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2023-12-28 c

What happens when the loathed white majority
views itself as a persecuted class?

When White People Start Believing Critical Race Theory

What happens when the loathed white majority views itself as a persecuted class?

s diversity equity and inclusion reaches its apotheosis, some erstwhile protected classes are chafing at their recent exclusion. Being diverse only matters if power and privilege are associated with the moniker. What happens when the loathed white majority views itself as excluded and as a persecuted class? America is about to find out.

The problem with this gussied up tribalism is that people start identifying with their tribe, especially if their tribe is at the bottom rung of the power structure. White men are no longer being judged based on the content of their character or the merit of what they produce. They’re judged based on their skin color and gonads and they are de facto being deprived of college placement and job promotions. They’re being pushed out of polite society and have become the butt of every joke. 

Many say, “well, it’s about damn time” as they perceive white men as privileged people — people, who through no qualifications other than being white and male, sat at the top of the power structure. If white men endure a couple of generations of persecution, it’s no more than they deserve for all the colonization, destruction, and unearned benefits they’ve enjoyed.

The only problem with this equation is that these people being shoved, forcefully, to the bottom rung still make up the majority. That is, if they choose to fight back, numbers are on their side.

To this point, white men and white women haven’t viewed themselves through a critical theory lens. They’ve been inculcated with the idea of a color-blind society, a melting pot. Fairness meant seeing people as individuals and to not judge a whole group based on one person. That idea was called racism. It was considered racist to demonize a whole racial group. Racism was anathema to most white people, save a few racist stragglers. The worst epithet that could be hurled at a white person was “racist!”

Further, in critical theory, “people of color” (not colored people, mind you) could not be considered racist because to be racist, one has to have power. The question now: Who has the power?

Judging by the recent Congressional hearings interviewing the women heading the various ivory towers, it’s not white men.

Racism against white people is now the norm. From government Christmas parties excluding white employees to “safe spaces” on campus, discrimination against white people isn’t just allowed, it’s encouraged.

What happens when systemic suppression happens to the majority? America is about to find out. White kids have been drinking in the critical theory while simultaneously de-Christianizing, and since they, too, now view the world through this lens, they’re coming to the obvious conclusion: Being white is bad (some, mostly daft girls, think being bad is good) and white people are at the bottom. Being at the bottom is no fun especially when previously one didn’t believe in a top or bottom at all.

The woke didn’t reckon that a white majority might also seek victim status once the boot to the face jammed the whites down the ladder of status, simply for being white. They thought their racism would have no consequences; they still seem to think that.

Left out of these leftist will to power calculations is that the white majority is increasingly secular. Previously, their Christianity served as a limit to behavior. Christians submit to God, have faith in Him, and God, in the Christian worldview, views each person as an individual, “Neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free.” God, in the Christian worldview, sees each soul and Christians are told to view people that way, too. Christians are told, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Jesus is the ultimate judge and jury and so on an individual level, vengeance is God’s, not the Christian’s.

Christianity isn’t tribal. It’s universal. It’s the whole body of Christ — each person has a role in the body and none of it has to do with one’s skin color or intersectional status. What is made clear is, “the last shall be made first.” The Bible is filled with warnings about persecuting the poor and abusing those deemed as lesser in society. Jesus was also clear about loving one’s enemies and blessing those who persecute you.

America’s unifying themes were Christian. The Founders had this understanding as a foundation for the nation they were creating.

As the United States secularizes, a reality that makes the woke rejoice, the majority, once governed by limiting principles in the use of power due to Christian ideals, will no longer be limited.

Some historically marginalized groups, primarily Asians and Jews, are chafing at the label of “white.” The same leftist Jewish professors and university funders who taught or believed in this intersectional clap-trap are alarmed to see the virulent anti-semitism that sat beneath the surface, and worse, that no one is fighting against it because Jewish people have been lumped in with white people as “colonizers.” Jews, in this critical analysis, deserve abuse because they are white, have positions of power, and are oppressors against the brown people. It doesn’t matter that Hamas attacked Israel. It doesn’t matter what is just or right. What matters is that in the critical theory hierarchy, Jews are perceived as white.

While some Jewish liberals such as Bill Ackman and Alan Dershowitz have recently spoken out against campus DEI efforts, it is interesting that Jewish leftists are not scrambling, as they should be, to dismantle the critical theory concepts that led to this evil place. Rather, they’re desirous of being viewed as a victimized class deserving of special considerations. Jewish leaders opposed California’s adoption of a new Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, according to David Bernstein, author of Woke Antisemitism, because of “its implicit omission of Jews as an oppressed group.”

Critical theory and intersectionality inevitably lead to a fractured society where all members identify with a group based on superficial characteristics so that they can have power. Or, when things go really badly, protection.

Unfortunately, Jewish people in America and the world are a small group of people, proportionally. They’re always at the mercy of the majority. In this case, the majority is white and nominally Christian. Up to this point, Jewish people self-identified as a persecuted class. They’ve been overruled by other persecuted classes who have decided to label them white and privileged.

To the chagrin of many leftist Jewish people, America is standing alone as the major power defending Israel. Why is that? What is it about the older generations of American people that defends Israel and the Jewish people? Well, they remember the Holocaust, for one. For two, a Protestant nation believes that Jews are God’s blessed people and to receive blessings, Israel and the Jewish people should be blessed.

The younger generations, the ones soaked in critical theory, do not believe this. They believe in protected classes and power and they view Jewish people as white and powerful.

Marry this trend with white people secularizing and starting to see themselves not as Americans but as white Americans, well … This new belief system is catastrophic for social cohesion.

It ends in violence.

The solution to this cultural disaster is not placing the Jewish people back into a protected class. The solution is to demolish the pernicious ideas of critical theory completely. DEI needs to be obliterated from every institution. It’s an evil.

What should replace this nonsense? Merit. Objective standards level the playing field and remove this garbage.

In addition, America needs a Christian revival. Love, not revenge, is the solution to this bleak cultural nonsense. Tearing down statues, creating “safe spaces,” and excluding people based on skin color will not right the wrongs of the past. It’s only more evil that foments more anger and that’s especially dangerous when those being made angry are the majority.

In the critical theory calculation, one that is entirely tribal, might makes right. Have those pushing these ideas considered what that means for them? White identitarianism may be the only recompense the hated majority have to achieve respect and fair-play, but it will come at great cost. The woke haven’t considered the price they might pay. (read more)


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