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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) 2023- 2023-04-09 e THE STATE OF THE DISUNION V DEMOCRATS ARE
Why Do Mainstream
Democrats Hate Matt Taibbi?
NakedCapitalism.com's Yves Smith summed the situation up perfectly:
Authored by Thomas Neuburger. Originally published at God’s Spies Matt Taibbi testifies before Congress, March 9, 2023.
This may appear to be a piece about Matt Taibbi. It’s really a piece about why the Democratic Party has such a hard time winning against competition as palpably soft as modern Republicans. Matt Taibbi
often takes time on Twitter to answer honest
questions from regular people, normal voters and
citizens, unlike many journo-celebs who only talk to
each other. Sometimes (actually often), other
regular people comment on the exchange. The self-styled left (and some of the actual left) is so closed off to Taibbi at this point that he’s fair game for any sort of attack. “Which means Republican,” as in the tweet above, is actually mild. As Ross Barkin put it in a 2021 New York Magazine profile:
“Outright disdain” indeed. “Brutal” is more accurate. In an entirely gratuitous and dishonest insult, Democrat Stacy Paskett, the ranking member of the House committee before which Taibbi testified, called him “this so-called journalist.” That led the way for every Democrat to follow. The rest of the session was, in the opinion of those not hateful of Taibbi, “character assassination.” This from Democrats, from all of them, his former natural base. Where is this coming from? His Former FriendsIt got worse outside the committee. In an episode that’s painful to retell, Emma Vigeland of Sam Seder’s Majority Report (a person and a show I’ve long admired) said as part of their coverage of the hearings:
The tone, the dripping disdain, is a shocking reversal from a show that had hosted him frequently for years. Vigeland played a clip of Taibbi saying that the Twitter Files was “by far the most serious thing I’ve ever looked at.” Then, discussing his highly praised work on the 2008 financial crisis, Vigeland comments:
That’s quite an accusation, entirely speculative, against a man Sam Seder has had on his show regularly for years, and a person he may have once considered a friend (though perhaps no more). To be fair to Vigeland, I’m not sure she means what she says. She may just be piling on, playing Follow the Democratic Leaders, mimicking their vicious slanders with one of her own. Like when someone in a mob says “Hang the man,” and those around him join in. (Of now-lost relationships, I’m reminded of this sad statement from an earlier Taibbi piece:
My former friend.) Back to the Majority Report. An off-screen host, picking up on Vigeland’s remarks, then adds this about why Taibbi worked so hard on the 2008 financial crisis:
I’ll pause while you think about what’s about to be said. Why did Taibbi choose the crash to write about? Journalistic interest? Because corruption mattered to him? Or to set himself up later for Republican love? You guessed it:
He goes on (and on). Consider the accusations here. Matt Taibbi, a “once venerated” journalist, only wrote about the financial crisis because it “was good for him” and gave him “this great reputation that Republican Congress people can cite.” He doesn’t care about people who suffered from the crisis since he’s a “child of wealth” and “has no ties to that.” What a wicked man the man must be! Yet who thought so at the time? If Vigeland is right, how foolish they must feel now to be so fooled. I’ll bet they’re looking today for signs they missed of Evil Matt Taibbi dressed up as good. Surely his mercenary heart must have shown through then. Coverage in the mainstream media was no better. Huffington Post:
The song, it seems, was everywhere the same. Taibbi should be despised. Not disagreed with; not rationally engaged. Despised, even — and especially — by his former friends. I ask again, where is this coming from? Where This Is Coming FromTo answer that question seriously, consider the following premises. I think the first four accurately describe the thinking of mainstream Democratic leaders since the humiliating presidential loss of 2016:
I don’t think any of those statements, stark as they are, misrepresent the Democratic Party position. Everything I’ve observed since November 2016 confirms them all. The Problem in a NutshellStatement 1 could well be true. I believe it myself, though about the leadership only. (I have other thoughts about Republican voters.) But does the rest follow from that? Does it justify the destruction of free speech, to take one example, in order to preserve it? (If you doubt that’s what’s on offer, click the link.) And even if it does, even if the means are justified by the end, the problem is that this Democratic Party response — this hate-Republicans-at-all-costs messaging (while party leaders themselves cut deals with them) — is not going to work. It won’t blast them past their electoral opponents at near the speed it ought to, given their opponent’s obvious and fatal flaws. Mainstream Democrats run roughly even with Republicans except in protected districts. They certainly ran roughly even with Donald Trump in the only venue that counts, the Electoral College. And Democratic leaders are the reason that this is so. Will all this vitriol make them more attractive, or less? Letting Republicans Lead the RevolutionAs I wrote elsewhere, in each presidential cycle the voters have only two choices. It’s the Party of the Status Quo… …versus the Party of Fake Revolt against the status quo… If you don’t like the status quo, you have no one to vote for, just people to vote against. What do you think would happen if Democrats ran a candidate of Real Rebellion, a Bernie Sanders, say, à la 2016, against the candidate of Pretending to Care what happens to suffering voters? Would real rebellion against predatory rule by the rich “trump” fake rebellion financed by the rich? Of course it would. Sanders would have beaten Trump soundly, had he had the chance, in the 2016 race. All the momentum was his, and he won almost every head-to-head primary contest in states with open, same-day primary voting. But Democrats, the other party of the rich, won’t take that course. Which leaves them only one pitch. In Taibbi’s language from the start of this piece:
This is the Democrats’ constant closing argument, and the worst they could advance. It makes them, not just wrong, but ugly as well, the “opposite of persuasive.” Yet this is all they have, if they can’t themselves attack the people’s real enemy, and this time actually mean it. Sad for us. Sad for them as well. (read more) ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, ______________________ |
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