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Russia collusion lies, DNC hacking lies,
impeachment lies, 2020 election lies,
COVID lies, spike protein mRNA clot shot lies,
non-pharmaceutical mitigation
lies, Ukraine lies & 2022 election lies have
taken a toll on NPR finances.
NPR is laying off 10% of their
The single most damning
video of #Entrapment on J6
See also: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/03/j6-bombshell-doj-video-shows-capitol-police-holding-open-upper-west-terrace-doors-on-jan-6-over-250-individuals-allowed-to-walk-into-capitol-by-police-then-later-arrested-and-abused/
Fictional racism or imaginary
structural racism or non-existent systemic racism
NEVER adequately explained the "race problem" in
Divide-and-conquer machinations of
fully account for our present state.
The Ontological
Incoherence of American Imperial Exceptionalism
Jingoism by any other
name still smells the same
originated during the Russo-Turkish War of
1877-1878, when many British citizens were hostile
toward Russia and felt Britain should intervene in
the conflict. Supporters of the cause expressed
their sentiments in a music-hall ditty with this
We don't want
to fight, yet by jingo if we do,
We've got the
ships, we've got the men,
We've got the
money, too!
Someone holding
the attitude implied in the song became known as a
jingo or jingoist, and the attitude itself was
dubbed jingoism.
This is ostensibly
a critical review of Arta Moeini’s recent essay
published at UnHerd: Is the West escalating the Ukraine war?
Nevertheless, its purview extends far beyond
Moeini’s isolated expression of the pervasive
fallacies my critique addresses.
Moeini’s article
emerges from the milieu of the past several weeks,
during which time we have observed a pronounced
rhetorical revolution in the popular western
narratives regarding the NATO/Russia war in Ukraine.
cause” is in the air. Many who have privately
known this to be the case for some time have
finally been sufficiently emboldened to publicly
embrace the obvious – albeit reluctantly, and
often with a good measure of rationalization and
lingering misinformation in tow.
To be clear, I
found Moeini’s essay a worthwhile read;
thought-provoking on multiple levels – although not
always in the way I suspect he intended. And I more
or less agree with the majority of his observations
of matters as they currently stand.
But as the poet
well-noted, “you don’t need a weatherman to know
which way the wind blows.”
Nor does it require
an aspiring think-tank geopolitical “expert” to
inform one at this juncture that the gambit to use
Ukraine as a kamikaze bomber to
mortally wound Russia has failed abysmally in
every fundamental geostrategic respect.
Indeed, it has
backfired in multiple largely unforeseen and now
irreversible ways.
More on that below.
Meanwhile, I will
address those of the author’s arguments that fail
principally due to his apparently obligatory
compulsion to echo American exceptionalist
Of course, Moeini
lives and breathes in the stultifying atmosphere of
the Washington Beltway ideological miasma. His
career aspirations are no doubt compellingly
influenced by his environment, and therefore it
comes as little surprise that he would be so pliant
to its domineering imperatives.
He imagines that he
is crafting a critique of the shortcomings of what
is sometimes called The Chicago School of
geopolitical realism, typified by the works of John
Mearsheimer. In reality he is merely finding fault
with one set of logical fallacies while embracing
its seemingly more attractive cousins:
To understand
Western decision-making and the peculiar
inter-alliance dynamics of Nato, we need a more
radical realism that takes seriously the
non-physical, psychological, and “ontological
dimensions” of security — encompassing a state
or an organisation’s need for overcoming
uncertainty by establishing orderly narratives
and identities about its sense of “self”.
The incoherence of
a call for “radical realism” in order to address the
“ontological dimensions of security” and “overcoming
uncertainty by establishing orderly narratives and
identities” clearly eludes our young author, focused
as he apparently is on the geopolitical relevance of
the “sense of self”.
That said, it is to
be expected that a mind cultivated by the current
generation of imperial academicians would be loath
to question their catechisms, foremost of which is
the conviction that the “indispensable nation” is
the one sovereign worthy to define the parameters of
a “rules-based international order” and, by virtue
of its unimpeachable self-perception, conduct the
planet to a glorious destiny.
Moeini continues:
In a recent
study for the Institute for Peace &
Diplomacy, which I co-authored, we investigated
the structural reasons that drive Ukraine’s
strategic calculus. We suggested that, as a
“regional balancer”, Ukraine took a massive risk
in defying the Russian redlines about Kyiv
explicitly rejecting Nato overtures and stopping
any military integration with the West. This was
a maximalist gambit that presupposed Western
military support and risked actively provoking
Moscow to its own strategic disadvantage.
This is a
distortion of what really happened in
Ukraine over the course of the past quarter
inherently disharmonious nation-state currently
assigned the toponym “Ukraine” on maps of Europe
is incontrovertibly an artificial construction of
relatively recent origin. The
socio-political and cultural facts underlying this
reality were ably exploited by the Germans in the
Second World War when the Nazis successfully
recruited large numbers of its western inhabitants
(primarily from Galicia) to join them in a war of
annihilation against the Poles, the Jews, and the
more numerous and prosperous “Muscovites” who
inhabited the agriculturally fertile and
substantially industrialized regions of historical
This was the polity
within the geographic region known as the
Ukraine that, beginning as early as the immediate
aftermath of the war, was systematically
cultivated by the Anglo-American western hegemon
as a disruptive force to undermine Soviet power
and influence in eastern Europe.
And in the
aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union which
occasioned the rise of the global American empire,
this was the polity that was methodically groomed to
eventually become a disposable proxy for imperial
designs which explicitly aspired to dismember Russia
and despoil its nearly limitless natural resource
Any set of
arguments aiming to dispute this interpretation of
events is demonstrably erroneous, logically
fallacious, and historically revisionist – but I
will set aside that debate for another day.
My point for now is
that Moeini’s characterization of what happened
since 2014 as Ukraine exercising its own agency to
effect a geopolitical gambit against Russia is a
tortured misrepresentation of the facts.
The reality is that
the ruling junta in Ukraine – raised to its
principality by imperial intrigues – was cunningly
seduced into believing it was uniquely capable of
becoming the tip of the empire’s spear to slay, once
and for all, the subhuman “Muscovites” who had
long-dominated the left bank of the Dnieper River,
Crimea, and the regions bordering the Black Sea.
Moeini comes close
to acknowledging this reality – apparently without
apprehending its necessary implications:
all of America’s security alliances today are
asymmetrical arrangements between the United
States and regional balancers — a class of
smaller, more peripheral regional states seeking
to balance against the dominant middle powers in
their respective regions. As a great power,
America possesses an inherent capacity to
encroach on other regional security complexes
(RSCs). In this context, it is reasonable for
regional balancers to attempt to coax and
exploit American power in the service of their
particular regional security interests.”
What he is
describing is a hegemon/vassal relationship wherein
the empire defines, measures, and imposes both the
quid and the quo
of every transaction between the parties.
In the case of
Ukraine, this pact with the devil entailed the
empire pledging to equip and train a military force
which would become the vanguard in a bold maneuver
to not only reclaim Novorossiya and Crimea for
Ukraine, but also to substantially attrit Russian
military capability; humiliate and depose the
despised Vladimir Putin, and then, as their just
reward, to assume their supposedly rightful place
among the great nations of Europe and the world.
As it were, the
emissaries of empire took their chosen Ukrainian
aspirants to the top of an exceedingly high
mountain, showed them all the kingdoms of the world,
and the glory thereof, and solemnly vowed, “All
these things will we give unto you, if you will fall
down and worship us.”
And, without
hesitation, the credulous Ukrainians replied, “Hell
yes! We’ll take that deal!”
Enticed by
disingenuous flattery and the imagined deliciousness
of the promised prize, they worshipfully knelt to
kiss the ring, and willfully blinded themselves to
the inescapable reality that their reach would
exceed their grasp.
For, as Moeini
further states:
Setting such
a lofty objective, however, effectively meant
that Kyiv could never succeed without active
Nato intervention shifting the balance of power
in its favour. By virtue of its decision,
Ukraine, along with its closest partners in
Poland and the Baltic nations, became the
classic “trojan ally” — smaller countries whose
desire for regional clout against the extant
middle power (Russia) is predicated on their
ability to persuade an external great power and
its global military network (here, the US and,
by extension, Nato) to step in militarily on
their behalf.
In this paragraph
we are greeted at the door by a glaring tautology,
only to then be treated to the first unmistakable
specimen of Moeini’s fundamental miscalculation –
and yet not his, for it has been the fundamental
miscalculation of the exceptionalist gospel since
its genesis: our dutiful author characterizes Russia
as a “middle power”.
Herein lies the key
to the entire exceptionalist fallacy.
I will expand upon
this thought further below.
Meanwhile, Moeini
continues (emphasis added):
future as a sovereign state would now hinge on
its ability to successfully
engineer an escalation.
For it
is in Kyiv’s interests to
steer Nato into becoming more
closely entangled in the war.
The essential
premise of both phrases is false – preposterously
so. If the author is not dissembling in stating
them, then he is tragically disinformed as to the
reality of events as they have transpired.
Ukraine is
not a principal actor in this movie. They are
playing the “cast of millions” part.
This is and
always has been a power struggle between the
current iteration of western empire and its
favorite nemesis: Russia. That is the context in
which it is being prosecuted, and defines the
terms upon which it will be decided.
“Escalation” was
always an essential parameter of the
empire’s calculus. The dissolution and
vassalization of continental Russia has never
ceased to be the prime directive. The
imperial suzerains simply failed to accurately
perceive that the Russians possessed escalatory
supremacy. They erroneously
imagined themselves to be the irresistible force
and dismissed the historical evidence that Russia
is the immovable object.
That increasingly
evident reality has now abruptly sobered the western
masters of war and forced them to reassess the
entire equation of the conflict.
Moeini continues:
… Ukraine
cannot defeat Russia without Nato fighting on
its side. The question now is whether the West
should allow itself to be entrapped into that
war and jeopardise the fate of the entire world
in doing so.
What he apparently
fails to comprehend is that the empire is
already entrapped – precariously
suspended between the Scylla and Charybdis of a
scorched-earth tantrum or a humiliating retreat
that will forever shatter the myth of American
military supremacy, and greatly accelerate the
transition to the historical norm of a multipolar
And yet he
In the
materialist framing of security offered by most
realists, there is little upside for America and
western Europe, and certainly no genuine
national or strategic interest, in getting
dragged into what is essentially a regional war
in Eastern Europe involving two different
nationalistic states.
I am compelled to
repeat, this is NOT “essentially a regional war in
Eastern Europe involving two different nationalistic
is NOT a principal actor in this movie. They are
playing the “cast of millions” part.
This is
and always has been a power struggle between the
current iteration of western empire and its
favorite nemesis: Russia. That is the context in
which it is being prosecuted, and defines the
terms upon which it will be decided.
Nevertheless, in
the succeeding paragraph Moeini manages to
indirectly affirm this perspective – although he
frames the issue once again in the mystifying
naïveté of his “ontological” construct:
From an
ontological standpoint, however, an
Anglo-American foreign policy establishment that
strongly “identifies” itself with US unipolarity
has been heavily invested in maintaining the
status quo, and preventing the formation of a
new collective security architecture in Europe,
which would be centred on Russia and Germany
rather than the United States.
In other words, he
frankly acknowledges that this war is, at its root,
about the preservation of the unipolar status quo –
or restated in terms I have employed for many months
now: this war is an existential
struggle between Russian sovereignty and American
imperial continuity.
Before I elaborate
on this point, I want to digress into a brief
discussion of vocabulary.
Moeini repeatedly
employs the term “ontological” in his paper. Ontological
refers to a metaphysical assessment of the nature
and meaning of being. It
relates to one’s sense of identity. It is abstract
in the extreme, inherently subjective, and
therefore susceptible to pronounced volatility.
Existential, on the other hand, is a
term referring to one’s physical continuance in time
and space. It is life reduced to its bare essence.
Although it can be employed in an abstract sense, it
is fundamentally concrete, and is instinctively
perceived as an objective quality – especially when
threatened with annihilation.
Returning again to
Moeini’s framing of Anglo-American foreign policy
within an ontological construct, I fully acknowledge
the presumed prerogatives associated with the
various vainglorious imperial narratives:
shining city on a hill”
indispensable nation”
freedom and democracy”
of the oppressed”
et cetera
Of course, all of
these expressions are variations on the more ancient
western theme of “the white man’s burden”. And all
are fundamentally jingoistic at their root. More
meaningfully, all are illusory qualities of the
empire, whose unbridled imperial avarice and moral
hypocrisy have always been insuperable stumbling
blocks to its holier-than-thou pretensions.
In any case, as it
relates to imperial foreign policy, I adamantly
assert that these ontological pretensions have never
been more than a calculated façade. The imperial
masters do not hold genuine aspirations to spread
righteousness and prosperity around the world. As
with all declining empires that preceded this one,
the imperial elite aspire to dominion as an end per
se. It is the self-satisfaction of
unquestioned primacy that is the ultimate
wellspring of all their actions – at least insofar
as the apparatus of tribute and plunder remains
adequately intact.
Therefore, in the
context of a “collective security architecture” in
Europe, it is not the alleged threat of despotic
Russian expansionism that has motivated imperial
actions, but rather the thought that the Europeans
themselves would agree to a mutually satisfactory
multilateral security arrangement, and then firmly
request that the Americans finally take all their
military toys and go home.
Concerningly, it
has become increasingly evident that the empire
would rather rule over the ashes and rubble of
Europe than permit its constituent nations to
reclaim their sovereignty on their own terms, and by
their own volition.
To reign is
worth ambition though in hell:
Better to
reign in hell, than serve in heaven.
Moeini correctly
observes that the empire’s most acute concern in
recent years had been the discernible advance of
Russo-German reconciliation and economic
collaboration. Going back over a century, this
prospect has always been understood as the single
greatest threat to Anglo-American dominance of the
western world, and hence a development that must be
arrested before it can ever gain momentum.
He then accurately
characterizes the empire’s stratagem to nip
Russo-German partnership in the bud:
… the
US establishment has worked to destroy any
possibility of a Berlin-Moscow axis forming by
aligning itself with the Intermarium bloc of countries
from the Baltic to the Black Sea, repeatedly
opposing (and openly threatening) Nord Stream
gas pipelines, and deliberately rebuffing
Russian insistence on a neutral Ukraine.
The historical
naïveté and impaired foresight of this imperial
machination is a topic for another discussion.
Suffice it for now to say it betrays an abject
ignorance of the centuries-old frictions and
volatile alignments of the disparate Slavic nations
comprising the region in question.
As the
often-prophetic Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote during the 1877-1878
Russo-Turkish War which contested the southern
portion of the Intermarium:
themselves, these lands will forever quarrel,
forever envy each other, and intrigue against
each other.
In any event, the
empire successfully enticed most of the Intermarium
to seek its identity with the rest of the western
European vassals – with Poland, Ukraine, and the
Baltic chihuahuas being most in thrall to the
imagined bonanza.
While seemingly
blind to the inevitable calamity for the Kiev
regime, Moeini obliquely touches upon the cynical
reality of how the empire designed to exploit
Ukraine to further its own hegemonic goals:
In relation
to Ukraine, the initial objective for an
ideological Western alliance that is skewed
toward “shared values”, as Nato has become with
the dissolution of the USSR, was to turn that
country into a Western albatross for Russia, to
bog down Moscow in an extended quagmire to
weaken its regional power and influence, and
even to encourage regime change in the Kremlin.
Once again, Moeini
inadvertently reveals his bias towards the delusions
of western policy makers in relation to their
ill-conceived Mother of All Proxy Armies gambit
in Ukraine. But rather than crafting anew a
response to this reference to the “best-laid
plans” of the not-quite-geniuses in the Pentagon,
Whitehall, Langley, and Foggy Bottom, I will cite
a few paragraphs from my maiden commentary on this war:
I initially
believed NATO military leaders must have had a
sober view, far in advance, that their
half-million-strong, well-armed,
trained-to-NATO-standards Ukrainian proxy army had
almost no chance of prevailing on the field of
battle against Russia.
But watching
drone video of Ukrainian fortifications has
convinced me the US military brain trust
effectively disdained the Russian military, and
its commanders, in the course of their
eight-year-long preparation of the eastern
Ukrainian battlefield.
Their vanity
persuaded them the Russians would mindlessly smash
themselves to pieces against an entrenched
well-armed force.
Indeed, they were
so confident of the genius of their plan that they
persuasively encouraged many hundreds of
now-killed or captured NATO veterans to “share in
the glory” of humiliating the Russians and
bringing down the Putin regime once and for all.
They deluded
themselves into believing the Russians lacked
strategic and logistical acumen, a sufficiently
well-trained force, and – arguably the biggest
miscalculation of all – sufficient stockpiles of
ammo to conduct a protracted high-intensity
In short, I have
come to believe US/NATO commanders actually
persuaded themselves that this “Mother of All
Proxy Armies” had an excellent chance to soundly
whip the Russians in a battle situated in their
own back yard.
In other words,
they disregarded centuries of European history
that they somehow convinced themselves had no
relevance to their 21st century aspirations to
defeat Russia militarily and take a great spoil of
its resources.
From Napoleon to
Hitler to the amorphous contemporary entity I have
dubbed the Empire At All Costs cult,
the would-be imperial overlords have fantasized a
Russia that is intellectually, organizationally,
culturally, and – most consequentially –
militarily inferior to its enlightened
western cousins. And in every instance it has been
proven to be a catastrophic miscalculation.
And yet here we are
Moeini then
proceeds to muse tendentiously over the
possibilities of the empire somehow finding a way to
snatch victory from the inexorable jaws of defeat.
First he imagines
that continued deliveries of western weapons to
Ukraine can freeze the conflict in a state of
attritional stalemate from which some fashion of
geopolitical victory can be forged. Apparently he is
among those bewitched by the pervasive myths of
two-hundred thousand Russian dead and thousands of
units of destroyed armor, vehicles, and artillery –
not to mention an allegedly impotent and
all-but-invisible Russian Air Force whose radically
diminished fleet of antiquated Soviet-era aircraft
is barely combat capable; far beneath the supposedly
lofty standards of the legendary western air
He, like so many in
the overcrowded ranks of ostensibly “prudent and
measured” western “experts”, seems to envisage rank
upon rank of demoralized, under-trained,
under-equipped, under-clothed, under-fed Russian
conscripts trembling in frigid terror that yet
another in a fictionally inexhaustible series of
fearsome HIMARS strikes is about to blast them and
their emaciated comrades to smithereens.
In a final leap of
ludicrousness, he moots the consequences of even
further western escalation in the form of
longer-range missiles and F-16s which just might
permit the Ukrainians to drive the depleted Russian
forces out of the Donbass, and even eventually
deliver Crimea from its Russian occupiers.
Consistent with the
ontological imperatives of a perspective rooted in
unquestionable imperial rightness and might, he
cannot conceive that direct NATO intervention could
result in catastrophic defeat at the hands of the
“obviously inferior” Russian conventional military,
but only finds himself capable of fretting over the
possibility that, for Russia, the prospect of
conventional military humiliation:
… would
dramatically increase the likelihood of a
nuclear event, given how Moscow regards
protecting its strategic stronghold in the Black
Sea as an existential imperative.
There are, as I
have noted above and elsewhere, true existential
imperatives at work in this conflict – for both
Russia and the empire. But the essential difference
is that Russia entered into this conflict cognizant
of that reality, and – contrary to the misinformed
delusions of almost everyone in the west – the
Russians were much better prepared to
prosecute a protracted conventional conflict than
all of the atrophied NATO militaries
And now, after a
full year of the most high-intensity European war
since 1945, the Russian economy is effectively on a
war-footing. Latent Soviet-era armaments factories
have been running round-the-clock shifts for months
already, producing every type of weaponry the prior
year of combat has proven to be most effective, and
in quantities western military planners can only
dream of.
Russian war-time
production levels coupled with its now nearly mature
half-million-strong mobilization of reservists —
virtually all of them as yet uncommitted on the
battlefield — projects the tableau of a Russian
military substantially more potent
than it was just one year ago, and growing
stronger with each passing month. Anyone who
continues to believe otherwise has simply been
comprehensively propagandized by the pervasive
western intel psyop that has operated on the
cynical principle that:
“If you
can’t win a real war, win an imaginary one.”
That works
satisfactorily well so long as the narrative can be
persuasively perpetuated. But imaginary troops,
equipment, and ammunition do not win real wars.
Meanwhile, anything
that could have been characterized as “surplus” NATO
stores is all but exhausted. Oh, to be sure, there
have been recent announcements of new mountains of
NATO armaments to be shipped to Ukraine – hundreds
of incomparable western main battle tanks, infantry
fighting vehicles, mobile artillery platforms, and a
long list of other supposedly war-winning sundries.
The Arsenal of
Democracy is just beginning to flex its muscles!
Or so the story
However, upon
closer examination, the “mountain” of awesome
western stuff is revealed to be little more than a
modest molehill of mostly antiquated equipment,
along with woefully deficient quantities of
additional ammunition.
To make matters
worse, in the ensuing weeks, what was initially
touted as hundreds of main battle
tanks has become only a few dozen, most of them
long out-of-service and requiring extensive repair
to render them combat capable.
The “Arsenal of
Democracy” is not a massive muscle waiting to be
flexed in the eyes of an easily shocked and awed
global public. It is a mirage.
As I described the
situation in a succinct commentary published
three weeks ago:
US military is not built nor equipped for
protracted high-intensity conflict. Nor can it
supply a depleted proxy army with the means to
prosecute a protracted high-intensity
incontrovertible reality is that the US and its
NATO allies are presently incapable of supplying
the massive material demands of modern industrial
warfare, as Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Alex
Vershinin articulated so well in this essential
June 2022 analysis: The Return of Industrial Warfare.
And yet the
public discussion of potential war always includes
convinced voices proclaiming that, just like in
the Second World War, US industry could very
rapidly ramp up to produce armaments of surpassing
quality, and in overwhelming quantities.
This titillates
the biases of American exceptionalists in general,
and is a particularly seductive fantasy of the #EmpireAtAllCosts cult drones
propagandizing for filthy lucre at the countless
armaments-industry-funded “think tanks” in
Washington and London.
But the notion
that the rapidly declining empire can resurrect
the Arsenal of Democracy band for
one final farewell tour is a singularly
delusional vanity.
see, for all its massive plunder of the public
purse, the US armaments industry is
effectively a modestly scaled high-end
Even more
significantly, in a development I and many others
have predicted for several years now – in the face
of almost universal ridicule, I might add – the
empire’s seemingly endless string of hubris-driven
blunders has rapidly accelerated the formation of
what is quite arguably the single most potent
military / economic / geostrategic alliance seen in
modern times: the tripartite axis of Russia, China,
and Iran.
In its misguided
and short-sighted gambit to thwart the long-dreaded
Russo-German rapprochement — incomprehensibly
punctuated by the late September 2022 sabotage of
the Nordstream gas pipelines — the empire has
astoundingly managed to jump from the frying pan of
a regional proxy war against Russia into the fire of
a global conflict all three of its steadily
strengthening adversaries now view as existential.
In my
considered opinion, this is almost certainly the
single most inexplicable and portentous series
of geopolitical blunders in recorded history.
For the time being,
the fighting will remain confined to Ukraine. But
the entire complexion of this war has been
irreversibly altered.
Moeini then
proceeds to wax tendentiously verbose about the
compulsions of “ontological insecurity” under which
the empire and its heretofore thoroughly
indoctrinated vassals are now laboring on account of
Russia having acted in direct contravention of the
dictates of the “rules-based international order”.
He adopts an
almost-Hofferesque “true believer” affectation as he
characterizes America as an “ideological great
power”. In a Manichaean rapture, he implicitly
asserts that the greatness of the current hegemonic
order is a direct byproduct of the “humanitarianism
and democratism” he imagines to be at its core.
He bemoans his
conviction that the “compulsion toward escalation”
derives directly from an unforgivably aggressive
Russia that has disrupted the “unified sense of
order and continuity in the world.”
He then concludes
with this remarkable rhetorical flourish:
As we begin
the second year of the war, it has finally
dawned on many in Washington that the likely
outcome of this tragedy is stalemate: “We will
continue to try to impress upon [the Ukrainian
leadership] that we can’t do anything and
everything forever,” one senior Biden
administration official said this week. For all
the talk of Ukrainian agency, that agency
depends entirely on Nato’s commitment to
continue to support Kyiv’s war effort
indefinitely. Such a maximalist desire for
“complete victory” is not only highly
attritional and suggestive of yet another
endless war, but it is also reckless; its very
success could trigger a nuclear holocaust.
Moscow has
already paid a high price for its transgressions
in Ukraine. To prolong the war at this point in
an ideological quest for total victory is both
strategically and morally questionable. For many
liberal internationalists in the West, the
clamour for a “just peace” that is sufficiently
punishing to Russia suggests little more than a
thinly-veiled desire to impose a Carthaginian
peace on Moscow. The West has indeed wounded
Russia; now it must decide if it wants to let
this wound fester and conflagrate the entire
world. For unless Moscow is provided with a
reasonable off-ramp that recognises Russia’s
status as a regional power with its own
existential imperatives of strategic and
ontological security, that is the precipice
towards which we are heading.
It is a
breathtaking encapsulation of the analytical
transgressions of this archetypal expression of
American imperial exceptionalism.
I shall respond to
the most noteworthy among them:
The “likely
outcome” of this war is not
“stalemate”. Rather, it is the all-but-certain
scenario of Russia effectively annihilating the
hybrid NATO/Ukrainian military force clinging to
existence along the current line of contact, and
then dictating new borders consistent with Russia’s
conception of satisfactory “strategic depth”.
The notion that the
US/NATO can “continue to support Kyiv’s war effort
indefinitely” is a delusional conceit. As I have
written above and elsewhere:
The US
military is not built nor equipped for
protracted high-intensity conflict. Nor can it
supply a depleted proxy army with the means to
prosecute a protracted high-intensity conflict.
Escalating the
degree of US intervention in this war is not
reckless because it risks backing the Russians
into a corner from which they
will feel compelled to use nuclear weapons, but
rather because, in the face of catastrophic NATO
losses on the ground and in the air of a
conventional conflict, the United
States government could very well find
itself so desperately humiliated that it will
yield to the enticings of the Empire
At All Costs cult to sally forth boldly
into the nuclear abyss.
Moeini imagines
that “Moscow has already paid a high price for its
transgressions in Ukraine.”
To be sure, Russia
has suffered losses in this war. Aggregating all the
major components of the Russian military effort so
far (Russian regulars, Donbass militia, Wagner PMC,
and Chechen volunteer regiments), the Russians have
very conceivably incurred as many as twenty-five
thousand killed, and twice that wounded.
On the other side
of the balance, it is now a near-certainty that the
Armed Forces of Ukraine have suffered over
two-hundred thousand killed, and at
least twice that many irrecoverably wounded.
It is
Ukraine that has paid a high price for the
transgressions of the empire in its futile
attempt to mortally wound Russia!
Utilizing a
resolute “economy of force” strategy for an entire
year — on both the offensive and the defensive — the
Russians have exacted the most disproportionate
casualty ratio of any major war in modern times.
Contrary to the
propaganda-driven hallucinations of the overwhelming
majority of western military analysts — as well as a
surprisingly large number of Russian critics of
Putin, the Kremlin, and the Russian Ministry of
Defense — I remain thoroughly persuaded that future
historians and war college professors will acclaim
the past year of Russian military operations as the
most impressive large-scale campaign of urban combat
ever witnessed. It will be admiringly studied for
centuries to come.
Meanwhile, as many
as a half-million Russian combat effectives remain
uncommitted in the theater — a mixture of battle
veterans and mobilized reserves. They have been
abundantly equipped with the finest armor, vehicles,
and firepower yet fielded on the Russian side in
this war.
Over 700 fixed-wing
and rotary aircraft are dispersed within striking
distance of the front.
Russian armaments
production has proven all the imperial think-tank
naysayers wrong. They have mobilized their latent
but massive manufacturing capacity to such an
impressive extent that it would take the west at
least five years, and more likely a
decade, to “catch up”.
unadorned truth of the matter is that the US/NATO
simply cannot and most assuredly will not win this war.
Moeini concludes
his treatise by musing that “unless Moscow is
provided with a reasonable off-ramp that recognises
Russia’s status as a regional power with its own
existential imperatives of strategic and ontological
security”, the world stands on the brink of a
nuclear holocaust.
He correctly fears
a nuclear calamity, but misattributes the source of
the risk.
It is the
empire that desperately needs an off-ramp at this
point. The imperial potentates imagined up for
themselves a world in which they commanded the
sole “great power” on the planet. In casually
dismissing the relative strength of the
civilizational powers whom they have converted
into mortal foes — Russia, China, and Persia — they have now consigned western
civilization to an ontological and existential
crisis of their own creation. (read
10 myths told by Covid
experts — now debunked
In the past few weeks,
reports published by highly respected researchers
have exposed a truth about public health officials
during Covid.
#1: Natural immunity offers little protection
compared to vaccinated immunity
A Lancet study
looked at 65 major studies in 19 countries on
natural immunity. The researchers concluded that
natural immunity was at least as effective as the
primary Covid vaccine series.
In fact, the
scientific data was there all along — from 160
studies, despite the findings of these studies
violating Facebook’s “misinformation” policy.
Since the Athenian
plague of 430 B.C., it has been observed that those
who recovered after infection were protected against
severe disease if reinfected. That was also the
observation of nearly every practising physician
during the first 18 months of the Covid pandemic.
Most Americans were
fired for not having the Covid vaccine already had
antibodies that effectively neutralised the virus,
but they were antibodies that the government did not
#2: Masks prevent Covid transmission
Cochran Reviews are
considered the most authoritative and independent
assessment of evidence in medicine. And one
published last month by a highly-respected Oxford
research team found that masks had no significant
impact on Covid transmission.
When asked about
this definitive review, CDC Director Dr Rochelle
Walensky downplayed it, arguing that it was flawed
because it focused on randomised controlled studies.
But that was
the greatest strength of the review! Randomised
studies are considered the gold standard of medical
evidence. If all the energy used by public health
officials to mask toddlers could have channelled to
reduce child obesity by encouraging outdoor
activities, we would be better off.
#3: School closures reduce Covid transmission
ignored the European experience of keeping schools
open, most without mask mandates. Transmission rates
were no different, evidenced by studies conducted
Spain and Sweden.
#4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common
than from the infection
Public health
officials downplayed concerns about vaccine-induced
myocarditis — or inflammation of the heart muscle.
They cited poorly designed studies that
under-captured complication rates. A flurry of
well-designed studies said the opposite. We now know
that myocarditis is six to 28-times more common
after the Covid vaccine than after the infection
among 16- to 24-year-old males. Tens of thousands of
children likely got myocarditis, mostly subclinical,
from a Covid vaccine they did not need because they
were entirely healthy or because they already had
#5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster
Boosters reduced
hospitalisation in older, high-risk Americans. But
the evidence was never there that they lower Covid
mortality in young healthy people. That’s probably
why the CDC chose not to publish their data on
hospitalisation rates among boosted Americans under
50, when they published the same rates for those
over 50.
Ultimately, White
House pressure to recommend boosters for all was so
intense, that the FDA’s two top vaccine experts left
the agency in protest, writing scathing articles on
how the data did not support boosters for young
#6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates
President Biden and
other officials demanded unvaccinated workers,
regardless of their risk or natural immunity, be
fired. They demanded that soldiers be dishonourably
discharged and nurses be laid off in the middle of a
staffing crisis. The mandate was based on the theory
that vaccination reduced transmission rates — a
notion later proven to be false. But after the broad
recognition that vaccination does not reduce
transmission, the mandates persisted, and still do
to this day. A recent study from George Mason
University details how vaccine mandates in nine
major U.S. cities had no impact on vaccination
rates. They also had no impact on Covid transmission
#7: Covid originating from the Wuhan Lab is a
conspiracy theory
Google admitted to
suppressing searches of “lab leak” during the
pandemic. Dr Francis Collins, head of the NIH,
claimed (and still does) he didn’t believe the virus
came from a lab. Ultimately, overwhelming
circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak origin
— the same origin suggested to Dr Anthony Fauci by
two very prominent virologists in a January 2020
meeting he assembled at the beginning of the
pandemic. According to documents obtained by Bret
Baier of Fox News, they told Drs Fauci and Collins
that the virus may have been manipulated and
originated in the lab, but then suddenly changed
their tune in public comments days after meeting
with the NIH officials. The virologists were later
awarded nearly $9 million from Fauci’s agency.
#8: It was important to get the 2nd vaccine dose
3 or 4 weeks after the 1st dose
Data was clear in
the Spring of 2021, just months after the vaccine
rollout, that spacing the vaccine out by three
months reduces complications rates and increase
immunity. Spacing out vaccines would have also saved
more lives when Americans were rationing a limited
vaccine supply at the height of the epidemic.
#9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is “crystal
Dr. Ashish Jha
famously said this, despite the bivalent vaccine
being approved using data from eight mice. To date,
there has never been a randomised controlled trial
of the bivalent vaccine. In my opinion, the data are
crystal clear that young people should not get the
bivalent vaccine. It would have also spared many
children myocarditis
#10: One in five people get long Covid
The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention claims that 20% of
Covid infections can result in long Covid. But a
U.K. study found that only 3% of Covid patients had
residual symptoms lasting 12 weeks. What explains
the disparity?
It’s often normal
to experience mild fatigue or weakness for weeks
after being sick and inactive and not eating well.
Calling these cases long Covid is the medicalisation
of ordinary life.
What’s most amazing
about all the misinformation conveyed by CDC and
public health officials, is that there has been no
apologies for holding on to their recommendations
for so long after the data became apparent that they
were dead wrong. Public health officials said “you
must” when the correct answer should have been
“we’re not sure.”
Early on, in the
absence of good data, public health officials chose
a path of stern paternalism. Today, they are in
denial of a mountain of strong studies showing that
they were wrong.
At minimum, CDC should
come clean and the FDA should add a warning label to
Covid vaccines, clearly stating what is now known. A
mea culpa
by those who led us astray would be a first step to
rebuilding trust. (read
Garland Gives Curious
Explanation About Why Mexican Cartels Aren't
Classified as Terrorists
Testifying in front of
the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, Attorney
General Merrick Garland was asked by Republican
Senator Lindsey Graham whether he would support
reclassifying Mexican drug cartels as terrorists in
order to more forcefully address their crimes against
While Garland said
he wouldn't oppose the reclassification, he warned
it may cause diplomatic problems with the Mexican
Interesting, why would that be? Because many Mexican
government officials are in bed with the cartels and
benefit handsomely from their billions made through
drug and human trafficking to the United States.
In January, Republican Congressmen Michael Waltz and
Dan Crenshaw, both veterans, introduced
legislation that would allow for the
use of military force against Mexican cartels.
“The situation at
our southern border has become untenable for our law
enforcement personnel largely due to the activities
spurred by the heavily armed and well financed
Sinola and Jalisco cartels,” Waltz released in a
statement at the time. “It’s time to go on offense.
Not only are these paramilitary transnational
criminal organizations responsible for killing an
unprecedented number of Americans, but are actively
undermining our sovereignty by destabilizing our
border and waging war against U.S. law enforcement
and the Mexican military. An AUMF would give the
President sophisticated military cyber,
intelligence, and surveillance resources to disrupt
cartel operations that are endangering Americans.
The U.S. was successful in assisting the Columbian
government dismantle cartels in the 1990s and must
do the same now.”
“The cartels are at war with us–poisoning almost
80,000 Americans with fentanyl every year, creating
a crisis at our border, and turning Mexico into a
failed narco-state,” Crenshaw added. “It’s time we
directly target them. My legislation will put us on
a war footing against the cartels by authorizing the
use of military force against them. We cannot
continue to allow heavily armed and deadly cartels
to destabilize Mexico and import people and drugs
into the United States. We must start treating them
like ISIS–because that is who they are.”
During a hearing on
Capitol Hill Tuesday, a mother who lost her two boys
to accidental fentanyl poisoning begged lawmakers to
treat the influx of the drug "like a war."
Chicago Mayor Lori
Lightfoot blames election loss on racism, gender
Democratic Chicago
Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed racism and her gender
for her landslide
defeat in her re-election bid, as Chicagoans weary of
the rising crime on her watch celebrated her fall
from “political rock star to rock bottom.”
“I’m a black woman
in America. Of course,” she replied when asked by a
reporter if she had been treated unfairly.
But she called
being Chicago’s mayor “the honor of a lifetime.”
“Regardless of
tonight’s outcome, we fought the right fights and we
put this city on a better path,” Lightfoot said, as
she urged her fellow mayors around the US not to
fear being bold.
Amid heavy
criticism for the crime wave, homelessness and other
troubles plaguing the city, the mayor
had also injected race into the run-up to the
“I am a black woman
— let’s not forget,” Lightfoot, 60, told the New
Yorker in a piece that ran Saturday. “Certain folks,
frankly, don’t support us in leadership roles.”
The Chicago Tribune
called her loss a “political embarrassment” and
argued that crime “skyrocketed” on her watch.
campaigned for mayor in 2019 by arguing crime was
too high, saying she wanted to make Chicago the
‘safest big city in the country,’” the Tribune said
in its analysis of how she went from “political rock
star to rock bottom.”
“But homicides,
mostly from gun violence, spiked dramatically in
2020 and 2021 from 500 murders in 2019 to 776 and
804 in the next two years, respectively. Shootings
and carjackings also skyrocketed.”
Violent crime in
the city spiked by 40% since she promised during her
inaugural address to end the “epidemic of gun
violence that devastates families, shatters
communities, holds children hostage to fear in their
own homes,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
The paper
attributed some of her woes to bad timing — due to
the pandemic and civil unrest following the murder
of George Floyd in May 2020.
“She almost
embraced playing the heavy, shutting down the
lakefront and admonishing people to stay home. It
played into her dictatorial personality, inspiring
an avalanche of hysterical memes the mayor was smart
enough to embrace,” the paper said.
Chicago City
Alderman Anthony Beale said that for Lightfoot, it
was “‘My way or the highway’ coming out of the
“Trying to destroy
people instead of trying to work with people.
Politics is a game of addition. It’s not a game of
subtraction. All she did was subtract from Day One,”
Beale told the Sun-Times.
“Coming out of the
gate at inauguration, she tried to embarrass the
entire City Council as being this corrupt body, and
she was here to save the day. But it turns out she
was the least transparent, least productive, least
cooperative administration I have ever seen in my
Diana Dejacimo, who
was robbed at gunpoint in December in the upscale
neighborhood of Lincoln Park, said good riddance.
“I believe that
people have just had enough,” Dejacimo
said Wednesday morning on “Fox & Friends
First.” “My message has been, ‘Go out and change.’
Regime change is the only way we’re going to fix
this, and I think this was a loud and clear message
that this woke agenda is not working for Chicago.”
Dejacimo said the
crime surge was her prime concern in casting her
“We have two very
different approaches now of the two guys that are
having the runoff,” she said. “One is very much
police protection and support the police and the
other one is more of a defund the police and
self-rule. So we’ll see how it turns out, but I’m
glad the city spoke out and said no more Lori
Meanwhile, business
owner Sam Sanchez said the crime wave was hurting
the city’s economy and suggested that Lightfoot’s
loss will spur additional investment.
“We’re looking for
businesses to come back,” Sanchez said on the show.
“We’re headed in the right direction… the idea of
coming to the city and being afraid should not be
the reason you don’t come in.
“We definitely have
to address the prosecution and accountability of the
crime,” he added.(read
See also: Bye
Beetlejuice And Cheap Money
See also: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/they-do-not-want-peace-and-so-you-need-prepare-horrific-global-war
think that less educated and lower-skilled
immigrants would be easier to manage, and this
explains why powerful elites have schemed so hard
to open America’s borders to the entire world.
There may be some truth to this, and I would not
be quick to discount it as a possible factor. Yet
it seems more likely that powerful
and influential Jews — such as Emmanuel Celler,
Chuck Schumer, and many others – have worked
tirelessly to make America less White for the
past seventy years primarily for ethnic
Jews tend to view White racial
solidarity as a bad thing, a threat to their
ethnic and religious survival and their main
enemies in the struggle for power in America.
Is it any wonder why the current U.S. Attorney
General who also happens to be Jewish, Merrick
Garland, has publicly declared “white supremacy”
as America’s greatest threat? In a speech given at
the Justice Department, he stated:
In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent
extremist threat comes from racially or
ethnically motivated violent extremists,
specifically those who advocate for the
superiority of the white race (June 15, 2021).
In their minds, Jews want to prevent
another repeat of state-sponsored violence
against Jews perpetrated by the ethnically and
culturally homogeneous Germans. A most effective strategy of theirs
against “white supremacy,” then, is to flood the
nation with non-Whites. It’s reasoned that if
racial demographics within the U.S. reflect more
of the third world than of the Northern European
Continent, Jews will be safer. They will
be one minority group among many others. This will
also prevent Jews from being so noticeable and
possibly from being directly targeted by Whites
who might want to preserve the racial and ethnic
makeup of their country.
Jews can’t come out in the open and
admit this, of course, so they cloak their true
intentions by claiming that it’s being done to
help the poor, weak and disadvantaged peoples of
the world. They want to promote justice
among the nations by means of a Talmudic teaching
referred to as ‘Tikkun
Olam’ (“repair the world”). They want to
help the sojourner, the ‘stranger’ who yearns for
freedom. They argue that this is only right since
they were themselves once strangers in Egypt. It’s
a ruse that many gullible non-Jews, including many
ordinary Jews themselves, fall for.
Yet, once again, Jews have
taken a leading role in fomenting immigration
policies that are disastrous toward White
Americans. Not so surprisingly, the very
immigration schemes that Jews push for the U.S.
are ones they would never
push for Jews in Israel. This only makes
sense when one understands their reasons, the
lies behind them, and the complete hypocrisy of
it all.
Thus, when Schumer pushes for amnesty
on behalf of millions of illegal aliens
(comprising mostly of Mexicans, Hondurans, El
Salvadorians, and other groups illegally living
in the U.S.), he is being disingenuous at best.
He realizes, I think, that there’s a
growing suspicion among many White Americans that
they are being uniquely targeted for
discrimination and racial hostility by their own
government. Racial questions that only seven years
earlier would not have been entertained by most
Whites are now being openly discussed by a growing
number of them. Along with skyrocketing levels of
violent crime, including soaring inflation rates,
the mood of the country is beginning to change.
Liberal social policies have proven costly and
utterly disastrous throughout Blue states.
The stage, it appears, is being set
for what may be a great and
inevitable backlash that will likely be led by
Whites who oppose ‘the Great Replacement.’ Many
Whites are no longer afraid of openly discussing
secession and there is a growing disgust among
them over widespread corruption in Washington. This deeply concerns Jews like Schumer
who are pushing full steam ahead for a mass
amnesty that’s destined to racially and
culturally displace White Americans even
a nation comprised of a non-White majority along
with a racially neutered White minority would
hardly threaten Jewish power. The kinds of
liberal-left social policies that most Jews vote
for would largely go unopposed (even more so than
they do now). Government policies deemed
beneficial to Jewish interests — especially if
‘anti-Semitism’ were completely outlawed — would
find little if any resistance.
Senator Schumer may argue that he
wants illegals to become citizens to ensure an
adequate work force, but never mentions the idea
that workers could come to the U.S. on a
contract basis, often for a defined period, and
then return to their homelands after the
contract ends, as Israel
does, thereby preventing the workers from
becoming citizens. This would be seen as
racist in the extreme.
he really wants is more Democrat voters who will
overwhelm any Republican opposition. Granted,
illegal aliens can still vote because of lax voter
ID restrictions in some states. Yet, by granting a
mass amnesty for illegals with full voting rights
and citizenship, any hesitation on their part
would be removed. There is little doubt who most
of the illegals would be voting for and what kinds
of government policies they will support.
it’s true that a larger segment of the Hispanic
population in America voted for Trump in 2016 than
expected, most Hispanics voted just as Democrats
thought they would. This trend may change in
future elections (and there are some promising
indicators it will), but for now most Hispanics
remain committed to voting Democrat.
Schumer argues that Americans
are simply not reproducing and, therefore, the
U.S. must loosen its immigration restrictions
and allow everyone to come. It seems strange
that the Senator would be concerned over matters
of reproduction and birthrates when he has been
such a strong abortion supporter with no legal
restrictions attached to it. But, again, the man
is not being honest with the American people.
In Schumer’s beloved promised
land, Jewish birthrates are declining as well
(see Hili Yacobi-Handelsman, “Israeli
Birthrate on Decline, Government Data Shows,”
Israel Hayom, February 22, 2022). Yet,
I seriously doubt he would ever call for
non-Jews to flood Israel’s borders in order to
rectify the situation. No, such remedies are for
racially naïve Americans who have been so duped
by multicultural dogma that they imagine having
their nation flooded by low-skilled foreigners
to be a good thing.
Jew, Ben Shapiro, on his YouTube channel recently
called out Schumer for his mass amnesty proposal.
Although Shapiro raised some valid criticisms
against the New York senator, he made it clear
that he was not threatened by an America that
looks less White each and every day because
“ethnicity is not destiny,” “demography is not
destiny,” and “I don’t really care where people
come from so long as they actually reflect the
principles of the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution of the United States” (“Chuck
Schumer’s Great Replacement Theory,” Episode
1613, November 17, 2022).
Recall that Shapiro also
declared on Twitter the following: “And by the
way, I don’t give a good damn about the
so-called “browning of America.” Color doesn’t
matter. Ideology does” (June 16, 2017).
Yet Shapiro like his fellow Jew,
Schumer, would most certainly care if that same
“browning” were occurring in Israel. Suddenly,
color would matter! They certainly would care
where people came from if they were to land on
Israeli soil. And there’s little doubt
that Shapiro and Schumer would find any increasing
ethnic group in Israel other than their own to be
a direct threat to their Jewish survival. In such
a case, demography really would determine destiny!
For a people who require proof of one’s ethnicity
in order to rightfully return to their land
(“aliyah”), Shapiro’s dismissal of “color” and
“demography” prove to be less than candid and
truthful. It’s the kind of thing you say to a
Gentile audience who doesn’t know any better and
who isn’t likely to discern the hypocrisy in it.
doesn’t care what racial group immigrates to the
U.S. so long as they “reflect” the principles of
the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.
Constitution — a view that is depressingly common,
even dominant, among White American conservatives.
But how likely is this when massive numbers of
American citizens themselves either don’t care or
actively work in various ways to jettison the
rights of free speech, religious freedom, and the
Second Amendment? Seems to me that most foreign
immigrants wouldn’t care in the least about such
matters. The current mood of much of the country
wouldn’t encourage them to see our founding
documents as all that relevant or necessary. The kind of immigrants Schumer and his
cohorts seem to prefer are those who will
mindlessly vote Democrat, and who will care more
about obtaining government goodies than about
the principles established by dead White guys in
August of 1776 at Independence Hall. (read
From the Race Relations Act, hatched by the Board
of Deputies of British Jews,
to whites being
charged with incitement
to racial hatred merely for highlighting
Pakistani grooming gangs targeting teen white
girls or daring to complain about the
rampant criminality of Jamaicans (& other
Windrush people), to wholesale censorship
of anything that could cause a snowflake to feel
offended, the British have lost
their freedom of speech thanks to those we may
never mock or criticize or call
usurers or question their preposterous claim of six
George Orwell’s chilling
prediction has come true – it’s time to make a stand
The censorship of books,
statues and history is an attempt to eradicate the
past and enforce a single point of view
What is it about the past that some young people find
unbearable? After all, no one is expecting them to
live through it. Indeed, some of us who did find the
present infinitely worse. The
vandalism of Roald Dahl’s writings for children by
“sensitivity readers” to make them “suitable”, has
brought the wickedness of rewriting, or eliminating,
the past and evidence of it to the forefront of our
discourse. It would also have Dahl (with
whom I once spent an evening: shrinking violet he was
not) turning in his grave. Sadly, it
goes far beyond children’s books, and indeed books
generally: films, statues, television programmes,
indeed, whole historical ideas must now be modified
to please ill-educated and inexperienced tyros, if
they are allowed into the public arena at all. Are
we really so delicate? Why tolerate this lunacy?
Orwell, to whom the Thought Police (a term he
invented in Nineteen Eighty-Four) have yet to
apply themselves, wrote in that very novel of
a Britain in which “every record has been
destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten,
every picture has been repainted, every statue
and street building has been renamed, every
date has been altered. And the process is
continuing day by day and minute by minute.
History has stopped. Nothing exists except an
endless present in which the Party is always
have arrived at our own endless present, or
Year Zero, where the record, historical and
otherwise, is readily falsified. Its rules are designed to prevent
what that arrogant and self-regarding minority
[of Bolsheviks] who feel obliged to police and
alter the thoughts of the rest of us consider
the ultimate crime: giving offence. Most of us have spent our lives
encountering things that could, if we wallowed
in self-regard, offend us deeply. We were
trained to ignore them and get on with life.
Now, suddenly, we cannot be trusted to do
books, art, films and television programmes
must be censored or suppressed, statues taken
down as though the lives they commemorate
never happened, streets and buildings renamed
to eradicate thought criminals. Like Pol Pot,
that minority feels a moral duty to erase the
past to attain Year Zero. Sadly for us, their
main qualifications are an overbearing
self-righteousness, a profound ignorance of
history and a deep misunderstanding of the
idea of liberty that few of us share.
It is why the
former slaver Sir Edward
Colston’s statue was tipped into the
water at Bristol, why extremists at Jesus
College Cambridge (including the half-witted
Bishop of Ely) wanted the Tobias Rustat memorial
ripped out of the college chapel, and why others
want to remove the effigy of Cecil Rhodes from
Oriel College, Oxford, to punish his
colonialism. Last year the London Borough of
Haringey renamed Black Boy Lane “La Rose Lane”
after John La Rose, “a champion of black history
and equality”. None the less, the expensive new
signs – the whole exercise, including
compensating residents (none of whom wanted the
name changed) cost £186,000 – all say “formerly
Black Boy Lane”.
Cassland Road
Gardens in Hackney, named after the slave trader
John Cass, has gone, and is now Kit Crowley
Gardens after a half-Barbadian “community hero”
who experienced “poverty and racism”. A
suggestion that Brent Borough Council would
rename Gladstone Park after Diane Abbott,
because of the Gladstone family’s links with
slavery, has so far not been acted upon. Churchill’s
statue in Parliament Square is considered a
fair target for vandals because he favoured
British rule in India: defeating Hitler is a
minor consideration to historical ignoramuses.
Elsewhere in the art world, Tate Britain is
rehanging its paintings to put women at the
centre of its display.
censors are not new. In 1807 Thomas Bowdler, a
doctor, published the first edition of The Family
Shakespeare, in which his sister
Henrietta Maria had “edited” 20 of the Bard’s
plays to remove immorality or indecency, a
task that must have given this proto-snowflake
the vapours. She removed around 10 per cent of
the text, leaving something she thought women
and children could read unsullied. Bowdler
himself took on an even saltier task,
sanitising Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman
least you could still buy the unexpurgated
Shakespeare and Gibbon if you wished [instead
of the bowdlerized versions]: the late
Georgians believed in choice. However,
in the last century there were still
suppressions: it was not until nearly 15 years
after publication that James Joyce’s Ulysses,
widely considered the greatest novel in our
language, could be bought in Britain; not until
after the war that Radclyffe Hall’s
anodyne 1927 lesbian tale The Well of
Loneliness was permitted. The Lady
Chatterley trial in 1960 finally allowed men to
contemplate allowing their wives and servants to
read that book, and changed everything. We thought we had all grown up: how
wrong we were.
a section of society with high responsibility
for preserving freedom of speech and discourse
– the trade of publishing – now willingly
sacrifices its historic principles, for which
people once risked prison, to censor books. I
know a novelist and a social scientist, both
of great standing, who cannot find publishers
prepared to put out such books as they want to
write, because of fear those works might
offend the self-righteous [Bolshevik] clique.
Even 10 years ago they would have been
published without demur.
The most
scandalous recent case is of Prof Nigel Biggar,
the Oxford academic whose book Colonialism: A
Moral Reckoning was accepted by
Bloomsbury, which then – shame be upon them –
decided not to publish. William Collins did; it
is now a bestseller (and one imagines
uncensored Dahl editions are, similarly, selling
like hot cakes, too). People
like an argument and in a free society deserve
to be allowed one: they don’t want some
affronted youth telling them they can’t read,
learn and dispute something, like the
Victorians covering up their table legs.
Prof Biggar’s
book committed the crime of stating a simple
truth: that the British Empire did good things
as well as bad. The hostility with which such a
contention is met today is deranged: it is
literally undebatable. Indeed, a
prime motivation in wiping out the past and
creating the endless present is the
determination of a young generation of British
people – ironically almost all white, and
expensively educated – to make their fellow
Britons hate themselves for their heritage.
there is much outrage to come. In the past,
our people wrote books that mocked minorities
(think of Dickens’s treatment of Fagin in Oliver Twist,
or Trollope’s of Melmotte in The Way We Live
Now, or almost anything by Carlyle.
Before long a “sensitivity reader” – someone
of a mindset incomprehensible to most of us –
will decree it best we do not read these works
at all. The climate has changed violently,
precisely because we have allowed it to.
Repeat channels
on television warn viewers they may encounter
“language and attitudes” they find offensive:
but at least, for now, these programmes are
still shown. There are no repeats of It Ain’t Half Hot
Mum, because an actor blacked up in it
(the fact that the satire’s main target was the
British Army, and its officer class, seems not
to have registered). Nor can Till Death Us Do
Part be shown, even though Johnny
Speight, its writer, was a Leftist who wished to
highlight racism through his brilliant creation,
Alf Garnett. By far the best Carry On film, Up the Khyber,
can’t appear because Kenneth Williams and
Bernard Bresslaw black up as the Khasi of
Kalabar and his henchman Bungdit Din, in mocking
the hated Raj. And Guy Gibson’s faithful
labrador in The
Dam Busters has his name bleeped out.
notion that if you don’t like it, you don’t
have to watch it is beyond our censors. Their
pompous self-righteousness about “safe spaces”
at their universities was never questioned:
their dons lived in fear of them, in case the
Stalinist Twitter mob attacked them and
destroyed their careers (which very nearly
happened to Prof Biggar, and has happened to
others, usually for criticising the lunacy of identity
politics). They inflict their
control freakery on their elders, who are
equally terrified to gainsay them.
does not bear saying often enough that these
are a small, unrepresentative minority whose
undue influence is wrecking free expression. They seek to distort and even
eliminate our past, a past they deem too
unsafe for us to encounter, and in doing so
squash the vital impulse of intellectual
curiosity. It starts with censoring a few
children’s books. If we don’t make a stand, it
will end with destroying our democratic right
to liberty, and sooner than we imagine. (read
The Military-Congressional-Industrial
Complex is the only winner.
Showdown in Ukraine
Hobbled US Turns to War
to Preserve its Waning Primacy
future of humanity will be decided on a
battlefield in Ukraine. That’s no exaggeration. The
conflict between the United States and Russia
will determine whether global economic
integration will expand within an evolving
multi-polar system or if the “rules-based order”
will succeed in crushing any opponent to its
Western-centric model. This is what’s taking
place in Ukraine today, in fact, all of the recent
government-prepared documents related to national
security identify Russia and China as the greatest
threats to US hegemony. For example, take a look
at this brief clip from the 2021 Congressional
Research Service Report titled Renewed Great Power
Competition: Implications for Defense—Issues for
The U.S. goal of preventing the emergence of
regional hegemons in Eurasia… is a policy
choice reflecting two judgments: (1) that
given the amount of people, resources, and
economic activity in Eurasia, a regional
hegemon in Eurasia would represent a
concentration of power large enough to be able
to threaten vital U.S. interests….
a U.S. perspective on grand strategy and
geopolitics, it can be noted that most of
the world’s people, resources, and economic
activity are located not in the Western
Hemisphere, but in the other hemisphere,
particularly Eurasia. In response to this
basic feature of world geography, U.S.
policymakers for the last several decades have
chosen to pursue, as a key element of U.S.
national strategy, a goal of preventing the
emergence of regional hegemons in Eurasia.”
Great Power Competition: Implications for
Defense—Issues for Congress”, US Congress)
sums up US foreign policy in a nutshell; “prevent
the emergence of a regional hegemon” at all cost.
Now check out this summary of the 2022 US National
Defense Strategy by Andre Damon at the World
Socialist Web Site:
These documents, which were not seriously
discussed in the US media, make clear the
fundamental falsehood that the massive US
military buildup this year is a response to
“Russian aggression.” In reality, in the
thinking of the White House and Pentagon war
planners, the massive increases in military
spending and plans for war with China are
created by “dramatic changes in geopolitics,
technology, economics, and our environment.”
documents make clear that the United States
sees the economic rise of China as an
existential threat, to be responded to with
the threat of military force. The United
States sees the subjugation of Russia as a
critical stepping stone toward the conflict
with China.” (“Pentagon
national strategy document targets China”,
Andre Damon, World Socialist Web Site)
two excerpts are by no means a comprehensive
summary of US foreign policy objectives, but they
are a pretty effective thumbnail sketch. Bottom
line: The war in Ukraine is not about Ukraine.
America’s clearly articulated strategic
objectives are as follows: To weaken Russia,
topple its leader, take control of its vast
natural resources and move on to containing
China. Simply put, Washington’s escalating
aggression in Ukraine is a Hail Mary pass aimed at
containing emerging centers of economic power in
order to preserve its waning position in the
global order.
is the geopolitical chess match that is being
played behind the cover of “a war against Russia’s
unprovoked aggression.” People should not be
hoodwinked by that absurd deception. This war was
concocted as a desperate attempt for the United
States to defend its flickering global hegemony
[and to restore the homeland of the Khazars].
That’s what Ukraine is really all about. It’s a
clash between the warmongering western oligarchs
who have a stranglehold on the US media and
political establishment and the emerging economies
that are using the market system to link their
resources and manufactured goods to countries
around the world through “high-speed”
infrastructure and cooperative development.
the question everyone must ask themselves is this:
Do you want to see more economic integration,
lower prices, more shared prosperity and less
war or another 80 years of onerous and arbitrary
sanctions, color-coded revolutions, regime
change operations, genocidal interventions and
bioweapon warfare (Covid-19)? Which do you
you are one of the millions of Americans who
believe that China is an enemy of the United
States. Perhaps, you are also unaware of the role
the US played in creating modern China. Here’s a
question for you: Did the US and western
corporations move their operations en masse to
China to escape the high costs of production in
the US?
answer– Yes, they did.
did they betray US workers because they didn’t
want a fair wage to interfere with their excessive
answer– Yep.
did they offshore their businesses, outsource
their product manufacturing and do everything in
their power to make themselves winners while
robbing American workers of the opportunity of
making a decent wage so they could put food on the
answer– They sure did.
who is actually responsible for the rise of China?
answer– Western corporations are responsible. If
Americans want to blame someone, blame them!
now the corporate mandarins and other elites are
unhappy with China because China will not allow
them to take control over their markets, financial
system and currency as they have in America. So
now these same cutthroat corporations want us to
fight a war with the monster that they created?
you see that? Can you see that the relentless
provocations against China have nothing to do with
US national security or US interests. We are
being led by the nose to fight and die for the
cadres of voracious western oligarchs who have
settled on China as the next target of their
grand looting operation.
let’s forget the past for a minute and focus on
the future, after all, that’s what really matters,
then, which country has a more “positive vision”
for the future: China or the United States?
you ever heard of China’s Belt and Road
Initiative, the massive, multi trillion-dollar
infrastructure plan that is the centerpiece of
China’s foreign policy? It is the biggest
infrastructure program in history and more 150
countries have invested in the plan already. It
is a development-oriented project aimed at
increasing connectivity through high-speed rail,
shipping lanes and ports, skyscrapers, railroads,
roads, bridges, airports, dams, power stations,
and railroad tunnels. By increasing the speed of
travel, China’s products and merchandise will
get to markets faster generating greater
prosperity for itself and for the other
countries involved. And, keep in mind, the BRI
will link countries around the world in a
high-speed system that will not require its
participants to follow a specific economic model
dictated by Beijing. In other words, the
Belt and Road Initiative is free market economics
without the politics. It’s a “win-win” situation
for everyone, a guarantee of mutual prosperity
absent political manipulation, coercion or
venal oligarchs that run the US can’t even
imagine a project of this scale or potential.
In fact, they can’t even pony-up enough money to
keep the trains on the rails in America. The
profits these billionaire parasites extract from
their activities invariably come from stock
buybacks, tax evasion, and other sleight-of-hand,
debt-layering ponzi-scams that benefit no one and
merely shift more of the nation’s wealth into
their own bulging bank accounts. Of course,
ripping off the country would be bad enough, but
now we see how this same class of miscreants have
settled on public health as a means for amplifying
their political power so they can impose
repressive, police-state measures that greatly
curtail the freedom of the entire population. In
short, they want absolute social control and they
aren’t going to let-up until they get it.
is the “positive vision” in this behavior?
isn’t one. America used to be a country of ideas,
ideals and vision. Now it is an oligarch-run
detension center in which all hope for the future
has been ruthlessly extinguished by a handful of
mercenary billionaires.
least, in the case of China, we can imagine a
better, more prosperous world that is
interconnected and more accessible to everyone.
But what about the United States? Are we
supposed to believe that fighting a war in
eastern Europe is going to improve our lives?
Are we supposed to believe that the only way “we
can stay on top” is by pushing everyone else
down? Are we expected to hate China and
Russia even while our own government demonizes 80
million of us for voting for the wrong
presidential candidate or for not supporting the
terrorists who burn and loot our cities or for
believing that the people in East Palestine are
more deserving of our support and assistance than
the Nazi stormtroopers in Kiev?
fact is, our leaders cannot imagine devoting
public resources to a giant interconnected
infrastructure project like BRI, because that
would mean less lucre for themselves. So, they’ve
decided to destroy it just like they destroyed
Nord Stream. Just read the press reviews on this
groundbreaking project. Western journalists can’t
find a ‘good word’ to say about it. A vast area
in the center of America was fiendishly nuked
with vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate and
isobutylene, but the western media would rather
criticize China’s ambitious BRI project than
hold their paymasters accountable. Go
same rule applies to Russia. The Biden team and
their wealthy allies don’t want closer relations
between Germany and Russia because closer
relations mean more prosperity for both countries,
and Washington can’t have that, which is why they
blew up the pipeline that was Germany’s lifeline
to cheap fuel. That’s how Washington solved the
problem. It pushed Germany and Russia down so the
US could remain on top. Who doesn’t see this?
contrast, the Belt and Road Initiative provides a
positive vision for the future, which is an idea
that the majority of the world supports. It puts
us on a path to an interconnected world in which
people can raise their standards of living, make a
meaningful contribution to their communities, and
enjoy their own culture and traditions without
fear of being sanctioned, incarcerated or bombed
to death. This is an excerpt from China’s Global
The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative
(BRI) has already become a well-received
international public good and an important
platform for international cooperation…
transcends the outdated mentality of
geopolitical games, and created a new model of
international cooperation. It is not an
exclusive group that excludes other
participants but an open and inclusive
cooperation platform. It is not just
China’s solo effort, but a symphony performed by
all participating countries….
the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was proposed
in 2013, the initiative has always been
development-oriented, and consistent
efforts have been made to ensure that it is
high-standard, sustainable and people-centered….
August, China’s goods trade with countries
participating in the BRI had reached around $12
trillion and the country’s non-financial direct
investment in those countries surpassed $140
billion. … By the end of 2021, Chinese
enterprises had invested $43 billion in the
construction of economic and trade cooperation
zones in BRI countries, creating more than
340,000 local jobs, official data showed…
is open to other countries’ and regions’
participation in the BRI and is considering
connecting with infrastructure initiatives
proposed by other nations to provide more
good-quality public goods for the world…. China
hopes to join hands with all partners to advance
the high-quality development … stressing that
China aims to strive for global connection
rather than fragmentation, for mutual
opening-up rather than shutting doors, for
mutual integration rather than zero-sum games.
(“BRI remains
open, inclusive for all, transcends the
outdated mentality of geopolitical games“,
Global Times)
is the American-led project that rivals the Belt
and Road Initiative?
isn’t one. The US allocates over $1 trillion
per year for lethal weaponry and war-making, and
trillions more to bail out the Wall Street
banksters, and trillions more to shut down all the
businesses across the country that were forced to
comply with the diktats of billionaire elites who
wanted to inject the population with their toxic
slurry, but zero for any global infrastructure
project that would peacefully bring the world’s
people closer together through commerce and
one is saying that China is perfect, at least, I’m
not. Nor do I want to live in China. I don’t. I’m
an American and I plan to die here.
Systematically Erasing America
In keeping with my tradition of telling you
truths you may not want to know, we have to discuss
the fact that leftist democrats and their Marxist
“scholars” have been systematically erasing America
for decades now and unless we stop them, there won’t
be a USA soon.
No matter what, I can tell you this for
absolute certain…the American people will either drop
everything else they are doing and unite in peaceful
solutions against the evils we face today, or the USA
is going to fall. Those who think they can save this
country by electing the right politicians, passing the
right legislation, amending the Constitution, or by
trying to build a backwoods militia to create and
commit a real act of “insurrection,” are dead wrong.
These things cannot be done today!
Like it or not, what I’m about to show you is
true. Allow me to start from today and work backwards
from there.
For well over 30-years now, I have used Noah
Webster’s 1828 First American English Dictionary when
writing about our Charters of Freedom, linking the
true meaning of words in columns that were the real
definitions at the time of the adoptions…so that every
American could understand exactly what those documents
say and mean. This is no longer possible…
Within the past 30-days or so, the REAL 1828
Webster’s Dictionary has been totally scrubbed
from the internet. Instead, THIS has
been erected in its place. Now, I have a full
complete printed version of the original 1828
dictionary, both volumes. However, I can no longer
link to a book like I could the online version and
neither can anyone else. It’s gone!
As anyone who knows contract law can confirm,
the true meaning of the words in the contract at the
time of the execution are the proper legal conditions
of the contract. In this case, the contracts are The
Declaration of Independence 1776, the U.S.
Constitution 1787, and Bill of Rights 1791. These
documents can only be properly interpreted by the
definitions in use at that time.
“This online edition has been carefully
prepared in a proprietary format. All of the words,
definitions and examples have been preserved, but
the explanations of word origins have been omitted
to make using the data in a digital format more
accessible. We have omitted Webster’s
lengthy technical introduction for the same
Systematically Erasing
America, Part 2
In my previous
piece “Systematically
Erasing America,” I explained how evil,
insidious, and destructive the longstanding practice
of changing the definitions of words is, to both the
foundations of freedom and liberty, and even the
rewriting of Holy Scripture in an overt attempt to
mislead well-intentioned citizens and believers.
Since the mass
distribution of that piece, the content at a link
provided has been altered, making it appear as
though the information provided was inaccurate. In
this piece, I explained how definitions of words were
being intentionally amended and how direct internet
access to original online definitions were being
Specifically, I
referenced the replacement of the 1828 Webster’s
Dictionary by an evangelical group and I used the
word “citizen” to demonstrate the extent and purpose
of the alterations, linking to the word in the newly
published Webster’s Dictionary.
When I placed the
link to the word “citizen” in the new amended
Webster’s Dictionary, the following words were
indeed omitted; “a freeman of a city, as distinguished
from a foreigner, or one NOT entitled to its
Today, this
sentence now appears at the same link provided.
Within a couple
days of releasing my previous piece, the new site
was updated to add the above statement that was
missing at the time I originally linked it in the
column. It appears there now.
However, this event
sent me on a deeper search resulting in the
following information. Again, as of this writing, “a freeman
of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or
one NOT entitled to its franchises” remains missing in the
online dictionaries used most often by American
Most importantly,
it is also missing from BLACKS
LAW DICTIONARY. This is a dictionary most often used to
settle disputes in every court in the USA. (This time I took
screen shots to prove that the phrase is missing
as of this writing.)
important is this issue?
By simply changing
the definition of words in reference dictionaries,
our government and their paid “scholars” have
undermined the Constitution and Bill of Rights to
the point that neither actually exists in practice
In the case of the
word “citizen,” by eliminating the most critical
part of the definition, the part that distinguishes
“legal citizens” from “non-citizens” – – who are
mere “inhabitants” allowed to reside in the USA
“illegally,” are now viewed by our legal system as
equal to “legal citizens” entitled to all of the
Rights secured for “legal citizens” alone.
This is why today,
“illegal aliens” actually have more Rights and more
access to taxpayer-funded benefits than any legal
American citizen does. It’s on this basis that democrats
are rushing to pass legislation to “legalize”
voting Rights for “illegal aliens” before the 2024
election cycle.
But far worse is
the reality that the highest political office in our
land is no longer reserved ONLY for “Natural Born
Citizens,” as required by Article
As of the 2008
elections, anyone from anywhere on earth, without so
much as an authentic U.S. Birth Certificate, can
occupy the Oval Office and serve as
Commander-in-Chief of our entire national security
agencies and U.S. Military. (This explains how
our entire national security operations have been
turned against legal American citizens since 2008,
(aka “Right-wing Extremists” and
The courts have
refused to hear any evidence of Constitutional
ineligibility for office or issue a Supreme Court
decision on the true meaning of Natural
Born Citizen. So, non-Natural Born Citizens (and soon
non-citizens) can occupy the office, and they (can)
have flooded our country with somewhere between
30-60 million “illegal aliens” that are now
considered “equal citizens” of the USA with all the
same Rights once held by legal American citizens
In short, the
altering of definitions has made it possible for our
federal government to replace legitimate legal
citizens of the USA with “illegal invaders” of the
USA, and even let them hold the highest offices in
our land.
Some states, like
California, have gone so far as to allow “illegal
aliens” to occupy law enforcement and judicial
offices, wherein those with no legal right to be
here at all, now sit in judgement of legal American
Barack Hussein
Obama has never been able to provide an authentic
U.S. Birth Certificate, because he was not born in
the USA, nor was his Father ever a legal citizen of
the USA. Obama was born in Kenya to a citizen of
Kenya. Since 2008, other “constitutionally
ineligible” people from both political parties have
run for President and Vice President. Republican
Nikki Haley is “constitutionally ineligible” by the
proper definition of Natural
Born Citizen.
But under
the amended definitions in use today, everyone on
earth is eligible.
That’s how
critically important this issue is…
So, when thinking
and complaining about how our country is being, or
has already been stolen right out from under
300-million legal Americans, all paid for by
American taxpayers, remember how easy it was to do,
by simply creating new definitions to old words, and
erasing all access to the real meaning of words in
place at the time of our Founding.
Good luck fixing
this at this late stage of utter destruction!
Goodbye America! Our country was stolen by lawyers,
scholars, and experts. By the way, our nation was
bankrupted by the same!
As of
today, our Constitution and Bill of Rights are NO
LONGER in force or effect! Let that sink in! Our
country has been carefully prepared to become a
member of the “Great Reset” global commune, while
Americans were asleep at the helm.
“Noah Webster’s
(original) 1828 American Dictionary of the English
Language was produced during the
years when the American home, church and school
were established upon a Biblical and
patriotic basis. Webster made important contributions to an
American educational system which kept the nation
a Christian Constitutional course for many years.”
Webster’s 1828 dictionary Ellen G White estate
Jews [& Christian Zionists] can never be
were in fact the first trans-Westerners. They
acquired that fake identity when they began to be
accepted as true citizens of Western nations in
the nineteenth century. Those early trans-Western
Jews were a wedge of darkness in another sense: a
wedge of evil and malice, small in size but strong
in cohesion and will-to-power. Jews began to split
Western identity with anti-White and
anti-Christian activism, then succeeded in overturning
bans on non-White immigration throughout the
West. After their success with that wedge hammered
into Western identity, they created
transgenderism, another wedge for hammering into
sexual identity. That’s why the Jew Richard Levine, a
minister for health in Joe Biden’s Jew-heavy
administration, is such a perfect symbol of
Western dissolution. Levine is both transgender
and trans-American, claiming to be both female and
American. In both cases, he’s lying. As a male, he
can’t be female; as a Jew, he can’t be American.
And just as transwomen harm the interests of real
women, so trans-Americans like Levine harm the
interests of real Americans. The sinister
trans-American Jew Alejandro
Mayorkas, so-called Secretary for Homeland
Security, is hammering the wedge of darkness even
harder into America’s White roots by massively
increasing already disastrous levels of non-White
immigration. The even more sinister trans-American
Jew Merrick Garland, US Attorney General, is waging
war on “white supremacy,” which is the
Judeo-leftist code for “white nationhood.”
trans-American Jews are proof that the harm done by
transgenderism is dwarfed by the harm done by
trans-Westernism. Indeed, while Nicola Sturgeon can
be called a Giftzwerg, a “poison-dwarf,”
trans-Western Jews like Karl
and Franz
can be called Giftriesen, or “poison-giants.”
The lunacies and lies of these long-dead Jewish
ideologues still power the war on the West. But my
hope is that leftist defeat over transgenderism will
forerun leftist defeat over trans-Westernism.
Leftists are lying when they say that men can become
women. They’re also lying when they say that
non-Whites can become Westerners. Female identity
belongs only to women and Western identity belongs
only to Whites. Not to Pakistanis or Somalis. And
certainly not to Jews.
"Indeed, the goal of Covid
conditioning is to create a population of
compliant and powerless people willing to do
whatever wretched task is asked
of them for skimpy sweatshop wages. It’s all about
money and power.
"We believe that the American
people and their institutions are under attack
and that Covd-19, BLM, and the planned
demolition of the economy are part
of a 3-pronged offensive designed to splinter
the country, rewrite its history,
enslave its people, and set the stage for an
alternate system in which the
bulk of the nation’s wealth will be controlled
by a handful of power-mad
[Khazar] Mandarins who will stop at nothing to
achieve their ambitions."
Crash the Economy, Burn
the Cities, Infect the People: The Evil Plan to
Remake America
28 July 2020
The American people are under
attack, the country is under attack, and
democracy is under attack. At present, the
enemy is conducting a three-pronged assault on
the presidency the objective of which is to
remove the existing administration and install
their own sock-puppet replacement. This has
been the goal from the very beginning although
the great swirl of events has confused many as
to the true nature of what is actually taking
place. What we are seeing is a dirty tricks
campaign (Russiagate) inflated into a
full-blown, scorched earth, winner-take-all
assault on the presidency.
Ostensibly, the target of the
attack is Donald Trump, the brash New York
real estate tycoon who was swept into office
in November 2016. The real target, however, is
the office itself, the universally-recognized
“seat of power” which the enemy believes
should remain under the control of the people
who own the country. These are the ruthless
oligarchs whose octopus-like tentacles are
wrapped around Wall Street, the MSM, the
courts, the Congress, the Democratic Party,
and powerful elements within the National
Security State. They own it all and they have
no intention of putting it up for grabs by
honoring the results of an arbitrary and
scattershot election that failed to produce
the outcome they sought.
Once again, this isn’t about
Trump, it’s about the unscrupulous people
behind the scenes who have secretly worked the
levers of power for the last 4 years in order
to roll back the 2016 elections and install
the candidate of their own choice. If the
new revelations about Obama’s
involvement in the spying operation aimed at
removing Trump from office have not yet
convinced you that senior-level officials (in
the administration, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA,
the DOJ, the DNC and MSM) were all actively
engaged in a coup on the elected government,
then you should probably stop reading this
article now and put your head back in the sand
where it belongs. This is for the people who
know how to pick through the disinformation
and figure out, in broad terms, what is
actually going on. And what’s going on is a
cold-blooded, take-no-prisoners power
struggle, pure and simple.
The Confluence of
Destabilizing Crises; Coincidence or
Calculated Treachery?
At present, the country is
beset by multiple crises: A public health
crisis (Covid-19), an economic crisis
(Ballooning unemployment and impending
Depression), and widespread social unrest. All
of these crises are real but–at the same time–
all of them are clearly being manipulated for
political advantage. The presidency is just
one of many targets in this vast operation, in
fact, the entire society is being leveled and
made-over before our very eyes. Every
institution down to public education and the
nature of work itself is being challenged,
revised and callously savaged. Our history,
our icons, our heroes, our customs and our
traditions are all under fire. We’re no longer
one people sharing a mutual culture,
background and ideology, but contemptable
slave traders and racists undeserving of basic
security, undeserving of respect, and
undeserving of even our own account of how the
country was formed, who assisted in its
creation, and upon which principles the state
was built. All of that is now being wiped
clean, erased by faceless group of scheming
elites who operate behind the smokescreen of
media propaganda, political chicanery and,
now, a “racial justice” movement.
Do you believe as I do that
most of these crises will miraculously vanish
just hours if not days after the November
balloting? Suddenly a life-saving vaccine will
appear from the ether, the legions of BLM
activists will decide to pack it in and go
home, and the economy will magically rebound
when the Dems take office promising another
round of grueling austerity followed by lavish
handouts to Wall Street. Is that too cynical
or are our rulers really devious enough to
concoct such a plan?
That question would be better
put to the tens of thousands of victims of US
barbarism around the world. They’re the ones
who understand the lengths to which these
mercenary puppet-masters will go to tighten
their grip on power to ensure that US
multinationals continue to rake in obscene
profits. As Harold Pinter opined in 2005 in
his Nobel acceptance speech:
“The crimes of the United
States have been systematic, constant,
vicious, remorseless, but very few people
have actually talked about them. You have to
hand it to America. It has exercised a quite
clinical manipulation of power worldwide
while masquerading as a force for universal
good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly
successful act of hypnosis.”
Only it’s not so witty when
the weapons are turned on Americans themselves
and we suddenly find our own tenuous existence
in the globalist crosshairs. No one really
expected that, but then, here we are.
Have you watched the
escalating street violence in Seattle and
Portland? Have you wondered why the police
have stood down while black-hooded thugs
destroy public property, topple monuments and
launch attacks on police precinct
headquarters? Have you wondered why the mayor
and media continue to applaud the hooliganism
and downplay the vast destruction to public
and private property? Is this really about
George Floyd, police brutality and racial
justice or is this a premeditated insurrection
executed by DNC shock troops aimed at
destabilizing the country in order to get rid
of Trump and usher in an authoritarian
Who is served by
BLM-generated violence and destruction? Who
benefits from Antifa? A comment by an
anonymous reader at The Unz Review summed it
up pretty well. He said:
“Antifa is supported
by the State. FBI and CIA have long term
contacts with them and they are allowed to
operate as a street militia for
Neoliberalism against people the State
actually hates. The plan was to cause a
civilian massacre to be used against Trump,
so far that has not panned out.
It is a joke. Antifa
could be rolled up in days if the State
turned against them. Antifa operates
with impunity on social media and chat
servers because the FBI views them as
friendlies. This could change if Antifa ever
did anything against the System, but for now
they are the attack dog of the Deep
There’s no doubt that the
government knows who these troublemakers are.
There’s also no doubt that the riots and
looting are part of a political agenda aimed
at spreading chaos and racial violence far and
wide in order to convince the weary public
that the country is rapidly devolving into an
ungovernable free-fire zone. Of course, the
danger for the Democrats is that they might
overshoot their goal and persuade voters that
they’re stealthily spearheading the nation’s
descent into mayhem. And that’s where the
media comes in, it’s their job to shape the
narrative by removing the Dems fingerprints
from the murder weapon. So far, the strategy
appears to be working.
In short, the widening social
unrest is not a spontaneous eruption of
pent-up indignation over the treatment of
blacks in America. It’s part of a sinister
political ploy to beat Trump and to
discredit his mainly-white, working class
supporters from the de-industrialized
American heartland that have been pummeled
by the Democrats immigration and free trade
policies for the last 30 years, and who now
represent the biggest obstacle to the
globalist plan to reduce the economy to
rubble, rewrite the nation’s history, and
reassemble the state so that balanced budgets
and the free movement of Capital are adopted
as the government’s primary organizing
principles. In other words, elites are
prosecuting a war on America to pave the way
to Capitalist Valhalla, the majestic temple of
the insatiable Monopolists.
This also explains why the
Dems are not emphasizing inclusion or
assimilation in their cynical analysis of the
BLM phenom. It’s because the Dems don’t
want inclusion or assimilation, they want to
use “identity” and “diversity” as truncheons
to batter their nationalist opponents, that
is, the working class people who used to
vote Democrat but switched sides when they
realized that the party would no longer give
them even tables scraps for their support. Keep
in mind, nationalism or patriotism (whatever
you choose to call it.) is the arch enemy of
globalism which envisions a borderless world
in which multinationals dominate and Capital
flows unobstructed to any potential source of
profit or investment around the planet. A
recent post by Paul Craig Roberts helps to
clarify the conflict between “assimilation and
diversity”. Here’s what he said:
might have worked in America if the
emphasis had stayed on assimilation and
had not been intentionally shifted to
diversity.…It was the white liberals
who destroyed the prospects of
multiculturalism by teaching blacks to hate
whites for oppressing them. And it was the
global corporations that dismantled the
ladders of upward mobility….
Multiculturalism can work
if there are no strains and no animosities,
but when strains and animosities are
intentionally created, there is no prospect
of successful multiculturalism. Antifa,
Black Lives Matter, the white liberal media,
and the white liberal Democrats and
professors are furiously at work making
certain that multiculturalism in America
fails. This means, obviously, that the
America that they hate will also fail.”
Liberals Have Destroyed the Prospects of
US Multiculturalism”, Paul Craig
He’s right, isn’t he? And
he’s also right to suggest that the Democrats
are fueling racial animosities. They’re not
feeding these polarizing feelings because they
intend to improve black lives through better
education, universal health care,
higher-paying jobs, or basic security. Oh no,
in fact they won’t even talk about these
things. It’s like they don’t even exist.
Instead, BLM, Covid-19 and the sinking economy
are being used to obliterate Trump’s prospects
for victory and prepare the American people
for the shocking economic reckoning that will
take place soon afterwards. It’s all part of
the Great Reset, an elitist scheme to
restructure the economy so more wealth flows
upward to the parasite class.
The Covid-19 Scamdemic is an
even more vile component of the 3-pronged
offensive. The “fairly mild” infection (that
kills between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every
1,000) has been greatly exaggerated by the
media to scare the public, undermine normal
relations, prevent physical intimacies, and
inflict maximum damage of the fragile psyches
of millions of people worldwide. It’s a terror
campaign aimed at isolating people so they
become more fearful, more dependent, and more
easily controlled by the monsters who
concocted this pernicious psyops. Check out
this excerpt from an article by Russ Bangs at
the Off-Guardian:
“Western civilization, led
by the US government and media, has embarked
upon a campaign of mass psychological
terrorism designed to cover for the
collapsing economy, set up a new pretext for
Wall Street’s ongoing plunder expedition,
radically escalate the police state, deeply
traumatize people into submission to total
social conformity, and radically aggravate
the anti-social, anti-human atomization of
the people…..
So far, the people are
submitting completely to a (Covid-19) terror
campaign dedicated to the total eradication
of whatever community was left in the world,
and especially whatever community was
starting to be rebuilt…Any kind of human
relations, from personal friendship and
romance to friendly social gatherings and
clubs to social and cultural movements
become impossible under such
circumstances. This threatens to be the
end of the very concept of shared
humanity..…As Hannah Arendt said in
The Origins of Totalitarianism:
‘It has frequently been
observed that terror can rule absolutely
only over people who are isolated against
each other and that therefore one of the
primary concerns of tyrannical government is
to bring this isolation about. Isolation may
be the beginning of terror; it certainly is
its most fertile ground; it always is its
result…. isolated people are powerless
by definition.” (“The
Ultimate Divide and Conquer“, The
Indeed, the goal of Covid
conditioning is to create a population of
frightened, compliant and powerless people
willing to do whatever wretched task is asked
of them for skimpy sweatshop wages. It’s all
about money and power.
We believe that the American
people and their institutions are under attack
and that Covd-19, BLM, and the planned
demolition of the economy are part of a
3-pronged offensive designed to splinter the
country, rewrite its history, enslave its
people, and set the stage for an alternate
system in which the bulk of the nation’s
wealth will be controlled by a handful of
power-mad Mandarins who will stop at nothing
to achieve their ambitions.
It will take a colossal
effort to scupper the plan.
The Plan to Wreck
America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s
much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin
faced when he became president in 2000. The entire
West is now in the grips of billionaire elites who
have a stranglehold on the media, the political
establishment and all of our important
institutions. In recent years we have seen
these oligarchs expand their influence from
markets, finance and trade to politics, social
issues and even public health. The impact
this group has had on these other areas of
interest, has been nothing short of breathtaking.
Establishment elites and their media not only
stood foursquare behind Russiagate, the Trump
impeachment, the BLM riots and the January 6
fiasco, they also had a hand in the Covid hysteria
and the host of repressive measures that were
imposed in the name of public health. What we’d
like to know is to what extent this group is
actively involved in the shaping of other events
that are aimed at transforming the American
Republic into a more authoritarian system?
other words, are the mandated injections, the
forced lockdowns, the aggressive
government-implemented censorship, the dubious
presidential elections, the burning of food
processing plants, the derailing of trains, the
attacks on the power grid, the BLM-Antifa riots,
the drag queen shows for schoolchildren, the
maniacal focus on gender issues, and glitzy
public show-trials merely random incidents
occurring spontaneously during a period of great
social change or are they, in fact, evidence of
a stealthily orchestrated operation conducted by
agents of the state acting on behalf of their
elite benefactors? We already know that the
FBI, the DOJ and the intel agencies were directly
involved in Russiagate –which was a covert attack
on the sitting president of the United States. So,
the question is not “whether” these agencies are
actively involved in other acts of treachery but,
rather, to what extent these acts impact the lives
or ordinary Americans, our politics and the
country? But before we answer that question, take
a look at this quote from from a recent interview
by Colonel Douglas MacGregor:
I was reading a document that was authored by
George Soros over 10 years ago in which he talks
specifically about this all-out war that would
ultimately come against Russia because he said
this ‘was the last nationalist state that rests
on a foundation of orthodox christian culture
with Russian identity at its core. That has to
be removed. So I think that the people who
are in charge in the west and the people in
charge in Washington think they have
successfully destroyed the identities of the
European and American peoples, that we
have no sense of ourselves, our borders are
undefended, we present no resistance to the
incoming migrants from the developing world who
essentially roll over us as though we owe them a
living and that our laws do not count. Thus, far
I would say that is an accurate evaluation of
what we’ve been doing. And I think that’s a
great victory for George Soros and the
globalists, the anti-nationalists; those
who want open borders what they call it an “Open
Society” because you end up with nothing, an
amorphous mass of people struggling to survive
who are reduced to the lowest levels of
subsistence … (Soros) even goes so far as to
talk about how useful it would be if it was east
Europeans whose lives were expended in this
process and not west Europeans who simply won’t
take the casualties. This is not a minor
matter. This is the kind of thinking that is
so destructive and so evil, in my judgement,
that that’s what we’re really dealing with in
our own countries and I think Putin
recognizes that.” (Douglas Macgregor – A
Huge Offensive”, You Tube;, 11:20 minute)
reason I transcribed this comment from MacGregor
was because it sums up the perceptions of a great
many people who see things the same way. It
expresses the hatred that globalist [ Khazar ]
billionaires have toward Christians and
patriots, both of which they see as obstacles to
their goal of a borderless one-world government.
MacGregor discusses this phenom in relation to
Russia which Soros sees as “the last nationalist
state that rests on a foundation of orthodox
Christian culture with Russian identity at its
core.” But the same rule could be applied to the
January 6 protestors, could it not? Isn’t that the
real reason the protestors were rounded up and
thrown into the Washington gulag. After all,
everyone knows there was no “insurrection” nor
were there any “white supremacists”. The
protestors were locked up because they’re
nationalists (patriots) which are the natural
enemy of the globalists. The MacGregor quote lays
it out in black and white. Elites don’t believe
that nationalists can be persuaded by propaganda,.
They must be eradicated through incarceration or
worse. Isn’t that the underlying message of
January 6?
other underlying message of January 6, is that
ordinary people are no longer allowed to challenge
the authority of the people in power. Again,
political legitimacy in the US has always been
determined by elections. What January 6 indicates,
is that legitimacy no longer matters. What matters
is power, and the person who can have you
arrested for questioning his authority, has all
the power he needs. Check out this excerpt
from a post on Substack by political analyst Kurt
“Klaus Schwab, a student of the war criminal
Henry Kissinger, is a mentor to power-hungry and
narcissistic sociopaths. The WEF “Great Reset”
is designed to turn the world into an
impoverished social concentration camp, where
destitute serfs “own nothing” and this, in true
Orwellian fashion, will set them free…
challenge people to investigate the WEF’s Global
Redesign Initiative. According to the
Transnational Institute in the Netherlands, this
“initiative” proposes
transition away from intergovernmental
decision-making towards a system of
multi-stakeholder governance. In other words,
by stealth, they are marginalizing a
recognized model where we vote in governments
who then negotiate treaties which are then
ratified by our elected representatives with a
model where a self-selected group of
‘stakeholders’ make decisions on our behalf.
(Emphasis added.)
other words, large transnational corporate
“stakeholders” will be deciding where you live,
what you eat (insects and weeds), how you
reproduce (or not reproduce; children produce
carbon emissions), and what you can “rent” from
them, or not be allowed to rent if you complain
about an unelected globalist “economic” cartel
driving humanity into serfdom, worldwide
poverty, and depopulation.” (“WEF
Calls for Destruction of America’s Middle
Class“, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics)
Nimmo is saying is that these billionaire elites
are now so powerful, that they can openly say
they’re going to “transition away from
intergovernmental decision-making” (i.e.–
representative government”) to a system of
“multi-stakeholder governance.” If I’m not
mistaken, that is a pretty unambiguous declaration
of a new form of supra-national government, in
which only the billionaire stakeholders have a
vote in what policies are implemented. But isn’t
that the way things work already? On any number of
topics from ESG, to digital currencies, to vaccine
passports, to AI, to gain-of-function research, to
15-minute cities, to transhumanism, to war with
Russia; the decisions are all being made by a
handful of people of whom we know every little and
who were never voted into office.
that brings us back to our original question: How
many of these oddball events (in recent years)
were conjured up and implemented by agents of the
deep state to advance the elitist agenda?
seem like an impossible question since it’s hard
to find a link between these dramatically divers
events. For example, what is the link between a
Drag Queen Children’s Hour and, let’s say,
firebombing a food processing plant in Oklahoma?
Or the relentless political exploitation of gender
issues and the January 6 public show trials? If
there was a connection, we’d see it, right?
necessarily, because the link might not have
anything to do with the incident itself, but
instead, with its impact on the people who
experience it. In other words, all of these events
could be aimed at generating fear, uncertainty,
anxiety, alienation and even terror. Have the
intelligence agencies launched such destabilizing
operations before?
they have, many times. Here’s an excerpt from an
article that will help you to see where I’m going
with this. It’s from a piece at The Saker titled
Operation Gladio: NATO’s Secret War for
International Fascism.” See if you notice any
similarities with the way things have been
unfolding in America for the last few years:
Yves Guerin-Serac: the Black Ops Grandmaster
behind Operation Gladio…. wrote the basic
training and propaganda manuals which can be
fairly described as the Gladio order of
was a war hero, agent provocateur, assassin,
bomber, intelligence agent, Messianic Catholic,
and the intellectual grandmaster behind the
‘Strategy of Tension’ essential to the success
of Operation Gladio. Guerin-Serac
published via Aginter Press the Gladio manual,
including Our Political Activity in what can
aptly be described as Gladio’s First
belief is that the first phase of political
activity ought to be to create the conditions
favoring the installation of chaos in all of
the regime’s structures…In our view the first
move we should make is to destroy the
structure of the democratic state under the
cover of Communist and pro-Soviet activities…Moreover,
we have people who have infiltrated these
forms of terrorism can provoke such a situation
[breakdown of the state]: blind terrorism
(committing massacres indiscriminately which
cause a large number of victims), and selective
terrorism (eliminate chosen persons)…
destruction of the state must be carried out
under the cover of ‘communist activities.’ After
that, we must intervene at the heart of the
military, the juridical power and the church, in
order to influence popular opinion, suggest a
solution, and clearly demonstrate the weakness
of the present legal apparatus. Popular
opinion must be polarized in such a way, that
we are being presented as the only instrument
capable of saving the nation.”
random violence was to be the solution to
bring about such a state of instability thus
allowing for a completely new system, a global
authoritarian order. Yves Guerin-Serac,
who was an open fascist, would not be the first
to use false-flag tactics that were blamed on
communists and used to justify more stringent
police and military control from the state….” (“Operation
Gladio: NATO’s Secret War for International
Facism”, The Saker)
the first phase of political activity ought to
be to create the conditions favoring the
installation of chaos in all of the regime’s
structures… This destruction of the state must
be carried out under the cover of (communist)
activities…. Popular opinion must be polarized
in such a way, that we are being presented as
the only instrument capable of saving the
other words, the objective of the operation is to
completely disrupt all social relations and
interaction, cultivate feelings of uncertainty,
polarization and terror, find a group that can be
scapegoated for the societal-wide collapse, and,
then, present yourself (elites) as the best choice
for restoring order.
this what’s going on?
very possible. It could all be part of a Grand
Strategy aimed at “wiping the slate clean” in
order to “transition away from intergovernmental
decision-making” to a system of “multi-stakeholder
could explain why there has been such a vicious
and sustained attack on our history, culture,
traditions, religious beliefs, monuments, heroes,
and founders. They want to replace our idealism
with feelings of shame, humiliation and guilt.
They want to erase our past, our collective
values, our heritage, our commitment to personal
freedom, and the very idea of America itself. They
want to raze everything to the ground and start
over. That is their basic Gameplan writ large.
The destruction of the state is
being carried out behind the cover of seemingly
random events that are spreading chaos,
exacerbating political divisions, increasing the
incidents of public mayhem and clearing the way
for a violent restructuring of the government.
They can’t build a new world
order until the old one is destroyed.
The Khazar
Bolshevik's global utopia will have a very, very
short half-life;
if it even gets off the ground.
Technocratic Dystopia Is
n the coming
technocratic dystopia, life will be grim for most of
us. For those who survive the preliminary
depopulation, a technological control grid run by AI
and robots will keep tabs on our every movement. You
notice that your pantry cube is running a bit low on
freeze-dried bug burgers, fake meat, and cockroach
You time your break
to fall outside of your three daily hours of
wind-powered internet. Forbidden by the World
Economic Forum from owning
your own car, you flag down a quick ride share from your
leased living quarters in a stacked shipping
container on the near side of your 15-minute
After dropping off the seven other people in your
ride share, you arrive at the fake meat distribution
point, where you wait in a long queue, hoping to
trade in a few of your remaining carbon ration
credits for more provisions.
You worry that your
transaction might be rejected by the central bank
digital currency network. After all, there was that
one moment where your wrinkled brow showed slight
unhappiness. You wonder if the facial recognition AI
picked it up during one of your masked Zoom
But for the elites,
things will be better than ever. Private jets, cars,
ultra wagyu beef tenderloin (for their dogs), and
large estates. Life-extension drugs will make them
nearly immortal. They will vacation at 5-star
hotels, a short limo trip from the Louvre, but
without the crowds.
The WEF – an infinite source of
technocratic malapropisms – says that you will “own
nothing” and be happy (the happiness perhaps will
be a drug-induced state as Yuval
Hariri suggests). Many independent
researchers who have looked into the WEF’s
have reported similar findings. For example – see James
Patrick Wood,
Whitney Webb
Tessa Lena
2, Jay
and Catherine Austin Fitts.
Kheriaty, who says much the same in his book The
New Abnormal, calls the oncoming
system “communist capitalism.” Jeffrey Tucker calls
“techno-primitivism.” He describes the system
a combination of
digital technology plus a rollback into previous
ages of existence to a time without fossil fuels
and meat plus geographical isolation and limited
choices for average people. In other words, it’s a
step back to feudalism: the lords of the manor are
digital titans and the rest of us are peasants
toiling in the fields and eating bugs when the
food runs out.
The researchers
that I have cited have done a deep dive into the GI
tract of the beast. While I don’t dispute the truth
of their findings, my problem with much of the
commentary on the Great Reset is that it takes the
Grand Plan at face value. Indeed, a group of elites
have a plan. They are open about some parts of it
(and most likely, less open about others).
One can imagine
something, plan for it, and even try to bring it
into being. However, in order to succeed, the laws
of reality must be observed. The laws of cause and
effect apply to all things. Grand utopian visions
always fail in the implementation – if they even get
that far.
How It Works Or Does Not
The idea of a
totalitarian control grid is familiar to science
fiction fans, but imaginative fiction stretches
boundaries for artistic purposes. Utopia
(including dystopia) is a form of science fiction.
There are crucial aspects in the plan for a
technocratic dystopia that, as fearful as it is,
cannot be realized.
imagines a world where elites have all the good
things in life for themselves, much as the middle
class in the developed world does today. Internal
combustion engines, reliable wall power, air travel,
consumer electronics, beef, alcohol, dentistry,
stable dry and well-insulated buildings, books, and
video streaming services are all readily available.
At the same time, a much reduced population of
dispirited, drugged worker-slaves will own
nothing. That is a vision but it is not a possible
version of reality.
To be elite in this
world means to be wealthy. Wealth is created through
the production of goods and services. There are many
forms of what could be called “second-order elites”
– wealthy people who parasitize off privately
created wealth. But their ability to do that depends
on true wealth, which is created by production. Once
you have enough goods for your own needs, additional
wealth is held in the form of assets. Assets can be
reduced to a few categories: land, equity, debt,
commodities (below ground in the form of deposits
and above ground such as inventories of metals).
Without going through each asset class in detail,
equities and debt derive their value from
businesses, which exist only because they have
customers. After they have impoverished everyone and
confiscated all of our property, their assets will
be worth nothing. You will be worth nothing, and you
will wonder why.
I have seen
dystopian predictions for how the rich will get
richer by trading futures contracts on our
biometrics. Futures contracts are a bet with a
zero-sum outcome. The winning side makes a profit
and the losing side takes an equal loss. Who will
the losers be? And what good is the money unless
there are goods and services for sale to spend it
Kheriaty cites some
elite policy wonk who thinks that “funding to the
public sector must increase.” By what? Who will pay
the taxes? Even if the public sector had unlimited
access to money, who will produce the goods and
services that the public sector needs to buy, in
order to build their control grid? With what will
they pay the workers who operate it?
will the elites get stuff for their personal use
when it is not available to the masses? Modern
goods depend on a vast base of accumulated
capital. To take one example, consider
airplanes and airports. Airports, including the runways, are complex capital
goods requiring intensive maintenance by skilled
labor. Air traffic control requires a combination of
capital goods, skilled labor, and energy to run. This
documentary tells of the 30,000 parts that an airport
must have on hand to keep the planes from having
downtime. At the same airport, the airline runs a
separate facility where the jet engines are broken
down by skilled mechanics, serviced and
Who Builds the Systems?
Is this all going
to be done by AI and robots? Computer networks and
servers depend on complex supply chains. CPU chips
are made mostly in Taiwan, memory chips in South
Korea, and hard drives at several places including
North America. A single factory to produce
semiconductors costs over $1 billion to construct
and involves technical expertise from many different
robotic control grid rests on a base of energy and
mining. Robots are made out of metal as
are data centers and computers. Energy is extracted
from underground deposits of coal, oil, natural gas,
and uranium. Once mined metal must be extracted from
the rock and formed into bars, pipes, wires or
whatever the intended use. Even “green energy”
requires enormous amounts of metals. Copper and iron
are not so hard to find, but some of the minor
metals required for batteries, such as cobalt and
niobium are much harder. An operating mine is
depleted, and then retired, as minerals are
extracted. New deposits must be located and
developed. Within the mining industry, there is a
division of labor between prospecting for new
deposits, building mines, operating mines, and
financing them.
will operate the control grid? Technology requires
skilled labor to operate. AI can only imitate
skills that people have already demonstrated. AI
models must be trained by operators vetted by
humans. Data scientists decide when the training
is complete, or, when the model requires
retraining. Many decisions are made during this
process and it can only be initiated with a goal
in mind. Will robots do it all? Who will build
them? Where will the metals come from to make
them? The power to run them? Who will write the
software to control them?
control grid will require a massive amount of
skilled labor. People obtain skills by
working in the same field – or several different
fields – over the course of a career. Most people
enter the labor force in their early 20s and many
remain for five decades or more. People learn how to
do complex things, such as building a semiconductor
factory or flying an airplane, by working under more
experienced colleagues, and taking on increasingly
difficult challenges as they gain experience. Most
commercial airline pilots start out with flight
training they receive in the military, and from
there make the step to short-haul regional carriers
with the aspiration of one day sitting in the
cockpit of a major airline.
I could go on with
my series of examples, but they only illustrate that
there is a deeper principle at work here. The wealth that makes technology
possible to run the control grid and provide the
elites with the good things requires a market
“The economy” –
that thing which has an on//off switch, that we
could flip for two weeks, and then flip back. Do you
remember how, we all dug in, we wore our masks, we
socially distanced, we sheltered in place? That
curve didn’t know what hit it. We flattened that
poor curve’s sorry backside. Then we turned the
switch back to the “on” position. Once the economy
finished rebooting, we picked up right where we left
off. Actually it did not happen that way. In that
hallucination, no one lost their business, their
home, friends, family relationships, years of their
childrens’ education, their careers, or anything
else meaningful.
There Is No Switch
production of goods and services is not a machine
with a switch. “Economy” is a name for the process
by which we all produce things and provide them to
others. Not only does this process create cool
stuff like mobile phones and air travel, it is
what enables us all to stay warm, dry and alive.
It is an interconnected network of billions of
individual decision-makers, firms, goods in
process, capital goods, energy generation,
transportation systems, and people who operate
most compelling explanation of the necessity of
the market was discovered by the great economist
of the Austrian School, Ludwig von Mises.
Mises in his 1920
paper examined the problem of
central planning. The ownership of all
productive capital by the state – socialism – was a
popular idea at the time. It was thought by the
intellectuals to be inevitable. With ownership comes
responsibility. A central planning board would take
on the task of planning the entire economy. What
should be produced? How much? By whom? To be
distributed where?
starting point is understanding that productive
assets are “scarce.” In normal English,
scarce means that a good is difficult to find.
Economists use the word to mean there are more
potential valued uses for the asset than the amount
of that asset that currently exists. To use the
asset in one way comes at a cost of less of it to
use for some other purpose. Any decision that
involves using more bricks to build houses means
fewer bricks to build walls.
Mises observed that
the number of possible uses of all existing capital
goods to produce consumer goods and services is
unimaginably large. Given the vast numbers of
capital goods, skilled workers, known types of
consumer goods, and different production processes
to create them, the possibilities are almost
Not only must the
choice be made between producing more capital goods
and fewer consumer goods, or the opposite, but there
is an incalculable variety of choices within each
On the capital
goods side – do we need more power generation?
Should the planner invest in nuclear, coal, natural
gas, LNG, or pipelines? Factories? Of what type? Or
transportation networks, ports, terminals, or
logistics? Do we need more specialized capital goods
such as machines that etch circuits into silicon
chips, or more general purpose tools like trucks and
computers? The planning must look years into the
future. The extraction of minerals from the ground
and the generation of energy takes years of planning
and development so that, when the small business
owner needs an iPad, it is available at the local
Apple Store.
For consumers,
which is better? More shoes and fewer mobile phones?
More burgers and better furniture but fewer kitchen
sinks and bicycle tires? The number of plans is
infinite. There are always entrepreneurs with ideas
for goods that do not yet exist, that they would
like to bring to market. More production of well
known goods means fewer new inventions. Even
subsequent generations of the “same product” differ
as subtle improvements (or in the case of Microsoft
Windows, not-so-subtle retrogressions) are
asked, how would the central planner decide
between alternative uses of productive resources?
He startled the economics field with
his conclusion: production of goods and services
as we know it would be impossible under central
planning. In my opinion, Mises’ breakthrough is
the greatest and least well known contribution to
social sciences in the last century. It sparked a
great deal of debate in professional
economic circles at the time, but remains to a
large extent unknown today outside of
If central planning
is impossible, how is it that we have all the things
that we have now? Who decides what to produce? In a
market economy – with private ownership of the means
of production and a sound monetary system – business
firms decide what products they will offer. They are
in competition with each other, and they compete
with entrepreneurs who would like to enter their
order to choose between one thing and another,
there must be a way to compare alternatives. This
is accomplished by what Mises called “economic
calculation.” Before starting, expected
monetary costs are compared against expected
monetary revenues. Profits consist of the
differential between realized costs and revenues.
Owners in the market economy are looking for profit
opportunities. The more profitable opportunities are
undertaken, the less profitable or loss-making
options are not.
To compare
alternatives, profits may be compared to costs using
ratios. Financial ratios, such as internal rate of
return, or return on equity are dimensionless: they
contain monetary units in both the numerator and the
denominator. These metrics attempt to capture the
economic efficiency of any particular decision.
Without a means of comparison, who could say whether
society will benefit from more shoes and fewer
shirts, or the opposite? Using dimensionless ratios,
alternative uses of scarce resources can be compared
against each other.
Costs and revenues
are always estimated because the full costs of
production cannot entirely be known until after
production, nor can sales revenues be known until
the goods are sold. It may be more (or less)
expensive than expected to hire the workers needed,
supply chain issues may crop up, a space may open up
at a lower than expected rent, demand for the
product may be stronger, or weaker. The ability to
estimate future costs and prices is a key to success
in earning profits.
Awareness, or
imagination of what can be produced, how, and with
what originates in the diversity of human knowledge,
experience, and the way in which all of us are
situated differently in the world. Within a business
firm there resides an accumulation of knowledge
about that industry. That firm may be well
positioned to bring new products to market similar
to their current product line. The company that
makes motorcycles will have a good idea of customer
preferences in that market. Someone else may have
regional or local knowledge of market conditions.
That person notices on his drive to work how far you
have to go from his home to a dry cleaner. That
local knowledge gives him insight into where a dry
cleaner might fill an unmet need.
Prices Must Be Market
prices are a key to the process. Mises was building on developments in
price theory by the Austrian School in the decades
prior. It had been discovered a few years before
Mises that market prices of capital goods and
labor come about because entrepreneurs and
business firms are able to place a definite
monetary value on each resource that they wish to
use in production. Each worker hired, each space
rented, each machine or office product purchased,
every advertisement purchased, and each gallon of
gas used in transport has a specific monetary
value to each entrepreneur.
business, each entrepreneur must determine the
amount they are willing to pay for the labor and
assets they plan to use. Their buying prices are
based on the way in which the asset contributes to
the selling prices they expect. The process of
competitive bidding ensures that scarce resources
are used by those entrepreneurs and businesses who
place the greatest monetary value on their
value of the resource to the business originates
in the value that the consumer at the very end of
the supply chain places on the final product.
Business firms must be able to sell into a
consumer market (even if several layers
downstream) in order to value their components in
the supply chain. At the end, the consumer decides
on the trade-offs between more of one thing and
less of another through their willingness to buy
at a given price.
price system functions as a collaborative system
to pool the knowledge, experience and ideas of
everyone about how to put available resources to
their best use. The price system gives the
entrepreneur an idea of how the rest of society
values specific economic resources in monetary
terms, enabling economic calculation so that
production decisions can be made.
than the free market economy, sound money, and
private property, what alternatives are there for
the use of existing finite resources in creating
useful things? None. None at all. Mises emphasized
that he was not saying that capitalism is a better
economic system than socialism. Socialism is not
an economic system at all because it does not
offer a solution to the problem of how to
economize the use of scarce resources. Economic
calculation with money prices is the only way that
has been discovered to do this.
elites’ version of the world where Bill
and Klaus have nice
things with a high tech control grid crushing
everyone cannot be built in the form which they
imagine. Bill and Klaus cannot possibly make all
the stuff they want on their own, even with
robots. Their vision does not include economic
does not make itself. Making stuff must occur prior to having stuff. Making
all the nice things takes a lot of people, and a
lot of capital goods. The scale and division of
labor required to fill the supply chain for even
one complex product, such as a mobile phone,
requires economic calculation, which would be
abolished as part of their mad plan.
build high tech systems there must be widespread
ownership of private property. Private property
must be under the control of competing business
firms and their investors. Labor must be free to
move around, to change jobs, and to acquire
skills. And people must be paid competitively
determined wages. Wages are prices, which
demonstrate the contribution of the worker within
the framework of economic calculation.
the dystopian control grid is not possible, what
will happen when they try to bring it about? As
economist Joseph Salerno wrote, a
dedicated attempt at central planning would result
in a complete disintegration of human society. We
saw the beginnings of this in the massive
supply-chain shocks and labor market disruptions in
the past two years. We have not seen a full recovery
from that brush with disaster. There are pilot
shortages, an oncoming
food shortage, healthcare
worker shortages, and frequent business
closures due to staffing issues.
Unconstrained Reality
visions wipe the slate of the world clean so that
it may be rebuilt perfectly. Grand utopias cannot
be realized because, while imagination is
unconstrained reality has limits. What is a
dystopia other than the role of an NPC in someone else’s
utopia? In this case, the utopia is the dream of
psychotic elites who imagine that they can have the
end products of mass cooperation without the open
society that enables it. Much damage can be done in
the attempt, but it is only a question of how far it
can get before it cancels itself.
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News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are
not in Langley, Virginia.
- You won't catch
us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.
- Close the windows so you don't hear the
mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell
is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of
our society.
- The truth
usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no
heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison,
and incessantly.
- The loudest
partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media
exaggerate their size and influence.