarianism and if the American people won’t play along, they will use any means available to dispirit or punish them.

The question that comes back to me, and therefore is being put to you, is why are we letting these criminally evil people pursue their obviously insane objectives? I mean, commenting on it isn’t doing anything about it. Recognizing it should be the only requirement of someone outside the system to alert those inside the system to take action against it. I mean, it is directed primarily at them in their positions of power more than at us. Unless we have no agents inside the system and if that’s true, have we not already lost? If we have lost, should we not act like it and pull out all the stops to rebel against that loss, that coup, that overthrow? But I don’t see anyone of any stature calling for such actions. They all still believe, or are loath to disbelieve that there’s a political solution. There is none, not with the level of corruption and disregard for our laws and rights they have already demonstrated.

I can tell you that this all started here, or at this time and place the seeds were planted and it took certain events, either naturally-occurring or manipulated to lead us to this point in time, with these people in positions of power, but what difference does that make? We are here and we’re here now, at this time under these conditions. Do we really need to know any more than that? I don’t.

No matter how they got there, even by legitimate elections, we have people in positions of power that want to kill their constituents, either directly or indirectly, who want us to starve, convulse, freeze or be bludgeoned to death. Do you need to know more than that? I don’t.

I’m just not sure how much effort I ought to be putting into trying to figure out a solution, because no one seems interested in stopping the vaxx, the open border, the dilution of our military power at the same time war drums are beating loudly in our ears. I hear a lot of people talk and post and generally express their disapproval, but no one has taken up the banner of the republic and marched forward. There is no point of view to support or risk one’s life or freedom in supporting.

Trust me, I have contingencies upon contingencies, discussed movements of the people I care about whether that is trying to survive a limited nuclear exchange, or survival in a locked-down society dependent on CBDCs and mounting a resistance from there. But now, I’m thinking that I might just be forced to stand back and watch the incompetent bombmaker blow himself up, and by “him” I mean the whole US Government.

What if Russia nuked DC? Would you even care? I mean aside from the historically significant statues and memorials. That’s the frame of mind that has and will lead to a civil war or a breakup of the union. If Russia nuked DC, would we not all, as states, take that opportunity to realign ourselves with like-minded states and develop a mutually beneficial strategic defense against invasion, rejecting those other states and putting up barriers against their contagion?

The truth is, we would all be better off without a federal government at all. It would be the great reset on our terms. If we all really wanted to be free and were not tied to the idea of the United States of America as an institution, but understood it as just another layer of unneeded bureaucracy, what might we accomplish? Doing away with the hatred of oil and gas and embracing them for their socially beneficial properties, doing away with the government wanting to inhibit our purchases of gas stoves would be a marked improvement right now. Stopping subsidies to wind turbines and solar panels and all of that ridiculous Green New Deal waste of trillions of dollars of commerce through compliance with nonsensical regulations that don’t put one dollar in the pockets of the average American would enhance our lives immeasurably. Preventing power companies from claiming any benefits from pushing the green energy nonsense and charging us for it in our gas and electric rates would reduce our costs substantially.

The government is obviously not legitimate, there are lines of corruption linking nearly everyone back to China, Russia or Ukraine. Nothing has been done for Americans or in the American interest for a long time. All of our domestic bureaucracies are focused on surveillance, coercion, punishment, restriction and denial of rights and pleasures.

While at the same time invaders from all over the world are getting preferential treatment and supplied with every luxury. They are not prosecuted or even held without bail no matter what crimes they commit against US citizens, but the citizens are met with the stiffest penalties and sentences for defending themselves. That amounts to nothing less than unleashing a hostile force against the people, an act of war.

How do you fight back against that without getting yourself put in prison? At what level of constant surveillance and extortion (taxation) is there no viable distinction between freedom and prison? If we are all to be imprisoned or slaves, when do we just say no and take it back? It’s ours. It is not theirs to sell. Nor are we theirs to conscript. (read more)


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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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