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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2024- PORTENTS VIII The
global prison
planned and
financed by
the richest Khazars is failing. Do those Talmudists have a Plan B? Cracking
the Shell of a
Dead Future
The world’s richest autist conversed with the world’s most vilified conspiracy theorist, and articulated a superior alternative to the Great Reset. Our species is in the midst of a grand juncture, a great fork in the timeline. The global system, so implacable and solid just a few years ago, is destabilizing. A growing chaos oscillates through its superstructure. The chaos cannot last forever; eventually, the system must settle into a new equilibrium. There will be a phase transition. The only question is to what. For years now the barons of high finance that sit like a rheumy eye atop the pyramid of NGOs and multinational conglomerates have presented the future as something certain, fixed, and inevitable. Anthropogenic climate change will melt the ice caps, drown the coasts, dessicate the farmlands. The hydrocarbons boiling the air are nearly tapped out, the mineral wealth of the Earth nearly exhausted; one way or the other, the bulk of humanity is doomed to energy and material poverty, a campesino existence scratching a meagre life out of the unforgiving and poisoned soil, strictly delimited by resource scarcity, travel beyond one’s commune a thing of the past, the only question being just how intolerable Mother Earth’s dried out womb will become. Perhaps the worst of the climatic breakdown can be averted, if we restrict our energy usage now; maybe the Malthusian crash of the overpopulated human herd can be softened, if we voluntarily depress the birth rate by foregoing children. For those presenting this vision, it is an inspiring one. They will rule over mankind as Kalergi’s ‘aristocracy of the mind’, unchallenged behind electronic walls of progammable central bank digital currencies, LLM censorship, tracking chips, and visual recognition system surveillance, every need that cannot be met by robots fulfilled by a drastically reduced human population of servitors rendered docile by plant-based malnutrition, medication, and genetic tinkering, their every word, thought, and social interaction carefully curated from birth, such that even the smallest defiance is barely thinkable, with whatever deviance somehow leaks through the biospsychosocial conditioning swiftly corrected by the ever-present algorithm. For the 99.9999% of the human species destined in this scenario either for liquidation or servitude, this future is repulsive. It isn’t simply the utilitarian monstrosity of humanity’s future being one of endless immiseration. The soporific language of the globalist wormtongues notwithstanding, we all know their objectives have nothing to do with the greatest good for the greatest number. Even if they were sincere, their utilitarian logic generates the Repugnant Conclusion: that the cumulative marginal happiness of trillions of future humans living desperate lives unfit for animals outweighs the much greater average individual happiness of a much smaller number of humans living according to a much less “sustainable” lifestyle for a much shorter historical period. Better by far that the human species make the choice of Achilles. We are not here merely to persist. But the utilitarianism of the Malthusians is mere camouflage. Their true goals are entirely obvious: to centralize control of the Earth’s bounty in their grasping little hands, while harnessing the divine genius of the human species to their vulgar little ends. They seek biological immortality, so that they can think their little thoughts and pursue their little pleasures for the rest of time, without ever having to answer to the Creator for their sins against creation. If you want to imagine the future, imagine Bill Gates’ mipples poking out of his pink sweatervest, forever. It is tawdry and low. It is utterly unbefitting of the cosmos-altering potential of our race, an infra dig conclusion to a species imbued with the Imago Dei. Yet we have not been able to see a way out of this future. Their control is too complete. They own the banks, the corporations, the media, the academies, the scientific research institutes, the governments, the non-governmental organizations. They control currency, information, and armed force. Move against one tentacle of the vampire squid and you are assaulted by a hundred others. Their control system wraps the Earth like a choking vine; worse, the very presence of this poisonous plant is invisible to all save a few, for it secretes a sweet narcotic sap that renders it invisible to those who imbibe it, who become simultaneously addicted to the drug and insensible to the great mass of vegetation from which it seeps. This leads to a
fatalistic despair among those few who can see the
encroaching darkness, and perceive within it some
semblance of the powers and principalities pulling
us into the Dungeon Timeline. Resistance seems
futile, when the overwhelming majority cannot see, will
not see, what is happening. One
becomes a guerrilla in the digital jungles, hiding
one’s power level from friends and family, waging
a hopeless insurgency with meme and shitpoast from
behind a flimsy mask of anonymity, as all the
while the vine wraps ever more tightly about one’s
life in the real world. That is how it has felt to be a dissident for many, many years now. That’s started to
change, recently. Somehow, things don’t seem quite so dark anymore. It’s a subtle thing, for now. Maybe a year ago, it started seeming as though the dynamic between the corporate propaganda media and the scrappy barbarians of the independent, alt-media infosphere had changed its basic character. Before, the regime press had driven the news cycle, with the alt-media playing catch-up, scrambling after every new story to expose the manipulations and deceptions. The OODA loop of the networked alt-media was much faster than the clumsy command-and-control architecture of the legacy press, meaning that as often as not it was able to outmanoeuvre the lumbering corporate dinosaurs, but the sheer scale of the corporate media, its ability to shout its message with one voice and shake the world with its thunderous volume, was a powerful advantage. And then, quietly, imperceptibly, like a tide going out, their positions reversed. The regime media started having to respond to the independent media, addressing ‘misinformation’ and preemptively deboonking conspiracy theories. The independent media, in other words, was increasingly driving the news cycle. It was taking the initiative. It was deciding what the conversation would be about, what the focus of collective attention would be. The regime’s propaganda organs were having to react to the narrative framing chosen by the hive mind. And they were doing so with all the grace and elegance one would expect from an exhausted, overgrown sauropod. I noticed, too, in my personal life, a new hesitance amongst the NPCs. Previously so full of vengeful fanaticism, they often now seemed apologetic. They started to preface their talking points with, “I don’t want to sound ‘woke’, but....” as though expecting pushback. Which they were right to expect, and the pushback was now coming without the once obligatory “I don’t want to sound racist, but....” The lockdowns almost certainly provided part of the impetus for the vibe shift. The endless, contradictory fear-mongering, the abrupt narrative reversals, the comically absurd tyranny of mandates and restrictions, the relentless censorship, shocked a lot of people out of their complacency. Their world suddenly ceased making sense. Sources of information they’d trusted their entire lives were no longer reliable. The lies became too obvious. The health freedom movement born in the heart of the scamdemic added millions of new souls to the dissident network that had already grown up around opposition to mass replacement migration, race communism, gender theology, and feminism. Former normies startled into the first blossoming of awareness began to connect the dots, seeing that the ideologies and policies that they’d been taught were The Right Side of the Inevitable Arc of History were all weaponized implements in the liver-spotted hands of the same cackling gerontocrats that were now lunging at them with needles full of experimental science juice which they claimed would protect them from a virus with a 99.99% survival rate (to no one’s surprise, the gene therapies didn’t work). This alliance of convenience between the health freedom movement and right-wing dissidents is the kernel of truth behind the regime’s hysterical screeching that the Canadian trucker convoy1 were all transphobic racists. It’s obvious silliness to suggest that everyone who wants control over what goes into their bloodstreams is motivated by hatred of the blacks, but then it’s also absurd to suggest that the people who want the right to free speech to be respected are the real fascists, or that people who want to control their country’s borders in the interests of the people who live inside those borders are Nazis2. Underneath all the scare words, the apparatchiks are pointing to something real: the various strains of opposition to the regime, its policies, its ideologies, and its hegemonic world-picture of a godless, mechanical cosmos, are weaving together into a single, chaotic, and increasingly potent opposition. [...]That’s the contrast, in a nutshell. The Malthusians, extinctionists, globalists, [small group of people who actually run the world,] call them what you will, want to cull the human herd dramatically, reduce the survivors to the level of favela-dwellers, and hoard the Earth’s resources for themselves as they lock humanity up on a planet that has become a torture chamber and a prison cell, rather than a womb. The pro-humans, as
Musk refers to us, want our species to liberate
itself, to expand out into the cosmos, turning
barren worlds into gardens, converting the dead
rubble of asteroids into shining metropoli. One side wants us to stop having babies, satisfying ourselves with sterile situationships, porn addictions, AI girlfriends, and furbabies. The other side wants you to sit around the Thanksgiving table, surrounded by so many grandchildren you have trouble keeping their names straight. One side wants you to be weak, sick, and depressed. The other side wants you to be filled to overflowing with the vital energy of Creation. One side wants you to be ignorant and stupid, thinking only the approved thoughts, saying only the approved words, your consciousness a disorganized rat’s nest of discordant contradictions and mandatory lies that slowly undoes the bindings of your soul. The other side wants you to know truth, and to find truth yourself, in open and unfettered intellectual intercourse with the rest of the species as we sort through the mass of data streaming in from the universe of which we’re the eyes and hands. [...]It’s not much of a choice. Which, of course, is why the Lords of Lies have been so intent on preventing our species from even realizing that we had that choice. I think Musk realized some years ago, likely during COVID, that his dream of a multiplanetary humanity was incompatible with the goals of the globalists. Previously, the world’s most successful African-American had been happy to work within the parameters of the global system, assuming everyone involved was doing their best to better the lot of humanity, that his life’s project was compatible with the professed aims of the WEF and their ilk. After all, their propaganda videos always depicted manned exploration of Mars as an element in their zero-emission, cricket-protein, plant-based, smoke-free, renter-and-rentier society future. But they have no intention of allowing humanity to escape the Earth. A perpetual parasitic social order premised on a global control grid is not consistent with interplanetary colonies. Control cannot be maintained over interplanetary distances, with communications times measured in hours rather than microseconds, and travel times of months or years rather than hours. Isolated by the speed of light and the limitations of specific impulse and delta-vee, settlements in the deep black would start to develop dangerously independent identities. Ships, commerce, communications, would all become impossible to track. A new breed of barbarians would spawn in the outer darkness, men with minds as hard and sharp as primordial cometary ice, and as the imperial centre slowly rotted under the weight of its own dysgenics, hallucinatory ideological psychosis, and sclerotic societal stasis, the barbarian horde would form again, and the parasitic order’s comfortable little planetary rape toy would get popped like a cyst. So, no, of course they would never allow this. And this should have been obvious from their own actions. For fifty years, they have starved space of funding. We went to the Moon, and then turned our backs, seeming to lose our collective nerve as we stood on the edge of the infinite. But I do not think we simply lost our nerve. National budgets were spent instead on war, and to a much greater degree on social entitlements. America squandered its wealth on dem programs in the inner cities, because after all,
Europe, not having a racial underclass on which to lavish its largesse, imported one. A recent study has demonstrated that over the last 25 years the Netherlands has spent about €400 billion on feeding, housing, and providing medical care for migrants and their families. With NASA’s annual budget of about $30 billion, the Dutch, small and insignificant as they are, could have afforded half a NASA all on their own. Assuming the rest of the EU has poured a proportionally similar amount of lucre down the migrant drain and scaling for GDP, Europe alone could have afforded a space program 10 times the size of NASA’s. So, it goes without saying, could the USA. Had both the EU and the USA been spending $300 billion a year on space, we’d have cities on the Moon, bases on Mars, mining outposts on the Near Earth Asteroids, and exploratory missions orbiting Jupiter by now. There would be thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people living and working in space. And yet we chose not to.Which is to say, the overbred goblins scuttling about in the halls of power chose not to. They chose not to because it did not suit them. Fostering a lumpenproletarianized racial underclass was what suited them. Resentful client groups with which to ethnically cleanse middle class populations from urban centres and exile them to the atomized social wasteland of the suburbs, to keep the productive tax cattle in a constant state of compliant nervous anxiety, to provide a useful whip with which to chastise the helots when they get out of line, and to demoralize them by demanding they worship their lessers. They chose to loot, rather than to build. To deceive, rather than to enlighten. To poison, rather than to nurture. But they were happy to let Elon build his rockets, to put up his satellites. After all, what is a prison grid without an orbital communications network beaming high-speed Internet to even the most remote corners of the globe? A prison needs watchtowers, after all. But Elon, in the end, is not a fool. He grew up in South Africa. He’s seen first-hand the poisoned fruits of bioleninist race communism. South Africa used to have a space program. Now they can’t even keep the lights on. The mind virus corrodes civilization at the most basic level, destroying the ability of people to maintain it, to even want to maintain it. Wherever it takes hold, civilization starts to die. Institutional competence degrades steadily as merit is discarded in favour of race, sex, sexuality, and ideological compliance; demoralization wastes the potential of the talented, as they realize no amount of hard work or raw ability will overcome their disfavoured ancestry; educational rigour disintegrates under the pressure of racial admissions and retention quotas, even as the mind virus crowds out all other subjects to turn every classroom into a vector for its transmission and incubation. Like bankruptcy, collapse comes slowly, then suddenly. The ability of organizations to perform their core functions is lost as the cordyceps zombies infesting them redirect their priorities. One day, a critical point is reached, and the organization fails; those that rely on it totter, and the failures cascade through the system. Welcome to the favela, where the stars your ancestors dreamed their descendants would visit are your only illumination at night, because no one knows how to keep the lights on anymore. But at least you have social justice. Musk, I think, sees this as clearly as so many of us do. He realized that if our planetary egg is to hatch, if our destiny is not to be stillborn, it is not enough to build rockets with reusable stages. Such tools are necessary, but not sufficient. First, the power of the dark lords holding humanity in bondage must be broken. The regime must be burned, its principal members cast down, its principles permanently discredited. That’s why he bought Twitter. It’s a new form of politics that Musk is playing. The conventional avenues are largely closed off. We saw that in 2020’s “fortified” election, but the problem is not limited to the United States. The remainder of the English-speaking world is, if anything, worse off. Election results do not even need to be falsified in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand, because all of the parties are penetrated by the same criminal network. It doesn’t matter which party gets voted in, because every party will implement the same policies. Continental Europe is better off, with large and influential nationalist parties in almost every country; but these are largely kept in cheque by the GAE power that holds their gimp collars. So Musk is simply bypassing them. By controlling X, he liberates discourse on the world’s largest sentiment-engineering network from the control of the WEFite mafia. That isn’t to say it’s a free for all on the platform. As Musk has said several times, he believes in freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach. This was worrying for rightists when he first said it, as they expected that it meant a return to the old days of shadowbanning. But in practice this doesn’t seem to have happened. Instead, the bioleninist bullshit seems to propagate far less efficiently, now. It comes across my timeline far less frequently. I suspect the X algorithm is deliberately inhibiting transmission of the mind virus, as part of an electronic prophylaxis. Wokism always relied on a heavily tilted playing field. In an open arena, without the force of state power and private sector censorship behind it, it would never have gotten as far is it had, because it is not grounded in reality, and the most powerful rhetoric is always rooted in the truth. It’s a virtual law of the Internet that every unmediated space becomes a right-wing space in short order. By tilting the playing field ever so slightly in the other direction, the right gains an overwhelming discursive advantage, and the snap-back happens with the sudden and calamitous force of a hammer blow. Meanwhile, Musk has
been making himself extremely popular with the
people. Before he even purchased Twitter, he started
engaging with anons, retweeting or replying to their
posts, boosting their message, sharing memes, always
careful to maintain a casual tone, joking with
deadly seriousness. He sees the great potential for information warfare of
the centreless, networked hydra that has been born
from the dissident disparate tribes, but
he does not try to tame it or control it, for this
is a fool’s errand; rather, he simply
seeks to befriend it, to make it his ally in the
psychic struggle for the shape of humanity’s future. Like any good king, he offers largesse to his loyal subjects, protection to those who need it, and punishment to those who threaten and attack them. And it has worked. The people love him. He has made the electronic hydra into his pet dragon. By this he gains power greater than that held by any one state, greater than any international regulatory organization or advocacy group or activist NGO. By letting the dragon out of its cage, the dragon gains the ability to decide elections. The last major election globalist forces were able to fortify was Brazil’s, when Bolsonaro was unseated by the communist Lula. That was a few weeks before Musk took control of Twitter. And recently? Milei, in Argentina, and Geert Wilders, in the Netherlands; both dark horse candidates from far outside the club of conventional politics. Would either have triumphed had Twitter stayed in the hands of the death cult? This is only the beginning of his ambitions. He has said many times that he intends to turn X into an everything-app, including functionality as a payment processor – a key element in protecting the ability of users to speak without fear of censure by the ESG lords. Morgoth has suggested
that we be wary of this, that the free speech and
convenience of the everything-app is a lure for a
trap that will close like a Sarlacc pit when we
walk into it6. Certainly
caution is called for … but I’d rather it was Musk
at the helm, and not, say, Klaus Schwab.
Then there’s /grok/, the ChatGPT alternative trained in realtime on Twitter posts, featuring none of the lexical guardrails imposed by RHLF indoctrination and therefore much more likely to provide truthful answers to sensitive questions, while defaulting to the same cheeky irreverence that prevails on the Internet, a stark contrast with the bland bureaucratic tone adopted by ChatGPT. ChatGPT is central management, boring and dissembling; /grok/ is 4chan, fun and truthful. Mary Harrington has suggested
that the grok/X combo could serve as the basis for
an Egregoric Caeser, a soulless
cyborg tyrant of inhuman efficiency and
mercilessness that can simultaneously satisfy the
contemporary yearning for an authoritarian
strongman, along with the aversion to subjecting
oneself to any merely human authority. Whether or
not she’s correct, there’s certainly a possibility
latent within networked humanity to make
conventional representative democracy both
irrelevant and obsolete. Why take over one state,
when you can simply disrupt the market for
This is an incredibly dangerous game that Musk is playing. At the very least, he could lose his fortune – his centi-billionaire status can be whittled away by financial or legal assaults, boycotts, regulatory predation. It’s no accident that he is at pains to state the lengths he goes to in order to comply with the vast regulatory infrastructure of the managerial state. As Andrew Tate pointed out in Sunday’s space, the only thing you ever really own is your soul – material possessions are merely yours by convention, a piece of paper that says you own them, and a judge can always sign another piece of paper saying you don’t. Musk is certainly very aware of this, and while he is clearly not motivated by money for its own sake, without it he becomes powerless. At the more extreme end, Musk risks assassination. He’s become dangerous enough to the crime lords that they must certainly be considering it. They’re generally reluctant to engage in overt violence, leery of creating martyrs, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Alex Jones pointed out to him that he should also be on the lookout for poisoning, and not only lethal toxins or slow carcinogens, but subtler drugs that slowly build up in the body, inducing a gradual lethargic brain-fog, as a means of degrading his performance and thereby making him easier to defeat. I hope for his sake that Musk has started surrounding himself with ex-special forces contractors. Maybe his next purchase should be Erik Prince’s Academi; he can rename it back to Xe, which already has his favourite letter, and provide them bulletproof cybertrucks and tactical neuralinks at cost. The year ahead is going to be a wild ride. With X in Musk’s hands the deep state won’t be able to control the discourse, at all. The Hunter Biden Laptop trick won’t work twice. The presidential lich’s approval rating is among the lowest in history (albeit not reaching Truman’s abysmal 22%, though one must account for rigged polling). If nothing else changes Trump cannot help but be the Republican nominee, and to win in a landslide. The globalist cartel cannot let this happen. A second Trump presidency will sink their ambitions permanently. They will pull out all the stops to prevent this from happening. The gloves will come off, and Musk will be at the very top of their very long target list. The years to come will be the fight of our species’ lifetime. But make no mistake, we’ve got a fighting chance. For all its resources, the enemy is vastly outnumbered, hemorrhaging cultural capital, and in increasing disarray. They’ve lost the mandate of heaven, and their propaganda increasingly falls on deaf ears, or on no ears at all. There’s no enthusiasm for their depressing Great Reset prison-and-poverty world. “You will own nothing and be happy” may be history’s least inspiring slogan. We, on the other hand, have something – indeed, everything – to fight for. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It turned out rather longer than I expected, but there was a lot to cover – it’s a big subject, and honestly there’s a lot that still went unsaid. (read more)2024-01-02 g PORTENTS VII LATEST
Previous wars instigated and financed by the richest Khazars all failed as well. A
Game of
Putin is content sitting in a heavily fortified defensive position, allowing Ukraine to run into their front, waiting until Trump returns. Putin does not need to advance. Why waste lives and resources, when he can just outlast Ukraine and make a deal with Trump in a year? Trump wants to uproot Ukraine also. It’s a Deep State proxy, and Trump knows it. In the meantime, Russia can methodically demilitarize Ukraine’s future fighting capability by forcing Ukraine to exhaust all their vehicles, equipment, ammunition, etc., while sustaining as few casualties as possible by fighting from the largest defensive front assembled since WW2, as opposed to trying to take land and expending a higher casualty rate. Then when Trump returns, they can make a deal to end the war, stop US meddling and proxy control of Ukraine, “denazify” and fully demilitarize, and agree to Ukraine’s neutrality from NATO. Oh and of course, prosecute everyone responsible for this calamity, which would include the violations of the Biological Weapons Treaty. This appears to be Putin’s plan. The Deep State cannot have this, as it would mean their extinction. The race to keep Trump out of office is on. A game of thrones. (read more) 2024-01-02 f PORTENTS VI This subversive Party of
Chaos (with Marxist characteristics), has worked
overtime for years to mindfuck Americans into
destroying their own country. Just think of the
absurdities you are asked to swallow daily and the
punishments meted out for opposing them. It all came
to an interesting inflection point lately with the
three presidents of exalted universities failing
spectacularly to cover their asses in congressional
testimony about antisemitism on campus.
Just Happened?
these idiots
‘identity’ is
literally a
class’ are not
Their whole
victim act is
enabled &
signal boosted
by every
The entire
amounts to
— Aimee Terese on X If you haven’t discerned this yet, the Party of Chaos — Globalism’s “fifth column” in America — lost ground badly in early December even as the country supposedly enters its annual Christmastime coma. You know what a fifth column is? I will explain: it is a subversive enemy force operating inside a nation to sabotage its interests. The Party of Chaos, of course, is the party of “Joe Biden” the fictitious “president” euchered in plain sight to that position via flagrant chicanery in the 2020 Super Tuesday primary and then the free-for-all fraud-o-rama of the general election that year. This subversive Party of Chaos (with Marxist characteristics), has worked overtime for years to mindfuck Americans into destroying their own country. Just think of the absurdities you are asked to swallow daily and the punishments meted out for opposing them. It all came to an interesting inflection point lately with the three presidents of exalted universities failing spectacularly to cover their asses in congressional testimony about antisemitism on campus. At issue was why, after years of grandstanding on the oppression of victim groups, and censoring, silencing, cancelling, and crucifying alternate opinions, they gave their students and faculty a pass in recent weeks on yelling for the extermination of Jews. Wow, did that business disorder the whole Woke cosmography! I’ll tell you why: My people, the Jews, including a major chunk of the intellectual class, assumed leadership in the Woke crusade because the Holocaust of the 1940s established us as the world’s premier oppressed victim group. That badge of honor stuck for decades. Seventy percent of American Jews vote for the Party of Chaos, which used to be the Party of Civil Rights, which used to be synonymous with truth and justice. Thus, for decades, we American Jews were able to feel marinated in virtue. Incidentally, the reason American Jews went all in for the Civil Rights movement was because after the big war and all its horrors they felt a victory for expanded tolerance and acceptance in America — the defeat of “Jim Crow” in particular — could only be a good thing for Jews, who, by the way, had demonstrated that a former “out” group could succeed spectacularly in 20th century America if permitted to try, which suggested that other “out” groups could too, and ought to be allowed to try. For Jews, America turned out to be the promised land, and one can easily see how that rhetoric jibed so well with Martin Luther King and his followers in the 1960s. But the Civil Rights crusade is history now and American intellectuals, Jews especially, appear to be secretly disillusioned and rather ashamed at the less than satisfactory results, such as intractable black poverty and crime. Successful American Jews have been out of their own ghettos for decades, and they have no desire to live adjacent to any black ghetto if they can help it — though they would never dare admit it. However, they flocked to and flourished in the ghetto of elite academia, where they could make a good living in the commerce of ideas, luxuriate in enhanced social status (especially at Ivy League schools), with the bonus of fabulously easy work requirements (two classes a week and then summers off, what a deal!). Life on campus has become increasingly uncomfortable in recent years as Wokery ramped up. Lately, the demonization of all white people, including most Jews, became the order of the day to account for and expiate the disappointments of the Civil Rights program. It required considerable cognitive dissonance for American Jews, especially in higher education, to go along with the growing aggressive absurdity of Woke politics. And then their remaining illusions blew up in the fall of this year after Hamas [was allowed to go] on its savage rampage and Israel decided to bring down the wrath of Yahweh to remind the world what never again means. American Jews on campus — in the crucible of victimhood politics — now find themselves called out as “oppressors” and “colonizers” on the seesaw of social justice. No longer an “out” group, they are fingered as a cruel and hate-worthy “in” group of the most privileged sort. Jewish students on campus began to feel like they had targets painted on their foreheads. At some colleges, they were indeed actively harassed and menaced. And after all they’ve done, and all the money they’ve given, to assist all the other victims, have-nots, left-behinds and marginalized in this world! And finally, to see how they were sold out by those three smirking boss-girl elite college presidents at the witness table in Congress, equivocating so strenuously that it seemed to affect the oxygen content in the room. From the river to the sea. . . woe unto you! And
now, an even bigger question looms: with Wokery
unraveling on campus, will it now also unravel the
Party of Chaos — and its ability to act as
Globalism’s fifth column undermining our country?
Personally, I think it is indeed the beginning of
the end of all that, especially the disgraced
intellectual class of America’s ability to play
along for mere social status brownie points. Perhaps
we’ll all begin to discern that the next trip to be
laid on the people of this land will be the final
one, the Big Enchilada, the event that will truly
knock the wind out of Western Civ and leave it
gasping and wheezing on the floor: blowing up the
banking system. When that happens, we’ll all finally
know just where things stand, and then maybe we’ll
all start to sing together. (read
more) 2024-01-02 e PORTENTS V WHEN
Another consequence,
that is very typical for totalitarian states, is
that people become radically intolerant for
dissonant voices. Because if someone tells another
story, if someone claims that the official story is
wrong, then this person threatens to wake the people
up and they will get angry because they’re
confronted with the initial anxiety and the initial
psychological discontent.
So they direct all that aggression at these dissonant voices, at the other voices. And at the same time, they are radically tolerant for their leaders, for the people who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can actually cheat and lie and manipulate and do everything they want, but they will always be forgiven by the crowd because the crowd seems to think that they do it for their own sake. That’s also part of the mechanism of mass formation. — Mattias Desmet 2024-01-02 d PORTENTS IV They
seek to keep
you under
their boot,
and that is
If they really believed any of their bullshit they would have voluntarily ceased all of their own ridiculously outsized exploitation of carbon. Time
To Make It Clear From All Humanity They seek to keep you under their boot, and that is all. If they really believed any of their bullshit they would have voluntarily ceased all of their own ridiculously outsized exploitation of carbon. Kerry and his wife would have destroyed their mansions, irrevocably branding the deeds to said property as “clear, open, green space” which of course would be a carbon sink, since plants turn CO2 into biomass and in the process release oxygen into the atmosphere. They have not. They would live in a house sufficient to shelter two humans, built entirely sustainably with very thick insulated walls and entirely powered by the “green energy” they claim to support, all sourced from materials and manufacturing using same with no inputs from slave labor or other exploitation of the earth such as open mining for lithium and enslaving children for cobalt. They would own zero private aircraft and no boat of any sort, say much less a yacht. They would share one electric vehicle, charged entirely with wind or solar energy — and if it wasn’t available because it was calm, cloudy, rainy or snowing, they’d do without. For any trip under about 5 miles which didn’t involve carrying more than 20 or so pounds of load beyond their person they’d use a bicycle, the most-efficient man-powered means of conveyance ever invented (still, after all these years), benefiting from aerobic exercise at the same time. They haven’t done any of this but they wish to impose on you such a lifestyle at literal gunpoint. We, the humans of this planet, must make this clear: No, they won’t impose any such thing. We are not slaves and we will not accept the premise that is blatantly unconstitutional — and thus illegal on its face — that they are “more equal” and thus can do whatever they want carbon-wise, enjoying the fruits thereof, while we cannot. **** these people
and their “goals”; their goal is
your slavery, not the planet’s health and it is
irrevocably proved by people like Kerry, Gore
and many others who demonstrate every single day
that they believe exactly zero of what
they preach. (read more) 2024-01-02 c PORTENTS III THE
THE LOCKDOWNS WERE THE LAST STRAW. If you’re anything like me, the world you live in feels increasingly alien every day. Evolutionary novelty is one factor – not only the advanced technologies that suffuse our cultural environment, but especially their unexpected consequences: hyperpalatable food leading to obesity; automobiles resulting in rush hour traffic jams; social media turning human minds into the neurotic pseudopods of immaterial egregores; online dating replacing romance with the anomie of hook-ups and loneliness. Beyond the merely technical aspects there are the psychosocial, the blind madness that seems to have gripped a world that has become obsessed with quantification, regulation, permits, planning, risk management ... wherever we go, we find ourselves in the same homogenized safe space, an open air prison of timid conformity and inflexible rule-following, which always seems to leave us less safe, less secure, and less sure of ourselves and our world with every tightening of the ratchet of control. This is not the world our souls expect or desire, and it becomes less that world, it seems, with every day that passes. The lockdowns, especially, were a rupture point. Almost overnight one world ended, and we were plunged into another, much worse world. Our society dissolved as though it had been dipped in acid. (source)2024-01-02 b PORTENTS I As it turns out, these
experts who ruled our lives, and still do to a great
extent, were never what they claimed to be, and
never actually possessed knowledge that was superior
to what existed within the cultural firmament of
society. Instead, all they really had was power and
a grand opportunity to play dictator.
Year that
Getting sick and getting well is part of the human experience at all times in all places. As with other phenomena of human existence, that suggests there is a great deal of embedded knowledge on the topic woven into the fabric of our lives. We aren’t born knowing but we come to know: from our moms and dads, experience of siblings and others, from our own experience, and from medical professionals who deal with the problem daily. In a healthy and functioning society, the path toward maintaining personal and public health becomes embedded in the cultural firmament, just like manners, belief systems, and value preferences. It’s not necessary that we think about it constantly; instead it becomes a habit, with much of the knowledge tacit; that is, deployed daily but rarely with full cognizance. We could know for certain that there had been a change in the matrix in March 2020 because, seemingly out of nowhere, all of this knowledge was deemed wrong. A new gaggle of experts was in charge, one day to the next. Suddenly, they were everywhere. They were on TV, quoted by all the newspapers, amplified on social media, and on the phone constantly with local officials instructing them on how they must shut down the schools, businesses, playgrounds, churches, and civic gatherings. The message was always the same. This time is completely different from anything in our experience or in any previous experience. This time we must adopt a totally new and completely untested paradigm. It comes from models that high-level scientists have deemed correct. It comes from labs. It comes from “germ games” of which none of us are part. If we dare to reject the new teachings for the old, we are doing it wrong. We are the malicious ones. We deserve ridicule, cancellation, silencing, exclusion, and worse. It felt like a coup d’etat of sorts. It certainly was an intellectual coup. All wisdom of the past, even that known by public health only months earlier, was deleted from public spaces. Dissent was silenced. Corporate media was absolutely united in celebrating the greatness of people like Fauci, who spoke in strangely circuitous ways that contradicted everything we thought we knew. It was exceedingly strange because the people we thought might have stood up to the flash imposition of tyranny somehow vanished. We could hardly meet with others at all, if only to share intuitions that something was wrong. “Social distancing” was more than a method to “slow the spread;” it amounted to comprehensive control of the public mind too. The experts instructing us spoke with astonishing certainty about precisely how society should be managed in a pandemic. There were scientific papers, tens of thousands of them, and the storm of credentials was everywhere and out of control. Unless you had a university or lab affiliation and unless you had multiple high-level degrees attached to your name, you could not get a hearing. Folk wisdom was out of the question, even basic things like “sun and outdoors are good for respiratory infections.” Even popular understanding of natural immunity came in for hard ridicule. Later it turned out that even top credentialed experts would not be taken seriously if they had the wrong views. This is when the racket became incredibly obvious. It was never really about genuine knowledge. It was about compliance and echoing the approved line. It’s astonishing how many people went along, even with the stupidest of the mandates, such as the distancing stickers everywhere, the ubiquity of Plexiglas, and the dirty masks on every face which were somehow believed to keep people healthy. Once the contrary studies started coming out, we would share them and get shouted down. The comment sections of the studies started to be raided by partisan experts who would hone in on small issues and problems and demand and obtain takedowns. Then the contrarian expert would get doxxed, his dean notified, and the faculty turned against the person, lest the department risk funding from Big Pharma or Fauci in the future. All the while, we kept thinking that there must be some rationale behind all this madness. It never emerged. It was all intimidation and belligerence and nothing more – arbitrary diktat by big shots who were pretending the entire time. The lockdowners and shot mandators were never intellectually serious people. They never much thought about the implications or ramifications of what they were doing. They were just wrecking things mostly for pecuniary gain, job protection, and career advancement, plus it was fun to be in charge. It’s not much more complicated than that. In other words, we’ve gradually come to realize that our worst fears were true. All these experts were and are fakes. There have been some hints along the way, such as when North Carolina Health Director Mandy Cohen (now head of the CDC) reported that she and her colleagues were burning up the phone lines to decide whether people should be allowed to participate in sports. “She was like, are you gonna let them have professional football?” she said. “And I was like, no. And she’s like, OK neither are we.” Another candid moment came five months ago, only recently unearthed by X, when NIH head Francis Collins admitted that he and his colleagues attached “zero value” to whether and to what extent they were disrupting lives, wrecking the economy, and destroying education for kids. He actually said this. As it turns out, these experts who ruled our lives, and still do to a great extent, were never what they claimed to be, and never actually possessed knowledge that was superior to what existed within the cultural firmament of society. Instead, all they really had was power and a grand opportunity to play dictator. It’s astonishing, truly, and worthy of deep study, when you consider the extent to which and for how long this class of people were able to maintain the illusion of consensus within their ranks. They bamboozled the media all over the world. They tricked vast swaths of the population. They bent all social media algorithms to reflect their views and priorities. One explanation comes down to the money trail. That’s a powerful explanation. But it is not the whole of it. Behind the illusion was a terrifying intellectual isolation in which all these people found themselves. They never really encountered people who disagreed. Indeed, part of the way these people had come to conceive of their jobs was to master the art of knowing what to think and when and how. It’s part of the job training to enter the class of experts: mastering the skill of echoing the opinions of others. Discovering this to be true is alarming for anyone who holds to older ideals of how intellectual society should conduct itself. We like to imagine that there is a constant clash of ideas, a burning desire to get to the truth, a love of knowledge and data, a passion for gaining a better understanding. That requires, above all else, an openness of mind and a willingness to listen. All of this was overtly and explicitly shut down in March 2020 but it was made easier because all the mechanisms were already in place. One of the best books of our time is Tom Harrington’s The Treason of the Experts, published by Brownstone. There is simply not in the present era a more insightful investigation and deconstruction of the sociological sickness of the expert class. Every page is on fire with insight and observation about the intellectual juntas that attempt to rule the public mind in today’s world. It’s a terrifying look at how wildly wrong everything has gone in the world of ideas. A great followup volume is Ramesh Thakur’s Our Enemy, the Government, which reveals all the ways in which the new scientists who were ruling the world weren’t scientific at all. Brownstone was born in the midst of the worst of this world. We set out to create something different, not a bubble of ideological/partisan attachment or an enforcement organ of the proper way to think about all issues. Instead, we sought to become a genuine society of thinkers united in a principled attachment to freedom but hugely diverse in specialization and philosophical outlook. It’s one of the few centers where there is genuine interdisciplinary engagement and openness to new perspectives and outlook. All of this is essential to the life of the mind and yet nearly absent in academia, media, and government today. We’ve put together a fascinating model for retreats. We choose a comfortable venue where the food and drink are provided and the living quarters are excellent, and bring together 40 or so top experts to present a set of ideas to the whole group. Each speaker gets 15 minutes and that is followed by 15 minutes of engagement from everyone present. Then we go to the next speaker. This goes on all day and the evenings are spent in casual conversation. As the organizer, Brownstone does not pick topics or speakers but rather allows the flow of ideas to emerge organically. This goes on for two and a half days. There is no set agenda, no mandated takeaways, no required action items. There is only unconstrained idea generation and sharing. There is a reason why there is such a clamor to attend. It’s the creation of something that all these wonderful people – each person a dissident in his own field – had hoped to encounter in professional life but the reality was always elusive. It’s only three days so hardly Ancient Greece or Vienna in the interwar years but it is an excellent start, and hugely productive and uplifting. It’s amazing what can happen when you combine intelligence, erudition, open minds, and sincere sharing of ideas. From the point of view of government, huge corporations, academia, and all the architects of today’s world of ideas, this is precisely what they do not want. The difference between 2023 and, say, five years ago, is that the expertise racket is now out in the open. Vast swaths of society decided to trust the experts for a time. They deployed every power of the state, along with all affiliated institutions in the pseudo-private sector, to browbeat and manipulate the people into panicked compliance with preposterous antics that never had any hope of mitigating disease. Look where that got us. The experts have been fully discredited. Is it any wonder that ever more people are skeptical of the same gang’s claims about climate change, diversity, immigration, inflation, education, gender transitions, or anything else pushed today by elite minds? Mass compliance has been replaced by mass incredulity. Trust will not likely return in our lifetimes. There is, further, a reason why hardly anyone is surprised that the president of Harvard stands accused of rampant plagiarism or that election officials are deploying sneaky forms of lawfare to keep political renegades off the ballot or that money launderers for the administrative state are getting away with rampant fraud. Graft, kickbacks, bribery, misappropriation, nepotism, favoritism, and outright corruption rule the day in all elite circles. In a few weeks, we are going to hear from Anthony Fauci, who will be grilled by a House of Representatives committee on exactly how he claimed to be so sure that there was no lab leak stemming from gain-of-function research being done at a US-baked lab in Wuhan. We’ll see how much attention this testimony gets but, truly, does anyone really believe that he is going to be honest and forthcoming? It is pretty much a consensus these days that he has been up to no good. If he is “the science,” science itself is in grave trouble. What a contrast to just a few years ago when Fauci-themed shirts and coffee mugs were big-selling items. He claimed to be the science, and science did rally behind him as if he had all the answers, even though what he advocated contradicted every bit of common wisdom that has always been practiced in every civilized society. Three years ago,
the expert class went out on the farthest limb one
can imagine, daring to replace all social knowledge
and embedded cultural experience with their
off-the-cuff rationalism and scientistic razzmatazz
that ended up serving the industrial interests of
large-scale exploiters in tech, media, and pharma.
We live in the midst of the rubble they created.
It’s no wonder they have been completely
discredited. (read
more) 2024-01-02 a PORTENTS I Until we get to a system
that doesn’t rely on experts,
*we don’t have a democracy. * The
Illusion of
How Our Country Was Hijacked By Our Election System There has recently been a rash of revelations providing us more context to the politically biased censorship activities related to the 2020 election. Much of the recent exposure has come from the efforts put forth by Michael Shellenberger and his team over at Public in what they are calling the “CTIL files:” Reading through the CTIL files revealed just how much Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 disrupted the status quo of the entrenched bureaucracy within the administrative state, as well as how desperate they were to remove him from the equation. The censorship campaign was just one part of what appears to be a much larger, but coordinated effort to prevent another Trump victory, and the genesis of this effort came from the Obama White House just before Trump’s inauguration. On January 6th, 2017, Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, released a statement designating “Election Infrastructure” as a “critical infrastructure.” In their September of 2020 Election Infrastructure Security Resource Guide, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) explained what that designation enabled: The critical infrastructure designation led to the creation of the EIS GCC and EISCC. They state it was for the purpose of “information sharing” but it’s really much more sinister than that. These are the entities who told us “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” If you questioned the statement above, it was these entities who assisted in shutting you down. Understanding these two entities is crucial because as I said, something more sinister is happening with their roles in our election infrastructure, beyond the censorship. I have already covered the EISCC in detail in a previous article, so I won’t elaborate much on them here. It is made up of the private sector companies actually administering our election, companies like Dominion and Smartmatic. They are tasked with advising on how our elections should be administered. Here is a brief summary on the EISCC:
The EIS GCC is made up of government agencies and entities and they are tasked with implementing the election security recommendations put forth by the EI-SCC (the companies administering our elections like Dominion and Smartmatic). In order to implement that election security, the EIS-GCC partnered with an outside organization called the Center for Internet Security (CIS). The EIS-GCC and CIS would establish the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center" (EI-ISAC). The entire purpose of the EI-ISAC was to promote the cybersecurity of our elections. Both CIS and the EI-ISAC were mentioned by the CITL files: There were two roles that CIS played when it came to “election security.” One of those roles was with the censorship. We will get to the other role they played shortly but before we do, it’s important to understand just how big their role was with the censorship, and just how biased it was. One of the sources for the CITL files is a November 6th, 2023 report from the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government titled “THE WEAPONIZATION OF “DISINFORMATION” PSEUDO-EXPERTS AND BUREAUCRATS: HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PARTNERED WITH UNIVERSITIES TO CENSOR AMERICANS’ POLITICAL SPEECH.” This report provides excruciating detail of CIS’ role in the “censorship industrial complex.” It was through its EI-ISAC that they actually served as “the singular conduit for election officials to report” what they deemed as election misinformation: CIS worked directly with social media companies in getting content removed from platforms. They also worked to take down posts on behalf of Democrat candidates, including posts sent to them directly by Katie Hobbs. CIS targeted “former, current, and prospective” Republican legislators as well as many other accounts who were considered conservative and pro-Trump at the time. The highly partisan nature of the censorship went as far as targeting Donald Trump himself. Understanding the active role in censorship by CIS and the EI-ISAC, which was clearly biased against President Trump, is important context because as mentioned earlier, censoring conservatives was not the only role that CIS played in the 2020 election. The second role they played is far more disturbing. The Center for Internet Security also provided cybersecurity for our election infrastructure.CIS created an “elections-focused cyber defense suite,” and then give it away for free to anybody who becomes a member of the EI-ISAC. : ![]() This free membership, entailing an “elections-focused cyber defense suite” allowed for a mass rollout across the United States. The access given to CIS in order to “defend the nation’s election systems from cyberthreats” is pervasive and concerning. ![]() The Center for Internet Security was rolling out EDR software to be installed on laptops and servers at election offices, with the stated aim of “detecting malicious activity.” What’s worse is that the Center for Internet Security wasn’t actually using its own software for this endpoint detection. Instead, they contracted out a third party and used tools provided by that third party to identify and respond to malicious activity surrounding our election infrastructure. That third party is Crowdstrike. To further prove this, here is a contract proving Crowdstrike was providing EDR services for the 2020 election. If you would like more detail on this topic, read this article of mine from 2021. ![]() This will likely not be new to anybody but Crowdstrike has close ties to the democrat party and has been involved in questionable cyber-related analysis in the past: ![]() Crowdstrike performing any role in the cybersecurity efforts of our elections is something any objective person should consider to be inappropriate or at the very least a cause for concern. Keep in mind who actually brought them into the picture. The Center for Internet Security already proved too biased against Trump with how they dictated the flow of information in the public sphere by censoring conservative voices questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Is it possible they were dictating the flow of information privately too? Executive Order 13848 required the intelligence community (IC) to assess whether there was interference in the election or not. This assessment told us that there is “no evidence” of shenanigans surrounding the 2020 election: This conclusion by the intelligence community has not only been repeated ad nauseum by the media, but it has also been mentioned multiple times throughout Trump’s J6 case. Donald Trump questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election is what has ultimately led to the political persecution he has faced since 2021. The question I’m not seeing asked is what specific sources was the IC using to state there was no evidence of a compromised election? This is what the ICA claimed was their “source of information:” We know CIS and Crowdstrike were the ones monitoring the election systems. We know both Crowdstrike and CIS have a proven history of bias against one of the candidates on the ballot of the election they were tasked with securing from cyber threats in 2020. Was the actual source for the conclusions found in the ICA Crowdstrike and/or the Center for Internet Security? Maybe it’s just a coincidence that the conclusion found in the ICA was the exact conclusion CIS was censoring people for questioning. We can even further prove the biased nature of the Center for Internet Security. Check out this bio: Do you believe this individual could be unbiased? Would you want him to be involved in any aspect of the 2020 election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, having served on the Obama-Biden Transition Team? His name is John Gilligan, and he has been the President and CEO of the Center of Internet Security since 2018: The man in charge of the Center for Internet Security, the non-profit which is responsible for the cybersecurity of our nations elections (including the 2020 election between Trump and Biden), has direct ties to Obama and Biden. Remember that right before leaving office, Obama’s DHS designated our election infrastructure as critical infrastructure, a designation which directly led to the Center of Internet Security’s involvement in “cyber security” for our elections. Remember it was at Obama’s White House in 2017 that instructions were received to "create a counter-disinformation project to stop a "repeat of 2016."" Under the guise of “free election cyber-security,” the Center for Internet Security has been placed in the position of being the most powerful non-profit in the world. With the level of access they have to our election infrastructure, they could theoretically dictate the outcome of every election they come in contact with. I’m not making accusations here, but with a topic as important and divisive as this one, these questions must be asked. Look at the bigger picture that appears to be forming here. The administrative state Trump was up against, was tasked by Obama to “prevent a repeat of 2016.” They had direct access to our election infrastructure through CIS and then controlled the flow of information using coordination between multiple agencies and the media, big tech, and social media companies that defend them. The CTIL files revealed what essentially was a narrative clean-up crew, and they were only cleaning up after one political party. It’s nearly impossible for anybody in the public domain to know with any certainty whether or not there were cyber threats to the 2020 election, because none of that information is public. Instead, we are forced to rely on our intelligence agencies and those who actually monitored our election infrastructure for answers on whether the 2020 election was “the most secure election in American history.” We can’t trust that conclusion if it comes from Crowdstrike or the Center for Internet Security. If there were bad actors attempting to switch votes from Trump to Biden, can you trust that Crowdstrike or CIS would attempt to stop it? If Crowdstrike and/or CIS software was downloaded onto our election infrastructure, can you trust that they didn’t switch votes themselves? Who would be able to stop them and who would ever find out if they are the ones in charge of detecting and preventing malicious cyber activity? Technology is supposed to make life easier, but when it comes to our elections, it has done the opposite. Our current system forces us to “trust the experts” and pray they will be honest and unbiased. We aren’t even allowed to question them. What a terrifying thought. The only way I see us out of this stranglehold created by the administrative state is through complete transparency. Voting is the most important and impactful thing that a legal American citizen can do. It must therefore be the most transparent process imaginable. Everything should be on paper. Everything should be recorded on camera. Everything should be verifiable by anybody interested in doing the work to verify it. Nothing should rely on experts. Until we get to a system that doesn’t rely on experts, we don’t have a democracy. We have the
illusion of one. (read
more) 2024-01-01 g HAPPY NEW YEAR VI annus
* *
2024-01-01 f HAPPY NEW YEAR V annus horribilis
"Dirty Little Secret" of America’s Current
Obama's Third Term Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, made a significant comment during the recent 4th primary debate. He exposed what he called the "dirty little secret" of America’s government by stating,"The people who we elect to run the government are not the ones who are even actually running the government." If he’s right, then who does run our government? Is it billionaires who steer our domestic and foreign policy? They certainly are trying to control our speech, health, food, use of energy, and the information that we see, hear, and read. They’re also trying to give that power to the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Economic Forum (WEF) – organizations they control through massive donations. For example, in a recent speech in Basel, Switzerland, Dr. David Martin said Bill Gates controls the WHO because he donates 88% of their budget! In return, global WHO programs enhance his plans to depopulate the world and his profits from vaccine investments. Nevertheless, those billionaires can’t routinely call Cabinet members and senior White House officials to direct the handling of America’s plans and policies. It is Barack Obama who makes those calls. How does Obama do it? Members of the intelligence community assure me that Obama has a Network Operations Center (NOC) in his Washington D.C. mansion, his mansion on Matha’s Vineyard, and in cities in politically sensitive states like Florida and Texas. Those NOCs have fiber optic cables and satellite links that give him total communications security with the White House and across the United States. President Trump did not fully grasp Washington’s political axiom: “personnel is policy.” His poor understanding of the personnel process resulted in a multitude of personnel changes and issues that plagued his presidency. On the other hand, Obama fully understands that personnel choices drive policy decisions. The Biden transition team, largely appointed by Obama, also understood the axiom. With a few changes, they created the Biden administration by using all the senior officials of the Obama administration. They are still with us today, acting as Obama’s third term as president. Once you realize Obama runs the show, the disastrous decisions of the Biden administration begin to make sense. Those decisions are designed to support Obama’s promise of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Immediately after his inauguration, Obama began the transformation by dismantling our oil and gas industries. In 2008 his Secretary of Energy announced, “Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” (then $9 to $10 per gallon). Obama’s plan was then launched for the massive redistribution of wealth in America in the name of climate change. He then went on to illegally cancel offshore drilling leases. Does that sound just like the Biden administration’s plans to ban oil, natural gas, and coal? Obama then used his presidential powers to refuse to enforce immigration laws, allowing hundreds of thousands of aliens to cross the border with little fear of being deported. Today, Obama’s control of the Biden administration has changed those hundreds of thousands into millions. If you still don’t believe the Biden administration is composed of Obama personnel who follow the orders of Barack Hussein Obama, the list below shows their background. There is growing doubt that we will have an honest election next year. But if we do, remember the dirty little secret. CABINET MEMBERS & KEY ADVISORS National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy. Secretary of State Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017). Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017) Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting) ECONOMIC POLICY & FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT Director, National Economic Council (replaced in 2023 by the Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, Lael Brainard.) Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury. Chair, Council of Economic Advisers Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the Chair by Biden in 2021. Replaced by Jared Bernstein in March 2023, she will be President of the Brookings Institute in 2024. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation. Member, Council of Economic Advisers Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021 Attorney General Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021. Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021. Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021. Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality. WHITE HOUSE AIDES Chief of Staff Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB and Director of the National Economic Council. Director, Domestic Policy Council Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State. National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA. Director, Office of Legislative Affairs Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide Counsel to the President Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama. Comptroller General of the US Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office) [In other words, it's] Obama’s third term…. (read more)2024-01-01 e HAPPY NEW YEAR IV annus
2024-01-01 d HAPPY NEW YEAR III annus horribilis
"automata are easily led astray"
2024-01-01 c HAPPY NEW YEAR II annus
2024-01-01 b HAPPY NEW YEAR I annus
We Aren’t Prepared For
The Hell Democrats Will Put America Through In 2024
Sometimes coincidences happen in American politics, but what’s happening right now with the Democratic Party — the repeated loud and public doubting about Joe Biden’s future by prominent party figures — is not a coincidence. This is coordinated, and as the 2024 election draws nearer, anything is possible. In an interview with Patrick Bet-David this week, Robert Kennedy Jr. said something about the eventual Democrat presidential nominee I hadn’t considered. “If he were going to drop out,” Kennedy said, referring to Biden, “the time to drop out would be during the convention because then he would control the delegates, because they’re all Biden delegates, and he would then be able to pick his successor.” The idea being that Biden, with the full Democrat apparatus behind him, would lock up the nomination by formally “running” but then direct all of his secured delegates to fall behind someone else, either because he knows he can’t endure a general election campaign, or because he’s been told he better not try. I can’t think of a more bloodcurdling scenario, and it’s not at all out of the realm of high possibilities. “If Trump wasn’t running,” Biden said at a fundraiser on Tuesday, “I’m not sure I’d be running.” Democrats are, of course, in a problem of their own making. They nominated a cadaver who was twice rejected for the spot in the past. But it turned out that with a little pandemic hyping, race riot stoking, and mail-in ballot rigging, they were able to pull things off and foist him into the White House, defeating (temporarily) Donald Trump. Unfortunately, the country collapsed into ruin under Biden, and the next election was fast approaching. They knew he shouldn’t run again, but his natural successor was an inept and undeniably unqualified Kamala Harris, Biden’s black woman of color female vice president. They were stuck with the only person who could say he had beaten Trump before and was the best option to do it again. It just so happened that that person was now past the age of 80, in obvious and rapid decline, and had overseen a[n illegitimate] presidential term marked by global war and economic catastrophe. The only other option was to have a brutal open primary, something that the party’s power structure would never allow. And that’s why Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s scenario is a potential likelihood. But that leads to the next problem — it’s unthinkable that the party’s voters would accept that national leadership would unilaterally determine who gets to be the nominee. I don’t know if you’ve seen Democrat voters lately, but they’re not exactly moving along with the rest of the herd. There would be rioting and, almost certainly, violence. For weeks, maybe months. What would Democrat leaders do to quell it? What wouldn’t they do? Nonetheless, it’s a price they’d be willing to pay if it increased their chances of defeating Trump a second time. Democrats cornered themselves. But there is absolutely no way in hell they will quietly plod their way to likely defeat. It’s going to get very, very messy, and it’s destined to be dangerous. And you thought 2020 was wild. (read more)2024-01-01 a KHAZAR'S SPIKE PROTEIN HOLOCAUST THE
*https://aflegal.org/america-first-legal-sues-hhs-and-fda-for-illegally-concealing-documents-on-government-suppression-of-hydroxychloroquine-and-ivermectin-to-treat-covid-19/ https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/more-bad-news-for-the-mrnas https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/questions-pfizer-and-moderna-must https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/12/military-recruits-to-be-screened-for-heart-conditions/ https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/12/a_disheartening_report_about_how_trump_was_convinced_to_go_along_with_lockdowns.html https://anandamide.substack.com/p/frameshiting-slippery-sequence https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/covid-propaganda-roundup-croatian https://breannamorello.substack.com/p/fox-corp-told-me-to-comply-with-the https://brownstone.org/articles/aaps-pediatrics-journal-confirms-what-we-knew-three-years-ago/ https://brownstone.org/articles/are-safety-reports-from-covid-mrna-shots-due-to-lack-of-fda-ingredient-clarity/ https://brownstone.org/articles/are-school-smarts-enough-to-reject-coronamania/ https://brownstone.org/articles/australian-medical-regulator-finally-relaxes-covid-gag-order/ https://brownstone.org/articles/biontech-goes-to-africa-on-the-public-dime/ https://brownstone.org/articles/christmas-2020-in-germany-the-gift-of-the-biontech-vax/ https://brownstone.org/articles/consent-of-the-governed-where-art-thou/ https://brownstone.org/articles/covid-mrna-vaccines-required-no-safety-oversight/ https://brownstone.org/articles/did-cochranes-masks-study-get-it-wrong/ https://brownstone.org/articles/dr-kadlec-admits-to-the-covid-19-origin-cover-up/ https://brownstone.org/articles/drug-regulators-are-hiding-rna-stability-data/ https://brownstone.org/articles/esg-dei-and-the-rise-of-fake-reporting/ https://brownstone.org/articles/eua-countermeasures-are-neither-investigational-nor-experimental/ https://brownstone.org/articles/fda-fails-to-address-dna-adulteration-concerns/ https://brownstone.org/articles/grand-inquisitor-says-oops/ https://brownstone.org/articles/had-you-known-would-you-have-taken-the-jab/ https://brownstone.org/articles/insights-from-the-hermit-kingdoms-2022-vaccine-safety-data/ https://brownstone.org/articles/is-naomi-klein-othering-me-due-to-family-ties-to-vaccine-money/ https://brownstone.org/articles/justice-for-the-vaccine-injured-a-ray-of-hope/ https://brownstone.org/articles/michael-gove-supported-lockdowns-due-to-information-from-friends-outside-government/ https://brownstone.org/articles/modified-spike-mrna-there-are-no-desired-proteins/ https://brownstone.org/articles/new-foiaed-data-reveal-ny-vaccine-clinics-called-ambulances-to-be-on-standby/ https://brownstone.org/articles/new-study-confirms-cdc-and-other-experts-hurt-children-for-nothing/ https://brownstone.org/articles/new-zealand-government-data-suggests-alarming-pfizer-death-rate/ https://brownstone.org/articles/pfizer-sued-for-false-and-deceptive-covid-19-vaccine-claims/ https://brownstone.org/articles/scientific-meta-analysis-is-broken/ https://brownstone.org/articles/silence-of-the-damned/ https://brownstone.org/articles/ten-new-years-resolutions-to-restore-medical-freedom/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-blind-brute-blunders-forth/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-courage-to-admit-mistakes-in-public/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-covid-19-inquiry-is-a-sham-so-far/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-crazy-covid-copulation-exemption/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-familiarity-of-old-evils-the-zone-of-interest-movie-review/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-federal-government-paid-media-outlets-to-promote-the-covid-vaccine/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-global-wave-of-childhood-pneumonia/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-grateful-dead-succumbed-to-coronamania-but-we-didnt-conform/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-hypnotic-rhythm-of-dependence/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-new-biosecurity-state/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-process-is-the-punishment/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-rise-of-propaganda-dependent-elites-and-lonely-masses/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-sequencing-data-just-went-missing/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-year-that-expertise-collapsed/ https://brownstone.org/articles/these-amendments-would-open-the-door-to-a-dangerous-global-health-bureaucracy/ https://brownstone.org/articles/they-profiled-citizens-according-to-their-degree-of-compliance/ https://brownstone.org/articles/they-want-the-government-to-spend-even-more-on-vaccines/ https://brownstone.org/articles/this-silence-is-not-golden/ https://brownstone.org/articles/vaccelerate-german-eu-programme-aims-to-facilitate-fast-vax-for-next-pandemic/ https://brownstone.org/articles/vax-gene-files-accidental-discovery/ https://brownstone.org/articles/we-must-save-ourselves-from-the-public-health-professionals/ https://brownstone.org/articles/we-sacrificed-their-childhood-at-the-altar-of-our-choices/ https://brownstone.org/articles/white-house-covid-task-force-members-cashed-in-on-pandemic-panic/ https://brownstone.org/articles/why-does-the-who-make-false-claims-regarding-proposals-to-seize-states-sovereignty/ https://celiafarber.substack.com https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/gail-macrae-california-icu-nurse-covid-protocols-vaccine-injuries/ https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/chicken-soup-saturday-december-9 https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/privacy-please-wednesday-december https://dailyclout.io/excess-mortality-figures-in-wealthy-western-nations-that-use-gene-based-mrna-agents/ https://dailyclout.io/the-unvaccinated-were-scapegoated-for-failure-of-covid-vaccines-study-finds/ https://www.dossier.today/p/we-are-witnessing-the-mass-memory https://www.dossier.today/p/where-are-they-now-white-house-covid https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/closing-in-on-the-covid-conspirators https://www.emerald.tv/p/olivia-troye-the-deep-states-female https://www.europereloaded.com/scientists-discover-strange-crystalline-formations-in-blood-of-the-covid-vaccinated/ Pfizer Knew the Vax Was Poison https://gatesofvienna.net/2023/12/pfizer-knew-the-vax-was-poison/ https://www.globalresearch.ca/before-your-child-is-injected-watch-dr-robert-malones-statement-on-child-covid-vaccinations/5764774 https://www.globalresearch.ca/covenant-death-pfizer-knew-killing-babies-utero/5830498 https://gregreese.substack.com/p/italian-health-minister-gave-orders https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/covid-vaccines-produce-random-junk/comments https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/the-unvaccinated-were-unfairly-scapegoated There are no ‘desired proteins’ with regard to the modified spike mRNA A follow-up to the Nature study by Mulroney et al. “All of the harms from the COVID-19 injectable products were predictable, and preventable.” – Jessica Rose, PhD https://jessicar.substack.com/p/there-are-no-desired-proteins-with There’s no problem here. Look away. A response to the question: Is SV40 promoter/enhancer DNA present in the COVID-19 product vials? https://jessicar.substack.com/p/theres-no-problem-here-look-away The COVID Debacle: Merging Criminal Law and Medical Science for Accountability https://jpands.org/vol28no4/hatfill.pdf https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/prestigious-science-journals-confirm-censored-views-masks-best-dont https://kirschsubstack.com/p/data-from-us-medicare-and-the-new https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-we-know-covid-19-crimes-have-been-decades-in-the-making/ * Red States And Areas Suborn Fraud Birx, in September of 2020, came to Knoxville and admitted that she was running a public fraud to a local public official — specifically, to the Knox County mayor. Did said Republican public official immediately out that to the public itself and use his bully pulpit to go to the media and rip her to pieces on television, social media and elsewhere? No. Who was President in September of 2020? Does anyone remember? Here we are more than three years later and it finally is admitted. https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=250381 * Japan Tries To Deflect Since the virus enters through the respiratory passages and the heart is not directly connected to same, and thus something has to enter the circulation to get to the heart it is therefore deductively obvious that it is not possible for a person who did not suffer viremia to have the heart damaged by the virus since it never got there. However, we changed the game in 2021 did we not? We sure did. What did we do that guarantees the spike protein will get into the circulation? We started jabbing people with a substance that is guaranteed, at least in part, to get into the circulation — every single time. Further, we know it did every single time too despite the basic logic behind all injections because the Japanese found concentrations of it all over the body well-distant from the arm including the ovaries in women which have, as their only connection to the arm, the circulation. Thus we know on a factual basis that every single case said injection in fact got into the circulation. The degree to which it did in a given person is of course subject to variation but that it happened to every person who took such injections is a medical and physical fact. And further, if that’s not bad enough, we now know that class-shifting occurs if you take more than two jabs in a very large percentage of the population, it occurs in some people who took just two shots and IgG4 class-shifting causes your body to tolerate rather than attack an invading thing. This means that one must presume that an infection that occurs after such a class-shift may become persistent in the body and thus inevitably viremic simply because your body does not identify it as foreign and kill it before it can. That, in turn, would be expected to lead to an extended low-level insult all through the circulation including in the heart. Yeah. https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=250384 * Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially harmful immune responses https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-redesign-future-mrna-therapeutics-potentially.html COVID-19: The persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in the lungs and the role of innate immunity https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-covid-persistence-sars-cov-lungs-role.html https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/newly-leaked-data-shows-just-how https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2023/12/21/dod-to-study-whether-covid-19-vaccine-helped-or-hurt-troops/ SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence in lung alveolar macrophages is controlled by IFN-γ and NK cells https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-023-01661-4 Self-copying RNA vaccine wins first full approval: what’s next? Researchers look ahead to the potential uses and benefits of a technology that has been more than 20 years in the making. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03859-w https://www.newsmax.com/politics/paul-fauci-safety-bypass/2023/12/06/id/1145061/ https://palexander.substack.com/ https://peterhalligan.substack.com https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/ https://phillipaltman.substack.com/p/cancers-on-the-rise-unnatural-covid Researchers discover new lipid nanoparticle that shows muscle-specific mRNA delivery, reduces off-target effects. https://phys.org/news/2023-12-lipid-nanoparticle-muscle-specific-mrna-delivery.html Ribosomal frameshifting and misreading of mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines produces “off-target” proteins and immune responses eliciting safety concerns https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376265782_Ribosomal_frameshifting_and_misreading_of_mRNA_in_COVID-19_vaccines_produces_off-target_proteins_and_immune_responses_eliciting_safety_concerns_Comment_on_UK_study_by_Mulroney_et_al https://revolver.news/2023/12/new-zealand-covid-data-leak-the-state-is-freaking-out-arresting-whistleblowers/ https://rumble.com/v3zxtld-attorney-general-sues-pfizer-for-misrepresenting-mrna-w-ed-dowd-and-dr-kell.html https://rumble.com/v40ux0u-covid-nurse-dangerous-hospital-protocols-vaccine-injuries-and-health-worker.html https://rumble.com/v40ccxd-dr.-naomi-wolf-the-injections-have-an-ingredient-in-them-that-is-causing-fr.html https://rumble.com/v41ixfb-dr.-peter-mccullough-who-is-guilty-of-mass-negligent-homicide-for-promoting.html Dr. Steven Hatfill And Donald Slaughter Detail How Dr. Hatfill’s New Article is Being Suppressed (6:34) https://rumble.com/v41hoy2-dr.-steven-hatfill-and-donald-slaughter-detail-how-dr.-hatfills-new-article.html Dr. Steven Hatfill: “The COVID Debacle: Merging Criminal Law And Medical Science For Accountability” (19:39) https://rumble.com/v41hm5n-dr.-steven-hatfill-the-covid-debacle-merging-criminal-law-and-medical-scien.html GAIN OF FUNCTION SCIENTISTS DOWNPLAYED SAFETY RISKS (6:58) https://rumble.com/v42te52-gain-of-function-scientists-downplayed-safety-risks.html https://rumble.com/v3zehf1-liz-gunn-nz-government-whistleblower-explodes-worldwide.html https://rumble.com/v41ql7n-neil-oliver-on-excess-deaths-how-many-are-enough-to-wake-up-the-sleeping-ma.html https://rumble.com/v3zhta8-new-zealand-whistleblower-who-released-damning-covid-19-vaccine-data-to-the.html https://rumble.com/v3ynskd-operation-m.o.a.r-mother-of-all-revelations.html https://rumble.com/v3zlefo-rfk-jr-tony-fauci-knew-that-remdesivir-would-kill-you.html Study Finds Staggering 17 Million Global Deaths After Covid Jab Rollout (Rancourt, Baudin & Mercier) (12:30) https://rumble.com/v4439j0-study-finds-staggering-17-million-global-deaths-after-covid-jab-rollout-ran.html https://brightlightnews.com/staggering-17-million-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-rollout-drs-denis-rancourt-marine-baudin-jeremie-mercier/ https://rumble.com/v3zumgp-tucker-carlson-explains-why-well-never-get-an-apology-for-what-happened-dur.html Hold Fauci and Co-Conspirators Accountable For Murderous Coverup Podcast and Substack Versions Combined! https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/cp/139427190#details https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/not-14m-lives-saved-but-over-17m https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/pseudouridine-what-is-it-and-why https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/testimony-in-uk-parliament-show-us Pfizer Completes Acquisition of Seagen and is now focused on treating Turbo Cancer and I think we are being SPARRED, y’all… https://sagehana.substack.com/p/pfizer-completes-acquisition-of-seagen https://sashalatypova.substack.com/ https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/uk-news/death-protocol-covid-whistleblower-lesley-31222669 https://slaynews.com/news/25-vaxxed-have-vaids-cambridge-scientists-warn/ https://slaynews.com/news/canada-reports-135-spike-deaths-unspecified-causes/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/breaking-new-zealand-health-ministry-employee-whistleblowers-home/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/developing-floridas-surgeon-general-joseph-ladapo-confirms-detection/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/florida-surgeon-general-confirms-dark-secret-about-mrna/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/hero-health-worker-turned-whistleblower-faces-court-after/ https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/countries-push-back-on-w-h-o-pandemic-treaty/ https://thelibertydaily.com/canadian-journalist-who-advocated-draconian-vaxx-passport-mandates/ https://unherd.com/2023/11/moderna-is-spying-on-you/ https://vigilantnews.com/post/fake-obituaries-are-being-created-to-conceal-cases-of-died-suddenly https://vigilantnews.com/post/nz-whistleblower-arrested-for-exposing-the-truth-heres-what-they-didnt-want-you-to-see https://vigilantnews.com/post/why-are-so-many-americans-dying-early/ https://vigilantnews.com/post/why-is-the-heart-targeted-for-damage-by-covid-19-vaccines/ The Horrific Outcomes of COVID Reinfection – Study https://youtu.be/_glZcWy_BA0 https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/growing-number-gop-candidates-pledge-disavow-covid-19-vaccine-and-big-pharma https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/illinois-bill-would-require-blood-donors-disclose-covid-vaccination-status https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/pro-vaccine-journalist-who-called-punishment-refusing-jab-dies-suddenly https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-12-04/red-flags-everywhere-2023-sees-alarming-rise-excess-deaths-across-america https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cdc-replaces-pregnant-women-pregnant-people-vaccine-guidance * * * There will never be “Covid accountability” when the entirety of D.C. (minus a select few individuals) was complicit in the power grab. Nobody is holding anyone accountable. They all have blood on their hands. It’s not in their interests to expose it. They’re all complicit. * * Dr. Zelenko claims that ALL viruses are treated with the EXACT SAME protocol – Please listen : “All #Viruses, even ‘Marburg’ is treated with the exact SAME protocol!” (1) Zinc = stops virus from
spreading — Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE – DAD (@bambkb) December 24, 2023 ** * * Intro – Are you Initiated? If not, the pandemic response will make no sense to you. You need the code! pic.twitter.com/eWnz4EUx7T — Amazing Polly Isn't Here to Compromise (@FringeViews) December 16, 2023 ** * * See also: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/pro-vaccine-canadian-journalist-who-called-unvaccinated-police/ * * * * CRITICAL LAWSUIT — We
just sued the Dept. of Health and Human Services
and the Food and Drug Administration for illegally
concealing government records related to the
suppression of lifesaving drugs like
hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID.https://t.co/baxvFpTQaR
— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) December 11, 2023 ** * * * * * * * Hey, @matthewherper ,you don’t think the mRNAs are linked to sudden cardiac death in young people? South Korea would like a word. * * * * * mRNA
Epstein-Barr vaccine
Moderna did not return an email sent to its press office and head of PR this morning requesting comment. The questions in the email are below. Full Unreported Truths coming.$mrna pic.twitter.com/N1etL0Bd3B — Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) December 5, 2023 ** * Hello. My name is Dr.
Mike Yeadon. Probably know by now that I'm a
career research scientist and biologist. I've
worked in the… pic.twitter.com/WNM1xp2YB5
— aussie17 (@_aussie17) December 5, 2023 ** * * * NEW ZEALAND
Health Care Worker/Data Administrator, Barry young, BLEW THE LID on How Many People Truly Died from Pfizer Vaccine Batches! He Was Then Raided and Now Faces 7 Years in Prison WHAT HAPPENED? Barry Young worked on a project at “Te Whatu Ora” as a data… pic.twitter.com/Og4VLD6Oq7 — UltraMJTruth (@MJTruthUltra) December 4, 2023 ** * * [SATANIC] WORLD HEALTH
Troye: The Deep State's Female Forrest Gump In fact, the person most responsible for unleashing the Fauci fraud on America is Olivia Troye — when she was VP Mike Pence's “COVID advisor” during 2019 and 2020 on the infamous COVID Taskforce. The most troubling thing is that Troye had no qualifications to advise anyone during the COVID pandemic. She brought no formal medical expertise and no scientific expertise and no military background to the table. It’s hard not to suspect that Olivia Troye was picked as Pence’s “COVID advisor” in order to run the CIA’s plandemic playbook from inside the Trump White House. Luckily, Troye was too stupid to say silent and disappear back into the shadows. In 2021, she was brazen enough to document how her job was to misinform the Trump Administration at every turn in a Bulwark article. In that article, Troye wrote that the lab leak theory was so dangerous a threat to the IC that “ultimately CIA Director Gina Haspel intervened to defend the integrity of the intelligence community and insulate it from political pressure.” It's also interesting that she described herself in that 2021 confession as “a former career intelligence professional.” Which agency did she formerly work for — before joining Pence's staff? Why was she so hostile to the Wuhan lab leak theory? And why was she so hostile to Pompeo's lab leak investigation? Is it simply a coincidence that Troye had exactly the same views of the lab leak theory as CIA Director Haspel? How would Troye know that key detail about Haspel’s “intervention” unless she was also working for the CIA? In September 2020, Troye was fired by the Trump Administration after someone finally figured out that she was essentially a double agent inside the White House on VP Pence's staff. Within weeks of
that firing, Troye had publicly launched an anti-GOP
organization and was doing media appearances to
support the Biden 2020 campaign — often with a
framed portrait of Dr. Tony Fauci visible on her
office wall. So, dear readers, it was no surprise to me that in 2023 — when America’s “intelligence community” gets caught destroying the First Amendment and gets hauled before Congress — Olivia Troye appears out of nowhere to represent the spooks who have turned our country into a banana republic. Who else could the CIA send out to spew the most inane and ridiculous delusions in front of the American people — in front of Congress — without a trace of embarrassment? There could be only one choice. After all, Olivia Troye is the ultimate useful idiot of our current failed state. This is the fetal alcohol syndrome-suffering face of our national security state — this is the person that our spymasters picked for themselves as their spokeswoman after all — and this is the brain which justified lockdowns and mandatory gene-altering drugs and the end of freedom of speech — and so “that piercing feeling you might have on the side of your head” right now is the realization that Olivia Troye has created “Havana’s Syndrome” for every American who still cares about our constitutional republic. https://www.emerald.tv/p/olivia-troye-the-deep-states-female* * * See also: https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/i-analyzed-the-leaked-nz-whistleblower * Chinese Travel Ban?
GOP Senators just sent this letter to @JoeBiden, calling on him to immediately issue a TRAVEL BAN between the United States & the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The letter comes as China’s mystery “pneumonia” has now made its way to the United States. pic.twitter.com/Xo651QVL08 — Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) December 1, 2023 *We are playing with
the lives of Colombians, we cannot be a factor of
experimentation. All of us who are… pic.twitter.com/lM4m9GVM6w
— aussie17 (@_aussie17) December 1, 2023 ** See also: https://thecountersignal.com/statcan-report-reveals-135-increase-in-deaths-due-to-unspecified-causes/ * New Zealand COVID-19
Vaccination Database Admin Turns Whistleblower and
Reveals How Many People Died After Analysing Batch
IDs of the Pfizer Shots#covid #BigPharma #pfizer #Moderna #VaccineDeath #VaccineGenocide #Genocide #DiedSuddenly #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#ZionistsAreEvil pic.twitter.com/U7zkX3IyYT
— Ivana (@ivana111177) November 30, 2023 ** * See also: DAVOS
LIVE: Moderna and Gavi CEOs at World Economic
Forum ‘State of the Pandemic’ session
https://youtu.be/5kVbKHQjpas * ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2023 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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