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2023-03-02 b


they hate us for our whiteness

Some think that less educated and lower-skilled immigrants would be easier to manage, and this explains why powerful elites have schemed so hard to open America’s borders to the entire world. There may be some truth to this, and I would not be quick to discount it as a possible factor. Yet it seems more likely that powerful and influential Jews — such as Emmanuel Celler, Chuck Schumer, and many others – have worked tirelessly to make America less White for the past seventy years primarily for ethnic reasons.

Jews tend to view White racial solidarity as a bad thing, a threat to their ethnic and religious survival and their main enemies in the struggle for power in America. Is it any wonder why the current U.S. Attorney General who also happens to be Jewish, Merrick Garland, has publicly declared “white supremacy” as America’s greatest threat? In a speech given at the Justice Department, he stated:

In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race (June 15, 2021).

In their minds, Jews want to prevent another repeat of state-sponsored violence against Jews perpetrated by the ethnically and culturally homogeneous Germans. A most effective strategy of theirs against “white supremacy,” then, is to flood the nation with non-Whites. It’s reasoned that if racial demographics within the U.S. reflect more of the third world than of the Northern European Continent, Jews will be safer. They will be one minority group among many others. This will also prevent Jews from being so noticeable and possibly from being directly targeted by Whites who might want to preserve the racial and ethnic makeup of their country.

Jews can’t come out in the open and admit this, of course, so they cloak their true intentions by claiming that it’s being done to help the poor, weak and disadvantaged peoples of the world. They want to promote justice among the nations by means of a Talmudic teaching referred to as ‘Tikkun Olam’ (“repair the world”). They want to help the sojourner, the ‘stranger’ who yearns for freedom. They argue that this is only right since they were themselves once strangers in Egypt. It’s a ruse that many gullible non-Jews, including many ordinary Jews themselves, fall for.

Yet, once again, Jews have taken a leading role in fomenting immigration policies that are disastrous toward White Americans. Not so surprisingly, the very immigration schemes that Jews push for the U.S. are ones they would never push for Jews in Israel. This only makes sense when one understands their reasons, the lies behind them, and the complete hypocrisy of it all.

Thus, when Schumer pushes for amnesty on behalf of millions of illegal aliens (comprising mostly of Mexicans, Hondurans, El Salvadorians, and other groups illegally living in the U.S.), he is being disingenuous at best. He realizes, I think, that there’s a growing suspicion among many White Americans that they are being uniquely targeted for discrimination and racial hostility by their own government. Racial questions that only seven years earlier would not have been entertained by most Whites are now being openly discussed by a growing number of them. Along with skyrocketing levels of violent crime, including soaring inflation rates, the mood of the country is beginning to change. Liberal social policies have proven costly and utterly disastrous throughout Blue states.

The stage, it appears, is being set for what may be a great and inevitable backlash that will likely be led by Whites who oppose ‘the Great Replacement.’ Many Whites are no longer afraid of openly discussing secession and there is a growing disgust among them over widespread corruption in Washington. This deeply concerns Jews like Schumer who are pushing full steam ahead for a mass amnesty that’s destined to racially and culturally displace White Americans even further.

Thus, a nation comprised of a non-White majority along with a racially neutered White minority would hardly threaten Jewish power. The kinds of liberal-left social policies that most Jews vote for would largely go unopposed (even more so than they do now). Government policies deemed beneficial to Jewish interests — especially if ‘anti-Semitism’ were completely outlawed — would find little if any resistance.

Senator Schumer may argue that he wants illegals to become citizens to ensure an adequate work force, but never mentions the idea that workers could come to the U.S. on a contract basis, often for a defined period, and then return to their homelands after the contract ends, as Israel does, thereby preventing the workers from becoming citizens. This would be seen as racist in the extreme.

What he really wants is more Democrat voters who will overwhelm any Republican opposition. Granted, illegal aliens can still vote because of lax voter ID restrictions in some states. Yet, by granting a mass amnesty for illegals with full voting rights and citizenship, any hesitation on their part would be removed. There is little doubt who most of the illegals would be voting for and what kinds of government policies they will support.

Although it’s true that a larger segment of the Hispanic population in America voted for Trump in 2016 than expected, most Hispanics voted just as Democrats thought they would. This trend may change in future elections (and there are some promising indicators it will), but for now most Hispanics remain committed to voting Democrat.

Schumer argues that Americans are simply not reproducing and, therefore, the U.S. must loosen its immigration restrictions and allow everyone to come. It seems strange that the Senator would be concerned over matters of reproduction and birthrates when he has been such a strong abortion supporter with no legal restrictions attached to it. But, again, the man is not being honest with the American people.

In Schumer’s beloved promised land, Jewish birthrates are declining as well (see Hili Yacobi-Handelsman, “Israeli Birthrate on Decline, Government Data Shows,” Israel Hayom, February 22, 2022). Yet, I seriously doubt he would ever call for non-Jews to flood Israel’s borders in order to rectify the situation. No, such remedies are for racially naïve Americans who have been so duped by multicultural dogma that they imagine having their nation flooded by low-skilled foreigners to be a good thing.

Conservative Jew, Ben Shapiro, on his YouTube channel recently called out Schumer for his mass amnesty proposal. Although Shapiro raised some valid criticisms against the New York senator, he made it clear that he was not threatened by an America that looks less White each and every day because “ethnicity is not destiny,” “demography is not destiny,” and “I don’t really care where people come from so long as they actually reflect the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States” (“Chuck Schumer’s Great Replacement Theory,” Episode 1613, November 17, 2022).

Recall that Shapiro also declared on Twitter the following: “And by the way, I don’t give a good damn about the so-called “browning of America.” Color doesn’t matter. Ideology does” (June 16, 2017).

Yet Shapiro like his fellow Jew, Schumer, would most certainly care if that same “browning” were occurring in Israel. Suddenly, color would matter! They certainly would care where people came from if they were to land on Israeli soil. And there’s little doubt that Shapiro and Schumer would find any increasing ethnic group in Israel other than their own to be a direct threat to their Jewish survival. In such a case, demography really would determine destiny! For a people who require proof of one’s ethnicity in order to rightfully return to their land (“aliyah”), Shapiro’s dismissal of “color” and “demography” prove to be less than candid and truthful. It’s the kind of thing you say to a Gentile audience who doesn’t know any better and who isn’t likely to discern the hypocrisy in it.

Shapiro doesn’t care what racial group immigrates to the U.S. so long as they “reflect” the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution — a view that is depressingly common, even dominant, among White American conservatives. But how likely is this when massive numbers of American citizens themselves either don’t care or actively work in various ways to jettison the rights of free speech, religious freedom, and the Second Amendment? Seems to me that most foreign immigrants wouldn’t care in the least about such matters. The current mood of much of the country wouldn’t encourage them to see our founding documents as all that relevant or necessary. The kind of immigrants Schumer and his cohorts seem to prefer are those who will mindlessly vote Democrat, and who will care more about obtaining government goodies than about the principles established by dead White guys in August of 1776 at Independence Hall. (read more)


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