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![]() comments, ephemera, speculation, etc. (protected political speech and personal opinion) - If this is your 1st visit to this page, please start at the bottom - 2024- 2024-02-04 a KHAZAR'S CENTRAL PLANNERS HATE OUR TRADITIONAL, NUCLEAR FAMILIES WHILE SANE PERSONS
BOLSHEVIKS TREAT IT LIKE HOLY WRIT JUSTIFYING THEIR HATRED OF INTACT, MONOGAMOUS FAMILIES. (This is what Bolshevik-controlled academics call a peer-reviewed, scholarly, journal article.) Theorizing White
heteropatriarchal supremacy, marriage
and the mechanisms that maintain family inequality Bethany L. Letiecq Journal of Marriage and Family First published: 04 February 2024 ABSTRACT In this article, I draw upon critical feminist and intersectional frameworks to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages White heteropatriarchal nuclear families (WHNFs) and marginalizes others as a function of family structure and relationship status. Specifically, I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy. Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family. But it is also a hidden or unacknowledged structural mechanism of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy that is essential to the reproduction and maintenance of family inequality in the United States. Through several examples, I demonstrate how—since colonization—marriage fundamentalism has been instantiated through laws, policies, and practices to unduly advantage WHNFs while simultaneously marginalizing Black, Indigenous, immigrant, mother-headed, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) families, among others. I conclude with a call for family scientists to further interrogate how marriage fundamentalism reproduces family inequality in American family life and to work toward its dismantling. A deeper understanding of how these complex and often covert mechanisms of structural oppression operate in family life is needed to disrupt these mechanisms and advance family equality and justice. INTRODUCTION “The Facts are in: Two Parents Are Better than One” (Dubner, 2023) is just one of the recent headlines in the news, invoking a common refrain that two-parent married families are best for child development (Kearney, 2023; Wilcox, 2015). Indeed, certain families—White, heteropatriarchal (heterosexual, male-headed) nuclear families (WHNFs)—have long been heralded as ideal for producing optimal individual and child outcomes for families and the nation (Coontz, 2005; Jensen & Sanner, 2021; McLanahan & Sandefur, 1994; D. E. Smith, 1993). So ideal is the WHNF that the state has promoted, privileged, and advantaged this family form for centuries through the instantiation of over 1000 laws and policies embedded in a wide range of social institutions that determine one's access to benefits, resources, rights, and financial and legal protections (Brown, 2021; Letiecq, 2019; Polikoff, 2008; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2004). While institutionalizing WHNFs as best, the state has also systematically excluded, penalized, and punished non-WHNFs at a structural level, denying certain peoples the rights to marriage and privacy based on race, nation, and/or sexual orientation, and conditioning access to benefits, resources, and state protections as a function of family structure (Polikoff, 2008; Vasquez-Tokos & Yamin, 2021; Wacquant, 2009). To justify these exclusions, the state has propagated racialized and gendered narratives of deviance and immorality, blaming Black single mothers or queer or cohabitating couples rearing children (among others) for causing family instability and poor child outcomes and casting them as threats to the social order (Biblarz & Stacey, 2010; Letiecq et al., 2013; Moffitt, 2015; Roberts, 2022; Russell et al., 2022; Skolnick, 1981). In response to these deficit narratives, critical family scholars have, for decades, critiqued the extant research linking family structure to child outcomes for ignoring or failing to fully account for the myriad ways in which families are differentially sorted—advantaged or disadvantaged—by the state (e.g., Billingsley, 1968; Brady, 2019; Burton et al., 2010; Collins, 1998; Cross, 2020; Cross et al., 2022; García Coll et al., 1996; Letiecq, 2019; Russell et al., 2018; Walsdorf et al., 2020; Williams, 2019; Williams & Baker, 2021). These scholars argue that family research devoid of a structural analysis has distorted and skewed understandings about family life. Indeed, the field of family science (broadly defined to include human development and family science and subdisciplines within sociology, psychology, social work, economics, and health, among others) has yet to fully interrogate: (1) how the state operates at a structural level to instantiate WHNF supremacy; and (2) how the state conditions and constrains, if not punishes and penalizes, non-WHNFs to reproduce and lock-in family inequality (Bailey et al., 2021; Bonilla-Silva, 2023; Cross et al., 2022; Williams, 2023). Critical scholars posit that research focused solely on family structure for child outcomes is too simplistic, reductive, or incomplete, if not misleading and harmful (Cross, 2020; Letiecq, 2019). By ignoring or failing to interrogate how WHNF supremacy has been constructed and is maintained by the state at a structural level, it remains covert and hidden (Bourdieu, 1996; Walsdorf et al., 2020). Worse, these reductive models perpetuate ideologically driven, deficit-based perspectives used to justify laws, policies, and practices that systematically institutionalize White heteropatriarchal power and supremacy to the marginalization, social exclusion, and harms of many others (Cross et al., 2022). In recent years, family scholars have begun to study how key features or structuring elements of White heteropatriarchal supremacy, such as structural racism, sexism, heterosexism, anti-immigrant nativism, and settler colonialism, operate and interlock to condition and constrain diverse family formation and functioning (e.g., Bailey et al., 2021; Baker & O'Connell, 2022; Chatters et al., 2022; Cross et al., 2022; Everett et al., 2022; Jordan, 2022; Letiecq, Davis, et al., 2022, Letiecq et al., 2023; Speed, 2020; Vasquez-Tokos & Yamin, 2021; Williams, 2023; Williams & Baker, 2021). Importantly, this work interrogates how these structuring elements are instantiated through laws, policies, and practices such that people racialized as White—and particularly White, heterosexual, cisgender men—maintain power, control resources, and safeguard their structural advantages (and those of their dependents; Williams, 2023). Yet, missing from this discourse or not fully articulated is the inclusion of marriage fundamentalism as a key feature of White heteropatriarchal supremacy, operating often in tandem with other structuring elements to perpetuate relationship-status discrimination and the (dis)advantaging of families vis-à-vis their structure (Fremstad et al., 2019). To build upon and extend critical family theorizing, in this article, I draw upon critical feminist and intersectional frameworks to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages WHNFs and marginalizes others as a function of marriage fundamentalism (Collins, 1998, 2019; Young, 1990). Marriage fundamentalism, I argue, is not only an ideology and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family (Fremstad et al., 2019), but also a hidden, yet key structural mechanism of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy that is essential to the reproduction and maintenance of family inequality in the United States (U.S.). Through several examples, I demonstrate how, since colonization, marriage fundamentalism has undergirded the privileging of WHNFs and the perpetual marginalization of Black, Indigenous, immigrant, mother-headed, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) families (Letiecq, 2019). I conclude with a call for family scientists to further conceptualize and measure how marriage fundamentalism plays out in American family life. It is critical that we understand more about how complex, interlocking mechanisms of structural oppression and domination operate in family life in order to disrupt these mechanisms and advance family equality and justice. In the following sections, I conceptualize White heteropatriarchal supremacy and marriage fundamentalism, but first I locate myself in this work. LOCATING AND UNSETTLING MYSELF AT THE OUTSETAs a critical feminist scholar, it is important at the outset to locate myself and my motivations for engaging in this theoretical work (Allen & Henderson, 2022; Fine, 1994). I come to this work with my own complex family narrative of marriages, divorces, and remarriages across generations of my family, and my own experiences of interracial marriage, divorce, cohabitation, motherhood, single-parenting, and step-mothering. As a White, cisgender woman, I am currently living with my partner and co-raising our children in a committed heterosexual union outside the institution of marriage. In writing this article, I am intimately familiar with the ways in which my union is problematized and denigrated in a society that sees marriage as best for children and for society (Skolnick, 1981). I am also aware of the ways my family as structured has been denied access to resources, benefits, rights, financial and legal protections, and cultural validation (Polikoff, 2008). Similar to Hardisty (2008), I question a society that espouses the virtues of liberty and justice for all, while coercing some of its citizens to enter into an institution built upon White heteropatriarchal supremacy to gain access to those benefits, rights, and protections (or face the possibility of financial ruin; see Geller, 2023). I also approach this writing as a critical family scholar who, for some 30 years, has been studying and writing about the “Other” (Fine, 1994, p. 70), namely families experiencing marginalization at the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, indigeneity, and nation (e.g., Letiecq et al., 1996, 2008, 2023; Letiecq, Davis, et al., 2022; Letiecq & Koblinsky, 2004). Using community-based participatory action research (CBPAR) approaches (Letiecq, Vesely, et al., 2022) in partnership with Black, Indigenous, and immigrant families, my co-researchers and I have endeavored to expose the undue family health burdens that marginalized people endure because of structural inequalities. And while this collaborative work has been carried out with the promise of working to change systems and advance justice, over time, I have become increasingly unsettled. There is abundant critical scholarship to unsettle the self (e.g., Arvin et al., 2013; Bonilla-Silva, 2023; Collins, 1998; Fine, 1994; Harris, 1993; Lehr, 1999; Leonardo, 2004; Wilson, 2018). Like many, I grew increasingly unsettled during the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racial injustice that erupted in 2020 after the extrajudicial killing of George Floyd (Dow et al., 2022). Reading Eve Tuck's (2009) “Suspending Damage: A Letter to Communities” was likewise disquieting. In her letter, Tuck (2009) implored researchers to “reconsider the long-term impact of ‘damage-centered’ research—research that intends to document peoples' pain and brokenness to hold those in power accountable for their oppression” (p. 409). She wrote further: “This kind of research operates with a flawed theory of change: it is often used to leverage reparations or resources for marginalized communities yet simultaneously reinforces and reinscribes a one-dimensional notion of these people as depleted, ruined, and hopeless” (p. 409). Tuck then urged researchers to reformulate extant theories and methods and reimagine research conducted with communities experiencing marginalization. Yet, even those of us using democratic, participatory approaches like CBPAR have to consider if and how our research is centering damage and if we are subscribing to a flawed theory of change that is actually reinforcing deficit narratives rather than exposing how White supremacy operates to the advantaging of those racialized as White. Like Jordan (2022), who
advanced settler colonial theory as a critical
framework for antiracist and anticolonial family
scholarship, I acknowledge “the contraindications
of being a White person working for justice
without first seeking to disrupt Whiteness” (p.
465). Other White women scholars have also written
about disrupting our Whiteness (e.g., Blume &
De Reus, 2009;
Earick, 2018;
Fine, 1994)
while Walsdorf et al. (2020)
challenged family scholars to consider such
disruptions within family science. Indeed,
Walsdorf et al. (2020)
asserted that family scholars must interrogate the
supremacy of Whiteness in family scholarship and
the complex, interlinked logics used to reinforce
WHNF advantage in order to reimagine systems and
structures and who and what needs to change to
advance justice for all families. In response,
here I interrogate White supremacy interlinked
with heteropatriarchy to surface marriage
fundamentalism as a structuring element that is
key to the reproduction of WHNF hegemony and the
maintenance of family inequality in the United
States. CONCEPTUALIZING WHITE HETEROPATRIARCHAL SUPREMACY, SURFACING MARRIAGE FUNDAMENTALISM Defining White supremacyBefore delving into White heteropatriarchal supremacy, I first situate this work in the study of White supremacy. Meaningfully, the term White supremacy has gained increasing visibility in family science scholarship over the past decade. Its visibility grew particularly after scholars were invited, in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd, to “explore the impact of racial inequality, racial unrest, and white supremacy on family life” in the 2022 Transformative Family Scholarship series (Dow et al., 2022, p. 1242). That series—engaging scholars across the Journal of Family Theory and Review, the Journal of Marriage and Family, and the Family Relations—was significant for its advancement of theory, research, and practice centering racialized injustices in family life and naming White supremacy as what Walsdorf et al. (2020) had earlier described as the “little understood culprit” (p. 65) and “structuring element” (p. 70) of family inequality. Yet, few articles in the Transformative series actually defined the term White supremacy or delved into the ways in which the mechanisms of White supremacy operate to reproduce family marginalization and family privileging (for exceptions, see Baker & O'Connell, 2022; Chatters et al., 2022; Cross et al., 2022). Building upon the work of Ansley (1989) and Walsdorf et al. (2020), in this article, I recognize that there are multiple ways in which we define White supremacy. For example, it has deep ideological roots in the United States, grounded in beliefs purporting that people with light skin coloration, mainly those of European descent who are racialized as White, are a superior human race genetically, socially, and culturally than those racialized as non-White, and especially those racialized as Black (Zuberi & Bonilla-Silva, 2008). Belief in White superiority undergirds the beliefs that White culture is more advanced than other cultures and that White people should dominate society (Chatters et al., 2022). White supremacist ideology was fomented in the academy by intellectuals worldwide who invented the concept of biological race and espoused eugenic, race science to promote the proposition that there are biologically determined and hierarchically ranked racial groups, and that racial improvement could be achieved through selective breeding (Chatters et al., 2022; Vasquez-Tokos & Yamin, 2021). Working to combat the lasting effects of White supremacy and eugenics in the modern era, the National Human Genome Research Institute (2021) defined the term “scientific racism” as “an ideology that appropriates the methods and legitimacy of science to argue for the superiority of white Europeans and the inferiority of non-white people whose social and economic status have been historically marginalized” (para 2). As asserted by Roberts (2012) and Saini (2019), White supremacist ideology and scientific racism continue to plague research across the disciplines, and family science is not immune (see Bonilla-Silva, 2023; Williams, 2023). But White supremacy is more than an ideology. It is also a multidimensional and interconnected system of structures, laws, policies, rules, regulations, and processes by which people racialized as White maintain and control power, wealth, and resources for their own and their family's structural advantage in an unequal society (Mills, 2013; Walsdorf et al., 2020). As Ansley (1989) maintained, White supremacy operates as an all-encompassing and complex political, economic, and cultural system in which White domination and control and non-White subordination exists across a broad array of institutions (e.g., education, health care, criminal justice, and child welfare). Importantly, this structural definition “focuses primarily on the institutional arrangements that underlie White supremacy and only secondarily on individual race-based animus” (Wilson, 2018, p. 3). More importantly, structural definitions emphasize how White supremacy undergirds the way we organize and sort people and their families in our society, carry out functions within social institutions, and distribute resources and power (Bonilla-Silva, 1997; Wilson, 2018). Intersecting White supremacy and heteropatriarchyGrounded in intersectionality (Collins, 1990, 2019; Crenshaw, 1989; Few-Demo, 2014; Few-Demo & Allen, 2020), critical scholars have also expanded and complicated conceptualizations of White supremacy to interlink it with heteropatriarchy (heterosexism, male domination) and other systems of power, including settler colonialism, nativism, ultranationalism, xenophobia, and religious fundamentalism (Arvin et al., 2013; Collins, 1998, 2019; Ross, 2016; A. Smith, 2016). For example, A. Smith (2016) intersected White supremacy and heteropatriarchy to discuss the “three pillars of White supremacy” (p. 67), including anti-Black racism, anti-Indigenous settler colonialism, and anti-immigrant orientalism as interlinked forms of oppression experienced by women of color. Importantly, she argued that we must understand the innerworkings of each pillar as both separate and distinct and interconnected in what Collins (1990) called the matrix of domination and oppression. In other words, A. Smith (2016) argued that we must not “go beyond the Black/White binary” in our intersectional work to understand women of color oppression as if equally shared. Instead, we must recognize the centrality of the Black/White binary for the reproduction and maintenance of anti-Blackness. Likewise, there is also an “indigenous/settler binary, where Native genocide is [also] central to the logic of [W]hite supremacy,” and so on (A. Smith, 2016, p. 70). In this article, I am introducing another pillar of White supremacy, that of marriage fundamentalism, and argue that it is a heretofore hidden, yet central logic undergirding the reproduction of family inequality. Surfacing marriage fundamentalism as central to White heteropatriarchal supremacyIn our critical theorizing, my colleagues and I (Cross et al., 2022) recently interrogated the structuring elements of White supremacy and heteropatriarchy to understand the ways in which structural forces differentially conditioned Black and White family life. We posited that White heteropatriarchal supremacy is co-constituted by separate yet interrelated logics, including structural racism and marriage fundamentalism, that interlock and undergird a multidimensional, complex system of laws, policies, rules, regulations, and practices used to manipulate and control the social order to the benefit of a few, namely White heterosexual men and their dependents (Collins, 1998; Walsdorf et al., 2020). This complex system of WHNF supremacy works to signal, regulate, and institutionalize what powerful groups, including lawmakers, consider the best way to do family (Bermúdez et al., 2016; Letiecq, 2019). As a case in point,
we examined how structural racism and marriage
fundamentalism undergird the Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program,
born out of welfare reform in 1996, which
provides cash assistance to families with
children experiencing economic marginalization
(Cross et al., 2022).
Three of the four stated goals of TANF center on
the primacy of traditional heterosexual nuclear
marriage and parental responsibility as
fundamental to poverty reduction, including the
promotion of marriage, abstinence until
marriage, and responsible fatherhood (U.S. House
of Representatives, 1996).
While created through federal legislation,
states exercise broad discretion in
administering the program via federally
dispersed block grants (U.S. House of
Representatives, 1996).
Researchers have found geographic and racialized
differences in TANF administration. For example,
southern states with the largest percentages of
Black families—and where the legacy of slavery
is entrenched (Baker & O'Connell, 2022)—tend
to spend a significantly higher share of TANF
funds on marriage promotion programming (e.g.,
counseling about marriage, healthy
relationships) than providing direct cash
assistance to families (Floyd et al., 2021;
Monnat, 2010;
Parolin, 2021).
Indeed, Parolin (2021)
found that economically marginalized Black
families, as compared to their White
counterparts, are more likely to receive
assistance via Healthy Marriage Initiatives than
receive cash payments to help them meet their
basic needs (Parolin, 2021).
Disparities in TANF administration are estimated
to account for about 15% of the Black–White
child poverty gap in the United States (Parolin,
Such findings led Floyd et al. (2021)
to pointedly conclude that:
But the U.S. federal and state governments not only sanction and promote marriage fundamentalism via TANF. As I discuss, marriage fundamentalism also undergirds myriad U.S. laws and social policies, including access to social security, family and medical leave, health insurance, and laws of intestacy (which establish the specific ordering of inheritance), and many benefits built into the U.S. tax code (Letiecq et al., 2013; see also Bea & Taylor Poppe, 2021; Brown, 2021), to the structural disadvantaging of Black, Indigenous, immigrant, and other families of color as well as LGBTQ+ and cohabiting couples and people choosing singlehood and single parenting (DePaulo, 2023). Before I delve more deeply into marriage fundamentalism and how it operates to reproduce WHNF advantage, I first examine marriage fundamentalism as an ideological code or schema rooted in White supremacy (D.E. Smith, 1993). Marriage fundamentalism as an ideologyMarriage fundamentalism, like White supremacy, is a complex construct that can be understood as both ideological and structural. Ideologically, the belief that the heterosexual two-parent married family form is superior to other family forms for child-rearing and for the nation is well-documented (Biblarz & Stacey, 2010; Cherlin, 2004; Coontz, 2005; Cott, 2000; Lehr, 1999; Polikoff, 2008). Importantly, marriage fundamentalism should not be conflated with general beliefs about marriage, although they are inter-related.[...] THE HISTORICAL TO MODERN ERA MECHANISMS OF MARRIAGE FUNDAMENTALISM The roots of White, heteropatriarchal family domination and marriage fundamentalism in the United States run deep, with through lines connecting the modern era to mass colonial brutality fomented by the belief that White European settlers were divinely ordered as Manifest Destiny to settle North America (Walsdorf et al., 2020). In order to fulfill this destiny, White European colonizers used force and lethal violence to enact strategies of elimination and land dispossession targeting Indigenous peoples; enslavement and subjugation targeting Black people; exploitation and exclusion targeting foreigners and immigrants of color; and coercive control and exclusion targeting women and sexual and gender minorities (Kashyap, 2020). To cruelly and “procedurally maintain” White heteropatriarchal supremacy and control families (Jordan, 2022, p. 468), scholars have documented several additional mechanisms of structural oppression and domination, including marriage prohibition (including anti-miscegenation laws and the outlawing of same-sex marriage; [...] CONCLUSIONS In writing this article, I have delineated an overarching framework for the interrogation of how structural oppression and unequal power relations operate to reproduce the systematic advantaging of WHNFs and the marginalization of other families (Collins, 2019; Young, 1990). Specifically, I theorize that marriage fundamentalism is a hidden yet key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy, operating alongside structural racism and other systems of power to the structural domination of non-WHNFs. As I have discussed, engendering marriage fundamentalism, the state has for centuries justified its significant, long-term investments in the promotion, protection, and undue privileging of WHNFs while simultaneously justifying the punishment, marginalization, and exclusion of those families it deemed illegitimate, deviant, or a threat to the social order (e.g., Biblarz & Stacey, 2010; Polikoff, 2008; Roberts, 2022; Russell et al., 2022; Skolnick, 1981; Vasquez-Tokos & Yamin, 2021; Wacquant, 2009). Yet, even after all those investments to promote and instantiate a singular family form as best, today, the majority of families in the United States “have absolutely no resemblance to this dominant [WHNF] definition” (Bourdieu, 1996, p. 19). In fact, the WHNF is a minority experience compared to the numbers of one-person households, unrelated individuals or unmarried couples living together, single-parent families, LGBTQ+ families, blended families, married couples living apart, grandparents rearing their grandchildren, and so on (DePaulo, 2023; Jensen & Sanner, 2021; Pilkauskas & Cross, 2018; Powell et al., 2016; Russell et al., 2022). The new forms of families being invented in the modern era remind us that “the family” (like race and gender) is not naturally occurring but is a social construction (Bonilla-Silva, 2023; Collins, 1998; Wilson, 2018). As Bourdieu (1996) stated:
And the field of family science has been complicit in this centuries-old state-sanctioned project to maintain White heteropatriarchal supremacy. Most pointedly, researchers who compare two-parent married families to single-parent families as if comparable at the base—without controlling for structural (dis)advantages—are (perhaps inadvertently) fueling narratives of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy. In writing this article, I am urging family scholars to engage critical social theories (e.g., Collins, 2019) and structural analyses and continue to interrogate the mechanisms of structural oppression and unequal power relations, including marriage fundamentalism, operating to reproduce and maintain family inequality (see Young, 1990). Next, I delineate additional recommendations for needed family scholarship that will deepen our understanding of marriage fundamentalism so that it can be disrupted in family science and beyond. First, family scholars must continue the close interrogation (and dismantling) of existing family theories that rely on key logics and assumptions that undergird White heteropatriarchal family supremacy and develop new family theories and new imaginations that challenge Whiteness, White supremacy, marriage fundamentalism, and the unfettered promotion and advantaging of WHNFs (Allen & Henderson, 2022; Blume & De Reus, 2009; Few-Demo, 2014; Fine, 1994; Letiecq, 2019). As Jensen and Sanner (2021) concluded in their scoping review on child wellbeing and family structures, “[t]he inherent and unchallenged bias toward the nuclear family model looms large in this literature” (p. 15). Building new theories and models to understand and explain White heteropatriarchal family supremacy in a field heretofore dominated by White people, many of whom have benefited from Whiteness as property (Harris, 1993) and WHNF advantaging, will require deep reflexivity and self-interrogation to unsettle the self (Allen et al., 2019; Letiecq, Vesely, et al., 2022). Family scholars must work to surface unearned family privileges and the unchecked assumptions linked to marriage fundamentalism operating in our own lives and in the institutions (including the academy) that we inhabit (Allen et al., 2019; Fine, 1994; Letiecq, 2019). Family scholars should also take up what Gilbert and Sliep (2009) refer to as the practice of inter-relational reflexivity to be carried out in the context of social action and community-based work. Inter-relational reflexivity goes beyond self-reflexivity and occurs dialogically in relationship with others to interrogate moral and ethical issues and negotiate unequal power relations as we take collective action together to transform family-based systems of inequality (Gilbert & Sliep, 2009). Inter-relational reflexivity in partnership with those experiencing family marginalization and relationship-status discrimination can meaningfully surface currently hidden forms of family inequality in need of redress. Conversely, both self- and inter-relational reflexivity can be used to interrogate the ways in which people unduly advantaged by marriage fundamentalism consciously or unconsciously work to maintain and reproduce those advantages within their families and within other social institutions (e.g., education, health care, and housing). Second, there is a critical need to think more deeply—and more relationally—about systems and the people working within those systems who, for a complex host of reasons, “support and execute the will of the powerful” in reproducing structural oppression (Young, 1990, p. 31). Recent studies of how White people are experiencing the growing racial, class, and gender diversification in the United States can inform this line of family study. For example, evidence suggests that the demographic shift toward growing diversity in the U.S. as well as perceived gains being made by Black, Indigenous, immigrant, LGBTQ+, and other peoples are often interpreted by White, cisgender people of European ancestry as a threat to their dominant social position in the U.S. and an erosion of the power of their Whiteness (Danbold & Huo, 2015). Indeed, research has found that reminding White people of their declining relative group size led to greater bias, anger, and fear toward Black, Indigenous, immigrant, and other people of color (Craig & Richeson, 2014a) and an endorsement of conservatism among the politically unaffiliated (Craig & Richeson, 2014b). As noted by Bonilla-Silva (2023) and Young (1990), we must examine both how the mechanisms of structural oppression work, and who is enacting, enabling, and enforcing the practices, often cruelly (see Bhatia, 2020) within social systems and institutions that perpetuate family inequality. Family scholars should also work to interrogate and clearly map the powerful influences and roles of special interest groups, think thanks, and their media operations (see Meagher, 2012) in the reproduction of WHNF supremacy. Lastly, family scholars, guided by critical social theories, must continue to develop measurement and analytical techniques that meaningfully capture the complex and interlinked manifestations of structural domination and oppression in American family life (see Cross et al., 2022; Williams, 2023). Several examples already exist (Baker & O'Connell, 2022; Curtis et al., 2022; Everett et al., 2022; Williams & Baker, 2021). In addition, family scholars should also take up “new” research methodologies and approaches in family science, including CBPAR and decolonizing approaches (e.g., Letiecq, Vesely, et al., 2022; L. T. Smith, 2021), that reimagine research to ensure it is conducted by, for, and with communities experiencing marginalization, but not reproducing damaged-centered narratives that reify White heteropatriarchal supremacy (Tuck, 2009). These approaches are critical to disrupting scientific racism and unchecked marriage fundamentalism, structural racism, and other systems of power that continue to plague research across disciplines, including family science (Bonilla-Silva, 2023; Roberts, 2012; Saini, 2019; Williams, 2023). Some 30 years
ago, Fine (1994) called
for a check on cultural imperialism evident in
work that centers the “Other,” while protecting
(i.e., not studying) those in power. She asked,
“[W]hy don't we know much about how the rich live?
Why don't we study whiteness?…Whose dirty
linen…gets protected by such work?” (p. 73).
Fine's (1994)
questions are still relevant today and demand
answers as we not only talk about family
diversity, inclusion, and equity but walk toward
the dismantlement of marriage fundamentalism and
interlinked forms of structural oppression to
advance justice for all people under the law.
There is much work to do. As Wilson (2018)
concluded, unless and until we commit to
understanding, disrupting, and dismantling White
heteropatriarchal supremacy and the ways in which
modern iterations of laws, policies, and practices
continue to perpetuate it at a structural level,
it will remain an enduring feature of American
society. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would
like to acknowledge the reviewers whose critical
feedback significantly strengthened this piece.
Thank you also to my network of critical scholars
and especially Peter Noonan and Alicia Muñoz for
their early reviews, feedback, and support. 2024-02-02 a KHAZAR'S GREAT REPLACEMENT OF WHITE PEOPLE KRUGMAN
*Statistics show that the foreign born, their children and their grandchildren are disproportionately welfare burdens. ![]() *
The spike protein holocaust is yet another killing cult orchestrated by the same group implementing NetZero & starting World War III. * ![]() * V-Safe Part 10: Federal Judge Orders CDC to Make Public 7.8 Million V-safe Free-Text Entries Within 12 Months https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/v-safe-part-10-federal-judge-orders https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/on-the-mysterious-case-of-tom-scocca https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-aarp-just-told-its-38-million https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/they-still-wont-quit-pushing-the https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-a-new-chinese-paper-shows URGENT: Giving mRNA Covid vaccines to pregnant rats caused brain changes and autism-like behavior in their young, a new study shows https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-giving-mrna-covid-vaccines https://anandamide.substack.com https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/covid-propaganda-roundup-bioterror https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/covid-propaganda-roundup-nikki-haley Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche – Don’t vaccinate your children with covid-vaccines! Ever!…. https://www.bitchute.com/video/8MwMSDSfXDmr/ https://boriquagato.substack.com https://brownstone.org/articles/are-there-us-quarantine-camps-right-now/ https://brownstone.org/articles/before-preparing-for-pandemics-we-need-better-evidence-of-risk/ https://brownstone.org/articles/big-pharmas-dirty-marketing-schemes-exposed/ College Vaccine Mandates: Here to Stay? https://brownstone.org/articles/college-vaccine-mandates-here-to-stay/ https://brownstone.org/articles/conspiracy-theorists-were-right-about-climate-lockdowns/ https://brownstone.org/articles/contaminated-weve-been-their-lab-rats-all-along/ Covid Didn’t Suddenly Become ‘Deadly’ in April 2020 https://brownstone.org/articles/covid-didnt-suddenly-become-deadly-in-april-2020/ https://brownstone.org/articles/covid-mrna-vaccines-required-no-safety-oversight/ https://brownstone.org/articles/covid-mrna-vaccines-required-no-safety-oversight-part-two/ https://brownstone.org/articles/did-fauci-slip-while-under-oath/ https://brownstone.org/articles/did-liberalism-fail-the-test-of-covid/ https://brownstone.org/articles/exiles-in-our-own-land/ https://brownstone.org/articles/florida-surgeon-general-calls-for-a-halt-to-the-use-of-mrna-covid-19-vaccines/ https://brownstone.org/articles/florida-surgeon-generals-call-to-halt-use-of-the-vaccines-sparks-debate/ https://brownstone.org/articles/german-scientists-met-openly-with-wuhan-batwoman/ Gonsalves and the Origins of ‘Six Feet Apart’ https://brownstone.org/articles/gonsalves-and-the-origins-of-six-feet-apart/ https://brownstone.org/articles/history-will-remember-tegnells-covid-heroism/ https://brownstone.org/articles/japans-covid-and-conformity-mania/ https://brownstone.org/articles/just-how-alienated-are-our-masters-and-commanders/ https://brownstone.org/articles/maybe-more-people-objected-than-we-knew/ https://brownstone.org/articles/may-the-wef-plot-suffer-the-peoples-resistance/ https://brownstone.org/articles/medicine-has-been-fully-militarized/ https://brownstone.org/articles/no-one-is-safe-until-everyone-is-safe/ https://brownstone.org/articles/on-the-eve-of-our-turning-point/ https://brownstone.org/articles/our-leaders-learned-nothing-from-their-covid-failures/ https://brownstone.org/articles/reflections-on-the-bret-weinstein-interview/ https://brownstone.org/articles/science-totalitarianism-now-threatens-liberalism/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-case-of-typhoid-mary/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-cdc-doctor-responsible-for-hiding-myocarditis-and-promoting-vaccines/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-collapse-of-credentialism/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-doj-quietly-prosecutes-the-covid-resistance/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-first-amendment-brought-to-you-by-pfizer/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-globalists-new-weapon/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-heroism-of-guido-darrezo/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-moral-obligation-of-civil-disobedience/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-propaganda-that-is-selective-science/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-re-education-of-new-zealand-medical-doctors/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-totalitarian-mind-of-donald-g-mcneil/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-whos-managerial-gambit/ https://brownstone.org/articles/this-vaccine-emperor-has-no-clothes/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-who-and-phony-international-law/ Three Books to End the Silence https://brownstone.org/articles/three-books-to-end-the-silence/ https://brownstone.org/articles/todays-censorship-is-personal/ https://brownstone.org/articles/to-get-us-residency-requires-the-covid-jab/ https://brownstone.org/articles/ulrich-beck-and-our-risk-society/ https://brownstone.org/articles/we-need-real-covid-inquiries/ https://brownstone.org/articles/when-psychopathic-is-no-exaggeration/ https://brownstone.org/articles/when-virtue-signals-wear-science-as-a-skin-suit/ https://brownstone.org/articles/where-are-we-now/ https://brownstone.org/articles/who-will-deliver-justice-to-our-service-members/ https://brownstone.org/articles/why-was-the-biontech-pfizer-mrna-vaccine-not-recalled-in-february-2021/ https://brownstone.org/articles/will-we-ever-get-the-truth/ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/melinda-gates-mackenzie-scott-invest-school-based-health-alliance/ https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/ https://colleenhuber.substack.com https://covidreason.substack.com COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign https://www.cureus.com/articles/203052-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-lessons-learned-from-the-registrational-trials-and-global-vaccination-campaign#!/ EXCLUSIVE: Heritage Foundation Sues CIA For Refusing To Hand Over Covid Records https://dailycaller.com/2023/12/26/heritage-foundation-sues-cia-covid-records/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12942847/Fauci-flip-flops-Congress-grilling-Ex-White-House-doctor-ducks-100-questions-Covid-admits-approved-risky-Wuhan-coronavirus-research-proposal-without-reading-it.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12881707/us-chinese-covid-documents-wuhan-spike-proteins.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12934205/us-scientists-talks-batwoman-shi-zhengli-wuhan-covid.html https://deeprootsathome.com/vaccinated-unvaccinated-healthier/ https://discernreport.com/fauci-buddies-peter-daszak-and-ralph-barik-lied-to-darpa-to-conceal-their-involvement-with-creating-covid-19/ https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/mRNA-stealth.pdf https://www.dossier.today/p/4-years-later-never-forget-what-they https://www.dossier.today/p/at-davos-wef-to-warn-of-a-disease Bill Gates concludes that mRNA shots aren’t actually useful, warns of ‘next pandemic’ https://www.dossier.today/p/bill-gates-concludes-that-mrna-shots https://www.dossier.today/p/european-parliament-votes-to-keep The Coronavirus Committee Clown Show https://www.dossier.today/p/the-coronavirus-committee-clown-show https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com https://elizabethnickson.substack.com https://www.eugyppius.com Judge orders CDC to release 7.8 million text-based responses submitted to V-safe https://expose-news.com/2024/01/13/release-7-8-million-text-submitted-to-v-safe/ https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1855299/alarming-surge-excess-deaths Top Peer Reviewed Study Calls for Global Ban on Covid Shots https://gellerreport.com/2024/01/top-peer-reviewed-study-calls-for-global-ban-on-covid-shots.html https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-mrna-vaccine-induced-turbo-cancer-tsunami-underway-driven-young-people/5846814 https://www.globalresearch.ca/toxic-by-design-researcher-explains-how-big-pharma-vax-operation-shows-intent-to-harm/5846329 https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-pfizers-secret-report-on-the-covid-vaccine-beyond-manslaughter-the-evidence-is-overwhelming-the-vaccine-should-be-immediately-withdrawn-worldwide/5780561 https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-shot-dead-the-movie/5846259 https://www.hipaajournal.com/is-it-a-hipaa-violation-to-ask-for-proof-of-vaccine-status/ https://igorchudov.substack.com/ https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/covid-vaccines-cause-autism-in-lab Ebola Vaccine That ‘Sheds’ Onto/Infects Others 31% of the Time Given to Colorado Healthcare Workers Just Down the Road from New Ebola Bat Lab. Pending pandemic? https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/ebola-vaccine-that-sheds-onto-infects https://karenkingston.substack.com https://kirschsubstack.com https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/47-studies-confirm-inefectiveness-of-masks-for-covid-and-32-more-confirm-their-negative-health-effects/ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/nfl-quarterback-aaron-rodgers-causes-uproar-after-demolishing-fauci-covid-narrative-on-espn/ https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/nothing-to-see-here-the-us-congress https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com * So It Was ALL A Lie And here we are with the admission that basically all the “social restrictions” were based on exactly nothing at all. “Fauci, 83,
revealed to the House Select Subcommittee on the
Coronavirus Pandemic that the “six feet apart”
recommendation championed by him and other US public
health officials was “likely not based on scientific
data,” according to Chairman Brad Wenstrup
(R-Ohio), who is also a physician. Plexiglass barriers in stores and other merchants, the infamous “six feet apart” circles on the floor and the shutdown of schools as six feet is impossible to maintain in a classroom all came out of this. All of it, including the two years of destruction of education for every single school-age kid in our nation, was based on nothing. “Those “failures” included foisting vaccination mandates on schools and businesses. “After two days of testimony and 14 hours of questioning, many things became evident. During his interview today, Dr. Fauci claimed that the policies and mandates he promoted may unfortunately increase vaccine hesitancy for years to come,” Wenstrup said.” Where is the retribution? Go Ahead, Try And Argue Facts…. “We knew in 1981 that masks don’t work to block bacterial infections in an operating room. We know this because Neil Orr proved it. A series of studies after his tried to refute his findings and managed only to reinforce them including one in which the masks were loaded with non-harmful microspheres and then worn by the people in the OR and the contaminant, simulating what you would expel from your lungs if you were infected, was found in the surgical wounds. Viruses are a thousand times smaller than bacteria and those microspheres. In other words the mask is a talisman, we knew this forty years agoand yet as soon as Covid showed up here come the mandates despite it being a fact that they don’t work and they don’t work even when used among 100% trained professionals who all know and can observe proper procedure for using and, after use, disposing of them to avoid cross-contamination. Nobody in the ordinary civilian population will manage to pull that off especially when they’re hanging their masks from the rearview mirror in their cars.” Humanity Had BETTER Make This Clear I’m dead serious about this folks. Any place working on such a virus should be no-notice nuked immediately to insure that it and the surrounding area is sterilized before there is a possibility of accidental (or intentional) release. I don’t care where the facility is or the excuse for it; it must be killed with fire of the sun and it must be done immediately upon detection, because if you don’t and it gets out statistically all humans die unless we are fortunate enough that the virus mutates into something less-lethal before it gets to you. Further, the people of the planet, and I don’t care where you are, your political persuasion or otherwise must make clear that if such a virus ever appears in the population we will assume it was man-made given the now clear public record that this crap was and is being experimented with and since we must assume we are all dead at that instant in time we will immediately kill everyone who had any element of capacity to stop it and didn’t act, which includes every single politician irrespective of their political persuasion or role in any organ of government no matter where they are. In short we the people of this planet must make clear to every single politician and political employee that their life is forfeit if something like this ever gets out. No exceptions, no apologies, no delays. Why? Because it is clear that only the fear of imminent and nasty death will stop these ghouls; nothing else has, even given the experience of recent history where such a virus did get out, did kill a lot of people and that one was much less-dangerous than this. So Now You Have It… What Will You Do? “The Secretary may issue an authorization under this section with respect to the emergency use of a product only if, after consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the Director of the National Institutes of Health, and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (to the extent feasible and appropriate given the applicable circumstances described in subsection (b)(1)), the Secretary concludes—….” It goes on to conclude the circumstances under which one person, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, may approve a drug, device or other mitigation without having to show anything whatsoever, and his or her decision is unreviewable. Note this well folks: Congress did this. That is, Congress allowed the declaration of said “emergency” and once that happened one person, with no right of review and no substantive due process rights beyond that point in time, had the absolute right to dictate what was and was not approved for use and there is no cause of action even if said person is wrong, even if said person had reason to know they were wrong, and even if they never looked at the evidence deliberately. None of that matters. It further does not matter that the person making this decision has zero medical training of any sort. That’s what your government did, America. That’s also what your government continues to do to this day, and nobody — including Congress on either side of the aisle, the current President or Trump, the prime candidate in the other party nor any of the other candidates attempting to get the nomination, whether they have dropped out or not, has said one word about revoking this and going after the people responsible. That’s right — every single one of them not only supports what happened in its entirety they would do it again, as evidenced by the fact that none have said one word about changing a single sentence in said regulation. Not one. You are on your own. Fact: It Does NOT Work [...] The “acid
test” for any medical
intervention is that it has to work because there is
no such thing as a drug with no risk.
Risk comes in two forms: Known and unknown. But for a new drug the list of unknown risks is ridiculously large. For example we do not know whether virtually any new drug is potentially carcinogenic. Drugs are tested for direct mutagenic effects (that is, they directly alter biological processes and thus cause cancer) but in every organism that is alive is very likely to have “cancerous” (that is, cells not responding to the normal life-cycle mechanism) in it. We do not call everyone and every living thing “having cancer” because the organism’s immune system successfully keeps the number of cells with such abnormalities in check and thus there is no clinical disease. What we can’t determine easily, and sometimes cannot determine with certainty at all, is whether the immune system is perturbed by a specific drug. Similarly the endocrine system is extremely complex and we do not understand it fully (those who claim to are lying, by the way) and drugs can and many do impact that as well. I refuse to call something that does not produce sterile immunity a vaccine because it is not a vaccine. A vaccine induces the body to produce stable, durable and sterilizing immunity. That is, you are (1) incapable of becoming sick if exposed to said pathogen in the future AND (2) you are incapable of harboring and transmitting the pathogen to others including non-human reservoirs. If a substance does not do this it is not a vaccine. It may be a “shot” or a “prophylaxis” but it is not a vaccine and anyone claiming otherwise is committing fraud. There was never a reason to believe that a coronavirus shot that targeted only the “S” protein could ever produce durable, stable immunity — not just sterile immunity but stable immunity of any sort. We knew all this in advance because we’ve studied coronaviruses for several decades and they all mutate in the “S” protein at a ridiculously high rate for viruses in general, second only to some retroviruses such as HIV. As a result we have every reason to believe that no such stable protection was possible via that approach and a three month or six month test, which was what we used, was thus deliberately fraudulent because it was not possible to demonstrate stability over that short of a period of time. What’s worse is that the makers knew the trend was toward unstable immunity even during those short tests. Nobody cared because it was never about actual protection — it was only and forever about money. These shots are a failure and, at this point, stand as not only worthless but on-balance harmful because this virus will never go away and thus neither will the exposure risk. A short-term prophylaxis is only acceptable if it does not produce negative effect over a longer term. A condom is acceptable even though it has no lasting effect beyond when you take it off because it does not make it more-likely you will get an STD or impregnate someone after you remove it. These shots do have negative effect over time and thus are flatly unacceptable, period. Giving these shots to a healthy child is thus knowingly harmful as you are, by the data, deliberately causing them to be reinfected at a higher rate in the future and there is, by the data, NO lasting benefit conferred in exchange. Anyone giving them to a healthy child, whether a parent or medical professional is thus committing child abuse, a felony criminal act. You’re nearly 50% MORE likely to get infected a year after taking a third shot than if you took two or fewer, and no shots at all had a better record at preventing a second or subsequent infection than four or more shots over time? Congratulations folks — you’ve literally poisoned your immune system. What we do not know (and won’t for another few years) is whether that poisoning is permanent. It might be, in which case those who took the shots are permanently screwed; even if it doesn’t kill them they will be forever more-likely to get sick and thus are permanently damaged and that impact on the economy and your personal life cannot be removed or resolved — you will have to live with it, however miserable it makes you. * https://www.midwesterndoctor.com
What We’ve Learned from Hundreds of Vaccine Shedding Reports Please share yours as well so we can unravel this mystery https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-shedding-experiences What is the Current Evidence for mRNA Vaccine Shedding? https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-is-the-current-evidence-for https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-01-09-2023-excess-deaths-young-americans-higher-than-2019.html Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism https://www.nvic.org/newsletter/nov-2022/weaponizing-covid-to-promote-collectivism https://palexander.substack.com/ https://peterhalligan.substack.com https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/ https://petersweden.substack.com/p/wef-preparing-for-disease-x https://pierrekory.substack.com 111 US Airline Pilots Dead So Far This Year After Being Vaxxed https://principia-scientific.com/111-us-airline-pilots-dead-so-far-this-year-after-being-vaxxed/ https://rumble.com/v46ok8r-congressional-hearing-injuries-caused-by-covid-19-vaccines-part-2-full-uned.html https://rumble.com/v47ysb3-dr.-richard-bartlett-will-the-next-pandemic-come-from-a-colorado-bat-lab.html https://rumble.com/v30ui2y--ed-dowd-drops-bombshell-data-hematological-blood-related-claims-up-522-abo.html Episode 353: 1986: THE UNTOLD STORY https://rumble.com/v454dt3-episode-353-1986-the-untold-story.html BREAKING NEWS: GAIN OF FUNCTION SCIENTISTS DOWNPLAYED SAFETY RISKS https://rumble.com/v42te52-gain-of-function-scientists-downplayed-safety-risks.html https://rumble.com/v413uz8-n1-methylpseudouridines-dr.-jessica-rose-and-dr.-kevin-mckernan-tpc-1393.html Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – “TONY FAUCI KNEW THAT REMDESIVIR WOULD KILL YOU!” https://rumble.com/v450i0f-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-tony-fauci-knew-that-remdesivir-would-kill-you.html Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Once upon a time (1975), scientists met proactively to place limits on recombinant DNA research. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/asilomar-conference-on-recombinant https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/disease-x-and-the-corrupt-lancet https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/dr-anthony-faucis-damning-testimony https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/dr-paul-offit-md-vaccine-propagandist Florida Surgeon General calls for a Complete Halt on the use of mod-mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/florida-surgeon-general-calls-for https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/monetizing-the-covid-19-backlashbig https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/scientists-at-the-center-of-the-lab https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/troubling-truths-behind-the-covid The role of the US DoD (and their co-investors) in “covid countermeasures” enterprise. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/why-did-hhs-partner-with-dod Redefining Monkeypox: New Study Reveals Startling Human Transmission Trends https://scitechdaily.com/redefining-monkeypox-new-study-reveals-startling-human-transmission-trends/ https://www.silentlunch.net/p/the-american-academy-of-pediatrics Obituaries Citing ‘Sudden’ & ‘Unexpected’ Deaths Skyrocket https://slaynews.com/news/obituaries-citing-sudden-unexpected-deaths-skyrocket/ https://slaynews.com/news/pfizer-invests-billions-treatments-coming-heart-failure-pandemic/ https://slaynews.com/news/top-cardiologist-testifies-soaring-heart-failure-among-vaxxed/ A disabled vet combed obituaries for the words ‘suddenly’ and ‘unexpectedly’ — here’s what he found https://www.sott.net/article/487688-A-disabled-vet-combed-obituaries-for-the-words-suddenly-and-unexpectedly-heres-what-he-found https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/01/15/tucker-carlson-asks-if-the-covid-19-genetic-modification-vaccine-changes-your-dna/ https://thefederalist.com/2024/01/03/why-isnt-vaxx-tyrant-joe-biden-worried-about-the-polio-leprosy-and-measles-apparently-seeping-through-the-border/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/chinese-researchers-engineer-deadly-coronavirus-strain-targeting-brain/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/scarf-lady-dr-deborah-birx-comapares-long-covid/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/wef-who-globalist-elites-discuss-disease-x-upcoming/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/02/italy-former-pm-giuseppe-conte-investigation-covid-response https://thehighwire.com/editorial/big-pharmas-puppets-baffled-doctors-cant-explain-why-more-young-people-have-cancer/ https://thelibertydaily.com/why-was-pfizer-mrna-vaccine-not-recalled-february/ https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/12/29/watch-faucis-covid-boss-nih-chief-francis-collins-confesses-lockdown-damage-was-another-mistake-we-made/ https://thenewamerican.com/us/healthcare/nationwide-bus-tour-collecting-stories-from-people-injured-by-vaccines-and-covid-shots/ https://thenewamerican.com/video/dr-richard-bartlett-will-the-next-pandemic-come-from-a-colorado-bat-lab/ https://totalityofevidence.com/adverse-events-following-covid-19-injections/ https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/reporter-collapses-and-dies-australian-open-cmc/ https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/08/investigative-reports/rna-for-modernas-omicron-booster-manufactured-by-cia-linked-company/ https://www.westernstandard.news/news/japanese-researchers-say-side-effects-of-covid-vaccines-linked-to-201-types-of-diseases/51661 https://seas.yale.edu/news-events/news/mrna-covid-vaccine-and-potentially-more-nanoparticles-no-shot-needed Excess deaths (21:03) https://youtu.be/Y7vTqEmlkvw https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/florida-surgeon-general-warns-against-using-mrna-covid-vaccines-over-possible-cancer-risk https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/death-disease-x-rebuilding-trust-denizens-davos https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/who-head-global-compliance-needed-next-pandemic “It’s One Of The Great Mysteries,” Why COVID Spares Children https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/its-one-great-mysteries-why-covid-spares-children https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/advanced-prostate-cancer-cases-rise-after-years-decline https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/fda-identified-problems-moderna-plant-making-substance-covid-vaccine-document And in shocking other
news in the “I Told You So” section:
— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) January 30, 2024 * EXPOSED – Over the past four
years, Prof. @devisridhar, an asset
of the WEF and @gatesfoundation, has
been strongly discriminating against the
unvaccinated and spreading lies. Now, she's
attempting to absolve herself of any blame, but that
is not going to happen.
A THREAD pic.twitter.com/qf21AxkwhC — Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) January 30, 2024 * * * *
THREAD: Remember when they cancelled millions of cancer screening appointments, leading to a significant increase in avoidable cancer deaths, while they performed ridiculous dance routines instead? Let me show you 25 more pieces of evidence proving that Covid was a big hoax. pic.twitter.com/xmOog3DYkD — Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) January 28, 2024
WHO Warns that Pandemic
Agreement Might Not Be Finalized by May 2024, Blames
Conspiracy Theories pic.twitter.com/rxR2Qhyr7z
— Truthseeker (@Xx17965797N) January 28, 2024 *6 mo. – 4 yr. old children
covid vaxx trial results
* * Canadian Live Blood Analyst,
Kelly Bacher speaks about the difference in people’s
blood, before and after #Covid
*“I’ve been looking at people’s blood since 2017 – I kinda know what’s suppose to be there and what it’s suppose to look like and what I’m… pic.twitter.com/ghU30oTjm4 — Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE – DAD (@bambkb) January 25, 2024 * See also: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/12/21/2023-27935/institutional-review-board-waiver-or-alteration-of-informed-consent-for-minimal-risk-clinical *
See also: https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/fda-issues-final-rule-permitting-irb-9116244/#m * Mandating mRNA clot shot
“vaccines” for
6 month olds is so evil; it is satanic. That one edict exposes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the true perpetrators of the spike protein holocaust.
* Trudeau lost all COVID measures and even residual laws, he's lost the legal fight, and his party is set for the historical dustbin in the next election https://t.co/ejk7XvMrdy — CatGirl Kulak (Anarchonomicon) (@FromKulak) January 23, 2024 * *
* * Australian senator, Malcolm
Roberts: The so-called "pandemic" was planned and
globally co-ordinated, decades in advance.
*"But we are going to hound you down, the people that are guilty. We are going to hound you down and hold you… pic.twitter.com/YT95GIhfGW — Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil (@ivan_8848) January 20, 2024 Mike Dickson, a big pharma journalist who heckled Djokovic and tried to railroad his career for his refusal to take the Covid Vaccines suddenly collapsed and died at the Australian Open. pic.twitter.com/IQWzxjpmsM — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 20, 2024 ** * * “Reports indicate that vaccinated individuals are suffering from significantly overburdened hearts, leading to severe health complications. Startlingly, New Zealand witnessed fatal clusters where 100% of the vaccinated individuals within certain groups died within just a two-hour window. There’s been an alarming increase, nearly 50%, in the stress placed on heart cells post-vaccination, a condition persisting for an extended six-month period. This has reportedly led to a surge in sudden, unexplained deaths, with the alarming data supported by peer-reviewed studies. The development of these controversial vaccines is now linked to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Department of Defense. Furthermore, a shocking 33% of the substances used in these COVID vaccines are purported to be DNA-altering elements, having permanent effects on the bodies of those inoculated. The
global rise in cases of Myocarditis, an
inflammation of the heart muscle, has been tied to
these vaccine developments, pointing to a massive
health crisis. These revelations call into
question the safety, ethics, and motivations
behind the global vaccination drive, sparking
urgent calls for accountability and transparency.“
In a startling revelation, it's been disclosed that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) held patents related… pic.twitter.com/4ENi6r0LBI — Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) January 19, 2024 *injecting some basic facts into the vaccine pushing: vaccines pretty much never work against diseases that are not “one and done” where your body would have, if you got sick and recovered, generated long term resistance to a disease. there are 1-2 (like tetanus) where you can try to keep up by boosting, but for most pathogens, especially rapidly mutating ones, it’s a fool’s errand. if your body could not acquire durable immunity from exposure, you cannot train it to do so via vaccine. you just select for
vaccine escape and risk locking yourself into
OAS/hoskins effect that will actually make you
more vulnerable to future variants.
* * * * * * * * Detox from spike proteins:
Here's how in 73 seconds.per Dr. Peter McCullough. * * "UNPRECEDENTED SIDE
Press Conference from Japan's "Vaccine Issues Study Group", January 11, 2024. —Highlights— — aussie17 (@_aussie17) January 14, 2024 *See also: https://www.aussie17.com/p/japan-vaccine-study-groups-press * * * * * * * *
* * So nearly 4 years after the fact, Fauci just admitted to Congress that the whole 6-feet social distancing idea wasn't based on science but "sort of just appeared." Are you freaking kidding me!? The base incompetence of our federal government is truly vile.… pic.twitter.com/KoeyWAbyDu — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 11, 2024 ** * ![]() * * Today, @COVIDSelect Dr. Fauci’s testimony uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America’s public health systems. Key highlights * *
* Holy Moly!
I just received Cancer Sales Data for 2023 from industry sources. Shocking spike in cancer drug sales, across all cancers but most notably Brain cancer. Look at Temodal sales below! Temodal (generic name temozolomide) is an oral chemotherapy drug that is… pic.twitter.com/ondee5zFVu — aussie17 (@_aussie17) January 6, 2024 *See also: https://www.aussie17.com/p/bombshell-report-startling-spike * moronic mask mandates
have lost their magic
* * * “Everyone knows someone that
had something go wrong…I have two friends that have
pacemakers. One guy is in his 40’s and one guy is in
his 30’s. Got vaccinated. All of a sudden, heart
stopped beating for like 9 seconds at a time. He
would just black out and fall down. Goes to a
doctor. The doctor says you’re going to need to get
a pacemaker, at least for now. He’s a dentist. He’s
a very smart doctor. He was very confused by all
this. He was like, I thought I was following the
rules. I thought I was following the science.”
* * * * * * * * For a fresh start in the
New Year, why not focus on eliminating harmful
habits and embracing practices that enhance your
well-being and personal freedom?
Here are some suggestions: — Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) December 30, 2023 ** * * * *
* * * * * HOTEZ FROM
Witness the mRNA
lies of one of the most evil men in the world-
share like hell to expose the evil.
OMG this makes my skin crawl - like staring Satan himself in the face - have a look and see! — Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) February 3, 2023 ______________________ Permission is hereby granted to any and all to copy and paste any entry on this page and convey it electronically along with its URL, http://www.usaapay.com/comm.html ______________________ 2024 ARCHIVE
News and facts for
those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio
version of reality.
![]() |
Richard Feynman, “Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” Friedrich Nietzsche, “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” Dwight D.
Eisenhower, “Here in America, we
are descended in blood and in spirit from
revolutionists and rebels – men and women who dare
to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs,
may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal
subversion.” H. L. Mencken, “All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. If it be aristocratic in organization, then it seeks to protect the man who is superior only in law against the man who is superior in fact; if it be democratic, then it seeks to protect the man who is inferior in every way against both. One of its primary functions is to regiment men by force, to make them as much alike as possible and as dependent upon one another as possible, to search out and combat originality among them. All it can see in an original idea is potential change, and hence an invasion of its prerogatives. The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.” |
news, real
news, exposé, investigation, fact, just the facts,
journalism, journalist, unsubstantiated, allegation,
academia, academic, expert, intellectual, Middle
East expert, Think Tank, opinion, opinion maker,
approved opinion, editorial, Overton Window, fake
news, agenda, intellectual, court historian, pundit,
bien pensant,
dumbing down, stonewall, stonewalling, cognitive
dissonance, narrative, rumor, baseless rumor,
controlled explanation, indoctrination, propaganda,
Bernays, censorship, Operation Mockingbird,
Wurlitzer, conspiracy theory, Newspeak, memory hole,
manipulation, delegitimizing, deplatforming,
lobbyist, quid
pro quo, corruption, pay to play,
influence, influence peddling, hate, hate speech,
two minutes hate, Orwell, Orwellian, 1984, Big
Brother, artificial intelligence, artificial idiocy,
AI, face recognition, robots, technology, Richard
Stallman, GNU, internet, web, Luddite, privilege,
Asian privilege, black privilege, brown privilege,
white privilege, identity politics,
intersectionality, intersectionality privilege,
egalitarianism, equal outcome, equal opportunity,
equality, outrage, feigned outrage, virtue, virtue
signalling, cultural appropriation, safe space,
infantilizing, marginalized, vulnerable, at risk,
victimized, victim, victim card, victim group,
resentment, affirmative action, quotas, affirmative
action hires, ethnic, ethnic group, ethnicity,
diverse, diversity, inclusive, multicultural,
multiculturalism, tolerance, repressive tolerance,
grievance studies, Frankfurt School, Theodor Adorno,
Antonio Gramsci, Gramscian, Georg Lukacs, Max
Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Wilhelm "Willi"
Münzenberg, Political Correctness, politically
correct, Kulturkampf,
culture war, Cultural Marxism, Cultural Maoism,
Cultural Revolution, Marx, Marxist, Marxism, Lenin,
Bolshevik, Trotsky (Bronstein), Stalin, Communist,
communist sympathizer, fellow traveler, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, FDR, Socialist, National
Socialist, National Socialist German Worker's Party,
fascist, nusquama,
Utopia, utopian, administration, regime, regime
change, Democrat, RINO, centrist, moderate,
populist, radical, radicalization, Neocon,
Evangelical, warmonger, authoritarian,
Neoconservative, Republican, Old Right, Classical
Liberal, Libertarian, majority, majority rule, mob,
mob rule, founders, framers, separation of powers,
Marbury vs. Madison, liberal, conservative,
election, vote, voter, poll, surveillance, Silicon
Valley, social media, DARPA, coverup, FOIA,
redacted, Glomar response, unredacted, revolution,
color revolution, revolutionary, Jacobin, insurgent,
assassin, assassination, lone wolf, terror,
terrorist, terrorism, Menachem Begin, reign of terror, state sponsor of
terror, CIA, Mossad, MI5, MI6, entrapment, 18
U.S.C. § 1001, perjury trap, 302, Federal Bureau
of Instigation, Federal Bureau of Insurrection,
Federal Bureau of Intimidation, fall guy, patsy,
informant, informer, agents provocateurs, torture,
interrogation, enhanced interrogation, enabling
act, police, militarized police, police state,
police brutality, policing, broken window
policing, guilty until proven innocent, jail,
prison, carceral state, for profit prison,
security, security theater, false flag, Gladio,
rape hoax, Tawana Brawley, Wanetta Gibson, Crystal
Gail Mangum, Duke lacrosse team, Jackie Coakley,
Sabrina Rubin Erdely, hate hoax, Jussie Smollett,
noose, swastika, class, social class, bias,
choice, discrimination, freedom, preference, right
of association, assortative mating, social
construct, race, race card, racial identity,
racism, racist, minority, model minority, credit
to your race, tribe, tribal, cousin marriage,
heredity, genome, genetics, chromosomes,
creativity, intelligence, IQ, bell curve, merit,
meritocracy, sex, gender, binary, nurture versus
nature, Human Action, von Mises, economics, dismal
science, Adam Smith, Austrian Economics, Menger,
capitalism, capitalist, capital, asset, productive
asset, income, income inequality, bank,
bankruptcy, fractional reserve banking, reserve
currency, dollar, petrodollar, yuan, yen, euro,
pound sterling, inflation, monetary inflation,
deflation, bullion, gold, sovereign, gold
sovereign, silver, platinum, precious metals,
savings, price discovery, honest price discovery,
stimulus, helicopter money, central planning, Wall
Street, Plunge Protection Team, President's
Working Group, bubble, asset bubble, irrational
exuberance, crash, investments, equities, options,
commodities, leverage, hedge fund, risk, risk
assets, counterparty risk, contagion, collapse,
offshore, offshore account, offshore trust, shell
company, derivatives, short selling, naked short
selling, stocks, bonds, junk bonds, fracking,
abiotic petroleum, oil shale, diminishing returns,
financialization, monetizing debt, debt, note,
mortgage, interest rate, negative interest rate,
quantitative easing, QE, repo market, repurchase
agreement, panic, panic printing, primary dealer,
scam, Social Security, Ponzi scheme, Federal
Reserve, Eccles Building, Constitution Avenue, New
York Fed, 33 Liberty Street, People's Bank of
China, European Central Bank, Bank of England,
Bank of Japan, Bank for International Settlements,
International Monetary Fund, IMF, Bretton Woods,
technical default, Fort Knox, tungsten bars,
gold-plated tungsten bars, gold leasing, audit,
gold window, Nixon, 15 August 1971, recession,
depression, Great Depression, Florence Owens
Thompson, Dust Bowl, unemployment, supply chain,
supply chain disruption, Little Ice Age, solar
minimum, unseasonable cold, crop failure,
starvation, riots, food riots, martial law,
militia, resistance, secession, liberty |
you let them redefine words, they will control
language. If you let them control language, they will control thoughts. If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you. |
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Aw ****. You Didn’t, Did You?
You know what happens when you jab pregnant women with something that has not been extensively tested?
You risk screwing their unborn children.
“Our findings reveal that the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine significantly alters WNT gene expression and BDNF levels in both male and female rats,
suggesting a profound impact on key neurodevelopmental pathways. Notably, male rats exhibited pronounced autism-like behaviors,
characterized by a marked reduction in social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior.”
It is of course too early to know if this will translate into humans because, well, until a kid is getting toward school age you just don’t know, and the evidence accumulates from there. In other words it will be five or more years before we know.
What if it does translate? How many pregnant women did we jab with this shit? How many women (and girls who will become women) who might want to be pregnant in the future did we jab with this shit? Is this limited to people jabbed during pregnancy (which the CDC and doctors still try to force on pregnant women) or is this permanent in any woman or girl who has been jabbed and gets pregnant LATER?
In short did we just screw the entire next generation forward for any woman who took these shots?
And even if its “just” the kids who were in-utero when the mother was stuck with this crap what should we do to the people who promoted, told us this crap was safe and sold it despite having zero evidence that was the case and, it now appears, there is at least a plausible link to it not only being possibly unsafe but being permanently neurologically damaging to the child.
It isn’t some “novel idea” that you shouldn’t give a not-thoroughly proven safe for both mother and fetus drug to a pregnant woman either; thalidomide anyone?
Tell me again why this shouldn’t be considered something for which people should literally hang (yes, the accused are entitled to due process of course, but hanging is a perfectly legitimate means of capital punishment) and not just the so-called “experts” either — on this list must be every single politician who supported either a strong suggestion or worse, a mandate, never mind all the hospital and school administrators who forced students and nurses working within hospitals of childbearing age to take this crap, never mind corporate executives of all stripes.
I’m waiting.