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2023-03-19 a


The Blackpill of Blackpills

I just had a revelation today that was both stunning and heartbreaking.

I just found out that every single person I know personally, in my small circle of friends, people I'd chat casually with, and people I worked with professionally, ALL got the poke 'n smoke.  Every single one of them.

Now I'm not going to disparage anyone who got the jab because I'm still a proponent of personal choice.  Take ten clot shots.  Smoke some crystal meth.  Get a tattoo of a miniature 'Mona Lisa' on your peen.  Get ass raped by a donkey.  I don't give a damn.  It's your body.  Do whatever the fuck you want with it.

No, the reason this was pretty disheartening is because a fair chunk of these people I'm speaking of were HUGE mouthpieces when it came to defying the 'gubmint', yapping about personal liberty, and basically spitting in the fan.  A lot of them were people who actually got me redpilled on how the world 'really works' many, many years back.  Some were gun owners,  some were so-called 'molon labe' tacticool people, but generally all just folks I thought were ahead of the curve.  These are people I thought saw things the way I did - some of them actually did.  I thought these people would hold out, like I did.  Not submit.  

Turns out, I was wrong.  Turns out, in the end, they were all full of shit.  Every one of those people, in spite of their talk about 'black helicopters', the 'New World Order', the 'Blue Helmets' coming to take everyone's guns, and all that other alarmist crap, all ended up being nothing more than LARPing sheeple.  In spite of knowing about all this bullshit, and all their talk about 'prepping' and 'training' and the dreaded 'apocalypse', all it took was the government to scare everyone with a flu bug and it was enough to get them to surrender their most fundamental rights and liberties, roll up their sleeve, and allow themselves to be jabbed with an experimental serum in which the contents and the effects on the human body aren't even fully known - despite the fact that we're seeing a massive uptick in deaths and injuries related to this jab.

The scam-demic, the jab, the mandates....all of that was a litmus test.  THAT was the red line.  And in the end, everyone I know personally submitted.  I was once skeptical about the government's claims that '85% to 90% of Canadians' had gotten the poke.  I thought they were lying about their numbers as a way to further coerce holdouts to give up and get the jab.  Not now, though.  I actually think, for once, they were probably telling the truth.  I have no trouble at all believing those numbers, in light of what I have come to find out today.

"Half the people"??  Not in Canada...try A LOT MORE

Perhaps, at the end of the day, none of us are the people we thought we were.  Maybe that's the real lesson to be taken in from the scam-demic.  It truly is the mother of all 'blackpills'.  You see, I don't believe the scam-demic brought out the 'best' or 'worst' in people.  It simply took off the mask.  It forced everyone to take a good, long look in the mirror.  It brought out the latent characteristics in people that were already there all along.

Society, as we know it, really is just a veneer.  A facade.  An idea.  Nothing more than that.

I can't speak for anyone else, not that I would have ever done so in the first place, but there's nothing more for me to do now except stay the course.  I still won't get the jab or do anything else these bastards tell me to do.  I won't let them do anything to hurt my kids, even though the events that are now set in motion have essentially guaranteed them an extremely difficult future.  I understand now that I can't really rely on anyone else to help out with this, but you know...that's the way it was all along.

Perhaps that is the reason I survived something that is pretty much guaranteed to kill people.  Most people do not survive aortic dissections.  Maybe the reason I did was so that I could continue to help prepare my kids to survive in the hell on earth that the current generation, and the ones before us, did our part in creating.  All because we were afraid...and lazy...and weak.  Because we wanted to take the easy way out and live life for today, at the expense of tomorrow.  Because we felt entitled to.

No matter.  Even for me, a guy who resisted the mandates and the jabs at great personal cost...I, too, am not the man I was.  My faith in my country, my faith in institutions, even my faith in the people around me is all but destroyed.  I'm at the point now where I honestly don't see the point in 'mass resistance' or 'prepping' anymore.  At this point, and this might just be the blackpill talking, I don't think there's much left to save that's actually worth saving. 

Don't get me wrong, I will STILL resist.  I will STILL fight back.  But I won't do it for any other reason than to fuck with the people doing this.  Not because I expect to achieve any semblance of victory.  Not because I want to 'inspire' other people to fight back.  Especially not because I have any inherent love or respect for things I used to hold dear.  No.  I'll fight back for no other reason than because I hate the people who have engineered all this and I hate what they've done to everything.  I'll spit in their faces, just out of spite.  I'll end up being just an angry, bitter 'old guy' (at the ripe old age of 44), just like Glen Filthie or BCE.  I'll be the internet's version of the crazy sandwich board guy on the street corner, I guess.

But I have no illusions of a group of people 'rising up' and fighting back.  No 'grand revolutions' of sort.  I mean, the people who have historically done those kinds of things, that being the political left, are the ones in charge of everything now.  Let's be real here: if the people who fell for the scam-demic, got the jabs, complied with the mandates and so on....for whatever their reasons were....if they weren't willing to stand up against that, then why would they stand up for anything else?  Why wouldn't they allow the police to enter their homes to search for firearms or whatever else the government deems as 'contraband'?  Why not allow their phones and electronic devices to be scrutinized on a whim from law enforcement?  Why not allow their government to impose a Social Credit System, intricately linked to a Central Bank Digital Currency that they can freely deny usage of to anyone they see fit on a whim?  Why wouldn't they simply give up ALL their freedom whenever ordered to?

The answer is: there's no reason not to think that.  Our opportunity to 'rise up and resist', if it was ever there to begin with, has already passed.  It's too late for that horseshit.  The people who valued liberty - all of us - were tested.  And we fucking failed, whether by act or omission.  What's coming is going to come, regardless of what anyone says or does at this point.

Not much else we can do about it but wait....and take a bite out of the shit sandwich we've been served. (read more)


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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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