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2023-09-28 c

"The current government’s job — mission — is to destroy the United States. And that
includes some of the state leaders like the so-called governor of Texas, Greg Abbott.
I call him the World Economic Forum sector chief for Texas. His job title is governor
of Texas. He’s clearly working on behalf of destroying Texas and the United States,
leaving the borders open while pretending that he’s closing them.

Michael Yon interview, 18 September 2023

Let me talk about paradigms for a moment. If at any time you feel surprised at somebody doing something or some government doing something — I don’t mean surprised, like by a snake or something, you know that’s a shock — I mean a surprise insofar as, you know, “I can’t believe the government’s leaving the border’s open.” Right? You’re surprised by that.

Every time you feel surprised, stop and ask yourself, audit yourself, ask why am I surprised? If I’m surprised, that means they’re doing something I did not expect from them. That means my paradigm of them is incorrect. I need to recalculate my paradigm just like your GPS recalculates your route when you get lost. You know, when you take the wrong exit, recalculating directions.


Every time you’re surprised you need to stop. Why am I surprised? Recalculate paradigm, tweak it a little bit, or tweak it a lot. So that, now, your paradigm should leave you with at least two situations. One is, you’re not surprised by anything. And you’re far more predictive than chance, and you’re far more accurately predictive than the average person. In other words, right when Biden was installed into office, I immediately flew to El Paso, Texas, because I thought, under my paradigm, people would start to rush the border. And they did. 


And then I went to Darién Gap, Panama, because I thought, if my paradigm was accurate, that the United States would start opening a route — there has been a route there for many years, but they would really start opening the route, in a big way, through the Darién Gap. And they have. 

Why was I able to predict that? I was able to predict it because my paradigm was accurate. My paradigm is that the current U.S. government is completely captured or mostly captured — sufficiently captured. The critical mass is captured to destroy the United States.


The current government’s job — mission — is to destroy the United States. And that includes some of the state leaders like the so-called governor of Texas, Greg Abbott. I call him the World Economic Forum sector chief for Texas. His job title is governor of Texas. He’s clearly working on behalf of destroying Texas and the United States, leaving the borders open while pretending that he’s closing them.


He’ll send busloads of people up to places like New York, and the New York governor complains, and the mayor of New York City complains, blah blah blah. And the people from Texas say, Yay! He’s giving them a taste of their own medicine. But what is he really doing? Let’s step back and go to a little bit higher altitude with a satellite picture, instead of in the emotional weeds, right? Let’s get out of the emotional weeds, like, “hey, we’re happy, we’re sending people to New York, to the blue state that wants this stuff.”


And now lets go orbital, and be detached from it. What Biden and Abbott are doing are not fighting each other. They’re both meat puppets, they’re both meat on strings … they look like they’re fighting each other but Abbott is actually taking busloads of people and sending them deeper into our bloodstream. He’s sending them away from the border and into our extremities and into our heart. He’s clearing the decks for more to come in.


That’s what it looks like from an orbital view. I’m constantly going orbital view — intermediate view — and I’m down in the grass right down on the borders, in the camps, I’m in Colombia, Panama, Morocco, Lithuania, Greece, Netherlands, China — well, they’re not going to let me back in China…. Japan, I’m constantly in these places. I was just over in Armenia, and I was in the country of Georgia next to Russia, I’m constantly looking at the edges, I’m constantly downrange.


A lot of people look at the U.S. Border Patrol as an A1 source. To me, they are a source, they are an important source, but they’re only one source, and they only know the eggshell. The border is the eggshell. Most of the Border Patrol I speak with are serious people, patriotic people I think. But they are “just doing their job, sir.” They do continue to load them up on the busses.


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