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2024-04-21 c

"It’s not just a matter of who started the fire, but who keeps pouring more
gasoline on it. And the ideology itself changes over time. The DEI agenda
of minority power and open borders may have grown from an
earlier ethic but it has morphed into its own beast. "

The Roots of American Progressivism

It’s widely assumed, both by Jews and by anti-Semites, that the roots of American progressivism are heavily Jewish.

Yet, Jews had relatively little impact on the crucial first century of the American republic, from the Declaration of Independence through the end of Reconstruction. Yet progressivism that is ideologically ancestral to contemporary “In this house we believe” wokeness was already ascendant during the second quarter of the 19th Century in New England and its cultural satellites upstate New York, and northern Ohio, and triumphed nationally in the 1860s, if only briefly, from say 1862-1868.

For example, one of the first incidents in which I became aware of the Great Awokening was during the winter of 2013 when students at traditionally leftist Oberlin College in northern Ohio had one of their freakouts over the KKK running amok on campus (it turned out, evidently, to be a lady, perhaps homeless, walking around on a cold night with a white blanket draped around her).

Oberlin was founded in 1833. Oberlin wasn’t always exactly like it is today, but it always had tendencies in that direction.

The leftist ideological center of America in the first half of the 19th Century was of course Boston, which had few Jews at the time.

Although small numbers of Sephardic Jews passed through Boston in the colonial era, the city had no significant Jewish presence until the mid-nineteenth century. In the 1840s and 1850s, Jews from Poland and Germany began arriving, coming especially from the Prussian-ruled provinces of Posen and Pomerania. Fleeing economic deprivation and religious persecution, the new Jewish arrivals to the city numbered about a thousand on the eve of the Civil War.

In contrast, the rightist ideological center of America during this era was Charleston, South Carolina, base of John C. Calhoun and the fire-eaters who launched secession in 1860. Charleston was known as the Jewish capital of America during the Sephardic era up through about 1830.

The first two Jewish U.S. Senators were Southern slave-owning Confederates.

Here’s Wikipedia’s list of 19th Century American Jews: it’s full of worthy individuals, but few are exactly pivotal figures in American history.

In the middle of the 19th Century began a small but talented influx of German Ashkenazis. And then in the 1880s began a huge influx of Eastern European Ashkenazis. Hence, the second century of the American republic would be vastly more influenced by Jews than the first century.

But the roots of American left of center ideology are distinctly Protestant, obviously going back to the Puritan side of the English Civil War of the 1640s. Yet, fewer and fewer seem to remember this.

I think part of the problem is that American Protestants are losing interest in their history. For example, I own the 1971 Encyclopedia Britannica, and it contains an amazing number of articles about now-forgotten American Protestant ministers, almost all of which strike me as boring, in part because almost nobody ever brings these worthies up anymore in intellectual discourse. The Atlantic Monthly, for instance, used to try to figure out occasionally how to work mention of, say, Henry Ward Beecher or Thomas Wentworth Higginson into an article denouncing Ronald Reagan or Newt Gingrich, but not anymore.

In contrast, Jewish intellectuals remain relatively fascinated by their predecessors for healthy ethnocentric reasons. Thus, Emma Lazarus, a relatively minor figure in her own time, is now treated as a de facto Founding Father.

And anti-Semites find it more interesting to read contemporary Jews writing about old Jews than to read old Protestants whom nobody writes about anymore. So, anti-Semites, like Jews, overestimate the Jewish role in the history of whatever it is they are against [or for] in America. (read more)

See also:

American progressivism is not Jewish, but it is related to Judaism.

I recommend all persons read Professor James Kurth’s book “”.

The American Way of Empire‘s chapter on the “Protestant Deformation” explains in part the origins of this issue.

In addition, people should read works of Pietist Restorationism. Starting in the British isles and then propagated to America, Christians of the UK-USA tradition adopted Old Testament perspectives on politics and theology. This is the origin of Progressivism: the combination of protestant “free-thinking” combined with the worldliness of Old Testament perspectives.


Who is the driving force behind the genocidal, anti-White intellectual and political regime that is in effect in United States and other European nations today?

That is the issue we are concerned with.

The causal agent is obvious to anyone who is out in the world and has eyes to see and ears to hear. It isn’t 19th century American Christians.


It is well known that there is a strong strain of busy-body dogooderism among northeastern WASPs and that had a lot to do with the origins of progessivism in this country. But how relevant are Boston Brahmins in our society today? It seems like their influence began to peter out sometime in the 1950s or perhaps somewhat later (maybe the 1970s?).

Well, what was America like in the 1950s? Not so radically progressive as it is today. So, what explains how it got to be what it is today? Is it all down to Congregationalist church ladies? I highly doubt it. I rather think a lot of it has to do with another group, whose societal (and especially cultural) influence has vastly increased since that time.

The roots of historical American progressivism and the roots of contemporary American progressivism are two different conversations. Same with “Conservatism”–when anti-Russian Jewish “Trotskyites” dressed up in Conservative drag they created a new set of roots.

the correct question is: Who is driving the bus? think about the end of Fight Club. where it’s revealed that Fight Club was only sort of about adult men having a fist fight to vent their frustrations about modern pointless existence and being trapped in a cubicle forever. Fight Club is actually about blowing up buildings and killing hundreds of people. did you enjoy the recruitment process? please join up next for the part where we rig skyscrapers with explosives. the ‘Uh, What?’ moment for most of the people previously involved. the “This isn’t what I signed up for” event. the point where it’s revealed who is really driving the bus. the point where a lot of the people get off the bus.

jews and liberal protestants, 1860: let’s free the slaves! horay!
jews and liberal protestants 1950: now let’s get them civil rights so they can go to school and get a job and buy a house! horay!
jews 1970: now let’s make sure they get into college and your son can’t. let’s make sure they get the job and your son doesn’t.
liberal protestants 1970: wait a minute…
jews 1990: now let’s make sure they can murder and rape you guys and we’ll get them out of prison so they can go back to murdering and raping you guys. they don’t have to obey any laws, to make up for what happened back in the day.
liberal protestants 1990: uh, this isn’t what i signed up for…
jews 2000: now let’s normalize homosexuality and make sure open homosexuals run and control all organizations dealing with children. let’s make it illegal to stop homosexuals from doing anything they want. preying on your kids is legal. even giving other people HIV on purpose is now legal.
(increasingly less liberal) protestants 2000: where did this stuff come from?
jews 2010: now let’s replace all white people with random third worlders. this is the end of borders for white countries. and you’re going to pay for your replacements too.
(the few remaining observant) protestants 2010: what is this nonsense?
jews 2020: we hate you. you had it coming all along. it’s not happening, but it’s also good that it is. death to all whites.
(no longer protestant christian people who left their church finally) 2020: this stuff is insane. i’m out.


You’ve skipped the era of explosive growth, crushing of, and resurgence of American Progressivism.

From about 1880 to 1940 was the huge influx of European Jews into New York City.

They were the cadres of what became Politically Correct Progressivism (PC-Prog), as well as Trotskyite Neoconservatism.

After the Bolshevik coup in Russia, 1917, they were the corps of proselytizers of “America Sucks.” This was the Normal-culture-destroying covert influence operation, conceived and operated by the Comintern’s Willi Muenzenberg. He introduced the 6 tenets that became the belief system of today’s PC-Progs: America is a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, imperialist, capitalist hellhole–and it must be changed.

Many of Muenzenberg’s operators were Jewish. Many were not. But Jews were overwhelmingly over-represented in these operations. Once the operation took root, with the 19th Amendment giving women power, and with Muenzenberg’s payload planted deep within American culture, and the rubes got the message that it was cool to hate America, the AWFL became the main carrier of this virus.

The final gasp of native Progressivism was Teddy Roosevelt, Raymond Robins: vigorous Protestants carrying big sticks. When they faded (1920ish), the Comintern version filled the gap. It took another 60 years for the operation to bear fruit, but flower and fruit it did.

Full details:


What the “it’s those crazy utopian Protestants!” people need to explain is why America has melted down precisely as the northeast Protestants *lost* their traditional power grip on America, and became dramatically less influential, while the leading role–media, academia–was seized by the Jews.

That’s pretty darn weird!

Fortunately, we do not have to chuck the Enlightenment, or toss out Protestantism or bring back or monarchy or throne and altar conservativism or feudalism any other such nonsense. American republicanism can function just fine. America’s–and the West’s–problems are not “reformism”. They aren’t caused by people campaigning for “universal healthcare” or “reining in the corporations” or “a living wage” or “the environment”.

No, our problem is straightforward. Our problem is minoritarianism–anti-whiteism, immigrationism, anti-nationalism. (Which are not Protestant ideologies so us non-Protestants can live perfectly comfortably with Protestants thick on the ground.)

Simply destroy minoritarianism–toss its adherents out of our societies–and we can keep the Enlightenment, republicanism and sane, prosperous, free nations.


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