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2023-03-16 a


Pajama Nation: Americans Have Morphed Into the People of Walmart

If one wants to see what a huge segment of the American people have morphed into, look no farther than the ‘People of Walmart’ website. It features the obscenely unbecoming clothes that people wear while shopping at Walmart. The site is both hysterical and depressing at the same time. Though it pokes fun at sloppy Walmart shoppers, the truth is that vast numbers of Americans dress like this at any place they patronize. It’s often difficult at times to distinguish between a sloppy but employed person and a homeless bum. Some have called it “hobo-chic.”

It has become common in America to see someone wearing a hoodie, backward baseball cap, torn jeans, a ‘wife-beater,’ or their baggy pajamas to the grocery store, the DMV, or to the movies. Most people probably don’t even notice it anymore because it has become a regular feature of what Americans wear. A large sign had to be posted at the local courthouse where I live to remind visitors to wear shoes and that tank-tops are not allowed. Americans, it seems, are quite content in attiring themselves like complete slobs. They can’t be bothered to wear appropriate and form-fitting clothes. Comedian Bill Mahr was right when he said on his Real Time show in 2013 that Americans won’t be happy until they can go shopping in a diaper!

Mind you, I’m not against wearing casual clothing. But there is a time and place for everything. Few Americans seem to understand this. Some have surmised that the origins of our sloppy dressing habits began when companies started implementing “casual Friday’s” which turned into casual Monday-thru-Friday.

Turning to our women, far too many of them are not just frumpy in appearance, but they often dress in the most unbecoming ways – such as spandex so tight you can see the entirety of their butt cracks, the shape of their labia majora, including jiggling cellulite for all to behold. Every basic rule of fashion and clothing coordination is violated.

Many of them dress this way even though they are morbidly obese. You’d think they would naturally want to conceal their girth and draw as little attention to their rolls of fat as possible. But no, they persist in wearing clothes that only serve to accentuate it. Many of them, in fact, are quite proud of their rotund bodies. They’d go ballistic if anyone dared to “fat shame” them. We’re expected to not notice and consider it perfectly acceptable.

Look also how much makeup is caked onto their faces, especially among our younger women. There seems to be little understanding that sometimes less is more. Makeup, as I understand it, is supposed to enhance a woman’s natural beauty rather than make her look like someone completely different when she takes it off. Those guys who have been shocked to see their girlfriend without makeup know exactly what I’m referring to. The current trend among young women to affix enormous fake eyelashes has reached absurd levels.

Have you noticed also how sexual and provocative our young women dress? They leave nothing to the imagination. They tattoo themselves like an old bar whore, pierce their noses and other bodily parts, and then complain when men look at them or act too forward toward them. They attire themselves in ways that narcissistically scream “Hey everyone, look at me!” — and then self-righteously condemn anyone who dares to notice. There is nothing modest or graceful about these gals either. They’re loud, abrasive, and seemingly possess just as much testosterone as the average male they look down upon. They have no self-awareness. They think the world of themselves, but they have little reason to do so.

Much of this, I suspect, is due to our national decline which is reflected in how people attire themselves. But some of it must be due to the fault of their own mothers who failed to teach and model before them on how to conduct themselves in public, especially how to dress appropriately for each occasion. Just as so many American fathers have abdicated their role as leaders in the family, so also mothers have failed to instruct and guide their daughters on what it means to be a woman. The days when our women were known for being feminine, soft-spoken, and polite are over. The entire notion of behaving “classy” and “dignified” seems to have been kicked to the curb.

Whites Have Succumbed to the Degrading Fashion Trends of Blacks

What I find to be especially disturbing is how many of our young White men and women follow the fashion trends of Blacks. White males wearing their hat backwards might seem like a petty thing to complain about. Perhaps, but even in something as seemingly insignificant as this, it shows the degree of influence that Black ‘culture’ has had on our way of life.


White males didn’t do this sort of thing until around the late 80s or early 90s when Black ‘rap’ music took hold of the nation. It’s been downhill ever since. The backwards baseball cap thing popular among Black males is, in my view, indicative of them as a people. Everything they do is backwards. They are largely unwilling to assimilate to the norms of White civilization, and it shows in their attitudes, including at times in the smallest of ways. These are subtle acts of defiance by Blacks, a sort of “Fuck you!” to the White man and a declaration that “we’re different than you!” And, indeed, they are, but not quite in the superior way they imagine.

White males who allow their pants to “sag” like ghetto thugs reveal just how much White Americans have come under the power and influence of Blacks as amplified and promoted by our [mostly Jewish] liberal-left media. I expect young Black males to wear their pants “saggin” because it’s indicative of their lower intelligence levels. Black communities in America, in fact, must create public “anti-saggin” campaigns to urge their young Black males to stop wearing their pants so low. What other racial group on this planet other than Blacks must erect large billboards and public service announcements to tell its young men to pull up their pants?

homo prison fashion

Few Whites are aware that the pants “sagging” fashion originated in America’s prisons in which Black males receptive to anal sex from other prisoners would allow their pants to sag below their buttocks. It serves as just one more gauge revealing how utterly dysfunctional Blacks in America are. Thus, when young White males emulate the same gutter fashion as young Black males, it’s a clear indication of how far Whites in America have fallen.

Our young White women, likewise, mimic the tribal dancing of Blacks which is overtly sexual in nature (“twerking”). The current trend among ghetto-influenced White gals of trying to grow gargantuan-sized buttocks (ala Kim Kardashian) in order to attract young Black bucks shows just how low our people have sunk.

Prior Generations of Whites Had Greater Self-Dignity

What a stark contrast all of this is to prior generations of White Americans. Consider the 1950s when America, according to some observers, was at its pinnacle in terms of national unity, civility, and morality. People used to dress up when they went shopping or even to the grocery store as strange as that may sound to our ears. It wasn’t rare to see men in the stands at a professional baseball game wearing suits and women wearing dresses. These were public events, and they dressed accordingly.

This wasn’t because they were snobs and thought themselves better than others. Rather, it was because they had respect for themselves as well as those around them. They lived in a high-trust, homogeneous society. There was a common consensus among most Americans on right and wrong, a love for their country and countrymen, and they maintained this national unity in everything they did. They were far from perfect, no doubt, but they had a level of civility and self-respect largely missing from today’s generation.

A world stolen from you.


Few Americans in our time seem able to relate to this. We are a deeply divided nation (if we can even be called a “nation”?) and there is almost no consensus on anything. We have become individualistic to the core and care only what is best for me and mine. The racial and cultural changes that emerged during the 1960s — orchestrated and funded in large part by revolutionary Jews who felt no attachment to heritage Americans — ensured that the next generation and those after would be marked by racial division, the decline of the family, total demoralization of the White majority, and increasing instability.

Making matters worse, Americans have been badly influenced by Nihilism and Cultural Marxism which attack the very foundations of tradition and beauty. Is it any wonder why our young people who come under the spell of Leftist thought, including the more recent ‘woke’ movement, are soon transformed into the most visually repugnant persons? It’s a sickness of the mind and soul, and it manifests itself in how they outwardly present themselves to the world.

The Inanity of Tattoos

Consider also the popularity of tattoos among Americans which has reached epic proportions. In the name of “art,” huge numbers of Americans tattoo the entirety of their arms (“sleeves”), tattoo the entirety of their necks and faces, and any body part that’s exposed. All of it, we’re told, is an expression of one’s individuality and uniqueness. It sets them apart from others.

In reality, it only serves to show how all of these folks are compliant sheep with little real individuality among them. They’re enslaved to mind-numbing trends even though they like to think of themselves as standing apart from the crowd. Seriously, how original is a “Tribal band” tattoo when almost every other person has one? I’m sure if they thought that wearing a watermelon rind on the top of their heads was popular and would give them attention, they’d do that too.

It would be one thing if the tattoos were something earned as a result of bravery and survival. But most of the tattoos that Americans graffiti themselves with have little meaning or significance. They do it because it looks “cool” and will get them noticed by others which is really their underlying purpose.

Whenever you see a young woman fully “tatted” out, know well that she’s practically guaranteed to be the proverbial “attention whore.” No one intentionally does this sort of thing unless they want people to notice and gawk at them. Any man who has an ounce of intelligence is advised to turn and run from these kinds of women.

The following analogy may help us to see the utter mindlessness of our women tatting themselves like tribesmen. Have you even seen a Ferrari or Lamborghini sports car plastered with bumper stickers? Of course not! That’s because these finely tuned cars are by themselves beautiful works of art. Nothing more is needed to make them beautiful or to stand out more. To attach anything like a bumper sticker to them would cheapen them immensely. It would be completely inappropriate to do so.

On the other hand, one might not mind attaching bumper stickers to their Toyota Celica sedan or their Ram diesel truck because these are not works of art and the quality of these vehicles are not on par with a Ferrari or Lamborghini. This isn’t to say that Toyota and Ram vehicles aren’t good vehicles, but only that their quality is vastly inferior compared to such finely tuned and expensive sports cars as a Ferrari Testarossa, Porsche Carrera GT, or a Lamborghini Veneno.

It seems from this commonsense analogy that the greater number of our American women view themselves as merely Toyotas (or worse!) which explains why they are so eager to mark up and graffiti their bodies. In other words, the woman who tattoos herself in the ways I have described probably has very low self-esteem. Sure, she might make highfalutin claims about herself (they always do), but I suspect that most of these women have “daddy issues” and an array of psychological disorders.

What is so disturbing is that White women are seen by much of the world as the standard of beauty. Why, then, would so many of them go out of their way to intentionally make themselves much less attractive? I can only attribute it to one thing — they have come under the spell of a poisonous and self-hating Leftist ideology. When a woman intentionally cuts off most of her God-given long hair, colors that same hair in bright neon colors, defaces herself with multiple inane tattoos, pierces her nose, and attires herself in the trashiest manner one can imagine, it’s a clear indication that her mind and soul are not well.

Is it any wonder why so many American men are turning to the much more feminine, trim, and less abrasive Asian and Russian [and Ukrainian] women? I don’t necessarily support this kind of thing because I want Whites to marry and create families among their own kind (Russians are fine). But I understand why it’s occurring. American women have slowly driven themselves from the dating marketplace by their attitudes, conduct, obesity, and caustic nature. They have allowed themselves to be so badly duped by ultra-feminist and trans rhetoric that they’ve become insufferable.

Humans Are Wired to Make Judgments

Some are offended at these kinds of personal judgments of others. We’re supposed to be a polite society that doesn’t judge, right? Wrong! All of us judge, and most of us make them quickly upon meeting other people for the first time. Anyone who tells you that they don’t judge others is a liar and is virtue signaling.

The truth is, we’ve been hard wired to judge others. It’s simply a matter of recognizing patterns, learning from past mistakes, and having reality-based discernment which we are supposed to get better at as we get older. Many people don’t, and they’re just as gullible at 72 years of age as they were at 22. This is the value of having many experiences, both good and bad, in life. It makes us wiser and more cautious in all that we do – or at least it’s supposed to.

How Understanding Criminal Profiling Helps Us to Read People

When I was cop, it was drilled into us to not “racially profile.” This is right because we really don’t want cops stopping people on the roadway for no other reason than the color of their skin. But this doesn’t necessarily prevent cops from recognizing and finding a legitimate vehicle code violation in order to stop criminal gangsters on the roadway. It shouldn’t stop the beat cop who recognizes suspicious activity even if the persons are minorities. Why is that? It’s because cops are engaging in criminal profiling which is perfectly legal. This is quite different than racial profiling. Most people don’t understand this, and they wrongly view criminal profiling as no different than racial profiling.

Criminal profiling is based on repeated and observable patterns. In other words, when gangsters or other criminal types wear certain kinds of clothing, particularly colors such as blue and red, it fits a certain criminal profile that alerts the officer. It conveys important information to the officer. Based on this, the officer may find probable cause or reasonable suspicion to stop and contact the driver. This often leads to apprehending criminals who have warrants issued for their arrest, including probation violations which sends them immediately to jail.

Criminal profiling is based upon the millions of contacts officers throughout the country have had with gang members and hardened criminal types over the past many decades. As many people know, this was originally developed by the FBI years prior. They provided a framework in which to better understand the criminal mind, including distinctive patterns that help us to identify them. Some of these indicators are seen in how criminals attire themselves.

Yet, more than that, the patterns I refer to are innate within humans. They are part of our internal defense system that helps us to survive. Many people, unfortunately, ignore the signals our body gives us or refuse to develop and sharpen their skills at pattern recognition.

Hispanic gang members (“cholos”) as well as Black gang members (“crips” and “bloods”) dress a certain way that stands out from the rest of society. These are clear markers or indicators that this person is more than likely a criminal thug that an officer would be wise to pay attention to or find probable cause that would justify a stop or even a consensual encounter. Again, it’s a matter of recognizing repeatable patterns, and then making a judgment about the gathered information.

Part of understanding all of this is recognizing that no one puts on their daily clothes without thinking about it. None of it is accidental. Yes, there are persons who give little thought as to what they wear, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t care if they dressed up like a clown or a disheveled hobo. Most of us attire ourselves a certain way because this is how we want to portray ourselves to others. Our clothes, then, serve as a reflection of ourselves and what we want others to think of us. Thus, when a gang member attires himself in a thuggish way or anyone else for that matter, they are sending a message. They are signaling to others. They are portraying themselves, as well as messaging their values and worldview (however slight it may be).

Most people don’t think about it much, but this is what is occurring. A corporate professional for a large city bank, for example, would not think of wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat to work. He wouldn’t wear pajamas to the office either. He knows he has an image he wants to project, one that comports with his vocation and the policies of his company.

Thus, when Americans dress like slobs it’s a peek inside their little world. It tells us something about them (though not everything, of course). It may only be suggestive, but it still provides some insight into the person. It may tell us that he or she is lazy or economically poor. It might also reflect the downward spiral of the society they are a part of. It may be an indicator of their narcissism. It might suggest there’s been an erosion of decency in that society, a national decline of sorts.

All of these are possible, although I am inclined toward the view that overall it’s indicative of America’s fall. Would you want these people in our military? Running a corporation? How—on such a large scale—can it be otherwise when one compares the current generation with prior generations? None of this happened in a vacuum. None of it was accidental. There is good reason to believe it was planned despite how conspiratorial it may sound to some people.

After decades of daily and intense liberal-left indoctrination from the media and almost every government entity, how could it not impact the way we dress and carry ourselves? Beginning in elementary school, American children are incrementally propagandized to think and act a certain way. Their entire worldview is manipulated to interpret the world around them in ways that agree with a Leftist and corrosive mindset. This continues when our children enter high school. The final process of indoctrination occurs when they enter college. Like the compliant and childish ‘Eloi’ in The Time Machine (1960), they naively drink from the poisonous well of liberal and Marxist rhetoric they’re taught by their professors. They’re quite content with it. They don’t challenge it in the least. It isn’t long before these same young White students begin to hate their race, their country, as well as mock all that’s good and beautiful. And this, in turn, expresses itself in how they dress and present themselves to others. Contemporary Leftism, then, destroys and makes ugly all that’s in its path. It can do no other because this is the nature of the Beast.

We can be certain, too, that the more depraved our society becomes, the more absurd and insane will be our fashion trends. What young White woman in the 1950s would want to dress the way our women do today? What young White man in the 1950s would want to emulate the lowest fashions and degrading practices of Blacks? I suspect there would have been very few, if any.

Times have changed, and not for the better. We have been feeling for decades the effects of the disastrous social and political changes that occurred beginning in the 1960s. One can see the downward progression by simply observing the clothing standards of each new decade. Current trends, sadly, indicate that it will only get worse. (read more)


I write of the dysfunctional nature of Blacks in general terms because this is, in fact, how the greater majority of Blacks over the centuries have conducted themselves. This is not any great discovery or insight on my part, but something that has been repeatedly observed by Whites, Middle Eastern Muslims, Asians, and other groups. This used to be common knowledge among most people, but today it has become taboo to admit what is so patently obvious.

Moreover, if I had to endlessly qualify every statement I made about this or that group, I would never end up saying what I wanted. Yes, sometimes in my articles I qualify my words and try to more accurately explain what I mean. But no writer would get his point across to the reader if he were required to always explain and qualify everything he writes. It would become tedious to read, and the reader would soon lose all interest. This is the nature of writing and social criticism.

As for feeding into the enemy’s hand by criticizing Whites and the destructive trends they may have succumbed to, I can only say that while there is the need to attack and expose our enemies, there’s also the need to address real and troubling concerns among our own people. All of us, myself included, need a wake up call now and then. None of us is above and beyond constructive criticism.

Although Blacks are very much a problem for our society, we ought to never to think that we are problem-free and totally blameless. We as Whites need to face our failures and mistakes too, and not act as Blacks and Jews who lie, rationalize, and obfuscate to avoid admitting that they have been wrong.

Also, I criticize my own people at times not for its own sake, but so that we might learn from it and amend our ways and improve ourselves.

Rooting out the various errors, cancerous ideologies, and ruinous trends among our people is not particularly pretty nor enjoyable. But it needs to be done nonetheless. (source)

See also:


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- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

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- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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