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2023-11-28 d

Now, if I encounter one of my sisters-in-Borg in the grocery store or at a party,
I treat her like a bomb with a sputtering fuse. I coo and compliment and get out
of the conversation fast. It is like talking to a robot, an NPC, non-playing character,
someone programmed, someone losing her soul.

[...] Hollywood, which is full-on demonic, can cast the great classics of American and English literature with black girls with vocal fry, but we can’t wear corn rows or self-tan, because “appropriation”. You freaking idiots, every line of Austen or Wharton is grounded in the ancestral memory of the people upon whom the characters are based and that is where the book/film gets its resonance and meaning, but go ahead trash our culture, you’ve trashed everything else.

There is no peace in the streets, EVER, your people have started three wars in the last two years. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men on the border, and at the border, hundreds of thousands of women and children are raped and being sold into sex slavery. Women – most women -  have zero consciousness of any of this. Almost one hundred thousand children have vanished into the sex trade. But they want the border open because COMPASSION. Never mind the sharp uptick of crime, sooner or later, honey, you are going to want a gun and a man because the world you created - go girl – is so dangerous.


The fires last summer were caused by climate change.

Deplorables are awful.

Abortion is sacred.

J6 was not an FBI psy-op, it was a genuine rebellion of nazi rednecks, who are awful.

Socialism is necessary and I want a job telling everyone what to do.

Everything is the fault of white men.


I want to slap them. Then send them back to school with a reading list.

I wouldn’t care except our entire culture lies in the hands of these women. The pretty boys stood up as “leaders” are elected by them. Trudeau, Rishi, Macron, Obama were made in a lab to appeal to women who call themselves “feminists”. Most of them – remember Obama’s cradle-to grave Julia? - are childless, and/or without a partner; the rest terrorize their families into quiescence. Honey, all the battles have been won and were won thirty years ago – you are just cosplaying actual feminists who opened the professions for women. I mean there is even a spacewalk team that is women. They dropped their tool box into space, but never mind, they were women.

You are more conformist than 50’s housewives in the ‘burbs. And they were smarter about life by a million miles.

I have made dozens of new women friends since I became whatever the hell I am, but most of my old friends have gone Borg. I know exactly what they think because they think what they are told to think. And if you disagree, they break up with you and slime you to anyone within reach. Now, if I encounter one of them or an acquaintance in the grocery store or at a party, I treat her like a bomb with a sputtering fuse. I coo and compliment and get out of the conversation fast. It is like talking to a robot, an NPC, non-playing character, someone programmed, someone losing her soul.

I wouldn’t care except our entire political system is held up by their appalling ignorance. They are more ignorant than a bog dweller in Ireland in the 14th century.  Which they would still be were it not for white men. And I bet even those women were smarter.

And then, of course, there is the suffering. All the women in The Morning Show are always suffering. They wake up in their $10 million penthouse with an aggrieved sigh, they have silly arguments with each other, they are always breaking down in tears, their pride is always being hurt which is a cataclysm worthy of a LOT OF SOOTHING AND PRAISE, and they feel because they are women and are smarter than men, they should run everything and because they don’t, they are miserable. They actively ACTIVELY resent the culture for their six figure salaries and palatial apartments. I had a friend at 20/20 who was a producer not a secretary, and she lived in one room.

They bear zero responsibility for anything. They are all designer-clad, heavily groomed victims. The two leads, Witherspoon and Aniston, have the bodies of starved fourteen year olds with big bobble heads. In the first season a woman of color killed herself because she was raped by the male host. That was their big, huge, dramatic event. Oh boo hoo hoo. Look, I’ve been in that world. First day you are told who the predators are. You are told not to drink with them or go to their hotel room as the innocent, saintly associate producer of color did. She wasn’t six. She was thirty. She was fishing for preference.

Down on the border, girlfriend, which you ignore, thousands of women of color are raped repeatedly every day. Their babies are raped in front of them, their children sold into slavery and you don’t cover it. In fact, you allow it via your ignorance.

I. Do. Not. Care. What. You. Think.

Jennifer Anniston, because she is “the star”, goes around taking people’s inventory and telling them just how inferior they are. She holds the moral compass. She is the Great One Upon Whom Everything Rests. And her method of communication is the whine. She whines about this, she whines about that, she whines about her money, she wants a seat at the table and will whine until she gets it. When she doesn’t get a seat at the table, she whines that their mistakes would not have been made unless she were at the table with her superior moral compass. Her husband and daughter left her to go live in another country, but she is superior.

The plot this season is that they are broke.  Big Tech is going to save them. Big Tech is represented by the only man with skeletal muscle built by testosterone because the rest are all skinny weedy men like Rishi or Macron or Obama, or puffy sick men who are always on the verge of tears because OPPRESSION.  The villain is a space guy, so a stand-in for Elon Musk and is not only evil but incompetent, mean to his employees, who are all women of color.

In the end, Jennifer Aniston saves the day (laughable) and they merge two of the three big networks and now they get to do real news, which is climate change, abortion, attacking rednecks and hate for anyone not them.

OK, first of all, the last thing Big Tech would do is buy a legacy news network. All they are good for now is asset stripping, which is, as it turns out, what the Big Tech guy plans to do. Every news network in the world is worth its real estate and nothing more. They are only surviving because the cabal is funding them to brainwash the Borg women and their tamed and terrified families.

needs to be taught first year college

Here’s a fun little fact for my sisters-in-Borg. All those desperate immigrants at the border are economic migrants (the ones who aren’t gangs, terrorists or Chinese military coming to ruin us) and they are coming here for our system which was built by men and women who were not shrieking babies like you. The system that made you the richest most spoiled women in creation ever. That means those countries are being gutted of their most entrepreneurial talent, families broken, children ruined, villages stripped of life.  Your compassionate migration policies are the most cruel thing on this cruel cruel planet, and that, my sisters in Borg, is saying something. Being a brainwashed puppet is not without cost, it will kill your soul.

And by the way? Your obsession with killing babies in the womb means that in four generations, western civilization will be dead. You are narcissists in wet diapers having a tantrum and the culture must be wrested from your grasp.

You are the stupidest women who ever lived.



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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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